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m07h-m4n · 1 year
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Art trade with for @prussianvenom/ @official-deified-defiled in my Murder Sim server uwu love MJ and now you can be blessed by his loving gaze MJ belongs to Prussian venom Wish i had more time to work on him we had 2 and an half weeks and my computer decided to shit the bed im so sorry Venom I promise I'll pay you back at some point
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ma1dita · 3 months
Why do I see Luke and trouble being like "Shut up and kiss me" after Luke or trouble (whichever) talks about something they enjoy and the other is like I'm gonna kiss them cause they're so cute
done and dusted
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: fun lil short blurb for lukie pooks!! enjoy kissing him lol ty for the req morghen this was from a while ago-> check out my partners in crime series if you wanna see more
wc: 675
There’s a subtle curiosity that fills the air whenever Luke Castellan is around. You know by now not to deify gods nor people, much less a curly-headed boy with flighty eyes and a grin that always makes you feel like he knows something you don’t.
“Dangerous… the way you’re looking at me right now, trouble.” Luke’s grin is almost evil as his gaze washes over your curled up frame on the tattered couch. You’re gathering fabrics and props from the basement of the Big House for the next play you’ll organize, and Luke came along to help you carry some boxes (you’re more than strong enough to do so by yourself, but he just wants some alone time with his girl).
“M’not even doing anything! Just looking at you,” you smirk, bumping his hip against yours and his cargo pants brush against the skin of your thigh. He hisses, dust clouding your view of him when his leg catches the edge of the wooden table in the corner of the room.
“What’s this for again?” he sniffles, wiping his nose and tossing a headpiece into another box as he watches you sort through sequins and scrolls on the floor.
“Romeo and Juliet. Classic. You know I have a thing for Shakespeare,” you begin to ramble, swooning over one of the greatest love stories of all time but all Luke can do is focus on the one between the two of you. He’s oddly quiet, and you turn from your bent over position to see him admiring the view. Rolling your eyes you grumble, “Babe, were you even listening?”
“Yeah, you were talking about having a thing for a dead guy that isn’t me….” he teases, pulling you in by the belt loops as your hands trail up to wrap around his neck, “and you were about to tell me about how much you love me!” He smiles stupidly, like it’s a matter of fact. He’s incredibly lucky it is, he thinks, as you crack a smile and kiss his jaw, shaking your head at your boyfriend’s antics. “That’s not even what I was trying to say, Luke. Even though I do love you. What I was saying is that Romeo and Juliet is an amazing piece of literature because no matter what they go through, it all starts and ends with love. How beautiful is that?” you yap, not noticing that he’s backing you onto the edge of the dusty table. Like you weigh nothing, between your breaths you’re lifted onto said table with a yelp and his hands stay firm and warm on your hips.
“You’re beautiful.”
“For gods’ sake, Luke,” you giggle, “what do you want?”
His nose trails a path from your collarbone to your cheek and up into your hair—the scent of you overpowering the other elements in this decrepit room. Sweet, and soft, and his.
“I want the love of my life to just shut up for a second and kiss me. How about that?” he murmurs, lips already brushing against your growing grin as you pull him in by the curls on the nape of his neck.
Sometimes he wishes it was more normal to keep eyes open during a kiss. Luke doesn’t want to miss a single second of you even as you occupy all of his senses—the plush of your skin under his wandering hands, the smell of your perfume wafting as he pulls you closer into him, the sounds of your soft moans under his ministrations and the taste of you in his mouth as you slip your tongue against his own, dancing in familiarity in tune with your noises. He sneaks peeks of you through heavy eyelids—unable to rip away from the sight of your bliss in his arms.
And then you’re pulling away with a smirk, “M’not letting you defile me in a dusty basement, much less in my dad’s house.”
His lips press against your temple as he sighs, moving in the shape of words you can barely make out.
“Worth a shot.”
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orthodoxadventure · 11 months
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The doctrinal significance of icons.
Here we come to the real heart of the Iconoclast dispute. Granted that icons are not idolatrous; granted that they are useful for instruction; but are they not only permissible but necessary? It it essential to have icons? The Iconodules held that it is, because icons safeguard a full and proper doctrine of the Incarnation. Iconoclasts and Iconodules agreed that God cannot be represented in His eternal nature: 'no man has seen God at any time' (John i, 18). But, the Iconodules continued, the Incarnation has made a representational religious art possible: God can be depicted because He became man and took flesh. Material images, argued John of Damascus, can be made of Him who took a material body:
Of old God the incorporeal and uncircumscribed was not depicted at all. But now that God has appeared in the flesh and lived among men, I make an image of the God who can be seen. I do not worship matter but I worship the Creator of matter, who for my sake became material and deigned to dwell in matter, who through matter effected my salvation. I will not cease from worshipping the matter through which my salvation has been effected.
