#DNI if you hate Muslims
wewebaggit · 11 months
All these idiots yapping about Palestine like they're the saviours of mankind and Palestine and patting themselves for hating Noah. (Go ahead. Hate him actually. I hate people for how they wear their hair. Fair enough. And I'm not here nor there on my guess on him being an actual Zionist) But can y'all just not pretend this oooh disappointment is deep? Like please? Can y'all like maybe not reduce it to a teen actor visiting a place and posting about it. Like that's absolutely the worst thing to have happened to Palestine. Whether he posts or not, Jewish people are gonna be visiting Israel. Cuz their holy land is in Israel. Which is why this outcry is fucking stupid and THE BIGGEST EXAMPLE of dumb hoes virtue signaling. Y'all stupid for putting this energy into hating a Jewish guy visiting Israel. They aren't even the largest contributors to its tourism. Y'all dumb bitches need to look at the followers of Christ for that. More than half of the total visitors in some years. But y'all wont. Cuz I see your ass. It's just waiting to shit on Jews and Jews alone. Especially to that one self righteous bitch who is screenshotting other's people's post and calling them dumb. Check yourself. N then check Google for other places EXACTLY in the situation of Palestine. But not glamorous enough for your shiny bleeding heart to post about. Also they have celebs you can shit on for visiting those places. Just so you'd maybe wanna talk about it. Fucking a-holes sermonising about brown people rights when it fucking suits their own skin tone.
"He needs to tell people he's not a Zionist." Ya well everyone going to Saudi needs to scream and shout that they do not support Saudi terror funding and their treatment of migrants. Everyone going to Kashmir must scream and shout that hey we're here for the Kashmiris and not for the occupier forces. Anyone visiting China must also wear a Free Tibet and Free Turkestan shirts. And the whole of the descendants of white colonisers need to tell people you're not a racist, supporter of eco-terrorism, exceptional, bigot, islamophobe, antisemite (funny how both apply), pro-life, anti-black people everytime you visit the corner cafe and post about it on insta. Ya that app owned by that bugger who wanted to take away free internet from brown countries. ("bUt iT's nOt OngOiNg tHo....." bro we're still reeling from that shit and it hasn't even been 100 years so please don't. Neither did that dumb dead hoe Lizzie nor her older than jesus son Charlie who loves to fancy dress has so much as even apologised. Refused to apologise in fact).
Pat yourselves on the back. You fought Zionism with antisemitism and homophobia.
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Escapist Media Recs?
Going to bed soon but would love some recommendations of “safe” TV shows/movies/youtube channels and/or confirmation that they are “safe.” The hardest part of dealing with everything is constantly feeling like I’m in defense mode or don’t know who’s about to gut punch me.
My criteria for a “safe” escapist media are:
Has not said anything about the conflict and (if YouTubers) has not indicated anything about the conflict through their platforms
If they HAVE spoken, they acknowledged pain of ALL civilians in the levant.
Has not attacked/demonized/fomented hatred against Jews or Muslims or Arabs or Palestinians
Has not allowed hateful rhetoric against anyone on their platforms
Has expressed sorrow or sympathy for Jews or Israelis without adding a qualifier of BUT afterwards
So far, KoreanEnglishman/Jolly have seemed safe. I know Rev Chris posted something nice about Israelis and Palestinians and wanting peace.
Drawfee is pending until I can see how the livestream goes.
Are the Try Guys still ok?
Grace Helbig has been safe so far but she’s not purely escapism as she is very much Going Thru Stuff this year. But I’ve been watching her for ages and she’s wonderful.
Is it safe to watch Abbot Elementary?
Any other Recs???
I really just need to watch or engage with something where I don’t have anxiety about whether or not I’m gonna find out the people who write/act/produce the content are gonna turn around and start spouting dogwhistles and tropes.
What’s been calming for y’all? What have you found that gives you a moment of fucking peace?
I’ve read 13 books so far this year already. But i really just want to sit and watch something and turn my brain off.
Anti-Zionists, DNI. I know your feelings on this and about me. You’ve made your position clear. Not looking for a debate right now.
Just looking for something that takes my mind of all *gestures broadly* this.
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unpopularfanopinion · 7 months
DNI labels are funny because I can 100% not be who they hate, but it just comes across as obnoxious and weird. It's like a dude screeching to himself in the middle of a town square that certain people shouldn't approach him. I mean you do you dude, but there's no way in hell I'm getting close either
I mentioned in an earlier post the possibility of someone slipping a slur into their DNI lists and labels. Even if you’re not a part of that marginalized group you’re likely going to be grateful for that enormous red flag and avoid that asshole. Because it’s rather obvious that DNI list isn’t about someone trying to protect their peace and mental health by setting boundaries. It’s about hurting and violating someone else’s peace and wellbeing by signaling “I don’t feel any need to see and treat you like a human being worthy of dignity or respect.”
The more I think about it the more I can’t help but see DNI lists as a weird(and rather ineffective way) for people to try to shame and control the people around them. Because instead of saying “don’t engage in XYZ topic with me” they’re saying “these people aren’t allowed around me” even if what they’re doing or saying has nothing to do with what’s going(like saying Muslims DNI on a random piece of fanart) It’s really nonsensical and disrespectful for no good reason other than to insult Muslims.
I can’t help but think that the people who act like DNI lists or labels are somehow holy or sancrosanct, never to be mocked, questioned, or judged. And are perfectly acceptable and appropriate in all places and situations are both weirdly controlling, and the type of person who is okay with bigotry, discrimination, and bullying as long as the bigot gives the right justification.
And no. You don’t get to hurt others and violate their peace in the name of “setting boundaries” at least not without some judgement and mockery tossed your way.
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tinadablackthorn · 8 months
hello my little non alien friends
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welcome to my blog, where you'll see:
random crap i post
book rants
my shitposts
my moots (in no particular order. pls don’t hate me): @queenie-blackthorn @itadori-yujiii @greenmanwiththesauce @veryquoteablepng @hijabi-desi-bookworm @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @reyna-obsessed @aylin-hijabi @the-ascendant-doodler @1tomie1 @loife1m @a-pessimistic-swiftie @sadcharactersrmykryptonite @sad-trash-pigeon @shelfthe-reader @fallout-new-mudkip @riordanverseaddict @catastrxblues @levizzzzzzzs @piney-45 @michaelholdenenjoyer @carpe-astrae @sensitivesublime @dambluefood @fairyxm @trolliworms @randomfanboy22 @v3d1ka-5u6h3d4r @labaguetteisdabest @emails-i-can-sendpdf @nerdy-girl3791 @bluechest-blog @zuninona @zechaosapple @ashlakh @aprilakbas @stranglingfigs @dpynk @emilylikesthingz @whentheysaidspeaknowww13 @iumblr @whatcha-thinkin @queenpiranhadon @torifuckingspring
and those of you in which tumblr won’t let me add because there’s too much: @someonewhogotanaccount @nyx-the-god @wisegirl06 @violet92959
abt me is below 
name: tina (not my real name, and i will not be revealing my real name)
fav color: green>>>>
sign: sagittarius (but i don’t believe in that shit cuz it ain’t accurate)
birthday: december 13
fav series book: either agggtm or the ascendance series
fav movie: ponyo =)
mbti: istp
fav singer: A L E C B E N J A M I N
fav things to do: read, listen to music, scroll on tumblr for an unhealthy healthy amount of hours instead of studying
things i like: music, aesthetic, reading ofc, watching tv, minecraft
dni if you are: islamophobic (i’m muslim)ableist, sexist (that counts as misogyny OR supporting #killallmen), racist, religiophobic, xenophobic, sexualise minors, pro zionist (stolen from @queenie-blackthorn so credit to her because i’m too lazy xoxo)
ps: i am a minor, pedos n creeps will be blocked n reported
if you wanna see my posts about: moodboards (#moodboards) responding to asks (#tina responds) asks you (my moots) have sent me (moots—*insert username here*) just to make it easier for y’all lol
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pirate-fan-rachelle · 3 months
**✿❀ 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ❀✿**
Hello Hearties! My name is Rachelle, and I'm an Multifandom artist! (Digital & Traditional)
I'm 16 years old and I go by she/her pronouns! I'm also from Indonesia 🇮🇩 (Unfortunately, I'm not very fluent with my native language, so my apology in advance)
I'm just a small artist who has a obsession over Pirates (and Vikings!)
