#Damien Wood
gaygalore · 6 months
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Mike Russo by Damien Wood via Instagram
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dessertbirb · 2 years
My most developed OC, Demi. Love this guy. <3
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philosophical · 11 months
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chaengluva · 3 months
Massive Deal [3]
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Regina George x Fem!Reader: (includes janis ‘ImI’ke x Fem!Reader)
3.6k Words: Part 3, Part 1, Part 2
Janis dropped you home, it was quite late so you weren't expecting anyone to be awake, you quietly opened the door, all the lights in the house were off which made you relax.  You take out your phone and turn the flashlight on, gasping in fear when you see the figure of your sister, she stands up to turn the light on and just stares into your eyes, leaving you confused. "I called Bella." She said, with a small smirk in her voice. 
You sighed deeply, rolling your eyes, "And?" You ask, "She said she wasn't with you." You go past her to walk up the stairs and into your room, but she grabs your wrist, stopping you from going any further, "Care to explain that?" You shake your head, "No actually, It's none of your business!" You say loudly, annoyed by how nosey she is. "It is! You're my younger sister and I need to protect you from gross boys!"
You rip your arm away from her grip, "I am fine on my own!" You say loudly before running upstairs and into your room. You just fall onto bed, not being bothered to change, you were annoyed at your sister for being so nosey, and also slightly annoyed at Bella for not covering for you.
Your eyelids start to slowly close, before you know it they are opening again but this time the bright sun is glaring into your room, making you squint your eyes. The first thing you do is check your phone, you see you have a few different messages from a few different people. 
You have two from Janis, one of them was from the night before, "I know you're probably asleep right now but I wanted to wish you goodnight." Then another one from this morning, "Good Morning! Can't wait to see you at school." You smile and blush at the text, you start typing a message back but you keep cringing at what you're saying so you end up only saying, "Morning! I fell asleep so quickly last night I didn't even see this message." 
You smile, seeing that she already saw it and typing but your heart drops when you get a text from Bella, "I'll be there at 5." You throw your phone down and quickly changed, wearing something super casual, you brush your hair, panicking because you don't have enough time to get ready, you couldn't do your makeup or eat any breakfast, you thought you had some time to spare as you were packing your back but then you heard Bella beep her horn, she wouldn't stop.
You let out a loud groan as you put your back around your shoulder and rush out, she is in her car, pretending to be asleep, making you roll your eyes. You open the door and sit in the passenger seat, Bella takes a quick look at you, giggling, "Damn you look like shit." You hit her shoulder, she quickly apologises and drives off.  
You feel your phone vibrate, you sit up slightly so you can pull it out of your back pocket, you look at the notification for a little bit, you were slightly confused but it was from Oliver, being very curious you open it, "Hi, can we talk before school today? Meet behind the bleachers." You look at Bella, then look back at your phone, texting back, "Sure, I'll see you there."
When Bella parks her car, she wants to walk into school with you, as you always do, "Sorry Bel, not today, I have to do something,  I'll see you in class!" With that you run off, going behind the belchers, you pull out your phone, going to text Oliver that you are here, before you're able to send it you feel someone tap your shoulder, you rapidly turn around, smiling when you face Oliver. "Hey." He smiles, "Hi." You smile back.
There was an awkward moment of silence, you were waiting for him to say something because he was the one that told you to come here. "So..." You start and he remembers what he was going to say, "Oh! Yeah! Um.. So I see you're close with Janis and I was wondering." He hesitates before saying, "Would you be able to.. Get me with Damien?" You were shocked with the question, you didn't expect him to like boys, but you didn't want to make a huge deal about it because you know if it was the other way around, you would hate it.
"Sure. I'll try my best." Oliver smiles brightly, giving you a hug, when he pulls away he stares at you, giggling, which makes you confused, "What's wrong?" You ask, he giggles again before saying, "Nothing! I just love your jacket." You smile, looking down at your outfit. You were wearing light washed jeans and a grey hoodie, the hoodie had an image of a dinosaur on it, it wasn't what you normally wear, you just threw on whatever you could find. "Thanks." You say happily, "I'm going to call you Dino from now on." Oliver tells you.
You chuckle quietly, "Okay." He smiles at you, "Bye Dino! I'll talk to you later," When he left, you started to feel a bit sad, you felt sad that he had the confidence to go up to people and tell them that he likes men, you only wished you could do that, you slowly walked to class, no one else was in the hallways because class started a few minutes ago, you weren't paying attention to where you were going, you bump into someone. You look to see who it is and you sigh in relief when you see that it's Janis. 
"Hey Y/n" She smiles waving slightly at you even though you're right next to each other, "Hi Janis." You smile back, trying to break the quietness, but only more silence happens after that, "Do you want to go out? On Friday night?" You smile, nodding your head, she was about to pull you in for a kiss but someone walked out, the two of you quickly pulled away, hoping they wouldn't notice, luckily they didn't and luckily it was Bella. 
