curestardust · 9 months
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wonderful precure character sheets (x) (x)
Inukai Komugi / Cure Wonderful - Iroha's dog Papillon Inukai Iruha / Cure Friendy Yuki / Cure Nyammy - Mayu's cat Nekoyashima Mayu / Cure Lillian Toyama Satoru, who owns a rabbit named Daifuku
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sunnebeam · 1 year
and all the pieces fall.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
warnings: fluff (the calm kind, not the tooth-rotting kind sadly), revelations, mentions of past car accident, mafia au (but no specific details in this particular drabble), other warnings withheld due to possible spoilers
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: would u look at that, no smut for once HAH anyways a lot of u guys seemed to like the first drabble (read that first if u haven't yet!) so here's an attempt at a continuation <3 please share your thoughts! feedback and reviews always keep me going ^^
— prev: in the darkest little paradise | next: everything just stops
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The harbor at night shows the best view of the city.
It's tragic, really, how little you see of the city you live in. You only ever lingered in places near your apartment or near your work, and you no longer remember the area you grew up in as a child.
This unfamiliar side of the city — the side with skyrise buildings, bustling night life, and uptown streets — is wholly new to you.
"Are you cold?"
And amongst other things that are new...
"I'm fine," you answer as you feel his presence behind you. "Just enjoying the view."
A warm jacket is placed on your shoulders and you smile at the action. This is a side of Yoongi that's kind of new to you. You only ever spent time with each other in the bedroom, and there, he's always so dominating, so intense. It's nice to get to know this softer, caring side of Yoongi outside of sex.
Regardless, you pull the jacket tighter around you. You don't really feel cold but he decides to wrap you in his arms anyway, your back to his chest, as you both look out the harbor.
"Did you enjoy dinner?" he asks, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"I loved it," you affirm, soaking in the intimacy he's offering.
Yoongi's always commanding and rough in bed, but you aren't a stranger to his sweet kisses and affectionate touches during aftercare. Still, you always told yourself to keep your distance, to not get too attached, because at the end of the night, he's still a paying client.
Tonight, though, you allow yourself small luxuries.
"Good," he says, relieved, before whispering in your ear, "happy birthday, princess."
You smile, closing your eyes. This is the best birthday you've had in a while. You take a moment to soak in the feeling, but after about a few minutes, you know you can't avoid it any longer.
You need answers.
You feel his lips on your neck.
"How did you know my birthday?"
He plants a chaste kiss on your neck.
"Does it matter how I know?" he asks.
"It matters to me."
He pauses and contemplates before his lips reach your ear.
"What would you do if I said it was a lucky guess?"
You shiver at his voice, then you open your eyes.
"I would say you're a liar," you eventually say, "and then I'd ask you how you know about my allergy."
You're referring to the incident earlier when Yoongi ordered a dish that was supposed to have certain ingredients in it that you're allergic to, but he was quick to tell the staff to remove them before you could even say anything.
"Then I would say you're too sharp for your own good," he concludes, sighing.
You blink in confusion, before pulling out of his embrace to turn around and look at him properly. He looks back at you with a forlorn expression.
"You really don't remember, princess?"
"Remember what, Yoongi?"
"Think for a minute. Please." His voice starts to become frantic. "Don't you remember anything at all? Anything?"
"Yoongi, I don't—"
"You have to remember." His voice is getting louder, desperation lacing his features. "Try and think back to eight years ago. Try and think back to before the accident."
Accident? How could he have known about that?
Around eight or so years ago, you got into a pretty bad car accident which led you to lose your memories. The doctors hoped it was just temporary but unfortunately, you current memory only dates back to when you woke up at the hospital to see your mother's distraught face. Anything before the accident was a complete blank.
It's a sensitive topic for you so you never really told anyone. No one else of importance needed to know, anyway. The only one who knew was your mother and she's already passed.
So how the fuck does Yoongi know?
"Yoongi, you're not making any sense," you tell him, tears starting to pool in the corners of your eyes. "You're scaring me."
