#Debbie Gallagher deserves better
tequilaasquared · 5 months
God the fact that we were meant to fully take Fiona’s side during her whole ‘independent Fiona’ phase in s7 pisses me off. Asking the family that she CHOSE to become legal guardian of to put her at the bottom of their emergency contact lists, (underneath a couple with small children and a business who was unrelated to them, and their bipolar brother who had a super high pressure and high responsibility job) was completely unfair and irresponsible frankly. And doing it after she’d been called to Ian’s work as his emergency contact because he was clearly dealing with hypomania and his colleagues were concerned just felt like an extra twist of the knife. But I understood her reasoning to an extent.
But threatening to make her underage sister and her baby niece homeless because she was still pissed a traumatised 14 year old decided having a baby was the only way to become a part of a stable family environment? That was just plain cruel. Fiona didn’t have to be happy or agree with Debbie, and was well within her right to let Debbie know her disappointment and frustration, but she was still her legal guardian and she knew better! She was an adult and Debbie was a child being threatened with homelessness by the woman that raised her. Demanding Debbie get a job and getting her the application and Debbie following through and going to the interview, only for Fiona to actively sabotage it bringing Franny mid way through her interview was cruel and so unFiona like. Fiona was a grown ass 27 year old and should’ve sat Debbie down to communicate with her. I get that Debbie could be petulant and argumentative but she was a literal child! Fiona should’ve put her foot down and demand Debbie discuss with her how best to organise balancing work with childcare instead of offering zero support. She also lived with 3 brothers old enough to babysit Franny from time to time whilst Debbie worked. One of the overarching themes of Shameless was how the Gallaghers literally raised each other because their parents were awful human beings and you’re telling me Franny’s uncles couldn’t look after her for a few hours a week? It frustrates the shit out of me that the narrative successively villainised a young, impressionable girl because she made stupid decisions, influenced by grooming and the toxicity of her home life and her friends. And her following through with the decision to have a baby was further cemented by her sister’s cruel ultimatum and her only actual support at the time coming from her narcissistic, opportunistic father who used her vulnerability for his own gain.
Fiona was let down and emotionally neglected by Monica and she participated in that cycle of abuse with her pettiness towards Debbie. And I say that as someone whose favourite character for most of Shameless’ run was Fiona.
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kandyzee · 7 months
I fucking hate how NO ONE in their family helped Debbie or Ian when they were in terrible relationships.
Lip knew Ian was fucking kash and he knew it was wrong and he didn't tell anyone.
Fiona called Ian fucking Jimmy Steve's dad "just sex" like Ian wasn't 17.
They all met Debbie's adult bf Matty and did nothing to help her.
Ian and Debbie were both encouraged at one point to sleep with adults when they were children. BY THEIR PARENTS!?!??
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ravdyluvr · 7 months
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this clip perfectly represents the parallels between these two characters
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
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3x05 - shameless (us), mastermind - taylor swift, 9x12 - shameless (us), a burning hill - mitski, 5x12 - shameless (us), unknown, 11x07 - shameless (us), unknown
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nikkiruncks · 10 months
Reddit has the shittiest takes
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shameless hot takes
i kind of dig the way lip ended up as a failure. i know a lot of people hate what the show did to him, how he never lived up to his potential (the same way they do it to rory gilmore) but like. that happens. lifes just like that. sometimes people who have had everything to live with grandiosity end up ruining everything up, and lips life was HARD and it SUCKED so him failing its kind of expectable i think. and its not like lips life ended, mans not even 30 and hes not just smart hes a genius, he will end up turning the table and coming straight to the top, i believe so.
frank doesn't love his children. i know people like to think frank was somewhat nice sometimes and that he was troubled but he loved the gallaghers his own way but i dont think he really did. he didnt even knew them. he was just too selfish and a narcissist and not even once a "act of love" was genuine or didnt have a gain for him or was somewhat for his benefit or interest.
of all plots, i believe gay jesus was the worst. i tried to remeber every other plot of the show and dont get me wrong the frank and his buddy pal mickey oshea SUCKED and i love ian hes my favorite character but what the fuck was that. the idea is really nice but it took so long to convey this arc of mania of him and it just was really badly written and executed and later it doesn't have importance to the plot. no surprise cameron monaghan wanted to skip shameless after that.
