#Discount Garage Door
Superior Overhead Doors Of Oklahoma
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bi-writes · 2 months
simon being protective of his mail order bride scratches all the right spots in my brain.
mail-order bride
you're almost relieved when you hear the knock at the door. you've been a holding a tree pose for a few minutes too long, and the girl hosting the online yoga class is starting to fry your eardrums with her too-perky voice.
you're sweating bullets, and her hair hasn't moved a fucking inch out of her ponytail.
you mute the television, wiping your forehead before making your way to the front door. you open it with a sigh, not really knowing what you expected to see, but it certainly wasn't the average-dressed man standing on the steps there.
you blink, raising a brow when his eyes roam over you, and you realize suddenly that you're wearing workout clothes, which is showing off a little more than you'd like to some rando standing on your doorstep.
"uh..." you look around a little. "i'm sorry, can i help you?"
he smiles. it's a little unnerving.
"right, yeah, i'm starting a business around here, and i wanted to ask if you've been needing any help with any fixtures around the house. i'm giving a 50% discount if you give me a rating on google."
you open your mouth for a moment, frowning.
"uhm..." you shake your head, "sorry. we don't need any help right now."
"you live here alone? sometimes it's hard to spot when the electric's on the piss, y'know? need a keen eye," he laughs, coming up one of the steps. you shake your head again.
"no, thanks."
he's a wiry man, but he's tall (not taller than your husband, but taller than you). you step back a little and start to close the door. he comes up the steps. out of the corner of your eye, you see the cat slip out between your legs, hissing a little as the distance closes between you and the man.
"wait! can i give you my contact info? i don't have a card, but i can leave you my--"
the sound of simon's truck pulling into the garage gets both of you to look behind. simon doesn't even park all the way inside. he throws the truck door open, stepping out of it, and the man on your steps moves back away from you immediately, making his way off the little porch.
simon looks huge, more so than ever. his steps are heavy, boots hitting the ground like a warning bell, and he's wearing just a short-sleeved shirt that's showing off those glorious fucking arms. you have never doubted simon's strength, but he looks like he could flip a car with the anger that's leaving him in heavy waves. you're surprised that you are not afraid; you just know somehow that simon won't touch you.
"oi!" simon yells, and the man definitely understands he picked the wrong fucking house to be a creepy salesman at when his knees nearly buckle as he tries to walk away. "where the fuck do y'think y'r goin', you twat?"
you sigh deeply, not realizing how much you were shaking until you notice your hands trembling around the doorknob. you watch as simon catches the guy by his dirty jean jacket, nearly lifting him completely off his feet as he drags him towards the fence gate.
"hey! hey! i didn't do anything!"
"i saw ya, ya fuckin' arse, know exactly wot the fuck y'were doin'," simon growls, tossing him onto the sidewalk. he hits the pavement with a cry, holding onto his arm, and simon slams the fence gate closed before pointing at him accusingly. "'f i ever see ya anywhere near m'fuckin' house or even askin' m'wife for so much as fuckin' directions, i'll cut y'r bloody prick off, y'hear?"
you blink as simon comes closer, the cat retreating back into the house once they see him. he keeps walking, crowding you back into the house before he shuts and locks the front door. his chest is heaving, black t-shirt doing nothing to hide the puff of his chest and how large he makes himself when he stands up to other men. he doesn't even need to make himself larger; simon takes up enough space for two men combined.
"he touch you?" simon asks, his voice low. you see his fists clench, and you have no doubt that if you said yes, simon would go outside and paint the pavement a new color with the man's face.
you shake your head frantically, and he lets out a deep breath, reaching up and wrapping a hand around the back of your head and pulling you close.
he bends, pressing his masked forehead against yours, closing his eyes as he breathes in slowly. he rubs at the nape of your neck, soothing you, and you smile when he pulls away, giving him those big eyes that say thank you, thank you, thank you.
simon cocks his head, staring behind you, and you turn with him to see the cat blinking slowly at the two of you from it's place on the windowsill.
"should get you a fucking guard dog instead," simon mutters, pulling his mask off and kicking his boots into the corner. you smile as he walks away, trying to cool your warm cheeks with the backs of your hands.
doesn't he know you already have one?
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0anonnymouslyours0 · 4 days
car repairman!logan howlett
you didn’t think you were into older guys until you saw him. you drove up to the car repair garage, and he slid out from under a car. all covered in grease, no shirt just jeans. hair pushed back, a wrench in hand, and a tooth pick in his mouth. 
you folded your arms and lent up against your busted up car, and just watched him for a moment. it wasn’t for a few minutes that he noticed you. 
a sly smile creeping across his face, he plucks the toothpick out of his mouth. 
“hi doll.” 
is all he says, and now your melting for reasonings other then the sun that beats down on you. you explain that you car is making weird noises, and he nods, folding his arms and eyeing you.
he pops the lid of your car, inspecting the rusty parts. 
“well this is older then me sweetheart, it might be beyond repair.” he says with a wink, and you resist the urge to fan your face.
you explain that you really need it fixed, because you have to drive back and forth from college. he leans against the trunk, plucks a new toothpick in his mouth and nods along as you speak. he’s not subtle about the way his eyes rake up and down your body as you talk. 
“i’ll see what i can do. why don’t you go wait inside, you can sit in my office.” he hums, vaguely pointing into the garage as he turns to inspect your car again. 
you go sit on the leather couch opposite the desk, searching the office for a photo of a wife. or kids. or any indication of who he might be. a while later he comes in, saying he can fix it up. but it’ll cost you. 
“but we can negotiate.. special discounts and such.” he says, leaning against the door. 
he’s definitely not subtle about what he’s hinting at.
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dr1lldash · 2 months
mechanic!venture x reader 2.2k (i started thinking last night and i could barely sleep i just wanted to write this. also i know nothing about cars, i googled car stuff to make this happen so if anything is wrong please lmk :3)
Your day went to shit rather quickly. After a long shift at work, you were on your way home just after sunset when your car’s battery light began to glow. You chose to ignore it, as you had the next day off, figuring that you could make it home and deal with it tomorrow.
You were wrong.
You were maybe halfway home when your engine sputtered and died, rolling to a stop in the middle of a street you’d only ever driven down. “Fuck.” You put your car in neutral, got out and started pushing, hoping that you could make it home before exhaustion overtook you.
Your eyes were starting to close, your legs starting to slow down, when an energetic voice called out from your left. “Hey there!” Your eyes snapped open, looking for the source, and you saw a figure standing outside, their silhouette illuminated by soft lighting behind them.
“Uh, hi.” You rubbed at your eyes, hoping to wake yourself up.
“Car trouble?”
You hesitated. “No, it’s just a nice night, I want to enjoy it.”
They laughed, and it made your heart flutter. “It is beautiful out, but it’s a little hot to be pushing your car, don’t you think? I might be able to help you.” They took a few steps towards you, still engulfed by the darkness. “We’re the only repair shop for a few miles. I can offer you a discount for your troubles.”
You hesitated again. You had no idea who this person was, or if they were telling the truth about being a mechanic. You could barely see anything, the sun already low in the sky, but you had your phone in your pocket if anything went wrong. Sleepiness clouded your judgment, and you gave in. “I would appreciate that, thank you.”
“No problemo.” They stuffed their hands in their pockets. “I’ll open up the garage, then I’ll come back out to push if you want to steer.”
You nodded, then realized they might not be able to see you nod. “Okay.” They walked off, almost jogging, and you made your way back up to sit in the front seat of your car. A metallic screech filled the air for just a moment as a garage opened up, light filling the area around you. You could see them a little bit better as they came back to your car, but you still couldn’t quite make out any of their features.You could, however, see the faded sign on top of the garage, reading Lindholm’s.
“Ready?” they called out from behind you.
“Ready!” you replied, facing towards the open window. They started pushing with a grunt of effort and you kept your hands on the wheel, steering ever so slightly to get yourself into the garage. You opened your door once you were in, careful not to hit anything in the crowded space. You stepped out, taking a look around and finally behind you, only to see one of the most attractive individuals you’d ever encountered.
Their hair was mostly up in a ponytail, with a small amount sticking to the back of their neck. They wore a set of dark green coveralls with the top pulled down, the arms knotted around their waist, leaving them in just a stained white tank top. Tattoos littered their body, the most prominent being a ring of flames around their neck, but several others that you couldn’t quite identify on their collarbones and all down their arms. You glanced back up to their face to see them breathing slightly heavily, dark brown eyes staring at the ground as one grease-stained hand played with a stud in their eyebrow. They glanced up at you and you’re unable to look away before they flash you a smile, showing off a chipped tooth.
“Hard part’s over!” They held a dirty hand out to you before looking down, wiping it off on their coverall pants and offering it again. “I’m Sloan.”
“[Y/N].” You grabbed their hand, allowing them to shake it vigorously for a few seconds before they pulled away.
