#Dal R'el
simplybybea · 2 days
I've reached mindwalk in star trek Prodigy and you just KNOW Kate Mulgrew had an absolute blast voicing Dal-as-Janeway 🤣🤣
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evviejo · 2 days
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STAR TREK: PRODIGY - S1E1-2 Lost and Found
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reginaldqueribundus · 11 months
Star Trek TOS: what if the captain was a slut who got in fights all the time and did whatever the hell he wanted and it all sort of worked out anyway
TNG: what if the captain drank tea and gave speeches instead
DS9: what if the captain was a single father and religious figure trying to hold onto his morals in the face of an existential threat
Voyager: what if the captain was trying to get her unruly scout troop back home and also she had a GUN
Enterprise: what if the captain was a massive dweeb
Kelvin timeline: what if the first guy was actually a horny frat boy
Disco: what if the captain was a cryptofascist? no wait, what if he was just sooooooo handsome, like so mind-meltingly handsome that is just feels unfair? wait, what if he was a deer? no actually what if she did whatever the hell she wanted, but also felt emotions about it?
Picard: what if the captain was a secondary character driven into solitude by his PTSD, and then we suddenly replaced him with some dipshit from Chicago
Lower Decks: what if the captain was your well-meaning perfectionist mother
Prodigy: what if the captain was a purple teenager
SNW: what if the captain was your dad
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stra-tek · 14 days
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geekysteven · 5 months
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This is her introduction to a group of child slaves while possessing the body of the one made from spare parts at the genetic engineering store. Maybe she just nonchalantly mentions this every time she meets someone new.
Borg Queen: Resistance is futile
Janeway: The swamp can't stop me and neither can you
Admiral Paris: Welcome back, Captain!
Janeway: Good to be home, hey listen, how excited are you about grandkids?
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princesscolumbia · 9 months
Star Trek Captains, A Review and Categorization
Star Trek is a show about a Neo-military organization that has rank structures, ships, and fights wars, so naturally there's plenty of captains to talk about, but for this post I'll be highlighting specifically the main cast captains, in something resembling chronological order. (But, I mean, this is Star Trek, so even that's kinda up in the air)
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Captain Archer
That Guy who had to hand crank the warp engine up-hill both ways in the blinding ion storm. We don't need no stinkin' Prime Directive! Remember The Alamo Pearl Harbor 9/11 Florida! But...uh, maybe don't be dicks about it, not everyone who looks like the ones responsible for that thing we're never going to forget actually wants us dead. Got transformed into an alien, got possessed by another alien, slept with a couple more. Never got pregnant, though (that was his chief engineer)
Ships commanded: 1
Wars started: 0
Wars ended: 3
Times on screen naked: 1
Nazi facilities destroyed: 1
Category: Grampa
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Captain Pike
Midlife crisis? What midlife crisis? Everything's fiiiiine. Now eat something, it'll make you feel better. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Number One, don't tell me I can't adopt more kids, I don't care that they're from the future they're mine now. Besides, we've already got a whole ship-full, what's two more?
Ships commanded: 2
Violations of the Temporal Prime Directive: -3 (yes, it's an irrational number, we're talking time travel, people!)
Musical Numbers Participated While On Duty: 3
Hair: Really Great
Category: Dad (or DILF if you swing that way)
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Captain Georgiou
You will be captain when you can snatch the stone from my hand.
Ships commanded: 1
Protege's who required a redemption arc: 1
Awesomeness: Transcendent
Category: Gone too soon, also, MILF who can kick your ass
(Edit: Courtesy of @cheer-me-up-scotty for pointing out an oversite on my part)
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Captain Burnham
Cosplays as a Vulcan 'cause she's jealous of her adoptive brother. Accurately called an audience-stand-in-self-insert-mary-sue (shut up, Star Trek fandom invented the Mary Sue, it was a term coined by women fans, so shut up!), but by season 2 she actually gets interesting.
Mommy Issues: Has a subscription
Moms: 4
PTSD inducing life events: Like, all of them
Ships commanded: 3
Mutinies led failed: 1
Category: That One Cousin who married surprisingly well and made something of herself in spite of all expectations
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Captain Kirk
Golden retriever energy, would be the Useless Bisexual Himbo if he didn't have so much game. Probably smarter than he lets on. Polyamory King and certified Alien Fucker. Boyfriend is a half-space-elf, main sometimes-girlfriend will go on to create the deadliest super-weapon ever built by humans by accident.
Number of Klingon Bounties on his head: [CLASSIFIED]
Number of women he's slept with: [CLASSIFIED]
Nazi regimes toppled: 1
Number of times he should have had a test that determines if you can stick your dick in it that got named after an upstart from that other science fiction show instead: 1
Ships Commanded: 3
Ships He's Stolen: 3
Category: Slut(affectionate)
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Captain Kirk (the other one)
Golden Retriever that got left behind when his family moved away and had to lead a ragtag team of a crotchety older dog and a wet cat on a journey...
No, wait, hold on...
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Right! That's the one!
