#Darrel Fennel
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Percy Daggs III (Wallace Fennel) and Reuben Daggs (Darrel Fennel)
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marshmallowatheart · 6 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (Part 28)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)
"Vee, we've been looking for you guys," Wallace announces when he spots the pseudo-couple. He's got his pink cotton candy in hand and his blue slushie in the other.
"Dude, did Logan win all that?" Darrell asks, he has his own stick with blue cotton candy and a candy apple for Logan in his hand. He stares at Veronica in awe, she's got six mini bears stuffed in her bag, peaking through the edges and one stuffed under her arm as she digs into a plate full of funnel cake.
Veronica hums, nodding with her mouth full as she gestures to Logan who's still playing this ring tossing game because he wants the big prize which is a brown bear holding a cliched big red heart wit with the words 'I Wuv You Beary Much' etched onto it. She'd told him he didn't have to, that he's won her more than enough bears but he's determined to add the 'ultimate prize' to this collection.
Meanwhile Heather gaps at her sister, she's not entirely surprised that Veronica is eating something else but she had to stand in a whole other line to get her the caramel popcorn and she's stuffing her face with funnel cake?
"You're eating funnel cake and we got you caramel popcorn," Heather lets out frustrate as she tosses the packet to Veronica.
Veronica gives her sister a look as she barely catches the packet since her hands are already occupied. "I got hungry and they smelled really good," she defends not regretting her decision one bit and shoves the packet of caramelized corn into her already bulging bag.
"I had to stand in a whole other line for it," the little blonde complains and Veronica lets out a sorry look, promising that she's going to eat it later and that Heather's effort would not be in vain.
The young Mars girl rolls her eyes but moves closer to her sister and gets a whiff of the came. Her annoyance fades away as she stares at the chocolatey goodness and concedes, "They do smell good, can I have a bite?"
Veronica eyes her sister and reluctantly decides, "Only one."
Heather beams, taking in a large bite and Veronica sighs because Heather's got a big mouth and she definitely just cheated her way by chewing off at least two and a half regular sized bites there.
"Okay, Logan?" Veronica calls for his attention since everyone is now gathered together and waiting. "We need to get moving."
He glances back at her, handing her a small white unicorn key chain and bargains, "One more try."
Veronica grabs it as she nods, lets him pay and then butts him out of the way. It's a fact that these games are rigged so you couldn't win the big prizes so she tilts her head and bats her lashes at the booth attendant. "Hey," she's chirps, pearly white smile and her voice a pitch higher. "If I hit the bulls eye three times in a row, would that win me the bear? I know it's totally a different game but I mean it is the same booth, right?"
"Sure, blondie," he smirks. "If you can hit three bulls eye in a row. You can have any bear you like, sweetheart."
Veronica gives him a tight smile and hands Logan her bag and funnel cake - which Heather quickly snatches and begins to finish off.
Darrell hands Logan the candy apple that they'd got for him, Logan thanks him with a smile and begins to munch on it as Veronica takes the lead in trying to win the bear.
She's become accustomed to having people underestimate her and she's learned to use this to her advantage - be it in getting information or bargaining her way to winning bears that hold hearts that say 'I Wuv You Beary Much' for her fake boyfriend.
"How is this fair?" Logan grumbles as she hits one bulls eye after another. "I have to do ring tossing and she gets away with darts?"
Veronica gives the guy a bright smile as he hands her the bear, he's looking at her with an expression that's a mix between impressed and shocked and Veronica feels satisfied.
"Here ya go," she hands the brown bear to Logan. "You can name her after me."
He chuckles, he'd been trying to win the bear for her but he accepts the gifted prize with a smile. He glances at the bear, his thump grazes over the heart and he grins.
"Oooh, Ophelia is here," Heather chirps, she shoves the now empty plate into Veronica's bare hands and skips towards her best friend with Darrell following behind her.
Veronica sighs and grumbles, "She finished the cake."
Logan arches his brow and points out, "You make cake all the time."
"It's carnival cake, Logan," she emphasizes like there's some magic added into their baked goods and food that don't exist in the ordinary world. "It's once a year cake."
"We can buy more," he suggests, the stall is right there and the line isn't really that long so he could easily get her another piece of cake.
"Nah," she shakes her head. "I really want a chocolate shake and corn dogs," she muses, hunger building up in her stomach once again.
"Corn dogs and shakes, coming up," he nods, as though he was a waiter taking her order and she chuckles, hooking her arm around his offered one.
In the next hour, Georgia joins them, leaving Wallace a giddy mess every time she praised him for winning her something and Ryan joined soon after thus completing the newly formed fabulous foursome.
"Yo, Vee, doesn't this make me look like a G?" Darrell poses with sunglasses and his hands crossed as he leans backwards completing his image.
Veronica looks at him, lips pursed, unsure of what exactly he means by 'G' but bobs her head to appease him anyway.
Logan chuckles at the interaction and Heather's brows furrow, shaking her head. "Why would you want to be a letter that's only worth two points in scrabble?"
Veronica tries to hold back her laugh as Heather and Darrell continue to bicker. Ophelia and Ryan talk amongst themselves in the background, not so silently laughing at their friends.
"So think the kids will like a go at the bumper cars?" Logan asks, staring at the ride across them.
A grin spreads across her face and she teases, "Do you want a go at the bumper cars?"
He shrugs, slight grin on his mouth and casually answers, "I wouldn't hate it."
She laughs, clearly seeing that he would very much enjoy a go at it and roughly ten minutes later, they're all settling into four different cars; Heather and Ophelia, Darrell and Ryan, Veronica and Georgia, finally Logan and Wallace.
Heather has her hands on the wheel and Ophelia is kicking back, whispering in Heather's ears and the duo giggle wildly.
Darrell and Ryan have both their hands on their wheel, eagerly anticipating the start of the game as they grin wickedly at all the players they know.
Veronica and Georgia have their hands on their wheel too, Georgia smiling widely, having fun just playing while Veronica grins staring directly at Logan. She arches a brow, challenging and he's smirking at her, holding her gaze and wholeheartedly accepting her challenge with Wallace beside him and their hands steady on the wheel, he's fully prepared to go head to head with her - bumper car to bumper car.
The other seats fill up rather quickly and it slowly starts up. Veronica's grin widens and they accelerated headfirst into Logan and Wallace, laughing loudly, thoroughly enjoying getting the first hit in.
Heather comes from behind and swings into Veronica and the rest of the three minutes the gang spends knocking each other, screaming and laughing manically as they enjoy the ride.
The kids go on ride after ride with Wallace and Georgia while Veronica finally gets to eat her foot long meat stuffed sandwich. She's satisfied herself with her share of rides, bumper cars, horse carousel and rollercoasters. Now, all she wants to do is satisfy her hunger ever since they entered the carnival.
Logan watches her with amusement, he's got his own foot long meat stuffed sandwich at her instance that he has to try this once a year carnival only sandwich.
It doesn't take much to persuade him because it smells delicious, looks tempting as hell and Veronica is excited beyond compare - an excitement she's only ever shown for Italian food. So it's fair to say that he's game for going to town with this long ass sandwich.
It's the look on her face when she takes the first bite, eyes closed, mouth stuff and relaxed in pleasure that he never wants to forget. She slightly moans at the taste of it, it's been a year since she's had this sandwich and it tastes even better than before.
Logan seriously consider buying this stall and keeping it for their sandwich needs just so that he can hear her moan again but honestly he wishes he could hear her moan in a different context.
He takes his first bite and he gets it; the meat is soft and easy to bite into, marinated with spicy sauce that's just right enough to give him a tinge of the flavour and not burn his mouth, even the lettuce tastes good combined with all the other ingredients and the Fresh roll is so fresh, he could eat it plain. He doesn't know what else is in there, there's different textures with subtle favours and all he can do is savour the flavour and enjoy it.
