#Decided to go with tan Baz since he never got turned
owls-den · 2 years
Simon Snow TrollHunters AU Concept
Hi everyone. I have not escaped the Simon Snow fandom. It is dragging me down into the deepest depth of fandom hell. SO, huh, I decided to pair this hyperfixation with ANOTHER ONE OF MINE (not Pokemon... Y E T.) It's TrollHunters!! Because I freaking love this and my best friend held me at gunpoint to watch it with her a year ago :DD The following sketches helped ME drag her into reading the books so THANK YOU TROLLHUNTERS!
Anyways, pictures are worth a thousand words so BEHOLD!
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I tried to slightly imitate the TrollHunters artstyle for this but it's a little difficult haha! Anywho, I'll stay vague about this AU as I don't want to spoil either franchises if you're not familiar with them (WATCH TALES OF ARCADIA/READ THE SIMON SNOW TRILOGY THIS IS A THREAT /j)
In this AU, most of the cast is Normal (well at least the main trio in here: Simon, Penelope and Shepard). Watford is a normal boarding school (... or is it?) near London. Just like in the books, Simon lives in care homes and stays at Watford over the school year (as Baz's roomie). The headmaster, The Mage (taking the role of Merlin TH), scouted him out and offered him a once in a lifetime chance of coming to Watford to study though it comes to no one's surprise that this was a decision fueled by ulterior motives (testing Simon's abilities before offering him the Trollhunter amulet). Shepard is not a student at Watford and just sticks to the group after seeing Simon in action accidentally (I like to think Trolls let him into their home without much fuss haha). Probably pops out of a bush or something to hang around the gang when they're at school (he's charming enough to have the professors let him even ENTER the class or something) As for Baz, as you noticed, he is a Changeling (and, just to make you laugh, is replacing Steve Palchuk OF ALL CHARACTERS)! I thought that's what would be the closest to his whole condition as a vampire in the books. Simon's accusations seem wild but HE TURNS OUT TO BE RIGHT (love that for him). Plus it'd mean that he is, once again, on the other side of the war. Well shit. Ebb replaces Blinky :)) I think she's the closest to a healthy mentor figure Simon ever got so that fits!
I just want to say, if I DO write that fanfic, it'll be a SPOILER FEST for both of these. I tried to keep all of this relatively spoiler-free and I hope I did a relatively good job haha!
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basilgrimbitch · 5 years
Day Two: Swap
Normal high school AU where Baz is new to Simon’s English class but Penny is the one that gets assigned a seat next to Baz. Aka English nerds in love.
Words: 3457
Note: this is unedited and super rushed but its something!
No warnings apart from a lot of swearing. Enjoy!
“Alright so I posted the seating plan on the class page, did everyone get a chance to see it?”
While everyone scrambles to look at their laptops, I’ve already seen Ms. Possibelf’s seating plan and can I just say… What. The. Fuck. She’s sat me across the room from Penny (honestly fair since we never get any work done) next to some random girl named Trixie; she seems nice enough but so bloody boring. How am I supposed to make it through a whole year of English without Penny? I can hear the complaints layering up in the tiny classroom and I can see the teacher ignoring every single one of them. I don’t think I’ll bother asking for a change. Though, maybe she’ll listen to Penny?
I nudge Penny’s arm, I guess she’s already seen the seating plan too because she makes no effort to look at her laptop and moves towards her assigned seat.
“Surely the fuck not?” I don’t bother whispering.
“I think you mean surely the fuck yes. I’m not failing this semester because you want to tell me a gross story about your arms smelling like Cheetos mid class.” I’m smirking and she looks like she’ll bite my head off. That makes me smile more.
“That was once!”
“It still happened, and I’d rather hear about your smelly limbs at lunch time - or better yet, never.”
We’re cut off by Ms. Possibelf starting the class, or at least trying to.
“You should’ve all written a draft of your persuasive orals over the holidays, now you must refine them and prepare a final copy. These will be presented in two days.”
Okay as much as I’m a clown in English, I’m actually decent at it. I’ve already written and edited my script, so I really have nothing to do. I sit in my seat and glance at Penny, it looks like she’s done too. I’m fairly sure she’s playing fire boy and water girl, she’s playing both parts (because I’m not there) and she’s taking up the entire table, her desk mate looks so uncomfortable squashed into a corner. Who is he, by the way? The name on the roll was Tyrannus, what the fuck kind of name is that? So pretentious.
I open up Instagram on my laptop and text Penny.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Simon Snow [10:04]: who is heeeeeee
Penelope Bunce [10:04]: who?
Simon Snow [10:04]: the guy ur sat next to whats his name?????
Penelope Bunce [10:05]: got a bit of crush huh :0
Simon Snow [10:05]: oh fk off I haven’t even seen his face,,, whats his name??
Penelope Bunce [10:06]: he said to call him baz
Simon Snow [10:07]: hmm weird but cool name
Simon Snow [10:07]: what schools he frm?
Penelope Bunce [10:07]: idk do ur work Si
Penny stops typing, she looks me in the eyes then turns to speak to Baz, shutting her laptop. That’s such an odd name, right?
They talk, she’s laughing, he’s just sitting there so composed. He doesn’t look bored exactly, just that he’s better than seeming overly excited. Dickhead it is then.
Even though I think I’ve already decided I hate him, I don’t stop looking at them. He’s got long hair, its black and loose just above his shoulder, his skin is this gorgeous caramel that doesn’t need tanning and his eyes, they’re so grey a mix of green and blue I think and – fuck. We’re making eye-contact, not in like oh oops, more like oh shit why is this guy staring at me. He must think I’m a fucking creep. Shit.
It’s not like I care though, he probably thinks he’s better than everyone in this room anyway. But he’s just smiling at me? Fuck that’s a good smile. I think I’m smiling back, I can’t help it. He turns back to speak to Penny, they seem like they’re in deep discussion about something, I wonder what? And suddenly, I catch myself wishing I was her. Um, what?
