#Dannell Ackles
lol-jackles · 4 months
I went searching back on your posts about Jensen Ackles and your insight into the industry. I came across this post:
Now that the brewery is "temporarily" (yeah right) closed... what do you think will happen? Do you honestly believe that Jensen is happy with Danneel and how she's wrecking everything in his life? Yes, he's an adult--but evidence points to her thoroughly emotionally and potentially physically abusing him.
I'm curious what you think.
Link. I think there won't be a 2nd taproom because everybody involved didn't have a single business acumen among them. At least they have their distribution deal and just have contract breweries make their beer.
Danneel is not wife material so that’s a problem from the beginning. This is going to piss a lot of people off when I say that Danneel is mistress material, and the number one rule is you do not marry your mistress. 
Do you know why most men do not leave their wives for their mistresses? Because mistresses are chosen to be far below the wife’s league. If I was married to Oprah Winfrey and was going to have an affair, then I would choose Whoopi Goldberg to be my mistress because nothing about her will tempt me to leave Oprah. That’s why affairs don’t “just happen”, men plan these things out.  As you get older, what made a mistress initially attractive becomes less important.
Now the mistress material does NOT make Danneel a bad person. I always thought Danneel is the type of person who is there for you If you need help.  Once you are back on your feet, she fades away into the background because her work is done. In a way this makes her more suited to be friends with males.
None of what I've said so far makes me side eye her. It's enabling her freeloading brother that does. Brother-in-laws are among the top villains of financial planners, blaming them for ruining or destroying their clients' financial health.
Adult enablers are basically secondary abusers.  Freeloaders who abuse their privileges get a huge benefit from their behavior by enablers because they have no reason to take responsibility for their behavior and situation and is actually given more power.    IMO Gino is abusing Jensen’s friendship and generosity and he’s enabled by Danneel, making her a secondary abuser.
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thestrangestthlng · 1 year
Public Figures Owe You Nothing
Same thing, different fandom. Now, my first soiree into internet fandom was Glee nearly fifteen years ago. Given insane popularity of the show and one of their two main couples, Klaine, and Darren Criss being a straight man, I am no stranger to the "only gay (out) queer actors should play queer roles" argument.
I don't necessarily disagree completely. Queer actors should be highlighted in queer roles. But guess what, the film industry is shit.
Not everyone is out, can afford to be out, is ready to come out publicly, or cares to have anyone in their business. There is a huge number of fans who are way too invested in the parasocial relationships with their "favs" and cross lines.
It's a tale as old as time. Darren Criss' now wife, Mia (Swier), was mercilessly harassed online and honestly in person. I distinctly remember people MAILING her things. There was an incredible amount of hate directed towards her because SHE wasn't a HE and a group of fans were hellbent that he and Chris Colfer were secretly in a relationship, even though both were happily in their own relationships. (Both of them are actually still IN those relationships and I love that for them.)
Someone gave Dannell Ackles (wife of Jensen Ackles) a gift at an event. When she reached it she was cut by a bunch of rusty hooks in a fucking voodoo doll.
One of the NSYNC members (I can't remember if it were Chris or Joey) ended up being broken up with by their partner at the time because of the amount of hate they were getting.
This came up because someone said on instagram that they "will not be watching [RWRB]" because [Taylor and Nicholas] "are not out" and "they are gay for pay". So, me being me, says to them that the actors owe you nothing. Their sexuality/gender identity is no one's concern but their own.
Also, it was really disgusting what alot of Heartstopper did to Kit. He's just a baby and they strong armed him to coming out before he was ready and made him feel like he had to justify it. Cruel irony being that it's the exact opposite of the point of the books, and exact opposite of his character. I'll never forgive them for what they did to my son.
