#David x male reader
britany1997 · 6 months
A Dragon’s Tail
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David x male dragon reader
I hope y’all love this!! I love David with masc readers, he is so gay to me lmao, and I love being able to write some toxic, manipulative David stuff, but I also enjoying writing sweet vulnerable moments for him like this🥹
Comment to be added to my TLB Taglist!
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You breathed deeply, letting your leathery wings stretch out behind you. You loved the way the sea air swept through them.
You laughed to yourself as you thought of the irony. A dragon man who lived on the beach of all places.
You’d traded the fiery pits of your home in a volcano for the sand and surf. What would your father think?
You settled down on the ledge above your shared cave, your wings still fluttering behind you.
Sighing, you looked up at the bright moon above you, shining down on the beach, the cave, and everything else it touched with its eerie glow.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you relished the comfortable silence and the breeze. You always felt so at peace in the quiet embrace of the night.
“Want some company?” A familiar voice asked from behind you.
The corner of your lip tugged up in excitement. “Always,” you turned to extend a clawed hand to your perfect mate. Your David.
The bleach blond vampire flashed you a rare smile and came to sit by your side. You draped a wing around him, pulling him closer until your hips touched.
You could have sworn a blush ghosted over his cheeks, but it was too brief to tell. Your smile widened as you threaded your claws with his fingers.
“I’m not interrupting your alone time?” he asked.
“Not at all,” you ran your hand through his hair affectionately. “Most dragons spend their lives alone, your company’s a treasure.”
David seemed to relax into your wing. You let it hold him closer.
“I know how you dragons love treasure,” he teased.
You chuckled, your tail coming around to flick him on the ear. “I wouldn’t make so many treasure jokes, I’ve got a million blood jokes locked and loaded.”
David snorted. “Guess it’s true what they say about people in glass houses huh?”
You smiled, your golden eyes taking in his bright blue ones. Your gaze traveled along the slope of his stubbly jaw, his handsome face.
“Guess so,” you whispered, leaning in just a little closer to the blond man.
David figured out pretty quickly where your thoughts were headed as he leaned in too. One of his gloved hands reached out to caress your cheek. The other found it’s way into your hair.
You tilted your head, careful not to bump his forehead with your horns, and allowed your eyes to flutter closed.
Your ancient heart leapt in your chest as his cold lips pressed against your warm ones.
You sighed into the kiss, allowing your forked tongue to slide into his soft mouth, exploring and running over his sharp fangs.
After a while, he pulled away to stare into your eyes.
You loved him like this. His big, tough guy facade melting away.
To the boys he was a fearsome leader, barking orders and commanding obedience. To the humans he was a terrifying Spector of death, tearing through the population until there was nothing left.
To you, he was home.
When he looked at you with those baby blues, when he smiled at you like you’d hung the moon, you felt alive, you felt young again.
You reached out, your claws raking affectionately down his cheek.
He leaned into your touch. His hand slid over yours and he turned to plant a kiss on your palm.
“You’re awfully affectionate tonight,” you whispered, a smile pulling at the corner of your mouth
“Too much?” he asked.
“Never too much,” you reassured him, your wing cradling him closer to you once more.
“Didn’t think you’d wanna kiss an old guy like me though,” you teased.
David smirked, “I forgot you’re ancient,” he admitted, “it’s usually me that’s robbing the cradle.”
You laughed, “well you don’t have to worry about that.”
“No kidding,” his eyebrow raised, “how was the renaissance?”
You snorted, “yeah yeah you joke, but I had a lot more gold back then. People just don’t sacrifice like they used to anymore ya know?”
“I blame smart phones,” David shrugged.
You smiled, “damn technology.”
“Calm down grandpa,” David snickered, “you’re startin’ to sound like old Mr. Emerson.”
You glared, “not. funny.”
His head found it’s way onto your shoulder, “yes it is,” he hummed.
You shook your head, laughing softly to yourself, your claws stroking over his scalp. “It’s a good thing you’re cute.”
“You’re not bad yourself,” he flirted, “how’d you getta look so handsome anyway, shouldn’t you be full lizard.”
“Mom was a human, dad was a dragon,” you said simply, “that’s how I got the horns, the tail, the wings, the eternal life…all that good stuff, and these rugged humanlike good looks too.”
David tensed, lifting his head off your shoulder and shooting you a confused look.
“Your father was a dragon and your mother was…human?”
Your teeth clenched, “listen babe, I try not to dwell on the mechanics of it all.”
David laughed deep in his throat, more amused then you’d ever heard him.
“Fair enough,” David said through a fit of laughter.
You rolled your eyes, “can you just put your head back on my shoulder?”
His fanged smile filled you with warmth as he returned to resting against you.
“Tell me another story about the time you spent with your kind?” he asked, letting his eyes fall shut as you blanketed him with your wing.
“Anything for you,” you uttered as you began to recall yet another tale for him.
You were glad your father had blessed you with an eternal life. You were grateful to spend it just like this.
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TLB Taglist❤️:
@crustyboypix @gothamslostboy @softchonk @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @bloodywickedvamp @arenpath @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @anna1306 @ria-coolgirl @lostboys1987girl @royaltysuite @hypocriticaltypwriter @katerinaval @dwaynesluscioushair @dwaynedelight @fraudfrog @arbesa-mind @chiefdirector @solobagginses @walmart-cereal @sad-ghost-of-garbage @its-freaking-bats @vampirefilmlover @rynsfandomsfun @mickkmaiden333 @f4iryfxies @mack-attack420 @warrior-616
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n30nwrites · 7 months
Poly!Lost Boys x Male!Reader with anger issues?
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"Are you fucking kidding me!?"
Okay, there was a part in your brain that was saying that you shouldn't be reacting like this. This was an accident, and even then it wasn't that big of a deal, but the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, it was colder than you liked, and this person spilling beer on you was just the tip of the iceberg.
"Are you stupid? Don't answer that." You grumbled, and the drunk man in front of you decided to yell back. He took a step forward, his breath stinking as he heavily panted in your face. You went to do the same, only for a hand to yank you back.
"Calm down boy." David said, his gloved hand rubbing your wrist gently. "Can't afford to get chased right now." Max's new rules were bullshit.
"Keep your bitch on a leash." The alcoholic said, and even David couldn't hold you back.
Your hand swung back and planted right on his fist, blood coating it as his nose cracked and squirted blood. One good hit was the way to go, and he fell to the ground.
"Oh shit!" Marko pulled you away and immediately ran through the crowd, gaining the attention of another security guard.
"Max is gonna be pissed." Paul laughed, and you couldn't find joy in this moment. The motorcycles weren't far, and therefore you all rushed to get on and drive away, avoiding the humans before you.
"Fuck Max." Dwayne nodded with you, and you all drove to the cave.
You angrily get off of Marko's bike, almost stomping the ground as you jumped down into the cave. It seemed that everything had you set off today. "Are you kidding me Paul? I told you to clean this up!" The pizza boxes from 3 days ago still sat on the couch. Paul looks hurt at your words.
"Calm down." David tells you and you want to hit him.
"Don't tell me what to do."
"You aren't angry at us."
"No i'm not, i'm angry at Max, i'm angry at those surf nazis, and I'm angry at this fucking mess." You knew you couldn't blame them for Max or the Surfers, but at least with this mess you could focus on something. You picked up a trash bag and forced the boxes inside them.
"Stop." It's a command from David, one that has you hypnotized as you followed it. The bag dropped from your hands, "Come here." David has his arms held out as he grabs you. "Calm down."
Sorry this took so long and isn't good at all??? Idk I lost inspo for a bit and since The Lost Boys was taken off everything I can't watch it and that makes me sad and non hyperfixated.
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defectivevillain · 2 years
midnight love
pairing: daniel solace x reader
reader’s pronouns: unspecified [but male-intended]
cw: 1899 spoilers
author’s note: HE. HIM. SOBS. the moment i watched ep5 i couldn't stop thinking abt writing a fic.... mwahahhahahhaha.... MWahahahahHHAHAh...
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The boy is gone.
You take in a shuddering breath, your hands gripping the railing on the ship’s deck with unnecessary force. There’s nothing but chaos around you—people shouting, screaming, fighting. It’s overwhelming. You sink to your knees and put your head in your hands. Every time you blink, you see his body falling down towards the tumultuous waters below. His wide, frightened eyes are burned into your memory. 
Rain pours down from above. Your hands shake as a torrent of noise and movement assaults your vision. The jeers of the passengers sink into your skin. The boy is gone. You still can’t quite process what happened. You were fighting your way through the crowd one moment and, the next, you were looking down at the choppy waves. Your eyes burn and you clamp your hands over your ears, desperate for some solace. 
