#Desktop stand for cell phone
you-nes · 6 months
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butternuggets-blog · 3 months
DRACULA: A Modern Adaptation
My script for a modern tv adaptation of Dracula, based on the novel by Bram Stoker Also on AO3
An aerial shot of train tracks winding through mountainous terrain. A train winding its way towards its destination; old, either early 1990s or even late 80s.
Camera zooms in; long swooping shot.
A figure idly watches the landscape rolling past the window. The glass is streaky; the carriage is clean but shabby and well-worn, clearly old and very used. JONATHAN HARKER rummages inside a pant pocket and pulls out a mobile phone. Samsung Galaxy; he can’t afford an Iphone or has chosen not to purchase one. Not a trend-follower.
Camera static; shows phone screen. Static zoom cut showing the internet and cell reception bars abruptly cut out. He is on his own out here.
Train shudders to a stop; Jonathan pulls his suitcase out from under his seat and follows the crowd outside onto the platform. Open-air station; very old ticket office with one window, a single bench for waiting passengers. No electronic ticket machine, no modern ads scrolling up. This station is ancient.
Jonathan spots a sign (very hard to miss) for the Golden Krone Hotel which is directly in front of him, opposite the station. He walks across the platform, looks both ways down the street before crossing – people walking by, a stray dog, a genuine horse-drawn carriage – and goes inside.
Open plan hotel lobby; the dining/seating area is to the left, already packed with a modest amount of locals and travellers. The staircase to the upper floors is ahead. The small reception desk is on the right; an OLD WOMAN, one half of the establishment’s proprietors, is already lifting up a flap in the desktop and walking through, reaching Jonathan as he stops in the doorway to admire the interior of the hotel lobby (very traditional; lots of hand-carved wood and painted wallpaper).
Are you the Englishman?
She is speaking German with a stilted fluency. It is not her first language but she knows it passably well. She is Székelys.
Yes. I am Jonathan Harker.
He speaks German like a tourist. He is enunciating firmly, with an English accent. Jonathan bows suddenly, awkwardly; the woman reciprocates the gesture. She is smiling; it is an old custom to bow to women in greeting, nowadays most people shake hands. She thinks it is sweet that he has learnt the gesture.
Room seven has been prepared for you.
Jonathan follows the woman over to the desk. She grabs a key – iron, old-fashioned, heavy – from a hook and places it in his hand as her husband appears from a door leading into a back room beside the desk.
Dinner can be served but it is extra, my apologies.
Thank you. That’s not a problem.
The woman turns to her husband. Jonathan cannot see her expression but the audience can. She is tense, but pretending that nothing is wrong.
[in Romanian] Fetch the letter before I change my mind.
[in Romanian] It’s for the best.
Jonathan has no clue what is being said. He is wearing the polite smile of a man completely out of his depth.
[in Romanian] Just fetch it.
The man wants to speak, but it is an old argument and he closes his mouth, lets it die. He goes back into the office while Jonathan and the woman stand in awkward silence.
The man returns, handing an envelope to his wife. It is made of thick parchment, sealed with a genuine wax seal, and addressed to Jonathan. The woman slides it across the countertop, fingers pressing down on it.
She is smiling. It is clearly forced.
This was left for you.
Oh, thank you.
Jonathan tries to take the envelope but there is resistance. The woman does not want to hand the letter over. He tries to snatch it again; this time he is successful.
Jonathan is eating a dinner of “robber steak…bacon, onion, and beef, seasoned with red pepper, and strung on sticks and roasted over the fire” with several glasses of “Golden Mediasch wine”.
He reads the opened letter as he eats; the envelope is tucked into his journal, also on the table, which is propping up the letter.
We now hear Dracula’s voice for the first time as he narrates the letter.
My friend, welcome to the Carpathians. I am anxiously expecting you. Sleep well tonight. At three tomorrow the coach will start for Bukovina; a place on it has been reserved for you. At the Borgo Pass my carriage will pick you up and bring you to me.
The dining room scene fades into Jonathan packing his bag in his room the next day and tidying up his bed.
I trust that your journey from London has been a happy one, and that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.
There is a knock on Jonathan’s hotel room. He zips up his suitcase and answers the door; the OLD WOMAN is standing there, fidgeting nervously.
Yes? What’s wrong?
Jonathan lets her into the room.
Do you have to go? On today of all days?
Yes, I have business-
The woman starts weeping.
Oh! Oh-oh-shh, shh, shh, shh-
He moves to comfort her
I’m sorry
[in Romanian] I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! It should be us and not you but I can’t-
What’s the matter? What’s wrong? What did you mean, “today of all days”?
The woman takes a moment to get herself under control.
It is the eve of St George’s day. When it strikes midnight tonight, all the evil in the world will hold sway.
Jonathan is confused.
What has that got to do with my business trip?
The woman silently shakes her head. She’s said enough; to talk more would be suicide. She takes a rosary from around her neck and places it on Jonathan. He is very confused.
For your mother’s sake.
She leaves.
Picturesque shot of a stagecoach travelling through various landscapes: forest, fruit trees, snow-covered mountains, and valleys.
As the passengers realise that they have reached the Borgo Pass, they begin to ply Jonathan with gifts; one clasps his hands and says a short prayer, while others press dried rose and garlic into his hands.
Oh, er, thank you. Thank you.
He is just as confused as he was at the inn. Perhaps this is a normal Romanian farewell?
The coach approaches the stretch of road where Dracula’s coach should be. Everyone looks for it expectantly; Jonathan is disappointed by its absence, the others breathe a sigh of relief.
The driver opens a sliding window set in the front of the coach so he can talk to his passengers.
[in Romanian] We are an hour early.
One of the passengers make the sign of the cross. Another nods.
The driver turns to Jonathan.
Your coach has not arrived yet. It is late; we will take you on to Bukovina and put you up there for the night.
Could you wait maybe five minutes? Please?
No. There are wolves.
Suddenly Dracula’s carriage appears behind them. The passengers scream; the driver swears and struggles to get his horses under control as the carriage overtakes and stops in front of them.
[in Romanian] The dead travel fast.
DRACULA – I mean, the “COACHMAN” – alights from his coach and approaches them.