I went on to tell them that Hollywood is shit. It's homophobic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, transphobic, everything phobic. They like beautiful and handsome, classically beautiful, white, straight actors that fit into their perfect mold. As soon as actors come out they get type cast, lose rolls (because how could a homosexual portray intimacy with a woman? It's not like they are actors or anything). I, of course, got blocked because they didn't agree with me and that's fine.
Did you know that many actors in the union don't even make the $26,000 a year that is required to qualify for health insurance? Most actors are working class. Yes, many acquire a net worth, but it's honestly one huge disaster from losing what they have. The median salary for actors in the US is about 60K a year. So why would a working class actor or even a upper middle class actor, want to potentially dismantle their career trajectory by telling something that is really no one's concern anyway?
Not everyone wants to be stuck in a Ryan Murphy rotation. Maybe once we get more queer film and show makers and Hollywood execs start to fuck off we'll get more. I'm 99% sure that RWRB is the ONLY gay romcom without underlying trauma porn. The only other one that comes close is a Christmas movie.
Actors are still human and deserve privacy. They owe fans nothing. Their partners deserve privacy. If they are queer good for them. If they are not, good for them. But fans don't get to dictate who comes out and when. So yes, we want more queer actors in queer roles, but we don't get to decide if the ones who are not open get to have these roles. Sometimes it is who is best for the role.
As far as RWRB: Neither Taylor nor Nicholas have ever made any public statements on their sexuality and are both private people when it comes to their relationships. It's really goofy that people think it's an appropriate question to ASK them personally. Interview or not.
All that matters to me is that they killed that online and the characters they acted were madly in love with each other.
Moral of the story: they can want someone and love some one and not want that life for them. Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka were together for three years before they came out and that's when NPH came out - at 34 on his terms, as it should be. Some people really missed the message of the book; that queer people deserve to come out when and how THEY want to.
/Ted Talk
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Birthday Princess - Ackles Family
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Description : Aunt y/n surprises her niece with her dream present .
Warning : none 
Dannel POV:
I was getting ready for JJ’s birthday party that is happening in the afternoon. Jensen is with the kids outside playing why i’m in the kitchen setting up the food, drinks and the cake that one of my friends made for my daughter JJ. She will be here later , all of a sudden JJ comes in and asks . 
Mommy when aunt y/n , uncle Jared , aunt mama coming over . she said 
Well lets see sweetheart uncle Jared and the family should be here for about five minutes and when i was going to say when aunt y/n coming the doorbell rings.I go open the door and it’s the Padalecki family .
Hey gen , Jared comes in , Jensen and the kids are outside . i said 
Five minutes in to the party
Most of the family are here just having fun at the party , the kids are in the pool hanging out . The adults just hang out and have a conversation while watching the kiddos. 
I was heading to the Ackles' house for my niece ‘s birthday party. My sweet JJ girl is turning 5 today . I can't believe it . I have a really big surprise for her; she is freaking out . 
When I got to their house , I parked the car and got out and walked up to the door . I rang the doorbell and my best friend Dee came to open it. 
Hi boo i said
Omg y/n/n it’s great to see you , came on in , JJ has been asking for you the past few hours she said laughing 
Awe i can’t wait to see her i said back 
I started walking to the back door to the backyard where everyone was . I saw Jensen and I got a little idea . I ran but quietly and slowly and jumped on his back.
Hey jay i said hugging him around the neck 
Jensen looked back where my face was and looked spooked but laughed .
I got down and he turned around and hugged back with a hi and kiss on the head.
All of a sudden I got hugged and picked up by a moose . 
Omg jared , hi there i said 
Hi y/n/n he said back putting me back down 
Jensen POV:
When jared but y/n/n down she got hugged by 7 little arms , she got down and hugged them all back. JJ wouldn't even let go when she was hugging her . She loves her aunt y/n / i met her back when Jared and i did supernatural but now she is on the boys with me and i believe she did a few episodes in the walker with Jared but i know she did a show with Dee. After that the kids were pulling her to the pool .  The kids love her , and she loves them back. 
She always spoils them to death but I love it . 
