#Cyanide Skye
skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
Could I request any romantic headcanons for the Hades nobles? They just been stuck in my brain since Ch.5 and the current event, especially Glas and Foras 💜
They infect our brains like a plague and I have no intention of getting rid of them. Hades propaganda let's go! I like to write thematically, so how about spending some time with them before and during the ball at Hades?
Orias not included, because I have no idea how he will behave towards MC.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Together with Barbatos, you are to prepare the decorations. And no, you can't open all the windows and cover everything with roses. After a lively discussion, you came to the conclusion that rose petals, bouquets of flowers on columns and long ribbons would be decorative enough, but not extravagant. You stood on the ladder, pinning the folds of fabric under the silver flowers.
"None of this matters anyway." Barbatos spoke too melancholy for him.
"When you appear at the door, beautiful as the sun itself, all the decorations will fade in your light anyway. And since everything takes place in the evening, you will replace the real sun for us."
You fell off the ladder when you heard him. Literally. Luckily, the demon caught you with a wide smile as you covered your face with your hands with a groan. He smelled like a fresh meadow on a summer morning, and was just as radiant.
"You don't say things like that out of surprise!"
"If you keep falling into my arms like that, that's exactly what I'll be doing."
Even if you wanted to, you couldn't get mad at him.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Glasyalabolas is responsible for drinks and snacks. You had some bad feelings at first, but when you walked over the buffet, they all evaporated. You reached for the beautifully smelling punch. Before you grabbed the ladle, a large hand covered yours.
"It's not for you."
You turned on your heel, ready to be outraged, but then a mountain of a man placed a beautifully decorated glass of sweet-smelling wine in your hand.
"My queen should not drink the same as her subjects."
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. The wine was indeed surprisingly sweet, yet with a dry note.
"So what will your queen eat and drink at the party?"
"Let me present." He took you to a small table where the snacks looked surprisingly earthy. Emotion rose in your throat.
"Is this for me?"
You took one of the macaroons and stood on your tiptoes to put it in the huge demon's mouth.
"So I'd like you to try them with me."
Only after the ball did you learn that everyone who drank the punch complained of an almond taste and stomach pain. The only thing that didn't taste suspicious was the snacks from the small table in the corner of the room...
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
The maids who were sent to help you get ready to go were finishing pinning up your hair and fixing your makeup when you heard a knock on the door. They mingled at your dressing table and left through the back door, whispering among themselves. They were nice, but you were a bit tired of all the preparations. Was all this really necessary?
"Please come in."
You saw the reflection of Foras entering in the mirror. Even though there's no loop around your neck, you've forgotten how to breathe. Instead of his usual uniform, he wore a formal suit, with a noose instead of a tie. You stood up to get a better look. And you saw there was delight on his face to rival yours.
"You look..." He couldn't find the words. He blinked, took your hand and leaned in to kiss it. "Perfect is too weak a word to describe you."
You no longer regret the time spent at the dressing table.
"You also."
"And lovely, too." He brushed a stray strand of hair from your forehead. "It's an honor to accompany you."
You took his arm. His eyes said that he would rather stay here, keep you to himself and admire your beautiful appearance piece by piece, taking off your pins, jewelry, and finally your clothes, slowly, one by one, savoring each step. You felt the same way.
"I spent too much time getting ready to spoil it now. But once I show myself to the others, we can come back..."
"They don't deserve to look at you." It slipped out before he could stop himself.
You gripped his arm tighter, ran your fingers down his palm, along his long fingers and veins, and intertwined your hands. Even though you were both waiting for this ball, it suddenly started bothering you. All you needed was each other. But you both knew your responsibilities too well not to go.
[Pspsps, if you would like to see the continuation… ]
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Leviathan is perfect, as is the entire celebration. But he only appeared for a moment, at the beginning, and you never saw him again. It took a while for you to slip out and find him in the tower of the palace, looking out the window at the feast in the market square. He liked this place. He saw everything that was happening around him, and at the same time he was not surrounded by people. With you, the slow music from the ballroom came through the open door.
"The King of Hades is perfect, right?"
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but at least he finally noticed you.
"There should be no doubt about it."
"I wondered if he could dance perfectly too."
He pulled away and stood straight, one hand on his back and the other outstretched towards you. "What a cheap move. If you wanted to dance, all you had to do was say so."
But despite his perfect posture, you saw that he couldn't help himself and looked you up and down. You accepted his hand, placing the other on his shoulder. The silk shirt was as soft to the touch as the muscles you felt beneath it.
"In a perfect scenario, the prince should be the one to ask the princess to dance, you know?"
"This is life, not a fairy tale. I am the king. And you are not allowed to dance with any of the princes."
You giggled, but then he pulled your waist tighter to him. The music, the darkness of the room, the laughter coming from the market square and, above all, the charming man who guided your steps made you have to disagree with him.
"That's right. It's not a fairy tale." You whispered, dancing so close that you rested your head on his chest. "That's much better."
And even though you couldn't see it, or that's why, Leviathan lifted the corners of his mouth as he held you in his arms.
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tvseries-writings · 6 months
Bad addiction
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Plot: After an interrogation gone wrong, it is hard not to fall back into old habits and make questionable choices
TW: alcohol addiction, past suicide attempt, depression
Wandanat x Bioquake (Jemma x Daisy) x Bobbi x reader
Many people say that silence is the most deafening sound, more so than any other sound, even more so than the sound of a mine being blasted to extract the precious minerals it contains. And now, as you sit in one of the chairs at the kitchen table, looking down at the still-unbroken bottle of vodka in the complete silence that surrounds the room, you realize that these people are right.
It is 3:45 a.m. on a dreary Saturday morning, and that boy's face, imprinted in your mind, has kept you from sleeping and at the same time made you open the bus locker that Jemma had diligently locked as soon as she learned of your "not-so-little" problem.
In your world, everyone has tattooed on their body the first words their soul mate will say when they first meet.
You have to admit that in the unhappy and violent family you grew up in, it was no big deal to have five different phrases tattooed on your back due to some hideous flaw in the system. Two soul mates was abnormal enough, but five? Inconceivable, and Mark, your stepfather, had reminded you of it over and over again until one fine day he died of a heart attack. Of course, the moment he had collapsed in front of you, you hadn't run for help... Besides, they say there is no such thing as karma.
Bobbi was the first of the five mysterious soul mates you met and fell madly in love with. It was Bobbi who brought you into S.H.I.E.L.D. shortly after recruiting Daisy (then Skye), and who finally put a face to two of the people whose words she had tattooed on her right forearm.
"I want to be your sponsor, I want you to get better."
