#Democratic beliefs
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sher-ee · 2 months
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tawaifeddiediaz · 1 month
in the interest of complacency, here are some screenshots of polls right up until november 8, 2016:
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(from this website) - there are many more polls in here, but i just took a screenshot of one bunch as an example. the graph is made of an aggregate of 1,106 polls total.
you cannot trust the polls. hillary clinton was up in the polls pretty much her entire campaign by a huge margin and she still lost. the only way to ensure that the polls reflect true is to increase voter registration, ensure people go out and actually vote, and make sure people know what's at stake this election.
also, i got a few people saying that the democratic party isn't appealing to single-issue voters re: my last post. and you're right. they're not. kamala's speech on the war in gaza was shoehorned and empty at best, and reflected that same zionist outlook we've been watching pretty much the whole time. but the whole point of that post was to urge people to elect a president who would actually listen, and to look at all the other issues that are also at stake in this election.
it's so fucking shitty that we have to come down to that, but we have a greater chance of getting what we want re: palestine if kamala's president than if trump is re-elected. not to mention kamala will protect women's rights, reproductive rights, queer rights, cut taxes for middle-classes, and reduce debt (and more). trump endeavours to do the exact opposite, and his support for netanyahu is far greater than kamala's or even joe biden's is.
i also think that people are seeing trump as "the devil we know" since he's been in power once and we know what he'd be like as a president, but in reality, him being in power once nearly broke the democracy. him being in power twice will finish the job.
the anger at the biden-harris administration resulting in people not voting for kamala harris will only punish american citizens for generations to come.
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I am once again *begging* you to take the isidewith political quiz to see how your political beliefs match which political parties and candidates. It's long, but:
You can skip as many questions as you like
There are deeper answers than "yes/no" or "for/against" for almost all questions (just select "other stances")
You can also submit your own nuanced stance!
You can read a quick simplified summary of the issue the question has asked about
On the same note, you learn about a wider range of issues than you knew were on the table most likely
You find out what candidates' recorded stances are on topics!
You discover the other candidates and their parties and platforms
and more!
There's a lot more on the site too. It's non-partisan, as fair as I've ever seen a political site be, has interactive maps, recent news, arguments and counter arguments for many issues, where voting districts are, and more.
To make it clear, you do NOT have to vote for the candidate you best align values with this coming election. I get that damage prevention is more important than ideals. But it's important to know who stands for what, especially on the record, and where your values fall in that mix.
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just-ray · 13 days
are you in a political party at the moment? are you gonna join one?
I am part of a young political party. I shan't say which to avoid tumblr slander, but it's quite complicated.
So say party A and party B and party C are all in government, and party V, W, X, Y, Z, are all in opposition. I support outright the values of party Y and Z, and some of the values of party B. Ireland has a big issue where party A and B have been cycling in and out of government for decades, and opposition parties have never had a chance to get into government.
Now, say you are any of the following.
Somone with the intention to be a politician that;
-wants to be in government
-cares more about making a difference than party affiliation
-wants a realistic chance of having influence
(This does not apply for people with no intent to be in government, and I VERY MUCH encourage voting for a party you support and agree with regardless of affiliation, or for locals, voting by candidate rather than party.)
Because the cycle between A and B has been going on for so long, if you want to make a larger change, it's adviseable to be in government. It could be argued that it's easier to join party A or B, than to break the cycle.
Dosen't this feed into poor decisions? Not inherently. So, I am formally affeliated with party B.
We must take a look at this parties youth. You will observe that they are all very progressive next to the current party. You will also observe that party B seem to really like party Y and Z.
As I said, party B has solid values but sometimes falls on execution. I also wish to break the cycle between party A and party B, but to do that, I must be in party B, in order to have a chance of being in government, and also to have a chance of promoting true democratic practice within that party, and establishing good, competitive but healthy and non hostile relations between parties. Competition stays, but it is paired with cooperation.
Although I agree with all of the values of party Y and Z, I see real potential in party B to rise to the same standard, and even above it, and I feel it's the better of the two parties that will get you into government, compared to party A.
I might be canvassing for party A, however I feel similarly towards them in the sense that I really do believe the candidates are good and dedicated people, but there needs to be real discussion had upon the question; "are we working AT the people, or are we working with and for them? Are we justifying our mistakes instead of endeavouring to improve upon them?"
