#Deranged Detective head canons
davishater · 10 months
Ok, but like, earlier today, a recurring customer came into my store. Before he cut it, he had the same hairstyle as Hutter and I found out that he used to grow weed. I didn't think anything about it until after he left and then my brain just forced the thought of, "What if Hutter grows weed?" and I'm just like, "No!!! Stop!!!! Hutter is trying to be a detective!!!!!! He can't grow weed!!!!!" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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A head canon:
Mommy Kamonohashi met Ron’s father as she began to investigate a crime that she found out later connected to the Moriarty family, which in turn put Eliot forward to stop her. But instead of defeating her, she halting her investigation, the two fell in love with each other. That kind of love, the Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet kind of love, love-conquers-all thing. Against the world, they formed a family. They probably eloped. If they got married was the question. Her parents would have been very disappointed. His too. But more. So they made Eliot promise one thing that they’d allow him to cohabit with Mommy Kamonohashi if he performed this one last mission (the prologue of the Auberge arc) as it was a huge undertaking. He did it, but he saved the scientist. The Family found out his betrayal the reason he was eliminated, which Ron had witnessed and for a while forgot. Mommy Kamonohashi knew this. She probably went underground for quite sometime. Then realised later that it was pure cowardice. So she and her parents to avenge Eliot’s death, they introduced Ron to the world by bringing him to the prestigious Blue Academy with devastating consequences. Perhaps Mommy Kamonohashi is still guilty to what happened to her husband and son the reason she’s out of his life, or is she bound by something else?
I am looking forward to meeting Ron’s mum, who according to Milo quit being a detective.
Come on. Mommy Kamonohashi, you’ve been mentioned quite enough. It is time to come out.
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lokisprettygirl · 4 months
Deadly Locks (Detective! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Au) (Dark )
Read Chapter 4 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 5
Summary: Feelings resurface and more of your past with daemon is revealed as you take walks through the memory lane.
Trigger Warning: Rape and torture, 18+ , smut, It's a crime thriller so there would be some squeamish dark stuff, read at your own discretion, mention of rape, assault and murder, Speeding and driving under the influence, Reader has long hair, Daemon's hair is up for imagination, Cigarette consumption, some geographical errors
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You knew, of course you knew about his past. You had been with him for five years and it took him a long time to open up to you about what he had been through and how awful his early childhood was.
“What does that mean Daemon..i mean what does it have to do with the killer?”
You asked him so he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair,
“I don't know..i mean i am not sure what it means..it could be just a coincidence but–” his eyes teared up so you scooted closer to him and held onto his hand, as he looked down to avoid the tears from slipping down his eyes you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him. That's when he broke down in tears, it wasn't just about this developing theory in his mind but the buildup of every little emotion he had been shoving away since you had broken his heart.
You were taken by a deranged man and he could have lost everything if he had lost you to such a tragedy. He had stayed strong these past few weeks for you, he didn't overreact or cry in your arms when he found you, even though every part of him wanted to fall apart and crumble he kept his cool. But now that you were holding onto him so tenderly like you used to before, he couldn't help but shed tears for everything that could have gone wrong in the past few weeks.
“im sorry..I'm so sorry” he mumbled between his sniffling so you pulled away from him and cupped his cheeks
“Why are you sorry ..you did nothing wrong”
“If I did nothing wrong then how come you're not mine anymore?”
You looked down as he said that, well there were plenty of things he didn't do right in the relationship and that was the reason why you had to let him go but you weren't expecting the conversation to take this turn. He wiped his tears before he got up from the couch to go to the guest room “Sleep well darling”
He mumbled before he left and as soon as he was out of sight you couldn't keep your tears at bay either.
You wanted to go sleep in your room but you didn't want to leave him alone when he felt this way so you walked inside his room, grabbed the comforter and slipped inside. He immediately had his arm around you as if he was waiting for you to do just this
“Talk to me” you mumbled softly. He wasn't good at sharing his troubles, he always wanted to take your problems away but he never really delved into his own.
“About what exactly?” he asked you so you sighed.
“About your mum, you never told me about the lullabies”
“Well there are plenty of details i didn't share because it's not worth my time anymore. I don't want to think about that time in my life”
“Okay then..what does it have to do with the killer?”
“Nothing .. perhaps I'm overthinking “
“It's not like you to overthink these things..you just know”
He couldn't help but smile as you said that to him. His head was a mess but he didn't want to think about it at all, he just wanted to get a peaceful sleep when you were right next to him like this. He had missed sharing a warm bed with you.
“I like this ritual of yours”
“What ritual?” you asked him as you felt confused.
“of you sneaking into my bed”
“Are you flirting with me Detective Daemon?”
“Shush you know I don't flirt”
He linked his fingers with yours and you immediately felt relaxed, that was always his way of showing that he cared even if he wasn't good with his words or promises.
And there were days when he really wasn't good with his promises.
You saw the door knob twisting so you wiped your tears, you didn't want him to see how much it had bothered you that he hadn't come home early especially when he had promised you that he would, you picked up the plates from the living room as he entered and you saw the bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand but you didn't say a word and went into the kitchen again.
“Scrappy” he mumbled softly but you didn't respond to him, you pretended to be engrossed in the obsessive cleaning of the kitchen counter.
“Okay..I see you're upset and anxious”
You glared at him as he said that.
And as your eyes welled up again he placed the flowers down on the counter and walked closer to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist to stop you from fidgeting.
“Don't do this. .I'm mad…I'm so very mad at you right now and I don't want to be held or be lured into your apologies and your…just let me go”
Your voice choked on your tears as you spoke to him and his eyes teared up as well. It was your birthday, you wanted him to be there but he got stuck with a case, he had to be at the crime site and he had to document every little thing, he had no clue when time had flown past him.
“No…I'm not letting go ..i know you don't want me to apologize but I'm going to”
“That won't make a difference..”
“I know..”
He wiped your tears from your cheeks as they rolled down incessantly, he despised hurting you this way and ever since he had been promoted he had been making a habit of doing this to you.
“I brought flowers”
“I can see”
“And I got kisses..do you want that? My birthday girl I'm so very sorry –” he mumbled sweetly and that only made you cry harder.
“I ..was drunk and I felt so lonely..”
“You had friends over– i thought “
“I don't need my friends when I'm drunk on my birthday I need you ..” you sniffled as you spoke so he wiped your tears and cupped your cheeks to kiss your forehead.
“Okay I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm sorry, I'm sorry please” he mumbled against your mouth before he kissed you, his fingers clutched into your long hair as he pulled your head back to look at you, he wiped your tears before he dived into the kiss again.
“i miss you i feel like you don't even see me these days” you mumbled against his mouth
“We live together ..I see you everyday”
“That's not what I meant –”
“I know..” he kissed your neck as his hands slipped down your arms and he linked them with yours as tightly as he could, so tight as if he was afraid you'd leave him if wasn't holding onto you like that.
“I see you love…you're all I see..I'm sorry..what can I do hmm? What can I do for you, tell me what I can do to make you happy..my scrappy little love?” He whispered in your ear as he bit on your earlobe so you pulled away from him.
“Well …take a shower, get in bed and then you can show me how sorry you are ..”
Now when he looked back at the day he knew that was the beginning of the worst of it all, he should have been there for you in those little moments and he definitely should have been there with you during those rough days but he wasn't, he chose his work over you, he prioritized his work and he paid for it at the end when you couldn't take his broken promises anymore.
No amount of flowers, or kisses could have brought you back to him so he didn't even try.
Two years ago when you broke his heart and decided to leave he didn't even try to stop you from taking this step because a part of him always felt that you deserved better than him. So much better, you were everything and he was just some guy that didn't even deserve to be your man in the first place.
That night he really wanted to get a peaceful sleep but he couldn't sleep well, he had a dream about his childhood. It was a recurring dream he used to have a lot before, it was just one the earliest memories of his life
His mother had brought a new dress for him, his dada always told him that he was his precious boy but his mama..she never called him that, she always told him he was her pretty little girl, well she only told him that when she felt happy which didn't really happen that often. The dress she had gotten for him didn't look good on him, the make up she did on him didn't flatter him, he was a boy with boyish features and she hated that, she wanted a girl, a pretty girl, she wanted to give birth to a pretty girl like herself but he was a boy.
He saw himself wincing as she pulled on his hair to make pigtails but she got frustrated midway and then she started to scream at him.
“You're fucking ugly,..I can't believe I gave birth to you..no amount of makeup is going to change those hideous features”
She yelled at him but he was so little, so he immediately got scared and ran to her so she'd hold him..she was his mama right?
“Mama mama please don't be angry” she pushed him away as he started to cry and his cries attracted the attention of his father, then he heard them fighting and yelling, it wasn't until years later when he was able to comprehend what his mother was trying to do to him.
Next morning when he woke up he was in a weird mood about the case.
He dropped you at the therapist's office so you wished him a good day at work but after the end of the hour as you stepped out you noticed that he had never left. And that was something you hadn't really expected from him.
As you sat down in the passenger seat you took a good look at him, he wasn't talking and it bothered you that you didn't really understand what was bothering him.
“You don't have to be on my service all the time Daemon. The therapy it's …ummm it's helping and i –”
You stopped speaking as you felt his eyes on you.
“I don't feel pity for you–”
“I never said that–”
“But you're thinking about it.. constantly”
Well he wasn't wrong.
“..I am here because I want to be here..I want to be…close to you”
Your eyes teared up as he said that. A bitter laugh escaped your throat as the memories of the past flooded your mind.
“So you didn't want to be close to me before when you chose your work over me time n again?”
“You have no clue how much I needed you in my life–”
“It didn't really feel that way at times” he sighed as you said that. His knuckles strained as he clutched onto the steering wheel with a death grip.
“I just thought you were mine…for life..for this life ..i thought I had you .. and that you'd always be home no matter at what time I go in there and that was my fault…you didn't deserve a man like that in your life..you didn't deserve to be taken for granted”
You didn't say anything for a while as he said that, he knew where your relationship with him had fallen apart but that didn't hurt you any less. Breaking up with a man you were so crazily in love with wasn't an easy choice to make.
“It was perfect whenever you were there .. everything felt perfect when I had you but I didn't have you with me more than i ever had you with me and that broke my heart..repeatedly”
That day when you went home he told you that he'd come early in the evening and that you didn't have to worry as the cops were outside the house. You were getting bored out of your mind so you looked around the house, he still had his work desk in the living room, the desk that used to put him up at nights a lot of times that he wouldn't even get in bed with you.
You opened the drawer under the desk and there was a picture of you and him from seven years ago. It was taken in a club, you remembered that day clear as today because of the conversation you had with him. He really was an enigma during those early stages of your relationship with him. He still was the same but he was your enigma, the woman you were now knew that man inside out unlike the woman in the picture.
“Shots shots shots..lets go” Donna yelled amidst the loud music so you all took a shot, your face scrunched in disgust at the bitter content of the glass. You were at a nightclub with your friend group to celebrate Donna's engagement. She was engaged to this high profile detective named Otto Hightower, even though he was much older than her they made a perfect pair.
