rabbithub · 2 months
Although one of the DiceLocke rules I set for myself seems easy (catch one of each Pokemon), the caveats are basically:
Only one of each species barring Pokemon with split evolutions, and only one. Also, this narrows the selection of Pokemon on each route, including evolutions of Pokemon already caught.
Another rule is to roll dice to revive Pokemon, but only 3 times. Fourth is death. (Also the success rate is lowered every roll.)
The point of a Nuzlocke is basically a self imposed hard mode, but I feel trying to learn every pokemon's evolutions to complete a Pokedex, and actually battling with them to find out what makes em tick is a better, way more fun challenge.
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trainerjames88 · 4 years
Dear diary, it's me, Vivienne, again. I know it's been a few days since my last update, but once Shauna, Calem, and the rest of us reached Santalune City we decided to just hang out in town for a while and enjoy what it had to offer.
After we did that, I went exploring Route 22. I caught a Bunnelby as my encounter and I named him Bugs! Sadly, I didn't get a picture of it. However, what I did get a picture of was Dusty evolving into a Spewpa!
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He's so adorable!
Afterwards, I decided take on the gym. I hear the gym leader uses Bug types! Good thing we have Hermoine, our Fennekin!
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Gym leader Viola is so cool! She even took my picture! Let's battle!
Okay, so Viola starts with a Surskit. Remember how I said that we have Hermoine to deal with Bugs? Yeah, Surskit is part Water-type...
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It's Water Gun is doing 10HP worth of damage to Dusty! Good thing we have Stun Spore. I paralyze the water spider and that gives us the edge. Dusty uses Tackle and as we're about to defeat it, Viola uses a Potion. She's so smart and we'll-equiped!
No worries, I use my own Potion on Dusty. We continue to battle. Surskit gets paralyzed and Dusty delivers the final blow! One Pokémon down, one to go... Viola smirks as she reaches for her Pokéball. What's her plan, I think... Out comes Dusty's final evolution: Vivillon! It's so beautiful!!!😍
I call Dusty back and our comes Hermoine! Hermoine uses Ember and Vivillon doesn't stand a chance. I've done it! I've gotten my first Kalos gym badge!
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Not only do we get our badge, but Dusty evolves!!
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He's so beautiful!! 😍
This is a short entry, I know, but I was uber excited to win!! Here's my team so far.
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Until next time, diary.
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kiromori · 4 years
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I've been livebloging a Pokemon Y Dicelocke on Twitter and today's events get the cake for finally breaking me
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childofmyth-art · 5 years
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some select gijinkas of our Pokemon from our Randomizer Dicelocke series on Youtube. Above we have Mr. Money the Whiscash, Floppydisk the Magikarp, and Flankbert the Pidgey.
Mr. Money is the Dad of the team, the oldest and caretaker. He is also our fucking powerhouse.
Floppydisk isn’t in use yet since, you know, Magikarp, but shes happy focusing on her begrudged tech support job.
Flankbert has a genetic disorder that keeps him from evolving(he suffered from a Dicelocke rule that doesn’t allow him to ever evolve) but he’s still scrappy and loyal to the team, wearing feathers from his Aunt, a Pidgeot, he admires so highly.
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starwood-stranded · 2 years
The problem I just realized I’ve created for myself with trying to do any kind of dicelocke is that canonically, there’s no way for people to actually leave the Hollow. They can’t die, they can’t leave by choice ... They can be quarantined for Shade contamination, so I guess that’s an option ...
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rabbithub · 2 months
Gonna do a DiceLocke/Fanfiction run on Lemudroid.
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snoozelocke · 7 years
Eyyy, I’ve got way too many Nuzlockes in the work and I’m really bad at drawing humanoids, but if you want to talk XY Gijinkalockes I’ve had a run in mind for a while? A Wonderlocke, to be specific :0
I was planning on it taking place long after the events of X and Y - Or rather, long after the events of an AU where Lysandre successfully activated the Ultimate Weapon and ended most life on earth. The story would follow a Pokémon (whatever starter I get through Wonder Trade) seeking out Xerneas to save their ailing mother, and being dragged into trying to stop the plans of a Pyroar who believes that Pokémon have become no different than the humans Lysandre used the weapon against long ago and need to be stopped by any means possible before they fall too far down the same path.