The rest of the period flies by. Too quick, I think, not that I need more time to work, I just kind of wish… whatever.
Penny, as per bloody usual, is taking her precious time packing her stuff away. I walk up to her table, hyper aware of Baz’s presence there,
“Planning on leaving anytime soon?” I ask, trying to seem as nonchalant as can be, but my eyes keep glancing to him. I think Penny must’ve picked up on it because then she says, all smug,
“But then you wouldn’t get to meet Baz,” she gestures to Baz, who’s raising his eyebrow and smiling a little against his better judgement I think, then she gestures to me and then back again, “Baz, Simon. Simon, Baz. There we go.” He’s full on smiling now. Fuck, how can someone be so pretty?
“So nice to meet you, I’m Baz Pitch.” He puts his hand out for me to shake it – that’s so proper. I’m not even convinced he’s 17. He’s so calm and put together, these are not words you use to describe a 17 year old guy.
“H-hey, yeah, Simon.” Of course, I trip over my words, I’ve always struggled with that but I’m also really fucking nervous for some reason.
“Do you wanna have lunch with us, Baz?” Penny’s throwing her bag over her shoulder, looking at me like she knows what she’s doing to me and then back to Baz with genuine eyes. Penny doesn’t usually get on with people like that, that’s why we’ve been friends for so long, she really doesn’t have other options (not like I do either).
“That’d be nice.” He says, the corner of his mouth inching up, giving his cool exterior away. He’s not a pretentious git, is he? He’s just a boy on his first day of school; that’s fucking daunting.
We walk out the classroom – finally – and Baz starts telling us about himself and his old school. Mainly just answering Penny’s questions. Does he have siblings? Yeah, four half siblings. How come he moved schools? dad moves a lot for business. Oh, is he going to be moving again? Probably not until after high school, by then I could move out anyway.
I’m not usually this quiet. Usually I’m more social than Penny. I don’t know what’s come over me, I wish I could be her right now.
Lunch happens, Baz doesn’t really eat. Not like I was watching him. Well he was sat right in front of me and I just noticed that he wasn’t eating anything. Surely that’s normal.
I finally ask Baz what other classes he’s taking; other than English we don’t share any classes and then I let myself say, “that sucks.” But only because its normal, its not flirting. You can want a friend to be in your class. Penny still looks at me anyway.
But then he says, “I’ll just have to look forward to English,” and my heart melts.
I try not to think about Baz right now, in bed, but I am anyway, and I remember him telling me his full name; so naturally I’m suddenly typing it into the Instagram search bar. Aha! He’s not on private, thank the gods of social media.
I start scrolling through his feed, careful not to tap anything of course. There are a few photos of him alone, they’re gorgeous; he dresses so nice. Penny says I can’t dress myself. In one photo from a month ago he’s in this incredible suit, taking a mirror selfie in a bathroom that looks nicer than my whole house. His hair is slicked back (I think I prefer it loose – still so bloody fit though) and his cheekbones are so defined, he’s got that same face he had when we first met today – eyebrows raised, little bit a smirk, beautiful eyes.
I scroll down to the next photo, this one is different. It’s not a hot mirror selfie, its him carrying a little girl – his little sister? – on his shoulders looking up at her with a smile, a real big smile. He’s dressed a bit more casual too, still nicer than anything I own though it’s just jeans and a black button down. I keep coming back to the jeans. How can someone look so good in jeans?
I scroll through a few more photos, some with friends, some more of just him and a few of books he’s reading or places he’s visited. I feel like I know him a little bit better now – less in a stalkerish way more in a… well I can’t think of the write word. I can never think of the write word.
My phone vibrates all of a sudden and I literally drop my phone, so I don’t accidently like anything.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [23:13]: up thinking bout prince charming?
Simon Snow [23:14]: shut up
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: don’t blame u he’s v cute.
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: And smart.
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: you have my blessing
Simon Snow [23:15]: bugger off,, as if he’s even into guys
Simon Snow [23:15]: I was literally such an idiot today he probs doesn’t even wanna be my friend
Penelope Bunce [23:16]: AHA SO U ADMIT IT
Simon Snow [23:16]: did I even have to
Penelope Bunce [23:16]: ofc not. For what its worth I think u have a shot.
Simon Snow [23:17]: sureeeee
Simon Snow [23:17]: fuckkkkk im gonna be so dead tomorrow,, gn love u
I turn my phone off, pull my glasses off chucking them somewhere I probably won’t find them tomorrow and roll over to fall asleep.
We’ve got English first period today. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for English, but then I remember I don’t even get to sit next to him.
I walk into class and he’s already in there, we make eye-contact – way less awkward than yesterday – and he gives me a nod. Its friendly, it’s nice, it’s already a bit familiar. I give him a little wave with my right hand below the books I’m carrying but then I’m nearly dropping then, and my laptop starts sliding through my arms. It’s a shit show and it’s too early in the morning to embarrass myself, but I don’t get a say do I? As a say good bye to my laptop that is threatening to smash in the ground any second now – and any possibility for anything with Baz – I hear a chair scraping at the floor then not being pushed in. Suddenly, Baz’s hand is on my shoulder; the other grabbing my laptop that’s basically just resting on my belt buckle at this point. I beg myself not to blush, not now.
Baz is laughing. We’ve – he’s – saved my laptop and now he’s carrying it and my books; he insisted I was not to be trusted.
“Alright, special delivery all the way to your seat. You sure you’re okay Snow?” He’s using my last name because he thinks it’s ‘such a waste to not make use of such an iconic surname’. I like the way it sounds on his lips. I think I just like his lips and anything after is automatically perfect. Perfect.