[in Romanian] You are early tonight.
The driver flinches, says nothing. The passengers are frozen in their seats, hardly daring to breath. Their bravery has fled.
The “coachman” pulls Jonathan’s suitcase from the luggage rack. Jonathan climbs out and hesitantly approaches the other vehicle.
Come, come! Let me help you.
He grabs Jonathan’s arm and heaves him into the carriage. He uses a little too much force; Jonathan bounces against the seat. The “coachman” puts a cloak over Jonathan’s shoulders.
You can keep it for yourself if you want; I’m wearing enough protective layers.
Keep it. And there is a flask of slivovitz in the seat pocket if you would like a nightcap.
The “coachman” flicks the reins and the carriage starts moving. The driver, white-knuckling the reins, watches Jonathan leave. The passengers watch as well, pressed up against the windows but not daring to poke their heads outside.
The carriage rides through the night. Jonathan is cold, despite the layers; he pulls the cloak around himself like a blanket and enjoys the night time view.
Jonathan gets curious. By the light of the moon he looks at his watch; it is about to strike midnight.
Camera static; static zoom shot of the watch face as the hands strike midnight.
Howls pierce the air. They are far away and oh so close. Jonathan shivers, shrinking down and trying to hide as best he can in the carriage. They keep moving.
Aerial shot of the carriage rolling along the road. Jonathan, feeling brave, is sitting up properly again. He spots blue flames flickering among the trees to the left.
A will o’ the wisp! I didn’t know you had them here! We have them back home in England, in the marshes.
They are not wisps, only blue flames. Wisps have a mind.
Supposedly wisps lead people astray. Some people have died after following them.
The coachman grins. He enjoys the thought of people dying.
The flames always appear on St George’s Eve. They mark hidden treasure.
Eyes around them, glowing white. The horses buck and whinny, but there’s nowhere for them to go. The cloud cover lifts and
Standing in a ring around the now stopped carriage, silently observing the men. Suddenly they throw back their heads and howl.
The coachman stands up, throwing his arms wide.
[in Romanian] Begone!
The wolves leave.
The children of the night. What music they make!
Jonathan is shaken. What the hell was that? He presses a hand to his chest, pressing the rosary tucked under his shirt against his skin. It is a comfort.
The carriage comes down the final stretch of road before pulling up in the courtyard of “a vast ruined castle”. Jonathan is slumped in the backseat; fear and exhaustion has been too much for him and he nodded off.
The sudden lurch of the carriage coming to a halt wakes him up and he looks about him in awe, hopping from the carriage with the help of the coachman who proceeds to deposit his suitcase beside him before driving off.
Jonathan approaches the front door. It is massive and weathered, with iron nails embedded in it.
Carved along the stone doorframe, in English, is an inscription. The words are clearly new, although the stone it is carved onto is very old.
[in English] Enter freely, go safely, and leave a little of the happiness you bring.
There is a loud clank of bolts – and gears? - and the door slides open, seemingly on its own.
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Mr. Here To Stay
Warning: may contain adult languages. Please be advise. Minors do not proceed.
You march to the accounting department with your do-not-talk-to-me aura. As soon as the biometric turns color green, you go straight to the meeting room and reserving it for the whole day. You put down your shoulder bag on the table but it fell off, "ughh-" you didn't even bother to pick up those because you're in a hurry.
You proceed to your desk and call the IT department and request a laptop and the reason you told was because you cannot bring your desktop to the meeting room for the whole day. You wait for the IT to deliver the laptop so you sit with the others.
N1 eating the usual breakfast, "What's up with the long face?"
You lean back to your ergo chair and sigh deeply, "These reimbursements!" You loudly tap the pile of papers beside you, "I sampled one yesterday and guess what, I've seen numerous errors on the form. Now, I have to correct it with red ink and in addition to that, I have to prepare a journal entry for each of..." you purse you lips as you try not cuss, "--transaction!"
N4 glances, "that's a lot...why don't you do it next week?"
You shake your head no immediately, "I can't, have you forgotten what's next week?" Horrified marks on their faces. Their energy died down as they remember what's coming, "exactly, auditors doing their quarterly audit plus internal report," you close your eyes, "I thought I'm having no-work-on-Fridays-so that-you-can-enjoy-waiting-for-the-night-out-later. "
You heard a knock on your desk. You open your eyes and the IT is standing there holding the laptop you requested. You politely receive the company's asset and signs a paper, "thanks," the IT quickly leave the department, "okay, I'll see you later," before entering your prison, you grab a pile of journal entry form and a bunch of red pen at the supplies cabinet then headed to your detention cell.
Hours passed and you feel like the pile of paper hasn't going down. You stretch and drink water, pausing and looking at the minimalist painting on the wall. Taking a few deep breaths and continues to work.
Third party POV
Marco, having full of energy for unknown reason, he walks in the accounting department with his radiant smile, bringing again the last batch of reimbursements. Well, actually, it's only his disbursement for yesterday's afternoon small talk for the hospital's affiliated medical school. He make his way to Y/N station, only to find that Y/N's not there. Disappointed, his smile turns into frown however, Y/N's coworkers feel his presence without even saying 'hi' or 'good morning'.
They give him a welcoming smile and he waves 'hi'. Marco is about to open his mouth to pose the question but N3 answers right away, "Y/N's there," pointing N3's pen to the meeting room. Marco was about to walk to the room when N4 raises hand, stopping him.
N4 before sipping the beloved coffee warn the handsome doctor, "warning, Dr. Marco, you may not want to talk to Y/N right now or next week..."
N2 butts in, "or the next, next week either..." N2 sighed as N2 goes his sight from paper to screen, vice versa.
Marco with confusion on his face and scratches his head, "Then, next month, I guess?"
All of them shake their head no, N3 answers, "Y/N will be angry. The reimbursement is only valid for 7 days after the expense occurs," N3 focus on the monitor as N3 replies.
Marco leaning to Y/N's cubicle, "So what options do I have?"