The Iconoclasts, by repudiating all representations of God, failed to take full account of the Incarnation. They fell, as so many puritans have done, into a kind of dualism. Regarding matter as a defilement, they wanted a religion freed from all contact with what is material; for they thought that what is spiritual must be non-material. But this is to betray the Incarnation, by allow no place to Christ's humanity, to His body; it is to forget that man's body as well as his soul must be saved and transfigured. The Iconoclast controversy is thus closely linked to the earlier disputes about Christ's person. It was not merely a controversy about religious art, but about the Incarnation and the salvation of man.
God took a material body, thereby proving that matter can be redeemed: 'The Word made flesh has deified the flesh,' said John of Damascus. God has 'deified' matter, making it 'spirit-bearing'; and if flesh became a vehicle of the Spirit, then so -- though in a different way - can wood and paint. The Orthodox doctrine of icons is bound up with the Orthodox belief that the whole of God's creation, material as well as spiritual, is to be redeemed and glorified. In the words of Nicholas Zernov (what he says of Russians is true of Orthodox in general):
[Icons] were for the Russians not merely paintings. They were dynamic manifestations of man's spiritual power to redeem creation through beauty and art. The colour and lines of the [icons] were not meant to imitate nature; the artists aimed at demonstrating that men, animals, and plants, and the whole cosmos, could be rescued from their present state of degradation and restored to their proper 'Image'. The [icons] were pledges of the coming victory of a redeemed creation over the fallen one. . . . The artistic perfection of an icon was not only reflection of that celestial glory -- it was a concrete example of matter restored to its original harmony and beauty, and serving as a vehicle of the Spirit. The icons were part of the transfigured cosmos.
As John of Damascus puts it:
The icon is a song of triumph, and a revelation, and an enduring monument to the victory of the saints and the disgrace of the demons.
-- Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Church
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givemearmstopraywith · 8 months
the existence of the incarnation deifies rather than defiles creation
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poeticallydisgraced · 21 days
I who am there: standing grotesque and bare, I who was devout and pure: blest by the goddess.
Deified as a curse,
I who don't gouge the eyes of sinners who stare yet I who am forced to glare,
A criminal am I, given hate by their words and actions, yet this curse is almost a blessing in the most modest ways,
Burdened to wear a crown of hate, defiled by rape, by this supposed great, I who am left only snakes.
Snakes who bare their teeth into those who prey, who test me; with all their murderous lust.
I who would pray, sitting by the alter, showing reverence to Athena, I who took no offense by the day.
Now heroes and their oddest ways, with their promised kill of I, their claiming of no staring, oh how honest.
There is no one but I, no tears, no cry, certainly no why.
I stand in my garden of death, a graveyard of statues, nothing more nor much less. If you shall trust.
More footsteps as of lately, the place becomes more and more littered with their decay,
Statues of them in stone and dust, the last gaze upon this realm, not wanting to leave this realm if they must.
A young boy that I do not know, though I can hear the whisper of his name: Perseus.
His blade does not scare me, nor does his shield, I must adjust my plan to meet this disgust of me.
His shield that shimmers, his clothes of linen.
He must listen to elders, who say I am unfair.
With one look back I see him slither back towards me, a new strategy, with one unjust slice I am stardust.
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teanicolae · 1 year
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my second Master's Degree is officially COMPLETE!! these past two years at Warwick University were a rich immersion in the art of poetry & in the practice of literary translation. milestones achieved have been:
completing my dissertation, entitled "Rendering Sacred Texts: Ethics and the Question of Untranslatability", in which i explored the practice of translating sacred texts and the intricate issues it presents in the field of translation studies, mainly posed by the dilemma that is the hypothesis of an intrinsically sacred quality to languages such as Sanskrit or Latin. i argued that in the case of non-dual traditions, the subsequent question, of whether translation would defile the text, is incongruent with the philosophy & cosmology the text is rooted in. i used the Lalitāsahasranāma, a central hymn of Śrīvidyā, as a case-study.
conducting my poetic research centred on bhakti or devotional poetry, a genre of Indian poetry which worships the Divine as the Beloved. i worked on two bhakti collections: "odes to the Monsoon One" and "the Monsoon One and the pilgrim", which explore a woman’s mystical journey. written as a response to the lingering legacy of female exclusion from spirituality that is present literature, the poetry rebels against misogynistic religious texts thematically, through female-centred imagery deifying the demonised body, through the subversion of elements of oppression such as motifs of marriage. the Divine is worshipped in my poems as a lover. i argued that for as long as remnants of a religious culture exclusive of women persist in South Asian literature and practice, for so long will bhakti poetry be needed for devotional rebuttal.
more on this soon! i am hoping for these to be published in 2024 or 2025. 
i extend my gratitude to my extraordinary professors: my supervisors Dr. Jodie Kim & Rosalind Harvey; Professor David Morley, as well as Dr. Chantal Wright, who generously & expertly encouraged and guided me, as well as expressed genuine interest in my work - interest which i especially appreciated when my work took unconventional routes!
as this chapter ends, a new one at Edinburgh begins! onward!