"It's good, right?" Veronica voices out between bites.
He hums out his agreement, his mouth still stuffed and when he swallows, he verbalized, "So good."
She smiles, simply letting herself enjoy sitting across Logan and eating one of the best meals that the carnival offers as they listen to live bands play in the background.
It's ridiculous that he looks so good while he's eating a rather messy meal and she chuckles when he notices that the sauce is dripping and he has to back away fast or lick it off.
It's strange how all her ordinary days have gotten better with Logan in it and how ordinary moments hold such significant fondness in her brain. She wants to tell him just how much he's come to mean to her and how she kind of wants to kiss the sauce right of his messy lips.
It's almost time for them to leave, the stars shin bright over the moonlit sky, and tomorrow is school. Everyone is watching the magic performance on stage but Veronica finds her sister with her shoulders sagging as she stands in front of the gaming booth with a fishing net in hand.
"Heather? You okay?" Veronica asks as she comes to stand beside her little sister.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Heather rebuffs as she stares at the yellow little ducks floating on a kiddies pool waiting to be caught.
Veronica cocks her head as she stares at her sister with a quizzical look on her face. "Because you're losing at the easiest game ever invented," she points out.
"It's tricky," she defends with no actual vindication in her voice. "What if I get a prize I don't want?"
Veronica arches a brow. "Yeah because all these prizes sure are for winners," she rolls out. "Let's see, a pack of cards, Rubix cube, one dollar knock off Barbie doll, marbles, plastic headband that has razor sharp teeth that bite into your skull?"
"One can never have too many marbles," Heather dryly remarks. "Lessons learned from Home Alone," she twitches her head a bit to the side and decidingly grabs a yellow duck with her fishing net.
The attendant looks under the caught duck and hands her a Rubix cube which Heather takes with a quick thank you. Veronica supposes of the lot of toys, it's one of the better ones to have won.
Heather tears apart the plastic packet, handing the wasted plastic to her sister as she twists the colours of the cube and Veronica silently walks with beside her as she wonders if ice cream would cheer her up. Ice cream always did the trick.
"Ophelia likes Ryan," the little girl confesses, her eyes still on her Rubix cube as she jumbles up the colours.
"Really?" Veronica's brows shoot up at the new piece of information. "I thought she liked Darrell."
"I thought so too," her sister quietly admits and Veronica offers her a sympathetic smile but Heather's eyes are still on the cube and Veronica's not really sure how to have this conversation with her sister.
"Do you like Ryan too?" The older Mars girl asks even though she knows the answer - has known the answer ever since she mentioned Ryan to Heather only to have her turn into a stuttering mess.
"Of course not," she denies weakly. "I just told you that Ophelia likes him."
They're walking aimlessly and Veronica thinks that any discussion about boys need to have comfort food involved so she directs them to the opposite end where there's seemingly endless choices of once in a year carnival food lies in wait.
It's a sad fact that she's been in Heather's shoes and she still doesn't know what's the right choice to make. She'd thought she'd made the right choice in avoiding Logan, in not telling Lilly about the kiss, in squashing her feelings. But she still lost her best friend.
She wonders how things would have worked out if they were simply honest. She wonders if she could have mustered the courage to be brave enough to do so. She wonders if she has the courage now to be brave enough to tell Logan how she really feels.
She's been waiting for the philosophical other shoe to drop, for Logan to go back to Lilly, for Lilly to successfully break them up or for Logan to make it clear that this has all been fake. But she's the only one drawing lines only to cross them.
Veronica's ordering mini-doughnuts with caramelized and chocolate toppings, she eyes other stalls but she decides to keep it light since she's been eating a lot.
"You know," she starts once she has the tray of mini-doughnuts in her hand. "When I was your age, my friend liked someone and I liked him too," she confesses, offering her sister a doughnut from the tray.
"Really?" She asks, intrigued at the story her sister seems to be about to tell as she accepts one of the caramelized mini-doughnuts.
"Yeah," Veronica lets out as she chews. "I think the only thing I regret about it is not being able to be honest about my feelings," she admits.
Like Logan, she has what if'd their past in every possible way. What if she told him she liked him? What if he told her he liked her? What if she didn't avoid him? What if he saw the way she blushed every time she looked at him and thought about the feel of his lips on hers? What if she'd told Lilly about the kiss? What if she told Lilly she liked Logan? Would any one of those scenarios have made a difference? Would all of them have? Would things be better or worse now? Would they still have come to be who they were now? Would she and Logan have broken up like how Lilly and him broke up?
"I think if I were I wouldn't have lost my friend and I wouldn't have waited five years to be with the guy," she says even though she's not really with the guy.
"Logan?" Heather whispers his name with a small gasp.
"Logan," Veronica confirms and they're silent for a moment and Veronica wonders if five years from now would she be thinking up scenarios about the boy that has once again captured her heart?
She doesn't want Logan to end up on her what if list again. She doesn't want to live this life of what ifs and what could have been or think.
"Was the girl Duncan's sister?" Heather breaks the silence.
"Yeah," she sighs. "There was a lot of miscommunication and far too many feelings for twelve year old girls to know how to handle by themselves."
"You guys hate each other now," comes the doubtful voice of Heather.
"Years of feeling like someone you trusted betrayed you can manifest into something really ugly," Veronica deducts, thoughts of Lilly and her as two little girls fresh in her mind. "I don't want that to happen to you. You should talk to her and be honest about your feelings."
"You don't think she'll hate me like Lilly hates you?" She bluntly outs forth because even though she's become friends with everyone in her class but the one she values most is Ophelia, they've been friends for as long as she can remember and she can't picture her life without her.
"I think if I were honest with Lilly instead of ignoring it all or if Lilly told me how she felt about me instead of being so passive aggressive about it all things might have been different."
It's the first time Veronica admits that something could have been done to salvage their friendship. She wonders if Lilly knew that she wasn't the only one that felt betrayal. She wonders if Lilly knew her tough skin didn't just come from losing her mother. She wonders if Lilly knows the worst punishment wasn't that she was parading Logan around but it was losing her. She wonders if Lilly's ever regretted not having her around anymore.
"Do you regret letting her have Logan?"
"That wasn't my choice to make. You can't let someone have someone else," Veronica tries to explain. "People aren't possession. It was his choice to make no matter what the circumstances. I liked him back then but if he hadn't made all of the choices that he's made, experienced all of these things that led him up to me, would he still be this person that I've come to love wholeheartedly?"
Heather stares up at her sister with unwavering awe in her big hazel eyes. "You love him?"
"I really do," Veronica nods, a little smile curling in place and it's the first time that she's admitted out lout that she loves Logan and it feels so much different that thinking it. It feels so much more real. "I think that whatever choice you make, you're gonna be okay," she assures her sister. "You're really smart and you're really tough and you've got me no matter what."
Heather nods, appreciating her sister's words and wanting to know more because it feels like she's finally been let into this trust circle with this boy talk. "Did you tell him that you love him?"
Veronica shakes her head no. She doesn't explain that she's afraid of being honest because of her own insecurities. She doesn't explain how often she forgets that other people exist and finds herself falling more in love with him. She doesn't explain how the person she loves might still love someone else.
"I think he loves you too," Heather says with depth Veronica can't believe she's hearing. "He looks at you a lot, Ronica," she adds with an insightful look in her eye. "When you're not paying attention. He looks at you to see if you're having a good time."
"He does?" She blinks in surprise, the observation from her little sister makes her fluttery.
