#Daesh ISIS Terrorism
davidaugust · 6 months
putin tries to reframe real threats to the russian people as his threats of choice.
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tamamita · 11 months
how is isis different from hamas?
Gonna make it easy and comprehensible:
ISIS or DA'ISH is a transnational terror organization consisting of Iraqi Baathists, former Syrian rebels or moderates, recruited fighters from all over the world, former US captives in Iraq, and oppressed and disenfranchised Sunnis. Wahhabi in nature, ISIS subscribes to the literalist tradition of Islam, based on a strict adherence to Tawhid (Islamic monotheism), rejecting the concept of intercession and saint venerations, seeing them as an act of idolatry. Their religious verdicts are based on the literal interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunnah, rejecting metaphorical exegesis. They aim to establish a global caliphate, seeking to eliminate anyone who opposses it regardless of religious or ideological differences. They see their cause as a hastening of various Islamic end time prophecies in their interpretation of Islamic eschatology. Like many Salafis, they reject Taqlid, which is to conform to one of the four schools of thought in Sunni Islam. On top of that, they reject religious innovations (Bid'ah), which is the idea that anything introduced to the religion without any religious basis is heresy. Whether it be practical or theological, they deem any Muslim who engage in Bid'ah to be an apostate or heretic. They are notorious for their intolerance of non-Muslims and application of Takfirism (excommunication) on Muslims, whether Sunni or Shi'a. Christians had to pay the Jizya (poll tax) in their territories, while in other cases, they were murdered, expelled and had their churches destroyed or converted. They have no tolerance for Shi'a Muslims and will kill them on the spot (see: Speicher Massacre), and have often targeted them with IEDs or suicide bombers. Non-Muslims, like the Ezidis or Ahlul Haqq, were often subjected to execution whereas their women and children were either married away, converted or used as sex slaves. DAESH is not interested in national liberation, seeing it as a blasphemous innovation. DAESH does not consider Hamas to be Muslims due to struggle for national liberation which is supported by Iran and various Shi'i proxies.
Hamas is a political and military resistance group that consists of Palestinians. After the failures of the Oslo accord, Hamas broke away from PLO and formed their own political party. They either subscribe to the Shafi'i school of thought or some form of Ikhwani Salafism (Salafism as envisioned by the Muslim Brotherhood). They're a semi-governmental power in Gaza and are responsible for upholding the social and civil institutions, such as hospitals, schools and etc. Hamas' specific aim is localized and seeks to destroy the Zionist entity in order to form a one-state solution under an Islamic emirate or Islamic democracy. Their only enemy is Israel and any of its allies. As of the Hamas charter of 2017, they do not have an intolerance for non-Muslims or people of different religious and ideological comportments, as seen by them holding ties with both Shi'a and Socialist militias, such as Hezbollah and the PFLP/DFLP. Hamas is concerned with the national liberation of Palestine and the Palestinians. Being an entirely localized resistance group, they do not engage in global jihadism like ISIS nor do they carry out attacks internationally.
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elumish · 7 months
In the wake of what's going on in the world, I see a lot of rhetoric that basically boils down to the idea that everyone has a responsibility to watch every bad thing that's going on in the world all the time. That awareness itself is a responsibility that everyone has always.
I'm not going to say that people do or don't have a responsibility to be aware of things, but I want to talk about how to take care of yourself and others while doing so.
For some context, I spent close to a year and a half reading about every terrorist attack in the world as part of my work on the Global Terrorism Database. It was 2015/2016, so this was the height of ISIS/Daesh, it was a major time for Boko Haram, and it was when there was a lot of political violence that we weren't sure how to classify in places like Yemen, Crimea, and Libya (stuff the GTD didn't know how to classify had all of is information recorded, and then it went into purgatory until someone above my paygrade decided what to do with it). What this means is that I was spending 10-20 hours a week reading about hundreds or thousands of attacks a month and, in my case, recording infomation about the type of attack and the type of weapon. Much of my life was reading terrible things.
