#DJ Almighty
mothgoddesss · 2 years
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jesterjaxx · 5 months
Halloween AU lore dump!!!
so much infodumping world buidling and headcannons
DJ- Robot
Originally built to be a robo cop type deal. But when given free will refused to hurt anyone and got scrapped
Was found and repurposed by "Momma" to be a son
Really fuckin loves animals. Nature in general but mostly animals.
They get spooked by him a lot though
Hes kinda sad about this but gets it.
Momma is a scraper/engineer and outfitted him with everything a "good human boy" would need, like touch receptors and an ability to taste
Nothing to be done about majorly changing how he looks tho
The ability to feel is a bit too much sometimes
Sometimes all he can feel is cold
Goes to Duncan to see if he can do something about helping communicate to animals that he is a friend. Ala magic.
Machinery and Magic don't mix well typically, you gotta be crazy specific, which isn't really Duncan's styel
Duncan likes DJ tho, and proceeds to steal some of Harolds spellbooks
Side plot of them being wayyyy to hard for him to read, in both way too high level and shitty handwritten chickenscratch that fucks with his dyslexia, so he has to ask Harold for help
Maybe they learn to better understand eachother idk
Maybe they kill eachother
Harold and Duncan team up 6 dead 9 injured every single person is fucking baffled
Anyways DJ is like iron giant up in this bitch
His Momma is kinda worried that one day he'll learn enough mechanics to fix himself up and wont need her anymore
Tyler - Harpy
Ok the chicken fear makes sense now
He gets the uncanny valley feeling looking at chickens
I would too
He would fly into a window
Can he fly?
Hes like a turkey
Or a seagull
Wait im an idiot hes a chicken
Eva - Gargoyle
Her carver loved buff women thank god almighty for that
Punches like a brick wall
Living Stone
lion paws for feet
Did you guys know sound resonates the best through solids??
Her music listening experience is legit i just know it
Noah - The Blob/ slime monster
Oh god that poor guy
Hes gonna get slime all over his books
Harold - Witch
He's the type of witch to have seperate waters for different kinds of spells
A pretty dorky Witch, even by witch standards
Wears proper witch PPE (robes and hat)
Has his sheldon Big Bang Theory style shirts on underneath tho
Uses incantations and written spells in magical languages mainly
Uses the starlight, paper, ink, historical artifacts and an assortment of magical ingredients as fuels
Has a large collection of quality spellbooks for references
Not those shitty amazon spellbooks that are just a list of pre written spells, these ones were written by some old hag 80 years ago and through flowery rambleing language tell you how write spells yourself. They go into spell syntax.
Harolds books for writing incantations and spells are spiral notebooks
If he uses smbols will typically craft a custom sygil for it
Uses alot of number magic and latin
Uses his confidence in his skills with writing spells to harness magic
Is better at doing spells for other people, when doing spells for himself he tends to overcomplicate things
Actually went to magic camps and magic summer schools
"I was trained for this!" and it's Mostly true
Can make the most specific fucking spell work for him
I cannot stress he is good at this type of casting.
Duncan's way of doing magic pisses him off. Both are convinced their way is better
Harold to Duncan ->"What the fuck do you mean you increased your strength with a posca marker, bare knuckles and a dream. How are you not dead yet >:[ "
He has a lot of respect for magic itself, Duncan's almost disrespectful way of using magic makes him mad.
Whats worse is that it works.
How Harold casts a spell
Writes down a goal -> outlines different methods to achieve it (incantations, scrolls, potions) -> writes out the spelleork with alot of detail accounting for almost every outcome -> it takes very long -> outwardly or inwardly recites writes spell to activate it -> profit
Alejandro - Siren
(I give up with organization here no more bullet points)
Mermaids and Sirens are almost identical, with few overt physical differences
Sirens will typically have colored iris', 2 finned gills, longer tounges, boned ears and uniformly sharp teeth
Mermaids have colored scalera, 3 smooth gills, finned ears and sharp canines
This isn't a rule, and in modern times there are few families of sirens or mermaids that havent mixed with other monsters at some point
Both species have shape-shifting abilities.
Mermaids have two forms, and can switch between them at will, though the process takes hours and the mermaid will have to stay in either aquatic or land form for a couple weeks before changing again. though this wait time can be speed up with tailsmen, it's can cause health problems.
Siren can shift their features at will, including shifting from aquatic to non aquatic with no wait time, some families of Siren encourage "good breeding" and fostering shifting abilities to the point of shifting bone structure, hair, colors and gender at will. This level of shifting controll is a very desirable trait, and cannot be learned.
Alejandro is one of these few families who try to stay purely Siren
Hes a 100% Siren, but unlike his brothers he lacks any shape-shifting abilities, a flaw that has brought him great shame (this is just a genetic fluke, it's like a birth defect)
but he has both a very powerful ability to enchant his words and natural charisma. Dangerous combo.
Because of the well known knowledge that Sirens can manipulate people with ease, Alejandro semi pretends that he is a Mermaid, using his long hair to obscure his gills
He more just lets people assume hes a Mermaid and does not correct them rather than actually lying
He lies about many things but outright lying about species is a bit much
Siren Speech doesn't work as good if someone's also using magic at the same time or knows what's up about it
It doesn't work that great on Heather, Duncan or Harold point blank, or Lindsay, Beth Trent and Justin if they're shifting or shifted
Good thing hes manipulative on his own!
