#Do magnetic bracelets lose their power?
khulkarjiyo · 1 year
Hematite weight loss bracelet review: Benefits Side Effects And More..
Hematite weight loss bracelet is a great way for losing weight without any medicine or other addiction drug. this is not only good for weight loss instead it’s giving you many more health benefits. So without waiting time let’s see how Hematite weight loss bracelet work, it’s benefits, side effects and many other questions. What is Hematite Stone? Hematite is a mineral. It has been used since…
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rakiah · 2 years
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Akanda & Akedya Siam
They grew up in a wealthy family in Scalding Sands, their mother is a famous opera singer and their father a Spelldrive pro player, striker for the Burning Sands team.
Both parents are beastpeople, mama is an Abyssinian cat and papa is a tiger.
They’re always together. Never have been separated.
Love their mama a lot and so does she.
Incredibly good swimmers thanks to their dad, unlike their mama who can’t bear it.
Doing mischief since birth because only their parents can identify which is which.
Their UM appeared when they were 5, consequently they were assigned a special teacher to teach them how to manage their magical power.
Each of them has his own voice but they learnt to speak the same voice at a very young age.
They like shiny things because their mama used to wear a lot of golden bracelets. When they were kittens, she left some of her jewels in their basket to help them sleep when she was performing.
They bite/chew a lot so beware. Can't always say if they do because they like you or they want to annoy you.
▪️School life
Wished to be in Scarabia but ended up in Pomefiore. They fully accepted their fate after seeing Vil.
End up a lot in Scarabia nonetheless for napping under the home-like sun.
Like to hangout with the freshmen (not a shared feeling for most of them) but usually go by themselves.
They’re pretty good students but their attention span is really low. They constantly need new interactions to not lose their focus.
They don’t like reading. Utterly. But someone reading for them can make them deeply attentive and quiet.
Vil — Admiration, their new shiny mama
Kalim — Friend (bonus homeland pal)
Jamil — Dislike very much, too sneaky
Silver — Nap friend, he’s like a magnet if Silver sleeps they have to sleep on him too
Floyd — Meal Enemy to Partner in Crime
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❃Seventeen and buying concert tickets❃
a/n: Sooooo apparently, my first post has been doing really well. I came home from visiting my friends over the weekend, only to find out that it has over an 100 notes???? Thank you to everyone who has been liking and reblogging it. I genuinely didn't expect so many people to enjoy, or even see, it, and I feel so incredibly grateful :')
Anyway, I stumbled upon Scoups trying to buy their own concert tickets and thought it would make for a fun prompt. Enjoy!
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Scoups/Seungcheol: 7/10
❀ What deity has he disrespected to be suffering this much? When he promised some of his friends to get them tickets as well, he did so out of the assumption that good karma would aid him in increasing his odds of getting good seats. Isn’t that how karma is supposed to work; you do a good deed and get rewarded?
❀ For some reason, the entire website seems to be working against him. He has an abysmal position in the queue, giving him a false sense of hope in obtaining tickets. After he finally is let in, the website seems to continuously glitch. The only reason that he ultimately gets to pick out decent seats is because he spends an absurd amount of money on them.
❀ No, it truly can’t be a higher power toying with him… Instead, he blames himself for picking the wrong location, date and zone. Somehow, he even manages to misplace his credit card, resulting in him having to turn his room upside down. He is about to completely lose it before discovering that he accidentally placed his keyboard on top of it.
❀ After struggling a ton, he finally manages to get decent tickets, ageing at least ten years in the process. Give him some time and space; he needs to properly process the entire experience. Maybe it is time to pay for an exorcist.
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Jeonghan 1000000/10
❀ God has favourites, and it shows. Jeonghan decides to get concert tickets on a whim, pulling out his phone to check whether they are still available. Somehow, precisely at that moment, the tickets go on sale, making him first in the queue.
❀ He doesn’t really understand what Coups is complaining about. He has the seats he wants with a perfect view of the stage. The site runs smoothly, and he is able to buy the tickets without it buffering even once. He doesn’t even have to remind his friends to transfer him the money, either. They did it beforehand.
❀ Even worse, after he successfully purchased the tickets, he decides to never buy tickets for himself ever again. Why would he do it himself when he could ask his friends to do it for him instead? It gives him an additional ten minutes to nap. His ticket buying luck will become a memory, a legend that all those buying tickets tell each other.
❀ Is that Coups crying in the corner?
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Joshua 8/10
❀ You have heard of chick-magnets, and now I present to you, Mr Hong, a ticket-magnet. Joshua has no interest in ticket buying. Rather than spending those hours sitting behind a computer, he could be enjoying one of his thousand hobbies instead. Joshua could’ve made at least four bracelets and watched a full season of anime in the same time span. Why worry over Maroon 5 tickets when he can sing Sunday Morning himself.
❀ Instead, his friends end up giving him their spare tickets whenever someone cancels. Over the years, he has gone to a wide arrange of concerts. It is kind of impressive. One time he went to both a classical and a heavy metal concert on the same day. It gave him whiplash; he almost started a mosh pit as the third movement played.
❀ Considering that Joshua never checks his phone, he wouldn’t even be aware of what concerts are happening. Not that it really matters. Somehow, he will end up going anyway. All concert tickets lead to Hong Jisoo.
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Jun 2/10
❀ Have you ever tried buying tickets in a language that is not your native tongue? No? Well, let me tell you, it is hard. Jun has been staring at the screen for the past five minutes, trying to figure out the fine print. He is having a hard time deciphering the very legal and formal Korean.
❀ He is pretty sure that he is misinterpreting half of it; it seems rather odd for a concert ticket site to be talking about saving the cows when he is looking at insurance options. It truly is weird. Still, Jun cannot help but be a bit concerned about the cows.
❀ Before he is able to buy the tickets, he runs out of time. He had tried to call his members, but he should’ve figured that him reading the confusing Korean out loud would result in a weird narrative telephone game where the members have to guess the word from his shaky pronunciation. At least it made for a fun new game for GoSe.
❀ Fortunately, he is favourite child number 1, and the other members have zero faith in him being able to buy his own ticket. They made sure to get him one whilst he was calling with them. Of course, they gasslight him into thinking that, by some miracle, he had managed to buy the ticket himself. They don’t want to hurt his feelings.
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Hoshi/Soonyoung: -100000000000/10
❀ I should probably add more zeros, but that would ruin the aesthetics. Hoshi's problems already start upon him trying to turn on the computer. No matter how often he smashes the power button, it does not respond. He thinks he broke it, but in reality, Hoshi doesn't understand the concept of a charger. Nobody told him that computers need energy to function.
❀ When Wonwoo told him that the computer needed to be fed, trying to explain the concept of charging and electricity, Hoshi tried giving it a piece of his fried chicken. He left it there for a full hour, but it didn’t eat it. Hoshi thinks the laptop might be mad at him for letting it starve for so long. Someone, please help this man; he is crying.
❀ Maybe instead of using his computer, he can use his phone to buy tickets. Oh, wait, no. He tried showering with his phone because he thought it was waterproof. Why did he think it was waterproof? Nobody knows. He has put it in rice to see whether it will turn on again. The others haven’t told him yet that it is hopelessly fried; they don’t want him to get another phone only to ruin it within seconds.
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Wonwoo 100000000/10
❀ With his gaming set-up and ridiculously fast internet, Wonwoo makes ticket buying look like a sci-fi film. To the untrained eye, watching Wonwoo buying tickets might seem rather boring. To those more experienced, his skills at clicking on the right things at the exact right time are insane. Internally, he has an entire dramatic inner monologue when he does, recounting his months of research on how to optimize ticket buying.
❀ It has become a game for him; he has an insane track record for buying the best seats, and at this point, he does it more so for the thrill. He resells them to the members, increasing the price a bit as he does. He doesn’t tell them, of course; it makes them feel indebted to him, owing him a favour he can cash in during GoSe, whilst he, unbeknownst to them, is making a decent profit. Truly, he is hitting two birds with one stone.
❀ It is only after Wonwoo uses his hard-earned money to buy five extra computers to further optimize the buying of tickets that the other members begin getting concerned. They ultimately decide to hold an intervention for him, explaining that his obsession with ticket buying is borderline unhealthy. So far, he is doing well. He hasn't bought a single concert ticket since the intervention.
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Woozi/Jihoon: 9/10
❀ Concert tickets seem to magically appear on his doorstep, paired with letters full of admiration. Woozi has no idea how they got there. Whenever an artist is going on tour, the tickets seem to materialize out of thin air without fail. He fails to realize that by being the legendary producer Woozi, THE Lee Jihoon, everyone wants him at their concert. He truly is a humble king.
❀ To be honest, he doesn’t really want to go. Unless it happens to be Bruno Mars, he would rather stay indoors, focusing on his own music. He decides to give all the free tickets to Joshua, figuring that it would be a waste to throw the tickets out. However, he stopped giving Joshua the free tickets after he discovered that Joshua was pretending to be him. Not that anyone believed him, but still, Woozi no longer wanted to be associated with the guy who was shamelessly dancing around, executing the cringiest of dance moves.
❀ On the one hand, it did somewhat work. The artists have stopped inviting Woozi to every single concert that they hold, afraid to get his insane friend instead. Joshua, to this day, claims that it was all part of his plan.
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DK/Seokmin: 1/10 but 1000/10 for the vibes
❀ DK is truly trying his best to get tickets for the concert he wants to go to. He has invited all his friends over to buy the tickets together. Everyone brings their own laptop to increase their chances of getting good seats. However, by the end of the night, it has kind of turned into a bit of a party.
❀ Initially, DK put on a playlist to decrease the tension and stress that everyone was feeling. That being said, as time passed, the tickets were kind of forgotten as it turned more and more into a karaoke session. Suddenly more and more people seemed to appear, somehow hearing of this dope party that was being held at DK’s. DK surely didn’t invite them, but the more, the merrier, right? He can’t help but feel like he is forgetting something as the night progresses, but it must probably not be that important.
❀ It hits him only the morning after. It is not completely hopeless, though. When DK goes online to share his funny anecdote with other fellow fans, he inevitably ends up charming someone who has a spare ticket. They end up inviting him along because, well, we all could use some little DK in our life.
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Mingyu: 7.5/10
❀ He thinks he is really good at finding resell tickets for cheap. What he doesn’t know, however, is that everyone takes one good look at his profile pic and decides to risk it all. Unknowingly, Mingyu has broken up a lot of friendships with his posts innocently asking whether anyone has a ticket to spare.
❀ He has no idea that concerts are essentially all dates. The other person always treats him so nicely. They get him food, flowers and give him so many compliments. Honestly, he doesn’t understand how people can be so pessimistic about the world. Look at how many wonderful people are in it, treating him so kindly.
❀ Unfortunately for those who intend the concert to be a date and the start of a new relationship, he is too oblivious to see it as such. At the end of the concert, he will simply shake their hand and thank them for the fun night, never to contact them ever again. Still, nobody gets truly upset about the outcome. His obliviousness is kind of charming.
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The8/Minghao: 5/10
❀ It is all up to faith. Does he understand the Korean on the website? No. As a result, Minghao has decided to make peace with whatever comes out of the ticket buying experience. He has meditated quite a bit before the tickets go on sale, trying to tell himself that it won’t bother him if he doesn’t get the tickets. He is cool, calm and collected.
❀ He makes all his decisions based on a coin flip. Is he struggling to choose between two zones? Coin flip. Should he click the first or second option for insurance? Coin flip. He has a very pretty dice that he can roll for the choices with multiple options. In other words, Minghao puts his trust completely in the universe so that he doesn’t have to admit that he has no idea what he is doing. Honestly, the method allows him to, at the very least, make quick decisions regardless of the outcome. Consequentially, he outspeeds everyone else on the website.
❀ Does it work? Half of the time. Sometimes the universe seems to be favouring him, giving him incredible seats. Other times he is sitting in the nosebleeds, squinting at the stage as he is trying to make out the artist. He comforts himself with the thought that he is there for the music, not the visual experience.
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Seungkwan: 9/10
❀ Welcome to Seungkwan’s military mission to get concert tickets. Drill Sergeant Boo has decided that he will be assembling the best team to get the concert tickets he desires, and there will be nothing stopping him. Not only did he insist on everyone meeting up at the place with the best Wi-Fi, but he also made an entire overview of the best zones and seats, including information on which seats tend to sell out the fastest.
❀ He has set five alarms for when the tickets go on sale, and if anyone dares to goof off, they will meet an early grave. This is a life-or-death situation! Sergeant Boo has no time for those that slack off or test his patience. If you are not taking this seriously, you do not deserve to see Adele in concert.
❀ Let’s just hope that he gets his tickets through regular ticket sales because if not, he will set up an intelligence mission in order to find out as much tea as he can on someone to blackmail them into handing over their tickets. Is it legal? Not really, no, but all is fair in love and war or when Beyoncé tickets are on the line.
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Vernon 8/10
❀ Getting tickets is really no problem for Vernon. All he has to do is connect himself to the internet. He is an AI/NPC, after all. It is incredibly easy; all he has to do is hack into the system and get the tickets before they even go on sale.
❀ Okay, okay, all jokes aside, Vernon, with his refined music taste, mostly attends obscure bands. He is not even snobby about it; he genuinely enjoys their experimental music. Most of the time, the band's tickets do not sell out because the band is, well, questionable at best. Wait, you have not heard of Order of the Metaphysical Rat? They are really good! What about the Tree Rioting Bishops? No? Well, he had a blast at their last concert; you should totally join next time.
❀ Occasionally, he stumbles onto real gems, bands that are on the up-and-coming and about to blow up. He somehow manages to attend their concert at the right time, and when he checks the tickets the next year, they've tripled in price.
❀ However, more often than not, the concerts he attends are an… experience. Dancing Politics truly was something special with their remixing of political speeches, and his ears are still ringing from the Screaming Orchestra. He doesn't understand why none of the other members want to join him.
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Dino/Chan: -1000/10
❀ He is incredibly determined to get the tickets, but Dino has a massive problem: he is a boomer at heart. He is not hip and happening and has no idea how this whole process of buying tickets works. What do you mean that they do not physically mail concert tickets any more?
❀ To be honest, he was kind of hoping one of the other members would take him instead. This whole concept of the internet is truly beyond him. He literally just figured out how the landline works; he blinked twice, and suddenly there is something called the internet.
❀ Somehow, in his attempt to get tickets, he clicks on the wrong thing, and now his computer has crashed. He has no idea how he managed it, but it is refusing to respond. So now he's paying for a hefty bill to get his computer fixed instead of the tickets.
❀ It gets even worse when he trusts a Nigerian Prince emailing him that he has some tickets to resell. Yeah… Dino gets scammed out of a lot of money. It is safe to say that the other members have decided that he no longer gets to shop online.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Do you have anymore headcanons on fairy godbrother Izuru?
Izuku already had many many many different ideas for the whole class’ redesigned costume the moment he laid eyes on them. Since he deemed their costume “damaged” he was able to shape them to many different versions for reference
Momo has armor, no heels, her costume is now has powerful magnet clasps when she needs to create something big, the clasps will snap back into place, and gloves with openings on the palms to make things from there; Ochako’s belt isn’t restricting her movements, no heel, nerve bracelets to prevent her from throwing up; Eijirou has a shirt made from his DNA; Tenya’s armor is much less bulky to provide easier movement; Hagakure’s costume is made from her DNA
He and Katsuki do most of the cooking, and it often involves floating kitchen utensils and ingredients, and explosions every few seconds
His room isn’t as “Hero FanBoy” like canon, it looks more like a seamstress’ dream bedroom complete with a sewing machine, drawers of different fabrics, design books, a mannequin, and posters of heroes who aren’t in it for the fame
He will slap you if you try to hurt a mouse or bird
All Might won’t admit it… But he’s scared of him. Izuku went into a two hour rant on his costume and hair, and then asks to see his teaching license
Some of the upperclassmen will ruin their clothes and then bombard Izuku with requests to make them better. And he obliges.