N1 having the strength to answer, "Dr. Marco, just choose between these three options for Y/N's anger," Showing off her polished nails to the doctor, "A. Rude, Sarcastic and a Bitch,"
N2, "B. Feral"
N4 ending the multiple choice, "Or C. Violence,"
After the options lay down, all of them look at the doctor, waiting for his response. Marco's silent for a while, hands on his pocket. N1 blushes more as the pose is striking and making him more attractive. Grabbing N1's phone, take a photo of him, secretly.
After thinking it through, he finally reach his decision that could alter the accounting department's universe or rather Y/N's, he fixes his red eyeglass and curls his lips, " Or D. All of the above," hot on his heels, he walks toward to the meeting room.
Y/N's coworkers stare at the doctor as he marches forward to his death. They look at each other with is-he-serious? stare. N4 commenting, " And a challenger enters into the lion's den," None of them has the intention to go back to work as they are curious what would happen to the doctor's resolution...or they are worried what would happen to the doctor.
You roll your eyes the moment you heard the glass door opens, "Haven't I told you be---" you stop as you see Dr. Marco enters the meeting room with his gleaming smile. You lean at your ergo chair and cross your arms, giving him your resting bitch face, "I take it, haven't they warned you?"
Marco confidently walk towards you, "They did," stopping in front of you. Resting and pressing his toned, perfect muscle cuts on both arms on the table. Undeniably, you gulp as you watch his shoulders tense under his white coat along with his stethoscope. He teasingly smile at you, leaning forward, "Just yesterday, you were thoughtful and sweet and now," his grins wider, "I just wanna see how much rude, sarcastic, bitch, feral and violent can you be..." he said in a challenging, low voice with a hint of seductiveness.
You didn't back off, especially your in the state of I don't give a fuck attitude. You put down the red pen and slowly stand up. You copy the doctor's stance and make sure he receives your message loudly and clearly by meeting his gaze with seriousness, "Then so be it..." Both of you stare each other.
You and your blazing eyes vs Marco and his calm ocean blue eyes.
The tension that you both created fills the room. You did not break the stare this time even though his eyes is dominating you, making your knees weak then you remembered the pile of papers you have to finish. You have no plans on backing down too even though your heart's been thumping hard.
After a minute, the doctor chuckles, "Okay, okay, I surrender," he stand properly and crosses his arms over his broad chest, "I'm just testing you,"
You gaze him, "I'm not in a mood for play time," you said in a tired, flat voice. Your eye catches the papers he holds. Your stressed increases but you realizes you don't have a choice either, "hands me those paper and get the hell out!"
Marco, being playful and it seems doesn't bother by your rudeness, tucks away the paper behind him, "This is not reimbursement, these are...patient's record,"
"Then what are you doing here?!"
"Roaming around..."
"Go home, you have a flexible schedule. Don't waste anyone's time..." you seat down and continues to check the amount and supporting receipts. Marking them red meaning your done.
"I don't wanna go home..."
You put down the red pen, "That's not my problem," you give him a lazy look, "for the last time, Dr. Marco, get out."
Marco's eyes soften and sparkles as he hears his name coming out from your lovely mouth causing also a smile on his thick lips, "Okay, okay." He let out a small laugh, "Bye, Y/N, it's nice seeing you today," he exit the meeting room with a wide smile.
Your brain is too stun to process, "What's wrong with him?" your eyebrows furrow and shake your head.
As the pile of paper goes down to the last, your stomach shout for food. You look up at the clock and it's 2 in the afternoon. You sigh and reward yourself a little treat. You pick up your bag from the floor when someone enters your zone. You immediately turn around and see a stranger standing with a paper bag and a drink, "Y/N?"
Confuse still you nodded, "y-yeah, that's me,"
the stranger happily give the items, "enjoy your meal,"
"but I didn't--" and poof the person's gone. You look at the paper bag remembering when did the last time touch your phone to order food online. No, you didn't. You're sure of it because you can feel in your right hand the tiredness from writing. You sit down and open the paper bag and the aroma of the packed food makes your stomach growl. You didn't even think who give the food, maybe one of your pals in the department? You quickly glance to them who appears witnesses on the food. All of them shake their head no.
You had no time to wonder who it is as the hunger making you crazy. You sit down and with one bite, you close your eyes and feel relief. You nod as the food taste like coming from a five star restaurant. you couldn't stop taking a bite until the food stuck in your esophagus. You grab the drink and pop the straw. You aggressively chug. Your eyes blink as it taste lemonade, feeling refreshed. Then you notice on the drink, there's a small post-it note on the middle part. You pluck it and read,
Peace Offering...for making you piss off earlier. -Dr. Marco, the one who look like a pineapple You cough at the note and let out a small laugh as you read the pineapple thing. Moreover, it makes your heart happy. With that, the stressed you had earlier somehow lessen. You can't help but smile while eating and rereading the note. You never thought a doctor having a beautiful penmanship and a good sense of humor.
Before the long arm ticks off to 12. You stand up and go back to your station, calling again the IT to let them know your finish using the laptop. Then, you go back to the meeting room and start packing up. Alas, you're done with the reimbursements and the journal entries for that matter is posted in the system. You put down the pile of papers under your desk and give the summary to your Manager.
You come back and the IT was there already. You smile and thank the IT staff. You sit in your station and put out a mirror to reapply your favorite lip balm.
"So, who gave your lunch?" N2 probes.
You smack your lips and keep the mirror, "Dr. Marco...he pissed off me earlier so he gave me a peace offering,"
N1 starts to whine, "I want to experience that! Y/N, can we change our role?! Just you know for two weeks!"
You giggle, "Sorry, N1, I cannot or else, all of the employees will receive their salary/pay late," N1 pouts but you just laugh.
As soon as the clock tick at 5p.m., all of you stand up and walk out the door but on the halfway to the door, you stop, remembering something. You shout at them, "You guys go, I'll meet you at the entrance!" You quickly go back to your desk and grab the post-it note. Smiling, you keep it in your bag.
For some reason, it makes your heart flutter.
A/N: PART 3 bonus will be posted soonest. :) I'll update this post to link the Part 3 bonus. I hope you enjoy this modern au because I am. xD Anyway, I don't think this will be short so, I might post this on my a03 account with my OC as "you". I'll post the link here when I'm done with that.