"Janis! What If someone saw!" You exclaim loudly but not too loud where someone would be able to hear. You could see she rolled her eyes slightly but tried to hide it, "It was only Bella! She already knows!" You sigh, "It could have been someone else." You say, walking off with Bella trailing slowly behind you. 
When you walked off, Janis started to feel bad for what she said, she knew she had to respect you and if you weren't okay with coming out then that's fine. She pulled out her phone, sending a long message, "Hey Y/n, I'm sorry for what happened back there, I'm not used to hiding my sexuality but I need to respect your wishes, I will try harder from now on." 
A few seconds later after sending the text, she gets one back from you, smiling over reading what you sent. "That's okay, I'm just not ready to tell people I have a girlfriend." 
"You have a girlfriend?" Janis sends back, when you read over what she said, your eyes go wide and you feel the blush form on your cheeks, "Well, Do I?" When you message back, Janis starts typing as soon as you ask the question. The few seconds that she is typing feels like the longest seconds of your life. When the message finally goes through, you have a bright smile, but are still trying to hide it so no one gets suspicious.  "Yes. Yes you do Baby." 
Having a closested girlfriend was harder than Janis though, she knew it was going to be hard but she didn’t know it was going to be this hard. Despite the feeling inside her, all the moments she shared with you brushed away the feeling. It was late at night and the both of you couldn’t sleep.
You were tossing and turning in your bed, unsure of the time, it felt like you have been trying to fall asleep for hours, you reach out for your phone that is sitting on your bedside table, when you turn it on, your eyes squint at the bright light, you quickly turn the brightness down. Opening up your phone, you scroll until you get to Janis contact, you let out a loud yawn before you start typing.
“I can’t sleep, are you still up?” you send it and you honestly didn’t expect her to see it, so you turn your phone off and close your eyes, but only a few minutes later, you hear your phone vibrate, you quickly pick it up and check what the notification was, you smile brightly when you see it was from your girlfriend. “Yeah I’m up baby, only because I have this art project due, what are you doing up?” You smile at her reply, blushing at the pet name. “I can’t sleep.”
She saw the message instantly and was typing her response right away, “You should sneak out and come over.” You smile, the idea sounded amazing, it was Sunday tomorrow and your parents were away for the weekend, so it was perfect.
The only thing that was making you hesitate to go was you knew that your sister would be nosey about it, she would definitely spam you with messages wondering where you are, the more you thought about it, the more you didn’t care, you messaged her saying that you’ll be there in 20 minutes, which gave you enough time to get up and quietly go downstairs, get on your bike and ride to Janis’ house. 
Janis told you to climb through the bedroom window, luckily, her bedroom was on the bottom floor, you knocked quietly on the window, shortly after a happy Janis opened the window, allowing you to climb inside.
When you get inside, the two of you jump on her bed, holding each other close, you finally feel tired and you can feel yourself falling asleep, it only felt like a few minutes had passed but when you opened your eyes, the sun was out and janis was still asleep with her arms wrapped around tightly around you, pulling out your phone, you gasp and jump up when you see the time.
It’s 12pm and you have twenty messages from Gretchen and many missed calls, you kiss Janis’ forehead, not wanting to disturb her, you climb out the window, hopping on your bike and quickly pedal home. When you get there, Gretchen is death glaring at you, “Where were you?” she asks, sternly, you roll your eyes again, saying nothing you just stand there. “Don’t lie to me, just tell me.”
You know Bella wouldn’t cover for you, as you had figured out from last time, you take a deep breath before saying, “I was out will Oliver.” You hoped that if Gretchen called Oliver, he would cover for you, Grtechen smiled brightly and squealed loudly, jumping up and down. “Oh my god! That’s amazing! I'm going to call Regina.” She runs off to her room and you quickly pull your phone out.
You call Oliver and thankfully he picks up right away “Oliver, I had to pretend I was with you last night so if Gretchen or anyone asks, please say I was with you.” Olivier laughs before saying, “Y/n. Calm down, of course I will.” He says, making you sigh in relief, “Why do you need to lie about where you were?” Your heart drops, you gulp, “Reasons, thank you so much.”
You go upstairs and lay on your bed, scrolling on your phone through every social media app, you hear a knock on your door then it instantly opens, “I’m going out with Regina so tell Mom and Dad where I am,” She says, not looking up from her phone then leaving and not closing the door.
Around 30 minutes after she left, you got a message from Bella, “Hey Y/n, I was just wondering if you could send me the notes for Chem? You’re much smarter than me.” You giggle quietly, responding with, “Yeah sure but you owe me.” She leaves you on seen for a few minutes, then starts typing for a few more. “Can I ask you a question?” She asks, “Yeah sure, what’s up?” Bella starts typing again and it feels as if she is typing for ages. “Are you and Janis dating?”
