#DILUC BOTH TIMES. WHY. not that i'm complaining but what does it mean. i get his plunge attack has high multipliers but Huh
aromanticasterisms · 5 months
#personal stuff#delete later#TWO WHOLE OUTFITS FOR FIVE STARS THIS YEAR?? WOO#furina for lantern rite WOO. i'm excited to see her. again#AND CHENYU VALE WOOOO#i'm so excited all the scenery looks so nice!! and the music is really pretty#the lantern rite statue (?) looks so cool this year woahg#and traveler siblings stuff auuuuuuuuuuuuugh#ga-ming looks really cute!!#OOH PLUNGE ATTACK WORKED INTO THE KIT. COOL.#and hp loss mechanic??? i guess we are still in the fontaine era huh#and xianyun's design is definitely like ayato's for me it looks better in motion than the art showed#OOH SHE CAN HOP ON WATER. COOL#i knew her kit centered around plunge attacks but the animations look so nice ooo. also diluc spotted hi diluc#DILUC BOTH TIMES. WHY. not that i'm complaining but what does it mean. i get his plunge attack has high multipliers but Huh#CHENYU VALE CHENYU VALE. EVERYONE MOVE OVER I SEE NEW FLOWERS#OOH WE GET TO SEE CHANGSHENG'S OLD ABODE???#ooooogh the shot of the last area with fontaine in the background looks SO nice#this is an awkward time for me to have named my wanderer fujin though huh.#the new boss looks cool!#OOOHH.#i heard we were getting a xingqiu outfit but didn't particularly care cause. well. but WOAHG#IT'S FONTAINE THEMED. IT LOOKS NICE.#CLOUD RETAINER MADE GANYU AND SHENHE'S OUTFITS WAAAA.#THEY BOTH LOOK SO PRETTY. BUN AND BRAIDS GANYU...#a little bummed no zhongli outfit but ganyu's cute so :]#COOKING EVENT YEAAAAAAH#oh my god it looks so fun <333#and. food-based hilichurl event? interesting
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dootdootwriting · 2 years
♡ SLEEPING with the genshin men ♡
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featuring: albedo; ayato; childe; cyno; diluc; gorou; itto; kaeya; kazuha; thoma; tighnari; venti; xiao; zhongli tw: i say shit once, like a tiny bit suggestive in a couple of them if you squint type: pure fluff; established relationship; sfw pronouns used: none a/n: this idea has been rotting my brain since i thought of it before going to bed a few nights ago and now that i have time to burn i'm FINALLY writing it ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
under the cut for length ♡ it is long ♡
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horrible sleep schedule. is always telling you he'll be "just five more minutes" but you know he won't
he feels bad about it. some of his experiments are time sensitive! you remind him he could have started them tomorrow morning instead of eleven at night
once he does join you in bed, he can be a bit shy. you'll have to actively invite him to lay closer to you
once you do that, he feels totally comfortable!
albedo likes to be close to you, enjoying your body heat as much as he can.
sleeping with him is comfortable. he doesn't exude any heat, but he isn't cold, either - so no matter the weather, he's a good nap buddy
his favorite place to sleep is up on his lab in dragonspine, next to you, in a bed covered in furs and blankets so both of you can be completely tucked in. it's like a cocoon of comfort!
cannot sleep without you next to him!!
he also often stays up late, but is easily convinced to come to bed. his work can often wait until morning and you are really in need of your favorite pillow
he sighs softly, gives you a quiet smile, and blows out his candle before pulling the covers back and sliding in next to you
diluc likes to hold you while you sleep. it makes him feel safe with you in his arms, held securely against his chest
usually you sleep facing each other with your nose a bit squished between his pecs, but i mean... are you complaining?
diluc is a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake up until either you get up or his natural rhythm wakes him up, usually midmorning.
he is not a morning person. it's going to take many kisses and some coffee to convince him to wake up all the way.
has a seven step skincare routine that he does WITH you before bed
it's a really sweet and intimate way to get in the sleepy time mood!
he's not one to take care of himself, but he does care about his appearance. so you two have this now.
kaeya likes to spoon you!
he has one draped lazily over your waist, the other curled up next to his head
he's a light sleeper! he shifts around a lot during the night, but whenever he does, he subconsciously will reach out for you
therefore, if you wake up in the middle of the night, it's a coin toss as to what position the two of you will be in. however, nine times out of ten, some part of him will be touching some part of you
sleepy kaeya brain says make sure you're with him and safe!
he wakes up early to report to the knights of favonius, though it's certainly not below him to indulge a few times a year week sleeping in next to you
i mean, how could he resist?
little shit (affectionate)
this guy will not sleep until you DRAG him into bed and then he's whining the whole way. why would you go to bed when you could stay up singing and having fun!! what about board games!
and then the minute you finally get him to lay down next to you he's down for the count
venti is also a VERY affectionate guy. so while he sleeps he will cling onto you like a koala
he might drool on you just a little bit
he's a really heavy sleeper but he's also a bit of a kicker
he's fallen out of the bed while still gripping your arm in his sleep on multiple occasions.
sometimes, on rare nights, you'll wake up in the middle of the night to hear him softly humming something, still completely asleep.
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as a fatui harbinger, he's out a lot
this means that he really does treasure the time he spends with you, especially at night
he's clingy.
childe will take any opportunity he can for skinship
probably sleeps in his underwear (⌒_⌒;)
he will spoon you, he will hold you against him, he will lay you on his chest
he needs to be touching you at all times. unfortunately, he can sometimes sweat.
he trained himself to be a light sleeper. nothing can sneak up on him, even while he's asleep. he's the perfect protection for his beloved partner!
he doesn't want to get up in the morning. you have to poke him and sometimes drag him o.ut of bed by his ankles.
he whines about it but he loves you. and soon enough he's dressed and on his way to work with a quick kiss goodbye.
"adepti don't need sleep."
ok, well, it's more awkward when he's standing over your bed just watching you sleep
you have to beg him to either go somewhere else or join you
he doesn't want to leave you to sleep by yourself, unprotected... so he reluctantly agrees to lay down next to you
hm. actually, this is kind of nice.
xiao realizes that actually he is a little bit tired. a lot tired.
he awkwardly opens his arms for you to crawl into, and then once he hears your breathing slow down, he allows himself to close his eyes.
xiao sleeps like a log, for the first time in hundreds of years.
this becomes habit. when he isn't spending the night off hunting monsters, he joins you in bed and allows himself a few hours of rest.
nighttime is when zhongli allows himself to let go
he trusts you with everything, and therefore, as the two of you are getting ready for bed, while he's washing up, he lets his more draconic features show.
his tail appears, his arms take on a darker shade, bright golden veins just visible, and horns make their way to the top of his head
even his teeth shift, becoming just barely noticeably sharper and larger.
it's in these moments when you remember your lover is an ancient being and quite literally a god
zhongli's demeanor doesn't change, though. he's still a gentleman.
he situates himself in bed first, makes himself comfortable, picks up a book, and invites you to lay with him.
he'll stay up for a bit reading by candlelight with you next to him, until he finally gets tired, snuffs out the candle, places a soft kiss to your temple, and lays down next to you
he's another one that likes to hold you while you sleep.
