nynevefromthelake · 11 months
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New Inn is ready for Halloween 🎃
DN House of Horrors prompt hot chocolate
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teejaystumbles · 11 months
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Morpheus Endless, heir of the Endless family, collects paintings, but not just any paintings - paintings of a handsome stranger, who had his likeness immortalized in not just one or two, but a dozen paintings, seemingly commissioned over the course of several years. Attempts to identify the stranger have been made and so far Morpheus thinks that the closest match might be one Robert Gadling, born on June 7th 1839 in London, date of death unknown.
There is one last painting that he has fought hard to aquire - and now it has finally made it's way from overseas back home to London, to Morpheus. There are rumours that the painting is cursed but he is not superstitious. He hangs it up in his gallery of portraits of his stranger - Robert Gadling - and spends hours each day standing before it, taking in every detail, admiring pose and composition, but most of all the handsome face of the subject, his kind dark eyes and small smile. Morpheus starts to dream of Robert Gadling, and not just silly dreams like meeting on the street. He wakes feverish from dreams of passion and gentleness, the smile of the stranger always there when he looks at him, leaving him full of longing when he wakes up. He realises with dismay that he is in love with a man who he has never known, a man long dead.
One night, after hours of staring at the painting, Morpheus starts to talk to him, calls him by name, and confesses his attraction. He feels silly but strangely relieved afterwards. He wants to head to bed when suddenly Robert Gadling answers him, and leans out of the portrait to brush his lips against Morpheus' -
"Don't go yet, love. Stay a bit longer..."
For the Monsterfucktober bingo square "ghost", the Sandtober prompt #19 "kiss" and the DN House of Horrors prompt "cursed painting"
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 11 months
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“And here we are! Mister Gadling if I may introduce you to the owner of this estate, Lord Morpheus Endelas?'' The portrait of a severe looking man hangs at the top of the staircase, with an ornate golden frame. It is the only thing occupying that wall. 
It looks lonely. 
“Lord Morpheus? So, if he is the owner of this estate, why is his sister the one rushing to sell it? Where is he?” Hob asks, confused.  
“Nobody really knows. He was quite the renowned painter at the time but went missing at the peak of his career months after his only son died in a tragic accident,” Mister Edwards explains. 
Hob’s heart clenches in sympathy, as if to lose one’s child seems horrible enough, but to be expected to carry on after such a loss seems unthinkable to him.
“Hold on, missing? Missing implies that he is still out there! Doesn't he get a say in what happens to his state? He could come back and rightfully unleash his wrath upon us for going through with this! Sir, you have to understand that if I am to take up this job offer I need to know I’m not risking my entire career and reputation over it.”
He feels perplexed “Wasn't anyone else concerned about this? How is picking apart a missing man’s home and selling all his worldly possessions to the highest bidder even considered acceptable? What was the Endelas family even thinking? The man lost his only child, surely he just needed some time away?” It didn't seem unreasonable to Hob. 
He didn’t like it. Something about this felt wrong.
“It is believed even by his own remaining family, that Lord Endelas killed himself. Saying he is missing is the polite way to not address the fact that no body was ever found! Even before his son’s death he was infamous for his melancholic moods and tendencies towards neglecting himself to the point of damaging his own health significantly. So I’m hardly asking you to do anything immoral here! You are a good man Mister Gadling, and if the thought of taking this job distresses you so much I will accept that and find someone else to do it, but Lady Endelas wants this to be done sooner rather than later and I think you are the best choice for it.”
Hob turns his attention back to the portrait and contemplates for a moment.
He truly did look lonely up there.
“I will give you my answer tomorrow morning, Mister Edwards,” he concludes. 
“That’s all I ask for Mister Gadling, for you to consider it. Thank you.” Edwards inclines his head and promptly turns around, heading back downstairs.
Hob looks helplessly at the portrait of Lord Morpheus, already knowing he will take the job come morning. 
Damn him and his bleeding heart.
Ta-dah! illustration that's part of my gothic romance dreamling AU for @dreamlingnation spooky event !! the prompt that inspired this was "cursed painting" the comic pages for the ficlet above are already in the works so stay tuned for that and more!
special thanks to @academicblorbo for helping me edit this, you are the best friend!
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dreamlingnation · 1 year
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Welcome to Dreamling’s House of Horrors! 😈
Spooky season has arrived, and so has our prompt event! We invite you to let out the creepiest parts of your imagination with this chilling list of prompts to Put Those Queers In Situations like never before!
This event is multiship, so don’t feel deterred from participating if Dreamling isn’t your thing! We also encourage all sorts of creative ventures for our prompts; be it fanfic, art, edits, fan videos, playlists, crafts, all is welcome in the House of Horrors.
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Cursed painting
Unopened letter
Empty house
“Won’t you invite me in?”
Living Room
Scented candles
Making out
Scary movies
“Don’t torture yourself, that’s my job.”
Unknown caller
Hot chocolate
“If you tell me your name, I’ll tell you mine.”
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Dining room
Tea set
“I do wish we could chat longer, but I’m having an old friend for dinner.”
Skeletons in the closet
Blood stained
“It’s all true. The boogeyman is real and you’ve found him.”
Locked trunk
“You can’t choose between life and death when dealing with what’s in between.”
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Leaves falling
Pumpkin patch
Run for your life
“You can’t close your eyes and pretend he isn’t there— because he is.”
Bonus: Ballroom
Invisible orchestra
Bloody clothes
“I told you that you belonged to me.”
Tag us on your posts and/or use the hashtag #DNHouseofHorrors to be featured on our blog! Happy haunting! 👻
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tj-dragonblade · 11 months
[FIC] The Beauty of the Beast
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling (Hob x Dream) Rated: E Word Count: 3153 Tags: Top Hob, Bottom Dream, Dream of the Endless is a Horny Little Weasel, werewolf Hob, rough sex, mildly rough and very enthusiastic on all counts, werewolf, werewolf sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, knotting, wolf sex, for just a minute
Notes: We're a touch late for everything this was meant to be a part of, shh. Written for: Smoctober day 1, full moon Smoctober day 10, scenting Smoctober day 13, claws Monsterfucktober bingo, were-creature square Dreamling Nation House of Horrors, making out prompt And also pulling in Smoctober day 16, in the woods
Summary: Recently-turned werewolf Hob wants to protect Dream from this new side of him. Dream is. Not interested in being protected.
On AO3
~~~ "Moon's coming up soon."
The words are muffled against Dream's throat, followed by the faint drag of teeth; Dream shivers. "Yes."
"It's full, tonight." The wet warmth of Hob's tongue follows behind his teeth this time, and Dream purrs.