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lasplaga · 5 months
for a disappointed starter . /for ashley :')
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𓆙      —      𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝟐.𝟎 --- Accepting & PLEASE CONTINUE in a new post!
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Beyond the sliding factory doors, with Leon & several of his deceased slaves abandoned, 𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐇𝐀𝐌'𝐒 penance would begin swiftly. Carrying himself much like a father, HER father, his displeasure was made with sharp criticism, breathed harshly & snorted through his nostrils. It was an instinctual fear --- children afraid of disappointing their parents & the terror of punishment that would follow. Demanding servitude & obedience, these were virtues that Lord Saddler upheld in his Kingdom, divine justice demanding utmost satisfaction.
" ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶 𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔬𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔶𝔬𝔲, 𝔡𝔞𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔢𝔯. " To be certain she was attentive & comprehending the severity of his words, the elder's hand softly gripped her chin & directed it upwards, so as their eyes would meet. The scolding carried a miasma of death in such close proximity, the putrid stench of iron fresh. The Father's last sacrifice, did he consume a son of the congregation? " 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔟𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔭𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔣𝔦𝔢𝔡. 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔡. "
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The lashing rod was spared from the girl, but she was by NO MEANS spoiled. It was her first act of defiance & The Agent was a corruptible influence, defiling her mind with the poison of free-will. The woman would be dealt her fair responsibility of the sin committed, but mercifully blessed with lenience. " 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔣𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔲𝔟𝔪𝔦𝔱 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔡 𝔟𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔰𝔪. " ALL HUMANS MAKE MISTAKES. They deserve patience & forgiveness. It was understandable she was frightened, for glorious communion is a terrifying revelation, to have your body utterly deified & herald revolutionary change in the world.
Unceremoniously & with little semblance of care, her face was dropped --- Lord Saddler intending to instill GUILT. It was too far to give apologies, too late to helplessly fight back ; For upon her release, his claws came to grip her hand akin to a vice, near the point of leaving cuts & bleeding. Ashley was NOT running off anywhere without HIM, no matter how much she begged or flailed.
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tullos · 5 months
Random Notes on the Bible
Recently, we’ve seen God’s word questioned, defiled, glorified, and deified. It’s all caused me to really think through what the Word of God means to me. God’s word is peace to me, but God’s word also disturbs the peace in my life. That’s right, it disturbs the peace. It causes me to see the storms. It’s constantly stirring me as batter in bowl- It thickens me. It tells the whole story.  There…
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behind, clamp (down on), him/her/self, hole, loosen, opening, squeeze, stretch, tense
carry, cast, fling, hoist, hold, hike (legs), hitch (legs), hug, hurl, lift, peg, pin, pitch, slam, toss
body (general)
arch, bend, brace, buck (pelvic/knee), buckle (knee), cling, cradle, crevice, cuddle, curl, curve, drop, embrace, entangle, fall, flip, frigid, heave (breath/chest), hook, inch, intertwine, jerk, join, lace, latch, lean, nuzzle, peel, quiver, palpate/palpitation, prop, press, pull, push, raise, rise, rock, shake, shift, shudder, slide, slump, snug, snuggle, spasm, squeeze, squirm, stiff, still, straddle, strap, support, sway, taut (skin), tilt, tower (over), tremble, tremor, twist, vibrate/vibration, weave, wrap, writhe
close, flutter, gaze, half-lidded, lock, part, shut
brush, caress, clasp, clench, clutch, cup, encircle, fondle, grab, grasp, grip, insert, knead, linger, palm, pat, pet, pinch, raid, roam, rub, slide, search, scrape, smoothe, stroke, strum, tap, tickle, trace, trail, tug, twirl, wander,
dry, glazed, graze, kiss, love-bite, part, smash
bite, blow, breathe, captivate, capture, cavern, chew, devour, engulf, envelope, heave, nibble, nip, ravish, suck, taste
climax, come, detonate, eject, erupt, explode, finish, gush, release, spew, spurt,
penis (and its movement)
bulge, cock, charge, drive, enter, erection, exit, him/self, impel, launch, lunge, manhood, member, penetrate, pierce, plunge, pound, propel, pulsate, pulse, ram, retract, retreat, shaft, shove, swell, throb, thrust, twitch, withdraw
