#Disney can suck my cock
teethbomb · 6 months
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toasterrrr · 5 months
Of course you cast yourself as the main character.
the main character is remus be grateful
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
Wtf Im just now getting started on Ms. Marvel (because I can only have one hyperfixation at a time and my brain was already booked &busy) and why is this one of the greatest pieces of media released this year??? Like it's almost disturbing how good this is
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flowerandblood · 3 months
The Knight & The Judge Epilogue
[ modern Frollo • Aemond x Esmeralda • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, handjob, smut, angst, description of physical and mental disabilities, swearing, mention of sexual assault, an accident with fatalities and trauma ]
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[ description: A few months pass since the events that changed his life, and his Esmeralda, despite her earlier decisions, chooses to continue taking care of Daeron. Aemond attends therapy, his condition improves and their bond gives him strength, still, however, he does not know, despite how much he loves her, what their relationship is. Obsession, self-destructive behavior, sexual tension, pathetic, devastated Aemond. ]
Author’s note: This story is a request, but I decided to freely use what I liked in the book and Disney film to create a new, disturbing story taking place in modern times. It is intended to be uncomfortable and will contain scenes that are at least morally questionable, in my version “Esmeralda” is not Romanian. This story will also include motifs from Jane Eyre, which was a separate request. My story will also touch on the problems of people with disabilities, so if these are sensitive topics for you, I advise against reading further. You have been warned.
Part 1 − The Knight & The Judge Part 2 − The Sin & The Penance Part 3 − The Doubt & The Delight
Main Characters Moodboard Aemond NSFW Alphabet
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
He had to clench his lips to keep anything more than grunts from coming out of them as he watched how, with quick, sure thrusts of his hips, he spread her slick folds wide open on his fat cock with loud slaps of skin against skin, his palms digging into the wonderfully soft structure of her hot buttocks, feeling her throbbing around him faster and faster.
He sighed when she cried out loudly as he added his hand between her thighs, his fingers finding her puffy clit, sore from previous caresses of his tongue − although they both tried not to make any noise knowing that Daeron was watching a movie downstairs, the treatments of his fingertips caused an involuntary whimper of delight to come from her lips.
"− no, baby − quiet − shhh, I know, we're almost there −" He murmured tenderly, leaning down, his hand sinking into her soft dark hair, pressing her face against the pillow, careful not to make it hard for her to breathe, wanting to muffle her moans.
"− grab my hand if you want me to stop −" He breathed out, quickening his pace, pounding into her so fast that he tilted his head back in pleasure, but her hand did not grab his wrist, her fingers tightened on the pillow on either side of her head instead, her fleshy walls began to clench around his cock in orgasm, sucking him inside, he felt her moisture begin to run down his thighs with her helpless whine of relief.
"− thaat's it − thaat's it, babygirl − fuck −" He mumbled as he let go at last, panting hard, feeling his warm seed spill deep inside her − for a moment his mind was stunned with pleasure, his body trembled from the hot sensation that flowed in waves through his body, his hand let go of her hair and she turned her head to the side, breathing loudly.
"− are you all right? − I'm sorry, he really could hear us −" He whispered, leaning lower, laying on top of her gently, placing a tender, warm, wet kiss on her neck, stroking her bare shoulder with his broad hand.
"− I know − it's me who's sorry −" She muttered. He let his breath out loudly with a smirk, shaking his head, sinking his face into her fragrant hair.
"− do you need anything? − can we stay like this for a while? −" He asked, not wanting to slip out of her yet, just dreaming of taking a nap cuddled up against her naked body, missing her so much for the two days she hadn't been home with them.
"− yes − but we shouldn't leave him alone for too long −" She whispered, and he hummed under his breath, agreeing with her.
"− will you stay overnight? −" He asked quietly, running his fingers up and down her naked body, feeling goosebumps appear in the places he touched.
"− yes −"
They returned to Dareon after several minutes, his younger brother accustomed to them disappearing occasionally to talk, watching quietly with contentment his favourite part of Star Wars.
"Have you discussed everything yet?" He asked lightly, putting his hand to the rustling popcorn, trying to get a full handful of it into his mouth, glancing at them out of the corner of his eye. He chuckled, sitting down next to him on the couch, watching his Esmeralda went to pour herself some water dressed in his black T-shirt and shorts.
He loved this view.
He scratched his cheek with his thumb trying not to think about the fact that at the mere memory of what he was doing to her just now he felt like taking her upstairs again.
"Yeah, buddy. All set." He grumbled, spreading himself out comfortably and sighing quietly, exhausted − their gazes met as she raised a glass of water to her lips and lowered her gaze, embarrassed and insecure. He swallowed loudly at the sight, feeling a squeeze in his heart.
It seemed to him that something was going on with her lately − she was sadder than usual and drifted away with her thoughts. On top of that, recently she was the one who had been grabbing his hand and guiding it between her thighs, demanding his caresses. There was something desperate about it and although he had asked her many times if everything was okay, she always answered him that it was.
He knew he had no right to ask her anything.
They were not together and he would never have dared to suggest it, fearing rejection.
He kept telling her how much he loved her and he could see in her gaze, feel in her embrace and in the touch of her hand that she also had feelings for him, albeit complicated and painful ones.
His prosecutorial nature insisted in his mind that he should start investigating, that he should start following her, that perhaps someone was nagging her, her professor or a colleague, but fearing his intervention she did not want to tell him anything.
He knew, however, that if she found out he was doing something behind her back she would not forgive him.
He couldn't help himself however − one day, while she and Daeron were sitting on the patio talking to each other by the sliding glass door, he went out to prepare the meat they were going to grill for lunch, according to their plan spending the afternoon in the garden. He came back because he had forgotten the tray, but stopped at the wall when he heard the question Daeron had asked her.