I mostly do multifandom stuff here but I also include my ocs drawing!
Nice to meet you all~!
★ My other Blogs ★
@mysticverse-productions (Main Project blog)
@rachie-is-here (Pokémon blog)
@project-v (Side Project blog)
@rasheru-iroha (Oreca Battle & ORE'N blog)
❀ Social Media Linktree!
❀ Fandom List carrd! (WIP, I got lazy and there's actually more fandom I joined)
♥ Tags from me!
Go to (#Rachelle Heart's favourite post) to find useful stuff I found for drawing & writing source 🎨📝
• Please don't go to my DMs just to rant/Vent with me (I don't know you, you're not one of my mutuals or trusted close friend), unless it's very important.
• Do not send drawing request to me in my inbox, because I don't draw for free unless (1) if I made post about free drawing request (2) you're one of my close friends who I trust.
• I can be a sensitive or a shy person, so don't expect me to be very talkative
• Expect me to post/reblog muslim related content (as a Islam myself) sometimes
• I won't be active a lot because of school
⚠ DNI List! ⚠
Very important, because I get really uncomfortable when these kind of people interacting with me, be warned that I will mention so much triggering topic here in this list(undercut)!
Do Not Interact with me if you are...
➥ Proshipper / Comshipper
(Basically you like problematic ship that are Pedophilia, incest/shipping relatives whether they're related or not, abusive, r*pe, and many-many more that are problematics, and doesn't care because it's just fictional)
➥ Homophobic & Transphobic
➥ Pedo/Lolicon/Shotacon/Kodocon/MAPs
(Pretty self explanatory)(both real life & fiction)
➥ Sexist/misogynist/misandrist
➥ People who hate Oc x canon and Self-shipping (This is one of my coping mechanism)
➥ if you're one of those "Fiction can't affect reality" people (please leave me alone, you don't need to rant about me)
➥ Racist/Xenophobic/Antisemitisme (again, pretty self explanatory)
➥ Islamphobia (I'm an Islam myself, and anyone who call any Islam/muslim a "terrorist" please get out and find a therapist/mental hospital)
➥ Nazis
➥ Zionist (fun fact: hating Zionist doesn't make you antisemitism!)
➥ Fetishizer (yes, I'm looking at you Fujoshi and Himedanshi, fetishizing same sex relationships is not cool)
➥ Vivziepop / J.K Rowling (any problematic creators) stans (sorry HP & HB/HH fans, but I just despise them, as a former fan)
➥ Lily Orchard and any problematic Commentary channel supporter (Yeah no, you're not welcome here)
➥ Anti-Critism (I'm the type of person who's willing to get critized, in polite way)
➥ Zoophiles
➥ NFTs Supporter
➥ Art thief
➥ Palworld supporter (GTFO, I DON'T WANT YOU)
➥ if you support "Ai art" or game made from Ai generated (fuck you, really)
➥ NSFW/18+ blogs (I'm a minor)
➥ If you have "very weird" fetishs (take Amputations fetish as an example)
➥ If you support TERF
➥ If you like sending d3ath Thr3ats (please don't, this triggered my past trauma.)
➥ If you're from a problematic fandom (ex. Your Boyfriend, YBC, DSMP, Ranfren[read this doc to know why Ranfren is bad], Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Gushing over magical girls anime, etc..)
➥ You support Flags that are not valid (Ex. Maps, Super Straight, trans-Age, Trans-Race, etc...)
And many-many more Problematic things!
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itadori-yujiii · 1 year
introductory post
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• inactive • call me leta pleaaaseeee • minor • she/her • poc + muslim • infj • december 13 • pinterest • i LOVE LOVE LOVE POETRY • ^^ esp if its love poems • hopeless romantic what can i say • where i post my poems • daughter of apollo • SPAM MY INBOX PLEASE • do not be alarmed of my positivity • hobbies include hyperfixating, reading, occasionally music
my fandoms include:
• riordanverse • anne with an e • anime (heres the list)
dni if you ship weird things (like if you're a proshipper) or if you hate a specific type of people. like my friend says, "don't hate people for their race, sexuality, gender, or religion. hate people because they are people."
my asks is always open and dont worry i dont judge unless your pro-israel then goodbye
tagging people cause idk what else to put:
irl: @queenie-blackthorn - my older sister @tinadablackthorn - my npc twin sister @greenmanwiththesauce - chaotic gremlin friend @velversess - parabatai-in-law @1tomie1 - coolest person who's a closeted geek
moots <3: @aliciasfantasyxox - <3333333333 @moondust-on-the-hijabi queen @someonewhogotanaccount kitty, dearest war enemy @loife1m sunshine @reyna-obsessed charm @heartstars sephyy @that-multi-fandom-hijabi novaa @hijabi-desi-bookworm gorgeous grandma
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Figured it was time to make a little introduction !! :D
Hi everyone!! I'm new on Tumblr and still getting to know how stuff works around here :) My english is kinda wonky, so please be patient with me!
I'm a little brasilian critter called by many names, the main ones being Thales, Thai or Tê, but y'all can call me Tata too! I'm autistic and have a invisible disability!
I'm a gerderfluid creature that goes by he/them/she. I don't use any neopronouns, but that's because I'm too lazy to colect cool ones hehee. I love and respect all my homies with the cool neopronouns !!!
I'm a polyamorous pansexual and ace :)
I take long a time to answer messages sometimes due to anxiety (and i'm also very forgetful-) so please be kind, i'm not ignoring ya i'm just a tidbit slow :)
✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚FANDOMS ✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚
ROTTMNT, BayTMNT and TMNT12, trying to get time and watch all others;
Mob Psycho 100;
Dungeon Meshi;
I'm cool interacting with any iteration of TMNT, even tho I not very familiar with all of them, I love turtles and that's what matters. I'm not really a TOH fan, but I know tidbits about it and think is a good show in general, same goes for Amphibia and MGDD
✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚Little things about me✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚
My favorite color is pink, my girl kisser awakening was Lady Dimitrescu and my favorite thing besides turtles is character designing!
