#Doctor Emmet
nimbasamedical-train · 6 months
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Drew the Doctor Twins as pokemon Centuars , of course has to do some altering as Chandilure and Eelktross don’t have legs .
Results of roleplay
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dailysubwaybossemmet · 3 months
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day 112
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stunning-eclipse · 7 months
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I went positively insane last night and drew so much
Here’s some unrelated non-fnaf ones I did too featuring doctor nefarious and my sona, Emmet
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minor headcanon, ingo and emmet aren't just identical twins but mirror twins. this is a rare phenomenon where the egg splits in two really late, so the twins end up being physically mirrored. features like beauty marks appear on opposite sides, their dominant hands are different, their gaits are mirrored, etc.
in some cases, one mirror twin can have situs inversus, where their internal organs are flipped. emmet is the "flipped twin" - his heart is on the right, for instance.
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jadelemonadee · 2 months
medic thayne saves the day after a duel 😇😇🤗🤗🤗
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uncensored version under the cut
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he just dug that thing out of lee’s side
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mashedpotatosinacup · 8 months
Marty Mcfly t boy swag
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gryfflepuffinthetardis · 10 months
Gryfflepuff in the Tardis' Masterlist
All my Works, characters are colored by which Hogwarts House I think they're in. I am a Primary Hufflepuff, Secondary Gryffindor and I genuinely think Hufflepuff is the best and most underrated house. (Since Tumble removed the yellow color, Orange will represent Hufflepuff, except in the condition of Good Omens' Crowley who I am stuck between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. If you disagree, please give me your best argument and I'll offer my insight of David Tennant's Crowley.
I don't do reblogs, just because I feel that when you're searching through the posts, the reblogs clutter up the blog and get mixed with original posts but I am willing to do fan fic recommendations if requested.
You can call me either Gryfflepuff or the Eccedentiast (Not to sound by Lemony Snicket but "a word that means 'someone who hides their pain and tears and sadness behind a smile'.").
Ninth Doctor - Brooding Time Lord Who Tries To Hide His Light with Darkness
Supernova Series/Season One Masterlist (Ninth Doctor/Tenth Doctor) (Delilah "Lillie" Tyler/Princess Supernova played by Katherine Langford)
Tenth Doctor - Hyperactive Time Lord Who Is Always Being Slapped Born From His Love For a Human Who Tries To Hide His Darkness and Trauma With Light
Campbell Bain - Bipolar Nineteen-Year-Old Walking Ray of Sunshine That Somehow Doesn't Do Well With Girls
Sweet Jane Masterlist (19-year-old Campbell Bain x 18-year-old Traumatized Reader)
Metacrisis Doctor/TenToo (My Headcanon is that he chose the surname "Noble")
Fourteenth Doctor - The Face That Returned, now arguably more Hyperactive and Traumatized
Alec Hardy (Broadchurch) - Grumpy and Broody Scottish Detective With a Heart Condition yet a Heart of Gold (Doesn't Know He's a DILF)
Emmet Carver (Gracepoint) - The American Version of Alec
Crowley (Good Omens) - A Hyperactive Drama Queen "Vaguely Sauntered Downward" Angel Turned Only Demon with an Imagination
Barty Crouch Junior - The (Possibly Bipolar) Misunderstood Boy Who Never Got His Father's Love and Was Manipulated By Voldemort (I think I read that he was actually a Ravenclaw but I do see a lot of Hufflepuff in him, his insistence of a fair fight and honesty and loyalty)
Peter Vincent (Fright Night) - Hyperactive Alcoholic Magician/Vampire Hunter with a Heart of Gold
Dave Tiler (Single Dad) — The sweetheart dad with too many children with so much love in his heart who fate was so cruel to.
Kilgrave (I've never seen Jessica Jones, I just feel like with him having the same accent and looks the same, it might ruin David Tennant's Doctor for me, and I love David Tennant as the Doctor.)
Cale Erendreich (Bad Samarian; Haven't Seen This Either)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) - The Hair; Nomenee for Mother of the Year
Embers In the Sky (Domnique "Nico" Henderson played Georgie Henley; Alex Henderson played by David Tennant)
Killer Queen (Cassandra "Cassie Dare" Henderson played by Zoey Deutch; Pan Henderson played by David Tennant)
Trauma (Emilie Henderson played by Hailee Steinfeld)
Devil Town (Imogen Henderson played by Katherine Langford)
Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf) - The Abused Puppy With a Heart of Gold Who Only Wanted the Power to Defend Himself and To Not Be Scared
Embers in the Sky Season One (Milo Stilinski played by Katherine Langford)
Embers in the Sky Season Two
Embers in the Sky Season Three
Embers in the Sky Season Four
Embers in the Sky Season Five
Embers in the Sky Season Six
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) - The Genius Pretty Boy
(I have created so many ideas for the initial character, Zoe that I may have to split them up among Spencer Reid main character love interests and because of more complicated reasons I will explain in Valentía)
Valentía (Zoe Noble-Valdez played by Selena Gomez)
Valentía Season Masterlist
Valentía Season One
Braveheart (Isobel Noble played by Karen Gillan) (*This is a different character completely from Isobel Noble the aunt of Zoe Noble-Valdez in Valentía.*)
Born Profiler (OFC Played by Katherine Langford)
Raymond Wadsworth
Chip Taylor (68 Kill)
The Black Sheep (Work in Progress; Coming Soon) (Chip Taylor x Reader; Liza and Dwayne's sister)
Kyle Orfman
Brother's Best Friend (Work in Progress; Coming Soon) (Kyle Orfan x Reader; Zach Orfman's Best Friend)
Lesley Juniment-Smith
Thornton "Thorn" Adams (King Knight)
Joe Harper (The Band of Robbers)
Fred Weasley
(All of these are Potter!sister!OCs, most of them are of Harry Potter's twin sister)
The Girl Who Lived (Sadie Sink as OC) (Need of a rewrite. Her name was Violet but since then my cousin had a baby daughter who he named Violet so I'm changing this character's name. I just can't write original characters with names of people I know. It's a rule of mine.)
