#Dark choco x reader
damselettism · 8 months
Dark Choco
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General headcanons :
He likes hiding things in his coat, like small pieces of candy.
He misses his dad, sometimes Dark Choco would have dreams of him as a kid doing something with his dad either training, talking, or just father son stuff.
He acts like a grandpa, so don't expect him to understand memes. His common response whenever they try showing him a meme is "huh"
Tends to disappear for 2 weeks and comes back in a random Saturday...
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Relationship Headcanons :
Like in the general headcanons, I said he'd hide things in his coat he'd probably let you hide in it.
He may seem like a tough bear outside, but he's like a jelly bear in the inside.
Speaking of bears he probably feels like a big fluffy bear whenever you hug him
For him quality time >>> physical touch, just you being there would make him feel safe. He's really traumatized that even patting his head could make him flinch...
Dark Choco when it comes to pet names would probably go with the basic yet sweet ones "dear", "love" you name it. He cringed whenever Dark Cacao called his mom those sweet things, but now it definitely rubbed off on him a bit.
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inferencesarchives · 7 months
May I request dark choco cookie for the prompt of 'falling asleep on their shoulder'? I think it would be cute and the guy needs love.
`•- Sleepy Affection
dark choco cookie x gn reader
prompt: falling asleep on their shoulder
warnings: physical touch (obviously)
a/n: heusksmduueamrudk
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It was a quiet night. Light rain pitter-pattered on the windows, and the fireplace provided a gentle warmth. On a night such as this, it was only natural for you to want to spend it with Dark Choco Cookie.
The two of you sit on the couch by the fireplace, reading a book and drinking hot chocolate together. The atmosphere is comforting and cozy, and it feels as though you two are the only cookies in the world as you gently flip a page.
Several hours of the two of you reading silently with each other have gone by when Dark Choco Cookie suddenly feels a weight on his shoulder. A bit startled, he turns to look at you, and he realises you've fallen asleep.
He smiles softly at your sleeping face and tucks a bookmark into the pages of your book. He quietly whispers in your ear and presses a soft kiss to your hair.
"Goodnight, my dear."
a/n: yea so the archiversary stuff is gonna be short, fluffy blurbs of sweetness :] i hope you all enjoy these short scenarios! im gonna go work on more stuff now byebye
thanks for reading, and remember to take care of yourself!
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shmolish · 29 days
Hey I got inspiration from this other anon's ask and...gotta ask:
Same traits question...but for...well Royal margarine, clotted cream, shining glitter, cherry blossom, dark choco (after he redeemed himself), butter roll, red velvet, Caramel arrow and finally...cream unicorn.
If it's too many cookies at once...surprise me with who you choose from the List lol! (Sorry for so many...I simp for a LOT of cookies! Just picked a few from the list of cookies I Simp for.)
AN: I don't know some of these characters that well, so sorry if they seem a bit wonky-
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Multiple x Reader CRK
Warning: Some of these characters may be OOC, not proof read
Royal Margarine
First and foremost, Buttercream has to like you
If they don't, you're automatically out (sorry)
It shouldn't be that much of an issue as long as you are a halfway decent person
Since he's kind of a wimp, he'd definitely appreciate someone who can fight rly well
A person to take care of him when he's drunk
Oh, and you have to be able to handle his constant flirting
And he probably won't mind someone who flirts back as well
Starts blushing and kicking his feet at the thought /hj
So, someone outgoing and bold
Clotted Cream
Knowing his profession and all, his day to day life is very stressful!!!