SLEEPS LIKE A ROCK (literally). you swear sometimes it's like his body temporarily turns to stone.
zhongli's body sleeps on a schedule, so he wakes up at the same time every morning to prepare for work.
if you're still in bed by the time he has to leave, he'll leave a letter on his pillow and a kiss on your head before he goes.
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the evening is his favorite time of day
(the time when it finally comes to an end)
as the yashiro commissioner, he's busy most of the day, and doesn't often have time to spend with you. while he's around, he can't devote much of his attention to you, which he sincerely regrets.
so nights with him are when he shows you just how much he loves you.
he makes sure you're comfortable and helps you get ready for bed, a routine which includes many many kisses and a few apologies for being busy all the time (you understand, and he knows this, but he likes to make sure you know he still loves you)
ayato likes to hold hands while you sleep. there's something so intimate about it that he's such a sucker for.
he doesn't sleep really lightly or heavily, just sort of in the middle. he wakes up to shift his position a few times a night but that's it.
he's also a sucker for being close to you. you'll wake up learning that at some point in the night, ayato has pulled you much closer to him than you were when you originally went to bed.
he has to wake up early, but he hates it. he leaves a quick kiss on your head before he gets up for work, and will check in with you throughout the day, too.
loves sleeping with you but denies it
he NEEDS to be holding you while you sleep. ever since the incident with yae miko, he's trying to break the embarrassing habit of sleeping with his tail in his arms, and he figures you're the perfect replacement!
light sleeper and twitches in his sleep, a bit like dogs when they dream. it's adorable
subconsciously pulls you closer to him while he's asleep, too. having you near him is comforting.
he's incredibly warm! and his tail is SO fluffy. you might want to sleep on opposite sides of the bed during hot weather.
he hates this though, and you'll probably wake up in his arms. he'll deny moving you and say it must have been you who craved his hugs, not the other way around.
he's such an affectionate guy too. just be careful of the horns
his favorite position to sleep in is on his back with you on his chest. he WILL trap you with his arms
doesn't mean to trap you. but he's just so big and strong... it just kind of happens!
snores. it's annoying but endearing. he doesn't even know he's doing it
when he snores, the bridge of his nose will scrunch and it'll look a bit like he's snarling. sometimes his huge teeth come out
he's big, so he also exudes a lot of heat. however, unlike gorou, he won't even let you sleep on the other side of the bed
he Will hold you. there is no escape. he sleeps really soundly and pretty much doesn't move an inch all night.
itto is not a morning person. you have to shake him awake and then he whines about it.
he helps you get ready for bed and then tucks you in and everything <33
actually kazuha really likes to sing you to sleep or recite a poem for you before bed!
won't overtly cuddle you unless you ask for it, but is never opposed to it!
he's just not really sure how to handle it sometimes, so he just kind of keeps to himself unless either of you are feeling particularly affectionate
as time passes, he becomes more confident, and needs more and more cuddles.
kazuha is a light sleeper, but is quiet and careful enough never to wake you up when he does in the middle of the night.
he likes to wake up at the same time as you, so if he wakes up first, he waits for you before starting his day.
warm warm warm warm
when it's cold out, he's the perfect bedtime buddy. when it's warm, you two sleep on opposite sides of the bed with pinkies intertwined in the middle
like kaeya, he likes to wash up thoroughly before bed. sometimes he even does his hair so it'll look nicer when he wakes up
on nights when it's warm, somehow, in the middle of the night, despite starting on opposite ends of the bed from one another, you'll find that you gravitated towards each other and met in the middle.
he laughs and apologizes and offers to sleep somewhere else. you refuse and hug him even closer
thoma really loves physical affection while sleeping
his favorite is sleeping facing each other, and sometimes you two find yourselves staying up until the early hours of the morning talking until he realizes it's one am and he has work tomorrow.
always leaves you a kiss and a note before he leaves to tend to the kamisatos. and of course you're always welcome to visit!
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very awkward about sleeping with you
he's just nervous! you have to reassure him you're comfortable around him and would, in fact, prefer he sleep next to you comfortably than on the floor.
it takes him a while to warm up to the idea, and starts off very stiff, but over time, he learns that in fact, he sleeps much better when you're there with him.
cyno sleeps deeply, and doesn't shift much throughout the night. you could probably use him as a pillow if you wanted, he wouldn't object.
he likes when you sleep on his chest the most. the pressure of you being on him is very comforting and he likes having his arms around you.
he calls himself your "general mahamattress," and proceeds to overexplain even though the joke is rather clear. he's very sweet about it.
sleeping near a loved one is good for your brain!!! there's science to back it up!! probably!!
snuggles you like a koala when you sleep together. there's no escaping tighnari's grip of death.
before he discovered sleeping next to you, it was pretty difficult for him to get to sleep on time.
therefore, in case it's a rough night, he has a bunch of herb remedies for insomnia that are tried and true, his own recipes
he's found that a dab of sweet smelling flower dew on your forehead helps with sweet dreams, and while you're sleeping with him, you rarely have nightmares.
tighnari and his bushy tail are here with you to chase away the monsters!!
he's a forest ranger and a fox. and he gets up when he WANTS. do not try to drag him out of bed you will be (gently) bitten.
also twitches in his sleep. creacher. you know how it is with animals.
basically a gigantic cuddle bug, and pretty much willing to admit it.
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dumplingsfordays · 10 months
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modern au - roommate hcs !
ft. Kazuha, Scara, Xiao, Zhongli, Diluc, Albedo
I'm backk~
I haven't wrote in a little bit so I'm sorry 😭
Anyways this is a random idea I had, idk how well my thoughts are gonna translate into words but we'll see ig
Also idk if you need a warning for this but Diluc's has a mention of man titties so... do what you want with that ig
Reader's gender not specified, and this is not proofread!! Apologies for any mistakes, feel free to message me and I'll fix them :)
Image credit!
But as always, thank you for reading <3
- omg this man 😭😭 he is (imo) the best roommate you could ever have.
- he'd probably be super nice when you two first meet and stay that way!!
- he wakes up at a fairly good time too, and if he knows that you're sleeping, he'll try to be as quiet as possible.
- he does his share (and often a little more, if he has time) of the chores consistently.
- kazuha even follows a schedule on when to do certain stuff - he writes it down in a calendar in the kitchen
- he does like to cook when he has some free time, and they don't always turn out amazing but the smell will have your mouth watering.
- his room is super neat!! It's very aesthetic and a little minimalistic, but not overwhelmingly so.
- and it's always clean!!!!!
- he mostly hangs around either in his room or the living room on a couch. Sometimes he'll come into your room, but he always knocks!
- he respects your privacy too 😍 this man is a treasure, treat him well
- he doesn't mind hanging out with you!! If you're into makeup, he actually likes to go makeup shopping with you and just chill while you pick out some stuff :)
- everyone thinks you're partners when you guys hang out, but kazuha doesn't seem to mind 🤭
scara (sorry it's a bit short, never rlly written anything abt him before 😭😭)
- he's a little turd but you still like him, and he gets confused because why haven't you moved out yet????