I love drawing extremelly big, tall, and strong characters, pretty women and disabled characters :D I might post my character designs and OCs if u guys are interested too
I have 3 cats, Maria Señorita, Frederico and Teodoro.
I talk in the third person a lot, like: "Tata loves this" or "Thales' not feeling so well today".
I dream of being big, buff and so gender that everyone around me is confused (also working on animation lmao).
I'm okay with friendly flirting in a platonic way, but please don't be pushy with me. Some jokes might make me uncomfortable, and I will make sure to make it clear if it happens.
I LOVE to interact and to read comments, even if it's just the silly tags!! Asks make me very happy, so feel free to send 'em!! :D
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❌❌ DNI LIST ❌❌
Proship - Tcest/incest - anti-jews - anti-muslims - transphobes/homophobes - people that don't respect neo-pronouns - people that make fun of tone tags - anti-spectrum - TERFs - Pedophiles/MAPS - Noncon/r-pe play - z00philes - nazis - Zionist/Pro-Israel I also don't want to interact with Rise Apriltello and 12!Leorai. They're siblings. Shipping them is creepy and wrong.
I will not tolerate any interaction with any of you. I hate you and want you very far from me /srs
This also aply for neutral/"anti-anti" people. I don't care what excuses u use, being tolerable and apologist for all this stuff is not okay and just as wrong as them. Stay away.
if any of my moots/followers ever see me following one of the above, please tell me because I would never follow someone like this knowingly!!
On a lighter note, I don't have anything against NSFW artists who do safe, sane stuff with adult characters. Y'all are cool.
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callsign-bunnie · 7 months
I don't understand how you can be okay with alienating an entire group of fans. I've read your reasoning and it's just bullshit, they're just fans having fun, why are you bordering on a DNI??
And I don't understand how you can't POSSIBLY fathom that Muslim and Arab people probably feel exactly like you do right now. Imagine how they feel, watching a bunch of fans simp over a man who treats the systemic racism against Arab people like a fucking tool.
I try not to respond to anon hate, but christ.
I have Arab family, I have arab friends, and I probably have Arab followers. I am stating, right now, that my blog is a safe space for them, not for you.
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cheezekennith · 1 year
So uhhhhhh...welcome to my stupid blog!!!!
And i have a list of my ocs to you :)
kuki kaze (my 2nd oc that I post on deviantart)
jun murasaki (mf 3rd oc that I post on my gamejolt account)
Nushime (my touhousona)
Taiyou Yamikumo (you might be confused if taiyou is a boy, but she's a female and she is my 4th touhou oc)
Yuuki suzuki (my 5th touhou oc that I posted on my deviantart account)
Sam (my FNAF oc, and she is a human btw)
Hell madness (my first utau oc that is a Mary sue and a concept(
Nori scarlet(?) (old/first oc and a mary-sue of flandre also older)
Akane (my toh/the owl house oc)
Medicine (my 2nd FNAF oc and she is an animatronic)
Willow (my welcome home parody oc)
Ludwig (my welcome home oc)
Kurorei Kyoma ( my 6th touhou oc)
Yume-loid (my first utau oc)
Henry (my fourth fnaf oc that is a carrion crow)
Jerry (my third fnaf oc that is saw whet owl)
Phoenix (my fifth fnaf oc that is a great gray owl)
Bobby (my sixth fnaf oc and is a tanuki)
Ella (my seventh fnaf oc and is a fairy)
Heres my shitty info of me :
my name is ??? Or eli
my birthday is august 24
im a filipino
i am half catholic and christian
I do speak filipino a little bit but speaking english is kinda easy for me
my race is half filipino, half chinese and spainish
im from the philippines
my zodiac and chinese zodiac is virgo and rabbit
im a female
my height is 5'3 tall
and im a multifandom artist
and i am straight
And also I have mild autism
I support LGBTQIA+
stuff i like :
vocaloid and utauloid drawing
making utau covers
ghost and pals
animal crossing
DNI if :
NSFW watchers (cuz i really hate them and they are really gross)
p0rn blog
Dawko haters
Touhou haters (i left the touhou community so yeah but still dni)
Anti-LGBTQ+ and Anti-LGBTQAI+
Ghost and pals hater
art tracer and art stealer
Goanimate/vyond fan (the uttp ones not the regular ones)
Frans fans (plus do you know sans is older than frisk and also they are a child, that is Pro-Shipping and also pedophilia)
Vore and tickle, and inflation, kaa hypothesis, and DeviantArt k¡nk/F3t¡$h enjoyer
K¡nk/F3t¡$h blog
SSSniperwolf stan
Fandoms im not interested (but if you like this fandoms i will respect your opinion) :
barney and friends
disney (a little)
Ok Ko lets be heroes
Gacha life
Fandoms im up into :
dawko(youtube)/darkest desire
utauloid and vocaloid
splatoon 1,2 and 3
ghost and pals
animal crossing
sander sides
the owl house
Some fandoms I'm gonna get interested now :
Welcome home
FPE or fundamental paper education
Fandoms/commnities i left :
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
But some fandoms that I'm not interested in but I created an au :
but please do not block me but warning my post contains⚠
and swearing
and bleeding
and only minors are in this blog but...... no 17+ accounts allowed cuz its disgusting but if your a 17+ account i will report you
Art trade : closed (but no fetish and nsfw because i hate it)
And plus I have bad spelling tho💀
And also I'm a dawktrap simp cuz ye cuz I like this dude cuz idk I'm simping on him.... *Dies of cringe*
Main account : @cheezekennith
Alt account : @cheezeyidiot-1000
Putting *character* in places blog : @putting-junko-in-places, @putting-oliver-in-places
My multifandom ask blog :
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credit to @sweetpeauserboxes, and this pinned post was inspired by @eminsunnytoons123
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theslaviccraft · 8 months
-Blog Introductions!-
Hello! My name is Ivana I'm a Croat currently living in Canada. I'm 16 years old, I'm a writer trying to kickstart my career on my main blog that's currently inactive @lesiocara, I've been a folklore dancer for 2 years now and I dance with my group across the USA and Canada.
🍃Purpose of Blog🍃
I started this blog because I noticed a lot of cognitive disconnect between immigrant Croats and main land culture. I felt like there wasn't enough resources for younger immigrants to truly understand or experience their cultures in a authentic way. And I noticed much deference between myself and my peers who always have lived in Canada. As they didn't have much ties to their own cultures. This is slowly becoming a growing concern to me back home too as many other southern/central Slavic countries embrace western ideals more and more many of us are starting to lose our ties to our cultural heritage as Slavs. This is why I started this blog to help immigrants and even mainlanders who wish to connect more to folklore and heritage of their countries find resources and paths to reconnect to their heritage. This blog primary shows off Balkan Slavic tradition but I strive to showcase all Slavic countries and cultures on this blog.
🍃Rules of the Blog/DNI🍃
Please, do not interact with this blog if you'll express bigited or hateful views on my platform or comments. This blog is not a safe space to be prejudice, xenophobic, nor racist towards any group. I do not tolerate seeing Croatophobia, Anti-Serb sentiments, Russophobia or any other sort of Anti-Slavic sentiments towards any other Slavs or claims of superiority over any other nationality's /groups on this blog. You will be warned to tone it down if I find your comments offensive or downright blocked.
