#Day 3 Chant
shivunin · 2 years
The Fire at the Center
(Salshira Lavellan/Cullen | 556 Words | No warnings)
“—Creator, judge me whole,” Cullen murmured, kneeling before the candle on his trunk, “Find me well within—”
He could hear Salshira shifting on the bed behind him. His focus broke at once, turned to the soft sound of her rolling over in the sheets. 
“Go on,” she murmured, and her hand trailed through his hair, “Don’t let me stop you.”
Cullen huffed in irritation. It wasn’t that she was stopping him, necessarily, or even that she was distracting him on purpose. Lavellan was steadfastly quiet when he prayed every night, always respectful of this time. Yet somehow, every single time she was in his bed while he got on his knees, Cullen could think of nothing but climbing back under the blankets with her. 
“Find me well within your grace,” she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek and shifting away again. 
He shouldn’t have needed the prompt. 
Cullen shook himself inwardly and began the verse of the Chant again. 
“My Creator, judge me whole. Find me well within your grace. Touch me with…fire that I…”
More fabric sounds. She couldn’t be undressing; last he’d checked, she hadn’t been wearing anything to take off. So what was she doing? 
Salshira padded past,  clothed only in his tunic, draped low over one shoulder. She went to the pitcher on the table, poured herself a cup of water, and turned again, sipping. 
She didn’t need to say it. She need only arch one brow before Cullen was sighing again. 
“Touch me with fire that I be cleansed…”
Maker, this felt like his boyhood, reciting verses in the Chantry when he got himself in trouble. Though—he couldn’t say he’d ever seen the Chantry Mothers in quite the light that he was seeing his current companion.
“Tell me—”
Lavellan edged the hem of the tunic higher, examining a fresh scar on her thigh with a frown. She prodded it with one finger, and the new skin went white, then red again, both colors stark against the soft brown of her skin. 
Cullen cleared his throat. 
“Tell me I have sung to…”
From the corner of his eye, he could see her tugging the hem back down again before climbing onto the bed. Unfortunately, this caused the sleeve to slip the rest of the way from her shoulder, revealing the upper curve of her—
No. Focus. He could focus. Cullen squeezed his eyes shut. 
“Tell me I have sung to your approval.”
There; only one more verse and then he could…
The soft noise of the bed creaking as she shifted again. 
No; he could do this. He could…
The quiet intake of breath, the soft exhalation that followed.
Cullen stood all at once, pivoting and climbing onto the bed. 
“You weren’t finished,” she said, a smile curving the corner of her mouth, the candlelight glittering in her eyes, “‘For you are…’”
“For you are the fire at the center of the world,” he finished in a rush, his mouth skimming her cheekbone, “and comfort is only yours to give.” 
His palms cupped her cheeks on either side, his lips pressed to hers. This—he may feel shame over his lack of determination in the morning. But now, he could not bring himself to regret the chance to touch her—even though it had disrupted his plans. 
She was well worth the change.
(Day 3 for @14daysdalovers "Chant." I couldn't not do Cullen for this one. It was basically tailor-made for him c: )
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shanaraharlyah · 2 years
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I'm having a hard time focusing on writing right now, but I wanted to share the piece I had been working on for this years 14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers prompts before the month is out.
After a long day on the road again, Sarovanya settles down with Leliana and asks her to share more of what she knows about the Maker and the Chant of Light. Leliana happily obliges, singing a version of the chant she'd learned as a lay sister.
Setup and rendered in DAZ Studio 4.21. Postwork in Photoshop Elements 8.0.
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natsora · 2 years
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Trev followed Cassandra inside, doing her best to keep quiet. Judging by the half collapsed roof, exposed beams, jungle of vines and moss growing over the statue of Andraste, it’s been a long time since anyone visited this Chantry. Despite that, there held a sense of peace inside. 
Trev surpassed a shiver as her breath condensed against the cold air. Somehow, Cassandra could stand to knee down and place her bare hands on the stone pew. Head bowed, eyes closed, the Seeker sought to commune with the Maker. 
Trev was born an Andrastian, but she didn’t hold to the faith. She enjoyed the festivals and rituals, but believing in the Maker? That she wasn’t too sure about. Especially considering now she’s apparently the Herald. That made everything even more unbelievable. If the Maker existed, why would he pick her, of all people?
Cassandra’s breathing shifted, and she straightened. “Did you pray?” 
“No.” Trev looked at Andraste. “I don’t think I believe. I want to, but… I don’t know how.” 
Cassandra walked over and clasped Trev’s shoulder. “Faith doesn’t work like that. It’s not something you force into being. It’s something that comes from within. If you’d allow I would like to recite a particular verse. You do not have to believe. But I hope it can bring you comfort and strength.”