Beth - Mermaid
Yeah sure why not
I don't know enough about Beth yet i need a moot whose obsessed with her
Ezekiel - Ghost
Lmao hes invisible
Poor dude probably gets looked over all the time
Hes just clothes and a transparent person
Justin - Werewolf
The twilight girls would go crazy over him i know it
Cody - Puppet
Oh poor dude
Itll look cool tho
Hed make knock on wood jokes all the time
Trent - Werecat
The trustin girls would go crazy over this i know it
But real like hes chillin
Would use claws as a pick
Geoff - Frankenstein
A man of the people
Looses limbs easily
Wakes up after a party like "wheres my leg lmao"
Heather - Zombie
Oh this is good
Shes vegan
Would insult people like "i can tell you have a brain why the hell don't you use it"
Very concerned over phsyical appearance
Uses so so many products
Pretty alive looking for a zombie cuz of it
It's kinda creepy
Her eyes got no eyeshine tho
Like a shark.
Gwen - Skeleton/Ghost
Ok this was an accidental double Gwen got both Skeleton and ghost
Since Ezekiel is already a ghost i'm Gonna lean into the Skeleton bit more but throw a transparent silhouette over all of her for the ghost bit
Ghost vs Zombie rivalry
She'd do all sorts of cool drawings and markings on her bones
Gwen, drawing a bat on her femur with sharpie: tattoo moment
Her eyeliner is also sharpie
Who the fuck cares about skincare when you don't have skin
Lindsay: you shouldn't put permanent marker on your face! It can hurt you 🥺
Gwen, floating bones:
LeShawna - Chimera
lets do classic chimera but with one head
Lean into the Lioness bit cuz Leshawna is a boss bitch and Lionesses are so fucking cool
I might give her a scorpion tail
Duncan - Witch
Another double whoops lol
He's a "fuck it we ball" typa witch
lmao he and Harold are beefing like crazy i know it Harold has 12 spellbooks hes memorized with their specific ways of casting and Duncan is writing runes on his knuckles with sharpie
Duncan to Harold ->"Why are you using 2 pages of latin for a fire spell??"
"Because i need only this bit of wood to light on fire a little bit and nothing else and if i dont i could loose control of it or blow it up or it might not even start"
*stares in did finger guns at a branch and cremated it for fun*
Harold to Duncan ->"Why are you writing runes on your nailpolish??"
"i'm tired of being the only scary bitch here without claws"
*stares in once accidentally rubbed spell notes off of his spellbook and onto his face while passed out on his desk and gave himself acid burns for 3 weeks"
They go crazy they go stupid
Hes self taught
The Duncan and Harold bullying arc turned Street smart vs actually Smart but make it witches
Mostly just picking shit up as he goes
"Stole" (it was free) a pamphlet on different types of magical symbols and has managed to make the symbols illustrated in it work for almost every spell he wants
Fueled by raw unrelenting audacity
Real lore tho- magic is created with belief and harnessed with confidence, you can either go the intellectual route and control every variable and have trust in your control of those variables to harness the magic like Harold, or like Duncan, have enough semi-unearned confidence in yourself to harness magic with little need for more than a few variables.
Basically as a general rule, it has as much meaning as you truthfully believe it does
Doesn't explain what hes casting or how hes doing it
"Where'd you learn how to do that?"
"what are you a cop?"
(learned from illustrations, word of mouth, and other witches on the street)
Has a couple stick n poke magical symbols, several other scribbled on symbols that are temporary
Biggest one is a glyph for fire on his hand, he doens most of his spells using it
Has burns around his glyph tattoos from spells backfiring cuz he got distracted
Uses sharpies, spraypaint, eyeliner and the insides of firecrackers for drawing symbols
If he needs a magical material he'll typically substitute whatever he has on him, belief goes a long way.
"Pure Holy Silver?... this earring looks silver enough
This doesn't work for potions cuz potions are only a little left to normal chemistry.
Has alot of talisman he wears
Carries extra ingredients on him ala accessories cuz fuck it it looks cool
Mains his spells with symbols, uses potions or material fuels if he cant make a good connection between what he wants and one of 10 symbols he remembers at any given time
Uses moonlight, bones, rocks, and personal artifacts as fuels
How duncan casts a spell
Draws glyph -> creates a mental connection between what the glyph means and what he wants to do (this is mostly subconscious with Duncan he doenst know what hes doing he just knows he does it well)-> activates glyph physically (ie hitting, tapping, lighting, punching, tracing with finger)
Example: draws fire glyph on Chris's camper -> wants to set it on fire but not the surrounding grass and trees -> smacks the side of the camper that has the glyph on it -> profit
Duncan, to Harold: You make magic math, i make magic my bitch
Bridgette - Alien
Aww she could be so cute
Surfer girl from planet nine
Owen - Plant Monster
This could visually look really cool
Big carnivorous plant
Izzy - Angel
kaleidoscope = biblically accurate form, cuz she "Looks like a kaleidoscope! Duh!"
Lindsay - Selkie
If you steal her coat ill fucking kill you
Sadie - Vampire
Ough thats cute
I'm Gonna make her pigtails batwings
Katie - Zombie
undead girlfriends
Sadie thinks Katie is so pretty it doesn't matter her eye just fell out
Courtney - Demon
Oh this bitch looooves contracts
Is also upset about Duncan but she just doesn't like witches in general
Whats the point of making deals with humans for magical powers of some humans give themselves magical powers
Demon of what?? Pride maybe?? Or envy??
Shes a sweetheart tho
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maginxlia · 2 years
Starring Tokyo Revengers Men ✰ In Disrespect
Cast Line Up Ran, Rindou, Hajime, Haruchiyo, Mikey and Shuji
Rated PG-13
Street Harassment and Violence under the cut!
Summary How The Men Defend you, A lot of Fafo (Fuck Around and Find Out) Happening up in here!
