#Daddy Lesso
riveramorylunar · 2 years
I love soft and caring Lesso but fuck damn do I absolutely love evil and pissed Lesso she's so fucking hot ugh!!! 😫
She's literally both Mommy & Daddy 😵‍💫😵
Mommy Lesso = Soft & Caring
Daddy Lesso = Mean & Pissed
I could literally go on and on about her 🤭
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“Say yes to heaven, say yes to me”
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Request by @anonymous
Hey! I know this is kind of a weirdish request, but could you write like a really long fluff piece for lesso? Long fluffy fics always bring me loads of comfort. Tysm! I love your writing & your style, it's so beautiful to read
i do hope 3940+ words for pure fluff fic is considered long enough. if i add more, it would take me some more time to write and i feel like i have you waiting long enough already so hopefully this many words can scratch an itch, dear anon. crossing my fingers that this will be delivered to your fingertips 🤞🏻
Wisps of fire dances under the sunlight. Their golden glow is peculiarly hypnotising, very reminiscent of the sparklers that you love to play as a child. Even as an adult, you allow yourself the occasional indulgence in such nostalgias for they offer you a sense of childish glee.
Have you ever felt the irresistible urge to throw yourself off the edge while standing atop some place high, a building, a balcony, a bridge? You do not dare look down not because you are afraid of heights or of falling but because you are afraid that one day, your impulses will win.
Today seems to be that fated day. Now, the bright oranges and reds are beckoning you to touch them. To their demands, you dance. Like a lamb to the slaughter, naive fingers dive into a sea of fire. It does not ravish. It caresses. Soft flames gingerly lick your flesh as your digits seek the heart of the burning red.
By the time you shower her scalp with gentle scratches, the bundle of warmth in your arms has melted into liquid butter, creamy skin very nearly becoming one with the creamy sheets. A sultry hum that you can both hear, and feel through lips moving against the dip in your throat is spine-tinglingly husky. A dollop of honey in a tumbler of rum that when consumed, douses you with pleasant heat.
Although you always go to bed nestled snugly in your cosy little haven, by morning, you always find a majestic fox taking sanctuary in your arms. Said fox, sly as she is, stamps tiny, delicate kisses to your neck, nuzzles your jaw with her soft little nose before emerging out of her hiding spot. You drown in her eyes, a mesmerising sage green, sprinkled with little specks of brown in the middle, that dissolve into rings of dark forest green.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” You greet her with a kiss on the lips.
She on the other hand is smiling against your cheek, tracing your cheekbone with peppermint kisses. “Who are you calling a sleepyhead, hm?”
“Who, I wonder.” You squint your eyes as if deep in thought.
It earns you a chuckle coupled with a poke on the nose. “Can you blame me, ma chérie. You make it hard for me to get up.”
“Oh, so I am to blame then?”
You watch her eyes twinkle with mirth. The subtle curve of her lips grow into a sly little grin. She dismisses your question altogether, chooses instead to lock you in her arms.
“Come. Let’s be sleepyheads.”
“No can do.” Even though you come within a hair’s breadth of being caged in those stubbornly unyielding arms, you manage to successfully roll out of bed before being completely caught. “We have much to do today, Leo.” A pout has settled atop her lips, and when she moves to sneakily snatch you on your waist, once again, you succeed in dodging the surprise attack. The cherry on top has been getting to stick your tongue out at your lover as you flee the room with a wink that screams downright sass. “Get out of bed if you want me back in your arms, naughty fox.”
“Naughty fox, was it?”
“I’ll show you how naughty I can be.”
You have no idea what you have hoped to gain by taunting the very personification of sly-as-a-fox. Consequences are a certainty. When the lowly husked threat has trickled like ice down your spine, you certainly have not been expecting to physically feel cubes after cubes of ice being shoved down your hoodie. To your horror, you find that the sly fox has not only tucked your shirt into your pants but also cinched the waistband tight to trap the unforgiving coldness there.
Willowy arms encircling your waist, you are hauled onto the kitchen counter. They keep you confined, offering you no reprieve from the icy torture. Trapped and helpless, freezing and suffering, all you can do is to bombard her back with tamed punches while you writhe and wiggle like a worm being exposed to salt.
“Leo!! It’s cold!! Cold!! Leo!”
“Well, it is ice darling. Ice is supposed to be cold. What do you expect?”
“Alright! I’m sorry! Stop! Please, I’ll do anything. Just stop, Leo!”
Intrigued by your bold statement, she seeks your eyes. “Oh?” An elegant eyebrow arches. “Anything?”
“Yes! God, yes! Anything. Now, put me down please.”
She complies, face the very picture of a cat that has gotten the cream. As soon as your fluffy-socked feet touch the floor, trembling fingers scramble to untie the knot of your sweatpants. When you try but fail, lithe fingers join you, dexterous in their movements as the knot is freed and subsequently you, of your suffering. Ice cubes clatter to the floor. Sneaky hands, meanwhile, have found purchase on your ribcage. The very tips of her thumbnails playfully grazing the tender flesh just beneath your breasts has your lips falling open in a gasp.
You swat her forearm reproachfully.
“Naughty is an understatement. You are an evil fox.”
Soft lips fall atop the little furrow between your eyebrows. After one, two, three, four kisses have tumbled down the slope of your nose, the fifth one is perched atop the very tip.
“Why thank you, sweetheart.”
It is crooned along with the sixth which is bestowed upon your lips.
As warm flavours explode on your tongue after you have bitten into the sugary, creamy goodness, a moan has been your first instantaneous reaction. Then come the stars, bursting in your eyes as you marvel at the chef with those big, wide twinkles.
“What is this witchery?”
Four fingers and a thumb bookcase your cheeks.
“That, darling, is the art of baking.”
Tilting your head a touch, the little pout of your lips is met by a pair of succulent lips. A tender caress at first that escalates into gentle suckles. The milkiness and tiny glittering grains resting on and around your lips are meticulously plucked by the tip of a tongue.
Once satisfied, she hums, “Hmm, delicious, is it not?”
You feign disbelief at her query, mouth falling open. “Delicious? It’s scrumptiously divine!”
“I made yours extra creamy, practically doused it with icing. Do you like it?”
Another hearty bite into the sweet swirls renders you speechless. The fluffiness of the bread is impeccable; cinnamon sugar joins the thick, heavy cream as it melts on your tongue. Although every one of her baked goods always has you giddy like a kid in a candy shop, cinnamon rolls, in particular, are like ice cream in a room full of lollipops. You savour the taste of heaven tucked into a bun, reaffirming once more that they are indeed your lover’s best work.
“Like is an understatement. You make the-”So busy licking your fingers are you that you do not mind when you are cut off, delighted even that she knows you like the back of her hand. “-most heavenly cinnamon rolls in the entire universe, yeah yeah I get that quite a lot.”
With a pop, your finger is released, and you turn towards her at breakneck speed, stare her straight in the eyes.
“I would marry you if I could.”
“Oh darling,…” Crooned the woman in an apron. “…flattered though I am, I’ll have to stop you right there. These hands,…” Your eyes are immediately drawn towards those tantalisingly long digits. When they wiggle, you gulp. “…as dexterous as they are,…” She leans in, whispers conspiratorially. “…bake, and then some for only one person.”
After a beat, she winks. “My girlfriend.”
“Oooooh, lucky them.”
Index and middle fingers walk along toned forearms, teasing the edge of her rolled up shirt sleeve. A hand halts them by capturing your wrist. They are instead brought over to lips so soft that, when a kiss is pressed onto your fingertips, it is like touching silk.
“Lucky them indeed.” She initiates eye contact, and you hold it, unwavering. “You should teach them how to bake.”
“Oh I did,…” Fingers intertwine. A hand finds home just shy of your hipbone. “…over and over and over and over again, I might add.”
“It’s great luck that we still have a place to call home.”
“Wow! You may be an excellent cook but you are a terrible teacher.”
Her hand has abandoned your hip in favour of pinching your nose betwixt a middle and a fore finger. “It’s not my fault that you’re always so scatterbrained.”
Meanwhile, her cheeks are sandwiched between the palm of your hands. “It’s not my fault that the love of my life is always so annoyingly, distractingly drop dead gorgeous.” You squish her soft cheeks before punctuating your argument by capturing her adorable little puckered lips. Your kiss, to her annoyance, is delivered with an audible, exaggerated “mmmmwah”.
