#Dmc4 dante x reader
icycoldninja · 5 months
I have like this idea so here me out: DMC 4 Dante x Fem reader where due to the fact that her family does not like Dante she left/ ran away to be with them but after there maraige she became pregnant but then she needed (was forced) to go to a family event (she has not seen them in years) and unleashes the fact she is pregnant with the grand daughter of Sparda (by mistake and Dante is not there)
Oh yes!! Here ya go and enjoy 💜
Badass baby (DMC4!Dante X Fem!Pregnant!Reader)
A few years ago, you attempted to introduce your boyfriend, Dante, to your parents. Their reactions were very dramatic, to say the least. For some unexplainable reason, your folks hated Dante the moment they laid eyes on him. They were glaring and staring him down all throughout dinner, and the second he left, they pulled you aside and told you he was trouble, and that staying with him was folly. Naturally, you disregarded everything they said and continued to date him, secretly.
Then one day, somehow, probably by spying on you, your parents discovered you were still with that "loser" and attempted to force you to cut contact with him. Your response? To run away with said "loser" and get married at 2 A.M. at Devil May Cry with Lady as your witness and Morrison as best man. The next few years that followed had to have been the best years of your life. Both of you were happy, truly happy, as you were glad to be spending so much quality time with the loves of your lives, with absolutely no one to get in your way.
Your joy only grew into elation the day you discovered you were pregnant with Dante's child.
"The grandkid of Sparda!" Dante had shouted, lifting you into the air and spinning you around. "And more importantly, my baby!"
It was clear the two of you were ecstatic over the discovery of your pregnancy; more than eager to become parents. You debated whether or not you should tell your family the news, just to screw with them, but Dante advised against it, saying that "those pains in the ass don't deserve to know", and that it'd be better to raise your child without their interference. You agreed, and all was well, until Dante left for a mission and your parents showed up on your doorstep all on the same day.
Without Dante around to guide you, you didn't know how to respond to them, and were easily pressured into going with their demands. They wanted you to attend some stupid family event at a relatives house for reasons you didn't care enough to remember. Since you were a complete, fumbling doormat without Dante as your backbone, you gave in and let them drag you off to their dumb gathering, though you were tense and afraid the entire time.
When you got there, you were overwhelmed with a whole bunch of distant, unimportant relatives whose names you never cared enough to remember. The swarm of people, as well as your domineering parents, urged you to socialize some more; to mingle and get to know everyone there. You refused, attempting to withdraw to another room or perhaps hide in the corner, but your eagle-eyed parents sought you out and forced you to talk with the others. You were understandably terrified out of your mind, as well as filled with a sense of loathing for those who brought you here, making small talk a very difficult thing to do. Your quivering nerves, pressured mental state, and general anxiety caused you to spill too much tea when your mother, in an attempt to keep the conversation going, asked how your personal life was going.
"Doing fine, I guess. I just found out I'm pregnant." You blurted out, without thinking. You'd only just realized what you had revealed when your parents exploded into thunderous rage. The sky and ground appeared to tremble under their fury; the wind outside picked up and the clouds deserted for fear of their anger. You were quickly reduced to a trembling, teary-eyed wimp within seconds of their outburst.
"WHAT?!" They screeched, in unison. "THAT DEMON-SPAWNED MANWHORE GOT YOU PREGNANT?! HOW DARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN?!" You honestly didn't have words. What were you supposed to say anyway? They already despised Dante and you, for running away with him. Nothing you could do or say would change their minds, making you question for the first time why they'd even brought you to this gathering in the first place.
As you turned to the other people in the room, your parents' true intentions came to light. Nearly everyone within a 20-foot radius of you was filming everything with their phones, wide grins on their faces. It seemed you were brought here to be humiliated, one way or another.
Tears of shame and anger now streaming down your face, you stood, turn, and ran, not stopping until that insignificant relative's insignificant house was out of sight.
Dante came home a few hours later and found you crying in your bedroom, wrapped tightly in a blanket.
"Aw, baby," He sighed, slowly shuffling closer to you. "What happened?"
"Nothing," You lied, failing miserably at it.
"Don't think you can trick me, sweetie," Dante chuckled, lifting you into his lap. "Now what's wrong? Pent up stress ain't good for the baby."
"I...well...my parents showed up while you were gone--I don't know how they found our address. They kinda scared me with their sudden appearance and without you...I'm like a mouse. I caved. I couldn't help it."
"What'd they make you do?"
"Go with them to this dumb family gathering in the middle of nowhere. Everything was so sudden and I was so nervous...I kinda revealed my pregnancy without thinking."
"Aw, baby," Dante sniggered, kissing your cheek. "Why are you crying about that?"
"Cause afterwards my parents started screaming at me and everyone was filming, and I bet they're gonna post it online and--" You were cut off by Dante, who forcefully shut you up with a firm kiss to the lips.
"Shh, don't worry about any of that. So what if they know? So what if they post it? You're gonna give birth to the most badass baby in the world and they got the honor of being the first to know."
That was true. Dante's words, combined with continuous kisses, served to cheer you up almost immediately, and even when you saw the video of you shaking while being shouted at swimming around on YouTube, you didn't care. Your mood wasn't affected, because you knew Dante was right; those people should have been honored to be among the first to hear you were pregnant with a soon-to-be badass baby.
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bergilandbante · 6 months
(clip from a dmc panel around 2011)
dan giving us a demonstration of vergil's flirting skills (sound on)
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cupidscrule · 8 months
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Why can't he kill my dad :(
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ariseur · 6 months
'Ello luv, it's been a while since I saw someone writing for DMC ugh, miss when dmc(5) was trending... What a good time!
I don't know if your requests are open or not, but catch up with me!! Our pretty girls and boys with a vampire!reader! Or or— A WITCH! BOTH
Like, you choose if it's a bunch of headcanons, blurbs, a full one shot with a character or not, I just really want to see it!
Well, obviously if you can do it honey, if you can't it's fine <3
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dmc crew dating a vampire 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
devil may cry x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
this was actually my first request on this blog!! i don’t know why i put it off for so long bc it’s literally so cool?? i ended up just doing a vampire instead of witch/vampire witch so i hope you guys enjoy considering my phone crashed trying to copy n paste this from my notes to tumblr 💋
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
blood (but in the vampire way ykyk), fangs and mentions of sharp teeth, intended lowercase, kinda spoilers for dmc5 in v’s,
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓓ANTE — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ you are literally so hot in DANTE’s eyes, you could honestly do no wrong.
❥ i think you guys already know what i’m gonna say..