"You should—you should go."
The way Hob is clutching at Dream belies his words, and Dream's mouth turns down in a smug little moue of disagreement. "I think not."
Hob whines. "It's not—you know I'm happy to see you, always, I just—" His hands paw at Dream's waist, seeking skin beneath the layers and layers of sheer silk that make up Dream's robes. "Just…can't…"
Clearly his instincts are warring with his capacity for words, and Dream is moved to help. "This is only your second moon, since being turned."
"Yes, right, and it's—I'm not very good at—at controlling everything yet. I don't…I don't want you to see me like that."
"Hob." Dream cards gentle fingers through Hob's sweaty hair, cradles him close. "I am not in the habit of casting judgment upon you, not in all our centuries of acquaintance. Do not think me so callous as to start now."
Hob shudders, noses hotly from Dream's shoulder to his ear, breathing him in the whole way. "I might—hurt…I don't want to hurt you."
Dream threads his other hand into Hob's hair as well, guides Hob's eager mouth up the length of his throat and over his chin, tightens his grip and pulls Hob's head back until their eyes meet. "You cannot harm me, Hob Gadling, nor can you. Hurt me, in any way that matters." Hob's eyes are dark with lust, with the shadow of his impending transformation, and something in Dream thrills to the sight. "I would have you share this new facet of yourself with me, that I might know all of the ever-changing man who lays claim to my heart."
The noise Hob makes at that is very canine, a whimpering sort of whine, and he buries his face in the crook of Dream's neck again, inhaling shamelessly.
"Do you know how incredible you smell?" He's nosing into Dream's hair, panting, clutching at Dream's ribs.
"Tell me," Dream breathes, enchanted by this side of Hob, the rapid waning of his inhibitions by the moment.
"Always smelled good," says Hob, nosing down the side of his neck, kissing his bare shoulder where his robes have slipped. "But now it's so much more. Soft sheets n' clean air. Starlight." His parted lips trace over Dream's skin, back up behind his ear, and Hob inhales again. "Winter skies. When the moon is rising an' the frost's like diamonds in the trees."
"Such poetry, Hob Gadling," Dream breathes, and pulls Hob's head up and around to kiss him.
It is a thing of heat and urgency, this meeting of their mouths; Hob whines, surging forward, Dream pushing back, deftly avoiding the nip of Hob's teeth, biting lightly at Hob's lips in return. He coaxes Hob's tongue into play, stoking the fires of arousal between them until he feels near to combusting from the fervor of Hob's attentions.
"Wanna fuck you," Hob slurs, all breathless raw lust and desperate unfiltered passion as Dream finally draws back from the kiss.
"I should be gravely disappointed if you did not," he agrees, a gasping acquiescence, vanishing his robes for the sake of having Hob's hands upon him faster.
"But I'm about t'change, I can't—" Hob shudders all over, head to toe, hands splaying over Dream's narrow naked back despite himself. "You want me like that? You don't mind I'll get…feral?"
"Do you think, truly, that the king of nightmares would disdain the affections of a werewolf, whatever his state of transformation?" Dream presses himself up against Hob, groin to chest, pushes his hips brazenly forward and pulls one of Hob's hands to grip his arse, to indicate to Hob that he should take such liberties himself. "Feel, how you arouse me, how I want you—"
With a whine, Hob seizes the backs of both thighs and yanks them apart, lifting Dream up and around him, and Dream is. Delighted, to note the thrill that runs through him to be manhandled thus. His arms have wrapped behind Hob's neck already and he dives in for another kiss, eager, demanding.
Hob meets him with tongue, with teeth, the promise of devouring in the growl that rises in his throat, and then Hob is turning, stumbling forward; he throws Dream onto the bed with a soft bounce and crawls after, panting, trembling.
The moon is nearly cresting the horizon.
Dream opens his legs, wide, inviting Hob between them. "Take off your clothing, that it might be spared—" He is tugging at the hem of Hob's t-shirt, yanking it up and off over Hob's head, and then Hob falls upon him as he is attempting the confounded buttons of Hob's jeans. Hob's mouth is hot and wet and desperate, mauling Dream's with delicious fervor; Dream manages to open Hob's fly at last and immediately he plunges a hand inside, beneath underwear, seizes the hard length of Hob's cock with a groan.
Hob cries out, gasping, rutting into Dream's fist until Dream lets go, grasping at the opened trousers and wrestling them down Hob's beautiful hairy thighs. Hob drops his face to Dream's chest, mouthing at his skin with abandon and wriggling to help be rid of his jeans, kicking them off at last and grabbing Dream's arms, pushing them up over his head. Dream stares back with challenge and invitation simmering in his gaze, but Hob has buried his face in Dream's chest again, inhaling deeply and moving over a nipple with a passing lick, dipping down to scent up the side of Dream's rib cage to under his lifted arm, where he laves his tongue in long licks.
"Want you," he whimpers, eyes fever bright when they turn to meet Dream's from that vantage. "God, Dream, I want you so bad—"
"Then have me, Hob Gadling." Dream's own want shivers through him, prick throbbing where the hair of Hob's belly drags against it, and he is bereft at this point of all but the thinnest veneer of patience and pride. "Have me as you wish to; let the moon shape you anew and sate your appetites upon me—"
A sliver of moonlight spears through the window and Hob rears up, head thrown back, lets out a fearsome cry as his form shifts. His arms and legs go sleek and sinewy, claws growing in on his fingers and toes; the hair on his body thickens and spreads into proper fur, rich and golden brown. His cock juts proudly between his thighs, glistening dusky red and dripping, and he has sprouted a tail which bobs eagerly behind him as he falls forward again, caging Dream between his arms. His hair is longer, shaggier, ears tapering up into tufted points; his face is somewhat elongated, velvety fur along the burgeoning shape of a muzzle, nose keen and twitching, sharp teeth bared in excitement. And his eyes—
They are still Hob's eyes, dark and warm beneath the feral veneer, and they still burn with want of him.
"Hob, my Hob—" Dream wraps eager legs around Hob's body, draws Hob in to where he has made himself slick and open and ready, and Hob slides easily home with a whine. His hips move on instinct, immediately finding a rhythm until he is fucking with glorious abandon, and Dream arches his head back, moans his pleasure, digs his heels into the sleek fur of Hob's buttocks. Hob's tail brushes his toes intermittently; Hob's clawed fingers rake over his skin, clutching, possessive, soft pink lines rising along Dream's arms and ribs in their wake. Dream reaches up, buries his hands in the thick glory of Hob's mane and kisses his jagged mouth, tongue skirting the dangerous teeth with ease.
