#Dark!thor x reader
boxofbonesfic · 2 years
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Title: Size
Pairing: Soft Dark!Thor Odinson x Reader
Kink Prompt: Size [Size Kink]
Word Count: 1,956
Summary: You accept a catering job from a customer.
Warnings: Noncon/Dubcon, Lightly Implied Kidnapping, Obsessive Behavior, Size Kink, Stalking, Smut, Darkfic, Forced Intoxication, AU: Dark, Dead Dove: Do not eat, Minors DNI!
A/N: entry number five and the latest of my very late week 2 fics for my kinktober celebration! mind the tags and warnings, as always, and enjoy! divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Thor’s… infatuation begins as all things do—small. 
 It is perhaps the turn of your head as you make his coffee—dark and sweet, the way he likes it. Or maybe the set of your mouth as you pour, full lips pressed together into as you concentrate. Small, soft hands, sweet, round face, filling his thoughts to bursting, and still he cannot get enough of you. Your flour smudged cheeks, fingers stained with spun sugar, you are as addictive as the sweets he lines up for, standing a full head taller than every other person in the queue. 
 He isn’t entirely sure when he began coming for you instead of the sweets lining the shelves and window displays of your shop. His first visit, Thor had thought of nothing else besides assuaging his craving for sweets. Now, however, his thoughts are consumed with other things—
 Like whether or not the girth of his cock will fit between your pretty lips. 
 He inhales the scent of warm sugar and browned butter, shifting impatiently. He wants to force his way to the front, demand you close down and serve only him, the way he would if he were home, on Asgard. But he knows that you require a light touch, a gentler hand. The way you peek bashfully up at him through your lashes when he finally reaches the front of the line tells him this. 
 “H-hello, um, again,” you say, a smile spreading across your full lips. Your hair is tied back with a white kerchief, but a few curls spring out to frame your pretty face. He watches your throat move as you swallow nervously. 
 “Greetings,” he replies, gracing you with a charming smile. He rubs the back of his neck a little, as his smile turns embarrassed. “I fear I simply cannot stay away.” His self-deprecating laugh earns him a sweet little laugh. 
 “Oh gosh. That’s, you’re just—“ You stammer nervously, shaking your head. “Flatterer.”
 “We had a baker, in the castle. His only task was to deliver the finest of pastries to us. I fear you have him beat on all accounts.” You shake your head, laughing again, this time with disbelief. “And that is not flattery. It cannot be flattery if it is true.”
 Uncomfortable with the compliment, you try to steer the conversation back to the transaction, the one thing Thor is trying to put off. “You’re too kind. What can I get for you today?” 
 “I shall have two of your fruit tarts. And one of these, please.” He points to a delicately frosted cookie in one of the display cases. As you’re puttering about getting his order together, Thor clears his throat. “I also come with a business proposal.” 
 You stop and turn to look at him. “Like… a catering thing?” 
 He nods. 
 “Yes. We are to celebrate the start of the harvest season, might you grace our tables with your talents?” You swallow again, teeth sinking into your deliciously plump lower lip as you slowly drop the cookie into a wax paper bag and replace the tongs on the lid. 
 “Where is it?”
 New Asgard is not as glorious to behold as his home once was, but he is still impressed by the traditional architecture the remainder of his people have been able to erect. The mead hall is bright and bustling with activity, the festivities well underway. Thor watches as you flit from serving table to serving table, fussing over the plates. When you see him watching you, you smile apologetically. 
 “Sorry. I get… controlling, when I cater.” You nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I hope everything has been good.”
 “Delicious. I could not have asked for better.” He produces a goblet of Asgardian wine, and it’s massive in your small hands. “I do not believe you have partaken.” He smiles. “It is a celebration, is it not?”
 You try to put the goblet down on the small table, but Thor’s smile drops by a fraction. He sees the desire to please in you plainly, and this time is no exception as you hesitate, and then turn back to him. 
 “I’m—well, you know, I’m working, technically.” He looses a booming laugh in response.
 “If you are working, then I am your employer, am I not? Please, enjoy the evening.” He watches you carefully as you tip the goblet up to your lips. Your eyebrows rise with surprise. 
 “This is good, actually.” You sniff at the alcohol, looking up at him. “I’m not really much of a drinker,” you admit with a sheepish look. 
 “Mead. Our finest. You’ll find the quality quite different from that of your Midgardian brew.” 
 “Yes, it’s sweeter,” you chirp, taking another sip. Thor is careful to keep the knowing smile from his face. “I like it.” He chats idly with you as you finish it, draining the goblet. 
 “I must ask. What led you to this profession?”
 “Oh, um. My grandmother, actually.” The alcohol has loosened your tongue. You press a hand to your warm cheek. “I grew up with her, and she was always baking. I’m sure you can tell,” you point at yourself, a self-shame dripping from every syllable. 
 “I’m afraid I do not share that particular Midgardian sensibility,” he says casually. “My people find a,” he pauses, letting his eyes linger on yours for a moment more than was appropriate, “robust figure to be a sign of good health.” His smile widens by a fraction. “And virility.”  He turns to a passing server, and plucks another two goblets of wine from her tray. Thor presents one to you, and you’re too flustered not to take it. 
 You take a few sips, and Thor readies his timed apology. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to offend.”
 “Y-you, um, you didn’t.” You’re eager to change the subject, and Thor obliges. 
 “Would you like a tour?” He asks, the smile on his face turning proud. “I would be honored to show you.” You want to be talking about anything other than yourself, and so you nod as Thor watches you drain your second goblet. 
 “Yes, yes please. That would be wonderful.” 
 He walks you through the tapestries lining the walls of the great hall, victories and feats of valor performed by his father, his ancestors. There are artifacts on marble pedestals in the hallway, and as Thor closes the large doors behind him, the sound of festivities fades into interminable silence. You marvel appropriately at his treasures, and Thor beams at you. 
 “My father’s helm,” he replies, nodding at the golden helmet you stand in front of. “It was quite something to see him ride into battle.” 
 “These are amazing,” you reply earnestly. “I’m… I’m very sorry. About what happened.” 
 His smile turns grim. “Yes.” He grimaces. “A loss I fear my people shall never recover from.” The long hallway begins to slope upward, leading to a set of stone steps. He leads you up them, and you follow unquestioningly. His own chambers are above the mead hall, ornately furnished in the style of his destroyed home. You gape at the luxury of it as he leads you inside, your eyes moving from the brightly lit fire in the hearth to the bed, the balcony. The settees and pillows in front of the hearth make for fine seating, and there is a pitcher of wine and two glasses on the table. Thor motions for you to sit, and you do. 
 You smooth the silky fabric of your dress behind you carefully as you perch on the pillows, and Thor begins to pour you another glass. 
 “I really shouldn’t—”
 “What is another glass of wine between friends, hmm?” He asks, knowing full well that the inside of your skull must be buzzing fiercely already. Cowed, you meekly accept the goblet, raising it to your lips as he raises his. “I must complement you once again,” he says, and you fidget, drinking deeply from your goblet. 
 “T-thank you. I honestly… I can’t believe you asked me.” Thor settles himself beside you, close enough that your thighs touch. 
 “I could think of none better.” His hand falls to your shoulder, and you swallow thickly, and lean forward to place your goblet back on the little table in front of you. You miscalculate though, and almost miss. Thor quickly snatches the cup from your alcohol-clumsy fingers with a chuckle. 
“Careful, little mouse.”
 You duck your head.  “I’m—I’m sorry. I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink.” The words are slurry and heavy on your tongue, he can tell by how their edges run together, the words blurring like runny watercolor. “I—”
 “It is strong, is it not?” He hums, placing it on the table. 
 “Y-yes.” You blink up at him blearily before shaking your head. “I-I should go. Check back on the—” His hand clamps down your thigh, large enough to cover most of it with his palm. Thor squeezes gently. 
 “No, pet,” Thor chides you softly. “We’re having a conversation. It is rude to leave now.” You squeak as he squeezes again. “You know, I quite like you.” He revels in the feel of your soft skin under the thin fabric of your dress, his hand moving slowly up and down your thigh. Your eyes widen as you search for an exit, your mouth opening and closing while you try to find words to dissuade him.
 “Th-that’s very nice, but, I, um—”
 Thor chokes off your protests by lifting the goblet to your lips for you. He tilts it up as his other hand slides behind your head. Your eyes widen with shock, and you cough, sputtering as he tips the wine down your throat. Some of it runs out of the corners of your mouth as you choke on it, but far more of it goes down your throat. You feel dizzy and sick as he pulls away, swaying dangerously on the couch. 
 His hands are already working at his belts and trousers furiously, before loosing the cape at his shoulders. You lift a hand to your head as you try—and fail—to stand, falling back to the cushions. Thor hushes your drunken, mumbled protests with his own mouth, sighing as he runs his tongue along the seam of your lips. You’re so small, his hands span almost the length of your waist as he grabs you about the hips, pulling you down until your hips fit lewdly against his. You try to close your thighs around his hips clumsily. The movement forces your dress up your hips, exposing your panties as you fidget.
 “—I, wait—”
 “It’s alright, pet,” he brushes one of this thumbs across your lips, slipping it between them as you open your mouth to speak again. “I’m going to make you feel so good.” He groans at the sight of you, and slaps his cock against your vulva a few times for good measure. 
 “F-feel good?” You mumble drunkenly, looking up at him with wide, glassy eyes. 
 “Oh yes, pet,” he purrs, fisting his length in one hand. The thick, veiny length of him stretches almost to your belly button, and as he plays with the swelling nub at your center, you grow slick and whiny. Your breath hitches in your chest as he presses against your tight entrance, your cunt stretching reluctantly around his head. You whine, pressing your head back into the pillows as you huff through your teeth. 
 “T-too big, Thor—” The head pops inside and he feels you shudder, the words turning into an embarrassedly pleased moan. 
 “On the contrary pet,” he says lowly, drawing back only to drive in another few inches. “I think it’s just right.”
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Hello friends! I no longer maintain a taglist, so please follow @box-of-bones-library​ for updates and new work, thank you! 
Likes and comments are amazing, but reblogs are golden! Please consider sharing my work so that others can see it too!
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ethereal--muse · 5 days
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goshhh, those women were always kidnapped and forced to marry HOT dark men
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notforyounorme · 3 months
Gilded • Prologue
Dark Thor x female reader x Dark Loki
Warnings: none (for the prologue)
Series materlist • main masterlist
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"The more I try to understand Midgard, the more it seems to confuse me." A thunderous voice sounds from behind, startling the young woman. The plate in your hand drops to the floor bursting in tiny pieces. "I did not mean to startle you, my lady." The man chuckled from behind you.
You turn her head slightly in his direction. His golden hair flowed down in waves on his shoulders, his signature red cape replaced by a dark blue hoodie. "Thor! I'm sorry. I was just— deep in thought."
"No need to apologize, my lady. You just stay still, the shards seem to be everywhere."
You nod, following his figure with her eyes as he walks over, broom in hand. Your hands reach out to grab the platic as he hands it to you. The broom bristles hit the floor as you attempt to make a move to sweep the shards into a pile, but Thor holds out a hand to stop you, shaking his head slightly. He then proceeds to sit on his heels and starts picking up the bigger white pieces scattered across the black kitchen tiles carefully gathering them in the palm of his left hand. "How have you been? Asgard treating you well?" You ask as he turns to throw the pieces in the bin hidden behind the cabinet on his right. Eyes falling on your frame after he tilts his head in your direction.
Thor turns back on his heels as he keeps his eyes on yours. "I am jovial that my people have accepted the change so expeditiously. My coronation is set in a weeks time." He stands, dusting off his hands on his jeans and holds out a hand. The gesture makes you raise a brow at him before understanding that he wants you to hand him back the broom. His lips turn up slightly after the corner of his lips as you hand him the plastic back.
"You must be thrilled to finally lead your people as king." You stares at him as his sweeps across the floor, his eyes scanning the pieces as they are swept into a neat pile. How out of place this looks for a future king. He nods as he steps in front of you after disposing of the last shards. "Thank you."
"Not a problem at all, my lady. Oh! Speaking of the coronation in Asg—" Before Thor can finish his sentence another voice interrupts his words.
"There you are! Have you—" Loki strides into the kitchen with his head held up high, demanding a certain type of authority with his prenuptial. He looks from his brother to you as Thor steps away from you to turn to look at Loki. "Oh, never mind. Pardon me, am I interrupting you, dear brother?" He voice holding a tone that could only be described as indifferent as his eyes narrow and a smirk ghosts his lips. He knew exactly what he just had done.
"I was about to ask the Lady." Thor grins in Loki’s direction before turning back to the said woman standing next to him.