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shefancdotcom · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Professional Live Stream White Selfie Ring Light with Gooseneck Stand.
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krunnuy · 9 days
Why Mobile Compatibility is Crucial for Lottery Software Providers
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In the game industry, mobile compatibility has become a critical component. Lottery software vendors are forced to allocate emphasis to mobile-friendly solutions if they want to stay competitive, considering the rapid rise in smartphone usage. It has become essential, never not required, for making certain lottery structures portable and accessible in the mobile-first world of today. The article explores the advantages of mobile compatibility for lottery software vendors and how it may enhance player experience and company performance.
The growing demand for lottery software providers to provide mobile-friendly solutions
How people engage with electronic content has been revolutionized by mobile devices. Lottery and betting are growing more common as more individuals utilize their cell phones for everyday activities. In many instances, mobile usage already surpasses desktop usage, and lottery software vendors have to adapt to this reality so as to meet the needs of consumers.
For online lottery software providers, the challenge is even more significant. Players expect convenience and accessibility, and this is only possible if the platform is mobile-compatible. By neglecting mobile compatibility, providers risk losing players to competitors who offer seamless mobile experiences. Therefore, ensuring mobile-friendly lottery platforms can directly impact player engagement and overall revenue.
Benefits of Mobile Compatibility for Lottery Software Providers
Increased Player Engagement and Retention
Lottery participants can take part at any time and from any location when platforms are mobile-friendly. Higher levels of engagement result from this, which also raises the possibility of long-term user retention. Lottery software vendors who prioritize mobile compatibility guarantee that players can play without having to wait to play on their desktop or at home.
Entry obstacles are removed by a mobile-friendly platform, which can greatly increase participation rates. A lottery platform that is easily accessible from mobile devices encourages players to return and maintains their interest over time.
Expanding Reach for Online Lottery Software Providers
For online lottery software providers, mobile compatibility opens up new opportunities to reach a broader audience. Global accessibility provided by mobile platforms makes it simpler to enter markets where desktop utilization is low but mobile usage is high. Mobile phones are a primary way to get internet access in numerous locations, especially in developing nations.
Online lottery software developers can select consumers from an array of demographics by optimizing their platforms for mobile, regardless of device compassion or location. This expanded reach means more potential players, leading to higher revenues and increased market share.
Competitive Edge for Lottery Software Providers
Lottery software suppliers need to stand out in a very competitive field. Being mobile compatible is a big plus that helps suppliers stay one step ahead of their rivals. Providers that do not adjust will probably lose ground to gamers who are drawn to mobile-friendly platforms.
Lottery operators offering mobile-compatible platforms deliver seamless, intuitive experiences, giving them a competitive edge. Additionally, providing mobile apps or responsive websites enables providers to build trust and loyalty among players, ensuring long-term growth.
Key Features of Mobile-Friendly Solutions for Online Lottery Software Providers
Responsive Design and User Interface
One of the critical aspects of mobile compatibility is responsive design. Lottery software providers must ensure their platforms adjust to different screen sizes, offering an optimal user experience across all devices. Responsive design allows lottery platforms to maintain consistent functionality and appearance, whether accessed from a smartphone, tablet, or desktop.
An intuitive user interface is equally important. Players should be able to navigate the platform effortlessly, with features and information easily accessible. The smoother and more user-friendly the experience, the more likely players will stay engaged with the platform.
Secure mobile  for lottery players
Mobile compatibility isn't just about user experience—it also extends to ensuring secure transactions. With the rise of mobile gaming, players expect safe and reliable payment methods. Online lottery software providers must integrate secure mobile payment gateways that facilitate smooth transactions while protecting user data.
Mobile security features like encryption and two-factor authentication can offer an extra layer of protection, fostering trust between players and the lottery provider. Providers that prioritize secure mobile transactions can build credibility and ensure player loyalty.
Push notifications to encourage more player engagement.
Push notifications are one of the best ways to keep players engaged on mobile gadgets. Notifications can be utilized by lottery software providers to promote discounts, notify subjects of upcoming draws, or entice them to play bonus games. Players are reminded gently by these notifications to stay aware of the platform.
Online lottery software companies can also customize their messaging through push notifications, giving participants a more customized experience. Higher engagement levels and sustained participation can be fostered by providers by providing timely and relevant material.
The Future of Lottery Software Providers in a Mobile-First World
Mobile is the way of the future for the lottery sector. Because smartphones are used by most consumers to access lottery platforms, lottery software suppliers need to keep making investments in mobile-friendly solutions. Mobile devices will eventually come with even more sophisticated features, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), which can improve player experiences as technology advances.
The most successful online lottery software suppliers will be those who keep ahead of these trends. Providers may develop more interactive, captivating experiences that appeal to modern gamers by utilizing mobile technologies. In a market that is evolving quickly, those who do not prioritize mobile compatibility run the risk of being rendered obsolete.
In conclusion, mobile compatibility is no longer an option but a necessity for lottery software providers. Mobile-friendly systems have obvious advantages, ranging from higher player engagement to wider market reach. For the reason that for providers to be competitive and relevant, they must change as the industry keeps moving towards mobile.
Online lottery software suppliers can offer effortless, secure, and engaging games that entice players to come back via a portable platform. Working with experts, including AIS Technolabs, is essential for businesses seeking to remain ahead of this shifting industry. Custom lottery systems that work with mobile devices are our area of expertise. Call with us right away to figure out more about how we can contribute to the growth of your business in a world when mobile is queen.
1. Why is mobile compatibility essential for lottery software providers?
Lottery software suppliers may reach a larger player base, boost player engagement, and offer a consistent user experience across devices by integrating mobile functionality, all of which contribute to increased income.
2. How does mobile compatibility affect player retention?
Mobile-compatible platforms offer convenience and accessibility, encouraging players to engage more frequently and stay loyal to the platform.
3. How can online lottery software providers ensure secure mobile transactions?
Online lottery software providers can integrate secure payment gateways, encryption, and two-factor authentication to protect player data and ensure safe transactions.
4. What are the future trends for lottery software providers in mobile gaming?
Future trends include leveraging advanced mobile technologies such as AR and VR to create more engaging and interactive lottery experiences for players.
