#DJ's specifically. straight at your face. she's very good at it
cryinginthebackseat · 4 years
you’ve got more poison than sugar - part ii
part i    part iii  AO3 
Fandom: Call Of Duty
Pairing: Russell Adler x Bell
Words: 2.918
Warnings: some mild sexual content and swearings, like usual
Author’s note: okay, i know this one's a little short but i promise there'll be more coming on the next chapter, i promise.
The first time Bell showed her face at Langley, it was two weeks after the program. She wore beige, a ruffled high-neck blouse that made her hazel eyes, like charred nut shells, hard and just about indestructible, popped.
She stood at the lobby, regarding the place like she’d waltzed into a wrong banquet hall, the band played in the background, chandeliers dripping like arctic icicles, the bar drenched in opulent gold.
She didn’t belong here.
But Adler met her there, anyway, Hudson in tow.
“Have I ever done something to him?” Bell asked after the rather short-lived meeting, squinting at the vacant spot Hudson left them. She’d yielded very few words. When she did, it’d been all business, crisp, so it surprised him now to hear her uttering something with more than 2 syllables.
“What do you mean?”
“Have I deliberately done something to piss him off?” she elaborated, quieter, but the glower remained.
Adler carefully studied her behind his tinted shades. It still troubled him to a degree that he couldn’t read her. Like she locked herself off. They say eyes are the window to the soul, but thus far, he saw nothing. Fuck the poets.
“No. At least, not as far as I can tell,” he grits out, curious to see where she was heading with the conversation. “Why?”
Bell hummed, but seemingly unconvinced. A beat, then: “He doesn’t seem to like me that much.”
You don’t belong here, he thought and his face went cagier, back stiffer, but no doubt intrigued. Very much so by this mysteriously curious creature.
Perceptive and diamond-sharp intelligent, he pondered. They might have secured the bag after all.
“It's not you. That’s just as warm and fuzzy you’ll see Hudson with everyone, trust me,” he uttered, hoping that she bought the fib. She did. At least, he thought so. “Come on, Bell, we’ve got a job to do.”
Adler finds her outside the garage the next night, smoking alone, reading in secret. The ground is still wet from the rain, straggling cloud wisps and every artery of this place fucking freezes his bones. Bell ditches her gloves inside, but has her coat on, the collar popped up like antennae.
"You aren't cold?" he asks when she doesn’t notice him. Too engrossed in her own bubble. She does look better, though. Park is right about that one at least.
"I'm good," she answers without looking up. "Am I needed for something inside?"
"No, just thought I could use some fresh air."
He’s studying her, raking her from head to toe. Suddenly, he doesn’t care if she would notice him. Then he steps closer, standing next to her, lifting his cigarette to his mouth.
“What are you reading?”
There’s something about this secret element to her that has him on his toes. Everything about her is curious- frustratingly curious, careful, as Bell rolls her neck to meet him. In the low light, she looks quite new, he learns. And his eyes beg for him to linger.  
“Amerika. Kafka,” she says. “Have you read it?”
A subtle shake of his head and, “No.” While Bell nods, silent, like she doesn't know what else to say to him. “Should I? Give it a read?” Adler adds, just to keep the conversation going.
She shrugs, a cloud of smoke escaping her nostrils. “I can’t say that Kafka is ever a favorite of mine, but he really is sui generis. And Amerika is probably the most approachable of all his works? It’s funny too.”
“I never thought I’d hear Kafka and funny in the same sentence.”
“Yeah, well, it’s very subtle. And if only you can understand his nightmarish sense of humor, that is,” she explains, shrugging again, like she’s embarrassed. “I don’t know, maybe you’ll like it.”
Frankly, he hates Kafka. He hates his vatic, dead-eye vision of the world; that acute sense of hopelessness clinging onto his main protagonists like vines, but Adler finds himself nodding, anyway.
“Sure, lend me your copy once you're done with it." If she’s surprised by his answer, she does not tell her. But Adler thinks she’s smiling though- just the barest quirk of her lips, but it’s enough for him to know that she appreciates the gesture.
A brief, unmapped silence ensues.
"I'm sorry, by the way."
Adler arches an eyebrow at her. "For what?"
Bell slots a bookmark into the book, closes it, frowns at it.
"For yesterday. I, uh… I feel like I was being insolent to you.”
He looks sidelong at Bell and tries to read her. Her expression is raw and open, a painting visible through a small tear in the paper. For some reason, that catches him by surprise.
“You already apologized, you know?” Adler teases lamely.
“I know, but still it was uncalled for and very unprofessional of me. You’re my CO, not some random BND agent I’m forced to work with. I shouldn’t have said that," she mumbles softly and sighs, world-weary, heavy, sounding like a woman twice her age. "It will not happen again. I promise you."
"Hey, consider it water under the bridge, kid. You’re in a rather rough place right now, I wouldn’t hold it against you,” he tells her, fond. “What matters is you’re alright. We can’t catch Perseus if you’re green around the gills.”
Her eyes meet his. He meets her back.
“Thank you.” And Bell rotates her body to face him. Mussed brunette hair and sharp cheekbones, mouth kinked up in sympathy as she says, “Is this what you have to put up with all these years?"
He summons a smirk. "With you? More or less."
And then the woman does the unexpected; Bell laughs. She fucking laughs. Delicate sounding, like a tinkling glass, petals wrapped in satin, moonbeams through frosted windows. It dies, too soon to his liking. Adler privately lets the sound of her laughter replays in his head, as if trying to pocket it.
It’s only after Ukraine when he discovers that she smells different. That wintry floral smell of hers that he’s accustomed to is commingling with something else.
But now-
Now, there's music in the air.
Sims does this sometimes, bringing his Zenith Trans-Oceanic, or as he would call it the Tranny, to the safehouse and they would tune in to international radio stations. Cream's Sunshine Of Your Love is playing- or more specifically, their song is 5 seconds away from being cut off abruptly by the DJ. The song reminds him of Vietnam, regrettably. The root of all madness.
“Next up, is my favorite ever track-to-track transition on an album. This is Pink Floyd’s Brain Damage and-”
Adler stops whatever it is he’s scribbling. He sits up, ramrod straight.
“Mind switching to another station?” he asks suddenly, glances up at Sims quickly who, as Adler suspected, is giving him a rather odd look.
"I've always hated Pink Floyd." Only because he’s out of reason. Only because he can feel Bell’s confused stare, searing into his temple. Only because it’s the only way of escaping this. "Change it, please."
Sims opens his mouth. The unspoken: how about that time in Denver?
The telling jerk of Adler’s lips warns him not to ask.
The other man clamps his mouth shut, seemingly gets the message and switches to a different station. He never brings his radio again.
Frank Woods is exactly how Adler saw him last time- or since Hue City, that is: tigerish and intimidating- a kick in the head voice, a hurricane in the shape of a man and he is making his way to him right now.
“Can I talk to you for a sec?”
"So talk."
Woods shakes his head. "Not here."
Adler looks at him at last now, curiosity creeping over him. He then stubs his cigarette, nods once and leads them both to his office.
Once they’re inside, he locks the door, secures the blinds.
“What is it?” Adler takes a seat behind his desk. Woods remains standing. He paces around the room, a hand on his bearded chin.
“What the fuck is going on with your girl?”
Adler doesn’t know which one is worse, the fact that Woods manages to sniff out something going on with Bell or that he just addresses her as his girl. Either way, it's bad. Either way, Adler should have expected the former issue. Woods is astute as he is dangerous. There's a reason why the CIA gave the green light for Mason and Hudson to save him in Da Nang all those years ago, after all.
"What about her?" Adler asks, even-toned, giving nothing away. Even though he is in the ‘need to know’ column regarding Bell’s brainwashing, this is something Adler initially wishes he could keep under wraps.
“Don’t bullshit me, Adler. She has that look on her face- I see it in her eyes. The exact same look Mason has been wearing since ‘Nam,” Woods tells him, point-blank, never being the one to settle for niceties. After Hudson, Adler thinks he simply can’t tolerate the agency anymore.
“I saw it all, remember? Had a fucking front row seat to his relapse and shit, so don’t tell me she’s alright. Not when it looks like she could snap out of it any moment.” Woods has his hands on the table and looks at him dead-on. “Tell me I’m right. Tell me there is something wrong with her.”
He regards the other man coolly. Woods is no longer asking. Adler is out of move.
“You're right,” he answers simply, eventually, tipping his king over on its side, stopping the clock. "Did you talk to Hudson regarding this?"
"Since when did I report to Agent stick-up-his-ass? Fuck no. That's why I came straight to you.” Woods heaves a heavy sigh, like he’s the one with all these burdens. “Now, what the hell’s wrong with her?”
“She’s suffering from brain damage."
“Shit. All that ‘cause of MK-Ultra?”
“One of the few factors that caused it, yes.”
His mouth goes flat. "How bad is it?”
“Bad. We’re trying to minimize for any collateral as we speak, at least until we finally get our hands on Perseus. But she… she might not make it.” Adler leans back in his chair, like his body feels heavy all of the sudden.
Woods nods. Uncharacteristically silent, looking strangely contemplative, sympathetic even. That should be categorized as an oddity itself, Woods and him, two proud Americans, Vietnam veterans and she’s just another red, another blood they would indubitably sacrifice for their country and they’re sympathizing with her? Yet something deep inside Adler, something resonates like the throat of a storm, sinks its teeth into him, confounds him, every time he thinks of her.
Woods crosses his arms over his chest, glances at the door, as if someone might knock anytime soon, then back to him.
"So, what's the plan?" He quickly adds, "if things go south, what are you gonna do?"
"It won't come to that. She'll come through, I know it," Adler counters, suddenly defensive. Whatever the use of his tone indicates, Woods ignores it.
"You sure about that?”
"Are you doubting me?” Adler spits out a retort. A quiet fury grasps him tight, but he forces himself to keep under a tight lid.
Woods holds his hands up in mock surrender.
"Look, I’m just saying, that woman is a loose cannon- you can’t be too careful."
"We have everything under control, Woods. And this is the least of your worry right now."
"Alright, okay. If you say you and Park have her contained already, then fine. I trust you,” he says and heads for the door.
“Oh, and one more thing,” Woods says again. He’s facing the door, back to him. “Whatever happens, keep Mason in the dark about any of this."
“Of course. He isn’t on a need to know basis from the very start, you know that.”
"Good. ‘cause the less he knows the better." Woods pauses like he's constructing an entire sentence in his head. He peers over his shoulder. "I mean it. He’s been through enough. I don’t know which ground you crawled up from, but up here, some people implement this kind of civility to other people.”
The words sting, yet Adler stares back at him, seemingly unfazed. "What, you’re saying that I’m simply heartless?”
“Nah,” Woods says, satirical and sardonic. “You’re just Adler.” And with that, he’s gone.
It was eight o'clock on a mid-September evening and Adler found himself coming home to an empty house.
His wife had already left a week prior, crossing the country with a self-proclaimed film critic she'd met at the premiere of The Shining last summer, but Adler didn't know that yet.
He went to the kitchen. Dropped his suitcase, pulled off his coat and scarf. He reeked of cigarettes, cheap air freshener and jet fuel- air travel is simply sickening, in terms of its cost and smell- and in a desperate need of a hot bath.
"Honey?" He switched the lights on. She wasn't here. So Adler headed upstairs, to their room where they would rest their bones every night for the past 15 years. The door was slightly ajar. He expected to see her sleeping from under the duvet, hair splaying all over the pillow.
What he found was a folded note on his bedside table. He stared at it, his heart at his throat, fearing the worst, the unimaginable. He picked the letter and unfolded it.
Forgive me.
Live or die, but don't poison everything .
His head did pirouette. So, this was it. This was what it felt like, he thought.
Not heartbreak, not sadness. But a collapse of the world- his world and all he could do was watch from the sidelines.
Adler stares at the words now, sleeves rolled up, anatomical heart. The paper is fading, wrinkled and it smells like smoke and decay and tears, capped with something akin to regret.
It has his name on it, begins with it, and ends with an apology, written in cursive. Like microscopic snakes dancing around his peripheral vision, hissing in his ears.
Live or die, but don't poison everything.
No one likes to be told that they are sick, but Russell Adler has learned to acknowledge it, embrace it, weaponize it. Her words mean zero shit to him now. You can't condemn someone to the depths of hell when it's the only place he's known all his life.
So, he takes the letter for the last time, remembering how the ink used to smudge his calloused fingers, crumples it up, that satisfying crunch dins in his palm, and tosses it into the fireplace.
The paper crackles. Good fucking riddance. It really takes all this time for him to grow the guts, apparently, and he just stares and stares as the fire begins to engulf everything, wiping away his past failure.
He promises he would never fail again, at anything. No matter what the cost, failure is never going to be an option.
Bell arrives at the garage with frantic eyes, a half-burnt cigarette between her lips and uncharacteristically late. Color peppering her cheeks- red, like an apple bitten into.
“I’m sorry, I overslept,” is her excuse, but she’s looking at the room strangely, he thinks, almost like she’s seeking a particular face.
When she makes her way to her desk, when she whizzes past him by the board and her planet is entering his orbit for the first time in the morning, Adler, as if by accident or by design, inhales deeply.
His breath snags.
She smells like someone else.
(Someone fucked her last night)
The telephone rings in the distance.
“Sims. Yeah, sure, let me get him. Hold on.” He puts the call on hold. “Doc, you might wanna take this one.”
(Someone was in her bed; beside her, above her, under her. Inside her. He imagines her fingers digging into the mattress as they rolled her onto her stomach, mouth trailing down the ladder of her spine. Their breaths intermingled in the seraphic glow of her hotel room)
Adler mechanically crosses the room and picks the receiver.
(If he herds her away from prying eyes and pushes down the collar of her shirt, would he see the evidence there, taunting him? If he kisses her, would he taste them instead of her? )
"Perhaps," he says over the phone, his face hard. "But my decision is final. I'm sending Woods and Mason to Yamantau. They'll leave in a few days."
(Did they make her come?)
"Of course. Why do you think I chose them for this mission?"
(If she made them?)
“Most likely, but we're prepared for this- you know we are," Adler says, customer service polite, an old recording on a playback. "Right. Well, that concludes the matter then. Yeah, you have a wonderful day to yourself.”
Adler hangs up the telephone. Breathes out a sigh. He pinches the bridge of his nose for a few good seconds, before remembering that he has an audience.
"Oof. Sounds rough," comments Sims, dark eyes slanting in concern.
(Maybe she likes that, rough. Teeth biting the back of her shoulder, that sweet juxtaposition of pain and pleasure coursing through their veins, his hand curling around her throat from behind as she pants and mewls like-)
(But this isn’t about him. Never about him)
"That's one way to put it."
Someone else fucked her. It shouldn't leave an acrid taste in his mouth, but it does.
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 34
Holy crap, I'm alive haha Ok, so this was suppose to be out for Halloween... sadly I didn't make it due to lack of inspiration and overthinking. Thank you, brain. Anyway, here's the latest chapter of ROA! So a quick warning before you read this. There is mentions of physical and emotional abuse and a scene of verbal abuse and hints of violent towards a minor so I am issuing out a trigger warning. I have tried to make it bearable to read but it is there never the less. Also this chapter is the first chapter that has a different lucky charm to the OG and also no Evil Lady Noir or Anatis. That isn't their nightmares. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :D
Chapter 34: Sandboy
Luka hummed to himself lightly as he watched the latest video on the Ladyblog. Alya had done a compilation on the best cat memes on the internet that had featured Lady Noir. He laughed gently as he watched it, wiping his eye a little. His partner was crazy but he wouldn't change her for the world. He loved how he could rely on her and how she always had his back. He chuckled again before he looked at Tikki, frowning as he noticed she looked sad. He paused the video and sat up, gently look at her.
 "Tikki, is everything ok?" He asked as he noticed her song. It was full of sad notes and seemed melodramatic. Not at all her usual tune. She let out a little sigh, looking at him. "What's wrong? Are you sick again?"
 "No, Luka," She mumbled, sitting up and looking at him. "I'm not ill,"
 "You're sad," He mumbled, gently scoping her into his hands. "Wanna talk about it?"
 "It's the Kwami Nooroo's transmission tonight..." She sighed, looking sadly. Nooroo. Luka frowned as he recognized the name. Why did that seem so familiar? His eyes widen as he realized it was the name of Hawkmoth's kwami. 
 "Hawkmoth's kwami?" He asked, getting a nod of her.
 "Yes... he's celebrating his 3500th cycle today... all by himself," She sighed, looking down. Luka frowned as he wasn't how to cheer her up.
 "Tikki, I promise we'll free him one day I promise," He whispered, making her look at him.
 "Well, there may be a faster solution," She mumbled, making him raise an eyebrow. "You see Kwamis are able to communicate with their kind on their cycle or as you call it birthday but we won't get another opportunity for a long time. See a kwami's cycle lasts several hundred of years,"
 "So you could find out where he is?" Luka asked with a hopeful look in his eyes before he frowned and looked at her. "But how would you do that?"
 "The kwamis must gather in the miracle box at a specific time,"
 "That's great," Luka grinned. "When is that time?"
"Tonight..." She mumbled, looking down. Luka frowned a little. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but Master Fu didn't want us to leave our owners' side. He said we have to be able to transform straight away if an akuma turns up,"
 "While he has a point, this is a once in a life time opportunity," Luka mumbled before he looked at Tikki. "I think you should go. If you can contact Nooroo then maybe he can give us his location and in turn maybe we can rescue him and defeat Hawkmoth,"
 "Really? I can go?" She gasped, causing him to nod before she flew at him, hugging herself against his chest. "Oh, thank you, Luka! I won't let you down,"
 "I know, Tikki," He smiled as she pulled away before she flew out and grabbed one of his highlighters. "Tell the kwamis I say hi,"
 "I will," She grinned. "Sweet dreams, Luka,"
 "Have a good time, Tikki,"
 ~Meanwhile at Marinette's~
 "Oh, boy! I am exhausted!!" Plagg gasped, pretending to yawn as Marinette worked on her latest project. "I'm gonna head to bed!!"
 "Ok, Plagg, have sweet dreams," She replied as she grabbed some more material. He smirked and placed a sock that resembled him into his little bed that Marinette had made him. A tiny part of him felt a little bad that he was going off but he had a plan with Wayzz and Tikki plus they needed to contact Nooroo. If he could be contacted then they could learn Hawkmoth's real identity. The good outweighed the evil. With his mind reassured, he flew up through the sky light and out into the night, carrying a piece of cheese with him. He flew as quickly as he could to where Tikki said she would meet him and smiled a little bit to himself when he saw her. She was sat staring up at the sky while holding a yellow highlighter. He flew over to her and grinned.
 "Hey, sugar cube!" He smirked, making her look at him.
 "Uh, I've already told you not to call me that," She declared, glaring at him. "Do you ever hear me calling you stinky sock?"
 "Noo... but you should," He grinned, making her frown. "Cause that would be delightful, Sugar Cube,"
 She huffed and flew off, making him follow her as they headed to Master Fu's. 
 "Sooo... what lies did you tell your owner to sneak out tonight?" He asked, grinning at her. Tikki rolled her eyes and looked at him.
 "Actually, I told him the honest truth," She declared, making him make a thoughtful look.
 "Oh... maybe I should try that some day and see what it's like," He suggested before throwing the chuck of cheese up and swallowing it whole. Tikki gasped and glared at him.
 "Plagg! You should have saved some for the others," She scolded as he grinned at her.
 "True but I was so grossed out by your kindness that it made me really hungry," He explained, looking at her but she rolled her eyes before looking ahead as they flew. She let out a little sigh, making Plagg look at her. "Something wrong, Sugarcube?"
 "It's nothing..." She sighed, frowning a little. "I... I just hope we can get in contact with Nooroo,"
 "So do I," He admitted, feeling his eyes fill up with tears. He really missed Nooroo. He sniffed a little, getting Tikki's attention.
 "Are you crying?" She asked, causing him to look at her.
 "Who? Me? Of course not," He gasped, shaking his head to get rid of his tears. "Are you kidding?! Come on... let's race! The last one there won't get any cheese!!"
 With that, he rushed off, causing Tikki to smile and follow them. It didn't get them long before they arrived. They flew over to the door and Tikki gently knocked on it before Plagg opened the door and flew in.
 "Hey Wayzz!" He declared, getting Wayzz attention. "How's it going?!"
 "Ssh!! You'll wake up master," He gasped, pointing to Master Fu who was snorting and had a magazine over his face. Wayzz turned to them and gestured for them to follow him. They flew over to where the phonograph was before Tikki and Plagg turn to Wayzz. "If you mange to contact Nooroo, wish him a happy 3500 cycles for me,"
 "We sure will, Wayzz," Tikki declared before Plagg and her flew into the cylinder and towards the miracle box. They entered into the little pocket world that existed within the miracle box and floated down towards a collection of odd objects.
 "Hi everybody!" Plagg declared, looking around. "We're here!!"
 As soon as he said that, the Kwamis peeked out from the objects and floated over, happy to see the two other kwamis.
 "Tikki, Plagg!!" Ziggy, the goat Kwami, gasped as she floated over, along with the others. "You came!"
 The other kwamis cheered and surrounded them as Plagg and Tikki smiled.
 "With you two here, we'll be able to get in contact with Nooroo for sure," She declared, causing the rest of the kwamis to cheer again. Pollen floated over and smiled sweetly at them.
 "Good day to you, noble kwamis of creation and destruction," She declared but before she could finish her greeting, Daizzi, the pig kwami, floated over excitedly.
 "Oooh!! What did you bring? What did you bring?" He asked, clearly excited as the rest of the kwamis floated over, clearly interested as well. Plagg stepped forward and cleared his throat.
 "Brothers and sisters living within the world of the miracle box... on this special day, I brought you some delicious cheese!" He declared, getting impressed cheers before he pouted and looked sorrowful. "Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice it on the way here to feed a poor, starving kitten!!"
 He placed his paw on his forehead for dramatic effect, causing the rest of the kwamis to coo and aww at his 'noble' sacrifice.
 "Aww, that's just so cute," Ziggy declared as Tikki shook her head.
 "What about you, Tikki?!" Daizzi asked excitedly. Tikki smiled and turned to them.
 "From my owner's home, I bring you this," She stated, looking at the highlighter. The kwamis grabbed the pen of her and began to examine it with Roarr declaring it as a paintbrush. Even if that wasn't correct. Tikki smiled as Sass floated over to her and Plagg before clearly her voice, getting the attention of the other kwamis. "My owner also sends his greetings,"
 "Really?" Daizzi asked, surprised as Pollen smiled.
 "Tell my prince that I return his greeting," She smiled, bowing. Plagg snorted but Tikki smiled as Xuppa, the monkey kwami, floated over to a Walkman that was set up like a DJ booth.
 "Let's get this party started!!" He declared, pressing the button to start playing some songs. Instantly, the other kwamis began to dance and cheer, clearly enjoying themselves as Sass turned to Tikki and Plagg.
 "Your owners were wise to give you permission to come," He declared, making Tikki nod.
 "Yes, Sass. Lu-" She suddenly burped little red bubbles, making her gasp as Plagg laughed.
 "Your owner," Sass grinned, knowing she meant Luka as Plagg teased her.
 "You forgot about the magic spell," He chuckled. "We can't say our owner's name to each other, remember?"
 "Yes!" Tikki grinned before turning back to Plagg. "My owner is the best Ladybug I've ever served. He's very creative and compassionate,"
 "Yes, he seemed that way when I met him," Sass nodded, smiling. "In fact, I sense that he would make an excellent snake. It takes a lot of skill to be able to use the snake miraculous and the ladybug miraculous at the same time,"
 "Yes, Red Mumba was a very powerful merge," Tikki nodded. "And Plagg helped too,"
 "Of course," Sass nodded, smiling at Plagg before he looked back at Plagg. "When you return to your owner, send my regards to him,"
 "Of course, Sass," Tikki nodded, getting a smile of the snake.
 "Now back to the matter at hand," He stated, smiling. "We are very fortunate that the guardian also agreed to this, otherwise we may not get another chance to try and find Nooroo,"
 "Yes! Which reminds me... Tikki, shall we dance?" Plagg grinned. "We need to properly celebrate our friend Nooroo after all,"
 With that, he grabbed Tikki and joined the other kwamis in dancing. 
 ~Meanwhile at Marinette's~
 "Hmmm... Adrien..." Marinette muttered in her sleep, smiling to herself as she dreamt. She turned to her side. "We'll have a house... but... Luka... hmm... Luka... we'll have a cat... hmm forget the cat... cats and boats don't go well together...but Adrien... hmm..."
 "Marinette..." Adrien's voice made her jolt awake as she looked around but she didn't see anything yet somehow her room feel strange and eerie. 
 "What- what's going on?" She gasped as she sat up. She could hear the sound of footsteps, moving towards her bed. She felt frightened and unsure as she heard someone climb towards her before a hand suddenly grabbed her railing and Adrien pulled himself up. Only he didn't look like Adrien. She frowned. It did look like him but something was wrong. However, she could put her finger on it as he smiled at her. "Adrien?"
 "Do you want to know my secret, Marinette?" He drew out her name, sending shivers down her spine and making her shake her head as she cupped her face. He twisted his head to the side in an unnatural manner. "I'm in love with a girl and her name is Chloe!!"
 Marinette let out a scream and threw her covers over him but a dark chuckle made her look towards the rest of her room. Sat on the chaise was Luka but like Adrien, there was something wrong about him. He had a nasty smirk on his lips. A sneer that reminded her of Lila to a certain degree. He stood up and glared up at her.
 "Pathetic," He snarled, shocking her. "You're a stupid, clumsy girl who has zero talent. Do you really think I actually like you? I'm only friends with you because it works in my favor. The only thing you're good for is to help me become famous and once I've done that... well, then there's no use for you anymore... is there, Marinette?"
 He dragged out her name too as he walked over in a slow and menacing way. The fake Adrien grabbed her leg, causing her to scream before she shoved him back down and used him to jump up to her sky light before climbing out of it and closing it. 
 "That was definitely not the real Luka or Adrien," She muttered, frowning deeply as she backed away from the skylight. She heard screams, making her look over her balcony and seeing a lot of Parisians running around from things such as T-Rexs or sentient cars. She frowned deeply before she noticed something in the sky. She looked up and saw it was a little boy on some sort of cloud. She frowned to herself as she noticed he blended in with the night sky and his cloud seemed to be dusting everyone with some sort of sand. He had to be an akuma.
 "The Sandboy just checked in," He declared, confirming her theory. "Now nightmares can begin,"
 "He must be bringing nightmares to life," She muttered as she heard her skylight open.
 "One day, Chloe and I are going to have a house together and we're have a hamster together called Marinetteee!!" The nightmare Adrien called out, dragging her name out again. She rushed over but nightmare Luka suddenly grabbed her wrist.
 "Marinette!" He snarled, roughly grabbing her. "You're nothing to me. I hate your designs, I hate the color pink and I hate you!"
 "And you're not real," She gasped, kicking him in the face. She knocked him back into Adrien and closed the skylight again before holding out her hand. "Plagg! Claws out!!"
 She closed her eyes, expecting to transform but opened them when nothing happened before gasping as the skylight was pushed open again, knocking her back. This time, Nightmare Luka climbed out, followed by Nightmare Adrien. Both glared down at her as she stared up at them.
 "How pathetic," Nightmare Luka growled. "You're the worst superhero ever,"
 "Marinetteeee!!" Nightmare Adrien shook as he screeched her name. She got up and backed away from them. She needed to wake up Plagg. "The prettiest and smartest one of all is Chloeeee!"
 "Agree to disagree," She declared as both nightmares dived at her but she dodged both and jumped through her skylight, closing it behind her. She slid down the rail near her  bed before landing on the floor and rushing over to Plagg's bed. She gasped as she found a sock version Plagg in place of the real one, meaning Plagg had sneaked off. She frowned as she wondered why but she would have to ask him when she found him. She grabbed her slippers as she heard her the sound of the nightmares trying to open her skylight and slipped them on before opening her trap door and sneaking downstairs. She carefully slid past the kitchen as her father would be up, preparing stuff for the bakery. She carefully slipped outside the side door and ran as fast as she could down the street, making her way to Master Fu's. He would know what to do and hopefully Anatis would arrive soon.
 ~At Luka's Place~
 "No..." Luka muttered as he turned in his bed. His face was scrunched up and he seemed distressed. He gripped his cover in his fist as he frowned. "I'm not... I'm not useless..."
 He gasped as he turned again but this time, some of Sandboy's sand sprinkled down on him, causing him to jolt awake. Sweat dripped down his brow as he breathed in before he shook his head and got up. He wondered over to the kitchen and filled up a cup of water, taking a gulp before he pinched his nose and let out a sigh.
 "It was just a bad dream..." He mumbled, taking another gulp but he felt like someone was watching him. He turned around and dropped his glass, smashing it as he stared at the figure sat on the sofa. It turned his head to him and stood up, making him step back in fear. "N-No... y-you left... M-Mum kicked you out..."
 "Luka," He growled, stepping into the light. "Is that anyway to talk to your father?"
 Luka didn't say a thing. Instead, he just bolted out of there and ran back to his room, slamming the door shut and locking it. He could heard footsteps coming towards his room, causing him to feel more panicked. He grabbed his guitar and used it to barricade the door the same way he did when Captain Hardrock appeared. He turned to his porthole as the man began to bang on his door violently. He went to open it but jumped back in surprise as bars appeared across it, trapping him inside the boat with a monster of a man he never wanted to see again. Panic settle in as he stepped back but he took a deep breathe as he would be able to escape as Anatis or at least fight his father that way. He closed his eyes and swiped his earrings.
 "Tikki! Spots on!!" He declared but nothing happened. Then he remembered why. He had given Tikki permission to go to the Miracle Box. He was unable to transform without her, meaning he was alone and trapped. A violent thud made him jump and step back.
 "Luka, come out of there right now!" His father scolded, making him want to curl up. "I'm not mad. I just want to talk,"
 "N-no..." He gasped, sinking down onto his knees and curling up. "Y-You lie... you said you weren't mad and that you just wanted to talk but..."
 He couldn't bring to finish the sentence as tears filled his eyes. He jumped again as his father violently knocked on the door, causing the guitar to slip. Luka gasped and rushed over, pushing it back in place. He looked around and his luck vision kicked in, highly his bed and desk. He dragged his bed to the door, using it to block it then did the same with his desk. His luck vision also lit up his spare bike chain. He used it secure the door even more as his father pounded on it. He stepped back until his back hit the wall and slid down it as he curled up.
 "You can't hide in there forever, you little brat!" His father screamed through the door, making him cover his ears. "You're trapped in here with me forever!!"
 ~Back to the Miracle Box~
 Tikki grinned as she danced with Plagg and Pollen. Sass was happily watching from the sideline but she wasn't surprise. He wasn't much of a party kwami. That was definitely more Xuppa's area. She grinned as the cycle symbol lined up and stopped moving, meaning it was time to try and contact Nooroo. Sass cleared his throat and held up his arms.