Then they come back the next day with their clothes ruined again and blame him
Before his friends can jump to his defense, he just says
Izuku: Perhaps you should’ve done your homework on my Quirk. Now each of you need to buy an all new wardrobe. Unless, of course, you’d like Kacchan to blow your faces off.
During the USJ attack, it isn’t Iida who runs to safety. Izuku teleports back to Yuuei and warns the other teachers, teleporting them to the USJ two at a time because teleporting himself and more than two people at once can drain him for about ten minutes
He uses his charmspeak on the nomu and manages to get it to back down for just a few seconds, giving All Might enough time to punt it out of the building
Sports Festival Time
Izuku: *To the Gen-Ed* Oh, you must be mistaken. See, none of us asked to be cornered and nearly murdered by supervillains, and we most certainly never asked to see our teacher nearly die right in front of us. So… Yeah, if you guys want to be in the hero course, I’m happy to give up my spot so you all can see firsthand just how fun it is! I’m sure you’ll get targeted by the next villain and be forced to watch your friends lose all the life in their eyes because you’re apprehended and can’t do a thing to stop it… Now, who wants my spot?
Gen-Ed Kids: … *Run away*
Izuku: Okay! I’ll talk to you all later!
The Sports Festival is same as canon, Endeavor’s a dick, Shouto accuses Izuku being a descendant of the Fairy GodMother, Aizawa defends Katsuki, ANYGAY!
Izuku and Katsuki make it to the final round because Izuku knows how Shinsou’s quirk works. Just to be a little shit, he kisses him and teleports him outside the ring
And for Shouto, he uses his telekinesis to break apart the ice, and when he gets close enough, he heals his scar so while Shouto’s in shock, he teleports him outside the ring
Break Time!
Endeavorass reprimands Shouto on losing to someone with such a “weak quirk,” so just to be a gremlin, Izuku sends some of his mice to bite his ankles and send him running
This gains him Shouto’s respect
So… Katsuki gets first, Kaminari gets second, and Izuku gets third, yay!
Now back to more headcanons
Every morning, birds fly in through his window and help him get dressed for the day. Ochako witnessed this and took a video for the class to see
Ochako: Okay, our mission is clear… We need to protect this boy with our lives.
Class 1-A: Agreed!
Katsuki: I’ve been protecting him since we were born, pink cheeks! I don’t need any help!
Shouto: Then while you play protector, the rest of us will battle for his hand, and you can protect both of us.
Class 1-A: …
*Cue fight cloud*
So now, Class 1-A is fighting over who will get to date Izuku, and things only get more competitive after he saves Eri and adopts her as his little sister before eventually becoming her unofficial mom
Meanwhile, Izuku and the Big 3 are just having tea parties with Eri in the fancy outfits Izuku made because Eri INSISTED on it
One day, Izuku accidentally uses his quirk on Midnight’s costume and it created a much better alternative with actual armor, zippers on her arms and legs, small but powerful fans in her gloves so she won’t have to whip out her hand fan, and some support for her breasts because that can’t be comfortable
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crissiebaby · 1 year
DiapOut: Chapter 31
DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, WAM, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. If you haven’t read the first chapter and want to catch up, be sure to check out the link in the description. I hope you enjoy!
“Welp, here goes nothing,” said Mia as she shook the lone, six-sided die in her hand. Given the misfortune that had already befallen the first two players to roll, she was less than excited to throw herself into whatever challenge or punishment was waiting for her. Counting the spaces ahead of her, the last thing she wanted was to land on a red square like Lelaya did, so avoiding a three and a four was paramount.
Not wanting to make everyone wait for her too long, Mia launched her dice block forward and watched as the dotted cube skittered across the colorful game board until coming to a sudden stop. The audience cheered and the Wetters celebrated a small victory as they spotted six dots pointing toward the ceiling. The only ones not celebrating Mia’s good fortune were the three Messers standing by and, shockingly, Mia, whose heart rate nearly doubled after her dice stopped on a dime in the most unnatural of ways. While no one else was close enough to notice, she certainly had, witnessing with her own two eyes as the die practically locked into place on the number six. 
Picking the die off the ground, Mia slyly held it next to the metal bracelet she had on, her anxiety reaching new heights as the bracelet was instantly attracted to the die. After accepting production’s unfair aid in Round Two, she was relieved that they asked her to cheat again going into Round Three. Sadly, as the dice’s magnetism was manually shut off by someone backstage, she came to the haunting realization that it would be much easier to rig the game for her if she wasn’t involved.
“A six! That’s one heck of a roll there Mia! With that, you and your team are the first to step foot in the Potty Monster’s territory, The Soiled Swamp!” said CassiRole, keeping her audience up to date as Mia and her team passed by the Wetters as they moved six spaces ahead, landing on a bright blue square in front of a cartoonish muck monster climbing out of a gross-looking toilet, “Congrats Mia! You landed on a blue square! That means you're the first player who gets to take on a Play-It or Pass-It Challenge!”
Escorting Mia to the side of the board so that the audience had a full view of both of them, Cassi continued to lay out the difficult decision that Mia was going to have to make, “Here’s what’s going to happen. You, Mia, will be presented with a challenge. From there, you’ll have to make a choice: either play in the challenge to earn your team some points or pass your challenge onto an opponent, where they’ll have to win or risk losing points!” The audience ooo’ed, leaning forward in their seat in anticipation of what the challenge would be, as well as Mia’s subsequent decision.
Looking toward the big screen as the wheel of options spun rapidly, Mia was still fighting through the guilt of having production do everything in their power to meddle for her benefit. As the animated wheel came to a stop, the familiar bold text popped up to display the name of the challenge.
Water Weight.
“Oooh! This is one of my personal favorites! Mia, the challenge you have in front of you is simple. Either you or an opponent of your choice will be placed in a CrissBaby Grow-With-Me Diaper before taking on 10 gallons of ice-cold water! The diaper must be worn at all times and cannot touch the ground until your next turn, regardless of if they have to face their own challenge or punishment,” said Cassi as a large tub with a stand-up shower head was rolled onto the studio set by an Iris bot, “So Mia, are you going to Play-It or Pass-It? Keep in mind, this challenge is worth plus 10 to you and minus 10 to your opponents.”
Glancing over at the Messers, Mia had hoped that whatever challenge popped up would help her decide if she should do it herself or risk pissing her rivals off by hoisting the soaking diaper onto one of them. As much as she didn’t want to lug 10 gallons of water around with her, after figuring out that production was tampering with the game for her sake, she understood that this was her cross to bear.
“Pick Rupert!”
However, before Mia could vocalize her decision, her attention was pulled back toward her own team’s mat, where Ayaya was cupping her hands around her mouth and shouting with no remorse, “He’s weakened already! There’s no way he can hold up that much weight!” Unlike Mia, she wasn’t at all worried about if the enemy team might dislike her for making a very calculated decision. Instead, she was more worried about her own teammate making the stupid decision to shoulder the grueling task. Just one look at Mia’s shaky expression told her all she needed to know, so it was the most she could do to try and convince her teammate to take the easy path.
Unfortunately, as much as Mia didn’t want to piss off any of her own teammates, she couldn’t in good conscience make Rupert or anyone else do her challenge for her. At least, not after learning about the magnetized dice. If she was going to win, she wanted to earn it. “Sowwy, Ayaya, but we gonna wans as many poins as we can gets,” she said, putting on a hammy baby voice as she excused her emotional decision as a tactical one, “I’ww weaw da diapee.”
“Very bold, Mia! I suppose we shouldn’t expect anything less from the Baby New Year herself! Iris, please get this little bab ready for her bath,” said Cassi, snapping her fingers as the Iris Nanny sprung to life, picking up Mia with ease and wheeling her over to the changing station that had previously been used after Round Two.
Sighing with relief, Kyoko was 100 percent positive that if Mia had forced Rupert into such a physical challenge, there was no way they weren’t going to forfeit ten points. Her calculating eyes traversed the sound stage, landing squarely on Ayaya as she scowled. “What a total bitch, am I right?” she said, folding her arms as she stared down the popular streamer, “From now on, make sure we focus all effort on Ayaya. Anything we can throw at the enemy team should be used on her.”
“I’m sorry, Kyoko but I don’t think that’s wise,” said Cade, unable to make eye contact with his dear leader as he stood in opposition to her, “Ayaya’s a problem, yes, but did you see the way she messed that diaper? She may look like she thinks she's too good for diapers but she’s clearly got hidden skills. I think we should aim for the girl who only scored single digits in messing for Round Two. What’s her name? Mia?”
Shaking his head, Rupert responded, “No, you’re thinking of Misa. Mia’s the Baby New Year.” He pointed toward Mia getting changed by the Iris bot, offering some aid to Cade’s confusion.
“Oh, for fuck sake. Why must their team have both a Mia and a Misa?! I already have a tough time remembering names as is!” scoffed Cade, pushing the blame for his ignorance onto Mia and Misa’s parents for not consulting each other before naming their daughters, “Whatever, you get my point. If they want to target our weakest link, we need to hit them back in the same place.”
At first, Kyoko had incredibly low expectations for Cade’s rebuttal. However, she couldn’t deny that he had an excellent point. Now wasn’t the time to get vindictive, regardless of how much Kyoko’s competitive nature hated to let any sort of slight go unchecked. Simmering down, she responded, “Fair point. Honestly, Cade, you’re really impressing me today.”
“Aw, shucks!” said Cade, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. As the group’s residents screw up, it was nice to earn a bit of praise for once.
Patting Cade on the back, Rupert was happy to see his slacker friend stepping up to the plate. Normally, he had to fight tooth and nail against the pull to the lazy side that Cade frequented, failing more often than he’d like to admit. “Maybe we should keep you off weed for another few days,” he said, ribbing Cade in exactly the right spot to earn a reaction.
“Hey, now! Let’s not start talking crazy,” said Cade, who was far too much of a pothead to quick cold turkey.
“Okay, Mia! Time to rub-a-dub-dub!” said Cassi, reclaiming the chatty Messers’ attention as Iris lowered a freshly-padded Mia into the tub set. The top-of-the-line caregiver robot made double sure her ward was on stable footing before unhooking the shower head and easing it down the back of her diaper until it was nuzzled up next to her well-powder kitten.
Wincing as the cold metal rested against her warm thighs, Mia’s eyes locked themselves onto the rim of the bathtub, unable to gaze up at the overly amused audience members who were laughing at her expense. “L-Let’s just get this over with,” she said, her face flushing brightly.
“Hehehe! As you wish! Hit it boys!” said Cassi, deciding to forgo another wordy speech in favor of garnering the instant satisfaction of catching Mia unprepared.
Off-stage, Keelee hit her cue perfectly, activating the water pump that was hidden under the bathtub pop-up set. The hose connected to the shower head vibrated for a few seconds before a rush of frigid liquid came gushing down the tube.
Mia gasped and shrieked as the icy water coated her loins. Her knees rattled, struggling to keep herself from collapsing into the tub. The only reason she refused to let her legs give out on her was out of fear that it would somehow ruin the shot, requiring her to do this stunt all over again. Or worse, they could count it as the diaper touching the ground, wiping out any points she stood to gain from this challenge. Peering down at her diaper, her eyes widened as she watched the surprisingly thin diaper begin to expand rapidly in all directions. Shuffling to the head of the bathtub, she gripped the shower head stand, clinging to it for dear life as the weight of her growing diaper threatened to drag her down.
Watching from the sidelines, Kyoko’s eyes wandered between Mia’s current predicament, Lelaya’s straightjacket, and Zeke’s agonizing challenge. The latter of which was on the verge of bursting a blood vessel in his eye as he fought to keep his awkward posture in check. With the range of difficulty being as vast as it was, she was anxious to get on with the competition, well aware that she was up next.
Wetters: 156.1 (+/-10) points Messers: 151.7 (+/-25) points
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Edited by AllySmolShork
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akakeiiji · 4 years
this is kind of a weird request so sorry in advance and you don't have to write it if you don't want to of course!!! but could i get hcs for atsumu, oikawa, and terushima with a lesbian best friend? i feel like lesbian + flirty boy is such a power duo because she can give girl advice and they don't have to worry about feelings making things awkward dhkshdkdh sorry again!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS REQUEST FBWBBDSF I love the dynamic these three would have with a lesbian best friend, it would be so chaotic, I love it. I based some of these with how I am with my guy friends, I’m not a lesbian but I’m close enough HAHAHA
Also, happy pride you guys 🥺💕  from your local chaotic bi
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-`,✎ Atsumu, Oikawa and Terushima with a lesbian best friend
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Miya Atsumu
You guys are like the ultimate power couple except you aren’t a couple
Everyone thinks you guys are dating at first because Atsumu isn’t the type who’s openly close and touchy with a girl but when he’s with you, you two are basically attached by the hip, even more so than he is with his brother
But surprise!! You’re gay as gay can be
When you first told him, he didn’t even bat an eye
“I already knew.”
“What?? How?”
But he’s so genuinely happy you trusted him enough to tell him, also he was beginning to worry you were going to tell Osamu first
He’s surprisingly the most supportive best friend ever
If anyone ever tries to give you shit for your sexuality then they will have to face the wrath of an angered Atsumu (+Osamu ofc)
He was already pretty blunt with his words to begin with, just imagine him angry
You two do this thing where you sit somewhere in public, usually munching on snacks from the convenience store, people watching
When I say people watching, I mean checking girls out
“Look over there, she’s cute.”
“Ew, she’s way out of your league.”
“What do you mean?!”
He’d smack your ice cream to the ground when you say this and he’d have to buy you a new one after you started smacking him with your bag
He’ll never admit it to anyone except you but he sucks with girls
Basically: He’s a dork
He goes to you for love advice, mostly because he trusts you and because he knows there’ll be less teasing (Osamu would never let him hear the end of it)
Plus you have more experience than Osamu hehe
He’d drape himself over your lap as you’re working and tell you about all his woes
“Why do I keep scaring her off?”
“Listen, Tsumu, you just gotta cut the sarcasm and try not to sound condescending all the time.”
“I don’t sound condescending all the time!”
“Are you deaf??”
Not gonna lie, people are lowkey intimidated by you two
He’s pretty protective of you, like in an older brother type of way
Listen he knows that guys are trash but he knows how ruthless girls can be, he doesn’t want to see you get hurt
He ends up unintentionally scaring away other girls from you which you def weren’t happy about
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Oikawa Tooru
His fangirls hate you with a burning passion
You’re the one girl he’s completely let into his life, you were one of his closest friends
He was just drawn to you, you know? You two just clicked immediately
Mostly because you both radiated the same crackhead energy
But also because you weren’t the same as the other girls in his school, you didn’t look at him with this starstruck look in your eyes like he was some idol, you saw him for who he really was
That sounds so sappy, he would never tell you any of this, you’d tease him too much
He’s so cute though, he calls you his platonic soulmate
He’s a super affectionate person
He always has his arm around your shoulder or linked with your own, another reason why his fangirls have it out for you
Subconsciously, Oikawa knew that you would never fall for him and he loved that about your relationship, he didn’t worry about you becoming a fangirl or losing the bond you two shared because of awkwardness
But he just thought it was because you really only saw Oikawa as a friend and not because you were gay
When you did tell him, he was so surprised and he internally slapped himself because “I should have known!!” He knows you better than anyone, why didn’t he see the signs??