Limit what you do in isolation. One of the worst changes for me during that time, mental health-wise (even though it was great for my commute) was when I went from working in-person to working remotely. With other people, there are ways to diffuse the pain. A burden shared is a burden halved and all that. That may mean talking about it, or joking about it, or finding some other way to engage with it that isn't just reading about the most horrible things in the world and then stewing in your own thoughts about them.
Find something to do that's totally unrelated. I highly recommend finding something to do with your hands, if you can (knitting, Lego, cooking, whatever), but regardless of what it is, you should have some time when you entirely switch away to something different. During a fair amount of my time with the GTD, I was also doing my undergrad thesis about terrorism on TV, so a huge amount of my life was about terrorism in some way. The only other thing I watched was Great British Bake Off, and I would just rewatch the episodes, over and over.
Be compassionate about how you share information and with whom. Use trigger warnings, and consider using consistent tagging on places like Tumblr so people can blacklist it if they need to. Also consider whether it's appropriate or necessary to share photos of bodies or other results of horrible violence. What is it accomplishing, to show that? Can that goal be accomplished other ways that don't require the equivalent of jumpscares of unexpected photos of dead or brutalized people? Are you just showing it because you think that everyone should have to see it? If you are showing it, are there ways to mitigate against harm it may do?
Do what you can to avoid an echo chamber. Sometimes, when everyone around you is upset or angry about the same thing, it just amplifies itself, and you all get angrier and more upset in perpetuity without accomplishing anything.
Work towards action. Watching terrible things happen for the sake of saying that you haven't looked away isn't as meaningful as taking action in some way. Write to your Congressperson. Donate. Do whatever is appropriate for the thing you want to stop. But penance via watching terrible things happen doesn't accomplish anything.
Recognize compassion fatigue and do what you can to mitigate it. If you spend long enough doing this, you start to lose context, and you start to become less able to have compassion about things. If you're reading about attacks with dozens or hundreds of deaths regularly, five can start to not seem like that many. If you're reading only about the worst suffering in the world, "lesser" suffering of those around you can start to seem unimportant and petty. Do what you can to mitigate that.
Be kind to yourself. You do nobody any good if you burn out. Look away, if you need to. Take a break. Do things so you can enjoy life, because otherwise you are just another person suffering in the world. Other people's pain isn't a hair shirt for you to wear.
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workersolidarity · 8 months
[📹 Footage from the moment Iran's missile launch struck the headquarters for Israel's secret services, known globally as the Mossad.]
🇮🇷⚔️🇮🇱 🚀💥 🚨
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. (IRGC) of Iran targeted the headquarters of Israel's secret services, known globally as the Mossad, as well as several other positions of "terrorists" in Syria, with missile strikes, according to the Iranian Foreign Ministry.
“The action was in defense of the country’s sovereignty and security, and countering terrorism, and was a part of the Islamic Republic’s just punishment against violators of the country’s security,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kan'ani said in a statement.
“The Islamic Republic has always supported peace, stability, and security in the region and respected other countries' sovereignty, nonetheless, Tehran will not hesitate to exercise its legitimate and legal right to deter all sources of threats against its national security, defend its citizens and punish the criminals,” Kan’ani added.
In his statement, Kan'ani said that the recent terrorist attacks inside Iran were a result of a "miscalculation by the enemy" and that the IRGC launched "a targeted operation" targeting terrorists with "precise projectiles" after identifying their positions.
“Terrorism is a global threat, and Iran is determined to counter-terrorism within the framework of joint regional and international cooperation,” Kan’ani said about the strikes.
According to the IRGC statement, Iran said it fired several barrages of ballistic missiles at the bases of terrorists inside Syria, who were involved in recent attacks in Iran, in addition to targeting the headquarters of Israel's spy center in Iraqi Kurdistan.
The IRGC said its first missile targeted a gathering of commanders of terrorist cells that conducted the operations in Kerman and Rask, adding that the strike was launched as a result of information gathering on the Daesh takfiri terrorist group, known in the West as ISIS or ISIL.