"No, no, don't be scared." He cups your cheeks and plants a small, reassuring kiss on your lips. "I'm sorry. I just... really want you to remember on your own..."
"Remember what?" you ask him for the second time. "What do I need to remember, Yoongi? And how the fuck do you know about my accident?"
Your voice is getting louder, your tears finally falling. You have half the mind to be more quiet but the way he is talking to you (or not talking to you) is getting on your nerves.
He clearly knows something. And since it very clearly involves you, you deserve to know everything.
Yoongi stares at you for what seems like a long time, debating whether or not to finally give you the answers you're seeking.
In the end, he decides to tell you the truth.
"Princess..." he starts slowly, "your accident..."
And all the pieces fall—
"I know about it because," he continues, "I was the reason behind it."
—right into place.
He then tells you all you deserve to know – that you've been in love since you were teenagers, that some rival gang orchestrated your accident eight years ago in an attempt to spite him, that you lost all your memories because of it, and that your mother convinced him to leave you to keep you safe.
It wasn't easy leaving you, but with you losing your memories and with his risky line of work, he eventually backed off, thinking you were better off with a fresh, blank start.
But when he saw you again at the city's red district about a year ago, he couldn't resist his longing anymore. He had to have you again in any way he could have you. Even if it meant you didn't remember. Even if it meant he was a stranger to you.
And even if it meant you didn't love him anymore.
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
one and seven for the ask game!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
hi lia <3 <3
Have you pulled inspiration from media sources other than the property your fic is related to (a plot point from a TV show that has nothing to do with the characters/setting of the fic, a line from a book, etc.)? If so, for which story? Why did you find that media source compelling?
absolutely yes! i mean fic in particular is extremely derivative but honestly all writing is derivative...i am always pulling inspiration from other stories i've loved which have stuck w me <3 gonna focus on wfrau in particular just to avoid this answer getting too long + bc that's what i've been writing most recently but. i've pulled inspiration from the animorphs series bc there are lots of fun ethical dilemmas brought up throughout that stuck w me after reading it; a particular scene from the anime 'banana fish' influenced james's story, though i can't say much more abt that without risking spoilers for the anime...if you've seen it you'll probably know which scene it influence tho lol. the crypt ch was influenced by book 4 of the fablehaven series which i read growing up as a kid--i loved book 4 bc it involved the main characters going on a mission into this underground treasure vault and having to fight past different traps to deeper down...so fun <3 the idea to write a werewolf fighting ring au in the first place came from me remembering a book i'd read as a kid called 'the abused werewolf rescue group,' though i couldn't actually tell you anything abt the plot anymore...and i'm sure there are a thousand other bits & pieces of media that have been floating around in my brain as i've written but those r the main ones coming to mind rn!
7. Share a line or paragraph you’ve written that you don’t think will ever actually be posted in anything! (Or, if you don’t hoard cut sentences and passages like I do, share anything you want that has yet to see the light of day!)
ugh see i really should save my writing better...generally w the way i write i'm not usually cutting entire scenes but it has happened once or twice & i've just. deleted it...
i can share a snippet of a pandalily time war au that i wrote about 2 pages of like 2 years ago but don't think i'll ever return to/complete so it will likely never see the light of day...here u go:
The low chatter—that is something that does not change. Gather enough people into a room, call it a party, close your eyes and it could be 1992 in Los Angeles or 761 in Koumbi Saleh or 1674 in Beijing. Humans will buzz like insects no matter what time you put them in, forever and ever and ever. Sometimes Lily wishes that they still existed; she scrubs the thought from her hard drive before her programming reads it as a virus. Humans do exist, forever. One only has to choose the right time.
This time, she is drinking wine. She is wandering through bodies, smiling and feeling the way it shapes her face. She steps past the marble columns, onto the terrace, under the moonlight that kisses her eyelids so gently when she closes them. She can feel the light, you know. That’s something she can do.
“Red suits you.”