He caresses the soft velvet tip of Hob's ear and Hob tilts into it, needy noises spilling from him as he breaks the kiss; he licks a stripe up the length of Dream's throat, bites at his chin, tucks his reshapen face into the crook of Dream's neck, scenting him as before.
"Smell good," Hob manages, voice a guttural fractured shadow of his usual tones but lavishing the same ardent praise upon Dream, who thrills at the duality of it. Hob is still fucking him with delightful abandon; he rises up, leans back on his knees—knees which are still more human than canine—and grasps Dream firmly by the hips, careful with his claws. The full moon through the window casts the golden tones of his fur in molten highlight, magnificent to behold as he towers above Dream. He pulls Dream down onto himself in the same motion as he's thrusting in, and the deep jolt of pleasure has Dream's head lashing back, voice rising, back arching. He lets his arms fall above his head, the picture of passive debauchery even as his legs clench and shift about Hob, heightening Hob's rhythm, and when Hob speeds up just a little bit Dream cries out as orgasm tears through him like wildfire.
Hob grunts his satisfaction as Dream comes down from it, draws out despite the fact he clearly has not yet come. He shuffles about, clawed hands careful as they push Dream higher along the bed until Hob can dip to the mess on Dream's stomach. He laps it up, cool nose and warm tongue going everywhere—Dream's abdomen, the spent length of his cock, his testicles and the creases of his thighs. Dream arches into the attentions, already wanting for more, petting restlessly through Hob's hair as Hob finishes cleaning him up.
"Taste good," Hob says, looking up, overlong tongue curling across his semi-canine nose and licking his own short muzzle clean. He rises up and his claws grasp Dream's hips, and there's a sound in his throat halfway between growl and purr with nothing of humanity in it. It is clear in his demeanor that he wishes to resume fucking; it his clear in his eyes that he wishes assurance that Dream is amenable to whatever happens next. "Dream—" His claws flex, grip tighter.
His name spoken in that gutteral, primal voice swells the currents of want within Dream, makes him ache with need. He pushes up on one elbow, reaches to caress Hob's face with tender desperation, thumb running soft and restless over the fine fur, reaching to stroke behind his pricked-up ear. "Do as you please with me, beloved," he pants, keyed up, fraught with anticipation. "I am at your mercy, I submit to your ardor, willingly—"
And abruptly he finds himself thrown onto his front, lifted and turned and tossed down again so swiftly as to seem instantaneous, with Hob heavy atop him, pressing him into the bed. He is not rough, precisely, but neither is he gentle; his hands are all over Dream, grasping, claws pricking. His breath huffs hot against the back of Dream's neck, followed by his tongue, which then travels in lapping strokes down the knobs of Dream's spine to his open hole. Hob noses into him with an eager huff and Dream whimpers, clutches at the bedclothes and spreads his legs wider. Hob licks at him enthusiastically, little grunts and whines of delight, claws pricking at the backs of his thighs as he presses them still further open; his thumbs brush along their soft inner curves, claws gentle, and Dream is left trembling with want at the perfect balance of care and danger implicit in that touch.
He whines, bereft, when Hob at last abandons his hole and licks back up, up, until Hob is looming over him and setting first tongue and then teeth to the nape of his neck, a careful scrape that makes him shudder, makes him moan, makes him beg.
Hob rises up, plants one clawed hand between Dream's shoulder blades, presses him down with a breathless growl. His cock bumps along the cleft of Dream's arse and Dream shudders, ready, wanting, his patience spent. Hob's hips move, the tip of his prick nudging at Dream's hole and Dream whines, trembling, thighs spread as wide around Hob's splayed knees as they will go. His voice spills from him, short and desperately eager.
"Have me—take me—Hob, please—" Hob's cock slides swiftly into him all at once, all the way to the hilt, and Dream gasps a short shuddering moan, squirms fruitlessly in pursuit of more. "Be ruthless in your use of me, Hob, my Hob—!"
Hob is nothing if not obedient.
Dream surrenders readily to the molten relief of finally being well and thoroughly fucked face down in Hob's bed, one of Hob's clawed hands gripping the back of his neck and the other laced with his own from behind; he gladly allows himself to be pinned thus. His face is mashed sideways into the pillow, muffling his open-mouthed cries somewhat; his hips are pushed up to welcome every fierce thrust, open and greedy, wanton in his need to let Hob claim and consume him. He struggles experimentally, mewling like prey; Hob's clawed grip clenches tight on his neck and the snarl that tears out of Hob's throat nearly has Dream coming again.
Hob somehow increases the ferocity of his thrusts and Dream trembles in his implacable hold, giving voice to his pleasure as Hob slams into him again and again and again, crying out as Hob moves faster, harder. It is exquisite, everything, a savagely beautiful inferno kindling within him, roaring to life in a glorious conflagration of possession, of claiming, of lust and want fulfilled.
He will feel Hob deep in the core of him for days.
It is precisely what he wishes.
He knows full well that he will not last, not in the face of Hob's primal vigor; indeed, all too soon he is verging on climax and frustratingly, exhilaratingly, there is absolutely nothing he can do about it. Hob pins him down and pounds him inexorably up to the precipice and then over into the throes of orgasm, continues relentlessly as Dream shakes and sobs with it, fucks him mercilessly through it such that his eyes are streaming with the sharpness of his pleasure and his voice has gone ragged, hoarse. He thrashes in Hob's grip, crying out breathlessly, body spasming around Hob's pistoning cock again and again; Hob pins him all the more firmly, fucks him snarling and growling all the harder until he is coming again, helpless, screaming and overwrought, mindless in his pleasure and soaking the pillow with his tears and saliva.
And then, and then Hob comes, at long last, howling to the heavens, and the heat of his spend flooding into Dream is exquisite; the way his body swells to keep them locked together after is the most precious and priceless sensation that Dream can imagine. He sobs and squeezes himself tight around it, unable not to, still shaking, and revels at the feel of yet more spend jetting weakly into him, oozing from Hob as Dream clenches hard on his knot and bears down again and again to milk him dry.
Hob collapses to his side at last, Dream caught close up against his velvety chest, furry-sinewy arms wrapped about Dream's ribs and stomach. He noses contentedly into Dream's hair, snuffling his scent, and Dream lies fucked out and slack and blissfully content, the fullness of Hob swollen within him, lets all of his disparate thoughts drift idly together, slowly coming back to himself.
He is not offended when Hob falls asleep still tied inside him, wrapped possessively around him. He is the Shaper of Forms. It would be less than a thought to shift himself free of the knot, out of Hob's lax hold, to return to his own realm and find Hob there.
He waits it out, content in Hob's embrace, warm, sated, coveted and treasured.