Therefore, I think he'd like someone who can help him wind down a bit
Someone who is always put together and organized
Like housewife vibes, even if that's a bit stereotypical
A person to just help his life become a little easier and a little less dull
So, someone detail oriented and calm
Shining Glitter
Since music is such a big thing in her life, she'd enjoy someone who can create music with her
Or even just dancing along to her own would be enough
Someone who appreciates everyone's art
A person who never gives up on their dreams
Or a person with a lot of ambition and ideas
Since it reminds her of herself <3
So, someone determined and creative
Cherry Blossom
100% you need to go on picnics with her daily
Bonus points if you know proper tea-party etiquette
She gives off nice aunt vibes but gossips a lot
Probably enjoys someone who she can gossip with
Not only that, but I'm sure someone who can bake would do her some good
After all, you must bring plenty of snacks to a picnic
So, someone who always listens and is easy to talk to
Dark Choco
Enjoys a person who will always love and accept him, despite his past
It would be a sun an moon kind of relationship
He seems rather touch starved, so a cuddly partner will definitely serve him well
So, someone understanding and kind
Butter Roll
He'd like someone who appreciates and is interested in his work
A person who always listens to his rants and what-not
An upbeat person to match his sunny personality
And perhaps someone who can notice small details and point them out
Someone who's dedicated to their craft
So, someone focused and upbeat
Red Velvet
I think he'd be interested in someone who is very kind and gentle
Since he has a lot of dogs, (cakes?) He would appreciate someone who can help him take care of them
Not only that, but I think he'd enjoy someone who he can just rant to
I don't know why, but I feel like he has a lot to say
So, someone gentle and caring
Caramel Arrow
She would be attracted to a person who always looks out for others
A person who fights to defend those who can't defend themselves
Even if they have to defy authority
You two would share that struggle
So, someone who looks out for others and has integrity
Cream Unicorn
Though they are very kind, they are actually rather calm
Therefore, I think they'd need someone a lot more extroverted to be with
A person who always tells them about their day
They just find you so interesting
A person who is kind to everyone
Someone with lots of energy
So, someone who is energetic and loves to talk
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little-idiotic-pie · 1 month
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This is my first drawing here. But I like Crk. And I like xreader content) so why not just double my two fav things 😈😈😈
I hope you gonna like it. Oh and call me pumpkin if you want
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desiredcaramellatte · 7 months
Can I have dark choco x soft!reader? Just heard the term soft reader and had to try it out.
I think I might’ve had a request similar to this before but uhhh oh well, if I did it was a long while ago. Yippee
I don’t really know which version of Dark Choco wanted to be done here so I just went with the old CoD timeline version before the Dark Cacao stuff
Not really too sure what soft means in this definition here but I just went with really sweet and kind of like energetic maybe idk-
Yay new post. Been a bit hehe, haven’t had much time over my break to write, I’ll probably post some more when school starts up again. ALSO I opened up matchups if anyone wants
Dark Choco x reader
(Who is soft)
Welp, they say opposites attract, you know. On the outside the two of you are completely different- the dark knight being a feirce and brooding presence and you being nothing than, well… soft, really.
Very few people actually know that Dark Choco is an absolute softie inside too. He is very closed off and not expressive in most forms aside from anger, but he does have a very pleasant heart in him.
He likes hand holding. Very subtle hand holding in areas that don’t have a lot of people but may contain some. Otherwise not a big fan of PDA. He will let you lead him around or push him places you want him to go, though.
If you do hug him in public he is likely to get extremely flustered and shut down. He will then promptly avoid everyone who might as so much have been in a fifty foot radius for a while, including you.
Dark Choco will let you snag his cape and use it whenever you want, so long as he’s not about to go into battle. He needs it for his emo boy aesthetic. Even then, a little bit of asking too polietly or begging and he’ll let you keep it just this once-
We all know the last part is an absolute lie ^ you two practically share custody over that thing now.
Refuses to let you touch the Strawberry Jam sword at all. No. Never. That is pretty much the one thing that you can’t win over by begging or owning being cute. It’s completely off limits to you, and for good reasons.
Likely to follow you around everywhere like a big, lost puppy dog. He’s not even too interested in what you’re doing tbh, he just wants to follow and trail after you whenever he can. He likes experiencing your daily life.
Dark Choco just likes hanging out with you and watching all the little things you do. His favorite times are when you two have little picnics or decide to have a camp out. In his eyes, you’re way too good to him.
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thedarkcircuswritings · 2 months
Teddy anon here...and got an idea for a request...a break from the street urchin apocalypse lol!
Reader giving dark choco a cuteness overload...like reader does something so adorable dark choco feels like his heart exploded!
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"Y/N, what are you..." Dark Choco stopped when he had come across you. You looked up at him, slightly covered in those tape-on present bows and ribbon, as you were making attempts to wrap up a few gifts for Dark Choco... Most of them were wrapped, but now you were in a bit of a situation. Dark Choco seemed mostly calm on the outside, but on the inside, he felt like he'd be struck in the heart. You look like a troubled cat with the way you looked up at him, and if looks could kill, he would've been dead in the snow. How could it be possible for a cookie to be so... so adorable? He did end up helping you out, careful not to peek at the presents you had got him. Admittedly, there was a small part of him hoping something like this would happen again...
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yappaccinocookie · 1 month
"would you still love me if I was a jelly worm?" shenanigans.
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ft. several cookies!
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"How would that even happen?" — uses logic to deflate your silly question, it would take long to get an answer out of them because every time you answer their question they will ask more.