No pronouns in this Babes
Ran Haitani
✰ Ran is used to being Adored, Feared, and Admired but when he got with you things changed
✰ He caught strange eyes staring down your ass too many times to be reasonable
✰ Men looking You down nasty while making obscene gestures or saying filth about what they would do to you if they got you alone, Made Ran turn into a Skull cracking monster
✰ The Baton coming out and if the Baton’s Not accessible? Ran Picking Up the Almighty Brick
✰ Really it’s over before it started, Ran trying to fix his hair while the Aggressor (Victim?) Lying there with a busted head
✰ His Excuse? “I'm the only one allowed to stare at your ass like that”
The Haitani Brothers were hosting the party of a lifetime, Everyone was there from Bonten Execs to wealthy businessmen, Even their Boss Manjiro Sano showed his face there.
You were enjoying yourself sitting On Ran Haitani's lap, Dress to the Nines and decked out in enough Diamonds that would make even Zales Look shabby
Ran Treated you like you were the guest honor because in his eyes you are. You both were living it up, the night was yours but every party has to end
The Moment Ran left you to get you another drink bullshit had to occur. “You with that Ran Haitani right? You know he used to wear pigtails? You need a real man like me” Wasted Sleazebag Slurred out to you, “Ran is a thousand times better than you” You quickly snapped Back to Wasted Sleazebag while you prayed for Ran to return
“You need me, baby, I'm telling you I can please you better than that boy ”Wasted Sleazebag said while trying to get his point across by pulling you close to him, Before he was able to bring you in his arms he heard something that would change his life forever
“What the Fuck?!” Sanzu said loudly grabbing everyone's attention including the Haitani Brothers, Ran Practically sprinted to your rescue grabbing a wine bottle in the process
“The Fuck you think you're doing, Huh? Touching what belongs to me while under my roof??? The audacity of some people” Ran Dramatically said before motioning to Rindou “Grab him Little bro” Ran said while smiling
With Rindou Holding Wasted Sleazebag, Ran Proceeded to beat the senses out of the creep while Giggling only halting when he felt he had done enough damage
Ran was quick to pull you into a hug “Are you okay Baby?” He asked you while his eyes searched your face for your response, “ Yeah I'm okay Ran” you answered him
“Good. ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME BUT YOU GOT TO THE GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE. PARTY OVER!” Ran Yelled while Rindou and Sanzu began to escort everyone out. “The rest of the night belongs to you, Love” Ran softly said to you while holding you close
Rindou Haitani
✰ Rindou Never had to worry about some fucker testing his patience until he got with you
✰ He is very perceptive of How Men Oogle your body or the nasty things they whisper about you and it pisses him off
✰ Rindou Is Quick to tackle idiots and hold their limbs hostage, Hell even Ran Joins in By cracking the offender over the head with a random object
✰ So Many Joints locked and bones broken because Losers Trying his patience by disrespecting you
✰ He will never Get Over it or take it lightly, You deserve better than being treated like an object by some slimeballs and he tells you this every time he's done giving the fools a hurting of a lifetime
Rindou was in good spirits, The people In the Club loved how he was DJing and you looked dropped dead Gorgeous
Your body was filling out the outfit he bought you well. you couldn't even lie you felt fucking sexy as Hell, Rindou could barely keep his hands to himself from touching up on you
Your man was practically glued to your side only leaving you to DJ and talk to his fans
You had no worries as you closed your eyes getting caught up in the music, Your body swaying to the beat. everything was serene until you felt arms wrapping around your waist
“Damn Baby, You fine as hell and you got moves but you with that Weak Haitani fuck?!? How about you bounce that ass on a real one? Belligerent Jackass whispered in your ear making you jolt away from Him
You were more than ready to slap the hell out of this man but before you could even raise your hand to Slap the taste out of Belligerent Jackass's mouth, He was on the ground Bawling while Rindou had him in an arm breaker
“I TAP! I TAP! You're going to break my Arm!” Belligerent Jackass screamed while Rindou tightened his hold. Rindou could only laugh “Who's gonna stop me from breaking your shit, Huh? No one. I'm going to snap your arm so you'll never be able to touch what does not belong to you again” Rindou said before he broke the bones in Belligerent Jackass's arm effortlessly
With the snapping of the bones in his arm, Belligerent Jackass fell into unconsciousness from the pain as Rindou got up and fixed his clothes before walking to you so he could embrace you
“I’m sorry I left you alone and He touched you like that. Are you okay? We can go home if you want” Rindou whispered into your ear, “I'm alright now that you are here Rin, let's try to enjoy the rest of our night” you gently said as you wrapped your arms around his muscular frame
Hajime Kokonoi
✰ Hajime treats you like royalty, It Rubs him raw when you are wronged by those he considers your lessers
✰ Protecting You has been his number one priority since the day He met you so when He catches idiots saying disgusting things about your body, He sees red
✰ He's not stupid nor blind he knows you're beautiful and the designer clothes he dresses in you in only add to that beauty but that doesn't give anyone the right to harass you
✰ He wears heavy rings on his hands just for the purpose of punching those who make dirty comments about you
✰ Anybody want to become an enemy of his? Just threaten or disrespect the ones he cares for
Hajime was spending his day spoiling you like usual, Dropping Thousands of Dollars in every store in the mall that you had visited. If your eyes had laid on it for more than five seconds, consider it yours
Buying you stuff made him happy but you were glad to just have his hand in yours, Having his time always made you smile
“Koko, Can you get me something to drink?” You gently asked him while you rubbed his hand, “Of course, Anything for you My love” He answered you before leaving your side as you sat down to rest your feet
You got on your phone scrolling through your socials as you waited for your man to get back to you only for you to be disturbed by the voice of Crusty the Loser
“How much you cost?” He said to you a little too loud for your liking, “I'm not for sale, can you leave me alone please?” You said to him as calm as you can
“Hell No! How much I got to pay you to spend a night with m-” Crusty the Loser was quickly cut off by the fist of Hajime
“How dare you speak like that? Have You no sense?” Hajime seethed as he Kicked Crusty the loser lights out before regaining his composure and turning to you, “I hope he didn't ruin your day My love” Hajime said to you as he grabbed your hand
“ My day can never be ruined with you around Koko” You said as you laid your head on his shoulder, “Good. Now let's go buy that Drink you wanted” Hajime said before kissing your head