Heather nods and Veronica's lips curve into a silly smile. She loves him and the possibility that he loves her back makes her feel warm and glowy inside. She thinks that maybe it's time for her to be honest about her feelings, to finally take a chance and give him all the love that consumes her. She doesn't want him to be another what if in her life. She doesn't want him to be the one that got away. She doesn't want him being her fake boyfriend anymore. She wants the real thing. She wants to share all her real firsts with him and be loved in return. She wants to give herself this chance that she's always denied herself from having. She wants him. She wants Logan.
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veronicaneptunes · 7 years
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Missing Pieces
by AdorkableAuthor
Veronica, now a wounded FBI Agent, has a case that leads her right back to Neptune, and the mess she left behind all those years ago.
Post season 3, not movie or season 4 compliant
Finished story, just editing as I post
Words: 4854, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Veronica Mars (TV), Veronica Mars - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Veronica Mars, Logan Echolls, Dick Casablancas, Wallace Fennel, Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie, Keith Mars, Alicia Fennel, Darrell Fennel, Original Characters, Duncan Kane, Lilly Kane | Faith Manning, Eli "Weevil" Navarro
Additional Tags: Homecoming, Murder Mystery, Memorials, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VuIxGJ
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blind-rats · 7 years
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3pdvision: “You did good Momma! My brothers, Sis, Mom...we prayed over and blessed my Lil bro as he leaves for the Navy. Family showed up and gave him so much love. He is truly like a first son for myself and @cardin24 . He grew up to be a man all that love him can be proud of. I'm so grateful for the family we have, born into a lotta love, strength, faith and we don't look too bad neither, lol! . ✌🏾His niece Nia is 3 months and his next nephew is on the way! Be great and come home soldier! God and fam will be with him!“
(Reuben, Percy’s little brother who played Wallace’s brother on the show, joins the Navy. Wishing him the best)
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kmd0107 · 5 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Veronica Mars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars Characters: Veronica Mars, Logan Echolls, Keith Mars, Alicia Fennel, Wallace Fennel, Darrell Fennel, Aaron Echolls Additional Tags: Thanksgiving, Meet the Family, Family Bonding Series: Part 3 of Breaking the Rules Summary:
Logan Meets the Mars-Fennels. Set in the Breaking the Rules Universe. If you haven't read Breaking the Rules and Breaking News, you may find yourself confused.
The looooooong awaited conclusion to the Thanksgiving short story is up :)
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allthevmff · 5 years
Chapters: 4/27
Fandom: Veronica Mars (TV), Veronica Mars - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars, Meg Manning/Eli "Weevil" Navarro, Cassidy "Beaver" Casablancas/Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie, Alicia Fennel/Keith Mars
Characters: Logan Echolls, Aaron Echolls, Veronica Mars, Cassidy "Beaver" Casablancas, Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie, Eli "Weevil" Navarro, Meg Manning, Wallace Fennel, Darrell Fennel, Alicia Fennel, Keith Mars, Mandy, Trina Echolls
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Child Abuse, Canonical Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Veronica helping Logan with his issues, alternate view of season 1, Justice for Cassidy Casablancas, Wherein Cassidy Casablancas has the Support System He Needs to not Become Evil, Past Suicide, Past Sexual Abuse
Series: Part 1 of All the Love In My Heart Series
Summary:  Logan has already survived much more than a normal seventeen-year-old ever should. Unfortunately, life isn't fair and keeps throwing him challenges: Aaron just won't go let go, he doesn't know how to handle the aftermath of his mother's death that continues to throw him for loops, and the inequality of Neptune continues to rear its ugly head. Fortunately for Logan, he has Veronica by his side and the growing support of a family of his own creation. How will these things affect him and how will he handle the challenges that life continues to throw at him? Sequel to jacedesbff's For the Sake of a Friend.
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transnames · 7 years
Some two-syllable neutral names
(One-syllable names)
You can also combine initials, e.g. AJ, although this does not work for all initials and it can be gendered masculine.
A: Aaren, Abbott, Adair, Addi, Adren, Aerie, Afon, Aiden, Aiken, Ainsley, Alder, Alex, Ali, Alix, Alpha, Altair, Alto, Alton, Alva, Amal, Amore, Andy, Angel, Angie, Anise, Arbor, Ari, Ariel, Arlen, Arley, Arrow, Arya, Asa, Asher, Ashlen, Ashley, Ashton, Aspen, Aster, Aston, Aubrey, Auburn, Auden, August, Aura, Austin, Avery, Avis, Aviv, Avon, Aya, Ayan, Aza, Aze, Azure
B: Bailey, Baldwin, Banner, Barrett, Basil, Bauer, Baylor, Benson, Bentley, Berkley, Berry, Beryl, Billie, Birdie, Blakely, Bobbie, Booker, Bradley, Brady, Brayden, Brennan, Brewer, Briar, Brighton, Brinsley, Bronte, Brooklyn, Bryant
C: Cadence, Caelum, Calder, Camden, Cameron, Camille, Campbell, Canyon, Carey, Carlyle, Carmen, Carol, Carter, Cartwright, Carson, Casey, Cedar, Chandler, Chandra, Channing, Charlie, Charlton, Chatham, Cheyenne, Citron, Clancy, Claudie, Clover, Cobalt, Coby, Cohen, Coleson, Collins, Colver, Comet, Condor, Connell, Connie, Cooper, Coral, Corbin, Corin, Corey, Corley, Cortney, Cricket, Cyan, Cypress, Cyrille
D: Dallas, Dana, Dani, Darby, Darcy, Darrell, Darren, Denver, Devon, Diamond, Diaz, Dillon, Douglas, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan
E: Eagle, Early, Easton, Ebon, Echo, Eddie, Eden, Efe, Eiffel, Eissa, Elli, Ellis, Ellwood, Ember, Emer, Emerald, Emlyn, Emmett, Emry, Emryn, Enfys, Ennis, Eren, Errel, Essence, Esme, Evan, Ever, Everett, Eyrie, Ezra
F: Fable, Falco, Falcon, Fallon, Farah, Fargo, Farley, Farrell, Faulkner, Feldspar, Fennel, Fifer, Finley, Finney, Fiore, Fischer, Fletcher, Floren, Florence, Forest, Francis, Frankie, Freedom, Friday, Fulton
G: Gabi, Galen, Galway, Gannet, Garden, Gardner, Garey, Garland, Garnet, Gavi, Germaine, Gerry, Glenwood, Golden, Grady, Granite, Guthrie
H: Hadley, Halcyon, Hallow, Halo, Happy, Harbor, Harley, Harlow, Harper, Hartley, Haven, Hawking, Hayden, Henley, Heron, Hollis, Honor, Hopper, Hudson, Hunter
I: Iman, Imory, Indi, Innis, Io, Ira, Isa, Isha, Islet, Iver, Ivor, Ivory, Ivy, Izzy
J: Jacinth, Jackie, Jaden, Jael, Jalen, Jamie, Janis, Jarrah, Jarrell, Jasper, Jensen, Jessie, Joey, Jody, Jonquil, Jordan, Journey, July, Juneau, Junior, Juno, Justice
K: Kali, Kameron, Karey, Karson, Kasey, Kato, Keaton, Keegan, Keelan, Keenan, Kelby, Kellan, Keller, Kelly, Kelsey, Kendall, Kenyon, Kenzie, Kerry, Kestrel, Kevyn, Kieran, Kingsley, Kirby, Klaudie, Koby, Kody, Korbin, Korin, Korey, Krishna, Kyler
L: Laker, Lakyle, Lander, Landry, Laney, Langley, Larkin, Larkspur, Lashawn, Laurel, Laurence, Leighton, Lennox, Leopard, Leslie, Lethe, Lexie, Lexis, Linden, Lindsay, Lindy, Linnet, Logan, London, Loren, Luca, Lucky, Lyric
M: Maddox, Magic, Major, Malloy, Manu, Marley, Marlow, Martell, Marty, Mattie, Maury, Maurice, Maxie, Maxwell, Meadow, Mercer, Merlyn, Merritt, Merry, Micah, Mika, Miller, Misha, Monday, Morgan, Murphy, Murray, Myers