After a while time for cake and presents 
Y/n POV:
When it was time for cake , JJ of course had me sitting next to her and I had Arrow on my lap with all the kids around us. We sang happy birthday to her and ate the cake, after the cake we did presents . 
She got so many things after she opened them all she wanted to know what I got her. So I gave her the present and the gift had disney stuff in it and princess Rapenzel dress  and then she got the envelope . she opened it and screamed so loud it scared everyone she dropped the tickets and jumped up on me to give me a tight squeeze .
Aunt y/n/n i love it , yu come with me and everyone right she said
 Of course sweet girl i said 
After she jumped off me and she ran to Jensen and told him what I got her. Little did she know he already knew . i said laughing in my head 
After the presents everyone went back outside . 
I really love this one . Thank you so much for the love request. all was open and i will try my best to get them done .
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spn-imagines-br · 2 months
Jared Padalecki Imagine
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Título: Best Birthday Ever
Par: Jared Padalecki x S/n
Sumario: S/n esta extremamente nervosa em comhecer uma das pessoas mais importantes da vida de seu namorado.
Pedido: Não
Palavras: 1206
N/a: Imagine especial em comemoração ao aniversario do Jared / originalmente escrito com Tom Hiddleston fiz algumas alterações
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– Jared e se eles não gostarem de mim?
–  Claro que eles vão gostar de você, pare de besteira.
– Não é besteira Jared, Jensen é como se fosse sua família e se não gostarem de mim vai ser um desastre hoje.
– Você é exagerada as vezes sabia. – O rapaz falou rindo.
– Não é exagero Jared é que estamos juntos faz quase um ano anos e ainda não conheço o Jensen pessoalmente porque é você  trabalhando em algum filme ou série ou meu trabalho e você resolve me apresentar para ele bem no seu aniversário, na qual eu não estou me sentindo bem, já pensou se eu fizer algo de errado?
– Você não vai, fica tranquila tá bom – falou beijando minha testa – Agora venha vamos sair do carro.
– Você promete segurar minha mão?
– Claro, agora venha.
Saímos do carro e fomos caminhando de mãos dadas até a frente da porta da casa dos Ackles
– Jared, acho que eu mudei de ideia, você pode entrar, mas eu vou voltar para casa?
– Vai voltar como S/n você não sabe dirigir?
– Eu vou de táxi ou um uber.
– S/n hoje é sexta dia mais movimentado, como você vai achar um uber facil. Já estão todos esperando e estamos uma hora atrasados.
Antes que eu pudesse falar alguma coisa, Jared abriu a porta, e me arrastou para dentro. Essa foi uma ocasião normal eu estaria um pouco mais tranquila só que mas Jared escolheu a pior época para me apresentar para uma das pessoas mais importantes na vida dele, não só por que é aniversario dele mas eu estou grávida e não contei para ninguém ainda, e qualquer tipo de cheiro me deixa enjoado principalmente comida. Essa era a minha maior preocupação é ficar enjoada com o cheiro da comida, nós estamos juntos só a alguns e nem moramos juntos e tem o fato de eu ser mais nova do que ele. Eu comecei a ficar nervosa e apertei meio forte a mão de Jared e ele olhou para mim preocupado.
– Você está bem?
– Estou sim,  só  pensando em algumas coisas.
– Certo agora venha vou te apresentar a minha mãe ela está na cozinha. Jensen chegamos – falou entrando na cozinha.
– Jer que bom que vocês chegaram já estávamos preocupados com a demora. 
– Desculpem, a culpa do atraso foi minha. – Falei timidamente – É um prazer conhecer a vocês.
– É que a S/n estava passando mal hoje por isso demoramos.
– E por que não avisaram antes vocês não precisam vir já que ela não está bem. – Dannel falou preocupada
– Claro que sim, eu tinha que apresentar a S/n para vocês e além do mais ela já está se sentindo melhor não é amor?