❥ if you feed on blood or need it for some sort of sustenance, dante will gladly volunteer. he thinks it’s the hottest thing ever.
❥ although, i’m not sure if vampires much like demon blood..
❥ eh, oh well. dante will still think it’s attractive, especially if you have fangs or some sort of sharper canines.
❥ only downside to being a vampire and dating dante is that you’ll occasionally hear a super bad transylvanian accent. like.. really bad.
❥ but!! if you’re also a demon hunter like him— and you have some cool freaky powers like draining blood or energy from empusas or really just any ability that’s useful, it’s heart eyes all around from him.
❥ you could be covered in blood or feasting on something and then you’ll spot dante in the corner wielding devil sword dante after defeating like seventy fuckin other demons and he’s just.. mesmerized.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓥ERGIL — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ VERGIL’s much more curious about your species. do you have any weaknesses? are the fictionalized versions of your kind portrayed accurately? what are you exactly?
❥ luckily he’s a lot more quiet about his curiosity compared to, maybe— nico. his staring is intimidating, though. when he sits with you or near you, he’ll usually just study you. maybe it looks like he’s judging but he’s really just analyzing your appearance. especially if you have any distinctive features.
❥ if you have that dark ruddy aesthetic, he’ll likely admire from afar even if red isn’t exactly his favorite color.
❥ if you really needed it, he’d let you feed off of him although it’s definitely not his first choice. he’s not really a fan of being bitten, especially if you need to bite his neck or something like that.
❥ probably finds some esoteric artistic poem or painting with an underlying meaning of having to do with vampires and thinks of you every time he looks at it.
❥ his gothic poetic side is showing
❥ ugh i just wanna kiss his scowl so bad but i also wanna punch him.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓝ERO — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ nero literally thinks it’s so cool.
❥ he might be a little wary once he first meets you? like are you gonna tackle him rn and sacrifice him with your own lil blood ritual?
❥ but once he finds out you’re docile or that you pick and choose on whom you feed on, he’s like, “oh okay that’s cool”
❥ probably like dante where the only version he knows of vampires are the hollywood adaptations of them. so like.. he’s confused if you can go into sunlight? or you can eat certain foods? or if you can go near churches??
❥ he, too, thinks you’re super hot. however!! very iffy about you drinking blood or feeding in front of him. not like it grosses him out but it’s kinda.. weird to watch for him?? idk.
❥ another thing is that he doesn’t want you biting him at all. he’s like vergil where he’ll be baffled if you even ask, except he’s super hesitant to offer himself unless you’re super injured and in dire need of it.
❥ just step on him to shut him up atp
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓥 — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ V’s goth ass won’t shut up about how divine your species is and how fascinating he finds you.
❥ curious on your feeding habits and what you essentially need to survive, tries to find any and every book that he can about vampires so he can learn about you even more.
❥ he’s like those people who romanticize the 1800s or the salem witch trials or greece or ethel cain or lana del rey while kicking their feet and posting about it. he will find a way to make the situation poetic, trust me.
❥ finds it amusing if you’re annoyed by griffon’s teasing and threaten to eat him first if you were to ever go rogue, you might even be able to get a close mouthed chuckle out of v.
❥ utterly fascinated by just your very being, even if it’s just mundane traits. especially loves to see your fangs, dunno why but they’re just aesthetically pleasing to him.
❥ considering he’s kinda like a deteriorating human that’s basically turning into a husk, i wouldn’t recommend feeding on him unless you plan to kill him—which who would wanna murder our emo bae right here? (capcom)
❥ the type of person to roll his eyes at false folklore and representation because he’s literally in love with an actual vampire?? how dare they portray you like this??
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓛ADY — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ LADY also finds you super hot!!
❥ also interested because she’s probably never seen a vampire outside of media— so it’s a nice change of pace rather than being face to face with demons all day.
❥ despite all this, after the initial introduction, i’m not sure she’d care too hard? like— sure, you’re considered a supernatural being and all that.
❥ and although she thinks it’s super dope, i feel like it wouldn’t matter as much to her. she’s seen and done a lot of things at such a young age, i feel as though she’s almost desensitized?
❥ she’s so badass she can’t even care. she’s literally respected by dante, whom is titled ‘the legendary devil hunter’. (dmc5 did her dirty with her lack of part in the storyline 💔)
❥ she’ll respect any of your needs, and ngl also thinks you biting into her neck is hot.
❥ kinda surprised that you’re able to go out into sunlight even if she’ll never tell you that 😭
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓣RISH — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ another one who doesn’t care that much. it’s not like TRISH is dismissive of your species and where you come from, but she’s literally a full on demon who’s probably seen everything.
❥ you guys r so hot though, like the ultimate power couple.
❥ oh, and if you’re a devil hunter, too? you guys r gonna kick sm ass together. she’ll invite you to roll around with her for a while rather than with dante, although if you’re associated with devil may cry then that’s fine too. she’ll put up with dante’s ass just to visit you more often.
❥ i don’t recommend feeding off of trish?
❥ idk how vampires take to drinking demon blood
❥ but shit, if you have that red aesthetic and are just a total femme fatale (or other gender equivalent to that), trish is in charge of your outfits now.
❥ don’t even fight it, you will end up in the outfit regardless.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓝ICO — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ oh boy
❥ if you’re lucky enough to survive the first meeting with NICO and you end up actually being in a relationship? you are def a trooper.
❥ when you’re first introduced, she bombards you with questions.
❥ where did you come from? do you have powers? are you like a demon and are there more of you? if so, can she harvest parts for a new bio-weapon? do vampires reproduce the same as humans? are you gonna suck her blood??
❥ she’s just a curious lady cut my girl some slack
❥ she thinks you’re so cool though!! wants you to tell her everything you know about vampires so she can log it. even if you’ve been in a long term relationship, she still can’t help but ask more questions.
❥ but!! as cool and hot as she thinks you are— like nero, she does not wanna see you feed and does not wanna be fed on!! (except.. maybe just one time to see how it feels.)
❥ ugh she just loves you sm please indulge her
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mannequinreligi0n · 8 months
Hello! I'm kinda new at making ask so sorry in advance! Can you make some romance and fluff headcanons with DMC4 Dante? Thank you :)
Ps: sorry about grammar - English is not my first language
Absolutely, I can !!! Thank you so much for the request <3
DMC4 Dante relationship headcanons
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If you have the honor of winning the demon hunter’s heart, be prepared for being put through the ringer emotionally.
Late nights and weeks of nothing but the occasional letter are going to be the norm, unfortunately, considering he’s married to his work.
BUT when Dante is home, he makes sure all of his free-time is spent making up for his absence.
