#Dean Smith/Endverse Cas
biboomerangboi · 2 years
Back when I was big in the supernatural fandom I remember I really really loved reading the like 200 Dean Smith/Endverse Cas AUs that existed and now I’m looking at Steddie and connecting so many dots.
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hornystiel · 2 years
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endverse!cas x dean smith
or that one time cas dressed up nice (and even styled his hair!) for a corporate thing and then the hornyness happened
don't ask me about the blasphemy here my besties demanded it and i am here to please
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
to all the endverse!castiel/dean smith writers, I hope both sides of your pillow are always cold
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strawlessandbraless · 7 months
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Reblog for a larger sampling size, a bitch be curious 💚 💙
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pollsnatural · 2 months
Spin the wheel and get spn polycule.
All options from the wheel are under the cut.
Cas/Dean/Dean Smith/Endverse!Dean/Huntercorp!Dean
Buckleming/Pellegrino/Robert Singer
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horrorshow · 2 months
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god bless rhonda hurley. for @spnficrecfest
JUST SO YOU KNOW, I WAS THINKING OF YOU by ficlicks rhonda/dean + sam/dean, 7.7k, nc-17 “If we’re friends then what’s my favorite color?” Dean lifts his head and looks around the bedroom. It’s a tiny room, smaller than the one he shares with Sam. There’s an old white four-poster bed pushed up against the wall with chipping paint and tiny butterfly stickers stuck to the headboard. Her dresser is covered with books, bottles of nail polish and hair clips. On the floor is a laundry basket with freshly folded clothes. Dean scoops up the pair of panties sitting on top and slingshots them at Rhonda. “Pink,” Dean says, crawling onto the bed next to her.
OH SO GOOD, OH SO FINE by deadlybride sam/dean, 7.5k, rated E Zachariah gave them their memories back, but he didn't erase what had happened in the time they were other people. Dean Smith made a mistake, and Dean Winchester--well. He's still living with it.
WITH AUTUMN CLOSING IN by deadlybride sam/dean, 15k, rated E Seven years have passed since then. Sam thought he let it go.
NOT THE GOOD THINGS, NOR THE BAD by deadlybride sam/dean, 20k, rated E Dean wavers in a grey area between being taken and giving in.
THE SECRETS THAT WE KEEP by bexgowen endverse cas/endverse dean, 9.9k, rated E It’s 2014. The Croatoan virus has taken over the world, and Dean Winchester’s brilliant plan to kill Lucifer has failed. Dean should be working on Plan B, but all he’s been able to think about since Zachariah tossed that 2009 version of Dean into Camp Chitaqua was the secret that the younger Dean revealed. The one they’ve kept since they were nineteen years old. The one about the panties.
YOU SAY, GO FAST (I SAY, HOLD ON TIGHT) by hearthouses sam/dean, 11k, rated E This is what Dean looks like blanketed in desert night air. This is what Dean sounds like humming along to Johnny Cash on the local radio station, his thumbs tapping out the rhythm of the song on the steering wheel. This is what will be gone in a few dwindling months. (Mid-Season Three: Sam and Dean take some time away from figuring out how to save Dean from his deal, and live for the moment.)
SYMBIOSIS by deadlybride john/dean, 2.8k, rated E Dean plans a surprise for his dad.
BEDROOM HYMNS by fathersalmon cas/dean + rhonda/dean + dean/baseball team, 8.9k, rated E 5 times Dean Winchester tried to deny his panty kink and the one time he didn't.
PINK AND BLUE by jemariel cas/dean + rhonda/dean, 4.9k, rated E "Would you --” Cas swallows, his voice low and yeah, that’s definitely his ‘I’m horny’ voice, the one that gives Dean the shivers. “Would you like to show me your favorites?”
HUNTER, KNOW THYSELF by imogenbynight rhonda/dean, 2.5k, rated M In which Dean sets up his bedroom at the bunker and remembers his night with Rhonda Hurley.