“Do you need a drink or anything?” You shook your head, not wanting to be here any longer than you had to. Nothing against the admittedly hot mechanic, but you were getting more exhausted by the minute and you just missed your bed. “Alrighty then. You can take a seat over there,” they gestured to a flannel-covered chair, “I shouldn’t be too long.”
You did as they said, watching them as they worked. You started to fall asleep a few times, but managed to keep yourself awake. It didn’t take them long to work out the problem.
“Alternator’s busted.” They were still staring down into the engine, making sure that was the only issue.
“Can you fix it?”
“Of course I can!” Sloan looked up at you, flashing that smile once again. “Not tonight, though. Mr. Lindholm keeps that locked up, I’ll have to get into it tomorrow.” They paused. “I…understand if not, but I’d be more than happy to drive you home, make sure you get there safely.”
You were too tired to walk home at this point, so you find yourself agreeing. “I’m not far.”
Sloan helped you to get up, and you waited just outside the garage as they locked everything up for the evening. They placed their hand gently on your upper back, leading your sleepy figure to their car, a dirty, faded yellow pickup truck with a dozen stickers decorating the bumper. “Archeology rocks,” you read one out loud with a quiet laugh.
You took your seat in the passenger side, fastening your seat belt. Now, you’re still in the car with them, soft rock playing on the radio, doing your best to keep your eyes open as you direct them towards your home. They’re more of a careful driver than you would’ve thought, fully stopping at stop signs and using their turn signals more than a hundred feet before they turn despite nobody being on the road at this time.
You stumble out of the car when they drop you off. “Do you have work in the morning? I wish I could have helped more, I’d be more than happy to drive you.”
You shake your head. “I’m off tomorrow.” You punctuate your sentence with a yawn. “But I do have some errands to run, how long do you think it’ll take to fix?”
“Shouldn’t be more than an hour. I’ll bring you in, just give us a call when you’re awake.” You find yourself agreeing, taking a business card and stuffing it in your pocket. They wish you goodnight, you echo one back, and they drive off as you enter your home.
Sleep engulfs you wholly, more tired than you’ve been in months, maybe years. In the morning, you shower, get dressed, eat a quick breakfast and call the number on the card Sloan had given you the night before.
“Lindholm mechanics!” a chipper voice you didn’t recognize answers almost immediately. “How can we help you?”
“Uh, Sloan gave me this number, they were helping me last night and said they’d be able to help me get my car working again today.”
“Oh! You must be [Y/N]! Let me grab them for you.” Before you can respond, you’re listening to hold music. You’re waiting less than thirty seconds when it’s cut off.
“[Y/N]! Hey!” You recognize Sloan’s voice, even as fuzzy as it is over the phone. “I’m working on your alternator right now, do you need a ride?”
“I can walk if you’re still working,” you start.
“No worries! I’m almost done, I’ll come and pick you up. A little break should do me good.” You give them your address and go to wait outside.
It’s not too terribly hot, and a gentle breeze is keeping the temperature even lower. You’re watching the trees dance when a truck you vaguely recognize pulls up. They roll down the passenger side window and call out, “Heyo! Hop in!” They reach over their console to open the door for you. You step up, making yourself comfortable on the seat and buckling your seatbelt before they drive back in the direction they just came from.
This time, you’re able to get a slightly better look at the interior of their car. An ice-cream cone shaped air freshener is hanging from their rearview mirror, filling the car with the subtle scent of vanilla and sugar. In their cupholder is a pet rock, crystals sticking out of the top and googly eyes shaking on the front. Their dashboard is covered in stickers, some that you recognize as being related to mythology from around the world, others that you couldn’t begin to describe. You look over at Sloan, seeing them dressed in basically the same way as the previous night, only this time, more hair is in their ponytail and their tank top is a crisp white.
The two of you get back to the shop in just a few minutes, and they stretch slightly before stepping out. You follow them out of their truck and back into the garage. Two people you hadn’t seen the day before are walking around, an older, short man, and a younger woman, presumably the person you’d heard on the phone a few minutes prior. Rock music is playing softly as everyone works.
“If you wanna take a seat again, it shouldn’t be very long. I just need to check that everything is working,” Sloan tells you. They untie their hair and tie it back up, collecting a few loose strands in the process. You do as they say, taking a seat and watching them as they work. You quickly find yourself distracted by the way their arm muscles tense as they do, sweat beginning to form on their forehead and collarbones. You can hear them singing along to the music, although it’s barely audible. You’re focusing hard, starting to lean forward when they turn to you with a grin.
“I think everything’s working! Can I use your keys for a moment, just to confirm?” You blink rapidly, fixing your posture and nodding.
“Yeah, of course.” You pull your keys from your pocket and hand them to Sloan. Your mouth feels dry. Sloan starts the car up, staying inside for a few minutes while they check that everything is functioning as it should be. When they’re done, they shut off the engine, closing your car door gently as they exit.
“Everything should be perfect now,” they tell you as they hand the keys back. They stuff their hands in their pockets. “If you want to make absolutely sure, though, we should take it out on a short drive. Maybe we could grab some lunch? My treat.” A soft pink blush is spreading across their cheeks, but it’s easy to attribute it to the heat or the work they just finished.
Your stomach growls at the mention of food. “Sounds good to me, do you want to drive?” You hold the keys out to them and they beam at you.
“Absolutely!” They take the keys back from you, walking to the passenger side door and opening it for you. You enter the vehicle, buckling your seatbelt as they close the door for you and enter on the other side.
“I’m taking my lunch!” they call out to the older man you’d seen before. He waves them off. They start the engine and take off, driving you to a local diner you’d visited a few times before.
The two of you order sandwiches, and they insist you get the chips. “I love fries, don’t get me wrong, but their chips are house-made and they’re sooo good.”
You devour your food as soon as it comes out, and you’re glad you listened to them. You’d had the fries at this particular diner before, and they weren’t bad, but the chips were perfectly balanced between crispy and soft, with just the right amount of salt. “How much do I owe you?” you ask, pulling your wallet out from your pocket.
They shake their head. “No, no, this is part of the repair. Mr. Lindholm pays for business expenses like these.”
The two of you head back to the repair shop. You get out of the car, and Sloan hands you back your keys. “Oh, I almost forgot.” They fish around in one of their pockets and then the other one before handing you a scrap of paper with a string of numbers on it. You’re confused for a second, concerned that it’s how much you owe, before they continue. “It’s my number. In case you have any more car troubles, I mean. Uh, th-you don’t have to call me or anything. You can just call the garage if you want but I might be able to help you on the side, you know?” They stuff their pockets.
You smile at them. “Thank you, I appreciate all your help.” A blush spreads once again on their cheeks.
“Any time.”
You add their number to your phone before you leave, sending them a text so they have yours as well. A few minutes after you get home, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. “I’m also free if you ever want to grab food again,” it reads. “I know the best ice cream spots in town.”
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vampire-matcha · 5 months
Part 2 of the 141 Mechanics AU
(Not proofread. Threesome. Blowjob, p in v, spit roasting. Sex as payment. Clothed/semi-clothed sex. Protected sex.
You got the call the next day that your car is fixed. Price isn't in the shop today, but Soap and Gaz are, and you stomach does flips in the Uber ride over there from the anticipation. What comes next? Who comes next? Literally! The bell rang as you opened the door to the front of the shop. You looked around but didn't see anyone right away.
"In here!" Shouted a distinctly Scottish voice from the back if the shop, where the garage was. You played with the hem of your skirt as you walked back. It wasn't terribly short, you didn't want to be too obvious, but you couldn't resist dressing a little more risqué than usual.
Johnny was leaning on a raised car as Gaz worked on it from underneath. He turned to greet you and gave you the biggest smile you'd ever seen from him. He looked you up and down as he swaggered up to you.
"There she is," Soap said playfully. He stopped in front of you. He wiped his hands with a rag he pulled from his pocket. "And doesn't she look stunning?" His eyes were fixated on the hem of your skirt, and your thighs peeking out from underneath. Behind him, Gaz rolled out from under the car.
"Doesn't she always?" He said with a wink as he stood up and walked to the shop sink to clean the oil from his hands. You smiled and ducked your head from their compliments.
"How's the car?" You asked.
"Eh, well, it's better, I suppose. For now, at least," Soap answered, rubbing the back of his neck and turning back to the car.
"What was wrong with it?" You asked as he walked to the garage door and pulled it down.
"The flim-flam was jammed," he answered.
"And the doohickey was upside-down," Gaz called from across the garage.
"And the whatcha-ma-callit was caught on the thingy-ma-jig," Soap finished.
This, of course, was not what they actually said. But it might as well have been. You never understood any of their mechanic mumbo-jumbo. They might as well have been speaking Latin for all you understood. So you just nodded and said okay. Soap chuckled at your response.
"You're so cute when you're confused," he mumbled. "Now, normally, this would've set you back almost a grand to fix, but..." he stepped into your personal space, looking down at you with hungry eyes. "Price said you two were able to work out a little arrangement. A sort of... 'loyalty discount,' is that right?" Just with him being so close to you, your heart was already skipping a beat. You nodded your head, and he reached up to put a finger under your chin. "So instead of paying an arm and a leg... I guess you'll be paying with pussy instead." Your eyes widened at his lewd words. His thumb prodded at your bottom lip. "Or maybe I'll take this pretty mouth instead."