Amidst all the calamity assaulting your vision, you see a dark figure weaving his way through the crowd. To your surprise, his eyes lock on you and his lips part in surprise. Your vision is so blurred that you don’t recognize him until he’s crouching before you. You look up at him, wincing as the rain hits your skin.
Daniel, the man in the cabin next to yours, is looking at you with worried eyes. He’s saying something, but his voice is lost to the wind. He extends a hand, and it only takes you a moment’s hesitation before you take it. Daniel deftly tugs you to your feet, as if you weigh nothing at all. His hands come to bracket your face, and his gaze flits about your face as if searching for something. A moment later, he nods and his hand slips down to your wrist. Before you know it, Daniel’s leading you through the throng of people and back into the ship’s halls. 
When you finally make it to the dining hall, Daniel is quick to usher you off to the side— which you’re immensely grateful for. You think you sense the captain’s gaze out of the corner of your eye, but you can hardly think straight, let alone worry about that. Daniel finally comes to a stop in an alcove, and he’s quick to look back at you. You’re not sure what emotion you’re broadcasting, but it must be something pitiful, because his expression morphs into one of concern. 
He gently pushes you into the alcove and guides you to sit, before moving to sit down in front of you—effectively blocking you from prying eyes. You bring your knees up to your chest again. Your vision feels far too sharp and clear—and you push the heels of your hands into your eyes in an attempt to ground yourself. Unsurprisingly, a tear slips down your cheek. You try your best to hide it, but Daniel evidently notices, as he gently wipes away your tears with a soft touch. 
The two of you sit in silence for an immeasurable amount of time, as you try your best to regain control. There’s a burning feeling in your throat that doesn’t seem to want to go away, but your breathing has returned to normal and your heart no longer feels like it’s racing. A shiver runs down your spine and you wrap your arms around yourself. You didn’t quite realize how cold you were until now. The rain had been relentless.
“Here, take this,” Daniel says quickly, taking his jacket off and placing it over your shoulders. You push your arms through the sleeves, even with the distant recognition that his coat probably looks ridiculous on you. You fiddle with the unnecessarily long collar and eventually just give up on it, huffing in annoyance.  Daniel chuckles quietly. He’s still looking at you, but his gaze feels heavier. There’s something about the gleam in his eyes. In fact, it almost looks like... affection. You file that look in his eyes into the back of your mind.
Your eyelids begin to sting and you rub at them roughly. Fatigue settles tightly in your chest, prompting you to lean back against the wall behind you. Your vision is slowly darkening, as shadows creep along the edges. You’re about to slip off into slumber when you realize just where you are. You quickly jerk awake, taking in the room before you. Passengers are strewn about the space. You can’t go to sleep here, especially after the events that just occurred. You really need to get up and talk to the captain, but your limbs don’t want to move. 
“I’ll be here,” Daniel remarks, his gaze still locked onto you. You blink once, twice. You’re exhausted, depressed, and most importantly, uncertain. The confidence in his voice reassures you. Before you know it, your eyes are slipping shut and you’re falling asleep. 
You race up the steps to the ship’s deck, your heart hammering in your chest. The rogue passengers took the boy. You’re in the hall leading up to the deck, and you can’t help but feel uneasy. You can already hear people fighting. Sure enough, when you finally reach the surface of the ship, you see the passengers fighting each other. You frantically scan the crowd for the boy. Dread coils in your chest when you find him. The boy stands near the bow of the ship, his arm gripped by a woman. The look in his eyes is haunting. He knows what will happen. He’s not scared, just resigned. 
“No!” You scream. The woman doesn’t speak, instead deigning to grab the boy with both arms. You run forward, but it feels as if you’re running in slow motion. The people around you block your path, and you have to shove your way through the crowd. When you finally reach the bow of the ship, you desperately reach out, but the boy is already falling over the railing and into the water below.  Your hands grip the railing as you lean forward, a sick feeling churning in your stomach. 
Your eyes are locked on the waves, as you watch the boy fall into the swirling depths. The rain continues to pour down, dousing you in guilt and regret. If only you had been a little faster, a little stronger... The woman who threw him in lets out a satisfied cackle. You slip down to the ground, curling into yourself. The passengers almost seem to crowd around you, walking closer until you’re backed into a corner. You close your eyes and duck your head. 
Suddenly, the scene shifts. You’re sitting in the mental health facility. Two people dressed in lab coats drag you backwards, amidst your protests. You’re shoved into a chair, complete with arm and ankle restraints. A shadowed figure stands at the door, hovering ominously. The leather bindings dig into your skin. You see one of the people pull out a syringe. You try to resist, but the syringe is quickly jabbed into your neck and color swirls across your vision. You inhale sharply, pain coursing through you. Memories flash before your eyes. Blurry silhouettes stand before you. Voices sound in your ears. One voice pierces through the rest. It sounds like yours...
Wake up.
You gasp and jolt forward, blinking your eyes open. There’s a hand on your shoulder. You flinch and push it away, scrambling back in panic. Your back hits the wall and you realize you’re trapped. Your chest burns and your breaths are choked. You look around, but your vision is tunneled and all you can see is blurriness.
“Hey, hey, hey-” The figure says. Their silhouette seems to tower over you, even as they reach a hand out. You shrink back into the wall. Each time you blink, they’re holding a syringe. You hold your hands out in front of you in a rather pathetic attempt at protection. 
“Don’t-” you try to say, but the words catch in your throat. Your heart is hammering in your chest. It takes you a few moments to regain your breath. You pinch your fingers hard, feeling a visceral need to ground yourself in reality. Eventually, your vision clarifies and you recognize Daniel sitting in front of you. He extends his open hands out in front of you. 
”You fell asleep,” Daniel explains quickly, still leaving his empty palms out for you to see. You suddenly realize that he’s treating you the same way he’d likely treat a wild animal—approaching you slowly and cautiously. You take a deep breath.
“Sorry,” you eventually murmur. You feel immensely guilty all of a sudden. He was just trying to help, and you shoved him away. You’re still pretty shaken from your dream, however. You absentmindedly bring a hand up to your neck, unsurprised to find no remnant of the injection. It was just a dream, you reassure yourself. 
“Don’t apologize,” Daniel replies, his eyes still a bit wide. The dark circles under his eyes seem even darker. Did he go to sleep? It doesn’t look like he did. His voice draws you out of your thoughts. “Bad dream?”
You nod, cradling your hands in your lap. You don’t realize they’re trembling until Daniel grips them gently. The boy’s death lingers in your head, playing over and over each time you blink. You shake your head in disbelief. The boy is gone. The passengers are mutinying. People are dying. You take a short breath, feeling overwhelmed again.
“It’s okay,” Daniel says, squeezing your hand gently. You meet his eyes and swallow hard. His eyes almost sparkle in the dimness of the alcove. “You're okay.” You feel inclined to believe him, for some reason. Perhaps it’s the determination in his expression. Perhaps it’s his hand on yours, a reassuring reminder that you’re real and not dreaming. I’m okay, you think to yourself. I’m okay. I’m not going mad. I’m okay. You repeat it like a mantra in your head, but that still doesn’t stop you from reliving the boy’s death before your eyes. You hunch in on yourself.
Suddenly, there’s a hand on the nape of your neck. You’re tugged into Daniel’s chest. You hesitantly reach out and grasp the woolen material of his shirt. Your hands are still shaking but, somehow, you feel less anxious. Daniel’s hand slips down to grip your waist, a light but reassuring touch. You begin to relax and let your head fall onto his shoulder. You stay like that for a while- just clutching at his shirt as he holds you. 
“We’ll get out of here,” Daniel whispers. You don’t say anything, instead just nodding. He leans back to look at you, his gaze flitting down to your lips for a moment. A moment later, he leans in and you meet him halfway. His grip on your waist is tight, as if he’s afraid to let go. You hesitantly reach up and cup his jaw. He lets out a satisfied noise and you feel a smile break onto your face. You can’t help but feel safe, protected. This trip has been absolute hell so far, but perhaps, it won't be as bad with Daniel’s company. 
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thanks for reading <3
the title is from the song “midnight love.” i think the lyric: “I keep going back for more, when there’s nothing from before,” really encapsulates Daniel. iykyk.
check out my eyk fic if ya want ;)
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that isn't very holy of you :/
Yandere church boy x gn!reader
It came out shittier than I hoped for. Not proofread 🌺 I'll fix this when I have the time
Tw: religious themes, noncon mention, minor cult mention
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✝️ you had just arrived in the small town of morning star. Having been needing a break from the city life, you rented a one bedroom cabin close by. Planning on staying here for a month, you quickly headed towards your new home, very eager to start exploring the area
✝️ wandering around the town square, it seemed everyone knew eachother. A family like community perhaps? Maybe that's why they all kept staring at you as passed through, must not be use to new faces
✝️that was until a group of children approached, asking you to come play ball with them. You couldn't say no to their puppy dog eyes, and the adult's judgemental stares so you agreed. And it was fun surprisingly! You noticed none of the children had any phones.. or the grown up's for that matter
✝️your first week there you were unsettled, but you just pushed it off as the townsfolks strange behavior, Focusing on unpacking and enjoying your stsy. Until one of the school teachers, a kindergarten one, knocked on your door on a sunday
"hi there honey! On behalf of the people I'd like to sincerely apologize for the cold welcome. It's just been a hard year for all of us! So to make it up you, won't you come to church with us on this fine morning?"