FRAGILE by dragonspell sam/dean, 3.4k, nc-17 Dean likes to pretend he's the stronger one. But Sam knows just how fragile Dean can be on the inside. Now he just wants the outside to match.
LOVE IN DISGUISE by sleepypercy sam/dean + dean/omc, 4.9k, rated E In order to catch a CEO that's been cutting out hearts, Dean reluctantly poses as a hooker. Sam never expected his brother to look so good in that skirt.
BLUNT by lesson_in_love rhonda/dean, rated R Rhonda Hurley. Dean always thought it was an awful name.
RED LACE by dragonspell sam/dean, 2.3k, nc-17 Dean never thought that Sam would go through with it. He’d thought it was just one of those things—one of the random bits of filth that dropped out of Sam’s mouth whenever he was in the mood.
OH SO FINE by valiant sam wesson/dean smith, 2.4k, nc-17 Sam Wesson really wants into Dean Smith's pants. When he finally manages to get him to say yes, he's shocked to find out that he wears women's underwear under those pressed suits.
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angelsdean · 1 month
when ppl are like booo zachariah i'm like, he gave you dean smith and endverse cas. he is the originator of TWO DEANS TIME TRAVEL SCENARIOS. respect the man, his fics rule
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subtextnatural · 2 years
Please reblog so others can get one too, there is enough here for everbody 😊
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hornystiel · 2 years
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i'm back with my endverse cas dean smith madness
(he likes the present)
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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Other Worlds Than These  |  Teen  |  21k
Author: allthismusic
Artist: lotrspnfangirl
In the Empty, you relive your regrets. But the worlds that it has dropped Castiel into aren’t familiar to him. Over and over, it sends him into universes he doesn’t recognize, although he expects that they exist — or existed — in some form or another.
Dean is always there, but it’s not his Dean, and maybe that’s the Empty’s point. What it offers him, if he’ll just be quiet, if he’ll just behave… it’s nice, it’s what he never thought he could have in reality, but it’s not real. It’s not Dean.
But when he finds himself in a world that looks like the Empty itself — a dark, eternal void — Castiel is confused. This isn’t some corner the Empty can try to tuck him away in, so long as he’s willing to accept a life he knows isn’t quite real. This feels different, more genuine.
And the version of Dean that comes to rescue him… he feels real, too.
Link to fic | Link to art 
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Cas/Dean Smith, Cas/Endverse!Dean) 
Warnings: N/A
Tags: Canon alternate universes; fix-it, angst with a happy ending 
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domesticadventures · 11 months
my body, given for you. deancas, endverse, 37k. (ao3)
          Any decent realtor, walking you through a real shithole, chirps on about good bones: This place could be beautiful, right? You could make this place beautiful.
- “Good Bones,” Maggie Smith
There are moments throughout your life that define you. Not just the things that happen to you—those are the easy ones, the house on fire, the dead mother, the vengeful father. It’s not that those things don’t factor in; it’s just that they don’t tell the whole story. Dean knows, better than most, that it matters who you’re willing to point a gun at. What you’re willing to turn your back on. When you’re willing to pick up the knife.
Actually, that last one hadn’t been one of those moments, not in the way he’d thought it was going to be. That had come later. It happens like that, sometimes—you only see them in retrospect.
Not this one, though. He’s not sure why, but this one, he sees it for what it is.
By the time he wakes, the sweat has cooled on their skin, and that too-deep quiet has fallen over the camp, the one that should be filled with the calls of nighttime creatures but instead is unnaturally still and silent in that way that tells them the world is dying. Cas is lying on the other side of Dean’s bed, twitching and gagging as he chokes.
The first time someone nearly dies in your bed, it feels like an awful fucking accident. The second time, it feels like maybe they’re doing it on purpose.
So for a long moment, he considers doing nothing. Just letting this play out, letting it happen.