- he probably spends like 80% of his time away from the house (apartment? wherever you guys live basically), but he still manages to do his chores on time
- anyways, he really likes watching movies super late at night, so when you join him 20 minutes in with popcorn, it's sort of a bonding time for you two
- he doesn't cook, so he orders takeout a lot... and what really surprised you is that after a week or so of living together, he started to order for both of you because "you were whiny that I didn't get you anything"
- (he actually does it bc he's trying to say thanks for putting up with him :))
- he goes to bed super late and wakes up super late. You have to deal with this by not making ANY noise when you do stuff in the morning or he will be very grumpy for like 2 days (you learned this the hard way 😭)
- on days when he's friendlier, he'll bring you stuff like plushies when he gets back. He'll say that Yae or Yoimiya asked him to give these to you, but you doubt that those two gave you twelve stuffed animals in the span of a month.
xiao (another short one 😭 just like his height)
- I mean... He's okay?? He just sits in his room a lot and I headcanon that he's kinda sorta a gamer so
- he doesn't mind doing chores for you if you can't, but he'll do them a little late because he's like that
- this man SIMPS for Chinese food, like I'm not joking. He doesn't know how to make it, but before moving in w you he searched up Chinese restaurants and that's one of the reasons he moved in lmao
- you guys don't really see much of each other a lot... but you always, always go on grocery trips together. Why? Because he seems to consistently forget the shopping list that you wrote down for him at home, on the kitchen counter, and if you go shopping for him, he complains that you didnt get the things he asked for (but he doesn't write you lists 👀)
- he does have his sweet moments too. If you play videogames, he'll play with you if it's multiplayer. If it's not - no worries, you'll both play it, sitting side-by-side.
- if you're not into videogames though, he does like learning stuff, especially from you. He thinks that you're a good teacher, and even if it's you teaching him how to make coffee (because he doesn't know and wants to learn), he'll keep persevering through it just for you.
- oh boy. Room time.
- his room isn't that bad, if you can look past the giant pile of Monster cans in a trashcan below his desk. It's often dark, with the blinds down, and if you're walking down the hallway, there's a 90% chance that you'll see green led lights shining through the gap beneath his door.
- speaking of his door, it's covered in those signs that say stuff like 'warning! no stupid people beyond this point' or 'dont touch me until I've had my morning Monster'. If you couldn't tell yet, he's obsessed with Monster.
- he streams on twitch, and he's pretty popular, so you'll hear screams of disappointment coming from his room quite often.
- but one sight that you'll never forget is when you went to bring him apple slices (did I mention that he likes apples??), you opened the door to him standing in front of his monitor in a maid dress 😭. According to him, this was a dare that his viewers had him do, and that you better not mention this to anyone!!
- he was so red when he was explaining it though 🤭🤭 you, being the kind soul that you are, swore on your heart to keep it a secret :)
- omfg you KNOW this man likes having meals with you. That's such a random thought but hear me out.
- when you eat, he eats with you at the table. Even if you made something only for yourself, he'll whip something up for him and eat with you.
- ANYways he likes to save money so much that his room only consists of a mattress on the floor, a coffee table for a desk, a beanbag in the corner, and a bookshelf that is practically overflowing with books. You take pity on him, of course, and buy him another bookshelf, which he now treasures :)
- probably has a lot of plants around the house/apartment, and he takes care of them as if they were his children. There isn't a day when there isn't a bouquet of flowers sitting on the dinner table.
- if you're allergic to pollen, though, he'll make sure to buy plants, not flowers, like China Dolls or aloe vera or cactuses, whichever you like best 🤭
- he LOVES reading!! Whenever you come downstairs, you'll see him reading, and if you're interested, he'll recommend it or books like it. He does wear reading glasses and he looks really hot in them but don't tell him I said that
- he probably takes forty-minute showers, and the shower is chock-full of hair products. 2-in-1 shampoo?? Zhongli's never heard of it. He may be (nearly) broke, but he takes care of his hair.
- tbh I think he likes to bake bread. Idk if COVID is a thing in the modern au, but if it is, then he was probably one of the people that searched up 'how to make banana/sourdough bread' and fell in love with making it...
- I like to think that he has a nice and neat schedule for each day, and his sleep schedule specifically is so freakin amazing. He goes to sleep at around 9-10, and wakes up at 6am sharp 😭
- he also likes tea before bed (and any other time of day really). He loves the different scents of the tea and it calms him a lot, so be prepared for a ton of afternoon tea parties with him :D
- ok so we know that Diluc is super rich and stuff but let's just pretend that he roomed w you to save money-
- he works out. A lot. Usually in the morning and around 8pm, and he always goes to this super fancy private gym or whatever.
- and he KNOWS that you go 'ooga booga man titties' mode whenever you see his chest so that bastard is almost always shirtless
- "Diluc why are u shirtless??" "It's hot in here" "...it's like 65 degrees. How tf are you hot"
- no but he's nice though, don't get me wrong. He'll help you do stuff around the house that you can't and he always seems to be there to help. Can't reach something? Diluc's there. Can't open something because it's too heavy? Diluc's got you.
- he'll do chores, just not very well. Can't do the dishes manually at ALL, and if you do have a dishwasher (which he buys on the third day if you don't), he will fall to his knees and thank the gods.
- he has a 10-step skincare routine. His skin is flawless and you are a little jealous, but if you really want to use some of his products, he won't mind :)
- he can cook (but not desserts/pastries lmao). He's super good with the grill, if you want grilled meat or fish or veggies or anything, really. But if you don't want it grilled, he's just as happy to make it using another method!!
- super good at board games, he's especially amazing at monopoly. Nobody can beat him, and he's proud of it >:)
- you've never been in his room for some reason, but you expect that it's very modern and monochrome, with hints of red (obvi).
- he usually has kinda red eyes in the morning, though, and when you asked about it he said that he likes going for night drives, but you were a little suspicious
- you stayed awake one night and you could hear him exit, but no car noises 🤔 you still wonder on what's he's doing so late almost every single night...
- also speaking about cars, the neighbors are always shocked that there's a lamborghini parked outside of your residence (house, apt building, what have you) lmao
- they're always like "do you have a rich bf?? Who is he??" and you're like "nah he's just my roommate :D"
- this man!!! He's so big brain!!!
- he'll definitely help you with studying for literally anything. Computer science? He got you covered. Bio? Sign him up. Hell, even art? He's super good at it so he won't mind teaching you!
- but when I tell you that he consumes a lot of coffee, it's a LOT. Like 4-5 cups a day. You wonder how, and even if, he sleeps.
- he makes really good coffee too! He bought one of those super cool ones and the coffee he makes is legendary. No wonder he drinks it so often!!
