#Dad!Dean and Emma
deancaspinefest · 2 years
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Breaking Bonds
Author: Hectatess | Artist: Nioell Posting on Tuesday March 7
When Dean takes his little girl, running away from her uncaring and egotistical mother, he hides in Bobby’s cabin a little town in New York State. There he meets an intriguingly selfless man. But can he break the bond with his ex fully? And why is this man somehow familiar? Wish-Fae Castiel has been captive for a decade, bound by magic. He has accepted his fate, until he gets summoned to help out a man and his little daughter. Then he slowly starts to hope again.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
It was nearing dark when Dean turned into the road up to the cabin. A friendly looking old man waved at them and Dean slowed down. “Hey there,” the man greeted Dean when he rolled down the window of his Baby. “Nice lookin’ car you got there, Buddy.” Dean gave him a weary smile. “Thank you.” The man’s eyes slid to where Emma had succumbed to sleep and was snuggled in her safety seat, thumb hanging loose between her jaws, Bartok squished between her and the seat’s head safety guards. “Aw. Taking the kid on a vacation, are you?” the man smiled. “Well, she looks like she could use it. A bit pale, in my opinion. Mom not with you?” Dean grit his teeth. Bobby had reminded him that the people in this town tended to be both nosy and overly helpful. “No. We left the mom. She was poison and I didn’t want her growing up thinking that that is how a lady acts.” The man gave an impressed nod. “Ems and I are moving into Bobby Singer’s cabin for now. I’m not sure yet how we’ll get by, but you can count on us being here for a while.” The man kept nodding, taking in all Dean said with a serious expression on his face. “Right. I hope old Singer left some nutrients in there. He hasn’t been here in quite some time. And aren’t you worried that the mom will find you?” Dean took a deep breath. Food. He’d forgotten about food. Damnit. He hoped the man was right and Bobby had left some canned ham and beans or something. He smiled at the man. “I’m more worried about the food than the mom right now.” He reached out the window. “Dean Winchester, this is my little girl Emma.” The guy shook his hand and smiled back. “Frank Devereaux. I’m your next door neighbour, although there’s a mile between our cabins. And I would appreciate a little heads up before a visit.” That Dean could appreciate. He was there for privacy as well. “Done. Well, let me get to the cabin and hope Bobby left something fit for breakfast tomorrow. See ya Frank!” Frank nodded and just as Dean started rolling up the window, he called out. “I’ll get you some help.” Dean gave him a smile and eased Baby up the path again. Help. Who could help him at this hour? All he needed was proper food and a good bed for him and Emma. Anything else could wait until tomorrow. He breathed easy when the cabin loomed in his headlights. Home. He parked Baby under the carport and carefully extracted Emma from her seat. She clung to him, Bartok’s wing scrunched in her little fist. “It’s okay, Ems. We’re home now,” Dean soothed. Emma sighed and snuggled against him. Dean carried her to the front door, and stopped. “Crap.” He couldn’t bend down to get the key from the planter next to the door. Not with his sleeping daughter clinging to him like a limpet. “Allow me to help you, sir.”
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Tuesday March 7]
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soldierboys · 1 year
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uh oh he really wanted to keep her huh
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luna-nigthshade-wood · 2 months
AU: Dean´s ducklings, trying to get out of trouble after damaging Dean´s oven doing the thing that Dean clearly tells them not to do.
Alex, panicked: C´mon guys work faster
Emma, exhasparated, fixing the oven: Would you stop screaming? I am concentrating here
Claire, struggling too: Yes, shut up, Alex. Help out or get out.
Patience: Guys, Dean will be here in 5 minutes
Jesse: We are so dead
Jack: Maybe if we explained it to him, he would not be so angry?
Kaia: Dean, the guy that explicitly told us to not do the spell in the kitchen because we would damage the oven? That Dean?
Jack: I mean, maybe?
Ben: Here is an idea, why dont you and Jesse fix the damn thing? Huh?