In terms of rules, aside from the normal Nuzlocke and Woderlocke ones, I was planning on using a modified version of the Dicelocke found on the nuzlockefamily DA, to add to the challenge, and emphasize the fact that the world is still recovering from Lysandre’s actions even many, many years later and that Pyroar’s wish, though they believe it to be well-intentioned, will ultimately cause more harm than good.
Oh! And though it’s a Gijinka run, there would be appearances of feral Pokémon and humans, mostly in flashbacks and in the appearances of the Legendary Pokémon, who haven’t changed due to their immortality (The Gijinkas the story focuses on are the decendants of the surviving Pokémon after Lysandre’s use of the weapon, having slowly evolved into their current forms and spread, forming new civilizations across the world and repurposing old ones, as humans once did. Pokémon becoming more humanlike in both appearance and behavior is part of the reason I’m planning to do it as a Wonderlocke, to emphasize the change in the world and how Pokémon interact with and live in it - Whereas before wild Pokémon tended to stay in familiar environments that they’re specifically adapted to, as seen in the games, they’ve eventually become more like humans, living just about anywhere not utterly inhospitable).
I actually started playing through it once, but it never got very far - For what it’s worth, though, my starter was a Woobat in that one! It’d be neat if I managed to start with one again, especially since a member of the Woobat family is an important minor character in another run of mine :d
yooooooooooooo anon this sounds cool as hell!! definitely go for making this comic like damn this is a really interesting concept to roll with an xy wonderlocke seriously ( * v * ) pleaseeee send me a link if u ever make this bc i’ll be all over it
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trainerjames88 · 4 years
Hello. I make Pokémon nuzlocke content on YouTube and you can find me as TrainerJames. However, I decided that in my spare time I was going to do my own nuzlocke, a Pokémon X Dicelocke!
Hello, diary. My name is Vivienne. I'm new to Kalos, but Professor Sycamore stopped by last night to tell my mom and I that I was more than welcome to start a Pokémon journey with some neighbor kids around my age. I'm looking forward to it! I remember my friend's brother setting off on his own Pokémon journey back in Kanto. He even became champion, but was quickly defeated... I just want to be a Pokémon trainer and see the world! 🙂
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After waking up and side-stepping the Wii U in favor of the much better 3DS, we get dressed and head downstairs and say Hi to mom. We go to leave, but we're greeted by Calem, a neighbor boy, and a super cute girl (I wonder if also likes girls? hmm...), Shauna! They lead me to the pavilion where I meet a couple other cool dudes, Tierno and Trevor! They ask me about a nickname so I tell them Viv. My dad used to call me that. Tierno pulls out a case and has me choose a Pokémon from within it! I roll a die to see which Pokémon I start my journey with!
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I roll a 2! Fennekin it is!!🥰
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I name her Hermoine! 😊 Afterwards, I buy some Pokéballs and I get my first encounter on Route 2! It's a female Pidgey! I catch her!
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I name her Supergirl and continue on my way. I get into Santalune Forest and Shauna stops me. She wants to walk with me. She's so cute!☺️
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Being in a new location, I get a new encounter and it's a male Scatterbug! I love bugs! I catch him and name him Dusty.
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Shauna, Calem, Tierno, Trevor, and I make our way through Santalune Forest and we all walk out together. I love my new friends!
Being on Route 3, that's a new encounter! I walk in the grass and out pops a male Bidoof! I've heard a lot of people talk negatively about Bidoof but I find him so adorable! I catch him and give him a name fitting of a Bidoof...
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It's time to roll the die to add a new member to the team. The numbers are:
• Supergirl (Pidgey): 1 & 4
• Dusty (Scatterbug): 2 & 5
• Godslayer (Bidoof): 3 & 6
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It's a 2! Dusty is added to the team!
With Hermoine and now Dusty on my team, I decide to call it a day. Going through that forest really wore me out! I hope you will join me in my next adventure when we attempt to take on our first Kalos gym leader! Until then, this is Vivienne signing off!