Haruchiyo Sanzu
✰ Only fools fuck with you, Everyone knows how Haruchiyo feels about you
✰ The only two people he adores are Mikey and You, This man dedicates his soul to protecting you two
✰ When it comes to someone disrespecting you violence is always the answer
✰ The crazed look in his eyes as his pretty long eyelashes flutter so innocently, Letting you know it's about to GO DOWN
✰ How can He look so pretty while he cuts down those who disrespect your name? Blood on his clothes and body but he still looks sexy
✰ You know how Haruchiyo can get so that's why you try to defuse the situation before things get Hectic after all you are his kryptonite
You were having a beautiful picnic with Haruchiyo, and Everything was going so perfectly. The windswept Haruchiyo hair around that he looked just like an angel, He was so relaxed and mellow
“Haru, can You get me some Ice Cream?” You gently asked Him making him smile as he got up off the blanket with you, “ Of Course Babe, anything for you” He answered you as he began to walk away from you
Haruchiyo hadn't been Gone from your side longer than One minute when your sunlight was Blocked By Musty Fool who was looking you up and down
“Hey Baby, I just wanted to tell you that you are very beautiful. I saw your Girlfriend and you from over there and I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look today” Musty fool said as he rubbed his hands together
“That “Girlfriend” as you called him is my boyfriend and he wouldn't appreciate you talking to me. Thank you but No Thank you” You answered Musty fool as you tried to ignore him but this pissed Musty fool off
“I lied, You ain’t Beautiful. You ugly anyway, fuck you thought you Bit-” Musty fool was cut off when he felt the cold metal of Haruchiyo Glock Pressed to the back of his skull
“What were you fucking saying? Hmm?” Haruchiyo asked while he stood there with that look in his eyes that told you things were about to end badly for Musty Fool
Musty Fool started Blubbering while you got up and wrapped your arms around Haruchiyo “Baby, He's not worth it” You said as you laid your head on his back making Haruchiyo lower his gun. ‘ You can go now” You told Musty fool who preceded to Run away Faster than Usain Bolt
“Let's go home, Haru” you whispered into his back before placing a kiss on his spine making him shiver against your touch
Manjiro “Mikey” Sano
✰ Lord Bless the fool who pisses Manjiro Off by disrespecting You, Their life will be shortened and filled with pain.
✰ Manjiro Guards your well-being with his life enough as it is but the moment you are slighted by some asshole? It's over for them in a matter of seconds
✰ Manjiro looks so calm while he approaches the one that disrespected you, They never would've guessed his foot would be against their head before they can blink
✰ And if Manjiro doesn't want to dirty himself? He will send Sanzu to be the Angel of Death
✰ There is No calming Manjiro Sano down when the one he loves has been harassed
Manjiro Sat in a private booth with all the Bonten executives as you stood at the bar ordering a drink for yourself, His eyes constantly staying on you while Ran Haitani was telling his tales
You knew Manjiro was watching you like he always do whenever you two went out, You took solace in his watchful gaze for he made you feel safe
Grabbing your glass as the bartender handed it to you, You began your trek back to your man when Drunken Idiot stopped you
“That ass is thicc” Drunken idiot stated before spanking your ass hard enough for the sound to echo as he walked passed you, You were frozen in place from shock as your eyes went wide
Everything was in slow motion for you as Manjiro and All Bonten executives stood up, Manjiro approached Drunken Idiot quicker than the speed of light with his face emotionless
Without a single warning Manjiro Kicked the teeth out of Drunken Idiot's mouth “ Try Saying that shit again without any teeth, better Yet you won't be saying anything Ever again” Manjiro said while he motioned for Sanzu to Take care of the Garbage in the best way he knows how
Manjiro Grabbed your wrist softy before leading you back to the private booth, sitting you on his lap while he buried his face into your back
“You okay??? I never let anything like that happen to you again” he said quietly to you while he rubbed circles in your skin as you two waited for Sanzu to finish up so he can drive you home
Shuji Hanma
✰ Shuji is never short of fights whenever he's with you, Creeps constantly checking you out and it sickens him to his core
✰ Anybody looks at your body funny? Hitting on you? Talking Nasty while Motioning at You?? They will See a fist with Punishment tattooed on it approaching them at record speed
✰ The Reaper beating fools faces down to unrecognizable mush while his Gold eyes stare ahead with boredom in them
✰ The fights don't amuse him because it's you being made uncomfortable by a asshole
✰How Many faces he gotta break Until Idiots show you respect?? He doesn't know, but he will continue to lay hands on them until they treat you the way you deserve to be treated
Shuji was walking with you down the street, his hand on your ass while you ate an ice cream cone he bought you
You two were enjoying the pretty day, you occasionally caught his Golden eyes staring down at your face and you couldn't help but smile at him whenever you did. You cherished these nice moments with him but unfortunately good moments doesn’t last forever
“Good Lawd, Baby would treat me like that ice cream and Lap me up? You heard out of nowhere making Shuji Stop in his tracks
“Who the Fuck said That?” Shuji Said as He slowly Turned around, “I did, You tall Bitch” Snot nosed Slob said boldly
“Oh, a Fearless one. I'm about to beat some sense into you, Make Your snotty nose Bloody” Shuji Said before cracking his knuckles as he stalked over to Snot Nosed Slob
Snot Nosed Slob tried to get a punch in but Shuji was too fast for him, Shuji had him by his neck before he could swing his fist “Do you have anything to say now? Hmmm” Shuji said while smiling like a madman
“No Please put me down!” Snot-Nosed Slob cried before Shuji Knocked his lights out. “Too late to plead now” Shuji Said as he dropped Snot Nosed slob on the ground
You could only Roll your eyes as you kissed his knuckles “ Did That Make You feel Better Baby?” You said to him while he smiled at you, “Yeah babe but I would feel even better once we leave this ugly scene” Shuji said as he grabbed your hand leading you away
Hotties on the Taglist ❤️‍🔥 @obitohno @whatdoyoumeanitsnotcanon @bakarilennox @ransluvrboy @earlmeow
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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itsscromp · 9 months
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Hello everyone 👋🏻😄 my name is Jeff, or otherwise known as scromp. I see you have stumbled to my blog, Welcome. I am a writer dedicated to bringing exciting and thrilling call of duty stories. I am male and identify as aroace. Requests are open
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I do have a few rules that I want to pass on when it comes to this blog.