No homophobia, xenophobia, religionism (antisemitism, islamophobia),racism, transphobia ect ect.
No use of any slurs especially of racial slurs like gy*sy or esk*mo. Both Romani and Inuit/Yupik cultures consider the two words up above as slurs against them and are not allowed to be used outside of historical context on this blog. This rule applies to the two terms of Ustaše and Chetniks as the two are often used as slurs towards Croats and Serbs.
This blog is a safe space for all slavs and is here to uplift all cultures, we will be discussing both past and current wars but I encourage you to use your critical thinking skills and realize that not everyone of a certain nationality can be blamed for that groups actions in wars. I do not tolerate seeing Croatophobia, Anti-Serb sentiments, Russophobia or any other sort of Anti-Slavic sentiments towards any other Slavs or claims of superiority over any other nationality's/groups on this blog.
If you would like to submit a post please link the sources. Such as texts and copyright holders you got the information from. Its so easy for people to fake things and claim they are backed up by tradition especially when discussing Magick. It's perfectly fine to link yourself as a source on information just be extremally clear about that.
No bible thumping! Please respect everyone's right to their own religion. Don't go under posts that discuss Magick or Rodnovery and comment things like "jesus loves you." or bible verses about how pegan's are going to hell or smth. Please don't attack other religions ether. Slavs are very diverse we come in all shapes and sizes some of us are catholic, jewish, orthodox, muslim or even pegan so please understand and respect the fact that not everyone follows your religion.
I do not support any extremist groups left or right leaning. Uses of covert phrases or dog whistles are not allowed on this blog. I will not platform or put a positive light on extremist groups like Ustaše, Chetniks, UPA, Neo-Nazis (Slavic Union,S14) or any other similar groups.
This blog is at least 16+. We discuss multiple facets of Slavic history on this blog. As you are probably aware Slavs have a very tremulous history. There will be graphic content on this blog appropriately censored to comply with tumblrs guidelines that people still might find disturbing. The history posts will have trigger warnings listed above the article viewer discretion is advised.
Post submsions can be in ether serbian, bosnian, croatian ,czech, english or interslavic as those are the only languages I understand. This is so I can fact check you. If you want to submit but do not know these languages just DM me so we can work on a translation together.
Post submissions must be tagged with a post group on this blog (see bellow) and if your writing about a historic event you too must include trigger warnings at the top of you're post.
🍃List of Resources🍃
🍃Asks/Dm's/Post Submits🍃
This blog is only made possible by the hard work of various people in our community researching and compiling knowledge about Slavs in multiple languages and media. I'm no expert on all things Slavic I'm nether historian or culturalist I simply do my own research and present it on this blog. Please if you are willing link articles, textbooks and other research in other languages if you can. I will need help with translating resources while I might not be able to pay you much I am glad to work out payment for help in translating various media. You can DM at any time about anything you'd like tho, unless you're reaching out for something personal or a translating job I'd prefer you use the asks feature. Post submissions must be in one of the categories on this blog and must be related in someway to slavs. They also must be in serbian, bosnian, croatian ,czech, english or interslavic and you must link/credit you're sources.
🍃Post Groups/Posting schedule🍃
Slavic Witchcraft & Magick
Slavic Culture
Slavic Traditions
Slavic Folklore
Slavic History
Resource Find
Blog Spotlight
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Note: This blog isn't updated daily it would be impossible for me to upload accurate well researched posts to you on a daily basis. Instead this is a guide as to what subject I will be posting on what day of the week.
Thank you for reading I hope you'll enjoy the blog :)
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About Me
Age 30+
Areas of Interests: Literature, comic books, movies and history (particularly the Edwardian Age to the European part of WWII)
DNI: Same as bio. Terfs, Radfems, Transphobes, JKR bootlickers, exclusionists, and MAPS.
NOTE: there are some days where I might reblog/post something HP on the main blog. I do write fan content for it as well. Tags are cw harry potter, cw hp, harry potter, and hp. Anything critical about the source material will be tagged hp critical and harry potter critical. If you haven't had those first four tags filtered, then I must be ticking an box or two in one of your DNIs, and you might want to turn back and block me. DNIs are supposed to go both ways after all.
"Well, JKR did say that the positive proliferation of her works is a sign that you support her views in secret and are afraid to speak it."
Yes she did say that, and I don't blame you if you don't want to touch HP for claim alone. Personally, I think she's in such an egotistical denial that fans of HP pan her views that she wants to believe that those decrying her support her in secret. Egotistic, abusive narcissists like Joanne don't want to believe that people hate them. They even want to believe that their detractors secretly like them and agree with them despite all evidence of the opposite. Alternatively, it could be her way of turning her detractors against each other. Because a abusive narcissistic would gaslit a trans woman for making her believe that her friend secretly agrees with her. However, that is my prerogative and I don't speak for anyone else (and before you ask, what money you want to spend on Official HP merch, donate it to a Trans Charity or spend it on fanmade HP merch created by an trans woman instead, the latter if you want merch bad enough. And no, DON'T even torrent that upcoming HBO Series, as I just learned that even torrents would get it renewed.)
My AO3
slytherinmarauder (pseud for HP works)
autistic_stephanie_brown (pseud for DC works)
Bottom line: for the record, I do believe that fiction can affect reality in regards how BIPOC, LGBT+, First Nations, Jews, Muslims, and disabled/neurodivergent people are portrayed in media and that those portrayals can affect the way the GP views those groups. However, the term "fiction does affect reality" isn't applicable to freaking fanfiction and videogames.
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windandheartbeat · 2 months
Hello there!!
You've reached AXYER's SFW "weird stuff" blog. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Here's my SFW vore and SFW tickling account! Obviously, you can block this account should you desire to and wholly dismiss that you ever saw this account, that's totally fine! I wouldn't even judge you!
HOWEVER, I do humbly request you don't post me anywhere or laugh at me with your friends on a voice-call! I know it probably seems really fun, but it really, really hurts! I promise you there's better things to laugh at, I'm not trying to hurt anyone and I'm just doing this for comfort! We can be friends, even if we don't agree on everything, alright?
Now, DNIs are famous for literally not working whatsoever in most cases, but I'm going to try anyway, just so if you're blocked you know why:
-Racist, homophobic, transphobic (including believing there's only two genders/TERFs), radfems, radqueers, "MAP"/"NOMAP", ableist, sanist, sexist, conservative/alt-right/Republican
-Religious extremist (NOT just Christians or Muslims)
-Zionists 🇵🇸
-If you love arguing with people/brag about how you "take no shit" and love hurting people/committing crimes
-Obviously, if you think being "cringy" and being "bad" are the same thing!
-If you think talking shit about people is a likeable personality trait (sorry I hate these people so much)
-Com-shippers, ESPECIALLY if you ship characters with abusive dynamics (I had to resist saying so many mean things but I will refrain, I will refrain…)
-If you're a fan/kin/identify as/with WHATSOEVER anyone/anything from a certain webcomic where a white stick figure with a tie is tormented by a black stick figure with bat wings + red tendrils (I am extremely uncomfortable with anyone who applies to this. DNI. I mean it, please.)
