#Daniel MacPherson
brotherconstant · 10 months
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FOUNDATION (2021-) 1.02 | 1.10 | 2.04
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feetymcfeetface · 9 months
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Daniel Macpherson
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brotherdusk · 1 year
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from skydance's instagram 🥺
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Strike Back S06E01
Requested by anonymous
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silverfoxstole · 1 year
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Paul as Jeremy Frost in Tripping Over, Episode Two ( x )
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forensicated · 3 months
Trigger Warning: Discussion of rape.
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 229
Gina drops in for a few minutes before her official return after her and Jonathan went on an African Safari just to check that everything is OK and to see if there's anything she needs to deal with immediately.
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She hears shouts coming from the canteen and hurries through in time to see Cameron beating the living daylights out of Gabriel after he taunts him about raping Kerry. Gina breaks it apart and threatens both with arrest.
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 230
Gina tries to get Gabriel to drop charges against Cameron for his attack. Cameron isn't exactly helpful as he will only tell Gina that it's a private matter. Gabriel claims he doesn't know why Cameron assaulted him and he wants him kicked out. Kerry tells Cameron that Gabriel has the CCTV tape that shows Cameron distract her from the victim in the armed robbery who had the bomb strapped to him. It shows her take her attention from the victim to shout Cameron back - and then the explosion. That is why she didn't report the rape the day before like she'd told Cameron she was going to.
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Jonathan works with Sam and the CID officers to build the case against Serial Rapist Alan Kennedy. He tells Sam that they need more than the basic forensic evidence (soil sample and boot print matching one of Kennedy's) to have a charge authorised. One of Kennedy's victims caught a glimpse of him and Sam hopes that she can pick him up through an ID parade. Kerry says that Khadijah isn't strong enough and - when Sam visits her - it's clear that she's far too fragile to be involved.
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The first chance they get, Jonathan and Gina meet up outside to catch up on how their days are going - with Gina playfully telling Jonathan off for smoking because he was giving up. He tells her about Khadijah and she tells him about Gabriel. "I thought he was the aggrieved party?" he asks. "Just because he's not guilty of one thing doesn't mean he's not guilty of another." Gina sighs. Jonathan teases her about being a die hard police officer and she points out being innocent and being proved innocent are two different matters. "Cut you in half and is says 'Evenin' all' right the way through does it?"
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Gina asks Kerry what the fight was about. She says she has no idea. Gina tells her Cameron would be right there for her if she needed him to be and asks where her loyalty is. Gabriel taunts Kerry in the women's locker room so she marches out to tell Gina that he raped her. Gabriel continues to mock her as he follows her, claiming it'd just be her 'crying rape again' and that he has the video of what really happened at the armed robbery. Kerry insists she doesn't care anymore and it's about protecting Cameron. "Sacrifice yourself for Pretty Boy? You ain't got the bottle." he snarls. "Just watch me!"
As Kerry is about to confess all to Gina, Sam and Jonathan arrive with Khadijah who has gotten up the courage to try and identify her rapist. Unfortunately, Khadijah catches sight of Gabriel and freaks out. In Gina's office, Kerry bluffs that a picture of Gabriel from a poster she'd been making to commemorate a party had accidentally fallen from her bag mid-talk with Khadijah and she saw it and got the wrong idea. The truth is that after Gabriel raped her, Kerry suspected Gabriel was the serial rapist and showed Khadijah the picture to see if she recognised him. Gabriel tells them he spoke to Khadijah when she was in hospital and she'd have recognised him from there. Kerry is bollocked by Sam and Gina and told that identification was the only strong link they could have gotten to put Kennedy in the frame. When asked what she has to say for herself and with Gabriel smugly smirking at her, Kerry has to take it all and keep quiet.
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Gina senses something's wrong with Jonathan. Kennedy was a City high flyer until he was accused of indecent assault. It was Jonathan who defended him. He blames himself for putting a serial rapist back on the streets. He tells her that Kennedy quite obviously enjoyed the circus of the trial and the legal loopholes that Jonathan used to defend him and seeing his victim humiliated all over again. Jonathan has a daughter the same age as a missing child who it's suspected could be another victim. "I can't help thinking "What if it was her?"
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Gabriel confronts Kerry for showing Khadijah his picture, thinking she was setting him up. Kerry simply says that he raped her so why not the rest of them - she had to know if it was him. Gabriel calls her a stupid bitch and advances on her. Kerry grabs a glass bottle from the table and smashes it, holding it out towards Gabriel. He says he'd never take women off the street and rape and cut them like Kennedy. Kerry scoffs "Oh that's bad is it? What you did to me? How's that different? Good rape, bad rape...? Maybe you could explain it to me because I'm a little bit confused right now." For weeks he'd been telling her that it's no big deal whilst she's felt dirty and empty whilst trying to drink herself to sleep each night and hoping she wouldn't wake up in the morning and hating herself for being weak. She tells him there's only so far someone can be pushed before they can't be hurt anymore and she's at that point. If he ever goes near her again she promises him that she will kill him.
