#Darius Shan
stepharts · 2 years
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ShanTober Day 28 - Home
Imagine being conceived just to kill your uncle and finding out your dad is evil. Yeah Darius is gonna need some therapy.
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I do hope for more bipoc headcannons of cirque du freak because the author himself says that Darren himself could be any race in his book and that says so much!
Be creatively free! Make an Asian Darren with asian family dynamics. Make an African British Darren and see how he handles things once he reunites with Debbie. Have mixed race Darius because Darren and his sister are bipoc!
GO crazy go wild!
I'm thinking about doing my own but I'll post next time when I have more time on my hands
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sewingkits · 2 years
i dont. remember anything after book 6
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thisdreamsalive · 2 years
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Tell me this isn't Darius and Steve
[image ID: Joker Jr and Joker from Batman Beyond cartoon]
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memesmadefullmetal · 4 months
After an INTENSE week of voting, and a few very close battles, our results are in! 🤩
The victors of ROUND 1 (PART 2) are…
Noah, Den, Jerso, Madame Shan, Sheska, Darius, Briggs Cool Hair Guy & Bido!
They will ALL be progressing to the next round! 🎉
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Thank you all so much for sticking up for your favourite Obscure Blorbos so far!!
ROUND 2 will begin on FRIDAY (24th May) so get ready to fight for your favourites all over again, as the competition really starts to heat up! 💥🥊🗳
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- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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kemendin · 11 months
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Been feeling the WildStar nostalgia this last week so I thought I'd talk a bit about these lads - Caspian and Darius Serapis, who were both born in WS and more recently made their way into SWTOR.
Caspian's known as Seeker in WS, having discarded his clearly Cassian birthname when he defected from the Dominion about a year after his arrival on Nexus. Being both a) from a prominent Highborn Cassian family and b) one of the Dominion's foremost Eldanologists, this didn't sit too well with his loyalist older brother. A respected officer in the Radiant Legion, Darius spent over a year hiding the shame of Caspian's defection, while at the same time tracking down his errant sibling with the intent of physically dragging him back to the Dominion if necessary.
While they were close as children, Seeker and Darius come to borderline hate each other by the time they're adults. Darius' heavy-handed, militant manner and fierce devotion to the Vigilant Church clash constantly with Seeker's defiant questions and growing disillusionment with the so-called destiny of the Dominion. This comes to a head when Darius finally catches up with his brother. Seeker makes it clear that not only does he reject the Dominion and the Church, he has every intention of plumbing the secrets of Nexus for proof that the Eldan were false gods, and he will hurl that evidence into the face of Emperor Myrcalus himself if he has to.
Fortunately, Seeker manages to escape his brother's custody before an incensed Darius can make up his mind about executing him on the spot for heresy. They don't meet again until a worsening of Seeker's genetic disorder - a side effect of his Highborn lineage - requires the primal pattern of another blood relative to stabilise his own. By this point both of them are Extremely Tired And Done with this whole situation, and ultimately Darius agrees to a) save Seeker's life and b) take a record of Seeker's death back to the Dominion so they'll stop hunting him, and they go their separate ways.
Given this whole history, it's been very interesting to spin them a new story in SWTOR. For one thing, with Caspian as my canon (ish) Jedi Knight and Darius as my also canon (ish) Republic Trooper, they're actually on the same side, which from the outset meant that they do get along a hell of a lot better than in WS. Caspian is still the defiant, logical disbeliever, but the Force is as close to 'faith' as he actually gets in any universe so far, and overall he's less steely than his original WS self. Darius is still the stern and hardened soldier, deeply loyal to the Republic, but he doesn't have the unyielding fanaticism of the Church. And I think the fact that Cas is also a warrior, in a way, gives them something significant to have in common. They're not best friends by any means, but they respect each other's roles and do care about each other in a usually unspoken way (unless it's Darius openly yelling at Satele Shan over letting his little brother run around with the Emperor's fucking Wrath. He has Concerns. They are entirely warranted).
I've got at least one SWTOR fic I want to write with the two of them, on Corellia during the class story. So it'll be fun to see how Darius' voice emerges here in the galaxy far far away.
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months
The Storm Bringer (Information and History)
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Dock of Arendelle (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Auardon (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Corona (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Neverland (sometimes after d3),
Dock of the Isle of the Lost (d1-d3).