 "My friends, the time has come!" He declared, causing all of the kwamis to get into their places. Tikki stood next to Plagg, who gave her a little nod before they both paid attention to Sass. "Fellow Kwamis, tonight as you know, we have a special opportunity to create a connection with Nooroo but we must put our voices together in order to achieve this. Kwamis! Sing!!"
 Following Sass's order, all of the kwamis began to sing, placing their hope to contact their lost friend into their voices as they did. They hoped that if they were able to reach him, they could find out where he is, which then lead them to know where Hawkmoth was. Anatis and Lady Noir would take it from there and finally be able to end his reign of terror on Paris and free their friend. Once that was done, Tikki, Plagg and Nooroo could finally come home. They may even be able to find Duusu as well or they could hope at least.
 ~Streets of Paris~
 Marinette ran as fast as she could, dodging other people and their nightmares. It was completely chaos. A bin man was been chased by wheelie bins and a woman was been chased by a crocodile that wasn't Fang but to be honest, she couldn't be certain about that one. Office Roger attempted to try and control the situation, only to run away with swat as their cars turned on them. Marinette frowned deeply as she looked around. Anatis still hadn't turned up, which was unlike him. She could only hope that he was ok and that he wasn't trapped by one of these nightmares.
 "The Sandboy just checked in. Now Nightmares can begin," Sandboy sang as she noticed him up in the sky, making her frown even more. Anatis really should be here by now.
 "Marinetteee, I'm in love with Chloeeee!!" Nightmare Adrien declared as him and Nightmare Luka caught up to her. She looked back at them and frowned as they moved towards her.
 "Marinette, I hate you!!" Nightmare Luka growled, causing her to shake her head and run off. She took a sharp turn and made her way up the street, keeping her out for Anatis and the rest of the nightmares.
 ~The Miracle Box~
 The kwamis kept singing but they had yet to reach Nooroo. Plagg looked over at Tikki, who looked just as worried as he was. He nodded and she flew over to Sass, who was singing as well. Plagg followed over as Sass looked to them.
 "He's not gonna make it, Sass," Tikki gasped, making the snake frown but he couldn't disagree. They down a few kwamis.
 "We're missing a few kwamis," He explained, frowning. "We need the peafowl... we've not heard from her for some time now,"
 "What if we brought Wayzz in?" Plagg asked, causing Sass to look at him before he pointed at him.
 "We won't have another opportunity to contact Nooroo until his next birthday," Sass mumbled, weighting up the idea before he nodded. "Go get him!"
 Plagg nodded and flew out of the miracle box, heading into Master Fu's room. Master Fu was still asleep and Wayzz was standing guard. He flew over to him, making him look at him.
 "Is there a problem, Plagg?" He asked, making the kwami nod.
 "We can't contact Nooroo. We're not strong enough but if you were to join us, we think we could do it," Plagg grinned but Wayzz shook his head.
 "No, I have to stay here and kept guard," He gasped, even though he wanted to see if he could contact him. "I'm sorry, Plagg,"
 "But this could be our only chance to find Nooroo and Hawkmoth," Plagg pleaded, making Wayzz look to his master. He was still asleep and it didn't look like he would wake up anytime soon. He turned back to Plagg and grinned.
 "Ok, let's do it!" He declared before the two of them flew back into the miracle box. They flew down to the other kwamis and Wayzz took his place before everyone began to sing again. This time, it worked, causing the symbol in the middle to glow blue before sending a beam of light out into the world. 
 ~Master Fu's Place~
 Marinette carefully sneaked in and looked around as she was unsure. This was the first time she had come to Master Fu as Marinette and she was nervous. She wasn't sure if he would recognize her but she hoped that he would. After all, he was the one who gave her the black cat miraculous and she had just been Marinette that day. Of course, that didn't stop her overthinking. She was also wondering if Anatis had come here too. Had he lost Tikki and that's why he hadn't turned up yet? Or was he trapped in a nightmare and unable to transform? She frowned deeply as she moved across the room but before she could do anything, Sandboy's sand was sprinkled over Master Fu. She rushed over and shook him.
 "Master Fu, wake up!" She gasped, causing him to jolt awake. He looked at her and blinked.
 "Lady Noir?" He gasped, surprised. "What are you doing here? And why are you in your civilian form?"
 "There's an akuma-" She began to explain but was interrupted.
 "Fu!" A female voice called out, making both Master Fu and Marinette jump as three ghostly monk appeared. "We are the ghosts of the Order of the Miraculous! You caused our downfall and lost two miraculous!!"
 "It was not my fault!" He gasped as Marinette moved her arm protectively in front of him. "I did not do it on purpose!"
 "Yes, you did! It was your fault! Your fault!" The monks declared, making him shake before he hid behind a stool, clearly afraid. 
 "Lady Noir! You need to transform!" He gasped as she grabbed a pillow and tried to shoo away the ghosts, only for the pillow to go through them.
 "I can't, Master Fu!" She gasped. "That's why I came here. Plagg has disappeared and Anatis hasn't turned up yet!"
 "What?!" Master Fu gasped. "Wayzz! Wayzz!!"
 The little turtle kwami didn't appear, making him worry. Wayzz would never leave his side and the only place he would go would be the miracle box. He realized that that must be where Plagg and Wayzz were and if those two were inside, chances are Tikki was too, which explained why Anatis hadn't turned up yet. Like Marinette, Luka was unable to transform because Tikki wasn't there. He jumped as his door was kicked down, making Marinette let out a scream as Nightmare Adrien broke through the door.
 "I'm in love with a girl and her name is Chloe!!" He shouted as Master Fu gasped. The door was fully kicked in by Nightmare Luka, who looked angry before he tried to attack Marinette.
 "This is disastrous!" Master Fu gasped as Marinette dodged Nightmare Luka's attack. "Marinette, Plagg, Tikki and Wayzz must be in the miracle box,"
 "Ok, can't we open it and drag them out?!" She gasped, causing him to shake his head.
 "There's no way to communicate with them while they are in the miracle box, even if we open it," He stated, making her frown as she fell from Nightmare Adrien grabbing her ankle. 
 "I'm in love with Chloe!!"
 "And I hate you, Marinette! I always have!!"
 ~The Miracle Box~
 "Nooroo, Nooroo, Nooroo!!" The Kwamis chanted as they continued to make their connection but to their surprise, a man let out a yell causing them to gasp.
 What is that?! 
 "That's not Nooroo!" Tikki declared as she felt an intense sense of darkness and evil, along with the rest of the kwamis. There was only one person who could give off that aura.
 "That's Hawkmoth!" Plagg confirmed, making the other kwamis gasp.
 "Keep singing!" Stompp declared, looking at the rest of the kwamis. "We must find try to find out where he is hiding!"
 Aha! It's me who's going to find you, Little Kwamis! And I will make you my slaves! Just like Nooroo!!
 The beam turned a dark purple and in the orb that created it, Hawkmoth's symbol appeared, sending powerful waves of energy through the miracle box, causing the Kwamis to scream in pain and fear.
 "His will is so powerful," Fluff declared as Barkk pushed themselves up and looked at the others.
 "We must cut off all communication!" She declared with a worried look. "Hawkmoth is trying to track us down!"
 She stood up and placed her paws together before swiping the outwards. The rest of the kwamis did the same action, causing the beam of light to disappear and cutting off Hawkmoth's connection. Plagg and Tikki let out a gasp of relief but Wayzz gasped as the other kwamis checked on each other, making sure everyone was ok.
 "Hey, wait!" He stated, making them all look at him. "The reason why we can't talk to Nooroo is because he's powering Hawkmoth right now, which means Hawkmoth has probably akumatized someone right now!!"
 "And since Plagg and Tikki are with us..." Ziggy mumbled, frowning.
 "Anatis and Lady Noir can't transform," Kaalki gasped, finishing off the sentence, causing all of the kwamis to gasp in horror before she turned to Tikki, Plagg and Wayzz. "Go and find your owners straight away!!"
 Tikki, Plagg and Wayzz didn't need telling twice. They flew up and out of the miracle box, entering Master Fu's department. The scene that greeted them was insane. Marinette was trying to fight off an enraged Luka while a deranged Adrien kept on mumbling something about flowers and Chloe. Master Fu, on the other hand, was trying to fight off some ghostly looking monks, causing Tikki to gasp at the carnage.
 "Hey, is that your owner?" Plagg asked but Tikki shook her head.
 "No... Pwah! No, he would never been so horrible or violent towards her!" She gasped as the strange version slammed his hand against the wall and told Marinette that he hated her and that he wished he had never met her. "He would never treat anyone that way but I better go find him! I just hope he's doing ok!!"
 With that, she flew off through the window and towards the Seine. Plagg and Wayzz flew over to Marinette and Master Fu, causing Marinette to push back Nightmare Luka and cup Plagg in her hand.
 "Oh! Plagg! You're ok!" She gasped, clearly worried about him before she looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Why did you leave?"
 "I'm sorry, Marinette," He gasped, looking down. "We just wanted to try and find Nooroo,"
 "We should have warned you, Master," Wayzz added in.
 "We'll talk about it later!" Master Fu gasped as Nightmare Luka got back up. "Marinette! Transform!!"
 "Yes, Master!" She declared, holding out her hand. "Plagg! Claws out!!"
 She transformed into Lady Noir and grinned towards the Nightmare version of Luka.
 "Time to give you a real cat fight!" She grinned before attacking him and throwing him into one of Master Fu's cupboard. She grabbed the Nightmare Adrien and threw him in there as well, throwing him into Nightmare Luka who just went to get up before slamming the door shut and locked it before summoning her cataclysm and tapping the door knob. It rusted and broke, trapping them inside the cupboard. She turned to the ghosts and cracked her knuckles as she smirked, making them wail and disappear.
 "Alright, Master Fu. I bet go and find the akuma," She stated, getting a nod of him. "The ghosts will probably come back when I'm gone but please remember. They're just bad dreams,"
 "I shall try, Lady Noir," He nodded as she moved over to the window and jumped out into the night.
 Tikki flew as fast as she could through the city. She had figured out by now that the akumas power to bring nightmares to life but that didn't help. She was now extremely worried about Luka and what nightmare he faced. She sped up and looked around before noticing the akuma following her. It appeared to be a little boy but he growled when he realized she had seen him.
 "Sandboy just checked in!" He growled, using his pillow to fire at her. She dodged all of the hits. "Now Nightmares can begin!!"
 "I don't need to know what my nightmare is," She declared, diving down into a subway and flying towards an oncoming train. Sandboy had to move out of the way to not be hit but she used the chance to disappear through the wall and fly to the Seine. She quickly looked around and let out a little sigh when she saw she wasn't been followed. She headed to the liberty and flew into Luka's room, gasping as she saw him curled up in the corner of his room, covering his ears with his hands. Prison bars were blocking the porthole and his bed and draws had been moved to block the door, along with his guitar but to her horror, the door was moving as someone violently banged on it, screaming horrifying words that were directed at Luka. She rushed over to him and gently touched his knee, making him look at her. His eyes were red, like he had been crying and she could see tear stains on his cheeks. "Luka, I'm so sorry. It didn't work and I shouldn't have left you,"
 "Tikki," He croaked, gently picking her up as he smiled at her. "I'm g-glad you're back..."
 "Are you ok?" She asked, gently placing her hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and gave her a weak smile.
 "I'm ok now you're back," He mumbled, wiping his eyes. "Let's transform,"
 She nodded and he swiped his earrings.
 "Tikki! Spots on!!" He declared, transforming into Anatis, just as the door finally gave in but before the nightmare version of his father could do anything, he threw his yoyo and wrapped it around him. The nightmare version struggled to break free as Anatis yanked his yoyo, causing him to spin towards an open cupboard. He slammed the door shut and used a chair to trap him inside before running up to the surface and jump onto the street before throwing his yoyo up and swinging through the city. He landed on a roof next to Lady Noir, who was looking around. "Any ideas on the akuma, kitten?"
 "He's calling himself Sandboy and his power is to make your worst nightmares come to life," She declared, making him nod. She looked at him and noticed his eyes were still a bit red from crying. "You ok?"
 "Yeah, I'm ok," He smiled, trying to reassure her. "Now where is his akuma?"
 "I think it's in the pillow," She declared, making him nod before the two of them dived up and began to take on Sandboy. However, he was really fast and began to attack them, trying to hit them with his evil sand. Anatis managed to dodge it but Lady Noir gasped as she got hit. She tried to jump up but slipped over, making her gasp at the loss of her powers. Sandboy tried to grab her miraculous but she dived out of the way. However, she then slipped off the building, gripping on the edge to stop herself from fall. However, that didn't last long as her grip weakened and she let go, yelling out as she fell. Anatis dived after her and caught her before she land. He landed on the ground, holding her in a bridal style before smiling at her. However, Sandboy used the chance to sprinkle him with his sand. Anatis gently put Lady Noir down and spun his yoyo to create a shield.
 "Stay behind me, Kitten," He declared as Sandboy smirked.
 "H-How do you still have your powers?" She gasped.
 "Losing my powers isn't my nightmare," He stated, making her gasp in surprise. "They are,"
 "What?" She gasped before he blocked a beam directed at her. To her surprise, Reflekta jumped down and grinned evilly at them. "Reflekta?! But-"
 "Not just Reflekta, Scally wag!" Captain Hardrock declared as she jumped down and pointed her sword at them. "Liberty! Capture them!"
 Anatis grabbed Lady Noir and jumped out of the way of Captain Hardrock's chains, landing on a roof but before either of them could do anything, Princess Fragrance began to shoot at them, causing them to run as Reflekta and Captain Hardrock jumped onto the roof.
 "The akumas are your nightmares?!" Lady Noir gasped as Anatis grabbed her and jumped across to another building and hid behind a wall. "All of them?!"
 "Not all of them," He mumbled, keeping an eye out. "Just four of them,"
 "Four?!" She gasped, looking as well. "I only count three,"
 "Make that four, Kitty Cat!" A harsh voice declared, making them look towards it. Lady Noir gasped in surprise as she saw Princess Justice stood on one of the roofs, pointing her blade at them. "I shall make you tell the truth!"
 She dived at her but to her surprise, Anatis grabbed her baton and blocked her sword knocking her back as Lady Noir stood on her feet. The two of them were surrounded by the five akumas, causing Sandboy to smirk.
 "Give me your miraculous!" He declared as Anatis looked around in his luck vision. Princess Justice and Princess Fragrance were the most dangerous so they would need to take care of them first then the Captain and Reflekta. He grabbed Lady Noir and ducked out of the way as Reflekta fired at him, causing her beam to hit Princess Fragrance turning her into a copy. Princess Justice charged at him but he blocked her sword and grabbed her scale, throwing her into Captain Hardrock before causing Reflekta to fire at him. He used his yoyo to block it as Princess Justice got up. Just as she was able to swing at him, he ducked allowing another one of Reflekta's beams hit her and turn her into a copy. 
 "Liberty! Seize them!!" Captain Hardrock cried, causing Anatis to push Lady Noir out of the way and grab the chain, coming towards them. He then grabbed Reflekta as she was firing her beams and changed her path, causing her to fire at Captain Hardrock. He then threw her into the rest of the clones and redirected the chain towards them, trapping them together before scoping up Lady Noir and jump to another roof.
 "Keep a look out," He smiled before throwing up his yoyo. "Lucky Charm!"
 The magical ladybugs conjured a pair of scissors, causing him to look around as Sandboy charged at him. Lady Noir pushed him out the way and grinned.
 "So a pair of scissors eh?" She asked as he looked around. The pillow lit up, followed by the scissors. "You got a plan right?"
 "Yep," He stated, taking off the blade off the scissors before handing it to her. She rose an eyebrow as he moved her. "I need you hold your arm up like this and don't move,"
 "Uh... ok..." She nodded before he took off and ran, jumping off the building towards Sandboy who gasped as he didn't expect Anatis to do that. Anatis grabbed him and threw his yoyo, wrapping it around a flag pole behind Lady Noir. He used it to pull himself and Sandboy towards her, causing his pillow cloud to be ripped by the blade. Anatis let go of him and landed on the roof before picking up Lady Noir and jumping down to the ground with her as Sandboy's pillow released his nightmare sand, causing him to spin out of control until it emptied. Once that happened, he began to fall back down to earth but Anatis caught him and placed him down as the pillow landed next to him. The akuma flew out and Anatis captured it with his yoyo before releasing the purified creature. Lady Noir handed him the blade, which he threw up into the sky.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!!" He shouted, releasing the cure. It swarmed around Lady Noir, who did some back-flips and spun her baton.
 "Yes!!" She grinned before hugging Anatis. "You're the best!"
 She let go of him as Sandboy turned back into a little boy with blue hair in blue PJs. He looked around confused and scared so Anatis walked over to him and knelt down in front of him.
 "Hey there," He smiled gently. "Wanna tell me what that was about, little friend?"
 "Anatis!" The little boy cried out, hugging him. Anatis gently hugged him back. "I watched a movie that was kind of scary then I went to bed but I had a really bad nightmare! I woke up and there was a black butterfly in my room and a weird man spoke right in my face,"
 "Hawkmoth... he feed on the negative emotions of a nightmare," Anatis mumbled, looking at Lady Noir as she moved over and crouched down by the little boy. 
 "I'm not surprised, Annie. Remember he's akumatized a baby before," She mumbled, gently patting the little boy's head in a gentle and calming manner. "But you seem like a brave boy to me so let me let you into a little secret. As scary as they are, nightmares aren't real. They're just bad dreams and as long as you remember that, you can totally kick their butts,"
 The little boy giggled before he looked up at the heroes.
 "Do you guys have nightmares too?" He asked, playing with his hands.
 "Everyone has nightmares but like the cat said, we remember that they're just bad dreams and kick their butts," Anatis smiled as Lady Noir's ring beeped.
 "I'm sorry I have to get going. Don't wanna let the cat out of the bag now, do we?" She grinned before waving and jumping off. Anatis turned to the little boy.
 "Now why don't we get you home? I'm sure your parents are worried about you," He smiled, gently picking him up. The Little boy nodded and let him know where he lived. "Ok. Now hold on tight ok?"
 "Ok!" He grinned before Anatis jumped up in the air and carefully swung through the city. He dropped the boy off, getting a lot of thanks off his parents before he disappeared and headed towards the Seine. He detransformed just as he landed near the Seine, catching Tikki as he walked up to the Liberty, shivering a little as he was in his PJs and had no shoes on. He stopped as he came to the gangplank, causing Tikki to look up at him.
 "Luka... it was just a bad dream," She reminded him, making him take a deep breathe and enter the boat house. The lights weren't on and he wasn't sure how he felt about that so he put them on. It was quiet to but that was to be expected. It was nearly 4am and neither Juleka or the captain were on board. Juleka was sleeping over at Rose's and the Captain had crashed at the studio they owned. Luka wasn't surprised by that. She had been working hard on a new song but he kind of wished she was home. He walked through the boathouse and came to the cupboard that he locked the Nightmare inside. Taking a deep breathe, he opened it and let out a sigh when it was empty. He closed the door and slipped into his room. It was back to normal but Luka wasn't sure about sleeping in there tonight so instead he grabbed his blanket and pillow. He made his way to the living room and put on some music before he curled up into the sofa. Tikki gently curled up next to him as he attempted to stay awake. He really didn't want to sleep. "You ok?"
 "I need to talk to mum," He mumbled, making her frown. "I need to know if I really am related to him,"
 "I understand but you should try and get some rest," She mumbled. "I'll keep guard and chase away any bad dreams,"
 ".... Thank you, Tikki...."
 ~Next Day~
 "I don't know how to ask her, Tikki," Luka sighed as he sat on the floor of his bedroom. He hadn't really slept last night after the akuma. It was hard to given his nightmare but he wondered if this was the right thing to do. The Captain hated bringing up the past but Luka felt like he had a right to know. He had always suspected that Isaac Farrow wasn't his real father but he couldn't be a hundred percent sure. Tikki flew over to him and gently placed her paw on his knee.
 "Just ask her," She stated, making it sound so simple and maybe it was. Most of the time, he was a chilled out person but there were times where he did overthink things and maybe this was one of those moments. He took a deep breathe and got up before holding his hoodie open for Tikki. She flew inside as he walked over to the door and opened it. He walked over to the kitchen where the Captain was and cleared his throat, making her look at him.
 "You ok, Lad?" She asked, frowning. "You look like you didn't sleep... did that akuma effect ya last night?"
 "Yeah..." He mumbled, looking down. "I saw him..."
 She frowned deeply and put the glass down before walking over to him and gently placing her hand on his shoulder, making him look up.
 "It wasn't real, Lad," She tried to reassure. "Isaac is gone and he's never coming back. You know that right?"
 "I know..." He mumbled, playing with his hands. "But..."
 "But what?" She asked as he took out one of his guitar picks and began to fidget with it. "Luka?"
 ".... is he my father?..." He asked, surprising her. She bit her lip as he frowned. "Mum, please... I need to know... Am I his son?"
 For a minute, she was silent and he feared the worst. That he was wrong and he really was that monster's son but then she let out a sigh.
 "No, Luka... you're not his son..." She mumbled, looking at him as he stared at her. He was honestly shocked. It was one thing to suspect it but to actually have it confirmed... well he wasn't prepared for it. "Luka? Are you ok? Do you need to sit down?"
 "I... if he isn't my father then who is?" He asked, not ready to ask the other questions yet. She let out a sigh and led him to the sofa, causing him to sit down.
 "You might find this hard to believe but Jagged is your real father..." She mumbled, looking down. Once again, Luka found himself speechless. He had not expected that.
 "A-Are you sure?" He asked, not sure what else to say. She nodded and chuckled.
 "I know I'm a free spirit but I haven't been with that many partners, Lad," She grinned before frowning. "I'm sure but I know how it sounds. Me claiming that he's your father but I'm sure, Luka,"
 "Is he... Juleka's dad as well?" He asked but she shook his head and began to tell her story. He listened carefully as she explained that she and Jagged once were in a relationship during her days in his band but unfortunately, they got into an extremely heated argument and she quit, leaving the band and the current country they were in. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that she discovered she was pregnant. However, when she tried to contact Jagged, Bob Roth refused to let her contact him as she had quitted the band. He told her that Jagged had ordered him too but as it turned out, Jagged had no idea she had even tried to contact him. Bob Roth flat out lied to her and Jagged. That enraged Luka a little but he calmed when she placed her hand on his. "Does Jagged know who I am?"
 "No... I thought about telling him when he came back into our lives but... I was afraid... I knew that if I told him, I'd have to tell you and part of me didn't want to. As you can tell, Jagged is childish and not exactly a role mode for a father figure..."
 "And Isaac was?" He asked but he sounded more hurt then angry. "Mum, why didn't you tell me?"
 "I was afraid that you would hate me and since the past is in the past..." She mumbled, looking down. "I'm sorry, Luka. I should have told you sooner..."
 "Is that why Isaac hated me so much?" He asked, making her frown. "Did he know?"
 "Yes... you were a year old when I met him..." She explained, making him frown. He honestly felt like a lot of his life was a lie. He knew it wasn’t but it felt that way. He stood up and began to walk away. "Luka...”
 "I... need to go out and clear my head, Ma..." He muttered, making her frown but before she could give an answer, he bolted out of there as fast as he could. He wasn't surprised that it was raining but he kind of glad. It meant that no one would see his tears. He kept running as fast as he could. Part of him wanted to go and hide like he did at Christmas but a lot of people came out looking for him and he didn't want to become an akuma but he didn't exactly want to go home either. It's not that he was angry with his mum. He wanted to be but he couldn't bring himself to be. He understood but he was hurt. For years, he believed he was related to that monster. For years, he was tormented by him and even years later, he was haunted. It hurt that he was harmed by that monster but it hurt even more when he thought he was his son. But even now, it still hurt. He made a turn and stopped in his tracks as he came face to face with Tom and Sabine boulangerie patisserie. Warmth and kindness practically radiated from it and before he even considered his options, his feet took charge and he walked towards the door. He saw Marinette was at the till and without hesitation, he pushed open the door and walked in.
 "Hi, welcome- Luka?!" Marinette gasped as she looked before rushing over to him. "Oh my god, you're soaked. Where's your jacket and umbrella?!"
 "I..." He mumbled but he could't hold back the tears anymore. To Marinette's shock, he began to break down but before he could stop himself or apology, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. 
 "It's ok, Luka," She whispered before pulling away and turning to look into the kitchen. "Maman?"
 "Is everything ok, sweetie?" Sabine asked as she came back into the store but as soon as she saw Luka, she realized why. She didn't question why he was soaked to the skin or in clear distress. "Why don't you take Luka upstairs and get him some fresh clothes and a nice hot chocolate? I'll look after the till for the rest of the day,"
 "Thanks, Maman," She smiled, gently taking his hand and leading him into the apartment. "I have some spare clothes you can wear while we get those dry,"
 "A-Are you sure?" He asked, wiping his eyes. "I don't want to be a burden,"
 "Luka, you're not a burden," She smiled, facing him. "You're one of the best people I know and you've helped me out with some much so I'm gonna help you out ok? Besides, I make a damn fine hot chocolate,"
 "No buts, Mister," She grinned, leading him into her room. She grabbed a towel and threw it at him before rummaging through her clothes, pulling out a pair of pants and a shirt. "There's not really your style but they should fit,"
 She handed them to him and told him to go get changed in the bathroom before she got changed in her room and headed into the kitchen. She hummed to herself as she began to make the hot chocolate. He came out a few minutes later with the towel and his wet clothes. To her surprise, the outfit fitted him perfectly and even suited him a little but she preferred his rock star look. He sheepishly asked where the dryer was as the phone rang. She pointed to it as she walked over and answered it. He put the clothes in to dry and put the towel in the washing basket before sitting down at the table and playing with his hands.
 "Hi Captain... yeah, he's here..." She answered, making him frown and feel guilty. He had just ran off. He looked up as Marinette held the phone out to him. "Your maman wants to talk to you..."
 He remained silent before sighing. 
 "I don't know what to say..." He admitted, looking down. Marinette frowned and put the phone back to her ear.
 "Um, sorry, Captain but I don't think he's in any real state to talk right now. Oh, he's not injured... but he does look hurt..." She mumbled, making him frown. "Ok, hang on,"
 She looked up again at him.
 "She said that she just wants to say sorry," She mumbled, making him nod. She handed the phone to him and he shakily held it to his ear.
 "Ma?" He asked in a shaky voice.
 "Oh, Luka. I know you said you needed space but I was worried," She gasped, making him frown. "I'm so sorry,"
 "I-It's fine..." He mumbled, looking down. "I'm so-sorry for rushing out... I just... I over reacted..."
 "No, Lad, you didn't. You need to process it and that's ok," She corrected as he nodded. "I get it, Lad but I just had to make sure you were ok... well, safe would be a better word. You are safe right?"
 "Y-yeah... I'm with M-Marinette..." He mumbled as tears threatened to spill again. "C-Can I stay here t-tonight?"
 "As long as her parents are fine with it then I'm fine with it," She replied. "And if you want to come home later and not stay over, that's ok too. This boat is your home, Lad. No matter what ok?"
 "O-ok..." He mumbled, noticing Marinette disappearing. He frowned a little.
 "You know I love you right and while I make bad choices sometimes, I never intended to hurt you right?" She asked, sounding a little insecure. Luka sighed a little.
 "I know, Ma," He mumbled. "I love you too,"
 "Alright. Well, I'll better get going... I hope we can talk about this and overcome it..." She mumbled more to herself then him.
 "Ma, I'm not angry," He stated, causing her to gasp. "And I don't hate you. I know you thought you were doing was for the best and I get that. I just... I don't want to be on the boat right now,"
 "I get it, Lad. You don't need to explain," She replied, making him let out a sigh. "I'm glad you don't hate me though,"
 "I better get going, Ma," He mumbled, getting a bye of her before they both hung up. He returned the phone to it's rightful place before letting out a sigh. A few minutes later, Marinette walked back in with a bag of sweets. She set them in front of him and placed a hot chocolate next to him before sitting down and sipping her own.
 "Maman and Papa are fine with you staying over tonight as long as you sleep in the guest room," She smiled, revealing why she disappeared. He nodded and gave her a weak smile. "So wanna talk about it?"
 "I... yeah... but I don't know how..." He admitted, making her take his hand in hers. "I'm normally the one who tells other people that's it's ok... I'm usually the strong one..."
 "Hmm... well, I believe you once told me that it was ok for me to tell you anything or nothing and that I could be myself around you..." She mumbled, playing with her hands. His mind flicked back to that day in the park when he found her crying. It had been before he became Anatis or she became Princess Justice. It seemed like a life time away. Tears welled up in his eyes again as she took his hand in hers again. "Well, that goes both ways, Luka. You can also be yourself around me and if you want to tell me, I'll listen and if you don't, that's ok too but please don't bottle it up. I know there's the threat of akumas but I'll trap any I see so they don't won't get to you,"
 To her surprise, he began to cry again and covered his eyes with his hands. She frowned gently and got up, gently putting her arm around his shoulders as he cried. She told him to let it out and kept an eye out for butterflies. If she needed to see, she would transform and cataclysm each one to that came near him but as luck would have it, not a single one came for him and gradually he calmed down, wiping his tears away.
 "I'm so sorry, Marinette," He hiccuped, making her frown. "I... that akuma that made your nightmares come true... it brought to life a man called Isaac Farrow... he was my ma's ex and for a long time I thought he was my father... he... he didn't like me and I never understood what I did but I thought I was a bad son and that's why he use to hurt me but... I'm... I'm not his son.... that's why I'm upset I guess... my ma lied to me for years about it... I asked her today because I've suspected it for a while but I needed to know once and for all... and she admitted it..."
 "Oh, Luka," She mumbled, hugging him. He hugged back. "Do you know who your real dad is?"
 He nodded, making her let a sigh of relief but he was grateful when she didn't ask who it was. He wasn't quite ready to tell her or face that himself. He didn't know what to do with that information.
 "Luka..." She mumbled, making him look up at her. "What did you mean by hurt you? I remember you said that Christmas reminded you of him leaving and that's why you hated it but..."
 He knew what she wanted to ask. She knew that he was a drunk and had destroyed Luka's guitar and basically wreaked the Christmas tree so she was aware that he was at emotionally abusive.
 "Yeah..." He mumbled, answering her un-asked question. His voice had gone emotionless as it always did when he talked off his past. "He use to hit me,"
 "Oh, Lu... I'm so sorry," She mumbled, gently placing her chin on top of his head as he rested against her, feeling really tired.
 "It's not your fault, melody," He mumbled, looking up at her. To his surprise, she gently moved his hair from his face, causing him to blush. "H-he was an asshole and while I'm hurt that the Captain didn't tell me for years, I'm relieved to know that I'm not related to him,"
 "That's good to know," She smiled. "You're really strong, Lu,"
 He yawned, making her giggle before she pulled away.