1. Have fun 😄😄
2. I will write platonic stories, including some angst and original ideas too. I only write male and gender neutral y/n.
3. I will not write smut stories so please refrain from requesting them.
4. I will only write call of duty content, while yes I do have older work on this page, I will only write call of duty content. I’ll keep all my older stories here for everyone to enjoy.
5. While yes I will accept MWIII stories I will remain delulu then accept it as canon
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Characters I write for: Simon ghost Riley, Johnny soap mactavish, captain John price, Kyle gaz Garrick, könig, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, Gary roach Sanderson, Kate laswell, Alex Keller, Riley, Farah Karim and zombie ghost.
Characters I hope to write for: Phillip graves (but only as a villain) and Valeria Garza
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Here you will find my master list for stories I have done 😄😄
Being best friends with Simon ghost Riley headcanons
Video games the 141 + König would play headcanons
Confidence (Simon ghost Riley)
Games night (Kyle gaz Garrick)
Furtastic friendship (Simon ghost Riley and Riley)
Dark times (task force 141)
Pec pop extravaganza (task force 141)
Comfort in need (Simon ghost Riley)
The almighty teacher (Simon ghost Riley headcanon)
Unexpected friendship (Alex Keller)
Home for Christmas (Alex Keller)
A close friend (Johnny soap mactavish)
More than just muscle (Simon ghost Riley)
New Year’s resolutions (Alex Keller)
If I lose you… (zombie ghost)
Seen and heard (Rodolfo Parra headcanon)
Home, a place where I can go (John price what if??)
I got you Kumpel (Buddy) (könig)
Sunshine (Johnny soap Mactavish)
You could use a hug (Simon ghost Riley headcanons)
Freedom fighter (Farah Karim headcanons)
Brothers in arms (task force 141)
Ink me up (Simon ghost Riley)
Drabble collection (Alex Keller and Rodolfo parra)
Being best friends with Logan walker headcanons
Your time will come (Farah Karim)
Teenagers scare the living s**t outta me (John price headcanons)
Happy birthday !!! (John soap mactavish)
Just the way you are (Kyle gaz Garrick headcanons)
What captain John price and Alex Keller are like around kids headcanons
Bond broken beyond repair (Alejandro Vargas/Valeria Garza)
5 stages of grief (Farah karim)
They were the best of us (Farah karim/task force 141)
Matchmaker (Kyle gaz Garrick)
5 months (Simon ghost Riley)
141’s favourite food headcanons
You’re such a tease (John soap mactavish PG-13)
Hola, señorita Bonita (Alejandro Vargas PG-13)
Loyalty to the cause (Farah karim headcanons)
My family (Kate laswell headcanons)
Beach day (141)
DJ ghost (Simon ghost Riley headcanons)
Movie time (John soap mactavish)
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inxctive · 20 days
My Top 5 Picks This Week
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p1325 · 7 months
Here's the list of the mixes I used: Lana Del Rey - Video Games (Unknown Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Born to Die (Almighty Boys Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans (Omid 16B Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - National Anthem (Reich & Bleich Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Ride (Unknown Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise (Parov Stelar Remix) Lana Del Rey - Young & Beautiful (Cedric Gervais Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Once Upon A Dream (Frisky Army Castle Dungeon Tribal Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - West Coast (Unknown Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Shades of Cool (Alfa State & Mystic District Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Ultraviolence (Disciples Remix) Lana Del Rey - Brooklyn Baby (La Passion 'Gecko' Remix) Lana Del Rey - Black Beauty (LEEX Tropical Mix) Lana Del Rey - High By The Beach (MBNN Remix) Lana Del Rey - Music To Watch Boys To (CORPORE Remix) Lana Del Rey - Love (DJ Amice Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Doin Time (Pink Panda Remix) Lana Del Rey, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, - Don’t Call Me Angel (Fabricio SAN Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Norman Rockwell (Edson Pride Mash Club Mix) Lana Del Rey - Let Me Love You Like A Woman (Unknown House Mix) Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club (House Mix) Lana Del Rey - White Dress (Vocoliine Remix) Lana Del Rey - Arcadia (Johan Modest Remix) Lana Del Rey - Yes To Heaven (Dario Xavier Club Mix)
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slimesosa · 5 months
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wolfieloveswade · 4 months
Fun Random Rock N' Roll Facts: 06-01-2024:
+ Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo have been married since 1982(that's 42 years <3)
+ Axl Rose, Michael Jackson and Tom Petty are all from Lafayette, Indiana and all have talked about their immense hate for that "redneck town"
+ James Hetfield not only plays guitar and sings, he also can play the piano and has been playing it since he was 9 years old
+ Pete Townshend considers himself to be a Bisexual Catholic
+ it took Axl Rose 9 years to complete the album Chinese Democracy(1999-2008), he once told a rock journalist that "if I don't make this album the way that it's supposed to be and sound, I'm gonna die, you don't understand, I need it to be the greatest thing I've ever made"
+ Morrissey is one of the first Musicians/Rockstars to come out as Celibate(the lifestyle choice to abstain from sex)
+ Nikki Sixx wrote "shout at the devil" after having a nightmare that the devil was in his house
+ Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum was an anthem for members of the Christian Revival Movement of the early 1970s, they called themselves "Jesus Freaks", a lot of them were former hippies who wanted to get clean from drugs/drug abuse and with their new found Faith in God, they were able to, "Jesus Freaks" is still a term that some Christians use these days to describe themselves, whether or not they used to be hippie, I myself(Jimmy) would describe myself as a modern day "Jesus Freak", I've never had drug issues but I have had a hard upbringing/was lost in life before, but thanks to God Almighty, I am Saved and Redeemed
+ Michael Jackson suggested that the band Queen should release "Another Bites The Dust" as a single to promote their album "The Game" back in 1980, it became one of their biggest hits