affair, consummate, fuck, intimacy/intimate, lovemaking, madness, (moment of) passion, pleasure, round, session, union,
flick, lap, lick, run along/down/up/across, swirl, twirl
touch (general)
advance, anchor, attach, capture, catch, clash, collide, creep, crush, dance, dip, draw, feast (on), gift, grace, impact, meet, pester, possess/take into possession, ripple, rob, seize, skirt, soothe, steal, surge, surround, tease, tingle,
croak, cry, croon, gasp, groan, grunt, guttural, hoarse, huff, hum, husky, low, moan, mumble, murmur, mutter, pant, purr, raspy, raw, scream, whimper, yelp
aggressive, carnal, crimson, eager, earnest, erogenous, fervent, feverish, fiery, flush/flushed, forceful, frenzied/, heated, honey/honeyed, intense/intensity, mad, manic, passionate, poignant, potent, powerful, raging, raw, rough, sensual, stirring, sweet, turbulent, urgent, violent, vivid, untamed, warm, wild,
ache, hurt, rip, smart, sting, tear, throb, twinge
ardor, crave, desire, ecstasy, fire, flame, need, longing, lust, rapture, transport, want, yearning,
verbs of affection
admire, adore, cherish, deify, delight, devote, enchant, enjoy, enrapture, fond, glorify, idolize, relish, obsess, prize, treasure, venerate, worship
for noncon/dubcon (rape, bdsm)
abuse, animalistic, assail, assault, attack, barbaric, batter, beastly, defend, defile, desecrate, destroy, fight (against), force, harass, (take) hostage, intrude, invade, molest, pillage, plunder, resist, savage, shield, strike, struggle, surrender, thrash, torment, violate, yield,
*many fingers/hands verbs can also be used for lips and tongue
*some of the penis verbs can be used for noncon/dubcon, and vice versa
*go wild with your imagination with the body and touch verbs and general adjectives
*certain words for describing the action of inserting and withdrawal can be used for the tongue, fingers, and the penis. common ones are: enter, insert, shove, slide, thrust, withdraw
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A soft Lil comm between MJ and beetle from my bewoved fwen @beetle-drip , from a while back
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m07h-m4n · 1 year
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Made a wife for MJ, I love him so much he deserves some permanent lovin' This is Joyce, 5 foot 1 stubborn woman and she's here to stay by MJ's side no matter how much she has to throw hands with Eric/j MJ belongs to @prussianvenom
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caputvulpinum · 3 years
If you deify purely consumerist constructs couldn’t you end up with a deity whose holy symbols can then be desecrated and defiled in service of greater goals? Couldn’t you use them to create a tradition that can be destroyed on the way out without using any living traditions or human relationships that could be harmed by that process?
By "desecrating" a purely consumerist and capitalist-created "deity"'s symbols you are still giving validity and marketing towards the company who is making money off of your religion. You are doing the equivalent of being an atheist who buys a Bible from a church just to burn it. Yes you are disrespecting it but you are literally still partaking in it and allowing its source to profit off of you, your energy, and also your actual literal money.
You know how you're not supposed to feed the trolls, remember that little internet advice? Same logic applies to PCP. Don't feed the Disney Corporation.
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Sambhogkaya Representation
Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in the world with the sole purpose of helping all sentient beings. Lord Buddha revealed many different means/paths to enlightenment out of great compassion and set forth three wheels of law to suit varying degrees of intelligence and receptivities.
It is said that Shakyamuni Buddha himself was in the form of Vajradhara while he was teaching the Tantric path to his gifted disciples. Vajradhara is depicted holding a Vajra and a bell in his left hand. Vajradhara arms are kept crossed in front of him expressing complete integration of prajna and Upaya. He is usually depicted in blue colour in Vajraparyanka posture. He has a crown, an Urna and an Ushnisha as of a Sambhogakaya Buddha.
Vajradhara is also depicted in the father-mother aspect. Then he holds his usual symbols while his arms are crossed at the back of his consort. The consort is non-other than Prajnaparamita in deified form. The Kargyudpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism begins with the Buddha Vajradhara. The individual in this tradition is allowed to visualize his root Guru as Buddha Vajradhara. Guru Tilopa is said to have received Mahamudra Instruction directly from Buddha Vajradhara through visions and other extraordinary means.
In Nispannayogavali, Vajradhara is the main deity in Vajraattvamandala. He is three-faced, six-armed and reddish-white. His right arm holds a Vajra, a sword and a Kapala and his left hand hold a bell, an Ankush and a noose. He stands in the Ardhaparyanka posture and dances in Tandava style.