You gasped at the feeling of hands suddenly grasping your waist and a firm, warm body pressed against your back.
"How about you take her mouth, I'll take her cunt?" Gaz asked, his mouth right next to your ear. Your pussy throbbed and you felt a rush of blood and wetness flood your bottom half. His fingers wormed their way under your shirt and started to push it upward. Johnny's eyes followed the movement, drinking in your exposed stomach, and licking his lips when Gaz revealed the lacey bra you wore. "How's that sound to you, baby?" He asked with a nibble on your earlobe.
"Sounds like a damn good deal to me," Soap interjected as his other hand squeezed your breast.
"Yeah," you agreed breathlessly. You were already hot and bothered from their words and hands. Imagining being split between their cocks had you dizzy. Gaz pulled your shirt over your head and Soap pulled your bra down, exposing your tits for him to fondle. Next, Gaz lifted up the back of your skirt, and you yelped at the harsh smack of your ass he gave you, which made both men chuckle. Gaz palmed and squeezed your ass, and then paused.
"Oh fuck," he groaned.
"What?" Soap asked. His question was answered when Gaz pulled your skirt higher in the front for Soap to see... no panties. His jaw dropped at the sight of your bare pussy. "Oh, you dirty girl," he grumbled, and then crashed his lips into yours with a moan. You parted your lips for him with a gasp as Gaz slid his fingers between your folds from behind.
"Fuck, she's so wet," he mused. You could feel the rumble in his chest behind you as he chuckled. You moaned into Soap's mouth as Gaz found your clit and rubbed circles into it. "Fucking soaked. You want this cock? Huh?" He smacked your ass again and you moaned into Soap's mouth.
The two of them guided you over to the rolling thing Gaz had been laying on, which he flipped up into a stool. He not-so-gently pushed you onto your knees and bent you over the seat with another spank. You could hear his clothes rustling behind you as you watched Soap kneel in front of you, one of his hands petting over your hair as his crotch became level with your face. Gaz patted his pockets and cursed.
"Shit. Tav, do you have a-" he was cut off by Soap tossing a small silver package over you. "Thanks, mate." You looked over your shoulder and watched Gaz tear open the condom and roll it onto his pretty cock. "You ready, doll?" He asked as he lined himself up to your wet entrance.
"God, yes," you answered. Then he pushed in, his cock stretching you out and filling you up slowly and deliciously. Soap smirked at the way your eyes rolled back in your head as he unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants down his thighs. It spring out and hit your cheek, and the three of you laughed breathlessly.
"Open up, bonnie," he told you, and you obeyed, opening your mouth wide and pushing your tongue out for him to rub against for a moment. Then, he places his hands on either side of your head. He looked down at you, his chest rising and falling heavily, and you sucked around the head. Gaz dragged himself out and then pushed in hard, making you moan around Soap, which made Soap moan as well. "Fuck, do that again." And Gaz did, thrusting into you hard, the blunt head hitting you deep. The two of them started to set a pace, not too fast, but slow enough that you started to squirm on the bench.
"You want it harder?" Gaz asks from behind you. You moan around Soap again, bobbing your head as you nod. Gaz is more than happy to oblige, immediately fucking you harder and faster, ultimately pushing your throat deeper onto Soap. Your head starts to spin as your breath is cut off and Gaz keeps hitting the perfect spot inside you.
When Kyle reached around to play with your clit it was over for you, and your pussy squeezed tight around his cock. His hips stutter for a second, the tightness of your muscle momentarily trapping him inside and triggering his orgasm. He groans loudly and slams his hips against your ass, forcing your face against Soap's pelvis. His happy trail tickles your nose, and all of your senses are taken over by these two sweaty, musky men. Gaz stills inside you as he fills up the condom, and Soap pulls you off him so he can jerk himself off onto your face.
You flinch slightly at the hot droplets landing on your cheeks and tongue as he moans above you. The three of you take a moment to catch your breath, Soap leaning on your car beside him, Gaz behind you rubbing his hands up and down your hips, and you, slouched over the rolly bench.
"Yeah," Soap said after a moment, "I think that about paid for everything."
Guess who remembered how to write lmao. I can't even tell you how long this has been sitting in my drafts for. I forgot about is, oopsie. Anyway, let me know if you want pt.3 with Simon and his tow truck...
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marejuka · 2 months
Fantasy that made me soaked
Flirting with my mechanic
18+ !!!CNC!!!,agegab,mean,pain
I had to pay a small debt one evening and went to his garage, he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him, I immediately said yes.
I think he noticed my Short dress and took that as a Hint.
We were at his house and the moment we were in the apartment he started making lewd comments. for example, that my dress is very short for this cool evening and whether I wanted to seduce him to pay less money, I of course said no
We were sitting on his sofa drinking some wine when he started stroking my leg and pushing up my dress. I immediately blushed and tried not to let it show how much i got turned on.
he was persistent and at some point he just pushed me onto the sofa and started kissing me.
he fucked me several times that evening he was telling me the whole time that I always turned him on so much and that he could no longer control himself.I moaned so loudly that I was afraid the neighbors would knock on the door.
He kept choking me and spanking my whole body. His raspy voice Was telling me dirty Things the whole time. His tattoos were glowning in his Sweat. I tried to keep my highpitched moans quiet but everytime i hold a moan in,he just slapped me across my face and told me that he wants to hear in how much pleasur and pain i am.
The moment i pleeded and started calling him 'sir' he got even meaner in what he was saying to me.
"You lil cunt always Acting like your so much better than your dirty mechanic, you always looked down on me when i was fixing your stupid car. You were too stupid to drive properly and now youre moaning like a bitch underneath me.." when i tried to say that all this is not true he became even harder in his thrusts
"Stop trying to be a good girl, you wanted this. Why would u come with me if you didnt want to get fucked" i started crying at his harsh words and his even harsher thrusts, I continued to beg him to be more gentle "please it hurts so bad sir.. Ur so deep in my tummy pls stop hurting me " my tears dripped down my face while looking up to his Stern face. He slapped me in my face
"Stop acting like you dont like this, your tight pussy is beasically a waterfall. Its dripping down my balls and you wanna say that you dont like this??" He laughed at me and started pulling and pinching my nipples. My whimpers were now full of pain. He loved the Sound of my pleas and my pain, could see it in his eyes.
"How does it feel to be trapped and being used as toy? I can do to you whatever i want.. Ur So young and stupid. Your little body is at my mercy,and u dont even hate that dont u? U love being rped Like this " my body gave him the answer when i squirted all over his dick.
he was so hard and rough to me that I had lots of bruises the next day.
he once just picked me up and fucked me against a wall. the next day I could hardly walk but now I always get discounts from him
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
Fitness Trainer (Kim Seolhyun) (S) (BXG)
Author: This one was inspired from a Kdrama web series I recently watched so here it is... Also if you want to check out more of my stories take a peak at the Masterlist :)
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Hearing the news that a new gym has just opened in my town a couple blocks away from my house, I’ve already read positive reviews of the place as the staff and trainers are knowledgable of the equipment and proper diet and exercise along with all sorts of cool workout gadgets.
Not only that they also sell pre-workouts, protein shakes, and drinks, and of course the memberships required to enter the gym.
Honestly, the membership wasn’t too bad being the price of $25 per month and I decided why the hell not?
Changing into my workout attire, I grab my duffle bag holding all of my shower needs and a change of clothes.
I get into my car, start the engine, and exit the garage, the drive to the gym was about five minutes as it was close to my house.
Making my way into the gym, I was awestruck by the decor and how nice this place looked.
Walking up to the receptionist, he greets me and asked if I had a gym membership or not.
“Uhm, this is my first time here,” I answered.
“That’s perfect because we offer a ten percent discount to newcomers for the first three months and even a trainer,” The receptionists offered.
“Sweet, it’s a deal,” I accepted and he nodded.
Completing the transaction and getting the sweet deal, he gives me an access card that lets me through the doors and instructs me to wait in room 02 for the trainer.
Sliding the card on the electronic locking mechanism, it automatically unlocks the door and when I walked through the doors, I was again amazed by the amount of people working out and the top-of-the-line gym equipment.
Looking around for the private room, I saw a sign with the label “Room 02″ and the bottom text saying “Kim Seolhyun”. Guess she must be the trainer I’ll be working with so I politely knocked on the door.
“Coming~!” I hear a female voice shout.
Hearing footsteps approaching the door opens revealing a stunning woman dressed in a sports bra nearly exposing her beautiful breasts and yoga pants showing off her thighs and her thick ass.
“Holy fucking shit...” I said in my thoughts as I couldn’t believe my luck.
“Hello there, you must be Y/N, right?” She asked and I nervously nodded.
“Y-Yep, that’s me,” I answered and she smiled.