It was Bobbi who helped you out of the maelstrom that had engulfed you, who helped you to what would become six full years of sobriety. Six years without a single drop of your trusty friend alcohol in your stomach. She became your sponsor, was with you day and night, held you while you puked your guts out in the filthy bathroom of a bar at five in the morning, and whispered tough words to you when you told her you wanted to quit. You don't know where you'd be without her. In fact, you don't know where you'd be without all of them. Jemma, Bobbi, Daisy, Wanda, and Natasha are your rock and always will be. But today, today you have to forget and they may be your rock but unfortunately they have far too many demons to face and yours you might as well keep to yourself.
With a knot in your stomach and nausea, you uncork the bottle. The pungent smell of vodka burns your sinuses as you carefully place the cap on the counter. The concave side facing down, just like at the bar. Your fingers tighten around the thinnest part, the contact of your skin with the cold glass makes you shiver, and for a moment, just a single moment, you think you don't want to throw away these six long years of sacrifice, and then... then the boy's face hits you like a slap in the face. Actually, the slap would hurt a lot less.
He was just a boy, a young soldier molded by Hydra who had killed himself to give in during your interrogation. You had been too harsh and too slow to stop him, and you had not stopped him, and he had broken his right cheekbone, causing the small cyanide capsule placed there, just below the surface, to rupture. That boy was walking around with a time bomb between his eye and his nose, and he had done it voluntarily, killing himself with that same bomb. He had killed himself in front of you, his name was Gideon and he had just turned nineteen. And he was dead, he was dead because you were not focused enough, because you were the one who pushed him to do it and now he was gone. He should have had his whole life ahead of him, he had just been subjugated, but now, now there was no chance of redemption for him. So you punished yourself, nothing new, the bullet in your right leg is proof of that...even though you had stopped the bleeding by now. You just needed to punish yourself, that's all. And the bottle you hold in your fingers serves the same purpose as the bullet.
"What are you doing?"
The sound is so sudden and unexpected that you let go of the bottle and it shatters on the floor of the bus. The plane continues its course as if nothing had happened. How fascinating machines are, so emotionally numbing and yet indispensable.
Bobbi approaches you slowly, as if afraid to frighten you. Her hair is disheveled and her expression is a mixture of concern and weariness. You swallow, begin to shake your head and fall to your knees, repeating the words "I'm sorry" and "I'm sorry" as you fiercely pick up the shards of glass from the bottle.
"Stop or you'll get hurt."
The blonde girl is not even in time to say these words before a piece of glass gets stuck in your hand, causing a deep cut that begins to bleed profusely. You don't notice and Bobbi is scared to death. You don't feel the pain and, on the contrary, you continue to clear your mind.
Perhaps you have become a machine too, emotionally numb. Damn, how you want it; to feel no more pain - isn't that the human dilemma?
Bobbi snaps forward, tired of seeing you hurt again and again, and grabs your wrists with her hands to stop you; it works. You suddenly freeze, avoiding eye contact and not saying a word. Bobbi never loses sight of you for a minute as she gets up to get a cloth to dab the wound and stop the bleeding.
You stay like this for about ten minutes, in silence, while Bobbi bandages your wound with two stitches for "safety". He wraps your hand, but when he is done, he does not pull away, contrary to what you expected. Instead, she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, making your eyes meet before breaking the silence.
"Do you ou want to tell me what happened?"
You always said that Bobbi, as an alternative to super badass spy, might as well have been a psychologist (as well as a model, of course). In fact, her tone is exactly what one would expect from a psychologist; gentle but detached. In a warm but cool clarity of action. In the art of weighing words that only Bobbi is capable of, and in which she is the first even to Jemma.
When she realizes you have no intention of answering, her hand quickly finds your leg.
"Have you been drinking?"
You bite your lip and shake your head slowly.
A small smile curls her lips as she leans in to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"Well... you did good rockstar."
Bobbi rests her forehead against yours, caressing your cheeks as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
"We're both tired and need to sleep, especially you. I'm not dropping the subject, and it's definitely something we'll discuss in the morning, but until then, until then, we're going to bed with the others. And I don't want to hear any objections."
You follow her, whatever she wants, you're going to give it to her. You owe it to her after the shit you wanted to do tonight; not that you wouldn't have done it if you had gone back. But now, now is a thought that has to be put off until the morning.
Bobbi tucks you in and wraps her arms around your sides, hugging you from behind. Your nose breathes in the lavender scent of Diasy and the vanilla scent of Wanda as Nat's soft snoring and Jemma's recovered words accompany you into the world of Morpheus.
As soon as you wake up, the weight of the conversation you're likely to have with your soul mates hits you harder than you'd like. And if you hate getting up on other days, today is even harder.
You get out of bed and walk down the hall with the same agony as a condemned man on his way to the gallows.
No, a condemned man is better off than you. At least he has the consolation of death; you, on the other hand, have only the certainty of a head-spanking from your girls.
It's barely 10 a.m., and your girls' voices echo down the narrow, cold hallway leading to the kitchen. As soon as your head pokes through the door, the voices stop.
Your stomach turns as you sit down in the only empty chair.
Wanda is at the stove, Natasha behind her, trying to help, even though you all know the Russian spy is anything but a good cook. Instead, Daisy, Jemma and Bobbi are all three at the table. Needless to say, all eyes are on you.
Wanda places a stack of pancakes on a plate in the middle of the table and with a shy smile invites you to help yourself to her delicious masterpieces.
You are not hungry. The silence between you is so strange, so different... that it has created a knot in your stomach. You are sure that if you even tried to take a bite of Wanda's pancakes, you would immediately run to the bathroom and throw up.
It is not you who breaks the silence, nor is it Bobbi; contrary to what you might have expected, it is Daisy who does so. Well, maybe you should have seen it coming.
"How could you even think that?"
You know very well that it is not a question. The others know it too.
The young superheroine wants to know the reason that almost made you break your promise.
Not that you could forget that promise. How could you?
It's hard to forget the feel of your girls' damp, heavy clothes and the sting of their deeply disappointed stares as you limped into the foyer of your simple, unassuming Manhattan apartment, staggering around with a bottle of vodka in your right hand and a gun in the other with only one bullet in the clip. It is hard to forget the look of terror on her face as you squeeze the trigger three times in a row, the cold metal of the barrel burning your temple. It is impossible to forget their screams as Natasha lunges at you, at the exact moment when you pull the damn trigger for the fourth time in front of their disbelieving, frightened, terrified eyes, and the bullet lodges on the wall behind you; inches from your head, as the gun, now unloaded, is kicked away from the Russian spy. It is impossible to forget the promise you made to them about never touching even a drop of alcohol again.