“Oh there he is …your weird police guy” you glared at her as she said that.
“He's not weird…shutup”
“Well he sure looks as if he has never step a foot in a club”
You shook your head as you stepped down from the stool and swam between the crowd of people to get to him, as soon as he saw you there was a clear sign of instant relief on his face.
You had been dating him for just two months, there were still things you didn't know about him.
“Hey there” you hugged him before you kissed him and he was taken aback for a moment before he reciprocated. He had a black leather jacket on with blue jeans and he looked hot as hell. And you really wanted him to stop being such a gentleman and fuck you tonight.
“Are you drunk already?” he asked you as he pulled away from you so you tilted your head and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Maybe.. want to take advantage of me, officer?”
His brows furrowed as you said that before he realized that you were joking, his cheeks turned pink so he looked down but then he looked around, he felt like an alien in that place.
“What is it?” You giggled as you spoke to him so he shook his head.
“Nothing..i…what are we supposed to do here?” he asked you, there was a tinge of nervousness in his voice.
“Dancing of course.. and drinking of course”
“Alright..” you smiled as you looked at him before your brows raised curiously
“Ummm Daemon?”
“You have been to clubs before right?” His face flushed again as you questioned him and as you noticed that he was embarrassed you quickly pulled him closer to kiss him. “Godd You're so adorable.. i love you” his eyes widened as you said that to him but then you were drunk so he didn't take your words to heart even though he really wanted to.
“You're drunk” you giggled as he said that. Did you just confess your love for him? Yeah you did.
“So first time huh?”
“Yeah I'm sorry..are you going to make fun of me with your friends when you go back there..” he asked you and it made you smile.
“Do I seem like that girl?”
“What girl?”
“The type who'd make fun of her boyfriend behind his back?”
“No..you're .. amazing.. and beautiful and an angel..though you piss me off at times when you're being all scrappy and reckless but I love that..i love everything about you and i love you ..ummm no sorry you don't seem the type to do such a thing”
A wide smile graced your features as you heard him rambling.
“And you're not even drunk”
Before you could make him blush further he cupped your cheeks and kissed you deeply. You were too much at times, too good for him, too sweet to him, too affectionate verbally and physically that he felt suffocated by your sheer energy around him but then he was getting addicted to that feeling, it got him all high and floaty in his head.
But he obviously didn't fuck you that night.
He was on his way home early like he had promised when he received a very frantic call from Rebecca, she sounded utterly distressed and that worried him.
“Daemon I'm so scared there's a man outside and I don't know what he wants” her voice was full of fear as she spoke on the phone.
“Where are the cops dear?”
“They're not here…I don't know “
He immediately turned the car around as she said that. He had promised to look out for her and he didn't want anything to happen to her. As soon as he reached her house he saw the police car outside the house so he went to talk to them and reprimanded them for leaving but they told him that they had been there throughout their shift and at least one of them had stayed in the past three hours.
He wanted to check on her now that he was there so he knocked on her door and when she opened she seemed fine, albeit a bit scared.
“Rebecca are you alright?” He asked her so she grabbed his arm and pulled him inside the house before she locked it.
“Somebody was out there Daemon I'm so scared” she immediately hugged him and put him off immediately.
“I talked to my guys out there …they said they were here”
She pulled away to look at him as he said that.
“No they…they're lying..why would I lie ?”
She started to cry again so he placed his hands on her shoulders to comfort her.
“I am not saying that you lied…let's just…sit down and get you some water okay?” He made her sit down on the couch and brought her a glass of water from the kitchen.
“I don't trust them…they look at me weirdly and it's just–”
“Did they do something? Said something?”
“No but please I can't be alone..I just feel so scared all the time–”
“I know it's tough but I have promised that I won't let him hurt you again right?”
She nodded as he said that before she held onto his hand and stood up to hug him again.
“I feel safe with you..i know you'd never hurt me..”
He didn't really know how to react as she clutched onto him. She has been through hell and he didn't want to add to it but she really needed to set a boundary.
“Rebecca I need you to listen to me, I'm doing my best to catch him and I won't rest until I have him”
He pulled her away from him but she didn't let go, instead she leaned into him to kiss him, that's when he knew he had to speak up.
“What are you doing?” He asked her sternly, his voice changed from the usual calm to suddenly agitated
“I see the way you look at me Daemon, and I feel the same–”
“You're wrong, so absurdly wrong here. Jesus …get off me” he walked out of the house immediately after that. He didn't really want to deal with this situation when he had a million other things in his mind.
When he came back home he found you in the kitchen making dinner and his sullen mood got better instantly. His life would have been so much better if you still belonged to him.
“Are you okay?” You asked him so he hummed and went to the bedroom to take a shower. The sketch he had gotten made for the woman in the killer's house was everywhere but if it was the killer himself then he knew it would be hard to find him without that wig and heavy makeup even though the whole city was on high alert.
After dinner as you went to your cold bed you tried to sleep there even though you just wanted to sneak into his bed like you had done for the past nights. The ring was still on your mind, the way he talked to you today made you feel as if he still wanted you in his life but then it had been two years. Nothing has changed, he still was the same busy workaholic man that you had left for your own good but he was trying to be there for you. He was handling the biggest case of his life but he was still making time for you and you knew he was trying.
You just didn't understand why.
About an hour later as you heard your door knob twisting you closed your eyes and pretended to sleep. His footsteps reached closer to the bed and then the familiar scent of his tom ford cologne filled your senses. The mattress dipped as he sat down on the bed and you felt the tension around him, not the kind you'd have wanted though. You could just feel that he was tense and worried. Perhaps overwhelmed.
Like a gentleman he covered you with the duvet before he ran his fingers through your hair and then kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight scrappy”
Before he could get away you reached out for him to grab his forearm and he turned around to look at you.
“Always a gentleman aren't you?” You gave him a small smile so he returned it before he sat down again “What's bothering you?”
“Just work, there's a lot of pressure, Otto told me that they'd be bringing in another detective on the case to aid me because I'm not getting anywhere”
You sat up as he said that.
“He can't do that, he knows how valuable you are for his team..you're not just another policeman, you're gifted and i know sooner or later you'd get him”
“Apparently not because I'm so clueless right now”
“Now isn't forever, you're clueless in the moment but you'll get there i know” he gave you a small smile as you motivated him.
“I really want to bring justice to those women but most of all you–”
“I know –”
Your eyes teared up so he placed his hand on your cheek and as he rubbed his thumb over your skin you couldn't help but lean into the touch.
“Were you going to call me ..on my birthday?” you asked him out of nowhere so he took a moment before he answered you.
“I really wanted to..I only thought of you all night long, a part of me felt something but I chalked it up to anxiety.. would you have invited me?”
“Not if you were seeing someone”
He chuckled as you said that.
You didn't say a word after that but laid down and then moved to the side so he could get into the bed with you and he didn't deny either. You maintained your distance for a good five minutes before you scooted closer to him and he wrapped his safe protective arm around you. And just like that both of you felt better. So much better.
A week later there was a Christmas party being held at the precinct so he asked you if you'd like to go with him.
Now you had been to plenty of parties with him before but you were his girlfriend back then, you knew the guys he worked with but you also knew that they won't look at you the same way after what you had been through. You still accepted his invitation, however as you got dressed up after a long time and put the makeup on, you felt nervous and scared, you didn't want to go anymore.
When he entered the room and saw you in that red and black dress his breath shuddered but then he also saw tears in your beautiful eyes so he walked closer to you.
He had a formal black suit on and he looked handsome as ever, when you had met him he was so young and boyish like most men are in their early twenties but now he had filled into his looks and that had only made him more handsome if it was possible.
“I think you should go alone” you said to him so he sighed,
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing I just…I don't want to freak out over something and embarrass you–”
You walked past him as you mumbled so he followed you in the living room. He found you rearranging his desk and he knew you felt anxious, that's what you did whenever you felt so extremely anxious that you were close to panicking.
“Y/n–” he called your name so you spoke immediately.
“Just go ..I'm fine i promise.. you'll get late”
“Y/n” he closed the distance between you two and turned you around so you'd keep your eyes on him. He sat you down on the desk by hoisting you up before he cupped your cheeks between his palms.
“Breathe darling..you're okay..you're okay i promise”
He cooed in your ears so you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. You weren't always like this but that man had changed you forever, you didn't even know if you'd ever get your old self back or if you'd ever feel the way you used to about life. A life where you didn't feel such immense fear all the time. Once your breathing leveled down you pulled away from him
“Thank you” you mumbled softly so he leaned down to kiss your forehead but he couldn't stop staring at your lips, your fingers traced from his chin to the outline of his tie as you looked up at him.
“You could never embarrass me, i need you to remember that alright?”
You nodded as he said that “We don't have to go, we'll stay here–”
“You should go Daemon-”
“No. I'm not leaving again”
“Then I'll come ..let's go..I'm fine i promise..I want to go out and i don't want to be so afraid”
“Are you sure?” He asked you softly so you nodded in response “I'd be there, right next to you”
On the way to the party you couldn't stop staring at him. He wanted to kiss you right? You didn't imagine or make believe the way he looked at you, right? Did he still feel anything for you? Love maybe? Maybe you should just confront him about the ring because if he had someone in his life you'd hate to be the sort of person that'd wreck a relationship.
But if he had someone would he keep you in his home? Sleep with you in the same bed? Would he take you to the party when he could have taken his girlfriend? You felt crazy, absolutely crazy having all these thoughts in your head.
As you reached the venue there were several familiar faces around and they all smiled at you which made you feel slightly at ease.
“They will think we are back together”
He chuckled as you said that.
“Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world”
As soon as Donna spotted you she came to hug you, and Otto wished you Merry Christmas as well to which you responded with a greeting and a smile. You wanted to go get a drink so you excused yourself. Daemon had offered to bring it for you but you didn't want to be so dependent on him .
“She seems better”
Donna said to Daemon so he looked at you as you were getting your drink made at the bar.
“She's healing slowly”
“Man i have to ask..what's going on between you two?” she asked him so he chuckled in response.
“Nothing. We are friends I think”
“Oh really” she let out a laugh so he rolled his eyes at her. He watched you from a distance as Torres met up with you. Torres was in school with you and then she worked as a traffic police officer along with him so you both knew her, she had moved on to work in law a few years ago. He watched you smile as you talked to her and his eyes teared up.
“She doesn't giggle anymore” Daemon spoke under his breath so Donna looked at him.
“She used to giggle..all the time..she doesn't do that anymore..that saddens me” she sighed as he said that.
“Well that's more to do with you then what happened..she never really was the same since the night of her birthday two years ago”
She was your friend ofcourse she knew. As Torres approached him he composed himself and hugged her as he hadn't seen her in a while.
“Where's Jake?” He asked Torres so she looked around.
