#pay money to my pain
corneille-moisie · 3 months
sid vicious on the beach
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aoiooo · 8 months
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K(Kei goto) from Pay money To my Pain Dessin
Noise is generated because I'm using the AI learning protection system "emamori" on a trial basis.
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poki-art · 2 years
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【my dreams are here...】 // pay money to my pain
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10969mfs-sinro · 8 months
Pay money To my Pain【Same as you are】
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mobsprooftheweb · 1 year
Pay money To my Painとはいったい何だったのか?
全ラウドロックファン待望、伝説となった日本を代表するロックバンド・Pay money To my Painの軌跡を辿る待望のドキュメンタリー映画『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』が完成。 11月17日(金)より新宿バルト9他にて劇場公開されることが決定した。
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今から20年前、三鷹のとあるビルの屋上で結成されたロックバンドPay money To my Painとはいったい何だったのか…? 彼らの歩みと時代、その影響力を未発表の映像、メンバーと関係者の証言で世に問うロックバンドとしての人生を詰め込んだ145分。
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10代、20代には伝説の存在となっている日本を代表するロックバンド・Pay money To my Pain。 2004年に結成され、2006年にメジャーデビューを果たすと、他を寄せ付けない研ぎ澄まされた感性で唯一無二の存在へと上り詰めていく。誰もが、彼らの未来にラウドロックシーンの希望を見出していた。その矢先2012年12月30日、ボーカルKが急逝。 そして、2013年12月30日にバンドは活動休止となった。
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それから7年後、レーベル直系の後輩であり現在のラウドロックシーンを牽引する“coldrain”からの熱烈なオファーを受け、2020年に『BLARE FEST.』で一夜限り奇跡の復活を果たし、新旧のファンを熱狂させたのは記憶に新しい出来事である。 本作『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』 は活動休止から10年の節目に、残されたメンバー、そして“Pay money To my Pain”をリスペクトする者たちの証言と、これまで公開されることのなかった貴重な映像、そして奇跡の復活となった『BLARE FEST.』で綴られる壮大なロックバンドのドキュメンタリー映画である。
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『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』  製作:ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン|制作:ハッチ プロデューサー:田中健太郎|アソシエイト・プロデューサー:末広哲士 LIVE映像監督:スズキダイシン|監督:茂木将 出演:Pay money To my Pain、JIN (High Speed Boy inc.)、Kihiro (Supe)、JESSE (The BONEZ , RIZE)、Kj (Dragon Ash , The Ravens)、Hiro (MY FIRST STORY)、Hiro (SHADOWS , ex-FACT)、Kazuki (SHADOWS , ex-FACT)、Masato (coldrain)、葉月 (lynch.)、MAH (SiM)、Koie (Crossfaith)、Teru (Crossfaith)、N∀OKI (ROTTENGRAFFTY)、NOBUYA (ROTTENGRAFFTY)、AG (NOISEMAKER)、Yosh (Survive Said The Prophet)、Taka (ONE OK ROCK)、Kentaro Tanaka (Warner Music Japan)
2023年|日本|カラー|16:9|5.1ch|145分|DCP|映倫審査区分:G 配給・宣伝:SPACE SHOWER FILMS
©2023 Warner Music Japan Inc.
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darkpathos · 2 years
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Weight of My Pride - Pay money To my Pain【michon.Kouya Cover】
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khanger · 6 months
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iluvtacoz123 · 10 months
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whats up tumblrbros. I (bootlegged) a hoodie from conception complex. hope i dont get sued. fucking fire hoodie though. thank you conception complex for existing. (please come back together i miss you)
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mood for tonight
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foldingfittedsheets · 19 days
Oh my god, poverty brain makes big purchases so freakin scary. I know I need a laptop. I will have tons of downtime at work and I can't cart my three monitor gaming PC into work on slow days. So I need a laptop. I had some help picking a really good one and it's gonna do the stuff I need. But it's still such a big chunk of money. *Sweats* I have done it. But it was hard.
Luckily it sounds like my accommodation is getting reviewed for real this time and I should have more freetime at the small store and on my days off to take commissions again! I can also resume working on my comics as I've got a tablet going spare that I can take with, so all that is very exciting.
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bamsara · 2 years
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crimeronan · 3 months
i had a dream that there was a genuinely benevolent man who wanted to give away $400,000 no strings attached to someone who truly needed it, and for some reason he considered me in the running, and i was like, "oh, i would have been last year, but i'm not anymore. like i need to be honest with you, i'd LIKE the money but i can't in good conscience take it from someone else. i'm able-bodied now and nearly back to full independence"
and he was like "okay, show me. climb these stairs."
and then he brought me to a staircase made up of about 60 incredibly steep steps. that were so sheer it was like a vertical rock climb.
my right hip was already hurting but i was like "yeah lmao, no problem :)" and started to climb. it became Immediately Apparent that i couldn't put my full weight on my right side, so i carefully hobbled up each step using my left leg and the railings.
halfway up my hip fully gave out.
the guy was like, "okay, okay, stop, i've seen enough. oh my god no. hey. STOP" and i was like "NO, I CAN FUCKING DO IT. I TOLD YOU I CAN DO IT AND I'M GOING TO DO IT." and then i pushed myself up the remaining steps by using my arms and hopping on my good leg.
which was difficult but achievable! i was incredibly proud of myself. i am the hulk. i am buff. i have the arm strength of a god.
sadly no one else was nearly as impressed. at the top there were a couple women who i guess worked with the mysterious benefactor, and they grabbed me and hauled me onto the upper landing like "WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING DO THAT?? WHY DID YOU DO THAT" as i Finally got to sit down.
i then woke up with my right leg twisted well over 90 degrees. and pinned beneath me.
because my hip had subluxed worse in my sleep than it has in probably, like.... Over A Year.
this is what two weeks without PT does to a motherfucker.
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genericpuff · 7 months
girl math is making $670 for the week and then spending $650 of it on a credit card bill and now you're excited because you made a profit of $20 in your bank account and $650 more of free money
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10969mfs-sinro · 6 months
Ask me what you want to know
I’ll tell you. Do you still wanna chase the dream?
Don’t lose control
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spent 3 hours last night panic searching for doctors to help me with my fibromyalgia. They are all either scams, extremely expensive boutique options (but are actually good apparently, if you have the money), extremely expensive scams, or have never heard of fibromyalgia and kick you out after 15 minutes.
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