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[Nickname: TEE or TEEREX]
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
Doppelganger Series
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Two Thailand Actors..I don't know but to me they look similar.
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Any BL fan will know this is KORAPAT KIRDPAN [Nickname: NANON]
This guy is spectacular a singer as well as an actor. Star of the 2021 BLOCKBUSTER BAD BUDDY with PAWAT CHITTSAWANGDEE aka OHM.
Nanon has an extensive resume including movies, series & specials. Including Ugly Duckling Series, Hormones 2 & 3, My Dear Loser: Edge of 17, The Gifted, Blacklist, The Gifted: Graduation, and most recently Vice Versa plus a host of others.
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[Nickname: BOY] currently playing a lead role in New BL GHOST HOST GHOST HOUSE
While watching this BL I kept saying he looks slightly familiar. And I figured it out. Obviously not spot on but they remind me of one another.
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olliveolly · 6 months
Well guys, I think it's done 😅
can’t say that this is my best work, but I'm still growing artistically))
So... This is it
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Hope you enjoy ❤️
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miss0atae · 2 months
Doppelganger and Reincarnation or how I believe new Vad / Wat isn’t what she seems to be in Century of Love (ep 6) :
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Century of Love plot relies heavily on the idea of reincarnation. San made a deal with the goddess Nuwa. He has 100 years to find the reincarnation of his lover. In the meantime he is suffering from great pain every night. San has only one purpose and it's to find her. Over the years, he hasn't made progress. He is stuck in the past and the years are starting to weight on him. That's why, despite staying young he is acting a lot like a meanie grandpa.
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It's the second series directed by Worawit Khuttiyayothin where you can find the representation of Chinese culture. Thai Chinese culture were represented a lot in another of his work To Sir, With Love. If in this work, Worawit Khuttiyayothin showed how the local the local Chinese community was dominating the domestic commerce of Thailand, in Century of Love, he shows a story inspired by the Chinese Folk religion and Buddhism. The goddess Nuwa is considered as the creator of mankind in Chinese mythology. I found weird that she was the goddess they decided to use for this series as she doesn't seem to have anything to do with the afterlife. I guess it's because she indeed used the five-colored stones and it was a device that could be used for the story. After all, when written a work of fiction, we don't always have to select the right god of goddess to use in your stories.
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As she is presented in Buddhism and reincarnation is an important part of the plot of the stories, I believe it's important to show the link between the two. I'm not well-knowledgeable on Buddhism. I just knew reincarnation is a part of the belief. Karma influences your rebirth and the cycle of birth and death is endless. The story capitalize also on this idea. While looking for information about reincarnation in Buddhism I came upon the idea that there is no soul moving from one reincarnation to another. Also the consciousnesses of the new reborn is neither identical neither entirely different from his previous incarnation. I guess the screenwriter didn't want to rely too much on the different beliefs of Buddhism to make the story easier to follow by everyone. However, I think it would have been great to introduce this idea because it would explain why Vee could be considered the reincarnation of Vad / Wat even though he doesn't look or acts like her. Even if he is different from her, he still has the same care for others as she had and it would emphasize this “continuum” that is supposed to exist between different reincarnation. San could gradually accept the idea that Vee and his Vad / Wat would be the same being.
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However, they decided to keep the idea of the reincarnation who has to look like his/her past self and he/she is able to remember some part of their past life. That's why the confusion of the arrival of New Vad / Wat works. By the end of episode 6, when San has finally accepted his feelings for Vee and the idea that he could be the reincarnation of his lover, New Vad / Wat came to his door. No doubts she is here to cause trouble. I think we can already accept it's going to confuse San. Previously, he met Third, the doctor and childhood friend of Vee who had the same face as Lord Trai, Vad / Wat's fiancé. Several time, Third admitted he felt like he already knew San and lost to him. The story seems to make us want to see him as the reincarnation of Lord Trai. San was even confused by the fact he was the copy carbon physically of the Lord, while Vee isn't looking at all like Vad / Wat. Tao has the best answer about that and it's simply that he can't explain everything. It works perfectly for the story because anything that is as magical as reincarnation shouldn't be something you can rationalize. It keeps the mystery open and it's good for the series. It engages the viewers and keep us entertain. Not being able to have all the answers, let the possibility for New Vad / Wat to exist into the story.