5. How can AIS Technolabs help with mobile compatibility?
AIS Technolabs specializes in developing mobile-compatible lottery solutions that cater to the evolving needs of the industry, ensuring a seamless, secure, and engaging platform for users.
Blog Source: https://justpaste.it/33z3d
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charlierakib · 14 days
Oatsbasf Bat Finger Ring Phone Holder 360 Rotate Desktop Mount Mobile Phone Stand Cell Metal Holder For iPhone Xiaomi All Phone
This product link in profile BiO👉 @charlierakib
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newlori-blog · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Desktop 10” Ring Light - New.
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amazingthingsforyou · 2 months
Frankz Phone Tabletop Stand Height Angle Adjustable Stand, Phone Holder for Desk Compatible for All Smartphones (Black)
About this item✅【360 Degree 】:The cell phone holder offers full 360-degree adjustability, allowing you to effortlessly swivel it to any angle for precise positioning. Its compact and lightweight design makes it easy to fold for storage and convenient transportation.✅【Adjustable】: The tabletop microphone stand features a smooth and quick height adjustment mechanism, enabling you to effortlessly raise or lower its height from 10.6 inches to 13.8 inches. It also incorporates a reliable tightening clamp to ensure safety and prevent accidental slips.✅【Stable stand】 This desktop cell phone holder provides a stable platform that keeps your hands free, ensuring steady video recording without any shakes or wobbles during recording or live broadcasting. With an adjustable inner diameter ranging from 5.7cm to a maximum of 9cm on one side, it accommodates smartphones with widths between 5.7cm and 9cm.✅【 Round Base Plate】:The microphone stand features a solid and rugged round base plate equipped with non-slip rubber, offering exceptional stability and precise balance to prevent any risk of collapsing. The lock knob on our tabletop microphone stand is designed with a secure screw-in style, ensuring that the height remains constant without any sliding.✅【GOOD QUALITY】 We take pride in offering top-notch quality products. Our brand is committed to delivering high-standard products, and we have full confidence in their quality. In case you encounter any product quality issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for after-sale support. Your satisfaction is our priority.
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mahhalcom · 3 months
-Material: Folding plastic ABS+ aluminum alloy tube + round metal base paint process + anti-slip pad wall mount cell phone holder -Size:17.00X10.00X10.00cm/6.68X3.93X3 phone holder for bed. -Note: Compatible with all 4-7.9 inch smartphones, tablets and e-readers tabletop phone holder. -Color:Assorted Color desktop phone holder – Phone holder is suitable for office, bedroom, study room, living…
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awaissstore · 5 months
Top On Product Recommendation!
3pc Mobile Phone Stand For Desk
PORTABLE AND LIGHT-WEIGHTED: holder width 6cm,vertical height 4.5cm
UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY: This phone cradle stand fits for all smartphones, mini-tablets
PROTECT YOUR DEVICE: plastic material supports this desktop phone holder durable in usage.
PROTECTIVE EFFECTS: Protect both your phone and stand from sliding and scratches
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It looks cool and fashion,your phone is bold Pop Out Phone Grip Holder and Stand for your Mobile and Tablet
Plastic Cell Phone Holder, Multi-Function Mounts and Stands Grip
Mini Sticker Phone Grip Mount Holder for iPhone 8, iPhone X, Note 8, Smartphones and Tablets
Charger: No
Magnetic: No
Use: Desk
Has Speaker: No
Model Number: Holder Tablet
Material: ABS
Style: Simple Folded Tablet Mobile Phone Holder Mount
Type: Adjustable Display Angle Stand Support
Material: Durable Hard Plastic
Size: 6cm x 4.5cm
Colors: Red, Light Blue, Yellow and Orange (Color might vary on availability)
Universal compact design
Easy to carry and Use
Color: Random
Original Price: PKR 999
Now Price: PKR 499
Contact No: 0331 2187234
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hetal124-blog · 7 months
Content Marketers! Gear up with these 7 Resolutions in 2024
As we bid farewell to 2023, you know how it goes — everyone’s busy jotting down their resolutions for the next year. Whether it’s promising to adopt a healthier lifestyle, hitting the gym more often or challenging yourself to read a book every single day, the resolution fever is in full swing! And you’ll probably set a few goals and make resolutions on the professional front.  
As a marketer, your professional goals would most likely centre on increasing brand recognition, gaining more clients and of course, generating the highest possible number of conversions. With a new year comes new consumer trends, which means that the art of captivating consumers with great content is also evolving. And to stay relevant (and employed) in 2024, you’ll have to make a few new resolutions. 
Start with these 7 Content Marketing Resolutions
One thing that marketers have been stressing is how important content is. So if at all, your content marketing strategies have been lacklustre recently, you’ll need to buckle up for the coming year. It is all about forgetting old habits and learning new ones. 
Replace “mobile-friendly” with “mobile-first” 
Let’s first back it up with some stats. As per Statscounter’s report, the majority of internet traffic i.e. 58% comes from mobile devices. We need to shift our focus more on Mobile-first web design. This approach enables web designers to start product design by prioritising mobile devices.
People don’t wait until they go home, open their laptops or turn on their computer to check a particular website, they do it on their cellphones. For businesses to connect with customers quickly, having such a design is really important. Mobile-first websites offer handy features like click-to-call and location services.
Although desktops give a larger screen with extras like Adobe Flash and pop-up screens, having a mobile-first website helps because imagine you’re trying to get some information for a lead and the website does not function well on cell phones. Hence marketers need to keep this in priority because once you’ve made your website mobile-compatible, it is automatically compatible with your desktop. 
Don’t follow Trends Blindly 
It is always the FOMO that makes us do things others are already doing, whether or not it is necessary, adding value or relevance to our lives. Time to stop that. 
As social media continues to take the lead and trends become viral, marketers and companies are frequently tempted to jump on the trend in an attempt to gain greater exposure. This is called moment marketing, where you create relevant and interesting content by following the trends of current events or hot topics. The problem, though, is that following trends mindlessly without considering how they align with your business can be a dangerous strategy
Furthermore, blindly following trends could convey the idea that a company is out of touch with current events or trends. Trends change quickly, so what’s popular now could not be tomorrow. Hence, continuously chasing after trends can portray your company as a follower rather than a leader in the industry.