Never much of a romantic, he won’t take you to fancy dinners or extravagant dates - but rest assured, you’ll never be bored or feel any less valued.
Breakfast in bed, movie marathons, and competitive video game matches will make it feel like you two are just like any other domestic relationship.
Cases of empty beers shared between you two as you spill secrets and swap memories til the sun rises.
He hogs all the blankets at night. And it doesn’t matter how many time you try to yank them back, you’ll always be stuck with only the end corner to keep you warm. (Little do you know, this is an intentional ploy so you’ll cuddle up with him throughout the night).
Dante’s love language is absolutely touch. Not necessarily in a sleazy way (though he’s not without his moments), but more like a puppy dog. He’ll curl into your lap as you watch tv, despite his massive frame. Whine and complain when you stop playing with his hair, even if you’ve been doing it nonstop for the past hour. There’s not a moment of independence when Dante is with you.
Dante will feel guilty for not being able to settle down and be a proper boyfriend to you; it will definitely mess with him and possibly even psyche him out of the relationship as a whole. But, with your constant reassurance and unconditional love, he’ll do his best to be present for you and your situationship.
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Random Devil May Cry headcanons
A/N: Found them in the drafts and thought they're cute :3
Nero was always a big fan of superheroes and used to always read comics when he was a kid, but he loves the Marvel ones. His favourite superhero is Captain America and he used to impersonate him a lot
Dante tried givind Nero tips on how to get girls and, unfortunately, Nero tried them a few times. Let’s just say that he’ll never listen to his uncle again
Lady and Trish would never admit it, but they have sleepovers from time to time. They tell people that these “meetings” are job related, but they usually end up doing each other’s nails or watching movies together and ramble about random stuff
Nero is very good at math and physics (just like Vergil)
Dante sucks at everything that is techonology related. He usually asks Nero for help but, to his despair, Nero is no better than him
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cerezzzita · 1 year
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🍓 ˖ . ᵎᵎ Confessions features Alcohol (Sometimes) ✦ Dante x gn!Reader
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⌕ summary: Dante and alcohol could be like water and oil — under no circumstances should they mix. Yet, at that night, it seems he's up to something with that drunk, big mouth of his.
notes: my god I'm nervous asf. um, hi y'all, guess who's back at writing after almost full 5 months of hiatus? that's right, we're back in action! i finally finished this little, silly oneshot that was rotting in my docs for... 7 months? geez, me and my lazy ass. anyways! i hope you all enjoy the reading! i wrote this with 4dante in mind but honestly, it can be any Dante, it's up to your imagination <3
⋆ 08/07/23 edit: i forgot to mention, but this fic was born thanks to this writing prompt, i just couldn't found it easily hehe
♡ word count: 1.125
♡ tags: fluffy, gender-neutral reader, no use of pronouns or reader's appearance description (you/yours used only), mentions of alcohol, drunk Dante (and he's sooo soft), Dante might be ooc sorry in advance, love confessions.
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
Dante and alcohol could be like water and oil — under no circumstances should they mix. Truth be told, specifically that night was not one where you enjoyed a patient mood, especially with the drunken Devil Hunter lying on the worn leather sofa and every half minute calling you and even dropping occasional flirtations. You were now in the kitchen, dedicating yourself to washing a considerable amount of dishes while from the corner of your eye you watched Dante, posture still relaxed and with a smile easily more dancing than usual, making sure that he wouldn't do anything that would mean usual danger for a person guided by the lack of sense that alcohol usually provides. However, the brief thought swept out of your mind; it was Dante. The man had a natural, bizarre attraction to danger. 
That's when the handsome half-demon shook his head, his clear, icy-colored irises glazed over your back-to-back figure. Dante pouted for not getting the attention he wanted so much, then opened his mouth and verbalized his need.
"Babe," he began, loud enough that his voice scrambled from earlier hours' whiskey filled the short distance between them. You, however, sighed, determined to ignore him until he fell asleep from some miraculous, alcoholic effect.
Which was definitely not a good choice. Dante hated being ignored.
"What is it now, Dante?" you answered over your teeth. He whimpered at such harshness.
"Don't be like that, loveee," he whined through his tone, "You're being a big meanie to me today, y'know that?"
"A meanie? Me?" your heels pivoted so that you were now facing him, one hand on your hips and your brow forming an arc of curiosity. "Why?"
Dante sipped the rest of a bottle of Jack Daniels, exhaling audibly at the end. Once again his typical smile grew at the corners of his mouth; you gulped, blinked and woke up to your somewhat glassy-eyed state attached in the Devil Hunter.
What exactly would it take for a man like Dante to be so attractive?
"Because I want attention," he replied, a simple retort that made the inside of your chest heave and your hand on your waist falter. Dante, although drunk, seemed to notice this act and widened the left corner of his feline smile even more. "And you're being a meanie 'cause you're not paying attention to me. Come here, sugar… I want smoochies."
At other times, you would chuckle and brush it off. It was common for you to deal with the half-demon on these alcohol-soaked nights, whether they were made up of flirtations and jokes or tears and outbursts — a part of you, even if momentarily, was grateful for the night's choice to be the first alternative. But something in Dante's tone alerted the part that was costing your frustrated attempts at concealment, the very same part that just now stirred just by witnessing his smile and the permanent gaze on you.
It didn't take that much clairvoyance to see the obvious: you were undeniably in love with Dante. A passion that you swore was, somehow, one-sided.
Your impatience melted away and the silence permeating the air of the place became metamorphic; from casual to uncomfortable. Dante tilted his head, waiting for an answer from you. You sighed, returned your focus to the last dishes and resigned yourself to drying them as a form of slight distraction.
"Dante, you're drunk."
He laughed briefly between words, "Tell me something I don't know, angelcake."
"You're talking nonsense."
"Maybe. But I still want some smoochies… Unless you don't want them, it's fine by me."
Once your work with the dishes was duly finished, you once again looked over your shoulder at him. Dante's lids drooped as the silent minutes passed by, his voice quieting, silver strands trailing across the back of the couch as he laid his head down. He was finally falling asleep.
You approached the half-demon's sleeping figure, uttering a 'tsk, tsk' which elicited a small chuckle.
"What do I do with you, Dante?"
The end of this night would be like that of many others, it would be up to you the arduous mission of putting Sparda's beautiful son to bed. Arduous for he certainly wasn't the lightest of beings and even though the habit made it look easy, your human muscles totally begged to differ.