+ Bryan Ferry said that early on in his career, the reason that he wore Glam/Eccentric Clothing was because he wanted to stand out and show others that it was okay to be different, he also said that the reason he changed his style from "Eccentric to Laid Back/Suave" was because he wanted to show that the older you get, you should also have the dignity to be classy
+ Like A Virgin was written by 2 men, Madonna heard the demo and wanted it to be "her song"
+ The term "Rock N' Roll" was coined by a radio DJ back in the early 1950s
+ Axl Rose's Sister Amy Bailey, is the head of the Guns N' Roses Fan Club
+ David Bowie and Marc Bolan were 2 of the first many Musicians/Rockstars to come out at Bisexual
+ Sid Vicious almost became a saxophone player before becoming the bassist for his best friend Johnny Rotten's band The Sex Pistols
+ Desmond Child, an openly Gay songwriter, helped the band Bon Jovi come up with their sound
+ Morrissey has been fighting for Animal Rights since 1985
+ Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist of Metallica is also an Animal Lover/Vegetarian and has been a Vegetarian since 1986
+ Paul McCartney gifted Freddie Mercury with a piano, that same piano he played Hey Jude on, Freddie played Bohemian Rhapsody on it
+ both Nick Cave and Mark Lanegan, who were both raised Agnostic, both later on in life became religious, Nick Cave considers himself to be Omnistic, Mark Lanegan considered himself to be a Born Again Christian
+ Pat Boone, a 1950s Singer who considers himself to be openly Christian, is good friends with Ozzy Osbourne, their friendship in the 1980s shocked people because Pat was seen as "The Angel" whereas Ozzy was seen as "the devil", despite this, both Boone and Osbourne believe in Christ, Boone considers himself to be a Christian, Osbourne considers himself to be Anglican(a Christian that is a member of the Church of England)
+ Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads was inspired by Alice Cooper
+ Joan Jett had to start her own record label with her band The Black Hearts because no one wanted to sign them at the time, they kept turning her and her band down, one bastard executive said to her "come back when you're dressed like a lady!"
+ Tina Turner taught Mick Jagger how to dance
+ Let It Be by The Beatles has a double meaning, it's about putting your Faith in Mother Mary during times of crisis as well as a tribute to Paul McCartney's own mother who was also synchronistically named Mary
+ During the 1980s, the Glam Metal Scene which took place on the Sunset Strip, in Los Angeles, California, a lot of Rock Bands would play at the same nightclubs where Drag Shows would happen, because of this, a lot of Musicians and Drag Queens would share make-up and dressing rooms and even some clothing
+ Manchester, England is the birthplace of the MADchester Music Scene of the 1980s and so on, many bands including Joy Division, The Smiths, Oasis and others came from and were formed in Manchester
+ Ian Curtis was trying to imitate Frank Sinatra's voice while recording Love Will Tear Us Apart
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ikigai-dubworks · 7 months
A DJ Set i recently performed for the almighty SEGWEH SOUNDSYSTEM 💚💛❤️
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ask-churro-cookie · 1 year
Neon sour's phone contacts:
Bi-wired chaos= Twizzly Gummy
Citrus circuit= Lemon
Co-sibling Officer= String Gummy
K-pop bestie= Popping candy
Punk bestie= Current cream
Party Boss= DJ
Mother unit= Aloe
Black Sour= Black lemonade
WonderCrab Power core= Electric Eel
@ask-the-almighty-electric-fish , Thought you'd like to know the contact names Neon has for cookies-
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vierss-herondale · 2 years
Hi darling, do you have a playlist or song that represents Jace and Clary's relationship? 🥰
Hi, love! 💕
First of all, all songs can be Clace songs if you had read enough fanfics like me 😂
But I do have a playlist!
Tumblr media
It’s not mine tho, someone from tumblr shared it with me (I can’t remember the user I’m sorry) but I think the songs are on point 😍♥️ and they are arranged in a way that they tell Jace and Clary’s love story over the time 🥰🥰✨
And some of the songs that make me think of Clace (honestly almost every song 😂 but mostly these ones) are these:
Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab
Voodoo Doll by 5SOS
Halo by Beyonce
Give Your Heart a Break by Demi Lovato
Risk it All by The Vamps
Demons by Imagine Dragons
Somebody to You by The Vamps
Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran
Jet Black Heart by 5SOS
Almost It’s Never Enough by Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande
Over and Over Again by Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande
Let Me Love You by Ne-Yo
Heart by Heart by Demi Lovato
Us by James Bay
Wild Heart by The Vamps
Another World by The Vamps
Unconditionally by Katy Perry
With Your Love by Cher Lloyd and Mike Posner
Bind Your Love by Cher Lloyd
Let Me Love You by Justin Bieber and DJ Snake
Like I’m Gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainor and John Legend
Nothing Even Matters by Big Time Rush
All of Me by John Legend
And a special list for the One Direction songs that remind me of Clace ♥️:
What Makes You Beautiful
They Don’t Know About Us
You & I
If I Could Fly
I Want to Write You a Song
Better Than Words
No Control
Little Things
One Thing
Kiss You
Hey Angel
Drag Me Down
Stole My Heart
Something Great
Everything About You
Another World
Truly Madly Deeply
Why Don’t We Go There
Girl Almighty
I'm gonna leave it at that or the list would get much longer 😂
Btw do you have a playlist for Clace? Also which songs remind you of Clace? I'm curious and I love to listen to songs that can fit with Clace 💕💕
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djalmighty · 1 year
str8 dive in😵‍💫
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djglory · 11 months
uploading almighty so with dj scream no where to be found is nasty work
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bwhitex · 10 months
The Sounds of Success: Decoding the Money Anthem Trend in Music
Lately, I've noticed my playlist is echoing a certain vibe! There's a wave of tracks where female artists aren't just hitting the high notes—they're also celebrating high earnings and the luxe life. But why is the love of lucre such a hit theme, especially among women in my playlist? That is really the million dollar question.