 "Drink up your hot chocolate. I'll go and sort out the spare room," She mumbled, getting a nod of him. She turned to leave but he called her name. "Yeah?"
 "Thank you..." He smiled sheepishly, making her blush a little before she smiled back.
 "No worries, Luka," She replied back. "You're my friend and I'm always gonna be here if you need me,"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/635102501338841088/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-35
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solar3lunar · 4 years
2.᯾𝔼𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝔼𝕩𝕒𝕞᯾
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Ayama POV
I heard my alarm going off. "Welp today the day. I better get ready." I touch my head to take my bonnet off. But it wasn't there. "You what. I might as well look in the closet. Because it not going to be on my bed."
Well at least I have silk pillows cases. I'll look for it later. I go to my closest to get out my old dress. Then went to the bathroom.
After 5 minutes I put my uniform and went back to my room I got all of my things and put them inside my bag.
I then walked downstairs and went towards the kitchen. I was just going to pour me some cereal. But I saw pancakes on the table.
I walk closer to see they were homemade fluffy cat shape pancakes. There was a note beside it.
"Do your best Lyric."
-Love, Dad
"Thanks dad." I can't help but smile at the note. After a few minutes of eating. I clean my plate and cup. And went to put my shoes on.
"Meow." I look back and saw Leo. "You have crumbs on your face." I giggled as I brush them off. "You two be good alright?" I asked. He nods. "Okay, I'll see you later."
I headed out the house. Locking the door from behind. I was only 6:25 when I left the house and the exam at the hero academy didn't start until 7:15. I really wish I some music on me. Oh well. I would only take me 5 minutes to get there getting on the train today.
I saw Izuku getting on the train before me. I would've spoken to him but he seems out of it and look deep in thoughts. I just stood close to him about 4 feet away. The digital clock on the bus said it was 6:30.
He got off before me. I got held back by the crowd making me 10 feet away from him. "Jeez." I finally got to the school building. "Stupid Deku." That voice.
"Kaachan." 'I haven't heard that name in a while.' "Get out of my way, now, before I set you on fire." Bakugou spoke angrily. He hasn't changed one bit. Then Midoriya started to freak out a bit. I wait until Katsuki was about 6 feet away from him. Although, I notice that his voice got deeper. Just sayin'
"Midoriya! Wait!" I shouted he turned his back around to me. I finally caught up to him while some people were waiting outside.
"Oh hey Ayama." He waved at me. "Oh you change your hair?" He asked. "Well kinda. You see my hair can change it curl pattern whenever I wash it. And I forgot to put on a shower cap this morning when I took a shower." I sighed.
"The style really looks good on you!" He said blushing a bit. I ignore the blush not knowing what he's blushing for or at. But he looks cute.
"So have you got it yet?" I whisper. "Yeah he said it going to hurt though. I had to eat his hair, before leaving to get here. I've may have eaten but I don't feel any stronger." He said while sulking. I just pat him on the back.
"I'm sure it'll sink in" I reassured him. "Right. But, bring it all you got, Ayama!" He said. "You too, Deku!" I said giggling a bit. He so cute.
"Hey! Are you guys ready for the exams?" A girl ask us. We turned around. Izuku went full on pink. She was about 5'1 I think. "Of course. Right Izuku! Izuku?" I asked him. He started to stutter a lot.
"Oh, y-yeah." He was a mess. I wonder if I would see Momo here. I went to middle school with her. She was my only friend there to be honest.
"Call me Uraraka." She spoke holding her hand out. I shook it. "Nice to meet you Uraraka-san. I'm Ayama." I said. "What your last name?" She asked. "Umm. I rather not say." I told her. " Oh and this is Midoriya." Introduce her to him.
"Nice to meet you." She said nicely. She was so cheerful. "Y-yo-you t-to!" He shouted. "We better get inside now. Don't want to get lock out." Uraraka said. "Oh your right it's 6:55." I said. "Oh and Midoriya you got this. You as well, Uraraka." I said. "Right let's do our best." She said as Midoriya nodded.
She goes ahead of us as I had to help Midoriya to get it together which took a minute. Once we got in we had to put our things in the open lockers. Their was security so nobody had to worry about getting there's things stolen.
Everyone was assigned seating. I was sitting way far from the others. I was on the 5th row to the front. Lord know how far from Izuku or Katsuki. I was sitting next to Momo. Turns out she was wondering if I was going to be here as well.
God this is going to be embarrassing. If I just look at my paper. Maybe I won't have to see my uncle.
Bakugo, Katsuki POV
"Midoriya wait!" A voice call out. Who would want a loser to wait for them. I didn't even turn around, because whoever called his name is probably also a loser or nerd.
"Oh hey Ayama." Deku said. Wait what. I turned my head around. The last time I saw Ayama her hair was down into a ponytail. This girl hair was very very curly, but I knew Ayama could do that as well. I couldn't tell what her skin look like because I only saw a glimpse of it. But even that was too damn fast.
I couldn't see what's the girl looked like so I just kept walking. I didn't think Ayama would be here. Whatever it's not like she'll beat me anyways. Wether she's here or not.
Midoriya, Izuku POV
"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya!" Present Mic shouted. It was silence when he asked, but I was fan boying over it.
"Keeping it Mello huh. That's fine I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay?" He said.
"Are you ready? Yeah!" He shouted. Still silence
"Oh my goodness, it's the Voice Hero, Present Mic. So cool!" I said whispering. "I listen to his radio show every day of the week. It's so crazy nuts that all the UA teachers are pro heroes-" " Will you shut up." He said.
"Like your application said, Today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings." Present Mic continue.
"Gird your lion, my friends. After I drop the mic here you'll head to your specific battle center, sound good?" He asked still silence. As everyone was looking at there card.
"Okay?" He shouted. "I see. Their splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends." Kaachan spoke. I jumped a little terrified. "Yeah you're right." I said as I look at both of our card. I was put into center B while he had center A.
"Our examine numbers are one after the other, but we're assign different battle centers." I said still looking at our cards. "Get your eyes off my card." Kaachan said angrily. And I moved away a little from him a bit frightened.
"Damn. I was really looking forward to crushing you." He said as I just laughed nervously. Maybe he'll get Ayama in his battle center.
Ayama POV
"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty. So better chose wisely.
Your goal in this trial is to use quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo. But check it! Make sure your keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examine is a U.A big no-no, ya dig?"
This is too embrassing to watch, but I do hope that Izuku can get through this. He just got his quirk. And it going to bruise him. I got center B. I wonder what he and Katsuki got.
A student then spoke up about the robots. Which my uncle quickly answers that saying it was a bonus villain. Although he decided to point out Izuku who been muttering this whole time.
It kinda gets me upset, but yet again it's not like he knew why he doing it in the first place. Geeze this whole thing might as well be a video game that they put out. Big million dollars idea.
"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present." My uncle said. "Oh God please no." I whisper knowing it would be a tough crowd. "A sample of our school motto." Then he continued on to speak as I just said the words in my head. Turns out. I don't have Momo with me, sadly.
"You ready go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra!" My uncle shouted. I just put my head in my hands. "Good Luck!" He then continue to go on something about books.
We a got changed into out own gym wear. I was just wearing a black sweat shirt that was short sleeve. And long black sweat pants.
I seen Izuku was going up to Uraraka, so I decided to start going towards the robots. "Hey what's is she doing!?" I heard one student asked. "They didn't even say go yet!" Another shouted.
"She on the right track! There are no countdowns in real battle! Run run listener you're wasting air time here!" Uncle present Mic shouted. I could hear everyone running up towards me.
By that time all of the robots came towards us. I quickly use my voice to scream damaging them by a ton. That should be about 56 points. The robots got up again unsurprisingly. And the other students got a turn.
I got to see of their quirks as my uncle mic pointed out each of their quirks, but mines not that I care considering my situation.
Suddenly the whole battle center started to shake. I look towards Uraraka, Ochako she also notice it after throwing up.
"The fourth robot." I mutter. The robot made it first punch which had a incredible force. Although I kept my feets on the ground. On foot in front of the other and making an X with my arms. I was standing about 5 feet from it. "Less than two minutes!" Uncle mic shouted.
All the students started to run away. Something told me to stay put and look at my surrounding. That when I notice Uraraka was stuck. My eyes widened. Instead of running from danger I ran towards it to help Uraraka out.
"Ayama what are you doing you'll get crushed!" She told me. "I know but it worth it." I said and it confused her. I have a feeling that Izuku power would snap in any moment by now.
And I was right. I had to quickly sing something, so I did. (Ocean eyes.) Making my eyes water and form a protective barrier around u. I saw Izuku use the one for all power in his arm punching the robot away and making it fall down.
I stop singing, bringing the barrier down then look at Uraraka quickly to use her power to lift of the hard cement rock above her leg.
"Hey you okay?" I asked her she nodded. But I had to help her up. I felt really bad about Izuku. He knocked down the robot, but it was zero points.
We heard the students whisper all round. His eyes were dull in shock. I don't think he could've felt the pain in his arm. With the adrenaline running.
Recovery girl well, I call her Nana. She kissed them both healing them. Me and Uraraka look at each, both agreeing on what do to about Midoriya.
We went towards the judge's room to ask them if we could give Izuku our points, but surprisingly they said the judges already did something for him. So we left. "It's nice knowing you Uraraka." I said. "You too Ayama. Hopefully I'll see you at this school." She said.
"You too." I wave at her goodbye. I knew I was getting in regardless. I turned my phone on walking towards the train station. Once It's stop at the 3rd stop I saw Midoriya getting off. He look sad but I only smile knowing he'll get in.
I got off at my stop. Walking home I just sung a song that was in my head. I knew people could hear, but I closed them out. Although I'm careful to sing around my dad. Knowing how my mother death affect him. He said he likes to hear me sing more, but I feel like it's only going to hurt him. I notice my dad was home because of his car.
I walk in the house to have the smell cheesey spicy noodles up my nose. When it comes to food. I just know what it is. I took my shoes off. "I'm home." I said while taking my earphones out.
I saw my dad in front of me. "I would open this first." He said handing it to me. Then went to the kitchen. So much for bonding. Don't get me wrong we bond a lot, but I mostly lock myself away in my room.
I rush up to my room. Putting my bag on my bed. I put the envelope on my desk and sat down on my chair. I open it only for  a virtual screen pop up. "Hello Ayama!" It was Uncle Might."This gotta be a joke." I said in shock.
"I know you would be shock, but you see I didn't come to this cities just to fight villains, but I'm the U.A newest faulty member!" I'm not too surprised that this
"I would like to say that's you have an amazing voice and power. You know what I love to hear it again." Uncle all might spoke. Don't tell me..
"Roll it!" He shouted then move out of the way. "God, please no." I heard my voice. It's sounds wonderful and calm, but I get embarrassed of it. Once it ends I lookup again.
"Wow what a wonderful voice. You have. Now that over with let's look at your scores. "No way! I got second place!" I shouted happily. I was just happy, but I had to look again for any of my others friends.
I see Izuku got 7th place at least they gave him a chance. Ochako was in 3rd place, while Katsuki was....1st. it didn't show my last name on there. I had 58 villain points and 47 rescue points.
"We are looking forward to having you here at U.A see you there!" Then it shut off. I had taken all in. I heard a knock on my door. It then open.
"I heard good job Ayama. Your mom would be proud of you." My dad said. I went to him and hug him. I think he was a bit shock by it. "Thanks Dad." I said. "You work for it." He said kissing my head. He proceeded to hand me my uniform outfit.
{Brain and Heart~Melanie Martinez}
‘False lovin, when was illogical. Didn't know they held each other hands as they made one whole’
The same melody. "Alright dinner ready. Let's eat." He said. I nodded. While we walk down stairs look at my mother picture. I smile at it. I won't let you down. "Hey do you mind if I walk to school on the first day?" I asked.
"How come you don't wanna ride in the car with me?" He asked I was scared he would asked that. "It's just I wanna walk to school on my first day that all." I said. I just really felt like walking on the first day while singing.
"Does this have to do with your singing?" He ask. Dang. "No. I just really feel like walking to school on the first day." I said. I felt a bit of tension, but it drop as soon as he sighed.
"Fine." He sighed. "Dad you worry to much." I said as I gave him a kiss on the forehead then told him good night. He has so much concern in his eyes.
We talked about how uncle All Might going to be teaching the students and that lead to a lot of laughs. He then turn it into something serious as in what to do if someone ask for my last name. I gone through my whole life with nobody knowing what my last name is. Well except for pro heros.
I decided to turn in, because it was getting late and this is the first week of a school week. I guess you could say. I did my nightly routine. I then put my bonnet on and went straight to bed.
Ugh what a day.
Aizawa, Shota POV
She just like her mother. The only time I she her like me is when something serious or she just at home. God, what if one day she runs into Khessō.
And I know I can't keep this " Your mom died when you were born." Up forever. Eventually she'll find out. I got up from the table to walk up stairs. I stop to look at her picture that Ayama was looking at.
The last thing from I saw from Khessō was that note. 'I'm been kidnapped don't come looking for me keep Ayama safe. I love you both.' I put the picture down and turn the lights off walking up stairs. It's was when Ayame just turn a month old.
I look into my daughter room who was sleeping peacefully.  Reminds me of her mother. I know Ayama think her singing hurts me, but does the opposite.
I closed my daughter door and went towards mines. The room was clean, but missing her things. The bed was always missing a person.
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Taglist: @mypimpademia
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~Luna Lyric~
~Universe navi~
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mantra4ia · 4 years
Lucifer 5x06 "Blueballz" reaction'd w/ spoilers
August 27th 2020
Pre ep. thoughts: This is the episode where Lucifer and Chloe finally sleep together, with the title like that how could it not be? The writers aren't even trying to hide it from us anymore.
That's a red herring. Oh what teases.
Finger locking foreplay? Yes.
He's holding up the crime tape for her...yeeees.
"Excuse us" not me, Us. ‼️‼️⚠️
Don't try to fool the lab tech. Ella sees all the evidence. They drove together. They're flirting at a crime scene. They are like high schoolers. Lopez knows.
"We have about 500 potential witnesses, that are all drunk and most likely very high." Lucifer has never looked so disappointed that so many people were on drugs.
Lucifer about DJ Karnal: "One DJ with a modicum of talent...but does everything have to be about sex" you waltzed right into that one...
Finally, we get to see an ex that's not Dan. Compared to Lucifers library of exes, It shouldn't be a problem. But it still seems to ruffle his feathers just as much.
"Cherry Jane?" Are you kidding me? That's too much temptation for Lucifer to ignore. That's like personal torment straight from God.
Jed: "are you still with Dave" Lucifer: "Dan!" You know we're in deep jealousy territory when Lucifer is defending Dan without a second thought.
Jed: "Are you in a relationship?" Ooooooooooooooooh noooooooooooooo! Lucifer's face does not like that.
You have no idea how close you are to death you are Jed. You've got a devil on your shoulder.
Lucifer: "The Detective had a child with you and I never felt the slightest bit threatened." Zing #1
Uggh, I hate those protesters. Sidenote: This episode feels very personal to me. Jed supporting a low income housing project which is awesome, and people are protesting for "the quality of their neighborhood." We have a similar development in my neighborhood except it's not low income housing. It's a project to turn a vacant hotel property into a mental health and rehab facility. Yet people in the neighborhood are affluent and are constantly protesting because they're worried about property value and the quality of their neighborhood and their schools. I'm so sick to death of it. I would do exactly what Chloe did. So much kudos to that woman. Great job on that bit writers!
Jed named the charity after Chloe. "He's trying to get close to you again. / No one would go that far just to be near me." 💜 "I did go to hell and back for you twice but who's counting?" Oh snap! 😈 Lucifer is tripping hard.
Chloe: "Are you jealous?" Lucifer: "Of that man child who scratches records for a living." Zing #2
At least Charlie doesn't have wings popping out everywhere.
Dan: "I have faith in you pal" Amenadiel: "Great cop, great dad, and your hair is so high" Dan and Amenadiel, bff's are too precious for words. #Dandielion
Lucifer's solution to a snake is poke it with a stick - how very Whovian.
"Chloe dumped you?" Oh man, you can just see Lucifer's nerosies are going into overdrive. There's practically smoke coming out of his ears.
"Lucifer's really experienced [in bed]" Oh man, Chloe's nerosies are going into overdrive.
"Oh, you're waiting on an STD check, smart." I still can't believe Amenadiel had an STD scare and a baby before Lucifer ever did.
Sweet, first the Dan twins now the Ella twins. Whatever happened to Dan and Ella? Put her back on the path to goodness.
"Did you steal my clothes?" Borrowed with no intent to give back.
Ever plan a raid: Let the return of lady's night commence!
Amenadiel: "Linda handed me the baby and left." Dan: "what did you do?" Dan is the perfect human.
"As long as the killer doesn't cry or wet themselves, I am in. I am gonna find the killer." Linda's zeal is out of this world, but don't burn yourself right out of the gate. Steady on.
Hohooo - Guys night in, incredible. It takes a village to raise a Charlie.
Although let's be clear, recycling these plots from seasons ago is going to get old real quick unless they get creative and mix things up.
Come on Lucifer, be like Trixie, make a funny face. It would be hilarious if Charlie was soothed be Lucifer's devil face.
I find it really interesting how Maze reads Ella. how she knows that Ella needs an improved sense of self worth. And that all it takes is to challenge her, throw down the gauntlet, and say "Step up your game Lopez!" Now I hope that Maze takes her own advice.
Did Chloe really just ask Linda about her sex history with Lucifer? I am turning purple.
"He's the oldest immature person in the world, nay, universe." Drunk Linda is still so stoic. Perfect foil to "the oldest young person Lucifer's ever met."
"You got played son." Dan's finest hour.
I CALLED IT. Straight out of every fanfiction ever written. Funny faces, right Trix? Faces that make babies laugh and grown men weep. I think we have an official new kind of Heavenly Bros tag team: Heavenly Bros versus the baby.
"Do it again Luci" my thoughts exactly Amenadiel. No wonder they've been saving up the devil face all season so far.
It's a little Sonic-the-hedgehog weird to see a devil face and human hands. I would have gone full effect on that shot.
So much body glitter. And dang, Linda crashed hard.
"You can't find a soulmate if you don't have a soul." 😭😭😭😭 But we were doing so well with her character development. Naughty writers, bad! Fix this now.
Oh Lord, the face and the dagger eyes Amenadude and Luci make when he thinks Dan or is going to wake up Charlie. And here I thought Lucifer's devil face was funny. DB Woodside's face is adorably 1,000 times better.
"You want my advice? Stop asking for advice."
NoNoooNoNoNooo, I want to Dan to find out about angels, but from Amenadiel. NOT LIKE THAT. Michael you ****HEAD! Oh this is going to mess with Dan's head. I hope Amenadiel can talk him down. Don't let this break up the BFFs #DanDielion and #Bracelet Bros. Please dear Dad! We just had Dan's finest hour, don't swing to the darkest hour.
Yep, set up the friendships just to knock them down. F---
"Incredible!" Isn't that what I said, like five or six points ago?
"Goodnight." 3...2...1... I think you're taking christening the new piano a little too literally Deckerstar. 😈💜🕵️‍♀️
I like how she says "oh God" when she can't unbutton his shirt, but he doesn't protest.
Yikes, I bet that's Dan calling trying to warn Chloe.
The writer's room are such teases. This whole season has been so heavily weighted with Deckerstar: will they, won't they, almost to the point where it got tedious. Almost. And now you're telling me that they got all the way to the penthouse bedroom, and we've seen all of Lucifer and Lucifer has seen all of Chloe, and WE don't get to see them...*Amenadiel-esque epiphany* oh, that's why you called the episode...
You cruel, manipulative b*******s!
So how are you going to explain the sleepover to Trixie? 😉
Grade: 9.5/10 DETECTIVES!
If you're here this season for the Deckerstar, there's a ton so far written specifically for you. Personally, while I love the good ship Deckerstar, I'm glad we finally made it to this destination so that it can evolve.
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goreprofonde · 4 years
Aaron Rodgers - Climax
“Life is a collective impossibility.”
There were so many languages. Aramaic, Phoenician, Etruscan, Tamil, Moabite, Umbrian. Too many languages. From where did they all come? It was a puzzlement, especially if you believed—and if you were authoring the Pentateuch you no doubt did—that all these speakers were branches of a single family tree. Why would Noah’s descendants, leaving the Ark to replenish the Earth, differ so greatly from one another? You needed an etiology, you did. If you were Greek, you might blame Hermes. If you were Bantu, you might blame a famine-induced madness. But if you were writing the Book of Genesis, you might blame, well, God.
The story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11 is short—very short. You’ve probably heard it, or at least something like its broadest outlines. In only nine verses no longer than your average nursery rhyme, the postdiluvian people (speaking but one language) decide in their arrogance to build a tower to reach the heavens; the Lord sees it and is displeased; and so the Lord confuses their language and scatters them about the globe. Short, sweet, and to the point: Pride goeth before the globe-scattering fall.
Or at least that is the traditional interpretation. And it’s not an unreasonable one—what few dots there are seem to connect in a pretty straight line, and old-timey Yahweh was quite prone to smiting, having just exited his “drown them all” Great Flood phase. Like so many ancient stories, it easily calcifies into something abstract and removed from the specifics of the story itself. But actually reading the nine relevant verses is quite a time—especially when read from the perspective of an acolyte of God fashioning an explanation for the world’s diversity of languages. For the Lord did not just punish the people for their hubris; he did so out of fear that their unity of language and of purpose would make them his rivals (“and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do”). And the Lord did not choose just any punishment; he chose exactly the thing that the people most feared (“and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” / “and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth”). Taken together, it paints an astonishingly bleak picture—humanity, its highest goals easily scuttled by outside forces, overseen by a vengeful, jealous God more interested in chaos and the psychological scars of a self-fulfilling prophecy than in peace or understanding. (And all this from Moses, one of God’s chief troubadours! Imagine the story a naysayer might have told.)
It’s hard not to think of the Tower of Babel in the wake of Climax, Gaspar Noé’s latest boundary-pushing entry in his own foreboding corner of the cinéma du corps/New French Extremity. Noé is not shy about citing his idols and reference points generally, from Godard to Kubrick to Lynch, nor has he been subtle about the influences on Climax—in addition to referencing the Tower of Babel, Shivers, and The Towering Inferno (among others) in interviews, Noé has helpfully laid out a wealth of data points surrounding the monitor on which he displays his dance troupe’s introductory interviews. Among the citations: Argento’s Suspiria; Fassbinder’s Querelle; Żuławski’s Possession; Pasolini’s Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom; and Buñuel’s Un Chien Andalou, not to mention various books like Taxi Driver and How to Succeed at Suicide. The ways in which these influences play out are sometimes obvious (e.g., Selva’s (Sofia Boutella) agonized, writhing convulsion in the hallway explicitly recalls Isabelle Adjani’s subway paroxysm in Possession), sometimes less so (e.g., Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis, which—according to Noé, the little stinker—appears because “I like the title and I like the book...because it’s so cruel”). There is no Holy Bible propped up against Noé’s mid-1990s tube TV, but the idea of a vengeful and jealous overseer disrupting an attempt at something greater is central to Climax. As he did in Irréversible, Noé realizes that hell, unbearable as it can be, is only made more hellish by the possibility of heaven.
Climax begins (like Irréversible) with the ending. Lou (Souheila Yacoub), covered in blood, is seen from overhead stumbling through the snow before collapsing. Something terrible has obviously happened to her (this is Noé, after all), but unlike Irréversible, which unfurls a fully backward chronology, this prologue is only a brief flash-forward. After the credits play, Climax introduces us to its large cast via the aforementioned interviews, quickly sketching its players’ backgrounds, interests, and fears as the dancers—applying to be part of some sort of international touring group—discuss sex and drugs and other points of interest to the bohemian twentysomething circa 1996. From there, Climax moves to an abandoned school on the outskirts of Paris where the group is rehearsing, and it is at this point that Noé provides his greatest shock of all: joy. As the dancers krump and vogue and contort in what can only be called harmonious dissonance, Noé’s unbroken take evokes the bygone MGM musical of Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly, celebrating the amazing things a body in motion can do not by simulating that motion through quick-hitting edits but through the camera’s unblinking gaze.
Of course, Climax’s version of the cinematic dance number has a decidedly modern bent not incidental to its overarching themes. The participants in manager Emmanuelle’s (Claude Gajan Maull) group are not performing in the classical Astaire-and-Rogers style, nor do they look like the cast of Singin’ in the Rain. Instead, they are diverse in almost every way—nationally, ethnically, sexually, socioeconomically. What they have in common—in addition to youth—is an affinity for creative movement and a desire/belief (perhaps born of naïveté) that through their collective efforts they can make the world a better place. Climax early on declares that it is a French film and proud of it and a large sequined French flag hangs behind the dancers, framing their efforts. For a time, it seems as though these young performers, accepting of all comers and overflowing with joie de vivre, might represent a new, aspirational future for France, free of the petty jealousies and insecurities and bigotries that define (and mar) life as we know it.
But Noé is not one for uplift, and as the prophetic prologue cautions, this jubilant beginning must come to an end. After their astonishing first dance—several of the most infectious minutes one is likely to see onscreen—the performers become revelers, celebrating their upcoming tour with food and merriment and sangria. That sangria happens to be laced with LSD—something neither the dancers nor we yet know, though some pointed shots of the punch bowl and the too-frequent mentions of its contents suggest trouble—and will soon cause this utopian mini-society to erupt into death and madness. But the eruption is that of a festering boil. Cleverly, Noé follows the initial dance with a series of conversations among the participants, mostly broken off in pairs. While further fleshing out their characters and deepening certain audience connections (and introducing Tito (Vince Galliot Cumant), Emmanuelle’s young son who, being a child in a Noé film, cannot possibly meet a good end), these interactions also reveal the lie behind the seeming idyll we have just witnessed. Sexual gamesmanship, misogyny, mutual distrust, power dynamics, a general unease—even before the drugged wine has taken hold, no amount of common bond or feel-good sentiments can fully inoculate against the crassness and misanthropy of the human condition. Vive la France—unless that French flag plays less than wholesomely to some of the carousers whose skin color may have left them disadvantaged under its auspices. God is with us—unless God, wary of his waning primacy and unwilling to go down without a fight, has been against us all along.
From there, Noé gifts us one additional extended dance sequence—this time shot from above, like a devilish cousin to Busby Berkeley’s showstoppers—but the additional knowledge we have gained makes the number play very differently than its predecessor. It is still exuberant, still exciting, still full of technical and physical marvels, but there is a sense of disquiet coursing through it, of tenuous allegiances and bids for attention. The playful back-and-forth of the first dance feels slightly more strained; the seemingly effortless flow of before is supplemented with an element of jockeying and competition. All these workers building a tower, but unsure about one another’s methods or their mutual destination.
Being a Noé film, it is no surprise that from there Climax descends into recriminations and mutilation, child endangerment and incest, and ultimately into a crimson-lit nightmare resulting in death. Noé’s superb camerawork—always a hallmark—not only complements the dancing beautifully (one truly wishes that he, along with Edgar Wright, would make an out-and-out musical, though for Noé that would almost certainly have to be Sweeney Todd), it also brings to life the increasingly fragile (and ultimately disintegrated) mental states of his crew of revelers. While Selva is probably the closest thing Climax has to a protagonist as the camera follows her back and forth from the common space to the dorm rooms the group has been occupying, no one seems fully safe/sane—not Selva, as she comes undone in front of some nature-backdrop wallpaper; not Lou or Omar (Adrien Sissoko), who abstain from the sangria for personal reasons that end up visiting upon them violence (whether Western culture dislikes a Muslim or a sexually active woman more is a question Climax does not definitively resolve); not even Daddy (Kiddy Smile), as he good-naturedly DJs the proceedings. That Climax employs so much improvisation is nothing short of miraculous, given how intricately some of Noé’s long takes appear to be choreographed. But beyond mere showmanship (of his own or his performers), these extended sequences give Climax the disorienting effect of feeling both dreamlike (or, perhaps more accurately, nightmarish) and realistic. Real life does not employ the careful and selective cutting of a movie, unfolding as its own long take, yet the memories thereof are fragmented in a subconscious act of self-editing, making Noé’s aesthetic appropriately both distancing and suffocating.
This visual evocation of an unyielding descent into hell is complemented perfectly by Noé and Ken Yasumoto’s sound design. The music that previously served as an enthusiastic soundscape turns menacing and relentless, with the percussive beats and throbbing bass driving the drug-addled action perpetually forward, stymieing any possible reflective moment. Yet that merciless music is preferable to the screams and groans it sometimes drowns out—cries that are themselves preferable, in the case of Tito, to a sudden silence that is deafening in its horrific implications. Even the comparatively hospitable environs of the sleeping quarters see Dom (Mounia Nassangar) attacking Lou and Taylor (Taylor Kastle) taking advantage of his sister, Gazelle (Giselle Palmer). As the sangria brings out the group’s (somewhat) latent paranoia and aggression and worst impulses, a downward spiral is inevitable; once gravity takes hold, escape velocity becomes nearly impossible to achieve.
Unlike Irréversible, Noé does not end Climax on a tragic but perversely bittersweet note; instead, he ends it with a possible explanation for the madness that disquietingly suggests that the madness was unavoidable. The perpetrator’s outsider status implies the doomed nature of group activity. The lies told in the instigator’s interview speak to the inefficacy of preparatory efforts. Most upsettingly, the culprit’s name, drawn from Greek mythology and literally meaning “breath of life,” points back to God and the Tower of Babel. The people banded together in an attempt to do something great, something just within reach. But God wouldn’t have it. So he scrambled the synapses a bit—a different language here, a chemically disrupted neuro-receptor there—and voilà, his supremacy was re-established. But to what end? “Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair,” said a king of kings, until nothing beside remained. Pride goeth before the fall; when the proud one is divine, the fall leads all the way to hell.
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tillmays · 4 years
Girls night out.
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Matty called the team to a special mission. Matty- so girls are you ready for a girls night? Riley and Desi glanced at each other. Bozer- eyy somebody's gonna have fun can we join? Matty- no. Riley- Boys aren't allowed. Desi- I think I'm starting to like this. Matty- this mission it's specifically to help Leanna, yes she is going to be there. They asked for some help so here we are. Tonight Desi, Riley you two are going to a club, Nick Murphy (picture and information pops up in the screen) he is THE GUY, he moves the place and.. Other things. When you get in there I need you to record his conversations, both of you have to make him invite you to his table, introduce you to his friends, etc we need the information, do what you gotta do to get it. Riley- yes boss. Mac- so what about us? Bozer- yeah we aren't going to the club? Matty- no, you go to the van. Mac- well this going to be fun. *he said while playing with some clips* Bozer- this is your idea of fun? Man what's wrong with you. Matty- your job is to help them, you are going to be the eyes and ears where they can't reach. Bozer- oh hell no, my girl it's going to be there and I'm not gonna be with her in the mission?!? Matty- I'm sorry but this is work, not high school. But technically you are going to watch her through the cameras. You're going as backup, if you don't protect my girls you're fired. Mac and Bozer- yes mam. They leave the room and the boys were headed to the lab and Desi was following them. Riley- uh. Desi where are you going? Desi- to go get the clothes. *she said in a sweet calm voice* Riley- they don't have clothes for that, besides I read the info of this Nick, he has a type, let's go to my place, there's got to be something there that fits you. Bozer and Mac saw them go to the other way. Bozer- do you think those two can do it, without making the other one mad. Mac- we have to wait and see. They are in the club. Girls are in and the boys are in the van waiting if something goes wrong. Bozer- man this is some bullshit, we are missing all the fun. Mac- well i really like this, is nice to do something different, and I think I like the idea of not being on the edge of dead and at gunpoint, you know. Bozer- yeah you're right. Inside the club.