Grunting as you struggled to carry him bridal style, you climbed the stairs to the top floor and with a little sacrifice managed to open the door to Dante's room. Before leaving him on the bed, babbling came directly from him, who now accommodated his face in the crook of your neck.
"Y'know, you're amazing…"
Subtly taken aback, you choose to listen to what the sleepy Dante had to say — for curiosity and for the unique, strong beat your heart emitted.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. You're also beautiful, and smart, and funny, and hot…" from there, you became hot with embarrassment as Dante's voice wakes up again, "You're so much fun! Man, no wonder I'm in love with you."
Your heart, happy and passionate, fluttered inside your ribcage. Your eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets. The surprising, heated euphoria altered your body temperature. Your arms softened like a sweet pudding, swaying and unconsciously allowing Dante to fall to the ground.
"... Ow..."
It wasn't possible, was it? Was it the illusions of the booze, or was Dante really in love with you too?
You gasped as you realized what you'd done, rushing to get the half-demon back in your arms in a fleeting act of trying to regain consciousness and collect all your agitated — but now happy — thoughts.
All right. Dante was known for many attributes, one of them was his frankness. And being drunk this same frankness was reinforced tenfold, in fact. There would be no reason for him to lie.
However, words like these had a huge impact.
You took a deep breath, carefully positioning Dante on the soft mattress and giving him one last look to make sure you didn't just lay him down and that he was comfortable enough. He mumbled as if he was in an argument with sleep, now lying face down on the bed. Your hand snaked into the untidy silver hair to pull it back from Dante's stunning face, your heart calmer and moving to a slower beat. You smiled, your eyes wryly drunk on the man's sleeping vision.
"Sweet dreams, daredevil."
You gave a shy peck on his cheek. Dante stretched a petit smile, and yours grew. Leaving the dark room, you headed for yours, even more wrapped in your feelings, which you now knew were reciprocated.
Quite a confession that could only have the signature of someone like Dante.
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cerezzzita©, 2023 · all rights reserved ⓘ do not copy, edit, steal or claim as yours | reblogs and comments are welcome!
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devilmayfamily · 1 year
Imagine your son has been a fan of Dante's forever, like since he was born, and when news spreads that the devil slayer is in town your son begs you to go see him even if that means spending a lot of money on this one little trip. You can't say no to your son, he's too cute! So you both go. And when you get there you realize that Dante isn't alone. No, no, no. His brother, Vergil, is there with him. And your eyes meet. And suddenly, your mind is filled with hundreds of memories from when you were a teen. And suddenly you don't want to be there anymore but you can't go, your son hasn't gotten his picture with Dante yet nor an autograph. So you stay. And when it's finally his turn in line, Vergil can't stop looking at the child. Snow white hair? Baby blue eyes? He's the spitting image of Dante, excited attitude and all. But Dante sees Vergil in the passion and drive and focus the kid has, talking about wanting to be a devil hunter one day.
"Does your mom approve of all of this kid?" Dante asks.
The two men look to you now and that's when they realize something you already knew.
"I think he'll do great," you reply.
Vergil stares. Dante chuckles.
"Well, maybe one day we'll get to see it and you can join us," Dante tells your son.
Vergil is still staring. You smile at him and the man just can't anymore. He whispers something to Dante before going behind the photo booth thing. Before you and your son leave, Dante shoves some paper in your hand as you shake his hand.
I'm surprised this is how we meet but Vergil always has his secrets. He misses you I think. Call the shop if you ever need us
You smile.
"What is it, Mom?" Nero asks.
"Just some note from an old friend," you reply.
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onyxrosess · 3 months
Pain is My Hometown
vergil x reader [multi-chapter series]
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Chapter IV: It's Too Late for Me Now
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Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV [you're here!] | Table of Contents
・warnings/tags: n/a
( cross-posted on ao3 )
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Swinging the sheets off your body in an attempt to freeze yourself into waking up, mostly it worked. Dante’s bed was nicer than anticipated, likely due to him sleeping in his chair 90% of the time instead of the bed he owned. Regardless of how many times you’ve ‘accidentally’ spent the night at the shop, you never kept any clothes here, meaning you’d have to drive back to Fortuna to change clothes. Besides the heavy sigh that left your mouth, it was quiet and it wasn’t taken for granted, Kyrie’s and Nero’s house can get a little noisy unless it's 5 in the morning. Shuffling to the bathroom connected to Dante’s room, you addressed whatever was happening with your hair., scavenging for a brush to maybe tame the nest that was on your head.
After successfully making your hair look a little more presentable, you walked down the stairs, your eyes met with Dante leaning back in his chair, a magazine covering his eyes. You stepped around crunched up papers that littered the ground, standing next to Dante’s sleeping form. How does he not have back problems? Before you could give it much thought, you were reminded the man in front of you was not all man. Yet he acted with such ease that you wondered what happened to Vergil- why was he so…weird? You wished there was a nicer way to put it, but the things he’s done were of his own volition, no one else's. Your mind began to bubble up in anger once again, seething at your father. Heartless man. 
“Well good morning, didn’t take you for a stalker.”  The magazine that once covered Dante’s face was now slid down into his lap. His body remained motionless as he looked at you with a sly smile on his face. “I didn’t take you as a perv who stuffed his face in magazines all day.” Dante feigned hurt on his face, those puppy dog eyes don’t work. “Hey- you know I have bad luck with women.” “Is that what you tell yourself at night?” Dante playfully scoffs, shoving the paper back on the desk. His boots slid off the wooden surface, as you lifted yourself to sit on the desk. Silence took over the shop before it was quickly disrupted, “Y’know, I was thinking.” Oh god, Dante is thinking. You stifled a chuckle, trying to see what he was going to say before giving him shit. “Why didn’t you get into demon hunting with Nero?” 
The thought never crossed your mind really, when Nero was younger he was a little too cocky for his good. Your little exposure to demons before…whatever the hell happened in Fortuna, led you to just avoid them entirely. It’s not like hell gates of that magnitude would ever open again, hopefully anyway.  “That was Nero’s thing, plus I was recovering again.” You paused, letting out a breath before continuing, “And I’m just a regular human.” “Lady’s human and she does just fine.” Dante’s words became quieter, “Probably too well for her own good.” You couldn’t help but exhale a light laugh, Lady must have won their little bet the last time they were out. “Dante, you want me to believe Lady, who you’ve apparently known since you were 18 is the same age as you? She doesn’t look a day over 25- shit, I probably look older than her!” You did not want to point out your age, not that you were proud of the slowly appearing lines on your face, but at least you’ve lived. “Okay fine, I’m not sure if she’s fully human, her father was a nut job so I could only assume.” Dante crossed his arms over his chest, and for once he wasn’t wearing his red leather coat. The dark grey shirt rolled up at his elbows, the fabric fraying at the edges.