Market Trends
If it's streaming, it's steaming hot! Music moguls know what we like and they're serving up a decadent diet of dollar-sign ditties. It's simple: we stream, they supply.m, and apparently I’m all stocked up with it too.
Algorithmic Echoes
Our digital DJs (a.k.a. algorithms) love a good repeat. Liked one money mantra? Get ready for a playlist packed with prosperity, and the luxurious life feels fancy! Yass! Basically, algorithmic echoes resonate powerfully, emitting a frequency of vibes that reverberate within individuals.
Pattern Play
Our brains love to connect the dots. Notice a few cash-centric choruses and suddenly it's like every track is all about that bank. This s Pattern Play. And oh, honey, our brains are basically dot-connecting wizards in a world of cash-themed spells. Spot a couple of those dollar-dropping lyrics and bam! It's like every tune on the charts is competing to be the soundtrack of Wall Street. We're not just hearing the music; we're swimming in a sea of bling-bling beats? Love it though!
Cultural Mirror
Songs reflect our world and right now, that world is pretty cash-obsessed. Female artists are flipping the script on wealth, wielding their wealth anthems as tools of empowerment. Our brains are rockstar conjurers in the glitzy realm of moolah-magic. We catch one or two of those cha-ching choruses, and whoosh – it's as if every hit out there is hustling to be the anthem of the almighty dollar. And let's be real, it's not just floating through the airwaves; it's pulsating through us! We're not merely listeners; we're the living, breathing VIPs of this cash-crazy club, drowning in waves of those bling-bling rhythms!
Artist Autonomy
Musicians are the maestros of their own message. Singing about success and stacks might be personal, political, or just plain fun. Let's spill the real tea here – musicians are the ultimate bosses of their beat-driven domains. When they're laying down tracks about climbing success or stacking that paper, it could be a deep dive into their diary, a battle cry for social change, or just their way of keeping it 100 with some playful swagger. They're not just making tunes; they're crafting their own megaphone to holler at the world, on their own terms. So, whether they're serenading us with their personal anthems of affluence or just having a blast, these artists are serving us their stories straight up, no chaser.
Commercial Hits
Controversy clicks. Music execs know that a song about swiping cards can also swipe up streaming stats, and you better believe it! Controversy is like that secret sauce – it’s the clickbait of the music industry. Those bigwig music execs? They've got the 411 on what sizzles. They know when an artist drops a track that's all about living large and swiping plastic, it doesn't just turn heads – it racks up those streaming numbers faster than you can say 'cha-ching'. It's all about that buzz, baby. A song that serves up a slice of the luxe life can light up the charts and have everyone from influencers to the Insta-famous sliding it into their latest story. It's not just a hit; it's a strategy.
We are all Gold Diggers?
Don’t fret! If this question made any nervous. Just because you've got an ear for hits that happen to flaunt a little (or a lot of) bling doesn't mean you're on a treasure hunt. We all love a good bop that makes us feel like we're dripping in finesse—even if our wallets tell a more humble tale. So, keep jamming to those beats that make you feel like a million bucks. It's all about the vibe, not the bankroll!
So, why does my playlist seem to have a common theme with these "females that love to sing about loving money"? Maybe it's a sign that women are owning their success and telling their stories on their terms—unapologetically. Maybe that’s partly my anthema and maybe equally or more, that controversy sells, and in the music industry, this is a well-known fact. Music executives keenly understand that a track with controversial or provocative themes related to materialism and luxury can significantly boost streaming numbers. These songs act as clickbait, attracting listeners with the allure of the high life and the glamour associated with it. When artists drop music that flaunts wealth and excess, it doesn't just catch the public's attention; it explodes in popularity, often dominating charts and becoming the backdrop to countless social media stories.
Yet, enjoying these tracks doesn't necessarily reflect the listener's personal values or lifestyle. If we find ourselves drawn to songs that celebrate opulence and indulgence, it doesn't imply we’are, I am, a "gold digger”?
“Gold Digger”, that would be a rhetorical self accusation, and one that seems to comment on the wider appeal of these controversial themes. Music that glorifies wealth and an extravagant lifestyle often has broad appeal, not necessarily because listeners are themselves "gold diggers," but because such music can be catchy, provide a form of escapism, or offer a fantasy that listeners can momentarily indulge in. It's the allure of a lifestyle that many find attractive, even if it's not one they live or aspire to realistically.
Listening to and enjoying these songs doesn't define one's character—it's often more about the beat, the melody, and the way the music makes one feel. It's a strategy by artists and music executives to create a buzz, ensure the music is talked about, and get it shared across various platforms, from streaming services to social media. The phenomenon reflects the complex relationship between art, commerce commerce, and the psychology of listeners.
Many people appreciate these anthems for their catchy beats and the escapism they offer, allowing them to experience, if only vicariously, a more luxurious life. It's the feeling they evoke that counts, allowing listeners to revel in a sense of elegance and sophistication, regardless of their actual financial status. So go ahead and enjoy the music that makes you feel extravagant— because it’s also about the sensation, not just the cost.