The person beside her is a woman, today, or something like it. She wears the same clothing, white sweep of cloth, though she’s never quite able to get the same softness. It drapes willowy, slow-moving, with fingers that gnarl like roots.
“I’m too tired to kill you tonight,” Lily says, biting through the Latin with her canines like rich meat. “Go somewhere else.”
The woman smiles, slow and creeping, a lichen on the bark of a tree.
“Another place?”
“Another time.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“I like the wine.”
She isn’t drinking any. She watches the cup in Lily’s hands. When Lily takes a sip, the woman’s tongue darts out to wet her lips, pink and human.
“They have wine later,” Lily tells her, “And before.”
“Not like here,” the woman says, “Not like tonight.”
“And what makes it different tonight?”
The woman smiles. She is standing so very close. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
fic writer ask game
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sunshinemarauder · 2 years
okay 15k now and some of it is Actually Decent, isn't that fun :) so here's a snippet, love u all, xxxxx, have some flustered Lily!
(spoilers for Never Quite Awake chapter 1 under the cut !! and sort of for #2 as well, so read at your own risk if you don't like spoilers)
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text version:
“I feel like this is becoming a common occurence every time we meet,” James comments. “With you leading me somewhere without explaining a word. One of these days I swear you’ll drag me into a broom cupboard and murder me.”
Lily barely refrains from replying: I used to drag you into broom cupboards… for other reasons. 
But she manages, after biting her lip hard enough to elicit a wince, after keeping her eyes trained forward as the stairs spin around and up, up, up. She manages.
Lily rubs her temples, face heating up. There’s no reason to even think thoughts like this. It must be the drama of the past several days, the whirlwind of emotions that came with friendship with James once more… and of course, the new memories. Old memories, really, that have only now slotted themselves in place where they belong.
One of which, she recalls with flushed cheeks, had been just what she’s been trying to avoid thinking about here, with James’s elbow brushing hers and his quizzical smile not two feet away.
Later, Lily thinks desperately, turning away from him to buy herself some time. Thoughts come later.
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
On so many of my internet accounts, I've added 'promoter of Teratophilia content' in my about/description. However, I've noticed that aside from discussing and rating various monster/nonhuman designs, I haven't done much in regards to promoting content stemmed in the teratophilia/monster appreciation sense.
So, let's fix that: 2022 will see me working towards the goal of watching/playing/reading at least two pieces of teratophilia/monster appreciation media and writing up my thoughts to hopefully promote and give insight to this genre going into 2022.
And, what better way to start off this endeavor...
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Mamoru Hosoda's Belle (Ryū to Sobakasu no Hime/The Dragon and the Freckled Princess)
Where... to... begin? And those ellipses aren't used in a negative context but, rather, in the frame of not knowing how to begin the praise of this film.
Many know of my... sentiment towards some of Hosoda's other work: his contributions to the Digimon films are still amazing all these years later, Summer Wars is incredible, Wolf Children is amazing until the last quarter of the film.
However, what room does that leave for Belle? What many film critics and review websites have already tried to pigeon-hole into the range of 'a modern anime version of Beauty and the Beast'? Because while the film does proudly show it's influences and inspirations from the Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont fairy tale of yore, it is very much a different beast.
... We'll just let the pun be appreciated. And done.
Let's start with the visuals. Good Lord, the visuals. The virtual world of U (yes, R.I.P. to anyone who wanted to draw connections to Summer Wars' OZ) is a breathtaking utilization of of CG animation combining with vibrant samplings of color. I would even say that the color-scheme reminds me of a more realized Kyousougiga.
The scenes taking place in the real world aren't anything to shrug at, either. Though more subdued than that of U, the characters and coloring give perfect credence and weight to the story and lines being presented.
On the topic of character-design, let's first start with our two focal figures: Suzu, Belle, and the Dragon.
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Suzu, our main focus in the real world, is very much a normal, down-to-earth high-school student. If anything, the core aspects of her design that stand out are her freckles. Which leads well into...