- he barely eats simply because he has so much work, and you essentially have to force him to come downstairs. You make him eat lunch and dinner, and occasionally breakfast if he can. He's super grateful for it, because he sometimes doesn't realize his hunger until he sits down at the table and his stomach growls like a bear-
- he loves classical music, especially Debussy, and it's always playing in his room. You started warming up to it, actually, and now whenever you hear Debussy, you think of Albedo.
- speaking of his room, it's... kinda messy, actually. Think paper and pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. He does clean it up like two times a month, but the papers always reappear within a couple days.
- he really likes art, and he'll hang some of his faves around the house/apartment :) it honestly makes the whole space feel cozier
- does his chores VERY last-minute, but he feels bad about it. You always tell him that it's nothing to worry about, that he still does them, but he insists on trying his best to do them earlier, which you appreciate :D
- he actually uses you as an art reference sometimes, only if you're free for an hour though. He doesn't like paying for models to come in and pose so he saves money by asking you... or at least that's what he says 👀
- your main bonding time is when you go in his room (or vice-versa) and just chill. He likes your company more than he'd like to admit, and you sometimes catch him staring at you from across the room when you're laying on his barely-used bed.
note : sorry if some characters are a little ooc 😭😭 I'm not too good at writing Diluc n Scara so... OH ALSO I would've included Ayato too but I feel like hes not really the type of person to room w someone (well bc he would def flaunt his wealth by buying a private mansion or smth)
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rossithepixie · 5 months
how about 12 and 25?? one for roruru and the other for genshin if you’d like (i’m interested to hear)!!!
Ask game
Ah thank you for sending these in dahlia! These got so much more wordy than i thought they would so answers are below the cut
12. what's your favorite memory of of eachother? (featuring kaeya)
Me: Maybe it's a bit odd but one of my favorite memories is from when we were kids! I was pretty shy and got teased a lot before moving to mondstadt. The reason I wasn't in monstadt? Kaeya decided to stand up for me one day even though we barely knew eachother. He got a black eye for his trouble and I felt terrible. The next day i brought him flowers because that's what you do when somone doesn't feel well. when I got to he mansion it turned out he'd gotten grounded for fighting, when i showed up I was really confused and felt even worse and explained he'd only been fighting because he was standing up for me. His "sentence" was reduced and I was allowed to give him the flowers. I'd never made anyone blush at all until that point and he gave me the brightest smile. That smile was the moment that my crush on him began.
Kaeya: That's your favorite? None of our romantic outings? Your little gift was the talk of the maids the next day and diluc pouted for a whole week. Me: Wait you never told me that- wait your memory say your favorite memory!
Kaeya: Alright alright. Hmmm... I think my favorite has to beeee... That time I convinced you to actually drink with me at the tavern for the first time. Me: Seriously, Kaeya-
Kaeya: Let me finish! You said the only way you'd drink if I looked after you after. And I did! Little light weight that you are I ended up carrying you home. And while you were on my back you nuzzled your face into my neck and said you loved me for the first time.
Me: What no way I don't remember that!
Kaeya: that's why it's not your favorite memory and it's mine~
25. What is something your s/o does that cheers you up? Featuring Roruru
Me: Oh cuddles. 100% Both Satoru and Suguru will cuddle up with me and squish me between the two of them if they're both home. They'll get me all set up and cozy and then put on one of my comfort shows or movies. Satoru: They bake! But one time in particular work had been well... worse than usual and I texted Rossi to complain about the higher ups. By the time I got home that evening There was a plate of (mostly) lovely mochi waiting for me. They learned a new recipe just for me~ Me: what do you mean mostly?
Satoru: Somtimes the food you make isn't the prettiest. ... They tasted amazing though!
me: -pouting-
Suguru: Well done, Satoru. What Rossi does to comfort me... They do a lot of things admittedly, it's a little more all encompassing I believe but they'll make sure I'm taken care of or that i'm looking after myself. Always there with a cup of warm tea just how I like it, or brushing my hair before letting me lay my head on their lap. -trying very hard to ignore me ignoring a pouting satoru who's draped himself over me like a cat in the bakground-
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Aether, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya & Venti.
Notes: Ayeeee! Since it’s my birthday today, why not make this? :))) I actually got carried away 🥲 this is around 3.5k words in total. Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral (tho i think there’s a slight implied female hehe…)
Warning: probably some swear words here and there knowing me- and mild suggestive themes in kaeya’s part 
[albedo, scaramouche, xiao]
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Aether remembers your birthday more than he knows his- like srsly, he’s the kind that remembers his s/o’s bday more than his. He’s also the kind that celebrates it privately unless you want to celebrate it with others, which he doesn’t mind. He might have a hard time deciding what kind of gift you want, but sooner or later, he already has one (or multiples bc he can’t decide-). 
Imagine his confusion when your day finally arrives but he can’t find you anywhere, even Paimon, who was excited to celebrate your bday (“oohh~ I can’t wait to eat the cake!” - Paimon), seems confused. Probably the culprit in planting worry in the travellers head as she jumps to conclusion that you might’ve been kidnapped. 
Luckily, he checked your house before he could report it to the knights of Favonius or the Qixing (like any normal person should do really-). When he received no reply, he takes out the spare key you gave him and entered your house, an invasion of privacy he knows but it's an emergency- 
Knowing that you’re in your room when he can’t find you downstairs, he knocks on your bedroom door softly while calling your name. Imagine his (and Paimon’s) relief when the door cracked open. Immediately engulfing you into a hug, he lets out a sigh of relief. He then proceeds to ask you what you were doing inside your room when it’s your birthday. His heart literally broke when you stated your reason. Tightening his hold around your figure, he smiles bitterly, knowing that feeling all too well..
“That’s not true. None of that stuff is true. Everyone deserves to feel special on their birthday, most especially you. We’ve brought some food, and cake of course. Also some gifts from other people. If you want, do you want to celebrate it with just the two, or rather three, of us?”
You, who was a literal angel in his eyes deserve the world. He honestly wants to find whoever put that idea in your head but that was reserved for another moment. For now, his main priority is your happiness. Guiding you downstairs where Paimon was (she left when aether hugged you, knowing you two needed privacy. also the cAKE-), he watches as your eyes sparkle at the sight of the cake. 
Grinning softly he made sure you had fun with your birthday. Even though it would be more fun with more people, it feels more special if it’s celebrated with just the two of you. Staring you with pure adoration as you laughed merrily at the sight of Paimon stuffing herself with food. He couldn’t help himself but lean forward to place a kiss on your forehead and then on your lips, leaning back with a smile on his face. 
“Happy birthday, my love. May many more to come. Maybe next time, we can invite other people. Though I don’t mind if we’ll celebrate it with just the two of us only-” And Paimon! Don’t forget about Paimon!” “Yes yes. And Paimon.”
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Similar to Aether, he would most definitely remember your birthday. After all, it holds a special place in his heart, alongside his family. And since this boi is rich af, he would most definitely try to spoil you on your birthday. Piles of expensive (or just cheap yet meaningful) gifts, reservation to a high-class restaurant in Liyue Harbor, and all that glamour. 