"Ask me?" Your eyes swifting between the two brothers in expectation, eyebrow raised. “What Migardian thing can I explain to the two of you today?” You ask the brothers, a small giggle leaving your lips as Thor laughs and Loki looks at her with a disbelieving sneer.
“I will have you know, dear mortal, That I-.”
“Brother.” Thor interrupst him, his tone demanding. "Well, you see, my lady. I was—"
"We. We were wondering." Loki objects and Thor glares in his direction.
"Right. We, we were wondering if you would like to be present." Thor smiles at you with hopefull eyes.
"Present where?" You look at the blond god with confusion in your eyes, your right brow raising slightly again as they knit together on your forehead.
Loki clears his throat as speaks your name and shakes his head with a roll of his green eyes. "What the oaf is trying to say—"
"Oi! I'm not an oaf."
"Of course not." Loki says to his brother with a sarcastic undertone in his voice. "As I was saying. We would like to invite you to join his coronation. To have you, dear pet, present and of course show you the wonders of our phenomenal home, now that father is not present anymore."
Thor glares at his brother. "Loki." He threatens. "He was still our father, have care how you speak of him."
"Oh, well, at least he can't hear it." Loki girns mischievously. “And he was not—; Never you mind.” He sends you a wink as he holds his silver tongue before gesturing his hand to his brother for him to continue.
Thor sighs as he turns back to look you in your eyes. "Don't mind his words, Lady." His voice low, the sound reminding you of rumbling thunder. "But we would be honored to have you join us in Asgard."
"I— I don't know what to say." You stammer. Eyes wide in disbelief, shock sending sparks over your back as excitement fills your blood.
"How about a thank you, your highness, I would be honored."
"Brother." Thor glares at Loki once again before turning back to you. "Think about it? Not too long, we would have to leave tomorrow at noon." He takes your hand in his.
"You will have my answer by tonight." You tell the Asgardian gods. Slowly rescinding your hand from Thor’s.
"I will await your answer in patience." Thor tells you as he steps in the direction of the door. "Don't take too long though." He winks before grabbing his brother by his arm and dragging him out.
"I beg your pardon, unhand me at once, brother." Loki swats at Thor's hand with a scoff and you chuckle at his reaction. "But yes, pet, please don't take too long with your answer." He says over his shoulder, green eyes catching your eyes.
"I won't." And with that your yet again alone in the spacious room. You chuckle to yourself as you continue to unload the dishwasher.
“Will you stop pacing! You are getting on my nerves. More then usual. And that is saying something.” Loki groans as he massages away his worries with two fingers between his brows. “She will accept.”
“And what if she doesn’t, brother? Mmm? What will happen then.” Thor stops his pacing abruptly, hands in fists at his side. His eyes roaming across the room before landing on his brother and he sneers as thunder claps outside. “She is taking a awful long time. Most mortals would be honored to be blessed to see our Asgard.”
“Now, now, brother. Being vain is more up my alley than yours. She WILL accept, not to worry.”
Thor doesn’t answer, he only turns on the balls of his feet and continues his stomping across the room. Slight rumble of thunder is heard outside before the room lights up with the flash of lightning.
“My, my, Thor. She will accept our generous invitation. She is a smart mortal.” Loki tells his brother as he cranes his neck to look at him. He holds back a sigh as he lets the words sink in himself. You are a smart one, right?
Thor growls at his brother and stomps back over. He grabs the front of his black overcoat and hoists him up his feet. “She should have been here by now.”
Loki, unfaced by his brothers anger, grabs his hands and rips them off of him. “Sit down, you oaf, and calm yourself.”
“But she-.”
A knock interrupts Thor’s words. “Am I the one interrupting something now?” There you stand, leaning against the door frame of the common room. “For two Gods, the both of you are hard to find.”
“Lady Y/n.” Thor sighs as he smiles at you, yet it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, the thunder outside now slightly reduced.
“Thor, Loki.” You nod as you step into the room. You eye both brothers curiously before folding your hands infront of you, a habit of nervousness. “I came to tell you of my decision. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“No apologies needed, pet. Please, would you like to sit down?” Loki gestures to the seat in front of his, the leather fauteuil looks inviting as sitting on the floor.
“I’m okay thank you, after all, I would have to continue packing.” You from the fauteuil at him.
Loki’s eyes narrow as does his brothers. “You’re leaving?” The question is heavy on his tongue.
Your brows knit together and you turn to look at the floor, trykng to hide the smile trying to creep on your lips. “I am.”
Thor steps closer to you, his hand reaching up for you arm but he holds back. “What made you decide that.” His lips are in a tight smile as thunder slowly rumbles again outside.
“I— I mean,” you can’t get words out of your mouth, how could they be so daft. Instead you choose to look Thor in the eyes. You give him a pointed look and it takes him a second before a grin breaks on his face.
“Ah, I see, my lady.” He says as he plays along. You both turn to look at Loki who is trying to hold back a sneer. “It is understandable, isn’t it, brother?”
“Oh, is it now?” Loki glares at his feet as he takes his eyes from his brother to you, taking in the smile on your lips. A cheeky grin appears on you lips and his frown turns into a smirk.
“I would love to join you for Thor’s coronation. I would be honored.”
“I would say so.” Loki says with an undertone you can’t quite explain. He tuns to Thor. “It seems the mortal is smart after all.”
“You thought I wasn’t?” You ask while folding your arms disapprovingly. “How dare you.”
“How dare you trying to trick a trickster.” Loki turns up his chin as Thor laughs. “Well I must take my leave now. Have a good night.” And he walks off without another word. You frown in his direction as he disappears around the corner.
“Well, my lady, I am honored to have you with us in Asgard. But packing would not be necessary though. We can provide you with whatever you need back home.” Thor tells you with a generous smile, his eyes light up when he takes in your smile.
“Oh! I hope you don’t mind, but I’m already nearly finished. I would like to bring my essentials if that’s okay.”
Thor pats your shoulder before sliding his hands down your arm and taking your hand. “Take whatever you need, my lady.”
He squeezes your hand before you rescind it and nod your head. Turning on your heels as you make your leave. “Tomorrow at noon, correct?”
Thor smiles. “Tomorrow at noon.”
Hello darlings,
This is my first time writing on Tumblr and hope the story peaks your interest. I do want to warn you that reading this is at your own risk as it will contain dark elements from now on. This fic is after all a dark one. If your not comfortable with that, please don’t continue reading the rest of the story when posted.
I hope you enjoyed this prologue as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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justjams2003 · 9 months
Sweet Savagery Masterlist
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All your life, Thor's blue eyes have haunted you. You believed you outran him, but now all your hopes come tumbling down.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
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michelleleewise · 1 year
Worthy Masterlist-
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Pairing: Dark! Thor x female reader
Warnings: manipulation, power imbalance, coercion, drugging, abduction, stalking, mentions of past trauma, forced imprisonment, swearing, mild violence, dubcon/subcon elements, unwanted touching, each chapter will have its own warnings. Please read them before proceeding.
Summary: After your recent breakup your self esteem is at an all time low, so you take your friends advice and seek professional help, not knowing what may lie ahead....
A/N- mood board made by the lovely and talented @mochie85!!! Thank you so much!!! This is my first venture into dark stories, let's see what happens.
Again, this is a dark fic and 18+. Do not proceed if any of the warnings are upsetting.
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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steverogersistheguy · 9 months
The song of the waves Dark!surfer!Thor x f!reader
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GIF NOT MINE, found it on Pinterest <3
Warnings: none, for this chapter, let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Thor seems the nice guy, but don't let yourselves fooled so easily. Also, English is NOT my first language, so if there are any further mistakes, I apologize. Enjoy! xxx
<- Ch.1
The plane trip seemed to last forever, but you had the chance to actually enjoy all this thing when you landed. As soon as your feet touched the sand, you inhaled deeply the salty air. The ocean was more beautiful than the pictures you saw on Google last night when you typed: Tavarua Island.
You finally persuaded your friends to walk to your hotel, and not to take a car, wanting to see the surroundings more.
When you stepped in the hotel, you could only ask yourself how much could all this trip possibly have costed. You tried to swallow the weird gut feeling you had, putting all your uncomfortableness on the theme it was a new place.
You unpacked, and arranged all your stuff on the cupboard in your enormous room. Tyler suggested you all stay inside, but you really wanted to go for a walk.
Despite your whole mood, you decided you were just paranoid and you left the hotel, walking and admiring the places. Your friends remained in their rooms, but you didn't care. It was too beautiful outside just to stay indoors, having tons of drinks and flirting with the hotel stuff, in your opinion.
You enjoyed the seagulls cranking, and the sound of the waves brushing the sand.
As you were walking around, you jumped when you heard a crack under your sneaker. It was a hermit crab, and you have cracked his peachy, almost skull-colored shell.
"oh, nooo..." you mumbled, picking him up. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry.." you whispered to the crab, hurrying to put it in a place where no one else could cause it more damage. You crouched down, your short dress reaching your thighs now.
As you were letting the crab go, you heard someone's step behind you. When you got up and turned on your heels, your face met a broad, muscular chest. Embarassed, you took a step back, finally looking at the man.
He seemed like a giant for you, and you felt so freaking infant in his presence. His piercing blue gaze made your words die in your throat, as you started fidgeting. He smiled, clearing his throat.
"Well, well...I haven't seen someone trying to save a poor creature so desperately." The man started. His voice sounded like thunder, deep and husky, sending shivers down your spine.
You looked down, cheeks flushing as you mumbled back akwardly "yeah, I-I...I like animals..."
He nodded in response, as he looked down at you. "I haven't seen you around before..." he declared, as you clenched your jaw, feeling his gaze burning holes through your skin.
"Y-yes, I'm on vacation with my friends" you admitted. You told him your name, as he hummed.
"I'm Thor. This island is quiet and we're not so many around... I live here, little one, I know everything" you blushed slightly at the nickname. "Maybe I can show you off this place, later today." Thor suggested. You nodded, as you opened your mouth to thank him. "We will come, sure..." You said. He arched his brows and asked "We...?" You nodded as he clenched his jaw, a possible hint of jealousness in his expression. "Y-yes, me and my friends...the ones I came with..." Thor looked at you deeply again, as a smirk curled his lips, but haven't reached his eyes. "Very well then, see you later, little one.."
You looked at him as he went further, putting on his suit and going in the ocean with his board. You started re-loading the conversation in your brain, as you returned to your hotel. All of a sudden, something else hit your mind. "Thor..." you thought "what an unusual name..."
You tried to fight the urge to ghost him and not come with your friend tonight, but he was just being nice....right?
As Thor got in the water, he couldn't think of anything else besides you.
You were so innocent, so pure in your little dress, hair dancing in the wind. He groaned as he remember your legs, how the dress cupped your breasts perfectly, how sweet your smile was.
He felt himself getting harder, at the thought of you moaning his name, under him, bearing his children, having you all only to himself. From the moment he saw you walking on the beach, he wanted you, needed to have you. You were the one he wanted.
And he WILL have you, no matter what.
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writeshite · 2 years
Rewrite Reality
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“It worked…” Thor’s familiar voice sounded; he ran forward, gathering you in his arms, and muttered those words repeatedly. “It actually worked.” “Thor?” you questioned, drawing back to look him in the eye; his hair was longer and messier, he had bags under his eye, and his beard was grown. His eyes, though, they were icier, icier than they should be, and his eyepatch partially covered a lightning-shaped scar that stretched from his chin up to his forehead. “What happened to you?”
Thor x Male!Reader
Dark!Thor | Possibly Unhinged Thor | Reader Died and Was Brought Back To Life
Words: 1023
Author's Note:
I see a lot of Stephen and Wanda fics where they tear reality apart to get reader back, but like y'all are forgetting Thor, cause I mean, think about it, he would probably do the same or possibly even worse. Also, dark and unhinged Thor, is becoming one of my favorite things.
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You don’t remember dying, not fully; you remember the desperation in Thor’s eyes as the world faded around you. What you don’t remember is resurrecting yourself, which begs the question, how exactly are you waking up in Asgard, of all places, without a scratch on you? Forget that; how is Asgard untouched? The bed you woke up in is the exact same one you and Thor had, as is the room and every other detail of the realm you can see from the window. The servant who walks in looks like someone you think you know, but her eyes are icy, almost devoid, and when you reach out to touch her, she’s cold to the touch; a hint of something electrifying surrounds her. Her voice, though, is kind and warm, as though she is still alive. 
The cold feeling doesn’t stop there, and neither does the buzz of electricity around you; the servant suggests - rather desperately, you might add - that you don the suit laid out and eat the breakfast she brought. You glance down at yourself and note the burial clothes you’re wearing, you move to leave, but she blocks your path, “Please, sire, at the request of his majesty, you are to eat and change; you may leave—”
“Where am I?”