“Your trainee? Ahh I saw him outside with a girl ..”
Daemon smiled as she said that. Jake was a shy decent guy and never really got involved with women that often so that came as a surprise.
As his phone rang in his pocket he excused himself and stepped away to pick it up as the call was from an unknown number and the voice on the other side was unrecognizable.
“You don't recognise me do you brother..? We have met already though” as soon as Daemon heard that he looked around “Don't bother tracing the call, i won't be around too long. Just wanted to send you my wishes for the festival and tell y/n that I miss her sloppy cunt, too bad i wasn't able to skin her alive”
Daemon's jaw clenched in anger as he heard the killer's voice for the first time. The way he talked about you only fueled his anger further.
“You really think you're so bloody clever huh?”
Daemon said as he felt utterly pissed off. However what the killer said next confused him for a moment but then it also made things pretty transparent for him. He knew where he had to go for all the answers that he was so desperately searching for.
“Ohh by the way give my regards to mother when you see her next”
@daddylokisqueen @iamavailablesstuff @123forgottherest @mcufan72 @shuichiakainx @avalyaaa @ajthefujoshi @tatertati-fangirl @urmomsgirlfriend1 @fudge134 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23
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greasy-night-rat · 2 months
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Sure his persona is a flip'n deranged beef cake that smashes his own skull in, but what if that was just the kinda façade he fell into when joining the WVBA?
[Long flip'n head canon rant below cut lmao]
Honestly love the idea of a younger bull having a destructive teen phase. Just punching holes in walls, and needing an outlet for his anger issues.
At some point (age 17-20 maybe) he is suggested to try boxing, and meets Doc (ether as a coach or sparing partner idk). He picks up the rules and techniques of the sport quickly. Wins and losses here and there.
The structure of having a training schedule, developing passion for boxing, and Doc being there to listen to him about his struggles. It all helps him get a better grasp of his emotions and helps him understand himself better.
As for how he got the gimmick of Bald bull? The producers of WVBA and Bull's manager suggested it. WVBA gets people in seats by promising unbelievable performances that wouldn't necessarily be legal in any regular boxing ring. The more 'crazy' a boxer seems, the more people are gonna want to see the show live. Thus, a good business decision to sell more seats.
It for sure took some convincing, but Bull ended up agreeing to at least try the persona (especially since marketing had already been told to use the title for him). So he faked his anger and exaggerated his mannerisms to the fullest.
He winds up ending the fight in round one with, his now signature move, the Bull Charge (Essentially being improvised by his new title). The display spontaneously makes his popularity sky rocket more that the producers had anticipated.
He gets booked for matches more and more, having a high success rate thanks to his Bull charge. His manager makes sure his schedule isn't set up in a way that would cause burn out though. This leaves him a fair amount of time to consider how he feels about the sudden shift in his life.
It feel strange to be encouraged to act similarly to how he did when was a 'troubled teen', but the persona is showing to be very successful for him... Oh well.
So yeah, chill dude who pretends to be deranged because it sell tickets :3
[side note because I was just reminded of the fic writer's name on AO3! Detective Capan has greatly impacted how I interpret Bald Bull]
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
Im curious and new to the fandom what are Sam and max's personalitys I don't understand them really much but I like the characters! Do you have any tips to help..? A easier way to understand their dynamic
Oh hi welcome to the fandom bud!! :D hmmmm let’s see, how can I summarize these two dumbasses…well, the show bible is a fantastic place to start if you’d like to hear from the creator himself! There’s a lot of really interesting stuff in there, including a page or two that goes into detail about both of their personalities. Really neat stuff!
But let’s see, if I had to summarize them…well, I guess I’d put it under a cut cause I’m gonna ramble a bit lol
I guess I’d say that they’re just a couple of lunatics who enjoy doling out their slanted version of justice and accompanying it with their constant banter. They’ve been best friends and partners in crime ever since they were children (and in fact still have tons of baby photos framed around their office lmaooo) and it shows. They’re often described as having their own language, and they have incredible physical comfort with each other, with Sam frequently seizing Max to fling him at people or use him like a weapon (Max likes this, notably) and Max occasionally using his partner like a cat tree. And while they like to poke fun at and do slapstick on each other frequently, it’s clear that they’re incredibly close and really care for each other. Also they’re gay as fuck lmaooooo canon just doesn’t know it
Ooh here’s something I think gets misinterpreted a lot! Sam is not as reasonable and moral as he might seem. He just looks that way in comparison to Max, but he is honestly just as deranged in a lot of ways. He just hides it behind his carefree cadence and friendly smile lmao. It’s the kind of thing where if you ignore what he’s actually saying, he sounds calm and friendly and nice, but then you tune back in and realize he’s suggesting they wrap Max in tinfoil and stick him in a microwave for fun, or casually threatening some bizarre form of violence against something. I think it’s best summarized by this meme lmaooo
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That said, he is still the more reasonable of the two of them, and probably the only one capable of feeling guilt or shame. It’s just that hanging out with Max kind of obliterates any chance of those feelings sinking in for long.
Oh and for Max, one thing I think is good to remember is that despite his frequent zero braincell behavior, he does in fact have a decent amount of intelligence. Which is kind of frightening, actually. He’s not as verbose as Sam, or at least doesn’t like to be, but he’s got smarts enough to make witty jokes and concoct his own plans and whatnot. He’s just also a goblin who likes clobbering people with flyswatters and would totally eat pizza off the floor lmao.
Conversely, Max isn’t exactly as deadly as he claims to be, either. Like, he’s still an absolute terror, but I think it’s important to remember that all one really has to do to keep him at bay is push his head away lmaoooo he arms too dang short
Ok but that’s all a bit in the weeds, so let’s see…basically, Sam is a cheerful goof who would really like to be a cool film noir detective, but is too busy having fun to keep up a serious facade for long. And Max is an irrepressible scamp who just likes to cause trouble and get into fights and wander around aimlessly. Sam does have his own weird sense of justice that he wants to uphold, but Max is kinda just happy to be along for the ride, and both of them are really only fighting crime and solving cases because it’s fun for them. And they’re a little codependent. Lmao.
Ooh, y’know what else has some really great analyses of these guys across different incarnations of the series? @h-worksrambles’s excellent discussions of their voices! Here’s the one they wrote on Max and his voice actors over time, and here’s the one on Sam. There’s a bit in the latter one where they talk about how Sam has a sort of shallowly-hidden temper that tends to burst forth on occasion, which I had never really given a lot of thought to but that I feel has deepened my understanding and enjoyment of his character! Definitely check those out, they’re a great read. :>
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Normal: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Summary: Another lunch with your parents reveals something that’s been locked in your head, but your dad makes you confused and jumbles up the truth. It’s hard enough to focus on a case with a deranged man killing people on the road, you don’t need family drama on top of it.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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Back at the station, as soon as Jordan knew what she wanted to say, she put together a press conference so she could get the profile out to others. It's still early in the day, so you're confident that a lot of people will watch this. You head back to the station with Spencer's lunch in hand, and he greets you with a kiss when he sees you.
"Thank you," he smiles.
Jordan is on the TV talking with the press, and everyone in the station is watching her on the news.
"We ask the public to listen very carefully to the following description. Anyone who believes they recognize this individual should call our tip line immediately. We are looking for a white, middle-aged, married father. We believe his wife is blond, approximately forty years old, resembles the victims, and drives a luxury sedan. This individual drives a blue small-model SUV and most likely lives in this area. It is also very possible this individual recently suffered a personal trauma in his life. Again, a white, middle-aged, married father. We believe his wife is blond, approximately forty years old, resembles the victims, and drives a luxury sedan."
Jordan makes sure everyone knows exactly who you're looking for, and not long after the conference is aired, there are reports of another murder. The unsub watched the press conference, and he got pissed so he went and murdered someone to get that anger out.
This time, he went off script. This wasn't a calculated plan. This was out of anger. The unsub killed two young men with multiple shots each. Everyone is gathered to watch, but the local police are doing a good job of keeping them at bay.
The energy coming from the parked car is that of two young men, but there is another floating around everywhere. It's the unsub's. He's unhinged, and his condition is getting worse by the second. This man isn't suffering from multiple personalities or anything like that, but he is suffering from a mental illness.
"Joe Karem and Timothy Calvert. DOA with no wants and no warrants. They work in the area, and detectives are notifying their families," Thea says.
"He used a sawed-off shotgun," you state. "That, coupled with close range, shot it out of the driver's side window and driving a blue SUV. It's our guy, but he went way off script. He's suffering, and it's only a matter of time before he's driving down the road and shooting everyone until he's caught."
"Something triggered him and pissed him off."
"Yeah, the press conference. It aired at two, and this happened at 2:20. He was watching the news."
"A Single witness says the shooter was driving a small blue SUV. They didn't get a plate but noticed it was a middle-aged white guy wearing a tie. His suit jacket was hanging in the back."
"If he drives the speed limit, and taking account into red lights and mid-day traffic, I'd say he came from no more than ten miles away. If he was wearing a suit with a suit jacket in the back, he was coming from work. He works in the area."
"I'm gonna call Garcia," Derek says and walks away from the group.
"You think he's gonna kill again soon, don't you?" Thea asks.
"Yes, and he's done killing surrogates."
"Did you know?" Jordan storms over to Hotch angrily.
"Excuse us." Hotch grabs her arm gently and guides her away from everyone else, but you can still hear them. "This is not the time or the place. Are you gonna do this in front of the press?"
"He killed those people because of something I said!"
"No. When we talk to the public, it's always a possibility. That is part of the job. Tell me now if you can do it or not."
"Damn right, I can do this job."
Jordan is in over her head. She thinks she can handle it but she lets her inexperience get the better of her. She was never prepared for what all JJ had to deal with since JJ couldn't teach her everything in time.
"Good. You're about to give another press conference."
Since the press was already at the scene, it wasn't hard to gather everyone. Jordan, with some help from Hotch, had everything she needed to say to them. You're standing off to the side watching her and studying her behavior.
"We are prepared to release to the public additional information about the individual responsible for the freeway shooting. The individual is a white, forty-five to fifty-five-year-old male of average build. He works in this area. He wears a suit and tie to work, and left work very abruptly shortly after two immediately after watching our earlier statement about him. If anyone has any additional information, please call our anonymous tip line. Thank you." She turns to leave but pauses and turns to the camera again. "One last thing. This individual has committed horrible crimes and must be held to account, but he is a husband and a father. He's violent and troubled, but he must be capable of some degree of mercy and compassion. So, we appeal to him... Do not hurt any more people. Please turn yourself in."
This happened so recently that no one could forget if their coworkers suddenly left without an excuse. Someone called the tip line about their coworker, so you, Derek, and Spencer headed over to the place where the call originated to talk to the caller in person. Jack's a worker at a local office building, and his coworker fits the description Jordan gave perfectly.
"That's funny, when I heard the description in the first press conference, I thought of Norman. I just thought it couldn't be, you know? He's so quiet."