gallavich is not a healthy goal relationship. i mean yeah, they do love each other and they are good to each other, and i will excuse them for all the shit they did as teenagers cause they seemed to forgive each other and grow from it and i dont think they knew best but as adults they dont fucking communicate and mick broke ians leg like common. also most of time ian just seems to regret having married mick is really frustrating. i genuinely dont understand how that happened cause gallavich was all the writes had to milk and serve for the last seasons and they still fucked it up.
debbie is a rapist. she just is. just like sheila is too, i believe, and frank, and mandy, and jody, and estefania (i dont think jimmysteve is tho). they practiced nonconsensual sex and thats rape, end of story. i know the deborah debate is kind of hot ground and everybody has a different opinion about it cause she was young and didnt have the proper sex ed. but she did it not once, but twice AFTER facing consequences and getting to educate herself about what she did and why that was wrong, and i believe she would do it again if she had the motivation like she did on those circumstances. not saying matty or derick were cool guys, fuck them, matty wanted to go out with an underage girl when he met debbie and he kept going out with her after knowing she was much younger than he first thought and derick know that having sex can lead to having a baby and he and his family should have tried to be better to franny, but still they didnt deserved to by lied and abused by deb.
the gallaghers house should be debbie and carl's to decide what to do. the house is in fionas name, that much is true, but it is clear they kept contact with fiona at the begging of season 10 as she calls debbie to know about freddie and at that hall of fame episode too, so that much wouldn't be a problem. also, as fiona left, she left debbie in charge of the house's finances, and i believe the responsibility of what to do with the house is left with debbie too. i dont think fiona would be thrilled with the wouse being sold but she moved on and if her siblings are up to moving on too i dont think she would be opposed to it. that said, she would let the house deed on debbies hand i believe. taking up the fact that debbie is a mom with a little child and no other place to live, the fact she doesnt want to sell the house is comprehensible and i dont think any other gallagher can say its not, even more so lip. they tried to make the decision voting, letting the majority determinate what to do, but i dont think thats fair since lip could very easily get a house to himself and ian and mickey too, they had the money. now, about carl, is simply cause he paid for the house, therefore he should had a say on it. season 6, when the house was going to be sold, no other Gallagher than fiona was really trying to make to money to buy it. when she couldnt, carl saved the day and gave the money, and fiona was reluctant but she had no other option than to accept it, otherwise they would lose the house. even though the house is in fionas name like she likes to make it very clear, it is carls, and if he wanted to he could have put it in someone elses name, not lip cause he's in debt cause of the credit cards he has gotten to pay college, but he could have made it ians or anyone elses. he didnt cause he respects family and he respects fiona. since the house is his, and he also didnt really had any other place like debbie, they both should make the decision together.
fiona fucking sucks. i know a lot of people hates her and a lot loves her, and theres people in here that knows shes middle ground just like basically everybody on the show, which is called SHAMELESS for a reason. and i can agree with everybody. my point here is that she did nice things and stupid things and i dont hate her or love her for them, nor do i think all is forgiven because of her trauma or that shes number one worst character of the show. i think she sucks, think that she was wrong for all the liam shit, that she is an agent of chaos, that she was a bad girlfriend for all of her boyfriends just like they were bad for her (except mike he rocks), i think she make some of them worst really; i understand her desire to grown and be someone but i think it was risky to put the gallaghers house on the line so she could open the laundry (even more so cause i dont really consider it hers but carls), i understand how at some point she wanted to grow and take care of herself and be less of an parent in her sibling's life cause if she took care of herself since she was nine i think her siblings could try and take care of each other and their own ass a little so she could start living but the way she didnt really helped ian, the way she shut down debbie and was sad when debbie shuted her down, the way she left carl to his white boy fase without as much as trying and the way she said to them put VERONICA and KEVIN first at their emergency call before her was insane and she should be dragged for it idc. she was always mean to her siblings romantic interests too and that really bugs me cause mandy put lip in college and mickey cared for ian.
lip fucking sucks. most people here think the similarity between lip and frank starts and finishes on alcoholism and appearance but i think its more than that, i think both of them are narcissistic motherfuckers. i cant think of a single time lip put effort in anything for any other reason than to satisfy himself. it is the most evident when you think about his relationships SPECIALLY tami and fred, but if you think about his desire to be a father, the way he treated fiona when she was down, the whole sierra fiasco and how he treated her sons daddy, the karen ian thing; he even said that he helps his alcoholic friends because he thinks that if they cant do it then certainly lip himself won't be able to do it. i cant hold ian to the same parameters, i only think deb fiona and carl are really there for each other but ian gets a pass cause hes just selfish to some extent. he is bipolar and shit went down when he was still a child; still, joining the army and sending no news was a dick move and when he was good and on his meds and working as an EMT i think he wasnt really there for his family, tho he cared for mandy. cant really say much cause most of the time he was out of himself or in jail.