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Belle, Suzu's avatar in the world of U. The use of Pink as her major motif gives her less of a princess feel, as one would expect with a BatB retelling, but it makes her heavenly: gives her the aura of a goddess. Particularly when she first enters U and appears in a white dress. However, she still has her freckles, which is an interesting way of the story stating that they aren't a flaw since part of U's programming is that it takes away any of your physical flaws when it makes your avatar (or 'AS' as they're called in the film)
Then we have the Dragon. When I first had people ask for my thoughts on this design, I don't recall my exact words but I do remember having the general attitude of 'oh, he's nice; tall, dark, angry/angsty'. I very much enjoy the use of blue for his major motif as, not only does it provide a positive contrast for Belle but... Well, people who have followed me for a long while also know why.
There is one other character-design I will talk about, but that is a bit of a spoiler so, if you want to avoid that, scroll past the first '***' and don't stop until the last '***'. Okay.
So, during Belle's first big concert in U, the Dragon interrupts: being surrounded by members of U's security taskforce. However, this is also when we are introduced to their leader.
Who is the most ALL MIGHT FROM MY HERO ACADEMIA-LOOKING ASS motherfucker that, when he appeared, I just whispered to myself 'Hosoda-san... Is there something you want to tell us? Oh, and he keeps harping on about Justice, too..'
I wasn't the biggest fan of the design. Also wasn't the biggest fan of the character, but... That's a story for another day.
What about the story? Here is where some people have had their dissenting thoughts and while I'm not as extreme as some of them, I will say some thoughts.
So, obviously from the trailers and promotional material, Suzu is an awkward, shy high-school student. However, quite early in the movie in fact, we find out why. Suzu has been dealing with the trauma of having lost her mother as a child when, during a horrific flood, her mother sacrificed her life to save a child who was stranded in the middle of a flooding river.
Ever since then, Suzu's been shy, awkward, and has completely lost her ability to sing (something she was building up while her mother was alive). One day, her friend sends her a text with a link to U.
Suzu begrudgingly makes a profile... And everything snowballs from there, particularly since Suzu finds that in U, as Belle, she is able to sing again. Beautifully, in fact.
I... will just say that, for the first quarter of the film, the real-world segments do drag a bit. Nothing that completely ruins the movie or will make one want to stop watching, but the other three quarters really make the movie a solid awards contender.
However, since I talked about the story, I do have to -- again -- mention some spoiler-related things. So, second verse same as the first.
Firstly, the whole time until the big reveal, I thought that the Dragon's true identity was the goofy canoeing guy (who I personally thought was cuter than Suzu's actual love-interest, but I digress). I don't know, I guess my brain red-herringed itself.
But, going off of the Dragon's true identity. I'll admit it, when Suzu and her friends found out and watched that livestream... I cried. I did. I think, the older I get and the fact that my career is in education seeing/hearing children being abused just gets me.
Okay, but is there any actual Teratophilia involved? Many will remember my exhaustion with the term 'monster-fucker' being more widely used than teratophilia, particularly since a good portion of people/content in the teratophilia space isn't overtly sexual.
Cases like Belle are why. Because there is definitely a love between Belle and the Dragon in the film, you can't deny that. Teratophilia is present and utilized. However, it is very much an Agape sort of love, a Philia sort of love, a Pragma sort of love... Which helps Suzu eventually realize and reacquaint herself with her Philautia: her love of herself and her singing.
Also, with the Dragon being revealed to be a traumatized 14 year-old kid, I would hope people would see why him and Suzu being anything more than familial Agape would be kind of not great.
So, with all this said and done, how would I rate Belle and would I recommend it to anyone?
I would rate this piece a strong 9/10.
And I would definitely encourage others to watch it. If you don't want to chance theaters right now (I was lucky enough that the few groups in my showing were seated in clusters far away from each other), then as soon as it gets a DVD release or comes to streaming, I would very much say watch it ASAP. My showing was for the subtitled version, so that's where my perspective is. I know that a dub is coming out with Christina Vee playing the other idol in U Peggy Sue, but I didn't watch that version and I have no interest in doing so.
