thepiratefish · 7 months
Tayrun x Kayla: Sci-Fantasy / Feild Journal
Benny x Champange: Sharpange / Dark Sharpange / Chartreuse / Bampange / Chenny / Dr.Mech / Mechosaur
Vasillia x Heath: Thundercat / Jaguars Bolt
Kate x Mara: Strays / Anemone Flowers / Demon Blade
Kate x Sterling: Starlight / Comets / Battleflame / Unkillable Retrievers
Ulitus x derrible: Sea-Beast / Captians Recruit / Captians Salt Divinebeast / Bookbeast
Fear x Dresden: Withered Viloets / Dead spark
(Inspired by Moon-pizzaV) Benny x Champange x Harold: Comedic Timing / Bickering Flowers / Commercial Break
Kate x Sterling x Mara: Camping / Starlight Sky
Mara x Astra: Hate noise
Astra x Kate x Mara: Midnight Tradgedy
Dresden x Jack bright / Sir Jack bright Cavern Chaos / Bright in darkness / Glowstone / Rock Metal
Alexsis x Dresden: Rocky road / Ragdoll
Jake x Anna: Greenlink
Heath x Voslo:
Clayton x Bustar:
Snow Leopard
Harold x Champange:
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therummonster · 6 months
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welp, made + colored captain derrible ref in my cult of the herald au.
since we don't have canon character design of him, i've decided to make him a shrimp cat.
... listen i wanted to give him a lot of arms-
little shitty text meme below
Ulitus: i am the fearsome god of famine, all those that dare to oppose me will die.
Derrible: *holds his hand*
Ulitus: i don't want to be a god anymore-
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l3m0ngal5 · 4 months
Hospital of Hearts
Usually when i gets injured One of his friends will bring up a medicare And He will patch himself up But Because a new doctor add move into town Suddenly kala is all benny you can't ceep ignoring the big bleeding cut on your arm dummmmm-oh my goodness That's What my brain said when I saw him The most handsome man i've ever seen Dark skin Dishevelled but still good looking Sipping a cup of coffee And the cup had a Pixelart little dinosaur on it " hi I'm benny sharp I run the local mechanics shop this is my assistant Kayla and this is her little smart Phone friend Hi i'm charlie" The man Finished his coffee "I'm Doctor mcgregor And you need stitches" As the doctor patch Me up I pestered him We had I am amazing back and forth. I Got Injured A lot Not on purpose just accident Prone But I did Purposely throw out my medicate "Hello again" He said with yawne " Yeah I brought a Coffee What's your first name ?I wanna know for next time" "So I guess i'm stuck with your annoying clown self My name shampagne" I laughed " Your name is Champagne mcgregor That is the second best name I ve ever heard I mean wow I love it Honestly Internet something Boring your names on thing incredible" Thanks so what Is it this time Shoved your arm in another car part" I told him the issue it was my leg slammed it off An engine He rolled his eyes And I told him a story about The time I made an Entire car including engine From Scrap Metal He called me a clown And I Ask him on a date he said no And the same thing happened On the next week and the week after that. I remember on I think monday Mara Drove me to champagne's office because I Busted my lip open Even with him operating on my mouth I still kept talking " So why Did ya move Down here I mean i'm happy I did" I gave him a wink " I Worked for a boss I hated in a hospital full of The dumbest mugs you're Ever met And It took me almost Dying To realize that I shouldn't Settle four something I hated So I moved Here And now i'm just stuck with one Dumb mug You" I felt Real bad for him " If those gons didn't Treat you Right then forget eim" He Finished stitching up my lip I'm handed me his phone number Saying that i'm so accent programme problem needed it. Champagne Walked into the coffee bar Neither derrible Or ulitus What happy to have someone new But I was Hey doc over here This is My friend Vasilia She A tailor She got a little Boutique That was passed down Through her family" And suddenly Not only was I talking to champagne every week In his office There was also a panini time with him in Silly God he loves those sandwiches And after six hundred and twenty six times He said yes to a date And that how Me and champagne got together Any questions He said looking at the two young children Anna said she found it beautiful and jake at if he could leave.
I wrote this in one day
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bluejadedragon · 8 months
Lost to the Stars and Other Works Update
Lost to the Stars is going on hiatus.
I don't know how long for, probably only a few months or so (until the new year), but I have been struggling with getting good quality chapters out every week. Because of this, I've decided to put it on hold for a bit until I can get a backlog ready to start posting more frequently. I hope you all understand.
