deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Akute Nierenschädigung bei hospitalisierten COVID-19-Patienten In einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie in der Grenzen in der Medizin Journal untersuchten Forscher die Phänotypen der akuten Nierenverletzung (AKI) bei Patienten mit Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19) im Krankenhaus. Lernen: Unüberwachtes Clustering enthüllt Phänotypen von AKI bei COVID-19-Patienten auf der Intensivstation. Bildnachweis: SGr/Shutterstock AKI betrifft ungefähr einen von drei Patienten, die auf einer Intensivstation (ICU) stationär behandelt werden, was... #Akute_Nierenschädigung #Azithromycin #chronisch #Coronavirus #Coronavirus_Krankheit_COVID_19 #Covid_19 #Dexamethason #Diabetes #Diabetes_Mellitus #Dialyse #ECMO #Hydroxychloroquin #Intensivstation #Krankenhaus #Kreatinin #Lopinavir #Maschinelles_Lernen #Medizin #Membran #Niere #Nierenersatztherapie #Noradrenalin #Pathophysiologie #Phänotyp #Physiologie #Procalcitonin #Protein #Ritonavir #Sterblichkeit #Stickoxid #Stoffwechsel #Troponin
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youabandonedthem · 1 year
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lady--lisa · 1 year
offer a query? what if i wanted to offer a queery? what do you hate gay people?
I will answer your query with a query of mine own.
What if you were stealing horse tranquilizers from an English stable in late August and just as you reached for a bottle your hand brushed that of a strapping young stable boy so feeble he can scarcely carry a hay-bale and he meets your eyes and you meet his and then you hear the stable master approaching so harry out the window with a duffle bag of tranquilizers and dexamethasone towards the pastures with their grass all yellowed from high summer heat and you must creep through the brush close alongside one another with the duffle bag between you and the clinking of the bottles is too much and you fear you will be heard so you crouch in the underbrush and you hear naught but his breathing and you behold his face again and you cannot help but notice the arc of his cupid's bow and all at once you wish it were him instead of that duffle bag of horse steroids beneath you on the grass?
(You are both men)
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I took a steroid and a perc 🤪.
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strugglefortheair · 2 months
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
IRIS Registry präsentiert neueste Augenforschung auf der AAO 2022 Die IRIS® Registry (Intelligent Research in Sight) hat in diesem Jahr mehrere Big-Data-Studien vorangetrieben, von denen die meisten auf der AAO 2022 Gather, der 126th Jahrestagung der Amerikanische Akademie für Augenheilkunde. Das 2014 eingeführte IRIS-Register ist das landesweit erste und größte umfassende Augenkrankheitsregister. Es enthält derzeit Daten von fast 75,4 Millionen einzelnen Patienten und 454 Millionen Patientenbesuchen. Das IRIS-Register stellt weite... #Akanthamöbe #Auge #Augenheilkunde #Augenkrankheit #Ausbildung #Blindheit #Chirurgie #Dexamethason #Endophthalmitis #Forschung #Glaukom #Herpes #Herpes_zoster #Katarakt #Keratitis #Kinder #Klinische_Studie #Multiple_Sklerose #Nekrose #Netzhautablösung #Neuromyelitis_optica #Sklerose #Trockenes_Auge #Uveitis #Vitrektomie #Wirksamkeit
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thischarmingamy · 4 months
Frazzled & Gastroparesis
My body is so tired and my vision is blurry, but I’m wired! It’s not Red Bull or anxiety keeping me up. It’s steroids. I’m on a course of dexamethasone (AKA Decadron) to break up an intractable migraine that I’ve had since January. Decadron sounds like the name of a demon from Supernatural or maybe even a Transformer? The good news: the steroids are working and the migraine is finally ebbing.…
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daicelpharmastandard · 7 months
Navigating Impurity Challenges in Dexamethasone: Safeguarding Quality and Efficacy
Dexamethasone, a potent corticosteroid widely used in medicine, is subject to concerns regarding impurities that may accompany its production. The presence of impurities in dexamethasone formulations can significantly impact its safety and efficacy, raising pertinent questions within the pharmaceutical industry and among healthcare practitioners.
Impurities in dexamethasone can arise from various sources, including the manufacturing process, starting materials, or degradation over time. These impurities may manifest as related substances, residual solvents, or degradation products, potentially compromising the quality of the medication.
Regulatory bodies, such as the FDA and EMA, set strict guidelines for permissible levels of impurities in pharmaceuticals, including dexamethasone. Manufacturers must adhere to these standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug. However, challenges persist in controlling and monitoring impurities due to the complex nature of pharmaceutical production and the potential for impurity formation at various stages.