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echosluvr · 7 months
rank the gallaghers
debbie - i have a huge bias towards her as i too grew up wanting a relationship with my father yet never getting it. her entire life she wanted to be loved and yet she was constantly abandoned/shunned. a lot of people hate her cause of the way she fought against fiona in the middle seasons, but they refuse to understand why (fi abandoned her just like monica, in debbies eyes). so yea , she's my number one gallagher,
lip & fi - i love them both equally, They both raised their siblings, not in the best way, but they did and i think they deserve their kudos for that. I love lip cause of his downfalls and his growth after that. he was supposed to be frank 2.0 and for a while he was, but he got better and he took the steps he needed to be lip gallagher not frank!!! fiona , she is soooo dear to me especially in the earlier seasons. imo she did get worse through the seasons and there were times were i could not stand her god/victim complex. but she did sacrifice a lot and deserved much much better from the men around her
ian - my literally me character. i cannot state enough how much i love him yet hate him. he is everything to me yet every time i rememeber how he and i are the same i want to scream and bite. he might have gotten his happy ending with mickey but there was so much more he deserved , especially getting therapy for being groomed since he was like 15 and getting closure with monica.
liam - he would be higher up if he had more to give but he is the inly one who never did anything wrong, he is my son and i hope he succeeds forever and ever
carl - i don't hate carl i just find him incredibly overrated and his plotlines never really stuck to me. but he was a great brother and deserves more credit for helping them rather than just being "hot"
monica - oh my god she is just the most tragic character to me, destined for downfall all because of franks obsession with her when she was manic. i think of her lost potential all the time and how if given the chance (meaning no frank) she would've tried to be a decent mom. she would've taken the steps, she would fail a lot but she would try
frank - i hate him, he can be funny, but i hope he is burning in hell forever and is like tantalus in the sense he can never drink alcohol cause evrytime he reaches for it, it disappears.
i dont think i missed anyone else but , i will say for all of them, they never reached their true potential and it hurts to think about it. like woaghhh, they made it but at what cost
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lyricailove · 10 months
So here's that Fiona and Women meta I said I'd do a while ago.
Preface this by saying: This is not Fiona hate because I don't hate Fiona. I actually have a lot of grace and empathy for Fiona. I find a lot of the hate she gets is either greatly exaggerated or outright wrong. That said, I'm all for proper critique and that's what this is.
When it comes to Fiona and how she relates to other women, there's a lot of judgment and competition going on. The only exception is V, and I suspect it's because V is one, already in a relationship so Fiona's not competing with her for other men, and two, because V has a certain kind of feminity that Fiona respects.
Fiona strikes me as the type who is a feminist in name only. She's someone who slips into respectability politics in a way that's counterproductive to actually supporting women. She wants equality for women and for women to be respected but only certain women.
This brings me to her treatment of Mandy, Svetlana, and Debbie.
From the moment when Mandy and Lip get together properly, Fiona is very judgmental and rude to Mandy. To the point where Mandy knows Fiona doesn't like her and if my readings are right, it hurts Mandy's feelings. To a certain extent, Mandy looks up to Fiona and even relates to her. They both being the girls in their family who do/have taken care of the domestic duties of the household and who seek refuge in sexual relationships. But just like I think Mandy relates a lot to Fiona, I think Fiona sees herself in Mandy. I think that's what scares her about Mandy and Lip's relationship. Fiona, as most can tell, doesn't like herself very much and because of that anything reminds her of herself she rejects. Granted, she won't kick Mandy out but she's not very warm to her either. It's like cold acceptance of her presence. I think if Fiona had taken the time to get to know Mandy, they would have gotten along a lot better. Maybe even learned from each other. Hopefully at Milkovich/Gallagher Christmases, they've had the chance to talk things out.