The IRGC also said that a second missile strike targeted the main espionage center for Israel's Mossad secret services, and added that the strike resulted in the complete destruction of the Mossad headquarters there.
Iran says that the Mossad headquarters were used to "develop espionage operations and plan acts of terrorism" across the region, and added the strike was in retaliation for the recent assassinations of Resistance commanders by the Zionist entity.
A separate strike also conducted last night targeted Azhi Amin, a former al-Qaeda affiliate who was reportedly killed in the Iranian strike.
IRGC Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of Iran's Aerospace Forces told Press TV that approximately two dozen missiles were launched from three different Iranian provinces.
Four Kheibar-Shekan missiles were launched from southern Khuzastan towards Syria's Idlib Province, while four missiles were launched from Khermanshah region, and Seven others fired from East Azerbaijan towards the Mossad spy headquarters. In addition, nine missiles were launched towards various terrorist cells in Syria.
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October 15th 2023
The major Italian newspapers are flat out lying about the peaceful pro-Palestine march that happened yesterday in Milan.
They describe it as attended by relatively few Palestinians, and the bulk of the protesters being "Arabs from North Africa" and "radical leftist fringes". The interviewed protesters - all brownTM - characterized as "Tunisian raised in Milan" and "resident of [italian town] from Egypt".
All of this to avoid saying the word "Italian".
The march was full of Italians. We were all Italians, regardless of the other nationalities some people might also hold.
The press focused on the "veiled girls" which are one of the scariest thing to ever happened to the west. They completely ignored the sheer amount of FAMILIES with CHILDREN, both white and brown Italians, marching peacefully.
They claimed we "insulted Netanyahu" and "shouted anti-semitic slogans". Bibi was called a murderer, which is not an insult but an adjective that describes someone who does what he does. Israel was called criminal, fascist and genocidal, all things it manifestly is. Not a word was said against the Jews; it was often remarked by the organizers how this was not a matter of religion, how Palestinians ARE semites, and how Judaism =/= Zionism.
The press pretended there were no "true" italians at the march, all the while openly comparing Hamas to alQuaeda and Daesh (always Isis on their papers), criticizing the choice of holding the march "on Shabbat" as if that was an intentional choice and not an organizational necessity, and publishing interviews to the Israeli ambassador about how "other democratic countries banned these protest in favor of terrorism, why doesn't Italy?" with heavy implications that it's because italy is antisemitic. All the while equating Jew and Israeli, and claiming that Israelis feel unsafe in Europe because of the widespread pro-Palestine sentiment.
The march was criticized for the absence of peace flags and lack of "focus on the part of the organizers on the matter of peace."
Peace WAS discussed. The first day of peace will be the last day of the occupation.
As the organizers spoke, they received news that in that very moment a hospital in Gaza had been flattened. People were dying as we marched. An organizer, a girl named Filastin, lost her voice from crying out her people's pain and anger and commitment to justice, until someone else had to take over to lead a "free Palestine" chant.
As Filastin said, people in revolt are those whp write history. Intifada until victory.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Democratic Forces of Syria launch Operation Wrath of Euphrates to liberate Raqqa [UPDATES]
To our brave and patient people of Raqqa:
We in the General Command of Democratic Forces of Syria (SDF), bring our people in Raqqa the good news of launching this massive military campaign to liberate the city and its countryside from the Daesh (ISIS) terrorists, as the obscurantists have taken this city as capital for their so-called state, the campaign is launched on Saturday November 5, 2016, where Wrath of Euphrates Operations Room was formed for the liberation of the city, and in order to bring about the best collaboration among the participating groups in the battlefields facing Daesh…
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December 8th Affair Trial in France is Under Way
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Hey listeners, this mid-week release features the words of anarchists involved in or doing support for the December 8th Affair in France, in which 9 people were arrested at the end of 2020, following Movement for Black Lives protests took place around the world to challenge police impunity and racism. The French state is asserting, based on some pretty flimsy arguments, that 7 radical and anarchist folks were a part of a conspiracy to engage in terrorism based on their common connection to an activist recently returned from the supporting the YPG’s fight against Daesh or ISIS in Rojava. This activist goes by the name Libre Flot, or Free Flow, and he shares some words here as well.
