#Digital workplace assistant
aeldata-usa · 1 year
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akwyz · 1 year
Harnessing AI for Accessibility: A Revolution in Workplace Inclusion
🚀 AI isn't just the future, it's NOW! Transforming workplaces, breaking barriers, and championing inclusivity for all, especially those with disabilities. 🎯 No limits, just possibilities! 💡 #AIforAccessibility #InclusiveFuture
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly revolutionizing various facets of our lives – from driverless cars to advanced medical diagnostics. One of its profound impacts, however, has been subtly enhancing accessibility, especially in workplaces, for people with disabilities. As we delve into the 21st century, the convergence of AI and digital accessibility is making the world more inclusive…
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helptahanii · 12 days
I am Tahani El-Shorbage, my husband is Wissam El-Shorbage, and I have 3 children, l am from in Gaza🇵🇸🍉,
I lost my job because of this genocide, I studied chemistry and digital marketing and was working at the university as an assistant professor and I lost my chance to be, they destroyed all universiries in Gaza. And I dont have any choise unless start everything from zero.
Would you kindly consider sharing my campaign with your network? Your contribuation mean the world to me❤️‍🩹
Its the final hope for me and for my future after I lost everything I have!
My whatsapp Number is +970599727178 feel free to msg me there, I am looking to connect new people and happy to talk about my work and about the situation here.
LINK: https://www.gofundme.com/f/i-have-nothing-left-my-home-and-workplace-have-be?
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tahani_marketing?igsh=MXVheTJwdjF1c252Ng==
Donate if you can
Reblog if you can’t
My account has been verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
Verification link by el-shab-hussein 👇👇
here no. 112 Tahani shorbaje
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
Yan Zombie + Restoration Hobbyist Reader Blurb
"Blink once if you can hear me."
It calls to them from the darkness - a voice melancholic yet strangely robotic in its application. It's familiar - like something they've heard in a dream. They can't move. Their arms feel as though they're pinned beneath boulders. Their legs feel weightless. The place in their mouth were their tongue sat felt dry and... exposed. Left with no other choice, their eyelids flicker upwards. The flesh over their right eye feels to be constructed of foreign tissue - metal scrapping over the weight in the socket where their eye once was. The image of the figure standing over them is fleeting, lips pulled thin in an expression of approval.
"Blink twice."
Their eyes flutter open for a second time - remaining there as two finger pry apart the lids of their still functioning eye.
"Good. It's fortunate that you are still able to hear. At the moment, my fixes are merely cosmetic so I'm afraid you won't be able to see out of that eye of yours for some time. If you are like other patients I've had the issue will work out on its own."
Their eye rolls idly in their head - struggling to make out any features of the person through the blazing lights overhead.
"You must have questions. Forgive me- I wasn't expecting you to wake up before I had time to work on your jaw. Please use this to communicate if you wish, you can ask me anything."
Function to their left hand returns - their wrist raw and lacking the binding weight shacking it in place. Restraints? Smooth plastic rolls beneath their fingertip as they flex the stiff joints of their digits. Their fingers trace out the rectangular shape of the keyboard's space bar. Gliding gracelessly over the keys, a hand helps stabilize their moments as they begin to type. A computer monitor awakens from its sleep as words pop up on its screen.
"Where am I?"
A common question. "You are in my workplace. I repair things from time to time to keep myself busy. I found you in a creek nearby during a stroll the other night. Thankfully, you hadn't been in there long or I would've had to replace more than the skin of your eye."
Their hand draws up to their eye, feeling the odd texture over their eye. It's felt.
"I hate to bring up any bad memories from the past, but I need to ask in order to provide you with the care you require. Do you remember anything from the day you died?"
Died?... That's... honestly not the most surprising thing about this ordeal. A stabbing pain blisters at the back of their mind as they try to remember. A boat. A shotgun. Laughter. Tears. Please, no. It's not funny just put it down. Please. please-
"Boating trip. They said if I tagged along I could finally be apart of their group. I thought I could trust them. They said they were my friends. They said"
Their body lurches forward - fighting against the bite of their bonds. It hurts. It hurts so much. Why are they still here? Garbble wails ricochet off the bedroom walls. In their time of misery, another memory rushes to the forefront of their mind. Their body convulsing on an operating table. The gentle hushes of another as they pet back their hair - drying blackened tears from the corners of their eyes. A compassionate hand from the world that had abandoned them when they needed someone most.
"Hold me."
"I remember.. Arms around me. A voice calling out to me. Promising me everything would be okay. That was you - right? Hold me. I don't want to be alone. Please, don't let me be alone anymore."
The hobbyist removes the glove from their dominant hand, wiping the leathery flesh were thick, congealing tears pool. You pull your newest patient closer - mindful of their stitches as you rub small circles along their spine.
"You can stay here as long as you like. While I'm not the most social person, I can't turn away someone who needs my assistance."
Their sobs are reduced to small whimpers as they cling into you - dying your apron in various fluids as their arm locks around your midsection in a vice grip. You grab onto their other wrist, preventing them from wrestling it out of their chains leaving you with more work in the future if their skin were to tear.
"I know this is a lot for you, but please try not to damage yourself further."
Their arm drops from your waist - fingers flying over the keyboard on a flurry.
"What's your name?"
"My name?... You can just call me Y/n."
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bykshre · 7 months
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CHAPTER 02 // song - August, Taylor Swift
➥ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : CEO Jungkook x Head Of Department Y/N
➥𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 10,130
➥𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : 7 years ago, you and jungkook broke up after a long-term relationship in high school and college. Never have you ever thought that one day, you would reunite with your ex-lover or the guy you once believed was the love of your life. What does fate hold for the both of you?
➥ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞/𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 : exes to lovers, angst, slow burn, grumpyxsunshine, a second chance.
➥ 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 : M
➥ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : curses, alcohol, jk is fuckboy, unresolved emotions, trauma, extreme emotions, backstabbers... (not all of these are included in this chapter)
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01 ll 02 ll 03 ll ongoing series
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As the morning sun timidly seeped through the curtains, you reluctantly opened your eyes, greeted by the harsh reality of a pounding headache. The remnants of a restless night clung to your senses, and you groggily fumbled for the snooze button on the blaring alarm. As you reached for the snooze button, the weight of knowing you probably tainted Jimin's day with your usual tales of heartbreak settled heavily on your conscience.
You feel like shit right now because of your hangover though you do get up after swallowing 2 painkillers that were placed beside your bed with a glass of water. You are very grateful for having Jimin as your roommate- Jimin's angelic presence is a treasure you never want to lose from your life. He has given nothing but empathy, compassion, comfort, solace, advice and never-ending "big-bro" talk to you that you are very grateful for even though you may not show it and perhaps occasionally roll your eyes when he gives you the pep talks.
Realising it's almost 6.00 a.m., you hastily iron your classic pencil skirt and a pink blouse that had wrinkled up as you tend to be disorganised (sometimes) while you wait for the throbbing headache to subside. Working for JKH MedTech was great for you - your boss is a sweetheart elderly man you regard as your late grandfather. So arriving late wasn't going to be a big issue as your working space has always been filled with adoration, laughs and supportiveness in projects and every way.
You rarely arrive late as you have always been a morning person. You wake up at 4 in the morning every day... a pattern you've been practising since high school, something Jungkook very well knows. There's some undefinable feeling about waking up early, enjoying the tranquillity before the storm, finalising reports and relishing a cup of coffee in the morning.
Meanwhile, on the flip side of the city, Jungkook was waking up with a different kind of passion, barring the feelings he was going through last night and ready to conquer the day with a new project at JKH Tech. Something that he's been working on for years to finalize- to take over the CEO position and integrate JKH MedTech with JJK MedTech. Unaware of the parallel narratives unfolding.
7.00 a.m.
You step into the luxurious reception hall, where you are always welcomed and greeted nicely. The receptionist greets you with a warm smile while you greet them back. You enter the lift, and as the doors glide shut, you feel the subtle vibration signalling the ascent. The digital display above the doors blinks with each passing floor until it settles on the familiar number - 52. The lift slows to a halt, and as the doors part, you step out into your workplace, ready to face the day on the 52nd floor.
"Good morning, Y/N. Are you okay? I hope everything's alright because you rarely arrive this late." Your boss said with a concerned expression.
"Ah, not to worry, Jaehyun, everything's fine... just a little hangover." You laugh off.
"Today is going to be quite hectic as we're hosting our new merger for discussions and deals. Please refrain from pushing too hard on the new project for now, as there are more pressing office deals that require our attention. Additionally, I may need your assistance with a few tasks, given that this old man's brain tends to have its off days. For the time being, everything is to be kept under wraps, and we'll update you all once we've reached a conclusion. I hope that clarifies things."
You bid him goodbye with a good luck sign to wish him all the best in the negotiations and continue with your daily routine. You wonder what is going on behind the scenes with the negotiation deals. Nevertheless, you hope the company gets a good outcome.
In the back of a sleek black sedan, Jungkook absorbed a brief from his assistant while his driver navigated the city. Dressed sharply, he focused on the day's agenda of meetings and strategic moves. The luxury car moved through the urban landscape, carrying the anticipation of crucial decisions.
As he approached the entrance of JKH Tech, the glass doors slid open, ushering him into a realm where ideas took flight and were greeted by your very own boss, Mr Daehyun. Unbeknownst to him, on another floor of the facility, you were on your own trajectory, oblivious that your paths would intersect within the confines of the exact workplace.
To say the least, Jungkook was astonished with this company's architecture, formality and service. He has never stepped foot into this building before. This is because the previous negotiations have always been done at his own empire, JJK MedTech. Causing your boss to always have trips there. His presence today hinges solely on the fact that it's a deal-breaker moment. Intrigued by the place's reputation for fostering breakthroughs, he's here to witness its unique qualities and faculty firsthand.
As Jungkook makes his way up to the boardroom on the 53rd floor, a floor above you, he feels something in the pit of his stomach, a subtle shake that was indescribable forming. The elevator's ascent seemed to echo the rise of expectations, and Jungkook, momentarily captivated, couldn't quite pinpoint the source of the sensation. Nevertheless, despite the momentary distraction, he managed to shake himself out of it.
On the other hand, you were arranging and decorating the 53rd-floor main entrance just a few moments before your once-lover made it to the boardroom. Could that be why Jungkook experienced a subtle shift while navigating the building?
Whilst the boardroom was in the act, you and Jimin caught up at the nearby café. You felt excessively sorry knowing you tainted Jimin's day with your usual tales of heartbreak. Jimin's a gem - rare to find. His observance is the best part of him... he notices the slightest details and treats you well with unwavering love. One spontaneous Friday night, he surprised you with a box of dumplings after noticing your craving. Despite the hefty salary from JKH for your top-rated service and intelligence, he recognized your disciplined approach to saving money for the future. The act of bringing you the dumplings wasn't just about fulfilling a momentary desire but also a testament to his understanding of your priorities and a sweet reminder sometimes, it's okay to indulge in the present.
