#Diamond Firetail Finch
andramariestudio · 8 months
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Birbfest #17 Diamond Firetail Finch
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triruntu · 8 months
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#542, a diamond firetail.
Requests for birds are open, updates happen on Thursdays. [project tag] | [kofi] Find me on: [twitter]
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alonglistofbirds · 5 months
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[2955/11080] Diamond firetail - Stagonopleura guttata
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Passeroidea Family: Estrildidae (estrildid finches)
Photo credit: Laurie Ross via Macaulay Library
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irl-tippy-doreman · 7 months
ok nevermind the finch assignment for yuo has updated since i gave daisy a diamond firetail instead. so im giving yuo a black rumped waxbill. or a red avadavat
I like the black-rumpled waxbill the most. And by the way, how did your police raid go?
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daisy-kaboom-lewis · 7 months
its onligatory i wayever the other word for kin but with bird assign yuo an estrildid finch. i think maybe yuod be tge generic female zebra finch but thats too generic so Porbably a diamond firetail. WHICH MEANS I Havw to go give tippy a different finch
Oh! I've heard about you, bird anon. Duke said something about someone coming in to assign me one of these, I've been waiting. Thanks for the assign, the bird looks awesome. And really captures kaboomin with that name 💥💥💥
- 🧨
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
if you were able to keep as many birds as you wanted and like, all their habitats were perfect and maintained and the laws all allowed it and everything, how many birds would you have and what species??
wooooooooooo baby i wish i could upload pictures of all of them but there's a limit of 30 per post and that's nowhere near enough adfasfasdf. soooooo here's the official list of all of my favorite birds!
blue jay, eurasian jay, stellers jay, black collared jay, azure jay, northern cardinal, vermillion cardinal, desert cardinal, pileated woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker, red bellied woodpecker, eastern bluebird, mountain bluebird, gold finch, blue finch, scarlet finch, strawberry finch, rose finches, zebra finch, purple breasted sunbird, violet backed starling, blue vanga, blue dacnis, grandala, indigo bunting, lazuli bunting, rositas bunting, varied bunting, variegated fairy wren, splendid fairy wren, superb fairy wren, white winged fairy wren, philippine fairy bluebird, asian fairy bluebird, taiwan blue magpie, himalayan monal, tui, ravens, crows, blue crowned pigeon, victorian crowned pigeon, american robin, pink robin, lilac-breasted roller, european roller, indian roller, flying roller, blue-bellied roller, malachite kingfisher, woodlands kingfisher, azure kingfisher, rose-crested fruit dove, superb fruit dove, dracula parrot, hyacinth macaw, blue bird of paradise, anna's hummingbird, swordbilled hummingbird, swallowtailed hummingbird, fiery-throated hummingbird, lesser violetear, crowned woodnymph, blue chinned sapphire, mute swan, black swan, black-necked swan, bohemian waxwing, spangled cotinga, banded cotinga, brazilian tanager, australian diamond firetail, flame bowerbird, asian golden weaver, golden pheasant, malayan peacock pheasant, south philippine dwarf kingfisher, guineafowl, green junglefowl, blue-grey tanager, malachite sunbird, great sapphirewing, ruby-topaz hummingbird, fiery topaz, crimson topaz, rainbow bearded thornbill, violet sabrewing, long-tailed sylph, red-tailed comet, variable sunbird, helmeted woodpecker, red-crested cardinal, blue-winged mountain tanager, cinnamon hummingbird, antillean crested hummingbird, violet capped woodnymph, sparkling violetear, blue pitta, mandarin duck
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barry-kent-mackay · 2 years
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Zebra Finch (top pair); Diamond Firetail (middle bird), Gouldian Finch (bottom grouping). Another painting for National Geographic where you can tell his heart was not in it. These are all endemic to Australia but commonly captive bred and widely available in the marketplace. This is about as “reductionist” as he could get.