Over time, you have learned so many terrible things that you have trouble falling asleep at night. And when they say that addictions of any kind don't change a person...they lie. Fuck, how they lie. Lying bastards in an age of lies. An addiction changes you. No choking.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I - yesterday was hard, the mission - I'm sorry."
You don't look up, you don't meet the eyes that you learned to love and accept only after a long time. You don't have the courage, you can't look at the most important people in your life, knowing that you made them suffer again. How many more times will you have to hurt them before they realize they no longer want you in their lives?
Bobbi sighs and shakes her head slowly. He gives you a small smile, just a hint of the one you loved before anyone else. She squeezes your thigh and reaches her hand out from under the table.
"We're not mad, we're just worried rockstar."
"Bobbi's right, Detka, we are scared that what happened years ago might happen again."
Wanda plays with the rings you exchanged when you all decided to move in together.
Natasha doesn't speak; she just watches you in silence. So does Jemma.
Daisy, on the other hand, seems on the verge of exploding, and that's exactly what she does.
"You can't do this to us again, okay? Do you know how long it took us to get over that? We still have nightmares about that night and you know it! How could you even think of drinking? You had to talk to us about it, you had to..."
Bobbi interrupts the inhuman, wrapping her arm around her hips and holding her close as she plants small kisses on the top of her head.
"He killed himself right in front of me, Daisy! He was a young boy, he had his whole life ahead of him and I didn't stop him!"
You slam your hand down on the kitchen counter, carefully away from your soul mates, using so much force that the deep cut you made the night before reopens and the bandage quickly soaks with blood.
A small grimace crosses your face as soon as your hand hits the marble surface.
Jemma takes your hand between her own, examining the wound medically and glancing at Bobbi as Wanda runs to the first aid kit in the bathroom.
"Honey, it's not your fault. The only culprit in all of this is Hydra. Yes, the boy was young, but he was aware of his choices."
Natasha strokes your back as Jemma uses needle and thread to sew up the cut on your palm. Jemma is about to put the fourth back on when you pull your hand away from her loving care and turn away from your girls.
"Y/n, please come back, I'm not done yet."
You look away; your left arm falls back at your side and small drops of blood run down your hand and fall to the floor. Your only desire now is to hold on to the bottle and drink until you see the empty bottom. You do not deserve their love, let alone their understanding.
"You're thinking very hard, detka," Wanda whispers, holding out her hand to you, and when you don't take it, intertwining your fingers, the hurt look on the Sokovian's face makes your heart clench.
"I thought I had overcome my addiction, and yet when some event shakes me, I am still in the grip of my emotions and it sucks....You want to know if I still want to drink? Yes, it gets stronger and stronger and it will never go away. That's the problem, I... I don't know if I can live with that for the rest of my life.
You all feel the small gasp that leaves the telepath's lips as she looks into your mind.
"Last night I... I took your gun," you whisper, turning your gaze to Natasha, "I know the password to the safe where you hide it; besides, it's not hard, just remember the day you first came into my life, and yes, yesterday I took the gun and put it to my temple, but I didn't pull the trigger, I didn't, okay? Just like I didn't touch the bottle of alcohol in front of me, so yes, I'm not okay, I'm shaken by what happened and part of me will always want to end it, but I'm not going to make you go through this again. I love you too much to hurt you like that again."
You scratch nervously at your wound, pinching your stitches before a gentle hand stops you. Jemma takes your hand back and makes the final stitches as the girls surround you.
"It's going to be okay honey, we're going to get through this too, but you need to go back and see Dr. Garner."
You sigh and shake your head before being stopped by a rather pissed off inhuman.
"I don't think you have a choice, so you're going to do what we say, okay?"
You sigh, nodding slightly as you begin to find the steel floor beneath your feet particularly interesting.
"Y/n, where did you leave the gun?"
Bobbi whispers and the question that has been hanging in the air until now is asked.
You teleport to your bedroom and retrieve the gun from its hiding place, where it had been masterfully concealed among some of your old clothes, and then Teleport back to the kitchen and hand the gun to Bobbi. The blonde takes it and slides the magazine out of the black Glock she holds in her hands, and when she does, your heart stops. You didn't think he would check.
"Y/n...? One bullet is missing-"
Daisy grabs the clip before Bobbi can finish her sentence,
"Are you fucking serious? You did this? You lied to our faces?!"
"I, it's not what it looks like."
Your throat goes dry as you look for the nearest chair to sit in; you wrinkle your nose as the bandage you've been so busy tightening around your thigh rubs painfully against the wound. And while the other girls are too busy trying to figure out what's going on, Wanda reads your mind and her eyes go wide as she falls to her knees in front of you. The other girls look at her with confusion and concern before the Sokovian speaks.
"Detka, Detka, where is the wound?"
Your breath catches and you freeze. They can't take away the pain you feel, they can't - you don't deserve the relief, you don't.
"N-no! Me, it's okay, I took care of it, I'm fine."
Natasha, who had been silent until that moment, steps forward and pulls your pants down before you can even think of stopping her.
The blood-soaked bandage shifts to reveal the bleeding, red wound; an ongoing infection, most likely -- after all, you didn't put any disinfectant on it, and the only thing you cared about was wrapping it tightly with a bandage so you wouldn't lose too much blood. You don't even know if the bullet got out, but considering your teleportation skills, it probably did. The only reason you don't stay naked every time you teleport is because Fitz made all your clothes out of a dwarf material that apparently allows you to stay clothed.
"Damn it!"
Natasha says, leaning over your thigh and looking at Jemma, urging her to get the first aid kit. The biochemist runs to the bathroom and returns in less than a minute with the kit in her hands. You kneel down next to the former Russian spy before putting on your gloves and cutting off the now completely useless blindfold.
Bobbi walks over to you and places a hand on your forehead to check your temperature before asking Natasha to hand her the thermometer.
"She's warm, I think the wound is giving her an infection."
Bobbi puts the thermometer to your lips, and when you make it clear that you are not going to take your temperature, Bobbi raises her right eyebrow and looks at you intently.
"Rockstar, I don't want to force you to open your lips, but you really messed up, your health is not the best right now and we're really worried, so please, please... help us help you, okay?"
Bobbi's voice breaks as her look of pain and concern finally makes you realize how much this, how much YOU are costing them...so you do everything they tell you and a full twenty-five minutes pass before you are finally patched up and lying on a cot in the infirmary.
"Why did you do this? Are you... do we have to take you off missions? Are you trying to hurt yourself?" Natasha approaches the edge of the bed, resting a hand on your good leg.
"Obviously, considering what he did."