“His majesty requests you—”
“No, I will do no such thing, where’s Thor?” you ask, but she restarts her sentence again, “Where is my husband?” You turn away when she does not answer, moving to the window, now glancing at the sunny day before you; you begin to notice the fading corners of this reality, the magic surrounding you in this dream is haphazardly glued together. You stretch your hands out in front of you, your magic twists out, and then turns to lightning, striking back at you so hard that you fly into the wall on the other side of the room. 
“Oh dear, are you alright, your highness?”
You rub your head, wincing at the pain, “I’m fine; I just wasn’t expecting such a reaction.” When you moved back to the window, there was a hole in the sky; from it, you spotted nothingness, no stars, no planets, just nothing. It closed back up in a flurry, and you found yourself waking again in the same bed as if the day restarted; the same servant walked in through the door, though this time, she did not speak, instead directing you to the suit and breakfast. Not one to be dissuaded, you instead turned back to the same window and jumped right out of it; you fell fast, the wind rushing past you; before you could touch the ground, a flash of lightning struck, arms wound around you, and then you woke up again. 
When the servant walked back this time, you grabbed her, shaking her as you made your demands. She shook her head, eyes wide, “Please, sire, his majesty requests you eat and change and meet him in the throne room.” 
“Fuck that,” you ran past her then, the guards, and everyone else you passed. The halls twisted, bringing you back to your room; when that grew irritating, you decided to make your way, decimating one of the walls, until you fell through into the throne room. Unlike the rest of Asgard, the throne room was as desecrated as you’d last seen it; in the center was some contraption, and a pillar of light descended into it from the hole in the ceiling. And standing, well hunching before it, was a figure; when they turned, you heard a gasp.
“It worked…” Thor’s familiar voice sounded; he ran forward, gathering you in his arms, and muttered those words repeatedly. “It actually worked.”
“Thor?” you questioned, drawing back to look him in the eye; his hair was longer and messier, he had bags under his eye, and his beard was grown. His eyes, though, they were icier, icier than they should be, and his eyepatch partially covered a lightning-shaped scar that stretched from his chin up to his forehead. “What happened to you?”
He didn’t reply, instead hiding his face in your neck and hugging you tight. From your position, you spot more; bones surround the area, and discarded weapons lay everywhere; when you draw back from Thor again, there is a desperate madness in his eye. “You didn’t change? Did you eat?”
He grows angry, snapping his fingers; the servant girl appears before you, and when Thor demands an explanation, she divulges into a series of pleads. His arm rises in the air, white lightning strikes around her neck, and she struggles to breathe, her hands move to grapes it away, but she winces when she is burned by it. You reach out to stop Thor, but the lightning burns your hand; at the sound of your cry, he ceases, turning all his attention back to you. “I hurt you, no, no, no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” he apologizes repeatedly. 
Your hand goes from burning hot to cold, then normal again when Thor grasps it softly; when you reach out and touch his face, the same cold and buzzing feeling is there, and your eyes widen. When you move to step back, he clutches onto you, “Please…don’t leave me…not again….”
“Again?” you question, “I don’t understand…how am I here, Thor? I died, the god killer took my life…how am I…” the realization hits you when he looks away guiltily.
“I had to…he took you away from me…I couldn’t live without you.”
“Thor, what did you do?”
He whimpers, “Please don’t leave me….please.” He falls to his knees, clutching your legs with desperation. When you get down to his level, tears are falling from his eye and lightning-shaped marks creeping on his skin; you hold his head, ignoring the electric shock you receive; he begs again, and you nod reluctantly.
“Ok, darling, I won’t leave, but you have to tell me, what you did, ok? What price did you pay to get me back, ok?” He nods, diving into your arms; you stroke his hair, and the chill around you creeps away as Thor holds you tight.
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End Note:
Look, the idea of Thor being unhinged and desperate to have Reader back is something I think we should get more of in fics. And yes, I gave Thor back his eyepatch, because no one can stop me.
307 notes · View notes
bluelaidlyworm · 7 months
Burdened with Glorious Purpose.
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"I know what kind of god I want to be."
3K notes · View notes
Dirty Work Masterlist
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Status: In Progress
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
681 notes · View notes
smolvenger · 11 months
The Ceremony (Loki x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: You and your dear prince, Loki of Asgard, are finally getting married. But in order for the marriage to be legitimate, your wedding night and consummation must be witnessed...
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: 18+ SMUT Y'ALL ! SMUT! SMUT IN THE LAST THIRD! Voyeurism, loss of virginity, fem receiving oral, p in v sex, dirty talk, loss of innocence kink and some possessiveness kink. But lots of fluff, especially romantic, wedding fluff. Loki is a good protective fiancee/husband. I did wee research on Norse weddings but it's not about the accuracy, it's about the vibes.
A/N: This was written especially for @lokisprettygirl/ @lokisprettygirl22 (if I tag the wrong person, I apologize!) Follower Count Celebration as a submission! Wanted to try something I always wanted to write and get a new piece out there! Enjoy!
Comments, reblogs, dms, and asks about my work are always appreciated!
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over (with one small bit inspired by the weddings headcanons! :) ) @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
“The Wedding Night must be witnessed by the court in order for the marriage to be valid,” Heimdall announced.
There was a silence over the table where all of you sat. Your jaw dropped and the look on the face of your intended prince Loki, became pure white. The other faces at the table all remained composed. Though Thor looked down a little, blushing.
Your dear Prince Loki asked you to marry him in his mother’s garden. You kissed him and said yes as you both cried happy tears and embraced. You were not born to royalty like he. You understood that there were certain parts of etiquette that had to be upheld. Traditions that would be honored. And everything you learned so far made sense and didn’t seem too bad or out of place. Bow to the AllFather as king. Use “please” and “thank you.” Watch your words. Show respect to the Allmother Frigga. All of that was common sense.
But this…this was different.
You had never lain with a man before. You and Loki shared heated kisses and embraces, but they were always interrupted before it could go further. Sif would walk in and clear her throat. Frigga would call to talk to her son. And then hearing on the insistence of a future princess being chaste, you thought it was pure dumb luck. After the engagement, both of you agreed to wait. So, there would be absolutely no reason for anyone to object to the marriage.
But the times you imagined what your first time would be like, you never imagined it being watched by others!
“There are…ways around it, but it is how it is done…and Y/N, your parents assured us you are…untouched, yes?” Heimdall asked, despite the slight embarrassment in his tone.
“Yes…yes I am,” you confirmed.
Loki glanced at you, then he stretched out a hand to hold yours on the table.
“We…we don’t have to do it. No one should force Y/N to do it!” he argued.
“First, we must guarantee a possible heir should Thor never have one.”
Thor flared his nostrils.
“Second and more important, we need certainty of the marriage’s consummation. It could risk annulment if not-then you both will not even be considered married.”
Loki moved his chair to be closer to you and wrapped a protective arm around you. You could feel him tighten up. Like he was going to whip out his daggers and fight Heimdall there and then.
“Could I have a say in this? A choice?” you voiced out.
The idea….of people all watching then turned in your head. It was a little nerve wracking. But something else was stirring inside you. Finally making love to the most desirable man in the nine realms as people watched became suddenly…titillating. You felt your lower innards already begin to anticipate it. It was no longer dread…it was excitement.
Loki gripped your hand and arm. Both of you shared a look and then you stared out at them. Faces all turned to you. Odin was quiet and crossed his arms. Frigga only folded her hands, but her eyes were soft. Her mouth half-open as if to speak, yet she didn’t. Thor’s eyes became giant, blue plates on his face, and he listened with intensity. Now they had to listen to you- their future princess.
“I say…we should do it. We will have the bedding ceremony. It’s tradition and might as well follow it. And that way, no one will question Loki being my husband, as he is in my heart already,” you announced.
Loki relaxed- you felt the muscles from his arm and the hold on his hand soften. He even blinked rapidly and began a slow smile.
“I have my consent for the bedding ceremony,” you announced.
Loki looked at them with a nod.
“If she is fine by it, then so am I.” he agreed.
Done and done. Heimdall nodded with a small smile-it was settled with only a minor conflict. The table then moved on to discuss other things about the wedding. One minute you were discussing the consummation, and next there was discussion of what color the bridesmaids would wear, and which roast meat to serve at the feast! When they got up and left, Loki practically pulled you aside. He touched your shoulders, his brow furrowed in concern.
“Y/N. Let me know. You don’t have to please them-you don’t have to let them force you to do anything you don’t want to. Please tell me- you can always tell me your secrets, darling. Y/N- are fine with the consummation ceremony?”
“Why do you ask?” you pressed.
Loki cupped your cheek with both hands. His voice grew intense.
“I swore to you to defend you. And this includes my own palace- I won’t let any of them humiliate you! I’ll kill them if they do!” he declared.
You leaned into his touch, kissing his hand. You gave him a smile. You reached up to touch his hand, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.
“Loki…I…I am fine by it. I am…you need not worry. I think it will be nerve wracking, yes. I am not out of my wits to admit it. But it’s also…tantalizing.  I like the idea of people watching us when we do it,” you replied.
You heard him let out a long exhale. Then he wrapped his arms around you to keep you close. You both looked up at each other. You could sense the adoration in his eyes. He was protective-because he cared about you. And that made you even prouder to call him yours.
“My dear lady…and soon my wife…if this is not under any pressure, and your decision…then it is yours and ours,” he said.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek. He flashed a smile that could make Jotun itself melt.
“Then…only a week?” you asked.
“Only a week.” He confirmed.
“But Loki, when I lie with you the first time…Will it hurt?”
He smiles.
“Maybe not…unless you beg me to hurt you…”
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Seven days flew by. Before you knew it, the wedding arrived.
It was a beautiful, opulent wedding. Flowers decorated the place in every corner. There was going to be an altar, or a hörgr, placed on the throne room on a table. Even that was decorated. There were green ribbons tied around each column and table. After all, you were still marrying a prince! The guests were all bedecked in their finest clothes. Long silk gowns and velvet draping the floors. To make sure there was no doubt that this was a royal wedding.
      Your bridesmaids did their best to calm you in the other room before it began. One squeezed your hand. The other smoothed out the skirt of your dress. Assuring you it would be alright.
It made your mind wander. You were about to lie with Prince Loki for the first time in front of others. It made your heartbeat faster. But no... that was for later. Now you only had to stand by at an altar and make vows before the AllFather. That was all. Nothing complicated.
“I heard that prince Loki himself is nervous! Pacing about the halls in his cape! All because he wants to be good for you! He’s the same as you are now!” one gossiped.
“Really?” you asked.
“Yes, really! Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day, Y/N!”
You did notice a little crumb on your dress from when all of you had snacks of bread, cheese, and grapes to keep you satiated before the meal. You laughed and wiped it off.
Your own gown was a white one- to represent innocence. Virtue. Though now that you were about to become a princess it sparkled everywhere in the long, full skirt. It was as if you were made of diamonds. But there was a touch of sensuality to it. The sleeves fell off your shoulders and revealed your neckline and collarbones. You had to smile at the big of cleavage it did show. To give Loki especially what he had to look forward to. Tonight, and all his nights.
Then it was announced for the marriage ceremony to begin. Your own parents went over to stand by you to give you away. to stand in the front row. To see you, their dear little girl, on her big day.
Servants held out lit candles for everyone. Thor's own seemed tiny in his big hands. Only Loki and Heimdall, who was performing the ceremony, did not hold any. Loki, bedecked in his armor, a smaller version of his helmet (he was worried if he kissed you, the larger helmet would knock down and whack you on the head before everyone watching), and green cape, turned to Thor.
"Brother, do not fret. I'll do the fretting for you!" Thor assured like a puppy wagging its tail. Thor couldn’t whisper if he tried, but his tone of voice was soft.
"How do I look?" Loki asked, rechecking to make sure his armor was clean for the hundredth time.
"Like a groom!” Thor assured him.
Thor patted a large hand on his shoulder. Then at the presence of so many flowers, the god of thunder sneezed a sneeze that could rattle bones into his arm.
      The guests all took their places, standing around the great throne room. They began to murmur like an audience to a new play. Then a few lutes, woodwinds, and a harp began playing. It was finally time.
Down went wedding party. Walking slowly to savor the occasion. They stood in their places before the altar. The guests all smiled brightly.
But none as much as Loki when you walked out.
  You walked down. You wore a veil over your face and saw it through that filter of white. But thin enough you could distinguish everything. It glittered like snow in the moonlight. You sensed that the guests smiled at you.  Your mother and father escorted you down there. You saw the court shifting their faces. Just to get a glimpse of you walking by.
 But you saw Loki at the altar through it. And feelings overflowed your chest to see him.  Despite the trembling in his hands, when you walked out, he instantly relaxed. Both of you locked eyes. You saw a small ghost of a laugh that made his shoulders drop. The gold among his green and black robes seemed to glow even more.