Blackbeard (Captain)(Previously),
Hannah Hook (Captain)(Current),
René Montaudoin (Captain)(Previously).
Aaron Bog (The Treasuer),
Abi Hun (Crewmate)(Former),
Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Helmsman),
Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah (Translator)(Future),
Anna Bog (The Lawyer),
Artemis Foundling (Junior),
Atlas Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Atticus Hook (Babysitter Crewmate)(Former),
Beau Foundling (Junior),
Clarice Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Craven Bog (Junior)(Future),
Credence Foundling (Junior),
D.E Anonymous (Anonymous Helper),
Darcy Aoratos (The Medic),
Darius Foundling (Junior),
Darren Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Derrick Red (Crewmate)(Former),
Eduardo Frollo (The Cooper),
Elara Foundling (Junior),
Evelyn de la Cruz (The Prison Guard),
Fiona Foundling (The Look Out),
Francesca Delgado (The Boatswain),
Genesis Flores (The Navigator),
Greyson Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Gunner Harp (Back up Medic),
Harley Foundling (Junior),
Haul Bjorgman (The Deckhand and Translator)(Future),
Herlando Dancer (Back up Medic),
Hope Sid (The Entertainment and h.r. Representative),
Howiee Wolf (Guard),
Ian Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Ike Bog (Junior)(Future),
Issac Cipher (Front Desk Attendant),
Isaac Olympian (Crewmate)(Former),
Isaac of Maldonia (Crewmate)(Former),
James Rourke (The Rigger),
Joey Starlights (Crewmate)(Former),
John Facilier (The Gunner),
Jolene Bog (Junior)(Future),
Josh de la Cruz (The Sailmaker),
Joy Foxworth (The Back Up, Back up Kid Wrangler)(Future),
Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou (Storm Manager),
Lance Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Levi Giant (Junior),
Liberty Titan (The Backup Carpenter),
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard (1st Mate),
Luís Barbosa (The Carpenter),
Lysander Foundling (Junior),
Marcys Foundling (Junior),
Marinette Foundling (Junior),
Misty Del Rey-Silver (The Diver),
Morgan Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Guard),
Nadia Foundling (Junior),
Nevin Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Noah Aoratos (The Cabin Boy),
Noor Foundling (Junior),
Parker McLeach (The Powder Monkey),
Peachy Gothel (3rd Mate),
Prometheus Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Remi de Vil (4th Mate),
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing (The Trainer), 
River Le Beak (Crewmate),
Shan Bri (The Back up Kid Wrangler),
Shania Silver (The Kid Wrangler)(Former),
Shaun Fagin (Crewmate)(Former),
Skelebar Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Skia Aoratos (2nd Mate),
T.K Sykes (Crewmate)(Former),
Terrance Foundling (Junior),
Tiger Khan (Translator),
Tim Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Toby Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Tommy Wonderful (Junior),
Treycor Fae-Aoratos (The Quartermaster),
Tyson Foundling (Junior),
Willow Hawthorne (Junior).
Captain Hook,
Ginny Gothel,
Harry Hook,
Maleficent’s Goons,
Mama Hook,
The Gothel Twins,
The Smee Twins,
"Creatures of the Night, Prepare to fight!"
The Storm Bringer is the name of a pirate ship that Hannah Hook and her crew own.
It served as headquarters for the pirate crew and can be seen throughout the series 'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook and Co.'
The Storm Bringer is an old pirate ship that Hannah Hook won and fixed up for her crew. Repurposing it as a safe house/boat/home for her crew and replacing the sails with three homemade sails that have a matching flag up on the crowsnest, a single red flag, and two additional crimson red flags.
Its walls are covered in artwork that she and her crew made as well as random treasures they have picked up over the years. 
The wood is mainly brown with hints of red in some places and it has many rooms that the crew share (some of these ‘rooms’ are just areas with curtains hanging up to separate them. 
It is one of the few ships on the isle that is almost fully intact and the shape its in has been described as ‘remarkable’ by the few older pirates that have stepped abroad since the ship came into Hannah Hook’s possession. 
Hannah Hook acquired the Storm Bringer from it's pervious owner, Blackbeard, in a poker game that she bested him at when she was 6.
In that game, she not only gained a ship but two new enemies (Blackbeard and his son, Barnaby) and the respect of the elder pirates on the isle.