Times he should have been kicked out of Starfleet: At least 4
Ships commanded: 3
Ground transport destroyed: 2 (that we know of)
Number of middle fingers given to Admiralty: 2
Category: Bad Boy
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Captain Picard
You know that guy who you see going to the library all the time and always seems to have his nose in a book and always seems to be telling people off for breaking the rules and doing dangerous shit? You'd never know it but he used to be That Guy in college who got, like, ALL the girls and is going to be the Hot Grampa that you don't know how he has that much game, but he got it.
Ships lost in the line of duty: 2
Number of times he married and then estranged his best friend's wife who named their son after her dead first husband: 1
Number of toxic omnipotent and omniscient boyfriends who are obsessed with him and spends their spare time playing with ponies: 1
Category: Inexplicable Sexyman
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Captain Badass Sisko
The Cool Dad with baggage. He's got game, but he's got priorities as well, and DON'T mess with his son or you won't even exist anymore to regret it. BLM before it was cool. Led a civil rights riot two centuries before he was born. Space Jesus who can make the best jambalaya you've ever had. Fought and won a war, punched a god, then became one.
Civilizations saved: 4
Native Cultures Treated With the Respect They Deserve: Many
Times He Bent the Rules so his CMO could get some nookie from a Cardasian spy plain, simple tailor: The counter broke
Successful black-ops assassinations completed: 1
Category: BAMF
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Captain Janeway
THE single most decorated captain in Starfleet history. Successfully dropped the hammer on dozens of petty tyrants, oppressive regimes, roaming mass murderers, and the Borg. What Prime Directive? Your Mom. Also, probably slept with your mom, that's how much she is the Domme-est of Dommes. She told the Borg to use the safe word...and they DID!
Borg Daughters: 1
Times she told the Borg to step off: 3 (or 4...or 5? Honestly, with the time travel shenanigans it's hard to know for sure)
Nazis she's personally shot: 1
Category: Mistress, but it's "Ma'am" to you
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Captain Freeman
She's angry AND disappointed! She's just as good as all the other captains in the fleet, and the good ones know it, but all the rest? They see "cali class" and assume all they're good for is the jobs nobody else wants. But jokes on them, because thanks to that attitude her crew are the flippin' Jacks and Jills of all trades and are more capable of fixing AND fucking AND "fucking" shit up than damn near anyone else!
Times the ship has nearly been destroyed but she and her crew got through it: ...uh...how many episodes are there? And then there's the times that get casual mentions that we never get the details on!
Daughters who should probably be captains now if they were at least a LITTLE more respectful and didn't actively try to piss off Admirals: 1
Times the Cerritos has had to be rebuilt to the point it might as well be called "The Ship of Cerritos Problem": At least 4
Category: Your mom...get back here, I'M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU!
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Captain R'El
Cinnamon Roll, just let m'boy into Starfleet! He just wants a home and a family! I'd like to see full-grown captains who can keep up with half of what this Best Boy is capable of!
Number of species his genetic code is made up of: All of 'em. Even the GODDAMN Q!
Number of Janeways he impressed the socks off of: 2
Quality of his Janeway impression: Bad
Number of Ferengi he out-Ferengi'd: 1
Nazis punched: Give him time...
Category: Teenage Boy Who's NOT GOING THROUGH A PHASE, MOM!
Should I do Captains Shaw and Seven? How about Alternate Timeline Tripp or Future Chakotay? (Going too far down that rabbit hole will eventually lead to Imperial Kirk and Captain Spock from the movies.) Let me know in the comments.
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
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Star Trek Prodigy "Dream Catcher"
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frostymj · 6 months
Okay, well, I had some time, so I made some fan promo images for fun. They may not be great quality, but if they're okay, feel free to post 'em everywhere.
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itberice · 7 days
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Star Trek: Prodigy I Lost and Found
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commandermeg · 1 month
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You're in for a treat - because I'm giving y'all TWO drawings in one evening! Here's the sketches I did of Dal as I warmed up. I just love how expressive he is.
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hyperpsychomaniac · 5 months
Star Trek Prodigy is great because they do all the Star Trek things (shitty admirals, first contact, Borg, the unwinable scenario training, the holodeck is broke along with its safety protocols, etc) but like they not starfleet... they just kids who found a starship, and they act accordingly.
Most of which plays out like:
Dal: yeah this problem doesn't concern us so let's deal with it by not dealing with it, riiiight?
Hologram janeway: 😑
Dal: Urgh, fiiine.
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evviejo · 5 months
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pixiedane · 1 year
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Paramount+ cancelled my purple son. AND they're removing season one from the service.
At this point all the streaming services appear to be in a contest to see which can disappoint its audience (and creators) the most.
Shareholders are what's wrong with everything everywhere but especially entertainment and especially streaming entertainment. Constant profit is unrealistic, unsustainable, and the enemy of art.
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stra-tek · 11 months
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The Prodigy crew, by Jason Meier, who is currently working on season two which we're all hoping gets released!
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geekysteven · 5 months
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mysticshadows13 · 5 months
I want all of you to go watch Prodigy.
You got the purple hot-headed daring adventurer, Dal R'el.
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You've got a shy, gentle, smart gal, Rok-Tahk
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You've got a loyal, stubborn dude who plays devil's advocate
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You got a curious, intelligent entity, Zero!
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You got a smart, kind gal, Gwyndala
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You got Murf.
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You got found family. You got action. You got friendship and love and support and emotions.
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