Actually, he didn’t find it odd that he didn’t see you immediately, thinking that you overslept or just relaxing in your house. But he soon finds it weird when it’s already around 3 in the afternoon and no sign of your face in the crowd, something he raised a brow at but shrugged it off. It isn’t until it’s almost the time of the reservation he made when he finally realized what’s going on. 
When he arrived at your house, dressed in a suit similar to Zhongli except it’s entirely black and white, waiting for you to come out. After a couple of minutes, he soon got concerned and decided to enter your bedroom through the window (pls do not do this at home). Startled at the sudden appearance of your handsome yet cheeky boyfriend, he stares at you with eyes asking the questions he didn’t dare to tell. 
Knowing he will get his answer one way or another, you decided to tell him about your dilemma. After you finished explaining yourself, silence surrounds you, which is quite worrisome since your boyfriend is known for his rather talkative behavior. Blinking in surprise at the sudden embrace of the 11th Harbinger, his hug was rather tight but not too tight that it cuts your oxygen. Speaking in a low, faint voice, a surprising feat for him, you can make out what he said as clear as day. 
“I’m sorry. I should’ve noticed it sooner. I was trying to be a perfect boyfriend for you but I guess I failed in that aspect. You know, if you feel like you aren’t special enough to celebrate your birthday, then what about me? Me who stained his hands with the red blood of his enemies, always engaging in a fight, clashing with other blades. Insecurity is really an asshole huh? Let me make it up to you now. Let’s not anymore go to that stupid high-class restaurant, c’mon, up you go. You better dressed comfortably when I come back or else…”
Leaving you quickly before coming back immediately, this time in more comfortable clothing rather than the stiff suit he wore earlier. This time as well, he entered your house normally through the door. In his arms, he was holding a bunch of stuff and proceeded to dump it on the living room table. It was different kinds of movies in different genres, you spotted some of your favorite movies in them (makes you also wonder where he got these from since you don’t remember seeing these in the room he stays-).
He would suggest making a pillow fort, and while making the pillow fort, he proceeded to smack you with one. Which ensued a pillow fight between you two. It successfully made the both of you a laughing mess by the end, filled with feathers. Childe then carries you bridal style to the incomplete pillow fort and starts the movie you chose. Placing you in his lap and placing his head either on your shoulder or head depending on your height, cuddling you from behind tightly with a contented smile on his face. 
“You know what? This might not be how I envisioned how your birthday would go, but I’m not complaining. Happy birthday, comrade. My most adorable and most cutest and only love. I love you so much that you’ll be the very reason why I die so suddenly. So stop being so cute okay?” 
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(You two are living together in this one.)
Diluc has the probability of forgetting your birthday due to his busy schedule, especially if it’s starting to rise when your birthday draws near. He might neglect you for a couple of days, too engrossed in his work. When the day finally arrives, it completely leaves his mind. Like he’ll think of it as a completely ordinary working day. It isn’t until one of your friends told him to send you their birthday greetings that he remembered. And oh boy does he feel guilty, like srsly, he literally froze when he realizes what day it is today. And you know what that means? ✨Panicc✨
Honestly, I can see him buying the whole store XD. In the state of panic, his common sense just leaves him completely that he ends us buying practically the whole store. It would be sent to the Dawn Winery immediately as he buys some flowers from Flora, who also sent you her birthday greetings, which made him more guilty-
When Diluc steps foot inside the manor, he tries to search for you outside the gardens where he usually finds you but when he doesn't, he gets worried. Asking the head maid immediately about your whereabouts, and his concern and worry (and guilt) grew even more when he finds out that you haven’t gone out of your room. He quickly went to your shared room, with the flowers still in his hands, and knocked on your door. Calling your name softly and asking for permission to enter, when granted he entered the room as quickly as possible. But seeing the sight of you bundled up in your blanket made his heart crack.
Placing the flowers at the bedside table, he quickly made his way in front of you and kneeled down to meet your eye level. You can tell he was very worried about you with how frantic his eyes seem and the concern underlying it. With the way he was staring at you, you can’t help but spill your insecurity to him. The reason why you were hiding in his room rather than go out to celebrate your day of birth. Every word you spill made his heart break even more. Seeing tears started to leak from your eyes, he placed his two hands on your face wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Smiling at you gently and placing a kiss on your eyelids and on your nose.
“I completely understand, my love. Even I sometimes feel that way. Also to the point where I don’t want to celebrate my birthday even, but that won’t do my love. You are so special, you deserve your special day to be well special. If you want to simply lay here and sleep, then so be it. If you want to go out and do something, then I’ll happily oblige. Let’s obliterate those awful thoughts, and if those keep persisting, I’ll slice them up for you. I’ll keep picking you up when you fall. So, what is your command, my love?” (i'm so tempted for him to say master-)
Whatever your answer may be, one thing for sure, Diluc is seen smiling adoringly at you. Even the maids noted how soft the master is around you, particularly today. Whether curled up together in the bed, with him embracing you tightly to his chest and placing a kiss on top of your head. And if you listen carefully, you can hear him quietly humming a tune that his father (or mother) sang to him. Or you two outside in the garden, simply admiring the view with his hand around your waist. 
Either way, at the end of the day, he would wake you up or make you go inside for dinner. You haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch yet so you’re probably hungry by now. If you don’t want to leave your room or want to return to your room, he would understand and make the maids bring the food to you. When the maid(s) finally arrives with the food, you notice the cake on the tray. Looking at him as he chuckles, taking the trays from the maids. Humming a light tune, he scoops a spoonful of cake and holds it to your mouth, with a slight smirk on his face, eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Stop staring at me like that, did you really think I would let the day go by for you to not celebrate your birthday properly? From what I know, birthdays have cakes in them, whether a huge cake or a cupcake. Say ‘ahh’~... Happy birthday my love. May next year be more enjoyable than now.”
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Kaeya remembers your birthday like the back of his hand, I think he’s even more excited than you really. Eagerly awaiting your birthday as he counts down the days, dropping hints and stuff to you birthday-related, and probably plans a birthday party for you. The knights immediately agreed on it, including a certain bard, traveler, and wine master (albeit more hesitantly). He made sure that this party would be successful, constantly checking on the plans and such. To the point that everyone was practically fed up with his constant questions. But they understand that he wants this to be a successful and enjoyable party for you. It got to the point where Diluc kicked him out of his Tavern after asking for the umpteenth time. 
When your day finally arrives, he was practically beaming with joy and excitement. To the point where he can’t hide it behind the cool and suave facade he wears. He quickly made his way to you, going along with the plan of distracting you as they started to prepare for the party. In his total excitement, he didn’t notice the rather gloomy atmosphere around the house. But when he arrived at your door, that is when he noticed how quiet your house is.
Now albeit worried, his excited smile slipping from his face and now replaced with a worried frown, he knocked on your door, calling you in his usual teasing voice. When he didn’t hear your response, the bubble of anxiety appeared in his body. Twisting the knob and finding it unlocked, he quietly and carefully opened the door. Seeing your back immediately, seeing your side rise and fall making him sigh in relief that you were still alive. Closing the door gently but made a noise to alert you of his presence. Taking a seat behind you, he ran his cold fingers on your back, watching you arching at the sudden coldness of his fingers. Smiling slightly, he asked what’s wrong. 