Cas’s blood is going to be on his hands either way, he knows that. If it isn’t this, it will be him taking Cas along on some hopeless mission, getting him torn apart by croats or demons or just the good old military—and wouldn’t this be easier, wouldn’t this be kinder, letting him die when he’s not even awake for it?
Sure, there’s a little less plausible deniability in this—if they were outside the fence, if they were in the middle of some fight, at least there’s the possibility that when Cas finally kicked the bucket, Dean wouldn’t be there to prevent it, he wouldn’t be there to see it. But he’s definitely not going to be able to avoid blaming himself if Cas dies in his fucking bed.
Not that it matters that much. Dean knows that regardless of how or where it happens, in his bed, in Cas's bed, bleeding out in some hot zone back alley, with Dean’s gun to his temple as the first signs of croatoan give him away—it doesn’t matter what it looks like, because Dean will have been the one who caused it.
“For fuck’s sake,” Dean says, sitting up and pulling Cas onto his side so he throws up onto the sheets instead of into his own lungs, giving him a few good smacks on the back to help clear his airway.
(continue on ao3)
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pollsnatural · 3 months
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achillestiel · 2 years
Can't be arsed with work today so I'm hiding out and writing Dean Smith/Endverse Cas. Delicious.
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sunshine-zenith · 2 years
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Suptober days 12 (late) and 21 — Crossover and Hunted
For Crossover: I have a small fondness for Endverse!Cas/Sandover!Dean — maybe it’s because the Zachariah Made AUs are so old at this point that I just like the Endverse and Smith-Wesson Verse out of nostalgia, but they really are some of the best alternate timelines/realities from the show. It’s fun to imagine how these alternate versions of these characters would play off each other — the workaholic corporate suit that constantly jumps on fad diets and the sarcastic jaded addict who still remains loyal to the people he’s fallen for.
I’m a sucker for Hurt/Comfort, so I like to image Cas helping Dean Smith see there’s more to life than work and Dean Smith giving Cas a healthy and stable environment
For Haunted: typically when I do find an Endverse!Cas/Dean Smith fic, Cas has been reworked into a normal human with a new backstory and isn’t really Endverse!Cas, just a Cas That Acts Like His Endverse Counterpart, which is great, really. That said…
Imagine, for whatever reason, Endverse!Cas is plucked out of The End, right before he can die, and dropped off into the Sandover verse (idk Gabriel, Jack, Chuck, maybe even normal timeline Dean somehow intervening to keep him alive and give him a new home). Imagine Dean Smith, some normal guy, deciding to take home a literal fallen Angel. Imagine Cas looking at Sam Wesson and thinking about both the Sam he lost and the Lucifer wearing his face. Imagine Dean Smith coming to terms with the fact that is universe is just one of many, and that even if they don’t exist in his world, somewhere out there, there are monsters. Imagine Cas and Dean pursuing a relationship, while knowing Dean isn’t Cas’s original Dean, that Cas has survived an apocalypse, and that Cas in carrying heaps of trauma, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and self-harming behaviors
It’s interesting to think about
Also I didn’t remember which shoulder The Handprint was on until halfway through drawing the main image here, so if it looks wonky, it’s because I flipped it
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russolaw · 1 year
i wish there were more endverse cas/dean Smith fics
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solarcas · 2 years
hello solar 🧡🎃 ummm so remember my art with endverse cas and dean smith? I kinda wrote a fic for it while thinking how a couple of people (you included) were so happy to see the art. so yeah 😶. just letting you know since there are a lot of content on spnblr these days.
hope you're having a nice morning 🐱
HIII SORRY I'M ONLY GETTING TO THIS NOW it truly is a crime by me personally bc HELLO !!! More of them??? Do you wanna end me?? 👀😳🤭👉🏼👈🏼💞 soo excited I'm gonna check it out I am on my way!! 🏃🏃🏃
(Also yeah sure let's umm. Let's call the emotion I was going through happy. Yeah yes right I am normal abt them. Yes)
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