"What does Norman do?"
"He's in charge of the company's travel expenses. This is his desk."
Jack escorts you to Norman's desk, and all of his red angry energy is left behind.
"Does he have access to the company cars?"
"Yeah, the whole fleet."
"What about the first press conference made you think of Norman?" you ask.
"The woman mentioned something about him suffering a tragedy. His daughter died in a car accident. She was run over after she ran out into the street."
"How long ago was this?"
"Six months. I really should have done more to help him." A woman brings Jack a file on Norman. "This is Norman's personnel file."
You take it and file through it until you get to his personal information such as his address.
"Is this address current?"
"It should be."
"Why are there two files?"
"We cross-reference married couples. Norman's wife Vanessa works here, too."
"We need to speak with her."
"She's not here. She just got a promotion, so she took a couple of weeks off."
Your phone rings, and you pick up when you see Hotch calling. Derek is already texting Emily the address since she's with Hotch and Rossi.
"Y/N, we have a high-speed chase at 117th and Pacific. It sounds like our guy."
"Alright, we're closer to that, so we're on our way now."
"Prentiss got the address from Morgan, so we're headed to his house. If he's having a break, he could be on his way there to finish it. We're on our way. Be careful."
"Got it." You hang up. "We need to go." The three of you take off back to the car with you and Derek in the front and Spencer. Norman's anger swirls out of the building which only you can see. "Go straight and make a right at the light up ahead. I can see his energy."
Derek makes a sharp right, and you have to grab onto the handlebar that's attached to the ceiling. Derek is driving fast to catch up to the car chase, and none of you are wearing any seatbelts. With his crazy driving, it's hard for everyone to stay in their seats, causing Spencer to panic. Derek is making sharp turns and weaving in and out of traffic, and you shake your head.
"Spencer, baby, I love you to pieces but you need to calm down. The more you panic, the more I panic, and if we're both panicking, then Derek panics and he can't panic while driving."
"Sorry. Sorry," Spencer chuckles nervously.
"We're just going to put our seatbelts on." You're the only one who does so, and that takes flying out the window off your chest. "Take a left at the next light."
Derek does so, but not a lot of people are seeing a big police SUV barreling their way. You close your eyes tightly because if you don't see it, then it's not really there. Derek makes it through the light without any injury to anyone, and you open your eyes to peek at what's going on.
The police are chatting over the radio, and you can hear someone shooting at them. It sounds like a shotgun, and you can only imagine it's Norman shooting.
"Repeat, shots fired! On the chase now," an officer says.
"He's losing it. Reid, does it look like the chase could be headed to his house?"
Spencer has the map of the area in the backseat. You can tell Derek which direction Norman is going, but Spencer can tell him where he's heading to.
"Uh, yeah, I think so. It almost looks like he's starting to go in a wide circle toward that direction."
"All units, pursuit now headed over Memorial Bridge."
"We're almost there. Turn right at the next light. Memorial Bridge is around the next corner," Spencer says.
Derek approaches the intersection before the bridge, and all three of you see Norman racing in the opposite direction with three police cars behind him.
"Hold on!!" Derek slams on the brakes and does a quick U-turn to chase after everyone. "Are you okay?"
"I'll get back to you on that," you mutter.
"Reid, get on the radio and tell them we're in the chase," Derek says and steps on the gas pedal.
"This is the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit," Spencer says over the radio. "We caught up to the chase and are now monitoring. We ask if you're able to stop the vehicle, you allow us to take the lead in contacting the driver. We believe him to be a severely deranged suspect."
Derek turns the corner and slams on the brakes when he sees the situation unfold. Norman swerves to the left and crashes into the concrete median. His car flips over and lands on the roof, shattering the windshield into pieces. Derek is the first out of the car and Spencer is the second. You take a moment to gather yourself before unbuckling your seat belt. You open the door and step out, and that's when the entire world slows down around you.
Derek yells at the officers not to shoot, but no noise is coming out of his mouth. Norman crawls out of the car in slow motion but you're not looking at him. You can see Norman's family in the car, but they're not moving to get out at all. All three of them (his wife and two kids) look at you before glitching out of existence.
They were never in the car with him even though he thought they were. They're dead and he may not even know it.
The entire world speeds up and returns back to normal, and you raise your gun at Norman like everyone else is doing.
"Norman! Don't move!"
"What are you doing? What are you doing? My family's inside!"
"Stop and listen to me! Listen to me! Nobody is in that car. Your family's gone, Norman."
"No, they're in there."
Norman's pain is great enough for you to feel it from where you're standing, and the tears start to well in your eyes.
"They're gone, Norman! Look inside. Look in the car. They were never there. It's over. They were never with you."
"No, but they were," he says heartbreakingly.
"Your family's gone, Norman."
Norman looks in the car and sees it's empty, and that's when he breaks down crying.
"Oh, god, what did I do? Oh, what did I do to my family? My family! I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"
Derek puts his gun away and manages to handcuff Norman, and you lower your gun just as the tears fall from your eyes.
"It's over, Norman. We're gonna get you some help."
You see this kind of thing all the time, but Jordan usually doesn't. She thought she could do this job, but after seeing Norman's family dead in their beds from where he shot them, she decided that this isn't the job for her. The entire ride back home was draining, but as soon as you stepped foot into the BAU, you felt relief.
"Hey, do you guys ever notice how the trip home always seems to go so much faster?" Emily asks.
"That's because the tailwinds are in our favor," Spencer answers.
You look up and see someone standing in the briefing room, and a wide smile breaks out on your face when you recognize her blonde hair.
"JJ's here."
You set your things down and rush over to the briefing room where she's standing by the table holding her son. You gasp happily when you see your Godson in her arms.
"What are you doing here?" Spencer smiles.
"Hello, handsome boy," you grin and gently grab his fist.
"Garcia said you guys were on your way back tonight. I thought you could use a surprise."
"I thought I gave you strict orders to get this place out of your head for a while," Hotch says.
"My bad. I couldn't help myself," Penelope says when she enters with a bottle of milk in her hands. "Here. I heated it up."
"JJ," Derek says and makes his way to the front. "May I?"
"Of course."
JJ hands her son over to Derek who supports his head. He's grinning from ear to ear, and you notice Hotch is even cracking a smile at this.
"Look at that. He smiles," you tease him.
"I just realized with all that we do and see in this room, it never smiles. I wanted at least one good memory to hold on to."
"This is the best memory you could have given us," you grin and hug her.
"There's no tragedy in life like the death of a child. Things never get back to the way they were." - President Dwight Eisenhower
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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d-amore · 2 months
detective Nasir Amin
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please tie your shoes
made in everskies, mostly canon but with some of my hcs! close-up and some thoughts under read more :3
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isn't him so lovely
-> there's the piercing that he isn't sure if he regrets or not
-> i was like man this shirt is fine but there's something missing....... it was the sexiness of a chest hair (deranged)
-> in my head he likes some jewerly, like necklaces and rings, so that's why i put one here
-> as a good millenial who survived the emo scene, ofc he wears his all stars to work. untied.
-> that's it i'm in love and obsessed with him
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟎𝟗: 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢
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"Jailcells are a familiar sight. Being in one, not so much."
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨
Name: Miyahara Kiyoshi / 宮原 淳 (The kanjis in his last name mean "constellations" and "meadow", while his first name means "pure".)
Status: Prisoner 009
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Birthday: October 19 (Libra)
Height: 185 cm
Blood type: O
Image color: #899499
Occupation: Policeman
Personality: Kiyoshi is friendly and level-headed, always willing to extend a helping hand to anyone in need. Anyone he's close to, whether it be his parents, friends, or coworkers will shower him with praises if ever asked about him. He's such a good man.
He is also pragmatic and responsible, being a captain of the police force and all. Surprisingly, he has a set of ideals that he would love to talk about if anyone cared to ask him about it. He doesn't bring it up often because he thinks his morals are a tad childish.
He gets uncomfortable whenever he is asked about his crime. He claims it was self-defense. The prisoner lounged at him and he was forced to take action. Only Haruto can be the judge of that.
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𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨
Which canon Milgram song he would cover: Bring it on (You already knew, the whole time; You can’t escape; How do you like the taste of punishment?)
Which DECO*27 song he would cover: Ghost rule
If he could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: Bitter choco decoration by Syudou (Ironically, I didn't know what to do with his personality until I matched him up with this song and Ghost rule.)
His MV description: The colour grey would appear a lot in his MV, taking up most of the frame. Characters are be highlighted with blue, yellow or red. Glitchy effects appear sometimes too.
The MV starts with Kiyoshi running through the streets of a city. He's dressed in his uniform and highlighted a bold navy blue, bumping into a few people in his way as he chases down another man (highlighted yellow). He catches up to the guy eventually, pinning the guy down onto the ground and handcuffing him.
The camera cuts to him and the guy in what looks like an interrogation room. They're sitting on opposite ends of a table, facing each other. A shot of the yellow guy smiling serenely. A shot of Kiyoshi with a grim line set onto his face.
Kiyoshi asks a question, waving his hand in a gentle arc. The guy shrugs carelessly, rolling his eyes to the ceiling like he's bored. Kiyoshi frowns, getting impatient.
The lights flicker.
The guy tilts his head, a wide grin spreading across his face. The camera zooms in on his deranged expression, glitchy effects distorting his smile slightly. The camera then cuts to Kiyoshi leaning back in his chair, swallowing nervously.
The guy lounges forward, his yellow palette flashing red for a split second. Kiyoshi reacts quickly, grabbing the guy by his collar before he can be pushed to the ground. The shot slows for a moment.
The camera cuts to Kiyoshi sitting on his chair in the dull grey interrogation room again. The yellow guy is nowhere to be seen. The camera slowly pans out. The frame glitches, switching between the interrogation room and a jail cell in which Kiyoshi possesses a yellow gradient to his blue. The MV ends abruptly.
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-- 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬
(Laid back) I'm Miyahara Kiyoshi, 42 years old. I'm a captain in the police force. So you're going to be doing detective work. If you've having trouble, I'm happy to help. But what's this about verdicts?
(Disbelief) *t a** ha**e*ed s* f**t.
-- 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫
I just want to know...what happened. Now tell me the truth.
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His favourite colour is navy blue.
His favourite food is salmon roll.
He used to play soccer with his friends every Saturday during his high school years. He still has his old cleats.
He likes mystery books and movies. Especially the whodunnit ones where he'll try and guess the culprit.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬
I cannot draw. So picrew saves the day once again!
My oldest milgram prisoner, woo! Old man.