Zine (Imposed PDF)
The court case runs from October 3rd until 27th and can use international solidairty demonstrations, support for those defending themselves, and more that you can find information below:
Support Site: https://solidaritytodecember8.wordpress.com/category/english/
Fundraising for Legal Fees: https://www.cotizup.com/soutien-8-12
Zine sharing Libre Flot's experiences in hunger strike: https://solidaritytodecember8.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/letter_a5_print-a4_045132-1.pdf
Zine introduction to the case: https://solidaritytodecember8.files.wordpress.com/2023/09/what-is-the-december-8-affair.pdf
. ... . ..
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Beef by Pete Rock from Soul Survivor Two (Instrumental)
Check out this episode!
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head-post · 14 days
Ukraine held talks with PKK to fight Russian troops in Syria
Ukrainian authorities cooperated with the PYD, a Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), to conduct covert operations against Russian forces in Syria, according to Aydınlık.
Ukraine also allegedly made contact with military personnel from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a Sunni Islamist political and armed organisation involved in the Syrian Civil War. According to the source, a Ukrainian delegation visited Idlib in recent months to meet with HTS leaders. Details of the meeting were also published on Lekolin, the analytical website of the PKK, an internationally recognised terrorist organisation.
According to Lekolin, the meeting in Idlib took place on 18 June 2024. The report said that the Ukrainian delegation met with Heysem Ömeri, one of the HTS leaders.
The delegation allegedly requested the release of known IS chief Abu Omar al-Shishani and some radical Chechen and Georgian fighters held in an HTS prison. In exchange for the release of the gang members, Kyiv reportedly offered 75 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Due to power rivalries and various disputes, HTS keeps a large number of radicalised militants in its prisons in Idlib. Some of them are Chechen and Georgian terrorists who fought against Russia in the 2000s and then travelled to Syria and joined the so-called jihad against the local authorities.
Omar al-Shishani, whom the Kyiv government recently asked to release, was a known “war minister” of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as ISIS, IS, or Daesh.
Ukraine’s interests in Africa
Kyiv, which started to experience a serious shortage of soldiers in its war with Russia, is known to be looking for new reinforcements for the frontline. According to Aydınlık, Ukraine first emptied its own prisons and then established close relations with the PKK.
Ukraine is also allegedly planning to train PKK militants to carry out attacks through Syrian groups in order to increase the costs and casualties of Russian forces operating in the region.
In August, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger appealed to the UN to take action against Ukraine for its “supporting terrorism,” as it was reported that the country was collaborating with local Tuareg rebels to destabilise the African region.
In early September, the Al-Qaeda unit operating in Burkina Faso claimed responsibility for an attack in Barsalogho, including on civilians. Before that, the spokesman of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) of Ukraine’s Defence Ministry, Andriy Yusov, stated that Ukraine supported a number of African groups, including Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), operating in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
Read more HERE
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xnewsinfo · 2 months
Pakistani safety forces have arrested three suspected terrorists, together with a “senior” ISIS commander within the nation’s Punjab province, police stated on August 3.The Anti-Terrorism Division (CTD) of Punjab Police stated in a press release that three Daesh (ISIS) terrorists have been arrested throughout an intelligence-based operation within the cities of Faisalabad, Jehlum and Chakwal.The CTD stated a "senior" ISIS commander, Abdul Wahab, was among the many arrested terrorists. The opposite two ISIS terrorists have been recognized as Saifullah and Khurram Abbas.“Explosives and weapons have been recovered from the suspects,” the assertion stated. The detainees have been taken to an undisclosed location for additional investigation.Final month, the CTD arrested 38 suspected terrorists, principally belonging to ISIS and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Punjab province.