Vajrasattva is also regarded as Adi-Buddha by Nepalese Vajracharyas who follows Vajrayana tradition according to the text Shakyamuni Buddha Vajrasattvakaya. His body is white with one face and two hands. His right-hand holds a five prolonged golden Vajra at his heart. His left-hand holds a silver bell at his side. He sits in the Vajraparyanka posture earing precious silks and ornaments with jewel diadem. His body is adorned with 32 major and 80 minor marks of a Sambhogakaya and emits a clear limitless light. It appears to lack all notion of substantiality, like the reflection of the moon in the water.
Vajrasattva has a father-mother aspect too. Generally, this form is not exhibited in open. It is shown only to those who are initiated in the highest yoga tantra. His form is the same as in the single one but his consort carries a kartri in her right hand and a kapala in her left hand.
Vajrasattva is said to have been originated from seed syllable hum and is generally invoked from the removal of obscuration of Kleshavarana and Jneyavarana. His hundred syllable mantra is very efficacious in purifying our defilements through confession practice. It is said if confession is done with the four opponent powers, then non-virtuous actions or obscurations will be purified. The first opponent power is the force of reliance. This means looking upon the visualised image of Vajrasattva as the embodiment of one’s refuge. The second opponent power is the sincere regret for the non-virtuous action done by oneself. The third opponent power is desisting from evil deeds. The fourth opponent power is to apply the power of good deeds and especially regarding this case practising the meditation and recitation of Vajrasattva without parting from Bodhicitta while remaining in the state of emptiness. Vajrasattva is a very popular guardian deity for Nepalese Vajracharyas. He is worshipped very often by Nepalese Buddhist through the Gurumandala ritual.
Vairocana Buddha
Vairocana Buddha is one of the Five Tathagatas symbolizing all-pervasive wisdom (Skt. Suvisuddha Dharma dhatu jnana) i.e. knowledge free from all kind of Obscuration. He is placed generally in the sanctum of the Stupa. Sometimes he is placed between Akshobhya and Ratna Sambhava in the stupa. He resides always in the Akanistha Heaven.
He is white and his hands are held against the chest with the tips of the thumb and forefinger of each hand joined displaying Bodhyanga Mudra. His vehicle is a pair of lions symbolizing the lion's roar of dharmadhatujnana which terrifies all wrong views.
Vairocana Buddha originates from the seed syllable OM placed on the orb of the moon. He also represents Rupa (form) of five aggregates. He is not a historical Buddha-like Shakyamuni Buddha. According to the Dharmalakshana sect of Mahayana Buddhism. He is considered to be Svabhavika-Kaya of Shakyamuni Buddha. In some esoteric sect of japan, he is said to be the supreme lord of secret vehicle. I.e Mahavairocana.
When Vairocana Buddha is four-faced and eight-armed. He is addressed as Vajradhatu Buddha. According to Vajradhatumandala of Nispannayogavali, Vairocana is seated in Vajraparyanka and white. His four faces are of white, yellow, red, and green colour. He is eight-armed with his hands holding a vajra and displaying dharma chakra mudra, the second pair shows dhyana mudra, the third holds a rosary and an arrow and the last pair holds a discus and a bow.
Akshobhya Buddha
He is also one of the five Tathagatas symbolizing Mirror-like Wisdom (Skt. Adarsa Jnana) which means wisdom like space, all-pervasive, without periphery and characteristics. He is the essence of a purified form of hatred. As in a mirror, every visible object reflects so the knowledge of dharmakaya reflects in our mind. The image of Akshobhya Buddha is generally placed in the east in the stupa. It is blue. He exhibits an earth-touching gesture (Bhumisparsa mudra). He rides on the throne of an elephant symbolizing the steadfast nature of his bodhisattva vows. In the past when Akshobhaya Buddha was a bodhisattva he made strong vows in front of Buddha Mahacakshu.
a) I now engender supreme bodhicitta. If I bear malice against sentient beings from now until attainment of supreme enlightenment I will be disobeying all the Buddhas.
b) Now I have resolved to pursue all-knowing wisdom and firmly dedicated to this goal. If I generate any doubt, intention to kill or steal, my wrong view or impure deed or if I am prone to lying, duplicity or harsh language or if I hurt other ways from now on until I attain supreme enlightenment, I will be deceiving Buddhas.
When he thus first brought forth bodhicitta, this bodhisattva-mahaattva clad the armour of vigour, and never moved by hatred or the like toward any sentient being. Since then, because of his thought Bodhisattva was called Akshobhaya, the immovable of the land of Abhirati.
In other words, Akshobhaya attained Buddhahood under the tree of even jewels in the land of Abhirati I.e wonderful joy in the east. Because of the power of the vows, there is no lower realm in his buddha land. Every sentient being, in his buddha land, deed virtuous deeds and restrain from angry behaviours. According to the Ratnakuta sutra, if one determines to practice the bodhisattva way of life as he vows he will be reborn in that Abhirati Buddhaland. It is said that the famous Upasaka Vimalakirti is the person transformed from the land of Abhirati Buddhaland.