In fact it’s a sensation we are uniting too t be exact, if one choses for reduce the rhetoric down to that. Our personal gold digging "anthem" represents more than just an aggregation of data points that can be analyzed and predicted by algorithms, though. We are more than sensations, and rhetoric together too. It's a reflection of our individuality, our experiences, and the complexities of our personality, which go beyond what any algorithm can fully comprehend or anticipate. Like me being so high in open to experience that I’m imagining I’m a gold digging female on tha weekends! Obviously!
Just playing! But In the music industry, algorithms have become essential tools for predicting trends and understanding listener preferences. They help to shape the creation and promotion of music by providing insights into what is likely to be successful. However, these algorithms operate on historical data and observable patterns, and while they can be incredibly powerful in forecasting trends and tastes, they aren't infallible. They can't capture the spontaneous, emotional, and sometimes irrational reasons why a particular song might resonate with an individual.
Our connection to a song—that ineffable feeling that makes it your "anthem"—is deeply human and can't be wholly reduced to computational processes. It's where art meets the individual heart and mind, and it's a space that remains profoundly personal and uniquely human, despite the ever-growing capabilities of algorithms in our digital world.
Are we more than our Algorithms though?
This really depends if people believe that humans “are more than a sum of their parts”? According to Edelman (2012), the complexity of the human mind extends beyond the simple sum of our parts, suggesting a richness to consciousness that is deeply rooted in the dynamics of our brain's neural circuits.
These tracks could be the anthems of autonomy, the soundtracks of success, resonating with anyone who's chasing their own version of the dream.
The question of whether we are more than our algorithms touches upon the deep philosophical debate about the nature of human consciousness and identity. Edelman's (2012) perspective suggests that while our minds can be understood in terms of computations and algorithms, there is a qualitative aspect to our consciousness—our phenomenal awareness—that cannot be fully captured by computational theories alone. This awareness is an emergent property of the brain's complex neural dynamics and not merely a mechanical byproduct of it.
Edelman's view aligns with the idea that humans cannot be fully understood by breaking them down into simpler parts or processes. The richness of human experience and the intrinsic nature of our consciousness suggest that we might possess qualities that extend beyond the realm of algorithms and computations. These qualities could involve emergent phenomena that arise from the intricate interplay of our neural circuits but are not reducible to them.
In essence, if consciousness indeed has an emergent quality that is not solely the result of computational processes, then humans are more than the sum of their algorithms. The debate continues in the scientific and philosophical communities, with many nuances and varying opinions contributing to our evolving understanding of what it means to be human. What's your take on this trend? Drop a beat, I mean, your thoughts below! Let me see your algorithms within please!
#MusicTrends #WomenInMusic #PowerAnthems
Edelman, S. (2012, September 18). We're more than the sum of our parts. *Psychology Today*. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-happiness-pursuit/201209/were-more-the-sum-our-parts
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djregular · 1 year
My weekly music round-up is live over at the DJ Regular COHOST, and if you need new music to ride out to the weekend with, I've got you. No matter what type of time you're on. You want good beats and good rhymes? I got you.
You want some soul music or R&B? I got you.
You tryna get in the pit and scissorkick somebody? I got you.
You like jazz? I. Got. You.
I also give a shout out to one of the last remaining quality music blogs on the net, the almighty Passion of the Weiss, and queen SeasideFM's debut set for NTS on Fusion Batches.
Check it out, share it with a friend, and if you find a new favorite to listen to let me know! As always, make good choices.
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p1325 · 8 months
Here's the list of the mixes I used: Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (Jason Nevins Club Mix) Katy Perry - Hot N Cold (Bimbo Jones Club Mix) Katy Perry - Thinking Of You (Rufato's Club Mix) Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas (Manhattan Clique Club Mix) Katy Perry, Snoop Dogg - California Gurls (Unknown Remix) Katy Perry - Teenage Dream (Kaskade Club Mix) Katy Perry - Firework (Wideboys Club Mix) Katy Perry - ET (Dave Aude Club Mix) Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (Almighty Club Mix) Katy Perry - The One That Got Away (Tommie Sunshine & Disco Fries Club Mix) Katy Perry - Part Of Me (Freemasons Club Mix) Katy Perry - Wide Awake (Cedric Gervais Club Mix) Katy Perry - Roar (Tom York Boot Club Mix) Katy Perry - Unconditionally (Country Club Martini Crew Club Mix) Katy Perry - Dark Horse (Luis Alvarado & Eduardo Lujan Club Mix) Katy Perry - Birthday (Wayne G Club Mix) Katy Perry - Walking On Air (Country Club Martini Crew 1992 Extended 12" Mix) Katy Perry - This Is How We Do It (Eric Kupper Club Mix) Katy Perry - Rise (Edson Pride & Erick Fabbri Club Mix) Katy Perry - Chained To The Rhythm (Trace Adam Club Mix)  Katy Perry, Migos - Bon Appetit (Dirty Pop Club Remix) Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj - Swish Swish (Ralphi Rosario Club Mix) Katy Perry - Hey Hey Hey (The Sinna-G Funky Club Mix) Katy Perry, Zedd - 365  (Dirty Disco Mainroom Club Mix) Katy Perry - Never Really Over (Wow & Flutter Club Mix) Katy Perry - Small Talk (Stephen Jusko & DJ Blacklow Remix) Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii (Lord N'Classic Club Mix) Katy Perry - Never Worn White (Guy Scheiman Club Mix) Katy Perry - Daisies (Oliver Heldens Club Mix) Katy Perry - Smile (Country Club Martini Crew Club Mix) Katy Perry, Aitana - Resilient (Tiësto Club Mix) Katy Perry, Alesso - When I'm Gone (Country Club Martini Crew  Club Mix)
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