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thefree-online · 4 months
Israeli military not a professional army; its ground incursions look like Daesh (ISIS) terror attacks
Israeli ground assaults in Gaza Strip reveal mass graves, war crimes publicized for fun, mass slaughter, human shield taking, and widespread torture. from thefreeonlne on May 13, 2024 by Robert Inlakesh at Al Mayadeen Although most modern armies have committed war crimes, the Israeli military does not operate like a professional force, but rather a collection of ill-disciplined racist militia…
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xtruss · 7 months
July 15: A Night Never To Be Forgotten
The 2016 failed coup attempt marks an important victory for the people of Turkey as it was the first time in the country's history that a military takeover failed and democracy triumphed.
— TRT World
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Photo: Associated Press!
It has been five years since military tanks rolled across the bridges over the Bosphorus Strait and fighter jets fired on Turkish civilians. July 15 marks the fifth anniversary of a failed coup attempt that has left a permanent mark on the collective psyche of Turkey, its politics and diplomacy.
Around 250 people, many of them civilians, were killed and at least 2,000 wounded, as they stood up to a renegade group of armed soldiers loyal to the FETO Terror Group. They came in armoured vehicles, unleashing machine guns against their fellow countrymen.
Anyone who was in Istanbul, Turkey’s biggest city and home to grandiose Ottoman palaces and beautiful mosques, will talk about the fear low-flying F-16 jets struck in their hearts as they zoomed past breaking the sound barrier.
But despite those fears, thousands poured out onto the streets of major cities, including the capital Ankara, because they would have none of it.
As it became apparent that a group of soldiers wanted to dislodge a democratically elected government, tens of thousands of Turkish people came out of their homes around midnight to protest against the coup attempt.
They fought at key locations of Istanbul and Ankara, confronting the putschists on bridges, outside the parliament building, and other significant locations. The protesters resisted with whatever they could get their hands on — rocks, sign-poles and even shoes. Shocking mobile phone recordings made rounds on social media: a civilian man was run over by a tank as he stood in front of it; a woman was shot dead in cold blood; police commandos including many female officers lost their lives defending their posts and headquarters.
The coup plotters bombed the parliament building in Ankara and made an attempt on the life of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who barely managed to survive what many consider was either an assassination or kidnapping plot.
In subsequent weeks after the coup failed, Turkish prosecutors gathered evidence confirming that the treason was instigated by the cult leader Fethullah Gulen, the Head of FETO Terror Group.
Turkey’s politics and history have been marred by multiple coups. Its first democratically elected leader, the former Prime Minister Adnan Menderes, was executed by the junta in 1961 — after the country’s first military coup.
By 2016, it was a different people a faction of the military was up against. The Turkish public had struggled hard for democracy and had seen its benefits in the shape of rapid economic development, infrastructure expansion, construction of subways and improvement in public transportation. The country had a lot at stake on the night of July 15.
Yet Turkey’s defiance in the face of adversity was not appreciated by some of its closest friends — governments that never tire of commemorating the Tank Man of Tiananmen Square conveniently ignored the sacrifice of Turkish civilians.
Turkey’s western allies, including its NATO partners, were too slow in condemning the coup — a fact that Joe Biden, who back then was US vice president, acknowledged during his visit to Turkey a month after the coup.
For Ankara, which played an important role in the fight against Daesh (ISIS) and took upon itself the daunting task of housing millions of Syrian refugees, the silence over the failed coup was nothing short of a betrayal.
In the months following the failed coup attempt as Turkish prosecutors and courts began charging the putschists, some European lawmakers started raising concerns regarding the rights of the accused. This further infuriated the Turkish leadership.
It was around that time Turkey recalibrated its foreign policy and Ankara began to rebalance its ties with Moscow.
The US, which is Turkey's traditional ally since the end of World War II, did little to investigate Gulen, who continues to live in the state of Pennsylvania, his vast network of businesses in the US undeterred.
On its part, Turkey says it has provided all the needed evidence to Washington to start legal proceedings against the FETO leader.
Despite the lack of support from Western allies, the Turkish people displayed a remarkable resolve in defending their democracy.
For millions of Turks to rise up in such an unprecedented manner against mutinous soldiers meant they have collectively sent out a message: one that says never again!