Bobby-John: You do remember what happened last time they tried to fix something right? (cue all ducklings having war memories
Ben: We could always blame Sam?
Emma: Normally I would agree but he is currently with Dean, same thing with Cas, so dont even bother Jesse
Jesse: I wasnt going to say that. I was going to say that what we need is a distraction
Patience: Guys they are here
Krissy, grabbing a bunch of peanuts: I got it. (cue Krissy walking away, while the duckling hear) Hey, Dean, watch this (proceeds to eat all the peanuts)
Kaia: Isnt Krissy allergic to peanuts?
Dean, in the distance, panicking: What the fuck, Krissy?
(Krissy was fine after an improut visit to the ER and so was the oven door. As for the ducklings, they might have gotten away from it if it wasnt for the fact that in the haste they let damaging evidence behind. They all got grounded)
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wormieapple · 2 months
i am once again thinking about emma
#thinking about how if dean could do anything without failing he would be a father#abt how he did fail her. that he couldn’t protect her like he promised#how he saw a scared girl with blonde hair stuck in a shitty situation that he caused and couldn’t help wanting to protect her#wanting to help her in the ways he couldn’t help jo#in the ways he couldn’t help emma#i think dean deserved to have a chance at being a father that wasn’t doomed by the narrative#i think the people who came into his life who he so badly wanted to protect deserved the chance to actually be a kid and feel safe#i will never stop thinking about emma.#spn#supernatural#dean winchester#emma winchester#claire novak#jo harvelle#(to be clear i do not think dean saw jo as his child)#((moreso i think it’s an exact twisted replica of his dads trauma with loss))#(( losing his father at a young age; a famillial/parental relationship [mary]))#(( losing his wife and not being able to protect her even though she was right there; close interpersonal relationship [jo]))#((his first child who he thought was fine and would be safe under the right care; only that child was not fine [claire]))#((his second child who was doomed from the start but god did he hope he could save; he couldn’t [emma]))#((( which the people who fit in these roles are specifically the blonde women in deans life that he couldn’t save regardless)))#(((i haven’t even touched on charlie ben krissy or jack)))#(((or even really gone into depth on exactly how jo claire and emma fit in those narrative roles)))#(((and i won’t on this post or i’ll run out of room)))
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lapseinart · 11 months
From a storytelling standpoint, I can see why Emma had to die. The story doesn’t work if Dean has a child. It would change the dynamics because Dean would give up everything for his kid. Dean having a kid is a story arc for a whole season. HOWEVER I love the idea of Emma and she should have lived.
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cas-coding · 1 year
okay deancas family au because fuck you they can all be happy give me a break
dean aka dad (emma, ben, jack). coaches jack's teeball league and refuses to let anyone but emma drive the impala because she is the only cautious driver who treats his baby right. a mechanic with a passion for car restoration.
cas aka dad (claire) and daddy (jack). likes drawing his family and taking care of the garden outside. has been banned from being in the car while dean teaches the kids to drive because (newly) human cas is a screamer. stay at home dad because they commit credit card fraud and do not need two incomes.
emma aka em (dean) and emmie (jack). twenty-two and enrolled in a college a few hours away. working on a career in social work because of circumstances related to jack's adoption. same height as cas and she mocks him for it every time she visits home.
claire aka clairebear (dean). nineteen and working full time at the same carshop as dean. has wrecked her car several times and is barely allowed to keep driving every single time. will never admit that she used to draw grumpy cat fanart as a teen.
ben aka would rather die than have another nickname. seventeen and freaky good at baseball. goes to therapy weekly and now insists that claire and emma try it as well. didn't like jack at first but bonded with him by cheating at family game night (jack is just distracting enough for ben to snatch some extra cash in monopoly)
jack aka jack attack (ben and claire). five and utterly incapable of eating any food that adults eat, dean has to make him special alphabet soup more than half of the week's dinners. was adopted due to his birth dad going off the rails and (his technically uncle) cas taking him in. do not give him sugar or he will not sleep for the next forty-eight hours.