✝️ whether or not you're religious yourself, she managed to convince you to come along. Chatting the whole walk there. Talking about her husband, her children. She mentioned something about having a son your age but you weren't really paying attention
✝️ walking through the grand double doors of the church house, she sat you on the front row with the pastors family, next to a young man. You were startled as she sat on the other side of you, leaning in to whisper In Your ear as she pointed at the pastor preaching
"that's my hubby right there. He's a handsome fella ain't he?"
✝️david looked at his mother in disbelief, he told her a few a times he found you attractive and now look at her! He could practically see the gears turning in her head. thankfully you seemed preoccupied thinking, so he did his best to seem normal while his poor heart beated 300 mph
✝️after the sermon, david turned to you and have you a sheepish smile
"hi.. my name's David, but you can call me dave.. its.. nice to meet you"
✝️you and David hit it off, unlike all the other people. He didn't constantly talk about praising god and forcing his religion down your throat. He was kind, understanding. Laughing at your jokes and nodding along to your words. He never met someone so.. ethereal
✝️growing up, he had a hard time believing in his small towns "god". Watching them cut up and sacrifice newcomers to their false idols, he felt sick to the pit of his stomach heading their screams. But he could definitely devote his cause to you...
✝️he trapped you in this shitty town when he asked you out on a little date a few days later. Unaware he drugged your food and dragging you into his home, waking up chained to a bed. You couldn't tell how long you've been there, but every time you'd try to escape he'd punish you in bed. Not letting you cum or overstimulating you to the point of tears. Why would you want to leave something that can make you feel so good?
✝️he grew up desensitized to blood and gore, so he's confused when you're screaming and crying. Why are you doing that? Don't you know that this is what happens to bad spouses? What do you mean you're not married either? ofcourse you are. Stop being so difficult...
✝️nobody blinks an eye when he strides into town with you on a collar and leash. And that's when you realized, you should have left earlier. Because the whole town was sick in the head. It wasn't like you could call for help because he fucking destroyed your electronics and the people don't even have phones. Something about wifi signals can brainwash you
✝️ he's whipped for you, that much you can obviously tell. but he's smarter than he looks. Eating dinner with his family is just painful,since all they talk about is God god god. It hurts your ears with how often they just Randomly start singing praises. It's bad enough they force you to watch their cult church activities...
✝️if you give in to his demands, he'll let you off the leash but you have to stay close by at all times. If you don't, he'll have to make his punishments a little more extreme. There's also a possibility he'll force you to help around the town. whether that be looking after the children or just running around doing errands. The shock bracelet on your ankle stops you from running into the woods..
✝️if you don't, well.. you wouldn't mind if you became permanently handicapped right?
"don't be so difficult sweetie.. just stay still and it'll cut right through okay?'
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 29 days
hi if u do anons i'd like to smatch the ⚰️ emoji,,,
consider this request!!! male teen reader who often ends up at a police precinct chatting up cops and using their first aid kit for bloody noses and bruising (how'd he get them? no one knows). no one knows who this kid is, what his name is or where he's from, he's just the local cryptid who became everyone's kid. reader ends up meeting the BAU who are on a case by walking into the precinct while they're giving a profile and mentioning that he knows someone like that
tldr cryptid kid solves a case and gets a BAU family — ⚰️
hiya! Here you go, I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: mentions of a bloodied nose and a small cut on the cheek, implied child abuse (if you squint), reader's dad is a serial killer
“People like him, but people close to him know what he’s like.” Hotch said, “He’s aggressive, violent, he has no empathy.”
“He’ll most likely be late thirties or early forties.”
“Probably has a family, a wife and kids.”
“What makes you say that?” The Sheriff asked, not noticing you walk into the precinct.  
“He wants to keep up an appearance. To the outside world, he’ll look like a good dad, behind closed doors is a different story.”
“Oh, I know someone like that,” You chime in, the BAU turn to you, confused looks on their faces. “Yeah, that sounds exactly like him.”
“Er his name is Henry Page,” You said, wiping the small amount of blood from under your nose. 
“Hey kid,” The Sheriff sighs, looking behind the team at the precinct front doors.
“Afternoon,” You give a short nod, “I’m stealing your first aid kit again.” 
You limped towards the kitchen without a further word, no one protested (not that you would have listened to them anyway). 
Hotch turns to the Sheriff with a slight frown. “Who’s he?” He asked.
“His name’s (Y/N).” The Sheriff said, “he comes here a lot, uses the first aid kit and hangs out for a bit.”
As if on cue, “Hey Officer Miles, looking good.” You gave a wink, pressing a gauze to your nose, your voice stuffed slightly.
“Dream on kid.” Officer Miles gave a chuckle, she turns to you. “How’s your nose?”
“Not broken,” You grinned at her. 
“And what happened this time?”
“I walked into a door.” You said, ignoring the way Officer Miles gave a small sigh. “You lot the BAU then?” You motioned a little to the FBI agents.
“Yes, that would be us.” Hotch said, “What can you tell us about this Henry Page?”
“He fits the profile.” You said, taking the gauze away from your nose and grabbing an antiseptic wipe, using the reflection of the table to gently dab at a wound on your cut. “And, well, he’s also a massive wanker.”
“How do you know him?”
“He’s my dad.” 
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luboy7rt · 1 month
How I think COD GHOSTS Characters Would Sleep/Sleep next to you (GN - Teammate!Reader)
Note: This is like awkward coworker things. As if being forced to share a bed, not really romantic or anything, so it's platonic but could be for anyone. Just my thoughts on how these characters would react/act to this type of situation.
Includes; Elias Walker, David ‘Hesh’ Walker, Logan Walker, Keegan P. Russ, Thomas A. Merrick, Kick and Riley
Elias Walker:
- He does an awkward little ‘I'm just gonna scootch in right here’ murmur as he lays down on one side of the bed. A pillow between you two as he crosses his arms over his chest to sleep.
- He's dead asleep before you even touch your pillow, and he snores… loudly. Like loud. And he can sleep in any position. His time in the military trained him for anything. Even if you take up most of the bed, he can hang his legs half off it and still stay asleep.
- He ends up sleeping with a pillow over his eyes, his arm would keep it in place, it lowkey looks like he suffocated himself, but nah, he's fine. Somehow, he just sleeps like that just to ‘block everything out’ for no specific reason. (But hey it blocks out his snores half the time)
- Elias doesn't really shift or move once he's asleep, he just stays very still, you might assume he's dead every time You wake up through the night.
- Elias is the ‘right’ temperature during the night, he's always very warm, not too cold or not too hot. If you're cold, he's willing to simply offer you all the blankets, or if you're hot he wouldn't mind taking the blankets for himself.
- Elias tries to be mindful of what you want or need, you could just wake him up if you need to, just let him know if you need something. Like you want a cup of water? He would get up out of bed to go get you one.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker:
- Surprisingly, Hesh doesn't snore, but he does like grunt or groan when he sleeps whenever he shifts over or when Riley hops onto him/the bed to sleep with you both.
- He isn't very awkward if you two know each other ‘well enough’ but if you two don't? He's as stiff as a board, glancing at you every few minutes as if to ensure that this was okay, are you comfortable? He's not comfortable.
- Hesh puts a pillow between the two of you at the beginning of the night, but half way through he ends up holding that pillow, cuddling up to it just to have something to hold. 
- He spawls out when he sleeps, unlike Elias he shifts around alot, moving his body when he's too hot, to find the colder areas of the bed. Hesh is like a human-heater while asleep and you being in the bed next to him doesn't help.
- If you need something he will begrudgingly go get it for you, he would grumble or be sassy about it though. Only for your first ask, if he gets in bed and you ask him for another thing? He's not getting up till morning unless it's important.
Logan Walker: 
- He snores, despite being deadly silent throughout the whole day, he snores like his father. Very loud, Like put him and Riley in a room together overnight and Hesh would refuse to sleep near them.
- Logan would just opt to stay awake, silently staring at the ceiling as you sleep next to him. He reflecting his life, like he does every night. His hands grasped together on his lower stomach as he doesn't even move. 