"Have you forgiven my brother? For what he did to you back then." He asked uncertainly. He heard her shift restlessly in her wicker chair, probably looking away to see if he was anywhere near them. She sighed quietly.
"I've done him wrong too. He's trying really hard. I know he's not like that every day. That I'm important to him and that he really cares about me." She said softly, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke the words.
He closed his eyes, feeling a tightness in his throat, swallowing with difficulty at the thought that he felt pain and relief at the same time, that she recognised his efforts, that she knew he wasn't lying when he spoke about how much he cared for her.
"I've been thinking about it a lot. About why he hurt you. And I think he did because he never shouted at me. He never got angry with me even when I cried for hours. I think if he shouted at you then or hit you it was because he missed our mum and dad too. Because he couldn't cope with it and our eldest brother didn't take care of him like he did me.
Before you showed up on the first day he was very afraid that you would be late or not come. That he would leave me with you and you would hurt me. I remember his hands were shaking when he had his coffee in the morning. He told me not to trust you and that if you just did something I didn't like, I should call him. I think it was all because I wanted to dance."
His brother muttered, and he just stood there stunned with his mouth wide open, breathing hard, feeling tears burning under his eyelids at the thought that he thought he was hiding everything that was going on inside him well, and Daeron had seen it all anyway, but as a child he couldn't comprehend what was really happening to him.
I think if he shouted at you then or hit you it was because he missed our mum and dad too.
He covered his face with his hand, stifling a sob at the thought that he thought he had just shouted at her or hit her, that he hadn't even assumed what had really happened between them.
He was horrified at how long she had not responded, and once he heard her voice he felt a piercing pain in his lower abdomen at the thought that she was crying too, unable to catch her breath.
"I...Daeron, this had and has nothing, nothing to do with you. This is our adult business, okay? It's very complicated." She muttered wearily, and he swallowed heavily, trying to calm his ragged breathing, clenching his eyelids tightly.
Whatever he would do, it would always come back to them.
"I heard him tell you he loved you. I know he said it to you because when I knocked on his room he said he was talking to you on the phone." Said his younger brother, clearly trying to get to the point of starting this whole conversation and topic at all.
"Are you two going to be together?"
Never before in his life had he been so afraid, never had he suffered so much, never had he felt so alone and desperate as when he waited for her answer.
"Don't you love him?" Daeron asked quietly after a moment, as if he was afraid his brother would accidentally hear them. "You can tell me, it's not a bad thing. I'll keep a secret."
He heard her sobbing, heard her uneven, loud breathing, the fact that she was falling apart, that he was the cause of her eternal heartbreak and suffering.
"I'm afraid to be with him. I'm afraid to name it. As long as I don't agree, he can't hit me again and yell at me. The distance makes me feel like I'm in control of the situation, that I can disappear at any time and not explain myself. That it won't hurt me when I bore him. Do you understand?" She asked him quietly, his brother swallowed loudly.
"Are you afraid of my brother?" He whispered frightened, heard her draw in the air loudly, sniffling.
"I'm scared of what he's doing to me. I think I'm getting addicted to him, like people get addicted to alcohol or drugs." She muttered, and he took a few steps back, feeling tear after tear run down his face.
He didn't run when he heard her rise from her seat as she entered the house, clearly wanting to go quickly to the bathroom − she jumped when she spotted him standing against the wall, her eyes and mouth wide open in disbelief and horror.
"− Aemond −" She mumbled, and he swallowed loudly and grunted, walking over to the countertop, getting back to work.
"The meat will be ready soon."
He heard her stand still, her breathing loud, unsure of what to do, understanding perfectly well that he'd heard everything they'd said.
She didn't love him.
She was just addicted to him.
He thought dispassionately that he was like a stimulant that was destroying her life, not allowing her to live in another healthy relationship.
He heard her moving ahead after a while, locking herself in the toilet, heard her loud sobbing, his palms shaking all over as he cut the meat, tears one by one dripping onto the wooden board beneath his hands.
They spent the evening as they had planned, pretending nothing had happened, Daeron telling them about a new game he really wanted to play and a new cartoon he was watching.
In the night he locked himself sooner in his bedroom, feeling that he couldn't be around her, remorse and self-pity prevented him from breathing or functioning.
He shuddered, feeling the quick pounding of his heart as he heard the quiet creak of his door as usual an hour later − he heard her footsteps, felt her body lay behind him on his bed, sliding up over his duvet, felt her hand on his stomach.
He clenched his eyelids as his cock immediately twitched aggressively in this trousers, all swollen.
They lay like that for a while − he could feel her warm breath on his neck, her breasts hidden behind his Tshirt snuggled into his back, her fingers trailing from his sternum to his lower abdomen making shivers run through him.
He found with despair that he had become achingly hard from just her closeness.
"− I'm sorry −" She whispered finally; he shuddered all over and swallowed quietly as her soft, warm lips placed a gentle kiss on his shoulder. "− I didn't mean it −"
He did not reply.
He heard her trembling sigh, her body nestled into his from behind, the way he always used to do.
He felt a single, lonely tear run down the side of his face onto the pillow.
All he was able to manage was to breathe, his heart pounding like mad.
"− you have taken deep root in my heart − you grow in it like an oak tree in my garden full of flowers − and even though I did not want it, I have found cooling in its shade, shelter from the rain under its leaves, from its wood things are made that last −" She whispered and he felt his whole body tremble.
He imagined her, her flower garden and himself.
A great, spreading tree.
"− this is not what my garden was supposed to be − I only wanted flowers in it − but now, when I look at this tree from the window of my house, at its thick trunk, its green, beautiful leaves in summer, yellow and red in autumn, I am glad that I let it grow −" She said softly, her lips again placed a kiss on his neck as her hand slid lower. A broken, helpless moan broke from his throat as he felt her fingers tighten on his swollen, aching manhood, squeezing him with sure up and down strokes.