He’s so great about it though, he immediately takes you in his arms and tells you that you’re amazing and thanks you for telling him
“(Y/N) this is so great, it means we have more in common!”
If anyone, I mean anyone, whether it be fangirl or classmate or stranger on the street, says anything bad about you he will not hesitate to throw some hands
Listen, Oikawa may have a reputation to uphold but if anyone talks shit about his best friend then he’s going to go feral
You were definitely Oikawa’s go-to for girl advice
When he had a crush, when he didn’t know how to deal with his fangirls, when his girlfriend dumped him, you were the first one he went to
“I can’t believe she broke up with me.”
“Pfft, you could do better. I told you not to date her.”
“Would you have dated her?”
“I mean she was hot but come on, she was a bitch.”
sorry i just hate his ex-girlfriend even tho we dont even know her
Okay but you two are like this ultra attractive chick magnet when you’re together
You’re probably popular at school if you have Oikawa by your side 24/7, you probably have your own fangirls too
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Terushima Yuuji
Funny story, you and Terushima first became friends after he hit on you during your first year
“Hey, couldn’t help noticing you earlier, I’m Terushima but you can call me babe.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m gay. Second, what the hell was that pick up line? You’re never going to get anyone’s attention if that’s the best you’ve got.”
You two immediately became best friends
Your friendship mainly consisted of you teaching Terushima how to actually pick up girls at first but you two still stuck with each other even after he mastered the art that is being a fuckboy
i love him so much but come on, he’s a total fuckboy
Now your relationship mainly consists of vine references and you trying to revoke your knowledge of picking up girls from him
You regret teaching him those things all those years ago
In all seriousness though, you two are basically family to one another, he trusts you completely
And yeah, needless to say, he is totally supportive of you and loves you unconditionally
At first glance, you two look like an overly touchy couple, he always has his arm draped around you and isn’t afraid to kiss you on the cheek and forehead
He’s constantly surrounded by a whole number of girls but he always tells people that you’re his #1
You two constantly have these moments where you’re both out and a pretty girl walks by and you both just halt to a stop and check her out
Afterward, you both turn towards each other and freak out over how attractive she was
“Holy shit, (Y/N) she’s wearing a bi flag bracelet, go get her number.”
He always tries to set you up with other girls, you don’t even ask him to but he does anyways
“Are you free tomorrow?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Perfect, you have a date at 2, she'll pick you up at your place.”
“Wait, what—”
However, if you ever like someone then your boi Terushima will be your ultimate wingman
He just wants to see you happy okay?
So he will do absolutely anything to help you get your girl, no doubt about it
If anyone tries to hurt you then he’s gonna call the bois and beat them up, he will not let them slide
He will definitely go to pride with you, he’ll arrive clad in full rainbow attire
“What do you mean you won’t wear the matching rainbow cape, (Y/N) I paid good money for this.”
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mialinhlinh · 4 years
Agarwood is now known as a feng-shui object with its appearance designed into precious jewelry, especially bracelets.
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Agarwood bracelet not only brings feng shui benefits to the wearer, but it also offers other practical benefits such as health, the agarwood bead bracelet also brings elegance. with benefits in terms of feng shui as well as bringing a more enthusiastic and beautiful life. And nowadays many people are very popular with these bracelets, agarwood bracelets are not only a shield to protect evil magnetic miasma, but also fashionable feng shui jewelry, suitable for men and women. So what are the benefits, below Moc Huong Tram will list the unexpected benefits from the agarwood beads bracelets.
 What is the unexpected use from agarwood beads?
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Unexpected benefits and uses of agarwood beads bracelets
Agarwood from thousands of generations is considered a rare and sought-after product by many people, because of its wonderful effects, what are its unexpected uses?
Agarwood itself is a precious wood species with a mild scent, so the product of frankincense bracelet also has a special scent of frankincense and this will help our spirit feel comfortable, refreshed, dispel frustration, fatigue in life as if bringing new energy and full of luck to the wearer.
Agarwood bead bracelet has a round ball shape, or a bamboo burning shape that helps friction on the wearer's skin to create a soft and soft feeling, in addition, the fragrance from frankincense also helps the body as always radiating. faintly mild fragrance.
As mentioned above, frankincense is a feng-shui object, wearing agarwood bracelets is to bring luck, helping the wearer always feel safe and convenient in life, the temperate properties of frankincense also help to improve. health and repel bad air flow into the body.
It is the luck in the agarwood that makes it act as a talisman, the purpose of dispelling all evil, dark, and dissolving bad omen around the wearer.
The incense bracelet brings youthfulness to the wearer by its sophistication and style by its diverse, very classy design and exuding nobility and elegance for the wearer.
Agarwood bead bracelets have good health benefits
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Sedative: when we wear frankincense bracelets, the scent of gentle agarwood will help you feel comfortable, relaxed and relaxed.
Pain relief: Frankincense helps in treating headaches and stomach aches effectively.
Anti-inflammatory: Agarwood produces antibacterial properties against pathogenic bacteria, is known as an effective natural antibiotic.
Good for the kidneys: Rich in yang, warm the kidneys, very good for kidney failure, diuretic.
Good for the heart: Depression helps the heart, strengthens the heart, has difficulty breathing.
Good for the digestive system: Depression has the effect of helping to reduce phlegm, treat diarrhea, and fight nausea.
Effective cancer prevention: ingredients in Frankincense help kill cancer cells, prevent and prevent diseases more effectively.
Male disease: Depression is a positive medicinal herb, tonic kidney qi, so it has a very good effect on men, effectively increasing the physiological ability of men.
More information:
The aroma of frankincense when burned with high-grade incense with intense spreading power, gives you a relaxed and pleasant feeling of elation. Not only does it not simply help the living space and make the combination of feng-shui gas, burning incense or burning frankincense also bring benefits to the health of users. The unique scent of frankincense wood helps calm the nerves, reduces fatigue and stress, thanks to its ability to purify negative air for good air circulation.
The use of feng shui in the spirituality of the incense ring
The most outstanding use of agarwood beads bracelets must first mention that it is a kind of feng shui jewelry that is quite popular nowadays.
Agarwood bead bracelets used as jewelry such as:
Wristbands: simple, rustic necklaces with universal sizes and sizes to suit the needs and tastes of the user. In addition, you can also mix more gold, silver or pearls and stones for more feng-shui.
Neck strap: Often preferred by Buddhist followers, mainly using a 108-bead chain, both for reciting and chanting.
According to history books passed down, the universe includes Heaven - Earth - Human. In which Geography includes Thuy - Hoa - Phong, biochemical rotation nurturing all things. Humanitarianism is the virtue of Heavenly Yard, the spirit of fresh air will be intelligent. We humans are a sub-continent, affected by cosmic energy, Heaven-Earth energy. Only when these two energies coordinate and follow by chance will man be healthy, intelligent and intelligent. Thien Dia brings yin and yang and yin and yang together together. Yin is too strong, then yang is weak, yang is too strong, then negative, the reverse process leads to all kinds of illness, instability, bad things start to arise, evil qi invades.
Frankincense is a talent, recharges positive energy, cleans the evil air. Whether it is entering a new house, or disinfecting a place of worship, or a place of worship, in the distance of a shrine road ... incense brings a source of fresh energy, goodness and joy.
How to wear agarwood beads properly
Do not wear 2 bracelets at the same time because it will annihilate and interfere with each other, causing the ring to lose the energy magnetic field. The wearing of 2 bracelets, similar to the number 8, has many meanings and bad connotations.
However, on the market today, there are many fake frankincense products impregnated with poor quality oil. For free advice and instructions on how to test frankincense, please contact Moc Huong Tram immediately. Moc Huong Tram is confident to bring you quality agarwood products.
From the above benefits, it is easy to see that today's deep bracelets are becoming popular and popular with many people. Wearing a frankincense bracelet, we will feel the positive changes it brings. More advantages at work, happiness will come, your health will also improve and bring many other changes. For a long time, it did not stop at the position of a precious jewelry, but also used as a necklace in Buddhist practice, connecting people with the mysterious spiritual world. That is the basis to answer why you need a frankincense bracelet for yourself.
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aalissy · 4 years
Day 23 is doneee!! I had a fun time writing this even though I kindaa struggled with what to write in the beginning hehe. Anywho, I hope you like it <3. Lemme know what you think :D
He always felt safe in her arms. Even in their current situation, where an akuma was chasing them across Paris, Adrien felt safe. They were swinging from building to building, attempting to lose the current villain.
Adrien blinked up at her as Ladybug cuddled him closer to her chest. His heart fluttered lightly as he ducked his head with a shy smile. His cheeks were dusted a light pink as he shot another quick peek up at her. Ladybug’s brow was furrowed in concentration, her face fully focused on the task at hand as she swung them closer to a more secure hiding space. 
When she took a corner particularly fast, Adrien buried his head into her shoulder, shutting his eyes against the wind whipping against his face. Luckily, she landed on solid ground quickly, setting him back on the concrete floor. He blew out a relieved breath, cracking his eyes open slowly as he gave her a thankful smile, “Do you think we lost her?”
“I’m not sure,” Ladybug frowned before taking a few steps away from him to peek outside the alleyway they were currently in, “I think so.”
“Well thank you for saving me again!” Adrien chirped, his finger reaching for his ring. He twisted his miraculous a few times as he waited for her to leave. He needed to transform soon! He didn’t want Ladybug to realize that he was Chat Noir, after all.
“Yeah,” she peeked over her shoulder to give him a small, teasing smile, “I think this is actually the third villain to come after you in a week. I think you might be an akuma magnet.”
He chuckled quietly, shaking his head with a small shrug, “Or Hawkmoth just hates me.”
“Oh please,” Ladybug rolled her eyes, returning her gaze outside of the alleyway, “He can’t hate anyone more than he hates me. I swear it’s like he knows when I’m already running late and wants me to be doubly late if that’s even a thing!”
Adrien stared at her fondly, feeling his chest constrict tightly. Her arms fluttered about her endearingly as she went on her mini-tirade. How can she be so cute? It’s just not fair, he sighed to himself. Creeping slowly towards her, he also stuck his head out of the alleyway. Curiously, he asked her, “Have you seen the akuma yet?”
Ladybug looked down at him softly before biting on the corner of her lip, “I haven’t yet,” she huffed out a breath, “I was hoping that she would come through here so that we might actually get to see her power. That doesn’t look like it’s happening though...”
He nodded grimly, “Do you have any idea where her akuma is hiding?” 
She hummed lightly, shrugging her shoulders, “I was thinking it might be in her bracelet, but I don’t think we’ll find out for sure until after we see her powers.”
“So then,” Adrien clapped his hands, rubbing them together, “What’s our next step?”
“Well, Cha-,” Ladybug stopped, blinking slightly before whipping her head back around to him. His lips had parted slightly, and Adrien was sure that he looked like he had frozen. Her own eyes looked like saucers as she gaped over at him. Quickly, she stuttered, “I-I’m so sorry, Adrien! I-I don’t know w-why I said that! I guess I’m just so used to him being here that I...”
She trailed off, gnawing on her lip as she stared up at him with her big, blue eyes. Quietly, he chuckled, shaking his head, “It’s alright, Ladybug. I don’t mind, really.”
The heroine nodded quickly, whipping her head away as a light pink stained her cheeks. Adrien’s heart pumped loudly in his chest and he was surprised that she couldn’t hear it from how close to him she was. He felt dizzy with pride. The fact that she had almost called him Chat when they were discussing the latest akuma victim was amazing. She may not know his identity, but perhaps her subconscious did. His stomach fluttered with joy as he sent her another side-long, cheerful look.
In the next few seconds, Ladybug turned to him determinedly, “I think it’s safe enough for me to take you home, Adrien. If we make it there without running into the akuma you should be protected enough while Chat and I take down the akuma.”
“But I feel safer with you,” he spoke un-consciously, not realizing what he was saying until Ladybug turned a bright red.
“O-Oh, r-really?” she asked with a cute giggle before she shook her head, “I mean, s-sorry! It’d be safer if you weren’t near me when I fight the akuma.”
Reluctantly, Adrien nodded, his lips quirking sadly, “You’re right.”
Ladybug sighed before scooping him up into her arms. She brushed a light kiss against his forehead as she murmured, “D-don’t worry though, Adrien. E-even if I’m not there, I promise to always protect you.”
He tensed in her arms, his face flaming as she swung them out of the alleyway. His forehead tingled where her lips had brushed against and he clutched her tightly to him as they travelled to his house. 
Unfortunately for him, the journey was quick and they didn’t run into an akuma. Adrien sighed quietly as Ladybug placed him on the floor with a bright smile. She spoke cheerfully, “Don’t worry, Adrien! I’m sure we’ll get rid of this akuma soon!”
The heroine turned to leave and before he could stop himself he grabbed her arm, “Ladybug, wait!”
“Y-yes,” she stuttered, turning around to blink at him curiously.
“I, um, err, thank you,” Adrien muttered, shifting uncomfortably a few times as he kept his gaze firmly on the floor.
He missed Ladybug’s lovesick look as she murmured breathily back, “You’re welcome, Adrien.”
She didn’t speak again and he lifted his head up just in time to watch her disappear out of his window. Adrien sighed quietly before calling on his transformation, hoping she wouldn’t blame him for being too late, “Plagg, claws out!”
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doctorpawluk · 4 years
It's All About Energy: Helping Your Body Heal Itself
Nothing works with energy. Block the vitality everything ceases. We certainly realize that idea once we're speaking about the electric grid moving down along with the power lines moving down within our area. Your system is just the same. Every process from your system is energy dependentdown into the microscopic amount. When energy starts to neglect, we begin to neglect.
 Therefore, just how do we usually do not allow your human body's energydown to the cellular level, to neglect?
 The solution is math. More importantly, biophysics. Yes, life style is crucial, usually critical. Meaning we will need to possess sufficient nourishment, affordable exercise, maintain our stress levels down, so really have a fantastic mental attitude, be connected, feel as though we are creative and coast our deficiencies. Assuming almost every other facets are infact in balance, we're frequently still losing energy. I actually don't mean from inducing caffeine - or alcoholic -or any different stimulants. After all the capacity of the standard cellular structure of this human body to get enough control, in other words, energy to hold on its regular roles and also to continue its purposes at the existence in excess of normal human stress, like injury.
 The majority of the moment, we aren't even conscious of it. It's happening at the cell stage. Since most of us have roughly 70 trillion cells, then some lack won't be observable until millions and perhaps billions of cells have been more deficient. We become aware of this as it disturbs works to the point whereby we not ice. Exactly what will people find? Pain, distress, irregular bowel function, bad sleep, physical distress of many forms, bad mood, irritability, etc.,. We notice that these after the degree of dysfunction at the cellular level becomes adequately extreme or magnified to capture our consideration.
 Ok, what exactly can we do about it? Evidently, you must look after the life style factors which are out of balance. But we want more help restore energy. For this, we have to cover the capability of your human body to make energy out of all tools it has , using additional cell stimulation. Even sun has stimulating effects on cells up to the purpose of sunburn. But this will call for additional, safer and controllable outside stimulation DrPawluk.com Best PEMF Therapy Machines .