N: Narcisse, Nasim, Navdeep, Navy, Neal, Neptune, Neo, Nicky, Nico, Nika, Nike, Nimbus, Noam, Noel, Nori, Norris, Nouvel, Nova
O: Oakley, Oberon, Ocean, Odell, Ollie, Olive, Onyx, Opal, Ori, Oriole, Orion, Orrin, Osborne, Owen, Ozzie
P: Paisley, Paris, Parker, Pasco, Patience, Patrice, Paxton, Penrose, Pepper, Peregrine, Perrin, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phoenix, Piper, Placid, Porter, Prairie, Presley, Prosper
Q: Qaisar, Quarry, Quasar, Quetzal, Quila, Quincy, Quentin, Quillan
R: Raleigh, Rainbow, Rainer, Randy, Raven, Redmond, Regal, Regan, Reggie, Reynold, Rhythm, Ricki, Ridley, Riley, Rio, Rishi, River, Robbie, Robin, Ronnie, Rory, Roscoe, Rowan, Royal, Rudy, Ryder, Ryen, Rylen
S: Sabah, Sadler, Saffron, Salem, Samar, Sandy, Satchel, Saturn, Sasha, Sawyer, Saylor, Season, Selby, Seren, Seven, Sevy, Shale, Shannon, Shelby, Shelly, Shiloh, Sidney, Silver, Sinclair, Skylar, Skylark, Skyler, Snowdrop, Snowy, Soren, Sorrel, Sparrow, Spencer, Spirit, Springer, Stanley, Starling, Sterling, Summer, Sunday, Sunny, Sunshine, Sunset, Sutton
T: Taffy, Tali, Talon, Tanner, Tarian, Taylor, Teagan, Teddy, Tempest, Temple, Terry, Thursday, Tibby, Tiernan, Tiger, Timber, Tobin, Toby, Topaz, Torrey, Tracy, Trenton, Tristen, Tucker, Turner, Tuesday, Tully, Tyler, Tyson
U: Ulfie, Ulli, Ulri, Ulysse, Umber, Umbra, Upton, Urban, Uri, Ursa, Usher, Uta
V: Valen, Vega, Verdi, Vernon, Verrill, Vesper, Vivi, Vivien, Volta, Voltaire
W: Walker, Wallace, Waylan, Webster, Wednesday, Weston, Whimsy, Whitley, Whitney, Wilder, Willow, Wilson, Windsor, Windy, Winslow, Winter, Wisdom, Wolfram, Woody, Wylie
X: Xander, Xavie
Y: Yael, Yaven, Yannick, Yarrow, Yven
Z: Zailey, Zaki, Zander, Zandy, Zavi, Zelig, Zeno, Zephyr, Zero, Zevi, Zion,  Zohar, Zola, Zorey, Zuri
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saoirsekonstantin · 5 years
New Story: All the Love in My Heart: The Wind, the Rain, and the Scorching Sun
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So On January first I began posting my new Veronica Mars Fanfic.  I thought I’d post the details here too and then let you all know when I update.
Title:  All the Love in My Heart:  The Winds, the Rains, and the Scorching Sun
 Chapters:  Five posted.  I have 107+ chapters written with more being written every day
 Posting Schedule:  One chapter every Wednesday beginning January 01, 2020
 Rating:  Mature
 Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
 Category: F/M
 Fandoms:  Veronica Mars (TV), Veronica Mars - All Media Types, Moonlight (TV)
 Summary:  Logan has already survived much more than a normal seventeen-year-old ever should. Unfortunately, life isn't fair and keeps throwing him challenges: Aaron just won't go let go, he doesn't know how to handle the aftermath of his mother's death that continues to throw him for loops, and the inequality of Neptune continues to rear its ugly head. Fortunately for Logan, he has Veronica by his side and the growing support of a family of his own creation. How will these things affect him and how will he handle the challenges that life continues to throw at him? Sequel to jacedesbff's For the Sake of a Friend.
 Relationships:  Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars, Meg Manning/Eli "Weevil" Navarro, Cassidy "Beaver" Casablancas/Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie, Alicia Fennel/Keith Mars
 Characters: Logan Echolls, Aaron Echolls, Veronica Mars, Cassidy "Beaver" Casablancas, Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie, Eli "Weevil" Navarro, Meg Manning, Wallace Fennel, Darrell Fennel, Alicia Fennel, Keith Mars, Mandy, Trina Echolls, Lynn Echolls
 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Child Abuse, Canonical Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Veronica helping Logan with his issues, alternate view of season 1, Justice for Cassidy Casablancas, Wherein Cassidy Casablancas has the Support System He Needs to not Become Evil, Past Suicide, Past Sexual Abuse
 Trigger Warnings: Mentions of a past Suicide, mentions of previous and current abuse (Emotional, Mental, Verbal, Physical, and Sexual) against multiple characters by different characters. I don’t describe the sexual abuse much (just an overview of the crimes and their potential punishments) but I describe several instances of the physical, emotional, mental, and verbal. The violence and sexual relations in this story are typical of what was shown on the shows and described in the prequel, 'For the Sake of a Friend', with maybe a little more sexy fun times shown in some spots.
 Author’s Notes: First, this story is predominantly character driven. There is plot and action, but the focus is on the characters and the relationships between them all.
 Second, this is a story that continues where Jacedesbff’s story ‘For the Sake of a Friend’ left off. I am playing in Jada’s sandbox with her permission. Many, many thanks to her for letting me continue her story, which I am counting as Book One of this series. To understand my story, I highly recommend that you go read her story first. You can find it on AO3 either by searching for ‘jacedesbff’ or ‘For the Sake of a Friend’ or by going to this link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/752641/chapters/1405509
AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/22072189/chapters/52674931
FFN:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13467426/1/All-the-Love-in-My-Heart-The-Winds-and-Rains-and-the-Scorching-Sun
STARs:  https://www.starslibrary.net/viewstory.php?sid=12272
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maxwellyjordan · 5 years
Justices to take up case involving faith-based adoption agencies and same-sex couples
The Supreme Court returned from its winter recess today with just one new grant from last week’s private conference, but the newest addition to the court’s merits docket is a significant one. Next term the justices will hear oral argument in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, a challenge by several foster parents and Catholic Social Services to the city’s policy of cutting off referrals of foster children to CSS for placement because the agency would not certify same-sex couples as foster parents. After they lost in the lower courts, the challengers went to the Supreme Court, where they asked the justices to weigh in on three questions: what kind of showing plaintiffs must make to succeed on this kind of religious discrimination claim; whether the Supreme Court should reconsider its 1990 decision in Employment Division v. Smith, holding that the government can enforce laws that burden religious beliefs or practices as long as the laws are “neutral” or “generally applicable”; and whether the government violates the First Amendment when it makes participation by a religious social-services agency in the foster-care system contingent on actions and statements by the agency that conflict with the agency’s religious beliefs.
Elsewhere on today’s order list, the justices asked the federal government for its views on Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Becerra and Thomas More Law Center v. Becerra, a pair of challenges to a policy of the California attorney general’s office that requires registered charities to disclose the names and addresses of their major donors. The lawsuits were filed by a pair of conservative advocacy groups, who argued that the policy violates the First Amendment, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled for the state. There is no deadline for the federal government to file its brief.