"− I − mghmm −" He mumbled out, horrified by how pleasurable this was, by the fact that this might be the last time he would see her, by the fact that he no longer knew himself what she felt for him, what would be better for them, what he should want for himself, when all he desired was for her to simply be by his side.
He wanted her to take care of him.
Not out of revenge, not out of lust.
He needed her.
"− I know − easy − I want to take care of you −" She whispered tenderly, in the way he'd dreamed of since he'd met her. He felt heat in his lower abdomen and heart, his hips involuntarily beginning to respond to her movements with rocking, his tip all swollen and sticky with his precum, pulsing in her embrace.
"− please − inside you −" He gasped out and she let go of him, letting him turn to face her − he grabbed her in his arms and pressed his face against her soft, plump breasts hidden beneath his t-shirt. He lifted the material quickly above her thighs, sighing in relief, feeling that she wasn't wearing underwear − she threw her leg over his waist, the fat, pink head of his cock easily forced its way between her slick, hot, plushy folds.
"− f-fuck −" He cried out, tightening his fingers on her back, snuggling into her like a small, frightened child, pounding into her with quick, sure thrusts of his hips, seeking refuge deep inside her, in the only place where he felt safe.
"− I love you − I love you − I love you − please, don't leave me −" He mumbled into her chest, choking on his own tears − her fleshy muscles clenched against him at his words, sucking him inside, his thighs slapping against her buttocks with a loud click of her moisture. He felt her fingers comb through his hair, cuddling him tighter into her, her lips placing a warm kiss on the top of his head.
"− it's too late for me anyway − I'll never be free of how much I want you −" She exhaled with a kind of relief, as if she'd been wanting to get it out of her for a long time, as if she'd finally come to terms with the fact that they were doomed to each other not because they'd decided to, but because, for some reason, they fit together like two parts of a whole.
Her hips responded to his pushes, his hand clamping down hard on her hot, soft buttocks, forcing her to let him in deeper, slamming into her so fast that he was no longer sliding out with a loud slaps of naked skin.
"− oh, baby, fuck, fuck, fuck −" He gasped out loud, for the first time being so vocal and helpless in bed, more so than when she was riding him, more so ever in his life, feeling that he no longer had the strength to pretend that he wasn't tired, that he wasn't disappointed, that he wasn't crying during the night when she wasn't next to him, that he was coping with the fact that he'd hurt the woman he'd loved so much the first day he'd really met her.
He felt her orgasm, her body arching back in shock at how intense the sensation was, soaking him wet, her palms clenching on his back, responding to his thrusts with the rocking of her hips for a moment longer, sweet, helpless moans of pleasure coming from her lips.
"− I want to have a family with you − to have children with you −" He muttered with relief as he felt the heat spill over his lower abdomen when he finally came inside her, delighted that she was letting him feel herself again, that he was deep inside her, inside his safe place, inside his home. He heard her sigh softly.
"− one day −"
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fatkish · 2 months
For my request, based on MHA and Disney's Aladdin, can you write a oneshot featuring Aizawa and a male reader with bondage and gags please? In the story, after being inspired by the bondage scene from Aladdin, the reader and Aizawa go to a love hotel to try it out. Aizawa would be the one who'd have his hands and barefeet shackled, his mouth cloth gagged, and would even wear an Aladdin prince costume as part of the set up. You can decide on the intimate acts as long as Aizawa is kept tied up and gagged the whole time. What do you think?
Aizawa x Male Reader NSFW: Pretty Boy
After watching the new Aladdin movie during one of their dates, (y/n) begged Aizawa to let him be the dominant one and have an Aladdin inspired sexual experience. (Y/n) managed to convince and persuade Aizawa into letting (y/n) book a room at a love hotel and they would have their fun there once (y/n) collected all the necessary toys and equipment. He told Aizawa the date they agreed on and told Aizawa to wear a butt plug on the way there so that he’d be somewhat prepared.
 The next few days passed as (y/n) made sure to prepare everything, he bought a vibrating cock ring for Aizawa to wear as well as a sexy male belly dancer costume. Then he made a special order for a gag veil to be made for Aizawa to wear. Then (y/n) was able to buy some incense and candles. After buying all the stuff he ordered and putting it together, he informed Aizawa that the room was ready for their arrival at the hotel.
When (y/n) got to the hotel, he paid for a room and make sure to set the mood with lighting, turning the lights of and lighting the candles and incense. (Y/n) then pulled out a Bluetooth speaker and pulled out his phone to play some Arabian music. The room was painted with black walls and had a large four poster bed with red silk sheets. (Y/n) grabbed a towel and laid it down on the bed. As the incense and candles burned, the scents of cinnamon, spiced chai tea, sage and bergamot filled the room.
While Aizawa changed in the bathroom, (y/n) prepared and laid out all the toys and equipment. When Aizawa exited the bathroom, wearing the costume and the gag, (y/n) wolf whistled in appreciation. As Aizawa walked over to (y/n), (y/n) made sure to tie his hands up. (Y/n) then used his foot to spread Aizawa’s ankles and secure a spreader bar to them. After that (y/n) made Aizawa bend over the bed, brushing the cloth skirt aside as he pulled out the plug that Aizawa wore.
After pulling out the plug, (y/n) applied lube to his fingers and pushed them deep into Aizawa’s ass, spreading and scissoring his hole as he fingered Aizawa. (Y/n) then grabbed the vibrating cock ring and slipped it on Aizawa’s cock. Next, (y/n) grabbed the egg vibrator and spread Aizawa’s cheeks, pushing it in and up against Aizawa’s prostate. (Y/n) turned both toys on causing Aizawa to choke and make muffled sounds of surprise. (Y/n) then flipped Aizawa onto his back and began to play with Aizawa’s nipples, pinching and pulling on them while he began to fist Aizawa’s cock.