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 Here we're speaking about new technologies, so let us imagine 21stcentury technologies, which just that. They boost the pure energies of their human anatomy. Exactly what exactly are they? They truly are electromagnetic fields. The magnetic areas of this earth have long past been discovered to be less compared to historical levels. As a result of the we have been typical in a magnetic field lack condition. Which usually means that various human body procedures possess less energy than they'd ordinarily possess. Any motion in the exterior of our earth creates energy inside your own body on account of your human body's interaction with the magnetic areas of Earth. Research proves that humans deprived of those magnetic areas of this entire world begin to demonstrate breakdown and lack in work. If you never utilize it, then you lose it.
 We finally have the convenience of stimulating those organic methods of their human anatomy to improve them to a greater degree of energy than can be done simply by gaining much more of the desktop ecosystem, i.e. that the planet's magnetic field. With this function we have lots of magnetic apparatus that excite various human body functions to grow the organic energy of their cellphone. Several of those magnetic stimulation apparatus are that which we call stationary magnetic areas, such as wrist watches, magnetic bracelets, magnetic bed pads, etc. But these aren't typical to temperament and so are too weak to permeate the whole human body to get the job done we all want.
 Most ordinary magnetic areas are lively. To acquire the advantages of magnetic areas, we will need to make use of apparatus which produce similar sorts of magnetic fields. These energies could also be created by electric energy applied to your system. A electrical heating pad can be a good example. The situation here is not going to become burnt with the household energy. To prevent that we shield the cables to produce only a magnetic area. It's the magnetic field that interacts with your system in exceptionally powerful techniques to generate energy. More energy, improved work.
 My goal for a family doctor who also does holistic medicine, would be always to acquire people as separate as possible and also to keep up health at the maximum amount possible, on an everyday basis. For pretty much everyone, the significant factor missing would be your best way to create additional energy from the tissues of their human body without needing medication or the incorrect foods. This is really where pulsed electromagnetic areas arrive in: low-intensity and lower frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields.
 Pulsed electromagnetic fields [PEMFs], socialize with all of the cells of their human body to increase control, that's energy, at the cellphone. Meaning there's a prospect of a human anatomy using a mean of 70 billion cells to consume cells become actuated simultaneously on a standard basis with an easy topical use of a safe, nontoxic, and affordable PEMF gadget.
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mexicanbabe1997 · 4 years
Maria the mouse
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Name: Maria The Mouse (Full name: Maria Antonella Gomez Raffaelli) Age: 17-19 Gender: Feminine Date of Birth: March 31 Sign (horoscope): Aries Height: Undefined Weight: Unknown Type of blood: +B Hair Color: Ocre Eye Color: Green
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Food: Muffins, chocolate, pizza, and pancakes. 
Sport: Swimming
Flower: Gardenia
Music: Rock n’ Roll and Pop (classics from 60’s to 90’s) Color: Blue (mainly the aqua/teal colors), pink, and green.
Hobbies: Singing, drawing, listening to music, eating, resting, reading, writting, exploring new places, swimming, collecting cute stuff, playing video games, brushing her hair, snorkeling, daydreaming, being small, making bead bracelets, skating (she’s an amateur), foiling bad guys, practicing the violin, taking strolls, posing in the mirror, playing dress up, and dancing (she’s taking lessons cuz she’s not that good). 
Likes: Music, hot chocolate, books and mangas, pastries, adventures, freedom, tranquility, having friends and family, flowers, animals, Damien, her sister (Dana), shabby chic style, art, perfumes, bubble baths, video games, city lights, comedy-romantic movies, justice, Sonic, Tails, having fun, cute boys, romance, fantasy stories, helping people, bravery, magic (she believes in it), rainy days, brownies, hide and seek (in mouse size), roller coasters, tomboy girls (she admires them), travels, ocean, the beach, aquariums, tours, ballet (when she was little), comfy socks, and cute shiny things. 
Subject: Calligraphy, art and music
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Food: Gherkins, soda, and coffee
Sport: American football Music: Reggaeton
Color: Lilac Dislikes: Mean people, backstabbers, blood (she suffers from hemophobia), being confused for a rat, horror-gore movies, injuries, darkness, algebra books (They always make her fall asleep), disrespect, bullies, snobbishness, braggarts, know-it-alls (but she can make some exceptions, like Tails for example), leeches, balls (she always gets hitted in the face), people messing with her friends, Dana acting overbearing, her hair getting ruined, people fearing her for being a mouse, being taken pictures, being called a “weakling”, not having a family, suffering, injustice, Eggman’s evil plans, cheaters, harassment, cowards, stealing, manipulators, being insulted, getting kidnapped, cold weather, storms, animal abuse, feeling left out, not having friends, getting lost, exterminators, mouse traps, bees (she had a bad experience with one), rice pudding, getting pranked, shallowness, letting people down, and when people say that rodents are nothing but “pests”. 
Subject: Mathematics and physics.
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Personality: She’s a cheerful although very shy girl, curious, kind-hearted, tender, headstrong, and energetic. Despite being shy with those she doesn’t know well (especially boys), she is honest, feisty, passionate, sweet, caring, respectful, and friendly. She tends to be rather clumsy sometimes and can get innocent to the point of being somewhat clueless, but don’t let that fool you cuz she isn’t stupid. However, she also has a very bad temper and is very impatient and stubborn, she can also get sassy or capricious and sometimes throws tantrums when things don’t go her way. She also has a grudgy side, and can become insensible, harsh, unforgiving, and cold if you hurt her feelings a lot or if she feels betrayed. Despites those flaws, she also has a huge heart, is fun loving, sensible, very femenine and never forgets her manners when saying “thank you”, she enjoys the outdoors and likes the flora and fauna as much as her hair, and knows when to apoligize if she really messed up at something. When facing dangerous situations she can act and be pretty serious, tough, brave, tomboyish, and determinated whenever the situation requires it, and always refuses to give up on a friend in danger. She finds family as the most important thing to her as well as her friends and will go to any lenghts to protect them. She’s also either amorous or a hopeless romantic, gaining many crushes on cute guys who get her attention, though she always ends up getting single at the end, but that dosen’t stop her from believing in love and having a good future.
History: She was the youngest member on her family, having two parents and an older sister named Dana. She lived in a sheltered yet comfortable lifestyle, she was dearly loved and cared by her parents and sister, she had a beautiful house and lots of toys to play with. However, she was far from being social, and rather then playing with other kids she prefered to stay at home and either play with her toys, watching tv, drawing, or reading books. She was a very calm yet withdrawn girl, unable to speak with other people or kids. The other kids always thought that she was a snob for the way she acted and often tried to prevent being around her, others also said that she was odd. Both her parents loved her and she also loved them back, she also liked and admired her older sister so much because she always protected her. One day she was sent along with her older sister to visit her grandmother out of town, at a luxurious villa. Maria was a bit sad for leaving her parents but they promised that it would be only for a week. But then weeks passed and the two sisters didn’t heard anything from their parents. Dana knew something was wrong so she went to investigate but never returned. Maria was depressed for sometime but with some help from her relatives she was finally able to move on and live happily, though deep inside she still felt depressed for not having her parents nor her sister with her.
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Powers and abilities: Electrokinesis, good sense of smell and hearing (when concentrated enough), can shrink to the size of a real life mouse and go back in size at will, manipulation and control of machines and electronics, speed, excellent swimmer, good stealth when being small, can climb the walls thanks to static, magnetism and can magnetize any metalic objects, create thunderstorms, Railgun anime-like ability to shoot nuts and bolts like a powerful laser cannon, using her powers she can create weapons out of the metal and minerals of the floor, summoning thunders, create plasma, and can also shrink other people and back to their original size as well.
Weaknesses: Magnets can block her powers and in magnetic fields she is stripped of them. When she suffers from fever her powers are uncontrollable, she becomes overcharged and makes electronics go high wire. Whenever a lightning falls on her, her powers dissapear for at least a week. Since she’s innocent this also gives her a naive streak, as she can get pranked or fooled easily by Phoebe. Since she isn’t an animal of artic weather, this makes her untolerable to cold, and when in extreme freezing temperatures she can get mortally weak or faint due to losing heat. When small she is prone to be highly vulnerable to many things (extreme cold or hot temperatures, hits, falls, or poison), she also has to restrain eating chocolate unless necessary, cuz it grows her back to her normal size which can become troublesome sometimes. Instrument: Violin Romantic Interests: Damien, Blasco, Fido, Sonic and Shadow.  
Best Friends: Phoebe, Irving, Damien, Nova, Serah, Dana, Sonic, Tails, Fido, Clarissa, Cat-O, Lisa, The barker gang, Blasco, Thomas, Jake, Chase, Indigo, and the Freedom Fighters.
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Enemies: Dr. Eggman, Pearl, Crystal Maria, Dr. M, Fallz, Voidless, Edna, Amadeus, Dimensi, Evan, and other bad guys. Paraphernalia: A photo of her parents (her only clue to find them), a comb, and her cellphone. Hometown : Twilight city (formerly)
Family: Silvana (Mother), Salvatore (Father), Dana (Older sister), Stella (Maternal aunt), Rupert (Maternal uncle), and Maternal Grandmother.
Dream: To find her family.
* Maria’s voice (English): https://youtu.be/b3DaGbMBgAY
* Her characteristics and personality somewhat reseamble that of a “Majo-Shojo” (Magical Girl). Also many of her features are mainly inspired by some of them, like Serena/Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon, Sakura Kinomoto from Sakura Card Captor, Momoko/Blossom (Demashita! Powerpuff girls Z), and Doremi Harukaze from Ojamajo Doremi. 
* She’s a very good singer but at first she keeps it to herself due to stage fright. However, she slowly started to get over it and her voice is now recognized by many people.
* Though she likes to be a femenine girl, she also dosen’t mind and is not afraid to do tomboyish stuff either, like climbing trees, playing in the dirt, and doing other kinds of sports (some of which she isn’t very good at, especially when it involves a ball). * She’s extremelly bad at math or anything academical that is related to it. She’s also terrible with computers and dosen’t seem to understand them to that much of an extent then Tails. * She has bad luck with balls, in sports she always get hited in the face, to the point where Phoebe mockingly stated to her that her face was a “Ball magnet”. * Phoebe calls her a “Goofy rat” and Maria in return calls her a “Ruffian princess”. * Her favourite number is 3. * Maria shrinks herself whenever she wants to do things like hidding, eating things in a more bigger perspective, surprising people, helping out, going on adventures and wearing the cute dolls clothes. * When she gets either dizzy or drunk, she has one ear up and the other one is down. * Whenever she goes into a battle, she always takes off her headband to show how serious she is and when it’s over she puts it back. * Maria is a DD bra size. * Her favourite gemstone is the aquamarine. * If her hair gets either cut or burned by someone, Maria goes violent mode and gives a great beatdown to whoever did it. * She is actually very witty when it comes to saving the day, can be sarcastic and is not dumb at all. * She’s allergic to peanuts. * In one of her pockets she always carries around a comb and a compact mirror, while in the other she has the picture of her parents and a cellphone. She also has inner pockets where she stores some coins she finds. * Maria loves animals and can sometimes be found either playing with them or giving them food. She has also went out of her way to rescue them from Eggman. * She uses her own hoodie as a home; she simply takes it off and puts it into place, then she just shrinks and goes in it. She also created her very own bed with some cottons for pillows, a sponge for mattress and a cutted sock for sheet. * Maria and Phoebe’s relationship reminiscence to the one of Serena/Usagi and Rini/Chibiusa from Sailor Moon. * Although Maria is very kind and whatnot, she has several issues when trying to express her feelings openly to the people. She can even be reserved sometimes, including with her close friends, because she feel it is rather complicated to talk to people or she simply dosen’t want to make any squabbles. But the truth is that she dosen’t know how to do it well, since she was not that sociable in her childhood. But she always defends what she believes in, is emotional and is not afraid to spill what she thinks when she feels brave enough or when the situation requires it. * Maria once went to ballet when she was 4 years old, but eventually quited doing it. * She can speak spanish, but just a bit and can say phrases like: “Hola” (Hello), “Amigo, Amiga” (boyfriend or girlfriend) , “Adiós” (Goodbye), “Lo siento” (I’m sorry) and “Gracias” (Thank you). * She always wanted to meet a magical creature. * Maria’s real dream is to have a real home, having someone to love and that loves her back and a family who loves and cares for her in order to have a happy life.