Ratna Sambhava Buddha
Ratna Sambhava Buddha is one of five Tathagata symbolizing wisdom of equality (Skt. Samatajnana). According to the commentary of Namasangiti, the author Ravisri says;
"All the phenomena are devoid of essence, lacks true inherent existence and hence is a dream-like or illusion or is empty”. Thus the knowledge of the essencelessness of a person and the phenomena is the wisdom of equality. Buddha Ratna sambhava is the personification of this wisdom is Vajrayana Buddhism.
In the extant literature, he is rarely described his vows, aspirations and activity. He is usually called the Buddha born from a jewel. He is yellow, belongs to the Buddha family of a jewel, placed in the stupa facing to the south. He shows varada mudra with his right hand and holds cintamani jewel in his left hand kept on his lap. He also represents the purified form of the defilement pride, rides on the horse throne symbolising that he ferries over the suffering sentient being with full vigour. He resides in the pure abode of Ratnavati heaven (Buddha-field).
It is said that when Ratna Sambhava Buddha attained enlightenment golden coloured rays emitted from his crown and manifested limitless golden coloured bodhisattvas each one of them carrying a jewelled sceptre emitting light shinning on the southern world which were numerous as the sands of the Ganges.
It is said that the sentient beings’ wish would be fulfilled when one sees the golden coloured light. It is also said that by meditating on Ratna Sambhava Buddha’s body, one’s desire would be fulfilled.
Amitabha Buddha
Amitabha Buddha is also one of the five tathagata representing the wisdom of discriminating awareness. When discriminating wisdom dawns on us we realise non-production or non-origination of all things. He also represents a purified form of desire. Amitabha Buddha is red and represented in the stupa facing to the west. He rides on a peacock symbolizing that he can take away the suffering of others just as the peacock eats poisonous plants and yet his tail shines forth.
Amitabha Buddha is assisted by two bodhisattvas viz. Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamprapta.
When Amitabha Buddha was a bodhisattva he was called Bhikshu Dharmakara. He made 48 vows to establish an adorned land of unlimited bliss to ferry over those living beings who recite his name. Based on those vows, any living being who has faith, makes vows and practices diligently will be received by this Buddha and reborn in the pure land of unlimited bliss.
Amitabha Buddha presides over the Bhadrakalpa i.e fortunate aeon. He always exhibits Dhyani Mudra. He belongs to the lotus family and originated from the seed syllable Hash. He can be recognised through the symbol of the lotus. This buddha has ferried over innumerable sentient beings with his extensive vows and great compassion. Devotees recite very often the prayer to be reborn in the land of Amitabha Buddha in China, Japan, and Tibet too.
Amogh Siddhi Buddha
Amogh Siddhi Buddha is the last among the five Buddhas. He represents all accomplishing Wisdom and purified form of jealousy. When one realises all accomplishing wisdom one can perform all the Buddha Activity without pre-meditation. This happens spontaneously. Amoghsiddhi Buddha is green in colour, represented in the stupa facing to the north. He rides on Garuda symbolising that he can detect the presence of serpent-like delusion from a distance and a serpent with seven hoods and an umbrella is depicted in the background. He exhibits abhayamudra showing that following the bodhisattva path is gained.
The vows, activity and deed of Amogh Siddhi Buddha are not extant in Mahayana Buddhist literature like Ratna Sambhava Buddha. It is however said that cultivators relying on this Buddha’s protection will achieve accomplishments in Buddhist affairs and worldly matters and will perfect the work benefiting the sentient beings.
Amogh Siddhi Buddha alone has a canopy of snakes over his head and sometimes resembles Shakyamuni Buddha with nine-headed Naga King Mucalinda in paintings. According to tantric text, this Buddha is said to be originated from the seed syllable green kham. He is also said to be the embodiment of volition (Skt. Sanskara) and Air element.
Bhaisajyaguru Vaiduryaprbha Tathagata (Medicine Buddha)
Bhaisajyaguru Vaiduryaprbha Tathagata is also called Healing Buddha or Medicine Buddha. He can cure the sickness of birth and death. His body is bright like lapislazuli. He resides in the eastern world of purified lapislazuli and assisted by two bodhisattvas called Suryaprabha and Candraprabha, to transform and teach living beings in that land.
The usual colour Bhaisajyaguru Vaiduryaprbha Tathagata was blue or lapislazuli in colour. But he had also a golden colour. His right hand held a branch of the myrobalan in varadamudra gesture. His left hand is in the lap holding a pindapatra (alms bowl).