“Well, it seems like Lady and I have something in common.” Your attempt at a joke was met with a chuckle from Dante, he leaned forward in his seat, looking at a paper on his desk. He only skimmed over it before sighing, letting it fall back onto the desk.  “What's that?”  Dante looked at the paper again before closing his eyes in annoyance. “There’s a string of demon sightings, about 2 hours away from here. Likely a hell gate, which is beyond annoying.” You were puzzled, from what you knew, hell gates only appeared from human’s doings.  “I thought those only popped up due to humans.” Dante shook his head at your question, “Nope, but if it’s a demon opening it, that means there's a big guy guarding it.” Dante’s vocabulary switched like he was talking to a child, you suppose it’s easier for you to understand but it made you chuckle at his choice of words. So the ones in Fortuna when you met Dante must have been the synthetic ones. You tried to remember how Dante explained it to you in the moment but you were so shaken up you thought you were on something the way he was talking.
“A ‘ big guy ’- am I twelve Dante?” “Well you sometimes act-” “Don’t answer that.” You looked at him with a stern expression that could only be held up for so long before your face softened again. The two of you continued to reminisce on old times, frankly, they weren’t that long ago, but everything happened so quickly that it feels so long ago. It was close to seven years of knowing Dante, but a couple of those were taken from you due to some of the otherworldly events. You would never admit to Dante that you thought he was handsome when you first met, but now, things seem different. Whether he’s getting older or you both are- you can’t seem to bring yourself to walk that path anymore. Your friendship with Dante is one you hold close, and threatening to burn that bridge with a silly crush that you had years ago seemed illogical. 
You were reminded of Dante’s concern over his brother last night, and maybe you just wanted to add fuel to the fire that was hating Vergil’s guts, or you wanted to be right about him. Although you couldn’t help but ask, “Why did you ask about Vergil yesterday?”  You prepared yourself for a response that would make you feel justified in your hatred, “Well, he’s not the most… friendly , and I guess his attempts could be seen as off-putting.” Dante really knows how to not tell you exactly what was going on but sure, he’s not the most friendly. It left you just to reply with a small hum, you’ll find out more soon. Even if you had to beat it out of Vergil.
After some complaining about recent jobs being too boring, must he always find something to complain about? Even when they accidentally put an olive on his pizza he could easily pick off he has to complain, as if he was legally bound to complain about it, every time. Dante later departed with a grunt, saying how much of a pain in the ass going two hours out is, even though he can fly there, for free. You reminded him that he should be grateful he doesn’t have to deal with traffic. He responded with a nonchalant, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ You also left the shop back to Fortuna soon after, a change of clothes and a shower is in order.
Arriving back home, the van Nico and Nero took last night for the job was parked in front of the house, a loud clank came from the garage followed by Nico cursing. Thankfully they aren't dead, you sighed as you walked towards Nico. “Howdy.” She greeted you, but her attention was elsewhere tinkering on a new arm for Nero- like he still needed those.  “Hey, you staying out of trouble?” Nico playfully scoffed, “Never, you know me.” You smiled, “How did last night go?” Nico laughed before she could even give you an answer. “Nero got knocked around quite a bit, it made for the night's entertainment- he’s alright now he didn’t get hurt hurt, y’know?” Nico sputtered out her words after she told you Nero got injured, but her swift recovery followed. You brushed her off, Nero would be fine, he's an adult. No matter how many times you told yourself that you would always be worried when he got hurt. Nico continued on the mechanical arm as you excused yourself inside. Looking out the sliding door, the orphans splashed each other with water in an inflatable pool, you couldn’t help but smile. You had wished that was the life you had grown up with, but no jealousy filled you, just happiness that it was better for them.
Making your way to your room, you walked down the skinny hallway, about to pass Nero and Kyrie’s room when Nero appeared on the other side of the door. Nero looked as if he had the worst hangover and got beat to shit. Nero’s white hair was pointing in all different directions as scrapes and cuts littered his skin, but the gashes were already halfway healed from the looks of it.  “Nico told me it went well” Sarcasm leaked from your voice, as you held in a laugh, Nero did look a little miserable but you knew he would be fine. “Yeah, it went great .” Nero matched your voice, you could tell he didn’t want to admit that he had difficulty beating up a demon. He leaned against the door frame as he rubbed the exhaustion out of his eyes. “What happened? Just too strong for you?” You jabbed him in the side lightly with your elbow. He barely moved, just rolled his eyes at you. “The fucker had these little…” He paused, searching for the words in his head, “Bugs, I don’t know, and they were everywhere and the more I killed them they doubled, it was so annoying.” “So you got beat up by bugs” “I never said that.”  Nero gave you the look that he was trying to save his ego, you can only imagine Nico’s hysterics yesterday. “Well I’m glad you’re okay- you just look like you had a wild night.” A smile crept on your face as you watched Nero’s face heat up just the slightest bit. It left as quickly as it came as he shoved your shoulder, walking out of the doorway. 
The day went on without too much drama, you accompanied Nico in her attempts to fix the radio in the van. You couldn’t help but chuckle every time she let out a string of curse words, like ‘fucknuts’ or ‘you mother shitter!’ Maybe it helped her focus. Scrubbing your body clean from grease, and washing your hair vigorously, it's the only way it stays clean. You stood in front of the mirror, analyzing your face, restraining yourself from picking anything and everything off of your skin. Glancing at the clock, it was only three in the afternoon, you really should socialize- outside of bars. That was enough convincing for you to go out, after getting dressed and ready to leave you picked open your wallet, you were a little richer than usual, weird. You dismissed it, putting the key into your ignition as you sped off into the road. 
Fortuna was quite busy today, the sidewalks were a little busier than usual, some of the individuals carried bags with various shop logos on them, and others had street food in their hands before stuffing their faces. You cruised down a street with many varying restaurants and business fronts, one caught your eye, there were around 20 boxes full of records, and you desperately needed new music to listen to at work, Dante hadn’t gotten a new record for far too long. You stopped and parked your bike on the side of the street as you wandered into the store, the cashier greeted you as you reciprocated the gesture. Drawn to the records you flipped through them, seeing covers you recognized, and some you didn’t. You went through maybe two or three boxes before the roar of an engine brought your attention to the street, an old bike tore through the streets, and the red paint started to chip at the corners, which looked very similar to Dante’s bike he’s abandoned over the years. A short black-haired woman sat ontop of it- Lady. You quickly abandoned your post at the record boxes and went outside, Lady’s face did not wear her normal expression, she was far too focused than usual. She stopped the bike in its tracks once she recognized your face and your accompanying bike.