"Hey Jimin, I hope you didn't mind yesterday's drama. I'm genuinely sorry for whatever I unconsciously said...thank you for staying with me. I really appreciate your kindness." You said to Jimin while sipping on a cup of cold coffee.
"Y/n... I told you countless times that it's fine with me. You don't need to apologize, okay? Your sentiments are valid. I respect that." He said while enfolding you in his embrace. You both transmit the same admiration for each other and eternally will be there for each other under any circumstances. That's all that matters. "Thank you, Jiminie, I love you...forever."
"Madam Y/N, are you falling for this handsome man. OMG NEWSFLASH: Y/N HAS A CRUSH ON THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME, MOST HANDSOME MAN IN THIS WORLD, PARK JIMIN!!" He said teasingly.
"Shut the fuck up FuckBoy Jimin!" You laughed, playfully dismissing his teasing with a fond expletive.
The teasing and companionship come to a hasty halt as Jimin receives a call summoning him to the 53rd-floor boardroom. The same one in which the big bosses usually conduct influential business deals, which includes Jungkook today. The air shifted, and the lighthearted exchange gave way to a more serious atmosphere. Jimin is JKH's CEO's secondary assistant in business affairs... which doesn't require him to be involved in most deals or affairs. This was undoubtedly serious.
You both split as you ascended to the 52nd floor while Jimin continued his journey to the highest floor at number 53. You were definitely worried, not sure of the reason for what happened and how Jimin was involved. You are also worried about the outcome of JKH. Imagine having no idea of a deal, not knowing what's going on, everything kept hidden and away from the faculty. You choose not to listen to the rumour that the company is to be taken over or merged. You have worked with JKH for 6 years and have complete faith in them. Whatever that's finalized is their choice.
You distract yourself by occupying yourself with more work. The sounds of keystrokes and document fills the silence in the air. Despite the intensity of your focus, you couldn't shake the occasional glances at your phone, yearning for updates from the boardroom and the unfolding events.
The takeover discussions were a delicate dance, strategic manoeuvring of resources and power dynamics. Jungkook presence commanded attention, and sharp intellect was apparent in every estimated move. As Jimin sat in the boardroom hashing out deals, his eyes landed on Mr. Jeon. There was a sense of familiarity, just from Y/N's stories. Jimin tried to recall where he might've seen Mr. Jeon in Y/N's old pictures, but the details were a bit hazy.
You distract yourself by occupying yourself with more work. The sounds of keystrokes and document fills the silence in the air. Despite the intensity of your focus, you couldn't shake the occasional glances at your phone, yearning for updates from the boardroom and the unfolding events.
The takeover discussions were a delicate dance, strategic manoeuvring of resources and power dynamics. Jungkook presence commanded attention, and sharp intellect was apparent in every estimated move. As Jimin sat in the boardroom hashing out deals, his eyes landed on Mr. Jeon. There was a sense of familiarity, just from Y/N's stories. Jimin tried to recall where he might've seen Mr. Jeon in Y/N's old pictures, but the details were a bit hazy.
As the negotiation peaked, Jungkook was officially pronounced as the CEO of JKH+JJK MedTech. A deal-breaking that produced a piece of revolutionary news in the medical technology world. JKH MedTech has been bought over after bagging a 900 Million dollar deal.
Amidst the corporate whirlwind, Jimin sensed a shift in his role, surpassing the boundaries of colleague and friend. As change rippled through JKH+JJK MedTech, Jimin found himself on the verge of unknown territory, contemplating the new chapters ahead alongside the newly appointed CEO, Mr Jeon.
As the news settled, Jimin found himself piecing together the puzzle of Jungkook's identity. Memories of Y/N's stories and glimpses from old pictures entangled, creating a clearer picture of the man. In quiet moments, Jimin reflected on the enigma that was Jungkook. He wondered about the experiences and motivations that led him to mastermind such an influential takeover.
The journey of unravelling the layers of Mr Jeon had just begun, leaving Jimin in anticipation of the implicit narratives that lay beneath the polished facade. Jimin decided to keep the newfound information to himself for the time being. Despite the revelations in the boardroom, Jimin doesn't want to immediately share with Y/N the significant role of her ex, Jungkook. Understanding the personal connections, Jimin decided to allow Y/N the space to process the changes without the immediate weight of this revelation.
As for Jungkook, he's satisfied with his pristine accomplishment. The year's worth of drudgery has finally blossomed, and he can't feel as satisfactory as he is now. Yet, there's more anticipation boiling in the pit of his stomach that there is still something else he's been yearning for, is here. Somehow, that sensation leads him to a scent. A familiar scent.
Little did he know, his ex-lover stepped into the main cubicle, the epicentre of daily activities, just a foot apart from the boardroom, to hand in a few reports. The only reason you made your way up to the 53rd floor was to hand in the monthly reports of your department. This was a monthly routine for all heads of departments, and you're not an exemption.
Jungkook convinced himself he was being delusional and shook the weird thoughts out of his brain. He coughed and continued his speech, "Good evening to all the staff and faculty involved in this deal. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work and dedication. As a token of gratitude, I've arranged a little gift for each of you. Keep an eye on your emails; you'll find details on how to redeem it there. Thank you once again for your outstanding efforts. Oh yes, don't worry, beloved staff. While I may be strict during work, there's nothing to worry about outside of that. Have a great day."
As the office continues to empty, Jungkook, the unannounced new CEO, decided to call it a day and head home . As he entered the same lift, he once again got reminded of a specific scent when he took a whiff of it. A detailed aroma of someone, something he had known for years. You took this lift down to your floor just 10 minutes ago. By this time, your perfume scent would've faded but, Jungkook found himself captivated by the familiar fragrance that still clung to the air.
The proximity of their paths remained unknown to both, setting the stage for an unexpected encounter that held the potential to redefine the narratives of their intertwined histories.
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5. p.m.
Fuckboy 😘🙄😧
Let's go back home together
Wait for me in the lobby 😘
You couldn't help but giggle at the chat message from Jimin, especially with his enthusiastic use of the '😘' emoji.
"Hey Minie, how did it go? Is everything alright? Are YOU alright? What's the decision? SPILL NOW!" The rapid-fire delivery of your thoughts left Jimin in stitches, and unable to contain his laughter, he dropped to the floor.
"Whoa, dude calm the fuck down, can you? Everything went well. Oh yeah, great news: I didn't lose my job. Um... the entire news will be informed in a few days. Man, I don't even know anything. Don't fucking ask me! Also, when the fuck were you this concerned about me? It's hilarious, Y/N. And I think that you've actually got a crush on me." He replied. "Sorry man, I kinda think I'm falling for you too." You said with a flirtatious tone. Despite the uncertainties, Jimin held onto the hope that this connection, filled with genuine moments and laughter, could be the anchor that steered them through whatever twists lay ahead.
There was a reason why Jimin didn't want to tell you anything. He prioritises your feelings and past relationships; he doesn't want to ruin your undying sanity. He wants you to act maturely when the story of the new CEO unfolds. He doesn't want to ever be involved with his friend's issues and wants to protect their peace. In his actions, he sought to shield you from unnecessary stress and maintain the tranquillity within your circle of connections.
As Jungkook neared his car, he noticed Jimin, the CEO's second assistant, and the mysterious woman getting into a vehicle together. The quiet evening amplified the sense of mystery as the car doors clicked shut. The soft glow from the car's interior painted a silhouette of intrigue. Jungkook, unsure about the woman's identity, felt a twinge of curiosity. Despite the intrigue of the moment, Jungkook chose not to dwell on the bizarre encounter.
While you and Jimin enjoyed a satisfactory bowl of cold noodles at home to end the day. In the quiet solitude of his car, the contrast between the routine of the road and the mystery of the evening played out on Jungkook's features. A simple drive through the illuminated city became a backdrop for the swirling reflections within. Curiosity warred with caution, leaving him at a crossroads. The road ahead blurred with the glow of streetlights, mirroring the anticipation that hung in the air. Jungkook's feelings, like the city's rhythm outside, hinted at a story yet to develop in the tranquil corners of the night.
Although he felt satisfied with the day, there was a lingering void in Jungkook's heart. The achievements and triumphs didn't fill an emotional gap. Despite the city lights passing by, a subtle ache remained beneath his content exterior, yearning for something more.
While nestled in the comfort of your bed, your very own cocoon, with a journal in your hands, you penned down the details of your day and reflected on it wisely. The soft glow of your bedside lamp painted a tranquil setting as you poured your reflections onto the pages. Today caught you off guard with unexpected waves of emotion and flashbacks. No, you didn't want to be reminded of your ex. You didn't foresee navigating through today with a heavy soul. Everything about today reminded you about Jungkook, someone who you loved. You've never been as unhappy or heartbroken as you are today. In fact, you were never reminded of him ever since 6 years ago. It's just that for the past 2 days, you've been getting a lot of reminders of him, his presence with multiple indications.
Call yourself crazy... you swore to yourself you could smell him today. You felt his presence. When you went to the 53rd floor to hand in the reports, a distinctive scent of someone you used to know wafted through the atmosphere. Despite its subtlety, the lingering aroma clung to the surroundings, a nostalgic echo that left you wondering if the past had briefly brushed against the present. But then again, anyone else could have owned the same perfume. Maybe you are just overthinking.
"Hey crush, can I enter?" Jimin chuckles while making his way to you.
"Hmm, sure, min." you hum as he sits beside you. "So... what's this rare occurrence about? Don't you fuck yourself at this hour, Mr Perfect Sculptured Body?" you giggle.
"Nah, already did that. Just came to check on you today. You must be so tired...did you sleep well last night?" he asked with concern.
"Woke up a hangover, that's all. How was your day, Minnie? You must be extremely exhausted as well. Why don't you sleep early today? It will help you for tomorrow's journey... I heard you've still got some things to do tomorrow. Heard it from the gossip gang." you state.
"Yeah, I should. Take care, Y/N, goodnight. You only heard that from the gossip gang, right?" he asked you cautiously as he earned a hum from you.
At least he was relieved that you weren't aware of anything else circulating in the boardroom. While not everyone knew about your ex's presence, the fear of potential leaks regarding the boardroom matters, especially Mr. Jeon's unexpected appearance, still lingered in the air.
"Hyung-ah, are you proud of me? I'm officially the CEO of JKH MedTech. That bastard definitely poured and sucked my whole energy today...he wanted a billion! Thank god I managed to negotiate! Anyway, I really don't know if I'm hallucinating or being delusional because I felt her presence today, her scent. My brain's kind of fucked now." Jungkook explained his day to his elder brother, Seokjin.
"Yeah, Kookie, I'm very proud of you...we all are. Jungkook-ah, listen to me, that perfume scent isn't just for her... she isn't the only one wearing it. It could be anyone using it. Please calm down, kook... I don't need you to be in this state. You are officially the CEO of JKH MedTech, soon to be JJK MedTech. You need to be focused and keep your priorities straight. I hope you understood my message." He says, earning a hum from his younger brother.