Espresso, Black Pearl, Chili Pepper, Dark Choco, Prune Juice, Seafairy, White Lily
"Stop being ridiculous." — party poopers. would definitely say no, don't take it to heart though. they don't hate you, they hate jelly worms.
Black Pearl, Frost Queen, Affogato, Licorice, Pomegranate, Chili Pepper.
"Of course, I'd love you either way." — sweet hearts. even though this question is a joke, they would answer seriously. this cookie would ramble about how cute and tiny you would be, and how they would make you a small little worm house. they're just so inlove huhuhu.
Pure Vanilla, Parfait, Herb, Moonlight, White Lily.
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Hello! Was a big fan of your blog with Dark choco and dark cacao and rose and so on! Your art is really good!
Anyway I'd like hcs please of....dark choco with an autistic reader please? Just when I saw him in your art style I fell in love with him lol! You draw him very well!
Aww thank you believe it or not I did do him with an autistic reader before, BUT I’ll do him again since I have some more headcanons <3
Characters: Dark Choco
Prompt: Headcanons
Pronouns: GN reader
I headcanon DC, to also have pretty bad sensory issues. So he can understand your pain.
He’s the type of person to know when you’re over stimulated and just, gently drag you off to a quiet area. Trying not to touch you to much.
Warm hugs.
He isn’t a big fan of PDA, but will budge a little bit if you really need him.
He will hide you in his cape if there are no quiet places around.
Choco loves listen to you talk about your special interests and hyper fixations, he is man of few words. So he just likes listen to you talk about things you love.
He will feed your hyper fixation, be a movie, tv show, nature thing, history thing, space, be prepared to get random gifts that relate to that.
He will make sure most of the things in his house/room are sensory friendly, and if it can’t be, he puts a warning label on it so you don’t accidentally touch it.
He tries to make sure not to patronize you, He knows how some people can act as if you don’t understand things, and never wants to be like that, hell he thinks your way smarter then him.
One of his favorite activities is cuddling with your on the couch letting you talk about what you love.
Makes his heart happy ever time :)
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lonelysouffle · 2 years
Hello a new blog it nice to see this so can I’m be your first person to request can I’m have dark choco cookie captain caviar cookie and cream unicorn cookie x reader who is overprotective over sorbet shark cookie cookie and ask them if they can adopt them please sorbet they have been alone in the ocean for years I’m want them to be happy headcanons please
hello anon! your wish is granted <3 (also thank you for being the first ask! :])
"Geysers and Gullies" gn reader, uses they/them pronouns , reader does have motherly undertones, you can understand sorbet shark when their not in water, dark chocos part turned out longer than intended oops, reader and love interest dont outright adopt sorbet nor explicitly ask them if they want to be adopted,,,they do some family stuff though, NOT PROOFREAD
features dark choco cookie, cream unicorn cookie, and captain caviar cookie
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Dark Choco Cookie
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when taking a stroll on the beach the last thing you expected to see was child, seemingly only a couple years over the age of 10
the child was shivering and it noticed you, they clung onto your clothing
it was, (to no ones surprise) that you took this child with you to your contemporary place of stay to nurse them back to health.
you started by giving them blankets, to warm themselves up in for the sake of comfort or whatever else they might need the blankets
you began prepping raspberry jellies, a delicacy from your homeland, so they could have at least something in their system.
as you watched them stare at you, you asked them how they were feeling. mix of garbles came from the kid, which to your surprise, you understood.
"Really? Okay, I'm glad your just feeling tired and hungry. Here, some raspberry jellies, their a delicacy from my homeland!"
watching sorbet shark cookie eat, to make sure they didn't end up hurting themself, you listened to the door being opened, coming inside was your s/o, Dark Choco Cookie.
"Good evening, my love." he said, kissing the top of your head.
you giggled a little. "Good evening, my dear Dark Choco!"
dark choco noticed sorbet shark cookie, thus began the conversation, such as where you found them, why they were in your home, the works...
"i see. my darling, if your so intent on letting them stay, i fear as if i can't do anything to change your mind..." he sighed. you smiled, noticing the smaller dark pink-ish cookie had curled themselves in you lap and had begun to talk to you.
"A story to help you sleep? Hmm...well, let me tell you of a confident hero who always wore an eerie smile. Her strength and her home-country were shrouded in total mystery...."
a family made up of trust will always be more comforting than a family who relies on their blood to keep the trust moving forward.