“What are you doing out here?” You questioned her as you walked closer to her. “There's another hell gate that popped up in Red Grave, I was out here doing work before I realized.” Lady’s skin carried a light sheen of sweat, and maybe a few stains from demon guts. You weren’t sure how to respond other than ‘Go get 'em’ tiger!’ but it worried you that Lady was even breaking a sweat over it. “They are so annoying!” Lady groaned, before starting her engine again, “It’ll be fine, (Name). Nothing I can’t handle, I’ll call you when I’m done.”  “Y’know, Dante said the same thing about the one he was taking care of-” “There's another one?” You paused, you assumed she and Dante were on the same page or at least she knew about it, but Dante often didn’t think about telling people about his jobs unless someone was accompanying him or he was asked. “I mean, I’m not sure- Dante just mentioned that he had a job a couple hours out for a hell gate.” Lady let out another annoyed groan, “Okay well, thank you, I really gotta go.” You could barely respond before she drove away, you stood on the sidewalk, it had been a long time since you’d seen Lady even remotely worried about anything demon-related, and to be honest, you weren’t sure if she was concerned or annoyed. Your mind quickly wandered to Dante, if another hell gate popped up does that mean he got rid of the other one? Trying to soothe your worries by using the excuse that you have no idea about any of it, your knowledge of demons and hell was slim to none. Deciding to go home early, empty-handed. You weren’t gone longer than 30 minutes, your attempt to socialize was exceptionally short today. You pulled into the driveway, Nico seemed to be inside as the garage housed no life. Lifting your helmet off of your head, a faint crackling sound came from behind you, you turned around to see little sparks of blue seeming to form in the air. A deep blue smoke? What the fuck is that? The screen of smoke enlarged as a figure stepped out from it, a figure you recognised. One you wished you didn’t recognise, Vergil. His expression was plain as ever as you still sat on your bike, a little confused- a bit more than confused. He can just pop up anywhere, wherever he wants? You knew Dante could fly, and you weren’t sure why this came as a surprise to you. The door to inside Nero’s home opened as you followed the sound, Nero stepped down the stairs, walking towards you and Vergil. 
“What’s going on? Nero, you should not be going out right now, you’re still-” “I’m fine, (Name).” Nero’s voice was laced with a string of seriousness, something you weren’t familiar with, at least directed towards you. Vergil stood where he had popped up from his portal, rather you’re assuming that’s what it was. “I’m requesting Nero come with me to take care of a hell gate, he should learn how to properly deal with them.” Vergil’s words teetered on the edge of a scolding, your brows furrowed together, he has no room to be scolding Nero. You held your tongue as Nero did the same. Your words did not come easily to you, this feeling you get when you’re around Vergil was not one you liked, you felt so little compared to him. Not just in stature but status, it was suffocating and you hated it. It felt all too close to the suffocating nature of your ex-boyfriends and their tactics to belittle you.
“...be careful, Nero.” Your voice came out just above a squeak, you despised it. As if it was not in your control to speak up. Nero nodded and Vergil unsheathed his sword, as the same crackling blue sparked from his sword. He slashed the air with the blade, his movements direct and controlled. An identical deep blue screen opened in front of him, he turned his head towards Nero, silently motioning to step into the portal with him. Nero did not say anything to you, but a glance. You could not get comfort from it, the whole interaction was ominous and frankly frustrating because you had no idea what just transpired. They were gone just like that, the portal closed right after Nero stepped in, with no evidence that neither of them was ever here. You pulled your bike into the garage, a little more aggressively than normal. You pulled the keys from their spot in your bike, rushing through the house to your room, luckily Kyrie and Nico were preoccupied and did not see you come in. You escaped to your room, shutting the door and flopping onto your mattress.
You had to remind yourself to breathe, as annoying and frustrating that you could do nothing or that you didn’t know the whole story is, nothing you could do at this moment could change anything. You exhaled, carding your fingers through your hair to get them out of your face. Ever since Dante planted the question of why you never picked up devil hunting, it made you ever so conscious of your helplessness, you were weak. If a demon tried to kill you, you could do nothing. The thought only made you more frustrated, but to bring yourself to do anything about that fact was something you could decide later. Your body laid still, as your eyes stared into the ceiling of the room, and your thoughts spiralled in your mind. If there was an award for overthinking, you would have first place.
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As always, thank you for reading! Maybe a separate Dante fic coming sometime soon…? (I'm rubbing my hands together deviously) -onyxroses Previous Chapter | Next Chapter (coming soon!)
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vampsickle · 2 years
some quick werewolf!dante hcs ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ( cw: mentions of pregnancy, breeding, no use of pronouns but reader Can get pregnant ... )
when he's younger and still trying to get used to his intense heats, definitely expect dante to rut against you and gently beg for you to let him use you until he feels better. ♡
you've both developed a strong bond, so sometimes all he does is move your underwear to the side and slip himself inside you.
when transformed, he for sure has big dumb white ears, and a long fluffy white tail! he has white fur enveloping his body, which sometimes tickles you. :)
he has a bad habit of biting, when it's purposeful -- he'll find your neck or shoulder, and bite down til he's left his mark. when it's accidental, it's usually because his mouth doesn't know what to do or where to go, so he resorts to biting you, the soft plush of your skin a comfort. if he draws blood, he'll lap it up greedily.
dante has a knot .. i mean what did you expect lol. he gets so excited to just be inside you, that he can't help himself. afterwards when you try to move, he softly whines, pulling you back into him, mumbling something about 'being stuck here for 30 minutes or so...'
on the more sfw side, dante loves having his ears pet / massaged ( by you only! ) soft rumbles of pleasure, and pitiful whining when you stop. he nuzzles his nose into your shoulder, trying to get even closer to you, like he wants to become one.
in general he's very territorial protective, and hates seeing you talking to other people in general. it's sweet sometimes, and also annoying. he's huffing and desperately grabbing at you, with those stupid puppy eyes.
he claims it was an accident, but you can now find yourself with ruined clothing 99% of the time. dante shrugs it off, pulling you into a tight embrace and casually telling you to just be nude!
above all, he love love loves to eat you out, huffing against you, whimpering out how good you taste. his tail shamelessly wags, holding you right against his mouth, refusing to let you go even when you're quivering and crying out. he'll let up after making you cum a few more times when your voice is broken, and your hand is weakly pushing at his head.
dante loves the idea of breeding .. while he wouldn't really want kids, ( maybe with you ♡ ), he can't help but go crazy when you even bring it up. for hours all he does is fuck you, and while you're on the pill, you can't help but think that his stupid werewolf cum will override that and actually make you pregnant. he coos to you, saying how you'd be a good parent to his pups, rubbing his face on your tummy, feeling the bulge that has formed from his cum.