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As for me, I don't want to see New Vad / Wat has the true reincarnation of past Vad / Wat. I know there are viewers who believe Vee is the true reincarnation and others who don't think he is. That's perfectly fine because this is what the story wants us to think. We are always presented with these two possibilities. However, since I'm not in favor of New Vad / Wat being the true reincarnation. I will explain why. In fantasy genre you can find the figure of the Doppelganger. It's a someone who looks exactly like someone else but who is not related to that person. It works perfectly well with New Vad / Wat as she looks like past Vad / Wat. Sometimes the Doppelganger is used as an evil twin in stories. New Vad / Wat is physically nearly identical to the past Vad / Wat, but she could have a radically inverted morality. Past Vad / Wat was a very caring and loving person, that's why San fell in love with her. However, we know that there are people who seek the power of the five-colored stone. They know it must be willingly given if they want to access the power of the stone. They also know San is looking for a woman and his family and Tao used a drawing of the person they are looking for. It wouldn't be too complicated to find someone who look the same and who can act as her to get the stone. Vad / Wat is inherently link to the stone.
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I may be wrong, of course. After all, it's just pure speculation. I just like to imagine how things could be. It's also fun to compare reincarnation and doppelganger. This series is just fit for all these thoughts.
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"What do you want?" - A Series of Fics and Ficlets
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
"What do you want?" A Series of Fics and Ficlets - This is a FANON series of “Fics and Ficlets” that focuses solely on Buddie. Unlike CANON, they'll actually talk so they can discuss the things they've left unsaid over the last 6 years. Hopefully, season 8 will include a narrative for them instead of IT BEING FILLED WITH TM'S (SHOWRUNNER) REWRITTEN AND MADE-UP STORYLINES FROM OLD MOVIES 🙄.
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"What do you want?" - A Series of Ficlets
Currently 6 works completed; 41.4K Words: Rated; Teen and Up Audiences
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"You don't know math!" - 3.3K Words; Rated Teen and Up Audiences: Buck is forced to choose while Eddie might be presented with another option.
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"Math is a universal language." - 5K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Eddie reconnects with an old acquaintance and they spend a lot of time together. However, now that Buck’s single, he finally tries to understand math is a universal language but when he sees Eddie talking to another guy, he wonders if it took him too long to figure it out.
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“You know, it’s like that thing when you meet somebody and you just… click.” - 5.1K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: When Buck comes face to face with Eddie’s new friend; he hates it but since he’s only told Maddie about his breakup with Tommy, Eddie’s still under the impression he’s taken. Therefore, Eddie makes plans to spend even more time with his new acquaintance.
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"I can't stop thinking about him." - 8.1K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck and Eddie are trying to move on but they can’t stop thinking about each other.
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“How I hide my true feelings from others.” - 9.6K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck and Eddie return to therapy but they’re both not telling each other about recent events that happened. Will they finally have an open and honest conversation before it’s too late?
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"We need to talk." - 11.4K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences:  After Eddie and Buck decide to take a weekend road trip to El Paso, TX to visit Chris, during the 12-hour drive, they talk about a lot of things they’ve left unsaid.
This is a series of “Fics and Ficlets” that I’ll be writing over the course of the next few weeks and my goal is to keep them under a certain number of words. I’m challenging myself to do it this way for multiple reasons but mainly because I want to see if I can write a full Buddie story by including smaller fics in a series in comparison to the multi-chapter fic I’m still in the process of writing titled, “I’m still in love with you but… I needed to learn how to love myself too!” I only have 9 chapters left before I finish it but once I’m done, I’d like to continue writing Buddie fanfics. However, this time I’ll start with my dislike for the way season 7 ended instead of the way season 6 did. Finally, I have a lot of WIPs that I want to finish and I figured I can turn them all into one shot fics or ficlets to build the full story for Buck and Eddie.
Since these ficlets will be posted in order, it’s imperative to read them one after the other. Each part ends at a specific point with a cliffhanger and the next part will begin with the ending of the previous part. Therefore, parts 1 - 5 should be read prior to reading part 6 and the series will continue in that manner until it’s complete.
Parts 1 - 6 are available on AO3.
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hermywolf · 2 years
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the boys + textposts 62/?      
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vertigoartgore · 3 months
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Actress Laura Dern as Diane Evans in Twin Peaks: The Return (2017).
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sealrock · 6 months
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>corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture >they're the same picture
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readingandrelaxing · 5 months
Katherine Pierce: The Fan-Favourite Villian
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Katherine is badass.
We all know this by now.
But one of the main reasons why people like her, is the fact that she is different and even better from the rest of the female characters on the show.
While the rest of the characters allow themselves to be used and abused for the benefit of others, Katherine always prioritises herself above everyone else. That's one of the main reasons why she has lived for so long even when the Original Hybrid was hunting her.
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Also, if we see her dynamic with the Salvatore brothers, it is drastically different from their dynamic with Elena. As I've mentioned in my previous post about Elena when Katherine was with the Salvatore brothers, it was always her who was in control. Albeit, she was the vampire in that case and the Salvatores were humans, and her relationship with them is also toxic. But we must also never forget that Katherine did love them. She just prioritised her own life over her love for them.
