jadegmfu · 4 months
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hihihi, i love his '🧍🏻‍♂️' pose🤭🤭🤭
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sadiecoocoo · 5 days
Ahsoka didn’t get to see Plo Koon before order 66
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solarisgod · 11 months
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     it's past midnight when eames is sitting next to micah on bed.      his arm has been wrapped around them, keeping them grounded in reality as micah tries to take deep breaths, focus on the close contact that is as perfectly real as they are / can be. a hiccup leaves micah, then a sniffle. the image play before them: micah was alone in the endless deep dark where there is no one & nothing else, not even the stars nor their own starmates were present with them. micah couldn't bring themself to speak. they would only cry, & they were ever all alone before there was nothing of themself while they became part of the dark, meaningless—— it was when eames pulls micah out of what was a nightmare (@4ger said, after telling them: they're okay, they're okay, they're okay——) micah keeps rubbing their face to remove the tears & something hurts their skin. it burns, but they only try to stop crying—— it just burns / it hurts so much——
     eames holds their hands before he gently takes them      away from their face. he keeps their quivering hands several inches away from their skin & micah's breath is held in uncertainty of what will happen next. paranoia slowly builds in them, giving them anxiety from these heavy thoughts that eames is now upset with them. they try to speak, they want to apologize, yet there is nothing at all—— eames gives micah a small assuring smile, continuing to tell them it's okay, you're okay . . . his expression changes slightly, almost if he's thinking, & with a playful hum, he guides their hands to their lips, then attempts to lightly pull up the corner of their lips with their thumbs as to make them smile. a giggle leaves micah when they realize what eames is doing to them & their lifted smile grows wider, genuine.
     "there it is," eames warmly chuckles, "there’s that smile!"      every details of the nightmare vanish, having to be replaced with childlike joy. micah giggles more. they make a poor attempt to lean away from eames & cover their heated face with their soft blanket, though it's clear they're smiling still with the continuous giggling. when eames pull the blanket out of micah, they give him the lightest tackle, their sounds of delight becoming greater, louder. they embrace him tightly and bury their face in the curve of eames' neck, continuing to poorly hide their face that is now holding a massive grin, burning in a way that does not hurt anymore & instead they feel more free because of eames. eames has been rocking them in their embrace to comfort them further, & micah gives him a gentle headbutt on the temple to get his attention. for a bit, they struggle to speak, though, soon, they finally come to what they have always wanted to say to eames:
     "i love you, dad," they whisper, hugging him again, "i love you so much."
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rius-cave · 2 months
I’ve always just loved the idea of Lucifer getting with Alastors mom to piss him off and then actually falling in love. And I love milfs
Someone suggested this crackship to me before and I was like "Hmm, well why not! What are your reasons for shipping this, though?" And then somebody said "to piss Alastor off and say 'you could almost call me... dAAAAADDDDDD'" and I was INSTANTLY sold. OTP for life.
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dniosamu · 3 months
'heeeyyyy daaaaadddddd?'
What is it??
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morsking · 3 years
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thundergrace · 5 years
Okay but can we appreciate Kara (literally) and Alex both running to Space Dad to vent about the other's ideas on how to handle Lena and get advice *cough* validation *cough* on their own plans.
Like, they're so cute wtf 😭
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nkogneatho · 3 years
Yes baby. Daddy's home. Heard you were being real needy today.
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
under a cut because my daaaaadddddd rant rant rant do not read negativity vortex
so my dad shared this post on facebook...
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now look. this kind of "locker room talk" (is it even locker room talk when all women know about it?) isn't going away. dudes are gonna complain about women no matter what, we get it, moving on...
my DAD though. my dad has noooooo right to be sharing shit like this. he ignored and took advantage of my mom for decades. he expected to make all the decisions and leave all the follow-through to my mom. she occasionally got angry, but my DAD is the one with anger issues, my DAD is the one who came home grumpy almost every day, banged things around, swore, and hid in his basement office all night (my mom meanwhile never had any space for herself - not even the bedroom because it was small and my dad insisted on a king size bed which no joke took up the entire room! there was only a narrow passage from the door to the bed).
and my mom stayed with him all those years until he started lying. about money. when she finally found out what he'd done, guess who had to fix it? my MOM. she had debt collectors breathing down her neck and told me how stressful it was and none of it was her fault, my dad insisted that the money was his domain and got super pissed if you questioned him about it. it's so funny looking back and realizing how much my family was living in the 60s in terms of gender roles. anyway the point is my mom is the one who fixed my dad's lies and she got so upset that she finally, finally left him, I never thought it would happen but it did.
and now when i talk to her she tells me "your dad had this money issue and called me for help saying he doesn't know how to handle it and only I can handle these things" and it's like. dude. you are sooo lucky your ex still handles this shit for you and yet you're STILL ON FACEBOOK sharing shit like THIS. where do you get off complaining about high maintenance women???????? you were married to the most low maintenance woman in the world for twenty-plus years!!! and you couldn't even handle her! that's on you bub not my entire gender! she never asked for anything except to be appreciated now and then. and to be told the truth about things that directly affected HER life. my mom couldn't be farther from the assumed traits associated with the sexy blonde in red thigh highs in this picture and I honestly can't even imagine what woman my dad thinks he knows who DOES fit this description even a teeny bit. not me! not my aunts! not my female cousins! my dad's driven most of the family away regardless of gender with his endless political trash talking and disrespect, a thing which he pretty much blames THEM for and sees no responsibility on his end. but whatever if you count tally for tally it's my dad who is high maintenance lmao.