(Y/n) then turned up the vibrations and began sucking on Aizawa’s nipples. Swirling his tongue around and nipping them.
“Mrph erm” Aizawa groaned as he was panting into the gag as (y/n) gave Aizawa’s cock a firm squeeze. Aizawa began to groan softly and seized as he came.
“You’re doing so well for me, baby. Do you have it in you to give me a few more orgasms?” (y/n) asked as he looked down at Aizawa.
“Mrh hm”
“Good boy”
(Y/n) the grabbed the bottle of lube and poured a bit onto his fingers. He then reached behind him and began to slowly finger himself. He grabbed the vibrator’s remotes and turned the vibrations up higher. Aizawa’s thighs tensed as his back arched in ecstasy. (Y/n) then pulled his fingers out as he poured some lube onto Aizawa’s cock.
“I hope you’re ready, cause I’m going to ride this pretty dick of yours.” You said as he hovered over and carefully sat down on Aizawa’s cock. Aizawa closed his eyes and breathed deeply as (y/n) sunk down on his dick. Once fully seated, (y/n) clenched his inner muscles making Aizawa give a groan. (Y/n) started to bounce slowly, as he looked Aizawa in the eyes. (Y/n) then grabbed the cock ring’s remote and turned it all the way up.
“Erm! Urhmm, ermph rrm hrm” Aizawa cried into the gag, as his thighs tensed. (Y/n) began to speed up him bouncing as Aizawa tried to thrust up into (y/n).
“Are you close?”
(y/n) then turned the egg vibrator up to the max setting causing Aizawa to scream into his gag as he came while (y/n) slammed his hips down and ground down onto Aizawa.
“Do you think, you can give me one more?” (Y/n) looked down at Aizawa as he nodded after taking a moment. (Y/n) then got off of Aizawa and turned him over. (Y/n) then pulled the egg vibrator out, and attached the vibrating nipple clamps to Aizawa. (Y/n) then bent Aizawa over as he grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some out onto Aizawa’s anus. After that, (y/n) pushed three fingers into Aizawa’s ass. (Y/n) then curled his fingers, digging them into Aizawa’s prostate causing him to thrust his hips. After pulling out his fingers, (y/n) then applied lube to his own dick.
“Last one pretty boy, you ready?”
“Mrph” Aizawa nodded as he looked back at (y/n).
(Y/n) then slowly pushed in, sink each inch in slowly. But before he fully sheathed himself inside Aizawa, he slowly pulled back out till his head was the only part left. (Y/n) the grabbed Aizawa’s hips and pulled him back onto his cock.
(Y/n) began to thrust into Aizawa at a moderate pace. Reaching down between Aizawa’s thighs to give his balls some attention. As (y/n) thrusted, he palmed at Aizawa’s balls, gently squeezing and rolling them in his hand. After a moment (y/n) increased his pace, speeding up and pushed Aizawa down face first into the bed.
“Oh, baby, you feel so good squeezing me like this. You’re so tight and hot, I don’t think I can last long.”
“Ersh erm mer ert!”
Aizawa shouted into his gag as (y/n) pounded into him, hitting his prostate with every single thrust due to the new angle. After a few more minutes, (y/n) came with a shout, hunching over Aizawa’s back and gripping his hips. Aizawa then came a final time as his spend shot out onto the towel beneath him.
After a few moments, (y/n) turned the toys off and removed them. He then released Aizawa’s restraints and let him remove the spreader bar. After cleaning and putting the toys and equipment away, (y/n) came over to Aizawa with a damp warm towel and cleaned him up. (Y/n) then picked up the towel off the bed and set it aside in the bathroom.
“Thank you so much for indulging me on this baby.” (Y/n) whispered into Aizawa’s ear as he gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Next time, I’m tying you up and edging you. I’m going to make you cum and milk your prostate, see how you like it” Aizawa threatened as he closed his eyes and relaxed his sore body.
“Sounds like fun, rest now love, I booked the room for the whole day and night so you can sleep and I’ll be back with food when you wake up”
(Sorry this took so long @princeasimdiya12, I haven’t finished the drawing yet so I’ll add it once I’ve finished it. I hope you enjoyed this, it’s kinda my first time writing something like this so I hope it’s good)
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lieslab · 5 days
The depths between: Chapter five
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Chapter four
A/N: If you stuck around and waited for me to post all of this at once, thank you, it means a lot. This is my first mini-series and it's been really fun. Maybe I'll make another one at some point. Enjoy <3
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
The distant squawking of birds filled your ears. Another day on the ship, what adventures would you discover? You shifted and yawned. Before you opened your eyes, your arms stretched over your head. 
The soft popping and decompression of your spine caused your face to scrunch. The faint chuckle from beside you- 
You jerked up and your eyes shot open. Confusion filled you as you looked around. You were expecting to be tucked away in your isolated cabin on your ship. You were expecting the sun to be peeking through your window. The wooden walls had been decorated from photographs from home via painters tape. 
When a tail shifted and glistened in the sunlight, you knew something was wrong. Your heart began to hammer in your chest as your gaze slowly followed the edge of the tail. The torso blended into a stomach with well-defined abs. Two arms, a neck, and then a face. 
“What the fuck?” You mumbled as you reached up and rubbed your eyes. Surely, you must have been having a dream. A fucked up dream and soon you’d wake up refreshed. You’d realize this wasn’t real and life would go on, but it didn’t. 
When you opened your eyes, the whites of two eyes were staring at you. Eggshell white. No iris, no pupil, no color besides that murkiness. Had you died and gone to hell? Was, whatever creature this is, was it your punishment? 
“Hi!” A smile fell over the dimpled and freckled face. “I know you’re probably really confused, but trust me, you’re totally safe. I mean, you probably don’t think you are.” He frowned. “I swear, you’re totally fine for now.” 
“What the hell are you?” 
“Do you always start your mornings with so many curse words?” 