You noticed Thor in his long, red cape and silver breastplate next to his brother. Odin in his own armor and Frigga with her hair done up and standing bedecked in a gold dress and an elaborate necklace beaming at you. Odin looked a little bored, but what did you care? You were marrying the love of your life! You would deal with your father-in-law’s nonsense later.  
As you approached it, you handed your bouquet of flowers to a bridesmaid. Loki was standing taller when you got closer. His cheeks were red. You felt him warm up as you approached him. Then he took the veil and, with his powerful hands, lifted it from your face.
      All the eyes were on you and your own bread was curdling in your stomach. But as you looked into his eyes, you felt it was all worth it. You had never seen Loki beam so happily in ages. Your father gave you a kiss on the forehead from over the veil.  He placed your hand on Loki's. He then looked at the prince. Loki gave your father a wink and then both of you turned to face Heimdall.
You felt the god’s fingers between yours as he held it. You were entering this union together. IT was all you felt. It was like the world was just a buzz. The ringing of bells heard only in the distance. You turned your head to admire his handsome profile, and he looked back at you. For only a second, it was as if the two of you were alone in the realm. Then with an exhale, you both turned towards the altar.
"Dear people of Asgard, we are here to witness the matrimonial rite of Prince Loki, God of Mischief and Y/N. Now-make your vows to each other,” Heimdall intoned with his own powerful baritone, he raised a hand.
You both turned to each other, holding hands before the altar. Loki looked at you with his beautiful, blue eyes, and though they were wedding vows, they seemed to come naturally as if they were words just appearing in his mouth.
"I, Loki, do swear before the AllFather and AllMother, take you to be my wife, my friend, my lover, and my companion. From this day until only death parts us. Before our family and friends, I pledge you my fidelity, refusing all others as long as we live. My softest words and tenderest embraces. The protection of my crown, my magic, my sword, and my body. In battle and in peace. In sickness and in health. In joy and in sorrow. I shall respect and love you boundlessly, no matter what may happen to me or what you may do. I shall support and cherish you each morning, day and night.  From this hour, as long as we both live."
The words from him sounded so lovely, you felt a small tear in the corner of your eye. But your smile never dropped.
With a steady voice, you said your own vows back at him. There was an exchange of swords between your families and Loki’s-to symbolize the protection you would give each other. Heimdall’s then brought two rings, conjured by magic. You each slipped a ring on the finger of the other. Perfectly fitting gold bands, golden as his helmet, as light, as warmth. Both of you peeked down at the pretty bands and how they matched each other. For both of you knew, two souls so in love they merged and melded as one.
“AllFather and AllMother, protect and bless them, guide them in their new union…” all began to pray.
There were a few final prayers and a hymn. Incense was lit in honor of Freya, the goddess of love, along with an offer of flowers. Then Heimdall turned you both to face the palace. Heimdall was a serious man, but you heard his voice declaring with joy from behind you.
      "The AllFather and Allmother Now, before all the gods, the people of Asgard, and -I now declare you both-Prince and Princess of Asgard. Husband and wife. Now...seal your vows with a kiss before all."
Loki turned his face to you.  You felt his hands go to your waist pulling you closer. He kissed you there in front of everyone. You felt his tongue push forward. and you let a small sound at the feeling of it. Definitely a more sensual kiss than the normal chaste pecks he would give you in his family’s presence. You could taste cinnamon on his tongue and feel the slight brush of his long eyelashes against your face from how close he was. Then he let go. 
Everyone raised their candles and cried "All praise the AllFather and Allmother. The Prince and Princess of Asgard!"
Then they blew out their candles and applauded. You and Loki held hands as music soared. Both of you walked arm in arm. Glancing at each other like excited children and then each other. Flowers petals were even thrown in your direction as you both made you way down there. Down to the feast.
 The meal was brief. At least, it felt brief for you. Talking and attending to so many people who came over to wish you both congratulations. Loki even made a toast, calling himself the luckiest man in the nine realms to be yours. There was more food than you could name. You enjoyed the foods served that you loved. Loki insisted that you have a break from talking to guests to eat your own food at your own wedding. You ate until you were full, but not surplus to where you would get sick. Good night, if you had to have your wedding night before witnesses, you were not going to vomit.
But the time was passing. Loki looked over at you. He noticed a servant take away your plate.
“My love…are you ready now….for the…the other ceremony?” he asked.
Your heart picked as if you were running, though you sat still. Then you nodded. You brought his hands to yours and kissed it.
“Yes, husband, I am,” you assured him.
Loki looked at Heimdall. He rose and all the happy chatter from the meal fell silent.  
“Now…it is time for the bedding ceremony…” Heimdall announced.
You were led into two separate chambers. Your bridesmaids dressed you out of your gown into a white robe. It was made of lace that was so light on your skin, it was a little cold. But it was beautiful, and you touched the pattern of the fabric of your sleeves to feel it. They escorted you out through the halls. You felt your blood course through you, but you did your best to put on a brace face. But there was some stifled and suppressed giggling from all of them- even you out of your own mixed excitement and nervousness.
You were led back out to the throne room. Now there were torches alight, but it was still dark. The night’s darkness had shone and spread her ink through, and one needed a lit candle to get around. There was a crowd of courtiers, all of whom were wedding guests. But most striking of all- a bed was moved to be there in that room.
It was a canopy bed with light, white drapes. enough room for the two of you to sleep-or rather, to not sleep. Thin as a summer breeze and just as delicate.  Right before the altar and there, the two thrones. The bed itself was surrounded by flowers around it, lovely white roses and a few green ones, complimenting the green sheets and green pillows. Such a bed could only be conjured there by magic, created by magic.
Loki was then given to you. He had his own silk green robe on. His raven curls dangled over his shoulders. You saw a peek of his delicious chest from the V of the robe and licked your lips. He walked up to you. He wrapped his arms in an embrace and then whispered into your ear.
“Are you ready, my dove? Are you ready?” he repeated.
“Yes…yes I am,” you answered.
There were the musicians- the harps, woodwinds, and you heard drums too. They began to play from the corner. The court gathered more lit candles-it was dark. But with music, the candles, the flowers, and the pretty bed, it did make it…romantic, oddly. It could be much worse. Much worse would be a rough, awkward tumbling before your parents.
Loki cupped your face. He looked at you- raw without all your finery. Seeing every bit of you. His eyes did have lust as they wandered to the skin that peeked from your lace, but there was more…he was quiet. His thumb traced over your lips.
“What is it?” you asked him,
You’re so…so…beautiful…so wonderful…” he murmured.
He gave you a kiss on the forehead. Then He then turned to all of them. He raised his arms out, a signature gesture with that smile that oozed charm and mischief. Such a man. No wonder it was easy to love him. And easier to marry him. Now you only had to lie with him and now that seemed easiest of all. His own voice made desire soak through you and you felt your legs squirm, a wetness growing between you as he said the words.
“Now, all of you wish to watch? Then watch. Witness just how much I love this woman. I adore her. I want her. And now that she is my wife, see how much love and pleasure I can give her in one moment…” He boasted.
He returned to you and began to kiss you. But deeper. It was a loud, wet kiss with more tongue. You could taste the feast on him, his breath. He groaned and he kept doing it, his hands wandering up your back, feeling how only one layer separated your skin from his. He removed his lips and voiced.
“And now…now your innocence is mine too…”
He pressed against you. You felt your own body against him, naturally. His hands went down to the tie of your robe. You began to take shallow breaths, your chest heaving. Loki’s eyes fluttered to see just some of how it moved with your breasts and his smile grew devilish. He only took one step away.
“All of this tucked away from me…not anymore now…let me take you in, my dear…”
He pulled on the knot once and it was undone. He then put his hands to your shoulders and gently slid the robe off. Dramatically revealing your shoulders, your breasts, your stomach. It pooled down to your feet in a puddle of lace, revealing all of you before the court.
The eyes were watching each inch of your skin. You raise an arm to cover yourself out of habit, feeling naked on the inside as well as the outside, but Loki gently removed your arms, smiling over your breasts, stomach, hips.
“You’re exquisite, Y/N…the softness…your shape…everything. And now they all will see you…and they’ll kneel before you as they do to me, it’s only what you deserve, my little princess. Let them see you…let me see you,” he whispered.
With a sigh he kissed you again, pressing his tongue further. He put his hands behind your head. You felt him get hard beneath the thin layer of his emerald silk robe. You wrapped your arms around him, you felt yourself moaning. You were pooling more to where you wondered if a bit of your desire would creep down your thigh. You felt their eyes on you-not in judgement. Maybe like Loki said- in appreciation. Seeing you as a piece of art to be admired. Seeing you as Loki saw you. A goddess in your own right, your own way.
He then picked you up- wrapping his arms around you and you put your legs around him. You let out a little gasp and he only chuckled lightly at you. You felt your own folds opening right before his body and you shuddered, and he did too- that most delicate, private part of you now felt against him. Made public. But in a display that was more for him than for them.
He then set you down onto the bed. Positioned to where you were lying down.
“I can’t believe you’re my husband now…that I’m married to a god…” you said softly to him.
He spread your legs with his long, beautiful hands. You peeked and discovered his own cock was getting hard under his robe.
“I may be a god, but I can show you what it is to be worshipped-my hands, tongue, and cock are your acolytes now…” he replied.
He began to untie his own robe to give him freedom.
“And they make offerings, like this…”
He dove onto the bed. He lifted your legs and plunged his tongue inside your entrance. You felt him lick up your walls-gently exploring.  The feeling of him tasting, sucking on each small bit of you. You begin to gasp and moan.  The crowd whispered lightly.
“L-Loki….it…it feels so good…where…keep…yes-oh!” you began to moan as he tasted you.
 You felt his nose and his breath there, cold against your wet pussy. He gave a peck to each part as he climbed up. Up to where the most precious bud of all was found. He began to lick your clit, slowly. But you felt a tingle all around you. You let out another moan for not only the throne room but for the whole palace to see.
“Oh! Norns-yes…please!” you voiced.
You tried to reach your hands down to feel hm, his hair, his shoulders. To never lose touch of your husband. He paused. You could feel him smile against your opening-his own altar.
“Yes-I want you- let them. Let all of them know who it is who gives you pleasure. Let them all know who it is who you belong to now. Let them all know, and anyone who tries to spoil my marriage, that no man can fuck you like I can…no man can pleasure you like me…”
You let out another moan in response. You could feel the eyes of the crowd widening. Maybe they too were a little aroused by this display. This was a ceremony- sacred and necessary. But this time it was…different. Your own pleasure was there at the center. You made another sound that would have made the AllMother herself blush. Loki’s voice rumbled through your body.
He removed his mouth. He then moved to stand up on the floor, towering over you.
You felt as if you were staring to fly when he tasted you, but you never left the ground. But you had no wings that were open. You had your legs.
He then finally undid the knot of his robe. You realized how wet you were. You ached for him. You were writhing, sighing out. You still felt your folds dripping both with desire and the teasing of his tongue.
“Loki…please….I ache for you-I want you, I’m so ready for you-fuck me into this bed and make me yours!” you mewled.
He smirked. He let his robe fall free of the knot.
“A beautiful little innocent begging for me….hm, I have both in one. A princess and a concubine. How lucy am I… How would that beautiful voice scream when I thrust inside her…”
You ached for release. You felt a throbbing inside you. How long would this take? Would you have to touch yourself before he was done?
“Here…take me…take your husband…make me-one with you. Continue this ceremony! You begged.
There were prayers given up by the crowd. Soft but present.
“Gods protect them. Gods bless them. Gods give them peace.”
There was no denial that Loki himself was a god from his body. Out came his chest-perfectly chiseled pecs and abdominals. Strong biceps and broad shoulders contrasting and complimenting his deliciously small waist. A trail of dark hair leading down to where his hard cock was against his stomach. It was leaking already-he wanted you as much as you wanted him. Maybe more.
With another devilish smile, he then leaned down and got on the bed.
“Now are you ready, sweet little dove, to take me-your god, your husband- are you ready to be my wife?”
You nodded with a whimper.
He crawled on top of you, taking a look over your body. Beautiful and all for him for the rest of his days. And norns, he was going to take care of it. He kept your legs open, then began to sheath himself inside you.
“Gods protect them. Gods bless them. Gods give them peace,” chanted the crowd.
Finally, finally he first entered inside. There was only a little pain-but you let out a shout.
“Oh! Oh-you’re! You’re so…so big! I’m so full!” you cried wantonly.
You could hear the smile in his voice.