Daisy blurts out, and the fact that she relies so heavily on her sarcasm lets you know that she is genuinely worried about you.You bite your lip, a small sigh rippling the air around you as you trace the bandage on your hand with your thumb, distracting yourself from the conversation you are about to have.
"I... just wanted... I needed to feel physical pain, and not the kind of pain that tears you up inside. I just needed to feel nothing, just for a little while...I'm sorry."
Jemma squeezes the IV bag and, after a final glance at the monitor showing your blood pressure and heart rate, sits down in the empty chair to your left before taking your hand between her own.
"We're going to help you, okay? It's going to be okay, we're going to be with you every step of the way, and we're going to get through this, just like we did before."
"But we need you to help us, rock star."
"And you need to tell us how you feel, especially if it makes you do things...dangerous for yourself, detka" Wanda comes over and gives you a small smile with eyes full of concern, just like the other girls.
Daisy crosses her arms under her breasts and you see worry and anger distorting her face and then, to the surprise of you all, the inhuman bursts into tears. Sobs shake your body and your need to embrace her makes you get out of bed and reach out to her, hiding a grimace of pain.
"Dee, Daisy, hey, it's okay love, I'm sorry, I know how that night left a deep scar on you, I... when certain thoughts come, I can't think straight... I can't think at all, damn it. I don't... I don't think about how much damage what my mind is telling me to do could do to you. I'm sorry, my love."
Daisy throws herself into your arms, causing you to fall back onto the cot as the inhuman wets your shirt with her tears.
"I know what it feels like to want the pain to stop, many of us do it”. Your body stiffens at the thought that at least once both Natasha and Wanda and Daisy felt exactly what you felt and are feeling now, "but you are not alone, I know you feel alone but you are not. We are here and we love you so much it hurts..."
"I am so sorry...I, I will try to get better, I want to, for you and to finally be well without having to resort to pain or alcohol."
You whisper, leaving kisses in Daisy's hair as you hold her close. Your girls stand still, letting the inhuman vent before they too join your embrace.
They say nothing, they don't need to. The fact that they are there, their warmth is more than enough and they bring you a slight relief and the burden you have been carrying for so long finally lightens... at least for now.
Thanks for reading! Spoiler: some poly!aos x wandanat x reader is coming! Comment, like and support me on ko-fi. Have a great day!
Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquake-archives @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirlfriend @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog @bioquake-blog @daisyjohnsonx
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In 1x12, Coulson and May go after one of the agents who helped protect Skye as a baby. He has been on the run since that mission, and it takes effort to track him down. He is so desperate not to be found, that he keeps cyanide on him because he would rather die than face the horrors that await him if whoever he is running from finds him.
All this agent knows about the people chasing him is that they murdered his partner and many other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and that death follows Skye wherever she goes because of them. He knows that whoever is after that baby is killing whoever gets in their way, and we know from 1x20 that those people are Skye’s parents.
When Coulson and May go after him, he runs immediately, terrified that what happened to his partner will happen to him— that Skye’s parents are still chasing him for taking their daughter. He sees a middle-aged Asian woman heading after him, and runs. Then he sees a middle-aged white man corner him in a car. He doesn’t know what the people after him - Skye’s parents - look like, only that they lived in China in 1989, and that Skye is mixed-race.
That agent 100% thought Coulson and May were Skye’s parents.
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daisymayjohnson · 4 years
Phil: What do you think is the best way to kill someone?
Skye: Kindness.
May: If we’re being stealthy, then potassium cyanide. Otherwise, anything from a knife to a bazooka works.
Skye: what she said
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skyesins · 5 years
Tagged by @paradigmbaby​! 
1. Name: Skye
2. Nickname: Skye
3. Gender: female (she/her)
4. Star sign: Virgo
5. Current time: 4:19pm
6. Favorite artist(s): Exo, Baekhyun, Frank Ocean, Daniel Ceasar, Arctic Monkeys, Vampire Weekend, etc...
7. Favorite song: Right now??? ahdfaskj probably “Cyanide” by Daniel Ceasar
8. Song stuck in your head: “She’s So Mean” by Matchbox Twenty
9. Last movie you saw: Spiderman: Far from Home
10. Last thing you googled: paper texture photoshop deviantart 
11. Other blogs: @instrumetals​ my personal account for aesthetics
12. Main: @skyesins​ 
13. Do you get asks?: sometimes lol
14. Reason for your url: I created my URL for writing smut... Also sinning is my brand.
15. Average amount of sleep: 5-7 hours
16. Lucky number: 4
17. Currently wearing: yoga pants and a pullover sweater
18. Dream job: I don’t dream of working
19. Dream trips: skydiving/paragliding in the Maldives
20. Favorite foods: seafood 
21. Play any instruments: violin, viola, cello, bass, guitar
Tagging: i can’t think of anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet LOL so feel free to do it if you wanna!!
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Fictober Day nine
Prompt: #9
Fandom: FE 3H
Rating: G
Warnings/ tags: mentions of posion, dark humor, oc with canon. Hubert, Black Eagles, Skye OC
“Well this is unexpected… but not Unappreciated.”
“I figured it was time for a change of pace. You’re always asking me after all. I figured I would repay the favor.” I laughed a bit as Hubert slid my chair up to the table for me before sitting across from me. The Tea garden wasn’t popular today so it was just the two of us out here. He poured the tea carefully with a wonderful selection of sweets close by. I smiled at the young man.
“How are you?”
“Decent. I was up and down all night keeping an eye on Eldegard again. She’s been having nightmares.”
“Sadly yes. There was a new name in them last night.” I Stopped then feeling my face go red.
“Don’t say it..”
“So you knew.”
“No. I just have a gut feeling.” He chuckled then handing over my cup.
“Yes it would see your stunt in the last battle scared my lady.”
“It’s not like I meant to.” I picked up the porcelain cup gently then holding the warm cup close.
“Thank you Hubert…. Is this Hresvelg?”
“No sadly they were out. Bergamot.” I nodded getting a taste.
“Hm… I can see why you enjoy it.” He smiled gently then taking a sip.
“It does have an interesting flavor.”
“Agree.. But there is a certain taste to it. I’m not sure what it is.” I took another drink then trying to figure it out. Hubert chuckled then putting his cup down relaxing.
“It’s cyanide.” I stopped then.
“Excuse me?”
“It’s Cyanide. I poisoned you.” I blinked slowly then before looking down and shrugging.
“Oh well. Tastes pretty damn good to me.” Hubert stopped then before I heard it. Low chuckles that quickly became full laughter. I set down my cup giggling as well as the laughter caught on.
“By the goddess Skye, Does nothing ever bug you?”
“Um ... if anything happened to Edelgard. Otherwise… Not really no.” He just laughed and shook his head.