More often than not, when you are being overly affectionate with your woman, her expression may suggest repulsion but you know better than to let it perturb you. What can be read on her face is usually the exact opposite of what she is feeling. You have understood since the very beginning that she is an intricacy, and after a few years spent together, mastered the art of discerning her innermost emotions.
A beanie sitting snugly around your head, toes and fingers enveloped in thick socks and gloves, swaddled in at least three layers of clothes, bar the long coat, you are being carefully wrapped up like a Christmas present. Your beloved girlfriend has taken it upon herself to make certain that you are well dressed for your winter outing.
There has been a time when you have come home one chilly evening rudolph-nosed and shivering. Having unfortunately overestimated your tolerance for cold, accidentally underdressing for one day has left you with a terrible flu that has lasted for more than a week. Not only has she patiently and carefully nurtured you back to health, going forward, she will also go into protective mommy bird mode whenever you leave so much as a finger unprotected, especially during winter.
Currently, she is wrapping a muffler scarf around your neck on top of the turtlenecked sweater that she has already dressed you in.
“You act as if you did not just shove ice down my spine. Literally.”
“That’s exactly the point, sweetheart. Only I, your evil fox, get to torment you, my little lover.” Lips touch your nose, but a soft, fleeting caress. “Not even the weather is allowed to.”
Even though the cold is not necessarily your cup of tea, and it, too, is not Leo’s, she is not as affected by it as you are. Weak though you are against winter, you adore the weather. Leo on the other hand neither loves nor hates it. At the same time, while you love celebrating Christmas, she is not so much an enjoyer of festivities as a love-sick woman keeping her little lover company.
If you are the sun, then, Leo is the cloud hovering protectively in front of you.
Even now, while you look every bit the picture of a meticulously wrapped parcel, she looks as bare as the Christmas tree that the two of you have yet to finish decorating. She has on her body her signature white dress-shirt layered with a sweater over it with midnight jeans for pants, finishing it all off with a muffler scarf and a long coat. The both of which, aside from colours, entirely matches with yours. Compared to her other fashionable pieces, the sweater looks extremely out of place, the only thing that does not belong in her immaculate wardrobe.
You have just begun trying your hand at knitting, and the sweater has been your very first product. It is created with your lover in mind, but as a result of you deciding to get boldly creative on your first try, what is supposed to be a fiery red fox looks either like a rat or a dog that is terribly malnourished.
You have certainly thought that at worst, it would be fed to the trash can, and at best, it would be tucked into the darkest nook of her wardrobe never to be seen again. The more wishful part of you dares hope that she will wear it at home at the very least. You cannot both believe your eyes and stop staring at your woman when she appears in front of you, dressed in what you have knitted diligently, uniquely for her. She makes even the wackiest of colours arrestingly grand and you remember a small part of you thinking that it should be considered criminal. Meanwhile, the rest of you have been busy admiring her with unabashed wonderment.
If you have not seen your lover rocking questionable attires that will certainly look ridiculous on other people, you would have had half a mind to believe that she is the quintessence of beauty-is-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder. Not only do they look splendidly fine on your woman, it is not your personal opinion but rather a collective agreement that everything will suit her to a tee. After all, you have heard people marvelling at her elegance, seen heads turning towards her direction, which solidifies it as a fact instead of an opinion.
So filled to near bursting with love is your heart that you do not even notice, and if you do, you cannot care less that the two of your are inside a relatively crowded coffee shop when you have trapped her in your arms and attacked her with kisses.
Presently, you are stood outside the same coffee shop that is frequented by the two of you. The snowman out front has caught your attention. Hence, you have decided to wait by it while your wife goes back inside to order more hot drinks as per your friends’ messaged requests. It is amidst making a snowman of your own that you are approached by another. Since you are engrossed in giving the snow version of your girlfriend a face, you have thought whoever is sitting beside you to be the human version of your girlfriend.
“Who is that supposed to be?”
The unfamiliar voice, too gruff that it grates your ears instead of softly caressing them the way Leo’s does, startles you. The uncomfortably close proximity that you find upon turning makes you grimace. As you back away, you unfortunately trip on the thick lump of snow, but the imminent impact never comes. If it does, the ground that receives you has gentle arms that wind protectively around your waist.
There is no mistaking the hands that have explored every square inch of your body. All too happily, you melt into the solid wall of flesh behind you. While you look up at your lover, she gazes down at you, the furrows between her eyebrows ebbing away once a smile blossoms on your lips.
“Her.” You say this to the person still standing before you. “That is supposed to be her, my Leo.”
They either decide to ignore the obvious signs or are insufferably oblivious because instead of leaving the two of you alone, they do the exact opposite. They step closer.
“You’ve got a little something-”
Your guardian angel, of course, is not going to stand idly by and watch as someone else tries to touch you. So, she does the only thing she can; she plucks your chin delicately between a thumb and a forefinger, before angling your head a certain way so that she can lean down to capture your lips. Just like that, the false moustache is kissed clean. The kiss that is meant to ward off the unwanted advancer may have gotten a little out of hand but it does get the job done, because by the time your lips unstick, the bystander is no longer standing. You do not know, cannot care less, when exactly they have disappeared.
“Your nose is starting to resemble that of a rudolph, darling.”
Along with a second muffler that falls onto your shoulder, you are additionally pulled into her coat, being cocooned in her embrace. It is not the added fabric, you realise, but rather being nestled snugly against her body that makes the noticeable difference. Layers after layers of fabric cannot compare to the lovely heat that your lover radiates. Wings almost protrude from your heart and send the little creature soaring high into the sky when you feel warm lips on your forehead. They trace your hairline with satiny-soft kisses.
When you feel the beanie suddenly being lifted off your head, you are not expecting it to find itself back in place just as quickly. The difference however is palpable, for the chill seems to instantly seep into your skull. You cannot help the shriek that escapes your mouth when more handfuls of snow are being dumped into your sweater.
Instantly, your lover is hot on the heels of the culprits. While she tackles one to the ground, the other manages to escape. The unlucky one turns out to be Dovey, wrestled onto the thick blanket of snow and subsequently being turned into a snow burrito. Having successfully avoided becoming a snow burrito herself, Anemone cackles like a madwoman at the suffering of her partner in crime. Her victory is but transient. She is proved to be the unluckier of the two as soon as a sizeable ball of snow collides with her face. With most of the snow going straight into her open mouth, poor Anemone is left to cough and sputter. After getting rid of the snow inside both your beanie and sweater, you join the fray just in time to assist your lover while she is being double-teamed.
And thus, begins war. The four of you spend a good minute running and rolling in a white velveteen sea, screaming and giggling like a bunch of toddlers. The war ends with both ally and enemy teams creating snow angels. Afterwards, since Leo has not been able to wait in line until her turn arrives, for she has practically run to your side, the four of you find yourself once again in the coffee shop.
While you and Anemone have taken the duty of finding a spot to sit and chat, the two best friends have agreed to go and place the orders.
“How you get the grinch to enjoy Christmas is beyond my comprehension. Always was and always will be.” grumbles Anemone as she plops herself down on the couch opposite you.
“Is she truly that fussy? She has always complied with my wishes without any complaints.”
“Ugh, you have no idea!”
You do not get to expand further on the subject for Leo and Dovey return with your drinks almost immediately.
Having a sweet tooth, but at the same time, not wanting to go for something overly sweet, you have ordered a chocolate drink. From dark chocolate fudges, chocolate wafers, warm drizzles of milk chocolate to fluffy white cream dusted with dark chocolate, it has everything that will satisfy your cravings as well as balance the sweetness with a hint of bitterness.
Finding upon taking a sip that Leo, too, will find it palatable, you offer the drink to her. She obliges as she always does with you, but between eating with a spoon and sipping through the straw, she chooses neither. Instead, you are rendered pleasantly surprised by her mouth finding yours.
“Get a room.”
The groan from Anemone does nothing to make her budge. If her friend has wanted her to stop with her comment, it has an entirely opposite effect.
“Get a lover if you’re jealous.”
While poor Anemone almost chokes on her drink again, Dovey cannot help but laugh into her hand.
What you love about their friendship is that regardless of the endless quips being thrown around like nobody’s business, they have gone past the point of being truly offended by them. The three of them go way back, and over the course of time, their friendship has evolved into a familial bond. Leo has not only waltzed into your life alone but she has also brought with her, and subsequently into your life, Dovey and Anemone, who have welcomed you with open arms. You feel infinitely lucky to be a part of this little family.
From catching up with each other’s lives to reminiscing about the days of yore, the four of you talk about anything and everything. Even though you can still go on for days and never run out of things to say, the shop needs to close. So it is with great reluctance that you part ways. By the time goodbyes have been said, stars are already hanging overhead.