art by major allan brooks
text by barry kent mackay
support barry kent mackay on ko-fi
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matou-en-peluche · 5 years
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Matou en Peluche - Diamond Firetail Finch and tea tree blossoms
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birds-and-friends · 3 years
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Full video: Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), Tim Siggs
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mudskip-muses · 3 years
k asa has a tf2 verse now! its on his detailed about page found on his slide in my character list, but im putting it under the cut along with a more detailed list of his pet birds uwu if any of my tf2 peeps wanna write with the boy, let me know owo
TF2 verse:  After graduating high school, Asahi immediately started advanced schooling to become a full fledged ornithologist. In his last year of college, Asa volunteered to oversee studies of the many bird species found in the deserts of New Mexico. While there are other students who traveled with him for this purpose, they are stationed all across the state to have a bigger pool to study from, meeting up once a month to share their findings. Asa himself is currently living in the town of Teufort, in a small rented cottage on the outskirts of town. He often ventures out into the desert to study the birds hands on, sometimes disappearing for days at a time, setting up camp for long term studies at any hour of the day.
He has noticed the mercenaries employed by Mann Co. and watches them with a great curiosity whenever they come into town. He has even seen them far out in the desert during his excursions, and wonders what exactly they’re all doing out there…
Bonnie and Clyde - Ringneck dove and diamond dove respectively
Sadie - African grey parrot
“The seven deadly sins” - Seven finches of various species
Pride - Diamond Firetail Finch
Greed - Gouldian Finch
Lust - Scaly-breasted Munia Finch
Envy - Society Finch
Gluttony - Strawberry Finch
Wrath - Cut-Throat Finch
Sloth - Java Finch
Bach and Beethoven - Carrier pigeons
Poe - Wild crow that likes follow him around after he helped it recover from a broken wing it received after hitting his window one day
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themagicinwords · 5 years
I blame @cagestark @starkerkeyz and @the-mad-starker for making me want to do this instead of working on the requests waiting for me.
I did age Peter up a little, he’s 18-19 here.
Tony is a red tailed hawk. Peter is a diamond firetail finch.
*** ***
Tony's been a hawk his entire life. It's the only thing Howard had ever made him feel like he'd done right. Because his father had been a hawk too, and he used to tell Tony that it made them the great predators of the world. Hawks take what they want, and they don't apologize for it. Because it's what we're owed, son.
As a kid, Tony hadn't cared about any of that. He only cared about how pretty the dark feathers were, how they darkened out to the tips. How you could see the white feathers peeking through when he spread them wide. The surprise shock of red underneath, close to his shoulders. His wings were beautiful, and everyone told him so. It was one of the things that made him so popular in college, one of the reasons he always had a long line of people begging to preen his feathers.
But they haven't been the same since Afghanistan. Even after all these years, no matter how many times he or anyone else fixes them back into place, some of the feathers still won't sit right. His wings droop, regardless of his overall mood. Bruce is confident it has to do with the lingering damage the torture in the caves left on his psyche. His mind and body still feel unworthy, even after all this time. Because he still feels askew, his wings mimic that.
Even worse, he can’t present. Not even to Pepper while they were dating. And not for lack of trying! Tony wanted to show Pepper that he loved her and he trusted her. At least he thought he trusted her, but maybe somewhere in his subconscious, a part of him didn’t. Because every time, he was only about to lift his wings a little, never into a full present. He could see that it frustrated and upset her, no matter how much she tried to claim it didn’t. And Tony couldn’t blame her at all.
Everything changes when Peter comes along.
At first, Tony is afraid of Peter. Afraid of what Peter makes him feel, of how much he makes Tony want. Because Peter is so young, so bright and happy and pure. He never hesitates to show off the perfect feathers on his gorgeous wings. Tony doesn’t want to taint him. And that fear only gets worse when he sees that same want reflected back at him in Peter’s eyes. He thinks there must be something wrong with the kid, to want a broken old man like him. And he knows, shockingly, that it’s more than just physical attraction. For both of them.