“I usually start them with a cup of coffee, but clearly I’m not on a ship,” you shot back. 
“Jeez.” He sucked in a deep breath and sighed. “Well, my name is Felix and I understand that this is a lot. You’re probably wondering what’s going on. Please don’t be scared of me, I can explain.” 
“Then go ahead.” 
“Right, okay. I believe you were on your boat last night when you were lulled into the water by a siren.” 
You pushed yourself up, scoffed, and rolled your eyes. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” 
“Really?” He cocked his head. “Okay, so say that didn’t happen. How do you explain this?” He shifted and lifted up his glittering tail. 
You paused for a moment and pressed your lips in a thin line. “Obviously, that’s fake.” 
“Touch it.” 
“Touch it. Since you’re so convinced that it’s not real, touch my tail.” 
“I don’t want to touch your tail.” 
He grumbled and dug his hands into the sand. He clawed at it and dragged himself towards you. All you could do was watch in part confusion and part fascination. 
Once he aligned himself closer to you, he stretched out his tail and let the scales brush against your bare legs. Your eyes widened in shock and then you gagged. 
The feeling of scales felt strange. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but you truly didn’t expect him to feel so similar to a fish. You jerked your legs away. “What the fuck are you?” 
“I’m a siren. More specifically, I’m a light siren. I rescued you last night when you fell into the ocean. You’re welcome, by the way. I saved you from a watery death caused by a dark siren.” 
“So…a mermaid? Merman, I suppose.” 
“Mermaids and mermen don’t exist. Those were tales created by humans to hide the truth. Everyone loves the story of Ariel, don’t they? Climbing into the human world and falling in love. That doesn’t happen.” 
“What’s the difference?” 
“Mermaids don’t sing and sirens do.” 
“Ariel sings in the Disney movie.” 
“The Disney movie is bullshit and you know that. Sirens have been around for thousands of years.” 
“So if you’re a light siren and you saved me, but the dark siren tried to kill me, where are they?” 
“He’s currently probably swimming somewhere and pouting because that’s what he does best. Dark sirens enjoy killing people and sometimes even the light sirens. Fortunately, I know this dark siren and we’re friends, so-” 
“I don’t think you’re really friends if he’s somewhere pouting because you saved me.” 
“Okay, so…” Felix’s hand reached back and grabbed the back of his neck. “Maybe I just wish we were friends.” 
“You’re friends with someone who enjoys killing people?” 
“I’ve been trying to fix him!” 
Your jaw dropped in shock. “I don’t think that’s how it works. I don’t know how your world works, but in my world, if someone killed someone; I certainly wouldn’t try to fix that. The word for that is murderer.” 
“People are fixable.” 
“Corpses don’t come back to life.” 
“In the ocean they do.” 
You groaned and dropped your head in your hands. After rubbing your face, you glanced over at Felix again. “Enough of that, where are we?” 
“We’re on a small island. I believe there’s a forest, but I don’t know for sure.” He gestured behind your head. “I haven’t been past the treeline. Sirens aren’t great at walking. There’s a reason why we live in the ocean.” 
“You don’t say?” 
“I’m starting to think I should have let you drown.” 
“Too late for that. Seems like a job for the dark sirens. If you’re a light one, you’d never do that to me, so I’m safe.” The smirk of amusement on your face dropped into a frown. “At least, I think that’s how that works.” 
Felix snickered and shook his head. “I haven’t been around a human in quite a while. It’s nice to know that some of you still have a sense of humor. I miss being a human.” 
“You used to be a human?” 
“I actually used to work on the boat that you fell off of. I was celebrating my birthday when I got drunk and I-” 
“Oh my god, you’re the guy who…holy shit. Wait, how did you turn into a siren?” 
“You have a lot to learn.” 
“So you really did save me?” 
He forced a smile onto his face. Even though his eyes were white, you could see the pain sewn into that smile. “Of course, I did. I wish someone would have saved me too.” 
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Next part: Chapter six
Taglist: @ilovetocas1 @vvislici0us @fr34k4c1dr41n @hamburgers101 @juskz @x-0ophelia0-x @viviworkshere @velvetmoonlght @jeonginsleftcheek
Requests, taglist, and inbox rules
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bitbybitwrites · 4 months
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Thanks to @forabeatofadrum and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tag!
Got a number of items I'm working on so here some bits for you: from a few WIP of mine.
1.) From the next chapter of Puppy Love (RWRB fic)
“Tia Nora is pretty fun,” Alex admitted. ”That’s why we’re best friends.”  He sighed and stared up into the sky. “I know it’s tough Raf.  Us being all the way in New York, so far from family and your other friends back in Texas.” “But Tia June is here. And I’m making friends, Papi,” Raf reassured him. “You are?” Raf nodded as he took a handful of snow and tossed it up in the air so it fluttered down on them both. “ There’s Milo and Becky and Thomas and Belle . .” “Wait, like the Disney princess?” “She told me she’s named after her grandmother.  Isabelle, I think?” “Oh.” “Those are my new friends at school.  Milo is nice.  He has glasses.  Becky shares her snack with me at lunch time.  Her mom gives her CAKE.”  Raf turned to look at his father with wide, amazed eyes. “CAKE, Papi.” Alex rolled his eyes.  “I doubt its as good as Abuelita’s Tres Leches," he sniffed. “Well, duh . . “
2.) From Falling For You (Klaine fic)
“Who is Carole?” Kurt smiled and grabbed his phone to open up to a picture of his Dad and his stepmother smiling and laughing with each other.  It had been his father’s birthday and the two of them had cracked each other up with some silly joke or reference.  Kurt quickly took a picture to freeze that moment in time. “This is Carole, “ Kurt said as he showed Tracy.  “Dad met her when I was in high school.  And they fell in love and got married.  Now that doesn’t mean he forgot my mom or anything.  He just had a lot of love in his heart - enough for both of them.  Carole loves my Dad a whole lot.  She loves me just as much too.  She’s amazing.”  He leaned in a bit closer to Tracy.  “I’ll let you in on a secret.  She also makes the best cookies.  Remind me to make you some of her recipes some time.” “Like Christmas cookies?” “Exactly.” “Mr. Kurt?”   “Yes, sweetheart?” “Can I meet Carole one day?” “I think we can arrange that.” Kurt said.  “And maybe if we’re lucky, she may bring some cookies when she comes. “
3.) From Sanctuary (Klaine fic)
It was a good handful of time before he got to his destination, having managed to successfully slip by a number of the palace guards in the process.  Blaine was able to sneak just outside of the castle walls.  He followed a well-worn path into the wood to a small cottage hidden just a few feet hidden in the trees. In the front yard, a young woman paused in her task of hanging her wet wash to dry. She stood, she groaned, rubbing the small of her back.  As she did the swell of the growing babe in her belly protruded forward.  She smiled to herself, caressing her abdomen, forming a beautiful picture even Blaine could appreciate: her soft blond hair escaping from her kerchief, brushing her brow.  The young woman’s brown eyes danced as she spotted the princeling approaching. She dipped into as low of a curtsey as she could manage without tipping forward.  “Your Royal Highness,” she said in a soft voice.  “Good morrow.  I was wondering when you would come by this day.” Blaine smiled sheepishly as he held aloft his offering from the head cook.  “Mistress Fabray,“  he said proudly.  “I come bearing gifts!”