If you want your brand or company to stand out from the crowd, start focusing on creating content that highlights your unique capabilities. 
Don’t make AI your Primary Writer
AI has been a great help and has definitely made the task easy for us writers. But what happens when we start using AI as a writer? Although AI provides almost accurate and correct information (at times), but it lacks two major writing components — empathy and human touch. It has a monotonous writing style which reads very robotic. Do you think you can hook your readers with that? No!
Instead, use AI to work smart rather than work hard. While AI does and excels in excels at handling monotonous jobs and providing data-driven insights, we humans can add our deep understanding, emotional intelligence and creativity to the table. Include AI as a helpful tool while incorporating authenticity and creativity into their work to connect with their target audience and make it a collaborative effort. 
Focus on your Marketing Funnel 
Being there for your clients at each step of your decision-making process is important. When we are creating content for our clients or consumers, we need to keep the funnel in mind. Their buying behaviours, preferences, wants and needs. Creating content keeping the marketing funnel in mind will help us create content that fits into this funnel easily, rather than just creating content without a sense of direction. 
When we create tailored content for our clients and customers, we are directly communicating with them at every stage of the funnel. They are more likely to remain interested and involved as a result. Focusing more on the marketing funnel will assist content marketers in fine-tuning their strategies, captivating the audience and ultimately producing superior outcomes. 
Shift focus on Long-Form Content 
To start with, these are content or articles that extend 1200 words. Opting for long-form content can greatly increase the credibility and authority of your brand. It feels like you are showcasing your knowledge when you research deeply into a subject and provide your audience with in-depth analysis and thoughts. This establishes your brand as the authority in your field, builds trust and leaves a lasting impression of being a thought-provoking figure that everyone admires. 
Here’s another good reason for focusing more on long-form content—it boosts your search engine rankings and also brings in more organic traffic. As per research, long-form contents generate 70% more traffic. Not only that, it reduces the bounce rate and since you’re providing deeper information, people do spend time and stay on your website a little longer. This can therefore improve users’ overall experience on your website and increase the likelihood that they will take the intended action leading to a successful conversion. 
We at Spacebar, do believe and invest most of our time in writing long-form content for our clients and consumers. You can have a look at it yourself!
Create Meaningful Content 
Imagine you, a content marketer for business, marketing and public sales B2B, curate information about how it’s high time to change your routine, get into fitness and start taking care of yourself. That is exactly what happens when you create content just for the sake of it, just to be consistent. There has to be a match between what you do and what you talk about, if not always but most of the time. 
People connect with meaningful content because it speaks to their wants, worries or goals and draws readers in, fosters trust and creates a relationship that lasts. The quality of the content has a greater influence than its quantity. Not only that, meaningful content helps your marketing activities succeed overall by fostering brand loyalty and encouraging engagement. In an information-rich environment, producing content that genuinely matters will make your business stand out and improve the lives of your target audience and will also promote brand loyalty.
Focus more on Personal Branding 
Content marketing allows you to connect with your target audience on a personal level. Whenever we think about brands like Apple or Tesla, we can already picture the person and their motive behind the brands. That’s what strong personal branding does.  
Having a strong personal brand has many benefits. First and foremost, it goes beyond regular marketing by adding a human touch to the brand which helps it build authenticity and trust. Developing a  strong, distinctive personal brand also allows marketers to stand out from other competitors since they focus more on sharing stories and experiences that could resonate with the target audience. 
When you build a strong personal brand, you are more likely to build lasting connections because people tend to connect more with those who come across as genuine and approachable and also establish a competitive edge in a saturated market. 
As we approach 2024, marketers need to accept that the digital world is always changing, and creating content marketing strategies where you can adapt to changes and keep up with new developments becomes very important. Using strong CTAs to increase engagement to accomplish corporate goals, reusing content to expand the audience and provide them with more information on similar topics and improving readability becomes important. For optimal performance using methods like A/B testing and enhancing personal branding also becomes the cornerstone of a successful content marketing strategy.
Let’s approach 2024 with confidence, inventiveness and marketing success while we accomplish these objectives using our content marketing resolutions. Cheers to another year of expansion, fresh concepts and amazing marketing successes!
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one-without-fear · 7 months
25 Things About Me
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
Desktop: Demi Lovato on one profile, a slammed Element on the other. Aja Wilson on my work computer.
Phone: A Vans beach scene.
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
I feel like this is an insane question lol. Who didn’t? But yes, Ms. Angela Campbell 8th grade english. Before her, Boys & Girls Club art teacher, Miss Flor. Was completely in love with her, and totally my reason for loving Latinas.
3) What was your last text message?
Sent to me? “Ohhhh yeah that sucks”
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
At this point who tf knows.
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
T.V. BBS. Or Disneyland, that would be pretty great.
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?
I’ve never had a cool costume, I did go as Snorlax once though lol. That’s a great Polaroid.
7) What was your favorite 90s show?
Charmed or Gargoyles
8) Who was your last kiss?
My dog
9) Have you ever been stood up?
Yes, last time I went to Utah. Pretty annoying.
10) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint Chocolate Chip or Matcha
11) Have you been to Las Vegas?
I live there.
12) Your favorite pair of shoes?
My red authentic Vans.
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
I have. I was also convinced she had cheated on me. But I also was being a selfish dick that wanted this other person so badly my blood was heating.
14) What is your favorite fruit?
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?
A random? Absolutely not.
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?
One night stands? Nope, makes me feel like a prostitute. And it’s literally damn near impossible to have a one night stand with a woman. I want long term, short term is for high school.
17) Do you smoke? If so, what?
I vape, and it depends. Usually watermelon by Skweezed or a disposable. In March, Shamrock Cookie by Sadboy.
18) What do you do to get over your anger?
I don’t.
19) Do you believe in God?
I don’t.
20) Does the person you're in love with know it?
21) Favorite position?
Sexually? Doggy style, or side.
Sleeping? Side or stomach, if I could breathe lol.