Halil Kantarci, a Young Turk Who Gave His Life to Stop July 15 Coup Attempt
Resisting a military junta in the 1997 coup, Kantarci was imprisoned at 16 and released nine years later. He always stood for the country's religious freedom.
— TRT World
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Halil Kantarci
A few hours before the military coup unfolded in Türkiye on July 15, 2016, Halil Kantarci posted a selfie on Twitter which showed him with a cigarette dangling from his lips.
The caption read: "If I die, remember me like this".
Ölürsem beni böyle hatırlayın, üzülmezsiniz. pic.twitter.com/nbzpxgvzF8 — Halil Kantarcı (@halilkantarci) July 15, 2016
Soon after tweeting, he heard a loud noise outside and learned the country was in danger of falling prey to a military takeover. Paying no heed to his wife's pleas — she wanted him to stay indoors — he ran out on the street to join the resistance.
The rogue soldiers, who were out on a rampage following the orders of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), shot 36-year-old Kantarci dead.
The coup attempt was defeated on the same night. For the first time in the country's post-War history, Turkish citizens saved their democracy from a violent takeover. Kantarci was among 251 fellow Turks who were mercilessly gunned down by the putschists.
But Kantarci's short lifetime is representative of Türkiye's turbulent past. He came of age as a prisoner of conscience. In 1997, at the age of 16, he received a death penalty on the charges of being associated with the National Youth Foundation, which supported deposed Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan’s Welfare Party. The death sentence was served by a military junta as the Erbakan-led government was toppled the same year in what became known as Türkiye's postmodern coup given that it was a non-violent takeover.
Prior to the coup, Kantarci had had several run-ins with the military. He was first detained in 1995 while he was returning from an Erdogan rally in Istanbul’s Kagithane district. Erdogan was then the mayor of Istanbul, and he was a strong supporter of Erbakan.
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People attend a ceremony marking the second anniversary of the attempted coup at the July 15 Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey, July 15, 2018.
A few days later, he was released. Within a year, however, he was detained again for participating in a protest that demanded the conversion of the Hagia Sophia museum into a mosque, a deeply sensitive demand in Turkish politics that was eventually met on July 24, 2020.
With the unfolding of the 1997 post-modern coup, the Turkish military arrested him again, citing the charges of his previous detentions. This time, he was handed a death penalty - though it was later overturned on the grounds of clemency and altered to a 9-year-long prison stay.
"They did not have any solid reason to imprison Halil (Kantarci) but they still put him in jail for 9 years. They merged his previous detentions to hand him a tough sentence," said Tayyar Tercan, a friend of Kantarci.
Like Kantarci, many public servants and civilians were victimised on the charges of being Erbakan supporters. Tens of thousands were sacked from their jobs and sent to prison. Women who wore headscarves were denied education as the dress code did not fit the definition of secularism espoused by the military leadership of that time. The coup, therefore, was the only way for them to remove the conservative prime minister Erbakan from power and protect secularism, a way of life propagated by the military elite of that time.
The consequences of the events of February 28 linger because unfinished trials are still ongoing.
During the imprisonment, Kantarci was repeatedly tortured, says Murat Koparan, one of his another close friends.
"Kantarci and other political detainees went on a strike for a month because the authorities were refusing them prayer rugs," he told TRT World.
"The prison officers who openly supported FETO leader Gulen and advocated his views did not like Kantarci. To break his will, they forcibly cut his hair. He used to have long hair back then," according to him.
The incident left a deep impact on Kantarci's psychology. Nine years after he was freed, Kantarci did not like visiting barber shops. The sight of scissors in a stranger's hand made him anxious. "He got his haircut only two to three times a year," Koparan said.
As the FETO terror network gained ground in Türkiye, it began to target its most fervent critics. Kantarci was one of them and his anti-FETO image landed him on the terror group's hit list, according to him.
"Kantarci knew that he was on FETO's execution list for a long time."