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abernathytm · 5 years
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⌠ ELLE FANNING, 20, NONBINARY, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ELIZABETH “BOWIE” FITZPATRICK-ABERNATHY ! according to their records, they’re a FIRST YEAR year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (messy, white-blonde hair, flushed cheeks, dirty converse, ripped clothing, destructive behavior, stacks of gold bracelets, lack of respect for others, wicked brilliance, cracked iphone screen). when it’s the (pisces)’s birthday on 03/13/2000, they always request their SHEPHERD’S PIE from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kara, 26, she/her, pst ⍀
---  black adorned eyes or no make up at all, no inbetween, always humming to herself, only singing aloud in the shower or during a bender, writes on her hands, ink-stained on them and occasionally smudged onto her thighs. hates her family, but loves them and is close to her sisters in whatever way she knows how. messy room, messy relationships, messy life, messy white-blonde hair. flushed cheeks, dirty converse, ripped clothing, destructive behavior, stacks of gold bracelets, lack of respect for authorities, lack of respect in general, wicked brilliance, wicked humor, imperfect, careless, reckless, cracked iphone screen, dirty fingernails, black nail polish, unmade bed, unfinished joints scattered.  ---
+ Elizabeth Fitzpatrick-Abernathy, later referred to as Bowie, was born on March 13, 2000 in Spanish Fork, Utah, (the United States) to Dallon Fitzpatrick (mother) and Sheridan Abernathy (father). + growing up a devout mormon, a hyphenated last name was the only part of her family that could be considered modern.  + bowie is one out of six (1/6) golden-haired Abernathy Girls. + the Abernathy Girls is what everyone in spanish fork referred to them as. they fit into the town, but there was talk about the Abernathy’s often. you see dallon was only sixteen when she married sheridan who was thirty-six at the time. as far as bowie can remember, the couple had always been happy and healthy, but the age difference made them the talk of the town. + people in small towns always needed someone to hate. they had nothing else to do. so of course, the hyphenated family with the large age gap and six starkingly white, beautiful, pristine daughters were chosen. + at the age of seven, bowie got kicked out of her church choir for putting gum in a girl’s hair. the next time she (sylvia) arrived at school, she had buzzed her entire hair off and got made fun of for being bald. bowie laughed so hard that she got sent home for the rest of the week from school. instead of school, she spent the week attached at her sister’s hip and taking notes on how to grow up too fast. + all of the fitzpatrick-abernathy’s were musically inclined. when bowie was kicked out of her choir, the girls banded together and began playing music more at home. it came naturally. they all wanted to support the girl who didn’t speak. so they let her sing, encouraged her to ! the abernathy girls then began playing at church, at town events and eventually even further than that. the girls would still get together in current adulthood and play music on occasion. their music group then became known as “ The Abernathy Girls ” the same way they were known as such just by existing. + all of the parents that thought their children ought to have been in the spotlight for being well-liked or well behaved hated them. fake smiles were put on toward the family, but they spat behind their backs. + women even had mrs. abernathy over for tea and would pick her brain six girls, how does she do it, and so young. the truth was that they were looking for things to gossip about, to find out the darkness behind the abernathy’s that they knew must be there (it was though they never found it). mrs. abernathy would always be shown out before the time their husband’s got home. the women feared her youthful appearance, her glow, and beauty. it was like they thought dallon could TAKE something (someone) just by looking at it (them). + similarly, the town grew weary of the girls, never wanting the promiscuous, bad girls near their sons or daughters or boyfriends, etc. as if everything they feared about mrs. abernathy was also a gift she had passed down to her daughters.  + growing up with so many people in her home, there was never any room for elizabeth’s voice. she eventually found it to be easier to remain silent than to try and speak up. + the same sisters that would cut her off or tell her that what she had to say was stupid eventually begun calling elizabeth weird for never speaking and would poke and prod at her to get something out of her. instead of a verbal reaction, they would get something physical. for example, she bit down on her sister’s finger so hard that it went through the flesh and came off, causing her sister to have to get it sewn back together. + in this fashion, elizabeth found power in remaining unseen, while seeing everything around her. + she found that  ACTING OUT  got her family to care. + somewhere along the line, acting out became addictive. her behavior was no longer reserved for her family or even a product of her family but rather had become a part of her.   + twenty years later, bowie remains a mystery even to herself. + Abernathy’s were unapologetic. she is the Abernathy that is unapologetically wild, the rebel without a cause, always rebelling against her family in one way or another. + unlike her sisters, she can usually be found in black clothing with a lot of smudgy eye makeup. + she loves party dresses, black clothes, ripped clothes, and stacks of gold bracelets. + "fuck it" personality living an "i don't care" lifestyle. + carries herself in a way that is weirdly magnetic with a strut to her walk. + doesn't speak a lot until she gets to know you. speaks with her eyes and smile. + giant blue eyes are one of her identifying features and offers her an intense stare. + self destructive. + generally destructive, really. + makes you question why you were drawn to her destruction in the first place. + she has moments of what i like to call, "philosophical fuckery." + philosophical fuckery just means that bowie has a tendency to say things that are profound in a random fashion.  + there is something inside bowie that feels broken. + she sees people clearly for who they are, even if they don't want you to. she can see weakness, strength, and has the ability to get into people's heads.  + she is a watcher, first and foremost. this keeps her detached. + bowie’s scared of getting close to people and nowhere near in touch with her feelings. she’s absolutely ignorant about her feelings. + she has a go-with-the-flow, live-in-the-moment way of life that makes the only feeling she’s somewhat in touch with, her sexuality.  + the girl’s promiscuous, lusty and raunchy. + her extreme fear of intimacy is what keeps her detached.  + bowie CARES no matter how detached she may feel. + she is capable of love, but the feeling scares her. + trying to get to know Bowie Abernathy is like trying to bottle air. you are probably catching some of it, but there is no way of telling if the air stays in the bottle or not. + bowie is a thrill seeker. she loves the chase, she loves games, she loves talking in riddles, and loves to party. it's the only way she can successfully relate to people.  + she lives a party lifestyle even though she’s not yet 21. pre-gallagher was filled with raves and hard drugs. + she may be able to observe and analyze emotions, but she does not know how to handle them because emotions offer her no sense of control or comfort. + bowie is always in control of the situation, even if she's not talking. she is in control. she needs control. control is her comfort. + when she starts to get attached or fall in love, she starts losing that control in epic proportions and in epic fashion. + however when she sits on the sidelines silently watching a scene unfold, she is aware of everything and everyone. + she is the puppet master and has nuanced to pluck the strings if and when it interests her. + the needs of others do not affect her puppeteering. she can see what they need, how they will handle the situation, etc. but none of it affects her decision making; her decision making considers no one but herself.  + bowie needs to see a professional, has needed to for a long time, but with so many people in her family, the signs of her disorder had always been ignored or explained away.  + bowie has unconventional relationships. + most people are scared in new relationships, but when your brain does not function in the way that it should, it adds a whole new layer. we will call that layer: fuckery. + the added layer of fuckery causes bowie to get very close to BREAKING when she enters genuine and overly-close proximities with others.  + she can not handle the intensity and lack of control that love supplies. it weakens her defenses and allows for a mental break to occur. + she has yet to address the deep psychological issues that has lead her to doing hard drugs and using her family home as a party cave whenever she can get away with it. + bowie is not a reality-based person. her head does not process reality in a level-headed manner. this means that she is susceptible to manipulation and falls for manipulated realities. + since she already has a distorted reality, when someone else distorts it even more, it's hard to figure it out unless someone points it out. for this reason, she NEEDS the close relationships that hinder her emotional and mental health. + this chemical imbalance is the only part of bowie’s life that wakes her up enough to know she needs to find some sort of BALANCE, but it’s not enough to get the ball rolling all on her own. + bowie is addicted to the idea of "it happened, but it never happened." this is a tactic that allows you to change reality if you are not happy with it. + bowie comes across as controlled and confident and mysterious. + she is all-knowing, mysteriously holding the knowledge of everyone's deepest, darkest secrets.  + can manipulate a situation, but not for the life of her fix her own. + bowie plays games and parties har because it is the only way for her to feel close to anything you could possibly call pleasure or happiness. + falling in love and experiencing love, in general, makes bowie feel weak because she is not ready for the way it makes her feel about herself.
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Girl Genius Liveblog #202
UPDATE 202: Krosp Gets Thrown a Bone
Last time Agatha had started the plan to stop the train from causing more havoc. It involves separating it from the carts it stores energy in, and she already has an idea on how to do that. In the middle of all this she stumbles upon Violetta and the bear that’s here, and it’s time for a conversation. How shall this go? Let’s see.
Introductions are made. This bear is Konig and has rude manners because he wants to talk to his master. In what’s actually an unexpected twist given this story, it turns out Agatha is not the master, it’s Krosp. Yeah. Congratulations, Krosp! Your vassals aren’t cats anymore, they’re bears, and from the looks of it they won’t be as bad as the cats were. Enjoy!
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Oh, I guess he did mention something about bears baaaaack then, like two years ago. I admit I remember absolutely nothing about him other than Wulfenbach most likely having performed some...experiments in his brain. I suppose Krosp’s creator also made these bears long ago.
But hey, now Krosp has who knows how many bears to his beck and call. Intelligent bears, too. That’s a lot of power, and honestly given Krosp’s personality, I think he’ll make good use of it. He’s not the kind of person who lets power turn him insane or anything. The thing is, how’s he going to stay with Agatha if they have to bring along all these bears? Unless they also have a container of some sort where to carry the bears, I’m starting to suspect this is the Foglios’ way to take Krosp out of the story because he has to stay with the bears. I would be okay with that. I don’t dislike Krosp, but he also isn’t really a vital part of the group.
Apparently Krosp’s creator had an apprentice and this is the first time the cat hears about it. Well I don’t think it really matters anymore. Said apprentice must have been one of the two who was fighting in that gorge like five updates ago. This is all interrupted when Tweedle appears to ruin the day with his presence.
Of course, Tweedle is not happy he’s losing a lot of raw strength from his army, especially because he knows the bears will go to their creator’s masterpiece. I wonder what exactly Tweedle was picturing when he thought about the doctor’s masterpiece. He never must have imagined the masterpiece was the cat who’s been with Agatha all this time.
It looks like whoever has the shiny thing has the bears’ loyalty. It’s not that they follow whoever has it, it’s more like it’s a sign the bears are part of that group. Tweedle will have to relinquish the shiny thing to Krosp, whatever it is. Oh well. There’s something else to worry about, such as the evil train trying to escape. That’s still a thing happening right over there. Any ideas on how to capture it and force it into the elevator shaft? Whatever idea Agatha had doesn’t matter anymore, because a better plan is approaching.
It’s that big clank that used magnets to fight, and the guy inside it is not upset Agatha pretty much kicked its magnetic ass with a railgun, because it was a clever way to fight and therefore he liked it. Tweedle nips in the bud some scientific spark talk, and they show the guy there’s something to fight that’s using magnets. Yup, this is a good idea! Who knows more about magnets than the guy in that clank? Besides, it’s large enough for the train not to eat it right away, so that’s another point on his favor.
Whatever plan Agatha had is said off-screen because it will be a surprise for us readers. Good thing she came up with the plan now because this may be the last time they can contain the train!
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It has changed so many times but it doesn’t seem like it got anything useful out of it other than the claw hanging from a side. Kind of disappointing, honestly. Oh well. Time to throw this down an elevator shaft – maybe those extensions to the sides are to avoid falling into the elevator shaft, I suppose.
The train is held above the empty shaft. They’re not dropping it in, they’re just holding the train there. Hm, guess I was wrong about how this would go. Go figure!
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Oh hey, it grew arms. That’s more along the lines of what I was expecting! Great! And not only that, it also managed to trap everyone by using any metal on their clothing, it’s using its own magnetic field to immobilize them. Hah! But oh boy, I hadn’t realized these people had so much metal on them. Well! Now that the train managed to counter this, it’s time for it to leave and go destroy everything. It’s even sparing everyone here in the fortress, which is...largely unexpected, I admit.
Since everyone else is immobilized, Krosp and his army of fuzzy bears without metal will have to be the ones to deal with this and, surprisingly, they can hold down a train that’s moving. I know the bears had managed to tip over a train not that long ago, but that one wasn’t moving. I guess they’re far stronger than I thought they’d be, undoubtedly a consequence of the doctor’s work.
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You sure? I distinctly remember a few of those bears having bracelets and collars or similar stuff. True, the majority of the bears don’t have any metal, but those who did are moving regardless of the train’s efforts, and although the bears are very strong, I don’t think they’d be so strong they can move despite the magnetic field. Oh well. I’m all for overlooking this small inconsistency for the sake of Krosp getting some recognition for a job well done. Also because I like bears.
Besides, what’s important is that they’re distracting the train for enough time for everyone to be free, giving Agatha the chance to get her plan done. Bam! Attack time!
Indeed, the immediately plan was to separate the extra carts from the rest of the train, and I was partially right about how the elevator shaft would be involved. They let the carts fall in there, out of the head cab’s reach. The head of the train has been effectively isolated, and while I’m not sure how less dangerous that makes it, it’s quite the blow to its power. Nice! Now surrender, train, and let them imprison you once again!
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Or not. Looks like it still has a trick or two, judging by those words. Whatever he can do, they must not use the energy from those carts, so I imagine it’s not a transformation or anything that needs too much energy.
It’s a way to escape. It will use its own magnetism to float away and out of reach! But, you know, there’s a big clank here who is ready to catch the train, so the getaway doesn’t last for long.
After peeking at the next page looks like this is the end of the fight, judging by the very first thing I see on the page, so I think I’ll end the update for now. Thank you for reading!
Next time: in four updates
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lorewytch · 5 years
Return to Shadows part 3
Authors Note:
YAY I decided to post it today because I edited it until my eyes hurt! WOOT.......ahaha yeah, well here’s the last of Lores adventures for a bit. I really need to work on some of the other fanfics I have going on. Especially the third story in the Consumed by Shadows series. ( I will be so happy when I can finally reveal the title...;_;) Thanks to those who like these adventures with Lore. I’ll eventually get back to them. And some I’m very excited to share. But I think you guys will enjoy the Ducktales fanfics much more ^^. I’ll do my best to keep my quality up on those, it just may take a bit longer than normal so please be patient. Also, fun fact! Mount Quaksta is actually Mount Shasta in the Duckburg world. Since it takes place in Northern Cali!
Anyways onto the story!
Floating above the world, Lore was high up in the air. The moon hung behind her as she gazed down upon Duckburg.
“Well, now what do I do?” she whispered nervously, wrapping her arms around herself. She didn’t mean to run away from Donald. But it felt like he was treading on dangerous ground and Lore didn’t want to reveal that much of herself to them. She had to keep smiling.
“Keep smiling Lore, You’ve brought so many smiles to other worlds. You can survive anything if you keep smiling..” she repeated those words she heard so long ago.
A buzzing noise from her bracelet caught her attention and once she brought it up the screen appeared before her eyes showing a distorted form of Clix.
“Lore! Can you hear me?!” Clix looked much more haggard than Lore could ever remember seeing the usually calm and cool tech expert.
“Yes, Clix what happened to you?” Lore asked, worried. “You look awful.”
Suddenly a tanned male with green hair, eyes and dressed head to toe with black and green clothes, straps crisscrossing his body and a sword stuck behind him entered the screen. His green hair was much fluffier than Clix’s choppy and angular short haircut. The only way to tell they were twins was their same face.
“That’s what I said.” The male joked with a bright grin.
“Styx…” Clix looked read to murder her brother, before turning back to Lore. “Look Lore. You have a BIG problem over there! Have you found the Wire?”
“The what now?” Lore frowned, tilting her head.
Clix sighed and brushed a hand through her hair. “The Wire. It’s a dangerous beast that is made completely of metal. It……………………wit………………….mag………………and tech……………….I……” Once more her signal was being lost and Lore shook her wrist frantically.
“Clix! Clix I’m losing you again!” Lore yelled, frantic.
The screen stabilized for a second. “Lore…If you can hear me…stop the Wire before it distorts all of that worlds magic and magnetic field. If you don’t….well lets just say that world will be the definition of Chaos. Good luck!” With that, her form sizzled out.
“Don’t tell me that and not tell me what it looks like!!” Lore yelled to her wrist.
Lore did not sleep. She slapped herself to keep herself awake perched on top of a random sky scraper in the middle of town. Suppressing a yawn, she groaned.
Searching the entire night for a Wire was quickly becoming hazardous to her health and she briefly wondered if she should try casting a spell or something. But that idea quickly fled. She was hungry, low on sleep and overall rather lethargic. Yawning again, she slowly closed her eyes only to snap them open at the sound of screams nearby.
Blinking, she glanced around and noticed a Faire within the middle of town. Floating to the ground near it, she hummed. “Oh, right…Donald said something about a Faire…”
An idea popped in her head right as her bracelet made a noise. “Clix! Good timing! I have a couple questions!”
“About the Wire?”
“Nope! What do you know about……Psychics?”
Rushing quickly and out of breath, Lore made it to the fair before the kids. Smirking, she slid through the gates, rushing until she found an empty booth slot. “Hmmm.” She smirked and snapped her fingers. A puff of purple magic revealed a rather large purple tent with the word psychic on the top. “Perfect.” She grinned and walked inside. She conjured pillows and a table with a crystal ball and tarot cards upon it.
“Subtle.” Was Clix’s fractured comment from her wrist. Lore rolled her eyes.
“It’s best to stick with classics Clix!” she spun around, her costume slightly changing. The dress she wore seemed more befitting of a psychic and she wore a couple other necklaces including her own. Her pink hair was up in a pony tail.
“You really think this will work?” Clix asked.
Lore clenched her hands into a fist. “It should. If I can just get Webby to realize that Lena is alive, there might be a chance to save her.”
Clix paused. “You know Lore…this..is technically messing with this worlds path…You realize what you are risking?”
Lore’s pained expression studied the cards upon the table. Brushing her fingers over them, she knew the other was right. “Yes, but the anomaly in this world has already taken Lena’s voice from this world. The Wire is partly to blame.”
Clix sighed. “There’s no changing your mind is there?”
“Nope! Besides all they need is a little push.”
Lore jerked her head as she heard excited voices near the tent flap. She smirked down at Clix, who sighed and vanished.
Lore sat down with a knowing smile, cards held tight in her hands.