“Excellent! Please do come in!” She said and stepped aside.
Walking into her room, it was quite cozy and nice with two yoga mats set up on the floor along with a rack of weights and gym equipment.
“Please sit on the yoga mat, we will first begin with some yoga exercises,” She instructed and I did what she said.
Joining me on the mattress, she instructs me on certain poses and stretches which I find uncomfortable at first but I got used to it the longer I keep a certain position.
However, I can’t help but blush the fact at how close we are, her large mounds were literally smashed into my back.
Kinda makes me wonder if she was doing this on purpose...
Anyway, after the warm-up yoga exercises were over, we moved on to weight lifting and since I’m new, she starts me with 5-10 pound weights.
“Wah, for your first time, you’re doing quite well~,” She complimented and I chuckled.
“T-Thank you, Noona,” I nervously thanked her and she giggled.
Continuing lifting the weight bar, I squat down and up at a steady pace until she stopped me.
“Hold on! Your stance and position are wrong!” She called out and corrected me.
Once again, she takes my hand and legs, spreads them in the correct position, and tells me to continue my set.
“Okay, you’ve had enough for today, Y/N, great work today! Just make sure to follow the diet I’ve given you and you will be a pro in no time!” She explained and I nodded.
“Right, thank you again, Noona!” I thanked her.
“Anytime! I’ll see you again tomorrow!” She waved goodbye as I left the room.
Seolhyun’s POV
Damn, he is so cute... I don’t know what’s gotten into me but interacting and working with that boy made me feel butterflies in my stomach.
It’s strange to have such feelings after breaking up with my ex-boyfriend not too long ago.
However, I can tell that he took some glances at my boobs and my ass which I didn’t mind as I was used to men eye-fucking me whenever I’m jogging or in the gym.
But Y/N is different from those creeps that I train, he’s respectful, polite, and kind, and he’s a young boy so he has much growing up to do before he becomes a man.
And I’ll be more than happy to help...
A Few Weeks Later...
It’s nearly been a month since I started being apprenticed to Kim Seolhyun and so far, she was the best fitness trainer I’ve been under.
Already, I can start seeing the progress as I’m starting to lose some pounds and my stomach was more toned.
I started eating less junk food and eating more vegetables and healthy foods like Seolhyun instructed.
Coming to another day of workout at the gym, I proceed into the room as per routine and was greeted by Seolhyun.
“Hello, Y/N, are you ready for your training?” She asked.
“More than ever!” I answered and she smiled.
“Good stuff! That’s what we like to hear! Now let’s get to our warm-up!” She commenced.
Getting onto the yoga mat as usual, she caught me by surprise when she said we were going to stretch together as she’s never done her daily stretching yet.
“Now can you hold my back for me, please?” She asked and I nodded.
Holding her back and hand as instructed as Seolhyun did her thing, it was embarrassing as my crotch was literally touching her ass.
Focus Y/N! Focus! DO NOT HAVE A BONER!!! NOT NOW!!!
I screamed to myself to not do it as it would make this situation very awkward and I’ll never see myself or Seolhyun the same ever again.
“Are you okay back there, Y/N? Your face is so red,” She concerningly asked and I shook my head.
“Huh? I’m fine, what about you?” I politely asked and she raised an eyebrow.
Right... I forgot to mention, as time went on, Seolhyun started to get ALOT more touchy with me.
I never questioned why she was touching places she wasn’t supposed to but who am I to stop her?
“Okay, that’s enough, now let’s get to the main set,” She said and we started our set.
After a few hours of weight training, running, and cardiac exercises, we were just about finished working out for today.
“Alright, that’ll be it for today, another job well done, Y/N,” She complimented as she drank water.
“Yeah, thanks,” I replied.
Grabbing our duffle backs, we get out of the room to see the gym was vacant and not a sight of a janitor or a clerk.
“Where is everyone?” I wondered and I take out my phone to check the time.
“Oh my God... The gym closed like an hour ago...” Seolhyun mentioned as she looked at her watch.
“Damn, must’ve lost track of time,” I said and she chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s what happens when you work so hard, but let’s shower and get out of here,” She said and I nodded.
Walking to the men’s shower room, I was shocked to see Seolhyun following me as the Women’s shower room was down the corridor.
“What? Nobody else is here? Plus it’s closer,” She pointed out and I sighed.
With my mind racing, I step into the shower room, I placed the duffle bag onto the bench, and Seolhyun places her on the opposite side.
I take out all of my showering gear consisting of soap, a towel, and my change of clothes before taking off my shirt.
“Not half bad body, being that you’ve been working out for the past few weeks,” Seolhyun complimented and I blushed.
“Hehe~. I don’t mind you peaking at me, I trust you enough,” She assured.
“Aish, can you stop this nonsense please?” I begged and she giggled.
Taking off the rest of my clothes, I take a deep breath before going under the shower head and turning the knob to hot water.
To my surprise, Seolhyun joins me as well and of course, she was butt-ass naked which didn’t help my situation.
“Uhm, Noona, there are other shower heads you know,” I pointed out and she playfully rolled my eyes.
“What? Are you afraid of a naked woman?” She asked.
“N-No, it’s just, a man and a woman shouldn’t shower together unless they are a couple,” I replied and she grinned.
“H-Hey, don’t you get any ideas!” I stuttered and she slowly approaches me.
“Or else what? What are you going to do?” She asked and I gulped.
Staring deep into my eyes, I can’t help but stare into her eyes and she’s telling me that she wasn’t fucking around... She actually wants to fuck.
“Maybe it’s a good time, to be honest with myself, Y/N, I’ve had feelings for you ever since we first met, I don’t know if I’m just crazily in love with you but I don’t care... Because now all I want to is you,” She said before whispering the last part into my ear sending shivers down my spine.
“I’ve seen you stare at my ass... I’ve seen you glancing at my breasts and I know you love the feeling of them pressing on your back~,” She flirted as she wraps her hand around my cock.
“T-This is too fast, Noona, I-I don’t-” I was about to say but she tightens her grip on my cock making me squeal.
“Did I say you can talk~?” She asked and I shook my head.
“Now, what do you want your Noona to do?” She asked as she gets on her knees and slowly gave me a handjob.
“B-Blowjob...?” I nervously asked and she smirked.
“Hehe. Anything for you cutie~,” She replied before licking the shaft making me loudly moan and kissing the tip.
Engulfing my length into her mouth, it was clear that she was experienced as it felt really good and warm. She kept bobbing her head up and down and letting out a loud bop.
“Did you like it, baby, ~?” She asked.
“Y-Yes, Noona, it was really good,” I answered and she smiled.
“Good, now it’s time to show you some moves~,” She said and was about to place my dick in between her mounds.
*phone ringing*
“Ughhh... Sorry honey but will have to continue this another time, I have an errand but remember, I want an answer by then, understand?” She asked and I nodded.
“Good, but let me finish you off, real fast,” She replied and sucked me off until I came into her mouth.
The Next Day...
After that strange interaction with my fitness trainer Seolhyun yesterday, I was left pondering as I don’t know how to feel about her.
Sure she was beautiful and all but this is all too sudden and quick for me as she’d be my first love.
I’m not sure if oral counts as taking my virginity or not but I felt like it was taken either way.
Anyway, I prepared myself for another training exercise, drove to the gym, and enter the room but I was surprised to see a different trainer.
“Hello, you must be Y/N, right?” The trainer asked and I nodded.
“Y-Yes, but where is Seolhyun?” I asked.
“Oh, well, Seolhyun is running a bit late so I’ll warm you up in the meantime, also my name is Kim Sohee and help you train until she gets here, so let’s start with some stretches, shall we?” She said and I get on the mat.
Glancing at her body, her breasts and ass were thicker than Seolhyun’s but I can’t help but feel as if she was trying to flirt with me.
“Wah, you’re so flexible and strong, Seolhyun trained you well, huh?” She complimented and I nervously chuckled.
“T-Thank you,” I thanked her and she giggled.
“No need to thank me, cutie, now let’s move on to our set,” She replied.
As we start weightlifting I can’t help but feel as if I was being watched by someone.
Seolhyun’s POV
Crap! Crap! I cannot believe this! My fucking ex-boyfriend shows up at my door begging for forgiveness for sleeping with another woman.
Of course, I shut him out and tell him to beat it and that I never want to see him ever again but he refused to leave.
Thankfully, I finally managed to make him fuck off, and now I’m going to be late because of him but I had a colleague of mine train him in the meantime.
I rushed to the gym as fast as I could hoping that Y/N will forgive me for being late. Parking at the lot, I ran into the gym, slide my card. and made my way into the gym and to my private training room.
I saw Y/N there with another trainer of mine but strangely, Jungkook wasn’t there instead it was Sohee.
Y/N never noticed my presence yet but Sohee did and she smirked at me as she gets behind him pressing her breasts on her back.
Obviously, I was infuriated as this was the same bitch who stole my previous boyfriend and I know she’s a playgirl and just wanted Y/N for herself only to dump him.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I’ll take it from here, Sohee,” I said.