You smile at the question, she is the only person you are out to so you feel comfortable telling her, “Yeah.” You respond, you smile when Bella responds. “I knew it! Omg that’s amazing.” 
You switch to text Janis telling her that you told Bella about your relationship, she said that she was proud of you, she asked if she could tell Damien, you sighed loudly before saying, “Yeah sure.” She started spamming random letters in all caps, showing that she was excited, you knew Damien would judge you but you were still feeling very worried, you were scared. 
You put your phone down and lie on your bed, you think about what it would be like if you came out, how your own sister would disown you, how everyone in the school would laugh at you.
The thought made your stomach drop, you laid on your stomach and shoved your face into the pillow, hiding the scared feeling inside you, you just cried and the tears never stopped, you eventually feel asleep.
You woke up to the sound of your Mom yelling your name, she was telling you to come downstairs because dinner was ready, you pushed yourself off your bed and quickly went to the bathroom, you washed your face and applied a bit of makeup so your parents don’t question anything. 
After dinner you went straight up to your room and went straight to bed, this night, you fell quickly, you slept way better than last night, you wake up the next morning to the sound of you alarm, you grown realising it’s a school day, you check your phone first thing, you know it’s an unhealthy habit but you just can’t help it.
You were confused when you saw it’s a message from Regina, you opened your phone and you gasped at the message, she had never texted you before, she had never even messaged you before and you didn’t know how she got your instagram account. 
“Party at my house on friday, you’re invited, don’t bring anyone lame.” You don’t know how to respond, you start typing slowly, there's only one thing that comes to mind, “Where’s your house?” She takes a few seconds to respond, “Are you dumb? Gretchen will drive you.” You actually forgot, you did feel really dumb for forgetting. You leave her on seen for a few seconds which she hates. So she sends another message, “You should bring Oliver.” You sigh, you know you have to act like you like him, you can tell him it’s all an act and you’re sure he will understand, “Yeah Okay.”
She smirks, leaving you on seen this time.
This was the start to everything that happened this year, the butterfly effect.
You didn’t know what to do, you were stuck and confused, you didn’t know whether to tell Janis about the party or keep it a secret. The situation makes you annoyed and groan loudly as you finally get out of bed, putting on some comfortable clothes then heading to school.
All your friends were happy, they must have also been invited to the party as well, everyone was discussing who they are going to bring to the party and you gulped because you remembered you would have to ask Oliver.
You leave your friends and look around the school to find the guy, you see him talking with a few other boys that are on the football team, you walk up behind him, tap his shoulder making him turn around.
His face goes from confused to happy in a matter of seconds, “Dino!” He exclaims loudly, giving you a hug, you giggle at the taller boy’s actions, pulling away from the hug, looking him in the eye, “I need to talk to you about something.”
He waits for you to start talking but you were slightly embarrassed to say it in front of Oliver’s friends, so after a short moment of no one saying anything you say, “In private.” He nods, grabbing your hands to move somewhere where no one can hear you.
“Regina invited me to her birthday, and asked for me to bring you.” You whisper, you expect him to be annoyed, but he just nods his head and gives you a hug, “I’ll come! when is it?” He asks, you smile brightly, feelings changing instantly, “Friday!” you exclaim, “Fine. I’m still waiting for you to talk to Damien by the way..” 
You gasp slightly, you already forgot about the agreement that you made with him, Oliver rolls his eyes, hitting your arm softly, you giggle and run away, the taller guy chances after you, running around the oval, you don’t really look where you are going, you accidentally bump into someone, you look up from the ground to see who it is, you smile when you see that it’s Janis.
“Janis!” You exclaim happily, giving her a hug, which she returns, smiling just as bright as you, “Hey baby.” She says softly, not wanting to give anything away to anyone that could be watching, “Wanna go on a date this Friday?” You gulp, you smile, saying it the nicest and least suspicious way possible, “I’m busy this Friday.” Janis gives you a confused look in return, you gulp nervously again, not saying anything, “Really? Doing what?” She asks, biting the inside of her cheek.
You want to lie so she doesn’t get mad, but the way she is looking at you makes your body tremble and the truth comes out of you, “I’m going to Regina’s party.” You whisper, Janis looks at you in shock, you know what Janis did to Regina, but you still decide to pick her over you, she shakes her head and storms off, you feel a few tears form in your eyes and the worst part of this is that you can’t tell anyone.
You don’t know how to feel, you want to run after her but you were too scared, you just sighed and went to class.
There was a new girl in your class, you smiled when you saw she was wearing a bisexual pin on her bag, you decided to sit next to her because you can tell she looks very lost. “Hi I’m Y/n.” You smiled, she turned her head up to look at you, pushing her strawberry blonde hair out of the way, smiling back at you.
“Hi, My name is Cady.” She smiled shyly, you smiled back at her, taking a look at her timetable, telling her that you will show her around but she says it’s okay because someone is already doing that for her. 