- You might get curious and glance up because you don't even hear or see him breath, get jumpscared by his eyes being wide open as he ‘reflects’ or he also just sleeps with his eyes open somehow. Like half open, his eyes don't even fully close as he got into a ‘habit’ when he was young. (It scared the shit out of Elias and Hesh constantly when he was young, Elias would always just..  close his eyes at night, so he didn't have to see it or put a sleep mask on him)
- Logan isn't aware of this habit either, you try and smack him awake, and he wakes up but confused thinking you just smacked him for no reason, even if you try and explain it to him, he just waves it off.
- Logan’s freezing during the night, he ends up accidentally stealing the blanket a handful of times from you. You may need to yank it back over yourself or he just wouldn't notice your silent suffering or your annoyance.
- Logan isn't a fan of getting woken up, he would give you a side eye as he grunts if you ask for something.. unless it's very needed, he won't be moving. Claims his legs asleep just for him to forget about your request and fall back asleep.
Keegan P. Russ: 
- He's an asshole, puts his cold feet over you, never in a pattern, but just does it, even wakes you up with just putting his feet on you.
- He can sleep anywhere, Any position, any time. Give him five minutes and he'll be dead asleep.
- Suffers from nightmares, so he might scare you awake randomly through the night when he shoots up from his sleep and accidentally almost shoves you off the bed.
- Keegan is freezing, and he knows it. Randomly places his hand on your arm or his legs over yours if you two know each other very well, he's simply smug and likes messing with you.
- If you two don't know each other he's silently there. Won't interact with you, won't touch you, won't go near you, there is two pillows between you both as if you even shift he's staring at you. He would stay awake the whole night, not trusting sleeping next to someone he doesn't know very well.
- If you do ask him for something throughout the night he tells you to “screw yourself” or a flat out “No.” before going to go get whatever you ask for within five minutes. He won't get up twice though, so if you need a handful of things just ask while he's up because he will ignore you if you ask for something else after he lays down again.
Thomas A. Merrick:
- It isn't that bad at all, Merrick's pretty respectful, makes it comfortable for you both. He'll ask if you are comfortable when you sleep side by side. If you're not? He's willing to put a pillow between you, or he might just end up sleeping on a chair if you don't want to sleep next to him.
- He will scrunch up his body uncomfortably if you ask him to sit in the chair. Merrick can somehow sleep like that, but will wake up with back pains.
- Sleeping in bed next to each other isn't even awkward, it's just the silence that is heavy, he makes sure not to touch you, or bother you. But he does snore in his sleep, and it's never continuous snoring. No it's random loud snores or snorts while he's asleep, it's like a jumpscare how random it is.
- He apologizes if you wake him up to tell him off, and does indeed sleep elsewhere if you want him to. Merrick does care about your sleep, you both being teammates, he needs you in your best conditions and if he is ruining your sleep accidentally, he's willing to sleep elsewhere.
- Merrick is nice and warm when he sleeps, he wouldn't really mind if you cuddle up to him if you two know each other well enough. He will simply put his arm under your head and hold you close. 
- If you ask him to get up from the bed to get you something, he would grumble about it under his breath but get up to go get it for you, you can do this a maximum of three times throughout the while night before he gets too agitated with you and gives you a order to just go to fucking bed.
- Kick is.. well a difficult sleeper, he could either have great nights of sleep, or he'll continuously wake up every few hours. In turn? He wakes you up every few hours as well, he shifts, turns, throws a leg over you (you can throw it back over him or shove him off the bed, he will end up staying on the floor till the next time he wakes up through the night.).
- He also makes random noises? Like completely random, he's somehow really good at impressions while dead asleep, boots against the floor? No it's just Kick sleep talking..? conversations while he's dead asleep? It keeps you on edge the whole night, not knowing what is Kick… or what could possibly be an intruder.
- You two end up kicking eachothers feet all night long, Kick doing it too well.. kick you, randomly just attacking your feet with his own, and in retaliation you kick him back, this goes on all night. Neither of you get sleep.
- He ends up asking to hold hands with a smug look, just for his own amusement, he's trying to make this night difficult for you so he can laugh later. 
If you accept? Great, his interlocking your hands with a smug look on his face, ends up doing a death grip on your hand and he commits to the bit, he stays like that all night, even if it gets sweaty.. You'll have to fight him to get him to let go.
If You give him a side eye, tell him to shut up and get some rest, he'll be dramatic. Monologues out loud about his ‘disappointment’, makes it a point to call Keegan (if he could, Keegan might hangup or just listen to make fun of Kick next time they're on a mission together) and complain to him loudly for you to hear.
- Kick is a cool guy, not to hot or not to cold, he doesn't mind cuddling at all, he will put up a fight if you attempt to take all the blankets, if he gets none he will cuddle up to your cocooned form (if you are comfortable with that) 
- If you ask him to get up to get you something he just laughs at you and tells you hell no. Unless it's important, he's not moving from this bed until morning.
- It's actually not that awkward sharing a bed with Kick, his constant teasing, jokes and idiotic actions make it seem more like a friendly sleepover rather than awkward co-worker forced to share a bed.
- Riley decides to sleep in your room instead of Hesh's (after Hesh annoyed the poor dog by promising Riley to go on a walk, then forgetting due to getting back from a rough mission.) Riley ends up plopping head first into your pillow, carrying one of Logan's shirt in his mouth deciding it was his comfort item of the night.
- Riley just puts a good chunk of his weight onto you, plops his butt right to sit on you while you're asleep to attempt to wake you up. Like he will just sit like that and side eye you until you wake up and acknowledge his grand presence. 
- if you don't pet him or lay him down next to you, he gets in your personal space, like creepily stares into your closed eyes, standing over you with Logan's damn sweatshirt smacking your face until you get up or groan.. or pull Riley down to lay next to you or on you.
- Riley's tail wags when you finally wake up or acknowledge him, laying over you as you give him attention. 
- Riley does indeed quiet down after he gets what he wants, but he sprawls In his sleep.. despite being a dog, he takes up most of the bed. (It's why Hesh gets grumbley when Riley decides to take over his bed, because neither Hesh, Logan or Riley are winning whenever they share a room, as Riley makes sure to take over any bed space he could see). 
- Riley also snores, no one is sure if he's just mimicking Elias or Logan or if he really just snores really loud. Riley does indeed sometimes loudly snores when napping, you'll hear it from another room.
(Random Note; Lowkey. I want more COD GHOSTS content. more lore on Torch, Neptune, and Grim. Hell even Kick, Ajax and the OG members, Like old Task Force Stalker missions, would be so epic to know about)
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starboye · 2 months
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pairing: david corenswet x male reader
request: hey can I order a David corenswet x male reader smut please with daddy kink and a very passionate yet rough David and a size kink with David being taller then reader on the side please
warnings: smut, size kink, daddy kink, dumbfication if you really look, belly bulge, cursing
"fuckkk" you moan out as david slams his dick into you "you like that" david asks "mhm" you whine nodding eagerly "daddy makes you feel so good right" david asks with a smirk "so so good" you say arching your back.
"such a slut for me" david chuckles "more" you whimper lowly "don't be shy baby speak up" david says "I want more" you longingly moan "for my prince yes" david say before flipping you over on your back.
david quickly slides back into and fucks you with deep and rough yet passionate thrusts as you moan "it's so big" you whine "you like it like that" david smirks "mhmm" you sound "you feel so tight wrapped around me" david says.
"look at this" david chuckles leaning your head up to look at the bulge of his dick sliding in and out of you "fuck" you moan out at the sight "gimme your hand" david asks to which you weakly give him your hand as you throw your head back in ecstasy.
david places your hand on the growing bulge in your stomach and covers your hand with his bigger hand "just feel how that slides in out out of you so well" david says as you nod emptily "just no thoughts behind those cute eyes huh" david says with a smirk.
david thrusts into deeply which makes you loudly moan "want me to do that again" david asks "yes please" you pant with your hand still firmly placed on the stomach bulge, david replicates the thrust with every movement he makes into you, one hand tightly holding your hips while the other is firmly placed around your throat.
"you look so pretty under me" he say squeezing your neck lightly, you let out a raspy whimper "it's like you were made specifically for my cock" david smiles "what do you think" david asks watching your dumbed out expression.
all you let out is a slew of needy moans, not wanting anything other than to be fucked and cummed in right now "can't think of anything, you just want me to cum in you" david scoffs "mhm" you nod "you really dont have a thought in that head of yours right now but I'll give you what you want" david says quickening his thrusts.
david leans over and lays sloppy kisses all over your neck as you both moan out "here it comes" david grunts before cumming in you as you whimper out "shit" david huffs pulling out of you and watch his cum drip out of your hole.
"I really made a mess back here" david laughs "we can just use it as lube for later" you breathlessly say "oh later, you sure you could handle that" david asks with a raised eyebrow "very sure" you smirk.
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eldrichboyo · 9 months
Y/n: "I wanna grab David by his slutty waist and bite into his love handles but that fucker is touch repulsed so now I gotta sit here and think angry horny thoughts at him."