Turning around to face him, you buried your face on his chest, inhaling his strong masculine scent. Instinctively wrapping his arms around you, he played with your hair with one of his hands. Tapping on your head slightly, beckoning for you to answer his question. With no way out, you decided to come clean. You explain how you feel like you don’t feel like you deserve to be treated as special on your birthday and all that sort. His face was void of emotion as he stared at the ceiling with his unique pair of blue eyes. Outside he might seem emotionless. But inside, he was on the brink of insanity. Who dares to put such an idea on his s/o’s mind? Why would you think of that? Was this insecurity of yours also his fault?
“That must be the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re not special? Please. Don’t try to make me laugh with that joke ‘cause it’s not funny. You are a jewel, a star, a constellation. As rare as the gems, or rather visions. You can even rival the very sun with your smile. I know those demons in your head keep saying those words to you, the temptation is so tempting, right? Just succumbing to them to make them quiet. But that’s why I’m here, my dearest snowflake. I’m here for you. You’re so special to everyone, most especially to me. You mean the world to me. Anyway, enough of this tear-jerking stuff, we have a party to celebrate. And we can’t celebrate it without the birthday gal/guy now can we?”
Despite your protests, he lifted you effortlessly and carried you outside and into the dawn winery where the party was held. Placing you on the ground and pushing you forward where people from Mondstadt came and greeted you with happy birthdays. Smiling at the sight of you being overwhelmed at the warm greetings, and then chuckling at how bright your face became. Diluc nudges him to you, beckoning him to help you before returning to what he was previously doing (most likely trying to force a bard to not finish all the wines in the vicinity).
After a while in the party, Kaeya brings you to a secluded place with no people for air. Being in a party filled with people could be suffocating at times, especially if you’re not used to it. He intertwined his hands with yours and bends down to meet your eye level (or leans down if you have the same height as him-). He gives you a cheeky smile and proceeds to place a peck on your lips. Chuckling when you pouted and glared at him, wanting more kisses.
“My my, what a greedy vixen~ But it is indeed your birthday so I guess I have no choice but to oblige to whatever my birthday vixen wants me to do. Would you like me to strip as well? Haha. Kidding kidding. Happy birthday, princess/prince. May many more to come. Oh! I forgot. I heard from a certain birdie that you ordered for a personal performance from me~ would you like to get it now?” 
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Since we all know that Venti practically doesn’t do anything like every day, I would safely say that he would remember your birthday. Probably save some mora to buy you a gift for your birthday, even though it’s not as fancy as the people in Liyue (they all rich kids-), it’s still meaningful. He probably made a bracelet all by himself with the beads he either bought or also made by himself. Nevertheless, he was as excited as Kaeya for your birthday. Already prepared songs to sing for you when that day comes. 
Venti immediately searches for you when the day finally arrives, but his excited and bright smile vanishes when he can’t find you in the crowd of people. Raising a brow at your sudden disappearance, he searched for you everywhere, the tavern, the church, the headquarters, everywhere but your house. So when he finally arrives at your house, he was filled with worry and concern. Entering your room through the window like usual, he sees your figure sitting on the floor while reading a book.
He pouted at the sight as he made his presence known by asking you why you were here and reading a book on your birthday. He watches as you jump from where you are and turns to look at him, sighing at the sight of him. He slowly made his way to you and sat next to you, his legs sprawled across the floor. He takes note of the food around you, which was non-birthday festive, it was just ordinary food. Not understanding why you’re sulking in your room, he asked you what’s wrong. 
Venti’s eyes widened at your explanation, feeling the sadness leaking at the words you said. They weave themselves around his heart, squeezing it, making him have a hard time breathing. He shares your pain. He was your soulmate after all. He immediately engulfed you in a hug, stuffing his face on the crook of your neck. You were so vulnerable in his eyes. You were so fragile. He desperately wants to protect you from the pain. But looks like he can’t protect you from your own demons. 
“Even though I promised myself to not say or do anything that’ll make you sad, I just need to get it off my chest. I’m sorry you had to suffer through that, those demons that a simple bard that weaves stories into songs can’t erase. Alright, no more feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to get out and spend the rest of the day enjoyable, perfect for my precious Cecilia.” 
Without any warnings, he picked you up and jumped out of your window. Shrieking at the sudden fast pace, you instinctively wrapped your hands around him as he landed on the ground. Giving you a smug smile while saying “didn’t think i’d let you fall now?” Please slap him. Anyway, he laughed at your aggression and continued to run. Even if you ask where you’re going, he just says it's a secret. So might as well enjoy being in his arms as he continues to run (you swear you can feel the wind adding to his speed but that was just maybe your imagination-).
After a while, he placed you down and you realized where you are. It was Starsnatch Cliff, surrounding you were Cecilia flowers. Venti jumped on you, making you fall to the ground as he giggles. His hat flown back from the force of his sudden attack, he still has that stupid big smile on his face. Since his laughter is contagious, you couldn’t help but laugh alongside him. His eyes glistened with delight at the sight of your smile finally. Grabbing your hand and placing the bracelet he made, he pressed a kiss on your knuckle.
“This bracelet shall be a promise from me to you, a fellow bard to the fairest queen/king. I shall love you for eternity, this heart will only beat for you, and this body belongs to you. If you’re in dire need of assistance, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll be there, forever and always. Happy birthday, my sweet flower.”
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xiaotopia · 3 years
Longing For You
Pairing: Fem reader x Aether
Words: 10k+ I lost count
Genre: one-shot, platonic relationship, fuff, angst, slight crack if you squint
Cw // mentions of character death, blood
Hi! It's my first time writing on here and I just write what's on my mind I'm sorry if this is bad since english is not my first language ㅠㅠ I promise I will get better with my writing! Enjoy ^^
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That's what you are feeling. It's been 3 days you got stuck in this unknown land. You thought it was beautiful, it really was. But will you be ready to face what's in front of you?
You manage to survive with fruits like apples and cashews, at least that's what you thought the name was, because in your world they called it cashews. Even though it doesn't really give you enough nutritions, as long as you get to live you're okay with it. Heck there were almost nothing here. You wanted to explore the place more but there are monsters everywhere, and you- with no weapon, could only run and hide in hopes of not getting spotted by them. Will you ever survive?
Sighing, "just another day like this I guess"
you said before drifting to dreamland under a tree in a secluded area of the unknown land.
"She's still breathing"
"Paimon! What are you doing?!"
You could hear someone whispering- half screaming to be exact, at someone but you are more bothered at someone poking your arm with a stick. Groaning, you woke up and realized someone invaded your place. Ready to fight whoever that was, your actions suddenly come to a halt when you meet a pair of golden eyes and his tiny little companion. They were as shocked as you, well... I guess you are more shocked to see a floating kid beside the blonde boy.