Cream Unicorn Cookie
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a romantic stroll on the beach, is what this was originally supposed to be. until you spotted the small body in the sand. cream unicorn looked at you and you looked at them, as if the same idea had been lit up in your minds.
you sat sorbet shark on your couch, cream unicorn in the kitchen cooking up whatever sort of mouth-watering blessing imaginable
you watched sorbet shark wake up and curl up next your figure. a garble of sound emitted from them, and you began to pet as a way of comforting them.
cream unicorn emerged from the kitchen, a plate of food in their hands intended for sorbet shark cookie
as you watched the child scarf down the food, you asked them where they were from, you were given a small, sad, garble.
you sighed, looking at your spouse. "Cream Unicorn Cookie, they have nowhere to stay. Do you...think we could take them in?"
Your spouse looked at you before smiling, "I see no reason not to. If they would like to stay with us theirs no reason for us to deny that."
You asked sorbet if they would like to stay with you, a barrage of "oOoOoo!" 's emerged from him.
the night was filled with happiness and laughter <3
Captain Caviar Cookie
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ok, so this one is kind of funny
you were minding your business, looking out to the sea on your (OUR) mans ship
when all of a sudden you see a body of a literal child floating in a barrel
and you just...dive in
and when you pull you (and sorbet shark cookie) out of the ocean, hes all like
"what the fuck were yer thinkin'?! i could've lost ya darlin'..."
"oh. i found a child in a barrel." "YOU FOUND WHAT-"
and now sorbet shark is your charge. yippee
captain caviar lets them do whatever they want. the cool dad
and your about fling yourself--once again-- into the ocean because "why would you let sorbet shark cookie have a knife???"
tired soccer mom and cool dad vibes but there's also so much love in the relationship
house husband captain caviar teaching sorbet shark how to clean. that's it. that's the bullet point.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
dark choco x reader smut headcanons? your writing is really good! ^^
Smut Headcanons | Dark Choco Cookie (18+)
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thank you for requesting, anon!
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
reader is assumed as gender neutral
as a baseline, dark choco cookie tends to lean towards being a protective, cautious and slow lover in order to ensure he doesn’t accidentally hurt you.
always very gentle with you, touching you as though you’re made of glass yet holding you so close that it’s like he’s scared you’ll disappear the second he lets go
foreplay can last several hours depending on how much time you have and how patient you both are, and he makes good use of it to ravish every inch of your body (big on body worship and praise)
asks you if you’re okay, if you’re enjoying yourself and if he’s making you feel good every so often - always prioritising your safety and pleasure above all else
prefers to have sex with plentiful pillows and soft surfaces underneath you - both to keep you comfortable and to allow him to change positions without accidentally hurting or straining you too heavily
loves waking you up with oral whenever he can and adores your taste - can and will ravish you like you’re the last meal of a starved man
fond of any position that allows him to hold you close to himself and admire every expression you make - namely cowgirl, mating press and missionary
litters kisses across the length of your abdomen as well as your throat, jaw and thighs
wants you to know that he adores every part of you - that you are loved and utterly enchanting to him
can be rough if you ask him to (he’s incredibly strong and more than capable of marking you up), but he much prefers gentle lovemaking over harsh fucking for the most part
not completely open to exclusively receiving pleasure (almost feels that he doesn’t deserve it), so he will only accept a blow job or hand job if you allow him to return the favour after the fact
will gladly let you use him for your pleasure because he derives pleasure from it as well - so just offer to ride his thighs/face/fingers and he’ll happily comply
constantly assures you about how good you are, how beautiful/handsome/attractive you look, how perfect you are for him, how amazing you feel and how much he appreciates every single sound you make - always in a low, almost gravely voice
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sugarcloudsky · 1 year
Henlo! can i request a platonic dark choco x tween!reader that takes place after the events of chapter 14? like a first meet kinda thing where dark ends up taking the reader under his wing? the rest of the details are up to you! sorry if this was a tad bit specific
character: dark choco cookie (platonic)
cws: semi graphic descriptions of blood and wounds, possibly ooc dark choco ive never written for him :(
wc: 1.3k
this one took a lot of editing, hopefully it turned out ok!! requests are being worked on as fast as i can, im sorry everyone!!!
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Strength can bring no good if it’s born from the suffering of others.
This he may have realized far too late. He had already stained the Strawberry Jam Sword with the suffering of countless cookies of his kingdom. No— the Dark Cacao Kingdom. He does not believe he deserves the title of prince of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, especially at a time such as this one.
Although Dark Choco Cookie had now freed himself from the weight of the sword, he still held a heavy darkness in his mind. He finally let go of his dark past, but he could never truly erase his mistakes. Something deep down inside him selfishly wanted to turn around, and return to the spot on the throne besides his father, but he knew it was never possible for someone like him.
He was not worthy of redemption, he was sure of it.