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Gina confronts Gabriel later in the canteen. "You said we don't see eye to eye, you and I. Well the truth is, I've always seen you as a conniving, scheming and ultimately selfish little toerag. But I'm giving you a chance to prove me wrong...." she says before suggesting a compromise to save Cameron's job. He agrees without hearing what it is. "I don't really care anymore." he says, walking off.
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Cameron and Kerry have a heart to heart that gets interrupted by Honey. It breaks the reconciliatory mood (there'd been something brewing between them whilst the two were apart). Cameron gets a call which leads to Kennedy being found and Cameron arresting him. "At least that's one rapist scum off the streets." he says in response to being congratulated, staring threateningly at Gabriel as he does. Gina tells Cameron if he tells her what the fight is about, she'll write a report full of mitigating circumstances and he'll keep his job. Cameron says he can't tell her and he realises it will cost him his job so he's booked a flight home to Sydney that night, resigning with immediate effect.
Honey tells Kerry that Cameron is leaving and she runs off to find him, literally chasing his cab and begging him to stop. He does and they talk with Kerry learning that the mother of his child is taking their daughter over and he doesn't say no when she suggests they might get back together down the line. He'll only get back together with her if she comes out with him to Australia and won't stay - even for a few more weeks. They share a kiss and he gets back into his taxi and leaves her behind.
Even as someone who isn't Kerry's biggest fan - how many bloody times can one girl be kicked in the face in just one episode?!
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movie-titlecards · 5 months
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Infini (2015)
My rating: 6/10
I'm like 90% certain that this is a Doom fan film with the serial numbers filed off, with a good smattering of The Thing and Aliens, and for that? It's honestly not bad. I also like the bit at the end where the hero gives such an impassioned speech, the alien goo monster spontaneously grows a conscience and brings everybody back to life. Almost a Doctor Who moment, that.
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themnmovieman · 4 months
Movie Review ~ Land of Bad
Offering a fiery exploration of modern war with mixed results, Land of Bad blends several absorbing performances with themes that could be more provocative than they are presented as being.
Land of Bad Synopsis: A rookie air force combat controller and a seasoned drone pilot support a Delta Force team as they try to shift a mission gone wrong into a rescue operation.Stars: Liam Hemsworth, Russell Crowe, Luke Hemsworth, Ricky Whittle, Milo Ventimiglia, Daniel MacPherson, Chika Ikogwe, George Burgess, Robert RabiahDirector: William EubankRated: RRunning Length: 110…
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oceanusborealis · 9 months
Foundation: Creation Myths & Season 2 – TV Review
TL;DR – The crisis climbs to a crescendo as cracks cascade over a crumbling continuum of chance and causality.   ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the Apple TV+ service that viewed this episode. Foundation Review – Well, we have come to the end of the second season, and what a fascinating season it was. Adapting novels to work in a visual medium is no small feat, let alone one…
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boomgers · 3 years
Cambia tu destino… “Fundación”
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Basada en la fascinante obra de Isaac Asimov, la serie gira en torno a un grupo de exiliados en el ocaso del Imperio y su afán por salvar a la humanidad y reconstruir la civilización.
Sinopsis: El poderío del Imperio ha llevado paz a miles de mundos, pero ahora las creencias de un solo hombre amenazan su existencia.
Estreno: Septiembre 24, 2021 en Apple TV+.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Jared Harris, Lee Pace, Lou Llobell, Leah Harvey, Alfred Enoch, Laura Birn, Clarke Peters, Sasha Behar, Amy Tyger, Kubbra Sait, Pravesh Rana, T’Nia Miller, Daniel MacPherson, Cooper Carter, Terrence Mann y Cassian Bilton.
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hollywoodnobody · 1 year
So like, Strike Back is such an underrated and unknown show, but it’s one of my favorites. I just got past the middle of season 8, and I am broken. The way they handled Mac’s death was beautifully tragic and absolutely heart-wrenching. I wish every show would send of characters with as beautiful of a homage as this show did for Mac. Who cares if it takes a who episode or two? I will rave about this show and cry about it until the day I die.
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brotherconstant · 9 months
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1.04 "Barbarians At The Gate" Okay, listen to me. I’ve always said you should let this planet shrug you off. But watching you work, where you could sense what Phara was feeling inside… that’s special. Other people can’t do that, Sal. I have absolute faith in you. I have absolute faith in you. 2.10 "Creation Myths" Mom. Mom. Don't you see what this means? It means we're not trapped. You were right. The future can be changed. You can still get it back on the right course. I have absolute faith in…
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feetymcfeetface · 1 year
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Dan Macpherson
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tavners · 2 years
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"... yeah you're just really good at planning things on the run Jack."
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moviesandmania · 2 years
POKER FACE (2022) Reviews of Russell Crowe's action crime thriller
POKER FACE (2022) Reviews of Russell Crowe’s action crime thriller
‘Everyone has a limit’ Poker Face is a 2022 American action crime thriller about a tech billionaire who hosts a high-stakes poker game between friends, but the evening takes a turn when long-held secrets are revealed, an elaborate revenge plot unfolds, and thieves break in. Written, directed by and starring Russell Crowe based on a story by Stephen M. Coates. The movie also stars Liam Hemsworth,…
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silverfoxstole · 1 year
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Paul as Jeremy Frost in Tripping Over, Episode Six ( x )
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