I also believe that canvassing is good in all it's forms. While there are outright discriminatory parties I wouldn't canvass for, I believe the spreading of information and a variety of perspectives is inherently good. The people need to know their options, and I am happy to facilitate that in any way I can. I trust the voter will make the choice that they feel is best.
Tbh I'd be the first to admit that I have to perform insane mental gymnastics to be a part of this party, but I do think I have fair reasoning.
There are definitely worse parties to be in. There are less popular (thank god) parties that outright deny people human rights, and would fall very close to the beliefs of US trump supporters, however I'm happy to say I'm not part of a party that is deliberately denying human rights, but rather just a party that has solid theoretical values but exercises them poorly sometimes, but I really think the youth will have a great impact.
We all affiliate differently, but many of us have a common goal of liberation, happiness, and healthy institutions.
I have friends from all parties, from a-z. We do discuss sometimes, but we do not tend to argue because we share the same foundational desires for a healthy and empowered society.
As long as a party does not restrict human rights; I am not against that party in any way. We each have our own unique set of beliefs and our own power and healthy ideologies, and to have a real future for the people, it is essential that we cooperate and work with, rather than against each other, to find a way to move forward in the common belief in justice and civil rights.
Sorry for the really long answer, but I feel it's necessary to explain.
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nappingpaperclip · 3 months
so many pro-government/Democrat propoganda posts on here but they’re literally all the same:
30smthfandomblogger Follow
guys remember if a president did one or two things that really helped middle class white liberals then it’s ok for them to bomb children because our usamerican status quo is more important than brown people’s existence
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missbaphomet · 2 years
Replies won't let me type the full response so here
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@thefalse first of all, there's more to meat/dairy consumption than "it tastes good". There are health issues that necessitate eating meat and animal products, and they provide vital vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Your body will specifically even give you cravings for food high in these nutrients when you're in need. Secondly humans are omnivores, our healthiest diets consist of meat AND plant. Livestock also consumes a huge percentage of food waste that humans, including vegans, can't or won't eat. This can be "ugly" food, food too close to expiration, food you can't keep overnight like baked goods. 30% of the diet of that pork chop that I had last Tuesday was food people threw away. Only 36% of food (by calorie) grown globally is eaten by livestock, 55% makes it onto the plate of a human. 9% goes to biofuels.
If you're as worried about resource scarcity as you claim maybe start trying for renewable resources??? The problem isn't "oh wow animals are so bad for the environment", the problem is "companies and corporations are doing bad things for more money and they're only getting worse." You can stop eating milk and honey all you want, but that's not doing literally anything towards what you claim to be advocating for. We can develop new ways to farm that are sustainable and renewable but we can't unfuck the environment with a simple "just don't buy meat lol". It's infinitely more complex than that.
Did you know it's illegal to harvest seeds you got from a tomato at your local Walmart and cultivate them for yourself? That is assuming the plant hasn't been rendered sterile to enforce reliance on whatever company sells the seeds. I personally think that's a bit more fucked up than having a grilled cheese every so often.
Also no one is arguing animal abuse is good, but it's pretty common knowledge that if you abuse your livestock, it reflects negatively in the product. Put simply: animals that are abused then slaughtered for meat make shitty meat. Is there some sketchy shit happening in factory farming? Abso-fucking-lutely. Many livestock animals live on the bare minimum. I absolutely think that livestock should have good lives. Obviously not every cow and pig and chicken can be raised with the same quality of life as a champion show poodle, but they absolutely deserve a nice pasture and good scratch and a warm, comfortable shelter.
You know who provides these things? Local farmers or even just hobbyists. I have several family friends that raise chickens, and we get more eggs than we could ever hope to reasonably eat as a family of four. If you don't eat the egg, toss it back to the chicken! She will happily eat her eggs because they're nutritional and make a damn fine meal. My family also has connections to a family owned cattle farm, and we split a cow up the middle every year, and did for almost 20 years before the owner got cancer and stopped selling beef to focus on his health, and it was damn good beef too. Pigs aren't prominent in my area, but I'm sure I could find one semi-locally. My DM keeps bees and my family went from basically never using honey to buying it by the pint. I think the only thing that my family buys from the store that we couldn't get anywhere else is milk and cheese because pasteurization and cheese making is a huge expensive process that isn't really reasonable to maintain for just a small family.