Watching the Sunchaser take off from her vantage point from a nearby skyscraper she smiled softly. She had been searching for the Wire since she left the kids. Keeping tabs on how severe the electrical surges were quickly becoming constant. She still hadn’t seen Scrooge, but that was fine. Lore needed some time away from that family. She couldn’t mess anymore within their paths. “I hope you guys can save Lena.” She whispered to the red dot vanishing beyond the horizon. The past few days it had been hard to adjust, but now she had a job to do.
“Clix…what am I looking for?” She asked the girl in blue beyond the screen.
Clix sighed. “Descriptions of the monster are vague. But most state its made from some kind of tough metal and is rarely seen. Some say it looks like a serpent. Some say it looks like a big shiny wire.” She shrugged. “Not much to go on..”
“Great..” Lore hummed and looked around the city. It seemed peaceful enough right now.
Then the sounds of a crash, skidding tires and screams. Lore quickly flew over to a certain intersection and frowned. Making sure to keep herself high above the accident so they didn’t see her flying around. Floating there, Lore frowned. The lights in the intersection were out and several people were standing, yelling at each other.
Then Lore saw it, a spark….a electric discharge from one of the dead traffic lights. Her eyes widened. “The Wire! It must have short circuited the traffic lights! But why…”
Floating up higher where the clouds hung, she pondered this. Crossing her arms, she closed her eyes, thinking.
Opening her eyes, she glanced to the side. Where was that noise coming from?
Suddenly a jolt careened through her body and she began to plummet to the earth. Yelping, terror stalled her attempts at trying to regain her flying. Finally though she stopped herself, hanging limply and panting for a few moments still up in the air.
A noise of breathing echoed behind her and her body stilled. Her breath caught and slowly she turned herself around.
There, no more than one foot behind her floated a silver Chinese dragon.
She gasped, eyeing the monster completely made of metal scales, its face and yellow eyes twisted in a cruel expression. Its long mustache feelers floated inches from her face and all she could do is stare at this beast ten times her size looming above her.
“So…ahaha are you an alloy or enemy?” She asked meekly.
It roared in her face.
“Right, not the time for jokes.” Her hands formed into fists.
The roaring beast shimmered in the sky, Lore grit his beak flying towards it. Landing one punch before its tail swept her up and slammed into her hard. Letting out a pain filled scream she was launched back to the earth at a rapid rate and slammed hard into the pavement of a busy street. The impact displaced several pieces of concrete and caused the traffic lights around the intersection to go on the fritz, blinking on and off instead of completely losing power as they had been. As she pulled herself from the crater she formed she realized several people were now looking at her, mouths wide open. Trying to ignore the growing pain, she pulled herself fully from the duck shaped hole.
Looking up, she saw the shimmer above her as the silver dragon was swaying closer to them.
This was bad, she pissed it off and now it was coming down to attack. She wasn’t sure if she had enough energy to fly and fight but still.
A loud roar from the monster directed the attention of the people towards the shining dragon bulldozing towards them.
The city erupted into chaos and Lore was preparing herself to launch back up into the air when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Blinking, she glanced back to see Gizmoduck with his hand on her shoulder.
“Allow us to lend you a hand.”
Gladstone Gander appeared on the other side, smirking. “I’m not much for fighting, but I have been known to be rather lucky.”
Lore grinned.
“Let’s stop this WIRE now.” Punching a hand into her palm, Lore braced her feet on the ground. “Gizmoduck! A lift please?”
“On it!” He grasped her gently and launched her into the sky, using her magic she flew the rest of the way.
Turning on his helmet copter Gizmoduck followed suit flying towards Lore and the metal beast.
Lore flew and punched the dragon, but winced as she pulled her hand back and shook it. Flying back, she dodged its tail this time and watched as Gizmoduck started to blast at it rapidly with everything he had in his suit.
“It’s made of some pretty tough metal!” Lore yelled over, dodging more tail attacks.
Launching a few missiles at the beast, Gizmoduck’s mouth dropped as the smoke cleared to reveal no damage.
Letting out a few yelps and noises, Gizmoduck also dodged the tail. “What is this thing?!”
“A WIRE!” Lore flew up and blasted magic into its eyes. It screamed, letting out a high frequency that caused Gizmoducks suit to malfunction.
“Uh oh…” he said as he began to fall.
Lore dove with arms extended, straining her magic she managed to catch Gizmoduck and set him safely to the ground.
“Maybe you should fight from down here..” Lore started, and suddenly the face of the dragon appeared behind her. Gizmoduck’s jaw dropped and Gladstone’s eyes widened.
“And….its right behind me isn’t it?” Lore deadpanned.
It launched itself at them, mouth wide open. Gizmoduck grabbed Lore and bolted down the street. Gladstone yelped and ran off too.
The dragon chased Lore and Gizmoduck through the street, tearing it up as it chased after them. Lore continued to throw whatever she could think of at it. But nothing was working and she groaned. “What do I do?!”
“Please don’t tell me this is what you wanted Scrooge to find for you.” The armor clad duck stated.
“Well……technically yes..but..wait…how do you know about that? I only told that to Fenton…and Donald..” She frowned and pulled off the helmet. “AH HA!”
“Oh great…another person knows my secret.” Fenton groaned. A sudden roar from behind them made him stumble and they glanced back as the silver beast was gaining speed.
“Fenton go faster!” Lore yelled. “It’s gonna…” It launched forward, chomping its large mouth at them.
Lore flung out her arm, and suddenly several pieces of random metal launched towards it, most pieces bouncing off, but a few got into its mouth. It choked briefly, coughing and stopping.
They slowed down a bit, both panting.
“Okay new strategy, what is that thing made of?” Gizmoduck asked.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve never heard of it. It’s the hardest material in the universe.” Lore frowned.
“I have never heard of that in my life….” He pressed a button on his chest. “Dr Gearloose! Have you got it yet?”
There was a pause and a sigh. “Yes obviously overpaid intern.” He stated. “I managed to gather the data on the creature in question. It seems to be comprised of several hard metals mixed together to form a new element. It’s rather fascinating really.”
“Well, theres many metals mixed in, mostly Steel, silver, Titanium, Chromium, Tungsten and a few others I can’t identify.”
“Talk about a mixed basket.” Lore commented. Jumping off of Fenton’s suit and preparing herself. The dragon was growling and over his choking attack.
“Any ideas?” Fenton implored.
“Well, acid would be my first option.” Gyro commented dryly.
“Maybe something less lethal to the residents of Duckburg?” Fenton winced.
Gyro rolled his eyes. “Fine..”
The next thing Gyro said made both stop and stare at the suit.
“What?” Gryo sounded annoyed.
“That’s crazy!”
“But our only option. Is there one nearby?” Lore asked.
“Mount Quaksta.” Fenton pointed past Duckburg towards a large looking mountain.
Lore smirked. “Got it. Thanks boys!” She jumped into the air. “Let me take it from here. I’ll lead it over there.”
“Wait, but Lore..” Fenton waved his arms frantically.
Lore shook her head. “This is my job Fenton. I’ll be fine.” She winked.
“But your just a kid.” Gyro commented.
Lore made a puffed up face. “I’m sixteen thank you very much!” Huffing, she floated and turned to face the dragon, hands formed into fists.
“You want me smokey? Come and get me!” Lore flew towards it and kicked it hard in the nose.
Enraged, the beast’s eyes turned from yellow to red and it started to emit a strange electric charge.
All the buildings windows shattered.
Fenton yelped as his suit started to be affected, electrocuting itself from the inside. As it fried he scrambled out of it quickly, dodging and watching as Lore flew off with the angry dragon in tow.
Helpless, his gaze turned worried and he found Gladstone nearby. Completely unharmed even with the devastation around him.  
“Oh hey Gizmoduck!” Was Gladstone’s comment as Fenton grabbed his arm.
“How did yo…... No time for that now!” He dragged the lucky duck off towards the lab. They needed to catch up with Lore.
Lore strained her flying to the max as the beast tore after her. Every cloud it hit turned into a storm cloud, buzzing with energy and sending out lightning as it passed through.
As Lore finally made it towards the mountain she grinned and stopped, suspending herself, she spun to face the dragon who was sparking. Its face was erupting in anger and the sparks caused her to blink a few times from the bright bursts dilating her eyes.
“Now I know you don’t just want to float there!” She grinned, hands forming purple blasts of energy.
The Wire charged at her and she dodged a bit, flying around behind the beast and magic blasting into its back. Letting out an enraged roar, it spun around and tried to attack her again. But she kept dodging it, trying to lead it closer to the large mountain.
Diving a bit, she drew it closer. “I hope this works.”
Her heart sunk as she approached the mountain only to realize one thing.
It was dormant..
An earth shattering roar caused her to turn back with a horrified expression as the beast rampaged towards her. Her mind hit a wall and she froze.
Eyes wide she could do nothing as it collided with her. Together, the two slammed hard into the side of the mountainside.
Pain exploded everywhere and she let out an agonized gasp as she was pinned to the mountain by a claw. Struggling to stay conscious, she glared up at the beast who was almost smirking. Looking down upon its prey like a cat to a mouse.
Gritting her beak, Lore struggled to free herself. The claw tightened around her, making her give out a pained groan.
This was bad. Frantically kicking and struggling, Lore cursed and was tempted to bite the monsters arm. But she remembered biting would do nothing to the hard metal surrounding the beast.
“This…can’t be the end..” Lore felt a lump in her throat and it was so hard to not feel fear in that second.
The monster leaned towards her, opening its jaws to rip her apart.
Shaking, Lore tried not to cry but she knew no one could save her now. “No…”
“LORE!” Yelled a voice.
Instantly, the monster stopped and Lore’s tear stained gaze glanced up to see a helicopter with Scrooge’s face and a money sign on it. Inside she saw Fenton and Dr Gearloose, hanging off the side of the copter was Gladstone, holding something in his hand.
Grinning, Gladstone pulled his arm back. “Catch!” He launched the item towards her rapidly.
Jerking her head back and forth, she realized her arms were still trapped and before she could look back the object slammed into her head. “Ow!” it bounced off and she opened her beak to catch it firmly. Glancing at the object, she realized it was a grenade of sorts. She paled.
Fenton slapped his hand to his forehead and said a few choice words. “Gladstone! What were you thinking?!”
Getting back inside Gladstone blinked and nodded firmly. “Well we did get it to her didn’t we?” he smirked.
Both scientists gave him a unimpressed look.
“Pull the pin and throw it at the monster!” Fenton yelled outside the open window. Lore gave him a look of ‘And how should I do that?’
“Well I do believe its Gladstone’s time to shine.” Crackling his knuckles he pushed Gyro and Fenton aside and took control of the helicopters controls.
“You do know how to fly this I hope.” Gyro commented.
“Not really.” Instant fear consumed Fenton and Gyro at Gladstones comment.
“Come on guys, I’m the hero here! And lucky, well be fine!” Slamming the stick down, the helicopter plunged towards the monster. “Probably..”
Fenton and Gyro screamed, holding onto each other for dear life as Gladstone pulled up at the last minute, barely skimming the top of the Wire.
But it certainly got its attention. Lore took this chance while its head was turned to kick at the claw that held her. It snapped open and she quickly flew out, back still towards the mountainside as she yelled. “Hey heavy metal!”
It turned back towards her and growled.
“Come take a bite!” She taunted with a smirk. It lunged with mouth open. Pulling the pin, she threw the grenade into the monster and went to escape.
A claw slammed into the side of mountain, blocking her path. Yelping, she stopped and heard a explosion.
Eyes widened as she saw the dragon pause, then begin to melt away before her eyes. But despite it dying before her eyes, its head and upper body once more pinned her to the quickly deteriorating mountainscape.
“Nononono!” Shaking her head, panic to overtake her as the monsters head was so close she could feel its breath. Even as the metal was melting around its claws and arms, it still held her firm against the mountain. She screamed a bit and kicked and shot magic at it frantically.
Finally, it released her and she stumbled up the mountain. But she stumbled as the world seemed to shake. At first she thought it was from the Wire, but then she heard the rumbling from behind her.
Her beak opened in shock as she slowly turned around.
Above her was a inferno.
The volcano was waking up.
Three sets of eyes widened as the smoke plumed from the top of Quaksta.
“Oh this is bad..” Fenton commented and quickly took over the controls, flying closer to see if he could see Lore anywhere.
The Wire was almost completely fallen apart, the acidic remains littering the mountainside, bubbling and tearing through the rock.
Or was that the lava surfacing?
Suddenly with a boom, lava exploded around Lore, completely consuming the remains of the Wire and quickly she jumped up into the air before it reached her. Molten rock rapidly descended the mountain from the holes caused by the acid as well as from the top of the mountain as it fully began to awaken.
Suddenly the helicopter appeared next to Lore.
“We have to stop the volcano!” Fenton said in a rushed tone. “According to my calculations, which I just made this second. The lava is heading straight for Duckburg!”
“Of course it is..” Singed and cut up from the Wire, Lore sighed exhausted.
Looking around, Lore searched for a water source of any kind. Luckily, Duckburg was near the coast so she spotted the sea easily to her right.
“Right! We have to lead it towards the ocean!” Lore grinned.
“How?!” Fenton looked as if he was going to tear out all his feathers.
Lore closed her eyes. “Leave that to me. You guys head back and try to build a barrier just in case some spill over!”
Gyro nodded. “Got it!”
They flew off and Lore looked below her at the slowly moving yellow and red sludge.
“Lore!” was Clix’s yell from her wrist.
Holding up her arm, Lore smiled brightly. “Clix! Your back! Just as I need you! I need you to send me a few things…”
Gryo, Fenton and Gladstone reached the town and quickly disembarked from the helicopter. “What do we do?” Gladstone asked the others, arms stretched out wide. “How are we going to protect the entire city?”
Gyro frowned and sat his beak on his hand thoughtfully. “I suppose…I could use That”
“What?” Fenton and Gladstone chorused.
A wicked smirk split the older scientists face. “Come on! It’s time for the big guns!”
Fenton and Gladstone stared at each other.
“This doesn’t seem like it will end well..” Fenton commented before following the Doctor.
Lore grinned as she floated high above the flowing lava. On her back resembled part vacuum cleaner, part ghost busters weapon. She grasped onto the hose and closed one eye, tilting her head a bit to get a clear shot.
“Is this really necessary?” Clix asked from her wrist.
“Yup! I have to make sure none of the lava hits the town. This is the only way to do it without wasting all of my magic.” Lore commented and turned on the gadget.
“Alright, to adjust the beam you need to-“
Lore turned the tip of the hose sharply to the right and pressed the button on top.
A large ray of energy buzzed from the tip, blasting into the earth below and forming a crater where was once a mountain.
“-Not do that..” Clix stated flatly.
Lore blinked. “Wow this thing packs quite a punch!”
Clix smirked. “Of course it does, it’s made by yours truly. Are you sure you can handle this fire power witchy?” she asked, looking amused.
“No worries, I got this!” Lore grinned, pressing the button again and lowering the beams intensity.
Pointing it down on the ground she began to cut a canal of sorts for the lava to follow. Making it as wide as possible to fit all of the oozing substance, she quickly burned a pathway through the earth towards the sea.
It was delicate and highly stressful, more than once she had to accommodate a stray piece of lava escaping or overflowing canals.
Finally though, as the sun was beginning to set she saw the sea in sight. Increasing the intensity of the beam she frantically waved her arm, burning through the earth rapidly as the bubbling molten earth paraded behind her, increasing in speed just slightly as it was going downhill.
She glanced to her left and spotted Duckburg, surrounded by a clear dome….that sparkled?
Blinking, she tilted her head to the side. “What is that? Is that made of-“
“Diamonds?!” Fenton’s jaw dropped.