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matan4il · 2 years
Hello again! It's the newbie here.
I feel bad for missing out these new S5 episodes cause God Buddie is just so lovely in these past few episodes recently. I have been busy with my semester and I haven't caught up with the show yet. Currently I managed to reach S2 of part 2 of the earthquake episode.
I have been trying to avoid major spoilers ever since I decided binge everything again. But from the context that I have glance so far, it seems to be going well. I worry though cause I can feel myself getting attach to this show like how I was to other fandoms before this and I then get sad when I'm reminded that those said fandoms didn't fall through and ended badly. This show and the characters have made me happy and I just don't want my expectations to ruin this. Yeah, just wanted to share something that's been in my mind for a while now.
Besides that, can't wait to read your recent S5 metas when I do manage to catch up. I love reading your thoughts.
Also, I believe you have another blue noonie somewhere around here so to the other lovely blue heart noonie, hello! I hope this is not confusing to you both and I apologize if I somehow made it worse. Hope you both have lovely day / night wherever you are. 💙💫
Oh yeah, another thing to add to that...I apologize if I just spelled Nonnie wrong? Noonie? It's adorable so my apologies if I got it wrong. Ok bye. *hides* 💙💫
Hi lovely! Oh no, I didn’t realize I had two blue heart nonnies! I feel funny calling you ‘newbie’ since I still kind of feel like a newbie to Tumblr, despite being on here, and in this specific fandom, for years. But yes, it does at least give me an idea who I’m talking to. XD So please, let me know what nickname you’d like on this blog, if you feel like it! (same goes for the other blue heart Nonnie, if you’re reading this...) And I agree, Nonnie is such a cute term, it’s why I enjoy using it! ^u^ *hugs*
Oh, that is a GOOD ep you’re on, hon. Don’t feel bad about anything, just enjoy your experience watching the show! And yes, I agree, without giving too much away, everything seems to be progressing as we would have hoped for so far. IDK which other fandoms you were in, but... at the end of the day, joy is precious. There’s so many things that make life difficult. If you’re enjoying the show? That matters. Even if on some shows, the endgame isn’t what we hoped for. I can’t promise anything about 911, but I do have a good feeling about it which I didn’t have for many shows with popular m/m ships that didn’t come through. So I’m optimistic! But I do also understand the desire to be cautious. I think striking a balance is the challenge, I hope you feel you’ve found it!
Awwww, thank you so much for the kind words about my s5 meta posts! It makes me so happy to know you enjoy them! I hope to get to update my content list and archive blog soon, so you can easily find all of them when and if you feel like reading them! xoxox
(I got an influx of asks, I WILL answer all of them, but it might take a sec. If anyone wants to check whether I've already answered theirs or to read my replies, here's my ask tag. Thank you! xoxox)
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onepiece-sidepiece · 3 years
this is true of all fandoms, and it's nothing new, but i wanna bitch for a second
(I deserve it after working sick af for 14 hours straight)
going to any One Piece tag is so annoying bc of how broad the spectrum of the posts are
on one post you'll find some cool fan art, the next will be a takedown of a character, the next will be non-tagged spoilers, the next will be some joke, the next will be a detailed conspiracy theory explaining how Point A connects to Point 74...etc
and there's no real way to sift through the bullshit you want to avoid in order to find the nuggets of gold that you want
for example
regarding One Piece, all I wanna do is fuck around. i wanna make fun of characters and their stupidity. I want to point out absolute insane things
like how pencils don't really exist in that entire fucking world, just goddamn quill pens (there were some on Nami's drafting desk at Arlong's, but that's the literal only time I've seen anything pencil-related)
or like how we've never seen a fucking motorized Model T-esque automobile, despite submarines having the capabilities to serve as hospitals and operating rooms, and Franky putting together the Black Rhino FR-U 4 and the Brachio Tank 5. but vehicles? with wheels? that transport people and goods from one place to another using a combustible engine? the fuq is that shit???