I feel like Fiona's feelings toward Svetlana are both clear-cut and complicated. On one hand, Svetlana was the wife of her brother's boyfriend and even if we never saw her and Ian talk about that, I'd imagine Fiona has an idea of that period. Also, how much it hurt Ian to watch Mickey get married and have a family. So, I'm including that as a reason. Not saying it's a fair assessment of Svetlana's role, because I also see Svet as a victim in that paradigm along with Ian and Mickey. There's also the jealousy of Svetlana and V bonding while Fiona is busy. V and Fiona eventually made up but by the time they had that conversation Svetlana was gone and there was no way she and Fiona could've patched that up, which I think they would have. There's the amazing scene where Svetlana actually calls Fiona out for her looking down on Svetlana. She calls out how Fiona judges her while not acknowledging that Svet works hard and is determined to make a life for herself. Svetlana has the confidence in herself that Fiona lacks. I think that breeds a level of resentment, because like a lot of people, Fiona looks down on Svetlana as a sex worker/former sex worker. Like Svetlana says, she works hard and is not deterred from her path so she will succeed. Whereas Fiona will get cold feet and self-sabotage when she's doing well for herself. It's like she thinks she doesn't deserve it. If Fiona and Svetlana had been able to be on good terms, I think Svetlana could've been a good influence on Fiona.
I know this is gonna seem like a cop-out but I blame the writers for how Fiona and Debbie's bouts would develop. The only two sisters in a house full of brothers and an alcoholic father who only loves himself. They should've been the closest. But instead, we get power struggles and anti-choice storylines. I have to bring back the fake feminist point from earlier. I think Fiona is one of those women that's pro-choice but only if it's the choice she agrees with. Was Debbie being a teen mom the best choice? No, no one would ever say that. But, by the time she learned of the pregnancy, it was too late to force Debbie into terminating, and that wasn't up to her to begin with. Fiona was working off emotion and not being solution-oriented. She shamed Debbie for getting pregnant, tried to force her to get an abortion, and got physical when she wouldn't agree to it. I don't doubt that Fiona loves her niece now, but the beginning was a nightmare. And in the end, Debbie defied all odds and showed herself to be a top-notch mother. Let's also talk about how Debbie was the only sibling to show Fiona empathy when she was having her breakdown, and how Fiona left Debbie in charge of the house when she left. All that potential to show them being close is left untouched because Shameless is a show created and steered by men and it shows.
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 7 months
SHAMELESS OPINIONS: S7 (cause Mickey's write off hurt and after s5, I watched again from s1 and forced myself to keep watching + no one around me likes Shameless so I need a place to vent)
overall: i actually loved it, had me pretty hooked all throughout
ok, i kind of like s7 Trevor, he's charming, got this lil sassy banter going off, he's cute and nice y'know. I just *HATE* that they so obviously tried to recreate some dynamics he had with Mickey straight away without letting us warmup to him, how can you deepthroat aspects built from 5 seasons into half of one??? No. Sorry. Him settling so quickly into the Gallagher house as if he's spent a decade there, idk. And the patient scene with Ian? foh man, no. 1x09 was special for a reason, and this would've played differently if Ian actually came to Mick if he was still around. They play out so much better as friends or fw/b ig but that deepthroat can't help me see a relationship between them. Not liking s8 Trevor so far, my god. Also his nonchalant attitude towards Monica threw me off. I get it, he's new and doesn't know much, Ian never mentioned her before apparently, but like "she's a lil crazy i can like her" eek, idk. Like almost downplaying his situation with her.
Caleb can suck my ass along with JW and his hate for bisexuals. My bi ass cannot approve. Cheater McCheater my ass. I can almost walk through Ian's ignorance cause for all he knew, Caleb was just gay, and I feel he said the bisexual thing out of frustration and betrayal towards his actions than actual disdain for the orientation, but yes. He was ignorant in his convo with Lip, and so was him anyway. I guess they just didn't know it is a thing. But thing is, I BET YOU ASSES that Caleb is the type of douche to STILL justify his actions even if JW didn't display his hate towards bisexuality in his writing, he just is *that* douchy. At least he motivated Ian to get his job, I'll give him that.
OH MY GOD THE THROUPLE... AND ITS SLOW BURN. it's hard cause you can understand both sides of the situation and it was just a clear issue of misunderstandings and miscommunication... I just wish they could've handled things better because I was really rooting for them. They fucking worked so well, with their little schedules and organization. I have such a fat crush on Isidora it's actually embarrassing. Anyway... I miss their dynamic. They deserved better.
Lip was a dick to Fiona about the Laundromat, but Fiona also just jumps the gut to these impulsive decisions, and I get that if she does ask for opinions, they probably won't agree with her, and it's not like I can blame lip, I mean look at the Club situation, yeah she made profit, but didn't break even, and that where his worry comes from. But at least, if she still approached him, and did it anyway against his say, he can't rub it in her face that this entails a family meeting and she can't just make those decisions without consultation. Overall, Lip was so arrogant and dickish with her, and for what... he couldn't even bring the money he so desperately wanted her to believe he could.