uncle sam aka sammy (dean). jack always insists he climb sam because he's so tall. has been made to let emma and jack braid his hair. is always dedicated jack carrier at the zoo because, well, he's the tallest and jack sees the best from sam's shoulders.
aunt eileen aka aunt ellie (jack). taught the rest of the kids sign language and volunteered to come in and show some kids at ben's school basic sign. makes a killer burger that dean will never admit is better than his but knows is better than his. loves tricking dean into wearing plaid so she can get a picture of her husband and brother in law twinning (both sam and dean despise this but cannot seem to avoid it)
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cooloddball · 8 months
a moment of silence for emma, dean’s daughter. she would’ve been twelve years old today.
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One reason Dean Winchester became a bad father to Jack Kline is Dean's own beliefs about being a father vs a brother became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Both times he explicitly acts as a father, he hurts his children (or fails to stop them being hurt). His guilt confirms what he learned from his own dad, which is that fathers cause fear and hurt. In this essay I will
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pixiealamode · 11 months
Hiiiiiii, I wrote the fluffiest little Supernatural AU fanfic! Please gimmie a read if you need a break from reality. It's even completed!
Dean and Emma Winchester are starting to get bored with the daily slog. Maybe the new neighbors below them can make life interesting? Or maybe Dean messes things up before they even start.
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ellis-scribbles · 2 years
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part of my secret dad!dean au
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laurelwinchester · 1 year
my problem as a dean stan who loves emma and all the potential she had is that while there is a lot of fic content out there........y’all are writing dean wrong.
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soldierboys · 1 year
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SUPERNATURAL 7x13: “The Slice Girls”
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AU: Dean and his ducklings. Reasons why Dean doesnt let his ducklings alone anymore. Reason #15:
Emma, calling Dean: Hey, dad! Remember when you told us not to burn down the Bunker?
Dean, almost crashing Baby and giving Sam whiplash: YOU BURNED DOWN THE BUNKER?
Emma: What? Noooo
Emma: We put down the fire almost inmediatly. This is a success story
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Dean is the type of dad who throws chocolates at Emma when she's on her period and announces "SATAN HAS BEEN FED" to the rest of the bunker
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trenchcoatimpala · 1 month
Sometimes I remember that Dean was canonically a girl Dad and then they made Sam kill his own niece.
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imbiowaresbitch · 2 years
Pasketti, and Other Mispronunciations
A new fic for my Embarrassing Things Kids Say series.
Destiel, rated T.
Summary: Dean is a single dad to three and a half year old Emma, and it's been a long day. But still, they had to eat, so they head to the grocery to buy groceries for Emma's favourite, Pasketti.
An unpleasant encounter with a bigoted woman turns around when a handsome bystander comes to Dean's defence. But you never know what a preschooler is going to say next. ~~
Dean was exhausted. He’d picked up Emma from her sitter, Missouri, but now he needed to hit the grocery store so they had something–make that anything –for dinner. If he’d still been living the single bachelor life, he’d probably have grabbed a box of pizza pockets and left the shopping for another day. But those days were three years behind him.
Then again, before he had Emma, he was never this tired.
She was teething, which of course meant a fever and a very cranky little girl who slept horribly. Dean had been up with her nearly all night, then got her to Missouri’s and made his way to the high school where he taught Advanced English Writing to Juniors, and English Literature to Seniors. Today hadn’t been one of his better days with his students. He’d had to intervene in a fistfight that had been brewing in the hallway, the photocopier had exploded on his slacks, and then a port on his laptop died and he had to jury-rig a solution. At least that happened during his best friend’s free period, so he’d simply texted an S-O-S to Charlie and she’d come to the rescue.
Better yet, she’d brought coffee. He nominated her for sainthood on the spot.
Dean glanced in the rearview, where Emma sat kicking her feet and rocking out to Thunderstruck, and had to grin.
He wouldn’t trade his life for anything.
read the rest on AO3
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