When nature has run its course and Hob's cock at last shrinks from within him, Dream slips free of Hob's corded and clawed arms and out of the bed, turns and leans over Hob's half-shifted form, presses a kiss to the furry slope of his forehead. "Sleep, Hob," he murmurs, breathing his power into it, and Hob's body loses all tension, transforms smoothly and quietly into his full wolf shape. He snuffles into the pillow with a little whine, still deeply asleep; Dream gives him another kiss, this one brushed to his snout, letting Dream's scent waft into his twitching nose. Hob snuffles again, contentedly, and Dream draws up the bedclothes to where Hob can easily reach them when he changes back in the morning. Dream has seen the vague shape of Hob's worries in nightmares, of running rampant, of causing harm; his power will ensure that Hob sleeps soundly through the night, at home and at peace.
He expects to find Hob in his usual human shape when he slips naked back into the Dreaming with the leavings of their lovemaking leaking from his body, but it is Hob's full wolf form that greets him—whining happily, tail wagging, nosing eagerly between Dream's legs to lick at the mess spilling down his thighs. Clearly Hob's appetites are yet unsated, as Dream had hoped, and Dream entertains the thought of kneeling for him just like this, of allowing Hob in wolf form to mount him and claim him while he yet wears his human shape.
But such privilege, he knows, is sweeter if one is made to work for it.
He shapes himself as a wolf, then, sleek and night-shaded where Hob is broad-chested and finely colored, and drops to all fours while Hob is still nosing about his genitals, eagerly scenting and licking. He draws away, presents his backside with tail raised in invitation; he allows Hob a few licks of interest there, where the remnants of their waking tryst have left him wet and open and ready. But when Hob sets paws about his flanks and moves to mount him he jumps away, flicks his tail lightly across Hob's snout and dashes off, checking over his shoulder to see that Hob follows.
Hob is leaping after him in an instant, jaws grinning open; Dream shoots into the underbrush and races deep into the dense woods of Hob's dreamscape, thrilling to the sounds of Hob's pursuit. He leads him a satisfying chase, always barely out of reach among the trees just ahead, tantalizing, a tease, and when Hob howls with exhilaration, Dream echoes him in kind. And when at last he allows Hob to catch him, to wrestle him to the ground with teeth clamped in the fur of his neck, to mount him and fuck him and knot him again, the surrender is all the sweeter for having been earned.
=== Started: 10/13/23 Drafted: 10/31/23 Posted: 11/2/23
Title from the Nightwish song of the same name: You told I had the eyes of the wolf Search them and find The Beauty of the Beast
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wolfgirl-valentine · 11 months
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Watercolors, watercolors pencils and ink pen.
My entry for Dreamling Nation's House of horrors, I wasn't going to publish it(and I'm still anxious about it) but my friends at the "Dreaming con ñ" server were very supportive about it, so I decided since I spend so much time in it I might as well publish it. I wanted to make a drabble companion for it to give it more context, but I didn't have the time, so I'll write down the general idea...
This was inspired by the Ballroom prompts(all of them)
An AU where things ended differently in 1889, they actually talked, Dream accepted Hob friendship and after a couple years they realized it was more than that. They got together, and loved wach other in a very obsessive and deranged way. So when Burgess captured Dream, it only took a couple months for Jessamy to get Hob to rescue him. Hob arrived in the middle of one of the first parties throw by Burgess, Jessamy wanted to wait for the next night and do it discretely, but Hob wasn't going to make Dream wait even a minute more. Hob promised Jessamy to don't take unnecessary risks, but seeing Dream Ruby hanging from Burgess neck makes him see red. He ends killing everyone in the place, except Burgess, he left him to Dream.
Hob takes Dream out of the sphere, and he finds charming the violence Hob is willing to inflict in his name. Dream gets his things back, punishes Burgess, and shares another tender moment with Hob in the middle of the Ballroom, the gramophone still playing, they end dancing a waltz, the end.
Everything was supposed to be narrated from Alex perspective.
Anyways, close up of the faces before the colors under the cut
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ginoeh · 11 months
My entry for the Dreamling Nation's House of Horror Prompt 'Attic':
He returns to consciousness to the sounds of creaking wood and rain. The droplets are hammering hard against the windows, sheets of grey water washing any vibrancy out of reality and leaving behind the colourless drab of late autumn. He's cold, cramped, as he finds himself in the old overstuffed armchair. Why did he decide to rest here, of all places? Across the room, their bed is half unmade, blankets haphazardly twisted over one side of the large double frame. It would have been much more comfortable to lay down properly. And warmer - he's unaccountably cold.
He stumbles upright, nearly falling over his trunk that's somehow made it all the way from the car to the front of his armchair. His head feels fuzzy; maybe he's coming down with something. Maybe he should have skipped the conference after all - he'd been so intent on leaving and getting back to Morpheus that he can barely remember the whole sodding drive back. Morpheus had started to grow withdrawn, the more he had been left alone for these kinds of scientific gatherings. But still, money needed to be earned and Morpheus had been in a bit of a state for a while now.
He stretches, neck popping, and wanders through the darkening hallway to the stairs. There's light coming from the small second bedroom that Morpheus calls his study. Of course, his dependably byronic dream of a partner would hole himself up in there on a day like this. Morpheus has always been prone to moods and depressive episodes - they'd always overcome them together. There's a strip of light creeping into the dimness of the hall where Morpheus had left the door ajar and he stops just outside of its reach.
Read on AO3:
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immacaria · 11 months
So, this is my first day of @dreamlingnation's event, Dreamling's House of Horrors and it features Ghost!Dream, Demon!Roderick Burgess, BAMF! Hob Gadling and so on!!
Go check the other posts at the DN's blog and, if you want, participate as well!
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nynevefromthelake · 11 months
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New Inn is ready for Halloween 🎃
DN House of Horrors prompt hot chocolate
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teejaystumbles · 11 months
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I imagine this to be an alternate 1889, where Dream reacts to Hob's question much more favorably - after flaring his nostrils he changes into a nightmarish form and looms over Hob, expecting him to flee, but Hob only stares in awe and can barely restrain himself from reaching out and touching Dream's bone white limbs and porcellain face - "more tea, then, love?" he asks with only a tiny quiver in his voice, and Dream, stunned, sinks back down in his too small chair and admits defeat.
for Sandtober #12 "red", the DN House of Horrors "tea set" and the Monsterfucktober Bingo square "anthropod"
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 11 months
Gothic Romance Dreamling AU (General Plot)
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“Robert Gadling is a professional appraiser who’s being offered a job cataloguing the contents of an old, abandoned family estate.
