#Dick Swaab
774 · 3 months
間質核の第1核 前視床下部の間質核 (INAH) は4つの亜核からなる。間質核の第1核の大きさには男女の差があり、女性と比べて男性のほうが約3.5倍大きい。オランダの学者スワーブ Dick F. Swaab らによると、性同一性障害 (MtF) 5名の脳を調べた結果、間質核の第1核の大きさは5例すべてにおいて女性とほぼ同じであった(男性異性愛者と男性同性愛者との有意な差はみられなかった)。
性同一性障害 - Wikipedia
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bobendsneyder64 · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @canet-tsitsipas!! 💚 5 books I want to read this year:
Sneeuwwit - Samuel Bjørk
I have the first 3 books at home and this one was released in November last year, but I only found out that it even excisted a few days ago. The first 3 books he wrote are great and I have read them a lot of times already. Sneeuwwit is the 4th book and as far as I know, the last one in this series. It's officially a prequel and I really can't wait to read it and discover so many new things. I don't know the official title but if you google his books, they are easy to find
De vermiste prins and De vlucht uit Falaise - John Flanagan
Both books belong in the Ranger's Apprentice series, which I love so much. The English titles are The missing prince and Escape from Falaise. They are book 16 and 17 in the series. Escape from Falaise will be released next month in Dutch and then I am going to buy and read both books. I waited to read the missing prince because I found out the book ended on a cliffhanger and I didn't want to wait a long time before the next book would be released (and translated!). In a few weeks I will buy both books and I honestly cannot wait!
Wij zijn ons brein - Dick Swaab
The english title of this book is We are our brains. This book was released some years ago and from the moment I heard of it I wanted to read it, but for some reason I never got the chance and time. Recently one of my neighbours sold a few of her books online and this was one of them, so I immediately bought it.
Het instituut (the institute) - Stephen King
I bought this book some time ago and I have already read it once but after I finished it, some if my family members have borrowed it from me to read it too. Now that I have it back, I want to read it again and take my time and maybe discover some details I may have missed the first time.
I'm tagging @tobeyspidey @alex-marquez and @fhoetball (5 books you want to read this year), but only if you want to.
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falanster-spb · 7 years
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Долгожданное переиздание научно-популярного бестселлера «Мы — это наш мозг»! Здесь можно прочесть интервью с автором книги, всемирно известным нейробиологом Диком Сваабом: https://theoryandpractice.ru/posts/8095-svaab-mozg 492 руб.
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Am I a good nerd or a bad nerd for buying tickets to a lecture which is at the same time when I’m supposed to be in a class? 
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falsegod · 4 years
2020 reading list
the wise man’s fear part 1- hebrew / patrick rothfuss (january 1st-january 16th)
little women- english / louisa may alcott (january 16th-february 16th)
harry potter and the goblet of fire- english / jk rowling, illustrated by jim kay (february 17th-
scythe- english / neal shusterman (february 21st-february 29th)
where the crawdads sing- english / delia owens (february 29th-march 10th)
maybe you should talk to someone- hebrew / lori gottlieb (march 11th-march 20th)
keeper of the lost cities: everblaze- hebrew / shannon messenger (march 20th-march 25th)
children of blood and bone- english / tomi adeyemi (march 26th-april 1st)
we are our brains: from the womb to alzheimer’s- hebrew / dick swaab (april 2nd-april 17th)
daisy jones & the six- english / taylor jenkins reid (april 18th-april 29th)
the wise man’s fear
the ballad of songbirds and snakes- english (june 4th- june 13th)
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cyanpeacock · 4 years
Further consideration of the ~queer genes~ thing.
People are studying this already.
A whole bunch of (I presume mostly) cis people. Loads of them, crawling all over my tranny genome and faggy brain like weevils. 
One researcher who crops up a lot is literally named Dick Swaab, which, he must have done that on purpose. I have one of his books. I don’t really like his manner of writing much, so I relegated it to propping up my sofa.
That said, he’s not a bad scientist, as in, he’s kind of a giant in the field of neurobiology. His work did contribute to the acknowledgement of LGBT+ issues as a significant human rights concern. Doesn’t mean he’s entirely right, but I think he knows that. Assigning “maleness” and “femaleness” to behaviours... well, maybe statistically speaking there’s usually an association, and it may be broadly cross-cultural at this point in time, but it doesn’t always hold true in individual cases... complicated. 
I do think he’s a bit of a clumsy writer, though, at least on the topic of sex and gender. For a time he had a focus on transsexuality, as in, the subset of transgender people who pursue medical intervention to transition and live full-time as the other sex. I suppose the terminology we have for that is clumsy, and keeps changing, and isn’t wholly accepted across the LGBT+ community or entirely standardised across the academic community, though. 