– Sim, estou um pouco melhor.
– Agora você me deixou preocupada com ela, Jared, está com uma cara tão abatida. – A ruiva falou
– Não sabemos, bom pelo  não é contagioso se não eu estaria doente também. 
– Credo, Jared não precisava falar desse jeito né. – Falei olhando séria
– Você foi ao médico querida?
– Não tive muito tempo, por causa do trabalho e das aulas, mas não é nada sério.
– Tem certeza, podemos te levar ao médico?
– Não precisa, eu realmente estou me sentindo bem melhor e além do mais que hoje não deve ser muito agradável ficar no hospital e eu não quero estar a noite de natal com ninguém.
– Já que você está se sentindo melhor então a janta está quase pronta porque vocês não vão esperar na sala enquanto eu termino aqui.
– Não precisa de ajuda? 
– Pode ficar tranquila S/n já está quase pronto.
Ficamos um tempo conversando na sala. Jensen estava me contando algumas histórias de quando eles estavam filmando Supernatural e alguns momentos embaraçosos que Jared passou no set de filmagem . Bom é claro que meu namorado já estava um pimentão de tão vermelho que estava, ele tentou fazer com que o amigo não me mostrasse as fotos embaraçosas  mas ele ignorou completamente os pedidos de Jared.
– Então S/n você aqui do Texas mesmo?
– Não, sou do Brasil e me mudei há alguns anos.
– Assim, seus pais ainda estão no Brasil.
– Estão sim minha mãe não quis deixar minha vó lá e meu pai é casado com o emprego então eu vim sozinha.
– Jared conhece eles
– Apenas por videochamada , assim como foi meio difícil eu conhecer você ainda não conseguimos ir para casa dos meus pais e eles também não querem vir para cá pois minha mãe morre de medo de avião.
– Espero que não me ache invasiva com a quantidade de perguntas, não quero que se ofenda nem nada, sou apenas curioso.
– Tudo bem, para falar a verdade o meu nervosismo já passou, para falar a verdade eu estava morrendo de medo de conhecer vocês.
– Medo do que? – Jensen perguntou sorrindo.
– Bom de que vocês não gostassem de mim, vocês são como família para o Jared e isso me deixou preocupada.
– Não seja boba, dá pra ver claramente que você gosta mesmo dele e sei que ele também gosta muito de você
Por parte minha procuração foi boba, pois Jensen, Dannel e as crianças me adoraram. Agora seria a hora de ver se eu precisaria me preocupar de verdade ou não. Que seria o cheiro de várias comidas. Assim que as coisas estavam na mesa meu estômago começou a reagir bem mas a hora que eu comecei a comer me arrependi na hora pois me deu um embrulho no estômago e eu comecei a ficar enjoada, óbvio que Jared percebeu, mas não falou nada. Resolvi parar de comer e ir para cozinha respirar um pouco, não demorou muito para ele ir atrás de mim.
– Amor você está bem? – Perguntou preocupado.
– Estou sim, só preciso respirar um pouco.
–Tem certeza?
– Não, onde é o banheiro?
– No final do corredor na segunda porta à direita.
Sai correndo em direção ao banheiro antes que acontecesse algum acidente.
Depois de colocar todo o conteúdo do meu estômago para fora, lavei o rosto e fui para sala rapidamente pegar minha bolsa e voltar para o banheiro. Depois que o enjoo já tinha passado e eu escovado os dentes, voltei para sala e sentei no sofá.
– Realmente acho que você deveria ir ao hospital – Jared falou sentando–se do meu lado.
– Não precisa eu tô bem.
– Meu amor, você precisa ir. Você não está bem, se for alguma coisa séria eles precisam de remédio e você melhora.
– Amor eu estou bem não é nada sério.
– Como você pode ter tanta certeza assim você nem foi ao médico para saber e não quis ir.