Y/n: *stares angrily at David from across the cave*
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marksbear2 · 4 months
David Mcall x Male Reader
So I’m going to post at least one or two more times and just to get myself warmed up and just to get more ideas. I recently watched Fear, so David really interested me.
⚠️Warnings— Clueless and slightly unbothered Y/n. Creepy and weird David , smut, and affectionate. Frotting, humping, skin to skin, grinding, nipple play, cumshot, cum on face and Manipulative werido David, porn with plot, stalking implied basically canon like David. ⚠️
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David and your bestfriend Nicole has been dating— more specifically on and off. You thought David was a bit weird, but you just didn’t care much and just wanted to deal with your own life and love life.
You were unaware, you always thought that David and Nicole were a regular  couple, you was one of the only few male friends Nicole had since she started to date David. You never noticed how David’s eyes were never on Nicole…in fact his eyes were burned into you. To David you was perfect, he thought that you was the one for him not Nicole. In his sick and twisted heart he knew that you belonged to him.
So, he began to show up almost everywhere you went with or without Nicole by his side. He showed up at the parties you went to, waiting to pick up ‘Nicole’ after school but really he’s wanting to look and see you. It’s like you saw him at every corner. But you thought it was an strange coincidence and never over thought about it. You didn’t tell Nicole about the coincidences to avoid unnecessary drama or an argument  and just went with it.
So, he began to show up almost everywhere you went with or without Nicole by his side. He showed up at the parties you went to, waiting to pick up ‘Nicole’ after school but really he’s wanting to look and see you. It’s like you saw him at every corner. But you thought it was an strange coincidence and never over thought about it. You didn’t tell Nicole about the coincidences to avoid unnecessary drama or an argument  and just went with it.
You and Nicole and a few other friends had planned on having a last minute group study since the finals was next week and you all wanted to pass and don’t have to be stressed out about it.
You was getting the snacks out and blankets, books, blank sheets of paper and other things you and your friends need for the study. 
Music was playing in the background, to help staying focus while getting everything, before suddenly the door bell rings…weird. It was a hour and a couple minutes left before everyone should had came. So your mind wondered at who the hell came a hour earlier then what the group time planned on.
You got up and went to the door and looked through the peephole and saw…David? You was confused as to why the hell david was here. Who told him? Did Nicole tell him? Why was he— your thoughts was interrupted with another knock on the door with David looking directly into the peephole. You immediately flinch back with your heart racing from the shock and unexpected action.
You slowly unlocked the door and trying to gather yourself back together before giving David an awkward smile. “Y/n, hey what took you so long to open the door?” David asked as he had his signature charming smile as he tilted his head looking at you. “Sorry, the music is pretty loud and I was busy so I didn’t hear the doorbell ring the first time.” You said with a small apologetic awkward laugh before adding. “Why are you here did Nicole invite you?” 
“Yeah she did is that okay with you? I figured I should come by early and help you get everything ready.” David said before uninvitedly stepping inside your home.
That bothered you, but since you didn’t wanna make a huge deal you closed the door after him and quickly went back to the living room where you saw him holding a picture frame of you when you were little. “Wow, I never knew you always liked superhero’s as a kid. I know your room has superhero posters around it but I didn’t know you always liked it.” David said as the picture was you and your dog in superhero costumes for Halloween.
“…How do you know that I have Superhero posters around my room?” You ask you was confused and starting to feel uneasy. David quickly just laughed it off and looked over his shoulder. “Nicole told me about it, she told me a few things about you. I’m protective of her by nature and I wanna make sure it was nothing going on between the two of you but she made it clear.” David said as he put the frame down and walked back over to you smiling.
You hated his smile, it was charming, it suited his handsome features. You heard over a million times about Nicole gushing over his smile and you see why.
“I also heard that you like guys.”
“What.” You said as your thought process was broke. How did he know that, you was a bit irritated since it was the biggest secret you told Nicole and somehow her boyfriend knows!? Before you got respond he already began to speak again.
“Aren’t you? Nicole told me that I didn’t have to worry about you since you were gay. And I’m glad…so since your gay does that mean you think I’m attractive?” You rolled his eyes at his comment and crossed your arms.
“No I don’t find you attractive. Just because I like guys doesn’t mean I—“ David cuts you off. 
“So you like other guys? Who? What’s their name?” *David questions stepping closer and closer as his expression and body language began to change. Before you could speak he started again. “I thought me and you had something special? I mean you always look at me with those eyes, at the carnival you took my hand so I wouldn’t get lost. Even when we were at Nicole’s house getting ready for the body you didn’t leave or get change you stayed in the room and took your clothes off right in front of me. You want me and you know it.” 
You took a step back as you gotten more and more confused. Why was he being so delusional and weird. 
“Look David, it’s nothing going on between us. Just drop it and I won’t tell Nicole about this or whatever fucked up feelings you have for me.” You said before turning around and walking away back to the set up you was preparing before suddenly David grabbed your wrist and pushing you down on the couch.
“Cmon, Y/n…stop playing all hard to get. I know you want this…I know you want me.” David said taking a hold of both of his wrist.
You thought David was attractive, but you would never actually do anything with him right? Your mind was racing with millions of things as you felt David run his hand on your clothed chest and stomach poking and pinching your nipples through your shirt. You didn’t know want to do, this was your best friend’s boyfriend touching you right now now. You shivered with pleasure as he played with your nipples through your shirt.
“David…ngh.- stop!!~ please. This is wrong.” You said with a small bit of shame. You hated this feeling, the way he was making you feel good. Your nipples were never really sensitive and now with bud hands on them touching them through your shirt and the way he was breathing in the crook of your neck it excited you. 
David ignored your words as he slipped one of his hands inside of your shirt touching your nipple as he used his free hand to undo your belt. You gripped onto his shoulders, to ‘Stop him’ but you didn’t make a actual effort to push him away. 
Once he threw your belt to the side he zipped down the fly to your pants, and pushed his hand inside of your underwear touching your soft cock.
You let out a gasp as you felt his cold hand wrap around your cock.
“Your cock fits so good in my hand.” David moved his hand against and jerking the semi-soft cock in his hand. Your body tensed as you felt his hand wrap around your cock. You started to get aroused causing your dick to harden. Everything was catching up, the lust, the thrill of being jerked off to your bestfriend’s boyfriend. David kissed and peppered your neck with small kisses as he stroked your cock until you got fully hard.
David laughed softly as he felt your cock grow and grow in his hand until you were fully hard. He let go of your nipple and used the now free had to tug your boxers and pants down low enough for your cock and can spring free from the pants.
You shivered as the cold air in the air reached your cock. David stared at your shaft for a while slightly admiring the size and the color taking everything in. David reached his own hand to his own belt and threw it to the side as he pulled down his boxers and pants he was already hard.
David went back to stroking your cock as he used his free hand to jerk himself off as well. He leaned closer and closer as you tilt your head and squeeze your eyes shut so you don’t have to face him. 
You feel his eyes burning into your skull, studying you as if you were kind of animal. You can feel his breathe against your skin.
Soon David let’s go of your cock and his own, before grabbing your waist and pushing down more into the couch as he rubbed his own cock against yours.
Both of your cock’s rubbed against each other’s, both tips grazing one another’s. It made your face and body hot from arousal. David stood in between your legs on top of you humping his own cock with yours.
Your tip began to leak out precum it leaked, you began to groan as he thrusted his dick against yours. Sometimes he would pull away and rub his tip against your hole teasing you. David spit into his hand and took both of y’all’s memebers into his hand jerking the both of you off at the time.
Your head fell back as your toes curled as you moaned. David looked down at you admiring you. He smirked and leaned down pushing his own tongue forcefully in your mouth.
You moaned and kissed him back, moving your tongue back against his own. You two’s tongues swirled and moved around one another’s. You began to move your hips into his hand humping into his hand as both of your cocks got wetter and wetter from both precum. David squeezed his hand, it felt so good.
You were lost in pleasure with everything, lust consumed you as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten. You let out heavy and erotic moans with small whimpering. Your body began to jolt and tense as your eyes roll back into your head, your legs shaking as the tip of your cock shot just cum. 
You gasped and held onto David’s shoulders to gather yourself. Your cum got onto your shirt and David’s own cock and hand. You were panting as your cock leaked out all the cum.
David watched as he pulled away and stood up tall watching you slump down the couch. David stood above you jerking his cock off. He was biting his lip with a smirk as he stroked his cock at a fast pace looking down at you while he did it. You looked up at him…oh how pathetic you looked in his eyes. David grabbed a fist full of your hair pulling your head up until you allied with his cock.
David jerked off to he let out a laugh with a grunt and groan. He began to get vocal with the noises of pleasure as he shot the white streaks of cum onto your face. He painted your face with his cum. He held your face in place as you tried to move away yanking your head back down on the couch as he rode off his orgasm. 