The former owner Lord Morpheus Endelas, a infamously mercurial painter, went missing months after his only son’s death.
After formal investigation decides to classify Morpheus’s disappearance as a cold case, the remaining Endelas family hires an auctioning house to sell out their brother’s estate.
Through cataloguing the estate Robert begins to know Morpheus and to piece together the last months of his life, particularly the late man’s obsession with something called the “the ancient order of mysteries”.
What does this order have to do with Lord Endelas , late son Orpheus Endelas and Lord Endelas own disappearance?
More importantly why can’t Robert stop having dreams about this man he’s never met before?”
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dreamlingnation · 11 months
DN house of Horror's Round up post 😈
Hello! Thank you to everyone who joined in our event, we've seen lots of beautiful art and fic inspired by our prompts and we would like you all to take a moment here and appreciate them with us.
If there's any missing post feel free to let us know so we can add them to the list:
Bloody Clothes by @teejaystumbles
Ghost by @softest-punk
House fire by @watercubebee
Tea Set by @teejaystumbles
Corpses and Gore @watercubebee
I'll crawl myself back to you by @immacaria
Kidnapped @teejaystumbles
Falling leaves/ Unsent letters @watercubebee
on the edge of waiting by @tj-dragonblade
Making out @teejaystumbles
Hot chocolate by @nynevefromthelake
Cursed portrait by @the-cloudy-dreamer
Ghost @teejaystumbles
Moodboard @the-cloudy-dreamer
on my way back home by @ginoeh
Boogeyman @teejaystumbles
Ballroom by @wolfgirl-valentine
Chains @teejaystumbles
Comic by @the-cloudy-dreamer
Ghost/ Blood Stained @watercubebee
The Beauty of the Beast by @tj-dragonblade
We would also like to remind you that this event has no deadline so if you want to join in the fun you are welcome to do so! it is also multi pairing so all ships and characters are welcomed.
We also encourage all sorts of creative ventures for our prompts; be it fanfic, art, edits, fan videos, playlists, crafts, we would love to see it!
We'll be checking #dnhouseofhorrors for entries so please don't feel like it's too late to share in the spooky vibes! If you want to check out the original prompts click here.
To sweeten this deal here's an extra bonus round of prompts!
Farewell, Goodbye.
Tears to shed
Remember me
In your head
“I've spent so long in the darkness, I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is”
We hope this will fuel the creative vibes! Happy not-spooky month! and thank you all again for joining in the fun.
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tj-dragonblade · 11 months
[FIC] On the Edge of a Waking Dream
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling (Hob x Dream) Rated: M Word Count: 3914 Tags: MonsterFucktoberBingo 2023, Dreamling Nation House of Horrors 2023, human Dream, ghost Hob, modern day setting, main character death, technically, is Hob a main character, the prompt is ghost so not DEAD-dead regardless, ghost character, ghost sex, sex toys, anal sex, suicidal ideation, unconventional happily-ever-after, these tags are a very mixed bag, angst in my lighthearted ghost story?, it's more likely than you think, brief appearance by Daniel Hall, brief appearance by Merv
Additional Warning: There is a conversation toward the end that dips into the subject of suicidal ideation. If you need to avoid it, it's the section that begins "Would that I could stay here forever, with you" - skip that whole section and you'll be good.
Notes: Title taken from I'll Be There, by Escape Club, 1991. This song has been on my Ficcable Songs list for more than two decades and finally I've done something with it. I'm…eugh. I think this would be better served as a longfic, but I'm. Not doing that. I'm happier with this now than I was with the initial draft, and that's good enough.
This covers Smoctober Day 9 prompt 'ghost', the Monsterfucktober square for 'ghost', and the Dreamling Nation House of Horrors prompt 'ghost'
Summary: Dream never believed in ghosts until his boyfriend became one
On AO3
~~~ Dream never believed in ghosts.
But then, his boyfriend became one.
Hob, his brash and boastful beautiful Hob, who'd talked of marriage once they were done with university, who'd laughed at the notion of dying and proudly declared he'd live forever. Hob, who had sworn to never leave him, had promised to be there for him always.
The universe had other ideas, unfortunately, but Hob was nothing if not adaptable.
~~~ Dream turned the key in the lock of their shared flat—just his flat, now, he supposed—numb and empty inside after the funeral. Debating the merits of crying in the shower vs going straight to bed (not their bed, not anymore) and crying himself to sleep, he pushed open the door.
The lights flicked on all by themselves.
All of the lights, in every room of the flat.
Which was disconcerting, but he was tired, and emotionally drained, and made a mental note to check with the property manager about the wiring just in case.
The electric teakettle clicked on when he entered the kitchen; convenient, as he had intended a cup of chamomile before trying to sleep, but he added the oddity to his mental note for tomorrow. Tea in hand, he leaned against the counter, gathering the static in his mind to keep from focusing with any clarity on the loss clawing his insides hollow.
When his laptop on the corner desk powered itself on, he nearly dropped his tea. With mounting apprehension he watched as the computer logged him in and…opened Spotify? Then the music started, an old song he knew well, and the apprehension turned to disbelief.
Don't be afraid, oh my love I'll be watching you from above And I'd give all the world tonight, To be with you
"This is absolutely my song," Hob had said once when it came on. "Guy loved his partner so much he refused to go when death came for him? That'd be me."
"I thought you planned to live forever?" Dream had teased, gently, and Hob had grinned.
"Well yeah, that is the plan. But if it turns out I can't, then…sticking around as a ghost, that's my contingency plan." His smile had turned warm, tender, and he'd brushed a knuckle down the side of Dream's face. "I've got to see you're getting on okay if I'm gone, haven't I?"
Because I'm on your side, And I still care I may have died, But I've gone nowhere Just think of me, And I'll be there
"Hob," Dream whispered, tears welling, something like hope sticking in his throat, and the lamp on the desk flickered. "Is that you?"
The lamp blinked out and back on, twice, and Dream let out a sob. 'Twice' had always been their non-verbal and discretionary code for affirmation, blinking or shoulder taps or hand squeezing, and the warm sense of relief that poured over Dream at this confirmation was overwhelming. "Hob…how is this possible? Am I losing my grip on reality?"
The wireless mouse moved, waggled side to side in a clear imitation of shaking one's head 'no'.
"How is this possible," Dream murmured again, turning over and over the idea that ghosts could be real, that Hob could be one. "You died; I buried you. How can you be here?"
The mouse moved in a slow deliberate arc, sketching the shape of a heart.
Oh, there's no need to cry Just think of me, And I'll be there
Dream's throat closed up and he let out a sound half-laugh, half-sob as the song soared into its final chorus.
The mouse scooted across the desk, nudged the box of tissues closer.