look at the accusations "loud" (my dad is 100x louder than my mom who never yells! ever!), "expensive" (who caused the money problems?? who needed the expensive TV?? when I was cold I wasn't allowed to turn up the thermostat because we needed to save money, yet somehow we could afford a whole new car every single time my dad totaled his which was no joke almost once a year when i was a teenager!) and "impossible to control" (no one should be controlling anyone but compromise in relationships is a thing and not a thing i would call my dad's strong point! again he made most of the decisions. he didnt completely ignore my mom, i dont think she would say that, but we switched churches because of him, he controlled the finances, and when he lost his job and left my mom with everything on her back he barely even helped around the house or hunted for a new job)
seriously please switch out sexy blonde lady for a pic of My Dad!!
the thing is he shares stuff like this regularly. lad type "women are so complicated man cant live with em cant live without em" posts and crap. he's just joking of course! he's also just joking when he says any democrat libtard female politician slept her way to the talk or needs a good fucking etc etc (never has similar stuff to say about male politicians of course even ones he hates). always always always he's "only joking" and the rest of us are just "too woke to take a joke haha hey that rhymes" -_____-
it's annoying, but this is the post that sets me off. this is beyond annoying to me personally because it shows SO LITTLE self-reflection like gag me. i love my dad despite his flaws, he has many good traits and i have plenty of flaws myself, but i cant stand this. i cant stand this total lack of awareness. you dont know a single high maintenance woman dad. every second of your life some woman is cleaning up your messes. or listening to your problems and being understanding while biting the shit out of her tongue to avoid making you upset. always we have to listen and be kind and fix things, but never ever EVER complain because otherwise "it's so hard to understand what you want!" (why is it so hard for you to do that when you constantly expect the same of us??) "why do women get upset for no reason?" (no one gets upset for no reason as much as you dad!!!) "it's probably pms" (sure blame pms for everything. go ahead. what excuse do you have dad?? do you pms every single day of your whole entire life???) ugggghhh
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icybeanheadcanons · 7 years
ahhhh i love the babies ask but for the sake of the sanses' sanity let's change it to one but with the same situation. how do they react to learning they're going to be a dad?
Oh my god bless you for having mercy on these dear boys.
 Classy Bean
He's gonna be what?? He takes a minute or two to process how he feels and the information you gave him before giving you a hug. He's gotta prepare the dad jokes now. This was his calling. Being a cheesy dad.
 Red Boy
Oh my god are you serious? Holy shit! That's great! This is great. He's anxious and excited, he's shaking kind of he'll be a good dad right? (spoilers he'll be amazing.)
IMMEDIATELY CALLING TO TELL EVERYONE HE'S GONNA BE A DAD. The first person on the list is his brother who is happy for you two and suggests Sassberry "turn to the darkside." for dad jokes. He refuses.
He's crying happy tears as he hugs you before he runs into the next room where Rus is screaming, "I'MMMMMMMM GONNNAAA BEEE A DAAAAADDDDDD." Before tackling his brother to the ground.
He needs to sit down. He's gonna be a dad? Well Sugarskull turned out alright. He guesses he could raise another kid? Right? You remind him that you'll be there and Sugarskull will be too and he's grinning at you. Yeah... Yeah you will be there. The anxiety melts away for the most part.
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thekingofsantafe · 6 years
daaaaadddddd i got another catttttttt -parker
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vatarna · 9 years
ein-tier replied to your post “Dad is listening to Irish pop girl bands and watching a screensaver...”
Coke bottle porn incident? Any chance of elaboration there? =P
ok WHEN I was in high school, I think somewhere around year ten or something, my dad and I were trying to find some pictures to test out those print-your-own transfer sheets that you can iron onto shirts. I was logged into my account, lazily scrolling through one of my folders, and the preview image was large and easy to see on our fucking huge Mac screen (like those proper theatre ones?).
EXCEPT that I had completely forgotten I just had random images of yaoi saved there from 4chan’s /y/ board because I was That Kind of teenager. So I was scrolling, scrolling, not a care in the world, until I landed on an image of a guy being penetrated by a coke bottle, and I think it was a gangbang as well????
And my mind just shut down I was like OH SHIT because my dad was RIGHT BEHIND ME, WATCHING OVER MY SHOULDER
So my mind is blank but my instinct is obviously to just hurriedly scroll down and say nothing and hope my dad didn’t notice EXCEPT WHEN I SCROLL DOWN I JUST LAND ON MORE PORN, AND IT’S JUST AS GRAPHIC IF NOT MORE SO, BECAUSE I WAS A FUCKED UP TEENAGER
So I’m just like ‘oh god no this is the worst thing to ever happen in the history of my life’ in my head, just wondering what my dad’s reaction is going to be.
And he just mildly responds with, ‘That would look good on your school shirt.’
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uchihaout · 9 years
Guys. Okay. I'm really happy cus malsomega is doing a commission for me and he's an amazing artist and I just can't tell you how happy I am. Super excited to see how it turns out. *is awkwardly fangirling*
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farareusis · 11 years
aryashi replied to your post: GUESS WHAT MY DAD JUST GOT ME WITHOUT ME EVEN...
you lucky person! XD Enjoy that Bone book, it’s awesome. :)
So I've heard! My dad and I watched a documentary on the artist/writer last week and it piqued our interest = u= So it's not just for me, lol, but the other book is and that is why I'm excited ; u;
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