#Damn I can't reblog
cordeliawhohung · 6 months
anyway violent reminder that i'm going to be blocking anyone who doesn't even bother to say anything about my works but "part 2?"
because honestly, why would i put in effort to feed an insatiable beast? if you read a 100k+ word story and all you have to say about it is asking when the next part is coming out, or part 2? or demanding what i need to put in the next part, then you don't even fucking deserve to read the story anymore. i'm done being nice about it and i'm not sorry either. some of you guys literally make me want to stop posting my shit like grow up and learn to actually interact with people.
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doctorbrown · 2 months
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❝Would you like to...to...?❞
❝I'd love to.❞
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nataliescatorccio · 8 months
it just makes me so sad that gifmakers will pour hours upon hours into crafting a gifset, overanalyzing every colouring and blending and typography decision to create pure art, which is so unique and creative, and the most the majority of users on this site can be bothered to do in response is hit the like button
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
just found the most beautiful scanlation of berserk
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tpup · 1 month
I need to curl up in a ball and cry like I'm purging a poison and have someone hold me through it and run their hands through my hair, rub my back and hug me close. I don't think I want to talk about it. I just want comfort that doesn't come with strings attached. I want to be held and not have them make me feel like I owe them sex in return. I don't want to think they're just putting up with me so they can use me after.
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bluesey-182 · 5 months
*reading romance novels* men growling is so fucking dumb. don't come near me. that grosses me out. *man growls in a metal song* 👁👄👁
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tricks-n-illusions · 4 months
[ Reply & Reaction to this - Rue belongs to @ask-team-misfit ]
Silas seemed very comforted by her response, it wasn't often someone made such a big promise to him. Usually when his fellow Zorua's made such promises they quickly broke them. Maybe it was the fact Rue was a stranger... or maybe it was that he was extremely naive but he trusted her word. Shakily he stood back up, this time he looked much more confident. However, as soon as his starting word left his mouth his ears perked up. He heard... something. Someone, he knew someone had been lurking around. But he never expected it to be her so soon.
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Silas quickly froze in fear... he wasn't supposed to be out here. He REALLY wasn't supposed to be out here. The last time he was out here he ended up battered and bruised, barely able to let out a plead for mercy. Even so, he turned to the familiar figure who had approached him. It was his 'Mother', Seance. Though she smiled at him, he knew that expression was one of pure rage. She was beyond angry, he was just thankful Rue was present... that was the only thing keeping her at bay for right now.
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The ghost loudly scolded him. {"Did you not learn anything? Did the last time really not get it in your head? You really are stupid."} She scoffed before, waving a hand at Silas. {"I'll deal with you later."} Seance seemed thankfully disinterested in him, she wasn't going to waste her time on a lost cause. After all, no matter how many times she corrected him he always did the same things. Over and over again, never learning.
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"Why are you meddling with my child? Do you locals not learn to leave us alone?" Her accent was much more apparent than Silas' however... unlike him. Her sentences were much more well put together and clear, "Actually." She cheerfully hummed.
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"Tell me little one, do you have any Zoura in you?" She studied Rue for a moment before letting out a chuckle. "Well, I don't think that really matters with a pup as beautiful as you." Easily she knelt down beside Rue. "So... let's get to know each other, hm?"
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"Is she around here somewhere? Are you an orphan? Someone as cute as you should watch out, I heard there's an absolutely gorgeous fox around here who loves to adopt little stray pups like you~ If you aren't careful she might just snatch you up for her own." "Though I wouldn't blame her for doing so," She reached out to stroke Rue's hair with her claws. Her touch felt more chilling than anything, "You have such beautiful and fiery hair and... Oh! Honey-coloured eyes. You're so gorgeous, I don't have one like you~" She thought for a moment, muttering to herself. "Though... I already have six pups. Perhaps I could replace one... yes. I'd get rid of my annoying little fox but." She sighed, "I need him! He's too good at killing things with that illusion of his. Maybe pup #2 or #3... hmm... oh yes... #2 is perfect."
→ Seance, The Mother of Zoruas is now available for asks. However, she seems more interested in Rue at the moment. → Silas is unresponsive for now... another pup has been brought along with Seance.