I am not going to stop writing though! In fact, I have a few ideas that have been brimming that I haven't had the energy to write while worrying about LttS, so I'm excited to work on those! Below the cut I've included a poll, but really I just want to gauge interest on what other sorts of stories you all want to see! If there's more than one, please comment too!
I really truely appreciate when people read, comment and leave kudos, it means so much. So, to keep my content at a level I'm happy while also still keeping it fun for me, this is what I've planned. I hope my next stories will still pique your interests!
Interactive fic : I've had the idea for a little while, but basically it would be like a self-insert AU but with your characters! With tumblr, it could be a bit more collaborative! That won't be for a little while though, that's more for just seeing if people are interested.
If you voted, thank you!
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tsmom1219 · 10 months
Energy-Material Cycles: A materials-based perspective of vehicle energy systems
John Mulrow, Joe F. Bozeman, Shantanu Pai, Emily Grubert, Sybil Derrible (2023). “Energy-Material Cycles: A materials-based perspective of vehicle energy systems.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 196, 107039. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107039 Abstract: In this article, we propose an Energy-Material Cycles (EM-cycles) model to facilitate communication and comparison of…
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mamurra · 10 months
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Cuando realizas tu acción en tu turno, puedes realizar una de las acciones mostradas aquí, una acción que hayas ganado de tu clase o de un rasgo especial, o una acción que improvises. Muchos monstruos tienen opciones de acción en sus propios bloques de estadísticas.
Cuando describes una acción no detallada en las reglas, el DM te dirá si esa acción es posible y que tipo de tirada necesitas para realizarla, si es que la hay, para determinar el éxito o el fallo.
> También puedes interactuar con un objeto o característica del entorno de forma gratuita.
Atacar: Realiza con tu arma un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo o a distancia. Ciertos rasgos, como el rasgo Ataque Adicional del guerrero, te permiten realizar más de un ataque con esta acción. Cada uno de estos ataques es una tirada a parte y puede ser a diferentes criaturas. Puedes moverte entre estos ataques. Cuando atacas con un arma cuerpo a cuerpo ligera, puedes usar una acción adicional para atacar con la otra mano (ver la acción adicional Ataque con dos armas). Puedes reemplazar uno de tus ataques cuerpo a cuerpo con un Agarrar o un Empujar . Algunas condiciones dan ventaja en el ataque: ataques contra objetivos cegados, paralizados, petrificados, apresados, aturdidos o inconscientes; ataques cuerpo a cuerpo contra objetivos derribados; ataques de atacantes invisibles u ocultos. Algunas condiciones ponen en desventaja el ataque: ataques contra objetivos invisibles u ocultos; ataques a distancia contra objetivos derribados; ataques de atacantes cegados, asustados, envenenados o apresados. (Páginas 192, 194-195 del Manual del Jugador)
Agarre: Intentas agarrar a una criatura o luchar con ella. Puedes usar la acción Atacar para realizar un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo especial, un agarre. Si eres capaz de realizar múltiples ataques con la acción Atacar, este ataque reemplaza a uno de ellos. El objetivo de tu agarre debe estar dentro de tu alcance y tener un tamaño que esté, como mucho, una categoría por encima de la tuya. Utilizando al menos una mano libre, intentas sujetar al objetivo mediante una prueba de agarrar en lugar de una tirada de ataque: haz una prueba de Fuerza (Atletismo) enfrentada a una prueba de Fuerza (Atletismo) o Destreza (Acrobacia) del objetivo, según elija este último. Si tienes éxito, sometes al objetivo al estado Agarrado.(Página 195 del Manual del Jugador).
Empujar: Empuja a una criatura, ya sea para derribarla o para alejarla de ti. Utilizando la acción de Atacar, puedes realizar un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo especial para empujar a un criatura. Si eres capaz de realizar múltiples ataques con la acción Atacar, este ataque reemplaza a uno de ellos. El objetivo de tu empuje no debe ser más de un tamaño más grande que tú, y debe estar a tu alcance. Realiza una prueba de Fuerza (Atletismo) enfrentada por la Fuerza (Atletismo) o Destreza (Acrobacia) del objetivo (el objetivo elige la habilidad a usar). Si tienes éxito, ya sea que derribles al objetivo o lo empujes 5 pies lejos de ti. (Página 195 del Manual del Jugador).