“There’s no need for that, Seolhyun, I got this so why don’t you take a day off?” She offered and I gave her a fake smile.
“Thank you for the offer but I’ll have to decline it, besides, I know Y/N’s needs and everything he needs to do for today,” I replied and she frowned.
“Well, what do you think, Y/N? Do you want me? Or Seolhyun?” Sohee whispered into his ear making me clench my fists.
“U-Uhm...” He stuttered as he was unsure what to do in this situation making me feel sad. Did confessing my feelings not mean anything to him?
“Sorry, Sohee, but imma stick with Seolhyun, but thank you for your help,” Y/N answered making me sigh in relief.
“Aww~. Are you sure~?” She seductively asked and I’ve just about had it.
Pulling her by ear, she yelped in pain as I dragged her out of my room, opened the door, and threw her out before shutting the door.
Seeing her harshly dragging Sohee-Noona out of the room made me realize just how scary she can be. She turned around to face me and gave me a deadly glare.
“Now, baby boy, about what I asked for yesterday...” She paused.
“W-What about it?” I nervously asked.
“You know... Do you share the same feelings as I do? Do you love me?” She asked and I gulped.
Pushing me down onto the mattress with her hands straddling my hand whilst giving me a lustful look and dived into my neck before biting it leaving a mark and drawing out some blood.
“W-What was that for?” I asked.
“For making your mommy jealous and to show everyone who you belong to, now it’s time I take your virginity and for you to grow up~,” She answered sending shivers down my spine.
Not wasting any time, she strips down her clothes as I did the same, she places her lips onto mine and made out until we ran out of breath.
“You’re such a good kisser being a virgin, baby, but now it’s time for the main event,” She said before inserting my cock into her pussy making her loudly moan.
“W-What if they hear us?” I concerningly asked.
“Don’t worry about them, baby, this room is soundproof. Now stop asking questions because not only I’m going to fuck your brains out but I’m also going to drain your balls,” She answered and I gulped.
When Seolhyun begins riding the daylights out of me, I never knew how tight she was and it kinda hurt but it felt so good.
“Oh my God, baby, your dick is so good~!” She yelled as she continued moaning.
Seeing her tits bounce up and down as she rode me turned me on even more and we switch position to doggy style and re-insert back into her before ramming into her.
Yes, darling, right there~!” She moaned as I hit her G-spot.
Arching back, I play with her tits adding more pleasure and latched her lips as I pounded her.
“Ah, I’m so close, baby~,” She warned.
“So am I,” I replied.
“Then let’s cum together~,” She said and we did just that.
Collapsing onto the floor together, my dick was still inside of her but she didn’t care as she hugged me tightly as she pressed my head into her mounds.
“You did so well, baby~,” She complimented.
“T-Thank you, Noona, you were amazing~,” I replied and she giggled as she caressed my head.
“I love you, baby~,” She said.
“I love you too, Noona~,” I replied.
From that point on, we kept having sex in her gym room and at our houses or whenever we can as I get addicted to her. I’ve never met such an incredible and caring woman in all my life and I’m forever happy to be with her as she felt the same way.
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a small part broken or separated off something.
"Hey, Sebby, look." You pointed towards a dead wall dweller. The sight was disgusting and morbid, the 'flesh' had already hardened. You didn't seem to mind it all that much.
"What about it? You wanna buy it?" Sebastian absentmindedly replied, looking down at you with a cocky grin.
"Nah. Too expensive, think I'll just eat crackers." You walked past him towards the wall dweller, kneeling down to poke at it.
"I don't think I've had the chance to see one so close before, honestly." In all fairness, you weren't wrong by any means. They were hostile and hid when spotted, you never went after them since they went back a door or two.
Sebastian found it hilarious how you squealed when its head easily fell off of its body, gagging afterwards from the horrendous scent that hit your nostrils. "Reaaaal smart of you. You break it, you buy it."
You groaned, "how much?"
"A thousand." Your shocked expression turned into one of irritation. "Are you... being deadass?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Buuuut, since you're my most LOYAL customer, I'll give you a discount! How does two hundred sound?" He rubbed his hands together, grinning so widely it irritated you even more.
"Fine." You slung your bag that was on your back to your chest. You opened it and counted very, very, very slowly.
Sebastian just... watched. Were you really this dumb?
"Oops. Messed up. Need to start over." You had to look back down to hide the snarky grin your face held.
"Alright, alright! I get it. I was joking." He crosses his arms.
"Huh, really? Sweet. Guess all this data is mine."
He grumbled, ear fins wiggling in irritation. "I should put three bullets into your head."
"You wouldn't dare. I'm your most loyal customer, aren't I?" You bat your eyelashes at him in a playful way.
"Damn you."
"That's not very polite, Solace."
Sebastian sat up, seeing his cat sleeping peacefully next to you, claw in the yarn ball that you were using while you were knitting.
He pulled his esca down, letting the light illuminate the garage, or, his room.
"Feeling better?"
"A little bit."
"Better than nothing. I'll be making us lunch, anything you want?"
You gave a quick 'okay' before you left, your cat curled up on your little knitting project, claws ready to rip it if he woke up.
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 8 months
Mechanic!Jäger AU where Jäger became a mechanic instead of being in the BPOL - He's such a wet dog for reader I swear to GOD. A little pathetic methinks.
Jäger x GN!Reader
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of obsessed!Jäger? Apart from that it's all SFW.
Jäger runs a humble little garage two blocks down from your apartment building. The garage is a little dingy, requiring maintenance. A few lights are flickering, there are boxes scattered around the place, some filled with trash and other scrap materials, some empty, and a couple of cars getting tended to. The garage has a distinct gasoline smell, a strong, pungent smell that seeps into your clothes ensuring that you walk out smelling like gas. The whole place is almost unwelcoming, the broken garage door windows replaced by planks of wood and a man roughly cleaning a spill nearby.
The employees are barely sparing you a glance as you stand next to your car awkwardly. You'd called in advance, you had to in order to make an appointment, and the garage had good reviews. Yet, even though you had written the date and time down and had read through the reviews anxiously, you still felt the pressure of the atmosphere of the garage weighing down on you.
However, as though it was your lucky day, an employee finally approaches you. He was the complete opposite of the rest of the employees, he seemed happy to see a new customer. The man introduced himself as Marius, the owner of the garage. He apologized for his employees not tending to you, before asking for your car keys. Marius is wearing a dirty, oil stained hoodie, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows as well as jeans, with a few rips and more stains. His hands are stained black with oil, and some of it rubbed off on your keys and fingers when you hand them to him and accidentally touched his hand. He's wearing a balaclava, so the only thing you can see are his brown eyes. He assured you that he'll take care of it and you don't have to worry about it, and you left, anxious at the thought of getting scammed.
You came back the next day, ready for the potentially high bill that would come with the small issue your car had. But when Marius handed you the bill himself, it's cheap. Way cheaper than it should be. He explained he took some liberties, changing the oil and refilling your windshield fluid. He even gave you a discount and his business card. He looked proud of himself. Way too proud of himself. You paid and thank him quietly, taking your keys back which were slightly covered in oil. You feel relief from the whole situation, happy you might've found a mechanic for life. If only you knew how true that would be. After all, he wouldn't purposely sabotage your car so you need to see him again, right?
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thesafecafe · 9 months
Let It Snow: H.R
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A/N: thank you to @jenoslutie for hosting this collab, it was so fun to write for dream! It is a bit rushed because I was pressed for time, but I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Things get interesting when you and Renjun spend the week of Christmas together....
CW: 18+, MDNI, fluff, elopement (for discounts), smut, soft dom! Renjun, face sitting, oral (fem receiving), making out, fingering, soft sex, unprotected sex (don't), cream pie, mirror sex, ass slapping, praise, pet names, mentions of violence, (not pwp but the plot is a little thin), horrible puns at the end, smut under the cut enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't believe that the members of NCT would act like this, nor is this meant to be a representation of their real life actions or personalities. This is a fictional depiction for entertainment purposes.
Words: 2,493
Renjun couldn't be anymore excited. He was finally going to have alone time with you. He hadn't gotten much of a chance to spend with you, since the other members hogged your time. They wouldn't let him near you first, all having the undying urge to tick him off just because they could. But finally, you were going to be with him for a whole week. His patience had paid off.
Having already texted you that he was outside, Renjun stood patiently outside your door. He knew that you might take a few minutes to get outside. He'd come quite early. “Hang on, I'm coming! Let me grab my coat!” He heard your muffled voice through the door. “It's okay princess! Take your time!” Renjun took a cursory glance around your street. There wasn't a car in sight, all pulled into garages thanks to the incoming snow storm that was supposed to hit.
As he turned back around, he heard your door opening. “Sorry it took me so long! I slept in just a little bit!” Renjun silently took you in, as you fidgeted and adjusted yourself along with some last minute luggage. You were dressed in a light blue sweater dress, and white leggings. Your hair was just barely concealed under a white fur hat, and you wore a matching set of gloves. “Oh look! We're matching!”