-If you're unable to agree to disagree/accept differing opinions
Otherwise, here's a bit about myself!
Hi!! I'm an aspiring child psychologist from Long Island! I love to write, draw, maladaptive daydream horrifically (/hj) and walk!! A LOT!! I LOVE WALKING!!
I'm also a Heart (C/C/C/C) fictionkin!! Technically also a G/r/i/m/m/c/h/i/l/d and stick figure fictionkin, but those are less important!!
I promise you that I do not bite and unless your ask scares me I will respond as kindly as I possibly can!! And if it does scare me, dw! I probably just won't respond, but feel free to clarify! I LOVE clarification!!
I am ABSOLUTELY willing to make friends!! Let's be little /pos freaks together!! <3333
My taste in vore/tickling depends on the current hyperfixation, but Soul is a pred/ler whilst Heart (me yk yk me) is a prey/lee!! Sometimes I throw in Mid as a switch for both 👀
My preferences in vore are:
-No fluids! Everything is cushiony but dry, saliva actually REALLY icks me out!!
-Food and prey go in different areas!!
-I most like same-size + half-size but I'm A-ok with G/T!! HOWEVER I always prefer the bigger one to be the pred!!
-I like only a small belly, enough that the people around them go "hey, have you gained weight recently?" but no more than that!! Less than that's good too!!
-Fearplay is my FAVORITE!! No foodplay tho!!
-I prefer humanoids (not humans) but anthros and taurs work too!!
-I'm uncomfy with children being involved as well as animals but siblings is cool with me simply because I like to imagine it similar to how bickering siblings will do crazy things to piss one another off!!
-Vore used as timeout is EXCELLENT and probably my fav trope!!
Tickling preferences!!
-No tongue!! Again I don't like saliva!!
-I really like it when they're held down!!
-Cuddling afterwards when they're all sleepy mhm mhm yessssssss
-When the belly and sides are the most ticklish 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
-Ticking with MORE than two arms YESSSSSS MHM MHM MHM MHM MHM
-Tickling as revenge :)))))))))
#vore moment - Vore stuff!!
#tickle moment - Tickle stuff!!
#*receives food* - Reblog!!
#hearb spelling bee (vore) - Vore fic!!
#hearb spelling bee (tickle) - Tickle fic!!
#fellow freaks slash pos - Friend reblogs + discussion!!
#sad times - Angsty stuff!!
#owa goodness!! - Happy/fluffy stuff!!
#the blues and greens - Fav posts!!
#realising through glazed eyes - ALL TIME fav posts!!
What I censor:
#cw profanity - Post has curse words!!
#cw all caps - Post has all capital letters stuff in it!! (Might forget I apologize!!)
#tw digestion - Post has digestion!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide - Post has suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide attempt - Post has a failed suicide attempt!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw panic attack - Post contains a panic attack! (Would only be used in fictional content) (well, hopefully!)
#tw s/h - Post contains self-harm!! (Would only be used in fictional content) (will also be tagged as #tw self harm + #tw self-harm!!)
#tw homicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of homicide/murder! (Would only be used in fictional content)
I think that's all… anyways, have fun here!!
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kodicraft · 6 months
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So this post has crossed my dash and I want to bring up how it's a very obvious showcase of a logical fallacy and how you are not immune to cheap rhetorical tricks.
Take a minute to think about it, are those people who "can't handle Scott Pilgrim" really the same people who say "we need more fucked up problematic characters in media"? Have you ever really seen an individual person have both of these opinions at once? I'd be willing to bet you haven't.
But it's easy to think you have, after all, you've seen both of those opinions before. You've seen a few people with "Scott Pilgrim fans DNI" in their bio and you've seen people who say they need more fucked up characters, and both of these people are on the same website. Both of those people are "them". Who are "them"? Well, not "us" obviously. "They" have these two opinions at once, clearly "they" are contradictory and stupid and "you" are smarter than "them". Who are "them"? Why do you ask, you know who "they" are. It's the anti-shippers. It's the people who don't understand media. It's the conservatives. It's the liberals. It's the gays, the Muslims, the Jews. "They" are everyone you don't like, it's everyone who's not like "you". You don't need to know who "they" are, look, "their" opinions are contradictory. You were right all along not to like "them". You're smart.
I chose this example both because ive just seen it on my dash but also because it's about a really inconsequential topic. Who cares about what some people think of a fictional character, who cares about some people's taste in fiction. But this same rhetorical trick is what drills people's ideologies, it's what you hear from right wing propaganda networks, it's what you're told under fascism, it's the rhetoric that's used to oppress, that exploits a little logical fallacy to paint a caricature of people you don't like until you hate them and until you channel that hatred.
This sort of rhetoric is very popular on here. Every once in a while you'll see a post with this exact phrasing about some other topic, sometimes as inconsequential as Scott Pilgrim, sometimes not. A lot of people here would fall just as easily to the right-wing machine as to these silly posts. A lot of people who think they're so much smarter than the average Alex Jones fan would immediately get tricked by the same rhetoric if it validates their pre-existing beliefs, where is the difference between the two?
I'm not here to be patronizing or tell you you should know better, but I want you to think before reblogging this type of stuff. To think before you repeat this sort of rhetoric. Think about who you're really talking about and why you agree with it. Consider how you'd react if instead of "them" this post was about "you".
You're not immune to propaganda, and that Garfield image won't make you immune to propaganda either.
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katsukatzz · 4 months
Welcome here
DNI: proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, hateful people.. you name it.
Muslims who don't support but respects lgbt are welcome btw ♥️♥️
About me:
Call me Katsu, she/her (they/them is fine too.)
I am french, lesbian, minor.
I have a crush on Sophia Monad from lies of p and pomegranate cookie from crk.
I post my art (mostly Canon X OC)
Also, art trades are always open ! You can always ask :)
Fave colours: red and yellow 💛❤
My hobbies: reading, drawing, guitar, being pretty and fashionable (if that counts XD)
It used to be my older brother's writing blog so there are two of his stories here ! (Two if I remember right atleast ^^")
Much love ! 🙏💋
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Why does your DNI include people being discriminatory towards people of Jewish and Muslim faiths but not towards Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and other religions? Are you virtue signaling for whatever is popular or do you have a good reason for it?
"Whatever is popular" is it trendy to not be okay with those things? Or is the implication that not supporting a genocide is a trend? Because you're sort of beating around the bush but it would seem that this has something to do with my stance on Israel's massacre of Palestinians. Did Malcolm X or The Black Panthers support Palestine for clout? Because you and I both know why Islam and Judaism. Discrimination against those two are rampant right now in particular, but I'd block someone who was discriminatory in general. Why the fuck wouldn't I? The only anti Buddhism I've seen here is appropriation via "tulpa systems" so that's on my DNI too. I'm also not going to list every single thing I'm not cool with.