Correr (Dash): Obtienes movimiento adicional para el turno en curso. El incremento es igual a tu velocidad, después de aplicarle cualquier modificador. (Página 192 del Manual del Jugador).
Destrabarse (Disengage): Tu movimiento no provoca ataques de oportunidad durante el resto del turno. (Página 192 del Manual del Jugador).
Esquivar (Dodge): Te enfocas por completo en evitar ataques. Hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno, cualquier tirada de ataque hecha contra ti tiene una desventaja si puedes ver al atacante, y haces lanzamientos de salvación de Destreza con ventaja. Pierdes este beneficio si estás incapacitado o si tu velocidad cae a 0. (Página 192 del Manual del Jugador).
Escapar de un agarre: Para escapar de un agarre, debes tener éxito en una prueba de Fuerza (Atletismo) o Destreza (Acrobacia) enfrentado por la Fuerza (Atletismo) de quien te sujeta. Escapar de otras condiciones que te limitan (como esposas) puede requerir una prueba de Destreza o Fuerza, según lo especifique la condición. (Página 195 del Manual del Jugador).
Ayudar (Help): Propoprcionas a un aliado ventaja en una prueba de habilidad o de ataque. El objetivo obtiene ventaja en la siguiente prueba de habilidad para realizar la tarea con la que lo estás ayudando. Alternativamente, el objetivo gana ventaja en la siguiente tirada de ataque contra una criatura a menos de 5 pies de ti. La ventaja dura hasta el comienzo de tu próximo turno.(Página 192 del Manual del Jugador).
Usar un objeto: Interactuar con un segundo objeto o usar habilidades de objetos especiales. Puedes interactuar con un objeto de forma gratuita durante tu turno (como sacar un arma o abrir una puerta). Si deseas interactuar con un segundo objeto, usa esta acción. Cuando un objeto requiere tu acción para su uso, también realizas esta acción. (Página 193 del Manual del Jugador).
Usar un escudo: Equipar o desequipar un escudo. Un escudo siempre toma una acción para equipar o desequipar. La armadura tarda varios minutos en equiparse o desequiparse. (Páginas 144-146 del Manual del Jugador).
Esconderse: No puedes esconderte de una criatura que puede verte. Debes tener una cobertura total, estar en un área muy obscura, ser invisible o bloquear la visión del enemigo. Si haces ruido (como gritar una advertencia o derribar un jarrón), te descubrirás. Cuando intentes esconderte, haz una prueba de Destreza (Sigilo) y anota el resultado. Hasta que te descubran o dejes de esconderte, el total de esa tirada será enfrentado por una prueba de Sabiduría (Percepción) de cualquier criatura que busque activamente las señales de tu presencia. Una criatura te advierte incluso si no está buscando, a menos que tu pruebda de Sigilo sea más alta que su Percepción Pasiva. Fuera de combate, también puedes realizar una prueba de Destreza (Sigilo) para ocultarte de los enemigos, escabullirte de los guardias, escabullirte sin ser notado, o acechar a alguien sin ser visto o escuchado. (Página 192 del Manual del Jugador).
Preparar una acción: Elige una circunstancia y una acción de respuesta. Primero, decide qué circunstancia (que puedas percibir) activará tu reacción. Luego, elige la acción que realizarás en respuesta a dicha activación. Como alternativa, en vez de una acción puedes decidir moverte hasta tu velocidad. Cuando ocurra la circunstancia de activación, podrás elegir entre usar tu reacción al terminar esta o ignorarla. Cuando te preparas para lanzar un conjuro, lo lanzas con normalidad pero retienes su energía, que liberarás usando tu reacción cuando se produzca la circunstancia activadora. Sólo los conjuros cuyo tiempo de lanzamiento sea de 1 acción pueden formar parte de una acción preparada. Además, el esfuerzo que implica contener las energías mágicas hasta el momento de liberarlas exige concentración. (Página 193 del Manual del Jugador).
Estabilizar a una criatura: Evita que una criatura moribunda tenga que realizar tiradas de salvacion contra muerte. Realiza un prueba de Sabiduría (Medicina) CD 10. Con éxito, la criatura está estable y ya no necesita realizar tiradas de salvación contra muerte. Una criatura estable recupera 1 punto de vida después de 1d4 horas. (Página 197 del Manual del Jugador).
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Acciónes Adicionales:
Puedes realizar una acción adicional sólo cuando una habilidad, conjuro o característica especial indica que puedes hacer algo como acción adicional.