– Eu sei que você está preocupado e tudo mais. Olha eu estava guardando isso para entregar quando chegássemos na sua casa , mas já que você está quase surtando achando que eu tenho algo sério vou entregar agora. – falei pegando uma caixinha da minha bolsa e entregando para ele.
– Não quero ser grosso nem nada, mas como isso vai ajudar.
– Abre que você vai entender.
Dentro da caixinha tinha um par de sapatinhos de bebê branco e o teste de gravidez que eu tinha feito uns dia atrás. Jared me olhou completamente bobo, sei que ele adora crianças e pela cara dele deu para perceber que ele tinha ficado feliz com o fato que ele seria pai.
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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'Supernatural' Good Intentions aka paving that road to hell
I’m going to do something I never thought I’d do for a review. I’m going to give you a disclaimer with this Supernatural review: If you cannot separate any actor from the character they play (the main picture above is a helpful hint), then you’re free to go. Class dismissed. No hard feelings. Seriously. In fact, I’d rather you go. Still here? Okay, then. I’m going to start with a brief rundown of an episode I skipped reviewing last month, “Devil’s Bargain.” I skipped it for a very personal reason: because unlike some fans, I don’t hate Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner. I don’t think they’re awful writers. I don’t think they’re misogynists or racists, in fact, I think the opposite. I don’t think “Taxi Driver” is that bad compared to a lot of other episodes we’ve endured. I think “Route 666” is unbelievably underrated and if possible more relevant now than it was twelve years ago. Finally, I think a lot of fandom screaming “canon fail” at them is a two-fold issue: one, we’re all very married to our head-canons and two, all the writers do it and alway have. Blaming just them is simply childish. And before you say it, no, I don’t care that they wrote the death of Charlie Bradbury. Seriously. I don’t care. The character was way past expiration, like a couple other characters that we’re still enduring. I digress. For now, a quick rundown of “Devil’s Bargain.” It was… okay. Danneel Ackles made her Supernatural debut as faith healer Sister Jo, but frankly, even before her first scene aired, we all knew she’d be revealed as an angel. Now, as someone in fandom, it’s hard to remove yourself from knowing that you’re watching Jensen Ackles’ wife onscreen, but since I’d watched Danneel on TV way before they even began dating I have a slight advantage, and there were definitely shades of her One Tree Hill character, Rachel Gatina, in Sister Jo. While, I would’ve liked to see a bit more comedy out of this role, because I think that’s where Danneel Ackles shines, the sultry selfishness of Sister Jo wasn’t unwelcome. In fact, it was refreshing to finally see an angel who wasn’t wearing a boring suit and acting like an office drone. Honestly, Supernatural, the angels and demons on your show have become so homogenous. One big blurry blob of maybe good, maybe bad, but all definitely bored, ad execs. Sister Jo and Lucifer were the actual highlights of this episode, separately and together. Their encounters were unsettling, but they were supposed to be, and the performances were there. Yeah, the dialogue was wordy, that’s Ross-Leming and Buckner for you, but a good actor can turn wordy into conversational. Danneel Ackles and Mark Pellegrino were able to do that. Was the sexual metaphor heavy handed? Oh, yeah, totally. That said, after the very literal hammers to the head in Steve Yockey’s episode “Various & Sundry Villains” we learned that it’s not a deal breaker for an episode. Misha Collins himself once said there was nothing subtle about the writing in Supernatural. You know what is a deal breaker, though? When your tertiary characters outweigh your primary leads and secondary regular. I spent every moment that Dean, Sam, and Castiel were on screen thinking, “can we get back to Lucifer and Sister Jo?” And it wasn’t the director, I can’t blame Eduardo Sanchez for the drag in momentum, because if anyone can build tension and deliver it’s the director of The Blair Witch Project. Sanchez is horror royalty, a tension king. I’m not going to blame the writing either because again, Danneel Ackles and Mark Pellegrino were engaging. I blame the show running and the editing. I know, I know, I’m not being subtle in where I’m going with this, but we’ll get back to that later. Anyway, “Devil’s Bargain” was passable. Not a top 20 episode, but not a bottom 20 one either. It existed. It’ll be mostly memorable for the fact that Danneel Ackles was in it. Her