I also can't remember the last time I heard someone say "fuck Hindus!" or some shit. I've literally never seen it here but if I did it's fair to assume I wouldn't be cool with that. Do I have to include every faith to appease you? Also you using the term virtue signaling unironically is cringe. You're cringe
Who the fuck sees "Don't be antisemitic or Islamophobic" and gets mad?? What kind of "good reason" would I need as justification for feeling that way? Like why aren't you mad I said don't be anti polyamory but didn't say anything about people who are anti monogamy? I've seen people like that. That I mentioned different forms of discrimination but not anti blackness? That I said don't be discriminatory against aros/aces but not gay people? No but me not liking discrimination against two particular marginalized religious groups that I've seen discrimination against and that there is an increase in hate crimes against, now that really rustles your jimmies.
I don't think you're saying this out of genuine care about the groups I didn't mention. So instead of pretending to be mad on their behalf maybe gargle my dick and balls?
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From Blood, Love and Courage - Chapter Seven.
A huge thank you to you all for your continued interest in this little story of mine! Your excitement over it and love really does bring me so much joy :)
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six
Words - 4,316
Tag list - In the comments, please message to be added/removed
Warnings - Mentions of rape and the associated trauma of such to come in future chapters. While I do not plan on detailing these overtly graphically, there will be detailing of such and conversations surrounding the subject, so if this is a trigger for you, you’d be best not to begin reading the story. 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
High knees while jogging in place. Lord, how he hated it. And she’d made him do it while alternating between other different exercises, too.
“Come on, you’re not even really sweating yet!”
“I can feel it running down my damned back!”
“Pfft, that’s nothing! Okay, jump lunges, twenty on alternating legs and then twenty jump squats, go!”
Ezekiel Reyes; he was a man in two worlds that morning. One of pain, and one of regret. Huge, eclipsing, all-encompassing regret.  
“Jump burpees, thirty, go!”
Oh hell.  
“Mountain climbers, fifty, go!”
His lungs felt as if he’d inhaled fire.  
“Press ups, fifty, go!”
Holy mother of god.
“Back to jump squats, fifty, go!”
She paused, giving him a curious sideways look. “Oh, does he quit? Is he ready to give up his fifty bucks?”
He wasn’t, so soldiered on. By the time he’d reached twenty-seven jump squats, his body told him that he was, pulling the slightly crumpled bill from his pocket and handing it to her.  
“Why thank you, sir.”  
He huffed, panting hard, picking up his water bottle and taking a few gulps before emptying it over his head. “You’re evil, and I concede. No wonder you look the way you do when you train that hard, Jesus.”
“Well, I have no choice but to, really. I can’t be anything less than one hundred percent fight ready right now,” she shrugged, taking her own water bottle and chugging back a few mouthfuls.  
Indeed, she couldn’t, her match now just two days away. “How’re you feeling about it?” Her cringe made him laugh. “Oh, come on. Your coach wouldn’t have put you into it if he didn’t have faith that you’re competent enough, that you could win.”
“Yeah,” she scoffed, sipping more water. “He said that last time, and I walked away with dented pride and a really bad headache.”  
EZ shrugged, standing up and stretching. “And there’s your incentive to go and beat her ass into submission, you have history there, a score to settle. Don’t let her get away with it twice.”  
She took a deep breath, sinking down into the side splits to do some stretches. “I hear you, dude. My confidence will kick in eventually. Probably while I’m on my way to the octagon. As soon as I see it, it’s like, I remember who I am then, you know?”
He understood, offering what Lily soon thought to be the perfect analogy. “It’s almost like the octagon is your holy place, the space in which you feel more secure and connected. Kinda like a Muslim at Mecca, except more brutal.”
She beamed at his words. “Yes! That’s exactly it!” Pausing for more water, she took a glug, turning to see her love arriving with Coco through the gates. “Come on, we still have laps to jog, let’s go.”
“Absolutely not,” EZ replies determinedly, receiving a swift, soft kick up the butt.  
“Move it! You might have lost, but the workout isn’t finished!” she ordered, pointing ahead. “Come on, pussy. Let’s go!”
He narrowed his eyes as she began to softly jog backwards, her face full of mischievous mirth. “Oh, you’d better run.” He shot after like a lion charging a gazelle, Lily squealing and adding speed to her pace, ducking and darting as she played chicken with him, full of giggles, Coco and Angel pausing to watch the scene unfold.  
“Yo! You’re signing your own death warrant, boy scout!” Coco called, Angel remaining tight lipped. It bugged him no end, seeing how well his brother and girlfriend were getting along. It all seemed a shade too close for comfort to him. It only built as a full-on play fight followed, Lily managing to free herself of his grasp upon her wrist, turning under his arm and aiming a strike for his lower back, EZ spinning around and managing to lose an arm again when she grabbed it and twisted it back on him.
“Oh, you bastard!” she shouted, Bishop and Hank coming out to watch the scene, Lily shrieking as EZ attempted to stop her, cheating somewhat, grabbing the back of her thong where it peeked out from over her leggings and pulling, her scream loudening, their audience roaring.  
“You gonna die, homes!” Coco called through his laughter, Lily sweeping at his legs, trying to get him over.
“Doubtful.” He yanked her thong higher, Angel not pleased at all seeing his brother grabbing at a handful of his girlfriend’s underwear, frowning heavily, Lily suddenly sweeping at his other leg as she shunted herself against his chest, taking him down, herself too since he refused to let go. She wiggled her way out of his grasp, locking both legs around his arm, holding his wrist in a tight grip and pressing her feet down into his chest, EZ attempting to move, but finding himself totally immobilised, much to his chagrin.  
He tried, but he couldn’t free himself from such a hold, Angel finally beginning to see the funny side of it, Lily eventually releasing him, holding her hands aloft as she did a little victory lap. “Armstrong wins again!” she called with delight, EZ eventually getting up and offering his hand, shaking hers before giving her a hug.  
“My brother is right, you are dynamite, Lily.”  
Lily grinned up at him. “And you’d do well to remember that before trying to win via wedgie ripping!” It should have been a cute sight, EZ conceding, hugging his opponent in admission of his loss, but for Angel, it only made him burn with jealousy. It might have been a play fight, but for him, it had connotations of flirting to it, especially with his brother taking a handful of her underwear, and Lily not even telling him that such a move was wildly inappropriate.  
EZ went off to get a shower, Lily moving to Angel, hugging him. He stiffened a little. “Hey, what’s up?”
“You’re all sweaty,” he muttered.  
She was a little perplexed. “That doesn’t usually bother you.”
“Yeah, but I ain’t trying to get my clean clothes all messed up, go take a shower first.”  
“Angel, is there something wrong? You’re acting off with me,” she questioned, her boyfriend crinkling his nose slightly.  
“Nah, we’re good.” They weren’t, though, and she knew it. Something was bugging him. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to pursue it, running into the clubhouse bathroom to quickly shower and then dress, her shift beginning at the coffee shop in a half hour.  
“So, I’ll meet you back here tonight? You can hug me now, too,” she spoke, approaching him. He did, but it wasn’t with his usual warmth. “And we’ll talk too, because something is up with you.”
“Yeah, alright. See ya.”
She kissed him, turning to leave. “Love you.” she called over her shoulder.  
“Hmm.” He was pissed off to hell, but when that happened with Angel, when something hit him emotionally, he wasn’t always quick to verbalise it. Sometimes, he would dramatically blow up, and others, he’d seek out another way to let the person know they’d pissed him off.  