He taps my shoulder, “you okay there?”
“Huh? Yeah yeah, just a bit tired. Didn’t sleep very much last night.” That’s not a lie.
Baz nods and says he’s gonna go get started on the work, I watch him walk away. The school trousers, they’re no jeans but he looks good in everything.
I try to do some work, making cue cards for my presentation, but I keep letting myself look over to Baz. Penny just caught me and stuck her tongue out.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [08:31]: ur staring
Simon Snow [08:32]: am not,, go away
I go back to working on my cue cards after making a show of shutting my laptop in front of Penny. I get through two more cards before I see a pair of shoes approaching my table. I look up and sure enough its prince charming – I mean Baz. He clears his throat and says,
“I hear you’re good at English”
“There’s no way Penny said that,” I laugh.
“True, she said ‘he thinks he’s better than everyone else.’ But I take it for good reason.” He smiles while doing air quotes, I smile back at him because I can’t help myself.
“Well, I definitely don’t suck.”
“Good. Do you mind reading over my script, please? I feel like it needs a little bit of editing.” He hands over his laptop, “don’t drop this one okay?” he chuckles.
I honestly don’t know how to act around him. I’m the epitome of those ‘act normal’ memes. He hands me his laptop and I start reading. His presentation is on single use plastics and it is so well written, he definitely doesn’t need my help. My neck is getting warm and I hope I’m not blushing at a script on environmentalism just because it was written by a hot guy. That’s pathetic.
But he’s not just a hot guy, is he? He’s smart – so smart – and he’s so kind even if you wouldn’t think so; when he helped me with my books today, I couldn’t help but think back to that photo of him with his sister, so much warmth and kindness expertly hidden under a cool and calm facade. I get to the end of his conclusion and look up in awe but he’s standing just behind me leaning forward waiting for my response. That explains the warmth I was feeling.
Baz doesn’t seem like the kind that would ever doubt himself but if you could see him now, you’d think he cared about what everyone thought about everything; and maybe he does, maybe he just hides it really well.
“Baz.” I make eye-contact with him, finally on purpose, “this… its incredible. I don’t even know why you’d ask for feedback. Your arguments are excellent, and your use of inductive reasoning is really fitting.”
His face lights up, a kind of innocent smile creeps up on his face and for the first time I think I want to kiss him. But even more so, I want to be responsible for more of those smiles. “Really?”
“It’s perfect.”
I look away because I don’t want him to see me blush. Penny is looking straight at us, she gives me one of her reassuring smiles.
It’s been two weeks of school; all my classes suck but it’s our last year and soon enough we’ll miss it. At least that’s what Penny keeps saying, Baz agrees with her.
Baz has been spending more time with us; we hang out at lunch time, he’s joined us for frozen cokes a few times in the past few hot days. It’s nice. I can actually talk to him now too.
He’s so smart, smarter than I had thought. He’s not just academically smart, he knows more than just surface level knowledge. Yesterday, on our walk to English he was talking about some article he read on the relationship between sleep deprivation and blood alcohol concentration just for fun. Though its nerdy and just a bit lame, the way his eyes light up when he talks about things he cares about, I’d listen to the summary of a thousand dumb articles to see that again.
Right now, Baz isn’t here though, and all my brain can do is think about him.
“Pennyyyy!” she’s lying on my bed while I do my art homework on the floor, she always comes home with me on Tuesdays, I don’t know when that started.
“Si, I already said no like three times.”
“Why not? Do you not love me?” I asked her to swap seats with me in English. I just wanna sit next to Baz, I can say I need extra help or something.
“I love you of course but I don’t want Baz to think I’m avoiding him, and I certainly don’t want Ms. P to fail me for disobeying her one rule.”
“Just please.” I give her my best puppy eyes and pouty face, “I fink I’m in wuv,” I say mockingly. She
throws an old stuffed toy in my face. I guess that’s a no.
The next day I see Baz at the school gates, he’s holding a cup of coffee and his hair is up in a bun today. Flawless.
“Fancy seeing you here,” how can he look so perfect at eight in the morning. I don’t even feel awake yet.
Baz bumps my shoulder with his and we start walking to our lockers. We talk about the English reading we were set, we’re reading Lord of the Flies and Baz is going on about how he and Penny think the book would be drastically different if it had female characters.
“Golding said he didn’t add girls to avoid sex being a subject.” I say, and Baz just looks at me with his eyebrow raised. I call this the signature Baz look now.
“Oh, come on, as if every single kid on that island was straight.” I choke on nothing for a second. Baz and I have never talked about relationships or sex or sexuality. It’s not really a matter of discussion I guess but hearing him acknowledge the idea of guys being together, I don’t know, it gives me hope. That makes no sense obviously, he’s taking about characters from an English novel not himself and really its more an act of Baz’s resistance than it is a nod to gay rights or whatever. But, still, it gives me hope.
“True,” is all I manage to get out.
We get to English extra early after home room, and I start making my way to my seat. Ever since Baz started hanging out with us outside of class, English is back to being plain and boring, nothing special. So, with my shoulders slumped I mutter a goodbye to Baz as I walk to opposite way to my seat but then I feel something on my hand. Oh my god, its his hand. Its Baz’s hand. On my hand. Pulling me towards him. Its not especially romantic or anything. But its something!
“Hey! Swap seats with Penny, come sit next to me today,” surely this is a dream, I must’ve hit my head. “I need your uhhh help with the essay.” Baz doesn’t help, he just discussed key themes of the novel for breakfast. I feel it again, lingering in my chest, hope. “It’s okay if you don’t want to…” he says a bit quieter now, trying to seem as cool as possible. How Baz of him. Fuck I still haven’t said anything.
“What no no, I want to. I’m just not sure what Ms. Possibelf will say; or worse, Penny.” He pulls at my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand.
“What? Scared Snow?”