The more time he spends with Peter, the harder it is to justify keeping the younger man at arm’s length. Because Peter doesn’t give up, keeps coming back and spreading his wings wide whenever it’s just the two of them. Doesn’t give up after each failed attempt to get Tony to respond in kind. Because he can’t. Tony wants to, more than anything. More than he ever wanted to present to Pepper. He feels his wing twitch, itching to flare out and give Peter what he knows the kid wants. But that’s all that comes. Just a twitch.
And Tony knows, he knows that their wings compliment each other. The patterns are different, but the colors are similar. Browns over white, dark along the tips of the upper feathers. Peter even has a splash of red, though it’s brighter and more visible on the edges of his lower feathers. And Tony knows it means something, knows that it could mean everything. But that just brings that fear back up. Because Peter’s feather are perfectly groomed, neat and tidy from constant regular preening. And Tony’s are still damaged and broken, and there patches here and there where some of the primaries never grew back. What if the damage to his wings is what finally makes Peter run away? So he keeps them tucked away, keeps the damage hidden.
They’re in the lab, like they always are when it’s just the two of them. Peter keeps a respectable distance between them, like he always does. But he doesn’t hide the way he smiles and stares at the side of Tony’s face while he works, doesn’t hide the way his wings react to being this close. And because he’s watching Tony so intently, when Peter’s wings open up and spread out, presenting like he always does, he notices the way Tony’s shoulder tense up. So he takes a step closer, and then another, until he’s nearly pressed up against the older man’s side. Until he’s close enough to lay a hand over Tony’s and squeeze.
“Peter, please. I can’t-”
“It’s ok, Tony. I don’t care. I don’t care if you never can. But I can see that you want to. And that’s enough for me. You’re enough for me.”
Peter’s words crash over him like a tidal wave, and a shiver runs down Tony’s spine, making his wings quake. But the twitching doesn’t subside, it only gets worse until it feels like all of his feathers are shaking. He backs up one step, then two, makes it three before his wings are lifting, spreading wide until they nearly stretch across the room. The ache of having his wings open for the first time in over a decade makes him groan, and Tony nearly doubles over from the sensation. But Peter is right there, arms around him to keep him steady. And the smile on his face makes Tony feel like he’s staring into the sun.
Their first kiss tastes like sunshine, like love and warmth and all the good feelings Tony thought he’d never feel again. It tastes like healing.
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dragonthunders01 · 5 years
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Well about 3 years ago in 2016 I had bought a sketchbook to make drawings, and for the first time and as a start, I decided to create different sketches of dinosaur head portraits and several other clades related including squamates birds and whatever extinct clade, together forming a parade of diapsids since for that at that moment in time I did not tend to do much paleoart, an attempt to do it by hand without exact references except those that I could remember in my head, a first attempt that wasn't that good, but was something. From there I kept the original page saved while improving with my artistic skills, eventually it had occurred to me to take the page again and rework in the heads, adding and correcting details and also incorporating other species, eventually ending up with something much more varied and complex. At first I was thinking of simply sharing it as a pencil drawing without any other modifications like the previous version, however, I felt it was not really enough to be shared considering that I could do something better or at least decent using digital, so for several weeks I had started painting, changing some misinterpretation of certain animals features and if it was necessary to modify a complete outline if it was not right. And so I ended up creating this new version better prepared, painted and more details, it has also allowed me to practice and experiment with a wider range of textures including scales that I had created for a long time or by hand in drawing, added with photoshop of textures or simply drawn which although it was easy, that not always ended with a good look result, as well as new patterns of colors and mixtures for some dinosaurs. I'm going to leave a list of the species added if people want to known which species is, with a image labeled to locate them. As well some comments on specific species
1) Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex)
2) Diamond firetail (Stagonopleura guttata) I would say I started trying just to draw a random finch due to the conversation on discord with friends but eventually I had to choose a specific species, a good friend suggested me this finch in particular.