4.) Untitled Klaine Valentines 2024 Challenge fic
OK, am loving all the work I'm seeing from the folks doing the Klaine Valentines 2024 challenge set out by the @klaineccfanficlibrary
I got an idea for something, inspired by their first day song selection (Padam. by Kylie Minogue) so here's just a little bit from something I started . . The best way I could sum up this fic is this section of the story:
The young men from Dalton House weren’t just lookers.  They were well versed in everything from English Literature to economics. They could hold their own in academic debates while also using those dexterous mouths and tongues to suck your brains out of your cock.  Brains and beauty - and all of them looking for older (preferably more financially well off) “patrons.” Or so the rumors went.
So yeah, there's a bit of an age gap planned , Blaine in his mid-late 20s, Kurt in his mid-late 30s. and a bit of a Pretty Woman vibe to the story . . you know, hooker with a heart of gold type thing :)
And the selection from the fic so far:
“The auction.” Kurt’s mind puts two and two together. Elliot nods and motions towards the front of the ballroom.  Up on the stage there were three large gilded cages, each with a young man, scantily clad within them.  The boys were dancing as seductively as they could manage.  The two on the far right and far left of the stage (one brunette, and one blonde) kept throwing worried glances to one another as Dalton House patrons gathered at their feet, appraising them. “The ones on either end . . . despite flouting the refusal clause, they were caught with each other in bed.  Fraternizing with another student in contract is strictly forbidden.” Elliot said in a low voice.  “Nick and Jeff were just stupid.  I had warned them, but they weren’t careful.” Elliot shook his head. “And now I can’t protect them. They go to whoever is the highest bidder for them tonight, no matter what.” “And the boy in the center cage?” Kurt was hypnotized watching the young man sway his hips, his arms raised above his head, eyes closed to shut out the world around him.  Dark curls fell gently over his brow - curls that looked so soft, Kurt realized he wanted to run his fingers through them. “Blaine?”  Elliot sighed.  “I don’t know why he signed with Dalton, to be honest.  He just didn’t seem like the type, you know?  But again,  he refused one time too many for the administration’s liking. And now it’s come to bite him in the ass. He’s up for auction too.” “That’s . . . too bad . . “ Kurt murmured, still transfixed with watching Blaine.  Kurt couldn’t explain it - it was like the blood was rushing to fill his ears. And all he could hear was his own loud heart beat in syncopation with the music in the room: Padam, padam Padam, padam Padam, padam
OK . . tagging folks ( jump in only if you want to!) : @hkvoyage, @kirakiwiwrites, @little-escapist, @myheartalivewrites, @wordsofhoneydew, @14carrotghoul @fallevs, @spaceorphan18, @gleefulpoppet, @madas-ahatters-world, @rockitmans
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teethbomb · 6 months
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starfieldbhm · 6 months
If you had the perfect day what would it consist of? Who would you see, what would you do, what would you eat, what type of touch/sex/affection would you have? What would you have other people deal with and what would you deal with?
Man, that is a REALLY good question. Only 1 day? Maybe I can strech it out as long as that guy on the show 24.
There's so many things that I would be very happy doing. Most involve traveling and trying new food. Seeing cool new things.
I'd want someone who doesn't skip leg day so they can push me around everywhere in my big ole wheelchair.
Maybe a cruise, Disney land, idk somewhere cool. Unlimited funds to try new tasty things.
Sex wise.
I've always wanted to be fucked with a strap on.
Or have a hot man fuck me.
I'd love to have my cock sucked (it's been too long😢)
Honestly would love some cuddles.
And and endless massage!!!
I've probably missed a few things but I feel like this kinda answers you.
Thanks for the awesome question!! ❤️
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
congratulations on hitting 1k, very well deserved! i’ve been keeping up with your works for a while now and you never disappoint <3
could we please get changmin + enemies to lovers?
Thank you so much for your lovely words my precious 🥹💞
Since I already did Rivals/Enemies to Lovers with Changmin fluff here, I’ll do a smut part under here!
Enemies to Lovers with Changmin/Q:
cw - smut, it’s pretty much soft dumbasses (affectionate) making love
It wasn’t a planned activity at all
Like always
What activity you may ask?