But yeah. I whack in a few search terms on Google Scholar, and there’s nothing conclusive-conclusive, but there’s evidence for certain Xq28 markers having a correlation with homosexuality in cis men, and certain variations in oestrogen and androgen receptors being more frequent in trans women, and a CYP17 single-nucleotide polymorphism that’s found much more frequently in trans men... I mean, correlation doesn’t mean causation, but contributing factors do add up. 
I think this kind of research has pushed academia, as a tribe, to accept LGBT+ people, and not contest our existence and best lives. Non-LGBT+ folks there might be confused sometimes, but it seems like they got the spirit, for the most part.
Unfortunately, other tribes exist. Ones who may use the same research to frame LGBT+ identity as a disorder to be eradicated from a population. 
So, like, what? 
Shit, I don’t even know. It all kind of just comes down to “we don’t know what’s going to happen.” There are lots of ideas as to what might happen, though. It’s all a bit of a mess. 
I don’t know. Fuck.
Don’t live like me. Don’t think or read this much. Go climb a tree and eat a fruit. 
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mialets-blog · 5 years
Cinikus megállapítás, de igaz: kizárólag a depresszióban szenvedő emberek tudják, érzik helyesen, hogy az életnek az égvilágon semmi értelme nincsen. /Dick Swaab/
#életértelme #szenvedes #idezet #magyaridezet
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demi-data · 5 years
Reading on in one of the books that motivated me to study psychology in the first place: Wij zijn ons brein [We are our brains] by Dick Swaab
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glitterdustcyclops · 7 years
so i got my copy of gender revolution in the mail today & i was perusing my little heart out (it was very nifty, lot of good, informative gender stuff, well-written and researched, highly recommend) when i got horribly distracted because one of the articles featured a scientist whose name was, i shit you not, Dick Swaab
and i simply could not handle anything after that
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verkennende onderzoeken
Bronnen probleem onderbouwing:
Aspects of Psychological Resilience among Transgender Youth
The Mental Health of Transgender Youth: Advances in Understanding
Dick Swaab, Ons Creatieve Brein, hoe mens en wereld elkaar maken (2018).
Feministische filosofie
Judith Butler’s genderroles and gendertrouble.
To counter this kind of biological determinism, feminists have argued that behavioural and psychological differences have social, rather than biological, causes. For instance, Simone de Beauvoir famously claimed that one is not born, but rather becomes a woman, and that “social discrimination produces in women moral and intellectual effects so profound that they appear to be caused by nature” (Beauvoir 1972 [original 1949], 18; for more, see the entry on Simone de Beauvoir). Commonly observed behavioural traits associated with women and men, then, are not caused by anatomy or chromosomes. Rather, they are culturally learned or acquired.”
Toxic masculinity in society:
(dit zijn redenen waarom cisgender mannen in hun aangeleerde traditionele genderrol blijven) via interview verkregen via 
Bronnen voor inspiratie:
de enige manier om die maatschappij te veranderen is om die mensen er te laten zijn. De safe space is een plek waar ze zichzelf kunnen zijn.
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774 · 3 months
分界条床核 性に関わりの深い分界条床核 (BNST) は、男性のものは女性よりも1.4倍ほど有意に大きい。特に分界条床核の神経細胞のうち、ソマトスタチン陽性神経細胞の数が男性のものは女性より多い。脳の研究をおこなっているオランダの学者スワーブ Dick F. Swaab らによる調査では、性同一性障害の当事者 (MtF) 6名の脳を死後に解剖した結果、分界条床核の大きさは、男性のものより有意に小さく、女性のものとほぼ同じであった。分界条床核(人間の性に深い関わりがあるとされる神経細胞群で、男性のものは女性よりも有意に大きい)の体積を測定したある調査では、男性、女性、男性同性愛者、性同一性障害 (MtF) のそれぞれ複数名が被験者となったが、当事者 (MtF) は女性とほぼ等しく、男性同性愛者は男性とほぼ同じ傾向を示した(性的指向と分界条床核の大きさとの関連は見られなかった)。ソマトスタチン陽性神経細胞の数も明らかに少ない。この6名の当事者は、性別適合手術(精巣摘出)を受けており、エストロゲンを投与していたが、分界条床核の大きさは成人における性ホルモンの影響を受けない。前立腺がんの治療のためにエストロゲンの投与を受けた男性における分界条床核の大きさの減少はみられず、また副腎皮質腫瘍によるアンドロゲン産生や閉経後のためにエストロゲンが低下している女性において、分界条床核の大きさに平均値との差は認められない。当事者における分界条床核の大きさは成人後の性ホルモンが原因ではないことがわかる(当事者 (MtF) 6名の性的指向は、うち3名が女性、2名が男性、1名が両方に対して。また、この調査において男性同性愛者の分界条床核の大きさは男性異性愛者と等しく、有意な差はみられなかった。性的指向との関連はみられず、性同一性との関連の示唆がある)。
性同一性障害 - Wikipedia
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daphnerosalie · 4 years
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Hates #amsterdam #neveragain #willI #loveyou #kanker #hersenletsel ik haat Dick Swaab #onrechtvaardigheid (bij Rotterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PFlzUjnFQ/?igshid=1hz1zsr5dxpl9
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sweetsope · 6 years
tag game
Holy shit bruh how long ago you tagged me in this is2g @namjooneh