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Riley was wearing a see through bodysuit with a styled jean patch with a black jacket, black high waist jeans, and a Saint Laurent Lou ankle boots and her hairstyle was her iconic bun with the two little bangs in the side. Desi looked out of her comfort zone, but she was feeling fantastic, this was very different to her, but she liked the outfit that Riley picked up for her, but at the same time she was really nervous. She was wearing a black bralette, a necklace and a jean jacket with black high waisted jeans, just like Riley, and a pair of Saint Laurent 76 Jodhpur ankle boots. Riley straightened Desis hair and did their makeup, but Desi knew that not matter how good she was feeling been out there like that, make her feel something new. The girls were on their way to the bar. Riley saw that Desi was feeling uncomfortable, so she grabbed her hand and pulled her. Riley- come on Desi, be a hoe, I mean can you do that? *Riley raised her eyebrows saying sarcastically to make her feel calmer. Desi smiled at her and walked to the bar holding hands. Riley got the drinks, and they were at this table in front of the dance floor. Nick arrived to the club, they saw him in the entrance, they needed to him to notice them. Riley- So Chiara I need you to relax, today is our day! We needed this. * She was acting because there were a lot of people standing to close to them, and they couldn't be sitting there just looking around, it would have looked weird, and they couldn't use their real names.- come on let's go dance. *Desi stood still* Riley- what's up? You don't want to go? Desi: yeah yeah.. But shouldn't we wait for..Jaz? *she was trying to remember the undercover name of Leanna* Riley- she said she will call, so? Are you coming? Desi: yes .. I need a drink first, that's all. Desi wasn't sure what they were doing there, and nick was already on the dance floor if they didn't hurry up, he could go after other girls. Riley was getting tired of the attitude of Desi, but she understood why she was feeling like that but this was not the perfect time to talk, so Riley had to get tough to make Desi react. Riley got closer to her and said: hey! We are just going to dance, I'm not asking you to be my friend ok, I know how you feel, but I need you to get in character. We need to get that man. Desi just looked at her up and down and with a straight face said: fine, let's go. *Desi took a deep breath as they entered the dance floor, they make their way in front of Nick, so they started to dance, but Nick wasn't paying attention. Riley grabed Desi by the shoulders and said: come on girl loose it up, I will guide you, I don't want to put more pressure on you but this is OUR mission to help Leanna, we need to do our best. Riley looked her surroundings while thinking of something to help her, Riley walked to the DJ she made him to take her request, he accepted. At the van. Mac- nothing yet? Bozer- well Riley went to talk to the DJ, and Nick just got here, but Leanna isn't there, that's weird. But I see some people entering to this room in the back. I will tell the girls. Back inside. Before the song that Riley asked the dj started playing, Bozer told them about the backroom, Riley was walking back where Desi was, and for her surprise Leanna was there too. *savage (remix) starts playing·, the people at the club kicked off the dance floor and started shouting every word of the song. Riley was singing every word of the song too while walking towards them feeling herself, Desi and Leanna follow her, and started dancing and hyped her up, making goofy moves they laughed, that night they were feeling good. Riley- dang girl you look hot and thank god you're here, what took you so long? *when she asked some guys approached to them, but she didn't know that they came with Leanna, and they recognized them from the archive, that they were Nicks friends* Leanna- omg the traffic here in LA is crazy. Desi- well we are glad you could make it. Leanna- thank you,*Leanna sent the guys to get some drinks, so she could talk to them* hey i gotta bounce, the friends of Nick cannot be waiting for to long, I assume you already know of what going on back there. *she made a move with her eyes indicating the room with a red curtain. Desi- well not much, we only know that whatever is happening in there we need to get in. Leanna- well I have someone in, but I haven't been able to get access. And I'm not that close to Nick so that's where you are here, you go for him, and if something happens we met outside. Ok Riley- be careful. Riley and Desi needed to make Nick pay attention to them like they already looked hot but that man was really really distracted on his business, but they were smart. They started to move into his direction, for their luck the dj changed the song. Riley- you're ready. Desi- I think so. they danced to addiction. Nick saw them, and he liked what he was seeing, he danced his way to them. Riley was dancing to Desi she put her hands on the hips of Desi as Riley leans down as she lowers slowly and closely in front of her making it look hot for him to get his attention, Desi made eye contact with Nick. Riley kept dancing around and then Desi set herself free from the nerves and anxiety, she begins to dance, Riley was surprised, this is a new Desi, - yees come on now do it. Riley said to hype her up. Nick grabbed Desi by the waist and started dancing with him Riley was back-to-back wit Desi while she was dancing with a friend of Nick, Riley said under her breath to Desi to turn around she could hear her from the communicator. They turned around at the same time while dancing with the guys Riley was feeling the music too, so she started whinin with the guy. They were burnt out of dancing until finally they got Nick to take them to his table.they were walking to his table. Desi- Riley what was that move you did back there? Riley- oh I was just whinin, it's similar to the grindin move but I wasn't going to do too much you know. *she said mischievously* Desi- well you are going to teach me both of those moves! They are the VIP section they got the drinks and as soon as they got there someone made a sign at him to move and go back, the girls moved fast and convinced him to take them with him, he hesitated. Nick- ahh fuck it, come with me. Riley- yes just let me grab my purse. She turned around and told the boys that they were entering the room Leanna saw what was going on from the other table, so she was ready. the room was nothing they were expecting. Nick- so what you think?. Riley- this... some big ass room. Nick- hahaha I know. And.. What do you think.·he was talking to Desi.* Desi- well it's really impressive. *Desi looked at Riley like what hell is going on in here* Back with the boys. Bozer- Mac we need to be alert there're no cameras in there, they are in. Mac- we have to wait... I don't like this. And Leanna is in there too? Bozer- no she not. At that moment Leanna communicated with them. Leanna- I'm going to try to get in. I will keep you guys updated. Bozer- be careful, and Leanna? Leanna- yes? Bozer- you look stunning tonight. Leanna eyes started glowing and she had a big smile. while bozer saw her thru the cameras. She was wearing a red latex dress and black high heels.
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Bozer- Mac, you should get in there something feels off. Mac- yeah I feel the same. Are you sure you will be fine in here? Bozer- bruh im Wilt Bozer I can do it all, don't worry I will be fine, go protect those girls. Mac nodded at him and left. Mac left the van that was a street from the club, while she was about to get in the security stopped him. Security guard- alright Indiana jones where you think you're going? Mac smiled down because of his joke. - uh inside. Security guard- nah man you can get in, you don't got the swag man, this ain't jurassic park. The security guard kept making fun of him. He looks like bout to go in a convention of dinosaurs! SG- ahhh haaha Mac left acting with indignation, but he got an idea, so he kept walking and went to the parking lot for his luck no one was there, so he went on a quick shopping spree, he opened a car with his pocket knife, did I mention that Macgyver was with the best luck that night? , so he found a pair of black pant a blue jacket, he was wearing a white t-shirt underneath his flannel shirt, he went back with Bozer, he changed there, he went back to try it one more time. Mac- so, I cleaned up good? SG- mm I think you can now... *he left him pass* Mac- Bozer, im in. Bozer- good, now you need to make your way to that room, and Mac I know your game and please be smart these girls are different. Mac- what do you mean about “my game”? And yes I notice it, girls here are different. In the Room. Nick- come on set yourselves comfortable.they seated in a sofa. They were nervous not of him, they were nervous of the things that were happening around them. Riley mumbuled - shit.. How the hell did we got into this? Desi- I don't know, but we get the info and leave. Nick- im sorry i totally forgot to ask what are your names. Desi- uh yeah ah ah I'm Chiara she's Cindy. Nick- Chiara... nice name. I like it. *she smiled at him·. At that room they were moving drugs there were guns around there were strippers in the back and people doing whatever you can imagine. Nick took Desi with him, but she asked to use the bathroom she took her phone and there was this big mirror that you could look from outside, so she made it look like she was taking a selfie and took a photo of what was happening in the back she sent it to Bozer. Bozer- Desi.. I don't know what you wanna show me but those are your boobs. Take the pic more to the left. Desi- all right there you go. Bozer got the pictures and there was enough to get that man. Leanna and Mac found each other while crossing the dance floor. *Mi gente was playing* they went to the bar and talked to the bartender. Mac- hey do you know where we can find some fun? Leanna- let me do this one honey, you know we are looking for some action... they were talking about if he knew where they get some companie they told him they were swingers, and she asked him if he could get them something stronger that the drinks they were having, Leanna used her tricks that she learned when she was in training, the bartender understood and took them to the room. They got inside, and they saw Riley with the friends of Nick. The friends of Nick called at Leanna. - hey Jaz you finally got in! Come on sit with us! Leanna looked at Mac, he put his arm in position to her to grab it - ok Mac lets do this. They got in the table there were girls dancing in front of them, Riley got some information of the guys and Bozer was sending it to Matty, Riley was surprised when he saw Mac walk thru that curtain, not only because he looked good, but she was kinda piised off that he intervened in her work. Riley- hi I'm Cindy *they shook hands, and she gave him a mean look* Jaz, what took you so long? Leanna- uh I was waiting for him, he's always late. ahah * Leanna put her hand in his arm* Mac- uh what can I say, I like to look good. The friends- come on Man, grab your poison. * they got the drugs in the table* Mac- uh well... Leanna- uh uh no, your not doing that, you promised that you were going to stay clean. The friends- uh well you better listen to her. Mac looked at Riley wondering if they made her took something, but she looked normal and very calm. Nick and Chiara Nick was all over Desi, they were in a little private room, just the two of them, they started talking, he was really drunk and high, that was the perfect time to Desi to make him speak, she managed to do it, Bozer recorder the whole conversation, but we know that it's never that easy, Bozer send the information to Matty she was in a call with the CIA, and they got what they needed, the guys of Nick found the van and took Bozer. He was angry she took Desi with him and started screaming, and he found the phone of Desi, and saw the pics. Desi remained calm the bodyguard of Nick tied her to a pole in the stage, there were money on the floor. The friends of Nick left the room. Riley- what are you doing here? You were supposed to be with Bozer! Mac- well I couldn't leave you in here. Riley- well we had it under control until you showed up! Leanna- hey calm down, I think they have Bozer... Riley- shit.. See this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't left him alone. Mac- ok what do you want me to do?! Riley- nothing, I can do this on my own. Leanna- guys! Nick- hey!! What the fuck are you doing! Bring them to me. *the guards took them put them in front of Nick. - oh Jaz... I knew that was something wrong with you.. But this.. Betraying me.. Leanna- I don't know what you're talking about. *he put the gun to her head. Riley- leave her alone!. Nick- or what? ohh you, you're beautiful woman and it's a shame I have to kill you too. And you...*he looked at Mac* who the fuck are you. Mac didn’t speak, Nick kept talking- you know before I go I want to enjoy some time.. I mean i only could enjoy your friend, it's your turn now.. *he slid the gun down Rileys face. Mac- hey! Nick- oh you don't want to do that, don't be a hero, nobody likes that.. But you know what before you come with me, I want to watch first I want you to dance for him I don't know what going on in here* he pointed at Mac and Riley* but I'm interested. Riley- you're really sick you know that. Nick told Mac to sit in a chair that looked like if it was in little sofa that was up in the stage were the lights were off, only some purple and blue lights were on like it was time for a show. Nick- I hope you're ready, and use the stage, don't make me regret wasting my time with you, Jaz you come with me. *he made her sit on his lap. While holding the gun in one hand and smoking a Habano in the other one, you could see the smoke thru the reflect of the lights. Nick- music!... lights!... it's show time! The lights went down, Riley walked in front of Desi before getting ready. Riley- wait for my signal, ok. *Desi looked at her with affirmation that she was ready.* Riley took of her jacket, and stood in front of Mac, the music started playing, *partition started playing* the lights were pointed towards her the lights made her skin glow making her look with a fluorescent glow, she started walking like she was in the catwalk, very sexy, she started dancing, she stood in front of him and slowly going down moving her hips until she was on her knees, she started slipping on the floor of the stage, giving a twirl to return to him, she stood up throwing her hair in his face making her bun disappear in the air while she was turning her head in circles, she turned around and seated on his lap and started grindin on him, Mac was blushing. Riley- next time let me do it, by my own. *she said as she reclined on his chest, *she felt his heart was racing, It made her heart race too*, and grabbed his head and whispered in his hear, Mac tried to put his hands on her very slowly, and she slapped them while removing them making it look part of the dance, Mac placed his arms on the back of the chair *Mac smiled* Mac - fine but its wrong that I was scared for the three of you, we didn't have communication and the statistics says... Riley- oh don't talk to me about statistics Angus.. Forget that, I'm gonna make you bust a nut boy. she was teasing him, Riley was laughing inside. She got up and stood behind, and slid her hands down both of his arms as she lifts her leg in the air, letting it fall delicately over her shoulder and started to make a little twerk move as she bends down, sliding her arms across Mac's chest, she removed his jacket with a little of aggressiveness, the lights were moving with the beat of the music, Riley walked to the front of the stage, there were some dancing poles that were covered in some fancy fabric, she began to sway side to side in the middle of the tubes. Nick was amazed of Riley, and Leanna and Desi were too.. And don't start with Mac. Inside Macs Head. Mac sited in that chair not knowing what to expect. He was nervous, he had never been in this kind of situation before, well he had been in danger before with the ones he loved, but he has never been in a situation were one of his best friends was about to dance for him. He had a plan, but he decided that it was better if the girls take control of the situation, he understood that the girls had gotten angry about it, so he let them do their job. The music started playing, his heart raced, when he saw Riley walking toward him like that... he knew he was about to see a part of Riley he didn't know, and how he would know that part of her, she is just your friend not your girlfriend Mac thinked. He had one hand holding his jaw, and the other on the back of the chair, he had this sexual energy that Riley could feel, and she liked the energy that was coming from him, and so did he. When Riley got closer to him and got on her knees in front of him and started to dance in front of him, when she went back to him, she spread his legs, he felt his body speed up, he tried to calm down, but when she sat on him and started grindin on him and seeing her thick ass all over him, he slid his fingers for a little moment along the edge of her legs pinking her black jeans, when Riley lay on his chest Riley said - next time let me do it on my own. *with that Mac confirmed that that was the reason why he had been angry previously*. He literally could see her sexy back with that see through bodysuit, and with her ass all over him, Mac only knew one think that this was an act and that he needed to control himself* Riley- forget that im gonna make you bust a nut boy. Mac was surprised to hear those words come out of her mouth, he couldn't believe what she just said, he didn't expect that to come from her, not from her, not from his Riles, this was another Riley, and he was excited to meet her. The mind of Mac for the first time in history stopped thinking, he just let himself enjoy this moment between the two of them, he forgot that there were others watching. Watching her dance like that was a total vision to him, when she went to dance by the poles from the point of view of Mac, the lights made her look like she was topless, it seemed like she was about to break her back, she looked like a contortionist in the way she was controlling her body thru between the poles. In the ending pole of the stage was Desi and behind her was a guard, Riley went her way and started to Dance with Desi, Leanna saw what they were doing, so she made Nick to drop the gun, Riley kept dancing with Desi and Riley gave her the signal, Desi grabbed by the pole kicked the guard and grabbed him by her legs and put her foot on his neck Riley released Desi and Leanna pointed with the gun at Nick, he screamed: - kill the boy!! Leanna got distracted and nervous for Bozer, he took the gun from her and escaped from her. Riley- Leanna!! Mac and Desi went after him. Leanna- Riley I can't run in this dress! Riley- I got an idea, come with me. *they went to the bathroom and changed their clothes. Now Riley was on the red latex dress and Leanna in the bodysuit, but leannas breast are way biggers than the boobs of Riley. Leanna- look. Riley- well damn thats too much, hahaha that's revealing revealing, here put the jacket on and zippit. That's why I preferred to put on some jeans I knew we were going to run, haha. Leanna- girl how is that you look hotter now, how it's that possible? Riley- oh shut up. Leanna- what are you doing this for me? Riley- uh because your my bestie, and this IS YOUR mission, you are the one that it's gonna put behind bars that bastard. Leanna had a big smile in her face, and they hugged each other. Leanna- oh my god! What are we doing?! Bozer!! Riley- don't worry if I didn't know Mac he went first for him, now hurry go for Nick I will locate him with his phone. Leanna- ok, wait speaking of Mac... you really went in with that dance... Riley- hey don't star now, go, you can annoy me later. They were outside with the backup Matty had sent, Leanna caught Nick with the help of Riley, he was now on custody of the CIA, Mac and Desi went for Bozer who was intact, they got in time for him. Mac, Desi and Bozer went with Leanna and Riley. Bozwer went running towards her, he hugged and kissed her. Riley came out from the other way, Mac saw her coming, he couldn't hide his expression when he saw her in that red dress. He was already impressed when he saw Leanna in it but when he saw Riley .. That's another story. Mac- hey.. Desi- here is she.. Bozer- hey Riley, wait did you changed clothes? Riley- yes, Leanna couldn't prosecute Nick in this, so we have to change, so she could do it, because IT WAS HER MISSION she said to Mac and Bozer. Desi- men ruin everything. Leanna- agreed. Mac- alright we get it. Bozer- yeah, but understand that we were worried about y'all. Leanna- you have to trust more then. We are smart as you guys. Desi- and stronger. Riley- faster, independent. Leanna- perceptive, brave, cultured Desi- committed, creative, funny Riley- i mean we could do this all night. Bozer- ok ok we get it that's how you do it. Riley- I'm a bad bitch, she's a savage, and she's the queen. They are at phoenix, Matty congratulated them, and let them go. everyone left the room except Desi and Riley was about to leave when Desi called her. Desi- Riley, can I talk to you for a minute. Riley- yeah sure was up? Desi- i just wanted to thank you for what you did, you helped with my nerves and anxiety something that I don't always feel and when we were in there I didn't know how to control my feelings... thank you. *she smiled at Riley* Riley- hey don't worry, I got you, I know how it is. Of not having control, and that is why we are a team, don't be afraid for ask for help next time. Desi- thank you, Riley. Hey do you want to come with me at Mac's place to grab some beers. The last thing Riley wanted to do was to be in the same room with mac, at least for now. Riley- uhh I don't know, we can't go somewhere else if you want. Desi- yeah I will love that. Riley- ok let's go then.
sooo i really hope you like this one. I'm sorry I didn't upload it earlier but i really haven't had much time these days, this one was a request, to the person who asked for it I hope I reached what you expected I hope it wasn't that bad lol, this one goes to all my girls who miss going outside and go party with their friends and get ready, because I miss it. And.. I was thinking of giving Desi something different when the person told me to get Desi some character development because I quote “the show hasn't given her one, and she sucks” ahha well I hope I did good, I wanted to write something to her that was really different, since in the show they put her as “ tough women with no emotion”, and I wanted to gift her some emotions make her look agreeable and kind and make it look that she has insecurity and anxiety too. That I think all lot of girls, and women in their 20s feel a lot. And tell me if you will like me to post the song I put in here if you don't know them or will like to hear them.
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zen3to5 · 4 years
J/H 6-21: 5:15
With previous changes to episode order, "Do You Think It's Alright?" is now 6-20. We assume that plays out as we know it, which takes us into this rewrite of 6-21...
(NOTE: There are two jokes here borrowed from sources other than That 70s Show - one from before the 70s [a Bugs Bunny cartoon] and one after [a Chris Rock routine.] See if you can guess which two!)
FF.Net AO3
SHOW TITLE   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT – DAY   A calm Friday afternoon. ERIC and DONNA share the couch and JACKIE sits in Hyde’s chair. They’re at a game of Scrabble laid out over the coffee table.   The basement door opens and MITCH and FEZ enter.   MITCH: Hey, guys.   ERIC: Mitch! I thought I heard a matchbox car pull up.   MITCH: Yeah, I'm short, and you're shaped like a lollipop. I'm not in the mood, Forman. My brother Jack's wedding is tomorrow, and I don't have a date.   JACKIE: Oh, did you try Aly Richards? She'll go anywhere there's cake.   FEZ: That's how I got her into my car. But then I ate the cake, and she left.   He sits in the lawn chair. Mitch shakes his head, crosses to sit between Eric and Donna on the couch.   MITCH: No, I'm in a real bind here. I showed up at the engagement party alone. My family made so much fun of me. So I said to myself -  'cause, of course, I was alone - that I would bring someone sizzling hot with me to the wedding. (turns to Donna) Hey, Donna, would you be my date?   Donna smiles, pats his arm.   DONNA: Mitch, I don't know what to say.   ERIC: Oh, let me help you out. (to Mitch) NO!   MITCH: Donna, if you went with me, I might finally earn some respect from my family.   ERIC: Let me say this for you one more time in Spanish. NO!   FEZ: I taught him that.   DONNA: Eric, it seems harmless.   ERIC: No, Donna. I'm sorry, but I forbid it.   DONNA: Oh. (turns to Mitch) Mitch, I'd love to go.   ERIC: Donna, what the hell?   DONNA: No, I forbid you to ask me questions about this.   ERIC: But, Donna –     DONNA: Let me tell you one more time in Spanish.   She blows a raspberry, stands, and crosses to the deep freeze and takes out a popsicle. Mitch follows after her.   MITCH: Oh, hey, Donna, thanks so much for doing this.   DONNA: Sure, but, you know, just friends. You don't get to touch any of this juicy stuff.   She indicates her breasts.   MITCH: No, don't worry. I'll even ask another couple to be, like, chaperones. Hey, Jackie, do you and Hyde want to go?   JACKIE: Oh, Steven has to work at the hotel tomorrow.   MITCH: But the reception’s at the hotel.   JACKIE: Exactly. So we’re in.   FEZ: But Jackie, if Hyde is working, wouldn’t that mean you’d sit out at the reception alone while he’s in the kitchen?   JACKIE: Hey, we’ll be in the same building for the same wedding. I work with what I’ve got.   She turns back to her tiles.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – DAY   Later that afternoon. RED stands with a CABLE INSTALLER in the drive. Red hands the installer a check, the installer cuts a receipt, and he goes on his way.   KITTY steps out from the kitchen, crosses to Red.   KITTY: Remind me what he installed again?   RED: Cable television, Kitty. We’re stepping into the future.   KITTY: Cable? Red, you said you’d rather kiss Ho Chi Minh than pay for TV.   RED: Well, that was before I knew what a good deal it was. For 20 bucks a month, we now have over 20 channels.   KITTY: Uh-huh... but everything we watch is on the channels we already have.   RED: Well, now we have new things to watch.   KITTY: Like what?   RED: Well, like... oh, there’s... Kitty, Laurie’s moved into an apartment, Eric and Steven are always working, and you and I are running out of things to talk about. We need something to fill up the day.   He retreats into the kitchen before Kitty can retort. She follows him inside, and we cut to:   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN – DAY   The two of them sit down at the kitchen table, where a tray of sandwiches and plates are waiting. They each take a sandwich and begin to eat when KELSO enters from the basement, a backpack slung over his shoulder.   KITTY: I'm sorry, Michael, but I'm gonna have to search that bag. Every time you leave my house with a backpack, I have to buy new hairspray.   KELSO: I didn't take anything. This is lunch. I planned a whole romantic day for me and Brooke.   KITTY: So, where are you and Brooke headed?   KELSO: Well, since she's having a baby, I thought I'd take her to a place that kids and girls like, so I figured I'd start the date off at an amusement park and we'd go on a ride on the Lightning Whip. And then I'm gonna take her horseback riding up to this overlook, and then we're gonna get cozy and drink a little Bingo Bango.   He reaches into the backpack, pulls out a bottle of booze.   KITTY: Oh, sweetie, you're so wrong, it makes me want to cry a little. (stands) No, no. Pregnant women cannot go on roller coasters, and they definitely can't drink alcohol, or bad things can happen to the baby.   RED: Case in point - Eric.   KITTY: Well, we didn't know any better back then. (to Kelso) I'm teaching a baby-care class at the hospital. If you brought Brooke, I think she'd be very impressed.   KELSO: All right. Yeah, sign us up. You know, there was a time that all I had to do to impress a girl was turn my eyelids inside out. This baby's changing everything.   He takes a step toward the patio door, then stops and crosses to Kitty.   KELSO (cont’d) Oh...   He reaches into the backpack, takes out a can of hairspray. Kitty snatches it back from him as he exits.   BUMPER   MUSIC NOTE: “Fallin’ in Love (Re-Recorded)” by Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds.   INT. BALLROOM – DAY   The next day. Wedding time – or, more specifically, the reception. The hotel ballroom has been mildly decorated for the occasion, with a high table for the bride and groom at the far end of the dance floor and round tables with white tablecloths scattered about the near side. A DJ has a station set up with record player and speakers – he currently has “Fallin’ in Love” playing.   The seating chart has Mitch, Donna, and Jackie at a round table, shared with a young woman their age in a fur wrap – CHRISTY. She and Jackie are happily chatting when Jackie breaks away to nudge Mitch’s shoulder.   JACKIE: Mitch, you never told me your family brushed up against anyone in the country club set. Christy and I used to go horseback riding there every summer.   CHRISTY: (to Jackie) It really has been forever, Jackie. We haven’t seen you at the PPCC since your father went to prison and your mother ran off to drink her weight in Tequila.   JACKIE: Yeah, but at least sitting out the last season meant I didn’t have to see you try and fail to make fur work in summer for the tenth year in a row.   They stare each other down for a moment, then break into girlish laughter. Mitch leaves them to it and turns back to Donna.   MITCH: Thanks again for doing this, Donna. Grandpa saw me walk in with you, and he slipped me a 20. (holds out the 20) Here, you should have this.   DONNA: See, that kind of makes me a hooker.   Mitch pulls a face, “ah,” and pockets the 20.   Further conversation is cut short by Eric, dressed for work, stepping up to the table.   ERIC: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Eric.   DONNA: Eric, what are you doing here?   ERIC: I changed my work schedule so I could make sure that Mitch keeps his tiny little doll hands to himself.   Donna stands and pulls Eric aside, even as Mitch is beckoned to the high table.   DONNA: Eric, Mitch is not a threat to you. Okay, he's a perfectly harmless guy who happens to worship the ground I walk on. You know, it's not his fault that I'm eye candy.   At the other side of the table, a young blonde man with chiseled features comes up to Christy. She and Jackie stand to meet him, and he embraces Christy.   MAN: Hey.   They kiss.   CHRISTY: Jackie, this is my boyfriend, Mason. He’s a fraternity man at Marquette, enrolled in their culinary arts program.   MASON offers his hand, and Jackie shakes it.   JACKIE: Really? You know, my boyfriend, Steven, is already working as a chef.   Christy and Mason’s eyebrows go up; they’re impressed. Naturally, Hyde chooses this moment to come into the ballroom, his chef’s jacket opened at the top and covered in grease and sauce stains. He goes straight to Eric and leans in near his ear.   HYDE: (hushed) Hey, Forman, when you bring out all the orders of sea bass, give Mitch the plate with the blue ring. That’s the one I spit in.   He and Eric trade friendly swats to the chest. Hyde heads back out, wiping his hands on his jacket front. He pauses when he comes behind Jackie.   HYDE: Havin’ fun, doll?   He pats her on the butt and exits. Christy and Mason watch him leave, then turn back to Jackie with far more condescending glares. Jackie gives them a nervous smile and giggle.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN LIVING ROOM – DAY   Fez sits alone on the couch, watching THE BRADY BUNCH on TV. His feet are propped up on the coffee table – on the cable box on the coffee table.   Red enters from the kitchen, beer in hand, and freezes halfway to the couch when he sees Fez.   RED: You? Eric and Steven are out, and your unholy marriage to my daughter has finally been washed away by the blessed miracle of divorce. What reason do you have to be here now?   FEZ: My host family has Bible study tonight. They like to act out the passages, and if I’m there, I always have to play the heathens, the heretics, the prostitutes... they even make me play the adulteresses. And one time, when I said I wanted to get more into character by wearing a dress, they made me talk with the priest.   Red realizes where Fez’s feet are. He lunges, slaps them down.   RED: Get your feet off of there! Now look – we’re in my house. This is my television. And I’m about to sit down in front of my television and enjoy my first day of cable.   FEZ: (gasps) You have cable? The home of The Charity Car Wash Girls? Well, why didn’t you say so, little buddy? Start ‘er up!   He scoots over and gestures for Red to take his seat. Red rolls his eyes but sits down. He picks up the clicker and moves up one channel, and the TV audio shifts to:   TV (aud. only): Stop spraying me, silly, or I’m gonna have to come over there and kiss you.   FEZ: Oh, this is it!   He leans forward, in rapt attention, heedless of the contemptuous look Red’s giving him.   TV (aud. only): Tasha, do you want a kiss, too? Wow, Tasha. You have the biggest –   Red clicks to the next channel up, and we hear:   TV (aud. only): Thunderstorms, which will result in a small craft advisory on Lake Superior.   Fez’s face falls. He sits back and slumps down into the couch.   FEZ: Weather? I’d have more fun sitting through a lecture from the priest after playing the adulteress.   He pouts, Red grins, and they go on watching the weather.   BUMPER   INT. CLASSROOM – EVENING   A small conference room in the hospital, converted into a classroom. A number of couples, the women in various stages of pregnancy, are seated before a blackboard and desk. A screen of female anatomy is pulled down over the board.   Kelso and BROOKE step into the doorway.   KELSO: (looks around room) Man, look at all these preggos. (points to one woman) God, that one's walking like a gigantic duck.   BROOKE: She is definitely in her third trimester. The baby probably dropped.   KELSO: No, I think it's still in there.   BROOKE: It means the baby's gotten itself into the birthing position.   KELSO: Oh. Man, you really know stuff.   BROOKE: Well, I've read every baby book in the library. By the way, did you ever read that book I gave you by Dr. Spock?   