Ataque con dos armas: Ataca con una arma en tu otra mano. Sólo utilizable si tomas la acción de Atacar y atacas con un arma cuerpo a cuerpo ligera que estés sosteniendo en una mano. Realiza un sólo ataque con una arma cuerpo a cuerpo ligera distinta que estés sosteniendo en la otra mano. No agregas tu modificador de característica al daño del ataque adicional, salvo que este sea negativo. Si alguna de las armas tiene la propiedad de arrojadiza, puedes lanzarla en lugar de hacer el ataque cuerpo a cuerpo con ella. (Páginas 192,194-195 del Manual del Jugador).
Lanzar un conjuro: Lanza un conjuro con un tiempo de lanzamiento de 1 acción adicional. No puedes lanzar un conjuro con tu acción y un conjuro distinto con tu acción adicional en el mismo turno, salvo que la acción se use para lanzar un truco. Para más detalles vayan al siguiente post. (Página 192 del Manual del Jugador).
Usar un rasgo de clase: Utiliza un rasgo racial o de clase que use una acción adicional. Revisa la página de tu clase para más información.
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Una reacción es una respuesta instantánea a un desencadenante de algún tipo, que puede ocurrir en su turno o en el de otra persona.
Ataque de oportunidad: Rara vez puedes moverte despreocupadamente junto a tus enemigos sin ponerte en peligro. Circunstancia de activación: la criatura enemiga que puedas ver sale de tu alcance. Realiza un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo contra la criatura provocadora. El ataque interrumpe el movimiento de la criatura provocadora, ocurriendo justo antes de que la criatura deje tu alcance. Las criaturas no provocan ataques de oportunidad cuando se teletransportan o cuando alguien o algo las mueve sin usar su movimiento, acción o reacción. (Página 195 del Manual del Jugador).
Acción preparada (Readied action): Ejecuta la reacción especificada por Preparar una acción. Circunstancia de activación: especificada por tu acción de Preparar una acción. (Página 193 del Manual del Jugador).
La información es una transcripción de esta pagina donde pueden encontrar todas las referencias. - Pit
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killerduckbuddy · 5 years
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Post 1092 Theme: The Letter D. Dr. Derrible the Dancing Dandy Daredevil was delightfully diabolical and deft on the dance floor whilst downing a delicious dairy drink.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #kidlit #paint #kidlitart #ipad #art #sketch #illustration #sketchdaily #childrenillustration #reddit #dailydraw #drawing #doodle #ink #kidsbook #digital #alphabet #letters #D #procreate #dance #firstbook #book #monsters #characterdesign #illustragram #drawdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQNLD8B6EI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q0aiyxfon69p
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iowamedia · 2 years
Smashed cars, burnt trees, soggy insulation: Post-disaster cleanup is expensive, time-consuming and wasteful
Smashed cars, burnt trees, soggy insulation: Post-disaster cleanup is expensive, time-consuming and wasteful
By Sybil Derrible, Juyeong Choi and Nazli Yesiller Communities across the U.S. Southeast and Midwest will be assessing damage from the deadly and widespread tornado outbreak on Dec. 10-11, 2021 for some time. But it’s clear that the cleanups will take months, and possibly years. Sybil Derrible Juyeong Choi Dealing with enormous quantities of debris and waste materials is one of the most…
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cmrnfry · 6 years
hey guys guess what derrible duo is getting back together next week :•)
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goldnrry · 3 years
the wifi at work is so derrible today omg we cant get anything done
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thepiratefish · 4 months
I'm writing a fanfic, and I need someone from the sharp gang to run the Coffee bar
It can't be champagne Benny Or kayla
-stares at you with my Sea-beast shipper eyes-
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therummonster · 1 year
headcanons! for villains!
Elloise is like Astra, except she didn't take the time to learn how to hack her own monsters. the arenas are a cover up for this fact!
Dresden...screw it. he really likes pokemon, and has every kind of pain because HE'S 1000+ YEARS OLD. remember there's a video coming tomorrow!! fall of the fookin scp foundation!!
Fear Herself was maybe barely 20 when she got put as overseer. and suffered from consistent sleepless or nightmare filled nights.
Ulitus still hates humans with every bone in his body, but Derrible's crew are absolutely an exception.