Yet, something in him still ached for the sense of relief. That maybe to at least one cookie, he could be a good person. That maybe one day, a cookie would look up to him in the same manner as he looked up to his own father.
He stops in his tracks, staring into sugar snow below his feet. The crystal-like powder sparkles underneath him. The howls of cream wolves can be heard in the distance. A sigh escapes his lips, deciding he should continue moving, or else he may become the cream wolves’ next meal.
“Hhgh— Help— Help me… anyone— please!”
A voice.
He freezes. His head quickly whips around towards the source, and in the very distance, he can almost make out a small amount of movement hidden in the trees. Squinting his eyes, he realizes what he sees.
A cookie. They seem to be much smaller than he is, but he assumes it's due to the distance between them.
Dark Choco Cookie hesitates. What should he do? Should he approach the cookie? What if it was a trap? What if the cookie was actually injured? He doesn’t know how to react, or what to do.
“Please! I—I Need help! I’m hurt! Someone— help me please!”
A pit forms in his stomach. Even if it was a trap, he couldn’t imagine living with himself if he ignored a cookie pleading for help, especially after every atrocious act he’d committed. Perhaps it was the prince still in him, but as quickly as he stopped moving, he rushed towards the cookie crying out.
When he's close enough, he realizes that you seem to be smaller than he had first thought. You weren’t a little kid, but you were obviously not quite an adult either. At the sound of his footsteps in front of you, you flinch.
The two of you lock eyes for a moment, your red teary eyes meeting his widened eyes. His eyes quickly land on your leg, which appears to have a large gash embedded in it, blood continuously oozing out of the wound. His heart sinks. There was an attempt from you to cover the wound, but with the thin fabric of your coat and your shaking hands, not much could be done. Not to mention, the cold weather was slowly getting to you as well.
“What happened?” he gets straight to the point. He kneels down on one knee, taking a closer look at the wound. The shape of the wound seems to resemble teeth markings.
Cream wolves.
“The— the, hhg, the wolves… they attacked me.” You’re barely able to choke out a response, painful sobs racking your chest. It hurts— it hurts so much. It’s unbearable. You’re so scared. “I don’t— hh, I don’t wanna die! Please, please—”
“Be quiet,” he hushes you, more harshly than he intended, tearing off a chunk of his cape. “They’ll come back if we make too much noise. I’ll help you.”
He tightly wraps the torn fabric around your leg, hoping the pressure will subside the bleeding, at least a little. He watches as you bite your lip in an attempt to quiet your sobs. A somber feeling clouds over him, feeling sorry for your current state.
After he’s sure the gash is properly covered, he stands up again. Your eyes follow him, still crying. He extends his hand out to you.
“Let’s move. I’ll carry you on my back. I’ll bring you somewhere safer.”
A much smaller hand grasps his, and he gently pulls you up. In one swift movement, he hoists you onto his back, careful not to touch your injured leg. He feels you wrap your arms around his neck from behind, your head burying into his neck, tears staining his dark cape.
He sighs as he begins walking in the direction he was headed in previously. Except now, he has a bit of an unexpected companion with him. Despite the circumstances, he somehow felt a sense of comfort having someone else with him. He didn’t consider himself a hero, no, far from it, but he didn’t regret stopping to help.
After a couple minutes of silence only occasionally interrupted by your soft sobbing, he decides to ask you the question, “Where are your parents?”
He feels you tense against him.
“I don’t know—” You squeezed him, “The cream wolves— they… they attacked my home— I— I saw— my parents— They were— I don’t wanna go back—!”
“It’ll be alright.” he interrupts, barely above a whisper, “You’ll be alright.”
He frowns, imagining what must have happened to you based on your despair and what you were able to mutter out to him. Dark Choco Cookie then thought back to when he saved Milk Cookie when he was a young kid and his home village from the large cream wolves. Huh. History truly does repeat itself.
“Do you have anywhere else to go?”
Your silence is his answer.
For a moment, he thinks. What would happen if you stayed with him? It would only be temporary, surely. Only until you’re fully healed, he’ll have you on your way. But that had his mind racing once again. Where would you go once you’re healed? Surely it would be dangerous for you to return to whatever was left of your home— the cream wolves may as well have you for good.
It’ll be fine. He’ll keep you with him for as long as necessary, and eventually the two of you will part ways. He won’t get attached. He doesn’t get attached.
But before Dark Choco Cookie even realizes, the words come out.
“You can stay with me for the time being. I’ll properly patch up your leg once we get to a safer place.”