“We’re not in Harry Potter, Baz.”
“True. I’m wayyy better looking than Draco Malfoy and you wouldn’t be a very good chosen one. The worst chosen one who’s ever been chosen.”
I hear myself saying, “what so I’m not more better looking than Harry Potter?” Is this flirting? He squeezes my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand.
“You needed me to point that out? I thought it was a given. You’re well fit, Simon.” Simon. Hope.
I hum in response and with one final tug at my hand, he lets it go. I follow him (I’d follow him anywhere).
“Sit, I won’t bite,” He grins at me.
“Yeah but Penny will,” she better not ruin this for me. For us. I sit next to Baz and we start working on our essays. He doesn’t ask for help once.
Penny walks into class, glances at her seat, sees us and walks to my – her – seat next to Trixie.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [08:14]: u win. Enjoy!
I can’t tell if that’s sarcastic or not.
Baz notices I’ve changed my window to Instagram DMs and nudges me, “how come you don’t follow me?”
“Huh, I don’t know? What’s your user name?” As if I don’t know.
Baz grabs my laptop, “I’ll just type it in.” I let him because I’m lazy and I like watching him type but then he clicks on the search bar and has the biggest grin on his face. Fuck. He can see my search history, “looks like you already know it.” How could I forget about that?
I must look mortified because he places his hand on mine. Second time today. “It’s all good. I already have yours too.”
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loveandwarandmagick · 5 years
Chapter Two - Into Thin Air
i have arisen from the grave to update guys ! here’s the second chapter of Into Thin Air
- One Year Later -
Baz has been sitting at this desk for about nine hours, but it feels closer to four months, give or take a few. The name Simon Salisbury is burning into the front of his skull, and he isn’t any closer to figuring out anything about him that isn’t already on his profile sheet. The details are specific, but too standard and outdated to be of much use now.
A young boy, looks to be about twelve to fourteen. Full head of light brunette curls. One witness described dark blue eyes and another claimed to have seen green. Appears to be severely malnourished and carries himself in the same manner. Has a bony frame and has been seen most commonly wearing dark shades of clothing which are too large for his stature.
Baz bites back a dark laugh as he reads the lone paragraph again. Not only is the given description four years old, but “seen most commonly,” refers to the six times that Salisbury was spotted at the time. In the four years since then, he could have dyed his hair. Or gotten a multitude of tattoos or fake tanned and shaved his head. He could also be dead or have moved out of the country, but there’s a robbery reported nearly every month and the thief has never been caught, (everyone knows it must be Salisbury.)
Baz’s department – the investigative branch of a law enforcement office in Northern London – is simply too good at solving these types of things. Their track record is statistically, nearly impeccable. Unfortunately, Salisbury’s crimes tend to be the same. They’d decided a long time ago to designate work on the case, handing it from standard police men to detectives to undercovers until finally, it made its way to Baz’s desk a week ago. Everyone’s tired of it. Baz has had it for far less time than everyone and he’s already tired of it.
There’s nothing to go on. Nothing that could lead to a sudden arrest, or an actual image of what he looks like now. Every victim has a hazy memory, or didn’t see his face close enough to describe him well. Which leaves Baz just as stuck as everyone else was. He pushes back from his desk, away from the ridiculously sparse sheet staring back at him, and sighs. His thoughts are on a constant loop, running circles in the furrows of his brain.
He finds himself mimicking them, pacing around his office and opening up each of the case files his coworkers had stacked on his desk; finally defeated after two months of coming up with nothing. On top of his mounting frustration, he’s starting to feel an awful headache coming in – the neon pink of the highlighter he used is intensifying the pain behind his eyes. Even with all the highlighting that Baz did, the answer doesn’t miraculously jump out at him.
He spent all of the first day marking down all the consistencies between reports, with only a few in all of them. Total disappearance. Vanished into thin air. Jumped out of the window. From the balcony. Out the door. Gone in a second. The phrases are bright streaks on the paper, but they don’t make sense, really. Not even all put together. Baz even tried making a list of things that he knows from the papers. So far, he knows what Salisbury looked like four years ago. (Conclusively unhelpful.) Every victim who filed a report looks stunned after it happens, or generally dazed. (The staff who’d handled this case first decided that there was no evidence that he’d done anything to them, and so that was dismissed as anything useful.) That the most common phrase, out of all the words in the report, are “into thin air.” (It’s odd and strikes a chord that Baz can’t name. But it may as well be a stupid catchphrase.)
The last thing which strikes something deeper in him is Salisbury's targets. Any wealthy person, any age. As long as they live well off. Never anything intentionally broken or ruined, but many expensive things stolen. No one’s bothered to question motives when he hasn’t even been captured. But thieves are Baz’s thing. He knows the mindset of them; spent years in university studying the compulsions, all the things wrong with the wiring in their brain. It makes Baz feel like a target just to be on this case.
The last thing on his list is the recent witness report. The last sighting of Salisbury was right before Baz was given the file. A woman called the department line around two a.m. a week ago, and said the same thing as every other person, emphasis on the same stupid line – into thin air, he just vanished! Baz huffs out a sigh, mindlessly scanning the pages now and chewing on his lower lip.
The clock on his desk starts flashing, the red numbers seemingly screaming at him. It feels like a sign, a reminder of some kind. He’s always been the last to leave the office, and there’s no way he’s leaving now, right when something feels like it’s about to come together. Or, he thinks, pressing his pen cap to his temple to force down the headache, you need to go home and fucking sleep.
But he’s been this frustrated for days, and even before he got the case. It’s not normal, no one can just disappear randomly like that. It’s fucking impossible. There’s no bloody way. He’s pacing again, repeating it to himself. “Disappears, like nothing,” he mumbles, “vanishes into thin air.” All of a sudden, the pen in his hand vanishes.