Harold has no idea what's good or bad half the time, he's pretty sure what happend in his past was bad? but who knows, not him. also that he used to have arms until he did a whoops early on.
Bestar was probably one of the overseers Dresden knew in his mortal past.
Crash requires attention and validation, mostly seeking it from Burn. has a chance of redemption.
Burn despises Crash but suffers through because he's good at smashing things.
unice, ya bitch
Clayton, i hope we see you, getting beaten up by every demon on friday.
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l3m0ngal5 · 1 month
Ulitis: what are you doing hear X
X: I came to your world to meet with your replacement for the sake of my apprentice and Air to see if like you he's the kind of overseer I would tell him to avoid
Derrible: I wouldn't worry about that if I were you Tayruns a good lad also why did you steal salty boot's ale
X: because I need a drink
Ulitis: in reality captain he's the physical embodiment of vice I don't think there's a substance he isn't addicted to if we don't get him out of here soon and to Janavar he will probably drink all of the alcohol on the ship
I wouldn't put it past him And also x being so ill enough to say that to his face is hilarious
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lolzonline · 5 years
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The Derrible And Wonderful Power Of
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five times kissed
send me five times kissed for a drabble about five times our muses kissed
Though their first kiss was quite public, what with being on national television and all, their second was much more intimate. They were back in Hasetsu, and they had been lounging in Viktor’s room for most of the night talking and watching videos of various random things. Before he knew it, Yuuri found himself yawning. It was one thirty in the morning. He’d have liked to stay up longer with Viktor, but his eyelids were beginning to droop due to the sudden tiredness.
❝ I think—— ❞ A hand came up to cover his mouth as another yawn escaped him. ❝ ——I’m going to call it a night and head to bed. ❞ He finished when he was finally able to speak again.  ❝ Da? ❞ Viktor responded, looking slightly disappointed. Yuuri nodded his head ❝ Sorry, I’m really sleepy all of a sudden. ❞ Viktor just nodded his head in response, getting up as Yuuri did. Yuuri opened the door and headed into the hallway between their rooms. Viktor leaned against the door frame, watching as Yuuri took a few steps towards his room.
Yuuri suddenly felt something tug at his wrist, and in one swift motion, he was pressed into Viktor’s chest. He looked up at the taller male, cheeks painted a pale pink. Viktor was looking down at Yuuri. His fingers came up to clutch Yuuri’s chin, and Yuuri knew exactly what Viktor had in mind. Within seconds, Viktor’s lips were against his, and he returned the kiss graciously. 
This kiss was much more different than the one that day at the kiss and cry after his program. This kiss was much warmer, sweeter. Viktor wasn’t trying to surprise him, wasn’t trying to put on a show for an audience or cameras. This was all them. Viktor’s arms snaked around Yuuri’s waist and pulled him in closer. Yuuri’s snaked around Viktor’s neck. If this was how Viktor kissed when no one was looking, he would most definitely have to partake more often.
Viktor had come down with a nasty cold. He was laid up in bed with a slight fever, runny nose, cough, the whole nine. Yuuri had spent the last week caring for him in the various ways necessary. Cooking for him, placing cold rags on his forehead, adjusting his pillows. Anything he could do to make sure Viktor was comfortable while he recovered.
Yuuri was in the kitchen of Viktor’s apartment doing up some dishes when he heard him coughing violently in his room. He sighed and dried off his hands. He hated to see Viktor so uncomfortable. He made his way to the dimly lit bedroom, avoiding turning on any harsh lights in case Viktor had a headache. 
❝ How are you feeling, Vitya? ❞ Yuuri spoke softly, sitting on the side of the bed next to him. ❝ Derrible. ❞ Viktor was hoarse, the congestion in his sinuses making his Russian accent sound even more foreign to Yuuri. It was almost comedic, in a way. ❝ Da? ❞ He responded. It wasn’t uncommon for Yuuri to work little bits of Russian into his lexicon, he was in Russia, after all. Viktor gave a weak nod.
Yuuri pushed Viktor’s bangs from his face, the strands of silver hair damp with sweat from his sleep. He felt warm, but Yuuri couldn’t tell if he was feverish or if his hands were just overheated from the hot dishwater. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead, lingering there as he tried to gauge the man’s temperature. This was a trick his mother always used when he was sick. 