Gyro looked smug. “That’s right intern.” He typed in a few keys and presented a picture of the diamond dome on the screen. “I liquefied diamonds and mixed them with nanobots to produce this shield. Not only is diamond the hardest substance around and impossible to penetrate, but with the nanobots I can change the size, style and density of the shield whenever I wish!”
“That’s…” Gladstone started.
“Amazing!” Fenton seemed gleeful and looked at the charts, babbling non stop about the chemical composition and how Gyro melted diamonds among other things.
But Gladstone was staring at it cynically, something was bothering him about this.
He just wish he knew what it was.
Lore was almost to the sea, but suddenly the device began to malfunction, spurting out less and less energy and glancing at the gauge she realized something.
“It’s out of juice!” Lore yelped and looked to Clix who blinked.
“That’s impossible it runs off of……solar……….Oh..” the sun was almost gone from the horizon and darkness was cascading across the land.
Frantic, Lore looked around and saw the lava starting to divert towards Duckburg. “Not good.” Throwing the device away she quickly pulled out the next object, black fingerless gloves. Inside the palms were wires and a polished piece of quartz in the palm of each hand.
“Clix! These will do it right?” Lore confirmed and the blue clad girl nodded.
“Yes! Just don’t do anything stupid!” Clix warned.
“Me? Do something stupid?” Lore smirked.
Clix sighed. “Just don’t tear a hole through time and space and make it so toasters were never invented…” was her farewell as she vanished.
“That was one time!” Lore yelled at her friend that was no longer there.  
Lore dove towards the lava that was inching closer to the city. This was her last shot.
Quickly overtaking it, she held out her hands which buzzed to life. “I hope this works!”
Within the polished stones a glow began to overtake her hands and suddenly a beam of pure white energy blasted into the earth before her, decimating three feet of earth instantly. Blinking, Lore looked at the gloves and smirked. “I like these!”
Lore went back to work, blasting at the earth once more to form another canal and turn the lava away from Duckburg, heading back towards the ocean. She had to make quite a sharp turn at the west side of the forcefield, cutting this canal pretty close to the shield. She only hoped the lava would follow the deeper than usual canal and not spill onto the shield.
The raging liquid followed the canal and as it made that sharp turn, some of the rebellious liquid rock did indeed overflow and splatter onto the diamond shield.
There was a large electric discharge, buzzing and instantly the lava melted through the diamonds like glass.
“Oh, that’s the bad feeling I had.” Gladstone stated and Gyro screamed, “My Diamond shield!”
Guess Gyro forgot that even crystals and tech weren’t a match for molten rock.
Thankfully the damage was minimal and the rest of the lava flowed harmlessly into the bay.
Panting a bit, Lore floated to the ground. Feeling the earth underneath her she collapsed onto her back laughing a bit.
They did it…they saved the town. She put her hands on her face and half cried, half laughed. “I am never doing that again!”
The town was mostly unscathed, save a few fires from the random molten lava that had burned through the shield.
But Gyro was sure those people had insurance anyways..
Lore made it back to town and staggered a bit towards the manor where she saw the three standing outside.
Fenton brightened a bit when he saw her. “Lore your okay!” he ran up and hugged her which she winced at.
“Ah ow…well mostly..” she looked like she had been through a fight with a lawnmower. Her hair was scattered and messed up, she had burns and claw marks on her arms. But she still managed a exhausted smile. “But we did it! Thank you, all of you.”
“All in a days work!” Gladstone said proudly.
“You literally did nothing,” Gyro deadpanned.
“Right! And we survived didn’t we? We saved the town too! I consider that a Gladstone Gander win!” with that, he laughed and walked off as a random person approached him offering him a million dollars.
The three ducks left over watched this with varying expressions.
“That duck is…” Lore started.
“Strange.” Fenton supplied.
“Annoying.” Was Gyros biting response. Sighing he scratched his head. “Well back to the drawing board. Looks like the diamond shield needs more….testing..” without another word he left Fenton and Lore.
Leaning against the gate of the manor, Lore managed a smile towards the other duck who awkwardly looked to the side.
“So…uh…” Fenton coughed.
“So…Gizmoduck huh?” Lore smirked and Fenton groaned.
Pulling out a notebook, he wrote down her name along with Gladstones and sighed. “I guess I’m not too good at this superhero thing. Can’t even seem to keep my secret identity….well secret!”
Lore chuckled and shook her head. “ I don’t think there’s any really right way to be a super hero.” She shrugged. “Having a few people know isn’t so bad. Especially when they can help you out of a tight spot.” She pushed herself off the wall and held out her arm. “Thanks Fenton. You helped me out a lot. That anomaly would have kept causing chaos in this world.”
Fenton grinned and took her hand, shaking it. Then something clicked. “Wait..’this world?’”
Lore appeared like a deer caught in the headlights. “Um, Gotta go bye!” She jumped up and flew off.
“Wait! Lore!” Was Fenton’s loud yell. “Who is that girl?”
With everything else solved, Lore opted to make sure everyone else was okay. She had seen when the Sunchaser had returned with several exhausted ducks.
They arrived late in the night, not even noticing the damage done from the now dormant again Quaksta.
At first she checked up on the kids. All three boys were fast asleep. She peeked her eyes in the window of Webby’s room and saw her clutching a doll in her arms, sobbing a bit and Lore found her heart ache at this. She guessed what they tried didn’t work. Closing her eyes she pressed a hand on the window and firmly nodded. “You will get Lena back Webby, don’t lose hope yet.”
Her eyes drifted to the rippling shadow on the wall near the bed and she smiled softly. "Hang in there Lena.."
She then flew over to the boat where Donald was sleeping comfortably.
Lore floated around him and grinned. “Thanks Donald for your words of wisdom.” She smiled slightly.
“I thought it was ye..” The voice she never thought she’d hear again echoed behind her. Eyes widening, spun around to see Scrooge standing at the door to the boat, staring at Lore with a stern expression.
Lowering herself to the ground, she stood before Scrooge and averted her eyes. Sighing, she closed them and reopened them, meeting his gaze head on. “Scrooge.”
“I didn’t believe the kids at first. But it seems I canna deny this now.” Slowly he closed his eyes and sighed, fingers tightening over his cane he held before him.
Lore grinned with her arms firmly tucked behind her. “It’s been a while..”
“And ye haven’t aged at all.” Was Scrooge’s comment full of emotion.
Lore smiled sadly. “Comes with the territory really.”
“Why are ye here?” Scrooge’s voice wasn’t suspicious, just curious.
Lore blinked and hummed. “I came back because there was another anomaly.” Seeing his worried expression she quickly held up her hands. “Oh don’t worry I already took care of it. Although…I’d suggest not going to Mount Quaksta right now..”
“I don’t wanna know..” Scrooge glared.
Laughing nervously, Lore spun around a bit. “I’m just checking on everyone before its time to go.”
“Ye canna stay?” Scrooge's voice sounded hopeful.
Lore’s surprised face flickered before her smile took over again. “Nope, sorry old man.” She grinned. “Lots of other places need me now.”
Scrooge’s eyebrow twitched. “Mind yer elders lass..”
Giggling a bit she took a couple steps closer to him and leaned near his ear. “So….is this future everything you wanted?”
Blinking, Scrooge smiled softly back at her. “Almost.”
“I’ll take it.” Lore pulled back and started to walk past him.
A thought struck him and spinning around, he grasped her arm. “Lore! Wait!”
She glanced back at him, surprised. “Yes?”
Reluctantly, he released her arm and sighed. “Ye see…we have a problem….there’s a poor child named Lena that needs help.”
Lore’s face fell and she wrapped her arms around herself. “I know…Lena is a shadow right? You need to bring her back…right?”
Scrooge looked desperate and Lore hated that expression.
“I’m…sorry.” She whispered. “I can’t help..”
“But..yer magic..”
“It won’t work.” Lore whispered and took a step back. She bit back another lie. “I can’t free Lena.”
Clenching his hands into fists, Scrooge resisted the urge to grab and shake her. He wanted to know why, why she couldn’t help when she had so much magic.
Lore looked away, taking a deep breath she sighed. “Are you telling me the Great Scrooge McDuck I’ve been hearing so much about can’t bring a teen from another realm single handedly? I guess the rumors I’ve heard are just fabrications. I didn’t think you’d resort to relying on magic to solve your problems!” She smirked. Watching his eyes instantly narrow.
“Whatever ye heard they were certainly not fabrications!” he growled. “I am Scrooge McDuck! I am smarter than the smarties! Tougher than the toughies and sharper than the sharpies!” he pointed at her. “I still hate magic and think it’s a shortcut!” he ranted and Lore crossed her arms across her chest, smiling as he ranted about how he had discovered El Dorado, Atlantis and the temple of Toth-ra.
“Scrooge.” He stopped and turned to her. “I believe if anyone can save Lena…its you and Webby.” She stated seriously. “Just…don’t overthink it too much. I’m sure you both will know what to do when the time is right.”
Suddenly behind her formed a portal of cosmic energy, swirling and glowing. It sent a bright light and Donald, who was already awake at that time and had heard everything quacked in alarm.
Looking behind her, Lore hummed. “I guess its time again.”
She took a step back.
“Wait!” This time it was Donald.
Looking back up, Donald approached her and sat his hands on her shoulder. “I know what its like to take the fate of worlds upon your shoulders. But remember this…” he looked a little saddened by this next comment. “You can’t save everyone.”
His words echoed within her soul, bringing fresh emotions welling up.
“And also this.” Donald stated. “You can always come here and we will welcome you…Lore Dimensional Witch.” The wind started to pick up around them, papers floating everywhere and spinning around the trio.
“Wait, Dimensional-“ Was Scrooge’s shocked exclamation as Lore’s tear stained smiling face vanished into the swirling portal.
And that’s that! And here’s the link to the AO3 chapter as well! I appreciate all my comments and likes and hope you all have a wonderful day!
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kimber-elise-monroe · 6 years
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Date Night
Friday--10:37 PM
Kimber Monroe stands casually outside an ominous warehouse in the heart of the Meatpacking District in New York. The warehouse, now a nightclub called Babylon, is exactly what one would expect in this part of the city and certainly lives up to its name with the general themes appealing to an alternative and unconventional subculture. Subtle vibrations of the loud music beyond the walls filter into the streets only to mix with the cat calls, yells, squealing tires, honking horns, and police sirens that make for a gritty New York soundtrack. People, mainly New York's undesirables, consisting of club goers, punks, metal heads, goths, dealers, addicts, hookers, and kinksters are coming and going along the avenue. All on the prowl for anything or anyone to make the night eventful. Shockingly, the raven haired minx blends in quite well with these so called undesirables and yet from the crowd she stands out in all her harlot glory.
Playing the part of said harlot well, she dons a slinky, form-fitting black leather mini-dress with a plunging V-shaped neckline down the front to reveal the valley between her ample, perky breasts and an open back with fishnet stockings, and shiny black fuck me pumps. All complementary to the rest of her appearance. Baby blues, offset by heavily smeared charcoal eyeliner and eye shadow, and her plush pout stained crimson with her lush and tousled, onyx locks trailing freely down the of her spine, reaching the small of her back--she is a sight to behold. Brass knuckles decorate one delicate hand and bulky, sterling silver rings the other. Both of which showcase her perfectly manicured fingers with oval shaped nails in a shade of dark pewter. On her wrists she wears thick leather bondage bands accompanied by a few silver bangle bracelets. The edgy ensemble, just her normal attire for a night out on the wrong side of the tracks.
It’s rare she ever comes to Babylon alone, and usually Carver is her escort, especially with this particular club being one of their personal favorites. Their own den of debauchery. Typically, Carver picks her up for these excursions out, but tonight circumstance has dictated otherwise and it was more convenient to simply meet up at the club. Leaning against the wall just a few feet from the entrance and the long line of people waiting to get inside, she casually keeps on the lookout for him, knowing he will be driving the hearse. Kimber didn’t feel the need to wait in the line because the bouncers, knowing Carver and Kimber well as regulars, are always quick to wave them inside. The wait, having been less than ten minutes, is finally over as she catches sight of the hearse creeping down the street. Cool cerulean hues follow its path even as it rounds the corner to find a parking spot. Eager anticipation builds and her whole body tingles with electricity. It’s been a few weeks since the two of them were able to get away and have the night all to themselves. Moments like this are often what she lives for.
Audaciously painted in ink stain and heresy, he has the aura of a fallen deity that sprang from the cracks of city street asphalt and crafted himself in the image of weathered, graffiti covered brick. It never fails, the moment Kimber sets her eyes on Carver or is in his presence, she comes ALIVE. https://youtu.be/VpdHMaccjw4 It is as if his very essence sparks a voltaic flame within her heart and soul, and the longer she courts him, it’s like gasoline being constantly thrown into an already raging fire. It is all consuming and undoubtedly dangerous, especially with such potential for destruction, but one of the things she craves most in this life. Being the glutton that she is, Kimber has no apprehension feeding into said cravings and binging on the passion elicited. Always a Sinner’s Feast, both Kimber and Carver ritualistically dine on the debauchery and are devoted when it comes to paying proper reverence to this hedonistic God.
As the Reaper rounds the corner, dressed ominously in slick black and donning a HEAVY mood, she can’t resist the urge to move in his direction. Desire and passion, two components similar in nature and essential to the human design, one not truly having meaning without the other, but neither completely dependent on the others existence. Most people find themselves slaves to both, no matter what form they come in. Kimber is NO different. Like a Lioness honing in on and stalking her prey, she glides smoothly in a determined stride just ready to pounce when the perfect moment presents itself. Carver, undoubtedly aware of the regal feline and her carnal intent, is not easy game by any means and it is as much as evident by the expression etching his eerie features. He would never be a casualty of her elegant savagery and primitive nature. Carver is simply not of that ILK.
A predator in his own right, feral and ravenous but no less Machiavellian, like one possessed of the spirit of a Hyena, he brazenly creeps her way. The languid migration is MAGNETIC. Eyeing her lover upon approach, they meet in the middle and just as he takes an artful drag from his cigarette, a plume of smoke pushing past his wry pout to follow, his inked duke fearlessly takes hold of her and in a forcible, eager collision their lips meet and engage in fevered combat. Whimpering softly into the kiss, she savors his unique taste. It is one entirely innate to him and him alone. A POTENT and addictive flavor, she is taken hostage by the sudden impact of a high only he can provide. Just like a junkie always susceptible to chosen vice, she is quick to dose and lose herself to the euphoria. He IS her drug of choice. As a wave of ecstasy washes over her, ravaging her coast, she welcomes the impending delirium.
For Kimber, it is like a thousand dormant Roman Candles that have been secretly nestled within her are suddenly ignited by a powerful, metaphysical force. It’s enough to steal the very breath from her lungs and make her weak from the intensity of the heat. Her fierce, headstrong and liberated temperament is subdued, making her malleable to his masterful authority. She welcomes him like a mistress, genuine in her desire to submit and eager to both appease and please equally. Lithe and nubile form, stacked and molded to perfection with all the soft dips and curves in the appropriate places, Kimber ripples slowly, seductively against his crudely designed, hardened musculature. Leisurely basking in the kiss, she is NOT inclined to peel back her greedy lips, but manages to do so. If she had not, it’s likely they wouldn’t make it past the ‘gates’ and into Babylon.