I love Sue. I just love EMT Ian stuff with all my life, idc what it is, I kick my feet cause he's so happy.
I fucking loved Carl and Mr. Luthers dynamic. Such an epic lil duo tbh.
I loved Frank's storyline here fsr 💀💀 it's so silly and he gets his way like always, but idk, I loved seeing his adventures at the shelter, he still remains a POS that's for sure.
I fucking LOVED seeing Debbie this season, I was a little disappointed last season cause there is so much lost potential on her pregnancy journey last time with where she was staying, but I fucking loved her here and putting her scamming skills to the test. Don't love how she ends up treating Neil in s8 cause... Well, I just feel bad for him, but also, if she really wanted to stay true to her convenience relationship, she probably should've stuck it out more so it lasted more, idk. But enough of that, I loved her setting a goal for herself at the end of the season, and I honestly commend Monica for helping her get Franny out of the house, I understand Derek's family's concern but they were so cunty in how they handled things.
Monica's death hit me like a truck... Idk why, there are so many mixed emotions here, she couldn't dare to tell the kids the real reason she was there, and all she wanted was to be there one last time. My heart goes out to her tbh.
Gallavich. Oh dear God. FERAL, FERAL EVERY TIME. it's like receiving crumbs and eating them up like a vacuum, nothing I can say that hasn't already been said... I just... Wow. Fuck. And to know that, after needing Noel for ratings, that this was gonna be the end for them? No, I could throw up. I couldn't imagine watching shameless as it aired with that knowledge in mind. FUCK ME THOSE TWO EPISODES I ATE THEM UUUP. anyway, I'm normal about Gallavich.
Lord bless Etta... my dear soul. 7x11 was vicious for that, my heart crumbled fr. I can see this was all in Fiona's best interest for Etta and stuff... It was just so sad to see.
Lip and Sierra, I don't really know what people's opinions are about Sierra but I kind of liked her? She was sweet, and had traces of boundaries with Lip even if the fucker attempted to break them every now and then. But she was sweet.
Lips second spiral was even harder than the first one to see. Him crashing at Helene's apartment, and she still doesn't seem to grasp that she essentially groomed him, and he's just so devastated still. Fuck.
That ending montage was truly a piece of cinema I tell you. It was beautiful.
I probably have more to say I don't remember but I really liked s7, not on the priority of a constant rewatch, but it was really good...and truly served as the finale it was meant to be. EXCEPT FOR GALLAVICH, holy fuck that would've pained the whole audience.
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hailucy · 1 year
REQUESTS for fanfics
Hi everyone! I’m Hai! i use she/her pronouns
I’ve always been using tumblr to read fanfics but never to write or post anything, however lately i’ve been having an urge to write fics. So here i am *jazz hands*
Disclaimer: I’m not the best at grammar specifically comma placements so if there’s a problem with any of that please ignore it or message me!! Also i’m probably a slow writer :) i’ll most likely start with drabbles and work my way up
(names written are the characters i would favour writing however you can suggest any)
Harry Potter (golden trio era):
Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Blaine Zabini, any of the other slytherins
Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase,
Shameless USA:
Lip Gallagher, Carl Gallagher
(i’m only on season 3 but i know a lot of spoilers so that’s why i decided to write for shameless however if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after season 3, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Azriel, Cassian, Nesta Archeron, Eris Vanserra, Lucien, Vanserra
Doctor Who:
9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor, 13th Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble(platonic)
Across the Spiderverse:
Miles 42, Hobie Brown, Miguel O’Hara
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid, Elle Greenaway
Dean Winchester
(i’m only on season 5 so if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after/during season 5, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Dominic Fike:
(hes the only [real] person i will write for as of now)
- GN reader and Fem Reader (only because i’m more comfortable and experienced)
- Fluff
-Angst (my favourite)
-Smut (i’m not comfortable with it… yet;)
-incest, pedophilia or anything that correlates with these things
-yandere (i’m simply not able to write it. no shaming over here i promise!)
