vilsoo · 1 year
omg thxs for being comfortable to listen to us ramble in the first place!!😭
there’s nothing more appreciative to me than my notifs being flooded with my readers going crazy in my replies/tags about my fics !! my heart literally skips a beat when i click read more and see a long ass essay about their thoughts 😭💗
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deqdyke · 5 years
Honestly nothing breaks my heart more than seeing trans women rely on transmisogyny to tear each other down. I don't mean like insults that are ironic/in-group stuff, I mean like. The white trans women I used to organize with who'd always gaslight me and the other trans women, especially the neurodivergent and/or trans women of color. Just to be the cool "in" one. Or the trans women of color I know who shit on white trans women constantly around TME people of color to fit in. Idk idk idk, I have very little sympathy for white trans women, but when I see a trans woman refer to another trans woman as being cumbrained/a sexpest because she posted a photo with like, a leather collar? And then talkin about how cool other tme poc are with the same aesthetic? It breaks my heart. So many older trans women talk about this like... Solidarity amongst trans women? And I don't know if it's just nostalgia and idealism or if I was born too late to experience it, idk. I've never really felt unjudged by other trans people. Idk it it's because I'm fat, hairy, butch, autistic, or what but... Idk.
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eugghh im already so tired but i dont want to eat just yet,,
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o-ceti · 5 years
someone else just quit omfg..
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crossbust · 6 years
You know what peeves me off? When people say their characters have long legs and i mean LONG but makes them 4′9 or something shorter. Like.... Is UR CHARACTER LIKE.... 
Tumblr media
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femmepeterparker · 7 years
im really trying not to answer "tired" every time someone asks me how im doing.
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ellsss · 2 years
okay, so this is like hella personal, but like, i’ve recently kinda discovered that i might’ve been a lesbian this whole time and i’ve recently come out as a lesbian. and im still not 110% sure but its a label that i think fits me right now, since i dont feel romantic attraction to men or sexual attraction tbh. i can’t see happiness in a relationship with a man, whereas being in a relationship with a woman makes my heart sing.
since i have started to identify as a lesbian, i’ve had this feeling of weirdly wanting to laugh euphorically but also in a nervous way because it’s exciting but terrifying, especially since i haven’t been in a relationship ever before. and what’s even more weird is that i do get celeb/fictional crushes on men, which is why im scared that i actually am bi and im faking.
on the contrary tho i feel like if a man wanted to date me or wanted to have sex with me i just wouldnt want it, thinking about it cringes me out skskk. whereas with women im like yeahhhhhh, which is why i think the label lesbian fits me right now.
idkkkkkk tho, i think i’ve noticed that a lot of my male crushes and when i dated a man in the past was comphet. when i was in the middle of going on dates with this guy (who was freaking lovely btw) i wasn’t feeling “it” despite him being kind and good looking and i thought, hmm maybe im just not attracted to him, but with the other guys i was dating i was like “damnnnnnnn”.
looking back tho, i don’t think i could picture ever kissing or having sex with the guys i was like “damnnnn” with and i think a lot of it was to show i was attractive and worthy of being loved rather than because i really wanted to be with the guys….
it seems like this was comphet for me, but idk… i’m still terrified that im actually not a lesbian and im still bi, which is why im still not 110% sure, but like i said it also fits rn what my relationship and happiness goals are…
anyways skskk. that’s it i guess. it’s kind of a coming out post but a lil ramble too haha.
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hakuteeth · 7 years
therapist: gives me advice that i know will help improve my overall functioning and quality of life
me: read 4:45 pm
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butimbr-ok-en · 7 years
tagged by @myfreakinglittlepony 
Name - rather not say but it starts with a v
Gender - Female
Star sign - Gemini
Height - 162 more or less
Sexuality - idk maybe bi?? i dont really put a tag on it
What image is your wallpaper - private image sorry ;)
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher - welllll kinda on my private tutor but he was young so nppp
Where do you see yourself in 10 years - designing and programming shit probably & hopefully videogames
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would that be - next to my bby
What was your coolest Halloween costume - i dressed as a bat and i had wings (made with an umbrella but it was pretty damn cool)
What‘s your favourite 90‘s show - friends
Who was your last kiss - mah boyyy
Have You ever been stood up - yeah couple of times by the same asshole
Have you ever been to Las Vegas - nope but kinda wanna 
Favourite pair of shoes - red dr martennn
Favourite fruit - umm maybe peach
Favourite book - Entangled
Stupidest thing you‘ve ever done - stupid is literally my way of living but ig i could say stealing alcohol from school with my friends..twice
I DONNo who to tag cause i know nobody here so if anyone wants to get tagged just rebloggg
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koganelovesmcclain · 4 years
LMAO. Apparenlty my bank account is closed!! So I don't have an account to fix. And the little tiny amount of independence I have is gone. I can't take commissions or get kofi or anything without a bank account! So I guess I'll never write again.
I'm so tired of living in hell.
And my dog has a vet appointment at 4. So I am stressed as fuck about that too!
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mar-marii · 7 years
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