As Renjun had been looking you over, you'd done the same. He had on a light blue sweater and jeans, with a matching white and blue beanie, and a pair of white mittens. You both wore similar white boots, built for the cold weather. “I guess we are! Are you ready to hit the road?” You nodded, locking your doors and following him down the steps to the car. Your luggage was already inside, having been loaded up the night before.
Renjun opened your door for you, gently helping you step up into the large SUV. He closed your door, before jogging around and climbing in himself. “Let's get going, shall we?” You nodded, and he started the car, heading north. He was taking you for a week long getaway. You'd been hesitant at first; it'd be hard to hide that you were shopping for his gift if you were with him. But he finally convinced you, and with a little help from Chenle, you'd got all your shopping done before the trip.
Now, as Renjun carefully maneuvered his truck onto the highway, you were glad you agreed. You hadn't seen much of him lately, and you missed your friend. Your bond with him was stronger, since you'd gotten to know him before the others. Of course, due to recent events, you'd gotten much closer to the others than you'd ever admit out loud. But now wasn't the time for thinking of that. You were focused on Renjun.
“You can put on the radio if you like. It's a bit of a drive before we can get there.” Renjun nods at you, encouraging you to fiddle with his radio freely. You did, settling on a station playing old Christmas music. You sat back, settling comfortably into the warmth of your seat. The voice of Mariah Carey filled your ears as “All I want for Christmas is You” spilled from the speakers. “Oh, that one's my favorite!”
You looked over at Renjun, watching as he belted out the lyrics, beaming as he sang at the top of his lungs. You giggled when he attempted the high note, his voice cracking once the note got too high. “Aww, don't worry boo, you almost had it.” He laughed with you, happy that you were enjoying yourself. For the next few hours in the car, the mood was light. Filled with the sounds of laughter, singing, and soft conversations.
When Renjun finally pulled off the freeway, the sun was high in the sky. “Okay princess, we're almost there. Did you get my text about the itinerary and everything?” You nodded, recalling the information he'd sent you earlier in the week. “It was a little vague in some parts. What's the WFW part mean?” You tilted your head slightly, puzzled at the odd acronym you'd skimmed over.
Renjun’s ears went red. “Well uh, it means ‘wife for week’ actually. We basically get married for the week and then have an extra day to get it annulled. Plus, we get discounts on things as a married couple; it's an old fashioned place. I was gonna tell you earlier but I was trying to keep Hyuck out of our plans.” You squinted at him, contemplating the situation.
You'd done some crazy things over the past few weeks. You didn't expect something like this from your closest friend, but you also didn't expect to do a lot of things you had recently. “You really are trying to win the bet, aren't you?” You smirked, watching as his face turned red.
“How'd you know about that?” You gave him a pointed look. “So we can't keep secrets in the dorm, sue me.” You laughed, deciding to put him out of his misery. “Okay, I'll do it. I'll marry you. When's an opportunity like this gonna come again?”
Renjun sputtered, almost running a red light as he looked at you. “R-really? You'll do it?” You gripped your seatbelt tightly, hanging on for dear life. “Well, provided you don't accidentally kill us, then I have no problem with it.” He muttered an apology, focusing his eyes back onto the road. You smiled to yourself. This would be an interesting week.
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An hour later, you’d arrived at your location: a sprawling, cabin style vacation home that could pass for a mansion. It was surrounded by tall pines that had been dusted with snow earlier in the day. “It's so big! How'd you even get this place?” You twirled around, eyes filled with awe. Renjun set the last of your luggage down by the couch, smiling at you. “Let's just say Chenle lost a bet. And I called it in for this week.”
You nodded, following him deeper into the house. He’d explained that there was a chapel on the grounds, but you hadn't seen any other buildings besides the one you were in. But you trusted him, and let him lead you out of a side door. There, in the fading sunlight, to the left of the house, was a small but pristine looking church building. It wasn't far from the house and there was a light on inside.
“I still can't believe you wanted me to marry you because things are cheaper up here if you're married. Are you not a millionaire?” Renjun huffed, mildly offended. “I will have you know, being rich doesn't mean you have to spend frivolously! And a discount is a discount, now put some pep in your step! Let's get hitched!”
He took you by the shoulders, playfully pushing you towards the chapel. You giggled at his nonsense, allowing him to haul you to the chapel. It only took twenty minutes for the little ceremony to be carried out. There were premade vows, that you repeated before signing the necessary papers. Renjun beamed when you were back inside the cabin. “Well, how does it feel to be married, Mrs. Huang?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don't know, we’ll see. If you don't annoy me too much, I'll consider giving you a five star review.” It was Renjun’s turn to roll his eyes. “What an honor. Haechan is gonna kill you though.”
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The week went by fairly quickly. You did typical things: shopping, eating sweets, and taking pictures together. You grabbed some souvenirs to take home for everyone else, making sure to remember the store names and brands that you liked. But then there were the special things.
For instance, there was the train ride that mirrored the experience of The Polar Express. You sipped warm hot chocolate, watching as servers sang and made exaggerated dance moves to prepare the warm beverages. It was something you'd always wanted to see, but never got the chance to. And having a snowman building competition with him that turned into a snowball fight. Or the ice skating rink that you had all to yourselves. Before you knew it, the week flew by, and it was already Christmas Eve.
You were sitting by the window, watching the fireworks that a small village a few miles away were sending off, lighting up the night with beautiful colors. Renjun handed you a mug of hot tea. “Missing the place already huh?” He smiled gently at you, sitting down with his own mug. You looked him over; he looked handsome in his red sweater.
Renjun had been a gentleman to you all week. He was always like that with you, but it seemed amplified. He treated you like a real princess. “Yeah I'll miss it, but not more than I'll miss you looking like you belong in Santa’s workshop. You're such a cute little elf.” He ignored your comment, opting to lay his head on your shoulder and watch the fireworks with you.
“Did you enjoy yourself princess?” You nodded, knowing he could feel it. “I had a wonderful time. I think the sleigh rides were my favorite.” He hummed in agreement. He enjoyed the sleigh rides himself, not used to traveling in such a way but having fun nonetheless. “I'm glad, Y/N, that you agreed to come with me, regardless of the bet. I don't mind losing if I'm here with you. This has been the best week of the year.”
“Aww, I'm glad I came with you too. I'm also pretty glad I married you. You're actually a great husband, who knew?” Renjun sat up, a gleam of mischief dancing in his eyes. “Well, can this great husband get a kiss?” Pulling something from his pocket, he dangled it over your head, while puckering his lips at you. “Mistletoe? Seriously?” You raise an eyebrow, but you oblige anyway, pecking him on the lips.
“Hey, that doesn't count, it was only a small-” You interrupt him, kissing him again, fully this time. Renjun moaned as your tongue found his, and he tilted his head back so you could explore his mouth deeper. The kiss quickly escalated, from soft, gentle exploration to fevered passion. Finally, when the kiss is broken for much needed air, you both sit and observe each other.
Renjun's face is flushed, and his lips shine with the lip gloss you had on. He runs a hand through his hair shakily, exhaling to steady himself. You look equally heated, your heart racing in your chest, and your gloss smeared across your lips. “I think I wanna do that again.”
Renjun's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by that. “Princess, are you sure? Like, don't get me wrong, I do too but-” you kiss his cheek, effectively silencing his anxious questioning. “I'm sure.”
“No, stop moving princess, you said you wanted this.” Renjun held your legs open with his as his fingers rubbed at your slit. Your back was pressed to his chest, and your legs dangled on either side of his; his free arm held your waist. Two fingers slowly rubbed at your clit, eliciting pathetic moans and whimpers out of you. He'd already made you cum on his fingers twice.
“Renjun please, it's too much, please” you whimpered as he increased the pressure, but not the speed. He was steady, building you up slowly and letting you fall to the edge the same way. “Shh, princess, it's okay. Go ahead and cum for me. That's what you want right?” You nodded, your breath coming in short bursts as you neared your high.
“Then cum for me princess.” You moaned loudly as you came, your hands clutching the hem of his shirt for stability. Renjun kissed your neck, gently holding you as you came down. “You take my fingers so well love. Look at how pretty you are.” You felt him tilt your chin up, making you look into the mirror across from the bed. You felt shy as you saw how fucked out you looked, but even more so as you observed the glistening skin of your inner thighs.
“My pretty girl. Come here.” Renjun pulled you off of his lap, gently setting you on the bed, before climbing onto it himself. He laid flat on his back, his head resting on a pillow. He motioned for you to come closer. You obeyed, shuffling closer on your knees. “I want you to sit on my face, princess. Let me taste you pretty girl.”
You felt heat rise to your face. You felt yourself throbbing at his words. You hesitated for only a second before carefully straddling his face. Renjun pulled you down immediately, mouth already open and waiting. Your eyes rolled back as his tongue rolled over your clit, sucking and flicking eagerly. One of his fingers gently traced over your entrance, before dipping into you. It wasn't long before you were coming undone again.