3) Kelenken guillermoi Have to say this was the animal that suffered the most transformations since the original drawing as I've changed of sources over time, even though the coloration I nailed the coloration well
4) Deinonychus antirrhopus I tried to experiment with spot patter considering the type of environment that this theropod inhabited, despite the fact that certain colorations of birds of prey fits well for them, thought that different lifestyles would likely make this dromaeosaur coloration not like a bird of prey, so I started to see possible references, feline being the closest and based on certain types of tropical forest/swamp felines.
5) Champsosaurus
6) Tylosaurus pembinensis
7) Tyrannosaurus rex Just to make it clear, it has feathers but they are so thin and small they dont render well
8) Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus): I did this because it is a wonderful bird, some time ago at 10 years old my family had had and even raised some generations of these small birds
9) Yi qi
10) Quetzalcoatlus sp.
11) Broad-billed hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris)
12) Spinosaurus Before somebody try to start discussing about the lip topic I clarify this is experimental and speculative intent as I've done with another drawing of what it would look like if it had oral tissue around it, pretty much based on the Pike conger eels.
13) Lambeosaurus magnicristatu
14) Dimorphodon
15) Skorpiovenator
16) Deinocheirus
17) Citipati sp. Based from the good unnamed specimen MPC-D 100/42
18) Darwinopterus Originally it was supposed to be a Pterodactylus, however I had mistaken reconstruction of the skull being in fact this sketch based on a Wukongopterid. Coloracion is an "easter egg" of a pal suggestion quite fond of this group of flying animals.
19) Allosaurus fragilis
20) Euoplocephalus
21) Hypsilophodon
22) Tanystropheus
23) Dilophosaurus
24) Tuatara (Sphenodon)
25) Giraffatitan
26) Erythrosuchus
27) Scleromochlus
28) Rutiodon
29) Chasmosaurus kaiseni
30) Green iguana (Iguana iguana) This would be the first animal in the whole parade that I painted scales, after I tried only to use a spray brush that did not work out the way I wanted to, I just made the base picture dark tone and start with a light color to paint the individual scales, I feel good in how this it ended up being.
31) Pelagornis
32) Green Tree Python (Morelia viridis)
33) Pliosaurus kevani
34) Henodus
35) Diplodocus
36) Ophthalmosaurus
37) Pteranodon longiceps
38) Stagonolepis
39) Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis)
40) Anurognathus
41) Mexican mole lizard (Bipes biporus)
42) Silesaurus
43) Petrolacosaurus
44) Shringasaurus
45) Hyperodapedon
46) Teyujagua
47) Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus
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triruntu · 9 months
Hi! Could I please request a diamond firetail?
Sure! It's gonna be #542, somewhere around february. The name was familiar and I honestly thought it was going to be some sort of hummingbird but surprise, it's a finch.
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A Book Review by Kajori: "Melody Finch" by Ian Boyd and Gary Luck
A Book Review by Kajori: "Melody Finch" by Ian Boyd and Gary Luck #TheChrysalisBREWProject #writerslift #ReadingCommunity #WritingCommunity #BookTwitter #BookRecommendations #bookreviews
Ian Boyd and Gary Luck’s Melody Finch is a lesson-packed children’s novel set in Australia. The illustrated book follows Melody, a young girl who is transformed into a bird. Melody’s adventures as a diamond firetail finch teach us the importance of protecting the environment in which we live.  Review “Some things should never be forgotten.”– Ian Boyd and Gary Luck  Indeed, there are some…
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irl-tippy-doreman · 7 months
i think if yuo were an estrildid finch yuo would be a diamond firetail
Just looked them up and I agree
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ampazourvskomodino · 5 years
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Spotted Side Finch or Diamond Firetail (1800) 
Stagonopleura guttata
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