He rubbed the cum he had left on his tip onto your lips and shoving the tip into your mouth so you could taste him.
Once he was done he let go of your hair and stepped back to admire you.
He felt himself getting hard again and opened his mouth to speak but it was interrupted with a knock on the door. David looked up and picked up his belt from the ground and stuffed his now hard cock back into his boxers and fixed himself and pants before going to the door. You quickly sat up to fix yourself and fumbled around with your pants trying to gather yourself.
David opened door and smiled inviting his girlfriend and her friends to come inside.
You quickly got up and went to the bathroom and shut yourself inside.
“Where’s Y/n?” Nicole asks and David laughed and shrugged before answering.
“He’s in the bathroom, he’s been inside there since I got here. I should probably go check on him.” David said kissing Nicole’s neck before walking away into the hallway Y/n went into
The house was quiet until the door of the bathroom is opened and shut.
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dominantslasherking · 11 months
Slashers x Male S/o Masterlist 2
Here is my PART 2 Master list.
Hello, my devilishly handsome readers.
Btw, Dominant Male reader FOR all of them.
Warning emoji⚠️⚠️ With the one that has smut.
Patrick Bateman
Patrick Bateman x Male reader Patrick had always mistaken his jealousy for you to be out of wanting what you want, to be like you, when it was in fact that Patrick was jealous because he couldn't be with you. Patrick wants to show you how much he wants you, by getting on his knees like a good boy. (BTW you're his boss)
Billy and Stu x Male reader You always manage to catch Billy and Stu's eyes on you, whether it be in the college classroom, or when you're purchase horror stuff, they always seem to follow you. Even in your house you still feel their gazes --- Billy and Stu x Male reader. [Requested] Bill and Stu trying to feel the reader up after he killed someone. And the reader just wants to clean up his mess and go. And since his misbehaving brats don't get the hint, he pins them to the wall, hands around their throats, to get them to shut up
Billy and Stu x Male reader [Requested]Billy and stu where male reader ignores them because they have been more caught up in there killing then reader so he gets annoyed and decides to ignore them MORE COMING SOON Hannibal Lecter Hannibal Lecter x Male reader Hannibal drooling over how fit and muscled one of his patients (reader) is and just fantasizing about what he’d let reader do to him during one of their sessions.
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader Your basically a mysterious male figure that happens to be around the bene gesserit, (whom not even they could control you) Feyd is obsessed with you, a deep longing inside his soul, his body.
--- Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader One of Feyd's Harpies disrespects you. Feyd is ruthlessly possessive and obsessed with you. --- Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader ⚠️⚠️ Rough, possessive, soul-snatching, soul-sucking, sex. Also, Feyd is a powerbottom.
-- Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader A scene of Feyd showcasing his possessive and overly jealous love for you.
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader You're a fremen and Feyd eagerly wants to catch you; for his own personal desires, as he has been obsessed with you.
Cooper Adams Cooper Adams x Male reader Seems like the serial killer the butcher is a big fan of you, a famous horror and thriller writer, who just so happens to be at the concert he was attending...He can't take his eyes off of you. Armand
Armand x Male reader Part 1 Louis and Armand talk to Daniel about you. Armands, strange feelings and possessiveness of you is revealed. The obsession that Armand reveals for you is unsettling, Daniel can't help but wonder, what happened to you.
Armand x Male reader Part 2 Louis and Armand talk to Daniel about you. Armands, strange feelings and possessiveness of you is revealed. The obsession that Armand reveals for you is unsettling, Daniel can't help but wonder, what happened to you.
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britany1997 · 1 year
May I...request T4T David x male reader?
Okey my crossed out T4T joke aside, can I request a trans male reader x David?
Just something soft, I just want soft swooning David calling reader a handsome boy and good boy, I just mmmmm it would be soooooooooooooo good, like little dysphoria blues, helped with David calling reader a handsome fella ahhhhhhhhh that's all!!!!!
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His Favorite Boy
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Of course I can write this for you friend!!! Hope you love it🥰🥰🥰
David x Trans Masc Reader
Pre-read by my super cool guy friend @cryptic-michael :) happy pride month to all of my adopted brothers I adore you all💕
Warnings: transphobic parent, dysphoria, angst to fluff
You stomped into your room, slamming the door shut and locking it as you crumpled onto your bed, your head in your hands.
You groaned, standing up to stare into your mirror. You ran your hand through your newly cut hair, before crossing your arms over your chest.
You knew in your heart that your mom loved you, that she surely meant well. But she never listened.
You heart clenched in your chest as you thought back to a few hours ago when you’d been grocery shopping together. It’d been a rare moment of peace for you, when she wasn’t trying to explain away who you were.
But it all came crashing down when you ran into one of her co-workers.
God you wished you could go back in time and tell yourself to run off, make up a flimsy excuse so you could have avoided what happened next.
Your mom had chatted with her co-worker a bit, before introducing you as her daughter.
But you weren’t. You weren’t her daughter. You weren’t a girl. You’d never been a girl. You were her son.
You stayed silent until you climbed into the car with her. You explained for the millionth time how her words made you feel, how it cut deeper than any knife that she couldn’t see you for who you were.
She rolled her eyes, insisting that you were making a big deal out of nothing.
But it wasn’t nothing. It was everything. You knew she’d be upset if you started calling her your dad. You were a boy and she knew that. Her ignorance, her refusal to understand, it tore you up inside.
While you fell deeper into your own thoughts, you heard a tapping at your window.
Your frown turned up into a smile as you shook your head, prying open the window for your boyfriend.
“I’ve got a front door you know,” you reminded him.
“Yeah well I’ve got a mirror,” David shot back.
Your brow furrowed in confusion.
“Oh sorry,” he smirked, “I thought we were naming things we’d never use.”
You smiled at his joke but he could tell it was strained.
“What’s wrong babe?” he asked, “usually you can’t resist my wit and devilish charms.”
You snorted at his attempt to cheer you up, but you still weren’t feeling like yourself. You faked a smile as your arms wrapped around your chest, hugging yourself.
David came to your side, concern spread all over his face. “Hey, sweet boy, what’s wrong?” he whispered as his hands slid over yours, holding you against him.
Your heart leapt in your chest at his words. You breathed a sigh before turning your head towards him till the two of you were practically nose to nose.
“I don’t really…” you paused, “I don’t want to talk about it, can you just…look?”
David knew what you meant. He nodded as he combed through your memories, searching for the cause of your pained mood.
When he came across the scene from earlier, David cringed. He moved the two of you back to your bed until you were sitting in his lap. His hand moved up and down on your back, attempting to comfort you.
After awhile David finally broke the silence, “your mom’s a dick.”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
“You heard me. Your mom’s a dick. And blind too.”
David placed a finger under your chin and tilted your face up so he could look into your eyes.
“You. Are. A. Boy.” he told you, punctuating each word.
“And a handsome one at that,” he smiled as a red flush found its way onto your cheeks.
“You’re my boyfriend, my perfect, good, boy.” he reassured you.
“I love you for who you are, for who you’ve always been,” he caressed your cheek, “I’m happy to remind your mother that she has a son. A smart, kind, and dangerously attractive son, who she should be proud of.”
You couldn’t stop tears from rolling down your cheeks as he praised you for who you were.
David kissed your forehead softly, brushing hair away from your face. “Look so good with this new haircut too.”
You beamed, “you noticed?”
David scoffed dramatically, “of course I did! I’m completely obsessed with you handsome,” he smirked, “if you didn’t know.”
You blushed once more, “thank you.”
David sighed, taking your hand in his and rubbing the pad of his thumb across the back of it. “You’ll never need to thank me for that.”
He kissed your cheek, “now let’s go have a quick conversation with your mom,” you watched as his eyes flashed yellow.
You rolled your eyes affectionately, confident he’d always have your back, “no dropping fang, I mean it.”
David draped a hand across his forehead melodramatically as he sighed, “fine, but only for you my sweet boy.”
He took your hand in his as you descended the stairs together.
Taglist❤️ (comment to be added):
@crustyraccoon @pixielostboy @gothamslostboy @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @consuming-karma @lostboys1987girl @flower-crowned-lady @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @solobagginses @its-freaking-bats @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @warrior-616 @vampirefilmlover @dwaynedelight @hallotonia @arbesa-mind @peachpixiesstuff @bitchyexpertprincess @softchonk @mickkmaiden333 @arenpath @memphiscity69 @dwaynesluscioushair
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n30nwrites · 1 year
Bring Me To Life (Excerpt from Chapter One)
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"You are Nikolai Galdin, a servant of the House of Rostov which is the current reigning house. I am Princess Anastasia Rostov, and we are currently residing at the Santa Carla Hotel and Casino. I am visiting before becoming queen, you have been working for my family since you were young, and you have a sister, Tatyana Galdin who is a young girl who I took under my wing because you asked." She spoke softly, kindly. "Has the sickness hit you, my love?"