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sam-dugesian · 7 months
Had my mind blown away by a shocking revelation about the Digital Circus and Microsoft Office 98's animated assistant
Each avatar has a parallel in the show
in one avatar there are a pair of masks one laughing and one crying with a red ribbon below them and the only real animation they have is on the faces which somewhat aligns with the way gangle is animated in the digital circus if you take gangles slumped posture and slow movements as the best they could really do with a body that doesn't really move though the face does animate in exactly the way the faces do on the avatar character however their name is "Tragedy and Comedy" owing to the expression on each mask being reminiscent of the theatre masks representing these two forms of theatrical plays
there is also a clown that looks exactly the same though unlike how we see them in te show they are very happy in the avatar obnoxiously so i might add maybe being abstracted is when they start acting out of character
there's also an avatar that looks just like moodle and they have much the same character in the way they act and are animated even including the way they fall apart
yet again there's a ragatha analogue yet again they look very much the same and yet again they act very much the same
there's a barrel of monkeys again it's the same
there's even a wooden posing doll which we see several of in the show
there is a character just like kinger though they are animated differently their avatar exudes a lot of confidence and they generally rather slow and deliberate when it comes to their movements something that the character in the show seems to be the exact opposite of but they did say in particular that he had become deranged
on the doors there is also crossed out a yellow dog that may be reminiscent of rover makes sense since they were a hand me down an avatar that featured in assistant but was made for microsoft bob a forerunner to the program
likewise there is also a ringleader avatar which would match their counterpart apart from them being different at everything above the shoulders however there was also another avatar that was just a pair of false teeth so omitting the eyes for a second (we'll get back to that later) it does seem to be a mixture of the two things put together but weirdly enough their animation and very much their character in general is completely different to either avatar however it does directly correlate to one avatar in particular Clipit almost as if clippy ripped the ringleaders head off stuck the teeth avatar in their place and started controlling the pair of them like a puppet from the inside
now there is a rabbit avatar but they are wildly different to te character we see in the show in fact Jax looks a lot more like a certain rubberhose animation character from a certain rather well known company who canonically has a way of entering fictional worlds they don't belong in and causing a lot of chaos by doing whatever they want for their own enjoyment much to the distress of the characters of said world but in doing so causes said world to break down which they try to cover up to avoid being detected as an outsider
even pomni has an avatar analogue though this might require you to stretch your imagination a little since there is no jester character but there is a beach ball that has 6 segments around it that alternate red and blue and if you looked at it from the top down you would see the same pattern that can be seen in the character's eyes which also explained the stripey design the rest of the character has but just a minute here the face of the character looks exactly like another avatar a character called "The Period" that is a.. red.. dot... oh dear
one obviously absent character in this entire lineup is einstein but there may be a copyright issue on that
merlin the wizard is also absent which is distinctly odd since there's no reason they should be
even the gloinks feature in a fashion there are random 2D shapes the same shape and color as the things we see in the show but they are just background pieces and have no eyes but move in very much the same way
of course you might ask what the bubble is well you might have to twist your brain a little but the assistant character communicates to the user via speech bubbles now hold on there's more to this if you take the way the dialogue is structured and the way the software progresses and interacts with the user's input then the way the bubble is acting is very similar to how that opperates being helpful but controlling in a way much like how it interrupts Caine while he is trying to make a length dialogue oh i think we can relate to that also that line Caine says "oh bubble, you always know how to make me say this exact sentence" would definitely make sense in this context
back to Microsoft Bob, the forerunner to the assistant in that game there is a world that very much resembles the overworld of the game we see there is a lake there and a fairground but where Bob's house is supposed to be there is now the bigtop tent
also in Bob are various set pieces that can be found around the tent the building blocks with the rainbow arches the corridor where the characters' bedrooms are a door that leads to a carousel a door that leads to room full of water a door that a punching glove comes out of and a door that leads to a bathroom not to mention that Bob's house has lots of framed pictures on the walls and both the moon and the sun can be seen through windows in Bob's house and if that's not a coincidence i don't know what the hell is
Caine's dialogue is also very reminiscent of exactly the way the assistant avatar actually talks in the software including nerding out on the legal issues and chastising you for entering a name that has a curse word in it
Caine also mentions a ball pit which was a hidden easter egg in Microsoft Bob
Also, on the release of Windows ME they removed the assistant character after many negative reviews and there was a magazine article calling for its return that had the following image as the front cover
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though it's not exactly what we see in the show the grime is indeed very similar looking and the bust out and burned drive can also be seen on the computer in the show not to mention the mouse being split open but just to confirm it even more the warped power strip is also in the shot
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now if you look at the headset in the image it looks very similar to this specific headset by Microsoft that was supposed to be available for use in Windows 98
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but it never came to fruition and wouldn't you know it but the reason it never did is because the microsoft assistant popups crashed the software it was using
also if you'll look to the right you'll see the old design of pc tower ibm used to use or somewhat an approximate to it and wouldn't you know it but that itself was the very first iteration of the microsoft assistant
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now we are still missing some specific characters those being a 2x2 jigsaw puzzle but as that was the logo for the assistant i can understand why it's missing
a 3D model of the planet earth well that's just kinda boring
bonsi buddy well that might be to avoid vinesauce fans
but there's seemingly no reason why the avatar known as F1 should be missing
except.. maybe the name..
you see in windows 98 when using the assistant by typing the button combination F1, F5, F9, F4 quickly in succession you unlock a game known as "software developer hunter" where you basically play spyhunter except you are hunting down the developers of the assistant software while playing as one of the avatars killing them in a cartoony explosion while they scream a very familiar scream in fact it's this one that pomni makes after seeing the computer just before going through another door
not only that but when you play this game the avatar characters say specific dialogue on killing the developers
and if you wonder why i mention these in the episode one of the characters says each of these lines maybe with a couple of words changed here and there like Gloink in place of rectangle for example although interestingly Pomni is the only speaking character that doesn't and of these lines Jax says most of them
and even more interesting than that considering the connection to the assistant software being phased out around the turn of the millennium take a wild guess when this particular easter egg game was actually released
in fact all of the stuff we've seen not only includes stuff in a version of windows 98 set just before the millennium and just before they were phased out but it noticibly does not include one particular piece of software and this might be the clue that reveals the whole thing
at the turn of the millennium there was a big fear of that when the clocks rolled over to the new century it would cause a bug in the software that would break people's computers and so there was an update that was sent out to all PC's to change the software and prevent this from happening
said software made certain changes to these assistant programs and those changes are completely absent and not only that but in the office space when Pomni is running through it the yellowing computer is the only one of a design that predates when this feature was made as standard
not only that but in the various rooms she runs through you can see the exact tech used specifically for updating PC's to prevent them from the millennium bug almost as though they had just been preparing for such an event moments before whatever happened to Pomni
and on a side note i wonder what else microsoft released just before the millennium
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yep a computer watch not quite the design of Caine's but it is also roughly square which in case you didn't know was very unusual at the time
and why yes that is the case for the watch sitting on the mousepad on the computer desk with the keypad for it sat on top of it in case you didn't notice (in not exactly to scale)
so i think i'll take a sip of my wine here for i do believe i
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but that's just a..
Mat? wanna play me out?
0 notes
sunjaesol · 3 years
love is deep as the road is long
chenford | post-canon | drabble | title: nobody knows // the lumineers
"Merritt and Costa, Torres and Kade, Vreeland and Brown, you're riding together today. I want Team Pandora to get a lead on our Godot case, we cannot let it go cold, got it? Detective Lopez will help you." Tim faltered in his directions for a beat as he noticed Lucy standing by the threshold at the back of the room, smiling at him with mild amusement. "Any questions?"
Costa raised his hand, nervous. "What happened to my TO?"
"Absent," he quipped. Challenge coloured his voice. "Why? Is Merritt a problem?"
The rookie almost swallowed his own tongue, fervently shaking his head. "No, sir."
"Alright. Let's keep these streets safe, people." His hands clapped. "Dismissed."
As the officers of Tim's division piled out of roll call, all chattering with their partners or TO's, he maneuvered his way to his wife.
His very beautiful, very pregnant wife, who was told by the doctor to not be on her feet right now. Because of that, he instantly wrapped his hand around her arm and coaxed her on one of the chairs.
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Hello to you too."
"Luce," he sat in the chair beside her and kissed her cheek in lieu of a hello. "What're you doing here?"
"I was bored," she sighed. "I can't go to my own division, they'll literally send me right back home. Everyone's working and I'm losing my mind just doing nothing, waiting for this little shrimp to pop out." She pouted. "Can you tell Avalon to hurry up in your best TO voice? She's not listening to me."
"I haven't used that 'voice' since your own rookie days, babe," he smirked. "Seems like you like bringing it up though."
"It was, like, mildly hot at the time," she admitted, shaking her hand in a so-so manner. "Whatever. Can I stay here and maybe listen in on some interrogations?"
Oh, wow. His wife was truly deranged. He married a lunatic, but he supposed that was the price one paid when marrying someone in the force. He bet he had some quesitonable quirks, too. (Hell, he didn't 'bet', he knew he had weird quirks. Some habits from his army days never quite faded.)
"On your last days of pregnancy, you want to listen to crying mothers and killers?" he deadpanned, making sure to enunciate in case she didn't realise she sounded insane.
She clicked her tongue in retaliation at his behaviour and gently tapped his cheek. "You're not being nice. Please, Tim? No one will refuse the Watch Commander's wife, aka the best UC of California, to sit behind the glass and just listen." She grabbed his hand. "I won't even speak!"
Tim's face softened. A part of him felt guilt for not being there as much as he wanted to. It was his first year as a full-time Watch Commander and he needed to obtain the entire division's respect, as well as understanding the in's and out's himself: what worked, what needed improving, how to more efficiently communicate with all the departments within the office. It was a lot. Meanwhile, Lucy's belly got bigger and bigger and now, days before she gave birth, he couldn't even be at home with her.
Another part of him simply felt fondness for the utter Lucy-ness of this entire situation. Meeting her in the middle for a sweet kiss, he didn't care if anyone saw. All that mattered was that Lucy knew he had her, that he'd always have her. No sudden freefalls, ever.
"I don't believe that," he muttered. "You're never quiet."
"And you love that."
"I do. I really do." Slipping his hand down to her belly, she helped him find wherever Avalon was stirring at the moment. And there it was, several nudges against his knuckles from his soon-to-be-born daughter. Lucy intertwined their fingers and then he had to relent. "Okay. You can stay and observe. Angela will appreciate the company."
"Of course, she will!" Lucy cheered. "Thank you. I'll drive back home after lunch."
"You drove here?!"
Ignoring his disbelief, she wobbled out the room and towards the interrogation spaces, his wife greeting people along the way like she owned the place.
He knew she was at a point where she hated being pregnant and swollen, but from the moment she started showing he felt an unmoored attraction to her, more so than normal. He loved dancing with her in the kitchen with their baby pressed between them, he loved lathering the bump with soap in the shower, he loved the way she balanced food on top.
And as much as he loved all of that, he too couldn't wait to hold little Avalon in his arms. To finally see her. Smell her.
A sudden scream erupted from down the hall — Lucy. Tim jumped to his feet and in the choas, vaguely heard something about water breaking.
Tim had half a mind to keep 'I told you so' from his lips as he helped Lucy to his car, his wife groaning in pain, but he supposed waddling to the investigation room did a lot more than those expensive prenatal yoga classes. Ha!