"Alright, Hyung. I feel like a complete idiot, don't I? Anyhow, I need you to come to my office tomorrow to transfer rights. I trust you completely to handle JJK MedTech. You've been the vice president for far too long; it's about time you take the reins as CEO." Jungkook explains to his elder brother that he can't retain the CEO position for 2 whole establishments. Therefore, Seokjin has been appointed to operate the main centre while Jungkook directs the newly bought/merged JKH MedTech.
As the night falls, Jungkook returns to the solace of his home, seeking comfort in the familiar. The soft glow of city lights casts an ethereal atmosphere. As he opens his sketchbook, the pages unfold an illustrated description of your relationship. His sketches capture joyous moments, frustration, and the undeniable chemistry that defines your connection. The inked lines on paper convey a tale of two souls entangled, steering the highs and lows of love.
Making his way to the window, Jungkook reflects on the city lights below. In the quiet moments, he confronts the ghost of arguments past, accepting the lessons learned and the maturation that emerged from the friction between you.
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Morning arrives, bringing a fresh start for both Jungkook and you. Jungkook wakes up to the gentle sunlight filtering through his curtain. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, you are already outfitted and glad to embark on a fresh day. The rhythmic buzz of the city's morning rush escorts you as you steer through congested streets and busy intersections. The scent of street vendors' offerings mingles with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from nearby cafes, defining the city's morning rhythm.
As Jungkook prepares for his last day as a CEO at JJK MedTech, he prepares important documents to finalize the rights over JKH MedTech. Despite feeling saddened by the prospect of leaving the company – his own empire that he mightily built – Jungkook willingly embraces this decision, recognizing the necessity of this new chapter in his professional journey. He believes his role at JKH MedTech will be crucial in producing high-quality service and medical innovations.
"Kookie, you wanted to see me?" says the vice-president, Seokjin also known as his older brother.
"Yes, Hyung, I wanted to say a few things to you privately. How do I start? Your leadership has been a guiding force, shaping the company's success and also my own growth. Your wisdom, dedication, and genuine care for the team have left a memorable mark. I want to personally thank you for being more than a mentor and a brother. Your support has been unwavering, and I am grateful for the opportunities and insights you've shared. The trust you've placed in me has been a driving force in my journey here. I am no good when it comes to these types of talks but I hope you felt the sincerity conveyed." he says to his brother who is tearing up at his warm words.
"Thank you, Kookie. I appreciate your words. I adore you." says Seokjin while yanking his younger brother into a brotherly hug as Jungkook chuckles amusingly at his older brother's immature behaviour.
"Should we announce this news to the faculty now? Oh yeah, we have a farewell party at 5 tonight as well. Make sure to come with Jennie." Jungkook states.
While waiting for time to pass, Jungkook spends his hours wisely wrapping his desk items and cleaning the office. He silently chuckles at the picture of him and his brother at an amusement park that has always been placed on his desk. Little Jungkook was enthusiastic about roller coasters. Meanwhile, his elder brother was always screaming and hated roller coasters.
"What a stupid guy...he and Hobi Hyung are the same," he mumbled.
"Are these headlines good enough, Mr Jeon?" asks the editor
"Good enough to me. Remember to release the covers and copies tomorrow." Jungkook states
"Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, as I stand before you with a charming mix of reflection and anticipation, I bid farewell to an extraordinary chapter of my journey. It's been a delight to share laughter, challenges, and triumphs with this exceptional community.
But before I dive into my farewell, let me extend my heartiest congratulations to someone who is not just a colleague but also my brother, Seokjin. With his charisma, wisdom, and a dash of undeniable charm, he's stepping into the CEO role with finesse. I have full confidence that under his leadership, our company is set to reach new heights. To my incredible colleagues and friends, thank you for being the heartbeat of this organization. Your passion and dedication have made this journey truly special. The camaraderie we've built is something I'll carry with me always.
As I venture into the next chapter, the excitement is palpable, and the gratitude is immense. The friendships formed here are not easily forgotten, and for that, I am truly thankful. To our clients, partners, and stakeholders, your trust and collaboration have been the driving force behind our collective success. In the spirit of gratitude, I extend my deepest appreciation to this remarkable team. Each of you has added a unique spark to this journey, and I am genuinely thankful for the shared moments.
So, as I say my farewells, let's carry the spirit of companionship and excellence forward. May your paths be paved with success and fulfilment.
Cheers, and let the good times roll!" Jungkook says with a charming smile.
He feels sad to leave the empire he has built on his by blood, sweat and tears for the past 6 years. Yet, within the corridors he departs, the indelible imprint of his journey remains – a lasting legacy in the company he nurtured into an empire.
"It's been a pleasure working with you, Mr Jeon. Till our paths align again," says Mrs Jung, his senior staff. "I hope you achieve the same success with JKH. I'm sure the faculty there will be delighted to have you as their boss. You are definitely a great person, inside and out. Don't be too harsh on yourself, okay? If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."
"Thank you, Hyunie. Your dedication to building this empire will always be etched in my memory. It's been an incredible journey, and your efforts have played a key role in our success." he says, earning a hug from his elder staff.
Amid the farewell, Jungkook finds himself surrounded by familiar faces, each representing a unique contribution to the success of the company. There are moments of laughter, heartfelt embraces, and even a few impromptu speeches from colleagues expressing their gratitude for Jungkook's leadership.
As the night progresses, the atmosphere shifts between nostalgia and anticipation. Jungkook navigates through the crowd, taking the opportunity to personally thank key team members, share a few more stories, and create lasting memories on this unforgettable night of transition. The air is filled with a combination of celebration, reflection, and the undeniable excitement of what's to come.
As the new day sets, you prepare to bid your boss goodbye and welcome your new one. As a symbol of appreciation for your boss, Mr Daehyun, the faculty and upper management decided to hold a farewell party for him. Same as Jungkook's case. It's a bittersweet feeling for you, especially. Daehyun has always treated you as his child, guided you when you first joined the company and stood up for you during hard times. You feel sad, particularly today, not only because this company has lost a piece of it but also because you are uncertain about future organizations and the new CEO's way of dealing with issues.
Nevertheless, you divert your overthinking mind to something to look forward to, the party. You are enthusiastic about the party as it hasn't been quite a while since the organisation arranged an event involving good food and liquors.
You chose a stylish yet relaxed getup that struck the right balance between professionalism and comfort. You wore a chic, ankle-length jumpsuit in a muted shade of burgundy, giving off an effortlessly sophisticated vibe. The jumpsuit featured a cinched waist, providing a flattering silhouette. You also paired the jumpsuit with fashionable ankle boots in a matching colour, adding a touch of trendiness to the outfit. You swept your hair into a loose, low bun, adding an element of laid-back elegance. A light coat of makeup accentuates your features, allowing natural beauty to shine through your face. In fact, you aren't that big of a makeup fan...that's why you always opt for simplicity.
"Wow, Y/N, you look... stunning," Jimin says as he is stunned at your look, simple yet elegant.
"Well, you aren't that bad either, you know? That black blazer looks very good on you," you say as you fix his tie that was placed crookedly.
"Do spare me a dance tonight, amour," he says as he brings your left hand to kiss it.
Hearing Jimin's words, a wave of warmth washed over you, a bittersweet reminder of times past. It was a peculiar sensation—comforting yet tinged with a hint of nostalgia. Jimin, with his knack for saying just the right thing, had unintentionally evoked memories of Jungkook.
It was how the words were delivered, perhaps—a certain sincerity, a depth you hadn't realized you associated so closely with your ex. These memories... long tucked away, surfaced softly, painting your thoughts with shades of what used to be. It was a gentle reminder of the connection you once shared with Jungkook.
"Sure, Minnie."
"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention for a moment. As we gather here today, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we've embarked on together. It's not every day that one gets to address such a talented and dedicated group of individuals at their own farewell party. From my very first day at this company, I knew I was part of something special. Your commitment, creativity, and passion have not only propelled our projects to new heights but have also made me a better leader and, more importantly, a better person.
I want to extend a special thanks to our heads of departments, including the remarkable Y/N. Your leadership, expertise, and unwavering support have been the backbone of our success. It is your vision and dedication that have steered this company through challenges and towards our achievements. Each of you has played a pivotal role in shaping the culture and future of our organization, and for that, I am eternally grateful. As I step down from my role, I do so with a heavy heart but also with immense pride. Pride in what we've achieved together and excitement for what the future holds for each and every one of you under new leadership. Change brings new challenges but also new opportunities, and I have no doubt that this team, guided by the strong leadership of our department heads, will continue to excel and innovate in ways we can only imagine.
To everyone, thank you for your support, your hard work, and the countless memories we've created. It's been an honour to lead such an exceptional team, and I leave knowing that the legacy we've built together is in capable hands. Remember, the end of one chapter marks the beginning of another. Let's embrace this transition with optimism and continue to support each other as we move forward. To conclude, I'm not just saying goodbye; I'm saying thank you. Thank you for the laughter, the late nights, the successes, and even the setbacks, for they have all contributed to the extraordinary tapestry of our time together. As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned and the friendships forged here. I look forward to seeing all the incredible places you will go and the remarkable things you will do.
Here's to new beginnings, to the future, and to all of you, especially our heads of departments who have shown such remarkable leadership and commitment. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Cheers!" says Mr Daehyun
"Cheers! We will miss you, Dae," you say
As the party progresses, you and your best friend, Daisy, stick to each other, finding comfort in each other's presence. You both catch up regarding personal life and management gossip. You hum at her yapping for the past hour, constantly spilling information and 'tea'. You love her so much. She's the sincerest friend you ever had- you treasure her. Partly also because she's straight-up frank and has an unfiltered sass.
"This new boss... I've no clue about his name. He never mentions his name! All what I know is that his name is Mr. Jeon... nothing else. It's fucking weird! But he's definitely drop-dead gorgeous his body... oh my goodness!"
"Mr Jeon?" you say, partly shocked. Your voice carries a mix of surprise and disbelief, echoing slightly in the crowded room as you address the familiar name. Internally, you battle with a rush of memories and emotions, the name 'Mr Jeon' acts as a stimulus that brings your past vividly to the forefront of your mind. The logical part of you attempts to downplay the significance, reminding yourself that 'Jeon' is not an uncommon surname. It could be a coincidence, another person entirely unrelated to your past. Yet, the small, hopeful, or perhaps apprehensive part of you can't help but wonder if fate has decided to weave your paths together once more.
You don't know anything about him. You've blocked him everywhere for the past 6 years. You've got no clue about him... at all. You don't know what he's up to, you don't know what he works as, you don't know if he has managed to chase his dream, you don't know.
"Care to join me on the dance floor?" says Jimin as he shakes you out of your thoughts
"Yes... of course, Min."