“I don’t mind. I won’t turn away anything or anyone that may help against—” Trev gestured at the rift visible through the broken roof. “—that.”
Cassandra chuckled. “I understand.” She bowed her head and started reciting. 
Blessed are they who stand before The corrupt and the wicked and do not falter. Blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just.
Trev listened. She didn’t know if she would ever believe. However, she took comfort in how Cassandra prayed for her. People were who Trev put her faith in. Especially Cassandra. 
Other prompts: Hart | Frilly Cakes
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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I want you whipped into shape!
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agendratum · 10 months
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mixtape: oh leave skzflix 🎥
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vahloksekelle · 5 months
about to leave my vacation home in solstheim oh what a cool looking black rock oh is this someones temple nice wait why am i picking up a hammer
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sanitizarium · 2 years
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i’m not sorry there’s nothing to say
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constantly sitting here with The Guilt like ‘i know i’ve massively fucked up somehow but i just haven’t realised it yet’ it’s truly like sitting on train tracks with no train in sight… you know it’s coming though
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pushing500 · 6 months
What are your thoughts on the new DLC? We're early into the reveals but I'm excited to make a large and lovely library that gets demolished by some horrors beyond the stars.
I am so, so, SO excited for it!! I haven’t been able to sit still all day! Although, I am admittedly a little bit miffed that they announced the ~cOsMiC hOrRoR~ DLC after I’d already started my Eldritch Cult playthrough, lmao. Very rude /j
I do look forwards to having unspeakable horrors beyond comprehension to deal with when I play as a Solo Mechanitor who’s too curious for their own good in my next run, though! The underwater mechanoids should fit into that run nicely, too.
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sbnkalny · 4 months
Please hug my butt! *Everyone else begins low chanting* butt hug
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ever since I instituted my read-a-Wynne-Jones-cover-to-cover tradition, Labor Day is becoming one of my favorite holidays
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God, okay. I have no idea if this hyper-specific genre of story/trope exists but I need more of it so I'm sending out a general message here:
Does anyone know if there are any stories/fanfics/comics/anything that has a format of the Centipeetle Drawing Scene from Steven Universe?
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The idea of two beings communicating, however they can, despite the vast gulf in languages? That you might never even be able to cross that gap because of the differences in your vocal chords? It hits so hard for me and scratches an extremely specific itch in my brain
The closest examples that I can use are the book "Project Hail Mary" and the game "Chants of Sennar." But Chants of Sennaar puts the translation as a type of puzzle, and half of Project Hail Mary are the flashback scenes back on earth. Both are good examples (especially Hail Mary), but I want the communication itself between two characters to be the central aspect of that story
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You know what *does* scratch that itch for me?
The fucking Vending Machine Isekai
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The main character only has like, four voice lines it can say as a vending machine. But through trial and error, he is able to communicate with those around him, even detailing strategies in battle, like *using fucking mentos and pepsi to defeat a fire monster.*
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And I cannot emphasize enough that I don't really like this show -- I stopped around episode six. But that process of deduction and communication is something hyper-specific that is something I absolutely love!
Like, okay. Let's take Splatoon for example: a human gets isekai'd into the Splatoon world, but there is no auto-translator that either side can use to communicate.
How do the Inkfish deduce that the human understands them, is aware of their culture? Hum the melody of the Calamari Inkantation.
How can you communicate different ideas that are too vague for charades? Through drawing, like the Steven Universe episode.
Use instruments and music chords to begin the basics of translating alphabets, stop motion with figurines to give a play-by-play of events, games to build camaraderie. I just, I *need* more stories like this, where communication is the entire point, I love it so so much!
So, if there's anything like what I'm describing here, even in fanfic, please share with me. I need to experience more of these stories and more need to exist
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
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bitternace · 2 years
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it's Luxord day. here, have him<3
[ID: a digital drawing featuring kingdom hearts' character, Luxord. the background is transparent with five washed-out salmon lines of different thicknesses. he’s shown from the thigh up, looking behind himself. he has a placid smile as he leans slightly back in a wide stance. one arm is raised across his chest, where he holds a single card of Fair Game between his index and middle finger. his other hand is parallel to his body, where he has three more cards of Fair Game in a relaxed grip. his organization 13 coat flares a little behind him. /End ID]
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
Prayer to Nehalennia
Stuurvrouw, Oogstmoeder, Vrouwe van de Zee. Ik drijf if uw golven, Draag mij met u mee
Steerswoman, Harvestmom, Lady of the Sea, I float in your waves, Lady, carry me
(to the tune of Horned One, Lover, Son)
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rosykims · 10 months
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unintentionally the funniest foreshadowing in the game. elspeth once again getting "i told you so" rights forever
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