-second chance but the reason they broke up was because one cheated or abused the other. (i’m sorry but i cant, they deserve better) however i am able to write cheating or abuse if asked but only if it ends with a happy ending and reader does not end up with abuser/cheater. Or if there was a mistake(miscommunication when it comes to the cheating)
-If a character is part of the Lgbtq+ community i will not pair them with a gender they don’t like romantically (like Ian Gallagher x fem reader but i can do GN reader). This doesn’t mean i won’t write sibling or platonic reader for that person
(because i’m a hater, i’m sorry. however they can be mentioned or be the ‘antagonist’ but they can’t be the main character )
Luke Castellan, Rhysand, Feyre Archeron, Elain Archeron, Debbie Gallagher(don’t hate her but i don’t really understand/like her character enough to write for her), Calypso(i’m an avid hater)
Reminder i will write for anyone not mentioned but i will prioritise the names listed above
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kandyzee · 6 months
People will say they hate "older debbie" and it will be her when she's like 15
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lyn-1225 · 2 years
Military School
Paring: Carl Gallagher x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, a little bit of violence, angst. Mostly fluff. A lot of fluff.
Word count: 1500
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A/n: I just got to season 7 episode 6 where Carl gets on the bus to go to military school. I already miss him tbh. I almost cried when Fiona told him she was proud of him.
Your POV:
Today was the day.
The day that Carl was supposed to go off for military school.
He had been talking about it ever since he met Dominique’s dad. Although Dominique was a bitch ass girlfriend, her dad was a kick ass dad.
When me and Carl got together a bit after him and Dominique ended things, he would talk about military school and how it would help him become a better man.
I was surprisingly very supportive in his ideas to go. I thought I would be more upset and try and convince him not to go, but after I saw his face light up while talking about kicking peoples asses and being able to hurt people without getting in trouble for it, I knew I had to support him.
It was gonna be tough. Really really tough, but I know that he would come back and be that man he said he would become.
Long distance was gonna be difficult but I knew we were gonna make it work. We made our friendship work while he was stuck in prison after Sammi fucking ratted him out.
God I hate that bitch.
Needless to say there was no doubt in my mind that me and Carl would end up okay in the end.
After Dominique decided to try and get back with Carl, he started to question everything he was doing. That’s when I had to intervene. She had no right to just swoop in and win him back like some sort of toy from a vending machine.
I was pissed.
Her dad knew that Carl and I were together which made him even more mad when she decided to try and make a move on him once again. He would never admit it but he most definitely was starting to like Carl.
When me and Carl were walking down the street together, he pulled up beside us and told us to jump in. I didn’t know where we were going but once we pulled up to a drive way with Dominique sitting on some man’s lap I knew exactly what Sergeant Winslow was doing.
My blood was boiling. Carl got out of the Car to handle the situation but i really couldn’t help my self. Before I could even think about what I was doing I got out of the car storming straight up to her.
Some not so nice words were exchanged and some punches by me were being thrown.
She had nothing to say after she went running to Sergeant Winslow to tell on me. Of course he was mad but he knew that she deserved it, as hard at it is to admit that about your own daughter.
She didn’t mess with me or Carl after that.
Even after we got to his house for the surprise going away party for him he was still questioning everything he was about to do.
I would question if I was doing the right thing too but In this case he was doing the right thing. He needed to do this for himself. Everyone knew it, including him.
Me, Fiona, Debbie and Lip gather in the kitchen trying to discuss where Ian was and why there were no decorations up.
“I was labeled as the distraction so I couldn’t have gotten any decorations even if I tried” I comment trying to clear my name from the argument on why no one got decorations.
“Ian said that he got it” Debbie says trying to get someone to help her bring Neal in the house.
Neal was an okay guy. He made me uncomfortable every once in awhile but it’s not really his fault. He just very honest with what he says.
Carl walks into the room with a slight frown on his face. He’s still questioning his choices.
Fiona immediately apologizes for the lack of decorations and how the party isn’t going as it was planned.
He started talking to us about wether or not he should actually go and if he was strong enough to do something like this.
I look at him with a blank stare before I speak up “that was the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard”. He looks at me as if I said the rudest thing in the world.
“I mean come on. Your Carl fucking Gallagher. The kid that got suspended for beating up two guys that were bullying me. The kid that got suspended for bullying other kids. The kid that said he was gonna make prison his bitch and did just that. The kid that landed himself in a gang and ended up getting out of it without getting killed. I don’t want you to ever say that your not strong enough for something like this. You are the strongest boy I know. Going to military school is gonna make you the strongest man I know” I practically yell at him all of my emotions spilling out. The frustration in my voice alone makes it clear that everything I’m saying is 100% my thoughts and opinions.
Debbie, Lip, Fiona, and Carl look at me with wide eyes. I calm myself down taking deep breaths into my body. “Listen” I start walking up to him before placing my hands in his.
“I believe in you” I pause moving his hands with mine in a sort of swinging motion between our bodies.