Having sex on the living room couch when Changmin’s roommates could come back at any minute
You both came to the out to take a break from studying
The words had started rising above your notepads and dancing around your head
So ofc the most logical solution was to close your bags
Make some hot chocolate
And watch a movie
But this supposedly cute and cozy pastime activity quickly turned boring
Which then turned into your and Changmin’s hands sneaking up each other’s thighs and down each other’s pants
His deft fingers slid around your sensitive skin before his mouth started attacking your neck
Which, again, turned into your mounting Changmin’s lap and making out with him
It started from playful grinding and some skin nipping here and there
But you turned it up a notch
As one does
Lazy sex was always the best with Changmin
Fuck Disney
The true most magical place on earth was Changmin’s lap
Lord and the heavens above did you love when you sat on his cock
And it slid inside with a punctuated roughness no matter how much lube or prep you invested in
“You’re telling me you wasted so much time getting on my nerves when you could’ve been getting on my cock instead?”
He’d ridicule you while you rolled your hips on top of him
“Because getting on your nerves came natural to me,”
You hit his chest halfassedly
Honestly, his cock is doing wonders inside you and his hands are fondly all the weak spots outside so
You really don’t care what he says
Until you realise
“I guess– shit,” you still for a second at a particularly satisfying contact of his tip inside you,
“Guess I ended up on top one way or another,”
Changmin would most definitely roll his eyes at that
“You’re hilarious,” is his sarcastic response
His hand hooks around your nape as he pulls you down
You two busy yourself messily sucking each other’s tongues
Something that you figured out is highly entertaining with Changmin
And that it drives him wild
He grips your ass to slide you down with a refreshed vigour
Your ass slapping hard against his thighs
He’d push his feet to the floor with even more strength
So he can use all his core energy to drive his cock into you
His favourite view on the planet was watching you bounce helplessly on his lap
While your fingers tried to grip his shoulders for leverage
He’d wrap his arms around your back to press your front against him
And it might hinder his movement
But your warmth radiating onto his skin was an A grade experience
While his cock got sucked into your inviting hole
(His words not mine)
Your slow grinding would come to a half when both of you release with long, satisfied sighs
You’d fall into his chest, muscles finally relaxing
And he’d spend the next few minutes caressing your hair and rubbing your back
But then you’d begrudgingly get up and clean
Because yk
Cant fall asleep naked on the couch for his roommates to find
Changmin would have to blind them if it happens
(Again, his words not mine)
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maskedtruths666 · 2 years
Part 5.6 of the trophy wife series!
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Months passed since Jack and Karina got married and life has never been better. Jack has his occasional threesomes with Karina and Isabella but that’s about it. But soon, life was about to change drastically for Jack and Karina.
Karina got posted to America as part of a new project team she was leading for about 2 weeks. Jack got posted to Thailand as part of another project he was leading for a similar duration. Isabella on the other hand, had to choose who to follow as she was technically both their secretaries.
Karina made Isabella follow Jack so as to keep his sexual urges at bay for the next two weeks and of course to report back to her on what he does.
They each made their way to their respective countries and Isabella followed Jack to Thailand. Karina made a pact with Jack, that they will both stay faithful and not visit any sex clubs or swingers den during their trips. They made a promise to masturbate together despite the time difference to keep things interesting.
Karina said, “Baby, when it is 10pm in Las Vegas, it’ll be 12 noon in Bangkok. I want you to go to the toilet and jerk off to my pictures because I will be using my dildo to pleasure myself and I’ll be thinking of you.”
“Of course baby, I’ll make sure I do it. I’m looking forward to seeing you again after 2 weeks my love.” Jack replied.
Day 1 of their separation
Both Karina and Jack were extremely busy, settling into their new roles and leading their team. However, Karina secretly made dinner plans with Aaron without telling Jack. And she made sure to tell Isabella to seduce Jack during that time so that Jack would not be suspicious of Karina’s lack of reply.
The day passed by pretty normally without much ado and as dinner approached, Karina was tingling with excitement. Sure, she knew deep down it was wrong but she also knew that Jack cheated on Caylin in the past and she’s missed Aaron’s cock. As long as Isabella kept her promise, Karina would be safe.
Karina wore an extremely sexy dress to dinner with Aaron that night.
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When the pair met, Aaron couldn’t help but exclaim, “Holy mother of god, Karina, you look stunning.”
Karina blushed and said, “Oh you’re too kind. I remember Stacy being a stunner as well. Is she joining us tonight?”
“Oh no, she’s got work and I told her I’m busy at work too.” Aaron said, winking.
“Well, same here. I told my husband I have a business meeting dinner with my team. But here I am.” Karina said, blushing a little.
“Yknow what, fuck dinner. I want to eat you out.” Aaron said.
Karina hastily texted Isabella the code word - Accountant, to signify that she’s going to be spending an even longer time with Aaron, possibly the whole night and that Isabella should distract Jack as best as she could.
As soon as Aaron and Karina got into the car, they started making out. Isabella on the other hand, racked her brain to figure out how she could distract Jack the whole night.
After awhile, Aaron drove Karina back to the hotel. Whilst driving her back, Karina decided to give him road head. “Mhm, I missed your huge cock. Sometimes, just sometimes, when I get jealous seeing my husband fuck Isabella behind my back, I will think of your dick when my husband fucks me.” Karina said as she sucked his cock.
“If you can make me cum before we reach your place, I’ll fuck you the whole night, as per your wishes. But if I don’t cum before I reach your place, you will be my slut for the whole time you’re here.” Aaron said as Karina was going down on him.
“Bet. I know you’ve missed my Asian mouth. I’m going to make you cum so hard, you’ll forget about Stacy.” Karina said as she started sucking Aaron off in earnest.
Isabella, on the other hand, cosplayed as a Disney princess. Something that Karina was never willing to do.
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“Hey boss, how do you like my outfit?” Isabell asked, as she stepped out of the bathroom.
“Holy fuck, what are you doing?” Jack replied, instantly getting a raging boner.