The justices sent Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Juan v. Feliciano, a case involving the First Amendment, the rights of religious organizations and the extent to which courts must defer to how those organizations have structured themselves, back to the Puerto Rico Supreme Court for another look. The case arose when a pension fund for Catholic school employees in Puerto Rico stopped making payments, prompting the employees to sue not only the fund, but also the Archdiocese of Puerto Rico and the Catholic church there. Courts in Puerto Rico treated all of the Catholic institutions on the island – the archdiocese, the dioceses that comprise the archdiocese and the parishes – as one legal entity and ordered nearly $5 million in assets to be seized from the churches to pay the pensions. The archdiocese asked the Supreme Court to review the ruling; in June, the justices asked the federal government for its views. The federal government told the justices that the Puerto Rico decision “violates the fundamental prohibition on denominational discrimination” and recommended that the court either vacate the lower court’s ruling and send it back for further proceedings or grant review.
In an eight-page per curiam – that is, “by the court” – opinion today, the justices followed the federal government’s suggestion to vacate the Puerto Rico Supreme Court’s ruling and send the case back. The justices explained that the Puerto Rico trial court did not have the power to issue orders seizing the Catholic church’s assets and requiring it to pay millions of dollars because the archdiocese had moved the case to federal court. The justices acknowledged that, as the federal government had argued, the state court’s lack of authority to hear the case might not “prevent us from addressing additional errors, including those asserted under the Free Exercise Clause.” But, the justices continued, “we think the preferable course at this point is to remand the case to the Puerto Rico courts to consider how to proceed in light of the jurisdictional defect we have identified.”
Justice Samuel Alito filed a concurring opinion, which was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas. In Alito’s view, the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico had interpreted a century-old U.S. Supreme Court decision incorrectly when it concluded that the Catholic Church in Puerto Rico is a single entity for purposes of being held liable in civil lawsuits. It would have been, Alito argued, “appropriate for us to reverse the decision below on that ground were it not for the jurisdictional issue that the Court addresses.” Moreover, Alito continued, “the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment at a minimum demands that all jurisdictions use neutral rules in determining whether particular entities that are associated in some way with a religious body may be held responsible for debts incurred by other associated entities.”
The justices denied review in the case of Texas death-row inmate Rodney Reed, who was convicted of the 1996 murder of Stacey Stites but has consistently maintained that he is innocent. Reed’s case has garnered widespread support, including from celebrities such as Kim Kardashian West, Rihanna and Beyoncé. The prime suspect in the case was originally Stites’ fiancé, Jimmy Fennell, a police officer who was later sentenced to 10 years in prison for kidnapping and sexually assaulting another woman. But suspicion shifted to Reed, who is African American, when his DNA matched the DNA of a small amount of semen in Stites’ body. Reed was convicted by an all-white jury and sentenced to death.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor filed a statement regarding the denial of certiorari in which she noted that another proceeding in Reed’s case is ongoing in the Texas courts. In that proceeding, she stressed, “Reed has identified still more evidence that he says further demonstrates his innocence. It is no trivial moment that the Texas courts have concluded that Reed has presented a substantive claim of actual innocence warranting further consideration and development on the merits.” Moreover, Sotomayor added, the court’s refusal to hear Reed’s petition today “does not pass on the merits of Reed’s innocence or close the door to future review.” Sotomayor concluded by observing that, for her, “there is no escaping the pall of uncertainty over Reed’s conviction” or “any denying the irreversible consequence of setting that uncertainty aside.”
The court also denied review in Patterson v. Walgreen, involving the question of exactly how much employers must do to accommodate an employee’s religious practices. Under federal law, an employee cannot be fired for practicing his religion unless the employer can show that it cannot “reasonably” accommodate the employee’s practice without “undue hardship.” The petitioner in the case, Darrell Patterson, is a Seventh-day Adventist who does not work from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. In 2011, Walgreen fired Patterson after he did not come to run a training session on a Saturday afternoon; instead, Patterson held the training a few days later, so that the company still met the internal deadline that had prompted it to schedule the Saturday training.
When Patterson sued Walgreen in federal court, the company defended itself by arguing that it had tried to accommodate Patterson by offering him a lower salary and a demotion; moreover, it added, allowing him to take Saturdays off would be an “undue burden” because it might need to hold trainings on Saturdays more often in the future. After the lower courts agreed with Walgreen, Patterson went to the Supreme Court, asking the justices to weigh in on three issues: whether an accommodation, like the demotion and pay cut offered by Walgreen, can be “reasonable” when it doesn’t completely eliminate the conflict between an employee’s job and his religious practice; whether the employer must show an actual, rather than a speculative, burden; and whether the justices should overrule Trans World Airlines v. Hardison, their 1977 decision holding that employers can only be expected to shoulder minimal costs to accommodate their employees’ religious beliefs. In March of last year, the justices asked the federal government for its views; the federal government recommended that the justices deny review of the first two questions but take up the third question.
The justices denied Patterson’s petition today. Alito concurred in the denial of review, in an opinion joined by Thomas and Justice Neil Gorsuch. Alito agreed with the federal government that the justices should consider whether to overrule Hardison, but he concluded that Patterson’s case was not an appropriate one in which to take up that question.
The justices turned down Arizona’s request to be able to file an original action – that is a complaint in the Supreme Court – against California, challenging the constitutionality of California’s application of a tax to Arizona limited-liability corporations that invest in California corporations. Thomas dissented from the denial, filing an opinion that was joined by Alito. Thomas argued in his brief statement that although the justices “have discretion to decline review in other kinds of cases, we likely do not have discretion to decline review in cases within our original jurisdiction that arise between two or more States.”
In Baldwin v. United States, the justices turned down a request to decide whether to overrule the court’s 2005 decision in National Cable Telecommunications Association v. Brand X Internet, holding that a court’s interpretation of a statute trumps an agency’s subsequent construction that is entitled to deference only if the earlier court decision held that its interpretation was dictated by the plain text of the statute, leaving no room for the agency to exercise discretion. The question came to the court in the case of Howard and Karen Baldwin, who filed a claim for a refund of $167,663 with the IRS. When the IRS said that it had never received the claim, the Baldwins filed this lawsuit, and at trial they were able to prove the date on which the claim was postmarked, consistent with federal law and the longstanding precedent of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. But on appeal, the 9th Circuit ruled for the IRS, concluding that an August 2011 interpretation of federal law by the IRS superseded the prior law. [Disclosure: The author of this post was among the counsel to the respondents in Brand X.]
Thomas dissented from the denial of review in Baldwin. Although he was the author of the court’s decision in Brand X, Thomas wrote that he would now “revisit” the ruling. Thomas began by asserting that the Supreme Court’s 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, holding that courts should generally defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous statute that it administers, “is in serious tension with the Constitution,” the Administrative Procedure Act “and over 100 years of judicial decisions.” But in any event, Thomas continued, he had “become increasingly convinced that Brand X was still wrongly decided because it is even more inconsistent with the Constitution and traditional tools of statutory interpretation than Chevron.”
The justices did not act today on two challenges to the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, which they considered for the first time at last Friday’s conference. The petitions have been relisted for consideration at this Friday’s conference; orders from that conference are likely on Monday, March 2, at 9:30 a.m.
This post was originally published at Howe on the Court.
The post Justices to take up case involving faith-based adoption agencies and same-sex couples appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law https://www.scotusblog.com/2020/02/justices-to-take-up-case-involving-faith-based-adoption-agencies-and-same-sex-couples/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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nightlocktime · 9 years
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Neptune Families: [4/?] » The Fennel Family
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Which Veronica Mars sibling do you want to see again?
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marshmallowatheart · 6 years
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (Part 16)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
“Okay, what’s going on?” Logan finally asks, hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road but he’s too well attuned with his surroundings to not notice the giggling kids in the back seat.
“Heather and Darrell are playing cupid,” Veronica remarks, chewing on a piece of liquorice as she twists around in her seat to get a look at the giggling duo.
“Cupidress,” Heather corrects. “Or well you could just go ahead and call me Aphrodite, the goddess of love.”