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davishater · 10 months
Head canons of Hutter and Chelsea dating that I came up with while working, cause the new chapter released right before work and it was such juicy information that I could not stop thinking about it for a second:
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Hutter made the first move, because Chelsea is so enthralled with Ron that she doesn't see anyone else.
At first, she said yes for funsies, but after getting to know Hutter more, she really started to fall for him for real.
Ok, but a separate head canon where Ron's just an idol to Chelsea, but Hutter was the one she really liked.
Wait, but then Chelsea being the one to ask Hutter out first actually sounds so good, too!!!
She just keeps stealing glances at Hutter in the middle of class and he couldn't even care less about her.
When she confesses, he says yes for the entertainment (but then again, he doesn't seem like the type to just date someone for the entertainment could be dating to gain experience, cause he seems like the kind of guy who would want a perfect relationship [or is that just me putting false assumptions on him???])
Later that day, when they go out on a date, Hutter finds out she's really into Ron and he's like, "I don't need the experience that bad, bye Felicia!" 🏃🏿‍♂️💨
Go back to where Hutter is the one asking Chelsea out, yo I just imagine him being a blushing mess!!!
Oh crap, but Hutter just playing it cool is a good one, too!
Bro literally be working over time on those weights to prepare his mind, body and heart for whatever might happen after the confession.
"Wow Hutter, look at you go! You must have a new training regiment for your closed circle class."
"...... 0_0"
After weeks of intense training, my guy is so ready to ask Chelsea out on that date! He's been watching videos, talking to himself in the mirror, quadrupled his sets at the gym! Yo, he got dis.
Aight, so uhhhh, bro THOUGHT he was ready. Man can't even SPEAK, CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT HIS BELOVED CHELSEA.
His face is hot, he's sweating BUCKETS, he's stuttering a bit! Man is dying. Doesn't help that she's NEVER FREE!
Hutter decided to take a stroll around the school to try and calm his nerves and think of a game plan. He turns a corner and CHELSEA AND ANOTHER MALE STUDENT TALKING IN A SUSPICIOUSLY EMPTY HALLWAY??? OH NUH UH! NOT ON HIS WATCH!!!
Hutter has never walked up to someone SO FAST! He leans into Chelsea a bit and has his forearm on the wall right above her.
"So this is where you've been."
Boi be so smooth just give him a gold medal!!! Don't forget that side glare he gives the other student!
"Uh, sorry! I had no idea you had a boyfriend already!" Boy be bookin' it outta there!
Hutter and Chelsea just be quiet for a bit cause like, what the heck are you supposed to say in this position??? Hutter's arm is still on the wall above her, like no way she's gonna want him to move that arm!!!!
Hutter looks down into her eyes and the butterfly's are so strong they be flying all around the room!!! The sun is shining, the rainbows are rainbowing, glitter is glittering, stars are aligning, if this ain't a better time to ask Chelsea out, then there ain't never gonna be a time!
"Hutter, what are you doing here?"
Crap! She finally speaks! Boi gotta hurry before the moment is ruined!!!!
Hutter releases his arm off the wall and casually sticks his hands in his pockets.
"Chelsea, why don't you go out with me instead?"
Boi so cool, so smooth, even the butter is melting from jealousy!
Chelsea just stares for a bit, while Hutter cries in his head. She then takes his hand out of his pocket and grasps it firmly.
No words.
My boi Hutter got no words.
"There's a new cafe that opened up in town. Why don't we go there after school today?"
But my guy, you can't just scream! Not right here and now! You gotta keep acting cool! Keep making her think you're the coolest guy to have ever walked on this earth!
"Sounds like fun."
Chelsea smiled.
Nailed it.
Later after class, Hutter and Chelsea head on over to that Cafe, holding hands. She doesn't stop talking about Ron, or the Moriarty family through the whole date and Hutter realizes that asking Chelsea out was a big mistake.....
By the end of the date, Hutter had broken it off with Chelsea.
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Hikikomori and Ron Kamonohashi
Not a long time ago I saw a documentary about the plight of hikikomori in Japan.
What is a hikikomori? “A form of severe social withdrawal, called hikikomori, has been frequently described in Japan and is characterized by adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents’ homes, unable to work or go to school for months or years.”
The reasons they withdraw from the society are varied. One thing that prevails is that they lose interest in it. Like failing to meet the society’s standards, a tragedy, or simply shunning the peer pressure.
The counselling rate in Japan is 6 per cent compared to 52 per cent in Europe and the US. When it comes to psychiatric help, the country, according to the experts, is backward.
“Japan, which has a large number of suicides among developed countries and has a low psychiatric examination rate, is a mental health backward country. At the root of it is a culture that tends to be a private service and painful. On the other hand, counseling is commonplace in Europe and the United States, and understanding of mental disorders is progressing.” ( x )
Hikikomori mostly afflicts young men. But recently, half a number of the hikikomori is women. “Women accounted for more than 52 per cent of hikikomori.”
Social workers are assigned to these individuals and they are patient enough to stay in contact with them. One social worker would not leave the house until she saw a sign of life from him. She would climb to his windows, bother his neighbours in order to find if he were still alive. There was an instance where one of their clients fell in love with the social worker assigned to them that it encouraged the affected person to come out of his shell. A few months later, they got married.
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I am not going to oversimplify the severity of this condition to the premise of “Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective.” God knows how much stigma is attached to these individuals and their families. But the symptoms are there.
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But I believe Akira Amano would like to tackle this phenomenon through her manga. In a way that people can recognise this social problem in Japan. Maybe she would like to reclaim these individuals through her work. I am only guessing. There has never been a write-up about her new oeuvre.
In spite of my personal head canons, she sent Totomaru Isshiki to encourage Ron Kamonohashi, a modern-day hermit, to join the society again by acknowledging the latter’s talent. That’s the start of their relationship.
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In the end, we the readers (and soon to be viewers) are going to change our opinions (and probably recognise the problem) concerning these individuals and to pay more attention to them.
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whygod-why · 3 years
I am creating an entire canon divergence au in my head where atsushi picked up a book about law in his orphanage at 14 and then ran away at 15. and then through PLOT CONVENIENCE passes the japanese bar exam to become the yokohoma version of Phoenix wright. Then blah blah plot happens and now he’ s part of the detective agency but This Au’s Atsushi just takes absolutely no shit and is way more confident in himself even if he’s still really fucked up because of the orphanage and please god someone just ask me about this au I am seeing deranged shrimp colors.
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hlcreators · 4 years
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AUTHOR REC:  creamcoffeelou / @2ofusmp4 
Be sure to show some love by leaving kudos and comments!
last blues for bloody knuckles (34k)
“Hi, love,” A too-familiar voice greeted him from the other side of the door. He had a cigarette dangling from his lips that he brought between two fingers as his eyes raked over Louis. All Louis could do was stare, wide-eyed at the alpha that he’d left behind so many years ago. “Harry?” His voice felt far away, like it wasn’t him that was speaking. On the other side of the door stood the one man he never thought he’d see again, and maybe the only man he never wanted to see again. A few steps behind him stood Liam and someone else he didn’t recognize, with guns tucked into their front pockets. “I need you to come with me.”
Styles was a name everyone knew. It had evolved into something of a fairy tale, a far away problem that normal people didn’t have to deal with. Louis never thought he’d find himself falling in love with him. When he finds himself pregnant with Harry’s child, he knows he has to leave the life, and Harry, behind. For her sake.
He never expected Harry to show back up on his doorstep five years later.
A mob au.
Adore You (23k)
When they’d first come into this lifestyle, the being in their roles in their day to day lives, Louis had struggled with it. He’d found it hard to distinguish between what Harry was doing because he thought he had to, with Louis as his dominant, and what he wanted to do just because of them being partners.
Being ‘twenty-four-seven’ in the traditional sense wasn’t exactly realistic in their life, no matter how much they tried to make it work. They could do small things within their power dynamic, they could try their best to keep it going, but more or less, it wasn’t a constant thing. Harry called it submission with weekends and bank holidays, and it worked for them.
As different as it was from what he expected, no matter what, in the end, it worked for them – and that was all that mattered.
“Can I… take care of you?” Harry had asked, his eyes looking everywhere but at Louis. Louis had just turned twenty-three, they’d been exploring things, doing new things for years, and Harry still managed to surprise him. “Like… Just do things for you like you take such good care of me.”
OR: A canon-compliant fic where Harry wants nothing more than to take care of Louis.
Running In The Shadows (43k)
Harry had a plan for his life. Work his dream job, raise his family, and settle down one day. He thrived in the ordinary. But when tragedy strikes, he has to see exactly how far hes willing to go to help the person he cares for most. Louis was never a part of that plan.
technicolor (81k)
When the small town of Twin Lakes begins experiencing a string of serial murders, a team of detectives is called in to help. Louis is the head of the team and meets a hard-headed psychic who everyone else seems to believe is the one who will solve the case. Louis isn't so sure.
OR The slow-burn, hate-to-love, crime au where Harry is a psychic, Louis is a detective, and the world is against them.
Still Standing Still (44k)
Louis has long since been following the same schedule, the same program, the same everything. He works hard towards his goals and gives everything to those that mean the most to him. Harry was never a part of the plan, but Louis finds he loves unplanned changes.
Earned It (5.4k)
There’s something so uniquely captivating to being on stage - to being the center of attention. Louis has always craved it, always craved the feeling of being desired by all only to have his own pick at the end of the night. He knows people come to see him specifically - has been told time and time again - and maybe that’s why he’s so in love with what he does. He knows he’s wanted and he loves being able to manipulate the attention of the men and women sitting in the crowd around him. 
Break Me Dow, Build Me Up (16k)
America, as it’s been told, is the world of riches. Men and women alike can come to the land of the free and achieve the American dream, regardless of their background. He wanted nothing more than to create a better life for his sisters, for himself, and perhaps for his future. Harry Styles was never a part of the plan.
[or: Louis moves his family to America to try and find a better life. Harry finds him instead.]
Just A Whisper (11k)
Strange things have happened around the castle since Louis was young. No one has ever been able to explain them and they've long since gone ignored. As the hauntings become more frequent, Louis finally reaches his last straw and calls a professional to help him.
Ready To Run (11k)
After being left at the alter by his boyfriend of five years, Louis goes on a vacation to try and clear his head and fill the empty spaces in his heart. On the way, he meets a new group of life-long friends, and maybe a little more than that.
Just To Feel (4.1k)
Reason #17: Your car's already at their place and you're too lazy to move it.
When he wakes up, his back hurts, his head is pounding, and his mouth is extremely dry. There’s too much light around him and he doesn’t remember falling asleep at all the night before, let alone getting home. But as soon as he opens his eyes, he realizes very quickly that he’s not home.
He’s managed to fall asleep on the floor of Harry Style’s flat.
The Brightest Star Shines Through The Dark (16k)
Harry and Louis build their life together from the beginning - but even losing everything can't tear them apart.