Ultimately the argument of "but animal abuse" boils down to factory farming, but the solution then becomes just don't buy meat and other products from factory farms.
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area51-escapee · 1 month
Pointing out that your favorite politician is kind of weak in the “anti-genocide” department isn’t election interference it’s good actually and people should keep doing it.
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locrianking · 1 year
am yisrael fucking chai.
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dipstick-university · 2 months
it wasnt until this round of bizarre lie that it really clicked for me. i know hes been doing it politically for ten+ years now, but for whatever reason, this was the moment i really got it.
the point was not to convince the audience that kamala was not Black. this goes contrary to everything we understand about politics--when you speak to a crowd you pander to that crowd, you spin your message to align with their beliefs and values. you care about what they think. instead, his objective is to get the thing out there. nothing else matters in the moment. it isnt even relevant if he thought out the strategy beforehand. the only thing that matters is that everyone talks about it.
we seeing this in the first wave of initial reporting that calls it a lie, and in the second wave of thinkpieces--analysis of race in america, identity politics (tm), shock that someone would say something so obviously stupid. which it is. but its also not because now, brilliantly, when he brings it up again, most of his audience--the crowd that already believes him--is primed.
and when his followers are called out for how stupid they sound, they double down and become further cut off from everyone else who disagrees with them. and so they turn to the in-group to nurse their wounds and together they continue to dehumanize their supposed enemies while reaffirming their own credibility.
it really is a cult thats millions strong.
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uiruu · 3 months
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re very young and aren’t deliberating spreading misinformation about how the US branches of government work. The president does not have ANY say in Supreme Court decisions. The president belongs to the executive branch of government. The Supreme Court belongs to the judicial branch. The only influence the executive branch has on the Supreme Court is if/when the president gets the opportunity to appoint a new justice, which only occurs when a current justice dies or steps down. Those appointments from the president’s office need Senate approval before a justice can be confirmed to the court.
The US currently has a conservative majority on the court: there are nine justices total with six being conservative — three of them were appointed by Trump due to vacancies that occurred during his administration* (technically one vacancy occurred under Obama, but the conservative-majority Senate at that time blocked his nominees until he left office, meaning Trump was in a position to fill that vacancy. Hm, almost as though voting does in fact matter because of how our branches of government are designed, and Democratic presidents alone can’t achieve unilateral change!).
I understand the frustration with the state of the country right now, but acting like Biden is a king with unprecedented power over the judicial and legislative branches is dangerously out of touch with the reality of how this country works. Although ironically, Trump and his allies plan to redistribute power into the executive branch when he takes office by minimizing the power of the legislative and judicial branches (see Project 2025). If Project 2025 comes to fruition, the executive branch WOULD have king-like power, which is what The US Constitution was written to avoid. I recommend learning about the limits and parameters of presidential power before you “voting is useless” your way into handing absolute power to Trump.
im not gonna respond to very much of this, except to say that i'm almost certainly older than you, and also it's funny for you to be like "Biden isnt a king and doesnt have absolute power, there's nothing he can do about the supreme court. but Trump will have absolute power". which one is it? is the president important or not? also, you people all say that the democrats will be better than the republicans. where's the proof of that? what have they done for anyone? commit genocide?
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bapzap · 2 months
i looked up what a social moral democrat was to make sure i knew what was bring talked about fully.... you are not.making me read a full book.that isnt happening. this is as far as it goes okay?
good luck with the book bestie
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nero-neptune · 2 months
i genuinely think people on the left (both democrats And leftists) tend to underestimate how people (who would probably otherwise agree w/ whatever points you're making) are gonna be Far less open to hearing what you have to say if you talk to them like they're stupid
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kralmajales · 2 months
Seeing those stupid fucking edits of the current American election to the Election of 1800 from Hamilton where they cast Trump as Jefferson and Harris as Burr like that’s a good thing . Like we all remember what happened next, right?
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theriverdalereviewer · 2 months
obsessed with the way the republican party’s two biggest platforms (pro police and anti gun control) literally led to its presidential candidate getting shot at
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lesbianpegbar · 3 months
if i get lectured by my mom one more time that i HAVE to vote for biden no matter what or else this country is gonna fall into fascism im going to kms
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