KELSO: No, I kinda lost interest when I realized it wasn't about Star Trek.   BROOKE: Well, you signed us up for this class, and that was very thoughtful.   KELSO: Well, that's me. I'm Mr. Thoughtful.   They make their way into the room and take seats in the front row. Kelso looks to the extremely pregnant woman on his left.   KELSO: Man, how many kids are you having?   Kitty, in nurse’s uniform, enters, stands at the desk.   KITTY: Oh, hi, Michael. Hope you're ready to talk boo-boos, burps and binkies. (laughs)   Kelso and Brooke stand.   KELSO: Yeah, uh, Brooke, this is Mrs. Forman, the lady that told me I shouldn't take you horseback riding. And, Mrs. Forman, this is Brooke, the hot librarian I impregnated.   KITTY: Well, I am so happy you two are here. (to class) And you should be happy, because you have me as your tour guide as you make the transition to parenthood.   She pulls on the screen to roll it up and reveal the blackboard. “KELSO RULES” is written across it in chalk.   KITTY (cont’d): Michael.   KELSO: But that could have been anybody. Everybody knows I rule.   KITTY: Okay, all right, okay. Let's get started.   Kelso and Brooke sit, and the rest of the class settles into place.   KITTY (cont’d): Now, when you first bring your little bundles of joy home, they will spend almost 20 hours a day sleeping and pooping.   KELSO: (to Brooke) Man, that's the life, huh?   Brooke shushes him as Kitty goes on.   KITTY: Now, who can tell me what they will do with the rest of their cute little time?   Brooke’s hand shoots into the air in classic A-student fashion.   KITTY (cont’d): Ooh. Yes, Brooke.   BROOKE: They'll be eating.   KITTY: Very good. And what will they be eating?   KELSO: (to Brooke) Hey, when you're not looking, I'm gonna sneak the little guy some popcorn.   BROOKE: Michael, babies can't eat popcorn. They don't even have teeth.   KELSO: My grandma Bessie doesn't have any teeth, and trust me, she ain't shy around a bucket of popcorn.   BUMPER   MUSIC NOTE: “Just What I Needed” by the Cars.   INT. BALLROOM – EVENING   The reception continues. “Just What I Needed” is the DJ’s current song of choice. Hyde is back in the room, as sloppy as ever. He and Eric lean against the wall to one side of the ballroom, muttering quietly to each other. Donna Jackie, Christy, and Mason are still at their table. Except for Donna, who is watching couples dance, they all look Hyde’s way.   CHRISTY: (to Jackie) So... that’s who you’re seeing these days. Where exactly did he learn to be a “chef?”   JACKIE: Um... Steven is... self-taught. Yeah, he’s not a big believer in college.   CHRISTY: (heavy sarcasm) Really? Because I would have thought he’d be the model applicant for any admissions board or scholarship committee.   JACKIE: Yeah, he doesn’t believe in material wealth either. Or hair care. And, as any Mormon will tell you, conversion takes time, and I’ve only had him for a year and a half.   Over by the wall, Hyde gets into a coughing fit, delivered directly into his hand, which he wipes on his jacket before resuming his talk with Eric.   CHRISTY: Well, Jackie, I, for one, think it’s very generous of you to take on such an unrefined and underprivileged young man as your boyfriend. It’s kind of like My Fair Lady in reverse. But you’d still have to Rex Harrison your way through the songs.   She throws her head back with a haughty “ha.” Jackie’s eyes narrow, but she has no immediate retort.   CHRISTY (cont’d): Of course, Mason here made it into college with top honors. His parents sit on the Marquette board and are among their top donors.   She turns to beam at him. Jackie isn’t so impressed; Mason is poking at his steak with a butter knife, his jaw slack and his face vacant. He looks up at Christy.   MASON: (nods to Jackie) I think her boyfriend ruined this pork. It’s too tough to cut.   Christy’s eyes drop down to the plate. Her smile starts to slip.   JACKIE: (to Mason) Maybe because that’s a steak. And you’re trying to cut it with a butter knife. (to Christy) I’m sure all those donations had nothing to do with him getting into Marquette.   An argument is prevented by stirrings at the high table: the DJ cuts the record, the bride and groom move their seats to the middle of the ballroom, and Mitch steps out before them, microphone in hand.   MITCH: I - I guess it's a tradition for the best man to say a few words. And all I really want to say is that my brother is not the only one fortunate enough to find himself in love's warm embrace.   He walks as he talks, crossing over to Donna. He holds out a hand to indicate her.   MITCH (cont’d): So, everybody, I'd like to introduce you to Donna, my new fiancée. Or as I like to call her, my big, red love machine. That's her.   He points to her, and the crowd begins applauding politely. Mitch basks in the attention, oblivious to the glares he’s getting from Donna and Eric.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   INT. BALLROOM – EVENING   Right where we left off. As the applause dies down, Donna gets to her feet and advances on Mitch.   DONNA: Mitch, what the hell are you doing?   MITCH: (to the crowd) Ooh, look at that fireball go. Feisty at the table, feisty in the bedroom.   Eric’s had enough. He marches over and seizes the microphone from Mitch.   ERIC: (to the crowd) No. No. She's feisty in my bedroom, people! My bedroom! Okay, he's just some lying, crazy lunatic. He's crazy. This guy's crazy!   You could hear a pin drop in the ballroom. All eyes are on Eric and Mitch. It slowly dawns on Eric that he’s still at a wedding reception. He turns, smiles to the bride and groom.   ERIC (cont’d): And, uh, my congratulations to the happy couple.   He gives them a polite nod; nervously, they nod back.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN LIVING ROOM – NIGHT   The inaugural cable viewing continues. Red still has the tube turned to the national weather; he sits back in the couch, grinning at the forecast, while Fez sits next to him, pouting.   TV (aud. only): ...barometric pressure from a cold front out of Canada...   RED: Look at all that hail in Buffalo.   FEZ: What hail? It’s just a map with a line going around it. Come on, little buddy, get off this thing and let’s see some sudsy sluts.   RED: For the last time, I’m not your “little buddy.” And my cable, my channel.   FEZ: But Mr. Red, how can you watch this?   RED: It comforts me to know that there are people out there more miserable than me, like those people in Buffalo. And you.   Fez’s pout deepens, but Red just chuckles and turns back to the TV.   CUT TO:   INT. CLASSROOM – NIGHT   Baby class has moved on to diaper practice. The couples all stand at makeshift changing stations with baby dummies and diapers to practice with. Kitty observes one OLDER COUPLE as they complete the task.   KITTY: Very nice. Baby says, "it's tight, but not too tight, and I wuve the way you powdered my widdle bottom."   At their station, Kelso watches as Brooke struggles to pull the diaper tight and finish the safety pin.   KELSO: I never thought I'd say this, but you gotta take it easy on the nads.   BROOKE: I know what I'm doing. It's just - it sounded so much easier in the books. (finishes) Okay, there.   She hands the dummy to Kelso, who presents it just as Kitty comes over.   KITTY: Ooh, let's have a look.   Kelso tugs at the waistline; it’s too loose.   KITTY (cont’d): Uh-oh. Baby says, "that's too loose. Now I'm gonna wee-wee on Daddy."   Brooke takes the dummy back.   BROOKE: I just have to re-do the safety pin. (struggles) God, why can't I do this?   KITTY: Oh, no. Baby says, "ouch, you poked me. Now I'm gonna cry. Wah! Wah!"   Brooke throws her hands up.   BROOKE: That's it. I give up.   She runs out of the room.   KITTY: (calling after Brooke) "Oh, Mommy, don't leave me. I don't want to end up in state-run foster care. Wah! Wah!"   Kelso gives Kitty a long look.   KELSO: You know, you seem normal around your family, but out in the world, you're a little nuts.   He leaves her to think about that as he goes after Brooke.   BUMPER   MUSIC NOTE: “Kiss You All Over” by Exile.   INT. BALLROOM – NIGHT   What’s left of the reception lingers on after Mitch’s speech. The DJ plays “Kiss You All Over.” The bride and groom receive a few relatives at the high table and Mitch skulks in the far corner. Hyde has taken over one of the many vacant tables, his feet propped up on the table. He and Eric help themselves to leftover food.   Jackie and Christy stand by their table while Mason sits and chats with Donna.   MASON: So it turned out that “yeast” means something else in cooking. But by then, I’d already puked in the dish, so...   He shrugs. Donna’s face twists into a tight knot of disgust.   MASON (cont’d): Yeah, they were gonna flunk me on that one, but my dad stepped in.   DONNA: Well, that’s – nice...   MASON: He stepped in literally, too – some of it got on the floor.   Meanwhile, Jackie and Christy have a conversation of their own going:   CHRISTY: Well, Jackie, not that it hasn’t just been a little slice of heaven catching up – because it hasn’t. (giggles) I would say we’ll see you around, but... well, jailbird dads and runaway moms are one thing, but I think the PPCC draws the line at taking in strays.   She nods to Hyde’s table. Jackie turns just in time to see Hyde load a spoon with a dumpling, pull it back, and shoot it into Eric’s waiting mouth.   JACKIE: (beat) You know, Christy, if I wasn’t with Steven, I might have gone along with all your insults tonight with some laughs, some passive-aggressive comebacks, and insisting that I didn’t want back in the country club set, which I would’ve hoped you didn’t realize meant I desperately wanted back in the country club set. But, since I am with Steven, I’m just gonna tell you to shut your hole.   Christy gasps, recoils. Jackie advances on her.   JACKIE (cont’d): Steven is a great guy and a wonderful boyfriend. And, okay, maybe he isn’t PPCC material, but who cares? He’s still a good person, and he turned out that way even after a hard, poor life. (points at Mason) He didn’t have one of the top donor families at Marquette as his parents paving the way from him, making it look like he was great when he was really a doofus. And, by the way...   Jackie tosses a small pack of something to Christy, who just catches it.   JACKIE (cont’d): That was in Mason’s pocket.   Christy gives Jackie a look, “how’d you get this?”   JACKIE (cont’d): Oh, yeah. My boyfriend taught me how to pickpocket.   CHRISTY: (eyes the pack) This is a pack of condoms.   JACKIE: Mmm-hmm. It’s a pack of three.   CHRISTY: But there’s only two.   Jackie nods, gives Christy a leading look. It hits her; she gasps, grabs Mason by the ear, and pulls him to his feet.   CHRISTY (cont’d): MASON!   She drags him, still by the ear, out of the ballroom.   Hyde and Eric, who have been watching the scene, stand and cross to the table.   HYDE: Jackie, man, you didn’t have to do that. A couple of squares wanna talk, that doesn’t bother me.   JACKIE: Well, it bothers me. Nobody gets to talk about you like that when I’m around or try to pass off their lunkheaded man meat as better than you. Steven, you are better than any guy I’ve ever met, and I’m proud of you.   A tiny smile flickers across Hyde’s mouth, the one chink in his cool demeanor. He lets Jackie cup his face and pull him down for a kiss, then puts his arm around her shoulders.   HYDE: You know, just for that, I think I’ll come in early tomorrow and get you some room service breakfast. And I’ll even follow the health code.   Jackie gives him a playful swat to the chest.   ERIC: I don’t know, Jackie. I think there are a couple of other good men around here. For example, (to Donna) It turns out I was right about Mitch. So, let's see, - that's you, wrong. Me, right.   DONNA: (sighs) All right, you don't have to rub it in.   ERIC: Uh, I think I do, Donna. So rub-a-dub-dub, I'm right.   Mitch, seeing them all gathered, stomps over and gets into Eric’s face.   MITCH: (hushed, seething) I am humiliated! The only way I'm gonna get my pride back is to kick your ass! So I'm challenging you to a fight. That is, unless you're too chicken.   ERIC: What is this, third grade?   MITCH: Okay, here's what I just heard – (flaps his arms like a chicken) Oh ba-ba-ba-gawk, ooh, third grade, ooh.   ERIC: Okay, you can stop doing that.   MITCH: Bawk, I can stop doing that, bawk.   ERIC: Okay, fine. You know what? I'll fight you. Fine.   MITCH: Good. Tomorrow! 5:15, the playground. You be there!   He starts to walk away.   DONNA: Um, why not just do it at 5?   MITCH: I have swimming lessons!   He storms from the ballroom.   CUT TO:   INT. CLASSROOM – NIGHT   Baby class is over. Alone in the classroom, Kitty gathers and cleans the baby dummies. She wipes at one with a rag.   KITTY: (to dummy) Okay, I don't know who gave you a tattoo, but that is not good parenting.   Kelso and Brooke enter, mid-argument.   BROOKE: Look, Michael, I don't want to talk about it. I thought I was ready, but today I found out I don't even know how to use a diaper. We are gonna be covered in poo.   KELSO: Look, I think you're underestimating us, all right? Especially me. Now, these beautiful hands aren't just made for foreplay. Check it out.   He crosses to the nearest station and starts changing the dummy’s diaper.   KELSO (cont’d): I remember the first time I babysat for my little brother and he power-dooked all over himself, right? So I got my mom's salad tongs and pulled off his pants, and then I grabbed him by the ankles and took him outside and hosed him off. And voila.   He holds up one dummy with a perfectly set diaper.   BROOKE: Oh, Michael, it's so perfect.   KELSO: See, now, you got the brains and the maternal instincts, and I know how to wrap ass. We're gonna do this together, and we're gonna be fine.   Kitty comes up behind them, looks the dummy over.   KITTY: "Ooh, Daddy, that's just how I like it."   Kelso and Brooke both give her a long look.   KELSO: You're really starting to creep me out.   From the look on her face as her brain catches up to her words, Kitty agrees.   BUMPER   EXT. PLAYGROUND – DAY   The next day, afternoon. A small crowd of high schoolers and college kids have gathered to watch the fight. Donna and Jackie look on, half-amused and half-bemused, as Eric warms up with some air jabs and Hyde massages his shoulders.   HYDE: Forman, I'm your bud, so I'm rooting for you in this fight. But, uh... business is business, so I got 50 bucks on the little guy.   Mitch walks up, fresh from swimming, with a bag over his shoulder.   MITCH: Well, I see the chicken showed up for his beating.   ERIC: How can I be a chicken if I showed up for the fight?   MITCH: You know, it's funny, 'cause what I just heard was, (flaps his arms like a chicken) Bawk-bawk, “chicken,” bawk! “Fight,” bawk! Now come back here so we can go over the rules.   He nods to the hedges and steps behind them. Eric starts to follow when Donna takes his wrist.   DONNA: Okay, Eric, one last thing. You know when we're play-fighting and you grab my wrist and I go, "ow, ow, ow, ow?” That doesn't really hurt. Okay? So, don't do that.   ERIC: What? The Forman death grip? Man, I was really counting on that.   He follows Mitch behind the hedges.   MITCH: (hushed) What are you doing here? I don't want to fight you. I was just trying to act tough so I can get my self-respect back.   ERIC: By threatening me?   MITCH: It's okay. It's okay. I've got a way out of this that'll make us both look good. We'll just – we’ll tell everyone that we worked it out like gentlemen, and now we're the best of friends.   ERIC: What? No. Mitch, look, Donna was really nice to you, and you humiliated her. I can't let you treat people like that. Today I'm... I'm standing up for all humanity.   MITCH: Would you do it for a 1968 G.I. Joe, Desert Rat edition with the original mess kit?   ERIC: (laughs) Please. I have three of those.   Mitch pulls an action figure box from his bag.   MITCH: The French version?   Eric takes the box, looks it over.   ERIC: (awed) G.I. Jacques. It does exist.   MITCH: We got a deal?   Eric nods. He leads them back out to the playground.   ERIC: (to crowd) Well, I'm afraid there's not gonna be a fight here.   As he talks, Mitch silently does the chicken strut behind him.   ERIC (cont’d): Uh, guys, we worked out our differences, and basically, he's a really great guy... (beat) Donna, he's doing the chicken thing behind me right now. DONNA: (laughing) Yeah. He's really good at it.   MITCH: That's not the only thing I'm good at, cherry pie.   Eric rounds on Mitch, puts his fists up.   ERIC: All right, that's it. You're dead.   Mitch makes a show of dancing back on his feet, his fists up... while edging toward the end of the playground.   MITCH: Ooh! ooh! ohh! Start the car, Mom! Start the car!   He turns heel and runs.   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS   INT. FORMAN LIVING ROOM – DAY   Later that day. Eric, Fez, Hyde, and Kelso are all crammed together on the couch. Their jaws all hang open as they stare at the TV.   TV (aud. only): Ooh, Mr. Handyman, I’m so glad you’re here. There’s so many things I need you to nail.   KELSO: I love cable.   TV (aud. only): Lucky for you, I’ve got a big hammer.   The boys all lean in closer...   Red enters from the kitchen. Fez’s hand shoots for the clicker, and he puts the channel back on the weather.   TV (aud. only): ... Temperatures in the mid...   The boys try and fail to look innocent. Red just rolls his eyes.   END.
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MGG smut plz dont read this
“Oh what-can-it mean to a daydream believer and a homecoming queen“ I sing as the songs ends “Cheer up sleepy jean”
Claps come from the drunken maybe 30 or so people at the karaoke bar. I take an overzealous bow and try to keep my balance. The room spins slightly as I stand straight up. The DJ loudly announces the next singer and song as I walk back to my group of friends. They give another drunken round of applause and compliments all around, even though I really butchered the last verse in “Sleepy Jean”. I feel my best friend yank on my arm and pull me closer to her face.
“Look who came in half way through..” She pointed vaguely across the bar at a group of people, none of which whom I knew. “Tonight is your night, I told you. Did I not?”
As she talks eagerly in my ear, I look deeper into the crowd. I remain unsure of what the fuck she’s talking about. I quickly sweep over and over again, looking for a familiar face, but I find none.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I stop her mid-ramble.
“It’s what’s his nuts... You know from the show you watch- not Law & Order the other one... What’s his fuckin’ name the tall cute one.” She yells into my ear, as if I’ll understand her better the louder she is.
“Matthew Gray Gubler?” I ask.
“YES! I knew his name, damn. Yes! He’s here, he walked in half way through your song.” She excitedly gets her point across and tugs on my arm.
“No fucking way, you’re wrong.” I scoff at her.
There’s no way he’s here. I try to look again, but now there are more people at the bar in the way of whoever was there before. She pulls me about two feet to our left and positions our heads just right and points across the room; much more specific now.
On the other side of the room, by the bar and near the wall, I see a man with curly hair with a drink in his hand by his mouth, but like he was too enthralled with what his response would be to whoever is talking to him so he couldn’t take a drink. He smiled wide as he listened, and I watched for a second or two as he gave his response, they both laughed, and he finally took a drink. 
“Fack.” I spoke bluntly “Fucking shit dude.”
“You have to talk to him, I’m not giving you the option. This is happening.” My friend spoke, still attached to my arm with excitement. 
“He’s probably here with someone.” I immediately excuse.
“He’s literally not. Oh my- listen, all you gotta do is talk to him. The worst that happens is you get turned down.” She refutes “This is a one time chance, and you’ll regret it if you don’t do it”
Anxiety rises in my chest through my stomach as I watch him and his friends move to the open pool table. I feel like my fucking mouth is sweating and like there’s no way that I’m gonna be able to go over there and say anything to him.
“Plus, you’ve been saying you wanna try to hoe it up a little. this is the perfect time. Vacation, bar, pretty guy.” She grabs my chin and turns my face to her to make demanding eye contact “You look extremely hot tonight. Your ass- looks great in those jeans, I cant stop staring. Literally, everywhere we have been I’ve had to keep the guys off of you. You’re the one in charge here.”
She speaks with such confidence and power. She raises her eyebrows at me as if to say “Are you gonna go fucking do it?” So I take a big huff and ball up my fists and turn to start walking over. I’m suddenly feeling how actually drunk I am, and if I wasn’t so drunk, that would make me nervous that I’m gonna look like a complete idiot. I suddenly realize that I have no game plan and the drink I’m holding is just ice at this point. I’m about ten feet away and there’s no stopping because it is now very clear that I was actively making my way across the room to this specific spot. I’m physically shaking at this point where I walk up right behind him as he leans over the pool table. I watch as he misses his shot and stands back up. I take a deep breath and let it out as I step up next to him and look up to smile.
“Hi.” I say, hopefully loud enough for him to hear.
“Oh, hello.” He says back to me and smiles.
There’s silence for a second, he looks back to his friends taking their turns, and back to me.
“Can I buy you a drink?” I blurt out, after what seems like holding it in for minutes in silence.
“Ah,” He looks at his half empty drink and back to me “Sure. You heading to the bar?” 
He points to the bar, and honestly, I’m just surprised I made it this far.
“Yeah!’ I respond, trying to keep my cool.
We both take off in direction of the bar and I am mentally trying to sober myself up to walk a straight line. As we reach the bar, he turns to me and immediately reaches out his hand to shake it.
“I’m Matthew.” 
I shook his hand and gave him my name with a smile. 
“What are you drinking?” I ask him, pointing to his drink.
“Ah, whatever seasonal beer this is.” He twists his bottle to look at the label, and then turns it for me to see as well “What about you?”
“Gin and tonic.” I say and raise my drink a little.
“Oh, wow. You look really young for a sixty year old dad.” He dead pan says to me.
My jaw drops with a hint of a smile. I feel a wave of peace come over me as we both laugh and I defend my drink choices. 
“Cheap beer seems to get the job done for me.” He says and takes another drink.
“I can’t help that I just have a refined palette.” I tease.
He nods towards his friends to gesture that we I follow him, as he turns to walk back to his friends.
“Are those your friends?” He points to the group of girls I came with who are now walking up to do a karaoke song together.
“Oh gosh, they really are drunk.” I say as “Ice Ice Baby” comes on over the speakers.
He laughs and leans down slightly to say to me “Are you not?”
I giggle and turn to look at him as I say “I mean yeah, but not group Ice Ice Baby drunk.”
He smiles at me and grabs the pool stick he had earlier and steps up to take his shot.
“They’re about to fuckin’ kill it though just watch.” I add in.
He misses his shot, hands the pool stick to his partner, then grabs his friends attention and introduces me to them and vice versa. I smile and wave extra awkwardly and sip at my drink which is starting to only taste like lime and not gin.
“Are you gonna do another song?” He crosses his arms and looks at me before looking back at my friends going hard to “Ice Ice Baby”.
“Uh, yeah I think so. I’m still trying to decide what song I wanna do.” 
I watch as my friends start to get sloppy at the mic and laugh a little. Matthew speaks to me again, but this time he’s much closer than before. He cranes down a little to listen and speak to me.
“What are your choices?” He asks.
I dare not turn to look at him lest his face be close enough for me to analyze under the dim bar lights and see the color of his eyes. I keep my eyes on the group of girls at the front rapping their hearts out.
“I’m thinking What’s Up by 4 Non Blondes or maybe I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston.” I say loudly.
“Ooh, throw backs. I love it.” I can hear his laugh much clearer now 
“You should do 4 Non Blondes, if you care what I think.” He adds that last part as he stumbles over his recommendation.
Smart. Also, good suggestion. I smile and nod.
“Yeah, I think you’re right.” I say coolly and step forward to walk to the DJ.
I’m freaking out that I’m actually maintaining this casual courtship so fuckin’ well. He seems to want to talk to me, which is amazing, and I’m not tripping over my feet or stumbling over my words. I can feel my cheeks tighten as I smile walking towards the DJ booth. I wait as the last song finishes and I am handed a mic to head out. All through the song, all I can think is that he’s watching me. Normally I like the attention, but right now I feel nervous-like when you’re forced to participate in something as a child. I try to relax and get into the song. I close my eyes and after awhile it’s just me and the music. I do my best, even give a little bit of a performance. I do another bow as the song ends and smile. I look up to see him standing in the back smiling and clapping. My heart races as he smiles wider when my eyes catch his. I hand the mic back to the DJ and walk back towards him. I left my drink at his table, irresponsible around strangers I know, but I had felt like I needed a reason to come back to him. I walk past my table and give one friend a high five and my best friend smacks my butt as I pass. She grabs my arm and stops me before I walk away.
“If we all need to crash in their room so you can have our room at the hotel, that’s fine. I can stay with them tonight. I am in all support of this.” She whispers in my ear.
I smile and thank her for her kind idea as I continue my walk back towards that tall tall man. 
“Hey! That was great!” he perks up as I near him.
Nervously, he raises his hands and I don’t think initially he knew what he was doing, but I didn’t either. We both end up double high fiving and then awkwardly looking away because we both knew that was so fucking stupid. I grab my drink and make sure to thank him for the compliment before I sip. 
“What did your friend say into your ear? Looked like she was gonna rip your arm off.” He says as he finally turns back to me.
I take a breath and turn back to him to make eye contact.
“She heavily implied some very inappropriate things.” I smile and take another drink.
“Oh! That’s super awesome.” He says blankly. 
“She’s very set and steady that I take you back to my hotel tonight.” I said honestly “However, I literally have never gone up to a man and bought him a drink at a bar and I’m just not sure that I could really get myself to a place that I could do that.”
“Well, you’ve already done the hard part right? Taking initiative. I’ve never had a girl by me a drink before, surprisingly. I’ve had some ask if I could buy them a drink. So, it’s a first time for me too.” He reassures me.
“Is that something that you would want to do? Take me to your hotel room?” He says as he sets his beer at the table with my drink and leans on it, facing me directly.
“I’m not really sure. I feel like there’s so much to disclose before something like that but the bar isn’t the best place to do it.” I reply honestly.
He scrunches his nose and nods “I totally get it. I don’t feel like I have to tell you but, you don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
“Well,” I start before taking a sip of my drink “Is that something you would want to do? Go back with me?” 
“Do you wanna have another drink? We could sit down when I’m done with this pool game.” He replies.
“Actually, I need to drink some water.” I shrug “I have to make ‘responsible decisions’“ 
I pfft my tongue at that and smile. 
“Who says?” He laughs as he responds.
“I do, actually.” I blush and look down at my drink, away from his smiling face.
“Well, do you wanna sit down over a couple waters then?” He suggests.
I look back at him and smile and nod. I wait as he finishes the pool game, every so often coming back and standing by me to talk to me. Occasionally, my friends would wave me down and give me extremely obvious thumbs up and gestures to check my phone.
I roll my eyes and give in and check my phone.
:“you need the room or nah? we tryna to head back”
I huff and look up at Matthew. It couldn’t hurt right? It’s once in a lifetime thing, I  have to.
:”I think so, but we’re gonna hang out a lil more”
:”k we’ll get anotha drink then call the lyft.”
I set my phone down on the table and look up to the opposing team taking the winning shot. Matthew drops his shoulders and pouts for a second, but quickly moves on to come stand by me.
“I’ll be right back.” He says and sets his half empty bottle down at the table and walks towards the bar.
I fidget with my nails as I wait, nervously. He seems sweet, and he seems to be just as awkward as me. As confident as it must seem to offer him a drink, I feel so small and dumb. He clearly came here with his friends to play pool and now I’ve ruined that. 
As I worry through my thoughts, he comes back to the table and sets down two large glasses of ice water. Luckily, he’s good at sparking questions and the conversation went on pretty well. He’s very awkward but somehow it makes me feel comfortable. We talk about pets and coffee and youtube videos and it goes well. Really, not what I had expected from trying to pick someone up from a bar. He asks for pictures of my pets and of course I show him. We talk about classic rock and our favorite bands. Comparing oldies and swooning over Bright Eyes. We sip through the remainder of our drinks and keep going on about music. At about a third of water left, somehow religion gets brought up religion and other beliefs. At water empty, it started getting deep. Bringing up childhood trauma and dealing with death. 
I look over at my friends and they are standing around as if they’re waiting. I dismiss myself quickly and head over to them.
“Hey, you guys can go...” I interrupt.
Shrieks of shock and joy come from them but I try to shush them as much as possible.
“Listen, I’m not promising anything will happen. But, I’m going to stay and chat with him a bit. I’ll get another Lyft.” 
They all smile and tease me. I give them hugs and send them off as they spew warnings about men and encourage me to have fun.
“Looks like you missed your ride.” I jump as Matthew speaks next to me.
“Oh, uh yeah. They’re gonna head out, I just wanted to hang out a little more...” I excuse.
“Those things you wanted to disclose... “ He turned to look at me “We can get an Uber, is that a good place to talk?”
My heart thumps through my chest as I look him in the eyes. He has another cup of water in a paper cup in his hand and the Uber app open in his other.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, that would be fine.” I stumble out.
“Are you sure? I mean, we can just share the ride back nothing has to happ-”
“Yes, I would like to. I want to.” I cut him off.
“Cool, well, we have like fifteen minutes until the Uber is here. Did you want another water?” He offers the cup in his hand with a smile.
“Sure, thanks.” I say as I take the cup.
We both kind fall silent as we wait. Like everything to be said here at the bar has been said. The next dialogue is to be in the car. The disclosure. We’re in the loading screen. I spend a little time peeing in the bathroom and checking my makeup. The rest I spend internally panicking. Not in a “I don’t wanna do this” way but more like “There’s no way this is really happening” way. Occasionally, we would catch each others eye contact and blush and smile. It feels good to know that he is just as nervous as I am.
*In the car*
“Let’s disclose this foreclosure!” Matthew declares as we get on the road.
“I don’t think that makes sense.” I tease.
“Yeah, y’know I tried. You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, yeah I know what you mean.” I mumble.
The car is so quiet compared to the bar. The late night empty roads seem deafeningly silent. I try not to look him in the eye again. There’s so much I want to say, but how does one even say them?
“So?....” He starts.
“So?” I stall.
“What did you wanna talk about?” He pushes.
“I’m not... Well, I’ve never just hooked up with someone.. I guess.. Like, outside of a relationship, and just really have never had an experience that I was satisfied with. There’s so much I want, but I’ve never had someone to give that to me, y’know.” I can feel that I’m definitely still pretty buzzed and saying things is coming rather easy once the first word comes out.
He smiles as he watches me explain my predicament.
“Yeah, I’m not really one to really go home with people from bars either so we’re on the same boat there.” He reassures me.
I can see his eyes watching me intently. Watching my lips intently. As I talk I feel my words being seen. He licks his lips once as he listens.
“I just feel like, if I’m gonna hook up with someone, I should go all out right? Trying to mix your body with someone’s that you don’t even know seems complicated. I feel like it’s trial and error and time, and all I’ve ever been is dissatisfied.”
“Anything else?” He says quietly, still not breaking his stare.
At this point we’re both facing each other in the back seat, nearly dismissing the middle seat entirely.
“I don’t think I can promise I won’t catch feelings for you.” I say finally, letting out my breath as I do.
He pauses for a second, I don’t think he even breathes, but he says “I’m fine with that.”
Before I know it, the gap between us is closing. He moves in hastily like he’s been craving to kiss me. I bring my hand to his cheek and kiss him back. He lays one hand on my neck and the other on my hip as he almost pushes me back in my seat, hungrily stealing kisses. I hold his hand that lay on my neck and snake my other arm around his neck. We keep kissing as the ride goes on. Going back and forth between peppering kisses on each others lips to overwhelming amounts of open mouth exploration. His right hand slides down and over my chest, and though I’m holding his hand, I can tell he didn’t just move there for convenience. If I wasn’t buckled in, he would have me on his lap right now. Which is really where I wanted to be. 
The car ride felt both too short and too long. Making out in the backseat is a world I could get lost in. Ahead, in the hotel I need to be ready to get real. Making out in the backseat is easy and actually hooking up with someone is complicated. I could stay in this sweet bliss forever,.