What A Feeling (2.9k)
“You know I don’t kiss and tell.” Louis says with a slightly forced laugh. “Yeah, cause there’s nothin’ to tell!” Liam replies with a grin, getting a cackle from Niall, and making Louis’ face flame. He can feel Harry’s soft chuckle, just because their bodies are touching. “Like you have room to talk, mate.” He bites back, but all three of them are still laughing. He really needs to get laid.
Across The Lines (28k)
With a camera in hand, Louis sets off on the road trip of his life to explore the most famous haunted houses of the UK. Things don't exactly go to plan.
End Game (54k)
Harry styles is the most feared man in London, notorious for always getting everything he wants. All of that changes when Louis comes around and opens his eyes to a new, beautiful side of the world.
Beneath These Sparkling Lights (Forever you’re mine) (5.1k)
"After years of being called a couple teasingly by both our families and friends alike, I know it was nerve wracking for the both of us when it finally actually happened. But for our entire lives we’ve always been HarryandLouis, never apart, whether we called ourselves best friends or best friends and fiancés or now best friends and husbands.” Harry’s smile is so gorgeous that Louis feels a little shake in his knees, “Through everything, the good, the sometimes weird, and the bad, I’m so glad it was you at my side. I know life is ugly sometimes, but you’re the beauty in the fight that is life, for me. My rose to my dagger."
Last Day Alive (42k)
Harry Styles was born to the leader of the Following - the organization that keeps their world peaceful and just. Without the Following, the world would only return to the ways of the Old Times and all of them would come to an untimely end. Or, so he thought, until he meets Louis, the leader of the Rebellion.
Gentle Autumn Rain (57k)
Louis Tomlinson moved to London with a big heart and a big dream. Harry Styles moved to London, fresh out of the police academy, with the hopes of helping as many people as he could in his eyes. When a deranged alpha forces their paths to cross, their ideas of what is meant to be will never be the same.
Down the Field (9k)
Louis, a pro football player of Chelsea, is forced to retire after a severe injury to his foot. After he recovers and is told the news that he'll never play professionally again, he decides to go coach at his old secondary school. Harry, the health teacher, loves to let him know how big of a fan he is.
I Promise (3.5k)
Harry has a promise to keep and a pair of arms to go home to.
[Loosely based on the drowning scene from Dunkirk's trailer. ]
I Chose You (13k)
When he wakes up, the room is much brighter than when he’d fallen asleep. He has to blink the sleep from his eyes and eventually he just tosses an arm over his face to try and ignore the brightness, but then he realizes that the bed has a decent sized dent in it that forms perfectly to his body and he’s comfortable. It’s – weird. He can’t remember leaving the blinds open, and it wouldn’t have made much sense for Zayn to have opened them, either, but he doesn’t think about it. Maybe he just hadn’t realized that he’d had such a nice bed when he’d fallen asleep.
After a moment, he groans and takes his arm away from his eyes and – wait. This is – this is not his hotel room. This is a bedroom.
[Or: Louis wakes up in another life.]
As We Are (48k)
Louis doesn't think much when he's asked to meet up with the alpha of the pack two hours from his own - he figures it's business as usual. But Harry Styles is anything but usual.
Written In The Stars (71k)
It was so different - the complete opposite of everything Louis had ever expected about finally being placed into the real world. Zayn defied every single thing he'd ever been told about vampires, about how he was supposed to be treated. This was nothing like what he'd expected.
[or: Zayn's the third oldest vampire in the world and found himself searching out the company of a human, so he took Louis as his keep. His maker Harry doesn't approve.]
Running (28k)
Louis was never ashamed of who he was - never had been never would be. But he never really was himself.
In The Heat of The Moment (36k)
The first thing that came to Zayn’s mind when he read Liam Payne’s file was that he was certainly, definitely going to die before he was thirty. The word they used in The Office for such a case was reckless; reckless meant that, perhaps, the person wasn’t at fault, but the universe and said person’s energy didn’t happen to match. That made terrible things happen to that person.
Liam Payne was a classic case of recklessness.
[or: A modern times AU where Zayn is a guardian angel and he's been sent down to protect the most reckless human he's ever met.]
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Normal: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Summary: Another lunch with your parents reveals something that’s been locked in your head, but your dad makes you confused and jumbles up the truth. It’s hard enough to focus on a case with a deranged man killing people on the road, you don’t need family drama on top of it.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats." - H.L. Mencken
Hotch requested everyone to meet at the plane instead of in the briefing room like normal. You're running a bit late since your go-bag wasn't properly prepared, but luckily, you had some time to waste. You get out of your car when your phone rings, telling you that you have a message.
You take your phone out to read the message your father sent you.
Can we meet up again? Are you going to be near us?
I'll be in Orange County. Any chance you can come down to me?
I have some business in town. I'll let you know when we can meet up. I'd prefer it if it were just you.
You don't want to tell Spencer you're doing this because that would only upset him further. You'll tell him you're going out to lunch and would be right back. You enter the plane and see everyone is already there.
"Sorry, I had a bit of a delay."
You put your bag in the compartments where everyone else's bags are and join Spencer's side who saved you a seat. As soon as you're settled in, the pilot starts to take off. When you're at cruising altitude, Jordan begins the briefing.
"Ten days ago in Orange County, California, Judy Hannity who is a real estate broker, and a mother was injured by a shotgun on the 91 freeway."
"Did she survive this?"
"Barely. She's paralyzed from the waist down. The second and third victims were both DOA. There were different vehicles for each shooting. A small black SUV, a black sedan, and a white sedan with no makes and no plates."
"Any reliable witnesses?"
"The first victim described the shooter as a normal, middle-aged white guy in an SUV."
"She gave that description but she couldn't remember anything else?" Hotch asks.
"Isn't that consistent with trauma?" Jordan asks.
"No, actually. Trauma victims either remember everything or nothing," you state. "I'm confused, though. The third victim was shot last week and we just got the phone call now?"
"Until the third shooting, the locals weren't convinced it was a serial shooter. There were different cars, and in the first shooting there was a different weapon."
"It's the same weapon," Rossi corrects Jordan. "The shot pattern on the second and third one may be wider, but he sawed off the shotgun. It's the same shooter. He's evolving quickly."
"The media has already dubbed him the Road Warrior."
"That explains why they wanted us there so quickly. This type of unsub is the hardest to catch. His victims are impersonal to him. One-third of the time, he flees with his vehicle, another third is that the victim's cars are a wreck, and the last third is the road that's contaminated by all the other cars that drive over it."
"How do we get him?" Jordan asks.
"We build a solid profile. We release it to the public with an appeal for help. Somebody knows this guy."
When the plane lands in Orange County, you're taken to the sheriff's station that is housing all the victim's cars. The detective on the case is eagerly waiting for your arrival, and when she sees you, she immediately heads over. The victim's cars are to your right, and you have to take a deep breath to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed.
"Thea Salinas, sheriff's county homicide. I'm running the task force."
"I'm Special Agent Jordan Todd, and they are Special Agents Rossi, Hotchner, Prentiss, Morgan, Y/N, and he's Dr. Spencer Reid."
"Are these the vehicles from the shootings?" you ask.
"Did you set up a hotline?" Jordan wonders.
"Like you asked. We have the local stations putting the number out there. We're getting about a dozen calls an hour."
"I'll alert the media to stand by for our press conference. Excuse me."
Jordan leaves the group as Hotch, Derek, and Spencer walk over to the cars to inspect them.
"The sheriff's department and the CHP are on tac alert. We've got choppers on round-the-clock freeway patrol. The victims' vehicles come with maps, CSPs, and bullet points. Everything we got on the case is in this room."
"Anything solid on the tip line?"
"The usual nutjobs, crime buffs, and bored senior citizens. Orange County has an endless supply of three things--freeways, news coverage, and blond female luxury car owners."
"Are people pretty scared?" Emily asks.
"I could ask for a submarine and get it."
You leave Rossi and Emily's side and head over to the crashed cars. You grab and slip on some gloves so you can touch the evidence. You always get a better reading when you can touch things unless the energy is strong enough for you to paint a picture with. The crashes happened too long for that to happen, so touching the cars is the next best thing.
"What can you see?" Hotch asks you.
"Give me a minute."
You run your hands over the sharp metal carefully, and you close your eyes to focus on the energy the cars still have. Yes, the crashes happened a while ago, but there will always be energy left on them no matter what. It fades over time, but it never really leaves.
The first car is the most special since it's the first in a spree, so you might get something from it more than the others. The victims' pictures are posted on a bulletin board, so you can see the first victim in her car driving down the road. There is a car speeding toward her on her left, and when she looks over, the unsub has a shotgun in his hands. He shoots her, and the car runs into a concrete median and flips in the air, landing on the top of the car.
He's a white man, and based on the fact that you can't see his face, you know he's the unsub.
"I see her on the freeway," you tell Hotch, "and she's talking on the phone. The unsub comes speeding toward her on the left. He shoots her closed driver's window and she hits a concrete median. Her car flips and it lands on the top of the car. He drives off like nothing happened. I can only see his skin color. He's Caucasian. If another accident happens, or if I can talk to Judy, I might get more off our unsub. The first one is usually important. It's the first time he started killing, though, he never killed her."
"Good job," Hotch praises. "The first MO in the first shooting differs dramatically from the other two. The first one is in daylight on a crowded freeway."
"That's dozens of potential witnesses. It's high-risk. He got lucky."
"Well, then, he's a fast study. He sawed off his shotgun and lowered his risk by switching to nights and changing vehicles."
"What if he wasn't planning on murder the first time?" you say. "We know what he's capable of when he plans ahead, so if he's not planning to commit a crime, it makes sense for him to drive his own vehicle."
"Then why did he have a gun in the SUV if he wasn't planning to commit murder? What happened to make him pull that first trigger?" Derek asks.
"As I said," you turn to Hotch, "I need to talk to Judy."
Hotch decides in order to keep Judy from feeling overwhelmed, only he and you are going to interview her. She is still in the ICU at the local hospital, and when you get there, you see her son in the room with her.
"Ms. Hannity, I'm agent Aaron Hotchner. This is agent Y/N. We're from the FBI."
"She already told the police everything she can remember," her son quickly comes to her defense.
"Rick... it's okay," Just whispers. Hotch takes Rick outside so you can be alone with Judy. When they're gone, you take a seat next to her bed and give her a warm smile. "It's just the two of us. He feels like it's his job to protect me."
"It's good that you two have each other. I understand you spoke with the police, but I'd like to go back to the shooting if you can."
"I don't remember much. It comes back in pieces."
This is where you come in.
"May I hold your hand?"
"I'm a psychic. I can help you recover lost memories if you are okay with it."
"Doesn't hurt to try, I guess."
Since she is paralyzed from the waist down, she can still move her arms to reach out for you. Instead of letting her waste her energy, you grab her hand gently in between both of yours. The trauma from the accident is still very high, so you use that to help paint a more accurate picture of who this unsub is.