Logan chuckles, brows perking up, amused, “Alright, Miss Goddess of Love, who are you aiming your arrows at?”
Veronica tilts her head and informs him, “Nope, Cupid’s the one with the bow and arrow," she points directionless at him with her liquorice as he drives. "Aphrodite has a magic girdle.”
His lips curves, remarking, “Chill out Athena, I was talking to Aphrodite here.”
Veronica rolls her eyes, munching away, trying to focus herself on the scenery outside instead of the boy next to her. “Sure, Poseidon, get back to your mixed up mythical references.”
“Sheesh, someone’s testy this morning.”
“Not all of us can sleep through the car ride like Wallace here," she jerks her thumb in the direction of the back seat where Wallace is leaning his head against the window, snoozing away until they reach the zoo. "And I didn't get enough sleep last night."
"Thoughts of me?" He quips, batting his lashes. "Hey, I get it. Sometimes I’m up all night, just thinkin’ about myself.”
She resists the urge to smack his shoulder since he's driving and settles for making him regret his unwanted snark. "Actually I was baking a chocolate cake for us to have for dessert but guess who just cost himself a slice?"
Logan groans, he wants to look at her with pleading eyes but he doesn't want to take his eyes off the road for too many seconds. "C'mon, Veronica, don't I get credit for driving us all there?"
"Nope, you wanted to drive," she mercilessly points out.
"Heather asked me to drive," he retaliates. "Who am I to deny the kid her wish?"
Veronica sneers at the reminder. "I drive perfectly fine, thank you very much and if she had a such a problem she could have rode with Dad and Mrs Fennel."
"No!" Heather objects, almost leaping out of her seat to defend her choices but thankfully has on her seatbelt holding her down. "The whole point is that Dad and Alicia can have some alone time!"
"Oh," Logan lets out, comprehending who her two victims of love were.
"And she said you drive like you're in a NASCAR game," Darrell points out and Heather objects with a loud hey for the treachery. He shrugs, "That's what you get for sticking me with the middle seat."
"Urg!" Veronica huffs. "That happened once! And I thought we were being followed by the E-String Strangler. And maybe you shouldn't get any cake either."
"Who wants a piece of the leaning tower of Pisa anyway?" Heather snarks. "Besides we want ice cream for dessert, not cake."
Veronica lets out a long psshhttt sound and grumbles, "It goes down your throat the same either way."
“We’re getting on the bus!” Keith eagerly says, map in hand, ready to go.
“Dad, no," Veronica whines, she's hungry and hot and wants to just sit and eat something - anything - before they start their journey from one end of the zoo to the other.
“It’s only half an hour Veronica. Half the zoo, half an hour," he emphasises like it's a bargain they can't possibly pass up on.
"I've got snacks," Alicia interjects and Veronica's eyes are drawn to the overly big beach bag that Alicia's carrying. "You can have some to tide you over until we can eat," she offers with a smile and Veronica eagerly accepts, looking at her best friend's mother like she's a savour sent from above.
"Sandwiches are life savers," Veronica hums happily, settling on the upper level of the double decker bus with Logan next to her. She admits, it is easier to take the bus but hunger takes precedence over everything else and Veronica's never been more grateful for Mrs Fennel.
Logan chuckles, nodding his head and stares at her adoringly. Yesterday while surfing he'd come to many revelations; one being that he's gonna show Veronica just how real they are. He's come to understand her a lot in their short time together and knows he can't lay out his feelings to her just yet.
She'd been firm in the fact that she doesn't want to date him and doesn't like him but he feels like that's changed - they've changed - in the sense that she does care about him, has fun with him, can be honest with him and maybe all these feelings were always there buried underneath the spells of her letter. And now he's opened the letter - broken the spell - he's seen her bared feelings and he wants to open her heart and see what's in there now.
She's been hurt, she has trust issues and she'd rather leave before she's left. She has all these pre-determined notions in her head and he's hoping he can deconstruct each one and in time she'll come to see him as he sees her.
So he's doing his best, showing her he likes her, showing her she can trust him and showing her that he's there - that he's going to be there. And he can see that she's doing the same even if she doesn't realize it yet.
“Ronica," Heather says, bright eyed as she turns from her seat in front of them. "Make sure to take out some good koala-ty pictures,” she giggles and nudges Darrell, who's looking excitedly at said Koalas and giggles along with her.
“Don’t worry, she’s got the koalafications,” Logan winks, instantly joining in before Veronica can make a snarky remark.
"And if she's underkoalafied, we just have to bear with it," Darrell outright laughs along with Heather, the two thoroughly enjoying themselves the moment they stepped out of their houses.
"So glad I could be of amoosement to you," Veronica remarks, straight-faced and seemingly exasperated. The kids giggle wildly and Logan chuckles, happy that she's not really upset and Veronica obligingly snaps shots of the Koalas hugging the trees and eating leaves.
"Guess what," Wallace leans forward in his seat, his head popping between Logan and Veronica, startling the couple.
"You've finally found where they're stashing the unicorns?" Veronica pipes, hope springing in her eyes.
"It's better than unicorns, Vee," he grins widely, suddenly full of energy unlike his earlier slumberly state.
"Damn, man," Logan chuckles. "You've got it bad."
"You would know," Wallace reproaches, nudging Logan with his shoulder from the back.
Logan peaks at Veronica and she shakes off his look. "Is this about Georgia?" She asks, brow arches, already knowing the answer.
He bobs his head. "She said she can meet me at the zoo. Isn't that great?"
"Ronica," Heather calls out once again. "Look," she says, pointing to an Orangutan swinging on the tree. "It's you!" She bursts out in giggles.
Veronica huffs. "Oh and look at that, you're right there next to me," she sticks out her tongue, unwilling to be defeated by her little sister.
"Who's the eleven year old, again?" Wallace chuckles, shaking his head.
"I'm eleven and a half," Heather points out, firm in the fact that she's not merely eleven anymore.
“Oh, hey, Heather, look it’s you,” Veronica smirks, gesturing to the Tasmanian Devil, a cheeky smug look on her face while Heather gasps.
“I happen to think it’s adorable,” Logan winks, earning Veronica a playfully triumph tongue out from Heather.
Heather obsesses over getting a picture with everything. And more so, she obsesses over getting Logan and Veronica to take coupley pictures together whenever she sees coupley things. Like if two animals are being cute together or if there's statues that seem romantic - not that there are many - except maybe for this one particular statue. It's a statue of a sailor, dipping a nurse and kissing her full on the mouth.
Veronica hasn't denied her sister much but this is one of the things she simply cannot do and Heather whines, "C'mon, Ronica, it'll be so romantic! I mean you dragged Logan to the zoo and you can't even give him one kiss?"
Veronica gaps at her little sister. "You dragged Logan to the zoo and I'm not gonna kiss Logan like that here with dad right there! I'm not insane."
Heather concedes the point but she's not happy with it. "Urg, fine, but I still want a picture of you two with the statue. I need proof to send Meg that you actually have a boyfriend."
Veronica sighs, she's been meaning to tell Meg about Logan's new role in her life and now that everyone but Meg knows, she really doesn't have much of a choice.
She's standing next to Logan, their fingers laced with a camera ready smile in front of the statue as Heather snaps a picture and shakes her head, asking them to try another pose.
It takes three more tries before Heather is satisfied with one where they're gazing into each others eyes.
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She leaves them be and turns to her father, begging him to let her take one out with him and Alicia.
Keith chokes back a cough while Alicia chuckles, accepting the request. Veronica's just glad that Heather didn't demand they kiss in front of the statue like she'd done with her and Logan.
“I am a koalafied match-maker,” Heather brags, puffing out her chest and twirling around like the power of love has given her unreserved energy even though it's the end of the day and everyone else is exhausted.