Her first three crew members were Luke Tremaine-Westergaard and Skia Aoratos (her 1st and 2nd mate respectively) and River Le Beak (who decided to just be a crewmate) who helped her build her crew and repair the ship.
They ended up renaming the ship 'The Storm Bringer' and replacing it's old sails with ones they made themselves before tossing the ones in the storage closet.
And over the years, Hannah and her crew ended up redecorating the ship to make it feel more like home. Using art pieces they each made, rewards they'd received, and random treasures they had found to do so.
They even added on to the ship, making more rooms and making it look more intimidating and wild in the process.
(Old Design):
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(New Design):
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(Storm Bringer Contract):
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(Storm Bringer Crew Tattoo):
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(Crew Tryouts Poster):
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Recently read through Kate Elliott's Unconquerable Sun and Furious Heaven, the first two parts of a trilogy described as genderbent Alexander the Great in space. Excellent books, but I didn't have the knowledge of Alexander's life necessary to draw the historical parallels. Fortunately, the author has a few essays up on tor.com explaining it. Unfortunately, she doesn't spell out all the connections, so here's what I have, ones stated by the author bolded:
(some spoilers, I guess)
Sun: Alexander the Great
Eirene: Phillip II of Macedon (Alexander's father)
Joao: Olympias (Alexander's mother)
Persephone "Perse" Lee: Ptolemy I Soter (Alexander's companion, later pharaoh of Egypt, noted for keeping memoirs and sponsoring mathematics)
Hestia "Hetty" Hope: Hesphaistion (Alexander's companion and lover)
Alika Vata: Perdiccas (Alexander's companion and general)
James Samtarras: does not have a historical analog, since he apparently fulfills multiple roles
Makinde Bo: Lysimachus (Alexander's general)
Razin Nazir: don't know, she hasn't shown up much, presumably one of Alexander's other companions/generals
Jade Kim: Craterus (Alexander's general, often distrusted for his ambition)
Tiana: Thais (courtesan who later became Ptolemy's consort)
Solomon: Seleuccas (Alexander's general, later founded the Seleucid Empire)
Octavian: no historical analog
Zizou: no historical analog
Crane Marshal Zaofu Samtarras: Parmenion (cautious older general contrasted against Alexander)
Anas Samtarras: Philotas (Parmenion's oldest son)
Angharad Black: Cleitus the Black (soldier who saved Alexander's life)
Moira Lee: Attalos (friend of Phillip's who arranged his marriage to Attalos's yougner relative)
Marduk Lee: Antipater (Alexander's regent in macedonia while he was away on campaign)
Nona Lee: Antigonus? I'm hesitant about this, but Nona is the only character I can think of who fits the description of "one of Philip’s old guard who unlike most of the rest of the older generation retained his importance long into and past the Alexander era"
Dimitar: Demetrius (Antigonus's son, the names match which supports the Nona=Antigonus theory)
Soaring Shan: Cleopatra (Alexander's sister)
Metis: Phillip Arhiddaeus (Alexander's half brother, deemed mentally unfit to rule)
Beau Qiang: Callisthenes (Alexander's historian)
Baron Voy: amalgamation of Demosthenes and Aeschines (athenian orators)
Baragesi: Darius III (ruler of the persians)
Jejomar Os Cook: Sisygambis (Darius's mother, captured by Alexander)
Bartholomew: Barsine (persian noblewoman who knew Alexander as a child, and later married him)
Manu: Memnon (greek mercenary who fought for persia)
Apama: this one I struggled with, Kate Elliott says, "She has an historical counterpoint and in some ways I consider her my most important gender spin in the entire story." But I couldn't find any corresponding person she could be genderbent from. Then I realized that "gender spin" could be referring, not to making a historically male figure female, but to giving a female figure the agency and role in this narrative that she didn't get in the historical record. So my guess is Apama I, a persian noblewoman from a region whose leaders were later referred to as Sabao, whose wikipedia page basically just lists her father, husband, and children.
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reviewsthatburn · 2 years
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SONS OF DESTINY is the final showdown between Steve and Darren, as they both learn who set them in the other's path.