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Fethullah Gulen, the Head of FETO Terror Group, living in Pennsylvania, USA
As his teenage imprisonment disrupted his education, he dropped out of school. "But he did not give up on reading. He read a lot in jail. He was an avid reader of history, and philosophy. He improved his writing and oratory skills, which helped him as a social activist."
Kantarci came from a family of goldsmiths. He joined his father's business after his imprisonment.
On the night of the July 15 coup, he resisted the rogue soldiers near the Cengelkoy police station, which was raided by FETO-linked soldiers.
Before stepping out of his house, he kissed his three children and hugged his wife, who never ceased to insist he ought to remain at home. He told her that if something untoward were to happen to him, on a night such as that, it would happen regardless of his whereabouts.
He was shot twice. Kadir Kantarci recalled his brother Halil Kantarci's last words. “I love my wife and children and I entrust them to the Ummah (community).”
Turkish NGOs started a campaign to fund an orphanage in Sri Lanka and named it after Kantarci. A kindergarten in Istanbul's Uskudar district and a Muslim seminary in Izmir province were also named after him.
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Turkish security forces capture so-called bomb expert of Daesh/ISIS terror group in Istanbul
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msclaritea · 11 months
ISIS and the Palestinian issue
It has been more than a week since Israel wreaked havoc on Palestinians.
From China and Russia to Iran and many other non-Islamic countries, they condemned the cruelty and brutality of Israel. Even the United Nations, which was created by the United States and the Jews, condemned Israel's actions and genocide.
In Islamic countries, some have directly and others have indirectly asked for this war to stop.
Several countries, such as England, France, America, Germany, Japan, and a few others, supported this war.
The only party and group that considers itself more committed to Muslims and Islam, and claims the caliphate, is the ISIS group. They remain silent on the war in Palestine and have not shown any reaction, nor will they, because ISIS holds the belief that every Muslim who does not follow their way and thoughts is either not a true Muslim or merely a Muslim in name, even if they believe in Allah S.W.T.
Many people have these questions:
Why is ISIS not helping the Palestinians?
Why is ISIS not attacking Israel?
Why is ISIS only fighting with those who are involved in face-to-face engagement with America and Europe?
Why is ISIS killing Muslims?
Why is ISIS silent on the oppression and brutality of Israel, while they call themselves the claimants of the caliphate?
These and many other similar questions are what we hear every day, or young people ask each other on social media and at meetings.
We are attempting to answer these questions based on the perspectives of ISIS and other individuals.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the slain leader of ISIS, once said, "We will turn Palestine into a cemetery for the Jews." However, it was not long before his speech was contradicted by the ISIS spokesman at the time, Nedhal Alnusairi, who stated, "The liberation of Palestine and the issue of Palestine are not among the priorities of the ISIS caliphate."
Nedhal Alnusairi spoke the truth because the issue of Palestine is not one of their priorities. However, it is one of the priorities of Daesh, who believe that hypocrites and apostates should be killed before infidels and Jews, according to them.
Because ISIS holds the belief that we must eliminate the hypocrites and apostates before we can target the infidels.
In the eyes of ISIS, every Muslim who does not pledge allegiance to the self-proclaimed caliph of ISIS is considered a hypocrite and an apostate.
The ISIS caliphate believes that there is no other Muslim but ISIS.
Once, the Israeli journalist Yorghan said, "If ISIS dominates the Middle East and takes over, it will turn its attention to Europe instead of Israel."
This journalist's words are strong and appropriate because this news becomes even stronger and more reliable after the speech of the former Minister of Israel, Moshe Ya'alon (Moses), who said, "Iran is more dangerous to us than Daesh, and if someone asks me who is better, I can clearly tell them that Daesh is better than Iran and is in our favor."
There have been many documents and incidents suggesting secret connections between ISIS and Israel. This news is further supported by the fact that Daesh has declared war on the entire world. However, there is no official news or statement regarding their war against Israel.
Former Jordanian Minister of State, Mamdouh al-Abadi said in an interview ten years ago, "Jews and terrorism are two sides of the same coin, and be sure that the terrorist group ISIS will never attack Israel."