“Really? Who?” You ask, She sighs deeply, not being able to remember the name of the girl, “Oh she has dark hair, kinda short and beautiful make up.” You smile brightly, knowing who it was and you nod your head, “Janis?” You ask, Cady’s eyes go bright and she nods her head quickly, your smile  quickly fades when you realise Janis was still mad at you, you brush it off and put your focus towards the teacher.
The whole school day, you try to talk to Janis, but she ignores you, it hurts even more to see her acting touchy with the new girl. They were both out and rumours started to spread fast, they didn’t seem to be bothered by them which only broke your heart more.
You made up your mind, you were going to talk to Janis, no matter how hard she tried to ignore you, it needed to be done.
You walk to her table when she was sitting with Cady, she was playing with her hair so she was too distracted to notice you and walk away, you quickly made your way to her and taped her shoulder to get her attention, she turned around and ass soon as she made eye contact with you, she rolled her eyes, it hurt to see her like this but you brushed it off. “I need to talk to you.” You say, voice firm, Janis knew you weren’t fucking around anymore.
The two of you went into a closet, a few minutes after each other so no one saw, she looked into your eyes and it was obvious how mad she was. “I don’t understand why you are so mad!” You exclaim, Janis rolls her eyes, looking at you up and down, “Maybe because my girlfriend chose some plastic over her girlfriend.” She exclaims, pushing you slightly, moving to leave.
“You’re the one touching Cady and acting like no one thinks you are dating!” Janis rolls her eyes, “You’re being a little dramatic right now.” She starts, opening the door, she looks back at you, “Have fun at your stupid party.” Then leaves, you feel so empty, so stupid, you wait a few minutes before leaving yourself, head down, tears fighting to fall down, you end up bumping into a tall figure which makes you annoyingly groan, “Oh my god! Can you watch where you are going?” You finally look at who you bumped into and your heart drops when you realise it’s none other than the Queen herself.
“F-Fuck, I’m sorry Regina.” You say, looking down nervously, you hear a low chuckle come from the taller girl, she lifts your chin up to make you look at her, you felt so guilty for having butterflies in your stomach but you couldn’t control it, “See you at the party, loser.” 
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smorbsh · 6 months
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pulls this out and creeps away without saying anything
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kayneedsmoresleep · 5 months
Okay so.
Here’s my headcannons/what I see.
In all AUs in the end Janis, Damien, Karen, Regina, Cady, and Gretchen end up as a friend group.
Lindsay’s Cady is much more calmer, and prefers to solve stuff peacefully, and Rachel’s Regina is more verbally a bully; is closeted, and has internalized homophobia. She’s mean (but not to mean, playful insults.) in an affectionate way to Cady. She often banters with Janis and compliments and spoils the former plastics a lot. 2004!Damien (idk the name lmao) is Rachel!Regina’s best friend. Like, genuinely. He’s her gay icon. Lacey’s Gretchen still seeks compliments from Regina and calls Amanda’s Karen “Kare-bear.” Amanda’s Karen constantly cuddles Lacey’s Gretchen.
Taylor’s Regina will hurt someone if they hurt her friends.  Yes, even Janis. Erika’s Cady always has to hold her back, but Barrett’s Janis just wants to watch. Ashley’s Gretchen and Taylor’s Regina constantly try to scare each other (in a friendly way.) Kate’s Karen is just overall really silly.
Reneé’s Regina gets easily jealous. Angourie’s Cady seems really shy and awkward, but if you hurt her friends, she WILL murder you. There has been cases where Auli’i’s Janis and Jaquel’s Damien had to hold her back because someone insulted them or the former plastics. Avantika’s Karen can choose very cute outfits. Like, she has a taste for cute stuff. And she likes candy. Don’t argue with me. Bebe’s Gretchen has adhd and keeps a diary. (VERONICA??)
For ships they’re all cadina.
Rachel’s Regina actually is pretty calm unless someone is flirting with Cady. If she thinks they’re maybe flirting she just wraps an arm around Lindsay’s Cady and Cady will lean into her touch. Lindsay’s Cady is usually really calm but beside Regina 24/7.
Taylor’s Regina gets easily jealous if it’s a boy. If it’s a girl- especially someone she knows, she’s completely… well, almost completely fine with it. She’s by Cady’s side every second she can be. Erika’s Cady is easily flustered but pretty energetic. She’s usually pretty amused whenever Regina becomes possessive.
Reneé’s Regina is in the middle of Rachel’s Regina and Taylor’s Regina. She can get jealous but is sort of reasonable about it. Angourie’s Cady can get jealous, especially if someone is flirting with Regina. She’ll turn passive aggressive or just pure aggressive.
also yes I ship Cadina and Gretchen x Karen.
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whispertree-coll · 3 months
"oh u like damien lavey because hes a bad boy how original" NO I DO NOT I LOVE DAMIEN LAVEY BECAUSE HE IS CHRONICALLY STUPID AND I LIKE MY MEN DUMB AS ROCKS!!!! AY-FUCKING-MEN!!!!!!