This wraps up Darren and Steve's conflict with a final confrontation. It addresses some of what happens to the other characters afterward, but only in brief detail. It kind of has a new storyline about what happens to Darren after the conflict, but that's so much of a continuation/redo that I'm not sure whether it counts as a new storyline. It introduces and resolves Darren's transformation. As the final book in the series it wraps up Darren's personal storyline as well as a smattering of other plot threads. Darren is still the narrator, as he has been for the whole series.
Full review at link.
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steveleoparddd · 3 years
Steve: Darius, I did not raise you to embarrass me like this!
Darius: YOU didn’t raise me!
Steve: Isn’t that what I just said?
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festivaloftheundead · 3 years
Bloodline - chapter 28 - PART 1: Change You Like A Remix
Also on ff.net
You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down / Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
If the Vampire Princes had a nickel for every time someone interrupted an important event shouting that the mountain is under attack and there are vampaneze in the basement, they'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
“This has gone too far!” Larten bellowed, thrashing against his captor. “Your quarrel is with me, and me alone. If you have even a shred of dignity, duel me now and be done with it!”
Leonard paused, turned back around and gave Larten the same scathing sneer he’d given Mika. He knelt on the floor, eye to eye with Larten.
“You still think you can call the shots just because you’re on your home turf.” He laughed viciously. “Here’s the thing, Creepy. Taking your life has nothing on what I’m about to do next. You’re not even a Prince! You’re nothing but a circus act! That’s all you’ve ever been.”
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incorrectcdfquotes · 3 years
Darius: I gotta go. My dad's picking me up, and he just had laser eye surgery, so I gotta get outside.
Darren: Wait, your dad just had laser eye surgery, and he's driving?
Darius: I didn't say my dad made good decisions.
Darren: Your dad had laser eye surgery, and you're getting in the car with him?
Darius: I didn't say I make good decisions either.
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so i made like a ridiculous amount of these charts and I WILL MAKE MORE
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cdf characters but as poorly edited facebook memes I actually stole off of instagram pt 1/???
Warning, swear words
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memesmadefullmetal · 4 months
Links to all of the current matches are below:
Dolcetto vs. Dr. Knox
Rose vs. Heinkel
Fletcher Tringham vs. Denny Brosh
Zampano vs. Heathcliff Erbe
Noah vs. Den
Jerso vs. Madame Shan
Sheska vs. Darius
Briggs Cool Hair Guy vs. Bido
We just love to give you guys really tough choices clearly 😌
Things are really heating up now 🔥
Once again, all matches will be live for ONE WEEK 🏃🏼🗳��
We can’t believe how far we are into this tournament already! The Quarterfinals await!
Don’t forget to keep sending us that spicy, spicy propaganda! 🌶️
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- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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kemendin · 5 months
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@magicallulu7 Easier to answer in a new post haha
Hoo boy, so Darius is… not thrilled. Rather less than not thrilled actually xD
Darius’ first encounter with Scourge - Chapter Three of the class story, on Corellia - is extremely unfortunate. He goes to rendezvous with his little brother - whom he hasn’t seen since way before the whole Emperor’s fortress fiasco - and sees a very obvious Sith in very close proximity to Cas, and promptly shoots Scourge (or tries to). Scourge naturally retaliates, and then Cas goes into full blown panic mode trying to keep the two from killing each other.
Once he separates them, and things are explained, Darius is still all ‘Absolutely Not’ about this Jedi and Sith alliance, because he’s encountered a few Sith himself and this is NOT gonna fly. At the first opportunity, he gets Satele Shan on the holo and savagely chews her out for allowing his brother to run around with a Sith, and especially That Sith?? The one even other Sith are scared of??!!
He and Cas have a significant row following the end of the class story too, when Cas reveals that Scourge has accepted the invitation to stick around even after the Emperor’s been ‘dealt’ with. But Darius has his own problems and responsibilities, and there isn’t much he can do about this, so he just throws up his hands and leaves them to it (after several unsubtle threats about what he’ll do to Scourge if Scourge turns on Cas).
By the time Cas and Scourge ACTUALLY become romantic partners - all of them, Darius included, have been through a Time, and Darius grudgingly concedes he doesn’t have any real reason to oppose the relationship. Scourge has saved Cas’ life more times than can be reasonably counted, and his devotion to Cas is obvious. The best thing Darius will say about it is that as much as he dislikes Scourge, at least Cas is no longer paired up with Theron. (Darius despises the SIS lol)
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