The blue or lapislazuli colour of this body symbolises that he takes all the disease and sickness of the suffering beings unto himself. The palm myrobalan signifies the medicine which heals all the sickness of sentient beings.
According to the Bhaisajyaguru Buddha sutra, he made 12 great vows before he attained Buddhahood. The important vows are as follows: to eliminate sickness from all living beings and make them feel easy and happy to attain Buddhahood and to liberate beings from disasters and calamities. It is said that the land of Bhaisajya Buddha is genuinely pure. In that land, the ground is paved with purified lapislazuli. The cities, buildings and palaces are made of seven jewels. In that land the sentient beings do not commit any evil deeds hence there is no lower realm. It can well be compared with Sukhavati Heaven of Buddha Amitabha.
In Tibetan medical tradition Bhaisajya Buddha is said to be the source of all medical treatises. This Buddha is invoked for eliminating disasters and sickness of all varieties.
Amitayus or Buddha Aparimita
Amitayus (Buddha Aparimita) is very popular is bestowing long life upon the devotees. He is red. His two hands are in dhyana mudra and hold an ambrosia vase (Skt. Amrit Kalasha). He usually wears all the ornaments of a different kind peculiar to a Sambhogakaya Buddha. He is never depicted with any consort. He wears a crown and has Ushnisha and Urnakosh in his body.
Buddha Aparimita is invoked or worshipped for lengthening the life span or fast relief from dreadful diseases or mortal danger. In the Nepalese Mahayana tradition, the dharani of Amitayus or Buddha Aparimita is often recited by the devotees in the presence of dying patients. The recitation of this dharani is said to be efficacious when carried out in utter sincerity. It is said that the famous Madhayamika Buddhist philosopher Arya Nagarjuna had escaped his early death after the recitation of this dharani one complete day and night.
Buddha Durgatiparisodhanaraja
Buddha Shakyamuni when he entered into a special type of samadhi called Sarvadurgatiparisodhana i.e. elimination of all evil destinies, is called Buddha Durgatiparisodhanaraja. There are many paintings of this deity in Nepal although this sculpture is very rare.
Buddha Durgatiparisodhanaraja is yellow, exhibits Dharmacakramudra and has one face and two arms only. Buddha Durgatiparisodhanaraja is described in the Durgatisodhana mandala of Nispannayogavail. His dharani is very popular among Nepalese Buddhists and is very often recited in front of a dead body or funeral ceremonies. Durgatiparisodhanaraja can liberate beings from the hell. Devaraja Indra requested Buddha Shakyamuni to liberate deva Vimalamaniprabha who was reborn in Avici Hell. Buddha Shakyamuni delivered the dharani of Durgatiparisodhanaraja out of compassion and he was liberated. 
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tumblezwei · 4 years
Monty's closest friend and protege wrote a 36 page paper detailing how much Volume 3 alone was changed, as well the abuse he, Monty and Sheena endured throughout their time at Rooster Teeth. But sure, tell us more about how RT is totally following Monty's vision and that they know what they're doing.
Never said Shane's letter didn't have truth to it, but the guy was also obviously severely depressed and talked about "Monty's vision" as if it were a scripture that MK was defiling. A lot of the letter is severely biased and incredibly emotional, he talks as if he was the only one who knew Monty, the only one who truly understood him, and the only one who knew what his true vision was. Shane was no doubt important to the animation process, but he was absolutely not the only person at RT that knew Monty or what he wanted. And in the letter he would continually put down Miles and Kerry by saying that him and Sheena knew Monty's "real vision" more than them because....they were close to him. He brings in his broken marriage which has nothing to do with RT, along with these conspiracy levels takes about how RT was trying to distract fans from Monty's death so that they could reassure people that RWBY was "their show." Basically a lot of making "Rooster Teeth" into this big bad villain that wanted to erase Monty entirely.
And it's not something that I'm going to take as 100% fact because it spends the entire time practically deifying Monty and his work.
Monty was an amazing man, a prodigy at what he did, but his vision was far from perfect. Shane mentions the Raven vs JNPR fight, which absolutely deserved to be cut because it was a bad idea that Shane only vaugely explained as "foreshadowing things to come."
And Monty's work ethic, while astounding, was impossible to replicate; and yet Shane acts as if RT was trying to call his workflow "unacceptable" by switching to Maya, instead of what it actually was: making things easier on an animation staff that couldn't pull consecutive all nighters and produce mind blowing fight scenes.
I'm not going to say all of the things Shane and Sheena went through were false, because with all the stuff that's happened in the past two years, there was absolutely truth to it. But the letter comes off as extremely paranoid, like everyone in RT was against him personally, trying to shut him up and erase any of Monty's fingerprints from RWBY, and that's not right.
