Bongzilla - Cutdown
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hate5sixofficial · 1 year
Cutdown 2023-04-06 Bonk's Bar Philadelphia, PA
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lokirulesmidgard · 6 months
A Little Less of...
What could you do less of? Not creating anything. I have gone days without blogging or making art, and I hate it. Even though I know that some down time never hurts. It isn’t like I’m denying my creative side, I just don’t feel inspired. But, this will be my second blog post I’ve made today, and I did start on a drawing the other evening. Not too bad. I could also not scroll through social…
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mtgacentral · 7 months
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ahalliance · 7 months
trying to make a list of all of Etoiles’ code fights, I thiiiiiiink I’m missing one or two — does anyone remember the fights that took place between the fight he had against the tallulah impersonator in the desert (when he death totem’d) and the second cave fight (the cave he fought the code in post-nether return, but the second time) he had? essentially, if someone is able to list his August fights that’d be amazing, i’d owe you my life
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It's hard to document beekeeping, even though I could share some really cool pics. Reasons include gloves, working alone, not wanting propolis & wax on phone, and needing to work quickly/carefully (that last especially applied to this job).
But here's where I started. They'd built significantly more comb since I first looked. The heavy-ass convertible ladder was a key player. I set up empty frames with rubber bands to put cut comb in, and that more or less worked, though I realized I really want wire backing for all of them in the future. If I have to do this again that is - maybe I won't! But it's a good skill to have.
I climbed up under the cluster, which was nice & calm, smoked them, and started carefully cutting each of those combs in turn. They were attached to the trap bottom, the supports, and the ratchet strap, so there was definitely no taking the whole thing down to work on it on the ground, even if I'd had help.
So I'd cut each one, check for the queen, and see what was in the comb. Mostly empty or only a little honey? Those I just put in the bottom on my empty box. The bees can move those stores elsewhere. The biggest combs, ones with a lot of nectar/pollen/honey, and ones with any brood, I banded into the frames and then set those in the box. New-built comb is fragile, so that was tricky.
Up and down the ladder each time, cut & carry, slowly & gently. I had an audience at first, from a distance, but as the cloud of flying bees around me got bigger & louder, they went back inside. I had extra veils in case anyone asked, but not sleeves/gloves/suit, and nobody was that brave anyway.
In the next post I'll put some pictures of afterwards.
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taciturnakaryocyte · 5 months
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vriska keychain 💙💙
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nervouswaltz · 6 months
hai tumblogies my worms are in the cutdown machine (getting sanded a tiny bit over the course of like an hour) how are we……
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fluffveebee · 2 years
i know im deffo not the first one to complain about it but i really don’t like how the netflix bee and puppycat condensed down the first season and the pilot partially as well. the original season one gave you time to get to know the characters personalities i feel? moreso than the characters importances plotwise, like season one had a charm to it and while it could be a little hard to follow at times i suppose, it gave you time to piece things together. and cutting down the pilot and season one down into three episodes really feels like such a disservice to bee and puppycat to me. like i still enjoy the new episodes but i’m really missing getting to see bee and puppycat’s relationship towards each other grow as it does in the first season. especially with the absence of bee’s line, “if you want, i can help you figure out a nice ending” in reference to puppycat’s story... the smushed together, more of a recap version of the season one episodes really made things feel a bit too rushed, at least to me
#i'm also just really missing the jellyfish song and cardamon screentime#speaking of cardamon#i also majorly didn't like cardamon's voice in the first few episodes#at least the fact that they didn't stick with that and kept his younger-sounding voice in the lazy in space episodes#it was jarring honestly#but anyways yeah i'm just so sad that we got a cutdown version of season one instead of just season one reanimated?#like i feel i wouldve been happier w having s1 just be reanimated to fit lazy's artstyle#however on a nicer note. i did kinda like how much more obvious they play it that puppycat is the space outlaw#like the little 'i'm not a child anymore im a big ass man' bit was very nice and i liked it a lot#i just miss the iconic little window scene that the og pilot leaves off on#and the kinda like air of mystery around puppycat/the outlaw in the og#it gave you space to wonder and draw your own conclusions instead of spelling it out and putting the plot right in your face immediately#like how they do with bee's dad. im VERY slash pos that we get grownup bee's dad appearance and voicelines and stuff but#i wish it hadnt happened. in the pilot. i wish the audience was given more time#i wouldve liked it more of the bee's dad/baby bee bit was more towards the end of ''s1'' or at least after the episode w glitch gorge#or even in lazy in space#just not the pilot#one of the charms of og bapc was that you pieced things together slowly i think. at least to me. plot wasn't immediately shoved at you#the way it is here? yk?#i hope i make sense#i will say though#when i opened up netflix and saw the first episode title was 'again for the first time' i nearly cried#bapc my beloved#bee and puppycat#bapc#bee and puppycat spoilers#bapc spoilers
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hate5sixofficial · 1 year
Cutdown 2023-03-02 Foto Club Philadelphia, PA
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the-silent-spring · 1 year
I want to be nosy about Raven's relationships, but I can't figure out what her relationships even are. She only seems to care about Yang, Ruby, and maybe Qrow.
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"I guess I have to spell everything out, don't I? Fine, but remember that I warned you all about this."
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"Exhibit A: Taiyang Xiao Long. Did I ever love him? Maybe. I'm not entirely sure myself. I think I wanted to love him, or at least what he represented: a chance at a normal, peaceful life. A chance to walk away from the endless battle and die of old age instead of bleeding out in the wilderness somewhere."
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"Exhibit B: Qrow Branwen. For a long time the two of us had each other and pretty much nothing else going for us. Hell, even now it feels like he's all I've got sometimes. I don't hate him, I just wish he'd learn from my example and make better decisions."
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"Exhibit C: Summer Rose. My partner, for better or worse, and with all the connotations that word carries. We lived together, fought together, broke the rules together, broke hearts together, and ultimately faced Salem together."
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"Exhibit D: Yang Xiao Long. I care about her more than all but one other person, and that's why I left. She deserved something better than to grow up surrounded by blood and fire. She deserved a chance to choose her own path in life, which is a luxury I never had."
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"Finally, Exhibit E: Ruby Rose. I think she's the lynchpin in all this, even if she doesn't realize it yet. One day we'll have a chance to sit down and talk. I know things she'll want to know...and some things she won't."
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the-football-chick · 2 years
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August 30, 2022 -- Today marks the deadline for all NFL teams to reduce rosters from 80 to 53 by 4 p.m. ET. Some 800 men will be fired today and a few notable have already been axed:
Chiefs WR Josh Gordon
Bills TE O.J. Howard
Dolphins RB Sony Michel
Colts RB Phillip Lindsay
Some players though will be re-hired to be on teams' 16-man practice squad.
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possum-down · 7 months
love going to a stem university where there is 40+ waitlists for a major required class
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aguirapro · 10 months
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arilessiagranara · 1 year
RnBrina come back, the kids miss you 💔
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Favorite pic from this whole operation: Worker bees at the entrance to the box I put their comb & queen in, and you can see some of them fanning. They're standing in the doorway, butts outward, and beating their wings to spread the pheromonal message from inside the hive: "This is home! Come in this way!"
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