Unfortunately for Lily, he’d choose the latter. Until then, though, she could only wonder what she’d done wrong. It hit her about ten minutes into her shift, kicking herself as she took cake slices carefully from the catering pack sized box and arranged them neatly within the glass display.  
Who had her boyfriend always felt as if he’d lived in a perpetual shadow of? His brother. She suddenly saw it through his eyes, how he might feel insecure over what was simply her making an effort with his family, her actions misconstrued as rejecting him in favour of EZ now that they’d met. She cringed, scrunching her eyes shut as it hit her in waves. Fuck.  
They’d both being doing really well, too, until very recently, each of them now having an emotional wobble where there was absolutely no genuine cause for such to occur.
She had to call him.
The sooner she could acknowledge that she knew how it looked, and reassure him just like he had with her and Sofia, the better. Because of the rush, though, she didn’t get a chance to take her lunch break until 2:15pm, sitting in the small staff room at the back of the shop and calling him. No answer. She paid it no mind, figuring he was likely busy and made a note to try again at the end of her break. Still, no answer, nor the other few times she attempted to call him when Carol wasn’t watching her like a hawk. She knew this had less to do with being busy and everything to do with him being annoyed at her.  
Sadly, he could be childish at times, so she’d noticed, so she guessed this pouting and ignoring her wasn’t too out of the ordinary. Once she returned to the clubhouse, she planned to pull him aside and talk with him, but upon her arrival, she saw that Angel had very different ideas on how to handle his mood. They included another girl.  
Watching the scene as she parked up, she could make him out, him and a few others around the fire pit, sitting there with a girl on his lap, beginning to kiss her as he saw her getting out of the car. Anger shot through her, but she knew he was doing this for a reason, that reason being that he wanted to provoke a fight, sought for it to all blow up. This was him throwing bombs at a good thing, just like he’d warned her. Except she wouldn’t fall for it, or give him what he was seeking.  
“Hey, Lilypad,” Taza greeted her with, Lily bending to kiss his cheek. “I have no clue why he’s being like that, but I’m sorry.” he then whispered as he held her head close, Lily nodding.  
“And my sugar is where?” Bishop called, making a kissy face at her. He laughed warmly as she made her way to him, bending to greet him with the required kiss, completely ignoring Angel and the barely dressed woman sitting astride him.  
“Anyone want a drink?” she asked, looking between him and Taza, Gilly ambling over and taking a seat after greeting her.  
“Nah, we’re all set, sweetheart.” Bishop replied, gesturing with his eyes over to Angel and back at her with a questioning face. The look he received told him clearly, it’d get sorted. He could only quietly wonder how, surprised she hadn’t flung the girl off of her boyfriend and then kicked him clean out of his seat.  
Going inside, she got her usual of vodka over ice, saying hi to a few more of the guys before heading back out and seating herself next to Taza, turning to watch Angel silently. Everyone felt it, the air thickening, Lily’s displeasure very palpable, until finally, she spoke.  
“Care to explain your bullshit to me, Angel?” she asked, calmly and evenly.  
He didn’t tear his eyes away from the girl to begin with, making her wait before he finally turned his head. “It’s called payback.”
“Okay, I expected you to be annoyed because of this morning, but really, this is how you’ve chosen to deal with it, by being the guy you said you didn’t want to be any longer? I realise how it might have looked to you, but I thought we could discuss it civilly, not have you act like a complete ass.”
“Oh what, you think you can be all over my brother this morning and I’ll just let that shit slide? Nah, no way. How’d you fucking like it, Lily?” he vented strongly, his brows furrowing.  
She was aghast. “All over your brother? We had a playfight, Angel. Big deal!”
“Oh, like the big deal you made of me hugging Sofia the other day, huh?” he charged her with, his temper beginning to ignite.
“Which I apologised for as soon as I knew I was wrong and behaving stupidly!” she yelled, Angel snorting and shaking his head.
“You ain’t over it, though, or you wouldn’t be trying to use my brother to get to me, would you? Didn’t have you pegged for someone who’s vindictive, but apparently, I’m wrong. Either that or you just want his dick, probably a little of both.”
And yet the behaviour she was witnessing from him right then was the very definition of vindictiveness.
“So, you’re doing this just to hurt me, because of what you perceive you saw, right?”
He was defiant in the face of her accusation. “I’m doing this because I want to.”
“Emotional retaliation because you let your jealousy do the talking. I thought you didn’t want to be that guy any longer? The guy who fucks up a good thing?”
He glowered, hands stroking the curve of Izzy’s waist. “Who’s to say you’re a good thing?”
Lily felt her temper spiking, the sharpness of his words cutting, upsetting, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of handing him what he wanted, because she knew exactly what he was doing, and why. “Stop looking for a reaction from me because something I did completely innocently hurt you, because of how you feel about you, and not how you feel about me, or me trying to get to know your brother. Those are your issues. Don’t make them mine when you can’t even have the basic decency to come to me and talk.”
He said nothing, because there was nothing he could come back with in the face of her uncomfortable truth; his uncomfortable truth. “So, if you’re that confident that this is what you want, then fine. Do it right in front of me. Have some balls. Or perhaps, have the fucking stones to do the right thing and admit you fucked up and overreacted. Drama only keeps on biting at your ass because you invite it to do so each and every time, you know. So, come on. As you were.”
She sat back, kicking her feet up on the crate before her, feeling Taza reach to discreetly squeeze the back of her arm. She turned to him, acknowledging his deep nod of respect, her wise new friend telling her without words how well she’d handled the situation.
As Angel sat, he felt himself grow more uncomfortable by the second, each separate thread of that discomfort braiding together within his mind, the fact that once again, he’d acted like an ass because of his own insecurities, that Lily had rightfully shamed him for it in front of three of his brothers, and the growing realisation that she wasn’t prepared to stand for it, sitting there staring at him, her eyes icy, her gaze unwavering.  
He’d disappointed himself and her, but she hadn’t let him get away with it, or given him the reaction he’d sought. She could have flounced off, but she hadn’t. Why? She knew they deserved more, and she wasn’t prepared to let him ruin what they had because he was a coward, but by god, she’d make him acknowledge it, be answerable to both his wrongs and her, all in one fell swoop.
No other woman had seen straight through his bullshit like that before.  
He straightened, looking up at Izzy. “Yeah, you need to leave.”
The girl made a hmph noise of light annoyance, climbing from his lap and sauntering back into the clubhouse, Angel looking over at Lily, arms folded, her face expectant. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”
“No,” she began, nodding to Bishop, Gilly and Taza. “Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of them.”
Oh, hell. She wasn’t going to make anything easy for him.  
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Her question was so cold and biting, he was surprised those two words didn’t freeze as soon as they left her mouth.
“For acting like a fucking pendejo.”
“And why did you act like a pendejo, exactly?”
His mouth tightened, discomfort riddling him. “Because I’m self-destructive where women are concerned.”
“And what are you not going to do in the future?”
Oh, she was really, really going to town on him, Bishop and Gilly glancing at one another, cringing on Angel’s behalf, although they both separately thought that this was exactly what he needed, a damned good dressing down by his girlfriend for his bullshit. Taza only looked on at her proudly, such was the weight of his genuine affection for the young woman he’d befriended. Also, as much as he loved him, Angel had it coming. This was, after all, why he hadn’t been able to keep a steady girlfriend in years, which was a presence in his life Taza knew he needed probably more than most.  