“A large cock and a beautiful wife…what more could I want now? Yes- cry out. Tell them how much you love this cock. How much pleasure it gives you, my dear…”
He began to thrust into you. His hips snapping slowly. You were letting out gasps-it felt so good. Better than you could have imagined. You were getting dizzy. You squeezed your eyes shut except to see him. To enjoy the feeling. Each thrust to your insides, to your womb was natural. How he fits you as perfectly as the rings around your finger. A small hymn was being sung by the crowd as the music played. Gentle as a lullaby but instead was not an offering of your virginity to a god of both mischief and desire. But the volume was   matched by your whore-like moans and the grunts of Loki on top of you.
The volume of the song increased. So did his pace.
He picked it up. He lifted your leg to be on top of his shoulder. You could practically hear your skin colliding each time. He began to slam you into the bed. It seemed the altar nearby and each candle was shaking from the power of his thrusts.
“Oh! Oh-my-oh-gods, husband! You’re-oh!” you started to cry.
“Yes…yes bit by bit…I’ll-nrgh-claim you-norns-yes, here on this bed…. Have them-damn-have them all watch-yes-watch you become a wife-gods-watch me -yes-that good little princess, good little wife, good little whore, too-norns-here-taking me-taking me well-“
He then placed you to lean against the tall headboard of the bed. So you sat up, slid you up.
“Darling, uhm-what is-“you could voice.
He wrapped your arms against your waist and hit you deeper. And a finger went down to your bud, and you let out another cry.
You felt the bed shake-you heard the flowers shake with you, petals dropping. The singing and praying and music continued, already overwhelming you with the pleasure of your husband’s cock. And all of them watching you become awakened to the joys of the bedroom before all of them. For them to know how much you both loved each other. And with a gasping kiss, he began to fuck you harder, deeper.
“The-the-the beds! It’s going to-to-to break!” you fretted between each deep, fast thrust. You held onto his chest and kept him close.
“Let it break! Let it! Gods-yes, my little wife-fuck! Giving me everything-norns, gods…”
You were gasping, writhing beneath his touch, feeling it all as he pounded. He was repeating your name, his own hymn in his straining voice.
“My wife, now mine, finally mine-hela-every way mine-should-should have you on the throne too-yes-have you on my cock there, have them watch that too-nrgh!” he grunted with each movement.
And you felt something spinning inside you. You were not going to last. It was all overwhelming you. Sweet overstimulation. The drums were beating, it seemed hard, and his thrusts were getting harder. The harps played and you couldn’t make out the words of the hymn.
He was going at it. Rutting at you-showing both the grace of a prince and the power of a lover. Something was bubbling. Like the wings but about to take flight. You were starting to shake inside. It was growing, growing, you were reaching it, reaching the top. You clutched onto him as you were shaking, practically bouncing on it, the moving bed.
“Loki…I think…Loki I think-I think-I thinkIthink-I’m going to…I’m going to…”
“Then cum, princess-cum for your husband-for them-or-would you-nrg-rather I stop-stop letting you enjoy this!” he hissed out.
“N-no! Please! Please don’t stop! Please! Please-don’t stop! Don’t stop don’tstopdon’tstopdontstopson’tstop-“ you were begging.
He was pounding into you at a faster rate than you thought. He fingered your clip, circles matching the speed of his cock.  He gave began to repeat your name. Like a growl, and then his voice increasing in volume. You were spinning, thrown out of control, bursting up, and up
“My-My prince! I-“
You felt something in you-then you let out a last voice into a scream.
You felt it burst on you. Your first climax. You felt him give another quick thrust and he came too with a cry. Then he held you, his thrusting slowed. You nestled into him. Your pussy was shaking and quivering harder than you thought it possible.
As the witnesses all watched-the members of the court. Feeling this spectacle. Right here in this bedroom. There was a last verse of the hymn. Then a final repetition of the prayer as you felt his seed spurt inside you.
“Gods protect them. Gods bless them. Gods give them peace.”
Loki then looked up. You brushed his black locks to see his lovely face. He was all flushed, full of bliss. Enjoying the high as you were. You could feel the coolness of his sweat and his own body heaving as he caught his own breath. He pulled out but remained close to you. He whispered into your ears.
“How are you?” he asked.
“I’m…I’m okay,” you replied.
He pressed his forehead against yours.
“I love you so much, Y/N. I’m glad. For this…for you…”
You pressed back. You closed your eyes and smiled.
He went back to the group. He offered you the blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders. Warm and safe.
“Give us some water-a rag! Bring us our robes!” he ordered.
He kissed your forehead and held you close.
“You…You were wonderful, sweet Y/N…that was incredible-you did well…” he said.
The robes were returned and there was a wet rag. He cleaned you both up from between both legs. After putting your robes back on, he looked at them.
“I’d like us both to retire, please. Now. She needs some rest after today-and so do I.”
As you walked out, you both still locked hands-anchoring each other. Finally, you were both alone in his chambers. Once the heavy door was shut and you were surrounded by his favorite dark green walls, you both sighed.
He led you to sit down on the rug and made the fireplace start a pretty flame by just flicking his wrist. He brought a thick blanket wrap around the both of you.
“Here…let’s have our own little celebration-just us…wine?”
“I’d love some wine,” you agreed.
He then used his seidr and conjured two glasses of a dark, garnet colored wine. He gave you a smile.
“Here…let’s have a toast…”
He chinked your glasses.
“To the Princess of Asgard….my wife. And the start of our lives together…”
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ethereal--muse · 12 days
𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘫𝘰𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘳, 𝘪'𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘴, 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘈𝘜𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘢𝘴𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘪𝘯𝘣𝘰𝘹 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 <3
𝘗.𝘚: 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘥𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵
𝙖/𝙣: 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘋𝘈𝘙𝘒, 𝘴𝘰 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 (𝙙𝙣𝙞 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚)
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𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘐: "𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘥"
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘐𝘐: "𝘐'𝘮 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘯, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘐 ��𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳"
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘐𝘐𝘐: "𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵..."
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘐𝘝: "𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘪𝘵'𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘵!"
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘝: "𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯? 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵"
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘝𝘐: "𝘐 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘺, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦"
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘝𝘐𝘐: "𝘢𝘸𝘸𝘸, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘐𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥"
• 𝘣𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘈𝘜
• 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 𝘈𝘜
• 𝘔𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘭 𝘈𝘜
• 𝘈𝘯𝘥𝘺 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘦𝘳
• 𝘓𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘥 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯
• 𝘛𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘙𝘢𝘬𝘦
• 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪
• 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴
• 𝘉𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴
• 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳
• 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘳
• 𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘮 𝘋𝘳𝘺𝘴𝘥𝘢𝘭𝘦
• 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯
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Old Scars, New Blood 1
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, borderline bullying, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader has accepted that she'll never be wanted, not only by the man she's crushed on for years, but by anyone. That is until a new player enters the game. (f!, short!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, Thor Odinson
Note: I could blame yall for talking me into it but we know it's all my fault.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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The sharp zip cuts through the air. Lloyd hauls the long black bag up and checks his watch. He struts over to you and shoves the heavy luggage at you, letting it go before you can wrap your arms around it. You nearly topple from the weight.
You grunt and hug it tightly, the long duffle isn't exactly a vacation's worth Hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts. You can feel the long metal barrels as cases of ammo dig into your arms. You manage to get a hand on the handle and swing it after several tries onto your shoulder.
He's already halfway out the door. You trail after him, nearly stumbling to keep up. He's so tall you often find yourself running after him like a stray dog. So tall and handsome and--
Shut up! That's not what you should be thinking about.
Your phone vibrates and you struggle to pull it out of your pocket. You sigh as Lloyd continues along without notice, whistling casually as he approaches the stairs. Shit.
As he begins down the stairs, you stop at the top, leaning with the pull of the bag. You try to reply to the text as he makes quick progress to the bottom. 
He whistles up at you and snaps his fingers. You pop your head up and amble down the steps, barely catching yourself against the railing as you slip. When you get to the bottom, he's standing at the door, huffing impatiently.
"What's goin' on, kid?"
Kid. That's what he's always called you. Even though you're not that much younger than him. It's never sweetheart or honey like the pretty ones. Just kid.
"Plane's delayed. There's headwinds--"
"Christ's sake," he snarls.
"Sorry, sir, the pilot's trying--"
"Boring," he chops his hand through the air to silence you, "let's go."
He stands by the closed doors. You try not to let his impatience bother you. You can't blame him. He has an important mission. There's no time to be waiting on a cloud cover.
You open the right door and he steps through, tramping down the stone stairs to the mosaic walkway. Once more you're on your toes as you scurry after him. You watch how his jacket stretches between his shoulder blades. His sleeves hug his arm tightly, showing off his hard work and muscle. You shake your head, stop. Ten years. You know better.
You're out of breath as you get the idling car. Jackson, the driver nods but is similarly ignored as he opens the door for Lloyd. You go to the trunk as it pops and you put the gun bag inside.
You get in the other side as Lloyd splays his legs out and unlocks his phone with his thumb. You keep your cell clutched tight and tap it nervously. He doesn't handle roadblocks well, he's the type to demand and get. Something he hired you to make sure of.
"Well, extra time, I guess," he mutters as he swipes across the screen.
The car rolls up the long drive as you check your messages again. Still no updates. You cross one leg over the other as Lloyd's loafer nearly touches your oxford shoe.
"Hmmmm, can't decide on this one," he grumbles and tilts his screen toward you, "what do you think, kid?" He wiggles it at you as you look at the woman on the screen, "tits are nice but the tattoo screams Hep C."
You nearly gasp but just raise your eyebrows instead. He's always looking for a reaction. Your cheeks set alight and you twiddle your fingers around your own phone.
"Well, sir, I… she's pretty."
"Relax, you won't be invited to threesome," he scoffs and leans back, swiping left, "that's what this is for. Variety."
You don't say a word as you bring your hand to the side of your neck, feeling the heat of your skin. It's not just that it's him saying it, it's that gnawing feeling of inadequacy. The mystery of the unknown makes you self-conscious and wary of saying the wrong thing. The same way when you talk to your sister and she tells you about her husband. Well, you don't hear from her much these days.
"I'll send you their info. You can make a few calls before we get back," he snickers, "get everything ready for me."
"Uh, sure, sir, but uh… like I said before, that's not exactly part of my job."
"Don't tell me what your job is," he barks as he blacks his phone, "goddamn, you're always such a tight ass. Usually I'm all for a tight hole but you really know how to squeeze a man by his balls."
"I'm sorry, sir–"
"Another fucking 'sorry, sir' and I'm gonna snap. I can't do eight hours on a flight with you pouting like that."
"Understood, won't happen again," you dip your head down, "sorry, s–"
You clap your hand over your mouth. The words are so habitual they start to fall out before you realise, and yet another urge to say them. Just stop talking. You peek at Lloyd with wide eyes and drop your hand.
"You're a fucking downer, kid," he sits forward, "Jackie, pull the fuck over."
"Yes, sir," the driver replies from the little speaker under the barrier between the front and back seat. "You, get the fuck out."
You're surprised by his sudden flare of anger. There's not much about him that truly shocks you anymore but as irritable as he can be, this is unusual. His agitation has boiled to molten hot in a matter of minutes.
"You can walk back and start getting shit ready. I mean, we'll see if you can since you can't get the goddamn plane on the ground," he growls as the car pulls onto the gravel wing of the road. "You're getting fucking soft, kid."
"Sir, I didn't–"
"You did. You fucking killed my boner so get out," he shoos you with his finger and unlocks his phone again, "buh bye."
You hesitate. You slowly move to the door and let yourself out. You're buzzing in disbelief. He can be a jerk, you're used to that, but this all seems so abrupt. You can only assume there's something else bothering him.
You shut the door as you stand on the side of the road. You hear Lloyd's deep timbre muffled inside the car before it pulls away. You stare after it, crossing your arms as you sniff and the sun glares along the edge of your vision.
You slowly turn and face the horizon. You're not that far. Maybe twenty minutes. Well, the single silver lining. You can't help your disappointment. You look forward to missions. It's an excuse to be with Lloyd. A reason for him to put up with you.
You set off, trodding along without urgency. There's nothing at the compound for you. It's not like you go on every mission but it's the unexpected change that gets you. More so, his temper. You see it aimed at others more than yourself.
Your phone buzzes again. The plane's landed. That's good news. As you continue your trek, you dial out to Lloyd's phone and put the speaker to your ear. No answer. Several more tries have a similar result, the last call clicking dead right away.
You send a text and it bounces back as undeliverable. You don't get it, your signal is strong. It's a military grade phone. You slide your phone away and try not to let your anxiety get the best of you.
He wouldn't block your number, would he? 
You're not special, that much is clear, but you've stuck around so long that you just can't see it ending over one slip-up. Sure, Lloyd has screamed agents out of the compound, he's even stranded them in hostile grounds, but they weren't there as long as you've been.
You drag your feet as you approach the gate. You let yourself in with the code and ignore the gazes of agents as you cross the yard and go back inside.