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clickcashprofit · 6 years
NO PUEDO CURAR EN EL GIMNASIO | Pokémon Caos 2 DiceLocke #3
… Continua Leyendo
La entrada NO PUEDO CURAR EN EL GIMNASIO | Pokémon Caos 2 DiceLocke #3 se publicó primero en Hombres Bien Machos.
from NO PUEDO CURAR EN EL GIMNASIO | Pokémon Caos 2 DiceLocke #3
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dicelocker · 8 years
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Next commission on the chopping block... #alchemists #hunters #guildball #steamforged #dicelocker http://ift.tt/2kG7SpC
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eryncerise · 9 years
Fighting Chance: An Origin Platinum Dicelocke - Part 36c - FINALE (Act III)
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simpleegames · 11 years
The rules for my new series. Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Dicelocke. 
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trainerjames88 · 4 years
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Someone suffers a near-death experience and a certain moon shines bright in the newest episode of Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Dicelocke. Also, we have our first Pokemon added to the Next box!
Link: https://youtu.be/klyBcrq48Ys 
Be sure to Like, Comment, Subscribe, and Share! Your support is appreciated as we approach 250 subscribers on YouTube!
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trainerjames88 · 4 years
Hello, fellow trainers!
I'm TrainerJames and you can find me on YouTube at... well, TrainerJames lol. 😁 I upload Pokémon nuzlocke content Sunday-Friday and stream on Saturdays. I've also recently started streaming a Pokémon Red Randomizer Nuzlocke series that I'll continue on weekends! Special shoutout to @goldenvicious for being super helpful in chat on the stream! You, too, are welcome to join the stream and hang out!! 🙂
My upload schedule is this:
• Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Dicelocke: Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays @ 4pm EST
• Pokémon Black Randomizer Nuzlocke: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays @ 7pm EST
• Streaming Pokémon nuzlockes on weekends, most likely in the evenings on Saturdays
For a playlist of my series, I'll share them below!
• Pokémon LeafGreen Dicelocke (GBA) [my first nuzlocke series ever on my channel!]
• Pokémon SoulSilver Dicelocke (NDS) [Sequel series to LeafGreen, but you don't need to have seen LeafGreen to enjoy it!]
• Pokémon Black Randomizer Nuzlocke (NDS) [My first randomizer on the channel!]
• Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Dicelocke (3DS) [Newest series]
If you find yourself enjoying any of my nuzlockes, please consider Subscribing to the channel! We're currently at 160 subscribers with a goal of 180 by the end of October with a larger goal of 200 subs by the end of the year! Also, don't forget to Like and Comment as it helps YouTube recommend the content to other Pokémon-loving fans! But, if you just want to be a lurker, that's okay, too. You're support is greatly appreciated in any form you decide to provide it. 😊❤️ I hope you all have a lovely day and Arceus bless you!
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trainerjames88 · 4 years
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Ma-choked Out in the Desert
Now that Flannery has been defeated, we spend time in the desert on route 111 battling trainers and seeing what’s out here and then we run into a trainer with a really strong Machoke... Our team is exactly cut out to deal with strong Fighting types.
Beyond that we head back to Rustboro City where we revive our Claw fossil and then we pick up an encounter in Petalburg City which means a new member gets added to the team! Be sure and check out this episode as it’s a fun (and somewhat stressful) one!
Episode Link: https://youtu.be/lViFwYXCr_E
Remember to Like the video to show your support for the channel and if you’re new, go ahead and Subscribe as we head toward 330 subscribers! Thank you so much for all that you wonderful trainers do.
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trainerjames88 · 4 years
It's here! Episode 01 of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Dicelocke! In this episode the Dice Gods choose our starter, we meet May, rescue Professor Birch, and we also catch our first wild Pokémon! Be sure and check it out!!
Don't forget to leave a Like if you enjoy the video and Comment the QOTD! Sharing also helps. Your support is greatly appreciated and if you're new to the channel, please consider subscribing as we head toward 180 subs! Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Dicelocke will upload every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 4pm EST.
Ep. 01: The Dice Gods Choose My Starter: https://youtu.be/UPU8m42997Y
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