Delightful twinkles and colourful Christmas lights light your way home as the pair of you walk hand in hand. Your interlaced fingers are hidden in the pocket of your lover’s coat.
“Do you remember the very first time our paths crossed?”
“How can I forget? I spilled coffee onto you.”
“That, my darling, was not how you first caught my eye.” Puzzled and intrigued, you search her face. When she meets your gaze, you marvel at their beauty. It is as if the fallen stars have found sanctuary in her eyes. “Have you ever wondered that perhaps you bumping into me was my carefully crafted machination?”
“Was it, now?”
A perfect eyebrow arches. “Do I seem the type to ask someone for compensation through coffee dates had I not been interested in them in the first place?”
“Oh, so they had been dates! I thought I was just, well, compensating you for ruining your pristine white shirt.”
“Silly girl.”
“You were still charmed by this silly girl, were you not?”
“Indeed I was, and I am, still.”
“In all seriousness, Leo, from the very beginning, the feelings were incredibly mutual.”
“I know, darling. I waited for a while to see if you would make the first move.”
“I’ve never told you this before but the coffee that was spilled onto you…it was bought with you in mind. Although our methods were not entirely flawless, we both got what we wanted in the end.”
“Each other.”
It is under a lamppost that she stops you.
“You said you’d do anything.” It seems like there is more to her words than that, so you poise for elaboration. Out of the blue, she falls to one knee, and you watch with bated breath as her hand disappears into the other coat pocket. The hand, once vacant, returns with a small velvet box.
“Say yes to me.”
“As it so happens…” Fishing out your own velveteen box, you mirror her stance. “I’ll say yes only if you do too.”
The shocked expression on her face dissolves into a smile before the both of you let out a laugh in unison.
“Were you carrying it around everywhere you went?”
“No. I requested Anemone to pick it up for me on her way. You?”
“Same but Dovey.”
“Well, what will you say, woman?”
“There is only one correct answer.”
“Which is?”
“Yes, obviously.”
“Then, without question, my answer is also yes.”
They are both simple platinum bands with a single gem in the middle. While the band with gem the hue of Leo’s hair comes to rest on your ring finger, the band with gem the shade of your eyes goes to find home on your wife’s ring finger.
“Oh my dearest Leo, I love you so.”
When you throw yourself into her arms, she receives you with great enthusiasm. Standing up with you locked tightly in her embrace, she spins the two of you around before your vows are sealed with a kiss.
“I love you more, my darling angel.”
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sirclitoressa · 1 year
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
for some reasons i’m so inspired that i keep having many decent ideas for some of my favourite characters but i have not enough hands to write them all at the same time. how inconvenient (・`ω´・)
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and then there are characters that i desperately wanna write something for but my brain’s just like meh ʘᴗʘ
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v3nusxsky · 26 days
could u pls to a smut oneshot with lady lesso with prompts 29 and 52 it’s the readers first time with her. Possibly adding in overstim and aftercare.
Princess 18+
*Authors note~ Lesso smut has returned god I’ve missed writing! I love being back into my happy space and writing fics for all our favourite ladies*
Trigger warnings~ overstimulation kink multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, dom!lesso, daddy kink, bondage, mirror sex, sex toys (vibrator and enhanced strap on), dirty talk/sexting/nudes teasing, fingering!, oral, fem!good!reader, power dynamics (good vs evil), somnophillia (consented before)
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
52~ "Look at your reflection. Look at how gorgeous you are. So gorgeous when I'm fucking you like this. So pretty for me, and only me.
29~ "Want my fingers in you?"
•••••••••(Banner to come)•••••••••••
You’ve always been a firm believer that the line between good and evil is never as clear cut as people perceive it to be. For you, it’s more a spectrum that people move up and down on, not something to define someone’s character. After all the phrase “what’s another man’s trash is another man’s treasure” has to mean something. Right. Perhaps that’s why you, of all the princess professors to enter the walls of the school for good and evil, caught Leonora’s eye. Fate. Destiny. Or just pure luck would have it that you’d soon become her princess. The one she would try to be better for, to move up the spectrum of good and evil. But even you should know that the red head wouldn’t be able to be purely good all the time. No. She limited that side, the almost cruel sadistic side of her, to the bedroom only. Was she evil for this? You were about to find out.
The special chime of Leonora’s phone sounded around her office. You. Only you had that chime. But why would you be texting her knowing how she had a meeting with all the staff to attend now. “I’m sorry daddy, I just get so turned on thinking about the last time” was what it read with a video underneath. At first pixelated but it soon became clear. Here you were wearing nothing but wine red rope, tied in intricate patterns while holding your favourite vibratior to your clit. Your phone in front of the mirror allowing lesso to not only hear but see every reaction to your self care. Teasingly running your fingers down your body to spread your folds apart, your arousal just leaking out of your puffy lips. Clearly this wasn’t the first self induced orgasm of the day.
Instinctively the red head chewed on her ruby lip as she replayed the video. God you were something. However did she get so lucky? But something lying dormant in the woman screamed to be let out, to put an end to this foolish attempt to prove dominance over her. Simply, this beast wouldn’t take this lying down at all. Fingers as quick as lighting typed her response before shoving the small black device in her pocket of her waistcoat and left for her meeting, “be naked when I get back home dove.”
Two whole hours. She had to wait two whole hours before leaving the school. And in those two hours you’d gifted yourself three more self inflicted orgasms before passing out in your bed naked. That’s exactly how she found you when she returned. Blissfully unaware of what you’d caused.
Your right leg position at a right angle as your left leg lay flat against the covers, your arousal still thick in the air as you unknowingly left your core on show to her preying eyes. Really, it’s not her fault. At least that’s how she reasons with herself. You’d spoke about her waking you up this way, something you wanted to try, and what better excuse than today. Falling asleep like this was asking for it after all. Practically begging her to take advantage of you. Her poor innocent princess.
It took less than a minute for Leonora to position herself between your legs. Now eye level with your pussy she couldn’t help but dive in. Her precious little dove all ready for her to take. Eating you out from behind like a starved animal. No matter how many women she’d had in her bed, no one could ever compare to the taste of you. The scent of you. Just you. Hers. The way your body responds to the ghost like touch of her hands trailing your body as she lapped away at your glistening folds. The sleepy little moans that only she could hear. Hers. And to think you had yet to wake up, to find her home where she always wanted to be.
“M Nora?” You mumbled disoriented and dazed by the delightful feeling of someone’s mouth working at your sensitive bundle of nerves. The only response you were given was the fee of her teeth grazing your clit in a silent reminder. “Daddy!” You almost squeaked in shock and pleasure to but cut short with your displeased whine at the sensations she provided stopping dead. “Oh no was my poor princess getting close hmm? Did you like daddy waking you up little slut?”
Oh did you ever. With how your chest rose and fell and the pretty blush on your cheeks spreading to your breasts being all clear indications of how much you liked it. That’s ignoring the copious amounts of slick now covering your folds and her chin and lips. “Daddy why’d you stop” flew from your pouty lips before you had a chance to think about it. “Because my princess is a grade A whore who can’t help but touch what is clearly mine. You. Are. Mine. And you must be punished dove.”
At least you’d had the decency to cover your sleepy features with an attempt to look ashamed of your actions. But deep down you both knew that this was exactly what you wanted to happen. You wanted to rile her up, push her buttons and get well and truly fucked. Strutting around the room the dean of evil tied you to the bed frame in record time. Now lying flat on your back arms and legs spread. Cunt on full display as her eyes raked over your beautiful body.
“Want my fingers in you? Hmm do you want daddy to fill that slutty little hole for you?” She teased knowing that it wasn’t everything you wanted. See Leonora knows her princess. You need more than her fingers to feel like worlds exploding. But she also knows that her fingers can get you most the way there. Many nights had passed with her testing how far her fingers alone would push you into pleasure. “Fingers or nothing princess” was all it took for you to begin to plead for her to touch you. Anything really, “please daddy. Please just touch me. It never feels good unless you do it please.”
She couldn’t help but be mesmerised with how well you took her. Your greedy little pussy sucking my fingers into your weeping little hole. She’d chuckle when a harsh curl of her slender digits against your G spot had you gasping for breath. “More. More please god more Nora” you whimpered as your hips continued to buck up into her skilled hand to once again be denied. “Poor dove. My poor useless little princess. You need daddy huh? Want to be daddy’s play thing? My precious doll? Let daddy use your slutty body and take what you’re given.”