All this and for what?
If Lloyd fires you, you've spent ten years pent up in places like this, doing his grunt work. The tail end of your twenties and much of your thirties traded for imagined cues and empty hopes. You accepted long ago that Lloyd would never see you, just the woman he called 'kid', but the thought of losing even that makes you want to cry. You can accept that you're not as good as the models he fucks around with, but you can't accept not being there at all.
You're overreacting. You always do this. It's always the end of the world.
Lloyd will come back and everything will go back to normal. You're the only one who gets his coffee right and knows that he hates mushrooms but loves Salisbury steak. He needs you, just not like you want him to.
Radio silence. You don't hear from him and any message you try to send is unanswered. He's on a mission, he's in blackout mode, yet you can't help but be paranoid.
Without him to order you around, you're not quite sure what to do with yourself. It's sad but that's just who you are. You're not the one doing, you're the one listening to those who do. 
The first day is the worst of it. On the second, you're not as addled and a bit relieved not to be hidden in some safe house waiting for a signal or listening to Lloyd make sick jokes. Still, you'd rather be with him.
The second night, you expect some sort of word from him. Still nothing. 
You lay in bed, restless. You don't dream about him anymore, you don't close your eyes and think about what it'd be like to be beautiful or interesting, you know it will never happen. But you worry about him. That you'll never be rid of.
The third morning, a Saturday, you go down to make your coffee. Other agents mill about as the tech crew speak into their headsets and type furiously. Something’s going on.
You near the doorway and listen in, trying to discern the chaos. There's cams to switch cameras and directions given, coordinates read out and warnings about oncoming targets. It's the usual, the same chatter you listen to over the comms when Lloyd's out in the field. Now you can only hear one side.
As the tempo builds, there's another furor. The chime that signals the censor at the front gate. Rico storms out of comms central as you flatten yourself to the wall and wait to trail him until he's past the stairs.
"What the fuck is going on?" He waves an agent in black close, "who the fuck is here?"
The agent puts his fingers to his earpiece, "we have sights."
"I asked who it was, not if you can make a shot," Rico shoves the man and stomps to the front doors, shoving them open before him. "Tell them to go the fuck away."
An agent runs up the driveway, puffing as he holds his gun securely in front of him. He stops as Rico gets to the bottom of the stairs 
"Sir, sir, it's… it's Valhalla."
"Val-what?" Rico snips.
"Valhalla!" The man repeats louder.
"Shit. Fuck." Rico continues in a rampant flurry of Spanish, "they're early."
"Sir," the agent bows his head as another appears before him.
You frown and watch from the doorway, trying to stay out of sight as you eavesdrop. 
Hm. Valhalla. You know the name, rather well, but only through correspondence. A code name. For a faceless man and his deep pockets. You hadn't heard it recently though. You thought that whole thing fizzled out.
"Fuck, Hansen, take your fucking time," Rico mutters between his Spanish diatribes, "let them in. Full search." You hear him clop back up the stairs before he blusters inside, "I need men. Now!"
He turns and sees you cradling your coffee with a dumb look. He sneers and rolls his eyes, "perfect. You'll do. We need rooms. We have guests."
"What?" You squint. 
"You're a woman, you should know how to make them at home."
"You're not my boss," you grimace and drink your coffee.
"Don't get smart with me just because that idiot keeps sniffing at his heels. Go and do something useful for once," he claps at you.
You don't move. You take orders from one person. Otherwise, you stay out of the way.
"Fuck!" He hollers and twists on his heel again.
He marches into the next room and you slowly near the front doors, still ajar as they gape out at the golden day. You come outside and descend the steps, standing just by the plinthed flower vase at the bottom. You watch the gates roll apart, letting in the convoy lined outside.
There are four cars in total. All ivory and gleaming. They hardly seem like military vehicles.
You don't get it. You pull out your phone and scroll through your emails. The last message you got from Valhalla was months ago and it left you at a stalemate between them and your indomitable boss.
The first car pulls up and stops, the other fanning out behind it. Agents circle, keeping a broad perimeter as they watch with similar intrigue. Rico appears again, muttering to himself as he holsters a gun.
You look back to the grated bumper of the luxury SUV. The engine rolls over as you find yourself holding your breath. This is it, the vaunted Valhalla. You keep your mug close to your chest as the car door opens and your jaw nearly hits the floor.
It's a man more gorgeous than anyone you've ever seen before. Well, maybe not everyone but damn close. His golden hair is braided down his back and a few wavy strands hang loose around his face. His sky blue eyes shine in the sunlight as he smiles, the expression lining his face immaculately. You gulp and force your mouth shut.
There's a brief lull before anyone reacts. Rico is the first to snap into action. He clamours down and offers a hand, "Valhalla, hello, Rico. Hansen is in the field but I will be your host."
"Ah, Rico," Valhalla repeats with a keen lilt, "you'll do for the time being."
His blue eyes scan the facade of the compound. It appears nothing more than a remote and overpriced mansion. The man takes a deep breath as if tasting the air and pauses as his gaze falls upon you. His brows twitch but he does not react otherwise.
He turns back to Rico and claps his back, "well, we traveled far, we require food and sleep and if you can spare it, lots of alcohol."
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justjams2003 · 2 months
Sweet Savegary- 10
Sorry for the long wait everyone🙈
Paring: Dark!Thor Odinson x Slave!Reader
Summary: All your life, Thor's blue eyes have haunted you. You believed you outran him, but now all your hopes come tumbling down.
Warnings: Death of loved ones, violence, nightmares, non-con, p in v, degradation. If you noticed it, strippers, technically (but like exotic dancers) Body shaming, stealing, stabbing, mentions of angels and Valhalla, lightning strikes. Talk about slavery and fluff. Google Translate Norwegian. Tell me if I missed any.
Word count: 2k+, Unedited
1st Divider by: @firefly-graphics
2nd Divider by: @cafekitsune
Tag list: @torossosebs @steverogersistheguy @thehighladyofasgard @notyourtypicalrose @presidentlokis-hornyhelmet @lovelyselfshipper @groovy-lady
Part 9~Part 11 (Coming soon)
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“Where are you taking me?” Your feet drag across the floor, your body knows this is wrong but your mind is fuzzy. Your ears are ringing with the evil giggles of the dancing woman. Their sinister grins form into that of a cheshire cat. It makes you cold all over. They’re pulling you in all sort of directions. They tug on your clothes, stripping you one item at a time.  
“I want her necklace.” “I want her cloak.” “I want her dress.” Stealing everything Thor has given you and your body is too limp to fight. “No, no,” You whimper, shaking your head and reaching out to take back what they steal from you. But you’re too weak. Your hand just falls to your side as you slump back against the closest wall.  
You feel their hands roam all over you. “She’s so well fed...” You hear someone mutter. “I wish my thighs were soft like hers.” “We’re all just skin and bone.” “I hear those savages like their woman on the heavier side.” Their words swirl around in your head like whiplash. They pull sharply on your nipple and them praise your body. Pinch your thigh and wish they had it.  
“You did so good...so good...” A new voice, a man, the king, not your king. A cold sting drags from your breast down to your naval. Icy and sharp, must be a knife. You gasp when suddenly frosty water drowns your airways. Only to be pulled back to breathe again. Adrenaline swims through you, forcing your vision to clear up.  
The English King’s cruel glare makes you itch all over. Your hair stands on edge, naked and vulnerable in front of him. “Tell me, whore, what’s his secret?” Your brows furrow together and you struggle against whatever has been put in your system. “I don’t know-” He groans, “Come on now, don’t make this difficult. How do I break him?”  
Again, your eyes droop and your legs feel like sticks. “What? No, no.” You shake your head. Break him? You don’t want to break him. He provides for you. Without him you’d be on the streets. He’s shown you new worlds, you owe him everything. “Come on, don’t tell you you’re defending him! He’s killed thousands of my men without even having to call out an army He doesn’t care about you and he’ll kill you as soon as you stop satisfying his cock.”  
You shake your head, “No, you’re wrong.” "If I wanted to kill you, I would not be making love to you." Thor’s voice echos through your mind. That one night so many moons ago. He wouldn’t kill you, he’s never hurt you enough to leave long-lasting damage. He vowed to make you queen, he wouldn’t just kill off his queen. It’s all in discipline, in the name of love. To spare you from men like this English King.  
The English King scoffs and grabs you by the throat. Forcing your droopy eyes to peer deep into his. They’re filled with hate. Thor doesn’t have hate. Only guilt and anger that comes and goes. No hate. “Don’t tell me you love that bastard!” You sit in his lap, he braids your hair. He wraps is arms around you, warms you and you calm his nightmares. Each of you give and each of you take and he’s only ever left bruises of possession. Is that not love? What do you know about love?  
 The English King’s hand tightens around your throat. The drugs mix with the lack of oxygen and suddenly everything feels so light. “You do!” Metal stings in your gut. Right on the edge of making love with your guts. “Pathetic!” Blood pools around the tip of the blade. To kill or to use? To cause Thor more pain or to use her and take over his kingdom?  
But you...you special one are worth so much more than his kingdom...  
Death is dipped in gold. And so peaceful. There is no pain and looking down, your blood isn’t crimson. It’s glittering and looks so appetizing. Your fingers smear into the gore, but it’s not vile. You want more. It feels so nice and warm against your cold drained skin. And it’s not sticky and not fluid either. Thick, dripping gold.  
Angels seem to be singing your name. But, none of this makes sense. You should be in Valhalla. There are no angels where the Vikings go to die. This must be some other place in the great realms of the tree of life. This is the place that your king had showed you, when he spoke the words in the language that feels so close to home and at the same time unknown.  
“Du kan ikke dra ennå. Du kan ikke komme hjem. Du må fullføre oppgaven din.” Who is that? Who whisper to you? You don’t understand. You don’t understand the language. But it sounds so familiar to the words your master speak to you. You wish he would speak to you. Tell you what you’re missing. Tell you why he won’t let go of you. Let you go. Let you go home. Where is home? He took it. He’s taken your home. He has it. He is home.  
“Don’t fall for their lies!” What? The pretty gilt loses it’s sparkle. Turning a sour yellow and falls further into hideousness. And ugly finite red, never ending pour from the gash in your stomach. “That’s it! Come back to me. Please, please, little dove, look at me.” A bloody hand engulfs your cheek and now it’s an pulchritudinous blue. Thunder cracks through the sky and it hides the sound of people begging for their life from you.  
“Du ga henne nettopp til meg! Jeg skal brenne ned Asgard hvis du tar henne nå. Du fryktet meg før, og du vil frykte mitt ord nå.” Who is he talking to? “Du lærer ikke leksjonen din, sønn.” And why can I hear a reply? “Ikke skjenn ut meg mens livet hennes glipper!” Why is he crying? “Min underkastelse kan du ha, men du vil ikke ta henne fra meg.” I’m so tired. “Vær forsiktig med ordene du sier.”  
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“What did you do?!” A loud boom wakes you along with a crack of lightning. The darkness now dark pink and the throbbing in your body is so much worse than you remember. “You know what they will ask of you now.” Are they talking to you? “You’ve traded her life for billions!” A growl, no, they aren’t talking to you. “They sent her here to play with you and you fell for it.” A loud smack and then crumbling interrupts the heavy raining, why are your eyelids so weighty? 
“Don’t you think I know that?! This was not part of the plan, she was never part of the plan!” What plan? Slowly your eyes flutter open, but you shut them just as quickly. In fear that they might see you wake. “You were suppose to pull the wool over their eyes. Make them believe that you’re growing soft. Not actually become weak!” You try again, this time more slowly opening your eyes.  
Thor stands leaning on the balcony. His bare back to you, his long blonde hair hangs with shame. The Warriors look to be scolding him. Never did you think you’d see the day of that happening. You didn’t think that anyone could ever hold any power over the mountain of a man. Thick storm clouds colour the sky behind them. “It was too soon. I need more time.”  
“We’ve been here over three thousand years. How much more time do you need? Now would’ve been the time to act!” Thor glares over the balcony, down at the New Asgardian people going about their day. He shakes his head. “These mortals will never be ready. We placed far too much hope in their hands. Your best warriors don’t even come close to grazing me.”  
You try to get up, to hear more of what they’re saying, but the pain snaps through you and a groan escapes you. Another snap of lightning. All four of their eyes find your own. It’s like predators in the dark. Glowing flames from afar. Thor glares at the warriors, cutting the conversation and their comments short. When they leave the room, Thor’s eyes settle on you.  
“Lay back down and don’t move.” His voice is stern, he crosses his arms over his bare chest and just leans against the balcony. You follow his instructions, except you hold out your hand for him to take. Your feel so cold without his body heat always near you. But he does not move, his jaw locks and his eyes don’t move from your stretched out hand.  