As the car rolled up to the hotel doors, we parted lips. I go to pull away but he holds me in place for a moment.
“I want you to know... I promise I won’t disappoint you.” He tells me, softly and kindly.
After we get out of the car, Matthew runs around to meet me and we walk into the lobby together. Down the hall, away from the front desk, he grabs my hand and leads me. He kisses my hand before pulling me in to kiss me on the mouth again.
“Fuck, I really like kissing you.” He says as he smiles against my lips.
“We’re almost to the room.” I try.
“Which one is it?” He asks, in between kisses.
“Next one on the left.” 
“You have the key?” He asks, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.
I push the key into his hand then, to my surprise, he literally sweeps me off my feet. Okay, maybe not literally. With his arm tightly around my waist, when he stands, my feet come off the floor. He unlocks the door and ushers us inside. He tosses the key card and drops me onto the edge of the bed. He plops down beside me and immediately grabs my face and begins kissing me again. Through this, he sloppily takes off the flannel he has on top of his pink t-shirt and tosses it across the room onto the desk. This time, he pushes his fingers back into my hair and I wrap my hands around his wrists. He pulls away to speak, but he stays close and doesn’t open his eyes. The glimpse of him that I catch he looks breathless. Like drinking a full glass of water after a drought.
“You said that there’s so much you want...” He says slowly “What do you want?”
“I don’t know,” I mumble “I’m all over the place man.”
He kisses me again before he speaks “How about...” Another kiss “I can start off, y’know, in charge...” Another kiss “And when you feel comfortable,” Another “You can do whatever you want..”
His kisses stray from my lips and down my chin. Over my my neck and to rest on my shoulder. Here stayed many, placed tenderly. I feel him rest his head against me, his hot breath wafting down my chest.
“We’ve got the room all night, right?”
My fucking heart stops. This won’t be disappointing.
“Yes.” I say in almost a whisper.
“Yes you want me to take charge or yes we have the room all night?” He sits upright, away from me.
My body reacts to him pulling away, too soon. I catch myself from reaching out after him. 
“Yes to both.” I agree.
“Sweet.” he nods “I have promises to fulfill.” 
He gently pushed me back to lay down, slowly looming over me as I do. His hand runs down my chest, my stomach, and to my hip. He leans down to kiss me, but only once before layering kisses down my chest to the edge of my shirt. He slides down to rest on his stomach and pushes my shirt up slowly, followed by a trail of kisses. He breathes slowly against my skin as the shirt moves higher and higher up my chest. I finally take the liberty of just removing the shirt to get it out of the way. He re-positions himself again, on his knees, leaning on his right arm and his other underneath me, reaching at the bra clasp. Just as I thought hungry Matthew was gone, he pulls the bra off completely and immediately presses his mouth to my chest. Wet, soft, and suckled kisses wander across my breasts and quickly turn to starved rough kisses and light bites of skin. He moves down over my stomach, taking time adjust to the curves and rolls of my body, before laying a fully contacted wet one onto my skin. 
At the top of my jeans he stops, resting his head against my skin and pulls at the sides of my pants.
“These looked great on you, but now they gotta go.” He mumbles.
Swiftly unbuttoning my pants, he continues to lay kisses on my exposed skin. He large hands pull at the sides of my jeans, this time successful, and pulled then down over my legs, off my feet, and tossed them to the floor. I feel the rumble as he lets out a whiny groan against my stomach. 
“Tell me to stop whenever.” He says as he pulls down my underwear, slowly, all the way off my legs.
“Please, don’t stop.” I say in a hushed voice, already ashamed of what I wanted from him.
I can feel him smile against my skin as he begins to press kisses to my thigh.
“I like that ‘please’.” He kisses further in, where leg meets body.
I feel his tongue glide up my bikini line and over the bare skin near my hips.The chill tickles me and my body tenses one degree more. He sits upright, still holding my leg, at the ankle now and rubs his other hand down my leg.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, okay?” He asks softly “But I wanna hear you say please.” 
He kisses my ankle and holds his lips there, waiting for my response.
I pause for a moment, wondering what exactly I should say. A jumbled murmur of unfinished asks stream out of my mouth.
“Yes, please... I want you to. I want to. Please.”
“Fuck,” he whispers, lips still pressed to my ankle “don’t have to ask me twice”
I brace my nerves as he kisses up my leg and slides his tongue up into the folds of my pussy. He places a wet kiss at my clit before running his tongue down, around, and inside me. I hide my face with my arms, and try to steady my breath. I feel his arm that’s not wrapped around my thigh slide up my stomach and his hand grasps mine.
“Hey,” he pulls his mouth away from my wetness, and kisses my tummy once “Uncover your face.”
He pulls my hand away from my face and intertwines his fingers into mine.
“I want you to look at me.” He says, with sweet nurturing eyes as he leans his cheek against my thigh.
He kisses my leg with the side of his mouth as I take a breath and uncover my face to meet his eyes. He never breaks eye contact as he goes back down on me. I watch intently, trying to control my facial reactions, as he utilizes his whole tongue and head movements to pleasure me. I can’t help but whine as I watch him so intently do his best to make me feel good. Every time his tongue touches my clit, I flinch and tense, leaving behind a trail of “Oh”s and “Ah”s. I try desperately, but it’s so hard to keep my eyes on his when all I want to do is close my eyes and lean my head back. Not to mention, it feels so vulnerable, him watching me as I come undone. As I feel a tension in my stomach begin to rise, I hide my face once more with my free hand. I feel his touch get lighter and I can hear his soft pleading voice, in between sweet sultry kisses.
“Relax, okay?” he begs me.
I nod, still hiding my face and mumble “I know, I’m just embarrassed.”
“Hey,” he whispers once again as he hovers up to kiss my face.
“I love this,” his hand that holds mine pulls down over his jeans and atop his hardening cock “Trust me. Please don’t be embarrassed.”
He lets go of my body and stands upright on his knees. I watch as he slowly lifts his shirt over his head and off his body. He tosses it to the ground and quickly undoes his pants. He pushes them down and awkwardly struggles to get them all the way off, and even more so as he tries to toss them away. I giggle a little as I watch him. Even on his knees he towers over me but he’s so soft that it’s calming. When he finally draws his attention back to me, a big smile crosses his face. We both take a second to just laugh a little. He licks his lips, and my eyes start to wander down his body. His sharp shoulders and thin frame. The muscles on his arms tense in pulses and his hands, making their way back to my body, feel like they encompass all of my skin whole. I can feel every joint in his skinny hands as as squeezes my waist a few times before descending back to my body.
His mouth quickly goes back to work, kissing my pussy like he was so desperately kissing my mouth earlier. I let myself watch him, but I let myself enjoy it too. I watch his bare shoulders and neck, tensing every time he moves his head. I let out a shaky moan as he hums against my core and loudly makes out with my body. My moans grow louder with every flick of his tongue and it sets me off more when I hear him begin to moan from his own pleasure he derives from getting me off. Any sense of fear and holding back, leaves me body as I can feel the energy rising within me. Finally, I tangle my fingers in his messy curly hair and hope he doesn’t mind that I pull on it as he begins to bring me to my climax.
“Oh, oh.” I whine “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
He laughs between strokes of his tongue and continues the movement he was doing, but slightly faster than before. I ball my fists in his hair and cross my ankles on his back. My hips begin to lightly roll against his face and the sound of him begins to fade way in a mess of my own cries. His left hand comes around and pulls my hand from his hair and intertwines our fingers. My legs tense around his head as I spill over unto ecstasy in a heap of praise and a chorus of “Yes, yes, yes!”. When I squeeze my hand around his, he squeezes back and I don’t let go until I can finally relax and let my breath flow.
I let out breathy whines as he kisses up my torso and back to my lips. He kisses me like before and I can taste myself on his tongue.
“Fuck,” he says between kisses “You’re amazing.”
“You definitely didn’t disappoint.” I whisper in his ear as a tease and leave a kiss at the top of his jawline.
I begin to kiss his neck, and it’s salty from the small sweat he worked up pleasuring me.
“Well, I’m not done yet.” He mumbles, clearly distracted by my kisses.
He pulls himself closer to me, his chest on mine, and I can feel his erection underneath his underwear. I can’t help but moan, knowing that he’s hard from eating me out and feeling his full size against me. He shivers and I lay a few bites on his skin. I push his underwear down as he wraps his arms around me and leans his full weight on top of me.
"Do you want me?" He mutters in my ear.
"Yes, fuck yes I want you." I reply, desperately.
I tried to hold onto his shoulders but as he pulled away to align himself with me my hands landed in his hair. I tighten my grip as he enters me, letting out his own moan of satisfaction.
"Fuck," our stomachs brush together as he pushes into me "Fuck, it's tight."
He lets out more of a cry in a shaky breath as he lays his face to rest in my neck. He says it's tight, but I'm not sure that he's not just bigger than what we were both accounting for.
His arms hold tight around my body and he forms a rhythm, pulling in and out of me, pushing deeper everytime. He fills me completely but I don't think he's even all the way in. The thought of him is ravishing, but feeling him actually pumping in and out of me is making me delirious.
"Ah, ah," he moans into my neck "Fuck, you feel so good "
He starts pushing in harder, trying to fit his length inside. His right arm snakes up my body and his hand onto my hair. He pulls my head back as far as I can lean it, and bites my trap near my neck. With every stroke, he gets harder and harder, still yanking on my hair for momentum. His breathing dampens my neck as he pants with his movements. I can see his contorted face, nose scrunched and eyes shut tight, mouth hanging open letting all his moans spill out.
All at once, with his hand still in my hair and on my back, he flips me over on top of him. He lets both hands rest holding my ass, pulling me in the same rhythm he was before. I barely have to do any work as he moves my hips to make me fuck him. His right hand lines up my torso, pushing me to sit upright, and he massages my breast in his palm. He watches me for a second as I try my best to keep my hips moving. Then, again, he picks up my weight and sits up, pulling himself out of me. He kisses me once, tenderly before speaking.
"Turn around." He says against my lips.
I don't hesitate to respond to his demands, I turn around and lean down on my knees and elbows, widening my legs as much as possible. With one hand pressed into my back above my ass, and the other pulling on my hips, Matthew pounds into me. I bury my head in my hands and let him take what he wants. Listening to him unravel because of me raises tension inside. I cry out for him to go faster and without answering, he does. Strings of curses and praises drip from his lips like honey. I can tell he loves being inside me.
He pants faster and faster and stumbles over his words. His pace becomes unsteady and sloppy and I can tell he's gonna cum. His arms wrap around my body, his hands holding onto my opposing hip and shoulder, holding me in just the right spot for him to pump in and out of me a little more before he climaxes. Listening to him, I feel my peak rise and take over. I hold onto to his arms and stretch as I feel it pulse through my body. As I slowly loosen, I feel Matthew reach his climax as well, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I can feel his open mouth breath on my skin as he catches back up with oxygen. I run one hand up and through his hair, pulling him closer to kiss him on the face.
"You're amazing ..." I whisper to him.
He takes a deep breath and lets out a tiny moan against my skin.
"I keep my promises." He says lazily.
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 9
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Rose accepted the takeaway containers with a bright smile and handful of bills, skirting around the security desk for the lift, letting out a breath when she made it inside without getting stopped by Mickey.  She knew he knew her ‘news’, had barely managed to escape him and his questions that morning, and was relieved to be able to put off the inevitable conversation a little while longer.
Letting herself back into their office suite, she stopped at her desk long enough to grab her tablet and mobile before letting herself into Malcolm’s office.
“Food’s here.”
Malcolm shot up, immediately abandoning his computer in favor of taking the food from her.  “Why didn’t you say something?  I’d have gone down to fetch it,” he fussed, setting the pizza box on his coffee table and grabbing water bottles from his mini-fridge.  “Sit, sit.”
“I was fine,” Rose rolled her eyes, stepping out of her heels before sinking down on the couch and separating two paper plates.  “Honestly, don’t- don’t do that.”
“Do what?”  He settled next to her, opening the box and plating them a slice each.  “What did I do?”
Biting her lip, she accepted the plate, holding it in the air with one hand as the other spread several napkins over the lap of her designer skirt.  “Don’t…”  She didn’t know how to say it.  “Don’t act like anything’s changed,” she finally decided on.  “Don’t go all formal and deferential on me, or any shit like that.  This doesn’t change anything.”
Making a face, Malcolm sighed.  “Fine, if you say so,” he twisted the lid off his bottle.  “How’s your morning been so far?”
Really?  Small talk?  “Productive.  Got lots of information about… everything.  And before you ask, everything is good with the Gala, right on schedule.”
“What did you find?”  He took a large bite of pizza, a stray string of cheese catching on his chin, and for a moment she fantasized about leaning forward and cleaning it with her tongue.  Down, girl.
“You have to give notice at your local register’s office at least 14 days prior to the ceremony.  Since we’re in different parts of the city we have to give notice separately; I booked us appointments for first thing tomorrow morning, so we can take care of it on our way in.  Before you can, though, we need a date and a location for the… the ceremony.”  She nibbled on the point of the slice.  “We need to document the location, as well as our individual addresses.  You need your passport and birth certificate.  Proof of your divorce.”
Malcolm snorted.  “So, fairly simple then.”
Laughing, she stretched out her leg to prod his thigh with her toe.  “It is, actually, once we settle on… specifics.”
“Well, I’ve made some tentative arrangements,” he said, opening up his own organizer.  “Though I’d like to hear what you’ve been thinking first.”
That I want this to be real, that I want you to love me as I do you, that I want to spend my life with you.  “I’m not particularly fussy on details,” she shrugged one shoulder, watching her fingers pick at the crust of her slice.  “Given everything, I think we should go simple, easy, and practical.”
“You may approve of my plan then,” he smiled wryly.  “I was thinking the back garden at the Townhouse.  My chef does catering on the side, the flower vendor for the Gala can pull something together as a favor, one of Clara’s coworkers DJs on the weekend…  Ceremony in the garden, reception in the ballroom, and if you want, honeymoon up at the Estate in Scotland – they’ll be expecting us to honeymoon if they don’t know the truth, and that way you can see the property and meet the staff, and I can check in – haven’t been up there in years.”
Honeymoon.  Rose’s smile froze, two separate trains of thought racing through her mind.  The first was Jackie would inevitably want details on the getaway – intimate details.  I’ll either have to lie about shagging him, or tell the truth that we’re not – neither of those is particularly appealing.
The second track involved them, a private beach, open bar, and unending pleasure under a hot sun.  Mhmm.
“Yeah?” she snapped back to attention, hoping he couldn’t see the warmth in her cheeks as she willed herself not to flick her eyes over his lap.  Never gonna happen, Rose Tyler, you need to accept that.  “Um, that sounds good.  I’ve never been to Scotland.”
“Okay, then.”  He took another large bite, watching her thoughtfully as he chewed.  “All right?”
Rose nodded, finally digging into her own slice with relish.  “Just thinking of everything there is to do.”
“We’ll get it done,” he said confidently.  “We make a good team.”
“We do.”
But we could be so much more.
“Thistle Foundation, this is Rose.”
“Well, aren’t you going to ask me?” Clara snapped down the line, and Rose stopped typing with a frown.
Her friend sighed heavily.  “Am I, or am I not, your best friend?”
“You are.”
“And are you, or are you not, getting married?”
“I am.”  Despite the circumstances, a happy little thrill went through Rose at the thought.  He’ll have to kiss me, during the ceremony, she realized smugly.  Maybe it’ll open his eyes, and he’ll see what’s literally been in front of him all along.
Rose rolled her eyes.  “I have no idea what you’re looking for, and am very busy- what’s up?”
This time, Clara was quiet, almost… hurt?  “You don’t have anything to ask me?”
Brow furrowing, Rose wracked her brain for anything outstanding, but came up empty.  “No?”
“Oh.”  Was that a sniffle?  “Okay.”
“I’ve got to go,” her friend cut her off, a definitely wavery tone to her voice.  “Bye.”
And the line disconnected.
Pressing her lips firmly together to hide a smile, Rose went back to working on the Gala program, keeping one eye on the clock.
Ten minutes later the phone rang again, and she was already grinning as she answered.  “Thistle-”
“Yes!” Clara screamed.  “Yes, yes, yes!”
“Are you sure?  You don’t seem particularly enthused at the idea,” Rose teased, leaning back in her chair.  “I could always ask-”
“Don’t you fucking dare!”
She had to laugh at that, could almost hear down the line her friend vibrating with excitement.  “So, just to be clear, you will be my maid of honor?”  Glancing up, she caught Malcolm’s eye as he happened past, frowning when he stopped dead with an unsettling expression of horror.
“Of course!” Clara said, “How could I not be?  Right, I’ll meet you at yours at half-six so we can start planning.  I’ll bring the food. I’ve got to run, but I’ll see you then! I’m so excited!”  And with another squeal, not waiting for a response, the line once again went dead.
“Something wrong?” Rose asked, keeping a wary eye on Malcolm as she hung up the receiver.  “Changed your mind?”
He slowly shook his head.  “No, it’s not that, I just- Well.”  He shifted, looking uncomfortable.  “I suppose I’d always imagined that were I to remarry, well, that Clara would stand up for me.  Be my best man, in a manner of speaking.”
“Oh.”  Once he said it it seemed obvious; of course he’d want his daughter at his side.  She’d been friends with Clara for just over a decade; he’d had her Clara’s entire life.  “Right.  I mean- Duh.  Um, I can talk to her tonight, if you want- unask her, so you can.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” he waved his hand in a would-be casual way, still frowning.  “I’ll… find someone else.”
“I have other friends I can ask,” Rose pressed, “it’s fine.  Really.”
Malcolm shook his head.  “She’s your best friend,” he maintained, “and it’s only natural.  Don’t worry about it.”
And he walked away, leaving Rose with worry gnawing at her gut.
How are we supposed to make this work?
Malcolm sank into his desk chair, leaning back and staring at the ceiling.
I don’t know what to do.
It hadn’t even occurred to him, to ask Clara to stand up for him- they’d been thick as thieves most of her life, especially after the divorce and move.  Two peas in a pod, Wallace used to laugh, and it had been fitting.  Even as she’d grown up and moved out their relationship had remained mostly the same; while they were father and daughter first, she was also his best friend.
But she was also Rose’s, and of course she would stand up for her; it was obvious in hindsight.
His mobile buzzed, and he checked the screen to see an incoming call from Pete Tyler.  Shit.  “Tucker.”
“Hey, Malc, how’s it going?”
“Good, good,” he answered vaguely, sitting up straight.  “How can I help you?”
“Listen-”  oh, fuck, that’s not good.  “Let’s have dinner, tonight- preferably at yours.  I want to talk to you about this wedding.”  Shiiit.  “How’s seven?”
Malcolm swallowed, clicking the icon on his screen that would pull up his calendar.  “Sure.  Uh, will Jackie be joining us?”
“No, you and me.  Man to man, father to father… that sort of thing.”
“Uh huh.”  He sighed.  “Sure, seven’s fine.  I’ll… grill some steaks, we can talk.”
“See you then.”
The call disconnected, and he dropped the mobile to the desktop with a groan, cradling his head in his hands.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
When Wallace had passed, Malcolm had been at peace with it – the old man had lived a full life, full of charity and happiness, and it meant an end to his suffering.  Now, though, seeing what his uncle had left behind for him…
Is it even fucking worth it?
By the time three o’clock came, Rose was more than ready for the day to be over.  For the hopeful way she’d started the day, it had certainly ended on a sour note.
Getting married is supposed to be a happy thing – and even though we’re not actually a couple, it’s still not terrible.  I could do a lot worse. And, honestly, it’s not like either of us have found our soulmates – even if it’s not love, it can still be companionship.  But… it also feels like this is more fragile than I first considered.
Rose looked up only to find Malcolm looking as bad as she felt.  “Hi.”
“That’s me off,” he gestured towards the lift with his thumb.  “You might as well head out too.  Get a fresh start tomorrow.”
“Okay.”  She didn’t hesitate to log off her computer, pushing back from the desk.  “Don’t forget to go to the Register’s Office tomorrow – I’ve already given Graham the details, but you’ll need to pull your documents together.  I emailed you a list of exactly what you’ll need.”
“Thanks,” he smiled wanly.  “Now, get your shit – I’ll walk you out.”
It was only a matter of seconds to be ready to go, and she was startled but pleased when Malcolm helped her into her coat.
He didn’t acknowledge it, just gently pulled her hair out from her collar.  “Let’s go.”
Settling her purse in the crook of her elbow she walked with him, letting him play the gentlemen.  This is nice, she thought wistfully.  If only it were real.
“I was thinking,” he said casually, “that after the- well, after, we might as well keep the same hours.  I know you seem to prefer to be in before me, but- Obviously it wouldn’t make any sense for Graham to bring you in and then come back for me.  If nothing else, I hope this makes your life a little easier – not having to deal with the Tube, and all.”
Her lips twitched in amusement.  Is that the best you think you have to offer?
“Plus,” he coughed, as the doors opened and he let her out, “I… I don’t know about you, but it might be nice to have someone around.  At the house, I mean.  To not… be alone.”
She paused as they stepped out onto the pavement, waving hello to Graham before focusing on Malcolm, studying his expression.  Is he blushing?  “That would be nice,” she agreed softly.  “I do like living alone, mostly, but… it also gets lonely.”
“We can be lonely together,” he offered, quirking his lip, and she grinned.
“Works for me.”
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nekoabiwrites · 5 years
I unironically love Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging and its soundtrack. Ultraviolet has been a song I’ve always loved and I had a cool idea for it. This was supposed to be a short fic... but as usual, I managed to get it to a fairly substantial length...
Here’s the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmqi21YMJP4
AU: School/Teacher AU Parings: Past Prinxiety, Logince Words: 2564 Warnings: Alcohol mention, mention of FWB relationship, kissing, swearing. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Roman is crushing hard on his fellow teacher, Logan. When an old friend appears and sets off Roman’s inner performer, well... things start progressing.
Roman sat at one of the round tables, a tall glass swirling beneath his hand. It was full of a sparkling drink that was supposed to mimic something akin to champagne. The school couldn’t possibly provide or condone any of their students being given such drinks, though Roman was 99% sure he’d seen some of the kids around him passing some form of alcohol around. It didn’t matter, these kids were leaving anyway, and this was the last night he’d be in charge of any of them. Plus, it was prom. They deserved to have fun, or whatever.
The music was currently pounding, some new dance song that he’d never heard just blasting through the speakers and most of the kids were out on the dance floor. Roman watched them for a moment, but then his attention was stolen by someone sitting at a table almost directly opposite him and the drama teacher couldn’t help the soft sigh that fell from his mouth.
Even this evening, at a relaxed event, where all the teachers were really expected to do was make sure none of the kids got hurt, the object of his affection was dressed so… seriously. The physics teacher was standing up as straight as ever, his shirt and tie just so perfectly fitted and crisp. Yet, his expression was far softer compared to his usual one when he was in the school building as he chatted with some of the other teachers. He just looked so good, Roman wanted to walk up and kiss the soft smile off of those lips.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ro.”
Roman jumped and turned in his seat to see the person who’d interrupted his thoughts. A soft blush coated his cheeks as he realised who it was, “I didn’t think I said that out loud…”
The giggle from beside him had the drama teacher throwing a playful glare towards the man who’d joined him, “I thought so! But you should probably just tell him how you feel rather than just walking up and kissing him.”
“Patton. Please. You know I can’t tell him that! It would ruin the perfect working relationship we already have!” Roman threw his hands in the air, huffing dramatically.
Patton took a short sip from his own glass before placing it down on the table, “You mean the working relationship that has you both ending up in an argument at least once a day?”
Roman wanted to reply with something snippy but thought better of it. He, instead, looked back over to Logan, watching once more as the teacher conversed. Patton was right; the two of them got on like a dragon and a knight – meaning they fought often and with all the ferocity of such a dynamic. At first, Roman had despised the physics teacher for his high and mighty attitude and the fact that he had an uncanny ability to just appear whenever Roman was about to get something wrong. Logan also seemed to just enjoy correcting the drama teacher, his expression turning smug as Roman was often left getting frustrated at his words.
As time passed though, their arguments turned from something Roman loathed to something he looked forward to. The usual fire behind their words fizzled out over time, replacing their harsh tones with something akin to fondness. They snarked at each other, gave each other withering looks as they passed in the halls, but it was all from a place of friendship or affection, at least in Roman’s case. With each day that slipped by, Roman felt himself falling more and more for Logan and it had gotten pretty bad.
Suddenly, Roman was pulled from his thoughts by a very familiar and specific opening to a song. It was one not many people knew of, at least not anymore. No one else seemed to be paying it much attention, but the drama teacher’s gaze flew around the room for something specific. Then his eyes landed on the DJ, who was staring right at him.
Roman snorted and stood, “I’ll be right back, Pat.”
“Uh, okay?” Patton seemed confused, but Roman didn’t have time to explain, especially as the DJ was tossing around a microphone in his hands.
The drama teacher quickly hopped up onto the short stage to stand beside the DJ, but before he could even get a word in, the man held the mic up and began to sing.
“She's a wave and she is breaking She's a problem to solve.”
During this, the other man held out a second microphone towards Roman. He snatched it out of his hand as quickly as possible, the two of them sharing a look that to outsiders may have seemed a little too flirty between what should have probably been strangers.
Roman, ever the performer however, completely forgot that no one in the room was aware of his past with the DJ and instead joined in the song.
“And in that circle she's making I will always revolve”
A victorious smirk crossed the DJ’s face before both of them sang together.
“And on her sight These eyes depend Invisible and Indivisible”
As they jumped right into the chorus, the two of them continued to flirt. Roman seemed to be following the DJ’s lead, reacting to his advances more than adding his own. Yet, he was clearly enjoying it and was more than used to what was happening as everything seemed almost rehearsed.
“That fire you ignited Good, bad and undecided Burns when I stand beside it Your light is ultraviolet.”
“Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet Ultraviolet.”
A short musical break started and Roman leaned in close to the DJ in order to be heard over the music, “Why didn’t you tell me, Virgil!?”
“Like I knew it was your school.”
Roman pulled back and pouted, only getting yet another smug look thrown back at him. “Oh, you asked for it.” Before Virgil could think of a response, the handheld mic was back up to the teacher’s mouth.
“Now is a phase and it's changing It's rotating us all”
The drama teacher took a few steps away from the DJ’s stand, his back to his friend. He threw a look back over his shoulder at the next couple of lines though.
“Thought we're safe but we're dangling And it's too far to survive the fall”
Something seemed to take Roman over. This was a song he’d performed multiple times in the past and he still knew the routine he came up with for it. That unconscious part of his performer side must have had something to do with the fact that Roman, without considering where he was or what he was actually about to do, performed a slut drop with a rather slow recovery back up to his standing position. He was filled with a sense of pride as Virgil’s eyes widened significantly and his smirk fell away at the move. Roman then sharply turned back to the DJ, staring directly into the other man’s eyes.
“And this I know It will not bend Invisible and indivisible”
Roman, as the chorus kicked in once more, turned his attention fully to the crowd of students and colleagues before him. He was utterly in his element, loving the feeling of performing solo before them all, and the fact that many of the students seemed to be enjoying themselves alongside him on boosted his confidence.
“That fire you ignited Good, Bad and undecided Burns when I stand beside it Your light is ultraviolet”
The drama teacher’s eyes were roaming the crowd as he sang, and he managed to accidentally lock eyes with Logan, who’d crossed the room to stand by Patton at some point. Roman held the man’s gaze as though it were a lifeline, as though he was trying to shove the words he was singing into the other’s head, to get him to realise that every single one was being directed at him and was about him. Well, at least now that Roman realised it fit him so well.
“Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet, Ultraviolet”
There was no moment that Roman’s eyes left the other’s. The instrumental played on and Roman managed to coax the other teacher closer to the stage, Logan almost moving in a trance like state. When the instrumental died out, all that could be heard was Roman’s voice, powerful and strong as he sang to the object of his affection. Roman reached out towards Logan and he continued the chorus. He pulled the man up beside him as soon as he had a good grip on his hand, which caused Logan to stumble a little and practically fall into his chest.
“That fire you ignited Good, Bad and undecided”
The physics teacher sharply pulled away, almost ripping his hand from Roman as if he’d been burned, yet both were still to break their eye contact.
“Burns when I stand beside it Your light is ultraviolet”
Logan was already a step away from Roman, his face visibly red even under the multi-coloured flashing lights that were the only thing illuminating the room. Roman continued to perform, literally acting some of the words out.
“Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet, Ultraviolet”
Once again, Roman’s free hand had a hold of Logan’s, which allowed the drama teacher to get the other to follow him around a little in his performance. It was awkward and uncoordinated as Logan was completely unaware of what was even going to come next, but he ended up laughing his way through it, especially when Roman attempted to spin him into and away from his body during the last, short guitar solo.
“Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet, Ultraviolet.”
The song faded into another and the two teachers were left staring at each other once more, this time both of them silent. Virgil, after a moment, reached over Roman’s shoulder to pluck the microphone from his hand.
“You gonna introduce me or what, Princey?”
Roman snapped himself back to reality, “Oh, uh… Virgil, this is Logan Croft, one of the physics teachers. Logan, this is Virgil Crow, an-” The drama teacher practically swallowed the words that were about to leave his mouth. It only took a mere few seconds for him to recover however, “-o-old friend.”
Logan looked Roman up and down suspiciously before reaching out a hand towards Virgil, “Pleasure to meet you.”
Virgil grasped a hold after a moment of consideration, “Same here, I guess.”
There was an air of tension between the two, which had Roman sweating in such a way that would have stage lights jealous. “Well, uh, I suppose we should get back, need to watch over these kids of course!” Roman rambled awkwardly, just wanting to split the two men up as fast as he could. He let out a tense laugh before going to grab Logan’s arm and drag him back down to the table that Patton was still sat at.
The physics teacher was having none of it, however. He easily slipped his arm from Roman’s grasp and stayed put, “So, I assume there is somewhat of a past between you two?” He addressed Virgil, voice perfectly calm.
Virgil let out a short snort, “You could say that.” The DJ gave Roman a once over before smirking as he returned to looking at Logan, “I’m his ‘It’s Complicated’.”
Logan’s head snapped to Roman, who was just a little behind him now, a questioning look on his face. He clearly didn’t quite understand, which had Virgil almost doubling over in laughter. Roman simply sighed and blushed.
He approached the pair and explained, “Virgil and I were in… somewhat of a relationship, a while ago, and it just… sort of stopped one day, though Virgil insists on flirting with me still.”
“That’s a funny way of saying we fucked, Princey.” Virgil’s laughter had stopped so suddenly, allowing him to snarkily respond to Roman’s admission. As Roman spluttered and both of the other men before him blushed darker, Virgil turned and wandered back over to the DJ table, just in time to check in on the next song.
Roman’s head flicked quickly between his old fuckbuddy and his current crush, trying to decide whether to storm up to Virgil and give him a piece of his mind or stay next to Logan and explain things better. During his dilemma, Roman felt a hand gently rest on his arm and he watched as Logan passed him and approached Virgil.