Which brings me to my next point. This decision of hers makes her drastically different from not just Elena, but even the rest of the female characters on the show. Characters like Bonnie, Caroline etc, they're all very similar to each other in terms of their decisions. Sure, they are strong, independent women who can defend themselves but the moment their loved ones are threatened, everyone is ready to jump on the bandwagon as a meatshield to protect their loved ones.
Katherine is not like that. She is selfish, cunning and cruel, but she's also passionate, fierce and authentic. She knows how to love, she loves a few special people around her, but she's also smart enough to not put her own life in danger just to save someone else's. This provides a unique authenticity and complexity to her character, making her likeable and relatable.
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Katherine is not the main character in the story. She's the character who comes and goes occasionally, yet, viewers look forward to her presence. And, she's not even a 'good' character. She's cruel and heartless. At least that's what the show wants us to think.
I won't try to defend her by saying that she wasn't cruel. Yes, she was. She has done horrible things in her life, and it is arguable whether she can be redeemed. But it is her cruelty and brutality which adds authenticity to her character. There is no other character like her, who is cruel and brutal and yet can feel qualities like love and care.
The love she had for Stefan and Damon was real. Some might argue that it wasn't, and these arguments make her an interesting character. She's debatable, her actions make someone think twice to form an opinion about her. Her character is complex and it has always divided fans.
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Her complex character makes her unpredictable. With most other females on the show, it is almost guaranteed that the audience will guess what their reaction to the situation might be.
With Bonnie, everyone knows that she'll jump into the line of fire just to save her friends. Even when being obviously overpowered, she has the least importance which is honestly a sad thing to see. But that's a story for another day.
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And then there's Caroline, who's usually ignored despite being willing to become a meatshield for her friends. She's ignored because she's 'less important' than Elena. Although, she's far more liked by fans than Elena but yet again, that's not for today.
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And then there's our protagonist, Elena Gilbert. I already have one post about her, you can check it out here.
But what makes Katherine special, and better than these ladies is her unpredictability. When she was first introduced, many believed her to be a heartless b- but as the show went on, we got to the humane, more natural and mundane side of her. Her choices were varied, they weren't always selfish. They weren't always selfless either.
Her reactions to things were always different. You never know what Katherine is thinking.
And that makes her endearing, attractive and interesting.
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Another notable aspect of Katherine is that exceptionally intelligent. She is a survivor in its true sense, being self-sufficient and perpetually vigilant. She knows how to take care of herself, she knows how to stay alive by herself. She doesn't rely on anybody, she knows what she wants and what she needs.
Though the main characters in the show are also intelligent, they're always in a group. They're a group of friends, looking out for each other and trying to keep each other alive. There is no one with Katherine. She has to do everything alone, and people find it easier to relate to that. Not everyone has a group of friends who'd take a bullet for you.
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There's another important thing I'd like to address. Many would argue with me based on this since it is a controversial topic. But we have to acknowledge this.
Katherine knew that Stefan is the man you choose in life.
Not Damon.
Though Katherine loved both of them, she still chose Stefan over his brother. With good reason.
We have seen how explosive, mostly irrational, and hot-tempered Damon is. Unapologetically so. He doesn't care about right or wrong for the benefit of himself as well as the people he loves. Ironically, his behaviour is similar to Katherine's, while Elena and Stefan are of similar characteristics.
But that does not mean that Damon is the man you choose. Damon is the kind of man you friend zone, not fall in love with. He's controlling, up to the extent that he fed his own blood to Elena forcefully just to make sure that she wouldn't die while Klaus broke the curse. He was uncaring of the fact that she did not want to become a vampire and that she'd rather die. He had also snapped Jeremy's neck twice because Elena rejected him. Is this the kind of man women want to end up with?
Stefan is also protective, ferocious and ruthless to his enemies. But when it came down to it, he allowed Elena the dignity of her own choice. He respected her decisions, even when they'd land her in trouble. He helped her become her own independent person, and their relationship didn't reek of power imbalance despite one of them being an immortal vampire.
It might be a tough pill to swallow for most fans of the show, but we all must admit that Stefan is the better brother.
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In conclusion, Katherine is an amazing, astounding character, but she has her own flaws and cons. She's headstrong, ruthless and manipulative, but also has a kind, loving, humane side to herself which makes her remarkable and unforgettable.
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Thanks for reading!
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muses-of-the-memory · 3 months
Happy 33rd Birthday, Sonic! (Open RP)
Today's the day!
It's the 33rd Birthday for our most favorite blue blur, the fastest thing alive! The dude who's "way past cool"!
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Sonic the Hedgehog!
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So today, I am going to hosting an open RP with the Sonic the Hedgehog cast of characters I have below on the tags. So, come on down and share the love!