He feels your grip on him loosen slightly as you let out a shaky sigh. Your head rests against his shoulder, your messy hair tickling his cheek. At this moment, Dark Choco Cookie noticed your crying had finally died down, being replaced with mere sniffles. He felt the urge to comfort you more, hug you and tell you that it’ll be okay and the both of you will be okay, but he restrains himself. He simply continues to walk, treading across the seemingly endless forest lined with nature covered in white sugar snow.
Was it really okay for someone like him to help you? You were so young— so guiltless, in comparison to the guilt ridden man holding you so carefully. If you knew what this man held, would you still have accepted his help?
He knows he deserves no forgiveness, nor a second chance.
But in this instance, maybe he could let himself do some good for once, just like he did all those years ago by his father’s side. His lips curl upwards just slightly at the memories of the Dark Cacao Kingdom that he once held close to him.
He shakes his head. His past with the Cookies of Darkness was now behind him. He was a new person now. He is no longer the monster he once was. No matter what curse Pomegranate Cookie lays upon him, he’ll be okay. He’d never let himself fall to someone like her.
It’ll be okay, he knows it.
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damselettism · 8 months
Texting them "Imagine we were dating" even though you're dating
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Celebrating Your Birthday Headcanons
various genshin, hsr, and cookie run guys x gn!reader (alhaitham, diluc, dottore, kaveh, dan heng, sampo, almond cookie, capsaicin cookie, captain caviar cookie, dark choco cookie)
summary: it's your birthday! how do they celebrate it with you? (author's birthday special post aaaa)
warnings: physical touch, mentions of food, brief mention of dottore's experiments, maybe ooc(?), not proofread, i think that's all but if it's not lmk ill add :)
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never forgets your birthday. always makes sure to finish work before the day so that he can spend the entire day with you.
prepares everything beforehand. when u wake up the whole living room is decorated for you. you have no idea where he stores the decorations in the meantime.
buys you a bunch of things that reminded him of you. also gets you things that he remembers you saying you liked and things that he noticed you staring at in the store windows.
very very sweet on your birthday. gives you lots of hugs and affection. still likes to tease you though.
makes sure nothing comes between you and him on your special day <3
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buys you anything and everything you could ever want ever.
makes your birthday cake himself. it's the best cake you've ever had. he keeps the recipe a secret though.
takes a day off for once so that he can give you all the attention you could ever want from him.
also very affectionate. he wants to show you just how much he appreciates you <3
seeing you so happy with the gifts he gives you makes him glad as well. one of his rare smiles spreads out on his face when he sees how excited you get about your presents from him.
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very eccentric gift giver. the gifts he gives you can vary from a beautiful necklace he saw at a shop to a human heart extracted from one of his test subjects. you appreciate the thought he puts into the gifts, though.
very clingy throughout the day. doesn't want to leave your side at all. wants to show you all the affection. forces a segment to deal with his duties if he has to.
likes to tell you stories to make you smile. whether it's old fairytales or stories from his lifetime, he likes telling you about anything that he thinks will pique your interest.
explains what his thought process was when he chose each of your gifts. whether it be an item that made him think of you or something from his experiments he thought you mind find interesting, he tells you the story behind all of them <3
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spends his entire life savings on gifts for you. also hand-makes gifts after he runs out of mora.
he gets all excited whenever he sees you happy about something he gave you. seeing you happy makes him happy too <33
tries to bake a cake for you, but he accidentally added the wrong ingredient in the mix. and then burned it. you two went out and bought a cake instead.
very very clingy and affectionate too. he doesn't want anything to ruin your special day!
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doesn't know shit about gift giving but he tries his best. gets very conflicted on what to get for you but eventually settles on buying you little trinkets he thinks you might be interested in.
he got you cupcakes instead of an actual birthday cake because the store ran out. it's ok though because they're decorated very cute and they taste amazing.
likes to stargaze with you while you guys eat the cupcakes. likes listening to you talk about random things while you two are looking at the stars together <3
he's very new to romance but he tries his best to be as affectionate and sweet to you as he can on your birthday <33
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bought a bunch of the most random things. says that while they all may be very different items, they each reminded him of you.
bakes you a very extravagant cake. im talking like a three-layer fully decorated with a bunch of little details type of cake. you feel a little bad for eating it considering how much work he put into it, but it tastes amazing.
one of the most affectionate. gives you ALL the attention and affection. gives you little kisses everywhere <3
takes you out to anywhere you might want to go, whether its shopping together or going to a restaurant. he also covers all the fees and payments.