“Daddy,” she murmurs in low, wanton tone of voice. “I missed you,” Kimber adds affectionately with her voice a little less wanton. Alert with her mind open and her guard down, the empath can sense more than just his desire and hunger for her and all the iniquity awaiting them in Babylon. He emanates residual frustration and malcontent. “One of those days?” She can’t help ask with curiously quirked brow and flash of concern. Without giving him much of a window to answer, not like she needs him to validate what she knows he feels, Kimber takes reluctant step back whilst reaching for him. She slips her delicate paw into his hand and with a slight nod of her dark crown tipping toward the entrance door of the nightclub, she leads the way. Turning away from him, she moves catlike and just enough ahead to give him a stellar view of her backside.
Indigo hues meet the imposing gaze of the burly bouncer and they exchange a conspicuous glance of recognition as he greets her with a nod. Aware of her escort for the evening and his reputation, the bouncer knows better than to let his eyes linger too long on her and drift in Carver’s direction. From her peripheral as she moves past the bouncer and Carver slides next to him, she catches another greet being exchanged, but is quick to find herself distracted upon entering the underground metropolis by a cacophony of sound and motley of imagery as well as the overwhelming feeling of depravity. It’s almost as intoxicating as Carver’s kiss and Kimber can’t help embrace the onslaught. https://youtu.be/YbeBLvMFAcs With cadence and ease, seduced by the abrasive beat and provocative melody, she guides her lover through the dim glow veil of red light and smoke known as the outer sanctum of Babylon.
The ambiance of the parlor, one just as alluring as it is prognostic, offers faint glimpse of the lecherous and infernal marvels to come. The bodies decorating the room, all morbidly ornate despite the minimal packaging of leather, spandex, velvet and mesh. Flesh inscribed with ink and pierced by industrial metal add a lurid flare to these corporeal specters. The lovers float on, making their way through a large archway painted in tribal design. It’s into the mouth of darkness they arrive, accosted by ominous shadows and flashes of sharp, bright silver light and they find themselves standing at the edge of a large platform aligned with a thick steel railing overlooking a massive, open pit where a twisting, coalesce mass appears--enticed by the loud, pulsating rhythm.
The scene playing out before their eyes, depicted by modern philistines, brutes and jezebels is deliberately crude and so immorally suggestive that for many, the vulgarity would inspire instant offense. Good thing both Carver and Kimber have strong constitutions with progressive attitudes and mindsets. Truth? Kimber sometimes can’t help wondering what her religiously devout, Evangelical parents would say if they could see her now. They’d be both appalled and horrified. Taking it ALL in, Kimber scans the ‘plutonic’ landscape. She likes what she sees and has a hunch Carver is just as pleased by SIN permeating. It invokes certain proclivities, ones that rouse a spirit of rebellion compelling enough for an individual, especially one often constrained by societies rigid expectations and mores, to indulge in the moment and whatever wicked delights it bestows. Kimber has been here many times before with Carver, this being the preferred devil’s playground, their own special den of degradation.
At the center of the pit is a large yet cramped dance floor that is surrounded by various tables and random semi-private areas constructed in the fashion of open, concrete cubicles for a more intimate setting. Erect platforms varying in height are strategically placed across the pit where Goth Go-Go dancers bounce their pale, ample tits and shake their tight, round apple shaped asses with two platforms, one at each end of the club are grease burnished Fire Breathers spitting flames high above the crowd. To the far right, located at the back of the club, is a stage meant for the occasional show/performance or DJ with a screen in the backdrop playing a fast-paced montage of questionable acts currently transpiring within the walls of this proverbial Babel. Tonight, a grandiose Beast takes the spotlight on stage as he hangs from industrial strength chains with hooks digging into his meaty flesh. Even from where Kimber stands, she can see the look of orgasmic pleasure on his brusque, rugged face.
On the wall opposite the platform there is a long, narrow bar filled with warped mirror lined shelves of liquor, but it isn’t just spirits being offered or even the cornucopia of illicit substances being dealt and shared nightly. One can also enjoy the oxygen and nitrous bar available. Beyond the bar and wall, wide swinging metal doors manned by a bouncer at all times leads to a part of Babylon so few venture. Through the threshold are the private back rooms for more base and clandestine encounters and experiences. A smirk curls at the corner of her plush pout, twitching lightly as she turns to Carver, eyes mapping his face. In any light and/or shadow, she always admires him, but tonight she WORSHIPS him and it is at his corrupt altar she plans to pray. “What first, Daddy?” Kimber asks him, absolutely willing to do whatever his villainous, Wendigo heart desires.
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soulhealingpractice · 3 years
Crystals For Emotional Wellbeing
It's not easy for me to leave this review, and it has taken me some time to find the courage to write it, but I feel that something so powerful should be shared, in order to help others who are seeking some "Soul Healing". I've always been a very strong, independent person who deals with my own problems and gets myself through any difficulties life throws at me. Then one day that all changed for me. Having gone through my most personal, heartbreaking, soul crushing experience of my life, I found myself broken, and unable to fix myself, so I went looking for some help. That's when Google magically displayed Carla's store. I started combing through her website, and the more I read, the better the vibes felt, leading me to purchase some gorgeous crystal bracelets and earrings (all with special healing qualities) along with a rose quartz pendulum.
When I received my delivery, I was like a child on Christmas morning, so excited to open each item which was so carefully and beautifully wrapped by Carla. As I opened each item and put it on, I found myself smiling, I could feel the positive effects instantly. I opened the rose quartz pendulum last, but all the while I could feel like a pulsating energy drawing me towards it. Once I opened it, I held it out in front of me (mind you I was sitting at my desk at work, and felt a little silly doing it) but it almost felt like a magnet repelling the opposing force. I started down low, then slowly rose it up until I reached my forehead, at which point I knew Carla's crystal jewelry is incredibly powerful. What she states on her website is nothing short of the truth. I felt an incredible heat and the pendulum started moving in circles, as I felt a wave of energy deeply buried in my body, rise up into my head and I spontaneously burst into tears. Then I smiled at the same time, because I knew deep down inside, this was the energy from her crystals, which had just started my "Soul Healing" journey. I have purchased crystals in the past from shops I have actually walked into, and never have I felt the charge and energy from those crystals as I have with these from Carla at Soul Healing Store. In addition to this, my dad was recently prescribed anti-depressants, which shocked me. I immediately emailed Carla who is so easy to deal with and who so graciously made me 2 crystal bracelets for my dad in a special size for him. It's been 1 week since I gave my dad the 2 bracelets and he never takes them off. He says he feels better with them on, and I have certainly noticed his uplifted mood and positive attitude. To anyone who is unsure about giving this method of help a go. GIVE IT A GO! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain for a small fortune. From the bottom of my restored heart, you absolutely will not be disappointed.
Dani, VIC, Australia.
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weneedtherooks · 6 years
In The Beginning
Okay! Have fun with this one!
Also, in the next story (hopefully, unless one of my other WIPs gets done first), we’ll learn something very...interesting about Clara’s caseworker, Mr. Ian Casey ;D
[Early Winter, 1979]
The idea of time travel had always been just that: an idea. Limited to the fantasy realm of a person’s imagination, and in some cases, brought to life on a television screen. For one small group of historians, it was an amusing topic of discussion for passing the time. That was...until today. He appeared out of nowhere, his appearance somehow both futuristic and old. Dark brown hair hung just below his jaw, and his beard was trimmed neatly, accenting the shape of his face. His half-rimmed glasses and the eyes they framed looked as if they had been made with mercury. On his fingers were three simple rings, each either silver or black. Inside his ears, however, was an odd looking device. Were they actually inside of his ear? “You seem confused,” he finally said. One historian, a man in his forties with salt and pepper hair, stood to face the stranger. “Who are you? Or what are you?” “Hmm…” He touched his lip with a crooked finger. “I am...a librarian of sorts,” he replied, content with his answer. “‘Of sorts’,” another historian scoffed, squinting his pale blue eyes as his demeanor grew more suspicious. “You have name, oh mighty ‘librarian of sorts’?” “Why don’t you just call me that? Librarian. My name isn’t important; I came here to give the people a tool, and your group seemed the most competent.” “‘Competent’? Compared to who?” a young woman asked, tucking her bright red hair behind her ear. “Other historians? Other librarians? Perhaps some other occupation altogether?” He smiled at her, clearly amused with her. “All very good questions, but all are irrelevant.” He waved his hand, motioning for a nearby crate. As if with a mind of its own, it moved towards Librarian. “Now, I want you all to come here and see this!” “What’s ‘this’...?” asked the woman as her and her colleagues hesitantly approached. “They say the best way to learn is through experience, yes?” “Yes, but-” “Consider this ‘experience’.” With a flick of his finger, the lid of the crate slid open. “The ability to travel through time itself in the palm of your hand.” The historians peeked inside the crate. Five camera-like objects were inside, along with three pairs of the odd ear pieces similar to what Librarian was wearing, and eight discs that resembled small magnets. Before they had time to register the items before them, they floated out of the box on a shelf, revealing more items below; toolkits and three tablets roughly the size of clipboards. The young lady gasped in awe, picking up the various tools and inspecting them. “Incredible,” she whispered, testing out the ear pieces. “They also act as adaptive hearing aids,” Librarian commented, smiling as she jumped in surprise. “Those will also allow you to keep in touch with the drones, as well as a variety of other things. The tablets have detailed instructions and descriptions of each item shown.” “And what if any of this is too complicated…?” the oldest of the group asked, experimentally turning one of the tools in his hands. “You just ask. They’ll be set up to respond to you, and you alone, whether by touch or by voice. More will come along in due time, but for now, these are enough.” “Are these cameras the drones?” the woman asked excitedly. “Yes, they are. In a moment, they will disperse and look for candidates.” “Candidates? For what?” “Your first time travelers,” he replied with a grin. “It isn’t wise for you yourselves to go through just yet. Not for any extended period. For now, let’s set up each device. If you please?” In mere moments, each person was equipped. “Now, all you’ll have to do is hold up your hand and say your name.” Librarian stepped out of the way. One by one, they held up their hands. “Richard O’Neil.” “Raymond Halford.” “Christine Knotts.” Each device made a little chirp, but when they turned to ask Librarian what to do next…he was gone. Vanished just as quickly as he’d arrived. Without another word, the group watched as the drones also began to float away. For a moment, they wondered how long it would take before they would ever see the little machines again…
[Early Spring, 1984]
Three years went by before they’d seen any of their drones return. The boys, in almost typical male fashion, had taken it upon themselves to handle two drones apiece. Richard had taken charge of the first two: “Spot” and “Runt”. Spot had picked up a little boy from a wealthy family, and Runt had found a little girl born to a teenager. Raymond, the second batch: “Penny” and “Shuffle”. Penny had located a young boy in a foster family, and Shuffle brought another boy from a recently divorced family. Which left Chris with “Dottie”, the drone that had taken the longest to arrive. And it had found a girl from a young family. Christine sighed as she made her way to the small apartment. “This the place, Dottie?” The invisible drone hovering nearby chirped. “Robin and Scott Hughes, huh...daughter’s name is April.” She sighed. “I really hope this one is as good as you’re making it sound.” Dottie beeped in an annoyed tone. “Look, all I’m saying is it took you five years to pick someone out. I’m just hoping she’s worth all the trouble. This project isn’t cheap, you know. If we don’t make decent results, we’ll lose everything.” And considering it was a government project, the stakes were much higher. Voyager is what the big wigs chose to call it, and they were nearly at the project’s climax. The plan was to have the five families spend five to ten years in an earlier period, dating as far back as the early 1800s. It would give them valuable data about their ancestors lives and lifestyle, as well as open up commercial opportunities later on, so long as this test proved successful. And as much as Chris didn’t want to admit it, she was grateful Dottie had taken so long with choosing someone; it had given her group valuable time to learn more about the tools they were using, and how to use them effectively. Granted, the actual act of travelling was still a problem. The magnet-like objects were the actual catalyst for time travel. “Gates”, Raymond called them. At first, they’d really only been good transporting one person at a time by...well, stepping. You picked a place, and stepped forward. Which resulted in a lot of falling off old sidewalks, nearly getting run over by carriages, a couple instances of dizziness and disorientation, and one near death experience on top of a building. Thankfully, Ray had some friends who understood coordinates, and she’d figured out that using multiple gates could create a working “doorway”. They’d also discovered that, if given specific instructions along with the coordinates, a person or group could be set down inside a certain level of a building. The dizziness was still a problem, since removing the physical step resulted in simply being “dropped” on the location, but it was a trivial issue. It was those breakthroughs that had gotten them funding to begin with, but it still wasn’t stable, and five years wasn’t nearly enough time to work out all the kinks. Power surges were the biggest issue, and those had proven to be…somewhat dangerous. Chris took a deep breath as she approached the Hughes’s front door. “Okay, let’s do this,” she said, firmly knocking on the door.
~6 months later~
Richard finished laying the last toddler down on the padded surface. Little April had been the last to fall asleep after having her information band put on...the child was a fighter. The last six months had been spent changing the children's sleep schedules, having them sleep during the day rather than at night. Their sponsors wanted to do the drop during the day, against the wishes of himself and the group. Frankly, he was ready for the whole thing to be underway. One less bit of anxiety to think about. Christine had been the fussiest of them all. Thanks to the fact that she only had one drone to handle, the sponsors decided it was her job to cover pretty much everything; from wardrobe, to housing, to quick tests on timed drops. She’d barely had time to come up with the drop order. “Relax, Chris. Everything will be fine,” Raymond said, trying to comfort her as he entered the delivery room. “We planned this out thoroughly. Kids first, parents second. It’ll be nighttime for them, so they won’t even know they’ve been moved.” “But we’ve barely tried applying actual changes in time, not just date. This just feels too risky.” “We’ve taken into account every possible outcome, Christine,” Richard said, agreeing with Raymond. “We even got extra generators ready to prevent a possible power surge. We’ll be fine.” With a heavy sigh, she double checked all of the ID bracelets on each child. “I still think we should have been given more time,” she quipped, pointedly looking in the direction of the sponsors conference room. Richard shook his head, tapping on the earpiece in his left ear. “Okay, we’ll begin transferring them soon. It’ll be instant; they won’t notice a thing.” The plan was to send the children all at once, followed by the parents, one couple at a time. With Ray’s go ahead, Richard, after giving his colleagues one final look, touched the button on his tablet.. In the blink of an eye, the children were gone. In that same blink...the building temporarily blacked out. “What the hell?” Ray muttered. Touching his ear piece, he blinked. “We...have a problem. A big problem.” “How big…?” Christine asked, fear in her voice. Richard felt the blood leave his face as he watched the rapid data dump flash in front of him. “We don’t know where they are…” Richard muttered. “What do you mean we don’t know where they are?” “As in they just fucking vanished, Knotts. You're getting the same data pour as we are!” “That's enough, Halford. We don't need to create any further tension. Legally, we have to announce this. Let's try and make this as painless as possible.” Ray huffed, but calmly made his way to the sponsor room. Christine, on the other hand, made her way to a nearby desk and began reading through her tablet. In short, the power had surged because they tried to send them all at once. In the span of a second, the order went through, they'd blacked out, and during reboot, the Voyager system scrambled to piece together the fragmented information. The only information available was a year and a side note about a ground landing. “We should have sent them in intervals…” “Looks like it...dammit.” It felt like mere seconds had passed before the pounding on the delivery room door started. Christine looked at Richard, tears threatening to spill over in her eyes. “What do we do now…?” “We find them. But first...let’s handle this.” He took a deep breath as he made his way to the door, trying desperately to scramble together some decent explanation for the parents now shouting on the other side.
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