22) What's your horoscope sign?
23) Your fears?
Frogs. Gross little bastards. Please tell me what good they’re for. I’ll wait.
24) How many pets do you have? What kind?
I have one, a dog.
25) What never fails to turn you on?
Neck kisses. Running fingers up my lower back. Scratching my upper back. Deep, dirty kisses, wetter the better.
Oh and forwardness.
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cpr-cellphonerepair · 7 months
Beyond Smartphones: CPR Cell Phone Repair's Expertise in Tablets, Game Consoles, and Computers
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In today's digital age, we're surrounded by a plethora of devices that keep us connected, entertained, and productive. From smartphones to tablets, game consoles to laptops, each device plays a unique role in our daily lives. But what happens when one of them breaks down?
1. Tablets: Your Portable Powerhouses Tablets have become indispensable, bridging the gap between smartphones and laptops. Whether it's an iPad, Samsung Tab, or any other brand, CPR technicians have the expertise to tackle common issues like broken screens, battery problems, or software glitches. Your tablet deserves the best care, and we're here to deliver just that.
2. Game Consoles: Keeping the Fun Alive For many, game consoles are a source of relaxation and entertainment. A glitch or malfunction can interrupt your gaming marathon or online battles. From PlayStation to Xbox, Nintendo to other brands, CPR can handle issues like disc drive problems, overheating, or connectivity challenges. Get back to gaming faster with our expert repair services.
3. Computers: Your Daily Workhorses In our digital-driven world, computers are fundamental. Be it a MacBook, a Windows laptop, or a desktop, any downtime can hamper productivity. Our technicians at CPR are trained to manage a range of issues – from software snags to hardware replacements, ensuring your computer runs smoothly.
Why Choose CPR?
Experienced Technicians: Our team is trained to handle a variety of devices, ensuring quality repairs every time.
Quick Turnaround: We understand the importance of your devices. That's why we aim for speedy repairs, getting your device back to you as soon as possible.
Warranty: We stand by our service quality, offering a warranty on our repairs for added peace of mind.
Your gadgets play a crucial role in your life. At CPR Cell Phone Repair, we're committed to keeping them at their best. So, the next time you face an issue with any of your devices, remember - we've got you covered.
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jonathanluka · 10 months
Bringing Light to Your World: Introduction to the Development of LightBox Displays
In the frantic world of digital innovation, captivating and visually appealing content is now of the utmost importance. The development of lightbox displays is a significant factor in this demand. The way images, products, and advertisements are presented on websites has been revolutionised by these dynamic and adaptable tools, resulting in an immersive and engaging user experience. The development of lightbox displays and their significant impact on online content presentation will be the subject of this essay.
The Idea Behind Lightbox Displays: The idea behind lightbox displays came from the desire to develop a user-friendly and interactive method for displaying images on websites. The user experience was disrupted by static images or cumbersome pop-ups using traditional methods. On the other hand, lightbox displays made it possible to seamlessly incorporate multimedia content into the website itself.
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Lightbox display are essentially overlays that appear on top of the existing webpage, dimming the background and concentrating attention on the featured content. In addition to providing the viewer with a distraction-free environment, this design also enhances visual appeal. The initial objective was to mimic the experience of viewing images in a real lightbox by creating a "lightbox" effect.
The Development of Lightbox Displays Over time, lightbox displays evolved to accommodate the various requirements of businesses, web developers, and content creators. The modern lightbox can now display dynamic images as well; it is now able to accommodate a wide range of multimedia content, including video galleries, interactive elements, and image galleries. Lightbox displays have become an essential component of e-commerce websites, portfolios, and online marketing strategies due to their adaptability.
Modern lightbox displays stand out for their adaptability to various screen sizes and devices. These displays effortlessly adjust to provide the best possible viewing experience, regardless of whether they are accessed on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. This responsiveness is essential in a period where cell phones overwhelm internet utilisation.
The Effect on User Experience Lightbox displays have made engaging with content more immersive and interactive, which has made the user experience significantly better. It is now possible for users to view videos or browse images without leaving the current webpage. As a result of this seamless transition, browsing becomes more fluid and enjoyable.
From a design point of view, lightbox displays permit imaginative personalization. The lightbox's appearance and behaviour can be altered by developers to match the website's overall design. Content creators can use this adaptability to visually convey their message and leave a lasting impression on the audience.
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dorefasolsido · 1 year
Have you ever cut your own hair?
Yes, actually. Just the other weekend I decided to trim it by myself for the first time ever! I don't particularly like going to the hairdressers and do it really rarely, but now that my hair is short, it needs trimming more often. So I was like, fuck it, I'll just watch Youtube tutorials and do it myself. It worked well too, if I do say so myself.
What do you eat most frequently?
I guess chocolate. I don't know what proper food I eat the most often, but chocolate is a staple.
Are you a fan of video games?
Yup, even if I don't have time to play now.
What's your favorite color combination?
Black with anything.
Did you share a locker at school?
We never had lockers in school.
What's one sport you could never play?
Idk, most of them.
Blue or black ink?
Have you ever sung karaoke?
Yes, when I was much younger it was a popular thing to do at birthdays. I haven't done it since, but I'd like to.
What was the last concert you attended?
It was this local singer, but it was awful because it took place in a tiny town in a narrow street and it was so crowded and annoying and the sound was terrible. You literally had to stand right next to the stage to hear anything, and most people couldn't get close at all. That's not the singer's fault, the setup was just stupid.
Have you held anyone's hand in the past week?
What's your favorite perfume/body spray/cologne?
I wanna buy a new perfume soon because I've mostly been using deodorants and not bothering with them. But I don't have a favourite right now.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I don't normally get ready for anything in the morning.
What is the oldest age you think should wear makeup?
Tf, just wear makeup as long as you want.
What's your nationality(ies)?
Are you an open book?
Not really at all. Which is why I come here to chat to myself.
Do you think you're a good secret keeper?
I believe so.
Name one fashion trend you could never follow.
Low-waisted jeans with crop tops. High-waisted with crop tops is fine, I just don't think I'd feel comfortable in the option 1. I've started seeing it around now, and it looks great on some people, but not for me.