“You are a wonder…”
“So are you. So seriously… What blend did you make?”
“Just a bit of Sugar and honey is all. I thought of adding some lemon zest to add some acid.”
“Oh that wouldn’t have been bad… Orange would work as well.”
“Oh true. But I like saving that for the Hresvelg Blend.” I just smiled then and stole a cookie before getting a bite.
“Did you poison the treats as well?”
“Maybe. Why?”
“Just curious how many you have. Between you and claude, We could probably poison most everyone here.”
“Claude goes for minor inconveniences. I prefer to be direct… not to say I didn’t leave a recipe for one that causes temporary blindness under his door last week.” I laughed then as Hubert just smiled.
Across the way, Walking with Dorthea, Edelgard looked over. To see her lover and her most trusted friend getting along so well, she couldn’t help but smile.
“What’s going on El?”
“Hubert took skye to Tea. Seems they’re having a good time.” Dorthea leaned over and smiled as she saw Hubert double over laughing as Skye leaned back almost falling. Hubert caught her ankle to stop it but that only set them off more. Eldegard shook her head then.
“As long as he didn’t honestly poison her, I guess it’s safe.”
“You really think he would?”
“With Hubert… I never honestly know.” They kept heading away but she couldn’t help but smile. It was nice to see him making friends beside her. 
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 35
After having a few much needed drinks over at Rossi’s place, Derek and Juliet got an uber back to their house and fell asleep. When they’d first arrived, the sinister call weighed on him, but as the night wore on and he consumed more and more alcohol, he figured he was probably just overreacting and it was a prank call or something.
His mother and sisters had come into town on short notice to celebrate their engagement, so after getting an uber back to Rossi’s place to pick up the car, they would head to the hotel to eat at the restaurant downstairs. “Ready?” He called out toward the bathroom.
Juliet emerged wearing a deep purple t-shirt, black blazer and jeans. It didn’t matter what she wore, she always looked stunning. “I’m ready.” She noticed the dreamy look in his eyes and blushed. “See something you like?”
“Always,” he chuckled. “Let’s get going. Mom’s going to lose her mind when she sees you with the ring up close and in the flesh.”
They headed downtown to the Hamilton, one of Juliet’s favorite spots. His sisters and mother were waiting by the front door. For the second time in very recent memory, she found herself crushed into a hug.
“Sarah, Desiree, Fran. It’s so good to see you all!” Juliet exclaimed, smiling.
Fran shook her head. “Oh please, you can call me Mom. You’re family now.”
Juliet blushed, ducking her head shyly. “Not officially yet.”
Derek’s arm snaked around her waist. “Are you planning on being a runaway bride?” He teased
She shook her head emphatically, eyes dead serious as she stared at him. “Not a chance. You promised I was stuck with you, Derek Morgan.”
His sisters awwed before stealing Juliet away to begin discussing the wedding. As they walked inside, Derek fell into step behind them with his mother. She was beaming and holding back tears.
Derek nodded, sighing softly. “I know. I wish he was here too.”
After they all shed a few tears, they asked for a table and were quickly seated in the corner of the restaurant. With the excitement of the engagement and of course the talk of the upcoming wedding, they all built up quite an appetite, so they ordered some appetizers to split, and a couple drinks to keep them occupied while they waited for their entrees.
“Oh my god,” Sarah mumbled. “These are so good. I want to eat five of these servings for a meal.”
Juliet laughed. “That’s why I love it here. All of the food is amazing.”
“And speak of the devil,” Fran laughed. “Our entrees are here.”
With the plates placed in front of them, the conversation died down, allowing for full mouths and yummy noises instead. Just 10 minutes into the meal, Derek noticed his mother wiping her brow. “You okay, mama?”
“Yes,” she said, pushing her plate away. “Just a little stomach bug, I guess. I’ll be right back.” Juliet rose as well “I’ll come with, I could use a bathroom.” She shot Derek a quick look before following Fran.
The older woman only made it a few steps before staggering. Juliet stabilized Fran with her arm while Derek and his sisters rushed over.
“Mama!” He exclaimed, looking down to see her face starting to turn a dark red. “Someone call 911!” Derek yelled out across the restaurant, hands shaking as he held his mother’s face in his hands.
The next few moments went so quickly, and so slowly, that Derek felt as if he was seeing the same scene in slow motion and fast forward at the exact same time. All that registered was a pair of paramedics, the wail of sirens, and Juliet’s hand in his. Somehow they arrived at the hospital and immediately his mother was rolled away behind a set of heavy wooden doors on a gurney.
Just like that.
When he felt a hand on his back, he spun around quickly, tears in eyes. “Sorry,” he said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Sorry, baby.”
“It’s okay,” she replied. “I’m here.”
He wrapped his arms around her and took a deep breath, trying to steady out his thoughts.
“You don’t have to be strong, Derek. It’s okay to let go.”
As he thought about what was happening to his mother on the other side of those doors, a sob escaped him, only muffled by the soft waves of Juliet’s hair.
The minutes passed into over an hour, during which time Derek, Sarah and Desiree were pacing the halls wondering what the hell was going on. Juliet did her best to stay strong for the family, but she couldn’t get anyone to give her information on Fran’s condition.
Finally, a doctor emerged from the doors where Fran had disappeared just 60 minutes earlier. “Fran Morgan?” The three of them ran over, peppering him with questions before Juliet told everyone to breathe so the doctor could talk. “I’m Dr. Goldstein. Your mother is okay. Although her diagnosis is puzzling.”
The three Morgan children breathed a sigh of relief before asking the obvious. “What happened to her?” Sarah asked.
Dr. Goldstein looked at the charts, as if double checking his information. “Your mother had cyanide in her system.”
“What?” Desiree exclaimed.
Sarah began a barrage of questions. Where could it have come from? Why would someone poison their mother? None of it made sense, but it immediately clicked in Derek’s mind. Whoever had been on the other side of that phone call hadn’t been kidding.
And just like some sick twisted clockwork, his phone started to ring. Taking a step back while his sisters and Juliet continued speaking with the doctor, Derek picked up the phone.
“You son of a bitch.” He growled.
The voice on the other end chuckled. “What’s the matter Agent Morgan? Did you not like mommy’s welcoming present? I thought it was quite impressive.”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Well that seems a bit extreme. I did give you fair warning. There was a way to keep all of this from happening. And you ignored me. Poor listening skills really ought to be listed on your performance review alongside Unit Chief Hotchner’s glowing assessment of your adaptability in the field Agent Morgan.”
Derek froze. This wasn’t some random guy sitting in his house. This person knew details that the general public didn’t have access to, he could specify points from his performance review. He had inside knowledge related to the BAU.