Time really is a concept when your girlfriend is Leonora Lesso. Your whole body bound and marked up at her will. Orgasms ruined by her demand until tears streamed down your checks as you babbled out incoherent please and whimpers. Lesso would be lying if she said you didn’t turn her on to the max. You were just so pretty. Her pretty princess. Even crying so prettily just for her. God it turned her on. A beautiful princess all for her to use.
“Shhh okay princess, daddy will give you what you want now. So pretty dove. Daddy has just what you crave sweetheart” lesso murmured while she shredded the last few remaining articles of clothing. When had the rest gone? You weren’t sure, too lost in chasing the orgasm she wouldn’t allow you to have. Wide eyes taking in the new appendage between your lovers legs, “d-daddy?” You stuttered confused. How ? More so, you wanted it. In your mouth, in your hand and more importantly burried inside your cunt as she crawled up to ensure her crotch was level with your mouth. “Oh princess you like what daddy has for you hmm? Come be a good little cock slut and make it nice and wet for daddy. Repay me for turning me on for hours while I was working. Come earn your pleasure darling.”
Despite the fact that lesso was now adorning a life like dick, she was moaning and grunting like she could feel the way you’d hallowed your cheeks to take her further. The head of the cock touching the back of your throat as you gaged around the shaft. Slender hand gripping a make shift pony tail in your hair as she guided your head along the length just long enough to edge herself. Not only does she love to edge her dove, but receiving edging was also something she adored. “Out! Now. I want to be inside of you now. She demanded quickly manoeuvring herself to be between your thighs once more.
You felt every inch slip inside your snug walls. Every ridge hugged by every pulse of your pussy. “Take it princess. Take it for daddy” she grunted as the last inch sunk into your tight warmth. “Such a slut, just made for me. Sophie tight I can hardly move with how you’re gripping me. Fuck.” She grunted as she slowly pulled out of you to slam back inside. Mesmerising herself with how your walls sucked her back in. How well you fit together. As one. Hers.
As if it couldn’t get any better, vibrations began to fill the room with a constant buzz. Inhuman sounds began to work their way from your body as you bucked like a wild horse into her thrusts. "Look at your reflection princess . Look at how gorgeous you are. So gorgeous when I'm fucking you like this. So pretty for me, and only me. Mine” she growled forcing you to turn your head towards the fall length mirror. Watching as you joined as one. “Daddy need to please god please need it” you jumbled up your desperate pleas as she finally gave you the permission to cum for her. The orgasm being everything you needed and wanted. Blissed out by the pleasure she was bestowing on you. Only, she didn’t stop. No. She continued to fuck into you until finally she was satisfied. “Good fucking girl princess” she whispered before slipping out of your now gapping quivering hole, “such a good girl for daddy. My best princess.” She used her magic to free you and clean you up before whispering praises and holding you close for the remainder of the night. Her girl. Her princess. Her love. Her dove.
Word count ~ 1879
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merci-bitch · 2 years
Charlize’s characters being jealous?
Well, what can I say. 😺
Warning(s): NSFW mentions, mentions of death, jealousy, semi public, PDA, possessiveness
Also, not my gifs! Credit goes to whoever made them ! <3
Lady Lesso
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- Yikes
- Girl is possessive
- If you do it on purpose.
- I’ll come to your funeral.
- She will go feral. I mean crazy
- Lesso isn’t bitching around
- Don’t fuck with her
- Again, if you decide to play wicked and do it on purpose, she will kick your arse. ;)
- She will show you, who you belong to.
- She won’t play nice
- Lesso doesn’t play nice with bratty little girls 👀
- She will not let you walk properly for weeks
- She will make it her own personal mission.
- If it wasn’t on purpose that certain person suddenly goes missing.
- She doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
- She will still take you to bed, make sure you know who you belong to.
- Girl ain’t sharing one bit of you.
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- To be fair
- I’ve seen people say she doesn’t get jealous
- Course she does
- She’s just lived so long it doesn’t effect her as much as perhaps Lesso
- She will be a little, perhaps colder in her behaviour
- She will pull you closer to herself
- Perhaps wrap her arm around you
- She trusts you, and trusts you won’t do anything to hurt her
- Cause she can’t handle another heartbreak
- She might be a little feisty. But not too much because she trusts you with her heart
Elaine Markinson
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- She’s similar to Lesso
- Only she will backfire it
- If she notices that you’re doing it on purpose
- She will make you jealous
- Elaine doesn’t take shit
- She takes what she wants
- When she wants
- Daddy’s blue ribbon girl
- If you wanna act like a brat?
- Go ahead. See how fun it is
- Cause if you’re doing it purpose, she will give you your punishment in a whole other way
- Cold shoulder
- Call you a slut perhaps 🤷🏼‍♀️
- If you’re not doing it on purpose, she’ll be all handsy.
- Make you sit in her lap
- Whisper filth in your ear
- Her hands on your thighs and hips, occasionally giving a squeeze
- She would, without doubt, make out with you in front of anyone who’s a much as tries to steal you from her
- Telling them to fuck off as she openly asks you if she should take you home for a good fuck
Charlotte Field
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- Now she does get jealous.
- Charlotte was used to you getting jealous from when she used to chat with the Canadian prime minister
- She loved the thrill of it
- Sex was amazing - quote from Ms. Field.
- But when it’s her?
- She gets pouty.
- Perhaps a little insecure
- Even though girl loads of confidence
- She’s always scared of losing you because of her job
- She doesn’t always have those 5 minutes to be affectionate
- Margret will always spoil your plan
- If you intend to do it on purpose, she will know
- She will try to backfire it , sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t
- She doesn’t like to jealous
- Doesn’t like to be teased
- Girl is desperate
- She’s bossy af
- Loves when you’re jealous though
- Loves to tease you about it
- Cause she knows you will flip on her
- Sex was amazing - Ms. Field.
Clea Strange
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- Well
- Is it possible?
- I think, if you’re trying to do it on purpose, she’ll find it amusing
- I don’t think Clea is the jealous type like that
- I don’t really think she will act out on it
- Perhaps she’d still give you a little reminder
- If you’re in a relationship with both Clea and Stephen, S will get jealous
- Again, I don’t think Clea is the jealous type
Mavis Gary
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- Be prepared to die
- Ask Marri
- No but she will go crazy
- She’s already in such a bad place mentally that she wouldn’t be able to handle it
- And it’s so sad
- Because she’s a teasing type
- She just doesn’t have the energy for it
- She will feel broken by it
- But if she’s in a better state mentally, and knows you’re only doing it to get a rise in her
- Boy are you in for a night
- I think she would go crazy
- On you
- In you
- She will threaten you
- Tease you
- Leave you on edge
- Too bad you got yourself in this position in the first place 🤷🏼‍♀️
Lorraine Broughton
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- Honestly, if we’re thinking outside the box and adding her American self
- I think she would be like Clea
- Find it amusing
- She will still get jealous, perhaps a more quiet jealous until you’re alone
- If she trusts you, knows you, loves you
- I think she would find it rather amusing , knowing she could leave you weak with just a simple touch
- She will be all smug about it before she takes you home
- Absolutely rails you
- Perhaps in your more normal way, just more teasing
- She doesn’t need to tell you who you belong to
- She will make you voice it
- Aftercare is bomb, cuddles
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- Tough cookie
- Well
- Do I have to explain?
- She’s got big dick energy
- Either beg for forgiveness or prepare to DIE
- Girl ain’t having it
- Choose your death
1. Choked to death
2. Shot in the head
3. Begging on your knees before her
- If it wasn’t your fault
- She would jsut kill the person
- Honestly
- She doesn’t give a shit 😭
- But if you need a reminder ?
- Well.
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- Eh
- Don’t
- Don’t even try to make the Queen jealous
- If it’s before the second movie, she will threaten to take your beauty for herself
- Seeing the dear fear in your eyes
- She loves it
- Gets her going
- That knowing smirk on her lips
- She just have to raise her eyebrow at you
- Daring you to continue
- It’ll leave you a mess for days
- Second movie
- Love is illegal because sis girl is trying to be special
- It’ll be more fun
- Cause you can get away with it more
- It pisses Ravenna off because she can’t go take you now and then
- In secret she’ll have you wish you could beg for mercy
- Freya asking why you seem sick or injured
- Ravenna sitting in the back, biting down her own grin
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Master List Part 5
Note: I did not write any of these fics, I just enjoy reading them and had a shit load of them saved. So, I figured I would put all of the ones I liked on a master list, figuring that its an easy way to keep track of them, and maybe you guys would like them as well. Have a Great Day fellow Nerds! 😁👋
2nd Note: If Someone wants me to take their fic or another fic off, let me know and it will be done. I don't want to offend anyone or make them upset. 