“May I ask you a question?”
The DJ glanced up at him before letting a fond smile cross his lips for the first time, “If you wanted to know if me and Roman are still hooking up, I can tell you that stopped a couple years back. Nothing for you to worry about there, Specs.”
Logan instinctively reached up to adjust his glasses at the nickname. He nodded slowly, “Ah, yes, that was… what I wished to find out. Thank you for your honesty.”
“No problem, lover boy. Just go get him already, the two of you keep staring at each other and it’s painfully obvious.” Virgil turned back to the laptop in front of him, speaking plainly as if he were chatting about something that didn’t concern Logan and Roman’s private life.
Logan opened and closed his mouth a few times before nodding once more. He turned back around and headed over to Roman. The drama teacher went to speak, likely to apologise or to explain himself but Logan simply grabbed a hold of his arm and dragged him to a space away from the curious students.
Once they’d stepped into the dark space beside the stage, Roman continued to babble away about something or other. Logan was still not listening. Instead, he quickly leaned in and pressed a harsh but short kiss to the other’s lips.
Roman fell silent, even as Logan pulled back. He simply stared and blinked.
“I apologise if that was something… unexpected. I was not sure how else to convey the affection I hold for you while you were speaking so rapidly.” Logan flushed and went to take a step away, his gaze falling to the side in embarrassment.
A hand reached out and tilted his head back so Logan was staring at Roman again. The science teacher’s breath caught as he saw the extremely loving look in the other’s eyes. Roman spoke quiet and low, yet it was still loud enough to be heard over the pounding music that was playing behind them, “I’ll admit, it was definitely unexpected. But it certainly wasn’t unwelcome. ...How about you convey it again, but this time I’ll be prepared?”
It was Logan’s turn to be silent and stare. While he’d considered the idea of Roman returning his affections, Logan had not once truly thought it to be possible. But now, here he was, hearing the man before him essentially confess. Logan almost shot forward and recaptured Roman’s lips once more, melting into the contact and letting the negative thoughts float away.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly@justanotherpurplebutterfly @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2@lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx@sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette @doces-e--tuga @coloursintheblur @safesandersides
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lachalaine · 5 years
tagged by: your local meme thief aka; me.
tagging: please also steal it from me, it’s a fun one 🌸🌸
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Lavender is her main scent, as she utilizes it from her body wash and her shampoo and conditioner, although sometimes she likes to change things up and use green apple or ocean breeze scented body washes, something more -- refreshing and calm. She also smells like sulfur half the time though too, just because she deals with pyrotechnics a lot during her shows, and that’s primarily the main reason she’ll usually get one of the other scents to mask the smell, because they can tend to smell a lot more potent and clean then pure lavender sometimes. 
Soft and smooth overall, and yet also just a smidgen bit rough, particularly around the fingertips. The girl works primarily with her hands, from utilizing simple instruments like the piano, to the different knobs on a DJ deck, and then often does she also have to get her hands dirty when actually setting up for events - pushing heavy speakers here, arranging spotlights, etc etc. It’s not necessarily absolute manual labor, but she isn’t just sitting pretty on stage all the time either. She likes to get involved. Then there’s also the fact that she likes to punch people a lot 🙃 so her hands ain’t exactly the daintiest in the land, no, but the einjerhar blood ensures any marks received heal fast for the most part, and if you were to just take a passing glance, you wouldn’t notice a thing. 
She lives off of convenience store food, mainly because she can’t cook for shit. So she stocks her kitchen with some fruit and sandwich supplies, her fridge with rice balls and rice meals, only ever really having to heat it up when she’s ready to eat. But that usually only occurs when she’s around the house enough to actually eat it. Otherwise, when she’s out for the day - which is often - she’ll eat lunch and dinner out, usually going for Japanese food at a sushi restaurant nearby since for the most part is it fairly healthier compared to other types of cuisines. Otherwise, it’s hamburgers, and pasta, and Japanese barbecue. How does she keep her figure, you ask? Well -
Running from the law tends to be great cardio, no? 
Yes! Although it’s super unlikely anyone will ever really hear her sing. She sings only when she’s alone ( in her main verse ) because she’s self-conscious about her singing voice, and for all the tracks that she manages to put together - she’s never seen herself as being capable of actually providing the vocals she works so hard to sync to her music. 
Her voice however, is actually so very soothing and smooth. She has the vocals of a jazz singer, so she can croon out notes that are low and a bit husky, and it’s so gosh darn melodic to listen to. It’s why she’s an actual Jazz Singer in her Jazz Verse! 💕 but also, some additional fun stuff: 
Her singer voice claim is Banks, specifically how she sings these songs: Song 1 & Song 2
And in her Jazz verse, this is one of the songs I could see her singing on stage, for plot related reasons 🙃: Song
Sometimes when she’s really overwhelmed and having trouble centering herself, she has a terrible, terrible habit of digging her nails into her palms to steady her breathing and calm herself down. Her nails aren’t terribly sharp necessarily, but they are a smidgen long and tend to dig deep into her skin when she gets like that. Sometimes she’ll accidentally break the skin, sometimes she leaves bruises dark enough to last more then a few hours. She says it’s because the pain helps her handle her emotions, so at least she can at least try to be above it all and just listen to reason, be rational, be calm, as opposed to breaking into tears or screaming, or doing something she’ll really, really regret. 
Jackie’s hair is usually all curly and wild, sometimes let loose, yet most often tucked into a half up and half down braid that frames her face. Her attire is primarily what one would consider to be ‘music festival attire’, which is to say they are street style inspired bohemian outfits that spell out both fashion and function. On a usual basis will you see her wearing tattered denim shorts and jeans, most often paired with crop tops of varying cuts in either plain black or white. The trick she tends to go with is that she usually keeps her main clothes a basic color, and then her kimono’s / cardigans and jewelry are the ones that add all the glam and glow to her daily look. This helps tone off some of the intensity of the color and chaos of her hair, so it all looks nice and attractive and balanced - and not too painful on the eyes. 
Yes, but she’s not the most outright about it. She tends to be affectionate without even realizing she’s being affectionate, and then she gets all shy and huffy whenever it’s even remotely brought to her attention; curling back into herself and pouting and refusing to do it anymore. But her style of affection is damn so soft, that once someone gets into that phase with her, she can’t resist them at all! And it doesn’t happen often either, because she tends to hold most people at arms length even when they think she’s being the friendliest person in the room. But for the few that she holds in that regard, do they see a side of Jackie that’s really just very sweet. So remarkably sweet and warm and just genuinely delightful, prone to snuggling up close for hugs, leaning her head on their shoulders, tracing the lines of their hands and just kinda comparing them sometimes, even sometimes having them lay in her lap and she just kinda runs her hand through their hair so she can soothe them. Physical touches is how she best showcases her affection, so even if you don’t always get the words, you’ll always get the actions. 
She sleeps on her side, usually curled up into a pillow so that she doesn’t feel like she’s alone in her bed. Legs are often curled upwards, although she gets irritated with herself sometimes when she realizes that because it makes her spine curl in a way that frustrates her for some reason, so she tries to keep it straight whenever she can but it goes back to that position when she sleeps again anyway. When she’s sleeping with someone she cares a lot for, she sleeps best when she’s snuggled in their arms and on their chest, or when they’re snuggled in her arms and she can just kinda throw her leg over them and get all intertwined. So long as she can feel them close, she’s happy.
Only if she wants to be heard. When she’s relaxed and comfortable, you’d likely be able to hear her boots clip clopping against the ground, or maybe hear her laughter travelling through the walls. When she’s not so much at ease though, she tends to keep her presence quiet; knowing exactly how to move and how to modulate her tone so that you’d never even know she was in the actual vicinity, no matter how thin those walls can get. On top of that, not that she actually uses it consciously - but her one of her foremost einjerhar abilities is the fact that she can manipulate sound. Whether that means ridding other people of their sense of hearing, or ridding the overall environment of it, she can control it in ways to fit her own agenda, enough that it be severely jarring when you suddenly find yourself having to cope without it. 
Makes giving it back so abruptly, and on high volume, rather painful. 
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moo-deps · 5 years
Birthday Present - JJK
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook & Lee Sujung (OC)
Genre: Smut / Angst
Summary: Sujung has had a crush on Jungkook for a few weeks but doesn’t want to give in because of their age difference. She still invites him to her birthday party. 
Word count: 3,591 words
Warning: sexually explicit content, alcohol consumption
AN: This scenario will be part of a non-AU series. Other related stories will come shortly~~ I won’t leave poor Jungkook like that 😥. English isn’t my first language, do not hesitate to point out any mistake! Also, comments and advice are more than welcome😊
For her 34th birthday Sujung decided to throw a relatively modest party in her spacious flat that was overlooking Seoul. Unlike previous years there was no buffet, no DJ, no pool party. It was her with a bunch of friends and a few art lovers, jazzy music playing on her stereo and good wine that she had been cautiously selecting over the last few weeks. Everyone was getting along pretty well. The night was delightful.
And yet she was feeling extremely nervous and restless for some reason. For one reason. He was driving her crazy. Jeon Jungkook. She hadn’t even spent a whole minute alone with him since he arrived to her party but his presence was enough to have her fidgeting every time he was getting closer. She had been obsessing with him ever since his first visit to her art gallery two months ago. At that time, he came together with Taehyung who Sujung had invited. Taehyung was well known for appreciating good pieces of art and he was good publicity for the gallery. He had Jungkook accompanied him as the latter had keen interest in photography and art in general.
As Sujung was planning to have a photography exhibit next, she spoke with Jungkook and Taehyung the most that night. It wasn’t the field where she was the most knowledgeable about so the insight of both boys was really helpful. Especially Jungkook’s, he had a good eye when it came to analyzing any art form that was presented to him. At first he was shy to speak up when Sujung asked the boys about their opinions on specific paintings or sculptures, but as time passed the youngest became more talkative. And she soon found herself drinking every sound that was coming out of his pretty, plump lips. 
If he had only good opinions, Sujung would have been able to forget more easily about him. But the singer had also the physique of a Greek god that could put to shame any Ancient Greece sculpture displayed in Sujung’s gallery. Wide shoulders, strong thighs and brown shiny eyes that destabilized her on their first eye contact. And he was flirty to top it all. But he was way too young for her. Over ten years too young. And famous. Way too famous for her. And yet she couldn’t get him out of her mind. 
It would have been easier if she didn’t invite him to her party. But he had been a great help along with Taehyung for the upcoming exhibition. And she couldn’t deny that she actually looked forward to seeing him on her birthday. What a present. However, she had yet to say a word to him. Too scared to mess things up. Plus, the wine was starting to have its effects on her, and she didn’t trust her tipsy self at all.
Sujung went out on the patio to enjoy the warmth and calm of this night of June. She laid both her elbows on the balustrade and admired the beautiful sight of Seoul’s city lights. Sujung was lost in the view when a voice startled her: 
“Hey” Jungkook said softly right behind her. 
Sujung cursed, almost dropping her glass of wine over the rail. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” Jungkook chuckled seeing her putting her hand over her heart in shock. “What were you thinking about?”
“Nothing in particular.” Sujung replied, trying her best not to look into his eyes for too long. “Aging mostly”. 
“You still have your whole life ahead of you. You shouldn’t waste too much time on that.” He said, joining her on the balustrade. His shirt brushed her bare arm and she could smell his cologne. She closed her eyes to appreciate this new scent. As if she needed another reason to obsess over him!
“Noona?” Jungkook called in his deep voice. Sujung turned her head to look at him, trying her best to keep a straight face. That word, with that voice and body, it shouldn’t be allowed! And the alcohol wasn’t helping at all. She kept looking at his lips, wondering how they would feel on hers and the rest of her body. 
“Mmh?” she mumbles, not able to form actual words.
“Were you avoiding me earlier?” He asked shyly, without looking directly at her. “This might sound stupid, but it felt like you didn’t want to see me.” He looked down, a frown forming on his amazing face. 
“What? No!” Sujung was surprised at her ability to lie. “I must have been caught up in some discussions with the others. I am sorry.” Jungkook finally looked up at her, a smile on his face. 
They started talking about anything and everything. His busy schedule, the future of her gallery. How she got where she was, what made him become an idol. Sujung completely forgot about the impossibility of getting close with him and enjoyed this casual moment. 
“I have a question.” Jungkook announced suddenly, raising his arm as if he was in class. “There is less than an hour left before the end of your birthday.”
“Yeah?” Sujung wasn’t sure where he wanted to go with this. Her nervousness was back.
“What is the thing that you want the most at this moment?” he asked with a wide childish grin. 
Sujung looked at him startled. She couldn’t possibly reply that she wanted him the most, at this very second. That she wanted to kiss him fiercely. That she wanted to see what was under that shirt. That she wanted to feel his thighs on her skin. She wanted all of him. But no. He was a kid. A successful famous rich kid. Unreachable. Not even in her dreams.
Sujung inhaled deeply to keep her composure. She wasn’t used to lying. She couldn’t find a word to say. 
“Come on, there must be something!” Jungkook exclaimed with a laugh. “For me it would be a soft serve ice cream.” 
“Seriously? Of everything, you’d choose an ice cream?” Sujung couldn’t help but laugh. She was still not accustomed to his randomness. 
“Yes. A vanilla flavored one.” Jungkook add giggling together with Sujung, their heads almost bumping into each other. “So what about you? There must be something you want!”
Sujung stopped laughing, biting her lips as she nearly spoke the truth. He was looking at her so intently. He was so close that she could feel his warmth radiating from this beautiful body of his. His fingers slightly brushed the back her hand as he raised his hand to massage his neck. She could make out the outline of his arm muscles under his shirt. Would it be that bad to have him as her birthday present? Only for that night. Who would it hurt really? She opened her mouth to speak but got interrupted by one of her friends. 
“Come on you two, it’s birthday cake time!”
Sujung took her chance to escape from this very uncomfortable situation. She slapped herself mentally. She almost crossed the line. What an idiot! She wouldn’t accept any other alcoholic beverage to prevent any damage. Except that one champagne glass that went with the cake. And that vodka cocktail that her friend prepared especially for her. And that shooter she had to drink because she lost that stupid card game. 
It was 2 AM and she was drunk. Not completely wasted, but that good kind of drunk. When everything feels like cotton candy. When you feel like the best dancer in the world. When you get touchy with everybody around you. Sujung was hugging every person that came that night to celebrate her day with her. She ended her hug fest with Taehyung and Jungkook. She threw one arm other each boy’s shoulders. They didn’t seem to mind, they were as drunk as everybody else.
“Thank you for coming tonight. And I am sorry if I am making you uncomfortable with my current state, but this is my birthday and I don’t care.” Sujung declares. Taehyung was completely gone, singing at the top of his lungs to the song playing over the stereo. He then ditched Sujung’s arm to join a dance battle in the middle of the living room. His sudden move had Sujung lost her balance. If it wasn’t for Jungkook who grabbed her by the waist she would have fallen on the coffee table where all the bottles, full and empty, were. Jungkook kept his hands and her waist and pulled her against him. All Sujung’s muscles tensed. 
“There, here’s my proper hug” Jungkook said in a low voice, a playful grin on his lips. Sujung’s face was on his neck. She was unable to make any move. She didn’t want to move. She took this opportunity to breathe in his cologne, to hold onto his strong shoulders, to feel is well sculpted torso on her breasts and stomach. Jungkook broke the embrace as Taehyung grabbed his arm to have him join his dance team. Sujung had to sit to regain her composure. 
A few songs later, everybody was getting ready to leave. Sujung waved at her friends one by one. Taehyung was giggling as he was holding one of her friends’ hand. Sujung didn’t even realize that these two got closer during the night. She could see in the corner of her eye that Jungkook was taking his time to put on his shoes. He was the last one left on her apartment. When he got up, Sujung could feel all the tension surrounding the both of them. She was scared to say anything. She had her back against the front door, as if to prevent him from getting out. He was looking at her with a blank face before he spoke. 
“You never answered my question.”
“What question?” Sujung asked genuinely confused. 
“The thing you want the most right now.”
She bit her lower lip again not to let any word escape her mouth. How could someone be this stubborn? 
“What if what I want is implying someone else?” she finally asked looking at him in the eyes.
Jungkook smiled. A small, mysterious, almost devilish smirk. Sujung couldn’t keep her gaze away from his. 
“It’s your birthday, you can do whatever you want.” Jungkook replied with that smirk still on his face. Fuck he was handsome. A lip lock. A simple lip lock wouldn’t hurt, right? There was nothing more innocent than a lip lock.
Without realizing, Sujung closed to gap between the two of them to reach his lips with hers. A soft, chaste kiss that lasted less than two seconds. She took a step back, waiting for his reaction. He didn’t say anything, didn’t move for a moment. Sujung was so scared to have screwed everything up that she stopped breathing. He then grabbed the back of her neck with his hands and crashed their lips together. He was needy. He put so much force into this kiss that it made Sujung step back until she hit the door with a loud bang. The sudden contact had her gasped, breaking their kiss.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” Jungkook asked panting and caressing the back of her head, embarrassed. 
Sujung shook her head no and grabbed Jungkook by his shirt to resume kissing him. He moaned into her mouth as they deepened the kiss. She grabbed his hair softly to have him as close as possible to her body. 
Jungkook's lips left her own to go on her neck and collarbone. It was tongue, teeth and lips on her skin and Sujung was suffocating. In a delicious way. She felt his hands on her back, unzipping her dress partly. Just enough to have one strap of her dress removed from her shoulder. Jungkook whispered a curse word as he exposed her left breast under a black laced bra. He kissed and bit the newly discovered skin of her cleavage. His hands were on her waist and thighs, keeping her flushed against his lower body. He was hard on her thigh. 
Sujung was letting him do whatever he wanted to her body. She hadn't felt this physically wanted in a long time. She didn't want to move, too scared he would stop touching her body. Her hands were still in his hair, leading him slightly where she wanted to feel his mouth on her skin. Her body was burning for him. She was whimpering and panting loudly when he start grinning slowly his hard sex against her private parts. Sujung couldn't bear feeling clothes anymore, his or hers. She needed to feel his naked body on hers at that very moment. She gently drew his face to hers so they could look at each other, their noses touching. He looked almost disappointed not to be able to kiss the skin of her neck anymore.
"I want you," she started breathlessly "in my bed, now." Jungkook chuckled and gave her lips a chaste kiss. 
"Yes Ma'am. Lead the way."
Sujung grabbed his hand and walked to her bedroom. The alcohol and Jungkook made her stumble in the hallway, she had to keep her free hand on the wall not to trip on her own foot. When they finally reached her bedroom, she removed her dress and underwear, looking at Jungkook throwing his own clothes on the floor. Sujung took a moment to admire his body thanks to the moon and street lights coming from the outside. He was perfect as she had imagined, even more. 
For the first time Jungkook looked uncertain about how to act next. Sujung made him sit on her bed and kissed him deeply while straddling him. He was a moaning mess under her, hands moving all over her body and heating up her skin in his way. The usual shyness she had with other partners was not there with him. She felt beautiful under his touch and she liked that he wordlessly let her take the lead. Sujung took her time to discover his shoulders and torso with her hands, still kissing him on his lips, earlobes, neck, whatever part of him she could reach. Their lower halves were moving on their own instinctively, her sex on his hard one to build up their arousal. Sujung stop kissing him to put her forehead on Jungkook's. 
"I want you in me." she says in a questioning tone, asking him if he was okay with her needs.
"Thought you would never say that." he panted laying on the mattress on his back. He was surrendering to her completely. Jungkook let her put a condom on his length and Sujung took the advantage of his position to kiss all over his abs up to his neck before finally taking him inside of her. They both let out a breath of relief before she started moving. Jungkook soon grabbed her hips firmly to meet the rhythm of her thrusts. Sujung was clenching her jaw to prevent any sound to come out of her throat, she hated the way she sounded during sex. He felt really good in her however. Making it hard for her to keep moving. Jungkook on his hand was moaning beautifully loudly beneath her, encouraging Sujung to move faster and stronger. She looked at him completely enjoying the moment with his eyes closed and lips slightly parted. He was louder with every thrust and he finally came, almost crying. 
"I am sorry." he said breathlessly as Sujung removed herself from him. "You're too good." Sujung laughed softly, laying beside him. She could enjoy her night without an orgasm. She looked at him questioningly however when he started caressing her inner thigh. "Let me, please?" he asked, lips against her temple. As a response, Sujung opened her legs for his hand. She hid her face in the crook of his neck to muffle the sounds she was making. She grabbed his wrist gently to guide his fingers where it felt good, her other hand was fisting the pillow behind her head. She adapted the rhythm of her thrusts to his hand’s and soon she could feel her orgasm coming. She stopped breathing for a second as the rush of pleasure shot throughout her body. Sujung remained still a few moments to catch her breath. She thanked Jungkook in a panting whisper. He kissed her temple, nose and lips as her breathing was coming back to normal.
After cleaning themselves, they settled on the bed embracing each other. Sujung took a look at Jungkook who seemed a bit worried. 
"What's wrong?" she asked as she caressed his hair. 
"I don't know what to think of tonight." he said cautiously. "I mean you were amazing, but..." Sujung silenced him by putting a finger on his lips. 
"We are still drunk. Let's sleep first, we will talk in the morning." Jungkook nodded to her words, relieved for the moment. "You are the best birthday present by the way." she added with a weak smile as she closed her eyes.
The sober side of Sujung’s brain knew that she screwed up badly that night, but she let sleep come in before she could think too much about what just happened with Jungkook. She enjoyed her birthday night, that was all that mattered at the moment. She would sort things out in the morning.
When he woke up the next morning, Jungkook first regretted the great amount of alcohol he consumed the night before. His head was hurting like hell. It took him a few seconds to recollect where he was and what happened. A smile appeared on his face when he remembered the late night activities he shared with Sujung. Sex had never felt so simple before.
He turned on his side to discover the empty bed beside him. His smile disappeared. The empty space was cold, Sujung must had been up for a long time. The worries Jungkook had felt before falling asleep where back on his mind and chest. He got up too quickly and winced when his head hurt. He checked the time on his phone: 11:50AM. Damn it! He sincerely hoped that he didn’t miss any schedule. He was relieved to notice that no one called him. He just had a message from Jimin asking where he slept and if the party went well. 
Jungkook put on his clothes before heading to Sujung’s living room. Her flat was richly decorated he realized. He was to focus on her during the party that he barely took a look at his surroundings. She was sitting at the counter of her kitchen with a large mug of fuming coffee in her hands. Although her hair was a mess and she was wearing no make-up, Jungkook still found her breathtakingly beautiful. She looked up at him with a blank face. Jungkook’s jaw and heart tensed up. The lack of expression on her features was making him nervous. 
“Hi?” Jungkook said with an almost trembling voice. 
“You can have some coffee before you leave.” she announced without looking at him. He couldn’t hear any type of emotion on her voice. 
It stung hard. Her words took time to sink into his brain, then to his heart that missed a few beatings. He blinked several times to keep his composure. A heavy and uncomfortable weight settled in his stomach. He was hurt, badly. 
“That’s it? I can have coffee?” Jungkook asked with a hard voice. Sadness was masked by anger. His pride would not allow him to plead. Sujung met his gaze and with a straight face just nodded before sipping on her coffee. 
Jungkook inhaled sharply, cursed, glared. He gave her one last chance to explain herself before putting on his shoes and getting out of her place. He missed her softer and apologetic eyes when he slammed the door without any word. He abused the elevator button to let out a bit of his anger. He thought they shared something the night before. He didn’t know what exactly. The excitement of finally holding that woman he had been thinking about for two months? The freedom of an intimate moment that he didn’t have to share with the rest of the world? Or maybe simply the relief that he could enjoy himself without judgement?  
Jungkook sniffled as the elevator reached the ground floor. He didn’t realized he shed a few tears.
“Fuck” he mutters, whipping his cheeks and nose. His brain was numb, he couldn’t think. When he got out of the building, the heavy heat finished to knock him out. He sat weakly on the floor breathing harshly. He just wanted to go home and forget. He could took a cab but he needed to see a familiar face. He tried to call Taehyung three times but hit his voicemail each time. He then called Jin who was the least likely to ask questions. He answered on the second ring.
“Hey! How was that party?” Jin asked excitedly. 
“Can you come and get me?” Jungkook voice was pleading and shaking. There was a short silence before Jin answered. 
“Send me the address, I am leaving.”
Jin arrived twenty minutes later and he found Jungkook seated on the staircase leading to the apartment building, head lowered and shoulders sunk. He lifted Jungkook to his feet and examined him for a while, worry written on his face. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Jin ask cautiously. 
“No, not now.”
“Okay, let’s go grab something to eat and go home.” Jin grabbed Jungkook by his shoulders and led him to his car.
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dizzyeyess-stories · 4 years
The Worst First Date Ever! (Remake) - Chapter Five: Dance-Off Spin-Off
Disclaimer: The main protagonist Skylar's gender and appearance was purposely left anonymous so you as the reader can use your imagination to fill in those blanks.
Ashlyn eventually snapped out of it and was able to walk on her own. She was rambling how awesome we were taking down all those bandits from the arcade.  My mind to too busy thinking about that very scene where that taxicab driver pointed a gun at Ashlyn’s forehead. It made me question if my bad luck may be detrimental to Ashlyn’s life.
Ashlyn noticed the upset look on my face and tried to cheer me up. “listen, we still got one more place to go on your to-do list, right? Let us just forget all of that other stuff”. I could not forget, but even I knew maybe I can distract myself from thinking about it.
We made it to our final destination, the new night club. After waiting in a long lineup, we made it inside. There was a bar and a dance floor with lots of people dancing to the loud music that was playing.
Ashlyn grabbed my hand in excitement, and I followed her over the dance floor. She immediately started dancing to the music while I slowly but surely followed along. It was surprising going great so far. Both Ashlyn and I were enjoying ourselves.
After a few more remixes, the music was put on a halt as a man with a suit stood beside the DJ holding a microphone. “Helloooo everybody!! How are we all doing tonight!?” he said. Everyone replied in cheer. “Awesome! As the owner of this club, I would like to show my gratitude for this grand opening by having you all participate in a dance-off! The winning duo will receive unlimited free drinks at our bar for the night!” he said. Everyone cheered even louder in response including both Ashlyn and me. We were eager to win.
Everyone on the dance floor gathered around in a circle while each pair of dancers took turns coming in the middle of the circle dancing. I told Ashlyn that we do not have a specific dance for both us to coordinate with. She winked at me, “don’t worry. Just follow my lead”. I was about to found out what she meant by that.
It was our turn now, so we went into the circle while everyone around us cheered. I was confused about what we should do. Ashlyn started off by dancing in solo before lifting me up in the air. I was now terrified of what she will do to me this time.
She began to spin my body like spinning top or pizza dough followed by intervals of hooping through her legs and throwing me high up into the air before catching me while continuously spinning. I flung around like a rag doll screaming in shock and dizziness. I could not believe that this spinning was the dance she had in mind. Eventually, she spun me so fast that my clothes flew from my body leaving just a naked blur for the audience to see.
She finished up her dance with one last body toss in the air before catching me holding me up in a victory pose. I was left extremely dizzy. My eyes were swirling at a rapid pace with large rings orbiting my head.
Everyone was quiet for a moment but cheered so loudly at our performance. Surprisingly, it was a great dance we did. Ashlyn place me down and I was having a hard time standing up straight.
The suited man approached us with a mic in his hand. “That was magnificent! I think we have ourselves a winner!” he exclaimed. Everyone cheered with Ashlyn cheering even louder. He asked us for our names. Ashlyn told hers while I responded with “I’m dizzy”. “Give it up for Ashlyn and Dizzy!” he exclaimed. Everyone cheered once more.
As I was stumbling about, Ashlyn picked up my clothes and gave them to me while looking away. I can tell she was a bit embarrassed by my humiliation. I grabbed my clothes and went to one of the five blurry washrooms in my vision to change in. I was inside and my dizziness kicked in even more since everything was spinning so fast that I felt so nauseous that I puked in one of the toilet stalls.
I was so humiliating throughout the entire day that I think Ashlyn might be turned off by me. Plus, thinking about that arcade incident had me believe that maybe she is better off without me in her life. I left the washroom in sadness thinking about letting Ashlyn know I will be leaving.
I went to the bar and sat on the stool beside where Ashlyn was sitting and drinking. “hey, you got to try this drink. It’s so good” Ashlyn said eagerly while offering me a glass filled with a bubbly substance. “No, I think I should get-“ I said before being cut off. “C’mon you really got to taste this. It’ll knock your socks off” she insisted. I took the cup from her and thought to myself that drinks are free for us so I might as well have some before I leave.
In one shot, I gulped the entire drink. Suddenly, I felt weird. Like everything was spinning. My eyes became rainbow swirlies. It was like I was looking through a kaleidoscope. “Sky are you feeling okay?” the six Ashlyns asked me. I was not okay. I swayed from side to side before *CONK* falling headfirst onto the ground. I went completely unconscious.
I did not understand why. There was no way one drink can get me intoxicated to that degree. Something was fishy but I was too out of it to find out. I guess Ashlyn has to look after my body once again.
To be Continued...