Quickly, you hide behind a tree. Since you don't have any weapon to defend yourself what else can defend you other than a tree?
"w-who are you?! And why you can float?!"
you shrieked, the little floating kid crossed her arms and scoffed at your question. Why would she scoffed at you?
"excuse me young lady but we're the one who should ask you that!".
You just meet her now but god knows how much her high-pitched voice started to annoy you. The blonde boy beside her started to speak up before his companion could even say a word,
"I'm sorry she bothered you. I'm Aether, and this is my travel companion, Paimon. We found a group of hilichurls around here and we already fight them off before it could reach your campsite. May we know what is your name?" he asks as his pair golden orbs stares straight into you.
"Uh.. My name is y/n..."
He smiles, assuring you that they're safe and can be trusted, you slowly got out behind the tree when he stretches out his hand for a handshake. You grab his hand, reciprocating his action. "it's nice to meet you y/n".
"Aether c'mon please?"
"ugh fine"
It's been a month you had stayed in Monstadt, The Land of Freedom, and a month since your encounter with Aether and Paimon. She still annoys you though, but you're really grateful that she can keep the conversation going because it always turns awkward whenever you tried to initiate a conversation with people. You learned that Aether didn't come from this world too, separated from his sister by the unknown god and now is looking for her in Teyvat. Hopefully, you can go back home too.
You missed your family of course but you're also happy that there are people who willing to take care of you, especially Barbara. She treated you like her own sister, beside Jean. You learned everything here from Lisa and learned how to fight from the cavalry captain Knights of the Favonious, Kaeya. And Diluc? He's hot, but cold as ice at the same time and you went to the Tavern once, only to see him talking to a bard named Venti, about how the bard needs to stop drinking all of his dandelion wine before he runs out of it because of him.
Now, Aether is in front of you as you manage to persuade him to bring you to one of his adventures. He never let you tag along because he told you it's dangerous outside. Both of you are no vision holders, but he has the power of Anemo. It's still a mystery to you but he's an outlander so it would probably make sense why he can have such powers even without a vision blessed by the Archons.
"But! You only have to fight the hilichurls only while I take down those mitachurls, got it?" he says. Nodding your head aggressively, you started your journey with him as an adventurer.
"Let's go to Liyue!" Paimon says excitedly.
"That was close, thank you y/n"
Aether pants heavily, letting out a sigh of relief as you kick off the last hilichurl with your sword. Turning around to face him, you tell him it's nothing.
You three bumped into a hilichurl camp in the middle of the road of Bishui Plans. Unfortunately, those group of monsters noticed you before you three could even hide.
You were about to follow Paimon but Aether called you, you look at him as his face expressed shocked. You asked him what's wrong only him to point at your hips. You were confused so you look down where he's pointing at. Well now you're equally as shocked as him, if not because of the shining crystal blue orb hanging on your belt.
"What... I-I swear it wasn't there before?"
You whispered, questioning yourself because how did it get there? How did you even got a vision? What did you do? You know it's a vision because Lisa has taught you at the library back in Mondstadt. How? That was all in your mind.
You hear Paimon gasped, putting her hands on her mouth, "you got a vision! Let me see!". She flew to look at your vision before touching it to get a better look. "You got a cryo vision!" she exclaimed.
"Cryo? You mean I get the power of ice?" You question her. She nodded her, "Yes! Now you can help Aether to fight enemies!". Looking down at your feet, sighing. Aether asked you what's wrong and you simply said you don't know how to fight. Like actually fighting enemies with your own power, how to use it and how to handle it. What if you unintentionally hurt people around you? Aether chuckled at your response. You look up at him, tilting your head in confusion.
"Don't worry, I'll teach you"
"I wish kaeya was here"
"You don't like it when I teach you?!"
Chuckling at your friend, you said it's not that you don't like it when he teaches you. It's because "it would be easier if a cryo vision holder teaches me how to control the element", you says.
He let out a puff, while you were stroking Paimon's hair on your lap. She snores softly and you swear you could hear her mumbling sticky honey roast in her sleep. Giggling at her, you wonder how can she be cute and annoying at the same time. It's unfair you think. You turned your head to look at Aether and he was zoned out, as always.
"Mind telling me what's in your mind?"
You picked up his habits quite quickly, since you both attached to the hips all the time. You would notice he always does this when he's deep in thought. The same goes for him. You both can read each other like an open book.
He looks at you, smiling. Shaking his head and tells you he always thinks the same, about his sister. You smiled back at him, you assured him that you will meet her soon. And now, you both enjoy the calm breeze as you both watched the sun set over the blue horizon at the nearby cliff in Liyue.
"S-sticky honey roast... "
That's how you feel right now.
This guy just keeps pestering you for 20 minutes now. You got separated with Aether as he got something to do with Zhongli, the Wangsheng Parlor Funeral Consultant. Aether wanted to let Paimon stay with you but you said you're fine on your own and you would enjoy alone time in the time being while waiting for them.
But you didn't expect this.
"Can you stop following me now?"
"Why would I?"
Rolling your eyes, you bump into his shoulder, or Childe as he call himself.
"Oh don't be like that girlie-" " I have a name shut up" you sigh for the nth time. You need to avoid this man, because he's one of the Fatui, you don't want to involve yourself and Aether with them. That's why you've been running and avoiding him at all cost.
"Well you never tell me your name girlie-"
"It's y/n okay? Now go you're getting on my nerve..."
you mumbled the last sentence. He only chuckles at your reaction as he enjoys it. You were buying some street food from the food stall and before you could give your mora to the seller, someone beats you to pay for the food. You were not complaining though, you didn't thank him either.
"Okay then but can I ask you one last question, y/n?" he smiles widely while you only look at him, chewing your spicy fish cake, unamused. His question however, almost send you to you death as you were choking on your food.
"W-what did you say?!" "I want to get to know about you"
Aether is not going to like this...
As expected, he was mad. No, he was furious.
"Why did you talk to him?!"
"I tried not to talk to him Aether, he kept following me when I tried to avoid him! To the point he creeps me out..."
Aether sighs, rubbing his forehead as Paimon watched you two arguing. Was this the only time Paimon shuts her mouth? Excluding the time she's asleep. She knows when to silent herself because this time, Aether is different in Paimon's eyes.
"So.. Did you agree?" he questioned, not giving you a glance. You shake your head, "No, of course I didn't. He's dangerous and he could hurt us if he has the opportunity..." Which is true. Childe is a harbinger, and you, just a mortal from another world who just got dumped to Teyvat out of nowhere.
Aether engulfs you in a hug, which surprised you. You could feel your cheeks burning from the physical contact. His arm wraps around your shoulder while the other strokes your hair, calming you.
"I won't let that happen to you, Paimon and me. I won't let him hurt us, I will promise you that I will protect you both from any danger. I don't want to lose another friend..." he says and the last sentence sounds more like a whisper to you but you understand him.
You also promised to yourself that you will protect paimon and him. Because you love them.
"Well traveller, you're quite stronger than I thought"
"Stay away from him!"