presence, whether it was because you know her from One Tree Hill, know her as Jensen’s wife, or just plain enjoyed Sister Jo, basically saved this episode from complete obscurity. What’s that you say? But what about the big reveal of Gabriel at the end? Well, if we hadn’t seen it coming, it might have been cool. Same with Bobby in the next episode. There’s no shock left because like with Ruthie Connell’s, between the cast, crew, and PR we know everything weeks in advance. Speaking of the next episode, let’s get into episode 13.14, “Good Intentions,” penned by Meredith Glynn and directed by P.J. Pesce. I’m going to get two petty things out of the way because they are the least of the problems with this episode; the camera angles were really awkward, and the use of the episode title in the dialogue during act one was, wow, hammers to the head again, anyone? I have one more issue that’s less about writing, directing, and acting, but I’m saving it for, you guessed it: later. Have you been filing away those “laters”? Hope so. What I am going to get into here is the overall writing of this episode, specifically the dialogue and characterization. First of all, can we stop asking how Castiel is all the time? I get that you are all struggling to justify the character, but no one, absolutely no one, gets asked about or talks about their feelings more than the soulless angel. It’s honestly preposterous when you think about it. We’re also going to have Castiel be the one both worried about and coddled over Lucifer being free? The dude who let Lucifer free? I know you’re fairly new, Meredith, so hey, let’s give you a break, I mean no one expects you to understand twelve years of canon. Who can? Except millions of fans who aren’t paid to do so. Let’s also discuss how you’re going to have characters that are “sometimes referred to as brothers” and then send Castiel and Dean off to fight them? Meredith, Meredith, Meredith. No ma’am. That’s just bad narrative symmetry. A rookie move, honestly. So is using “migraine” and “headache” interchangeably, but that’s a pet peeve puddle I’d don’t have the patience to play in, not when there’s an entire pond of “what even is going on here??” to paddle through. Actually, no, I’m going to address this a bit further; if I’m so removed from your storyline that I have the ability to focus your very common, yet annoying, medical inconsistency then something is very wrong. And what’s wrong is that this episode is an Everlasting Gobstopper of info dumping. It’s all exposition. No heart, no soul, no characterization. All tell and no show. This episode felt feature length and not in a good way. Actually, the only one in character is Mary. Her caring about six-month-old manchild, Jack when she can’t seem to genuinely care about her six-month-old baby turned hero of a man; Sam was very spot on. Although, I somehow don’t think you intended that bit of irony. Speaking of Mary and Jack, let’s get into a bit about the alternate world. It’s a cool idea, Andrew Dabb. In theory, it really is. I mean, apocalypse AUs have never been my personal preferred fanfic trope, but I get that it’s popular. In execution, however, if you’re going to retread the characters of Michael and Zachariah in new bodies then you need to have writers that can keep the characterization consistent with the season 4 and season 5 characters we knew. These two dudes aren’t that. Don’t get me wrong, the physical casting for Michael is superb, very nice eye candy, and hey, I’ll even allow the argument that we saw so little of Michael in SPN 1.0 that you and your writers have room to play. But Zachariah? Kurt Fuller’s performance is what brought Zachariah to life, the combination of determination, manipulation, and exhaustion all delivered with smug sarcasm. This Zachariah, he’s a generic second in command character. He could literally be anyone. You’ll notice I’ve barely mentioned Sam Winchester. Yeah. That’s because you forgot to write him and the director forgot to focus on him and yo, I’m so tired. So let’s talk about all the “laters”, shall we? I said I wasn’t going to blame director Eduardo Sanchez and honestly, I have very little blame for P.J. Pesce aside from some dubious camera angle choices. I blame the writing and the show running. Now if you’re someone who preaches Team Free Will, that door from earlier is still open, please, walk through it, because there is nothing more tedious than a scene with Dean, Sam, and Castiel or Dean and Castiel. I’m not here to debate that; it’s my opinion in my opinion piece. Not one single writer can keep the dialogue in these types of scenes flowing. It’s forever awkward, stilted, and redundant and very clearly existing because