#Destroyer of Light
therkalexander · 19 days
Hey Rachel! I wanna start off by saying you’re my ultra favorite author and I love your books so much! Even if I read your books (receiver of many) on kindle I still bought the hard copy versions when they came out because I was so obsessed with the series.
With this obsession, I remember you saying you were meeting with people to make your book into a movie and/or show a few years ago. I was just wondering if there were any updates on that, that you’re allowed to talk about at least or if it’s even still happening?
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So here is what I’m able to say at this point:
This has moved beyond the show being shopped and we are definitely in development. Preproduction starts around the beginning of next year if the stars continue to align.
And that’s always been my great holdback on giving out info. The stars must continue to align for me to want to talk about it. And for all the time they didn’t…
It’s been years and in the intervening time there was a pandemic, a writer’s strike, and an actor’s strike. None of those are conditions for a show.
But starting in March, things gathered momentum.
Then those things started snowballing, moving in a way where I didn’t want to explain anything or talk publicly about Receiver of Many becoming a TV Series for fear of jinxing the whole thing. Especially since… pandemic, strikes.
But they’re scouting filming locations right now. They are Scouting. Filming. Locations. in Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and the US.
A pilot script exists.
People are being talked to and brought on. I’m in one meeting or another about the show every other day it feels like. And that’s all I can say for now but it is a helluva lot more to say than anything I could tell you a mere eight months ago. And the best part:
They know which actor they want to play Hades Aidoneus Chthonios.
And since I can’t reveal that yet, all I can say on that front is CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!
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athenepromachos · 3 months
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Lord Hades, Queen Persephone and the ever faithful Kerberos by Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1827.
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a-gnosis · 9 months
My book Destroyer of Light is now back in stock! If you missed out on it the first time, here is your chance! :)
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canageek · 8 months
Books have arrived!
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They also came in a parcel with cool European stamps!
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Normally I'd be tempted to save the stamps but the package they came in appears to use recycled papers packing material and it's shedding all over my kitchen XD
These comics are from the very cool @a-gnosis and you should check them out at
Content warnings: it's Greek mythology so sexual abuse, incest, abusive relationships, abortion, violence, it's pretty much all there.
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Just finished Destroyer of Light, by Jennifer Marie Brisset, and wow, what a beautiful piece of Afrofuturism. I'm a sucker for space and aliens, and this book scratched a deep itch. Highly reccomend it.
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satanasvincit · 2 months
Prisoner of Eternity - Destroyer of Light
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New Video: Slumbering Sun Share Horror Movie-Influenced Visual for "Dream Snake"
New Video: Slumbering Sun Share Horror Movie-Influenced Visual for "Dream Snake" @usthemgroup
Austin-based doom metal outfit Slumbering Sun — Monte Luna’s James Clarke (vocals), Destroyer of Light’s Keegan Kjeldsen (guitar), Temptress‘ Kelsey Wilson (guitar), Monte Luna‘s and Scorpion Child‘s Garth Condit (bass) and Destroyer of Light’s Penny Turner (drums) — is an All-Star band featuring acclaimed members of Texas’ underground metal scene.  After the breakup of their previous band,…
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@chucksax you inspired me 😉
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rayan12sworld · 5 months
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💠💙Light of Stars (and the Destroyer)
The marriage is supposed to be a punishment, a way to extend Wei Wuxian’s isolation. After all, Wangji has met the man (when they had both been boys, untouched by war); Wei Wuxian could hardly be asked to fit seamlessly into the regimented life of a Lan.
Yu Ziyuan is a formidable, cruel woman, Wangji decides then. She is also wrong if she thinks Wangji will play part in her cruelty.
(And Wei Wuxian, it seems, is so much more than meets the eye).
There is a tale of the Light of Stars and the Destroyer.