Do you prefer long hair or short hair?
Oh this is a tough question now. I did like my long hair, but I feel so much lighter with short hair. I also think it's cuter and easier to deal with. So, I guess shorter for now!
When do you plan to go to sleep tonight?
My sleep was pretty horrible last night, so I guess I'll go to sleep soon. It's 2.20 AM now.
Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? If so, who?
Doctors, I guess.
What exotic animal would you love to have as a pet?
A bat or an owl.
Do you want kids when you're older?
Did your parents sign you up for anything you hated as a child?
I honestly don't think so. I only took English classes but I loved those. Mum once tried to sign me up for ballet, but I didn't want to continue after the first class, so she didn't push it.
Where's your cell phone?
On the floor next to me.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
So hear me out. Dinosaurs lay eggs too and they are older than birds, right? So it has to be the egg.
What are your feelings about Octomom?
I have no clue who that is.
Do you know of Smosh?
Of course. But I never really watched them. I watched some of Anthony's new interview style videos.
Do you drink enough water daily?
Definitely not.
Is your diet healthy?
Not particularly.
What's your favorite fruit?
Watermelon, if it counts as fruit.
What was your favorite Halloween costume?
I've never done any Halloween costumes sadly.
Have you purchased any cool objects from a foreign country?
Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer right now?
Where do you plan to post this survey?
On Tumblr.
Do you remember anyone's number by heart?
My parents' landline, my sister's phone, mum's phone, and my old phone number.
Are you a morning person or a late night owl?
Night owl, through and through.
Name something you will never try in your lifetime.
What do you think is your biggest flaw?
Extremely avoidant personality.
First physical trait you notice in the sex you're attracted to?
Well I'm not attracted to any, but I usually just notice people's general vibe first.
How about personality wise?
If they are more quiet and reserved or extroverted.
Are you sick often?
Not at all.
Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection?
Strep throat. I don't like the sound of an ear infection.
When did you last shower?
This morning.
Do you have neat handwriting?
Absolutely not.
Are you a messy or organized person?
More or less messy. Or rather, chaotic.
At what age do you hope to get married?
I don't hope to.
Is being thin really all that great?
I don't think it really is, at least if you are in that mindset where you obsess over it. Plus, there was a time I was underweight, and let me tell you, that's not a great experience. I felt so fatigued from the smallest physical activity.
Which of the seven deadly sins do you think you're most guilty of?
How much time have you spent on the computer today?
Loads of time, but I always do. I work on my computer and also do stuff for fun on it.
What size shoe are you?
38 woman's size.
How was the weather today?
It was sunny and really warm.
Do you live above, below, or on the Equator?
Do you know how to use Photoshop?
I know the basics.
Admit it, you're thinking about someone right now.
Not at all.
Where is he/she?
Where was your first job?
At an online English tutoring school.
Favorite year in high school?
If I really had to choose, second year. But generally, all of them sucked.
East or West?
I live in East Europe, but idk what this question is asking.
Where did your first kiss take place?
At either my or the boy who kissed me's birthday party, but I don't remember much at all lol
What color do you wear most often?
Who was the last person you talked on the phone to?
My sister, briefly.
Have you ever done your own laundry?
Have you ever been to a night club?
Are you allergic to anything?
All kinds of things.
What's the best place you have ever eaten?
Mmm, idk, my favourite sushi restaurant holds a special place in my heart.
Do you own a hair straightener?
Are you barefoot right now?
Are you subscribed to any magazine?
Puppies or kittens?
Kitties :333
Who is the best artist you've seen live?
Any major plans coming up this week?
Yes, visiting another city for a team building event, marathon thingy.
Did you know they never told you Arnold's last name in Hey, Arnold?
I actually didn't. I watched that cartoon occasionally but I don't remember too much.
Would you rather watch a romantic comedy or watch a thrilling horror movie?
Thrilling horror movie.
Why is Paris Hilton famous?
Wasn't she in a reality show? Tbh, I didn't follow why exactly she became famous.
How is your hair styled right now?
It's just in two tiny ponytails in the back.
Favorite person that you've talked to today?
Tough choice between my sister and best friend.
Do you need AC right now?
Not right now. It's nighttime, so it's not very hot.
What do you think about cheating/cheaters?
Well nothing good. I could elaborate, but I don't really feel like it.
Do more people call you by a nickname or your first name?
My name is really short so usually name. Some use a nickname tho.
Name something you're proud of.
Making it to the national competition in English in high school and ranking as high as I did.
How much does it suck to learn something 'the hard way?'
I mean, it sucks, but often there's no other way.
Are you a hopeless romantic?
Definitely not.
How do you feel about couples who say 'I love you' too soon?
I mean, I don't care what other couples do. But knowing my avoidant tendencies, I'd probably freak out a little bit. Not that I'd think it's weird, I'd just be like, this is too much. And that's why I should go to **therapy**
What's the most recent favor you've done for somebody?
I bought a German textbook for a girl from my course because she couldn't make it in time to buy her own.
Are you at home right now?
What did you last spend money on?
On some snacks and chocolate milk.
Does any accent annoy you?
I don't think so.
How about turn you on?
I was a fan of British accent in the past, but I don't think I really care anymore. I like foreign accents of English though. They are all so colourful.
Are you wearing any jewelry?
Two bracelets, earrings, and ear piercings.
Do you get along better with your mom or your dad?
Both pretty equally.
Are you craving anything right now?
What's worse: Crocs or Uggs?
I think Uggs. I actually kinda vibe with Crocs, even if I don't really wear them.
Do you knock before you open doors?
Well yeah, if I'm not in my own house.
Do you know what a sock on the doorknob means?
Actually yes. Why do I know these things?? I'm ace and never had a roommate I'd need to learn this stuff for lol.
Chocolate or vanilla?
What's your zodiac sign?
Does Fred from Youtube annoy you?
Lol no. I mean, sure, he was obnoxious, but I just didn't watch him so I wasn't annoyed. I think he changed his content completely and is now doing something totally different.
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kelirina8 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ulanzi M-11 Tripod Desktop Stand Desk Holder Selfie Stick Mount For Cell Phone.
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