According to Mamdouh al-Abadi, it has been a decade, but instead of reaching Israel, ISIS has wreaked havoc on Muslims in Iraq and Syria. Instead of going to Israel, which borders Syria, it has spread to faraway Africa and America.
France 24 TV published a report on August 23, 2017, in which the Minister of the Interior of Israel, Aryeh Deri, stated in a press conference that twenty Israeli citizens are affiliated with Daesh and are currently fighting in Syria and Iraq. The Israeli government is considering revoking the citizenship of these individuals.
The other news was that dozens of Jews from Russia had gone to Iraq and Syria to join ISIS and help them in the war.
If readers dare to search for news from 2014 and do a quick Google search, they will discover that dozens of wounded members of Daesh were taken to Israel for treatment. These individuals were treated for months in hospitals.
The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "They will fight with the Muslims, killing them, while leaving the infidels and idol worshippers alive."
Indeed, instead of fighting the Americans and their allies in Iraq and Syria, ISIS started attacking its own Muslims who were fighting against the Americans and their allies.
In this way, the oppressed Mujahideen, who were only fighting against the United States and its allies, became involved in two wars. This is how ISIS made the work of the Americans and Europeans easier.
In the same way, when the Taliban fought against America and NATO in Afghanistan, these false claimants of the caliphate instead of fighting against America and NATO, started their false jihad against the Taliban. They called them apostates, transgressors, and labeled them by different names.
There are numerous reasons and arguments that suggest ISIS is a project created by America and Israel, similar to Blackwater. However, the key distinction between Daesh and Blackwater lies in the religious affiliations of their members. Blackwater comprises Christians and Jews, while Daesh claims to be composed of Muslims.
ISIS is the same "Qaramtu" group of this current history and the last two centuries, whose sole purpose is to destroy Muslims and Islam, and to discredit the holy name of Islam and Jihad.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Israeli law enforcement has taken an urgent step in its fight against 'terrorist' financing, freezing cryptocurrency accounts associated with the Palestinian militant organization Hamas. The action follows a multi-faceted attack by Hamas on Israel over the weekend, escalating tensions into an all-out war, prompting Israel's defense minister to order a comprehensive blockade of the Gaza Strip. The operation to freeze these cryptocurrency assets was executed by the cyber division of Israel Police's Lahav 433 unit, in close collaboration with the country's defense ministry, intelligence agencies, and Binance. The frozen funds will be channeled into the Israeli national treasury. This move comes in the wake of a lawsuit filed against Binance’s CEO, Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, by the U.S. Commodities Futures and Trading Commission (CFTC) in March. The lawsuit alleged that the exchange was aware of "HAMAS transactions" taking place on its platform. Notably, Israeli authorities had previously taken action against approximately 190 Binance accounts, all with alleged links to various 'terrorist' groups, since 2021. The Israeli government has been actively targeting Binance accounts since 2021, alleging ties to terrorist organizations, most notably Hamas and Daesh (ISIS). These accounts were purportedly associated with individuals affiliated with these groups. Previously undisclosed documents from Israel's National Bureau for Counter-Terror Financing (NBCTF) have shed light on these operations. In January, the NBCTF seized cryptocurrency assets from two accounts suspected of having connections to Daesh, an organization classified as terrorist that's primarily active in Syria and Iraq. Additional government records dating back to 2021 indicated that more than 100 Binance accounts had alleged links to Hamas, the Palestinian militant organization that has engaged in numerous conflicts with the Israeli Defense Forces. The NBCTF, in justifying the confiscation of these assets, stated that it aimed to disrupt Daesh's operations and undermine its objectives. It is worth noting that under Israeli law, the defense minister possesses the authority to order the seizure of assets affiliated with designated terrorist organizations. Previously, Binance has faced mounting criticism regarding its anti-money laundering (AML) practices. Critics argue that the exchange's policies have inadvertently encouraged users to circumvent its AML controls. Reports suggest that since 2017, Binance has processed over $10 billion in payments associated with criminal enterprises and individuals seeking to evade U.S. sanctions.
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smartencyclopedia · 1 year
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