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idsb · 5 months
didn't think I'd have to do it this time but anon is off because I just got a spoiler in my inbox (very maliciously sent, as always). I'd love to know what makes someone, a part of the Taylor Swift fanbase, listen to an album from the person they love for the first time and think, "you know what I should do about this now? ruin joy for others 😈" and if you're not a Taylor Swift blog,,,,, then you're an absolute fucking freak for stalking one this hard and caring enough to upset random fans on the internet?? this happens multiple times every release and like literally what is wrong with y'all
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waddledab · 2 months
my 2 cents on the whole writing/prompt/s debacle is I'd much rather risk sending a small portion of my money to a scammer than risk denying help to someone in a very vulnerable situation. if someone fools me then they're in the wrong for deceiving and misleading me, not me for seeing a need and trying to help. these people are in a vulnerable and embarrassing position, show some damn compassion for your fellow human. most of the time they only ask for 20 dollars at most, and I make a little less than that an hour. if you're in a situation where you can't afford to donate that's fine, but at least show some respect. someone else said this better than me, but other donation posts on this site don't get nearly this level of scrutiny.
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thenixkat · 2 years
Anyway, if you aren’t Black don’t use any variation of woke. I don’t care what conservatives are calling fuckers/using as the new sjw/political correctness/what have you.
If you know what fuckers mean use what they mean, and if you don’t why are you copying what people are saying?
Woke ain’t for you. If the discussion isn’t about Black people being aware of and/or educating other Black people about racism/antiblackness/structural inequality/all the other bullshit then it doesn’t need to be used in the discussion.
#nix meows#aave#woke#aave misuse#apparently that one post i made where i directly mentioned how i don't wanna see boogleech no more showed up in his tags#which is generally how tumblr's search function works; if a word in there it shows up#anyway i do wish a motherfucker would learn to take a hint that i do not wish to continue a conversation#cause all i'm getting is excuses about how he's just paraphrasing so its fine#that other people don't have an issue and not 'to shoot the messenger#my wigga i was forced to see the word 'wokeist' (yall know i can't spell) on a post from someone i know is white#who's posts show up everyfucking where in the corner of tumblr i generally operate in#why would i give a damn what the rest of the post was about when a wigga shouldn't be using words like that period#aint no fucking changing my mind#ya ruined my night and i don't wanna see ya#i aint ask nobody to block you or some shit like that#i personally don't wanna get microaggressed on my own damn dash cause my white mutuals (who mean well but dont all ways catch shit)#decided to reblog it untagged#like yeah its pretty easy to drop a bitch i only occasionally interacted with over the course of a few years over#it just on the innitial 'it's not an issue' dismissal#told me everything i needed to know#bogleech#may as well actually tag them cause I've been feeling a lot less charitible given how they handled shit and kept trying to shut me up#plus they're a vote blue no matter who fucker like genocide joe is harm reduction
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pardonmydelays · 25 days
i also think it's kinda cool how tyler makes me want to learn stuff
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firedragon1321 · 6 months
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He grew up nicely.
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lilacandladybugs · 3 months
I saw you reblogged a post from radfemsiren- she's a TERF
Oops I'm so fucking dumb for that my bad
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charcubed · 6 months
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In case it’s not clear, I made this and I’m selling it. Marvel won’t give us good merch so I did it myself.
Gonna be real, this is (obviously) not how I intended to unprofessionally ~launch~ my silly little shop BUT let's call it a soft launch or something. Because unfortunately I simply CANNOT resist a perfect anniversary date.
There are some other things to be found if you poke around (and I have other things in progress)……. and I will make them their own Announcements in due time 🤭👀
Enjoy horrible photographic evidence under the cut that I have been living in this jacket for weeks and recommend it.
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bridoesotherjunk · 5 months
anybody else unable to see the replies or reblogs on this fucking post?
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Is tumblr hiding the comments on this thing??? Or is my tumblr page just broken??
feels like they're hiding the comments and the backlash
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I hate certain ships as much as the next person, but if you make a blog just to 'call out those shippers' which involves you taking screenshots of their content and posting it without ANY warning
you're actually part of them problem <3
Draw your line in the sand, tell them not to cross it, block them if you see them, and move on. You litterally cannot change anyone's view point and make them not ship something gross af, but you sure as shit are not helping anyone by posting untagged screenshots that can upset people who have the ship tag filtered specificlly to avoid seeing that shit
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