General Name: Maria Nicknames: Masha, Mar, dumbass Zodiac sign: Sagittarius  Height: 155 cm Ethnicity: ukrainian Orientation: pansexual (yo Dar look at me embracing it) Favorite fruits: banana Favorite season: spring Favorite books: “We are our Brains: From the Womb to Alzheimer’s” by Dick Swaab (look at me being a nerd and reading science books) Fav fics “the still point of the turning world” by inkingbrushes Favorite flowers: dont have one Favorite animals: octopi
Favorite beverage: latte Favorite scent: faint fresh smell of flowers Favorite fictional characters: luna lovegood Number of blankets i sleep with: 1 Hours of sleep: what sleep Dream trip: south korea, the netherlands Blog created: 2017 bc i freaked out and deleted my prev blog Number of followers: pls dont ask 
BTS Would You Rather: - build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope - get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga - go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with Jungkook - do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin - kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga - babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v - meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family - film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v - hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook - go to paris with jin OR to london with suga - film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster - attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook - spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope - fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook - have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin - have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep - have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga - go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga - have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae - celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and jin
tagging: @voidyss, @yconmins
In conclusion: I have no life
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myragewillendworlds · 7 years
I think people feel the sexed brain thing for transsexualism is associated with the "women are just naturally not predisposed to having jobs outside of the family because that's vague evolutionary biology I kind of recall so basically just have babies and cook" stuff and that's why they won't even hear you out on it
Dick Swaab wrote about getting hate mail and I believe even death threats from feminists when he first published his findings on brain sex theory, so yeah, that’s a big part of it.
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stardips · 5 years
Wat voor soort boeken lees je graag?
Psychologie, human interest, en Dick Swaab :)))
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esquizofrenia2017 · 7 years
Antecedentes históricos.
Tenemos pruebas arqueológicas de que en China, hace cuatro mil años, se horadaban cráneos, se practicaban trepanaciones, para liberar los malos espíritus, presumible mente de personas que sufrían esquizofrenia. El concepto de esquizofrenia tuvo un inicio histórico en el término: «demencia precoz» de Bénédict Morel a mediados del siglo XIX. 
En el ámbito de la Iglesia católica, se ha practicado el exorcismo hasta aproximadamente 1970, aunque aún hay obispos que consagran a sacerdotes que desempeñan esta labor. También debemos presumir que, entre algunos exorcismos, en realidad estamos ante un caso de esquizofrenia.
Como sucede en el Islam y sus encargados de ahuyentar los espíritus, tal y como explica el neurólogo Dick Swaab en su libro Somos nuestro cerebro:
La hermana de Ayaan Hirsi Ali recibió un tratamiento farmacológico en los Países Bajos, pero al regresar a Somalía cayó en manos de las autoridades religiosas islámicas, que la encerraron en una habitación vacía donde no había nada más que un colchón. Le quitaron los medicamentos y le pegaron para quitarle ritualmente los espíritus malignos. Tuvo un desenlace fatal.
La ciencia tampoco ha abordado correctamente la esquizofrenia hasta hace bien poco. A principios del siglo XX, los pacientes estaban inmovilizados con camisas de fuerza y los introducían en la bañera exponiéndolos alternativamente al agua fría y caliente.
En 1950, la esquizofrenia se trataba practicando una lobotomía: una operación en la que se cortan las conexiones entre la corteza pre-frontal y el resto del cerebro.
En todos los hospitales de China, junto a cada cama hay un familiar para ayudar al personal de enfermería y asegurarse de que a sus allegados no les falta nada. Si la familia no está disponible, acude alguien de la fábrica. Eso hace que en el hospital reine un agradable desorden. Pero en el ala psiquiátrica cerrada la situación es bien distinta. Al entrar tuve la impresión de estar metido en la película “Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco”. 
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