"So, you were angry?" you ask with your eyes closed.
"More like impatient, I guess."
Judy comes up behind the unsub in his car, but you can't see the license plate number. It's blurred out because that's not what she was focusing on. It's not the most important thing in her mind at the time, so you won't be able to see it no matter how hard you try. She slams on her horn for him being too slow, and she eventually passes him in a huff of anger. She zooms past him and gets in front of him to show him how angry she is for him being too slow.
"You cut him off?" you ask.
"Was there anything else? Did he swear? Did he honk? Did he threaten you in any way?"
"He tried to speak to me."
The unsub pulls next to Judy's car on the right and tries to get her to roll down her window. From the corner of her eye, the unsub looks completely blurred out. When she faces him, most of him becomes clear for you to see. She was talking to someone on the phone, so she wasn't paying attention to any defining features, but her subconscious picked up a few things that you are able to see.
The unsub is an older white man with round glasses. He is balding on the top of his head, so whatever hair he has is in the back and on the sides, but it's not much. He's wearing a suit and tie like he works in an office building. You can't see his eyes or nose, but you've gotten a lot you can use for the profile.
Based on how he's dressed and how nervous and shy he is when he talks to Judy, you know the kind of man he is.
"What did he say?" you ask.
"He couldn't say anything. I wouldn't give him a chance." She says something to him that causes him to lash out in anger. You already know the result of his anger. You open your eyes and let go of her hand. "If he hadn't seemed so normal, I wouldn't have said anything. I usually don't even use my horn, because on the road... you never know."
"I'll ask your son to come back in."
You leave the room but hold the door open for Rick.
"Is she okay?"
"She will be with you by her side. She's lucky to have you." Rick goes back into his mom's room, and you shut the door behind him. "She made it personal. She got angry at him for driving too slowly. When he confronted her, she told him off and drove off."
"Did you see what he looks like?"
"He's an older white man. If I had to guess, I'd say he's in his mid-fifties. He's balding on the top of his head, and he wore a suit and tie. I think he works in an office building of some kind. He seemed nervous to talk to her like he was not confident in himself."
"Two for two," Hotch chuckles.
You two head back to the police station where the rest are talking to Thea.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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thewnchstrs · 5 years
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it’s that time of the month again!
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Dean X Reader
The Witness(part 1): you’re witness to a murder committed by a flying broomstick. the police don’t believe you, but two handsome FBI agents that show up to your door seem to be more open-minded | @thewhitejournal
Wildest Dreams: she works in diner and he’s constantly traveling. After meeting he can’t seem to stay away away from her. | @spidey-babe-parker
Professional Environment: you’ve had the hots for your boss, Dean Winchester, since day one. You always do your very best to please him in any way possible. What happens when one day, you don’t? | @teddybeardoctorr
Trust: you are in need of help and your first choice is two people who don’t like you. | @lonelyandlovelorn
Rescue You: my name is Y/N. I’m the outcast of my witch community. This is the story of how I rescued Dean Winchester, the story of how he saved me. | @jay-and-dean
Fighting For a Future: Y/N help Dean contain Michael in his head. they now share a soul, but Y/N has pushed Dean away. Can Dean fight her stubborn streak? or will they lose their fight before they can even begin? | @flamencodiva​
Deal. | @bad268
Don’t Go Changing: it was never supposed to end up like this. You find out the truth about Dean Winchester. | @sunlightdances
Hurricane: with one of the most dangerous serial killers on the loose and in your tracks you have no choice but to rely on the help of the police to ensure your safety. It doesn’t hurt that the detective in charge is the one of the most skilled there is and probably, well, definitely the most charming one you have ever seen. Or that his flirting with you takes your mind off the danger waiting for you right around the corner. | @angelkurenai​
Abandoned: Dean is forced to be a single father after the reader left them. Three years later she shows up out of no where.| @i-write-about-anything​
Supernatural Series Rewrites | @adorable-dean-winchester
Ride With Me: alternate universe (AU) in which the reader is a horse rider who goes to a ranch in Arizona, owned by Bobby Singer and his wife Ellen, to gain work experience. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family. | @katehuntington
When Your Past Comes Knocking: a demon hunt goes bad and the boys learn something about your past. | @vicmc624
Cheater, Cheater: Y/N and the boys go on an unusual hunt. | @okayhowmuchforthearm
Old Love, New Love: it’s been four years since Dean Winchester broke her heart, now that he has to work with her, how will old feelings resurface? | @mypassionsarenysins
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Sam X Reader
Please... | @georgialouisea​
Stay With Me: Sam wants you to stay and of course you agree, but with Dean and hunting, can you really? | @multifandomaestheticsblog​
Good: Sam’s having a hard day. Reader makes it better. | @slytherkins
Life: The Game | @missmarrinette
Secrets: a drunken night with your boyfriend, his brother and your best friend ends in a lot of your secrets getting out | @supernotnaturalcas
Adjustments: hiding an illness isn’t easy, especially when you’re still learning about it. | @kittenofdoomage
Crossing Parallel Lines: after searching through hundreds of lore books and wanting to go on an a new adventure, the reader accidentally ends up somewhere she never expected and with people she never expected to meet! | @swiftlymoniquesblog
Lean on Me | @deansmyapplepie
Nightmare: after waking up from a nightmare, you and the Winchesters head out to help another hunter. | @crispychrissy
Sleepy Confessions | @team-free-will-oneshots
Three’s a Crowd: you are the girl Sam lives with between s7 and 8 and you are happy together until Dean shows up and forces you to leave. | @supernatural---imagines
In the Studio | @spn-and-daddy-issues
Marriage Mishaps: the Reader and Sam find out about some shocking news that could affect their relationship. | @syven-siren​
Thunderstruck: what happens when the reader comes into contact with Amara? | @fandomoneshots-imagines
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Cas X Reader
Winter’s Eye: season 13 canon tells you how AU!Castiel’s story ends, this is how it begins. The deranged and damaged iteration of Castiel we met in the apocalypse universe - an obedient soldier to Michael’s cause barely in control of his vessel’s frayed and erratically firing nerves whose inherent kindness toward humankind appeared entirely obliterated - wasn’t always an unfeeling angelic weapon of interrogation. Once, he sympathized with the plight of humans; one, he loved. | @webcricket​
The Memory Remains: Y/N’s memory had been erased, but a car crash brings more pain than just the physical. | @iwantthedean​
Sharing a Bed | @spilledkauffie​
Cat Got Your Tongue?: Castiel x male reader headcanon for each of them bringing an animal home w/o the other one knowing? Reader brings a corgi, Cas brings a cat? | @just--another--daydreamer 
Paint Cans | @sauntered-vaguely-downward​
Small One: Cas takes care of his newborn Nephilim daughter. | @alexwritessupernatural​
Roman Holiday: Sam and Dean have been making you feel small and unimportant lately, like more of a hindrance than a help. When you leave to spend some time on your own and nurse your wounded feelings, your favorite angel shows up to ease your mind and heart by accompanying you on an off-the-cuff vacation. | @shittyelfwriter​
Alone Time: when the boys head out on a hunt, you decide to have some relaxation time. | @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams​
You Okay? | @fictionalabyss​
Snap Crackle Pop: Introducing Cas to pop rocks | @swlbarnes​
Lebanon: After bringing your dad back with the pearl, many things were changed in the timeline. You find your husband, Cas, but he doesn’t remember you. Based on 14x13. | @supervengerslock​
Beautiful: An insecure Castiel shows reader his wings for the first time | @dabakook101​
Sharing is Caring: You and Castiel share a bed…and a little more. | @fanfic-scribbles​
Other Pairings
One and One Make Three: Friends are always there for you. Through the good times and the bad. After a night out with two of your best friends, catching up and celebrating the end of a chapter, you can’t help but wondering what lies ahead for you in the next. Start a family like Jared? Find another acting job like Jensen would? Little do you know, your best friend is harboring a huge secret and one decision was about to change your life forever. |  Jensen X Reader | @supernatural-jackles
Piercings: Sam and Dean let their younger sister get another piercing, and are a little surprised by her choice. | Winchester!Sister | @to-write-ornah
Chuck Tailors: Chuck is a custom tailor and is making the suits for the groomsmen in cousin Castiel’s wedding. When two strapping men walk into his shop, he can’t help but hope he might make more than just a suit for one of them | Dean X Chuck | @atc74
Fade Into You | Jensen X Reader | @sinatrababyy
Back To Sleep: Jared arrives home after filming and the only thing on his mind is you. | Jared X Reader | @princessmisery666​
Delirium: After one too many sleepless nights, a certain Nephilim begins to grow concerned for Y/N. | Jack X Reader | @just-imagine-1​
Demon Dean: The Mark of Cain has turned Dean into a demon and Sam and the reader try to save him. | Winchester!Sister | @winchestergirl23​
Dying of a Broken Heart: Jensen says something to hurt the woman he loves and he will do anything to fix his mistake. | Jensen X Reader | @pecanpieandgreeneyes85
No Second Chances: Y/N and Sam try to save Dean from the Mark of Cain, and Dean is not too happy about it | @winchester-books​
Fandom Letter From Castiel, School Struggles | @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
Sibling Jealousy: Reader has known the Winchesters for a long time, almost two years before Cas entered their lives. After that, since Reader was the only one actually teaching the angel about humanity customs and stuff like that, properly, they developed a closer relationship, on the parent-kid way. But it was never verbally acknowledged. Now, with Lucifer’s child on the way, life stabs some sense and realizations onto Reader, but there’s no time for feelings in this house | @no-te-lo-voy-a-dar
Death Isn’t The End | @foreverwayward
Imagine being best friends with Jared, Jensen and Misha | @thwiso​
Imagine you’re Sam’s lover and you’re standing face to face with Lucifer who possessed him a long time ago | @istigatorawrites
Imagine stargazing with Rowena | @multifandomfix​
Imagine being in love with Dean but being told Cas is your soulmate | @writing-of-an-angel​
Imagine meeting Sam at a book store | @writtenwinchester
SPN headcanons | @dolly-face03
Being Lucifer’s child and meeting Sam and Dean Winchester would include... | @lotsoffandomimagines
Imagine playing with Sam’s hair when you’re bored | @dumbbitchenergy17
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@spnbaby-67 | @octo-cow52 | @luciferslucille | @anti-social-club | @search-bar | @mellorine-paprika | @thepocketshoelace | @jaremish | @the-salty-asian | @the-hufflepuff-hunter | @robynannemackenzie-blog | @mersuperwholocked-lowlife | @lilreethi | @find-sammys-shoe |  @caswinchester2000 | @damnedimpala | @thelittlestwinchestersister | @lauren-novak | @adeanmon | @tmiships4life | @spnficgirl
@mccartneywinchester | @resanoona
@resanoona | @mccartneywinchester | @bunnyandy12 | @breereadsthings | @slytherinrising
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