You can see he's fighting battles in his mind. Why won’t he come closer? He saved you but does not want you? He sighs, his hand rubs his face and then combs through his tangled hair. “You make me weak.” The words hit like the dagger that almost killed you. To hear him admit something like that could have you beheaded. “No.” The word slips from your mouth.  
His brows furrow and he snarls. “No?” He asks, almost in shock. “No! You... you cannot be weak! If you are weak then there is no hope for me.” It looks as if you’re talking to him a foreign language. “You are talking nonsense, girl.” He gruffs and shakes his head. “I know what I'm saying. If you are weak then everyone else is strong and I’ll end up back in the hands of people who’d rather learn the name of a pig than my own.”  
“You were almost killed! Just because I let my guard down! In the-” he stops and sighs as if stopping his tongue from acting to quick. “Three thousand years?” His eyes go wide and his face goes pale. “How much did you hear?” His jaw locks and his fists crack the stone of the balcony. 
My mouth hangs open and I begin to panic. “Answer me!” He yells out, his voice booms inside of you. Lightning strikes the ground behind him. “Fucking hell.” He mutters to himself. Is the lightning scaring him as much as it scares you? Your heart shakes. “I- Everything.” He sighs and again rubs his face. “Another fucking problem.” It hurts to be seen as a problem, something to deal with.  
“What were you talking about? Please, talk to me.” You can’t talk like this, laying down. Again you try to get up but wince. Fuck does it hurt. “What the fuck did I say? Can’t you follow orders just once?” He snaps at you, as if that isn’t all you’ve been doing...This is the most he’s talked to you at a time. His heavy boots shake the floor as he stomps over to you.  
He sits down next to you, his heavy hand pushes you back down against the soft pillows. Then his hands shove the blankets to the side and begins lifting your dress. You grab his hands. “Please, Thor, I am in pain, I’ll make it up later, I, I promise-” He just growls at you and continues lifting your dress.  
You see the huge gash on your stomach. Nowhere near as long or gruesome as the one on his chest, but still unsightly for a lady. His brows knit together, examining the stitches. “Your wound needs to be cleaned.” He mumbles, standing up to get some supplies from the bathroom. This is different, he seems almost more human now. Acknowledging your pain and not using you.  
The alcohol burns your stomach and you hiss pulling back. Thor’s huge hand clasps around your hip to keep you in place. “How long was I asleep?” You ask, watching those giant hands of his trying to be gentle. He’s clumsy, not used to dealing with a task so small. “Three days you were between life and death. I cursed the English healers for knowing nothing and as soon as you were stable we made quick work back to New Asgard.”  
He explains, it’s so strange to hear him speak so much to you. “Thor, who was that voice? Who was it that you cursed over my dying breath?” His jaw locks tight again. “You were dying, you were seeing things.” You scoff and insist. “I’m not! I know what I saw. It was as you showed me, on the boat. Seeing without looking. Like you said!”  
His hand goes up to grab your cheeks between his hand. Your jaw hurts under his force. “If I said that you were seeing things, then it is so. You are not to question me. Know your place. I have no patience or control left.” He commands, his eyes stern and you know if you push it anymore you could end up hurting yourself.  
He stands up, rinsing out the towel he had used to clean your wound. And when he’s done he opens the door, ready to leave. “You are not to leave this room under any circumstances. You do not open the door to anyone but me. Not even the Warriors.” He commands, and the door slams in your face before you can argue.  
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If you want to be on (or off) the taglist, just ask!
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michelleleewise · 1 year
Pairing: Dark!Thor x female reader
Warnings: dark content ahead. Abduction, forced imprisonment, angst, anxiety, panic, drugging, unwanted touching, somnophilia, forced orgasm, mentions of birth control, swearing, crying, spanking, throwing things
Summary: realization settles into you as Thor comes back...
A/n- sorry this took a bit to get back to but I'm here!!!! Graphics by @firefly-graphics
Part Five -- Part Six-
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You slowly open your eyes seeing darkness. Am I dead? You thought, slowly shifting under the heavy blanket as you turned your head, your eyes beginning to adjust seeing the whiteness of the walls. "Thor.." you whispered screwing your eyes shut remembering where you were...what he had done when the click of the door made you freeze, a shiver running up your spine hearing it swing open, the light switching on making your eyes pound behind your eyelids. "Muffin...are you sleeping?" You heard Thor whisper. You held your breath, willing him to leave when you heard him sigh "so stubborn." He said when you heard him lift the tray from the bed.
You slowly exhaled hearing the door close, peaking one eye open seeing his back to you you quickly closed it again staying as still as possible. You gripped the sheet beneath you hearing his heavy footsteps come closer, feeling his eyes on you as he came up next to the bed. "Muffin.." he purred, slowly running his fingers along the top of the blanket. "So beautiful.." he whispered, feeling him slowly pull the blanket back, containing a shiver as the cold air hit your skin. The blanket settling at your feet you felt his fingers ghost up your calf, slowly sliding up to your knee. You felt the warmth of his other hand hovering over your shoulder, his fingers slipping under the thin strap of your dress he pressed his large palm against your skin.
A whimper involuntarily passing your lips feeling his hand slide down cupping your breast under the thin material. "Mm...so sensative." He whispered, slowly kneeding your breast In small circles, his other lifting your knee before traveling up your thigh, squeezing gently he parted your legs as his fingers continued up, you screwed your eyes shut feeling them ghost over your core. "Open up for me my flower." He whispered, your back slightly arching as his fingers slid down through your folds, opening you up as he spread his fingers slowly moving up and down. "That's it muffin...your so wet already." He purred gripping your beast tighter while his other hand found your clit, rubbing small circles around it. You felt a tear roll down your cheek at your bodies betrayal, you didn't want this...didn't want him...but his touch ignited your skin, awakening a deep ache inside you.
You exhaled a deep breath through your nose as he fingers sped up, rubbing your clit hard feeling the coil in your stomach tighten, another whimper leaving you when he tweaked your nipple, a sharp pain shooting through you "come for me muffin...I know you want to." He whispered, sliding his fingers down, slowly pushing one of his large fingers inside you, his thumb continuing its work on you clit as he curled his finger up making you gasp "that's it...let me feel you." He said as you felt your orgasm wash over you, clenching hard around his finger hearing him moan. "Mm I cannot wait to feel you clamp that pretty pussy around me." He growled, sliding his finger in and out slowly before pulling it out. You cracked your eye open seeing him bring it to his lips, licking your arousal from it. "You taste divine muffin." He moaned. taking a deep breath he grabbed the blanket, pulling it back up around your chin.
You quickly closed your eyes, feeling him press his lips to your forehead "soon muffin, you will be mine." He groaned slowly standing up. You tried to stay as still as possible hoping he would leave now that he was done when you felt a pinch in your arm making it jerk slightly "its ok love, just a little preventative measure." He said rubbing your arm "Maybe we can discuss a family later on." He continued. You felt bile rising in your stomach, the anxiety in your chest growing too much to contain feeling your limbs tremble as you heard his footsteps walk towards the door "I will return with dinner muffin." He said as he grabbed the abandoned tray, biting your lip you heard the door open and close, the lock clicking into place.
Throwing the blanket off you ran to the bathroom, dropping to your knees you expelled everything that was left in your stomach, which wasn't much as you wrapped your arms around your middle. Your stomach churning again as you shifted feeling your arousal between your thighs you pulled the dress off, crawling to the tub you climbed in turning the water on as hot as you could handle letting it wash over you, needing to burn his touch from your skin. You brought your knees to your chest hugging them to you as sobs shook your body. Humiliation ran through you at your bodies willingness to give into him, as much as your mind fought it. You looked up blinking the tears away seeing the white walls of the bathroom knowing...you had to get out.
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You sat on the bed, staring at the wall trying to think of a way...there had to be...when you heard the lock click on the door, your body stiffening when you heard his footsteps "ah muffin, I'm glad your awake, I brought you dinner." He smiled setting the tray down in front of you. You had an idea, granted probably a bad one but you were wiling to try anything "I'm not hungry." You said flatly as he stood up "love you didn't eat breakfast, you need to eat this isn't healthy." He scowled crossing his arms. "I don't want anything from you." You snapped looking up seeing anger in his eyes "you will eat" he said sternly making you shudder. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for what may happen as you got up grabbing the tray.
"I said I'm not hungry!" You yelled, throwing the tray against the wall hearing the dishes shatter as they hit the concrete floor, food sliding down the wall as you looked back over to him, anger spread across his features as he looked at the now destroyed food before turning his gaze back to you "everything I'm doing for you and this is how you repay me?" He asked quietly stalking closer to you "i told you I don't want anything from you! Your fucking dillusional!" You yelled trying to push him away from you but he was a brick wall. you hoped maybe if you could distract him long enough you could grab the keys but now you weren't so sure.
You watched him hook them to his belt as he walked over to the tray beginning to pick everything up so you took your chance "you know i was wondering, is your brother single?" You asked watching him stiffen as he stood up "I bet he's pretty good in bed." You snarked bracing for your opportunity as he set the tray down tuning back to you "probably better then you.." you were cut off as the back of his hand met your cheek knocking you down "is that what you want muffin, to see whose better?" He sneered grabbing a fistful of your hair pulling you to your feet making you wince. You reached out trying to grab the keys as he pulled you towards him "I would be more then happy to give you a demonstration." He growled, your fingers brushing over the metal ring as he spun you around, shoving you face first into the mattress.
"T..thor....wait!" You yelled, trying to wiggle free when he grabbed your wrists pinning them behind your back with one hand, the other holding your head down to the mattress "I can assure you my brother would not be as kind as I have been to your insolence." He growled kicking your legs apart "i..I'm sorry Thor...please.." you pleaded feeling his erection press into your backside. "I have been patient, but I do have limits muffin." He said releasing your head, you froze feeling his large hand begin kneeding your ass "I believe a punishment is in order, wastefulness is unacceptable." He said lifting the bottom of your dress.
"I think five is sufficient, and you will count them or I'll start over." He said sternly. "What a.." you were cut off as his hand came in contact with your cheek, sending a jolt up your spine "count!" He yelled slapping you again "o..one.." you whispered as his hand came down again hard "t..two!" You yelled as your skin prickled "will you waste food again?" He asked slamming his hand down hard in the same spot "t..thee...no!" You yelled trying to squirm away from him, his grip on your wrists tightening "will you eat what I give you?" He asks landing another hard slap "f..four y..yes!" You yelled feeling tears well in your eyes "and you'll be a good girl and do as your told." He growled as his hand landed the final blow "aahh....f..five...yes!" You yelled, your head dropping to the bed as the tears flowed from you.
You jolted forward feeling his fingers traveled between your thighs, slowly moving up and down "mm..I think you enjoyed that." He purred leaning over you "your so wet for me muffin." He whispered in your ear placing a kiss on your shoulder. He released his grip on your wrists, taking a step back you sank to the floor, knees hitting the concrete making you wince. "Now, you will clean up your mess and maybe if your good ill bring you a book to read while I'm at work." He said unclipping the keys from his belt as you glared up at him...you were so close...
"Oh and another thing, if you mention my brother again there will be another punishment, and I will not go so easy on you again." He said unlocking the door "do you understand muffin?" He asked opening the door, his tall frame taking up the entire space "y..yes thor." You said grinding your teeth "I think I prefer sir." He said smiling watching you "yes...sir." you said. "Very good muffin, I will be back and we'll try this again, with a better attitude yes?" He said raising his eyebrows "yes sir." You said putting your head down. "Good girl. Now get to work." He said closing the door, the lock clicking into place.
You sat still staring at the floor, trying to shift you cried out at the sting on your backside. You crawled over to the mess that was your dinner, slowly picking up pieces of broken glass, none of them bug enough to fight him off with. You sighed setting everything on the tray, laying down on the cold floor you stared at the door. "There has to be a way." You whispered bringing your knees to your chest, trying to think of another plan.
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@springdandelixn @mochie85 @chemtrails-club @slytherclaw1227 @irishhappiness @kats72 @prettysourabbie @siriusly--gay @friendlyneighbourhoodgothicpagan @haidim84 @presidentlokis-hornyhelmet @silverfire475 @chaotic-cinnamonroll95 @gay-punk-redneck @nia021 @candybabysworld
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steverogersistheguy · 7 months
Y'all, I take requests.