At Wangji’s side, Wei Wuxian has run out of patience. Wangji feels it in the shift of his husband’s stance, and squeezes Wei Wuxian’s hand. If the sect leaders are going to be deliberately obtuse, well then Wei Wuxian has never been one to pull his punches. Wangji should know. “You wanted to speak to the Yiling Laozu,” Wei Wuxian says, “so speak.” It takes them by the throat. Wangji looks at a fixed point ahead, but he still sees the statement ripple through the gathered clans, sees a few of them choke. Sees the smarter ones put one and two together to make three, connecting the young cultivator who had razed the fields of Qishan, laying waste to the Wen army, to the young man who had stood defiant in front of Jin Guangshan in his own palace, to the protector of the Wen remnants, to the thing that had settled in the Yiling Burial Mounds. Yiling Laozu. Yiling Laozu wed to Hanguang-Jun. (Wangji shouldn’t smile but he thinks the one to make it to Qi deviation first is Lan Qiren).
Ah, hostage?” Wei Wuxian says. “I don’t hold anyone hostage, least of all children. The boys can go wherever they please.” This is met with great disbelief, as if they can’t see with their own two eyes that the children aren’t restrained. A-Yuan is starting to feel upset, if the way he clings to Wei Wuxian is any indication, his bottom lip wobbling in a manner he has definitely learnt from A-Yu. The only thing that keeps him from crying is the gentle whispers from Wei Wuxian telling him he is being very good, and that he’ll only have to be good a little longer. “Jin Xuanyu, come to your father,” Jin Guangshan says, smiling like a reptile. Wangji almost laughs at the mere idea of it, that Jin Guangshan has ever been a father. Jin Zixuan looks uncomfortable enough at the idea, throwing a disparaging look at the man who had sired him, as if to say that Jin Guangshan has never been a father to anyone. “A-Yu,” Wei Wuxian says quietly but clearly, “go to your father.” This, too is met with silence. Wangji feels A-Yu shift against his leg as if having decided not to hide anymore, and his eyes widen when the child tugs at his sleeve. A-Yu says, “Baba, up!” It’s purely on reflex that he lifts A-Yu into his arms, the weight familiar. A-Yu, still shy and nervous, buries his face in Wangji’s neck. It’s where he’s most comfortable, and Wangji can’t help but settle a protective hand against A-Yu’s back. The gathered sect leaders and their disciples watch this whole thing, too stunned to even speak or protest. “Well,” Wei Wuxian says cheerfully. It masks his surprise well, but Wangji had seen a flash of it. “That’s clear then. Let it be known that this is not Jin Xuanyu. It cannot be anyway, since I gave birth to this child and no one’s laid a hand on me except for Hanguang-Jun.” Wangji says nothing, not a word. His ears grow hot, but his expression remains completely smooth. He had done more, much more, than simply lay hands on Wei Wuxian, but that is something no one else is privy to.
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star-wars-forever · 7 months
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ILM team photo following completion of Return Of The Jedi
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talos-stims · 7 months
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therkalexander · 18 days
Do you have any Updates to the 4th Book of Hades and Persephone? I am sooo excited for this Book❤️
I am too! I think The Ineffable Seeds is going to be a pretty damn good yarn but like all my books it’s takes a while to drop 125k words onto a page.
I’m currently working on it, and mapping out the middle end of the story. It’s a book where I know where it starts and where it ends, but would kick myself if I left any mythological threads loose or stones unturned that deserve to be upended.
A lot of my available writing time has gone into screenwriting, a new venture for me, because a pilot script for Receiver of Many has been demanded and I really frickin’ broke myself on the wheel this last month making sure it was what I wanted to see on screen and had enough back story from the Titanomachy to round out the original prologue I wrote.
So! Things are moving quickly on that front, the TV Show is in development, should be in preproduction by the beginning of next year, and I’ll have a lot more concrete updates shortly.
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athenepromachos · 11 months
"The return of Persephone to Demeter"
One of the most beautiful (and rarest) of Royal Doulton figurines. Dating from 1913, it's possible that only 5 were ever made. Current selling price ? $26,0000 😲
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Well, even though the Edward's cult is over, I ll still post some arts in honor of his provisional government in our community.😤
I'm tagging @timmouse @capybaras-blog @choppy338 @woerbitssft @lianaboom @augustlaven
edward and friends
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edgepunk · 2 years
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Guys! Huddle up!
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hexados-on-a-string · 10 months
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50% of the mechtanium surge arc 1 experience is just this
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