“Helloooo?” The voice trilled mockingly “Anyone home? If so, please deliver this message: I’m giving you one more chance Agent Morgan. End things with your pretty little fiance or more bodies start dropping, including hers. And they won’t get off as easily as dear old mom.
He could feel his blood start to run cold at the words. All he could see was his mother laying there strapped to a gurney looking like a broken ragdoll. His sisters, his team, the love of his life in that same spot over and over and over again.
His jaw tightened as he spoke. “You will get what you want for now, but make no mistake...I will make you pay.”
Immediately, he hung up the phone, not wanting to hear another damn word out of his mouth. With his head swimming in possibilities, he walked back over to his fiancee and sisters.
“So, our mother will be able to leave in a few hours?” Desiree asked. They were still confused, but above all else they were just glad she was okay.
“Yes. Once we figured out what was wrong, we had her inhale a dose of amyl nitrate and right now she has an IV of sodium nitrate. One of my nurses will probably be switching the IV over to sodium thiosulfate next and the combination of the three of them will clear any of the poison out of her system.” A doctor’s work was never done, but at the relieved smiles of the women in front of him, he returned it and left them to take in everything he’d just said.
Juliet hugged Sarah and Desiree, who’d practically collapsed into her shoulders in relief. “Thank god she’s going to be okay.”
“Of course,” Sarah breathed, her voice shaky, “But how did this happen? Did it happen at the restaurant?”
Derek knew the answer and he couldn’t say anything. If he did, he’d risk their lives. “She’s gonna be okay. We’ll figure it out.”
Juliet was still holding his sisters. With a sad smile, he stepped toward them and gathered them all into him. He looked down at Juliet and tried desperately not to start sobbing. How was he supposed to do this to her? How was he supposed to look the love of his life in the eyes and call things off?
Desiree sighed heavily but nodded. “Dr. Goldstein said we can see her now. But only two at a time.”
“You and Sarah go ahead. Juliet and I will wait outside, see if there’s any more news.”
His sisters faded away down the hall while Derek braced himself to say the words he had never imagined crossing his lips.
Right now he wished he was the one in that hospital bed, or worse. If only to save her from this.
@virgoswlw​​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
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Theme songs!
Tetra: Fire - Gavin DeGraw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbbYPqgSe-M “Let’s start a riot tonight, a pack of lions tonight, In this world, he who stops, won’t get anything he wants”
Lumina: Feel Invincible - Skillet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzw6A2WC5Qo “Never will fall, never will end, Shot like a rocket up into the sky, Nothing could stop me tonight”
Quin: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktvTqknDobU “I raise my flags, don my clothes, It’s a revolution, I suppose. We’ll paint it red to fit right in”
Pi: Hey Brother (Original) - Avicii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxIiPLVR6NA “Oh! If the sky comes falling down! For you -There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do”
Trist: Frame of Mind - Tristam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCD2tB1qILc “Right here in my arms, Away from all harm, You’ll be safe from all the flares, Although I know you don’t care”
Blixer: Sarcasm - Get Scared https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ahN0f0r9JQ “What a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes,If I had common sense I’d cut myself, or CURL UP AND DIE!”
New Game: Emperor’s New Clothes - Panic! At the Disco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qFF2v8VsaA “I’m taking back the crown! I’m all dressed up and naked! I see what’s mine and take it!”
Annihilate: Die Motherfucker Die - Korn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25DC6v8oPxo “Die mother fucker die mother fucker die”
Neptune: You’re Gonna go Far Kid - The Offspring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql9-82oV2JE “With a thousand lies And a good disguise, Hit ‘em right between the eyes, Hit 'em right between the eyes”
Phoebe: We Are The Danger - Blacklite District https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXjt_Fb3z5g “EVERYBODY GET DOWN! Light 'em up! We are the danger! And we’re lookin’ to score!”
Prochorus: Can’t Stop The Feeling - Justin Timberlake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru0K8uYEZWw “I got that sunshine in my pocket, Got that good soul in my feet, I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops”
Skye: Gasoline - Halsey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRHNi3QfFlE “And all the people say - You can’t wake up, this is not a dream, You’re part of a machine, you are not a human being.”
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onestowatch · 4 years
Charli XCX, KennyHoopla, FLETCHER, and More Artists You Should Listen to Now | #NowWatching
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Charli XCX is on the cover of #NowWatching
Self-isolation doesn’t have to be all bad. For starters, I’m spending this Friday attempting a killer sangria. And in the music world, some of our favorite artists releasing a host of killer new tracks and projects.
This week’s #NowWatching playlist features Charli XCX’s new album, which was written, recorded, and released in self-isolation, KennyHoopla’s transfixing debut EP, and so many more tracks worthy of spinning on rotate. 
Follow along on Spotify and Apple Music for the best new music every Friday.
Charli XCX - “enemy”
KennyHoopla - “plastic door//”
FLETCHER, Kito - “Bitter”
Dijon - “rock n roll”
Maisie Peters - “The List”
slowthai - “MAGIC
girl in red - “Say It”
Daniel Caesar - “Cyanide”
Lolo Zouaï - “Alone With You”
joan - “magnetic”
Ryann - “Andrew”
MyKey, cavetown - “Was It Something I Said”
Moses Sumney - “Bless Me”
Col3trane, Kiana Ledé - “Clutch” 
Jacob Collier, Mahalia, Ty Dolla $ign - “All I Need” 
Donna Missal - “Let You Let Me Down”
LANY - “good guys”
Harry Hudson - “Give Up On Us”
Feng Suave - “Half-Moon Bag”
ALMA - “LA Money”
IDK, YungManny, Rico Nasty, Big Flock, Big JAM, Weensey - “495” 
PREP - “Pictures of You”
Kid Bloom - “Wounded/Surrounded”
Elina - “Blue”
Betcha - “July”
Dua Saleh - “hellbound”
Tkay Maidza - “Shook”
Joy Oladokun - “bad blood”
Justine Skye - “No Options”
RINI - “Bedtime Story”
lilspirit - “never coming home”
Katelyn Tarver - “Made It This Far”
Abhi The Nomad - “Long Nights”
Noah Cyrus - “Young & Sad”
Powfu - “ill come back to you”
AURORA - “Exist for Love”
ALX - “Love On Top”
REASON - “Pop Shit”
Maude Latour - “Furniture”
Alextbh - “Between”
0 notes
Murder Five Reveal
That day had been a day full of panic and confusion. Unfortunately, there would be worse to come.
Seated around the dining table were seven sullen faces. These were the faces of a group who with had started its day united to protect one of its own, but was rewarded with yet another friend dead.