Things I ONLY write for: SMUT; NONCON/DUBCON; dark elements such as kidnapping; fluff; violence; Dom/Sub
CHARACTERS I only write for: CHRIS EVANS CHARACTERS: *Andy Barber *Steve Rogers *Ransom Drysdale *Pete Brenner *Lloyd Hansen SEBASTIAN STAN CHARACTERS: *Nick Fowler *Bucky Barnes *Lance Tucker *Lee Bodecker *Chris Beck CHRIS HEMSWORTH CHARACTERS: *Thor Odinson *Tyler Rake *Steve Abnesti TOM HIDDLESTON CHARACTERS: *Loki Laufeyson *Jonathan Pine *Dr. Robert Laining *Cpt. Nichols OTHER CHARACTERS: *Rafe Cameron *JJ Maybank *Tony Stark *Brock Rumlow
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glorystark · 2 months
His Saviour | Part 1
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You disobey one of Steve's orders in a mission but you don't think about the consequences...
Warnings: (TRIGGER WARNING!) mentions of self harm and suicide, mentions of killing and torturing, pure Angst no happy ending, mentions of injures, dark!Steve Rogers, swearing, minor spoilers of Black Widow, Steve being an asshole in general
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Featuring: The original 6
Disclaimer: please don't read this if you're not comfortable with any of the topics below or/and if they trigger you. This is just a fiction and it's never ok to act like this. I'm not romanticizing any of these topics and this behaviour!
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You are sitting in the Quinjet, observing everyone who is injured in different ways. Natasha has been stabbed in her right thigh, Clint’s left ankle has been twisted, and Bruce, although not injured, appears exhausted due to a significant code green call, during which Nat almost lost him trying to retrieve him. Thor has a few scratches on his face. Everyone’s faces show bruising in different areas, and their bodies are still aching. But you, you have been injured the most. Your right wrist is broken, and you have been shot in your left leg, though the bullet wasn’t deep and didn't cause major damage; otherwise, you probably would have passed out by now. You still have trouble breathing, and your voice is sore because one of the HYDRA agents almost choked you to death. Your face is bruised, you can only open your right eye halfway, and your lips are swollen. The numbness has made it so you can barely feel any pain. When everyone saw you upon returning to the jet, they were extremely worried. You didn’t possess inhuman powers and weren't a super soldier, but you used to be a well-trained assassin and spy in the Red Room, closely partnered with Natasha Romanoff before joining S.H.I.E.L.D. So, it was surprising for the team to see you so battered, though they understood the mission was challenging.
Everyone needed a break upon returning to the tower. Initially, everyone thought it was a straightforward mission: infiltrate a high-security HYDRA base, get two flash drives containing vital and dangerous information, and exit. What no one knew was that it was a trap, with far more agents present than expected. Eventually, you managed to escape, but only securing one of the flash drives.
As everyone settled back in the jet, Bruce finished removing the bullet from your leg and bandaging Nat’s thigh. Thor bragged to Tony about his usual lack of injuries on missions, joking that he could have taken down all the HYDRA agents that day if he hadn’t been 'unlucky', which elicited laughter from Tony. Clint checked on Nat while she recounted a memory from Budapest. Meanwhile, you contemplated going home for a long shower until you noticed Steve, whose eyes were fixed on you with intensity. Confused, you assumed he was lost in thought, but you were wrong.
“How could you be so reckless?!" Steve's voice boomed through the jet as he stood up from his seat, his gaze piercing into yours. Everyone stopped what they were doing, surprised by his uncharacteristically loud tone, given his usually calm demeanor, even when upset. You looked at him, uncertain of what to say. You understood why he was angry; you had disobeyed an order. However, if not for your 'disobedience,' you wouldn't have acquired half the information you have now. To you, this seemed like Steve Rogers throwing a typical Captain America tantrum.
“Well, are you going to answer, or are you too stupid to respond to a simple question?" he growled, advancing toward your seat.
“I wasn't being-" you began to mutter, only to be interrupted by Steve.
“Speak up," he demanded, his voice cutting you off. You met his gaze, puzzled by his demeanor.
“I wasn't being reckless; I was being thoughtful. The-" you tried to explain, but Steve interrupted again.
"Thoughtful?! You call that thoughtful?! Really, Y/n? It's clear you don't understand the difference between stupidity and thoughtfulness.” he retorted.
“Will you stop interrupting me?" you interjected, your voice growing louder as you rose from your seat. You locked eyes with Steve, standing almost chest to chest in front of each other.
“I wouldn't have interrupted you if I knew any useful words were going to come out of your mouth," he countered, finally yelling, causing everyone but you to flinch.
“You have no right to yell at me like this, Steve.” you asserted, standing up for yourself.
"I have EVERY right to yell at you, you-" he began, but you cut him off this time.
"Why are you making it seem like I committed a crime? Yes, I agree it was wrong for me to enter that room alone, but I retrieved the flash drive we needed, didn't I?" you challenged.
“That is not the point right now. The point is, I'm your captain, and I gave a strict, direct order not to enter that room, and you disobeyed me.” he stated firmly.
That was all true. When you disobeyed his order, you knew he would be angry, but not to this extent.
You sprinted down the hallway, incapacitating every HYDRA agent in your path. You tried not to use your gun too often, knowing there would likely be guards in the room.
"Steve, I found the room," you said through your earpiece. You subdued the agent guarding the room where the flash drives were, and as the door swung open, more than twenty HYDRA agents stood before you, blocking your view of the drives on the computer table.
“Y/n, what did you just say? Get out of there now! Do you even know how many agents are in there?" Steve's urgent voice echoed in your ear.
“I do now," you replied, still facing the agents, who were also eyeing you cautiously.
"Y/n, this is an order. Get. Out. Of. There. Now.” Steve commanded, his tone almost a shout.
“Sorry, Steve, but people's lives depend on this.” you declared, charging toward the agents, disregarding Steve's pleas for you to retreat.
“Steve, I really don't understand what the big deal is. I got one of the drives, and yes, I went alone, but at least I obtained something that will help us.” you reasoned, taking a seat.
“Alright, y/n, I'm definitely sure now that you are deaf. You entered a room with so many HYDRA agents-" he began, only to be cut off by you.
“They were like 10 and they were really weak-" you defended.
“They were 27 trained assassins!” he corrected, making you widen your eyes.
"And do I need to remind you that your leg has been shot, and you can barely keep your eyes open, not to mention the rest of your injuries." he added mockingly.
“Okay, Steve, I get it, and I'm sorry for being reckless. Can we let this go now?" you pleaded, sitting down.
“Let this go?!" he started laughing, though his laugh lacked any humor. Everyone looked at Steve, unable to believe his behavior. They never expected him to speak to you this way, especially in front of the whole team.
You and Steve had been friends since meeting during the Battle of New York. You had a lot in common and quickly connected. A few months later, at one of Tony's parties, he kissed you, and the following day, he asked you out. It had been six months since then, and Steve treated you like a princess. He called you his savior because you helped him adjust to life after being thawed from the ice. He adored you. You had a few minor disagreements, but they were hardly fights, more like disagreements. You could never stay mad at each other, and now you couldn't believe the man who was laughing at you and humiliating you was the same person.
"Steve, I think that's enough," Nat finally intervened, her voice calm yet firm.
"Is it really? I think baby y/n hasn't learned her lesson yet.” Steve retorted sarcastically.
“Fuck you, Steve. You can't speak to me like that. I'm not a kid. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't even have that one drive, and god knows how many people could have died. But you can't even realize that because I disobeyed ‘Captain America's orders,' and no one is allowed to disobey America's 'hero.' The only kid between us is you!” you shot back, your voice rising, though not as loud as Steve's had been.
“I'm a kid, y/n? Really? And what are you, a hero? Do you expect me to thank you now? Do you expect all of us to be on our knees thanking you?!" Steve challenged.
“That is not what I said!" you finally snapped.
The tension in the room escalated, and the team grew more uncomfortable by the second.
Steve smirked at your angered state.
“What's the matter, y/n? You seem a little bit defensive. I thought you liked being a hero. You know, because of the guilt, since you started killing and torturing people at the age of 8.”he said, still wearing the hurtful smirk on his face.
The whole team gasped, especially Natasha, whose story paralleled yours. You looked at Steve, unable to believe what he had just said.
“You seem shocked, Agent y/l/n. Oh, and Natasha, don't take this the wrong way. We all make mistakes in our life, but at least after we realize our mistakes, we try to make them up as soon as we can and not run away like a coward.” Steve continued, ignoring your reaction. You and Natasha widened your eyes, understanding what Steve was referring to."Steve..." Nat began, but Steve cut her off.
“I'm not done yet. Some of y'all look confused, well, let me explain it for you," Steve said, addressing the rest of the team.
"Steve, don't." you murmured, your voice weak now. You weren't even sure if anyone heard you, and you were right. No one heard you, but Steve who chose to ignore you.
“Our dear y/n y/l/n was a well-trained assassin back in the years with Natasha Romanoff in a place called the Red Room, which I'm sure you've heard about. Before even Natasha was out of there, Agent y/l/n found a way to leave the Red Room, a way to save every girl, from children to adults, who were mind-controlled into killing, and even worse. But do you know what she did instead?" he turned around the room, looking at everyone as if it was a show. No one said anything; they just kept looking between you and Steve. It was getting harder for you to focus on your breathing.
“Well, in case you haven't guessed yet, she just left everyone who could've been saved, even her best friend who is sitting right here with us.” he said, pointing at Nat.
“And even though she could've killed Dreykov, who was the leader by the way, with her genius plan, she didn't because she was a coward.” he said, emphasizing the word coward.
You've never felt so small and betrayed. You couldn’t believe he was using your awful past against you. When you confided in him, he comforted you, assuring you it wasn't your fault. That you’ve been through a lot and you took the only chance you had to save yourself. And now… now he was a different person.
“Cap that’s enough, it’s not our business what she did in the past. We all did something in some point that we aren’t proud of. She made up for that mistake many times now, since the battle of New York until today’s mission. I’m sure she still feels guilty and you’re just making it worse.” Tony looked at your trembling sight, standing up from his seat and walked towards Steve. The rest of the team nodding along, glad that Tony stood up for you because they were frozen themselves.
“Oh yeah Tony, you’re right I’m sure she feels guilty, don’t you y/l/n?” He looked at you as if you were a kid
Everything about him was hurting you right now. His voice tone that humiliated you in every way, his eyes that sent daggers to your way, his body that was intimidatingly towering yours, his smile which always made you happy and now it was only mocking you. Your throat is dry, your eyes are wet and you feel like your heart is going to come out of your chest in any second. You were hurt and unwell, and everyone could see that, everyone but Steve.
“Agent y/I/n do you feel guilty about your past?" He repeated his sarcastic question.
"I wouldn't worry about that too much since you have a good way to cope with your guilt right?" He continued.
You looked up at him frighteningly, understanding where he was going.
“Steve don't you dare." you whispered, finally being able to say something.
Everyone was confused since they had no idea what you both were talking about.
“you seem scared agent." Steve smirked at you sending shivers down your spine. It hurts so much more that he wasn't even using your name anymore, he felt like a stranger to you.
“SHUT UP!" you had never yelled so loud in your life, the whole jet shook. Everyone flinched but Steve. It seemed like he was waiting for this.
“Come on y/n are you that afraid of everyone knowing how you used to deal with your problems, or do you still do it?"
Everyone was quite once again, something in them wanted to know what Steve was talking about but they also didn't because of the way you reacted.
You looked at him not saying anything but your eyes were begging him to stop. You've never been in such a vulnerable position, especially considering everything you’ve been through.
“oh don't tell me you're gonna cut your wrists open again because you feel guilty you didn't get the second driver."
Everyone froze and widened their eyes, silence filling the jet. No one knew that you used to harm yourself until you started dating Steve, he was the first person to ever know. You felt so comfortable around him that you didn't want to have any untold secrets.
You thought about what if you guys break up but you convinced yourself that even if you guys separate your ways from each other at some point, you're definitely going to stay friends and he's never going to tell your secret to anyone because you believed he was a good man. You trusted him more than yourself and now he proved you all wrong.
You didn't cut anymore, because you found a way to save people. If it wasn't for Nick Fury, making you join the team you'd be long gone by now. But you didn't have a reason anymore, you were happy you had a new family and a new job, everything was perfect for you. Now you felt alone all over again and you didn't even blame Steve, you blamed yourself. You failed.
You started trembling more and started to see black spots. The team walked towards you to see if you were okay. Thor pushed Steve away, "Stay away from her," he warned, before walking to you. You heard Tony and Natasha yelling at Steve, Clint trying to calm them down but looking angry himself, Bruce and Thor asking you if you were alright, but you couldn’t hear anything anymore. It was so loud, but you only heard annoying mumbles. You let out a sob before passing out in the strong arms of the god, the last thing you saw being Steve's worried eyes…
A/N: This was my first (published) fan fiction. I apologise for any writing and/or grammar mistakes considering that English isn’t my first language. Feel free to correct me! If you enjoyed this, please let me know and let me know if you want to be tagged in the upcoming posts! (This fic will make a twist;))
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