Hob had so often talked about taking care of him; Hob had promised to never leave him.
Hob had, apparently, refused to go when Death came for him. "You were always a man of your word," Dream murmured, sniffling through a smile, and the light in the kitchen flickered happily.
~~~ Living with a ghost was surprisingly easy to adjust to, once he accepted the reality of it. He always had someone to talk to, and they quickly discovered that the notes app on his phone, or his computer, was a viable conduit for Hob to talk back when he felt like it. Dream's earbuds were always charged, his music library always managed to pull up exactly the right song for his mood, he never had to worry about whether he'd left the lights or the stove on and, annoyingly, his phone and computer always turned off at exactly the hour Hob had insisted on for a decent sleep schedule. But in all honesty, healthier sleep habits were a fair price to pay for having Hob back in some form when Dream had thought him lost.
Hob looked after him, made sure he kept living and thriving, and Dream threw himself into researching ghosts and spirits and how to attune oneself to them. Herbs and alignments and meditative practices, Dream tried them all and little by little, the more he learned, the more he began to feel the physical presence of Hob in their flat. A breath, a scent, a diffuse sense of warmth and calm, an overall impression that this was home and Hob was here.
~~~ "What was it like, dying?" he asked one day, during a lull in his research. He minimized the webpage and brought up the notes app. "If you don't mind talking about it, that is." He trusted Hob to tell him otherwise; communicating and respecting boundaries had always been easy between them. The cursor started moving a couple seconds later.
It would be impossible to discuss the subject without a common frame of reference.
Dream burst out laughing at that, the terrible hiccuping bray that Hob had adored, and a little old-school smiley emote appeared on the screen. But before Dream could draw breath to quote the next line back to Hob (You mean I have to die to discuss your insights on death??), the cursor was moving again.
Kidding. Not much to tell. Was a lady there, kind face, beautiful wings. Held out her hand, and I knew if I took it I'd never see you again. So I refused.
"And you were permitted to just…say no?"
Lady gave me a sad smile, said I couldn't go back; told her I couldn't go forward, either, not if it meant leaving you. When I promised I would never.
Dream could feel his eyes welling up and blinked, swallowed the lump in his throat.
She let me stay in between. Not perfect, but I don't have to leave. Can't leave you.
"I love you," Dream said, voice wavering. "I love you, Hob, I miss you but I'm so glad I still have you—" A little sob escaped, his eyes spilling over.
Death cannot stop true love, Hob typed then, in swooping pink script on the screen, and Dream could only smile through his tears as he answered.
"All it can do is delay it for a little while."
~~~ Dream kept seeking knowledge and Hob kept developing proficiency in being a ghost, more practice in interacting with the world and making himself known; soon enough Dream could genuinely feel Hob there, physically—a wisp of air against his skin, the phantom brush of lips to his temple, a full-body shiver of warmth when drifting off to sleep. He'd feel Hob like an embrace from behind while fixing his breakfast, while practicing his cello, while showering. Sometimes he would touch himself under the spray, stroke it to hardness and feel, unmistakably, the wispy grip of Hob's hand over his, the faint nudge of a phantom prick against his arse, an invisible mouth laving kisses to the back of his neck.
"You can manipulate any electronics, right?" he asked one evening, and when the lamp on his bedside table dimmed and brightened twice in the affirmative, he undressed and brought out the vibrator he had purchased the day before, knelt over on the bed, pressed the toy into his slick and opened body. "Then please, Hob—be with me, like this, have me, I still want—"
The toy jumped to life with a buzz and Dream gasped, shifted, rocked his hips as Hob cycled through every power setting and vibration pattern until he found the combination that made Dream shiver and squirm and grasp helplessly at the bedsheets, surrounded by the not-quite-there feeling of Hob draped over him, fingers twined with his, lips soft at the back of his neck as he surrendered to the onslaught of sensation.
He drifted off to sleep afterward with a soft smile on his face, the feel of Hob's arms around him and Hob murmuring "G'night, dove, I'll keep you safe" in his ear.
When he woke, the whisper of revelation was stirring at the back of his mind but it didn't click until he heard a soft "Good morning, beautiful" in Hob's dear voice and sat bolt upright, duly stunned.
"Hob! You can talk!?"
Nothing, for an instant, and then, still soft: "Dream? Can you…you can hear me now?"
"Yes!" he cried, overjoyed, and let the tears stream down his face as he heard Hob's happy laughter surrounding him, disembodied but bright and brilliant, for the first time in months.
~~~ Together they continued their studies, carefully experimenting with ways to thin the veil between worlds safely and securely. Hob's physical presence got stronger, more tangible as the days passed. His touch was never cold like so many sources claimed; it was warm, like lifting one's face to the morning sun in the first days of Spring, like the comfort of snuggling into the blankets on a winter evening.
Nothing about his Hob could ever be cold.
All his studies indicated that a ghost attaining visibility took time, and strength of will from the spirit, and 'openness' on the part of the living—which Dream had interpreted as willingness to believe that one might see a ghost. He did believe, wholeheartedly, knew without a doubt that Hob was still here with him and would eventually be ghost enough to manifest visibly.
It happened one night when Dream was drifting between awake and asleep; there, in that liminal state, he caught a glimpse of Hob for just an instant. It stole his breath, the sight of Hob before him again after all this time; Hob smiled at him, blindingly beautiful, and then he faded out and Dream woke, eyes wet, his own smile soft on his face.
"Hob?" he called, barely more than a murmur, and immediately the warm comfort of Hob's arms around him took hold.
"'M here," came Hob's disembodied voice, close to his ear. "Did you see me there, in between?"
"Yes," Dream breathed, emotion swelling within him. "You were. So beautiful. How I've missed the sight of you, Hob—" He turned, wanting to burrow into the warmth of Hob beside him, knowing there was nothing really there enough to accommodate his want.
"Sweet talker," Hob said, and then there were soft insubstantial lips touching his and Dream sighed into the phantom kiss, arching, reaching. Invisible fingertips traced his jaw, touched his throat, trailed down and brushed a nipple and Dream let a needy sound spill from him.
"Hob," he pleaded, keyed up, wanting, and felt more than heard the way Hob hummed in reply. And then the suggestion of a leg was pushed between his, urging him over onto his back and hands were stroking feather-light down his sides, a ghostly mouth moving beneath his ear. Dream whimpered, kicked free of the bedclothes, hooked his thumbs in his pajama bottoms and wriggled fluidly to get them down and off, laid back and spread his limbs and gave himself over to the slow sensual stoking of his pleasure.