Renjun smiled, kissing your clit before helping you off of his face. Getting on his knees, he turns to you. “Face the mirror, ass up.” You let out a breathless laugh as you crawl in front of him. “You're insatiable Mr. Huang.” You yelp, caught off guard by the sudden sting you feel to your ass. Renjun smacks your ass again before raising your hips to meet his. “Only for you princess.”
Before you could respond, you feel him push into you. Your mouth drops open, before you curse. He starts slowly, making sure you are comfortable, before he goes harder. His thrusts are steady, deep and unrelenting. One of his hands reaches down to pull your hair. “Keep your eyes on the mirror baby. Want you to see me fill you up.”
You clench around him at that, making him groan. “Fuck, you like that don't you princess? Want me to really make you mine? Fill you up so everyone knows you're mine?” You moaned, clenching around him again. “Yes, please, make me yours!” You started moving your hips to meet his.
“Fuck Y/N, I'm close- just like that, fuck!” Renjun's hips stilled as he came, seated deep inside of you. You reached your peak at the same time, your walls squeezing around his length, drawing out both of your highs. When you both recovered, Renjun lifted you gently, pressing your back to his chest. He kissed your neck and shoulders, as his hands rubbed your thighs.
“Well, this has been one hell of a Christmas holiday.” You laughed softly as Renjun held you. He laughed with you. “I hope you enjoyed it. My favorite part,” he paused before pulling out of you, allowing his cum to trickle down your legs, “was making it snow.”
“Renjun! Seriously?!” He laughed harder as you swatted him. He didn't mind though. ‘Snow’ would always be his favorite part of Christmas.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Roar and giggle (1) - Cafè
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Summary: He’s just the worst. Right?
Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes x Bookstoreowner!Reader
Warnings: language, misunderstandings, love-struck Bucky
Roar & Giggle masterlist
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"Ugh, I hate him so much," you groan audibly when the man you hate enters the café. Your quiet neighborhood is being ruined by a biker club and he’s the reason.
You will have to close your business if they stay much longer.
Your little bookstore is right next door to his new store. The majority of your regulars don't come around anymore. The bikers and their bikes scare them.
He was getting on your nerves all day and now, he walks into the café smirking as his eyes land on you.
As you groan and clutch your face, you utter, "You've got to be kidding me. That guy makes me so mad."
“Neighbor! Hey, doll!” Bucky waves at you. He calls your name and pet names as everyone in the café watches him. “I didn’t know you eat here too.”
“Great,” cursing his birth you watch the biker walk toward your table. At least he washed his hands and face today. Usually, he walks into your bookstore with grease on his hands and face. You had to scold him more than once as he wanted to touch your books with his dirty hands.
“Doll, what are you having?”
He pulls the spare chair at your table and plops down onto it. The chair creaks under his weight.
“What do you want?” you snap at Bucky. “I came here to get some peace and quiet.”
“Your bookstore is always quiet.”
“Not anymore.”
“Is someone bugging you?” he gasps as you tell him someone is scaring off your customers. “Who is it, Y/N? I can break his face if you want me to.”
“It’s you and your biker buddies. You make such noise and repair your bikes in front of your clubhouse. “People get scared when they see your friends smoking and drinking outside. I lost a lot of customers because of you.”
“What?” Bucky splutters. That he’s shocked about your revelation would be an understatement. “We don’t make too much noise, and it’s not only a clubhouse. It’s a garage too. We repair bikes and shit.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you sigh deeply. “I won’t make it through another month. The number of customers fell compared to two years ago. Even before you opened your clubhouse slash garage. It’s over.”
“How about you let me help you? Uh-my friends like to read,” Bucky lies. “We can buy your books and maybe have a barbecue and invite people. Bucky knows how to throw a party.”
“A party won’t help me pay for the house I dreamed of buying,” you sniffle. “It was perfect and not too far from my bookstore. I could’ve driven to work with my bike and…”
“You got a bike too, doll?” Bucky’s eyes light up. “What do you have? A Harley?”
“I meant a bicycle, Barnes,” you huff. “I can’t effort a Harley.”
“I’m selling bikes too. I’ll make you a good price,” he grins. “My favorite neighbor gets the friends and family discount.”
“I don’t have a driving license for a bike,” you mutter. “And I told you, I got no money to buy shiny things. My bookstore will close sooner than later.”
“Hmm…” Bucky wrinkles his nose. “No, we won’t let it end. I like your store. You got free Wi-Fi, and your coffee tastes better than the one they are selling here.”
“You only like it because it’s free,” you muse. “I know you only come over to get free Wi-Fi and coffee.”
“But you didn’t chase me away,” Bucky flashes you a smile. “The coffee and Wi-Fi aren’t the only reason to come over to your bookstore. I like the way you always giggle when you find something funny.”
“I don’t giggle.”
“Oh yes you do,” Bucky insists. He nods thoughtfully as you tell him the only sound he makes is a roar.
“That’s my bike, doll. But,” he moves his chair closer to yours, “if you want me to, I’ll roar for you any time of the day…”
>> Part 2
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My Luxury Apartment- General Script
I script this apartment complex in most of my DRs and my Waiting Room. Features like the room style change based on what reality the script is for, but the rest generally stays the same. This is the complex I shifted to the first time, all the things I would’ve enjoyed if I stayed longer.
Exterior: At the back of the complex, there’s a playground with equipment for adults too. The playground equipment can handle adult bodies using it.
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Basement level: At the basement level, there are storage lockers for the tenants of the apartment, a parking garage, a shop, and a convenience store. The convenience store carries a brand of microwave dinners that has a wide variety of options, and it includes many cultural dishes from various cultures. For example, one of the frozen dinner sets includes collard greens cooked with smoked ham hocks and black eyes peas, fried catfish, baked mac and cheese, and a little cup of banana pudding or candied yams. The store sells other easy to make food items, such as roux cubes for curry and egusi stew. There is also a laundromat down there, for residents that don’t have personal machines.
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First floor: The first floor has the lobby of the apartment building, an indoor pool and hot tub for the residents and their guests, and a hot pot restaurant. Residents get a discount at the restaurant, but it’s open to the public. It also has a gym that holds exercise, dance, and yoga classes.
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Second floor: There’s a small doctor’s clinic on this floor, staffed by several nurses, two pediatricians, a mental health counselor, and a few physicians. Here, residents (and our guests) can receive regular checkups, emergency aid, help with medical treatments such as dialysis, etc. Attached to the clinic is a small pharmacy where you can get cold medicines, common emergency medicines like epipens and inhalers, etc. There’s also a daycare on the other side of the building, and between them is the complex spa. The spa has masseurs trained in neuromuscular massage therapy.
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Third floor: A work space with computers for public use, recreational room that doubles as a movie theater with a larger screen, and an additional rec room with video game consoles, VR gaming space, and a small cafe. The first rec room is popular with older residents, while the second is more popular with the teenage residents.
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Penthouse: My penthouse apartment also has a balcony with seating, two guest bedrooms each with its own 3/4 bathroom, and a walk-in storage closet.
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Rooftop: On top of the apartment complex is a community garden and an observatory. There are gardeners that maintain most of the plots, but private plots must be privately managed.
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Safety features: Along with normal safety features, all the windows and doors on the first and second floor, plus parking garage, have metal shutters that can be lowered during emergencies. The entire building also has an advanced fire suppression system, air purifiers, and an extensive bunker below the parking garage. Each apartment, or at least the penthouses, have security doors (thick wooden doors with metal plates in the middle and higher quality locks). All the safety features have their own failsafes.
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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Oh yay, our first thunder fire in the new house, wonder how long before someone dies again! Also love how you can see our old house in the background, a reminder you can run from your past but you can’t escape it. 
I am of course talking about this family’s past of semi-acceptable interactions between family numbers, because from now on is where things really go off the rails in this department. Allow me to introduce you to..
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..Julian and Stacy’s daughter, Sunset Tinker-Union! (Because her parents wear pink and purple, get it? Get the name origin?) So the minute Bartholomew brought Sunset from school I knew it was over for me, as we’re now far enough removed from the other branches of the family tree that not even the extended family mod can save us from all those third cousins being fair game.. and you all know full well that if there’s one thing this family knows how to do, is be attracted to their distant cousins-
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-I held out to one tiny hope that maybe Barflina will continue being socially incompetent losers and Sunset will hate them, but no, the minute a distant cousin enters the building it’s clearly time to turn up the charm. So first Bartholomew goes and smustles with Sunset, which, Barth, I didn’t know you were even like, biologically capable of having fun in any way-
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-and then Felina (who I keep forgetting is SHY LOL WHAT) goes over to ADMIRE HER. BRO. I have never seen Felina do anything remotely nice her entire life, KILL ME.