Phoenix Wright sat at the head of these people. His routine was slipping him further and further away from reality. Getting e-mails, preparing gatherings, finding more friends dead who he couldn’t keep safe... The repetition had turned him downright robotic. The one emotion he did feel, however, was helplessness. And it stung every moment.
He stood before the guests, who were halfheartedly eating the food before them.
“I don’t believe our friend Jean would want us to stay in suspense any longer,” Phoenix began. “So if it’s alright with you, I’m going to begin reading now.”
The guests nodded. Phoenix noticed several of their hands clenching more tightly around their utensils.
Dear Guests,
     My, what a riveting day this has been! I could hardly contain my excitement during the climax of this morning! However, I know you all struggled valiantly to figure out this complex affair, so I will now explain how our charming chef bit the dust.
     Max’s cry for help was instrumental, for it not only created a diversion, but an illusion that masked Jean’s time of death. I’ll get into the details of Max’s scare in the Attic soon, but for now, I must confess that Jean died many hours before he was discovered.
     In his room there was a hole in the wall. That hole went all the way through to Marvin Grossberg’s room, which I suppose one could call ‘vacant.’ I used that hole to attack Jean without having to face him head-on. After all, we had all agreed to yell should someone enter our room uninvited, and Jean had taken extra precautions by keeping a pocketknife in his hand. Had I attempted to attack with brute force, I would have surely been beaten.
     So instead, I attacked with stealth. My weapon of choice was a poison dart, which I fired through the hole with the help of a blowgun. The poison in the dart’s capsule was a solution of potassium cyanide, a crystalline substance that causes death within seconds. When it entered Jean’s bloodstream through his shoulder, he gasped for breath, clenching his jaw in pain, but was put out in an instant. 
     Of course, I couldn’t have the fun stop there. My next course of action was to prepare the time illusion. I took Max’s prized bust, which I had stolen early this morning, and placed it on the floor in the Attic, where I used a Polaroid camera to snap a photo of it. I disposed of the poison in the First Aid Kit, where it would blend in among the other medicine jars.
     After waiting for Max to notice his bust was missing, I put the finishing touches on my trap. Returning to Jean’s room, I disposed of the poison dart under his bed, and moved his stiffened body so it lay up against the door. With this setup, the body would fall out into the hallway the minute the door was opened, which was essential. 
     Next, I took a bath towel, soaked it in a pitcher of ice water, and hung it from a hook on the Attic’s light fixture, where its freezing water began to drip on the floor. I slipped the photo of Max’s bust under his door, placed the Polaroid camera on the corridor’s shelf, and returned to my room until Max’s scream.
     Naturally, Max was looking for the mysterious Attic where his bust was being held captive. But when he found it, he had barely walked two steps before a cold, wet, slimy hand brushed up against his face - the bath towel. Shocked, he dropped the photo, screamed, and retreated back to the kitchen.
     The rest of us sprang from our rooms and rushed to find Max, who was believed to be in danger. I only had to open Jean’s bedroom door as I ran to join the group to make it seem as though Jean was killed in the heat of the chase. It was so convincing, even I bought it for a minute there!
     And that, my friends, is the story. This was one of the hardest decisions yet, as though some of you seem to have understood the main outline of the case, those of you who did not were much more successful in working out the smaller details. Still, I feel you will find my verdict very fair.
     Bonne chance!
     Votre assassin
Phoenix looked up from the screen. Wocky was shaking his head, his teeth gritted.
“Yo man, this is majorly fucked up... Whoever this is, he think’s it’s all a fuckin’ game to him...”
“They think it is,” Ema corrected him, looking suspiciously across the table at Viola and Adrian. “And at this point, it is a game. We’ve made it a game. And now, all we can do is play the game.”
Max shook his head, tears welling up into his eyes. “No - you’ve got it all wrong... We can still work together! We can still stop this monster, together...”
A chorus of agreeing and dissenting voices filled the increasingly small Dining Room. 
“Hey!” Phoenix interrupted. “Now’s not the time to be fighting.”
The group fell silent, though more out of surprise that he raised his voice than out of regret.
“Best case goes to Ema Skye,” Phoenix said. “And I’ve got the rest of the cards right here.”
Phoenix handed his phone to Will. He wanted desperately not to, and to break the stupid thing into a million pieces. But he still had hope - hope that she would make it out of this alive, even if he didn’t.
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thestaticpulse-blog · 11 years
Some days were easier than others.
Then some....he spent limping back to Cya's junkyard-side home feeling as if he'd had the full sum of a city tower dropped on him. The sort of tired feeling that ate into strained muscles and torn skin with vicious little barbs; sharp as a hypodermic needle without any of the numbing effects.
The saving grace was that the yard was a good midpoint between the city and his own hideaway, and Cya was usually lurking with sympathy and bandages for those bad days.
"Not such a good look for you," his teal-haired friend remarked when Static came dragging in decorated with caked sand and a few new stray laser-burned spots in his already worn clothes. There was a mutter in reply, too parched for water and choked with sand to muster up a reasonable retort.
Shortly after, a canteen in hand and most of his thin form sprawled in a chair in the back of the little shack the resident tech-spaz called home most of the year; watching listlessly while said figure darted amid the shelves to gather supplies, Static savored the chance to catch his shaky breath.
He didn't even try to keep up with Cya's motions with more than a lifted brow; while his friend had energy to spare he was planning to devote his own to recovery; in a few days time he was heading back to the routes so the longer to nurse those burns and sore spots the easier the trek.
"Food," Cya chirped in passing and somehow there was suddenly in Static's lap something in a can that he freed the spoon from and ate without awareness of taste or sense of want; just need for energy.
There were channels to check and a haul of new bits of tech odds and ends to sort out, food to count and check and plans to make; but he wasn't going to make it that far at that point.
Cya snatched the empty can when he dropped it as the lure of sleep urged his sunburned eyelids sluggishly down, metal inches from hitting the floor before it was rescued, and tossed it to a shelf; returning back to his quiet scurrying and tinkering with the new shiny pieces of this and that while silence filled the cluttered little building.
Never lasted long, the peace and quiet after the storm, but what really ever did anymore?
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 36
After Desiree and Sarah returned from visiting with their mother, Derek cautiously grabbed Juliet’s hand, glancing around and wondering if whoever had been on the phone was actively watching. He was going to do what the bastard said...for now. But he couldn’t do it before the two of them went to visit his mother. Fran and Juliet loved each other - Fran the mother Juliet never had, and Juliet the adopted daughter that fit in perfectly with her already wonderful family. He had to let them see each other before he did this.
How was he supposed to break her heart like this? What would even make sense enough for her to walk away? He had to think of something; the lives of everyone he loved depended on it.