As the evening unfolds into a lively affair, Jimin extends his hand towards you, a silent invitation to join him on the dance floor. With a mixture of excitement and slight nervousness, you accept, placing your hand in his. The music, a gentle yet upbeat melody, sets a perfect backdrop for this moment. You find yourself caught up in the joy of the moment, your steps syncing with his as if you've done this a thousand times before. Around you, the party continues, but in this bubble of space on the dance floor, it's just you and Jimin sharing laughs and steps, the rest of the world momentarily forgotten.
"Thanks for the dance, Minie, I loved it."
"No worries, Y/N, enjoy this night to your fullest, okay? The future's never certain. I'm always here for you if you need anything."
In Jimin's words, he's subtly hinting about your ex, whose presence is soon to be inevitable.
Actually...Mr Daehyun invited Jungkook to the party to introduce himself and get a golden opportunity to observe and engage with the team in a less formal setting, allowing him to estimate the dynamics and morale of the workforce he would soon direct. But Jungkook kindly declined his offer as he wanted the company to enjoy their last day with their old boss instead of seizing the limelight instantly.
"Yeah, Minnie, I appreciate it."
While you were enjoying the party, Jungkook, on the other hand, was preparing for his upcoming arrival at JKH tomorrow. He meticulously reviewed the resumes of the upper management, containing directors and heads of departments – a list that prominently featured your name.
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As you and Daisy make your way into the lobby, the air crackles with suspense. The receptionist informs you both about the day's crucial agenda, highlighting a morning brief and an introduction session by the new CEO, Mr. Jeon. The mere mention of the new CEO sends a wave of curiosity and speculation through the employees gathered in the lobby.
"I wonder what is the new boss up to today..."
"Same, don't know shit about him though fuck man, I would salivate at the sight of his body."
"Shut the fuck up, seriously! This is not the moment for your fangirling, especially when it's about your boss!" you say, earning a chuckle from Daisy.
As you make your way up to the 52nd floor, you're instantly informed of a meeting with the CEO at his office along with the upper management. This action was unexpected, to say the least. What is his plans? What does he want? Not that you are afraid of questions, you've always aced them - it's just the anxiousness building in the pit your stomach. You hope you're able to produce a good first impression.
While waiting for the meeting, you run a few tests in the lab alongside your more senior Pharmacovigilance Specialists to check the effectiveness of the latest drug and compile information on the volunteer's medical reports- to check their history before they can proceed with the new tests. The hum of the lab equipment accompanied your concentration as you delved into the intricate world of medical research.
As Jungkook gracefully entered the office, he responded to each greeting with a generous smile, exuding an air of professionalism that effortlessly commanded attention. His presence created an atmosphere tinged with both intrigue and respect. The unspoken acknowledgment of the attention he was given only added to the riddle surrounding the new leader at JKH Tech.
"Good morning, Mr. Jeon. I'm Jimin, your second assistant. I will be helping you today since the first assistant is on medical leave. Please let me know if you require any help or inquiries. As for today, we have no plans, only the briefing with the upper management as you requested." says Jimin with a welcoming smile
"Morning, Jimin. Thanks for the help. Um... could you help me in the office? I need to flip through the faculty profile and projects before I continue with the meeting. Please send an email to everyone stating that there will be a welcome dinner at 6 later. Formal attire."
"Sure, Sir."
As Jimin and Jungkook delved into discussions about ongoing projects and faculty profiles, the air in the room crackled with a blend of professionalism and the anticipation of getting to know each other. Jimin, fluent and well-versed in the daintiness of the projects, presented detailed information with a hint of pride in his contributions.
Jungkook listened attentively, absorbing the information and forming impressions of Jimin's expertise. The subtle undercurrents of their professional relationship were still in the early stages, with each project update serving as a stepping stone for a potential connection.
"I must say, you've got a brilliant way of explaining things, Jimin. The projects seem good so far. Could you tell me about any success stories within the team? Are there instances where someone played a pivotal role in achieving a milestone?"
"Sure, though there are quite a few of them, I'll share the recent one. Our most significant breakthrough was with Miss Y/N, the head of immunology/microbiology. Y/N played a pivotal role in a groundbreaking project where we explored innovative approaches to enhance the body's immune response. Her sharp insights and strategic thinking paved the way for the development of a novel immunomodulatory drug currently in the advanced stages of clinical trials. This experimental medicine, tentatively named Immunovita-K, holds great promise in revolutionizing the field. Immunovita-K aims to modulate the immune system with precision, offering targeted responses to various pathogens. The potential applications extend from bolstering vaccine responses to exploring novel therapies for autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases." says Jimin with a proud face
As Jungkook spoke, his eyes lingered on the project details, but the mention of Y/N added a layer of sentiment to his words. "Miss Y/N's contributions are truly commendable," he repeated, a touch of pride evident in his voice. "Immunovita-K seems to hold immense potential, and the dedication of our head of department is evident in the success of this project."
A flicker of nostalgia passed through Jungkook's gaze, memories of shared moments playing like a muted film in the background of his thoughts. He leaned back in his chair, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he continued, "It's clear that Y/N's expertise has played a pivotal role in steering our team towards success. I'm eager to see how Immunovita-K unfolds in the upcoming stages of the clinical trials."
"Her dedication to Immunovita-K has been exceptional, and the team is thrilled to have her leadership. If you'd like me to discuss any specific aspects or details with her, please let me know."
For Y/N, who continued her work in the lab, the boardroom discussions remained distant, yet the threads connecting her to the unfolding events tightened with each passing beat.
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Your lab work comes to a halt as you are reminded of a meeting from your phone alarm, clearly stating a new event in your schedule. In that brief moment of transition, you couldn't help but feel the weight of the impending encounter. What is even making you this nervous? You've never experienced anything like this before.
"Hey, let's go, it's time."
"Let's go, Daisy. Let's see if the boss is really as hot as you described him to be," you chuckle.
You're grateful to have Daisy and Jimin with you, actually. They stand by your side as colleagues and as pillars of support in your journey.
"Oh boy, you'll see."
"Daisy, I think you really need to shut the fuck up, especially during a meeting, okay? Y/N, how do you even bear with her? Fucking loud-mouth!" Jimin says frustratingly, earning a glare from Daisy.
"Both of you, behave!"
"Ok, mom." X2
As the anticipation builds in the meeting room on the 47th floor, you find yourself scuffling with an unexpected tide of anxiety, a feeling you can't quite identify. Fidgeting with your phone, you reflect on the notes for basic introductions, trying to ground yourself in the familiarity of prepared information.
The atmosphere intensifies as the upper heads start to increase. But it's the arrival of the new CEO that catches you off guard. When Jungkook enters the room, your eyes widen in an unpretentious shock. His presence which was once a distant memory, now stands before you in this moment. The realization hits, sending a jolt through your system, and for a moment, time seems to pause as you process the unexpected reunion.
No, you are not afraid of him.
Navigating this emotive turbulence is an unknown territory for you. It's not anger or sadness that shakes your core, but rather an overwhelming surprise. Crossing paths with someone you once held as a lover has stirred a disruption of emotions within you. You never entertained the thought that you would have to grapple with such sentiments. It's a collision of past and present, a meeting with a version of your history that you thought was neatly tucked away.
Jimin's reassuring smile became a beacon of support. His silent message, a simple "it's okay," resonated across the room, providing you with a comforting assurance that you aren't alone.
Jungkook, on the other hand, remains composed, his stoic expression giving away little. His eyes briefly meet yours, a subtle acknowledgement that seems to carry a weight of unspoken history. Unfazed by the surprise in the room, he takes his seat with an aura of authority.
"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I trust this early gathering has piqued your curiosity. Let me assure you, this is not a harbinger of impending trouble. As your new leader, I find it imperative to acquaint myself with the esteemed members of our upper echelons. Effective communication within our ranks is paramount. I invite each of you to present yourselves and provide insights into your respective departments. The floor is yours."
Intrigued, you can't help but secretly check him out as he settles in. His more robust and defined physique doesn't escape your eyes. A brief moment of eye contact adds more tension to the room, and you find yourself momentarily captivated by the mysterious aura he exudes.
As introductions unfold, Jungkook's conduct remains cold and businesslike. Yet, beneath that icy exterior, there's a real undercurrent of something more, a subtle shift in the atmosphere. When it's your turn to present, you maintain professionalism, describing your department and highlighting your innovative breakthrough research. This includes your recent development of a novel immunomodulatory drug.
Though Jungkook's expression remains stoic and cold, a burst of pride blooms through his chest, acknowledging his once-lover achievements secretly. If he could, he would've been clapping at your introduction. But he doesn't.
As the meeting progresses, you can't shake the sense of a shared history flowing in the air. Every interaction and exchange carries the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions. The once-familiar face now wears the mask of a stranger, and the clash between the past and the present adds an extra layer of complexity to the professional setting.
Jungkook's cold and distant approach doesn't go unnoticed, leaving you to grapple with a mix of confusion, curiosity, and a subtle undercurrent of unresolved feelings. The meeting becomes a battleground of emotions, each word and gesture a silent echo of a shared history that neither of you is ready to confront.
"Thank you all for your insightful introductions. I am truly impressed by the display of leadership and the remarkable breakthroughs within your respective departments. It's my pleasure to announce that we have a welcome party scheduled for tonight at 7, generously sponsored by me. Attendance is mandatory, and I look forward to further interactions and collaborations among the faculty. You are all dismissed." he says, ending the once-was, nerve-wracking meeting.
As the meeting wraps up, the air in the room crackles with unspoken tension, and you find yourself eager to escape the confined space. The reunion with Jungkook, unexpected and emotionally charged, leaves you yearning for a moment of solitude to process the whirlwind of emotions that now defines your professional landscape.
As you step out of the meeting room, your eyes intrinsically meet Jungkook's. At that moment, a whirlwind of unspoken emotions seems to pass between you two. The air crackles with tension as the weight of the past collides with the present, leaving you both suspended in a moment that holds more than words can convey.
"You knew?" you asked Jimin
"Y/N, I didn't know who he was until I recognized his face from your old pictures. I did not want to ruin your mood, and neither did I want to interfere between both of you. You both are old enough to be mature, to talk and to deal with things. I know it hurts. I know you both shared history, but you've got to deal with it now. He is your boss. You are going to see him very often, and by that, I mean for five fucking days per week! You can't just give up like that, you know?"
He acknowledges the complexity of the situation, emphasizing that he doesn't want to shatter your peace by revealing Jungkook's identity right away. His words underscore the reality of the professional dynamic you now share with your ex-lover, urging you to confront the inevitable and find a way to navigate this new chapter in your life.
"How, Jimin, how?" you sob,
Deep beneath your heart, the currents of conflicting emotions swirled. The unexpected encounter with Jungkook, now your boss, sent ripples across the surface of your composed exterior. Unresolved feelings, memories, and the stark reality of having to navigate a professional relationship with your past lover created a turbulent undercurrent within you.