Hob took his time as much by design as necessity, needing focus and intent to manage physical touch but also clearly delighting in the leisurely build of driving Dream higher and higher. He was skilled at it, also, had Dream trembling and moaning long before his ghostly tongue touched Dream's prick. It was hard, leaking, and Dream rocked into the wispy sensation of Hob's mouth around him, Hob's hands caressing the insides of his thighs, Hob's fingertips tracing intimately along the creases of his body.
Hob's touch was exquisite, erotic, and Dream was certain that with hours to enjoy it he would surely reach climax, but neither of them had that sort of patience just now. "Get the vibe, sweetheart," Hob said at last, and Dream scrambled to comply, retrieving it from the bedside drawer. "Open yourself up for me, need to watch you come undone—"
Breathless, Dream lubed the toy and pushed it in, bore down and gripped it tightly in anticipation, knees raised, waiting for Hob—
The toy turned on and Dream's head lashed back as sudden pleasure poured through him. "There you are," he vaguely heard Hob murmur, "my darling beautiful Dream—"
One day, Dream vowed, shaking as Hob cycled the toy into the perfect pulsing intensity that made him writhe and wail, one day, he would come from Hob's ghostly touch alone.
~~~ They met in waking dreams again, and again, each meeting strengthening their connection, anchoring them securely to one another across the veil. "Oh, my love, my precious dove," Hob murmured, when they managed to hold onto one another for more than a second, and then Hob's mouth was pressed against his, opening, warm—
He woke to the feel of Hob kissing him still, only less substantial, but as he opened his eyes, he caught a soft glimmer of Hob's face above him, hazy, barely there, and his heart skipped a beat.
"I can see you," he murmured against phantom lips, not daring to blink, breath held—but Hob drew back in surprise, in excitement, and his faint image flickered out. Dream sighed and let his eyes fall closed once more. "We'll keep trying. Come kiss me again?"
~~~ "Would that I could stay here forever, with you," Dream lamented, drifting on the edge of waking up, curled into Hob's embrace.
He felt the way that Hob went still and tense.
"You seem the most real here," he explained, "and I am. So tired, of not being able to properly touch you. Except here."
"I'm getting better at being substantial out there," Hob said, a very careful edge in his voice. "Be patient, dove, we'll get there."
"Or I could simply sleep forever, and never be without you again."
"You aren't without me now. I'm not going anywhere, Dream. You have me. Forever. What you're talking about is—" Hob stopped abruptly, unwilling to voice the thought.
"I know." Dream couldn't bring himself to look Hob in the eye, mumbled into the familiar comfort of Hob's hairy chest instead. "I wonder, sometimes, if…it might be worth it."
Hob vanished, and it was a sharp enough jolt that Dream woke completely.
Every light in the flat was flickering madly as Dream stumbled ouf of the bedroom; the smoke and CO detectors were screeching their alarm, his laptop sounding some kind of alert and the air conditioning unit in the window powering off and on repeatedly.
"Hob!" Dream tried to raise his voice above the din. "Hob, stop!"
The teakettle started up a sustained whistle and then Spotify kicked in with some metal band he couldn't immediately name, thrashing guitars and guttural screaming vocals, and Dream had to cover his ears. "Hob! HOB!"
It was another full minute of this cacophony, and then abruptly everything stopped. Plunged back into grey morning dimness and silence, Dream took a steadying breath, two.
"…Hob?" His voice, when it came, was small and tentative.
The kitchen light flickered sullenly, twice.
"Hob. I don't…I'm not—" He floundered; the words weren't coming.
"C'mere." He felt the swoop of Hob rushing past him, and followed him back to the bedroom. "C'mere," Hob repeated, from the bed, and Dream crawled up to sit against the headboard. The faint sense of Hob's arm settled around his shoulders and Dream felt the inevitable tears welling up.
"Sorry for throwing a tantrum," Hob's voice said, low and soft with sincerity. "It's just. You scared me. What you said." Dream felt lips brush his hair, holding there in a desperate approximation of a kiss.
"I know." Dream blinked, and the tears spilled over. "I don't mean it, but…"
"But it's crossed your mind."
Dream wiped his eyes. "Yes."
"I stayed to see you live your life, not to take it away from you." Hob's voice was shaky now, as if he was also crying—could ghosts cry?—and Dream could feel Hob's other arm across his chest, Hob holding him close, clinging to him. "Dream—I love you, I love you so much. And you have everything ahead of you. Please, please don't start thinking you're better off giving it all up. We don't even know if you'd wind up same as me—"
Dream closed his eyes, breathed slow and even. It was not that he wished, particularly, to die; it was simply that he wished to be with Hob more than he wanted anything else.
Except, perhaps, to not bring Hob pain or distress.
"I…am an amateur, at these occult studies," Dream said at last, eyes still closed. "It will take a lifetime of research and learning to ensure that I can share in your afterlife, that I will not leave you behind. I will need to live a very long life, to be. Certain."
"…Yes," came Hob's voice, steadier now but still with a trembling edge of wariness underneath. "Yes. You will."
"And I will need your help. To research, but also to remind me to eat, to buy groceries, to go to bed on time."
"Of course. You'll have it, anything and everything I can do to help. Promise me you won't give up."
"Hob," Dream breathed, because he had opened his eyes, and Hob was glimmering faintly there beside him—visible, if only just. "Hob—"
"Promise," Hob interrupted, lifting his head to look Dream in the eye, and Dream could see the exact second when he realized Dream was not looking through him, but at him.
"I will live to be ninety, I promise," he said, a little bit breathless, a little wrung out, very much elated. "Hob, I can see you—"
The smile on Hob's face, the way he glowed with joy, pushed every other thought from Dream's head, and when Hob leaned in for an ecstatic-if-still-a-touch-watery kiss, Dream's heart soared at how easily they connected.
~~~ Hob's visual manifestation in the waking world grew more and more frequent as the days went on, steadier, more solid in appearance. Strong emotion, they confirmed, was an excellent catalyst and soon enough he could maintain a weak-but-persistent shade, always a bit more distinct from the corner of Dream's eye than straight on. The more he practiced the better he got, at being both visually and tangibly solid, holding his presence, managing touch. Dream never minded that he always remained a bit transparent; he was there, still here, still with Dream, to whom he had promised forever.
~~~ "Still mine?" Hob asked many years later, float-lying half on top of him in bed, idly combing through the emerging greys of his hair, and Dream smiled.
"I can't imagine ever being anyone else's," he breathed, lifting a hand to touch Hob's face. He still had to be careful, to focus; it was all too easy for his hand to go right through Hob which was disconcerting for them both. But he was very good at it by now, and tucked a wayward strand of hair behind Hob's ear tenderly. "I don't want to be anyone else's."