Bed situation | Mixed By: @v3nusxsky
Poor girl | h&c By: @v3nusxsky
Sun, Mood and Stars By: @v3nusxsky
Time with my baby | Agere By: @v3nusxsky
Birthday Surprise By: belovaskitkat
need you to come here and save me By: wandasdolly
Needy thing | nsfw By: @v3nusxsky
Insecurities | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
One of a Kind | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
West Coast By: wandasgf
Who's your mommy? +18 By: @v3nusxsky
Should Have Knocked By: loveisanimginarydagger3000
Emily + JJ + Blake:
Little angel | Agere By: @v3nusxsky
Cant live without you | Angst By: @v3nusxsky
Who's In Control By: @v3nusxsky
Fire Fly By: @v3nusxsky
Chapter 1 ~ crossing paths By: @v3nusxsky
Time Heals | mixed By: @v3nusxsky
Reverse cowgirl 18+ By: @v3nusxsky
One for the Books By: @v3nusxsky
Dirty Little Damsel By: storiesofsvu
A piece of you By: @v3nusxsky
Bar Beauty | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
Miss mommy | NSFW BY: @v3nusxsky
Too Loud | Agere By: @v3nusxsky
I'll Take Care of You | nsfw By: @v3nusxsky
Needy By: @v3nusxsky
The Pain of Pining By: @i-write-sometimes-maybe
Cant wait anymore By: @v3nusxsky
Reminder | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
Complicated | Mixed By: @v3nusxsky
Daddy Issues By: @v3nusxsky
Its he voices | h&c By: @v3nusxsky
Celebration By: @i-write-sometimes-maybe
Beautiful | nsfw By: @v3nusxsky
Mama | Agere + h&c By: @v3nusxsky
Good Catch | h&c By: @v3nusxsky
Perfect Prize | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
Winter Warmth | fluff By: @v3nusxsky
What a Brat 18+ By: @v3nusxsky
Emotional Love By: @v3nusxsky
Dolly Heart By: @v3nusxsky
Celebration (NSFW) By: @i-write-sometimes-maybe
Rough ride By: @v3nusxsky
Breaking rules 18+ By: @v3nusxsky
Subby dean 18+ By: @v3nusxsky
Sickness By: @v3nusxsky
Passion By: @i-write-sometimes-maybe
Alcina (Resident Evil Village):
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 12 By: willalove75
Alcina Dimitrescu/Fem!worlfreader By: lilbitdepressed27
The New Arrival (Series) By: ilovehugslikealotalot
Dinner and Dessert By: aithorin
Mini Prompt By: ctitan98
Alcina Makes You Her Plaything By: angelltheninth
Lucifer (The Sandman):
Respite in Heaven (NSFW) By: milfsloverblog
How Loving By: alexusonfire
The Reaper and The Devil By: autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze
Stars around my scars By: Littledollll
The Devil's Favorite By: ghoulsister
A Frightened Ruller of Hell - Part Two By: rosieathena
Captain Phasma:
Yes Captain part 8 By: brienneoftarth1989
Suits and Hallways (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Yes Captain NSFW By: brienneoftarth1989
A fresh start By: @v3nusxsky
Little Bunny By: @v3nusxsky
You Make Me Feel By: weemssapphic
I Need Your Touch NSFW By: brienneoftarth1989
Needy omega | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
tolerate it By: billiedeansbitch
When you call my name. Do you think ill come running {part 1} By: marilynthornhillover
First Time Ch 5: Higher Level of Involvement By: cissyenthusiast010155
Mere Thought of You By: cissyenthusiast010155
My Girls | Agere By: @v3nusxsky
Under Her Desk NSFW By: brienneoftarth1989
Tattoo (NSFW) By: m1lflov3rr
Deja vu | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
Loving You (NSFW) By: bloody-satans-sabbath
Love Notes (Chap. 6) By: queefanfiction
Life With You | NSFW By: @v3nusxsky
Little Cat (?) By: sapphos-ode
Baby. Part 4: I'm a shapeshifter By: makemyworldworthliving
Queen of the 18+ By: @v3nusxsky
All My Pictures of You By: weemssapphic
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You wished to discuss the school of good and evil my liege?
(Dunno where that came from srry)
slamming my fitst on table oh boy do i. Im just gonna ramble about the difference betwwn the books and the movies because it always irks me
So firstly they made Sophie so much nicer?? LIKE NO. SHES A BITCH. and we love an unapologetic bitch in this household. They cut out the whole "she's only friends with Agatha because its her Good Deed", an all the other bullshit Sophie odes to try and get into good. In the books that begining bit is so good because Sophies doing all these good actions but her narration shows like the motivation and its such a good bit of characterization. Also in the books only agatha was an outcast, making them both outcasts makes Sophie seem much more genuine but she wasn't!! Sure i think her and Agatha's friendship meant a lot to Sophie, she was still such a bitch to her!! meanwhile Agatha is completly ride or died for Sophie, even though she gets treated like shit.
Next is how the movie has no one know about the school. Like why??? people knew that shit was going on. Why the fuck would they remove it. I like that they made Lady Lesso a Reader though, i dont remember if the y did that in the books, but it was good character stuff. fleshed her out a bit more. Made the parallels to Sophie *exist* honestly.
Love in the movie how theres the big fight scene with "Toxic" playing absolutely iconic. Loveh ow in the book the wolf toutched her hair and then she fucking killed that guy. iconic of her also. in the movie they added the character that Agatha became friends with, it was goo way for the movie to show the whole deal with what happened to failed students. excpet in the book they turned into the wolf/fairy servants. and the Trial of talents or whatever its called was so good in the book. why did they delete it from the movie?
and then the whole making the wodds fight thing something special? like no those bitches go rabid and kill each other every year!! its tradition
also agatha transforming into a coackraoch and helping sophie, therefore making her top of her class, while also tryign to stay to p of her own clas?? LIKE AGATHA GIRL!! shes an icon shes a legend. And the mirror scene- oh my god. the self hatred agatha holds for herself in her heart smh.
ANd tedros. where do i begin with tedros. slightly upset he wasnt blonde. but man he is the Guy. hes got bot mommy issues AND daddy issues and Weird Wiard Grandfather? issues and he just slays mkay? hes so down bad when he realises who he actually lies, and hes a pompous ass before that.
and then they go home and agathas like wait!!! im fucking miserable here!!!! i miss tedros!!! meanwhile sophies like "yay homesweet home i cnat believe i was evil lol" and meanwhile tedros is like "woman when they love eachother <- Yes i stole that line from cantripped (but theyre actually sisters. its weird. lets not talk baout it.)
Speaking of the ending, the movie having tedros and agatha have that moment of understanding totally messes up the next book but whatever its not like they were ever gonna do a sequel.
ok thats me ranting over thanks for the ask i needed to get this out my system
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nyx-aira · 2 years
Dovesso smut???? Lady lesso topping with desk sx??? I need charlize and Lesso being daddies😭😭 PLEASEEE .
Here you go dear
Pleasure and pain
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prettygreenpills · 1 year
Requested oneshots
Cum slut smut!
Birthday girl fluff
Black and white fluff
It’s alright mama fluff/angst
Don’t hold back smut!
Be a good girl smut!
Penetration smut!
Come to daddy smut!
Hidden emotions fluff!
Too blind to love fluff!
Penetration smut!
Wake up honey smut!
Slumber party smut!
Soft domination smut!
Little brat smut!
Hidden emotions fluff!
Show me the universe smut!
First time for all of us smut!
Words hurt angst!
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could i request a lady lesso x fem reader, prompt 6?
Hey there, anon!! Thanks for your patience🥰 I was inspired by a song for this one as well as your request! Hope you enjoy 💋
Call Her Daddy ~Daddy!Lady Lesso xFem Professor!Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#6. “My eyes are up here...”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, Daddy Kink, smut, strap-fucking, teasing, begging kink, breeding kink, etc.
Enjoy (;
Lesso was working late as usual. You usually beat your grifriend to your shared quarters, where she usually joined you in the later hours, sometimes you had even fallen asleep.
You had finished your papers for the day and changed into your night wear. You pulled out your night table book, and lounged on the bed, reading and waiting for Lesso. Eventually after a few hours, the red head came into your shared quarters with a heavy sigh.
“Hey Leo…” you cooed, looking up from your book.