You gasp.
"He already knew about me, didn't he? Was that why he wasn't surprised at the sight of me? For fucks sake!"
"Hey peeps soo-"
"What happened, Y/N? You good?"
"Yeah, I am. Don't worry!"
"She's fine, Daisy." Jimin chimed in, shooting you a reassuring glance.
You kept your emotions in check, not revealing the details of your past with Jungkook. Daisy, unaware of the complexities, carried on with her usual enthusiasm, avoiding any probing questions.
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"Yow bitch, you ready? Let's get wasted tonight!!"
"My goodness, Daisy!"
"Let's get wasted tonight, people!" you chuckle
You've reflected. You've thought about this situation multiple times today and decided to let things go with the flow. It might be rough to see your ex's face daily for 5 days in a row but you've told yourself you'd get used to it. It's been six years, and both of you have matured. The old memories resurface in the present, and there's no way to push them back.
Yeah, he totally broke your heart. You've broken his heart too.
You were manipulated, he was... everything was. The only thing you didn't know was the truth.
He found out, eventually.
"Alright, let's capture this moment," you say with a smile, bringing Jimin and Daisy into a friendly embrace. The camera captures the trio, frozen in a snapshot of companionship. Jimin flashes his signature grin, and Daisy, always the lively one, throws a peace sign.
As the shutter clicks, you feel a mix of emotions. The impending encounter with Jungkook lingers in your mind, but for now, you choose to focus on the present, cherishing the bonds you share with your friends. The photograph becomes a tangible memento, a reminder of a day filled with laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of companionship.
You decide to make a bold yet elegant statement for the formal party hosted by Jungkook. Choosing a floor-length gown, the dress hugs your curves in all the right places, showcasing your silhouette. The rich, midnight blue fabric is adorned with subtle sequins that catch the light, adding a touch of glamour to the ensemble.
The gown features a daring thigh-high slit, revealing a glimpse of your toned leg with every step. The back is open, adorned with delicate crisscross straps that add an alluring detail. The neckline is a modest V-shape, offering a sophisticated balance to the sultry elements of the dress.
Completing the look with a pair of strappy heels that accentuate the length of your legs, you opt for minimal accessories to let the dress take centre stage. A sleek updo and a hint of smoky eyeshadow add a touch of allure to your overall appearance.
As you enter the party, heads turn, and whispers of admiration follow you. The dress, with its combination of elegance and sensuality, ensures you stand out in the crowd, making a lasting impression on the attendees, including the mysterious CEO himself, Jungkook.
He was allured by your aura. Your thigh-high slit, open back, and V-shape neckline left him momentarily breathless. Jungkook, usually composed, felt a subtle warmth as he observed your confident entrance, appreciating the sophisticated yet attractive choice that seemed to enhance your natural magnetism.
As you entered the venue, your eyes instinctively scanned the room, landing on Jungkook, who was already present. Clad in a tailored black suit that hugged his broad shoulders and sculpted physique, the crisp lines accentuated every contour. The jacket was left slightly unbuttoned, offering a glimpse of his chiselled chest and well-defined abs.
"Managed to get the CEO's eyes on you, huh?"
"Daisy, it's nothing. I don't even find him attractive."
"Ok, liar!!"
"Shut up bitch, let's go find some fancy booze here," you say, earning an enthusiastic "lesgooo" from your best friend.
You were lying, actually. His magnetic aura captured your attention. He's changed but still is the same in so many ways.
"Omg, this champagne is so good! What brand is this man? I need to get this," Daisy says, half-drunk.
"Ask the bartender, asshole."
"Ouch, that hurt. Could you be kind to me for a day, at least?" Daisy says with a pout
"Screw y-"
Jungkook raised his glass, the gentle clinking sound echoing through the room, signalling the attention of the attendees, including you. The ambient chatter gradually subsided as all eyes turned toward the newly appointed CEO. The room fell into a hushed anticipation, awaiting Jungkook's words.
"Good evening, everyone. I want to express my sincere gratitude for joining us tonight to celebrate not only the success of our organization but also the incredible individuals who contribute to its growth. As we embark on this new chapter, I am thrilled to lead a team of exceptional talents."
Jungkook's speech was a blend of confidence, capturing the essence of the moment. His eyes scanned the room, occasionally locking with yours, perhaps a subtle acknowledgement of the intertwined past.
"To the future and the limitless possibilities it holds. Cheers!" Jungkook concluded, raising his glass higher, and the room erupted into applause, toasting to the endeavours that lay ahead.
As Jungkook gracefully moved through the crowd, engaging in conversations with each employee, you couldn't help but observe his interactions. His charm seemed effortless, a blend of charisma and authority that captivated those around him. You maintained a watchful eye, observing the way he navigated through the room, occasionally catching glimpses of familiar smiles and nods.
As you looked behind, you noticed Jungkook making his way to your group of friends, one of the last few left. Jungkook's gaze met yours as he neared, and there was a subtle acknowledgement that passed between you. You braced yourself for the encounter.
You've got to admit he's quite a charm... you've been observing his actions and behaviour since ever and least to say, you're impressed with his social skills.
"Hello, gorgeous ladies! May I introduce myself a little?" he said, earning a chuckle from your friends.
He extended a hand for a handshake, greeting each of your friends.
"I'm Jungkook, what's your name?"
"Daisy. Research Department!"
"Serena Woo. Clinical research associate."
And when he reached you, he smiled, "Y/N, it's been a while."
You felt a shiver down your spine as he uttered your name. A mixture of nostalgia and apprehension clouded the air. Jungkook continued, "I hope you're enjoying the party. It's good to see you again."
You managed a polite smile, "Likewise. Congratulations on becoming the CEO."
He nodded, "Thank you. It's been a journey. We should catch up sometime."
The conversation lingered, an undercurrent of unspoken history swirling beneath the surface.
Jungkook shifted his attention to your friends, smoothly blending into the ongoing conversations. As he engaged with each person, you couldn't help but watch the charisma he effortlessly exuded. Memories flashed before your eyes, of a time when his charm was directed solely at you.
Despite the festive atmosphere, an unspoken tension lingered. You grappled with conflicting emotions—curiosity, awkwardness, and a hint of longing. Jungkook's presence stirred a complex mix of feelings, and you wondered how this unexpected reunion would reshape the dynamics of your professional life.
Daisy, with a playful glint in her eye, decided to try her luck with Jungkook.
Daisy: "If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber. What do you say, Mr. Jeon?"
Jungkook, maintaining his composure, responded with a small smile: "Well, that's a unique one. I appreciate the creativity."
You caught between amusement and mild discomfort, couldn't help but chuckle at Daisy's bold attempt. The interaction added a light-hearted touch to the evening, momentarily diffusing the underlying tension.
As your laughter reached his ears, Jungkook couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in the atmosphere. A genuine smile played on his lips, and to your surprise, a pair of dimples made a fleeting appearance on his cheeks. It was a subtle detail. In that instant, you couldn't help but feel a peculiar sense of intimacy, as if his dimples whispered a silent acknowledgement of the shared history between you.
"Hey, y'all! How's it going? Hello, Jungkook, glad to see you here!" Jimin chimes in
"Good Minnie, just chugging on fancy booze." you chuckle as you lean into Jimin's embrace.
Jimin laughs along with you, enjoying the light banter. "Well, if it's fancy booze, count me in!" he playfully declares, raising his glass in a toast.
Jungkook, with his characteristic stoicism, joins the conversation. "It's a lively atmosphere tonight. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves."
You nod, taking a sip of your drink. "Yeah, Jungkook, you've thrown quite the party. It's nice to see everyone in a more relaxed setting."
Jungkook's gaze momentarily lingers on you, his expression unreadable. "Glad you think so. I wanted everyone to unwind a bit."
You're shocked, to be honest. You never expected Jungkook to act the way he is right now. After what happened between you two, you swore you'd never talk to him again. Yet, fate reunites you in a tricky situation where even seeing him is inevitable. Expecting a cold and detached encounter, you contemplate whether age has genuinely brought about maturity or if his professionalism is merely a shield for the shared history between you two.
"You cool?"
"Yeah, I guess so. He's different. Totally different now. He's so mature now... I never saw this side of him. We had a fucking disastrous relationship... obviously, I wasn't there to see him grow and develop to be a successful man." you say
"You've got this babe. I got your back."
"Oh yeah, Jiminah, could you not tell Daisy anything about us? I just don't want to make things awkward, you know?"
As the party nears its end, you all decided to call it a night.
"Goodnight, everyone. It was a pleasure meeting you all," Jungkook says with a polite nod.
"Goodnight, Mr. Jeon," your friends chime in.
As Jungkook turns to leave, he looks directly at you, his gaze lingering for a moment. "Goodnight, Y/N. Take care," he adds, his tone carrying a subtle weight, leaving you with a mix of emotions and unspoken thoughts.
As you, Jimin and Daisy make your way out, Jimin whispers, "That was something, huh?"
You nod, the encounter with Jungkook still fresh in your mind. "Yeah, unexpected."
Daisy interjects, "Well, it's just the beginning of many encounters with the new CEO. Get used to it, Y/N! He's so fucking hot man, take it allllllllllll-" She laughs, trying to lighten the mood.
In the quiet solitude of your room, you found yourself grappling with an indescribable feeling. It was as if the encounter with Jungkook had reignited a spark within you that you thought had long been extinguished. Instead of the anticipated anger or sadness, there was an unexpected warmth spreading through your chest.
You pondered over this sensation, questioning why the presence of your ex-lover, now the CEO, had this peculiar effect on you. It was as if the past, present, and future were colliding in a way you couldn't articulate. The once-familiar emotions that you had locked away seemed to be resurfacing, bringing with them a mix of nostalgia and an unspoken yearning.
The memory of his built frame, those broad shoulders and defined muscles, played on a loop in your mind. The subtle tension in his jawline, the way his suit clung to him, highlighting the contours of his body – it was impossible to dismiss the striking change from the boy you once knew to the commanding man he had become.
Despite the mixed emotions and the undeniable history between you two, there was an unspoken acknowledgement of the physical presence that still resonated between you. The encounter had stirred not only memories but also a heightened awareness of the person Jungkook had evolved into – a man whose formidable presence demanded attention, leaving an imprint that you couldn't easily shake off.
As you lay in the quiet darkness, you wondered if this was a mere reaction to the unexpected reunion or if there was something more profound at play. The spark, however indescribable, left you with a sense of anticipation, a feeling that hinted at the possibility of uncharted territories in the days to come.
"Yow, bad bitch, what are you thinking about?"
"Jimin, I-"
"Jimin, I feel... something I haven't felt in so long."
and, suddenly, her spark reignited.