The presence of impurities, even at trace levels, can impact the stability, potency, and safety of dexamethasone formulations. Some impurities might be toxic or trigger adverse reactions in patients, emphasizing the critical need for rigorous impurity control measures.
To address these concerns, pharmaceutical manufacturers employ sophisticated analytical techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy to detect and quantify impurities accurately. Additionally, stringent quality control practices, adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and thorough testing of raw materials and finished products are imperative to minimize impurity-related risks.
Stability studies play a crucial role in assessing the degradation of dexamethasone over time, identifying potential impurities that may form during storage or transportation. These studies enable manufacturers to predict and manage impurity-related issues proactively.
Despite these measures, challenges persist in ensuring complete impurity control for dexamethasone. New impurities may emerge due to changes in manufacturing processes or raw material sources. Continuous monitoring and adaptation to evolving scientific knowledge are essential to address emerging impurity concerns effectively.
Furthermore, collaboration between regulatory authorities, manufacturers, and suppliers is pivotal in ensuring transparency and information exchange regarding manufacturing processes and quality control measures. This collaborative effort strengthens the pharmaceutical supply chain, upholding stringent standards and enhancing the overall quality of dexamethasone formulations.
In conclusion, the management of impurities in dexamethasone remains a critical aspect of ensuring the drug's safety, efficacy, and quality. Stringent regulatory oversight, advanced analytical techniques, adherence to GMP, and robust quality control measures are essential in minimizing impurity-related risks. Continuous research, innovation, and collaboration within the pharmaceutical industry are imperative to address emerging impurity concerns and uphold the integrity of dexamethasone impurities formulation for the benefit of patients worldwide.
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pharmaceutical0 · 7 months
Dexamethasone - Impurity Standards - Simson Pharma
Dexamethasone works by suppressing inflammation and the immune system. It does this by binding to specific receptors in cells and altering the expression of various genes involved in the inflammatory response. This leads to a reduction in inflammation and immune system activity.
Dexamethasone is used to treat a wide range of inflammatory conditions. It can be prescribed for disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and asthma.
It is used to suppress the immune system, which can be important in conditions where the immune system is overactive, such as certain autoimmune diseases or after organ transplantation.
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advopticvisioncare · 8 months
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drpedi07 · 8 months
Steroid Conversion Calculator
The Steroid Conversion Calculator converts steroid dosages using dosing equivalencies. Online calculator to convert equivalent doses of steroid compounds.
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anzu2snow · 10 months
I’ve been busy for a good chunk of the day. Didn’t think I would be. My palliative care doctor called at around 10am. He didn’t like that Movantik was denied by my insurance. I think it was because it says it’s for people who don’t have cancer related pain, and I do. He decided to try the med they suggested instead. He said if that doesn’t work we’ll try for Movantik again. Sometimes insurances will approve of it after a second time, and if you tried what they suggested.
We talked about getting off of dexamethasone. I’m taking 0.75mg at the moment. On Monday, I’ll switch to 0.5mg. He said 2 weeks after that I can either stop it or try to cut the 0.5mg tablets in half for another 2 weeks. I’m thinking of doing the cutting in half thing. He said if I didn’t cut them in half the only other option would be to get it in liquid form. It apparently tastes nasty. I’m ok with trying to cut it in half. They’re scored so it should be easy. The problem is I don’t have enough to do this with. So, he ordered more.
Got a notification later that it’s at the Poulsbo pharmacy. There’s many reasons why getting it through the mail is better. A while back, I sat in their waiting room for meds, and they got upset. They read that I had cancer and worried that I was going to get sick while waiting there. They gave me the meds while I was back in the car. So, I called the Poulsbo pharmacy, had to wait 15 minutes, and they changed it to a mail order. Waited so long just for that…
After talking to Dr. Slack (around 11am), my home aide came to help me with a shower. She got soaked because apparently my shower head was gushing all over the place. (Not just from the head area.) It sprayed around the room, too. I probably need a new one. Another added thing. She put my pants on some dust at one point. Got some on it, which made me feel a little dirty afterwards. She thinks I need a wider sock aid to get them on better. My OT had mentioned that I should put duct tape over the black part. Maybe that has to do with it.
After getting dressed, she helped me with my ‘wounds’. Those wounds are where my legs meet up with the rest of my body. They bleed if I touch them, and are painful. (Feels like I was sliced up.) They have to be wiped with gauze to get dry, then there’s a special anti-fungal powder to put on it. They don’t really know if it’s fungal. They don’t really know what it is. I can’t do the gauze and powder myself. I would have to have like 3 hands to do it. I do help with it when she does it. Without my help, she wouldn’t be able to do it either.