Baz freezes, blood turning cold. And then he fucking gets it.
This is the third night in a row that Simon’s come to this neighborhood.
He really should be more careful with this, but he hasn’t been spotted since last week and he’s giddy and careless from the two nights before this. He’d snuck out of both huge houses with findings that even Mr. Salisbury praised him for, without even getting caught. A pretty silver hand mirror that looks brand new, and a tiny velvet bag holding three golden rings, as well as a wad of cash (he didn’t bother counting it.) There’s something thrumming in his veins and it’s making him jittery. He hopes it’s all the magic bubbling up inside him, and nothing else.
He doesn’t like to think too much about that either, though. Magic, or having it, or having to use it. It feels dangerous in a way that not normal things are – to use it in situations like this. Mr. Salisbury tells him that it’s for the best, and he knows that in a way it is. He’s lucky to have this advantage, to be special.
He just wishes sometimes that it didn’t feel like being lit on fire from the inside when he’s at his most powerful. It makes him feel more like a villain, like something dangerous.
He tries to take the nervousness and channel it into excitement. The flow of energy in his limbs makes him more agile, so it’s easier to scale the wall surrounding all the houses. He could swing the gate open easily – he’s got the magic for it – but it’s unsteady when he’s excited and he doesn’t want to overdo it and send it flying off the hinges. His gut twists with anticipation as he presses his heels into the ground on the other side, steadying himself with a breath before glancing around at the homes, making sure no one’s around to see him. The bad feeling sticks though, even as he gets over just fine. He shoves it to the back of his mind and turns off his brain as he starts to walk.
He’s on his feet already, so he lunges towards the filing cabinet in the corner easily. He hasn’t even processed what he’s thinking yet; his mind’s careening towards the least plausible theory. But he knows exactly what he’s dealing with, and if it’s right, he knows exactly how to finish this.
“It’s a bloody spell,” he mutters, pulling the desk keys from his coat pocket. He opens the drawer as swiftly as he can without dislocating a finger, breathing uneven as he works it open and then there’s his wand, sitting plainly in view. It’s been years since he’s actually used it. His voice has all the intent he needs to cast without an instrument, (which he proved and lost his favorite pen in the process), and it’s been years since magicians have actually needed to use a tool to cast. But it’s a reminder, and it feels good to hold it in his hands as he thinks about Salisbury – the revelation that he may be a magician too.
It’s a pretty damn good explanation for all that’s been happening. The confused victims, all with the same dazed look on their faces. Each and every single one of them not comprehending exactly what just happened, all with the same explanation. And it’s Baz’s strong point, he knows now. This was his case all along.
He’d always been told by his father that Normals can’t comprehend magic. Their minds are too fragile to understand something unless they’ve been taught it or been born with it. The same thing goes for magicians, he supposes, but Normals literally won’t comprehend it. Which makes Salisbury the cleverest robber he’s ever known – and one of the most gifted. To hide in plain sight, with the power to. Genius.
Either that, or he’s just a bumbling, bloody idiot who casts spells and leaves traces of it as blatantly as he can; expecting no one to know. Or maybe that’s the clever part of him? Baz should definitely leave this for the morning. His headache’s only gotten worse with all the adrenaline in his system, and if it gets any worse, he may just start crying. He knows he should get out of this stupid office and go home and sleep for the last four hours that he has before he has to get up and come right back.
But there’s that urgency screaming at him, and he’s never needed much sleep anyway, so he swallows painkillers dry and hopes for the best. He’s absolutely going to resolve this now. He refuses to doom himself to staring endlessly at the same paperwork for more answers – this has to be it, the only answer.
Placing his wand back into the drawer, he locks it again, then presses his key back into his coat. The clock on his desk flashes at him again, dark red numbers reading nearly three a.m. The color is the same as always, but in this light, it feels like a warning. Baz takes it lightly. 
“Alright Salisbury, let’s see just how smart you really are then.”
“Show me the fine line, don’t waste my time.”
A golden thread appears at his feet and trails under the door, as he shrugs on his coat. Baz has no choice but to follow it.
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anyberry · 7 years
Girls Do It Better (Snowbaz, gender swap)
A lot of things are unfair in this world.
The Humdrum stealing magic. Illness, poverty, war, discrimination is always on the list. Something unfair is when someone who is so beautiful is an evil plotting vampire. Tryphosia Bastet Grimm Pitch is the vainest, grandiose, and fancy person in the world who has tried to kill me numerous times and even pushed me down the stairs. This super villain had the longest legs ever and she wears heels to rub in the fact that I am a penguin in heels. The devil does wear Prada.
“And we set of frogs on fire using kitten fur as the kindling.” “Wait, what?” I turn my attention to Perry who was sitting next to me. “Oh, now she is listening to me. Look, Jasper, now she is finally listening to me.” I look at Perry and Jasper, who I didn’t notice arrived with his food. “You were staring Bastet again,” Jasper commented while shaking his protein powder in his drink.
“I was not,” I say, defending myself. Perry looked at me, shaking his head. “Your scone has been half way to your mouth for half a minute. That is half a minute too long for you hold a scone in your hand without eating it.” I take an angry bite of my scone before dropping my scone back on my plate. “You don’t get it. She stayed up for 3 hours yesterday with a single notebook. Don’t you think that is suspicious?” “No. She was studying.” “She was not studying, she was plotting.” I insisted.
Jasper sighed and sipped on his drink, wincing at the taste. I tried it once, I don’t know how he puts up with it. “Well, I am not saying that she is completely innocent and all, but I think you are getting way too paranoid with her over something she may not have done.” I feel like my insides turned a little cold for a moment but then grab my scone with extra butter and bite into it, following with my extra sweet tea. Just to rub it into Jasper who has a special diet he needs to hold for a few weeks for his lacrosse magical school championship. “Alright, guys. I am going to have to go. I promised to get to training early.” Jasper got up and left with his tan colored drink.