“Oh, are you now?” Veronica arches her brow, she's holding Logan's hand and they're walking up a nearby park to set up a nice evening picnic. Alicia has prepared a variety of food and kept it in a warmer in the car along with a cooler filled with water and soda. They also have Veronica's homemade chocolate cake for dessert that Veronica's been coaxed into sharing with Logan. And Logan has somewhat been coaxed into getting ice cream for the two kids - three kids including Veronica.
"Mmmhmm," Heather hums, she's smiling wide, proud and again she's got that 'I know something you don't know' look on her face. "Just look at you and Logan.”
Veronica's hand tightens it's hold on Logan's. “Me and Logan?”
Heather notices the look on her sister's face and freezes, decidingly changing her mind from saying anything more because one, Veronica looks stricken and two, she doesn't know if Logan's supposed to know what she knows.
Veronica stares at her little sister, she's got a feeling that she needs to know what Heather knows so she lets go of Logan's hand and dashes after the now running girl. She feels an adrenaline rush hit her because it all makes sense if what she thinks is true, she just doesn't know why her sister would do that to her.
"Heather, get back here," she calls out, she's the star of the soccer team and she's beaten Heather many a times at racing so it's only a matter of time until she catches her.
Logan stays rooted in his spot, deep confusion spreading over his face as he watches the girls get further and further away, everyone else is setting up for their evening picnic and he wonders if he should leave them to it or catch up. The moment Veronica had tightened her grip on his hand, he'd felt the tension right to her fingertips.
Heather is hiding behind a tree, darting back and forth so Veronica can't grab her. "Okay, I was the one that sent out the letters," she admits, hoping her honesty gets her some mercy points with her sister.
“I’m gonna kill you, you little brat," Veronica lunges across and Heather darts away as quick as her small body allows.
“Oh, come on, Ronica, Logan’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you," Heather makes her plea. She can see the difference in sister's life; everyone in Veronica's life let her live in her comfort zone and Logan brought her out of it in a way that didn't seem all that uncomfortable and Heather figures that's a rare thing to have.
“Veronica," Logan calls out, jogging to the girls.
“You didn’t have to send out all five!" Veronica says as she thinks of how messed up everything has gotten with Duncan and how she's now keeping secrets from Meg.
Heather pouts, puppy eyes are out and her head tilts, just like she'd learned from Veronica and she slightly shrugs, “I thought five chances at a boyfriend were better odds.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Logan holds Veronica steady before she could once again dart to her sister and Heather quickly runs behind Logan. “What’s going on?”
“Veronica’s being totally irrational," Heather says, her adrenaline rush catching up to her.
“I’ll show you irrational," Veronica grunts, trying to move away from Logan but he wraps his arms around her and holds her tight against him with a soft but firm, hey - a hey that's reminding her that she's going attack mode on her eleven year old sister.
“She sent out the letters," she tells him, her anger slowly subsiding.
“Oh," he lets out a breath and loosens his hold on he see her face. "Well, you can forgive her since it worked out, right?” He gives her a pointed look.
“I just wanted you to be happy, Veronica," Heather softly admits.
Veronica sighs. “I wasn’t unhappy.”
“But you’re happier with Logan, right?” Heather peaks, still slightly behind Logan but now can visibly see her sister's facial reaction.
“Right," Veronica pats Heather's hair, softly, letting her know that she's forgiven. "But you owe me one."
Logan leans down to Heather when Veronica starts to to walk away, "Hey, kiddo, I owe you one," he winks and Heather brightens, all regret officially thrown out the window.
"You better not hurt her, Lo," Heather warns. "Especially not since you've got the Mars seal of approval."
He chuckles, rubs a hand over her head like Veronica had done. "I don't intend to," he softly says. "Thank you, Heather."
She bobs her head, smiles widely and drags him along to the picnic; she's glad she invited him.
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marshmallowatheart · 6 years
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (Part 4)
Part 1 here Part 2 here Part 3 here
"Welcome back home, honey," her dad says, standing over by the kitchen counter making dinner and eyeing her suspiciously.
She smiles, innocently, like she'd done a totally normal thing this afternoon - the normal thing being climbing out her room window to avoid talking to Duncan. She wonders how much Heather has told Neptune's finest sheriff about her disappearing act; does he know the details or just the fact that she disappeared?
"'It's been a long day," she lets her bag drop from her shoulder as she peers at her father standing behind the stove. "My eyes could be playing tricks on me - but it looks like you're cooking."
It's a rare sight; Keith Mars in the kitchen with his 'don't go bacon my heart' embroidered apron (it's a set that comes with the 'I couldn't if I fried' counter part) like he's a run of the mill suburban dad.
It's not that he isn't a good cook or that he doesn't like cooking, it's just that he usually doesn't have time to do so because of his job to serve and protect the citizens of Neptune. Crime never sleeps and more often than not, it feels like her father is batman.
So when her mother left - Meg was the swell age of fifteen, she was thirteen and Heather was seven - the girls had taken on the duties of the household which included cooking.
Meg had done most of the cooking and now that she was gone off to college, the duty had automatically fallen onto her so she feels kinda bad that she'd rolled out her window and left the responsibility on their father - who somehow managed to come home early on a day that she really wishes he hadn't (because then Duncan wouldn't have known she was home and this whole afternoon could have been avoided).
"I am," he pips proudly. "Macaroni and cheese," he says. It's Heather's favorite and Veronica's a fan of it too. Basically the Mars family are suckers for Mac and Cheese or any kind of pasta and Italian food in general.
She eyes the plate of grated cheese and gasps, she picks up a few strands and her eyes are wide with fascination. "Homemade Keith Mars special with real shredded cheese? What's the occasion? Not that I'm complaining."
He laughs and she smiles, it's been a stressful few weeks with Meg moving to New York having been accepted to NYU and it's nice to see her father laugh without worry shining in his eyes.
"Alicia is coming to dinner," Heather plops up on the stool and Veronica didn't even hear the kid come down. She's smiling widely and her eyes are twinkling like she knows something that Veronica doesn't.
"Wallace's mom?" Veronica tilts her head considering this new information.
Wallace Fennel, he'd transferred to Neptune High last year and he'd received a welcome from Neptune's very own PCH Biker Gang - the welcome being stripped naked and taped up bare for the entire student body to see. They'd taken a personal interest in him after he'd been an honest employee and reported that they'd robbed (taken bottles of alcohol and thought a dollar bill would cover it) the store he worked.
She was the one that cut him down and had won the title of best friend ever since. She had managed to get the PCHers off his back - through sheer will, sneaking around and thievery. She doesn't regret any of it though because Wallace Fennel had become her brother in every sense of the word except the literal.
"Darrell and I have a project together," Heather says and Veronica arches brow at her little sister. "So Alicia is bringing him over and staying for dinner since Wallace has a shift at the Sac-n-Pac."
Veronica knows her sister well enough to know she's up to something, she's babbling and jittery but Veronica's had a hell of a day and just wants to focus on the one positive thing in her life right now which is the Mac and Cheese that her father is sliding into the oven.
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marshmallowatheart · 6 years
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (Part 5)
Part 1 here Part 2 here Part 3 here Part 4 here
It became painfully obvious that Heather and Darrell's "project" was to set up their parents.
She's not sure how she feels about that, her father is obviously the best father and man alive and Alicia is great too but there's also the fact that Alicia is her best friend's mother and there could be disastrous effects if they didn't work out and she's not a girl particularly fond of change.
The dinner itself goes well, her dad looks happy - happier than she's seen him in awhile. Heather is practically a giddy puppy beside her and she wonders if Heather missed their mother.
She hoped that Heather didn't because Lianne Mars wasn't a mother worth missing.
Veronica flung herself onto her bed, she's exhausted and her bed is just what she needs. After her day, she soaks in the comfort her bed offers but her mind spins because everything has gotten so complicated.