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ianthedebonair · 4 hours
I was thinking about Damien being very oblivion npc-pilled when he first got out of Farm, because of the soup comic... do you have any baby Damien headcanons? 🥹✨
Im sorry, this lowkey turned out to be early chargestep headcanon because i'm very normal about their pre-hb dynamic 😫 Incoherent rambling under the cut
Damien initially wore an all black attire with protective sports gear and covered his face with a balaclava and a hockey mask with a bat for his weapon. In his "debut", he wanted to stop a man from mugging a civilian walking through a back alley. He didn't want to draw too much attention so he silently creeped behind while the robber accosts the victim. Unfortunately, the victim saw him and screamed in terror, prompting the man to look behind and got scared-shitless, too. They both ended up running away for their lives. Meanwhile, Damien was like, "🧍‍♂️I'm not sure that's how it's supposed to end, but problem solved, I guess...? 🧍‍♂️."
After that, he read more about current heroes and decided to wear Rangers merch with his gear and noticed that people now reacted more positively towards him.
Now, when the Marshal caught wind of a too-competent, mysterious back-alley vigilante, he wanted to reach out and establish connections... only to find out that the vigilante is -- he assumed, based on the outfit Damien wore that day -- a Charge stan.
In the first few attempts of reaching out, Damien was initially skittish as heck (especially with Ricardo's static), but he eventually relented for a talk.
Ricardo thought Damien was too starstruck to hold a conversation so he laid out his Charm™️ to get him to talk and hoped to glean some useful info, but it just completely bounced off him. It was then when Ricardo surmised that maaaybe Damien wasn't a fan, but that got him more curious about his character. Still, he found it refreshing to find someone unaffected by his presence, so he continued the laid back, vaguely flirty banter because it's fun and he wanted to see if he could elicit a reaction from the mystery vigilante. Damien didn't mind as he enjoyed having someone to talk to and practice actual conversations with. He even ended up matching Ricardo's snark (minus the flirting part, because he didn't understand that... yet).
After teaming up a few times, Ricardo asks about Damien's alias
Ricardo: So, what do you even call yourself? Unless you want "Vigilante Wearing Rangers Merch" to stick, which isn't really good for PR. Damien: Shit. I never thought about needing a name. Gotta think fast *looks around*
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Damien: Uhh... Streetwatch? Ricardo: Nice try, but you just got that from signages behind me, didn't you? *laughs and pats Damien's shoulder* Don't worry we'll workshop it.
They eventually settled with Sidestep because it matched his fighting style and also served as an inside joke from that conversation.
This video is very early Damien-coded to me, too. (Also happening in Ric's kitchen).
He "matured" a lot within the year that he got introduced to Themmy and rest of the Rangers because there were actual minds to read and imitate learn from, but the wit he observed from Ricardo made a big impression on his own personality. The feelings and yearning came at him (like a truck) in the time between fighting Psychopathor and allying with the Rangers but that requires a separate rambling, so I digress. After mastering the art of sarcasm, he was able to mask a lot his genuine oblivious moments as jokes and easily deflect questions he doesn't want to answer.
OH, he also does the head tilt thing whenever he encounters something new/he doesn't fully understand! That's his major tell. I'm a big fan of that mannerism 💯😭
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aminetil · 2 months
Mean Girls Characters X Roller Skating
had a thought.... lets talk about it why don't we
Regina is a mother-flipping pro and she will let people know too like skating with one leg in the air and shit like that.
Damien is living his best fucking life. That old school skating. He is moving and swaying to the music probably doing the the cha cha slide in the middle of the rink and stuff you know you know
Arron is helping Cady as she is new to the whole thing. Picture this Arron is skating backward facing Cady guiding her while she is holding his hands for balance. So cute
Janis can't skate to save her fucking soul bro. Every time she stepped into the rink she ate shit.... she finally gave up and went to play the arcade games. (either that or she is one of those speed demons that will speed past you and try to knock you over)
Gretchen and Karen are just having a cute silly little time, spinning in circles( think like 70's skating and such like that) and holding hands.
Thoughts??? feel free to share... or not...that's cool too... free will and all that jazz.
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milesworld96 · 2 months
MY GOTHS😍😍 Damien looking finer than usual, shiiiiiiit
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Anyways look at the silly hoes, we need more silly hoes. I love silly hoes
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The other less dumbass boyfriends!!!
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vineboom-sfx · 1 year
I love doing character design when I can’t write, it’s my favorite pastime
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These are for a story me and my lovely girlfriend, @ur-trash-mammal, are doing! These are also her ANNIVERSARY PRESENT!!! The real one is actually coming tomorrow since I was literally unable to write anything good today, so this is for the meantime!!!