You yelled at the harbinger, keeping yourself from falling as you struggled to stand up. Paimon tried her best to keep Aether awake while you were guarding them, ready to attack him anytime.
Childe let out a loud laugh, as if he was mocking you and your companion. Shaking his head, he came closer to you.
"You know what, you're lucky that you didn't fall for my tricks" he chuckles. You were getting antsy everytime he take a step closer to you, "no one is fool enough to fall for a harbinger, Tartaglia" you sneered.
He was about to attack you with his hydro sword but you managed to dodged it with your power and turning it into an ice. You both fight for a while and fortunately, Aether came to help you.
After hours of fighting, that's what you think, you feel drained out. Slumping on the floor, you take a glance at Aether he was panting hard, Paimon at his side to support him. And Childe, he looks better than both you and Aether combined but he's still in a good shape.
As you were trying to stand up, you saw a glimpse of a woman at the corner of your eye. You widen your eyes and tried to push Aether away as you saw the woman was about to attack him with her sharp ice.
You made a wall of ice to protect Aether and Paimon from her attacks. However, you didn't do it for you. You didn't protect yourself and got hit by the ice. The ice wall from you melts, so does Aether's world when he saw you, bleeding from your own element.
Childe was as shocked too, he thought you were a genuine person, he really do. Is this what it feels when you know someone personally got hurt? He can't imagine what Aether feels now.
You fell, you felt dizzy as you hit your head on the solid ground.
"Y/n!" Aether and Paimon yelled your name, but why do they sound like they're miles away?
"Y/n! Keep your eyes open! Don't you very dare to close your eyes!" Your friend screamed. Paimon is holding your hand while sobbing on you. "Y/n you can't leave us! Paimon still want to have fun with you!"
All you can do is cry. You don't want to leave them. You still haven't find your way back home, you can't. But you were losing so much blood and all you could do is remembering your moments with your friends.
Aether and Paimon.
Aether holds you on his lap, you could feel his tears falling on your cheek. He cups your cheek as he stares into your (e/c) orbs. To him, it resembles the stars on the night sky. He wish he could look at them like this before.
Not when you're dying.
He put his forehead on yours as he keeps repeating "please don't leave" to you. You promised him that you will protect him, but not stay with him. Did you regret it? Yes. You wish you could stay but you knew at the end, both of you will leave eventually.
But you didn't expect that you would leave them like this.
With all your might, you hover your hand over his that was on your cheek, rubbing it softly. "Promise me, we will meet someday, wether it be in our next life or in different universe, promise me we will meet again" you said, voice getting hoarse and staring to his golden eyes. You want to remember his eyes, his nose, his lips, his everything.
"Paimon doesn't want you to leave!" your little friend cried, you let out a loud sob as you pull her to your chest, soaking your bloody shirt with her tears. You three tried to cherish your last moment together, even though it was a tragic one, like now.
Aether tighten his hold on you, Paimon cries harder when she saw the colour of your vision starting to fade, knowing you couldn't make it.
"Paimon loves you, y/n", all you can do is cry, before your last breathe you hear Aether says "I promise you, we will meet again.. I love you"
Your vision faded, you fall into a deep sleep and everything turns dark.
"She's awake!"
"Call the doctor!"
You slowly opened your eyes, the bright light hurting your eyes, still adjusting to the surrounding. You could feel your tears were falling. Why did you cry? Then it hit you.
You were in the hospital.
You remember what happened, was that all just a dream? It feels real, way too real for your liking.
"Thank god, you're finally awake!" your mom sobs. Wait, your mom is here? You're finally back? You were supposed to be happy but why did you feel sad?
"H-how long did I... Sleep?" you asked, voice raspy as your throat lacks of hydration. Your mom gave you a glass of water and you gladly drink it, your throat still hurt.
"2 months now, you got hit by a car and the guy felt bad. He even insisted to pay for your bills", your mom says as she hold your hand. It's been a few minutes but you missed them. Aether and your little friend Paimon.
"Oh.." that's all you can say. You really don't know what to respond. You were happy that you're finally awake but you also missed people you met in Teyvat. Are they real or just your imagination?
"I forgot to tell you, the person who pays for your hospital bill will visit you. He always visits you when me and your dad is busy with work", you nodded your head, didn't have the energy to reply your mom back.
Suddenly, the door opens, revealing a tall man. You face him, only to widen your eyes as you were shocked to see the person in your dream.
It's been a month since you got discharged from the hospital and been recovering well. You still struggle to walk on your own though, but nothing serious. Ever since you met childe, you both got along very well, not like the one in your dream.
"So... What I dreamed of during my coma was real?" You asked him, walking through the flowery path as the cherry blossom falls on the ground beside him arms clinging to his.
"Yeah. In fact, I'm still the same Childe in your dream!"
"Yeah as you wish. The only same thing is you keep paying things for me.. And being annoying"
You remarked. He only laughs and told you the reason why he keeps doing that is that it's the only kind action he could do, even now. But in reality, he felt guilty. He
"By the way, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. You won't mind right?"
"What's the point of asking me if you're going to introduce your friend to me now?"
"Geez woman, you're still the same"
you could only laugh at him. To you, he's a good friend but no one could replace Aether. If you met Childe, there's a possibility of you to meet Aether and Paimon right?
"Oi blondie! We're here!" Childe yelled, getting you out from your deep thoughts. You look up only to meet a pair of golden eyes that you've missed so much.
It feels like the time has stopped. He walked towards you and slowly, engulfed you in a hug. You were stunned, you meet him. You both found each other. You hugged him back, tightly. You let out tears of joy, he was relieved he found you that he also cried.
"You didn't forget me don't you?" You hear a feminine voice behind Aether, only to find Paimon crossing her arms, just like when you meet her for the first time. But what amazes you that she's in a different form. She looks... Like you. A woman.
Your eyes got teary again and went straight to her, giving her a big hug which she reciprocated. "I miss you so much Paimon" you burried your head into her neck. Paimon was happy she could meet her.
Childe and Aether could only look both of you with adoration. Aether cleared his throat, without looking at the man beside him, eyes still on you. "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't find her"
The red haired man could only smile, "it's no problem. I couldn't face anyone after what happened in Teyvat. Think of this as my way to apologize". Aether couldn't answer, he only nodded his head to let him know he's listening.
You went to him only get a hug from you. You missed him so much. And you noticed Aether doesn't have his long braided hair anymore, which saddens you because you always play and braid his hair.
"I noticed that you finally got rid of your annoyingly long hair", you teased him. You hear him chuckled as he tightened his grip around you. "Can't let the annoyingly long hair distract people sweetie. People found it weird here"
"But I like it though..." you blushed at the pet name he gave you. You both just couldn't let go of each other now. He strokes your hair, enjoying each others presence. "I'm so glad that I found you", "me too, I'm glad you're here".
The other two friend only watched you two reunited again, hugging each other and won't let each other go because you missed each other so much that you both are afraid one of you vanished anytime. But it's real.
"Childe can we get some sticky honey roast?"
"Good grief, paimon.."
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