Perry looked at me and Jasper a few times. “Is there something happening between you two? That seemed unusually harsh.” I shrug, looking down to my food, avoiding Perry’s harsh glance. “It is nothing.” I didn’t want to talk about it and looked over at Baz, sitting with Naia and Devin. She noticed me looking and gave me a slight smirk before ignoring me completely. How dare she.
I could feel Sophia’s eyes on me every now and then, it was frustrating because I cannot slouch or relax even a little bit. If I don’t look picture perfect each time she looks, she won’t make that adorable grumpy face at me. I have been in quite the good mood this morning because of the relationship drama unfolding. I honestly cannot see what she sees in him, regardless of being gay. He seems like such a cliché on what is traditionally considered attractive and he is vain enough to agree with the fact. I finish my tea and head out, I could catch Sophia watch me leave. I headed outside to the lacrosse field.
         Jasper was stretching in the main field as some other guys were in the changing rooms. Passing the changing room is always unpleasant. The horrid things they say about girls. I have trained them not whistle after kicking someone in the balls in front of the whole team for ‘flirting’ with me. What kind of pick up line is “I know what you really want”? I really wanted to see him crying on the ground clutching his nuts. I sighed and smiled.
“Jasper, could I have a word?” I asked, maintaining a smile. “Look, the football team promised that we could have more time on the field while we have our championship coming up.” “Oh, I am not here about the field times. I just wanted to say how amazing it was that the team pulled through to the championship. Many people had been sure our team couldn’t make it, but I saw how much practice you have been doing and was sure it could have happened.” Guys are so very simple, you praise them a little and laugh at their stupid jokes. I could see it worked when he softened up.
“Thank you, the team has been working hard.” “But I notice you have been really working hard yourself, it is impressive. You scored half of all the goals last match.” I wasn’t there, I just heard it. I couldn’t care any less. “Thanks.” He looked like he was about to say something else and I waited, wanting this to be over so I could do literally anything else. “Would you like to come with me to the game?” I felt my smile drop for a moment and regained it in a bit. This is something guys ask their girlfriends since the game is out of Watford. I smiled again. “Sophia wouldn’t be too happy to see me there.” “Sophia isn’t really interested. She didn’t say anything about it since I told her. I thought you might be more interested since you play sports yourself and maybe understand this better?”
I pretended to think about it. “Sure, I will go.” No way in absolute hell would I go. “Yeah? Cool. I will let the coach know.” “Yeah, right. Great.” Whatever. What does Sophia see in this ass? How dare he ask me? But I’d still rub this into her face to bother her. Depends on how well it works, I might actually have to go to drive it home. I turned around to leave and I caught Sophia running away really fast in the direction away from the field. I turned to look at Jasper but he didn’t seem to notice. I couldn’t help the guilt twisting in my stomach.
I ran until I reached my bed and fell right in, face planting into my pillow and starting to sob. I really didn’t want to cry but I couldn’t help it. My entire mouth was bitter and my magic burned so hot it made the taste worse. I tried to breathe and not start a fire.
I probably should have locked the door or went into the bathroom because I felt her come in. “Snow.” Her voice was very disapproving. “Fuck off, Baz.” I wanted to flip her off but I couldn’t let her look at my face. “You cannot be this upset about a stupid guy.”
I sat up, furious. “How dare you? You are the one who went over to him and started flirting with him. I see why all the girls think that you will steal their boyfriends.” “I have no use for anyone’s boyfriend.” She said like the boyfriend part bothered her more than anything else. “It isn’t my fault that guys like me and girls have a problem with it.” That sounds so incredibly vain. I felt so horrible I got honest. “You are right.” She looked at me like I said I murder kittens. “I am a horrible girlfriend and I didn’t give Jasper attention and I…” I was so upset that I didn’t notice her take her pillow and smack me so hard with it that I flew off the bed.
“What the hell?” Damn the pillow fight exception to the anathema. She smacked me with the pillow again. “I can ask the same fucking this, Snow.” She threw the pillow outside. “What self-respecting girl blames herself for her boyfriend flirting back to someone?” “So you admit you were flirting!” “I fully admit I was flirting. I have no interest in him. I wouldn’t have done it if he would have flirted back.” “You don’t even like him?” I demand. “Not in the least bit.” “That is even worse. You are leading him on by going with him!” She rolled her eyes. “I am not going with him in any way, I never planned to.” “Go fall in a ditch.” I take my pillow and shove my face back into it. “Snow.” “I am ignoring you.” “You are not able to ignore me.” I sat up and glare at her. “Why do you tease guys this way when they like you? You went to the dance fifth year alone.” “I was not alone, I was with Devin. Don’t say that like no one asked me. I got asked more than you did.” She has to always find something to rub into my face. “Why do you tease guys? This is why you don’t have a boyfriend.”
I really should have seen the pillow coming this time. “Ow!” “I don’t want a bloody boyfriend!” She protested. I realize I shouldn’t mess with her business but I still wanted to know. “Why not?” “Because I am gay.” I think the world froze over a little and I was stuck with nothing to say. With that, she stormed out and I was left deep in thought, frustrated that I did not know.
Why did I decide to tell her? She would get extra paranoid with me. I don’t really care, I was not closeted, I just don’t wear a pride flag for a cape. I head outside and shiver at the cold since I took off my jacket in the room but kept walking away. I hate her so fucking much. Why does she need to be everything I could ever want?
         The space under the tree was free so I lay on the cold grown and look up at the sky and try to calm down. I need to feed tonight. My thoughts wandered and returned to Sophia. I give up. I cannot do this anymore. Each time I hurt her, I feel the pain on my own flesh and consciousness. “BAZ!” I hear her loud voice call out for me. How dare she interrupt my self-loathing.