Designs without jackets and caplets under the cut
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dessertbirb · 2 years
Demi as a kid vs now
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Even though he grew out of his bad acne and poorly cut mullet he still feels like a kid sometimes. He's too immature to be 26.
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rosetintedgunman · 2 months
OOC: So I've nearly got the first part of the William -> Wilford story fleshed out enough to actually share online (the immediate post-WKM era. Shocking, I know). I described an alternate outfit for William and I was so fond of it I had to try sketching it out. It's nothing fancy - a flat cap, a brown jacket and trousers, and a white suit - but it's nice.
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Then I decided to sketch out the two other characters he meets in this segment that is, at most, set a month after WKM.
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marshallmallows · 11 months
my choices character playlists!
i make so many of these so i thought i’d compile them all in an easy master list if anybody would like to check them out :) some of them are pure vibes from what i think they’d listen to but most have lyrics that i feel are applicable to them/their relationship with mc/the story. i hope you enjoy!
genre: pop/indie
hayden young (perfect match)
damien nazario (perfect match)
noah marshall (it lives in the woods/it lives within)
abel flint (it lives within)
logan (ride or die)
colt kaneko (ride or die)
i make new playlists occasionally, and i’ll update this master list when i do!
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Despite everything, it's still him....
Setting: Pre-Ruin
Time: ??? Hurricane, Utah
When Damien entered the room, it was to see Mike Schmidt sitting quietly in his favorite armchair, his gaze on his right hand as he slowly flexed it open and closed. A faint shimmer of blue mist revealed itself briefly before fading from view again. Damien watched it fade before looking up at the old man’s expression. Impassive as ever, Mike took ‘guarded’ to an art level after a lifetime of having to defend against all sorts of monsters in the dark.
“You wanted to see me, Old Man?” Damien greeted cautiously. Everyone was still recovering from what had happened deep underground in that animatronic manufacturing facility. There was still a sense of unease about everything the group had found down there, including the two mercenaries that butted heads with Mike and Jeremy long ago. Their Remnant had been released after some deal-making with one of the spirits bound to Meera’s knife, vanishing and hopefully sent somewhere they wouldn’t cause trouble.
But Mike had stood apart from the group, staring up at the machine that had been displaying their images alongside generations of animatronics designed and built by the Aftons to hunt each of them down and collect data from them. His own photo had been up there with the original Fazband, but the display that projected Remnant sample data for a few of the others remained blank for him. Mike’s countering and evading the animatronics had been too good, honed for years and aided with 6 returning his old skills from ghost possession.
Far as Damien cared, it was best that way. If Elizabeth Afton was trying to reassemble William Afton’s soul by feeding it the Remnant of the Guards, then giving him any part of the Strength to Survive or the Warmth of Life would have been seriously bad news.
“Yeah, thinkin’ of giving this shit back,” Mike remarked, twirling his fingers so the mist would rise up again, shimmering blue against his skin. Damien furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Give back Six? He’s your Remnant, not mine,” he pointed out warily. “You infused that taser of yours with it, gave it your intent and will; that’s basically the closest to a copy of you as a ghost while you’re still alive as we can get.” Damien gestured at Mike’s hand. “I just borrowed him for a while when I found him, same as Seven for Jeremy. You’re meant to keep him until the end of your days.”
“The Strength to Survive..,” Mike sighed tiredly, gazing down at the blue mist winding around his fingers and wrist, “All I do is survive when I just wanna live. And this thing’ll make me just keep survivin’, huh? Cuz that’s all it knows to do, make sure I survive whatever shit gets thrown at me.” He scowled up at the television nearby, some soap opera playing that didn’t mean anything to either of them. Damien rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Well, that’s kinda what you’re known for, but that doesn’t really tell me why you wanna pass Six on to-,” he rambled.
“Cuz I’m old, I’m tired, and I’m done with this shit,” Mike bit out, eyes flinty behind the sheen of his glasses. “I just wanna live out my days with Doll, and I wanna rest with her when that time comes.” He lifted his hand, now fully enveloped with the blue flame of Remnant that was indicative of 6. “This? It’s gonna keep me going long after her, whether I want it or not,” he growled, “I’m no Afton; I don’t wanna end up some shell of a man trapped in a hell of my own makin’ just cuz death is comin’.”
Damien stilled, eyebrows rising as quiet realization passed over him. “Six was made from the curse inflicted on you at Freddy’s,” he breathed out in soft horror, chocolate brown eyes flickering emerald green for the briefest of moments. “Rejecting death, enduring and ensuring you survive anything, doing everything possible to keep you alive, those were your emotions back then, and Six is using all that to basically make you.. immortal? Long-lived?” He looked at his own hands. “You wanna be able to die like everyone else one day, and all the bullshittery at Freddy’s is still affecting you, keeping you bound here.”
Mike just threw him a finger-gun, mock firing a shot with a sardonic grin.