Backup joins her on her bed seconds later, he lays his head on her tummy and her hand naturally gravitates on to his head, stroking his fur and she smiles tiredly at him. She's sure even her dog would make better decisions than she can at this point.
She wishes she could talk to Meg about it but what exactly is she supposed to say?
Hey sis. Your ex-boyfriend thinks I'm in love with him and I'm not sure if that's entirely wrong? But don't worry because I'd never actually date him? And Logan Echolls thinks it's a brilliant idea to pretend that we're dating so that Duncan let's this go and we can all be friends again. Urg. Shit. No way.
She lets out a breath, for all that's wrong with her life right now, at least she's gotten back three of the five letters she'd written.
Her letter to Piz had been sent back because it'd had the camp address that they went to and she's thankful that it's one less boy she has to explain her childhood feelings to - she was six and he shared candy with her and helped her with activities she'd rather have not partaken in. It was an innocent first crush and that's all she'd wanted it to be.
Troy's letter must be somewhere lost in transition - he moved a lot because of his dad's job which is probably the reason his letter exists in the first place - anyway it's another boy she doesn't have to deal with but she's uneasy at the mere fact that her letter is somewhere in the void.
And Duncan's letter, she's scared to think about it. The idea of just pretending with Logan sounds so appealing when she thinks about having to face Duncan but there's so much unforeseen drama - namely Lilly - that she'd have to deal with.
Lilly used to be her best friend a long time ago, back in middle school before boys, boobs and popularity became a thing of necessity.
Veronica remembered how close they were - quite literally exchanging friendship bracelets and braiding each other's hair - sometimes she can't believe how much their relationship had changed to basically Lilly's backhanded compliments or just out right insults.
But anything was better than Duncan Kane finding out her feelings for him, right? Because if there's on thing Veronica absolutely does not want to do is hurt her sister who has been more of a mother than their own mother had been, especially after their drunk of a mother bailed on them.
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marshmallowatheart · 6 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (Part 27)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26)
"Mmmm the smell of fried dough, popcorn and foot long meat filled sandwiches," Veronica sniffs the air, eyes closed and a blissful smile. "Ain't nothing like the carnival."
Logan chuckles, tilting his head as he admires her. Wallace grins, gesturing with his brows to the love struck boy and Veronica's eyes widen slightly, she cranks her neck a bit and gives Wallace a thin lipped smile.
His shoulders pick up in an exaggerated shrug, his smile bright and his eyes still hinting at Logan.
Veronica gives Logan a hesitate smile, hoping he doesn't notice Wallace's teasing gestures and Wallace just laughs, he rubs his palms together and remarks loudly, "I was promised cotton candy and slush puppies."
“I could go for slushies,” Heather chirps. “I’m waiting for Ophelia to get here so we can go on the rides together.”
“And Ryan,” Darrell teases, snickering beside her and she swats his arm as she mouths ‘shut up’.
Veronica grins at Heather’s blushing and flustered face as she rambles on and Logan softly chuckles. “While you guys get some snacks, how about we get the unlimited ride wrist bands for the kids?”
Veronica bobs her head, agreeing, “Good idea.” She turns to Heather, hands her some cash and says, “Tell Wallace to get me some caramel popcorn. Gotta get myself warmed up before I go in full throttle on that foot long sandwich roll,“ she pumped up her arms in a show of dramatics.
Logan grins, amused while Heather gives her an unimpressed look and rhetorically remarks, “Why are you like this?”
“You want the bands or not?” Veronica shoots back, brow arched with a triumph smirk when she sees Heather cave in with a dragged out sigh.
Logan shakes his head at the duo and laces his fingers with Veronica’s as they walk to the ticket booth.
She swallows at the familiar feel of his warm and long fingers wrapped around hers. She bites her lip because she feels so aware that there’s no one here to pretend for and she wonders if he realizes this. Has it become instinct for him to take her hand? Or did he actively seek it out because he liked holding her hand?
She doesn’t say anything about it but there’s a faint blush on her face because it feels like something more.
She hears him say and she snaps out of her thoughts, "Yeah?"
They’re standing in line which is longer than they thought it would be but it’s Sunday and they really shouldn’t be surprised. "Last night, Lilly said the reason you guys weren't friends anymore was because of me."
His admission takes her by complete surprise. "You actually asked her,” she can’t seem to dim the disbelieve in her voice. “Why even bother after all this time?"
"I don't know,” he half shrugs, his free hand running through the back ends of his hair. “I mean we've reconnected, I just thought maybe if we cleared the bad blood between you guys -"
"Logan,” she stops him, takes a breath as she tries to gather the right way to phrase herself. “I know you care about Lilly,” she acknowledges even though she doesn’t really want to acknowledge it anymore. “But I've decided long ago to not care about people who don't give a damn about me,” she says emphatically, knowing that he understands what she’s been through to have come to this conclusion.
“And if it were your fault why did she crown you the title of boyfriend while I was left as a cast away?" Veronica bitterly continues with her irritation building up. "What could you have possibly done that - " she stops mid-sentence when realization hits her. She swallows and reveals, "You kissed me."
He stares at her quizzically. "What?"
She huffs out a breath and shakes her head with utter disbelief. "The only thing that you've ever done with me that Lilly would ever feel betrayal over is when you kissed me when we were twelve."
He remembers the day fondly, his first kiss with Veronica but he doesn’t understand how Lilly could have known about it because he’s never told anyone and he’s pretty sure Veronica didn’t tell anyone. "How would she even know about that?"
"I don't know,” she shakes her head. “But that's the only reason that could possibly involve you."
He runs the theory in his head but it makes less sense than Veronica’s first theory of them growing apart. He wasn’t with Lilly then. "That was five years ago."
Veronica scoffs as they move along the line. "This is Lilly Kane we're talking about. She holds a grudge like she could make a business out of it." Veronica shakes her head, they’ve reached the counter and Logan’s putting in the order and handing over payment for wrist bands as Veronica gathers her thoughts.
"Now I know why she used to get so prissy every time I talked about you," she grumbled.
Logan accepts the wrist bands with a quick thanks and as they move away from the line, he asks with a ghost of a smile, "You talked about me?"
She glances as him as they continue walking and shrugs, "You may have come up in conversations."
He grins, wide and mischievously. "Were these slumber party worthy conversations that you had in short shorts in the midst of a pillow fight?"
She rolls her eyes. It was a long time ago and she was a kid. She remembers though that she'd felt guilt about that kiss because this was the guy her best friend liked and she started to like him too.
Her redemption had been letting go off all the romantic notations she'd had about Logan and being supportive for her best friend. That's the reason she'd never told Lilly about the kiss but if she were being completely honest she had been afraid of what that kiss might have done to their friendship and now she knows.
Veronica doesn't know how Lilly's spun off the tale in her head but she's sure that it's worst case scenario; betrayal and plotting against her because that's the world Lilly lives in.
She swallows down any sort of regret she had because the fact is that Lilly still got Logan and she got a bowl of nothing except tears down her face wondering what she'd done wrong.
She sighs with resignation maybe if they'd spoke about this back then they could have fixed everything. But they didn't, it's five years later and Lilly's resentment has grown into hatred and Veronica just wants to be done with it all.
"Hey,” he bumps her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts once again. “Want me to get you a teddy bear? I hear it's a must for normal couples," he asks, eyeing the toy filled booth.
"Hmm. I prefer my teddy bears earned by a demonstration of skill in some sort of ring tossing test of abilities," she quips, turning him around to the long aisle of gaming booths available for play.
"Ah," he lets out. "So m'lady wants her prize to be won, does she?"
"She does," Veronica grins and he chuckles, letting his hand find hers again and tugs her along to the booth.
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