I opened my eyes to find her already standing over me. I fight the urge to slide down a little and look up her skirt. “What do you want, Snow?” “Why did you tell me?” I close my eyes and groan. “It is not a secret. I am not in the closet.” “But you don’t…ugh…” “If you say don’t look gay or something on the lines of that, I will kick you.” “No. I, well, I…” “If you are going to stand over me and mumble, I am leaving.” I already sit up to leave. “Baz… I just… I…” If I had any blood in me, I’d blush. Her fumbling is irritating but incredibly endearing. I get up and start walking away. “Baz, wait!” She chased after me, taking steps half the length of my marches. “Don’t follow me. I want to be alone.” I suddenly feel her hand grab mine and that got me to stop, looking down at her hand and back at her. “Sorry.” She, unfortunately, pulls it away. “Snow, if you have something to tell me, go on ahead.” She couldn’t say anything so I felt before she could gather her thoughts.
I didn’t know what I wanted to say but when I figured it out, I realized that I wanted to talk to Jasper instead. I meet him after practice. “Hey, can we talk?” I ask. He walked in a sleeveless shirt in the cold weather after getting over heated at practice. “What’s up?” “Why did you ask Baz to go with you instead of me?” He looked at me like I said something weird. “Oh, come on. You don’t want to go. You have your own troubles. You care about Baz than you do about me.” “That is not true!” “It is too true. I know you have real things to do but you spend most of your time keeping tabs on Baz. So why do you need me?” “What does that supposed to mean?” “It means you never care what is going on with me.” I get angry. “Well, you never care about what I do either! You always dismiss whenever I say anything about Baz when I honestly think she is up to no good.” “Again with Baz. I cannot listen anymore.” “Then don’t!” I turn in the other direction and start walking away. “If you really don’t care about me then I really cannot do this anymore.” All I could do was keep walking away.
In the return to the room and find Baz already in there since she must have gotten cold. She looked less pale than she did when she was outside. “I just broke it off with Jasper.” “Congratulations.” She sat at her desk and was repainting her nails from black to a blood red. I flopped onto my bed. I was mad at Jasper. I was mad at Baz, partly because she is the root of the fight and because she can paint her nails perfectly without ever making a mess.
She got up and took a bag of crisps and threw it at me. “Here. Stop looking like you are bruised little rabbit. It is getting on my nerves. Do what most girls do during a breakup, starting with food.” “Since when are you the comforting character from romcoms?” I opened the bag and started eating. “I think you are confusing me with someone else. I am the alcoholic who is always with wine.” She pulls out 3 bottles from behind her desk. “How did you sneak that in?!” “I turned into a bat and snuck it in.” “I honestly have no idea if you are kidding or not.” “And you will never know. Now don’t fight me, I am getting you drunk. Just because it is on my bucket list to see you drunk.”
I found myself taking one of the two completely full mugs of wine.
We finished the 3 bottles completely, finishing up the last one completely straight from the bottle. We ended up on the floor, laughing about nothing. Baz is more of a light weight than I expected. The room was swimming a little.
We were too close. I didn’t think when I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back right away. “Do you turn bi when you’re drunk?” She laughed. “I don’t think the alcohol did that.” And we kissed again.
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random-meee · 7 years
The search for the unknown
I do not own any of the characters they are property of Rainbow Rowell
Today is finally the day I leave home to sail the seas.
I gave Mordelia one last hug before boarding my ship Mirabel; I was on my way to an expedition to cross-uncrossed seas.  My father taught me to sail from a young age and I have been fascinated by the waters since, something about the wind on my face and the constant taste of salt on my lips that amazed me, as well as the thought that most of this magical blue that cover our earths surface has barely been explored and there is still so much out there that we don’t know.
As the ship pulls away I hear Mordelia yell “Make sure to befriend lots of merpeople!” merpeople were a myth we told little kids about the ocean, and although they have now been classified as an actual species they are said to be shy creatures that prefer to keep to themselves. Therefore I doubted I’d see any.
~Time skip~
(Btw I don’t think people actually go sailing by themselves but for the sake of the story that’s how it’ll be)
I was about three days out into the ocean when something caught my eye. But I must be dreaming. Is that a…
I was a lonely merboy because I was unlike the others, I wasn’t scared nor shy and whenever a boat came around I’d usually try to befriend sailors although they never stayed for long and when they did see me they’d start shouting. I never liked shouting or loud noises for that matter. That’s why when I saw a boat approaching my reef I swam up to the surface and just barely let myself be seen, just enough to see how the sailor would react.
He didn’t scream or call his comrades me merely gasped and stared open mouth at my glistering blue and green tail. I swam up to the boat cautiously, maybe he wasn’t so bad, and from what I could see he had pale skin, sleek black hair that ended just above his shoulders and sharp cheekbones.
I was to shocked to move much less say anything, so I watched as the merboy approached, he looked excited yet cautious, he had eyes bluer that blue and his tail was a sparkly green and blue, he had tan skin and unruly brown hair.
I leaned over the boat as he approached trying to seem as friendly as possible, Mordelia would freak when I told her about this.
I was now practically face to face with the sailor, when I looked up to his face I was enchanted by his silvery grey eyes, they were beautiful and I forgot how to talk for a second. “Hi, I’m Simon. Who are you?” he was startled by my voice and stumbled backwards, this led me to think he didn’t want to make friends so I began to back away when he called me back nearly falling off his boat by how far out he was leaning “Wait! Come back! I won’t hurt you,” I also thought I heard a quiet please at the end but shrugged it off as the wind. “D-do you think maybe you could come in the water?” I was a bit hesitant, as I didn’t want to loose a potential friend; again he was shocked but recorded much faster, he nodded his head a bit unsure than started to strip till he was in nothing but black boxers.