“Hey baby…” Lesso replied, tired but with an edge to her voice.
Her eyes looked tired but had a glint of mischief to them.
“I’ve been waiting all day for this…” she sighed, collapsing on the bed and crashing her lips onto yours.
Lesso straddled your lap, grinding her clothed core against yours. You chocked out a yelp out the pleasurable feeling of a bulge ghosting against your clit.
“I… Daddy…?” You whimpered needily.
“That’s my name, baby…” Lesso purred in the shell of your ear, before backing away and getting off the bed.
You whined in response, but received a firm cocking of her eyebrow from Lesso, putting you right back in your place. Lesso then began to strip. You just stared at her unabashedly. She cocked another eyebrow yet again.
“Strip for Daddy, Baby…” she purred, while removing her trousers and knickers.
You were quick get rid of any and all clothing articles in a mere matter of seconds. And when you looked up, there Lesso stood in front of you. Naked. And wearing the biggest fucking strap you had ever seen.
“My eyes are up here...” Lesso chuckled.
You blushed and looked away embarrassed. Lesso crawled onto the bed yet again, this time stalking you like her prey. You instinctually opened your legs to give the red head access.
“It’s enchanted, so I’ll be able to feel that pretty pussy of yours fluttering around my dick…” Lesso purred wickedly.
Your breath hitched at her words.
“Yes please… Daddy please… want you…” you whimpered. 
“Already begging… that desperate, are we…?” Lesso taunted, lining up her dick with your aching cunt.
You bucked your hips up to be met by the tip of Lesso’s dick, making you groan out in need, “Yes please Daddy…!! Need you so bad… God fill me up please!!”
“Such a sweet, slutty baby…” Lesso muttered, as she slowly sank into you.
“Fuck…Daddy… you’re so big…” you groaned out breathlessly, your hands grabbing onto the red head and scratching her back, your mind spiraling as Lesso filled your throbbing pussy.
“Shit Baby… taking Daddy’s dick so well…” Lesso muttered, starting to slowly thrust in and out of you.
Your stable breathing had been thrown out the window, your eyes rolled back from the immense pressure and pleasure you felt by Lesso filling you up.
“Daddy…” you mindlessly whined, “Faster please Daddy…!”
And Lesso more than happily complied.
“God baby feels so good… hugging Daddy’s cock so well…” Lesso husked in the shell of your ear, as she pounded into you.
“Please don’t stop Daddy…!!” You cried out, reaching your climax incredibly fast as the red head pounded into you relentlessly.
“Fuck baby I won’t!” Lesso moaned out, “I can feel your pretty walls fluttering around my cock…! you wanna cum, my pretty…?”
“Yes yes yes!!” you cried out like a broken record, “wanna cum Daddy please wanna cum Daddy!!”
“Shit baby, cum for me…” Lesso groaned, “I’m right behind you…”
You came with a strangled cry and with the red heads name on your lips on repeat. Your hands tightly holding Lesso, and your walls deliciously clenching around Lesso’s dick, making Lesso let out a guttural groan. The red head properly fucked you through your high, before her thrusts started to get sloppier and sloppier.
“Fuck Daddy’s gonna cum inside you baby…!!” Lesso moaned.
“Yes please Daddy!” You whimpered and pled, “cum inside me please Daddy!!”
Lesso released her hot, white cum, painting your walls and filling your cunt with a guttural cry of pleasure from her lips. You both then collapsed on the bed, panting heavily.
When you had both regained your breath, Lesso gently pulled out of you. Lesso’s cum began to seep out of your pussy, so the red head used her fingers to gather all the escaping cum and stuff it all back inside you. You lightly whimpered in response.
Lesso met your gaze at your little pout and chuckled,
“Wouldn’t want you to waste any of Daddy’s precious seed, now would we baby…” she purred, “After all… You’d look so pretty with Daddy’s baby stuffed inside that little belly of yours…”
You mindlessly hummed in response, your mind thoroughly fucked through. You simply snuggled into the red head even more. And soon, Lesso could hear your light snores. She smiled to herself as she tucked a strand of your hair to the side.
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bi-tagatha · 2 years
The way Tedros and Aric are such perfect foils ok im serious like the fact that Guinevere abandoned Tedros and he watched her abandon him and yet he tried hiding most of his pain and when it came to it, he was willing to forgive her because he couldn’t hold that pain and he couldn’t hold that bitterness in him bc he’s not Arthur—even when he knows full well that his mother left him to be with another man, willingly...but Tedros hears her out bc he comes to this understanding that there's so much more that can happen after and this is partly thanks to Agatha’s council, whom has his back. So he KNOWS he can heal, and he can learn, if he can just listen and let go
Then the fact that Aric was abandoned by Lady Lesso, also when he was pretty young and Aric broadcasting that hate and letting it feed him, and he probably fears letting go of it bc what else does he have left? No one. He is entirely by himself and refuses love and rejects it bc he doesn’t want to learn or accept that his mother rly didn’t want to leave him, that it wasn't her fault. like the fact that Tedros didn’t go full psycho even whilst objectively having the mother who had truly wanted to abandon him...unlike Lady Lesso who was forced to. And YET Aric goes out of his way to KILL his own mother and succeeds, while Tedros has an acutual LEGAL decree that his psycho daddy wrote proclaiming that Tedros has full right on executing his mother but he doesn’t do it bc ofc he doesn’t.... he let go.  
Yeah it’s so interesting how they’re literally the Ying and Yang of abandonment, how a similar situation can affect a person into becoming something different yet compellingly familiar at the same time.
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mshomestyle · 3 years
Dad deku bakugo or Aizawa with a kid that’s very shy and hides behind their legs a lot? And they’re very quiet as well?
-It is often that this famous pro hero will get stopped in the street while he’s out running errands, and most times his son is with him.
-Knowing how the little tot can get, Izuku usually insists that he stay home, but the baby boy wants to go with his daddy.
-”Isn’t it lovely to see the number one hero out and about,” one woman might say as she spots Izuku in a grocery store. “Oh, and who’s this?”
-Like clockwork, Izuku’s son rushes to hide behind his daddy’s legs, his huge green eyes that he inherited from his father peeking out to look at the stranger.
-Izuku expected this, so he automatically goes to reach down and rub his baby boy’s head in comfort, “He’s a little shy,” he explains.
-Once the woman gets an autograph, she’s on her way. And when she’s gone, Izuku’s son slowly comes out.
-Deku lets out a sigh, though can’t help but to think how cute his son is. “How about I get you a toy?”
-The little boy looks up at his father and gives an enthusiastic nod, accompanied by a smile.
-Bakugo has a daddy’s girl in his hands, though she didn’t exactly inherit his fiery attitude just yet.
-”Hey, Bakugo!”
-The two are waiting in line at a frozen yogurt shop, when Kirishima barges in. Like instinct, Bakugo’s daughter is clinging to her daddy’s leg.
-”Hey keep it down! My daughter doesn’t like that,” Bakugo scolds the other male.
-”Oops, sorry,” Kirishima profusely apologizes before stooping down to meet the child’s height. “I’m sorry, cutie. I hope I didn’t scare you.”
-The little daddy’s girl says nothing, but instead looks towards her father with arms reaching up.
-Bakugo instantly picks the little girl up and kisses her cheek before glaring at Kirishima.
-”Hey, I said I was sorry,” Kirishima pouts. Noticing that look, Bakugo’s daughter leans over to whisper in her father’s ear, which causes the pro hero to raise an eyebrow and shrug.
-”She forgives you,” he rolls his eyes. This just completely makes the red-head’s day.
-Aizawa kind of welcomes a quiet and shy child, because that means less noise he has to deal with.
-Mic, however, as well as Midnight will try to encourage his child to break free from that bashfulness.
-”How about some karaoke?!” Present Mic asks. Aizawa’s daughter looks at her daddy and shakes her head.
-”Leave us alone,” Aizawa says. He was starting to regret taking his little girl with him to work, but the babysitter canceled last minute.
-”Maybe she’ll want to sit in on one of my lesso-”
-”Nope,” Aizawa won’t even let Midnight finish her thought.
-Deciding that it was too noisy, the little girl tugs at one of Aizawa’s pant legs.
-He knows that she wants to go to a more quiet and secluded place, so he gently picks her up and takes her away from the other two.
-”Hey, where you going?” Mic asks. He’s easily ignored.