❝ You’re still warm, but I don’t think it’s a fever. ❞ He explained when he pulled away. ❝ Whad aboud my lips? ❞ Viktor pouted, hinting that he wanted a kiss. ❝ Vitya, I’ll get sick. ❞ Viktor’s pout deepened. He looked absolutely pathetic and helpless. His eyes had dark bags under them, his hair was a disheveled mess, and his nose was red from blowing it. Yuuri let out an inaudible sigh, ❝ Fine, but just a small one. ❞ He said firmly. Viktor smiled weakly. Yuuri leaned forward, pressing a small peck to his lips. Viktor let out a satisfied noise. ❝ Yer gud do me. ❞ Viktor said quietly as his eyes closed slowly. ❝ I had just better not get sick. ❞ One week later, Yuuri took Viktor’s place, and Viktor his.
Viktor had been gone for six weeks. This was, by far, the longest they had spent apart, and Yuuri missed him more than words could express. He sat anxiously in the airport terminal, awaiting Viktor’s arrival. It was finally time for his plane to land. An extra thirty minutes and a crowd of people were finally emerging from his gate.
Yuuri kept his eyes peeled for that familiar face that made all other faces absolutely irrelevant. Forty-five minutes later, and he finally spotted him. His heart jumped, he jumped, and Makkachin jumped. ❝ Vitya! ❞ He yelled, running up to him at lightening speed. 
Viktor heard the familiar nickname in the voice that made his heart flutter. He saw Yuuri running towards him, and his eyes lit up. ❝ Yuuri! ❞ He yelled back, dropping his bags as he ran to him, as well. 
Within seconds, their bodies were pressed together. Yuuri had his arms tightly around Viktor’s waist. Viktor cradled Yuuri’s head in his hands. Viktor pulled out of the hug just enough to press a fervent kiss to Yuuri’s lips. Yuuri returned the kiss with equal vigor and continued to kiss him. His lips, his cheeks, his nose, his forehead. Wherever he could press his lips, he did, ❝ I missed you’s ❞ and ❝ I love you’s ❞ spilled out sloppily between kisses. Viktor just stood there, taking in all the love he was being showered with. After six long weeks, his heart was finally full once again.
Everyone knew that Yuuri was a complete lightweight when it came to holding his liquor. That’s why it came as no surprise to Viktor that after three drinks, he was very tipsy. They had been out for a date and Yuuri decided to let loose a little. Viktor didn’t mind, he enjoyed watching Yuuri enjoy himself, and he wasn’t a hostile drunk, so that made it easier for him to be around and to take care of at the end of the night. 
It was, in fact, the end of the night, and Yuuri was ready for bed. Viktor had gotten him up to their room, undressed and redressed in pajamas, and into bed. He went to fetch a glass of water to keep on the nightstand, as Yuuri had a habit of waking up very much dehydrated when he had been drinking. 
He returned with the water and placed it on the nightstand, sitting on the side of the bed next to Yuuri. He had his eyes closed, but they slid open ever so slightly when he felt Viktor’s weight on the bed next to him.
❝ Vitya. ❞ Was all Yuur said sleepily. He had his arms spread open, signaling that he wanted Viktor to lay with him. Viktor obliged, positioning himself over the younger male. Yuuri wrapped his arms around Viktor’s neck and pulled him against his chest. ❝ I love you. ❞ Yuuri said, his words only faintly slurred. Viktor picked himself up, Yuuri’s placid grip allowing him to do so, and hovered over him again. He smiled down at Yuuri. Alcohol always made him incredibly affectionate. ❝ You know that, Vitya? ❞
❝ Da. ❞ Viktor nodded. He leaned down and pressed a long kiss to Yuuri’s lips. The taste of sake still lingered on them ever so slightly. Yuuri kissed him back lazily. Viktor pulled away, still smiling down at the inebriated man below him. ❝ я тоже тебя люблю.❞ Yuuri smiled, eyes closing again as he dozed off. That Russian, he had no trouble understanding.
❝ ———I want you to move in with me… ❞ Viktor finally said it. Yuuri was surprised, to say the least. They had been spending so much time together at Viktor’s apartment that Yuuri hardly ever used his own. He had been in Russia for about three months, and he could count on one hand the amount of times he had slept there.
Yuuri’s heart thumped wildly against his chest. Although he practically already did live there, Viktor was specifying that he wanted him to live with him officially. He could feel butterflies battering his insides now. He thought about it for a moment before answering his beloved.