However, then you have your conspiracy/spoiler-y posts
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the last time I cared about massive conspiracies and long-term spoilers was back during the most recent Star Wars drama regarding ultimate Big Bads, Rey's parents, Reylo (and whether it was right/wrong), etc. and honestly? I got done with it so fuckin fast
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maybe 5, 10 years ago I would have been right there with you, digging around every screen capture I could find, trying to find hidden clues about Zoro's parents or who the fuck Shanks actually is (besides some bumfuck pirate who spends most of his time making poor fashion choices while drunk on deserted islands)
maybe accidentally seeing the prevailing theory about the All Blue wouldn't have made me so upset back then. but holy fuckers, I'm like....livid about it now. that was one of the mysteries that I was enjoying toying around with in my head, allowing myself the pleasure of just enjoying a really goddamn great story with mystery and wonder for the literal first time in ~15 years (English Major, then freelance writer for the collegiate-level educational field, etc, so lots of analyzing and picking up clues and hints about how stories will end and why i could tell)
and after doing that for so long..............movies and books and stories don't get fun anymore. It's like you're constantly trying to outsmart the author and figure out plots and twists and endings without experiencing the story they've created for you
so like.........basically I don't wanna go to the One Piece tag at the end of the day and see someone's VERY LONG post about who Shanks really is behind the scenes, like they've watched the show three times in 8 days and finished the whole manga in 3 just for this assignment, and they've found all the evidence that supports their conclusion, and now, they're presenting it to me and not putting it under a cut or whatever
and I mean, if that type of analysis and writing is fun for them, more power to them. but just to them specifically
the problem is that i see it on the tag
even if I don't read the post, even if I quickly scroll past after realizing what it is, I still see the title and scan a few of the first lines. so now my ruminating ADHD mind won't ever let me forget that I know a potential major plot point, and the massive gaping hole which is leading me to that conclusion desperately wants to be filled with information
ugh. anyways.
whether or not Luffy has a hard time whacking himself off bc he keeps pulling at his dick harder and faster and more erraticly, which for a normal dick would be fine, but for a gummy dick would be like trying to whack off with those glittery stress water cucumbers
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whether Sanji is a total virgin (he is...nobody needs to answer that for me) (and if you backtalk and say he's not a virgin, then you're wrong)
whether Zoro is a virgin (common sense tells me that there's NO WAY that motherfucker hasn't put that body and muscular jaw to good use, but on the other hand, he's also the type who 1) is either uninterested in sex bc it doesn't bring him closer to his goal, or 2) ignores sex because it may distract him from his goal)
what form does Chopper take when he has to use the bathroom? does he even use a bathroom? or does he wander into the wilderness like a reindeer and let it plop out like old times?
if you were suddenly Pleasantville'd into One Piece, who would you really actually fucking be? (not who you WANNA be, but who you'd legit turn into bc they're absolutely you) (i'd be Chimney and Gonbe...my soul would split in half and occupy their tiny little bodies while i created rabid chaos on a miniature scale)
Also when I'm scrolling through tags, I wanna see fan art (not of Zosan though...stop drawing pictures of my boyfriend cheating on me with that greasy ashtray). I wanna see jokes. I wanna see smut (good smut, please, for the love of everything). I wanna have a super fun, light-hearted time with One Piece and basically dick around with people on the tag. but it just sucks bc I don't feel like I can ever scroll through the tags because those random spoiler-y posts that come up unexpectedly absolutely ruin it for me
idk idk idk i'm tired and going to bed now
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Hey, if you don't mind, I would like to make an invitation to you. *Ahem* So, there's this series of Godzilla fics that I've been following for the past 3-4 years, made by an author by the name of Miss Queen B on Fanfiction.net and I highly recommend it. Do know that some of them are quite lengthy and reach up to over 100k words (most of them are multi chapter, so don't worry too much). And while I cannot get into too much detail about the content within without spoiling key events, do know that you're in for Kaiju-Sized drama. Heavy drama
And, should you choose to take my invitation and start reading yourself, I would also like to make a few disclaimers and give directions.