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anjodalua · 5 years
How To Pass Time Easily While Lockdown Occurs
Specialists’ tips on surviving – even taking part in – life underneath lockdown
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lacking the pub? Invite friends to on-line cocktails. That’s just one tip from our panel of professionals on the way to make the maximum of enforced downtime
henry porter, novelist and conceitedness honest editor one of the nastier elements of the pandemic is that it turns your buddies and all which you do to show them affection – hug and kiss; proportion meals and drinks – right into a lethal threat. And but, on this appalling second, we need our buddies more than ever, and it is probably real that our immune structures do, too. Isolation is terrible for a species addicted to social intercourse. My solution has been to start a cocktail hour on a video conferencing web site, sending one or two friends each day an invitation to drinks in the front of their pc (or cellphone) at a time when we might typically meet in a pub or at every different’s houses. It’s unexpected what a difference it can make to an afternoon of isolation, and in your spirits in fashionable, to look your pals’ faces in the evening and listen them communicate and laugh. Henry porter playing cocktail hour with glass of wine, a pc and some pals. Henry porter enjoying cocktail hour with a few friends. Image: liz elliot the scale of covid-19 and what it’s doing to us is very stressful, but an hour with specific buddies each evening certainly helps lessen anxiety, and of route you could make much more attempt than i do – get dressed up, mild candles, offer nibbles (crisps make an excessive amount of noise). Anything pleasure is launched when you see your pals inside the flesh is likewise found in those video cocktails, and the lovely component is that for a small price the host receives unlimited conference calls (i pay £one hundred ten yearly for bluejeans) and guests pay not anything. Honestly, this will be expanded to speaking to neighbours you could not recognise very well, or humans you accept as true with are actually stricken by enforced isolation and loneliness. It can also be an amazing way of meeting people. Each participant may invite a person nobody else is aware of. It’s truely terrific for brand spanking new moms, e book clubs, soccer supporters – all and sundry who's lacking out on regular touch. Despite the remoteness of the interplay and the occasional annoyances of the generation, i find that humans honestly talk inside the video cocktail hour. Maybe that has some thing to do with the anomaly of the interplay – you are neither by myself nor certainly in organisation. You're half-manner between the two and possibly that makes you extra candid. Sites i have used include zoom, bluejeans and whypay? And my daughter has simply brought me to the houseparty app. Grow herbs alice vincent on her south london balcony. Alice vincent on her south london balcony. Advertisement
alice vincent, city gardening columnist and writer i in reality suppose gardening is what will hold us sane via this. It connects us with the outside and the gentle delight of looking matters develop brings a unique positivity. If you’ve no garden, there are masses of methods to grow indoors. You’ll want a sunny windowsill, inner or out. I always advocate beginners to develop herbs. They’re smooth and delicious – and whilst grocery store components are low they turn out to be more and more worthwhile. The plastic trays that tomatoes and mushrooms come in will do – just make some holes within the bottom for drainage. Fill with, ideally, peat-unfastened multipurpose compost (most nurseries supply and will be thankful for the custom). Parsley and basil rub alongside thankfully subsequent to each other, but mint’s a piece of a thug and better in its personal pot. You could also chuck in some salad leaf seeds: pea shoots, rocket and nasturtiums germinate speedy and are tasty at any point of their growing cycle. Sow in keeping with packet instructions: you’ll need a fragment of what’s in the packet. Preserve the soil moist – an vintage spray bottle is perfect for this – earlier than and after shoots seem. If youharvest no extra than a 3rd of the plant at a time, all should get better.
justin jacobs, manager, equinox fitness golf equipment we're creatures of habit in what we consume, whilst we paintings, what tv indicates we watch. Right now, all the ones habits had been shoved out of the window. There’s quite a few confusion, but that is an possibility to create new conduct. So what to try? What’s your new routine? It is able to be fluid and might change, but what do you want to attempt? There’s lots of first-rate on line content available. Equinox’s moreover platform gives an expansion of workouts, however seek the web to discover a trainer or trainer you want and accept as true with. John berardi, a nutritionist i paintings with, is often requested, “what’s the fine vegetable to devour?” his solution is that it’s the vegetable you like and could eat regularly. Workout is the equal. There may be a run on domestic health club device proper now, but dumbbells, ropes and other useful merchandise are nevertheless available online. Choose what’s proper to your area. I’ve just ordered a few opposition kettlebells due to the fact they’re some thing i in reality experience. There’s copious anecdotal and scientific proof displaying how vital fitness is for mental health: so for the duration of this very stressful time, it’s even more crucial. It also boosts the immune device. However workout isn’t just about fitness – it’s frequently a social activity, too. I’m the use of facetime more than ever earlier than due to the fact i’m no longer having normal social touch. Exercise session with a chum on facetime or have a web dance party along with your family. Remaining night i watched a band i like known as sofi tukker dj live on instagram. That become a brand new enjoy. Find some thing like that and dance for 1/2 an hour and your aerobic may be executed. Pickling jack monroe with pie in kitchen. Jack monroe in her kitchen. Image: shutterstock commercial
jack monroe, meals creator and activist in times of meals scarcity and uncertainty, we have to make do with what we've got. I haven’t been so much panic-buying – not having a vehicle limits that – however i've been guiltily hoovering up scraps from the decreased cupboard past due inside the day, to save them being discarded. This week’s haul protected 3 packing containers of chestnut mushrooms, a withered bunch of wild garlic and a pile of french purple garlic, a little battered round the edges. I'm able to dry the mushrooms, peel and pickle the garlic cloves, and knock the wild garlic with a few nuts right into a sauce aillade. This will maintain for a month beyond the sell-by way of date that consigned it to the bargain bin in the first place. Retaining meals isn't going get us too far in an endemic, admittedly, however pickling what we've now's an investment in destiny dinners. I am also pickling a sluggish cooker’s really worth of dried white beans in oil and vinegar, to apply till tinned ones come returned into inventory. Candy-sour cannellini beans makes a huge jar
examine extra
400g dried cannellini beans
½ a small onion
100g frozen peppers
80ml vinegar – purple, white or cider
1 tbsp white sugar
100ml oil (any)
drain and rinse your beans, then pop them in a pan of cold water. Convey to the boil, then lessen to a simmer. Simmer for 15 mins then drain very well then return to the pan. Add the onions and peppers, along with the vinegar, sugar and oil. Thoroughly clean and sterilise a big jar and its lid. Bring the pan to the boil very carefully. Do not take your eyes off it for a second as you are handling hot oil, which poses a fire danger if unattended. As soon as bubbles start to form, do away with it from the heat straight away. Permit to cool for a minute, stirring well, then pour into the sterilised jar, filling it as complete as viable. Flip the jar upside down and permit to chill completely before placing in the refrigerator. Withstand sampling them for at the least seven days, as the flavour will increase in this time. In a easy and sterile jar, these can hold for a few months unopened. Once opened, use inside a week. Jack monroe’s modern-day e-book is tin can cook (bluebird, £6. Ninety nine)
couple attempting out paint shades
trying out paint colorings. Image: alamy
laura de barra, ‘she’-i-y expert and author if you need to apply this time it to zhuzh up your property, start with paint. Take into account the distance and consider what mood you want works best. In case you need your kitchen to provide you a touch lift every morning, go for light, bright tones. Keep away from mistakes: that colour that appears terrifi on the tin (or on instagram), can look much less attractive on walls with much less herbal mild or in a different-sized room, so swatching is key. Check a couple of swatches on each wall. Paint dries to a different shade, so don’t be freaked out. Stroll away and are available lower back while it’s fully dry before thinking about how it seems. If you’ll want two coats, do  coats while you swatch. Take note of how the colour is affected by mild on the times you operate the room most. With regards to portray a wall, use a broom to “reduce in” first. This indicates portray the corners and edges before something else – it gives a better finish. Rollers are perfect for huge regions and less difficult at the hands. Make sure you have an appropriate curler for the floor – test along with your paint supplier. I favour water-primarily based paint – it doesn’t trap moisture, it’s kinder to the surroundings and the smooth-up is simpler. Also, even as contemporary satin and sheen paint finishes are extremely good, don't forget a matt paint in an older home: it received’t soar light from any dents and imperfections. C’est bon! Laura de barra is creator of gaff goddess
john-paul flintoff, creator and crafter ten years ago, to be kinder to the planet, i took up mending garments. I knee-patched jeans, darned jumpers and, before you can say “treadle-powered singer sewing system”, i had sold one and started out making matters from scratch. I shirted and trousered myself, and with knitting needles i socked and jumpered. I discovered crochet so i ought to make y-fronts the use of nettle fibre. (we’ll all be carrying nettle whilst the cotton stops, so plant it now. And relax: the fibre doesn’t sting.)
did human beings chuckle? Nicely, it became intended to be funny. But now not simplest humorous. Like all activity that involves making use of your thoughts to the bodily universe, sewing is meditative. It puts you in the here and now. Gradually i set apart the angst that had were given me started out and began sewing for delight. Hoping others might observe, i permit my maintenance show themselves off, using thread of contrasting colours to facet holes in a jumper, and to stitch the slogan “sparkling air system” at the back. I published a e-book about all this, first of all as a restrained collection of hand-bound books i sewed collectively, with bits of cereal box and old shirts for the cover. (higher than it sounds.) this, too, was meditative work. In case you need to have a pass, attempt darning something. (observe youtube.) reduce some thing up and use it to patch some thing else. Study specific stitches (for exclusive results), and test by way of combining materials. Using embroidery, write your call in your shirt or provide it a luxury logo logo: it will make you smile, and might provide pleasure to others. John-paul flintoff’s e book is stitch your very own (profile books, available on kindle, £6. 40)
fun with kids younger women with facemasks and cucumber on eyes permit the children play splendor salons - and attempt no longer to get too concerned. Image: rachel warne
after 3 youngsters and eight years of “screen-unfastened own family sundays”, i've masses of ideas for wonderful youngsters at domestic. First, get secure with mess. Children having amusing do no longer preserve matters neat. Manipulate the chaos with a “tidy-up half-hour” for all people earlier than they visit bed. Additionally supply the children some manage – they’re always more inclined to throw themselves into things in the event that they feel it become as a minimum partly their idea. Let them lead: help them collect cloth for junk modelling, a style display or residence construction, however resist getting too concerned. Their imaginations are better than yours. On day one among any lengthy stretch with the youngsters, we make a “boredom buster”. Take a big jar and lots of squares of paper. On each, one, write an interest absolutely everyone can do – play a board sport, make a milkshake. Whenever every body says “i’m bored”, you pick out an pastime from the jar. The only rule is you all must do it earlier than you select every other. To add an element of trepidation, slip a few chores into the jar: easy your room, empty the dishwasher. That manner, the jar won’t be empty with the aid of the cease of day two, and the residence might not appearance as if a bomb has hit it. Anything out of the ordinary is constantly more fun. If it’s mealtime, why no longer have a picnic at the carpet rather than sitting at the table? In the event that they need to run a cafe and serve the family lunch, or installation a library, let them have a pass. Just don’t count on perfection – they’re nonetheless apprentices.
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selfcallednowhere · 5 years
March 4, 2018, San Francisco, CA
I was really excited about this show, the second at the Fillmore in as many nights, because I knew they'd be changing the setlist up a fair amount, as they always do when they play more than one show in a row in the same place. I was even more excited when a bit before the show Flans posted on Facebook that there would be fifteen new songs, which was practically a full half of the show!
They opened with "Pencil Rain"--that one was definitely a surprise. I think the only time I've seen that song outside of the two Lincoln shows I've been to was at one of the Brooklyn New Year's Eve shows a few months before this. I don't think it's one of the absolute best songs on Lincoln, there are definitely other songs I'd rather see, but any song from that album is gonna be some degree of amazing, so it was definitely cool to see it.
Afterwards, Flans said that they know it's disappointing when bands play too many new songs (WRONG--or at least, wrong when the new songs in question are as fantastic as the ones on I Like Fun!), so when they said they were going to play a new song we should pretend it was our favorite song, and they will accept fake emotion.
They played "All Time What," then John said they should introduce the next song by talking about "what makes this song so this song-y."
The song was "Why Does the Sun Shine?", once again with JF singing and JL talking. The heat and light of the sun were caused by the nuclear reaction between "things made out of stuff, microscopic dust, the feelings that separate us, and death." (The last couple made it a very Linnellian list.) There was also some adorable spazziness from him.
After that Flans said half the show would be different than the night before and the other half would be "mind-numbingly the same." He said we'd see that the banter we thought was improvised wasn't (he was joking, but I did see them recycle some banter on this tour, to my slight disillusionment). Then John said that they wouldn't be playing the songs we came back for, and Flans said they were all about "delivering disappointment" and were like General Tso's chicken.
Then Flans said he'd just gotten Netflix and so has been watching a lot of Netflix, including a documentary he'd just watched about the czars. He said that also today "I went to a restaurant where everything was fried, because who wants to live forever?" and that he was "just living my vampire life." Then he said, "We have a day off in Eugene, because who would want a day off in San Francisco? And you wonder why we're bitter." Then he asked John, "How are your problems?" "My problems are awesome."
Next they played "Mammal," which was quite exciting, and then came the next episode in the continuing saga of "Will John Linnell ever manage to successfully sing 'Mrs. Bluebeard' without screwing up the lyrics somehow?" This time he managed to get very close to the end smoothly, and I was trying to somehow send him some sort of mental encouragement ("Almost there! I believe in you!"), but then he messed up the very end, siiiiigh. At this point I pretty much gave up and resigned myself to the fact that he was never going to manage to get it right.
Next they played "She's Actual Size." I've seen this song a ton, but outside of a couple of Apollo 18 shows in the past few years it's almost all been contained within the confines of the very very first shows I went to on the Mink Car tour, back when it featured the epic Dial-A-Drum-Solo bit with Dan Hickey, which made this another surprise. It is a good song both on the album and live, but I've never been a fan of part of the arrangement they've used all the times I've seen it, where towards the end it gets way slowed down and Flans is singing in falsetto and all that (I'm fine with his falsetto at other times, it just bugs me in this one specific instance). But up until that point seeing it was fun.
Next was "The Statue Got Me High," to my great disappointment on keyboard again, but this time I managed to push myself past that disappointment and still really dig the performance, which was good because it's very close to the top in my list of all-time most-beloved songs and I do want to actually be able to enjoy it.
After that John got his accordion on ("Oh now you do," I couldn't help thinking). He introduced the next song as being "one of our tired old songs." When they started playing I saw that was an assessment I most definitely would not agree with, as the song was another one of my all-time favs (it was in fact my favorite song way back when I started getting more deeply into TMBG when I was in high school): "Turn Around"! So I was thrilled about that, of course!
Next they played "When the Lights Come On," which remains my favorite of the new songs they've actually been doing live to see. Afterwards, Flans said that it was from their new album I Like Fun, "available on Bar/None records and tapes." Then he said they really do have it available on vinyl, and that the vinyl was made in the Czech Republic, which is where they make the good stuff. John said if you want "the flat ones that actually play" you have to go there. Then Flans said that records look like calendars, and then was joking about someone in the audience who made a noise like they thought that was "a cruel burn."
Next they played "The Mesopotamians." I'd actually managed to enjoy it the night before after feeling burned out on it for some time, but this time I felt sick of it again.
Afterwards, Flans pointed out that the Oscars were currently happening (I actually didn't know that until he said it--I don't pay much attention to that sort of thing), and that we were all "out of the loop about something that's going to be appalling everyone." Then he was talking about when they announced the wrong winner for Best Picture last year--"What a shitshow. That was the ultimate 'you had one job.'"
They played "This Microphone," and then another surprise that I was really excited to see: "Cyclops Rock"! That's one of my favs on Mink Car and it's totally kickass live (I am an eternal sucker for really high-energy rockin' Flansongs live), and it had popped up a couple of times at other shows I'd been to recently, but not much, so yeh it was a lot of fun.
Next they talked about how Dial-A-Song is back. Flans said some of the songs have had "startling" videos that have gotten Youtube comments just saying something like "Fuck." John said, "That's the response we've been hoping for for 35 years." Then he said his favorite comment they've received is "What sorcery is this?" He asked Flans if he objected to the "Fuck" cos it needed a parental advisory (this amused me cos Flans swears like crazy), and Flans said not at all.
Then they returned to the previous night's discussion of this Tony Robbins guy. Flans said, "He's not an evangelist cos he doesn't have a soul," and told us again that he'd just watched a "fake documentary" about him. John said their conversation wasn't accurately conveying how "completely crazy" he is. Flans said that he "uses disruptive language to break down barriers of communication," which basically means saying "fuck" to "someone who looks related to my great-aunt." John said that was disruptive, and Flans agreed that it was "like being slapped in the face is disruptive." Then John said that if they tried they could be "the Tony Robbins of rock bands."
They closed out the first set the same way they did the night before: "Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal" straight into "Birdhouse in Your Soul," which is seriously SO MUCH ROCKIN' OUT AT ONCE, it's almost too much.
The second set started with the Quiet Storm contra-alto clarinet version of "Older" like usual. Then Flans made Marty play part of some Phil Collins song again (or maybe it was a Genesis song and not him solo, I don't even know, I hate Phil Collins and did not recognize it).
They played "I Like Fun," and then Curt got out his euphonium. Flans said the euphonium is what they give you in band when you're too small to play the tuba, and John said euphonium isn't the real name of the instrument, it's a euphemism (a joke that made the word nerd in me happy).
So next they played "Shoehorn with Teeth," which is always a ton of fun live, and I really loved it on accordion (what, as opposed to all the songs I don't love on accordion?). Marty was playing some big bell, and Flans was trying to figure out what it was. Then, he said it wasn't what he thought it was, and he was just confused cos he was getting high from the pot people were smoking. John said it was particularly stinky pot (I'm reasonably bothered by the smell of pot just as a general rule, but I can confirm that whatever people were smoking here seemed to smell even worse than usual), and Flans said it's what they say is "the good stuff" on cop shows. Then John said something about a character played by Tony Roberts in Serpico, who's supposed to be the cool cop but isn't really. Then they were saying that their cultural references are going to be very specific now--they're only going to talk about him, Tony Robbins, Tom Robbins, and Tom Robinson.
Next they played "A Self Called Nowhere," and I know I'm writing some variation of "it was so incredibly special for me" in every single one of these reviews, but that's because it's always true. I know the first time is always going to be the most special time, just because it was the first and I'd been wanting this so intensely for such a long time, but something really great about the times I've seen it since the first couple is they've included Curt on trumpet (since he wasn't with them for the early part of the tour), and I always think he adds so much to the songs he appears on.
Next they played "How Can I Sing Like a Girl?" I saw that one on accordion a ton when they were doing it duo a lot on I think it was the Join Us tour, and it was great that way--I preferred it duo just cos my heart is now and forever all about duo stuff, but this arrangement was fantastic too.
Next they played "Istanbul," the duo version with them being really silly. During the part where Flans is saying "Take me back, please take me back," in falsetto and John's saying "Nooooo" in a really deep voice, John said "Even Tony Robbins says no" one of the times. Like the other times I've seen them do it duo on this tour, the full band came back for the crazy jam session at the end.
They played "Particle Man," then did another awesome big surprise song: "Dig My Grave"--GOD is that song fun live. (It's only just now occurring to me how many of the songs that I was happily surprised by during this run of shows are from Apollo 18, and having the thought that they would've needed to rehearse them for the Apollo 18 show they'd done the previous month, so that's probably why they were sprinklig them into the set here and there.) There were strobes during it, and afterwards Flans said they should've mentioned that there were strobes, but they'd forgotten, and John said that after there were strobes they couldn't remember anything (they'd had roughly the same exchange at the aforementioned Apollo 18 show). Flans said it was like how the kick drum gives you a heart attack, and then recessitates you, and John said Marty always has to play the kick drum an even number of times or they'll die. Flans said "Clear!" (all dramatically like they do on medical TV shows), and then said he doesn't even understand why they say that, and John said "I think that's a Scientology thing." Then Flans said maybe it's just a blessing.
They played "Wicked Little Critta" (as usual the best part about the song for me was watching the closeups of John's hands on his Kaoss Pad and keyboard that were being projected on the screen on the back of the stage--that's about the only time I actually like the screen being there, normally I just find it unpleasantly distracting), and then another big surprise song: the title track from that album. That stirred up a lot of Feelings for me, as it was the very first song they played at my very first show.
They played "I Left My Body," then Flans said that they'd someday figure out a way to do a three-night stand. He said they'd probably have to become a jam band. John said people didn't seem very enthusiastic, and Flans said they'd be drawing an entirely different crowd. John asked if people were yelling "Gross," but then he figured out that they were yelling about the Black Crowes, and Flans explained (like the day before) that there was a poster in their dressing room from a time they played five nights in a row here at the Fillmore and that the poster was "mocking" them.
Someone was yelling out for "Spider" and Flans said that they'd play it even though they're from New York, where the rule is you're not allowed to play requests. He said he'd gone to a sandwich shop where a woman asked the guy to heat up her sandwich and he said "We believe you'd prefer it cold." They actually did play it, but John looked so unenthusiastic when Flans said they were going to. But I mean he didn't really have much choice, he would've looked like a jerk if he'd refused to after Flans already said they were going to. Anyway it was an interesting version of the song, particularly since he played it on accordion (he just happened to already have it on for the following song).
The next song in question was "Subliminal," my reaction to which can be summed up by the "Oh fuck yes" that popped into my head as soon as they started playing it. As my friend Ant put it "That song is better live than it has any right to be," and it's another classic I've only seen a handful of times. I was disappointed by the lack of fake backwards singing at the end, but otherwise it was perfect.
Next they played "Let Me Tell You About My Operation" (my current fav Flansong and absolutely amazing live, so always a welcome addition to the set!). Then there were band intros and the main set wrapping up with "Doctor Worm."
The first encore started with "Spy." During the improv part (which is really what makes that song live), John was playing a sample I heard him employ at several other shows, but I'm not sure what the source is, it's just a woman singing "Now the night has gone."
Next they played "Fingertips," which I've always really loved live but I'm sorry to say I've been getting into burnout with it just recently due to overexposure. However, this particular performance did feature a notable variation: During "I Walk Along Darkened Corridors," Dan appeared up in the balcony and finished the song there! (He actually might've shown up there earlier than that, I'm not sure, but that was when I noticed him.)
The second encore started with "Ana Ng," so between that and "Everything Right is Wrong Again" the previous night I got both my tattoo songs in San Francisco. And they closed the show with "New York City."
So all in all this was a most excellent show. After my prior frustration on this trip with having no variation in the setlist between the first show and the second, it was really exciting to get so many different and exciting surprises between these two Fillmore shows.
The final and really not very exciting JL wardrobe report: the long-sleeved black shirt made another appearance.
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bighitnoona · 5 years
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(yn) is a heirs of her family’s business and soon to found out that she was arranged marriage with kim seokjin, the youngest billionaire in the world.
pairings: seokjin x reader
genre: fluff, angst,
current status: ongoing (10 chapters perhaps)
”sweetheart, you need to come with us..” your dad said for a hundred times forcing you to come with them on a business occasion that gets to happen on wednesday, the day after tomorrow to be exact.
”dad, i dont want to..you and mom knows that i get bored easily on the other hand you’ll end up sending me home anyways..” you despised, you got used to this lifestyle.
”this time its different..” your mom interfered while walking down the stairs. you dont know what she means by different but in any case..
”fine fine.. but in one condition...” you smiled devilishly and your parents had nothing to do with it. they been knew you always have conditions in terms of forcing you to get involved on something you dont like.
”alright, speak it up..” your mom gave up.
”bring back my bank account” you raise your eyebrows up and down, silly girl. they took down your bank account when they find out that you’re spoon feeding your friends, fake friends, is the right term i guess..
”okay fine. just make sure not to cause trouble on the occasion..” you almost jump out of happiness. you hugged your mom and dad and hurrily went upstairs to pack your things.
”lets go, tokyo!” you screamed mentally.
by the time your plane got landed, there were many people in the waiting area who brought signage to be recognized easily. your mom went straight to the direction of a foreign 40’s woman. they peck each other’s cheeks like they’re bestfriends.
”so is this (y/n) already? woah you grew up so fast and you turned in to a fine young lady! i remember the time when my husband and my son visited you, you were still small..” she started to tell you stories when you were small like she knew you since you were born.
”are we staying on their house or are we booking on a hotel?” you asked referring to the woman’s house
”we’re staying on hotel since they’ll be staying there, too!” your mom responsed happily and you just shrugged about it.
when the program started, the guests were called out by the mc and thats the cue for the entrance. your family was called out first thing when everyone was settled its not new anymore.
you were smiling confidently showing off your shimmering and sparkling long evening gown colored in black. everyone is dressed in formal, ladies wore dresses and gowns with accesories, gentlemen wore their tuxedo’s and americana suit’s pairing with their clean hair-cut.
you admired everyone, honestly speaking you’re not one of those brat who had so much pride and ego in herself, you atleast know how to appreciate small things. what makes your night more enjoyable was seeing the tall guy with brown under-cut hair, thick eyebrows and lips, broad shoulders and fascinating long neck.
he caught you staring at him, he smirked. and that made you flustered. he was obviously older than you. 26 perhaps and you’re like 21. you took your eyes off him and made yourself busy with other things like making friends with your dad’s business partners but let’s be honest your only friend right here is your cousin and his friend.
”so.. what will you do after this?” your cousin, jungkook asked you. he looks miserably bored and you know it.
”sleep. what else? there’s no fun here.” you said, atleast keeping the fact that you were intrigued on the guy you saw earlier.
”there’s a club on the roofdeck, would you mind to check it out later?” he wasnt really asking at you, he was pleading.
”yeah. i actually agree with jungkook. c’mon (y/n) it’ll be fun!” taehyung butt in to your conversation.
”okay fine, you’ both will keep me company alright?” they happily nodded on you, however you know that’s a lie, you know your cousin is a fuckboy cannot deny the undeniable fact.
after the program, everyone went out as well as you but you were not with jungkook qnd taehyung anymore. you halted when you saw your mother with the guy who glued your eyes earlier.
”oh hey! that’s my daughter right there. i hope you still remember her.. come here (y/n)!” you were supposed to take a detour but oh no, your mom started to call you. you politely joined them with an awkward smile.
”goodevening gentleman..” you shyly spoke and lightly bowed. you saw your mom bringing up her proud face that she taught you so well.
you hardly gulped when he took your hands and kissed it. that was the most respectful way of greeting a lady. oh it sucks, he looks hardcore. you erase the thought that has been bothering you.
”hello m’lady.. it’s nice seeing you again..” he smiled and you giggled when he’s puffy cheeks showed. sure he was confused why did you giggled but it gave him the right satisfaction. hearing you giggles is like a music to his ears.
you didn’t have the chance to ask if you have met before because you barely remember anything from your childhood you were flustered when a hands were wrap on your shoulders. ”goodevening, seokjin. goodevening, auntie..” jungkook greeted. you saw how seokjin’s jaw clenched.
”hey, kid..” he smiled devilishly, fair enough you both have something in common.
”don’t kid me, you old-man!” jungkook hissed and at some point that made me laugh, i see how my cousin made seokjin taken aback.
”Auntie, I will borrow your beloved daughter for a while!” jungkook said to your mom and pulled you out on the most awkward conversation you ever had to your mom knew she couldn’t disagree so she let jungkook took you away.
”god, thank you for saving me..” you could almost kiss your cousin’s cheeks for feeling relieved.
”yeah.. i see how tense you were..” he chuckled. funny thing is he whistled something with a rythmn and taehyung suddenly went out on the room before you.
”woah what sorcery was that?” you laugh.
”something you can’t do..” they both laugh and mock you on your way to the roofdeck.
the moment you got inside.. the room was half filled of people and mostly its adults. the sounds of glasses clinking, the crowd’s noise and the background music that has been played of the DJ. you can already taste the alcohol just by smelling to it.
”lets get wasted!” taehyung shouted and started to dance while walking to the dance floor. he looks insane. but cute.
both of you and your cousin jungkook directed to the bartender. he ordered for you apparently you’re not good in this and he knows.
”what is this?” you asked and smelled it when your drinks has been served.
”that’s an americano. its just equal parts to amaro and sweet vermouth, built over ice and topped with soda. its like a negroni with soda to make it even more refreshing plus the perfect balance of bitter and sweet in addition with this aperitivo, you can drink it before or after dinner and still be able to make good conversation afterwards..” he explained.
”i am honestly thankful that you are the one who’s with me right now and not taehyung he might order me some hard drinks.. and make fun of me whilst wasted” you laughed.
”I bet you really are.. anyways i also need to get myself comfortable with ladies so... cíao” jungkook excused himself and joined every tables where women are.
”i bet he’ would have a good fuck tonight..” you mumbled and sip on your drink.
”yeah, i bet too..” you almost choked on your own drink when you heard his voice. this fucking guy.
”you’re here????” you awkwardly laugh.
”and so you are.. one irish bomb please..” he grinned at you and made his way to the bartender.. seeing him right now he didn’t got to change his clothes like you but atleast he got rid of his americana. he’s currently wearing his white polo, tucked in until his elbows and first three buttons were unbottoned. how freakin’ hot!
you shook your head immediately, you’re not supposed to fantasize of him again. not him. he screams danger and wildness.
”one irish bomb..” the bartender served his order and he drank it smoothly.
”cool, so you’re used to this?” you asked out of curiousity, you saw him fvking finished the irish bomb for 0.1 second
his adams apple moved harshly. ”yeah. you could say that..” he moved his bangs upward and made his forehead more visible.
shit. you mentally screamed why is he doing this to you? he can’t be this good looking! oh my god i could’ve kneel down.
”so -uh have we met before?” you finally had the chance to ask him. you are a bit surprised since he is not talkative like what you’ve imagined.
”yeah. when we were little, my family went to vacation on your place..” he responsed while nodding his head, he’s literally spacing out like reminiscing a familiar dramatic story.
”cool so have i ever knocked you out before?” you sudden asked that stupid question made him laugh.
”so you’re really knocking out boys don’t you?” he laughed so hard that he had to touch his stomach.
”yeah. i didn’t know why, i dont really remember what happened before that but jungkook said someone taught me to knock the boys out..” you smiled remembering the boys you punched and kicked.
you accepted the fact that you are honestly the weirdest and roughest girl on your childhood, boys are mostly frightened of you except of jungkook and your dad.
”that’s great and cool of you..” he smiled. honestly the reason why seokjin smiled and looks proud because he was the one who taught you to treat boys like that.
jin can’t deny the fact that he had a crush on you when you were kids. he correctly remembers that you always tells him secrets and so on, even the boys who confessed that had crush on you.
thats the reason why he had to taught you how to punch and kick someone specifically boys, he was 13 years old back then and you were 8. he knows that he was very protective of you.
”so how’s your life now? do you have a boyfriend?” he suddenly asks you and surprisingly out of the topic.
you shook your head. ”nah. my parents doesnt allow me to have boyfriends, officially speaking but yes i had.. a lot of hidden and secret relationships..”
he clenched his jaw and you noticed but just shrugged it away. ”why wont they allow you to have a boyfriend?” he continues to ask anyway.
”they said someone was already destined for me.. like they knew who is meant to me already..” you smiled and played with your glass.
he nodds ”so... are you fine with it?”
”i am always fine of their decisions.” you shrugged and sighed undeniably sad, you can’t despise your parents, not even once.
”no, i mean what about you? i want to know about your own feelings and opinion. are you really fine with that?” he repeated his question, seeking for the accurate and sincerest answer.
”i didn’t actually have a serious relationship before.. so as long as he’s not interested with my family’s riches, and accepts and love me for who i am.. i might be inlove with him already before i could ever know..” you said in a fantasy way however there is no such man and you know it, reality speaking.
”you’re a sweet girl, a loyal friend and an obedient child to your parents, (y/n).. you deserve everything in the world and that includes someone who will love you for the rest of your life..“ his smile was like the assurance of everything bout’ what he said. you felt comfortable.
”thank you, bro..” you responsed.
”you bro-zoned me that shit hurted.” he touched his chest and pretended to be hurt and laughs eventually.
”crackhead..” you mumbled and laugh.
how fast the time have passed you cant clearly remember how did you get back on your hotel room, seeing both jungkook and taehyung wasted on the other bed made you smile.
that seokjin is quite a catch.
a/n: hey everyone! this is my third ongoing series! i know its kinda hard to write 3 stories at the same timr with different plot but i will hopefelly get to finish any time soon! i wanted to fill up my empty list on my masterlist library tho.
anyways, honestly speaking i am not expecting anyone to like my works, I just happen to wrote whats on my mind and most especially this written one since english is not my first language and im still figuring out how to enhance my writing skills especially how to be good in describing things, events, places, people and so on.
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