"My love?" Nikolai? That wasn't your name, you were Y/N, just Y/N.
"We have been in a secret relationship for years, since you turned 13 and I, 14. You are now 19 and I am now 20. We cannot marry because of status-"
"Did you say Santa Carla?" Like the movies? Like The Lost Boys? Santa Carla wasn't a real place, so why was this all happening? Then you had remembered when you did a deep dive one night.
This was oddly reminding you of a certain prequel that was never made, and suddenly you had to question if you were dead.
But Anastasia leaned in and kissed you, lightly biting your bottom lip and tugging gently and that slight pain reminded you that somehow, this was all real.
"What year is it?"
Oh shit.
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owen-writes · 9 months
10th Doctor x Male Reader
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"Well, Doc? What's the diagnosis?" you quip, wincing as the Doctor carefully examines the gash on your arm.
"Stupidity. It's chronic and terminal," he replies with a smirk, fetching the TARDIS's medkit. "Running away from aliens without looking where you're going? That's textbook."
You chuckle, "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides, it's not every day you get to sprint through time and space."
"True enough," he concedes, his eyes dancing with amusement as he starts cleaning the wound. "But you have to admit, there are safer ways to get your heart racing."
You shoot him a teasing look, "Are you suggesting I find a hobby less adventurous than time-traveling with you, Doctor?"
He grins, his hands skillfully wrapping a bandage around your arm. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. Life's more fun with a bit of danger. Keeps the adrenaline flowing."
"Right, because nothing says 'fun' like narrowly escaping extraterrestrial threats," you remark, watching his focused expression as he tends to your injury.
"Ah, but it's the thrill of the unknown, the excitement of the unexpected that makes it all worthwhile," he replies, his fingers grazing your skin gently.
You raise an eyebrow, "Are you trying to distract me from the fact that you're essentially calling me reckless?"
The Doctor looks up, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Maybe I am. But, you know, there's something undeniably attractive about someone who dives headfirst into the unknown."
You can't help but blush at his compliment, "Flattery won't make the pain go away, Doctor."
"Oh, but it might make you forget about it for a moment," he suggests, leaning in a bit closer. "And I must say, you do look rather dashing with a battle wound."
You playfully roll your eyes, "Is that your way of saying I look handsome even when injured?"
He grins, unabashedly flirting, "Well, I wouldn't want you to think I only find you charming when you're at your best. Besides, scars tell a story, and I do love a good story."
As he finishes up with the bandage, the Doctor gently pats your shoulder. "There, good as new. Now, how about we find somewhere a bit safer for our next adventure, hm?"
You nod, a smile playing on your lips. "Sounds like a plan, Doctor. Just try to keep the danger level to a minimum, if you can."
He gives you a mock-innocent look, "Me? Keep things safe? Where's the fun in that?"
And with a playful exchange of banter, you and the Doctor prepare for the next thrilling escapade through time and space.
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p4r4syte · 1 month
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paul complains about not having a big enough letter on his necklace, throws a tantrum until you put it on “why isnt mine bigger than davids??” *cue laughter*
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 month
Hello, hope you are having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request a BAU Team/maybe a little Spencer x Male x assassin
Who now works for the BAU, they are really good at stealth and undercover as if it's breathing air, they want a semblance of normalcy using the skills they were taught for good, but they can't hide, they can't run forever their past will haunt them come for them when they least expect it. (Note: reader has scars/ reader has a crush on Spencer but is afraid of how he would react if Spencer knew the real them) Prompt: to hell and back
This request is over a year old surely, im so sorry!
This a rare one folks, it's over 1k words lol. I hope you like it! I really enjoyed writing it!
Warnings: blood, injuries, scars, stabbing, reader stabs someone, use of the word paranoid/paranoia, a few curse words, reader doesn't even get their dinner :(
They only ever saw you with long sleeves. They knew a rough outline of your previous life, no details. You signed a contract to keep the details of your previous life quiet. Only Strauss knew. You had worked as an assassin for the government for five long years, training rigorously before that for two. When leaving that life, you were given a new identity, (Y/N) (L/N). 
It had taken it’s toll, sometimes your knees creaked, your wrist seized up, sometimes old wounds hurt. But ultimately, when needed, you moved silently. You knew that you wouldn’t be able to hide forever, that eventually your past would catch up to you. And so, you were hesitant to try to get close with your team. You liked them (perhaps liked one member a little too much), and you knew they liked you. But you knew first hand that traitors could come from within.
You weren’t sure when, exactly, you developed a ‘crush’ (which was a word you refused to admit outloud) on Spencer. But soon enough the sight of him was enough for butterflies to swarm your stomach and your breath to hitch. You had never regretted your previous decision to take your original line of work, until those butterflies appeared. You knew it would never happen. That you and him could never be a thing. Because he was pure, and you were… tainted. You had done unimaginable things that would make any sane person run in the opposite direction. 
Not only would he run for hills if he found out what you had done, but then there were the scars. You had been injured more than once during your line of duty. They weren’t exactly something you were fond of. So, you wore long sleeves, trousers. Never short sleeves, never shorts. Not even outside of work when you were out and about. The only time you ever did was when you were at home.
It is possible to say that, over the years at the BAU, the paranoia lessened. You were no longer convinced that every unfamiliar agent was someone from your past looking for revenge. That was your biggest mistake. 
You had seen a new face around the bullpen, you had been with the BAU three years now, without incident. And you knew that new recruits had been hired recently. So, you thought nothing of it.
A few weeks went by without incident, just proving that everything was fine. You were just being paranoid. 
Until one night, you realised it wasn’t paranoia. You were walking back from the chinese takeout around the corner from your apartment when you were pulled back and down an alleyway. He managed to stab you before you got hold of the knife, twisting his grip and stabbing him. You glared at him, twisting the knife before removing it. You repeated the motion once more before throwing the knife into the dumpster just to your right and shoving the ‘agent’ to the ground. 
Food forgotten, you took a breath. You couldn’t go back to your apartment, it was clear they knew where you lived, they had been following you for some time. You ground your teeth, increasing the pressure you placed on your stab wound. Spencer. He lived close by. And with the thought, you set off. 
It took you about ten minutes of staggering in the rain and scared looks for strangers before you reached his block. You stumbled up the stairs, pausing when you reached Spencer’s door and knocked loudly. 
Please be in, please be in. 
The door swung open.
“What the fuck?” Spencer asked, staring at you wide eyed.
You clutched your hand against your stomach tighter, “I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” And with that, collapsed. 
You came to a few minutes later, now sprawled out on Spencer’s couch. “You need to go to the hospital.” Spencer said, pressing a handful of gauze against your wound. 
You shake your head, forcing yourself to sit up against your elbows. “No.” You choked out, wincing again. 
“(Y/N), you’ve been stabbed-”
“I’m fine.” You muttered, “No hospitals.” 
He watched you for a few seconds. “I’m calling Hotch.” He said, dialling before you could argue. 
You groaned, forcing yourself to sit up properly. “Spence-” You’re not quite sure when you started calling him Spence. It just came naturally after a while.
The entirety of the team was there within ten minutes. When Spencer opened the door, they immediately sensed something was wrong. 
“(Y/N)’s been stabbed.” He rushes the words out and immediately heads back to the couch. Only to find you forcing yourself upright.
You needed to leave. They were going to find out, everything was going to be revealed. Not only would that break the contract you signed for Strauss, but it would put them in danger. It would put Spencer in danger. 
“You need to lay back down.” Hotch said as Spencer helped (forced) you back down.
“I’m fine.” You grumbled. 
“We need to cut the shirt away, we need to make sure there’s no other injuries and it’s soaked through.” Rossi chimed, handing a pair of scissors to Spencer. 
“No, Spencer-”
Morgan gently pushed you back down. “Will you just let us help you?” 
You sighed, feeling the cold air bite at your skin as your shirt was cut away. The team collectively gasped at your scars, the red of your blood only emphasising the white of the scars that covered your body. 
You distantly heard Prentiss on the phone with 911. This wasn’t exactly going to plan. You turned to look at Hotch, “You need to tell Strauss.” You said firmly. “Strauss needs to know- ow.” You gave a soft hiss as Morgan took over holding the gauze to the wound.
“I need- I need a second.” Spencer mumbled, standing up and making his way to the bathroom. Presumably to wash his hands. At least, that’s what you would do. Ah shit, there was going to be blood everywhere.
“Did I get blood on the couch?” You asked, craning your neck and attempting to twist your body to check.
“Can you just sit still?” Morgan huffed. 