For @hoshi-neko-hikari, @bluemajingirl, @milestails, @smashingveteransandnewcomers, @astral-multiverse, @themultiverseheroines, @littlefoxtailsprower
Also, I can RP as Classic Sonic, Classic Tails, Classic Knuckles, Classic Amy, and also the Sonic characters of the DiC Cartoons
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fablefaye · 21 days
Clip from the animated series I’m working on! ;}
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[Nickname: TITLE]
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
The Doppelganger Series
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Again not an exact match. But these two cuties definitely have similarities. Do you see it?
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This is Thai Actor Tanawat Hudchaleelaha
[Nickname: TIGER] he played in the BL Top Secret Together: The Series. Also in BL's My Engineer & Even Sun
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This is Pongkorn Wongkrittiyarat
[Nickname: Kaprao] he played the manipulator Park in 2Moons2 plus he was in several other BL's including TharnType & it's sequel, Call It What You Want & My Secret Love
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olliveolly · 6 months
New art incoming 🥰
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It's the boys/ thats not my neighbor crossover again.
I actually have so many ideas about this)
most likely all of the the boys works in shifts, and in Huey's company since he is definitely just doing an internship.
Accordingly, all supers are dopplegangers who either live there peacefully, sometimes going out hunting, or are simply trying to get there to do their own evil business😈
Hope you enjoy ❤️
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pixiedust111 · 5 months
Happy Doppelganger Day!
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Which TTS character (or any other cartoon characters) do you most resemble?
Let me know! 😁
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“We need to talk.”
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
New Buddie Fanfic in the "What do you want?" A Series of Fics and Ficlets
The 6th fic in the "What do you want?" Series in now available on AO3. "We need to talk." - After Eddie and Buck decide to take a weekend road trip to El Paso, TX to visit Chris, during the 12-hour drive, they talk about a lot of things they’ve left unsaid.
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"We need to talk."
11.4K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Here's a snippet of a conversation Buck and Eddie are having while they're at the firehouse.
Petty Eddie Diaz returns and he asks, “Are you thinking about transferring to the 325?”
As they maintain eye contact, it’s like time stands still and the silence is deafening.
Several seconds pass, then Buck finally replies, “Eddie, I—I...” But he trails off because he’s trying to determine the right words he wants to use to explain.
Eddie doesn’t rush him because he knows it’s how Buck processes things. Also, he can tell by the look on his face he’s considering it, so he patiently waits for him to continue and he braces himself for the verbal body blow that’s about to be thrown his way.
After a few moments, instead of answering his question, Buck says, “We need to talk.”
What will Eddie say in response to Buck's statement? 👀
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"What do you want?" - A Series of Ficlets
Currently 6 works completed; 41.4K Words: Rated; Teen and Up Audiences:  This is a series of “Fics and Ficlets” that I’ll be writing over the course of the next few weeks and my goal is to keep them under a certain number of words. I’m challenging myself to do it this way for multiple reasons but mainly because I want to see if I can write a full Buddie story by including smaller fics in a series in comparison to the multi-chapter fic I’m still in the process of writing titled, “I’m still in love with you but… I needed to learn how to love myself too!” I only have 9 chapters left before I finish it but once I’m done, I’d like to continue writing Buddie fanfics. However, this time I’ll start with my dislike for the way season 7 ended instead of the way season 6 did. Finally, I have a lot of WIPs that I want to finish and I figured I can turn them all into one shot fics or ficlets to build the full story for Buck and Eddie.
Since these ficlets will be posted in order, it’s imperative to read them one after the other. Each part ends at a specific point with a cliffhanger and the next part will begin with the ending of the previous part. Therefore, parts 1 - 5 should be read prior to reading part 6 and the series will continue in that manner until it’s complete.
"You don't know math!" - 3.3K Words; Rated Teen and Up Audiences: Buck is forced to choose while Eddie might be presented with another option.
"Math is a universal language." - 5K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Eddie reconnects with an old acquaintance and they spend a lot of time together. However, now that Buck’s single, he finally tries to understand math is a universal language but when he sees Eddie talking to another guy, he wonders if it took him too long to figure it out.
“You know, it’s like that thing when you meet somebody and you just… click.” - 5.1K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: When Buck comes face to face with Eddie’s new friend; he hates it but since he’s only told Maddie about his breakup with Tommy, Eddie’s still under the impression he’s taken. Therefore, Eddie makes plans to spend even more time with his new acquaintance.
"I can't stop thinking about him." - 8.1K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck and Eddie are trying to move on but they can’t stop thinking about each other.
“How I hide my true feelings from others.” - 9.6K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck and Eddie return to therapy but they’re both not telling each other about recent events that happened. Will they finally have an open and honest conversation before it’s too late?
"We need to talk." - 11.4K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: After Eddie and Buck decide to take a weekend road trip to El Paso, TX to visit Chris, during the 12-hour drive, they talk about a lot of things they’ve left unsaid.
Now Available on AO3
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