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v3nusxsky · 5 months
dom!lesso x dom!larissa x sub!reader smut plzzz maybe some angst ending in smut and fluff idk
Trapped in the chains of lust 18+
*Authors note~ back with another installment. I apologise for the delay but I’m now done with assignments just have a few more weeks left of university:)*
Trigger warnings~ dom (daddy/puppy) leaning switch lesso dom (mommy) larissa sub (baby girl) reader angsty ending oral (LW) fingering (R) thigh riding (LL) watching two people have sex overstimulation (r) strap on (LL-R) hair pulling praise kink marking kink degrading kink breast worship (R-LW) oral fixation eluded too
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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Returning to Nevermore was an odd feeling, home, you hadn’t really had a home. Somewhere to feel safe and content in a while. Perhaps it’s because Nevermore is a school or perhaps it’s the woman you enter with. As soon as the thoughts claw their way into your mind you immediately slammed the barriers back up. Not here. Not now. Thankfully Larissa seemed to engrossed in the road and her own mind to notice the shift in behaviour so much so that you now lay with your head on her chest as she slept peacefully.
The scent of vanilla hit you as you nuzzled into the older woman’s neck, feelings of warmth and safety crashing into you like a tidal wave. In her slumber the blonde moved her arm to hold you closer to your chest and let out a tiny sigh of contentment. Yet you still feel a longing, a missing peace and you quickly identify that as your boss. With the raven haired club owner wrapped around you both, the night would’ve been perfect. But instead the space for her remains cold, for now, you trust Larissa and her plan so for now all you can do is cling to the warmth and love she showers you in and drift off into the darkness of sleep.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Leonora was recalling her encounter with the soft spoken principal. Her words running round her brain continuously, conflicting emotions causing the woman to be restless and feeling rather sea sick. Her slender fingers tracing the marking Larissa left her with. A foreign feeling of being wanted and angry swirling together at the blatantly obvious intent to own her. Dominance rising over everything else, how could Lesso be so weak? She never let anyone as much as leave a fingernail mark, absolutely not a hickey and yet she sat her branded with Larissa’s beautiful penmanship on her body. No man, woman or goddess would get away with this.
Blinking rapidly, you lost the pleasurable blanket of sleep due to an annoying melody blearing around Larissa’s quarters. When the haze cleared you immediately recognised the tone, Lesso, so ever so gently you fought your way out of the shifters grip to answer the call. Your boss hated when her dancers didn’t answer the call and made sure to install fear of her wrath. A wrath you had unknowingly signed up for.
“Leo?” You muttered, sleep still clinging to your words. It’s only then you caught the early hour, “it’s four in the morning, what on earth could you possibly want?” It was your gasp of realisation that cause your companion to stir awake.
“You” the line appeared to be dead, “and her” she practically growled the last two words. Clearly you’d missed a few chapters yesterday while at work. But it was weird how no one saw your boss lurking around yesterday and Larissa seeming stuck in her own head last night. A quick glance at your now smirking lover and it all became clear.
“Leo-I “ you started only to be cut off with her rough voice, “I don’t want to hear it! You her and me at rest your souls, this evening, six sharp” before hanging up the phone. A poor bewildered you and a curious blonde left to put the puzzle pieces together. Obviously you knew where you were going, the hotel being very popular for the dancers and clients to use as it was on the same street as the club.
“What happened dove? It’s much too early for you to be awake sweet girl? What did the lion want?” The blonde murmured gently, moving to press a sweet kiss to your shoulder blade in a hope you’d come out of your mind. “Us meeting her at “Rest Your Souls” tonight at six pm” you reiterated still trying to process what on earth caused such a reaction for the raven haired woman. “What happened tonight Rissa?”
From there you and Larissa snuggled back into bed as she filled you in on her “chat” with your boss. She explained how it was all part of the plan and well she couldn’t let anyone treat her sweet girl the way that woman had. She needed to be taught a lesson. And Larissa was more than content to do so. “Sleep baby girl, you’ll have your answer tomorrow evening on if she’ll join us on this beautiful adventure. For now my darling sleep, I’m right here” she murmured disguising a yawn as her hand stroked patterns on the exposed skin of your arm, lulling you into sleep once again.
After the phone call, Leonora found herself still unable to sleep, despite concocting the plan for revenge, to free herself from whatever spell you’d put her under, she couldn’t quite let the pleasant feelings of wearing the principals marking go. Maybe she did want this. Maybe. But if there’s one thing the woman knows is what she’s been told since she was young, “evil doesn’t get love, only the good get love” and she knew very well what category she resided in.
Thanks to the text from the other woman you and Larissa easily located the room 436 and got settled inside. Consistently tapping the heel of your foot to the ground as you sat on the edge of the bed, drowning in your anxious state, you couldn’t help but draw up multiple ways this would play out, all while Larissa looks as composed and unphased as ever. “Sweet girl, you don’t need to be nervous you know I’m right here with you. You’re safe love” she murmured to you gently placing a hand on your knee to stop the movement. You snapped your eyes up to meet her cyan coloured irises, the love swarming in them helping to comfort you slightly.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. The tell-tell sigh of someone unlocking the door ripped through the little bubble you two had unknowingly created and revealed a very pissed off Lesso. It’s almost as if time froze, your gaze flickering between both women as Larissa stood up to confront your boss. Only to be such down with the bang of the woman’s cane, “shut up!”
You couldn’t help the whimper of fear that you failed to hide, both pairs of eyes now raking over your form, you seemed small now, curling up into yourself and shaking. “ I call the shots now. You showed me what you can do, let’s see what we can do… together” the command clear, causing Larissa to smile warmly at you in reassurance. “You pup are pushing it today hmm? Why don’t you ask the poor girl if she wants that?”
With a small grunt of pain your boss knelt down in front of you. “Your hurt” you gasped in shock knowing of her knee injury a few years ago. “I’m fine. Can we play with you sweetheart?” She seemed to be softer now, the Leonora you had originally met at your interview returning right in front of you. Reminding you why you were so attracted to her. You gave a small nod of your head causing Larissa to speak up, “baby girl, words for mommy.”
“And daddy” lesso chirped up as she moved to stand again. Daddy? Well that was not expected. You’d always imagined she’d go with mistress. And why did Larissa call her pup, unless she was a switch. Oh. They’d both be dominant if you agreed. That realisation had you agreeing verbally in no time. From there you all seemed to slip into your roles with an almost perfect ease.
The raven haired woman immediately took to bossing you and larissa into losing the clothing, demanding she get to watch you start of pleading your mommy. The free rein leading you to kiss, suck, lick and nip her sensitive breasts making sure to drag your teeth over her pert nipples while her slender fingers gripped your hair. “Oh aren’t you so precious dove? You really love your mommy’s tits hm?” A muffled mhm was all you offered before bringing one of your hands to caress the neglected breast.
“So fucking pretty for me” she mumbled appreciatively, committing the sight to memory. “Oh Leo, I bet our baby girl is soaked just from this” Larissa panted for gently tugging your head away from her sensitive breasts. “Good girl baby, mommy needs you else where sweet girl” she chuckled at your whines in protest. “Don’t whine sweet dove, how about you make mommy feel good while daddy takes care of you hmm?”
Not needing to be told twice you immediately set to work kissing, sucking and nipping her pillowy thighs before diving into her soaked cunt. “Such a greedy girl” the raven haired woman muttered before moving your hips up allowing her access to your soaked core. “All for us dove?” She teased just trailing through the conspicuous amounts of slick there. “I think someone’s been wanting this for a while” Larissa panted causing you to suckle on her rock hard clit in agreement.
Feeling the woman slipping two fingers into your tight little hole caused you to moan into the blondes core creating even more pleasure for everyone In the room, you hardly had time to process that you were living your dream only focusing on pleasing both the women. Maybe if you did a good enough job this wouldn’t be the time you got them like this.
Leonora happily took orgasms after orgasm from you, now having a little taste it was clear you were an addiction that wouldn’t ever leave her. What was more intimate was she was also enjoying pleasing the principal, her moans of pleasure equally effecting the club owner. As talented as she is, her hand does cramp so after three effortless orgasms and a significantly drenched hand she removes herself form you both to remover her black trousers.
“Oh sweet girl, I think daddy has something you want” Larissa breathlessly teased as she fought to slow her breathing. God you were good at that. Eating her out like a starved kitten, the dumb smile plastered on your lips highlighting how pussy drunk you were. In fact, she needs to see you this way again, pupils blown wide, drunk on her pussy and happy with both your loves. It’s a must. A need. And most definitely a want.