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takes the day off and gets all his work done in advance so that he's able to spend the entire day with you. makes it very clear to the detective agency that he will not accept any cases on that day.
he likes to get you little trinkets that he thinks you'll like. he also makes small little tokens that you can put in your pocket so it's as if you have a piece of him with you wherever you go <3
walnut cookie also gets you gifts :) she gets you things that, according to her dad, seem like they would interest you. her and almond cookie made the cake together <3
the three of you have a family dinner at your favourite restaurant. covers all the payments for you. he wants you to have a good time :)
he's so happy to see you so happy and excited on your birthday. he has an affectionate smile on his face practically the entire day.
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hand-makes most of your gifts, but also buys some things he think you would particularly enjoy. claims that hand-made gifts are more valuable because they're one-of-a-kind :)
attempted making a cake for you. several times. burnt it each time. reluctantly went out to buy a cake instead after the seventh fail.
also one of the most affectionate. he is constantly giving you hugs and kisses throughout the entire day. he wants to make sure that you know how much he appreciates you <33
also takes you out wherever. will do whatever you want with you. he just really likes going on dates with you :)
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gifts you fun little treasures he finds on his voyages <3 whether its a big pearl or a shiny gold necklace, he gives you everything.
also hand-makes a lot of gifts. likes making you little trinkets that are small enough for you to fit in your pocket and remind you of him, even when he's away on a voyage.
takes you out wherever you might want to go. he treats you to a fancy dinner at the end as well <3
he's one of the more affectionate ones too. gives you kisses all over and snuggles up to you a lot throughout the day <33
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makes all of the gifts he gives you. gives you trinkets you would never imagine but are amazed with all the same.
would've made a cake for you, but doesn't know how to bake for shit lol. he's a bit embarrassed when he orders it at the store hehe :)
adores your smile when you open the presents from him <33 also has a small smile on his face the whole day.
does fun little at-home activities with you throughout the day. you guys made a blanket fort, had a pillow fight in said blanket fort, watched movies, and a bunch of other things as well.
new to affection but he tries!! holds your hand as much as possible the entire day. also gives you a bunch of little kisses <3
a/n: we're ignoring the 10 requests in my inbox to write this because ITS MY BIRTHDAY LESGOOO also i would've included more hsr men but i still need to get a grip on most of their personalities lol srry
thanks for stopping by!
want to submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
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iheartyomari · 1 year
Is it weird that whenever I’m playing crk I always go to dark choco cookie? Sometimes I tap on a piece of grass and I say “ C’mere Dark Choco!” And he listens!? He legit comes over to the spot where I patted even though I’m on the other side of a screen. I love him so much 😭🫶
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alittlemoth · 1 year
Dark Choco Cookie x gn!Reader
Angst then fluff
Nightmares are nothing new for him, ever since he was cursed he has had them. Even though he has long since left the sword behind the nightmares remain.
His nightmares lately involve you, the love of his life. Tossing and turning in his sleep as in the middle of the night in your shared home and bed a nightmare comes.
You in his arms, killed by his own hands. The terrified expression of fear and betrayal rests on your now lifeless face. He screams in agony, tears running down his face, for he lost the love of his life by his own hands.
You are awoken by a scream, your love screams your name as he sleeps you shake him "love, honey wake up" he awakens with a jolt, seeing your face he calms but still not quite believe it to be true, he asks with fear in his eyes "how do I know your really alive?" "Come here" you said barely above a whisper. You held him to your chest asking him if he hears it.
Bu dum bu dum bu dum
"your heart..." You two sat there for quite a while holding each other close. "My heart is beating, I'm not leaving you anytime soon honey" you too just held each other for the rest of the night cuddling and letting each other know that you'll be by each other's side.
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Dark cacao dark choco and red velvet cookie x reader who is innocent bubbly sweet and kind cookie in all earthbread headcanons
Yeee motivation come to meee
Binge watching Shrek rn lmao-
Also, these were so cute!
They’re a little short because I’m doing three in one, but I still enjoyed writing them all!
Dark Cacao
~| He doesn’t understand you at all.
~| Just because he doesn’t understand you, though, doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate you (a lot of doesn’t’s I know, I’m tired). He finds you so intriguing, how could you be such a sweet, pure, innocent cookie?
~| Even his own son never acted this way- and he was a literal child. You always manage to surprise him with your sweet actions and kind words, and he often doesn’t know what to say in return. His gruff nature leads him to speak harshly towards you, but you never think twice before returning his words with kindness- which leaves him pretty much speechless.
~| A lot of the times, he finds himself coming back to you for no reason at all. Whenever he’s stressed from work or just feeling grumpy, he finds you and spends some time with you. You make him feel better about himself, like he’s not to toxic, gas-lighting king some people claim him to be. You make him feel better about himself, about his job at ruling the kingdom.