Silence stretched between them and eventually Mike sighed again, an aggravated sound as he got to his feet and winced at the popping of his knees and shoulders. He stretched to loosen up then approached the still somber man looking guilty in his doorway. “Despite all the Fazfuckery, I managed to get a good life outta this,” Mike told Damien quietly, “Lost my childhood, struggled growin’ up, but I met Doll.. I met Jeremy.. I helped set my old friends free. Got married, had a kid, walked her down the aisle to her wife; I lived a good life.” He gestured with his flame-wrapped hand idly. “And I wanna be able to rest with Doll with those memories. My part in this is done and I’m not gettin’ any younger. Dealing with Afton and his shit, ‘fraid that’s gonna be on you guys.”
Damien looked up at him finally, blinking rapidly. He sniffed, rubbing at his nose. “You, uh.. you talked to anyone else about this?” he asked, “Cuz what you’re saying, what you’re asking....”
“I’ll let ‘em know in due time,” Mike told him firmly, “My choice. You gonna take Six back or am I gonna have to attach it to something myself?”
“No, no, I’ve got it!” Damien replied quickly, eyes wide as he held out his hands cupped together, “I’ll look after him.” He frowned a bit, looking up at Mike again with green eyes as the older man watched the blue flame withdraw from his body, streams of mist pulling away and pooling into a sphere over his palm. “Thing is, you’ve been around a lot of Remnant, been cursed and uncursed and cursed again,” Damien pointed out in a low voice, “The missing kids, me, Vincent; we’ve all been through that and reincarnated. There’s a good chance it could happen to you, too, and Six will want to go back to you.”
“I don’t go anywhere without Doll now,” Mike replied flatly, “Life, death, all fuckery unless I’m there with her. Reincarnation ain’t shit; I’m not going through it.” He dropped the ball of Remnant into Damien’s hands, then shrugged as he shook off his hand of the last dregs of mist. “But if it happens, I’m gonna do my damnedest to stay outta Afton’s radar. Be pissed as fuck about it, but if I keep my head down maybe it’ll keep my Remnant from stickin’ to the world a second time. Hell if I know.”
“Got a point there. We don’t know if we can reincarnate more than once,” Damien mused aloud, allowing the grief-bound Remnant to flow into himself, a faint number ‘6’ appearing on the back of his right hand before fading from sight. “I hope you have a good rest of your life with your family, Mr. Schmidt,” he murmured with a sad smile, “And I’m sorry for getting you involved in all of this again.”
“The fuck you apologizin’ for? You were doin’ your job, I was doin’ mine, don’t say sorry for doin’ yer job!” Mike grouched and waved him off as he headed for the television to change the channel, “Lemme enjoy my retirement! Too old for this bullshit....”
Damien just smiled more warmly at the old man before leaving. The others were going to have a meeting about what to do with all the information and equipment they managed to grab from the facility. Somewhere in all that there should be some clues as to Afton’s next plan. Surely she wouldn’t have given up on trying to resurrect her daughter and William Afton, right?
Within the year, Mike and Doll got their wish and laid to rest one final time, together.
Present Day
Damien felt his eye twitch and his hand itch as he stared down at Gregory’s newest creation in the workshop. “I’m all for creative uses of the leftovers in Jeremy’s shop but, uh,” he began and swirled a finger over the amalgamation of scrap parts while Gregory beamed up at him, “what the hell is this?”
“It’s a laser blaster arm for Freddy!” the boy declared proudly, folding his arms over his chest as Jeremy walked into the workshop with a puzzled squint, “One of my many planned upgrades for him. Pretty cool huh?”
“Have either of you seen my pen laser? Helpy got himself tangled up in some cabling and trying to pull any part of it makes him scream murder. Figured it’d be easier to just cut him out of it,” the older man said in lieu of a greeting. Damien looked up at him, then down at the ‘upgrade’ and Gregory’s attempt at looking innocent, widening his eyes and pursing his lips.
“Tools don’t count as leftover scraps,” he stated flatly, mildly amused at the facade dropping quickly into a scowl on Gregory’s face.
“I was only borrowing it for a demonstration!” Gregory quickly rebuked but disconnected the tool and set it out for Jeremy to collect.
“Ask before borrowing,” Jeremy lectured before walking off to untangle the Securi-Toy. Damien and Gregory watched him leave the shop before looking back at each other over the disarmed arm.
“So.. why, exactly, are you making a gun for Freddy?” Damien asked warily. Clearly those mercenaries were being a bad influence on him somehow. Alex harboring some strange rivalry with Jeremy over software must be rubbing off or something.
“Cuz when we break into the Pizzaplex again to get the programming chips from the other Glamrocks I want Freddy to be able to stun them for me and keep them stunned while I get the chips out,” Gregory replied in a matter-of-fact tone. Damien narrowed his eyes at the boy.