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maroji-draws · 2 years
When the vergil dmc finally came out I was so hyped I had to reference daddy snake
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Legit screamed at 2.30am est when it happened
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*kiritostinks used to be my old name on insta before the ac name changed to ichibananba:)) trying to make a comeback here since the insta algorithm is so horrid
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icycoldninja · 6 months
I have this fic idea so basically, DMC 4 Dante x pregnant wife reader and basically like it’s late at night and there cuddling….. but then the baby kicks for the first time and it’s there reaction to it and then y/n is still in fucking shock that she is carrying the granddaughter of Sparda XD
Hahaha here you go, hope you enjoy!
Excited (DMC4! Dante x Pregnant!Fem!Reader Fluff)
You lay on your living room couch, your head resting on Dante's chest, eyes languidly gazing up at the TV screen as your husband tiredly flicked through the list of movies available to him.
"Man, these all look so boring," He sighed, switching off the TV.
"How about we just cuddle, then?" You suggested, struggling to wrap your arms around him, an inconvenience that could be attributed to your bulging stomach. Dante chuckled and lifted you a little ways so you could reach him easier.
"Sounds good, babe." He pressed a kiss to your cheek and ran his hand over your pregnant stomach, grinning as he felt the warmth within. "Won't be long now...you'll be a mama very soon."
"Can't wait," You chuckled, nuzzling into Dante's chest, "I hope I'm a great mama."
"Oh, you will be," Dante assured you. "I just know it." Suddenly, you felt a soft flutter in your stomach, like a little bubble had risen and popped within.
"Oh," You muttered, sitting upright and holding your stomach. "The baby just kicked."
"No way," Dante exclaimed, leaping up from his seat with a massive smile on his face. "Are you sure?" You nodded.
"Positive. It kicked!" The next two minutes were filled with excited giggles and squealing as Dante and you celebrated the first movements of your precious unborn baby. Once you two had calmed down and resumed your places on the couch, you realized just what the actual crap was going on with you--you were carrying not only yours and Dante's child, but the freaking grandkid of Sparda himself! Your kid would be a goddamn legend! Your mind was reeling with shock, probably because pregnancies tend to make one rather emotional.
"Hey, you alright?" Dante asked, when he caught sight of your awed expression.
"I'm fine," You replied, smiling. "I'm just so excited!" Dante chuckled, ruffling your hair before kissing your forehead again.
"So am I, babe, so am I."
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ransprang · 8 months
thank you to @goblinofthewoods for your support <3 we hope you like your match up
if anyone else wants a match up this is our ko-fi
your match up is....
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How you met: It was a small art exhibition in an art gallery. Some of your sculptures were on show but you were still an amateur so you didn’t think anyone would notice. You were walking around the edges of the crowd when you noticed a white haired man examining a female bust you had sculpted. You walked over to him, a bit worried you would scare him away with your cold and intimidating aura but the man seemed unperturbed. He greeted you brightly and struck up a conversation. The man explained that he didn’t understand anything about art, but was a connoisseur of nudity. He told him, the piece you were admiring was sculpted by you. The contrast between your cold, intimidating exterior and the warmth emanating from your artworks caught his attention, and he asked to take you out for coffee. 
You and Dante would go on dates where you would try to teach him sculpting. You would make a beautiful teapot and he would make various genitalia.
Dante owns several electrical guitars, and would beg you to duet with him. When he is low on funds and none of the devil hunting jobs interest him, he would make you come busking with him.
Dante would ask to get matching tattoos. He would heavily suggest one of you gets ebony and the other ivory
Dante would easily look past your cold exterior. He’s used to that type of personality thanks to his brother. Once he saw past that you both would be a menace, with your combined himbo energy.
You and Dante would go to the gym together. You would be trying to lift heavy weights, while Dante would gently fondle your bum.
Dante’s love languages would be physical touch and gift giving. He may be an eternally broke man but he will be sure to get you lavish presents whenever the mood strikes him. 
Dante would be supportive of whatever surgeries you get and don’t get. He is just happy to have a good hearted partner who stands by his side no matter what. So you can expect the same energy from him. 
Basically like a golden retriever boyfriend, Dante needs to touch you in any way. Even if it’s touching feet under a blanket while watching a movie or giving you a hug from the back and lifting you up off your feet. He also likes tucking your dark brown hair behind your ears and giving you quick kisses.
Wanting your attention almost 24/7 he’d get into your hobbies and try to impress you. Starting out, his drawings would just be stick figures, “HEY Y/N LOOK. I drew this!! Aren’t I so great at this HAHAHA.”
Dante leans a bit more on the dom side, but if you want to take charge he wouldn’t mind at all watching you go down on his body. He admires watching your growing muscles flex from every angle. From underneath you he’d grip onto your biceps and back, careful to not leave marks. 
When he’s deep inside you, thrusting and watching your hole greedily suck him in, Dante’s degrading kink comes out. “That’s it, that’s a good boy, taking my cock like the slut you are.” He’d groan louder and his grip on your waist gets stronger. The first time this side of him comes out he’d only realize afterwards when he’s lying next to you, and he’d ask if you liked it. 
Dante goes crazy, he loves doing everything and anything in the bedroom. If you ever want to try penetrating him he will personally buy you a strap on. He will also wear his favorite cowboy hat and ride you as he uses one hand to wank off his own cock.
Sex on the Cavaliere? Obviously. He will rev up the engine and sit on it as you ride his cock while straddling him. 
Sword fights…tons of them. Not the kind youre thinking but using Ebony and Ivory. If you lose he fucks you, if you win he still fucks you.
Dante will definitely try dangerous things like jacking off using the Balrog and try cumming on your face and body. Or try fingering you using them. He needs to be contained.
He loves getting his back scratched while you scream his name. He's in power, and likes to feel like it too.
Dante can be a little confused in the after care department but he will always make sure you are comfortable and happy after a steaming hot session.
After sex Dante takes a moment to gently trace his fingers over your tattoos and kiss them, especially the ones on your thighs hoping to make you wet again. 