~| A lot of the times you’ll pass out sweets and candies to the Cacao soldiers. Some cookies have tried to scold you on this, mostly Crunchy Chip, and Dark Cacao even tried once or twice, but you’re not stopping anytime soon. Dark Cacao also finds it kinda charming how much you care about all the soldiers, as well.
~| You can pretty much get away with murder, if you wanted to. Dark Cacao believes you can do no wrong and no mean, and for good reasons. He wonders how a cookie as sweet as you had ever came into existence, how it was possible to be baked with so much sugar it seeped even into the darkest recesses of your personality.
~| He doesn’t get a lot of time to spend with you, but when he does, he finds himself so enthralled in your talking. How fast you can go, how bubbly your words were, how exited you always seemed to be. It stuns him every single time, it’s not something he will ever get used to.
~| Dark Cacao will not allow you to fight, simple as that. He doesn’t even allow you to watch battles. He’s scared that the harsh battles will taint your view on the world, and he wants to keep you sweet and innocent forever.
Dark Choco
~| Very much like his father, he’s confused by your kindness and innocence. He hasn’t been shown a lot, if any, kindness in his life, so the experience is pretty foreign to him. He quite enjoys it, though, and though he isn’t sure if he deserves it, he does like how you make him feel.
~| He tries to reciprocate your kindness- mostly by gifts and spending time with you, as he isn’t good with saying nice things. Any time he’s tried to compliment you it always comes out a little weird. “Umm… your face is looking… different today. A good different. It looks like a good face.”
~| Dark Choco is not at all used to your affection for him. This boy is very touch starved and doesn’t even know the feeling of hand holding. Any type of physical contact with him may be a bit awkward due to his tendency to freeze or just ✨him✨ in general. He does enjoy your touch, though, and will always try to return it if he doesn’t just completely stop functioning.
~| You can drag him around. Anywhere you wanna go, anything you wanna see, just grab his wrist and start walking and Dark Choco will be along for the ride. He quite enjoys the time he gets to spend with you, and always finds himself subconsciously watching your every movement. You amaze him in a way he didn’t think possible.
~| He’s not much of a talker, and he loves listening to you talk about anything on your mind. Just how it always seems to come out so positive- like there was never a bad thing to ever happen in this world- always gets his attention. He doesn’t know how you always manage to look on the bright side, sometimes he’s a little envious of that.
~| You make him happier. Your positive energy and happy attitude shows him that not everything has to be darkness and despair. Though he still struggles with his past, he learns from you that he still deserves happiness, that everyone does. You’re practically his idle- if he were to fill out one of those ‘About Me’ sheets they give you in kindergarten, he would put you down as his hero.
Red Velvet
~| You remind Red Velvet so much of Chiffon. Just your unbridled energy and up-beat attitude makes him instantly think of his dearest dog- and that’s a good thing if you don’t want him to instantly be suspicious of you.
~| Occasionally calls you Chiffon by accident. Always covers it up horribly. “Chiffon! Did you see where I put my sword? I can’t find it.” “Red Velvet, you called me Chiffon again!” “What? No I didn’t.” “Yeah you did, I heard you! You called me Chiffon!” “You must have cotton in your ears. I didn’t.”
~| He’s usually a very calm and collected cookie, but you can make him melt in an instant. Just your playful aura and how you move is enough to entrance him, no less you talking with him or interacting with him. He can’t be mean to you, no matter how hard he tries. If he ever does, he always feels bad afterwards, especially when you just brush it off as him having a bad day and that it’s alright.
~| You’re pretty much perfect to him. He sees you as the epitome of sweetness and cheerfulness, and anyone who dares to object to that can face his hoard of puppies.
~| Red Velvet can match your energy pretty well- he certainly has more than enough energy he needs to let out, but can’t often from his work. His favorite thing to do with you is probably to climb trees, he enjoys the thrill of being up so high, and he likes to drag you up with him.
~| Give him a gift and this boy will completely stop functioning. He doesn’t receive many gifts from anyone, and the fact you went out of your way to get it and give it to him just makes him widneidnekf melt inside. He will try his best to get you something you like- expect a lot of frisbees and combs, though, those are his top two favorite things to give you.
~| He finds your innocence so interesting- how could a cookie possibly be so unaware of the dangerous, murderous world around them? He could watch you do things for hours on end and not get bored, to be honest.
~| Every once in a while he just comes up behind you and pats your head. Get used to it, that’s never going to change.
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