I had accidentally made my social worker’s visit happen at the same time as my shower. I forgot that I get showers every Monday and Thursday. Too many things to keep track of. I was told that my social worker would just wait in her car until my shower stuff (plus dressing up, and the wound care) was done. She came at around 11:20am. We talked about a lot of things. In fact, she was here until around 12:40pm. Longer than I thought it’d be.
She brought up a cancer grant. She thinks it might be for $500. There’s also a cleaning service where people with cancer get 2 free house cleanings. It could be the whole house, or just the rooms where I go to the most. That would be handy. I haven’t filled out the Access bus application. Next time we might go through it together, and she could get somebody like Dr. Slack to sign off on it. She thinks I’m eligible for it. She wants me to decide on an Apple Watch. We talked about me getting one before. She wants me to have something with fall detection. I’m just unsure of which one to choose. She said they have a bereavement counselor I can talk to about my mom. I might do that, I don’t know.
She asked if the Blue Bills finally called. They did, and my parent was able to talk to them as well. They’re going to put up grip bars around my shower area, ramps on the steps (there are 2 steps coming off of the front porch, another 2 that lead to the driveway, and 4 that come from the house down to the garage), railings along the steps, tightening up the garage railing, and adding another railing over the stairs inside. Quite a few things they’ll do. We’re also getting 2 toilets that are chair height. Might get arms for them, too. A lot of this was recommended by my OT.
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ijcimr · 11 months
Calvarial Tuberculosis BY  Eleni Ischaki IN International Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Reviews  
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A 19-year-old boy presented with status epilepticus. Computed tomography of the brain showed a big, multilobular mass, with peripheral oedema in the frontal lobe which was enhanced peripherally after intravenous administration of a contrast agent. The mass penetrated the frontal bone and extended subcutaneously. He immediately underwent right decompression craniectomy. An empyema was found and was drained. Microscopic examination of brain, dura mater and bone tissue specimens revealed a necrotizing granulomatous inflammation. Tissue cultures were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The patient received a 4-regimen antitubercular treatment combined with dexamethasone due to central nervous system penetration of the disease with complete response in the follow-up.
For more details: https://ijcimr.org/editorial-board/ 
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digitalmaarket · 1 year
king york is Top Hydrocortisone Manufacturer
Discover the Innovative Solutions of Kingyork Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd: Hydrocortisone, Vitamins Injections, Vitamin Ampoules, and Eye Drops for more info visit: https://kingyork.co.uk/
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Auranofin hemmt die Replikation von SARS-CoV-2 Der rasche Ausbruch des schweren akuten respiratorischen Syndroms Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), der die anhaltende Pandemie der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19) verursacht hat, hat weltweit mehr als 6,5 Millionen Menschen das Leben gekostet. Obwohl die Mehrheit der mit SARS-CoV-2 infizierten Personen leichte bis mittelschwere Symptome aufwies und keine besondere Behandlung benötigte, litten 20 % der infizierten Bevölkerung an einer schweren Infektion und 5 % mussten intensiv... #ACE2 #Antikörper #Antiphlogistikum #Arthritis #Atmung #Auranofin #Coronavirus #Coronavirus_Krankheit_COVID_19 #Covid_19 #Cystein #Dexamethason #Drogen #Entzündung #Forschung #Herz #Histidin #Hoher_Durchsatz #in_vitro #Intensivstation #Ion #Kinase #Krebs #Krebsbehandlung #Leber #Lipide #Lunge #Membran #Niere #Nukleotid #Pandemie #Polymerase #Protein #Remdesivir #Rezeptor #Rheumatoide_Arthritis #RNS #SARS #SARS_CoV_2 #Sauerstoff #Schwefel #Schwere_akute_Atemwegserkrankung #Schweres_akutes_respiratorisches_Syndrom #Serin #Syndrom #Thiomersal #Transkription #Ubiquitin #Verbindung #Virus #Wirksamkeit #Zelle #Zytokin
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shinepharms · 1 year
specialized in Manufacturing Vitamins Injections, Vitamin B complex injections, Vitamin B6 injections, Vitamin B6 ampoules, Medical syringes, Vitamin B12 ampoules, Surgical gloves, Medical Gloves, paracetamol syrup, paracetamol tablets 500mg, Paracetamol Injection 300mg, Dexamethasone Injection 4mg, Dexamethasone Injection 8mg, Ampicillin injection 500mg, Ampicillin Capsules antibiotics, Surgical gloves, NSAIDs, and all generic medicines to reach sick people.
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