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a/n: Oh my goodness! It's finally out!! Thank you to everyone who waited patiently for this to come out, I appreciate it. I wanted y'all to have the best version <3 I didn't find/stick with the characters I had in my mind a year ago and I felt we needed a much more mature version of the MCs and I'm happy to say that I'm very pleased with this outcome! Love yall!
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104 notes · View notes
tinydefector · 5 months
Yandere Pharma Mtmte x cybertronian reader,there may be Breeding kink
Medical Malpractice
I had alot of fun writing this one, turns out I may have a thing for the medical bots ^///^
Pharma x cybertronian Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warning: smut, breeding kink, medical malpractice, valveplug, workplace relationships, mention of a Corpse.
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Pharma Masterlist
They move around the medical bay, their optics linger on Pharma as they watch him work, the younger Decepticon medic hadn't anticipated what Pharma was like, he was an Autobot after all but he was nothing like an autobot. He scared them to a point with unethical means but if it meant they weren't in his firing line they couldn't careless. He was easy enough to work with, even polite at times when they were both working on patient's. He was a decent boss, that was their main reason for sticking around so long they kept telling themself. 
Pharma pauses in his work, delicately probing mechanisms within another patient's frame, to glance over at the young Decepticon observing him. His visor gleams with cool calculation as his sensors assess the them, noting every flaw and weakness surely embedded within that still-impressionable processor. 
"See something of interest, Decepticon?" he inquires smoothly, every syllable oiled with practised charm. A lesser medic may have snapped at them but he was all too aware of their lingering optics, concerned for battlefield adversaries within their precious medbay was not something he worried about, he knew how to play his assistant well. 
After all, gratitude can work wonders in ensuring willing participation in...certain experiments. And raw fear of him proves such a potent motivator, as well as arousal, as this one's rapid ventilations already begin to show.
His talonlike tools delve within the circuitry once more as he awaits the mech's response, optics glinting cold assessment behind the cordial visor. Few escape unscathed once they catch his notice, his assistant on the other hand was rather illusive and vexing. 
Their optics dart away as they move to the otherside of the medical room, they shift through different items taking notes of stock they would have to let Nickel know they needed, they try to ignore Pharma yet the lingering heat under their plating is beginning to get out of hand.  It makes their plating shutter slightly at the thought of having Pharma bending them over a surface.
They push the thought away before addressing the equipment they would be needing replacements for "Pharma we are going to need more Energon  infusers, welding rods and disk cutters" they call out while taking notes.
"Hmm, we are running through them quicker than I anticipated," replies Pharma smoothly. His helmeted head turns to track the scuttling Decepticon, digits never pausing in their work. "So dutiful of you to keep us well-supplied. I do insist upon only the finest tools for my...experiments."
Those cold optics watch keenly as the young mech shivers under the weight of his intense scrutiny. Fear truly is such a heady elixir for arousal, and one Pharma relishes cultivating with an artist's care.
"Do inform Nickel the list will need amending shortly," he murmurs softly. "Less we have more mishaps, for example..." A swift flick of his wrist, and the patient jerks upon the table, energon jetting from new seams as Pharma smiles behind his visor. He's quick at removing the T-cog. And spark before leaving the body to shut down. His burning gaze settles once more upon his skittish pet project who was twitching from need. "For now. But rest assured, Con,I believe you're in need of a check up" His tone whispers of rapture yet to be unveiled.
Their optics glance at him. "I have a name Doctor" they sneer lightly, they didn't appreciate Pharma's tone. They nearly gasp as one of Pharma's servos wrap around their waist. Whether  he was trying to unsettle them or arousal them, it had left their processor spinning.
"Indeed you do," murmurs Pharma silkily, taloned digits caressing the curve of the smaller Bot's waist. His field washes over them, cold yet stirring, the electromagnetic buzz of a predator toying with doomed prey.
His helm dips close enough that the heat of his vents teases against plating. " I can practically see the Transfluid leaking through your panel darling. Let us simply say you ignite...a passions that science alone could never sate."
With a cruel twist of his grip, he spins the Decepticon to face the operating table once more, pulling them flush against his chassis. His free hand running down their frame to their interface panel, “open it” he states.   
A gasp escapes them as they are pressed against his chassis. Their optics linger on the Corpse on the table that Pharma had been removing parts from. "Sir you will have to try harder" they state,whining loudly as his servos dig into their hips.
Pharma throws back his helm and laughs, the harsh grating sound of grinding metal. His grip only tightens further, denting fine plating as his thumbs press cruel circles into joint lines.
Leaning down to hiss silica-laced words directly against an audial, he purrs "don't tempt me, or i'll rip that panel off myself." They whine even more, bot shuttering lightly 
His free hand caresses up the panel excruciating care. Pharma wrenches their helm back to force wide optics upon the corpse's agonised rictus. "You'll come to understand: you have always, only, ever belonged to me, my dear. You can't even go a full luna cycle without me" He smiles. Lips press against their neck cabling. 
Another cry comes from them as Pharma moves them towards one of the medical berths. "Pharma!" They state optics wide. "Sir if someone walks in!" They try to protest only for him to lean down. Pharma savours each movement against his servos. Their interface panel snaps open, spike pulsing as their valve clenches around nothing.
 their writhing frame an epitome of beauty in unravelling. His engine rumbles in primal triumph to see one so spirited brought to glorious pieces beneath his touch, his digits tease their spike with a few lazy strokes. 
Let them see” he states, not worried. He knew too well that others avoided his medical wing and for good purpose. He drags his digits down their valve pressing in with subtle thrust.  
"Such eager want. your coding sings for me, does it not?" His glossa flickers out, tracing the shell of an auditory sensor. "An apt pupil, to learn so quickly, and taking rather well to the new programming"
Those skilled digits curl within, massaging nodes to wring gasping cries from his trembling assistant. His free hand roams their shivering form with surgical precision, mapping every sensitive wire and line.  
talons messaging cables in their neck before gripping their face. "So needy, and only for me. With how aroused you are I bet I hold your very spark in my hand, and you'd still be a moaning mess for me." His field swells in heady triumph, and he claims their lips in a crushing kiss.
They gasp as his own interface panel snaps open pressing his spike against the plating of their thigh. Their body shutters in anticipation, optics shoot down between their body's as Pharma teases them open more. 
"Primus, Pharma" they call shutter at his words. “Anyone would think you plan on cutting me open” 
Pharma utters a mechanical chuckle at their words, field igniting with surging need at the glorious sight beneath him. Their willing frame laid spread underneath him.
"Tempting, my sweet, rather tempting but no" he purrs, Three of his talons tease their folds, massaging slick fluid as he presses digits deeper before pulling them away. He brings his mouth to their audio, glossa flickering against the shell. "No you belong on my spike, I would have your every sensor calibrated to receive only ecstasy."He shifts, lining himself up. 
Its cruel thrust that has them fluttering around him, desperate sounds spilling from vocalizers. In one slow, relentless glide, he joins with them, deep groans of satisfaction leave him. Optics go wide as their body ceases up at Pharma's thrust. Doors on their back shutter as they arch into the table. They clench tightly around him as he thrust eagerly into them, pleading moans and static whines fall from them. They bite down against neck cables as they cling to him. "Pharma slow down please" they call out.  He claims their lips in a kiss of domination, firmly cementing your place by his side. Praise be to science’s name. 
Pharma rumbles his engine at their mewling cries, though gentles the punishing pace of his thrusts in deference to the request. His field swells to the envelope of their quivering form. A taloned hand strokes their cheek plate with deceptive tenderness. His helm dips to nuzzle the joining of their neck, glossa flickering over new indentations left by his denta. 
"To think, what scientific discoveries we might forge together," he rasps against your audial. "You seem rather receptive to me after the reprogramming and implant" Overload laps at their consciousness like swelling tidewaters, dragging them deeper under his spell. 
Each roll of Pharma's hips has him pressing deeper into them. He lifts one of their legs angling into them at a better angle, They arch into him. The amount of thoughts that run through Pharma's processor, to fill them, watch them bulge, attempt to breed his assistant, test his theory over sparklings. 
Pharma feels the younger mech tremble helplessly beneath his ministrations, sweet cries spilling like sacred hymns from their lips. Their unrestrained pleasure threatens to ignite his coding beyond all reason; never before has one responded so beautifully to the raptures of the flesh.
He captures their lips in a bruising kiss, glossa mapping their mouth with possessive fervour. "My perfect specimen," he rasps against swollen dermas. "Such glorious fulfilment you grant my research… you'd look rather stunning, carrier coding taking you"  Overload laps their awareness in tidal euphoria until the overload in a flurry of moans and cries.
His spike pressed relentlessly within their port, pulsing transfluid flooding their gestational chamber in thick spurts. Pharma moans, Pulling the quivering mech flush against his heaving chassis, Pharma savours the aftershocks, rocking into them as he breeds them. His field washes over their modified form, his coding commending the first stage of modifications for carrying to fruition.  His field sparks triumph as your gestation chamber swells further with transfluid.
"Let's hope the upgrades take hold, sweetness," he purrs against an audio, talons massaging newly-swollen tanks in languid strokes. His free hand caresses the still-filling chamber in utter rapture. "We might just have this figured out soon." His smiles against trembling lips.
"Exquisite" he purrs, talons digging into narrow hips to meet with one last punishing thrust. "To think, the discoveries we shall unveil."
His spike pulses frantically within their clutching valve, engines roaring. Never before has anything reduced the great Pharma to such feral, worshipful frenzy. 
He pulls their limp frame against his heaving chassis as ecstasy's aftershocks continue rippling through their quivering form. 
He nuzzles their faceplate gently, crooning praises as his field washes comfort and adoration over flushed components. "Rest now." Pharma places a reverent kiss to his assistant's forehead, servos mapping new bulges within their abdomen.
He pulls them up off the medical berth as he carries them over to his chair, he sinks down into it as they rest atop of his body, servos trace their back struts as he hums in contentment. It seemed only time would tell if the new modifications would Yield success. 
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joons · 2 years
“The social media gamification of community”. I’m obsessed with this. Do you mind elaborating on it?
When your primary community is online, the normal incentives we have to get along with a diverse group of people are no longer in play. The whole idea of manners is that you are signaling to your neighbors that you are not insane, that you are safe, that you are willing and able to assist them if there's a problem, and you hope they will do the same for you. In a small community, whether it is a workplace, a church, a small town, an apartment building, or a subway car, you are expected to maintain a certain level of politeness and care for other people, because we are social creatures who get spooked in large groups and want to rely on some kind of script for how to behave in ways that won't get us kicked out of the group. We smile wordlessly, we say "hello," we don't blare loud music, we step outside to smoke, we call when someone has died, we hold open doors, we intervene if someone seems uncomfortable, and if we have a real issue with someone, we are forced to confront them about it directly, while trying to be honest, direct, and professional. There are alternatives if we think someone is really harmful, like reporting to the police, or a whisper vine where the people who need to know about their behavior know it. But in general, you cannot get away with spreading lies about someone - or cutting someone off, or being really rude, or refusing to do the small things that allow us to assure each other that we're all fine - without seeing, in an IMMEDIATE, physical sense, the consequences. Something as small as littering will show in our environment. Someone flipping you off unsettles you, even if they're a stranger. And they can see your reaction. They can see the reaction of the people around you, or those of their friends, who might say, "Hey, knock it off." There's basically a shared need to make the space into a strong network, one that helps as many of its inhabitants as possible, where they are safe and where everyone has a stake in not going apeshit, if only because there are people in the vicinity who might punch them for being awful.