“You are gonna go to military school, become that man you want to be, then your gonna come back home and you’ll be able to show off that new man” I smile rubbing his hands with my thumbs.
He smiles brightly at my speech stretching his arms around my shoulders giving me a strong hug. “I’m gonna do it” he whispers before saying it a bit louder so that everyone else can here him “I’m gonna do it”.
The trip to where everyone was boarding the buses wasn’t too far away. The entire time I was relishing in the moments that I had left with Carl before he got on the bus and went off to find himself.
It was gonna take awhile to get used to but I knew we could do it.
Lip pulled the car into a parking spot making sure the car was in park before we all got out. We all headed to the buses where Sergeant Winslow was standing there waiting for him.
Everyone gave him their hugs and their goodbyes wishing him good luck with everything.
Then it came to me.
I didn’t think I’d do this but I was standing there like a baby about to have a mental breakdown.
Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes as I watched everyone say goodbye to him as if he were leaving for good.
“Why are you crying” he asks coming over to me after exchanging a few words with Fiona.
“I don’t know” I laugh my body starting to shake with the silent sobs coming from my body.
A big frown etched across his face as he pulls me into a much needed hug. We sway back and forth as we mentally note this beautiful moment between us.
My face is buried into his neck as the tears from my eyes run down my cheeks and onto his shirt.
Once I feel him start to pull back from the hug I pull my arms from around him before placing my hands around his biceps.
Tears continue to fall as I weakly smile at him. He genuinely looks happy to be going to military school which makes my mood lighten a bit.
I laugh a little at my state before wiping the tears out from under my eyes. Maneuvering my hands back to his biceps I rock my hands back and forth before another wave of emotion hits me.
“Just” I start not being able to finish until I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.
“Just don’t forget about me okay?” I cry my bottom lip quivering.
Me crying like this made me feel so pathetic but I couldn’t help it.
“I would never forget you” he says placing his hands on my biceps to rock me a bit as well. He wants me to get it into my mind which is what I did.
He wouldn’t forget me.
He takes his hands back from my arms, me doing the same.
“I’ll see you soon” I say before pulling him in to my body. I wrap my arms around his shoulders before placing my lips on his. We don’t kiss for very long knowing there was people around.
After about a second or two we pull away huge smiles on our faces. “I’ll see you soon y/n/n” he says back to me before walking up to the bus doors. He gets onto the stairs before turning around to face us.
“Im gonna come back a man” he grins as the doors close in front of him. He gives us one more nod before walking up the rest of the stairs and down the isle to one of the seats.
It’s when the bus drives away that my mind realizes to its full potential that it’s actually happening. I won’t see him for awhile.
He had to do this. He needed this to become a better him.
I’m so proud of who he’s becoming.
A/n: Hi :) I wanted to write this imagine becuase I’m extremely sad that Carl just left for military school. I already miss him. I know it’s a short one compared to my other imagines but I actually quite like this one a lot so I hope you liked it as much as I do.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
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i will never forgive the writers for how much they hurt these two in season 11/how sad both of their endings were
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astaraels · 1 year
An ode to Debbie Gallagher, and words that define her. (ao3)
Daughter. It's a word that she is, that she's always been. Daughter. She felt like one, sometimes, remembering laughter and tears that sometimes fed into one another. Daughter. The word weaves in with late nights waiting, wondering; it flies past her like that car on the highway. Daughter. Broken promises and a broken legacy and a pound of meth to secure her future. What a fucking future that turned out to be.
She's always felt like sister means more to her than daughter; daughter is a word that broke in half like her silly school project. Daughter is a word she broke in half with bars of soap in a pillowcase, screaming as she vented sorrow and fear and anger on a man who only cared about himself. He doesn't deserve the word father. But sister—she's always been that, too, and it's far more real to her than anything else.
Sister broke too, in the end. It just took a little longer. But she patched it back up with tape and glue, because she wanted to hold onto it. Daughter, though—daughter she took a pair of scissors and slashed it to ribbons.
And then there was mother. Debbie became a mother with the kitchen lights bright and bursting behind her eyelids as she screamed a child into the world. Her daughter's cries grew louder than hers, and cut through the noise and chaos of her family all around her. There was pain inside and out, but all she could hear was the sound of her baby.
Her daughter.
Words don't mean a damn thing more than the power you give them? That's the truest bullshit she's ever heard. Daughter is a word she threw away for herself, but she will never, ever give her child a reason to do the same. There was a moment—a horrible, terrified moment—when she thought she couldn't hold the weight of it in her arms. But she ran back, in the end, scooped Franny up into her arms and promised never to let go again.