Dante would leave enough hickeys on your body, and neck that the next day you have to wear turtlenecks and full pants.
your sculptures,
admins sar, san & sav
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cupidscrule · 7 months
Thinking about laying on Dante's fat tits after a day of work, cuddling up with him watching a stupid show while he gives you little kisses
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ariseur · 6 months
Mngghhwhw your writing makes me feel all mushy gushy I adore it
Could I ask for Dante x oblivious reader? 🦀🦀
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dante with an oblivious reader 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
eee!! i’m glad you guys like my writing, i hope i did this request justice 😭😭
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
intended lowercase, dante being a flirty bastard, nico and nero mentioned so kinda set in dmc5?? but you can imagine it’s anyone else / ignore the hc :), lmk if i missed anything!! 💕
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ hmm.. dante with an oblivious reader, where to begin..
❥ i think dante would think you were teasing him at first, always having him repeat things or tilt your head at a certain remark. he’d laugh it off and shake his head, leaving you to furrow your brows in thought of what he meant.
❥ you obviously know what flirting is, but even when it’s so painfully in front of your face, you just can’t seem to see it for some reason. and when dante realizes this, he’s suddenly like ‘oh that makes sense’ and everything clicks. so he only turns up the flirting times ten.
❥ tries to drop more direct hints and direct comments but i imagine he’d either just make you flustered or— with his luck, get interrupted and would eventually end in you not taking a hint once again.
❥ if you were traveling with nico and nero, they’d literally be BEGGING you to see the signs. which you’d be confused by because— dante’s just a friend? sure he gets a little flirty, but he’s like that with everybody!!
❥ and they’re just, “no honey, no 🙂”
❥ dante tries his best to be as forward as possible.. without telling you that he has feelings for you.. without simultaneously trying to say it in a way where he doesn’t sound like a weirdo?
❥ dante does find your oblivion cute, rather purposefully teasing you and cornering you, even gently grabbing your chin and lifting it up to make eye contact with him if you’re too embarrassed. so then you’ll have to finally understand what he’s doing right??
❥ and if you don’t, oh my goodness he’s out of ideas.
❥ he will just straight up tell you “i want you” and you’re just like “oh. so everybody else was right!!” 😭
❥ he still finds your cluelessness adorable, even if he struggles with having you take a hint most of the time. dante almost finds it.. endearing? you may not be innocent or clueless about everything, but he just likes teasing you when he can lol.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
“i’m tellin’ ya,” nico put her hand on your shoulder as she turned her head and exhaled some smoke, “DANTE’s sweet on ya.”
you scoffed and turned back to the road, trying to ignore the way she smirked at your annoyance. “he does not.”
“does too.”
“does not!”
“does—!” before this bickering back and forth could go on any longer, nero silenced both of you with a sleepy, “shut up.”— to which both you and nico silently snickered and turned your attention back to the road, starting up the engine and heading off again.
that late night conversation floated mindlessly around your head, barely occurring even when you talked to dante. he couldn’t have had feelings for you, right? dante was just.. dante. he practically flirted with everybody, shamelessly at that.
but when you’d spot him at the office or across the numerous groups of demons littering the desolate vicinities, nico’s face always came to mind. that stupid grin on her face when you’d deny it and the way she gave you a dismissive hum when you told her it’d never happen. you didn’t want it to happen, why would you? dante wasn’t for you. why would you be considering these possibilities when there was no way dante could have feelings for you?
until he did. you had thought that until now, where he caged you in between the wall and pierced through you with his silver eyes, one quality him and his brother shared, although dante’s were much more lenient.
“hello?” his voice broke through the thoughts clouding your brain. he cocked his head in bemusement, waiting for a reaction from you.
“what were you saying?”
“i’m saying that i like you.”
you paused as your eyes darted everywhere but him. surely, you looked frazzled and embarrassed at the proximity of you and dante— before you finally said, “oh.” he had said it so nonchalantly, as if it was common knowledge. you thought back to nico and wondered if she really was trying to help you that night.
“so..” awaiting an answer, dante quirked a brow as he threw you another lazy grin, perhaps amused in your flustered state. “what ever shall we do about that?” leaning in closer, you could see his eyes staying fixated on your face, although your kept your own pair glued to the side.
“i dunno.” you rushed out.
dante pouted, “you don’t know? c’mon, you must have some idea.”
“a.. date?” wincing at how awkward you sounded, you tore your eyes from a spot in the hardwood floors of the devil may cry office and back onto him. an evident pleased look on his face told you that he was finally glad you figured it out. he backed away from you and put a hand on his hip.
letting a soft laugh escape his lips, he pushed back his hair, “so i’ll pick you up at nine, tomorrow?”
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Headcanons - Dante (DMC4) x Female Reader (Yandere)
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You and Dante have known each other for a while, and he has developed an intense obsession with you. His feelings for you have consumed him, making him someone who is deeply possessive and willing to go to extreme lengths to keep you by his side.
Dante becomes fixated on your every move, studying your habits and routines. He knows your favorite places, your friends, and even your daily schedule. He constantly monitors you, making sure no harm comes your way and that no one else gets too close to you.
One day, Dante decides that he can no longer bear the thought of anyone else having you. He believes that you belong to him and him alone. In a moment of intense obsession, he kidnaps you from your home, taking you to an undisclosed location where he can keep you hidden from the world.
Dante's hideout is a place he has meticulously prepared, with all the comforts and necessities you could possibly need. He spares no expense in ensuring that you're safe and comfortable, convinced that he is protecting you from the dangers of the outside world.
While in captivity, Dante's obsession intensifies. He becomes your sole caretaker, tending to your every need. He cooks for you, cleans up after you, and ensures that you lack nothing. However, his actions are driven by possessiveness and the need to control every aspect of your life.
Dante constantly expresses his love and devotion to you, showering you with affectionate words and gestures. He believes that by keeping you captive, he is preserving the purity of your bond and shielding you from anyone who might try to take you away from him.
However, Dante's possessiveness can also manifest in dark and dangerous ways. He becomes jealous of any interactions or relationships you had before, even in the form of memories. He may go to extreme measures to eliminate perceived threats, isolating you further from the outside world.
Dante's days revolve around you. He engages in activities that he believes will make you happy, constantly striving to bring a smile to your face. He tells you stories, plays games with you, and goes out of his way to keep you entertained. He believes that he is the only one who can truly make you happy.
Despite his twisted actions, Dante genuinely believes that he is doing what is best for you. In his distorted perception, he truly loves you and will stop at nothing to ensure your safety and happiness, even if it means keeping you captive in his world of obsession.
Note: Yandere characters exhibit extreme possessiveness and can engage in harmful behaviors. While this fictional scenario explores a dark and fictional relationship, it's important to remember that real-life relationships should always be built on consent, respect, and mutual understanding
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