1. Make sure that you scroll trough the author bio before you actually start reading anything. Because the bio also serves as a jornal of sorts, where the author can communicate with her audience with semi frequent updates to catch them up with recent life events as well as the development of new chapters/stories (although, the really old ones are already gone, so you'll only find the recent ones). It also has the actual bio of the author and right bellow it you'll find all of her stories listed in chronological order so you know where to start, it also gives you a fair content warning that will let you know what themes the stories may have. Bellow it, you'll find a list of the stories currently in development, which may or may not contain spoilers from previous stories. If you scroll any further you'll find various descriptions of each character present in the stories, with some spoilers sprinkled in, so do be weary of that.
2. Avoid the review session until you finish reading. Because, much like how the asks in here double down as straight up messages, the reviews in Miss Queen B's also double down as a comment section where people will debate the story and the events in it, which means spoiling for pretty much every major event while also debating them and giving their takes. And believe me when I tell you, those arguments get heated. To the point where the author had to actually step in trough the bio and tell people to chill out a handful of times.
Ehhh...Yeah I guess that's it, here's the link: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/728209/Miss-Queen-B#end and have a good night.
Interesting, I'll keep an eye out for that. Thanks for the rec!
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sithisreadingcorner · 3 years
hello!! i hope you are doing well, i was hoping to get a reading done, if thats alright with you :D my birthday is on the 7th of March, 2001. my initials are S.G
i would like a reading about my and my future spouse's strengths and weaknesses (in personality) and how we can improve/change them. if that's too much tho ofc u dont have to do both of us, i wont mind. i hope u have a good day :D please be healthy and happy 👀
Hello S.G.!! Thank you so much for the kind wishes, I appreciate you so much! 💗 Honestly this is a great question to do a longer reading on but as much as it pains me, I have to limit myself for lack of time. Still I will see what I can do, I'm sure we will be able to uncover something.
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the hermit reversed. death reversed. five of cups reversed. eight of wands
I don't think this is relevant to your question but what was interesting to me is that this is a surprisingly clear glimpse into a marriage that has already progressed past some several years. The cards were not wishy-washy about this at all, which kinda makes me think that you might already know a person that you have a good chance of marrying? Spoiler alert but I kinda feel like if you are at risk of being threatened with a ring i think its possible that they might do it soon or at least they are thinking about it?... 😳 Okay, that's neither here nor there... Just know that the cards seem weirdly certain of who you will marry, though they didn't seem to say anything about their identity.
I don't know if that counts as a personality trait per se, but I'm seeing here a rather complex issue - two people who love each other enormously and unconditionally, but they both carry something into the relationship that makes them incompatible, and neither of them addresses it. I don't even think that this is like, a past trauma or something of that sort, rather that each of you just grew up communicating a certain way, and these two ways are so incompatible with each other that you will consistently misunderstand each other's intentions until nothing but resentment is left.
The tl;dr is that there is a gradual breakdown of communication that will hugely fester over time and it's caused by the Hermit reversed. The hermit could mean a number of things that would all make sense to me in the context about equally - like some kind of abandonment issue, or something specific that you don't want to face, or lack of introspection in general - but I don't even think it matters because regardless of what it is, at the end you have to do the same thing.
Now the great news is, that the solution to this issue is extremely simple, and if you actually pay attention to it now, it can be resolved or even avoided altogether. You (and I mean both of you) need to learn how to communicate better without resorting to certain "tactics". I think we all can sometimes say a few things that are a bit passive aggressive, manipulative etc. you know? And I don't think that either of you are like this on purpose, I think you just had some bad examples before you in childhood or something. But these hurtful things can really add up over time, and you need to unlearn them, because otherwise you will just be stuck in these argument cycles that come back the exact same way over and over again.
Luckily you are still very well ahead of time. If you can figure this out, you can almost certainly look forward to a stable and long lasting union. 💗
Thank you for the question, and Happy Halloween! 🎃
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