❝ —You won’t…get sick of me? ❞ Yuuri asked, genuinely concerned. Viktor practically snorted. ❝ What makes you think that will happen? ❞ Viktor asked. ❝ I dunno. I’m already always here. We’re together at practice every day. What if you want your space? ❞ An actual snort from Viktor this time. ❝ Yuuri, I could never tire of you, my love. Plus, it’s like you say, you’re already always here. Your things might as well be, too. I am getting a bit tired of sharing my clothes with you. ❞ Viktor teased. Yuuri smiled. ❝ I can’t guarantee that won’t stop if I live here. ❞
Viktor looked at him with eager eyes as he contemplated for a few more minutes. ❝ ——Of course I’ll move in, Viktor. ❞ He smiled. This felt right. ❝ Ah, wonderful! ❞ Viktor exclaimed, pulling Yuuri from his side of the couch into his lap. Viktor cupped his face and pressed his lips against Yuuri’s gently. They laid like that for a while, kissing on Viktor’s couch. Kissing on their couch.
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uicscience · 5 years
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Shanghai Nanpu Bridge (Photo: Sybil Derrible)
Making city infrastructure more resilient
The systems that help us heat and cool our homes, provide drinking water, take away our garbage, let us communicate instantly with one another and enable travel — collectively known as infrastructure — will need to be designed differently in the future to become more sustainable and resilient.
In a paper published in MRS Energy & Sustainability, University of Illinois at Chicago civil engineer Sybil Derrible lays out two key sustainability principles that can be applied to infrastructure systems that would make cities both more sustainable and more resilient: reducing the demand for resources — whether it’s water, electricity or additional transportation infrastructure like roads — and increasing the supply of those resources, within reason.
“Cities are designed based on their location and needs,” said Derrible, associate professor of civil and materials engineering in the UIC College of Engineering. “Chicago was raised by close to 2 meters [6.5 feet] to create a sewer system to solve its flooding and sanitary problems. In other cities, buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes. Each city has its specific need and infrastructure design needs to take that into account.”
“Because of climate change, cities will need to become more resilient — power grids will need to supply more energy for cooling without becoming overwhelmed and shutting down, sewer systems will need to handle massive rain events… all these things need to be considered carefully going forward when it comes to urban planning,” he said. “These challenges are significant, but they also offer an opportunity to rethink how cities are planned, built, and operated.”
Derrible, who is also a research associate professor at the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy at UIC, notes that any new infrastructure project should consider first whether the demand for new infrastructure can be reduced so that new or more infrastructure doesn’t need to be built.
“But if we must build new infrastructure, it should integrate multiple functionalities,” he said. An example of integrated infrastructure would be installing green infrastructure in roads to prevent flooding on roads and sewer backups.
In his article, Derrible outlines guidelines for developing sustainable urban infrastructure that focus on the real-time supply and demand of services provided by seven systems: water; electricity; heating, cooling and natural gas; telecommunications; transport; solid waste management; and buildings.
In exploring each of the infrastructure systems from a sustainability point-of-view, Derrible found that reducing demand for heating/cooling and natural gas, transportation, solid waste management and buildings could best improve urban sustainability, while increasing infrastructure related to electricity and telecommunications could be achieved sustainably and within reason. Water, he concluded, could benefit from both approaches.
“We can apply both approaches to all systems — reducing demand and increasing supply within reason,” Derrible said. “But some systems were more amenable to one approach over the other to improve sustainability.”
Systems that can be increased should be integrated within current infrastructure systems, and whenever possible, new infrastructure should be multi-functional, he explained.
To make cities more sustainable, Derrible recommends the following steps for each of the seven infrastructure systems he examined:
Current systems can be improved to prevent loss (leakage)
Make city surfaces more permeable to reduce impact of flooding due to rain events
Better building design and insulation
More efficient air-conditioning systems
Use more renewable energy
Develop better energy storage technologies (batteries)
Heating/cooling and natural gas
Improve insulation of buildings
Use heat pumps instead of furnaces or radiators
Use more energy-efficient equipment
Use sustainable energy sources to power telecommunication infrastructure
Increase shared mobility services (bike- and car-sharing services)
Implement more travel demand management strategies like High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes
Provide more and better transit services
Solid waste (garbage)
Reduce waste generated
Reuse and recycle as much as possible
Promote smaller home sizes if possible
Use environmentally-friendly building materials
This research was supported by National Science Foundation CAREER award 155173 and by NSF Cyber-Physical Systems award 1646395.
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