“I’m not going to fuck things up by running off with someone else just because I feel...”
“Because you feel what?”
He inhaled sharply through his nose, bolting back his beer. “Because I feel insecure!” God, he hated her in that moment for making him speak the truth, absolutely mortified by it, but shit, underneath, did he love her for it, too. She wasn’t giving up on him, and she was determined to show him how much of a better person he was capable of being. His bullshit? I wasn’t going to work on Lily. He wouldn’t, or rather couldn’t, scare her away.  
She nodded with satisfaction, standing up slowly as she walked to him, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “That is because no matter how much of a stupid fuck you are, I love you.” She then recoiled her fist and punched him sharply, straight in the eye. “And that is for trying to make me look like an idiot. You will never, ever fucking try and taunt me with another woman again because of your own internal crap, or next time, I throw you in that cage over there and really go to town on you, and by the time I’m done, you won’t have the luxury of calling me your girlfriend. You’ll just have broken bones, cuts and bruises. Learn your damned lesson from this, Angel Reyes.”  
“Ooooh, she’s pissed!” Gilly whispered, wincing, Bishop crushing the side of his tongue between his teeth to prevent himself from laughing, Taza not even bothering biting back the smirk.  
“I deserved that, I did,” Angel began, gingerly touching his eye. Fuck, she threw a mean punch. “You want another drink?”
“My usual, please.”
“Alright. And I am sorry, baby. I know I fucked up. I know. I’m gonna make it right with you, though, I swear.” He turned, heading back into the clubhouse. As soon as the door had swung shut behind the blare of loud music, Bishop broke, snorting before hysterical laughter followed, Gilly and Taza both in similar states.  
“You’re in the wrong job, Lily,” he began. “You should be a fucking interrogator. You’d empty Guantanamo in about twenty minutes!”  
She sat back down, Taza pulling her into a hug, kissing atop her head. “He’s needed a woman to do that to him for years. Trust me, darling. That’ll be the last time he ever acts up!” They continued to laugh hysterically for a couple of moments before composing themselves, Angel coming back out with a massive measure of vodka and a beer... and a towel with ice in it, which as soon as he rested against his eye, had Bishop in hysterics again.  
“Fuck you, Bish! You should be on the receiving end of one of her punches, shit man, she don’t play!”
“And you deserved it, my friend,” Bishop replied, swigging his beer, knowing that the entertainment value of the moment wouldn’t leave him for a while. “If you’re gonna pick a chick who does MMA for fun as your sweetie, you have to expect that she might, just might, be a little temperamental if you piss her off.”  
“Yeah, me and my stinging eye know all about it, thank you.”  
“Don’t be a drama queen, baby,” Lily warned softly, reaching to stroke his forearm, her anger towards him beginning to simmer.
“I’m not! Woman, you just slugged me so hard, I saw the faces of my damned ancestors for a few seconds!” His words only stoked the laughter at his expense, Lily eventually cooling off enough to join them.  
“And did they tell you to stop being a prick as well?”  
He muttered something under his breath, sipping his beer. “I’m glad y’all think this is hilarious!”
“Don’t worry, we do.” Taza’s chuckles rumbled on, reaching to squeeze Lily’s hand.  
Angel looked between her and the ground a few times, her eyes falling back upon him. “We good?”
Her nostrils flared, only ever so slightly, her jaw twitching. “Not quite. We’ll discuss it more later on.” Once back at her place three hours later, that’s exactly what they did, sitting out on her small balcony, sharing a bottle of tequila.  
He knew she was still mad at him, he could see it clearly through her frosty demeanour, knowing he’d have to work his ass off to claw back a little of her trust again. What he’d done, childishly trying to make her feel like shit because of his insecurity, had triggered her own, of being abandoned, of not being someone’s choice long term... the exact same issues he had in relationships.  
“I feel like such a dick for what I did, I really do,” he admitted, sighing. “I just... seeing you and EZ getting on so well, and he was always the one who was better than me, fucking golden boy, he had everything that I didn't, so...”
Where he trailed off, Lily filled in the blanks. “So why wouldn’t he have me too? Why would I want you with him on offer?” He nodded, his lips pressed together firmly. “Except, your brother isn’t on offer to me, and I’m not on offer to him. Or anyone else, for that matter.”  
“He said you’re hot, when we discussed you.” That was hardly reason for Angel to have freaked out in the way that he did, but she got it.  
“That doesn’t mean shit! All I want from EZ is to be his friend, and you know full well he loves you too much to ever make moves towards me. Has he done that in the past, gone after one of your girls?”
“Well then!” She softened a little then, realising her exasperated tone wasn’t necessary. Of course, she’d had a similar visceral reaction in storming off after seeing Angel innocently catching up with Sofia only a few days before, him having to reassure her it wasn’t what she thought. She’d got over it without feeling the need to punish him, though. Angel, it seemed, was very different in that respect.  
“You can’t punish me for trying to get to know your family. You could have given me the chance to reassure you, like you did when I flipped at seeing you hugging Sofia, but you didn’t, and that’s what really hurt me, the vindictiveness of it.”
He shook his head, shrugging. “I guess I’m just a bad guy who doesn’t deserve you.”
No. She wasn’t having that. “Angel, you have a really good heart; you just need to unwrap the layers of razor wire which surround it, or no one will ever be able to get close to it. I’ve been putting the work in, since you turned up at the coffee shop and made me face up to my toxic shit of running away, and that was right at the damned start. I’ve now been cut on your razor wire, so unless you want me to keep on bleeding because of you, it’s time to remove it and fucking let me in properly. I thought you had, but really, you wouldn’t have gone to such lengths if that were true.”  
He breathed in deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. “It’s fucking terrifying, how well you know me, know my shit,” he began, bolting back the tequila, Lily following suit before he topped off their glasses. “However, it’s also a comfort, not that I’ve wanted to let it be much of one. I know that I need to, though, that there’s probably nobody else out there who’s better for me than you are, or who’ll ever understand me like you do. And I did let you in, baby. I have, more than any woman I can remember in recent years. I just let my toxic behaviour take over and I won’t do it again. I promise you.”
Her mouth twitched at the corner, Lily nodding just once, tongue rolling around her mouth softly as he continued. “Another thing about you that I love, you don’t accept me for who I am either, because who I am is a fucking jerk. You accept me for who you know I’m capable of being, the man you’ve seen, the man I have been when I’m with you, up until today.”
“We are all but one person, Angel,” she began, lighting a cigarette, knocking the pack across the table to him with her fingernail. “It just depends on whether we feed our light, or our dark.”
He took a deep breath, drawing up a little before resting back, letting the air out slowly though his nose before reaching for the cigarette packet. “That shit’s profound.”
“Yes, and if you were brave enough to feed your light a little more where instances like today are concerned and just talk to me, you could be profoundly happy. We could be profoundly happy. I mean, I thought you were until tonight.” She got up, moving across the small space, shimmying between the rail and the table, seating herself across his lap. “Are you brave enough to be happy?”  
The way he kissed her was all the answer she needed.  
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