He jumped in creating a huge splash of water before he resurfaced, “I’m Baz. Well actually my full name is Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch but everyone calls me Baz” I smiled “Nice to meet you Baz. What rings you to the middle of the ocean?” he laughed and it was music to my ears I dived in the water I looked up and could see his head spinning around searching for where I’d gone. Knowing he couldn’t see me I took this chance to look at him, to really look at him. He was pale but it suited him his legs were long which meant we would probably be taller than me if I were to turn.  Contrary to popular belief merepeople can change to human we just prefer to stay well fish. I came back up so he wouldn’t think I left. He was shivering slightly but trying desperately to cover it up, I wonder why “Do you want to get back in your boat you look cold” you could see he didn’t want to but he’d get sick if he stayed, “I could get on with you, I mean it’s ok if you don’t want me to. It’s just, um, I could really use a friend” I asked nervously, he made the most adorable confused face and I realized he probably didn’t know I could turn “I can turn human if I want” he still looked confused but agreed all the same.
I stepped back still confused. I had never heard of a mereperson change into human, I waited and watched as he started to radiate magic before taking a huge leap and landing in the boat.
Now I won’t say I expected him to also magically be clothed but seeing as I had a glorious ray of sunshine turning in front of my eyes I wasn’t really thinking about clothes. So when he stopped radiating and I could look at him again I was faced with a naked boy about an inch shorter than me “Ah!” I covered my eyes and stumbled on my words “ I’ll, um, g-go get you so-some clothes to, um. Cover up” he seemed to just have registered that he was naked and flustered trying to cover up while I desperately try to look for clothes. I found some jeans and a shirt that I had packed for an off day and handed them to him along with one of my boxers to cover up something that shouldn’t be legal.
He got dressed and I broke the awkward silence “So, can all merepeople change?” it was probably a stupid question but I wanted to get to know him, “Yeah, but most humans and other land creatures don’t know” he smiled, a cute and adorable smile that showed all his pearly whites I smiled back forgetting for a second about my canines “Wow! What are those?” it took me a second to realize what he was talking about, I lowered my head my smile falling and whispered “my fangs.” He didn’t seem scared it just enhanced his curiosity. “Do all humans have fangs?” the way he said it like it was a superpower nit the curse it actually was “No, I’m not exactly human.” His eyes widened but I saw no fear “Then what are you?” this boy and his questions will be the end of me “I-I’m a vamp-vampire” I spoke so quietly not really wanting him to hear, knowing he’d turn and jump right back where he came from leaving me alone with nothing but fantasies already forming in my brain. That didn’t happen though, he didn’t cower away in reverse he came closer, our faces inches apart “Wicked” he said it more to himself. He was so close I could feel his breath on my lips, his beautiful pink lips just there slightly open, I look at his eyes and they’re so beautiful, I just want to kiss him. Then he kisses me. I kiss back not completely sure what to do, I feel his tongue brush against my bottom lip and open up to let him in.
His lips were just dare thin and pink, I’d kissed other merpeople before but this was different he was cold but it was nice against my warm skin, I slipped my tongue in his mouth and we stayed like that for a while before pulling part for air. Although he kissed me back I still felt the need to apologize, we were sitting on the deck starring at the distant sunset “sorry” I mumbled he looked at me, god his eyes no way they weren’t angelic “Don’t be sorry I liked it” he paused and I noticed he seemed to get nervous easily  “I. I like you” I smiled and he stopped once again “I like you, Simon” my name sounded foreign yet familiar on his lips  “Baz” I tested the name out, it tasted sweet and I didn’t want to say anything else but that  “Basilton, I pretty sure what I feel isn’t merely like but love” he smile and we hugged.
I stayed till dark just staring up at the stars holding hands and for once I didn’t feel alone.
-|-|-|-|TIME SKIP-|-|-|-|
He left late at night but promised to come back in the morning. And so he did.
I had planned our day already; I wanted to show him what a movie is and decided on Pirates of the Caribbean, the rest of the day he was taking me to the bottom of the sea (he told me he could make and air bubble around my head).
I got on the boat and put on the clothes Baz had already laid out for me, when I was done I called out for him  “Baz!” he came out dressed in sweats and a shirt, he said we were going to watch a moevie or something, he took my hand in his and led me to a ‘room’ with a TV and a couch. “Sit” he instructed and I did as I was told putting my legs up on the couch as he put in the moevie, when he was done he turned around with such bitchface I had to laugh, “Where am I going to sit?”
As if to answer me he spread his legs and opened his arms, I couldn’t believe it and had to try so hard not to just run into his arms, but I kept my cool I rolled my eyes and lay in his arms faking annoyance.
We watched the movie in that position and right there in his arms I decided is where I felt safest.
When the movie finished we sat up both not really wanting to part. He made a few comments on the movie all of which I laughed at.
We walked to the edge of the boat we undressed (I kept my boxers on, avoiding looking at him) and jumped in, he turned the second his skin touched water, I waited on the surface while he did who knows what below water. “Come down so I can put the bubble on you, then I’ll take you to where I usually stay” it was a weird request but I did it anyways.
The bubble was weird it gave me he ability to see under water as if it were land and I could breath. He took my hand and dived down. Down, down, down we went I dint feel pressure but when I looked up we must have been at least 100 feet (I’m not good with feet/inches) below water, when we reached the bottom, he took me into a little cave just beside an amazing coral reef. Inside was just as amazing; the place was decorated with seaweed, starfish and millions of other sea flowers.
“Do you like it?” I spun around to see him near the entrance looking as anxious as ever “Like it? It’s amazing did you decorate it yourself?” he nodded whilst blushing it was the cutest thing. After hanging around his place for a bit we went to playa at the bottom of the ocean, Simon showing me things I could never have imagined existed.
I was proud to say that my search of the unknown had surely been going well.
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