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But don’t worry, Sunset clearly takes after auntie June! She’s into it! She follows Barth to the toilet for no clear reason! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME
So you at this point you might be like ya ok, calm your tits, there’s no guarantee anything will even happen. To which I reply go back and read, not even the whole thing, just our college runs, and then get back to me. We’ve been knocking on semi-incest’s door since generation 1 and now we don’t even have to knock, I mean the door is wide open! FML
ANYWAY, all this to say, it’s time to extremely focus on finding these two flops non-related-to-us people to date before we fuck off to college, and this is ALL I’m gonna be doing this update- 
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-Like haha oh man Cyn and Sandy are starting a rock band, there’s def jokes here, NO. NO TIME, DON’T CARE, HAVE TO AVERT DISASTER.
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-Failina, hold your goddamn notebook closer so I can copy, it’s hard with my eyepatch! -It’ll be even harder when I take your other eye out!
Alright you two.. uh.. awesome kids, let’s go out! 
-Go out where. -And WHY.
So you can have fun, meet people, maybe sing some karaoke or play bowling! You’ve seen how much fun your ancestors have had as teens out and about, driving drunk, being hoes, committing various crimes, you wanna miss out on that experience? It’s even how grandma Shajar met grandma Sophie and that marriage could not be stronger!
-Ugh ok, I guess I do need to get started on the spouse hunt. -And I would like to get drunk in a different setting than our library.
Perfect! Who knows, by the end of the night, you might even be besties singing duets like Jojo and Gunther!
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Once again, I’m crawling back to Lakshmi! Finally she has returned to us! As you might recall I had to deal with her understudy, Margaret, and frankly she was better than Lak at her job but it just wasn’t the same. Lakshmi and I have HISTORY. We have a deep, dark, beautiful relationship-
-I’m not giving you a discount. 
UGH FINE. Take 5k of our last money (I forgot to mention the new house somehow cost 500K, we legit have like 20k left)-
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-and hit us with your best shot!
-Oh, I will! 
Ok but you’ve said that before and I’m still not over the time I paid you 5k for June and you gave us iVan. 
-No, this time I mean it! The path is clear! 
The ‘path is clear’?? The path for FELINA’S love life is clearer than it was for June the literal model-hot genius???
I gotta say, Lakshmi, your mouth better not be writing checks your crystal ball can’t cash.
-It is not, I promise! 
Alright, I’m waiting, do it to us-
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Bro this pairing is KILLING ME. Like I get it on paper since they’re both family sims and I guess their chemistry panels and zodiacs must insanely match too, but I thought Felina would get with someone like idk. Gvaudoin? Alegra Gorey? Klara Vonderstein? Maybe the Diva or a vamp NPC? Like you know what I mean, someone that makes sense with the whole dark queen powerful dynasty blabla she has going on. But no, she’s gonna start this house Lannister bs her LTW is about with.. MEADOW THAYER. I love it so much, Felina please don’t ruin this for us!
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-Sorry, but I don’t know you well enough to accept you touching my shoulder, huhu!🌞
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-But if you want to tickle me again, that’s somehow more acceptable to me despite it involving way more touching!🌞
Alright, as I suspected, not a lot going on upstairs with dear Meadow, but it’s ok, I’m just glad to have a huhuing sim around again, Cyn is like 80yo :(
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Ah, the tickling of love! Good job, Fel, now we can work our way up to flirting-
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-Or I can just not be a turbocuck AND GO FOR IT
Man, the Sophie genes kicked in! Good for you, Fel!
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Backyard karaoke time! Seriously what song could these two possibly BOTH like, please comment or msg me your guesses. 
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So at this point I’m already 100% sold on Meadow as a spouse as I don’t think it’s humanly possible to come up with a funnier pairing than what fate dropped in my lap, but I’d also like to point out that Felina is so into Meadow that she’s already rolling fears of falling out of love with her, despite not even BEING IN LOVE WITH HER YET. Family sims are a fucking trip. 
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CUTE. Alright Felina, you’re set, we got it in one, semi-incest avoided, yay us. Now I’m gonna leave you to your dream date and focus on Barth-
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-who is gambling by himself. Guess I don’t need to ask who’s drunk again!
-That’s one safe bet, haha! 
Good Lord. Alright, get up, let’s find you someone while Lakshmi is still here, I’m sure our amazing luck will continue-
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Oh good there’s nothing to abort, because it turns out Bartholomew is a COMPLETE FAILURE OF A ROMANCE SIM. Observe and keep in mind THEY HAVE 3 BOLTS:
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LOL NO @ THE NOOGIES RETURN. FUCK. So clearly Felina has grandma Sophie’s chadly genes and Bartholomew has grandma Shajar’s noogiesexuality, except he’s a romance sim with a 20 woohoo LTW. College with this guy is gonna be UNBEARABLE. 
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Alright, Barth, let’s try this again, don’t be discouraged! Ignore our lack of cash!
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Ignore that Felina got it right on the first try and is still on her endless dream date!
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PATRICK TEENS?! LMAO. Bartholomew is so committed to going through family trees, like if it’s not gonna be his own it’s gonna be SOMEONE’S, he doesn’t care! Unlike Don-clone Tiave, Patrick is cute tho, let’s give it a try-
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-Ya, let me stop you right there, buddy, not into it but best of luck in your future endeavors!
Bruh. Let’s extremely call it a night, Barth.
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-Oh hi, huhu!🌸 -Hi hi, huhu!🌞 -I feel like I know you?💗
Ya Cyn, if I didn’t have photographic proof that it’s not true I’d legit think she’s your long lost daughter. Man ACTUALLY how much sense does it make that like people tend to seek out partners that remind them of their parents and Cyn was always such a maternal influence on Felina??? Holy hell this game has so many layers. 
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Clearly inspired by seeing her younger self in Meadow, Cyn finally finds it in her to woohoo again after Don’s passing! It’s legitimately crazy to me how loyal she was to him in death, like I can’t get over it, she never extended that courtesy to him while he was alive!
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It’s ok, Barth, you sleep off the romantic flopping and that tray of whiskeys and we’ll try again tomorrow.
-Ya, make sure to call us over when he ‘tries again tomorrow’ cause we don’t wanna miss it HAHA -HAHAHA boy did I screw him over by passing down my personality points! -You sure did, my little turbocuck! Let’s sleep in the same bed tonight, I can’t get into this one anyway with this flop sleeping there! -That’s what everyone is gonna be saying to him in college HAHAHA -HAHAHAHA oh Shaj, I love you, let’s work on our marriage! -I love you too, we’ll overcome our issues!
Awww, see Barth? Love wins❤️
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Arm Garage Door San Francisco CA
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https://armgaragedoorsanfrancisco.com/ Our company specializes in the setup, upkeep and rectification of overhead gate accessories affirming the effortless operation of garage doors with systems like Genie, Chamberlain and Sommer motors. We integrate sophisticated technologies for optimized efficiency and trustworthy performance offering comprehensive solutions that automate garage door opening and closing for reliability and ease. call Arm Garage Door San Francisco CA on 415-907-2430 ------- Discount:- $75 Off garage doors repair service today ! ( with purchase of parts) New rollers starting as low as $99 New operators starting as low as $199 New garage doors starting as low as $249 $100 Off on all single garage doors $200 Off on double car steel insulated garage doors ------- Working Hours : 6:00 AM :11:00 PM 24 Mobile Service ------- Payment:- American Express. Cash. Discover. Mastercard. Visa. -------- Address:- 1523 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103.
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Arm Garage Door Santa Ana CA
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http://armgaragedoorsantaana.com/ We furnish a holistic suite of residential carport entry setup services to meet your exact needs. Whether you're looking for a sleek, modern upgrade with a smart and energy efficient design or a dependable replacement for your current door we've got you covered. Our crew can handle everything from the initial fitting to the professional automated assembly of all the necessary gate parts. call Arm Garage Door Santa Ana CA on (747) 261-9427 --- Discount New rollers starting as low as $99 New operators starting as low as$199 New garage doors starting as low as $249 $75 Off garage doors repair service today! ( with purchase of parts) $100 Off on all single garage door $200 Off on double car steel insulated garage doors $100 off single door --- Working Hours : - All Days: 6:00 AM : 11:00 PM --- Payment American Express. Cash. Discover. Mastercard. Visa. --- Address:- 314 E 1st St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
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Garage Door of Los Angeles CA
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http://garagedooroflosangelesca.com/ With our group of repairmen, you can be sure that your driveway will be set up easily and perform at its best. We devote resources to the highest standards and customer satisfaction at every stage from selecting the ideal door type to using precise construction techniques. Our staff accommodates a wide range of tastes and price ranges with our diverse selection of alternatives. Talk to us about your needs now. call Garage Door of Los Angeles CA on 818-751-0864 --- Discount New rollers starting as low as $99 New operators starting as low as $199 New garage doors starting as low as $249 $75 Off garage doors repair today ( with purchase of parts) $100 Off on all single garage door --- Working Hours : - All Days: 6:00 AM : 11:00 PM --- Payment:- American Express. Cash. Discover. Mastercard. Visa. --- Address:- 654 Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90004, USA.
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