JJ watches Spencer leave with a concerned gaze before following him into the bathroom. “Spence, you need to breathe. He’s going to be okay.” JJ said softly, giving him a small smile. Spencer nodded, taking a deep breath. 
“You’re right.” Spencer said, raking a hand over his face. “At the very least he’s stubborn.”
“Exactly.” She said, “He’s going to be okay.”
“He’s covered in scars, JJ.” Spencer whispered quietly. “What happened to him?”
“I don’t know.” She said, “Let’s worry about that later, okay? Let’s focus on helping him now. Everything else can wait.”
“I like him.”
“I know Spence.”
“I really like him.”
"I know you do." JJ smiled, squeezing his arm slightly. "Come on, let's go check on him - make sure Morgan's not trying to kill him."
Spencer gave a quiet laugh, following JJ back to the lounge.
"Will you just sit still?" Morgan huffed.
"You're so bossy." You muttered under your breath, blinking slowly.
"You're literally bleeding, shut up and accept the help." Morgan resorted. You huffed in response, but stopped trying to get up, once again.
"Paramedics are one minute out." Prentiss updated after thanking the dispatcher.
You blinked, the adrenaline slowly wearing off, accompanied by the familiar blood-loss tiredness. You shifted your eyes, focusing on Spencer as the world around you blurred before going dark.
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luboy7rt · 2 months
How I think Call Of Duty Ghosts Show They Care/Love You (GN - Headcanons)
Note: (There are many different ways that people express love, these are just some ways I believe these characters would express the fact they would care for you)(Includes: Elias Walker, David ‘Hesh’ Walker, Logan Walker, Keegan P. Russ, Thomas A. Merrick, Kick and Riley) (Feel free to drop your own ideas in the comments/reblogs, Let me know if you think this fits them) (These are platonic but can be viewed as romantic?)
Elias Walker: 
- Elias loves in a quiet way, he likes placing his hand on people he deeply cares for, your shoulder, forearm, head, back, etc.
- Making eye contact is alot for him, as he does the same with his sons when he needs to just check on you or them, or even his teammates. Just a glance or long eye contact to ensure everyone is alright is a habit he has. Even if it's a quick glance, he just likes checking over to ensure you are alright.
- He gives shoulder pats, head pats or back pats when moving past you or whenever he just finished talking to you and moves to end the conversation. Like a sorta ‘alright, you're done’.
- If he thinks you need to hear words of encouragement or praise, he will offer it. He's very amazing with words, and knows exactly what to say. He tries his best to communicate even if he thinks he's doing a shitty job at it, it usually comes across good.
- Likes doing small acts, taking you out for snacks randomly, taking you out for walks or for car rides. He tries very hard to attempt to make time for you despite being pretty busy.
- He doesn't mind touch, he's alright with hugs (if you don't know each other well, It will be as awkward and stiff as Logan's hugs) but if you do know each other well it will be comfortable and relaxing. He's willing to hug you as long as you want.
David 'Hesh' Walker: 
- He's very physical, head pats, shoulder pats, back pats anything, especially while walking past or over to you.
- He does small acts quite often, you need to do something you don't really want to do, he got it. You look exhausted? He lets you sleep in and does whatever tasks he deems will make you happy when you wake up.
- He likes to take you along on random tasks, like taking Riley for a walk, or just sitting outside with you while playing fetch with Riley. He likes sitting and just talking with you for a while.
- He's very understanding, if you just need to talk, he's there. Listening to every word, he understands you, even if you don't speak a word. He just had an understanding of most people he's close to.
- He's very good at communicating, able to tell you how he feels, (maybe he would chat it over with Elias or Logan, just to get his thoughts straight and be able to fully think over what he wants to say). You would be able to chat just about anything with him, he does indeed love being relied on, as he has been relied on all his life and he isn't sure how to feel when people don't rely on him.
Logan Walker: 
- Logan likes bringing gifts or small trinkets to people he cares for. Random stuff he picks up while on his missions to just spotting something in a shop and if he thought you would like it? He'd buy it.
- He just likes people watching as well, like people assume he's just zoned out but no, he's just people watching those he cares for. It's a bit intimidating with the way he stares  (accidentally glares) at you while making sure no one was messing with you.
- He likes making sure you can protect yourself if needed, either making you spar him (if you could) or just punch into his hands to show you how to effectively knock someone out. You knock out one of the guys accidentally? He just gives a thumbs up with a smile.
- I doubt he's a fan of public PDA, but if you two are together and someone else is talking, he might rest his forearm or elbow on your shoulder or head.
- He just brings you the most random shit sometimes, could be one of Hesh's pencils (this habit annoys Hesh like crazy, as he just always finds the supplies he needs gone.) And you always somehow have it as Logan just keeps taking from Hesh, and keeps giving it to you. This is an endless cycle of ‘who's even is that’ between you three, as somehow just all your stuff gets mixed up, no one knows who's is whos anymore. (Even Riley sometimes just messes up Hesh’s stuff and lays it by your or Logan’s beds, Logan always gets blamed though, neither the dog or Logan can defend themselves) 
Keegan P. Russ: 
- Keegan Is a bit rough with how he shows he cares for others, he speaks up for you despite usually being quite quiet. He'll make snide comments at anyone to try and make you laugh.
- Keegan calls you idiot or stupid affectionately as he finds it amusing if you are ‘offended’ or not. He doesn't actually mean it unless you do indeed do something stupid in front of him.
-If he notices you are cold, he'll toss his jacket over you, (your lap/shoulders) but that's the best you're getting from him.
- He's not into public PDA, might shove you off if you get too touchy but in private he's more willing to get close and personal, his chin would rest on your shoulder or head willingly Rest his eyes for a moment to just allow his body to relax and unstiffen from his usual on guard body.
- He's willing to put in work, you need something fixed? Keegan knows how to fix it (if not he'll learn).
- He's not really phased by much, it's hard to tell if he likes or dislikes something, but usually if you both are close he'll put up with it most of the time, Keegan silently does this to show he does care.
- He likes quality time, it would usually just be sitting in the same room, both of you doing your own things or just sitting or standing next to each other without talking.
Thomas A. Merrick: 
- Merrick is a bit of a mixed bag with how he shows he cares for you, reassurance is a big thing for him even if his words comes off a bit blunt if he tries to tell you.
- If it's physical touch? He's a bit more relaxed with it, if you are upset and want no one to see, he would wrap his arm around your shoulder firmly, and pull you into his side to allow you ‘hide’ against him, to ensure no prying eyes could see you as he would rub your back.
- Merrick is indeed a bit ‘clingy’, unconsciously liking to stay close to you but no one really voices it as he does it with anyone he is close to, his arm thrown over you shoulders or back, or his hand on your shoulder forearm. It basically could be just casual touch just about anywhere.
- He does like quiet moment as well, humming under his breath while you relax in the room he is a bit softer when no one else is about. He keeps things within work-mode and casually himself. He hums quite a bit when he is able to, usually you are the only one to hear him hum or sing a song under his breath when making breakfast in the mornings. He's far more relaxed out of work, not as aggressive so he's a sweetheart whenever around you.
- He does/says the most poetic stuff by accident, like sometimes he just says stuff that is very unique, compliments are usually like that. Compliments are a big thing for him, he enjoys making you happy, that's all that matters to him, if you're smiling, he's smiling.
- He likes spending quality time with you, talking about your interests, and his interests, telling jokes, or being snarky.
- Kick likes chatting about technology, codes, and anything he has a vast amount of knowledge in. If you also know about it? Even better. If you don't? Don't worry; you'll learn within a few hours just by him talking/rambling on.
- He likes telling you random absurd facts, like you see an animal and he just tells you the worst, idiotic thing about that animal. Oh, you see a specific car? You now know why it came to be, and any absurd fact from the people/person who invented it.
- He just loves teasing or messing with you, the most absurd ‘pranks’, moving your stuff around your room while you're away by one inch type stuff or putting a whoopee cushion under your mattress just to annoy you for a split moment. He finds this type of stuff hilarious even if he isn't around to see your reaction, just thinking about it makes him cackle.
Riley: (Yes, the dog) 
- If You are a part of Task Force Stalker/Team Ghosts, he protects you when you are near him, Logan or Hesh, ensuring to keep his favorite people near him, or in his sights. If a Federation soldier attempts to attack you from behind? Don't worry, your trusted dog will tackle the guy and ensure you are safe.
- Even if you aren't, he's willing to be a cuddle buddy and protect you and the house if Hesh tells him to.
- Fetch, Riley enjoys bringing you a ball randomly, getting you to throw it or put it in a throw machine for him. He can play for hours, but usually only plays around with people he genuinely likes. If he doesn't like someone he just sits there and stares at them like they are stupid until Hesh calls him. - Riley lays on his back in front of you, expecting pets, even if you are allergic you are not getting away from giving him attention. If You try and avoid him, the dog gives you the biggest side eye…
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