We don't get any of that on social media. We can delete people very quickly from our lives without them even knowing. We don't have to face their families, or their disappointed faces when they find out they've upset us. We don't have to even deal with our conflicted feelings as much because we don't have to be reminded of it. If someone annoys us, we can take a video of them, upload it, and immediately get tons of positive feedback from people who don't know the person involved, don't care what will happen if they laugh at them, and will make YOU feel great for being antisocial and cruel to a neighbor. Because it's not happening in front of them. It's at a distance. It makes you feel like a reporter instead of a fellow citizen. And gradually what happens in this isolated, digitized world becomes more important than what is happening in front of you. You don't really "NEED" the people around you, you feel, to survive, so why should you treat them kindly? Why should you compromise on your own preferences, why should you try to reach an agreement that will make everyone feel like they had an input in a difficult situation? You are used to tailoring your own experience, and it's fine to take what is happening in a small town and turn it into content that the entire globe can pick apart without having to live with the fallout.
tl;dr touching grass is so good for you because it reminds you that you are a person who needs others and you can't get in the habit of modding your life to avoid any difficulties because that will just make you stale and unable to grow and make living in the physical presence of people unbearable because everyone is playing to social media instead of looking into someone else's eyes beside them
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trinketfairy · 3 months
Your charitable donations will be double rewarded by God in your life and your eternity.
i just want from you to have 5 minutes from your time to read my story .. please
Donate if you can
Reblog if you can’t
Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
This is a verified fundraiser for Tahani El-Shorbaje, her husband Wissam El-Shorbaje, and her four children from Gaza.
Once a university student studying chemistry and digital marking and working at the university as an assistant professor, Tahani lost her job due to the genocide after all of the universities in Gaza were destroyed. Now, her and her family must evacuate to Egypt to keep themselves safe and so that Tahani can start a fresh life.
Please donate what you can and share
$14,336 USD raised of $50,000 goal
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
and what is tf without its duplicitous little guys...
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[ID: Starscream framed in the doors of the decepticon base, others looking on. Caption boxes: As Starscream departs, his fellow decepticons look on many thoughts pass through their minds… Thoughts that go unsaid for now, thoughts that will smoulder, thoughts that say Starscream was right... Treacherous thoughts! And Starscream smiles! END]
its tfuk storyline THE ENEMY WITHIN, which spans from no 13 to 17! dang. spring 1985. this posts a bit beefy but also deeply silly :D 👍
Script: Simon Furman art: John Ridgeway (13) Mike Collins (14-17) Colours: Gina Hart Letters: Richard Starkings Editor: Sheila Cranna Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee
Well. its time i enter the den of that snake who haunts my tf experience, simon furman. and as i still dont have digital remastering to complain about. may i just say. i cannot stand getting so much preamble about how great these comics are, how legendary this writer, how influential this run is, etc etc before youve even let me see a single line he wrote. and i find this a perfectly tf fan style behaviour... that and gushing rapid fire and at length about future plot points, that i, as first time reader. HAVE NO FUCKING CONTEXT FOR. keep it real tf fandom.
context, production and continuity notes only please, if there was any interesting quotes from creatives, process notes, art details and lore fuckery to be explained, might i suggest. AFTER THE FUCKING COMIC.
[i walk off stage grumbling] turtles wouldnt treat me like this-- ALRIGHT START THE SLIDE SHOW
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[ID: Megatron and Starscream yelling at each other. Megatron: My orders will be obeyed without question, Starscream. I will not tolerate these attempts to usurp my authority… Starscream: Ha! There comes a time when even the mightiest rulers must be challenged. Megatron. Your plan to wait and observe is both weak and stupid… We must strike now and destroy utterly our enemies, the Autobots! END]
calibration check: COMPLETE
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[ID: Ravage skidding to a stop, outside the Decepticon base. Its a graceless and very cat like pose. He's thinking "...Outside! A barren, featureless desert and I'm being chased by someone who can become a fighter jet! This may call for a major reassessment of my loyalties!" END]
god SOMETIMES hes a funny cat....
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[ID: Action panel, Starscream streaking low. Trailing end of his sentence "...Gone?" Ravage is popping out from ground calls out "Surprise, SUCKER!" END]
and hes got JOKES?
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[ID: Starscream standing on a rocky cliff, facing away, musing to himself "Hmm, a pity. Ravage would have made an excellent ally. Still, I must thank him for one thing..." END]
this is just here cause...damn if i cant hear that in perfect screamer voice. 👍
anyway brawns been in a workplace accident
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[ID: Pov shot, in a wobbly line style, as if the viewer, Brawn's, vision is swimming. Prowl, Windcharger and Bee are standing over him. Bee: Brawn..? Brawn? Look! He's opening his eyes. He's all right. Soon have him back to work! END]
shaking my head. someone get the union rep. also i just realised that isnt prowls torso. thats windcharger??? whys he uncoloured lol.
and he nearly kills a coworker and gets outta dodge
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[ID: A hole in a metal wall, warped and torn. Brawn silhouette seen walking out of it, to the wilderness outside. His unusual and blocky toy model shape adds to this tableau. END]
this image. is so beautiful. your laughing, he almost killed someone and your laughing? i am... im imagining the little asscheeks, u know like the meme?
end disc 1. (no 14)
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[ID: Large dramatic illustration of Ravage, crawling through the desert, one injured leg leaving a trail behind him. He yells "STARSCREAM! I'll see you destroyed for this! I'll make you suffer for daring to attack me and for not making sure that you'd finished me off!" END]
HOT CAT. special delivery did anyone order the image of the hot cat.
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[ID: Megatron appearing before Ravage, wreathed in a beam of light. Ravage looks up and is stunned in the corner. "M-Megatron?" Megatron: We have returned just in time-quickly, Ravage, which Autobot did this to you? Ravage: N-not… Autobot… was… END]
i love this panel. its like hes the patron saint of furries. mother megsy comes to me. WHO DID THIS TO U. booktok ass.
anyway we got two bots on a rampage
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[ID: Caption box: The traffic cop fled, but already Brawn had turned his attention to the car. Brawn speaks to the car "Well? You're free! Off you go, then…" A beat panel, as the car obviously does nothing. A close on Brawn's clenched fist, which is very simple/abstract. He rages "You ungrateful imbecile! If you won't take that brand of freedom…" Driving his fist down into the car, crumpling it. "TAKE THIS!" END]
damn king. okay. i love his little fist. i love they drew the fuck outta this fucking THING
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[ID: A stylish illustrated panel on a human fighter pilot, completely obscured by the large visor and oxygen mask on their helmet. Outside the cockpit glass, and reflected in their visor Starscream is flying pass, seeking missiles trailing him. The pilot screams "NOOO!" END]
GOD DAMN. also. [pattern recognition activates] fdghjd the way only three fingers are visible on that hand, and how thick they are. turtle hand.
(no 15) oh rampage over. bummer!
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[ID: Caption box: …Plunging the unprepared Starscream into a wild tail spin! Over the desert, he's spiraling downwards, tail wings on fire, streaking smoke behind him. He yells "Screee! S-sensory overload! C-can't handle it!" END]
cheers mate.
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[ID: A sleek silver robot, the ancient Cybertronian "Tornado". The design has a mix of boxy transformer legs, hips and chest, but shapely arms, waist and calfs. He's on the ground, propped up on his arms, twisted at the waist, and legs stretched across the page, very vintage scifi cover style. END]
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[ID: Megatron on the video screen at the Autobot base. Megatron: So you see, it seems we have a mutual problem… Do you not agree with the simplicity and neatness of my solution? Optimus: Perhaps, but it remains to be seen if Brawn is willing to participate in such a trial… END]
what the fuck is wrong with you two... skype ur enemies!!! i do like that toy model oppie looks like hes permanently squinting in suspicion
theyre pitting their loose canons against each other... (hmm. phrasing.) anyway brawn is healed of his work place accident rage imbalance but they dont. trust him now? and megs just wants screamer dead lol. this optimus is a lot more... cryptic, or. not harsh persay. just cuts the bullshit. interrupts people. gives orders. the fact that he becomes less friendly and chatty when not usamerican... IS. pretty funny.
(no 16) normal duel to the death things
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[ID: Brawn taking cover in the desert, as Starscream flies above. Brawn thinks "What does it take? I'm running out of ideas and stamina - If i don't finish this soon, he'll nail me for sure!" END]
mm hmm. have you tried switching positions
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[ID: Brawn collapsed on his front, propped up on his arms, at the mouth of a cave. Starscream flying above calls out "And now I have the pleasure of finishing you off!" END]
oh! okay looked like it worked
(no 17) happy endings for everyone (?)
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[ID: Caption box: But no hint of emotion is shown by Optimus Prime - His expression is unfathomable. Dark and moody close-up on Optimus, who, naturally, doesn't have much of a face to emote with anyway. END]
i mean... i should think so. ive always said that about him
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[ID: 1. Starscream goes down in fire and smoke, Ravage, in the small bottom corner, thinks "HA! 'Highflier!'" 2. Megatron laughing heartily, eyes closed and grinning widely, "Hahaha's" written behind him. He says "Forgive my exuberance, Ravage but this little episode has resolved itself so neatly. We have destroyed an Autobot; taught Starscream the error of his ways, and given you your revenge on him." END]
and hes STILL got jokes. you know what. this is a beautiful friendship they crafted. the ruler and his loyal spy. a spy who tells shitty jokes and the jovial plotter. okay. cute. fun. extremely funny that sounders isnt relevant to it in the slightest, also.
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[ID: 1. Mirage and Brawn propped in a doorway, at the Autobot base. Mirage holds up Brawn by an arms and around the back, Brawn leaning on the doorway. Two Autobots in the fore are in shock, one asks "B-but Brawn? We saw..?" Mirage replies "You lot going to stand there stammering, or are you going to give us a hand?" 2. Brawn now seated, leaning back, Mirage leaning forward, a hands tenderly resting on Brawn, as they look at each other. Various Autobots looking on. END
gee mirage how come u get all the minibot baddies... why the fuck is this so tender......
anyway this is a little. meandering. and strange. probably not as. completely off the wall out of no where evocative moody dream like emotional drama. as man of iron. but still leagues better than 1-4. lol. and they gave me a lot of vectors for robot yaoi. apparently.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Life in Afghanistan has gotten perpetually worse for Afghans living under Taliban rule for the last three years as the humanitarian crisis continues to escalate, rights for women have all but vanished and Kabul remains essentially shut off from the international community.