"You don't have to be," Hob promised, drifting up to look down into his eyes. "I'm here, I'm yours, forever, as long as you'll have me."
"Forever," Dream echoed, smiling with the joy of it, and drew Hob down for a delicate heartfelt kiss.
~~~ "Sorry, kid, ain't got no vacancies."
Daniel's shoulders slumped, disappointed. The White Horse building was perfectly situated for getting to campus and he'd been told there was always at least one flat open, but apparently he was given incorrect information.
"Unless…" The guy in the property office tilted his head back, scratched under his scruffy chin, cigar caught between his teeth. "I mean, there is the haunted unit, 'salways empty…"
Daniel perked up. "Haunted unit?" He'd been drawn to the unusual all his life, fascinated by the paranormal, intrigued by the macabre. If this was true—
"Yeah." The guy slanted a look at him. "Last tenant—last tenant who stayed more'n a couple'a weeks, at least—was this old guy, lived there for decades. Him'n his boyfriend, they moved in when they were young but then the boyfriend died, an' the other guy just stayed the rest of his life, alone. Was a hundred n' five when he finally passed, and that was back in '89. Flat's been empty ever since. Folk'll move in, but it don't take long 'til they're backin' out on the lease. Lights won't work right, electronics're unpredictable, weird moanin' and screamin' noises in the walls, some even talk about apparitions they can't ever see straight-on but're always in the corner of the eye, in the shadows. Me, I don' believe'n none of it, never seen nor heard anything'f the sort, but regardless I can't keep anybody in there—"
"I'll take it," Daniel interrupted, excitement bubbling up in his stomach. A haunted flat? Could he be any luckier? "That is—if I may?"
"Look, kid, you wanna give it a shot? Go for it. Come on in, I'll draw up the paperwork. 'F you stay, I'll give ya a super steep discount—any rent comin' in's better'n none, heh!" He turned and stumped back into his office, still cackling and muttering; Daniel followed, mind racing.
If there was a ghost, a real ghost, it was probaby the boyfriend, who'd maybe been there all along and now didn't want anyone living in his and his lover's space. And Daniel was no true medium, but he'd grown up learning all kinds of 'alternative science' stuff from his mom's friends, so maybe he'd have a decent chance of communicating with the ghost, helping it find peace and move on.
He was half right. It was the boyfriend, but it was also the old man. Whose ghost was that of his younger self—and yes, Daniel was able to talk to them. Also, they had absolutely no intention of moving on. They were lovely, actually, had no problem with Daniel living there once they got to know him, willingly worked out a sort of 'roommate agreement' with him. Merv down in the property office made good on his promise of cheap rent, and Daniel's ghosts were always making sure the flat was in order, bills tracked and paid, cupboards stocked and groceries delivered, homework reminders set where he needed them and homework assistance given when asked. It was like…like having two dads, when he'd grown up without, and Daniel was hard-pressed to imagine how his life could possibly be better.
(He could do without the occasional auditory glimpse into their love life, but…well. Most of the time they were very good about not leaking across the veil in intimate moments, and ultimately who was he to begrudge them their eternal happiness?)
=== Started: 10/9/23 Drafted: 10/10/23 Additional Drafting: 10/27/23 Posted: 10/28/23
I have not read any of Daniel's canon material; my apologies if his voice sounds terribly wrong. Cookies for anyone who recognizes the movie quotes Hob used ❤️
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teejaystumbles · 11 months
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Hob dreams of wandering a shadowless hall of mirrors, knowing that he is being followed, but whenever he looks into the mirrors (because for some reason he can't turn around) there is no one there. Then he starts seeing a person, small and in the distance, but with every mirror Hob looks into the person gets nearer, and bigger. And bigger. Until he can see that it is his stranger, getting closer and closer to him. Hob walks on, although he wonders why he doesn't stop and wait for his stranger to reach him. Except when he stops the stranger stops too and doesn't come closer. Hob walks on until his stranger's image in the mirrors is so big that Hob is sure he must be close behind him, but instead his stranger never reaches him, he only grows taller and taller. When his stranger is a giant at Hob's back, Hob stops and looks up into the mirror, into his stranger's eyes. "Are you here yet? May I stop?" he asks, and the stranger leans down and reaches for him and Hob stops breathing as marble cold fingers touch his face from behind his back. I'm here, Hob.
(sth sth, Hob guiding Dream out of his imprisonment, sth sth) for the Monsterfucktober Bingo square "giant", the Sandtober prompt "mirror" and the DN House of Horrors prompt “You can’t close your eyes and pretend he isn’t there— because he is.”
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teejaystumbles · 11 months
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Dream is the new addition to the goddess Calliope's collection of husbands - she has got over a dozen. Who needs that many husbands, right? But the city states and rulers of every realm just keep sending her more for her favour so she just puts them in a huge garden and house and mostly leaves them to their own devices. Her husbands are creatures of all kinds, fae and centaur, nymph and harpy, but only one of them Dream finds chained in the back of the garden, where it's the most sunny. He can't see it because it hides in a dark alcove and won't come out. The others tell him that this one can't speak their language because it was brought from a far away land over the sea, but Dream's gift is that he can speak with everything, be it animal or human. No matter the language, he can understand it. A gift from the gods, presumably, and a reason why he was chosen by his people to become the goddess' husband. He carefully makes introductions and tries to coax the strange creature out of it's hiding spot, without success. Only when Calliope comes to choose one of them to entertain her for the evening and she calls out "Hob", the creature stirs and reluctantly leaves its alcove when she pulls on its golden chains. Dream is immediately fascinated with the naga, golden scales glinting in the light and a diadem like the sun sitting on the man's dark-haired head. He looks unhappy despite the goddess being clearly very enamored with him and Dream decides that he'll find out more about this "Hob."
I hope I got most of the stuff we came up with in the server, i tried to remember but maybe I missed some of the ideas. Calliope isn't evil, but she can't let her "presents" go or there'll be trouble so she's in a bit of a pickle I suppose. There's room for a redemption arc if someone wants to write this. For the Monsterfucktober Bingo square "naga", the Sandtober prompt "celestial" and DN House of Horrors prompt "chains".
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teejaystumbles · 1 year
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a spaceship crashed into Hob's garden. it wasn't what he thought it would be like (but he's not complaining) for the Monsterfucktober Bingo square "alien", Sandtober #9 "cat" and the House of Horrors prompt "bloody clothes". I just wanted to draw something vaguely looking like a weird sci-fi comic cover but then I went for black and white. If any of you want to come up with how they got to this point, please be my guest! I can't think of full stories for everything I draw LOL (I could but I don't have the time =_=)
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