viejospellejos · 2 years
Brutal 😳
Aporte enviado por @clocasduende [IG]
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rake-rake · 5 months
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"Megumiiiii. Ya wanna tell me something? Like, dunno, maybe something's on your mind? Or someone?" You didn't delete your search history, rascal.
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Unprompted harassment.
Megumi's pencil stops right over the feather of a peacock. Eye twitching slightly, he slowly squints at the page, frown deepening. He knew that tone of voice very well, and Satoru knew he did as well. This was the beginning of a game that had been played before and would be played again many times to come, both refusing to lose.
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"No. Nothing." calmly focusing back on the book, he idly continues to color the drawing, as though the question barely deserved his attention, "What's for dinner? Can we get pizza? I kinda feel like mushrooms and cheese."
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momentsbeforemass · 1 year
Called out
What do you do when something hits hard? When it strikes a nerve?
When someone calls you out on your BS? How do you respond?
Deny it? Deflect it, with some “what abouts?”
Or like the Pharisees in today’s Gospel, when Jesus strikes a nerve - get angry at the person who said it?
If we’re honest, you and I have done all of these at one time or another. Just like the Pharisees. Just like every other person in the history of ever. It’s human nature.
None of us like to be called out on our BS.
But none of those responses help. They don’t change anything.
And when we’re done reacting, we’re still stuck in our BS. Just like the Pharisees.  
I like to think of interactions like we see in today’s Gospel as “missing the point moments.” Because Jesus has a point in calling people out on their BS.   
It’s not the point I would have. If it were me, given the Pharisees constant efforts to embarrass and entrap Jesus, I would deeply enjoy publicly humiliating them. And I would do it every chance I got.
But that’s not who Jesus is (thank God). In spite of them absolutely not deserving it, Jesus loves them.
Which is why the point of what Jesus is doing is to hold up a mirror. To get them to look closely at themselves. To get them to ask themselves some questions. Questions like,
“Why am I having this reaction?” “Do I want to be someone who reacts like this?” “What is this telling me about me?”
The same questions you and I need to ask ourselves, whenever someone calls us out on our BS.
Whatever our answers might be, our answers will be pointing us to something that’s getting between us and God.
Something that we need to take to God in prayer. Something we cannot ignore.
Because anything that can make you and me react like that? It’s on the way to becoming the center of our lives. Whether we mean for it to or not.
It’s a subtle form of idolatry (not all false gods have statues) and one of the most toxic.
And if God puts it in your heart to ask whether you should talk to a therapist about it? You already know the answer.
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Today’s Readings
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spacevixenmusic · 7 months
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Source: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2003]
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posebox-guide · 1 year
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Realm of Magic: Dueling Box by TheOnlyException 
Simultaneous Cast & Deflect > x (female) Simultaneous Cast & Deflect > y (male)
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faunandfl0ra · 1 year
If you could re-live any decade of your life, which one would you re-do?
Go fuck yourself with a fuckin
Why would I want to do that?
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kply-industries · 1 year
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withbeastsarc · 1 year
SEND ⭐ TO TOUCH MY MUSES HAIR;  accepting.  @fakedsciences​ asked for:  elliot. 
          the atmosphere of diners like this are familiar and comforting to him.  the endless rush of people coming in and out,  some to just grab a coffee with a bagel and go.  others to sit for a long time,  quite like him,  to think about things.  college kids,  like he once was,  with their laptops sitting in the back grabbing a cheaper meal while they do some work.  all the faces in new york city  --  all their feelings,  sometimes together in a room.  
           it makes him a little sad,  for one reason or another.  maybe more nostalgic.  thinking of things that were past,  the people that would never be in a room together again.  he stares down into his latte and heaves a sigh,  before startling at fingers brushing his hair. 
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          “  sorry,  juniper.  i didn’t mean to jump.  “  he smiles at her as another apology.  “  --  you alright?  “ 
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linklewinklewoman · 2 years
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"I know all about you and other Links, though I'm wondering if you're the one who's normally messing with time?"
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"I heard about you from Calli. Kronii, right? So where were you when time was broken during the Sorceress War."
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weird-gay-disaster · 3 months
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He doesn't know what his outfit is or where it came from, other than it usually appears whenever he feels a sense of danger or stressed out enough. When random citizens (who are monsters) aren't trying to kill or harass him for wearing a superhero outfit in current year (due to how superheroes were used by humanity in...controversial ways), he tries acting intimidating in an attempt to get people to leave him alone.
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genevalentino · 4 months
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36beetles · 1 year
I’m dying over this screenshot from when I had a boyfriend in high school before I figured out I’m a lesbian
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lyss-butterscotch · 5 months
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V1 finds a weird looking dog in hell
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posebox-guide · 1 year
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Intertwined Episode Six Animation Box by alittlemid
Scene Six > Alaina DEFENSE Power
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
its funny because Percy has been spiraling ever since pjo and whenever he has a particularly bad episode you have other characters actively worried about it and you think to yourself surely they're going to intervene, surely someone is going to talk to him about it, and then like no one ever does lol
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