“Seducing you of course. My prince, it’s very rare that we have 2 weeks all to ourselves. You think I, going to let you jerk off to Karina’s pics when you have me here?” Isabella said as she inched her way towards Jack.
“Oh you naughty girl. I’m going to show you what happens to princesses who act like a whore. I’ll fuck y oh like a common man instead of this princely dick you so crave.” Jack said, jumping into character.
OR DO YOU WANT KARINA TO BECOME AARON’S PERSONAL RAGDOLL FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS? (I will change the story into 2 side stories, 7 mini parts each, with each part detailing how Aaron uses Karina)
If there are no votes, I will end off the trophy wife series in the next 2 stories :(
Please DM me to cast your vote!
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standing-restart · 2 years
Today my boss got the nursing home I work for a Disney+ account. You can guess what they wanted to watch first......... Zootropolis 😱 all I've heard for the last two hours is dumb bunny. I can just hear him trying to make you talk as your sitting on the fuck machine. "Just a dumb bunny right?" "Only cumming. That's all your good for right bunny? cumming and cumming for only for me." And all you can do is just nod cos you cant form words anymore Soooooo Bunny kink Lance is never leaving my brain 🏗
Ohh yeaaaah. I knew I still had some bunny kink Lance left in my inbox (and you know I'm always craving it -)
He'd love it when you cling to him while sitting on the fuck machine - he'd love it to support you through orgasm after orgasm. His hands just stroking your hair. Lance loves having you on your hands and knees, the remote in his hands as he sits in front of you, your mouth either on his cock or your cheek resting against his thigh.
Generally, he just loves overstimulating you until you're in tears. "Such a good little dumb bunny -" hand stroking your hair pulls on it as he keeps the machine at a relentless pace. "- I bet you would rather be coming on my dick right now, right? But only good bunnies get rewards like that."
All in all, he would ask you if you felt filled up, sucking him off while being fucked by the machine, with a buttplug with a little bunny tail in your ass.
After you've had a couple of orgasms, and you genuinely feel like walking is going to be an impossible task for the next couple of hours - he'd softly take out the plug, only to fuck you hard. Biting your shoulder, marking his little bunny as he pleases. He's going to leave bruises on your ass with the way he grips it too harsh. Everything for his dumb bunny.
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darthmaulification · 1 year
yes i can say that i bawled like a baby seeing my Big Metal Man again, but also simultaneously recognize that the dialogue sucked cock ball and ass and there was some ~Weird Implications~ but i’m not entirely surprised because this is Favreau’s Disney we’re talking about
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pinkopalina · 10 months
yes James Baxters animation is amazing and wonderful and he's a genius and perfect and I'm sucking his cock I'm swallowing his thick white shame all over my tongue but I am so tired of hearing about him can I see someone else's amazing wonderful work that probably exists now and not just all the fucking DreamWorks and Disney movies released in the 90s
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cascadianights · 11 months
Fuck being convinced to hate men because of the worst examples of them.
Fuck hating 50% of the population because of the way you assume they were raised.
Fuck trauma being exploited to feed into hate for a blanket group of people and separatist behavior.
Fuck acting like men are inherently unsafe monsters and being convinced that every shadow is a danger until nowhere feels safe and the real threats are lost.
Fuck acting like it's a fucking joke to love riding a cock or sucking a dick! Fuck acting like giant clits or little cocks or cut or uncut aren't all attractive as hell
My partner is gentle and soft and caring. He gives the best hugs, and cuddles. He's supportive and loving of everyone in his life, and he would do anything for the people he cares about. He was the quiet jock that would fight the bullies dumb enough to pick on people in front of him. He's quiet, but when he gets talking he'll lay out whole universes before you. People feel safe with him, I feel safe with him, the kids love him and they knock on our door and ask for us and the dogs to come out and play and he smiles and says yes even when he's exhausted. He understands math in an easy way I've never grocked, and he's hot as hell. I love his neck and forearms and biceps and stomach and hips and thighs. I love his confident smirk when he dominates me or makes me beg to come. I love the way he keens and moans and writhes when I make him beg instead.
My close friend (and ex) is one of the most masculine & straight men I know. He could pick me up and fuck me against the wall, and he can beat anyone in a fight bc he had to learn how to young, and he's let me twine flowers into his hair and he has the softest smile and even in our worst fights he never once used his size to tower over me. He showed me how to box, and he waxes romantic about queer and native philosophy and pedagogical theory while filling the walls of his home with color. He has 3 dog beds In His Car Alone for his senior dog that gets a monthly bath and 3 walks a day and anything his little heart desires. He spent a spring rescuing baby squirrels and he's spent evenings showing the next generation how to nurture controlled burns and whittle. He's an intellectual powerhouse that's working on indigenous CRT and a state bill and he tells the best stories and notices all the little things.
My best friend in high school was one of the most "popular" people in the grade, and he saw me looking lost and terrified on the first day of school and asked me to walk to homeroom with him. We used to ride bikes to the park and laugh and talk for hours on the swings. He put me in my place when I was being an asshole and he danced with me at homecomings and now he's out trying to save the world in DC. He's the only boy I was allowed to spend the night with, and we'd stay up all night playing video games and fall asleep on the couches. He always showed up, and he took me to Downtown Disney and the lights glittering in the dark for the first time. He's outspoken and funny and charismatic as hell.
Men are sexy! Men are gentle! Men are safe! It's OK to be queer as fuck and still love men. It's OK to acknowledge how many individuals suck or have done wrong by you without blaming an entire group. It's OK to want to be a man. It's OK to want to leave every bit of masculinity in yourself behind and still love it in others. It's OK to recreate what we prize as masculine.
Hating Men is a shortcut to hating parts of yourself & the people you love & a slippery slope towards TERFdom. It's OK to put it down.
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faggotfuckery · 1 year
piracy make me feel cool
you can suck my cock disney
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