There have been other moments, too; moments where the exhaustion hits her bones, or moments when she wants to give up and scream, moments when she wants to throw away everything and run. But that word—mother—is her last defense, the thing that holds her up when she feels she's given all she can and has nothing left. It gives her one last push, one last spark; even if she can't do it for herself, she can do it for Franny. For her girl.
Debbie Gallagher is many things—some she's been called, some she's taken for herself. But the most important of all is when she hears her little girl say Mommy. She says it and Debbie wants to wrap her in her arms, keep her safe as best she can, as long as she can. Presses her lips against the top of Franny's head and swears she'll be better.
Daughter. Sister. Mother. All these things she's been, and only one she chose for herself. And she'd choose it again and again, every fucking time.
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yezzyyae · 1 year
Hey how are you? I’m waiting on your replies, but I want to talk to you about Lip & Sierra (I have a very weird way of watching shameless, I will explain later) they were literally PERFECT for each other IN EVERY way, she also got along so well with his family and lip also got along with her family, it breaks my heart that they fucked that up for him.
I kind of watched S8 (breaking my own promise, just mostly lip scenes and his scenes with Sierra) but I noticed also how close lip & Liam are, lip is always checking up on Liam, and to know that later seasons Lip kind of lost track of him is also heart breaking.
So I’m just adjusting a little bit to my ending, Lip somehow gets back to college, while also doing Rehab, the events that went down with Sierra still goes the same way expect the scene where lip takes back his declaration of love, then lip  graduates in S9 and finds a great job that pays him very well, he & Sierra move in together (but lip still helps out his family  financially, emotionally and other ways) he stars making a lot of money and he & Sierra move to a better neighborhood and Liam comes to live with Lip (he takes guardianship after Fiona asks him to because it’s a safer neighborhood for him) lip & Sierra get married, have kids of their own, Fiona is very successful with her apartment buildings and she also moves out to a better neighborhood, Carl becomes a cop, he lives with Fiona to save up money, Ian owns the house and he rents it out is happy with whomever he wants. Debbie is doing her thing or whatever. 
Heyyy girlie I’m sorry I had a busy 2 days boyfriend issues 😒😩 but I’m going to finish my replies tomorrow morning I need a good nights’ sleep cause your points always deserve my full attention👏🏾. But my sister is watching “Shameless” she is on season 4 and I told her that my friend said we don’t watch past season 7 now if you want to have a satisfied ending. You know I hate how they threw Lip’s smarts and talents away so he can have sex Tami and make babies while being a delivery man! I hate it soo much. Sierra was the only one I loved for Lip I always say that. Me & my sister always say that she love Carl & Lip but I love Lip I hate he didn’t get the life he deserved. I know he was narcissistic but he changed as he got older he realized that alcohol was just a clutch. I love your ending now I got teary eyed because I love Lip I wish he got his college degree even in season 11 he was still smart when he went into the finance guy house and delivered his food he fixed the guy problem. Tami was a bitch and didn’t love Lip, she judged him & his family! And I hate that they didn’t let Lip & Liam get closer because Lip loved his siblings and he really loved on Liam after the Fiona’s whole cocaine thing. I love your ending! The Gallaghers all deserved better to me. Fuck Tami!
Thank you for your patience! I’ll be done the replies tomorrow girlie!
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lilliforest · 2 years
dating lip gallagher headcannons (editor is @candie-rose)
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-knowing each other since you were kids
-being a south-sider
-smoking weed with him and ian
-listening to music and smoking with ian in the van
-being addicted to alcohol with him and being sober with each other (if you drink)
-hating his dad and relating with his mom (if youre bipolar)
-helping fiona with liam
-wanting debbie to have the baby and being there for her through out the pregnancy
-all of the siblings loving you
-being jealous of mandy and karen
-missing him while he is at collage
- making out ALL THE TIME
-not liking jimmy/steve/jack
-making him listen to rock (or whatever genre of music you listen too)
-him think he is not good enough for you
-him helping you study (when he is in high school or if you go to college)
-not liking that he was fucking his professor and knowing he deserves better than her
-him literally being jealous of ian for some reason like what
-stealing with him
-helping them pay the bills even if he doesn’t like it
-having a apartment but still being over at their house almost everyday
-being there for him after fiona leaves
-helping him with ian needing to take his meds
-him helping you make sure you take your meds (if you take meds)
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