“Who said you were going back in there?” he argued, “If anything, us Guards should be the ones to go in and see what information we can find about what the Aftons are up to. Since we couldn’t confirm her death, we’ll have to assume Elizabeth is still alive and still planning to resurrect her family.” Gregory scoffed at him.
“Not in that wreckage, she ain’t,” he pointed out, folding his arms over his chest again, “You guys might have been running around in the Pizzaplex atrium and lobby, but I’m the one who set the foundation on fire and fucked up that sinkhole enough to bring the place down.”
“Bravo, you want a cookie for that?” Damien drawled, clapping his hands sarcastically before resting his hands on his hips, a concerned frown on his face. “Look, you’re a kid who went through hell once already. It’d be better if you just stayed out of this and lived a regular life. Or as regular as you can get with that family you managed to pull together....”
“No way, not until I get Freddy’s friends back and fix them!” Gregory shot back, glaring up at him, “I wrecked them and now I wanna save them.”
It was a noble idea, but also a pretty stupid one. The risks attached to trying to pull the A.I. from those animatronics were high, especially with the knowledge that Gregory was the person Elizabeth Afton had intended to use as a new body for William Afton. Putting him anywhere near the Pizzaplex could be disastrous. Damien pinched the bridge of his nose, already feeling a headache coming on.
“Have you thought about how those animatronics might react to you, with them aware that you’re the one who wrecked them?” he asked carefully. Surely he thought this through, right? Gregory’s slightly guilty expression was a bit reassuring. “That’s not something you can just take out of their memories. That’ll leave gaps in them and they won’t understand why you took them from where they’re supposed to be, from their view.”
“I could say sorry for shattering them?” Gregory replied weakly, wringing his fingers together, “And I wouldn’t take those memories! I mean, I lost so much of mine, so.. I wouldn’t wanna do that to them.”
Damien sighed in sympathy. This kid.... “Why are you so hellbent on getting those animatronics’ chips? They were built to capture kids like you and hand them over to Afton to die in her plans,” he asked genuinely. This was kind of baffling; the only other animatronic that anyone went to lengths to retrieve was Circus Baby, and that was because Meera had dedicated her life to completing her grandmother’s mission to retrieve her brother’s soul, a digitized version of it that ended up inside Circus Baby as her A.I. system. With Digital Lucian secured, she then turned her attention to taking down the other copy of him, the malevolent Master File that had vanished with Elizabeth Afton in the Pizzaplex.
Glamrock Freddy also had a spirit possessing him serving as his A.I., his sentience and ‘soul’; Michael Henry Afton, Meera’s benefactor for the pizzeria trap that was intended to destroy the collection of haunted animatronics and put an end to Emelia and William Afton’s schemes to gather Remnant for themselves.
But the rest of the Glamrock band, Chica, Roxy, and Monty, didn’t have any indications of being possessed by spirits. They were just machines, so what was the point?
“It’s not their fault,” Gregory muttered, glaring at the floor as his hands tightened into fists. “I was pissed at them for trying to get me that night, yeah. Who wouldn’t be pissed that a bunch of robotic assholes keep trying to jump ‘em till 6AM? ..But Freddy said they were originally programmed to just entertain people, do their thing like Circus Baby does, and the way they were acting wasn’t normal for them. So, it must be something Afton did to them.. like what she wanted to do to me and Vanessa.” His expression was frustrated, ruddy cheeks scrunched up as his eyes watered, and Damien felt his gut twist even as twinges of familiarity prodded at his memory.
“And if you guys made all that effort to save me, you and Freddy and Vanessa, then it’s only fair that I try my damnedest to get back into that hellsite and save Freddy’s old friends from Afton too!” Gregory declared at last, turning a fierce expression up at Damien, “To hell with keeping my head down and just living like nothing happened! I’m not gonna rest until I help bring down Afton and Fazbear Entertainment for good! So all of us can be free and not worry about kids disappearing and getting turned into Remnant A.I. or eaten up by that burnt up rabbit thing!”
Damien’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. Okay, the kid had a hell of a conviction. Maybe he actually could handle the supernatural bullshit going on with that company?
“I guess if you’re going in with all of us, it might be okay,” he finally relented cautiously, “You already proved you could survive six hours in a Fazbear pizzeria; gotta be tough to do that.” Gregory muttered something under his breath and Damien narrowed his eyes. “What was that?” he asked.
“Nothin’~!” Gregory chimed in response, beaming up at him with saccharine smiles.
For some reason, Damien could almost see a sardonic grin reflected in the boy’s expression. But then the moment passed when Gregory asked to borrow his staff for another upgrade experiment.
“No! For the last time, we’re not weaponizing Freddy Fazbear! Stop playing those old retro games; they’re giving you stupid ideas!”
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xerndrawz · 7 months
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im working my absolute ass off on my comic right now it's going to be radio silence on here for a bit. apologize for that, i haven't made any fandom content but you can have some oc doodles
on another note i discovered will wood music. What
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