Shane wasn't some whistleblower that exposed all of RT's terrible behavior, he was a depressed man going through a broken marriage, mourning his friend, causing him to think the entire world was against him. Miles and Kerry, two people who were just as close to Monty as Shane was, no matter what he claims, are trying their best to follow through on the plan all three of them came up with together.
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bestworstcase · 4 years
So if Coronans worship the sun, and Rapunzel is pretty much the mortal embodiment of the sun, is Rapunzel like. Corona Jesus
in the show, the religion is very clearly Vague Fantasy Catholicism, but that’s just not how we roll here:
in christianity there’s this whole mythology of the trinity, and god being a perfect being who cannot be in the presence of sin while humankind has been desecrated by the original sin and expulsion from the garden, the all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god thing. jesus is god and becomes man with the specific intention of dying as a sacrifice to enable the forgiveness of all sins of those who accept this offer. and then he’s resurrected after three days and ascends back to heaven not too long after.
which is all wrapped in this narrative of… humans being fundamentally corrupt and incapable of true righteousness and unworthy of god’s love or forgiveness and so on and so forth; i don’t think you can separate jesus from the christian hatred and disgust for the human race. you can’t have a jesus without believing that humans are innately irredeemably evil.
a n y w a y, the point of this tangent being that, i don’t think coronan heliolatry bears any resemblance to christianity on this front. i see the basic tenets of the faith being more focused on… accepting one’s natural place in the world, being content with what one has, finding peace in one’s lot in life. the sun isn’t seen as a god per se but rather it is venerated as a source of life, renewal, and hope; it’s deified but not really a deity, if that makes sense. and it definitely is not seen as the absolute arbiter of what is good and moral in the way the christian god is; there is no final judgment passed by the sun, no “good” afterlife and “bad” afterlife, no sin in the way that christians conceptualize sin.
rather, the moral philosophy that has grown from coronan heliolatry is based on the view that humans have a place in the natural order, and attempting to transgress this natural order in either direction is harmful and destructive. so, debasing yourself and living like an animal when you have the capacity to participate in human society: bad. and pursuing magic, meddling and consorting with beings beyond the realm of human existence: also bad.
this is the root of why the saporian cults are persecuted in corona. by seeking connection with these unfathomable, powerful spirits—gods in the saporian vernacular, demons in coronan—adherents of the cults are transgressing the natural order. humans are not meant to be magical, and they certainly are not meant to pal around with and seek attention from magical beings.
which brings us to the sundrop flower. as a myth, i think the flower is framed as a blessing on the land, on corona, and on the lineage of the der sonne dynasty (which endured to this day; herz der sonne is rapunzel’s ancestor). but at the same time, the practical view of the flower within the sunlit temple has been “leave it alone, don’t look for it, it is not for us to take.” frederic uprooting the thing and feeding it to his dying wife caused… a stir, to put it mildly. some scrambling in the mainstream church to justify why he was allowed to do that (because he’s… the king, we can’t paint him as a defiler of the natural order!) and something of a schism over the “uhhh the king is a blasphemer? we can’t sweep this under the rug!” thing. there is definitely like an underground splinter church whose adherents sort of believed rapunzel wasn’t kidnapped but rather taken back by the sun or transformed in retaliation for fred’s extreme arrogance in taking the sundrop in the first place. and now that she’s back both the mainstream and splinter churches are kind of going, look, her magic brought nothing but suffering into the world, this proves that humans aren’t meant to be magical, isn’t it wonderful that she was liberated from that burden and can now live a human life; with the mainstream church painting it as the happy ending to a tragedy while the splinter church sees it more as rapunzel bore the consequences of frederic’s blasphemy.
so insofar as rapunzel has any role within the mainstream church, it’s in her capacity as the crown princess and descendant of the der sonne line; she has some ceremonial responsibilities that in her absence would have been performed by frederic or ludolf, and like all members of the royal family is seen as having some innate closeness to the sun and by extension a right to rule. (i haven’t pinned down the exact mythology here, but it’s in the vein of the der sonnes coming out of the sun to found corona.) presently, she is seen as simply having been a vessel for the sundrop’s magic rather than an embodiment of the sundrop itself, and this is seen as having been A Bad Thing.
likewise, i… think there’s a split in how eugene’s resurrection is seen in the mainstream vs the splinter church. the mainstream church is like, the sundrop restores him to life to reward him for setting it free. and the splinter church is like the princess brought someone back to life?! she’s even worse than her father what in the world—
so um the short answer that i’m getting at here is no, rapunzel isn’t corona jesus, bc the mythology around her and the sundrop and the sun itself is very different and the attitude is not that she’s a savior but that she’s a victim (and proof that the church view of magic is Correct)
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