It was your squeak of pained pleasure that pulled her from her mind, while she’d been distracted, the other woman had yanked you to the side of the bed and bent you over it before wetting her faux dick and slamming into you. The sight truly majestic and incredibly hot to watch. By now you were so far down in your submissive haze all you could do is reach for the blondes fingers and happily begin to suck on them, becoming more pliant to the rough fucking you were receiving. Any words long since stopped registering with you, but larissa could see how wound up Leonora was getting.
“Fucking dirty slut wanting daddy and mommy. Such a good little whore just taking everything I give you” she growled fighting harder to bring you over the edge again and again only stopping when you begged for mercy. Only then did she let up. Fully prepared for the night to end until she realised Larissa had other plans.
After getting you completely comfortable on the bed with the perfect view the blonde moved to the chair in the room, it wasn’t her office chair but it would do and commanded her pup to come and get her pleasure. “Poor puppy” she mumbled to lesso with faux sympathy, “no one’s made you feel good huh pup? Mommy can fix it, just say please.”
If you held more coherent thoughts behind your eyes you would’ve enjoyed the stand-off between the two women, battling for dominance, instead looking on with a goofy smile, “mommy please daddy good” was all you managed to form. “Sweet girl wants daddy to cum Leo, so what do you do?” Only then did she mutter a half hearted please. “Come here. Now.” She demanded and immediately took a hold of the raven haired woman’s hips to guide the movements with a dizzying amount of pressure. It was no surprise that the smaller of the women was falling apart in a matter of minutes, drenching the older woman’s toned thigh with ease. “God what a clear puppy you are” she praised before helping Leo back to the bed to join you.
During the show, your hand has made its way back to your mouth as you contentedly sucked on them. A dreamy far away look plastered on your beautiful features, one Larissa couldn’t help but admire until she heard movement around the room. “Leonora?”
“What” she snapped looking for one of her chains that must have fallen off on the ground. “What are you doing?” Larissa questioned although it was obvious. She was leaving. “This was a mistake. I can’t do this. I don’t want it.” A pregnant pause took over the room until you whimpered sensing the tension between them. “Cuddle?” You mumbled around your fingers still down deep into the submissive headspace.
“ I think you’re just afraid to let yourself be happy, to be loved, to feel wanted. And now you have those marks to remind you that if you walk out that door now, you lost a sweet girl who wants to give you the universe and a willing partner able to state all your needs. Your choice Lesso. But I choose her.” Larissa’s words hung heavy in the air, the raven haired woman seemingly stuck in her tracks. What could she do? What should she do? And what does she want to do?
The slamming of the hotel door was enough of an answer, the loud noise causing you to cry from fear and not understanding what had just occurred. All you knew is she left. Again. Played with you and walked away like you were insignificant. Rubbish. Worth nothing like you’d been told all your life. Leaving Larissa to not only battle her own feelings on the situation but to administer aftercare and look after her baby girl. Lesso may have left you. But she wouldn’t. Never. She just had to make sure you know that.
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merci-bitch · 2 years
Boss Ass Bitch
Elaine Markinson x fem!reader
NSFW Alphabet
Warning(s): Well,NSFW warnings
A/N: I’ve gotten so many things in my inbox! It’s really lovely to see, and I haven’t forgotten about any of them, I’m starting from one end to another. I saw someone wanting something with Elaine so I tried my best! Haha, xx
Not my gif!
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- Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
If you’re someone she really loves and trusts, someone who’s taught her love. She’d actually be quite good with it. Making sure you’re alright, letting you cuddle to her side. She makes you drink water, and she might have some wine or whiskey herself afterwards. 
- Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She likes your hands. Your chest, and your ass. 
- Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Exhibitionism 👀
- Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Of course she’s got experience. Is that even a question?
- Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
She’s got big dick energy, and she loves when you decide to play cowgirl with her 👀
- Goofy (Are they more serious in the 
moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Well, she’s loose. I think. It’s quite hard to explain, Elaine is hard to explain lol. She’s a tease, a flirt. 
- Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
She’s almost completely bare. 
- Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
I think, when she finds that someone, and that someone being you, that she really loves and trusts. You’re like a price to her. She won you. She will do something special for anniversaries and your birthday. 
- Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Of course she does it. She would do it in her office, in her bathroom. She’d let you watch as she does it. Not letting you touch her. She’s a real tease.
- Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Daddy kink obv, orgasm denial, choking, spanking, exhibitionism, praises, 
- Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Her office bathroom? Her desk? 👀 and of course her own bed. 
- Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
She loves seeing you in a tight skirt. She’s a massive tease so she’d get you going in no time. She’s bored? Hm, she wants ti have a little special meeting with you. 
- NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Share you. She might be cocky, but you are hers. You’re her price and she’s not interested in giving it away to someone else. She wouldn’t do something you wouldn’t want to. She might be a bit of a bitch, but she respects your boundaries. 
- Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She makes a big deal out of her lipstick, and it being perfect at all times, but that wouldn’t stop her from going down on you, teasing you. Although, she loves having you underneath her desk. 
- Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It’s rough, she’d only go gentle on special occasions. Teasingly slow… enough ti kill you 👀
- Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
All the time. 
- Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
She’s always taking risks. Have you seen her job? Or her in general ?
- Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
She can last for many rounds, she’ll be the one to tire you out. 
- Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She’s got a box. Free to pick your choice. 
- Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh she’s unfair. So unfair. Just like Lesso. She’s so unfair it’s unfair. 
- Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
She’s not the loudest, but she will let out a scream/cry here and there. 
- Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
She’s a wild one indeed. She once let you control her vibration panties during a meeting. It wasn’t the most important one, but she most very had fun. 
- X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Lacy underwear, lingerie. 
- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s high. Very high. 
- ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She doses off pretty quickly, but not before making sure you’re okay. 
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mull3ts · 4 years
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; Just like you learned not to argue with Dilf! Johnny, you shouldn’t do the same to Dilf! Jaehyun, but just don’t make Dilf! Jaehyun upset
⚠ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Dilf! Jaehyun, Smut, Bondage, Slapping, Choking, Crying, slight Daddy kink
𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐲? | yes, ik I missed this day :) 
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You jumped when the front door slammed shut when the one and only Mr. Jung Jaehyun entered the house. Well, someone was mad and you didn't know why. 
It was that kind of slam to hurt your ears.
You heard Mr. Jung sigh, “Y/N”. He was leaning against the couch, hands digging into the back of the couch, looking at you as if you were his prey. In his world, you are his prey. 
You hummed in response glancing up at him before refocusing on something that seemed much more important than Mr. Jung Jaehyun himself. He felt his blood boil. “I want you on my bed with no panties by the time I get back, or it’s straight to Yuta for a week again.”
And straight to his bed you went removing your panties, throwing them somewhere in his room. You didn’t want to go to Mr. Nakamoto ever again, in a summary he didn’t let you cum for a whole week. You hate him, but now you sat waiting for Mr. Jung impatiently on his bed and sighed when he finally showed up. You could tell something was bothering him from the way he slightly kicked your panties on the floor out of his way, and basically ripped the rest of your clothes off. “Give me your hands” he said, no niceness lingering in his voice, you complied watching as he wrapped his belt around your wrists. He shoved you on your back, spreading your legs apart, wrapping his hand around your neck and inched his dick in you. “I better not hear a sound come out of you, understand?”
You nodded, but let a little “ow” escape your lips. Mr. Jung slapped you straight in the face causing you to tear up a little from the sting, “I told you to shut up, didn’t I?”. 
Mr. Jung could tell he fucked you through two orgasms but didn’t care much, he liked seeing you weak against him. He grabbed on the free space of his belt that was connected to your wrists, pulling you up closer to him. “You know why I’m doing this right?” 
You nodded, “T-to teach me a l-lesso-n-n” you whimpered brokenly through your tears. Mr. Jung pulled out, zipping up his pants and kissed your cheek that he slapped. “Mhm, exactly.” He reached in his closet, getting another belt to use for his dress pants.
Mr. Jung kissed you again, emphasizing the mwah before leaving you in his room with your hands still tied and with no clothing whatsoever other than his old button up shirt that wasn’t even buttoned up. 
“That’s what you get for going on a date with my son. You’re only Mr. Jung Jaehyun’s property, you’re only Daddy’s.” 
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𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @strangeduckvoid​ @dilfjsuh​ @krispysun​  @rollypollypoing​ @bubudays​ @joh--pping​ @johnmarksbb   @changbinswifu​ @yutaalove​ @floweringtheflowers-deactivated @huangvibez​  @ncteaxhoe​ @elizabethanlady​​ @heiressworths​​ @minaringmien​
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