it’s required by the showrunner. Every season for the past few years has been Castiel screwing up, then storming in thinking he knows better, then screwing up again. Maybe that’s a sign the character has overstayed? Perhaps. Fact is, it’s become so boring. The only consistent thing about Castiel is his hubris followed by his pouting and moping. Another I later implied was editing. I have so many issues with the editing in this episode. Listen, horror genre is my thing. Good horror movies, bad horror movies, slasher flicks, torture porn, psychological thrillers, ghost, monsters, all of it. I love it. Often times what makes or breaks a horror movie isn’t the acting or the writing, it’s the editing. It’s the way scenes are put together. It’s the sound mixing. It’s practical effects versus reliance on CGI. This episode failed on each of these points. The thudding steps from the “giants” Gog and Magog sounded comical, not to mention the fact that we suddenly had subtitles for an ancient language. Oh, I get it, Meredith had jokes. Anyway. The other editing failures were the cut from Zachariah tossing Jack into his cell to Jack landing and several other POV switch edits that were equally as awkward and choppy. Not to mention the random moments of surprise!shaky cam. This episode felt cobbled together out of several other things. Not other episodes, actual different projects. As for the CGI, the lighting in the AU world was very near animated in appearance. The reveal of Zachariah pretending to be Castiel felt like funhouse horror editing, which can work… if you’re watching The Houses October Built. Not to mention the beheading of the giant was pretty bad, especially for a show that has had amazing beheadings in the past. And Jack turning the angels into missiles was just… I don’t even have words. Again, I come from a horror background, so these things matter a lot. But finally, my last, and biggest gripe is this: what even are we doing? Season 13, what is your thesis statement? We are fourteen episodes into this season, and there’s no story. Not really. We spent the first half setting up a spin-off that may or may not happen, and now we’re just throwing spaghetti at a wall. Michael, Mary, Jack, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Bobby, the AU world, the real world. It’s all a hodgepodge. The only thing I know for certain is what this season isn’t about. Sam and Dean Winchester.
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archiveoth · 3 years
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wheniwrite28 · 3 years
Apparently JP just talked about his wife but yeah sure JA is talking about JP here.. Right that makes sense..
Well to each his own but on a more honest front, I think JA just wants to be inclusive. I think he wants to present an opportunity for everyone to know that love comes in all shapes, sizes and people.
His gender ambiguity is such that. Also, that man freaking loves his wife! I can see that, a cockles shipper from miles away. So should anyone, but J2 tinhats live on another planet where you have serious beards with whom you have children, a lot of them and are head over heels in love with them.
You know what I want that kind of love, but rn, my friend, let’s just give this a soft chuckle and see this brilliant picture I love of Jensen and Danneel
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Jensen supporting his freind
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jpacklins · 4 years
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• like or reblog if u save, pls ♡
• cr; @jpacklins (me)
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jensensdanneels · 5 years
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Jensen & Danneel Ackles - Family Business 2018
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Me, waiting for Danneel’s post announcing how her husband just proposed to his boyfriend in the same bar that the two idiots had their first date in:
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woodworthti666 · 5 years
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destielette1 · 6 years
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Lmao, tumblr is totally losing it
@staff Wtf is this
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themusesofthesouth · 5 years
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larriestyless · 5 years
Danneel Ackles is Amazing
So Danneel Ackles had an abortion. Alright. She wasn’t ready to be a mom. So fuck off.
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archiveoth · 3 years
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© @itslevious or like
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