A quarter of Afghans face "acute" food insecurity, more than half the nation requires humanitarian assistance, and according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), nearly 70% of the country is "subsistence insecure," meaning they do not have reliable access to basic resources like food, water, housing or health care.
After the Taliban takeover of Kabul on Aug. 15, 2021, the nation’s economy "basically collapsed," according to the UNDP, in large part because international funding through government donor plans, like the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, were shut down.
The Taliban has further exacerbated its own economic crisis by propelling its extremist ideologies and enforcing oppressive bans on women by barring their access to the workplace or education. 
In three years since Washington concluded its "War on Terror," many have questioned whether life in Afghanistan is worse than it was before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S. and its subsequent invasion.
"If it's not worse, it's heading in that direction quickly," Michael Rubin, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and expert on security issues in the Middle East and South Asia, told Fox News Digital.
The Taliban has not only reinstated harsh bans on women, it has also brought back corporal punishment through public floggings and group-enforced executions. Additionally, the Taliban's supreme leader, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, in May threatened to reinstate stoning women to death for adultery – a Taliban punishment on women that was never fully eradicated even during the U.S. incursion. 
"The biggest difference between now and pre-2001 is the Taliban are much better resourced," said Rubin, who spent time with the Taliban before the 9/11 attacks.
Rubin said that even though the Taliban are not directly funded by international humanitarian groups, it has found ways to siphon off funding for its own gains. 
The Taliban marked the three-year anniversary of the takeover of Kabul in a parade on Wednesday at Bagram Air Base – formally the largest U.S. military base in Afghanistan – while showing off U.S. military hardware that had been abandoned following the withdrawal.
While neglecting any mention of the hardship Afghans face, speeches championing Taliban efforts to squash opposition to the extremist group were flaunted, along with a reference to Afghanistan’s continued isolation from the international community.
"The Islamic Emirate eliminated internal differences and expanded the scope of unity and cooperation in the country," Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir said in reference to a term the Taliban uses to describe its government, according to an AP News report. "No one will be allowed to interfere in internal affairs and Afghan soil will not be used against any country."
Former U.S. military machinery abandoned at the airbase like helicopters, tanks and vehicles were displayed alongside soldiers holding light and heavy machine guns.
"The Taliban holds these parades yearly to rub their victory and our defeat in our face," Bill Roggio, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and founding editor of "The Long War Journal," told Fox News Digital.
Afghanistan has largely remained an international pariah over its human rights violations. But even as some countries have begun to allow for diplomatic engagement with the insurgent group, Western nations remain highly concerned over how Afghanistan has once again become a haven for terrorist organizations.
"Afghanistan is far more dangerous today than it was prior to 9/11," Roggio said. "The Taliban is in full control of the country, and it is sheltering and supporting al Qaeda and allied terror groups."
Roggio said al Qaeda is once again running training camps in at least 12 provinces across the country with very little internal resistance.
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yellow-computer-mouse · 2 months
Your charitable donations will be double rewarded by God in your life and your eternity.
i just want from you to have 5 minutes from your time to read my story .. please
Donate if you can
Reblog if you can’t
Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
Of course I can read your story. I'll help however I can.
Tahani has a husband and three children, and she studied chemistry and digital marketing as well as working as an assistant in a university. Israel bombed all universities in Gaza, leaving her to start from scratch.
Please reblog, share, and donate if you can!
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Sorry if this is intrusive but I have some disabilities and I really like history, is archives hard for you to do?
The usual caveat of I'm a north american who works very broadly but still mostly anglophone archives, I haven't finished a library degree and while I've got a shit-ton of experience, I'm not an infallible expert. And while I do experience disability, I am white presenting, cis, and I do not present as queer. That said, onwards and upwards.
It can be hard for me to do. It really is going to depend on where you work and what the nature of your disability is. Archivists who work in smaller institutions often have very little help and it can be very challenging but those who work in larger institutions might have more access to assistance. Right now, I'm by myself but even while I was casually trying not to bleed to death and my boss was worst off, I made a choice and got up on ladders and down in sepulchers. But I drew a line around cemeteries when it began to fuck with my lung health and things that could truly harm me.
But I am also extremely fucking good at my job and what keeps coming up on my evaluations is that yes, I am limited in what I can do and I take way too much time off but I'm smart enough I compensate for it. That sounds arrogant but I'm not even kidding when I say someone has sighed and gone "you're lucky you're so smart" When I applied for yet another round of sick leave. That's not something I can always keep up and it will likely change over the course of my life but I'm early enough in my career that I feel I still have to max out my brain-cells and impress to satisfy my ambitions. Most people will have to compromise in some way eventually but libraries are often among the most accommodating workplaces. That's not universal, especially in public libraries in conservative areas but there are work-around, there are ways. You can make this work.
Archival science a very diverse field. There are reference archivists, digital archivists, and rare book archivists. Someone with asthma might have a very hard time in rare books but be really happy as a digital archivist. Someone with migraines might find digital archives harder but be absolutely thrilled to be a field archivist. It all depends on who you are, what you want to do and what you need for accommodations. If you ever want to drop into my inbox and be more specific or shoot me a DM, you're very welcome too. Diversity and sometimes the lacktherof in archives is something I've been forced to become an functional if not theoretical expert on and I would be more than happy to give you advice or if its out of my wheelhouse, redirect you to where you could. Having the audacity is a lot of how you get anywhere in a field like archives. We tend to be an antisocial lot and in a world where democratic access is becoming the key to the field, it is increasingly down to fortes fortuna adiuvat. Fortune favours the bold.
However you identify and however you need to be accommodated to get you the life you want, the career you want, the passions you want to follow and you yourself are always going to be worth fighting for.
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Your charitable donations will be double rewarded by God in your life and your eternity.
i just want from you to have 5 minutes from your time to read my story .. please
Donate if you can
Reblog if you can’t
Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
hello!!! i hope you are well <3 am more than happy to share your campaign.
tahani and her family are currently at $15,260 of $50,000 -- please donate if you can and please share their campaign.
before the war tahani was working as an assistant professor and was studying chemistry and digital marketing. she is hoping to evacuate herself, her husband and their three children to safety.
help them get to safety and rebuild their lives by sharing or donating!!!
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Hey Frank!
If you could design a perfect world for us all to live in, what would it be like? What would your life be like in this world?
I'm not sure I'd say "design" -- I'd want to change the world in a way to approximate a particular picture in my head.
I'm not sure I have any unified concept of "the good life." I can write specific stories about specific individuals, but I'm not sure what they have in common.
How about this:
Everyone lives in houses, big houses (rooms for individual family members, as opposed to "the whole family shares a bedroom").
Students/interns/volunteers have housing at places where they work, except they are treated much better there than in their own homes. This is seen as a huge perk by everyone who gets it. In particular, housing at workplaces is connected to the work they are doing; if you were a housekeeper in my ideal world, you'd be paid more, because you'd have a nicer room and stuff. (Would this make people reluctant to do the more "unpleasant" jobs, though?)
If you don't have housing at work, you can get housing nearby but at a lower cost, and with a lower income, because prices have been lowered substantially for most consumer goods.
People have plenty of spare time (how much is the question).
All consumable goods, especially food, are very cheap; most people don't work because they have enough money to live, and because they have other things they want to do, including (of course) reading and intellectual discussion.
People's lives aren't massively constrained by "survival mode" -- life is not massively hard, the quality of life is high, people are very civilized and have time to be nice to each other.
Employment is no longer the main mechanism for producing income, but it still exists.
People have hobbies, some of which involve making money, but that's not the main purpose of the hobbies.
Technology has made many things much easier to do, and people can use those technologies to achieve many more goals than they used to. (I'm envisioning some sort of [very advanced?] digital personal assistant.) The idea would be to give people the ability to use their time as effectively as possible so they could get the things they really wanted. People would find all sorts of ways to use this new leisure time, even when they're not "exercising" the new abilities.
Making the world more technologically advanced to this degree would make many things more possible, not just more convenient, but that's just my personal hunch.
For myself, I would probably teach math and live with many other people who were similar (professors, grad students, people who do non-academic things I'm interested in, etc.) at some giant sort of "collective house" thing. We'd have more couches and bookshelves than desks and computers, since we wouldn't really need the latter. Certain people would have rooms they could seal themselves in, but they would usually be doing work and not go in there unless they had to. (Or they would be eating things that produce flatulence.) If they were free, everyone would sit around, talking and reading and walking around and so forth.
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a-shade-of-blue · 1 month
Please, we suffered from bombing, hunger, and displacement💔. Help me get out of the war zone to safety🥲. You are our only hope for survival. Please donate or share the link.🙏
Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
This campaign is listed as #112 on the verified fundraiser list vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. Also promoted by nabulsi here.
Currently $18,618 USD raised of $50,000 goal.
Tahani studied chemistry and digital marketing and was an assistant professor at a uni that has now been destroyed. Tahani’s children have contracted hepatitis from water pollution. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza.
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ausmartlock · 10 months
Install Top Notch Digital Locks for Lockers to Safeguard Confidential Documentation
Nowadays, offices and commercial spaces install digital locks for lockers to keep confidential documents safe as well as avoid the risk of misplacement. Further, these smart locks have pincode or fingerprint that only individual could access. One could store important and personal stuff inside the locker without any hesitation. Experts provide locks with compact design, easy to install, user friendly, and visually appealing. These locks avoid the chance of key duplication and other problems so one could rest assured.
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Benefits of Installing Smart Locks for Homes & Businesses:
The main objective of installing top notch electric deadbolt is to upgrade the safety of your loved ones and limit the risk of potential theft or robbery. Moreover, these locks are feasible for both metal and wooden doors so one could simply opt for latest version of locks. Well known companies offer colour options for deadbolt that will enhance the overall look of the house or office doors.
Generally, these locks have facilities of digital pincode and fingerprint so one could choose their preferred version. According to verified portals, many companies offer compact locks that could easily fit in any doors without any glitch. Professionals are knowledgeable enough to advice customers over doubts and assist them for choosing appropriate locks that will fit in the criteria. They also guide employees on accessing electric locks with ease.
Basically, these locks are designed from high quality aluminium material that is resistant to wear and tear as well as could withstand dangerous external containments. These deadbolts are constructed durable and would last for longer period so one could avoid investing in new ones.
Reasons to Install Smart Digital Locks for Overall Safety:
Renowned companies offer diverse range of locks for homes, apartments, workplaces, offices, airbnb, and commercial spaces so one could choose depending on their requirements.
They provide card and key facilities with digital locks in case of lose or misplacement concerns.
As a part of support service they also provide repairs and replacement for locks so one customer could rest assured.
Furthermore, these locks are user friendly and come with different languages.
One should enquire with the best company, if they are planning to install digital locks for better safety.
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