As they walked into his mother’s room, he drew in a sharp breath. She looked so frail and weak - the complete opposite of the strong and beautiful woman he knew. However, she was nothing if not resilient. She would come out of this. He’d make sure they all would.
Fran looked up at them as they entered, coughing a little before a rasp escaped. “So, a horse walks up to the bar, and the bartender says...why the long face?”
Juliet felt tears prick her gaze as she shook her head in disbelief. She was telling a joke. A very bad joke. After nearly dying of cyanide poisoning. It was...astounding. The strength her soon to be mother in law had in that petite frame was the stuff of legends.
“Oh darling, don’t cry. Everything’s okay.” Fran murmured.
“Sorry-I’m sorry we’re supposed to be taking care of you and here I am blubbering like an idiot.”
“I don’t mind the blubbering. Now come sit. Both of you.” She insisted
Derek didn’t have to be told twice. This was one occasion where he wanted nothing more than to listen to his mother. He settled into the chair next to her bed and gently wrapped her hand in his, trying to breathe deeply and pull himself together.
She was incredible. And he didn’t tell her enough. Although to be honest, Derek didn’t know if it was even possible to say it as many times as she deserved. This woman had raised three children after losing the love of her life. She had been there every single time one of them had fallen down, ready to help them back up. She had accepted the love of Derek’s life into their family with open arms.
And now, because of him...she had been forced to survive attempted murder. And Derek hated himself for it almost as much as the son of a bitch who had orchestrated it. Because of him this incredible woman who could never be told too many times how incredible she was had nearly died.
“How are you feeling, Mama?” He asked, gently grasping her hand and rubbing it between his fingers.
Fran coughed slightly and attempted to move herself up, as she’d been slipping down from her position. Derek panicked at the thought of her moving and got up to hoist her up himself before sitting back down. “Besides being poisoned, I think I’m okay. A little groggy. My muscles feel a bit heavy. But the doctors say I can go home soon.”
“Okay, good,” Juliet said, as she wiped the tears from her eyes with the backs of her hands. “Because we need you, you know.”
Both his mother and his fiancee went back and forth like they’d known each other all their lives, while he could barely focus. With all his Bureau training, he was fairly sure that his anguish couldn’t be seen on his face, but it was all rolling around in his mind like laundry in a dryer. They looked so happy. And he had to end it to save them both.
As he flashed them both a soft smile, Derek promised himself that he would find the bastard that screwed with two of the women he loved most in the world and he would make him pay.
After about 15 minutes, the nurses came in with some more medication for his mother, so Derek and Juliet took that as their cue to leave and let her get some rest. Though he was beyond grateful she was okay, Derek wanted nothing more than to stay in that moment. The second he stood up from his mother’s bedside, his heart started racing. He had to do this here and now or whoever this fucker was would hurt Juliet. He would never forgive himself if that happened.
Juliet grabbed his hand and swung it gently in between them, leading him out of her room and toward one of the exit doors. “It was a little hot in there. I just need a few minutes to breathe and then we can go find Desiree and Sarah.”
Now or never.
Derek leaned up against the wall and rubbed his temples. He should look relieved right now, but all Juliet could see was tension and anger and sadness. “She’s going to be okay, Derek. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay!” He snapped, bringing his hands behind his head. “None of this is okay. I can’t…” The words damned up in his mouth. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Juliet flinched, as if the words had struck her across the face. The fury in his voice….it was like nothing she’d ever heard before. At least, not directed at her. “What the hell does that mean?” She asked quietly, trying to keep the rush of emotions threatening to flood her system at bay. Maybe she had misheard him. Maybe he hadn’t meant it like that. Maybe-
“It means we’re finished. That this is over between us.”
“No.” She refused. This wasn’t happening. He didn’t get to do this. “No it’s not. You got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of your life with you. That isn’t finished.”
“It is.” Every word was a piece of shrapnel being slowly torn out of his chest. Unimaginable pain after unimaginable pain. “My mama….she-she almost died today. And in that room she looked at me like I was the best man she had ever known. Like my father. But I’m not. Not if I keep lying and lying and lying like this.”
The words came out even though she didn’t want to say them. “What did you lie about, Derek?”
His eyes welled up with tears as he prepared to say the words that would rip her to shreds. He was going to be the cause of her pain. “I fucked up,” he said. He couldn’t even get the words out. He had to walk around it; the look of sheer despair on her features twisted the knives already lodged underneath his skin. “I fucked up, Juliet. And you don’t deserve that. I can’t go on living like this - like this golden boy my mama thinks I am while I string you along.”
Juliet felt her heart lurch in her throat. No. This couldn’t be real. He was overwhelmed by his mother. That had to be it. “String me along where, Derek? Say what you want to say.”
“I...I cheated. Juliet, I cheated. You deserve more than that, and I can’t keep it in anymore.” Every single word was a lie and a dagger in his own chest as well as hers. He only hoped she’d buy it and walk away for her own safety. “It was a few months back. On a case. We went out to a bar after wrapping up and the next morning…”
Derek buried his face in his hands and leaned against the wall. “You deserve more than the man I am. I’m so sorry.”
“No…” She breathed, shaking her head like an etch-a-sketch, trying to shake away the fucked up picture in front of her and start anew. That’s what this had to be. A glitch in the matrix of her life. It couldn’t be real. “You wouldn’t do that to me, Derek. I-”
She knew him through and through, but he couldn’t let her reason this out. “I was drunk! I was drunk and I slept with someone else. You deserve the world, Juliet. And I...I can’t give it to you.”
Juliet’s eyes welled up with tears. She balled her fists up and pushed him backward. “Fuck you, Derek Morgan. Fuck you.”
As she turned to go to her car, turning her back to him, he went back inside and punched the wall, watching as it crumbled underneath his fist like the foundation of his life.
It was a miracle she made it home in one piece. But as soon as she stepped inside, everything reminded her of Derek. And that killed her all over again. So Juliet did the only thing people could do in such a screwed up situation: she drank.
At some point, the sun rose and found her curled up on the couch with her head pounding. Fucking alcohol.
But it wasn’t the only thing making her head hurt. Even in the midst of trying to forget everything last night, Juliet’s mind had still being trying to make all the puzzle pieces fit together. Because at the moment, they didn’t.
She’d heard what he’d said. That he’d cheated on her. Betrayed her trust. Lied to her. But...she just couldn’t believe him. It wasn’t just love or faith talking. Juliet knew it in her bones like she knew the sun rose in the sky every morning. It was more than fact, more than instinct. It was truth. The undeniable truth that Derek Morgan loved her with every fiber of his being.
And it was a truth not even he could hope to ever obscure.
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