North Star/Falling Star (Metamorphmagus!Cassiopea Potter played by Katherine Langford) (May change the name to Vega Potter)
The Twins Who Lived (Georgie Henley as Currently Unnamed OC)
Embers in the Sky (Emberly "Ember" Potter Played by Caitlin Blackwood/Karen Gillan) She is also the face claim I maintain of Lily Evans/Potter. (Caitlin Blackwood played young Amelia Pond in Doctor Who and is Karen Gillan's real life cousin.)
Yes, there are a lot of David Tennant characters. I don't want to write for the actor himself, I just feel a little creepy doing that. In my numerous Steve Harrington fics, the more recent ones (The OC is always Dustin's older sister, except in one) I think he is the best Doctor and I think he should officially be titled as the biggest Doctor Who Fan ever. (He became an actor because of Doctor Who, he says he thinks he underplays how much he loved Doctor Who, he became the first regenerated Doctor and the first one to last more than one season on the revived Doctor Who, he met his future father-in-law, like a year before he met his wife, Ty Tennant, Georgia's oldest son and David's now adopted son, in 2008, considered the Tenth to be his favorite, and hilariously, his grandfather was nowhere on the five-year-old's list--then David Tennant met Georgia (at the time) Moffat on the set of Doctor Who as she, the daughter of the Fifth Doctor, played the daughter of the Tenth Doctor, I heard that David Tennant met Ty on the set, and according the Peter Davidson, Georgia didn't even realize that he liked her when they started going out (apparently he was offended when she said she hadn't seen any Shakespeare), then David Tennant counts as the unofficial twelfth regeneration (there was the War Doctor who the Doctors deem as not worthy of having the name of the Doctor), then he adopted Ty Tennant and married Georgia; he returned for the 50th and 60th anniversary (and I hope he never stops returning), now is the Fourteenth Doctor, that's three official regenerations, and Good Omens is full of Doctor Who references. I don't think anyone can beat him for the biggest Doctor Who fan. His life like revolves around Doctor Who in a way that every fanboy/fangirl dreams of.
I have created an OC to be the Henderson!OC and Dustin's father and I always choose David Tennant, he just really gives off protective I-will-kill-anyone-who-hurts-you dad vibe and I have a soft spot for an overprotective dad for his daughter (I never had that. My dad wanted a boy--granted the disapproval that's implied is possibly because my mom told me this--and he is ADHD and was always sleeping and then he moved two towns over which was an hour's drive but seemed longer in my ADHD mind but so he could sleep and I could play video games on the Xbox that's memory wouldn't save the game so I continuously had to start over. Oh, and also, there's the fact that a TV fell on me when I was five/six because I didn't understand gravity and I locked myself in the dryer when I was seven/eight. What, is that not normal? 🙄) I'm not a big crier but a father that's willing to do anything for his daughter is your best bet. Sorry for this rant.
*(Can't pinpoint what house Alec Hardy and therefore Emmet Carver would be in, the only blog I've found on it, discussed how he may be a burnt Hufflepuff (just google it, it'll send you to the tumble immediately) but hiscusses his desperation in season two suggests Gryffindor, also implying his ignoring of his heart condition but he's aware that he has it, so he's gone to the hospital and he takes pills, he's just aware that the doctors told him that he may not survive his surgery to have the pacemaker put in and he feels like he owes it to the families to get the closure they deserve, so it doesn't strike me as impulsive but more dedicated, determined, and "unafraid of toil". Then the blog argues that his need to protect people he views as in his care and how he related to the Sandbrooke case as Slytherin but I don't see that. I think perhaps a "Burned Hufflepuff" is accurate.*
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bnha-submas · 2 years
Ingo and Emmet, do either of have a favorite animal and/or a pet?
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I: I have been told that I have a cat smile. It’s truely a shame that we cannot have pets, as we are too busy to properly care for one.
E: I am Emmet, and I think you are weak. I have many jumping spiders.
I: You what-
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unboundtravels · 9 months
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛 doesn't usually run into someone else twice. When the TARDIS landed, The Doctor's crew thought HILL VALLEY in the year 2015 was a tad bit boring until they stepped out to see the city and streets. Enraptured by the flying cars and the digital holographics, the crew wandered around for a shopping trip. With Stella wandering around with Lennox and Niko, she'd be sure to keep them in check when avoiding potential paradoxical situations. The Doctor, meanwhile, wanted to wander around quietly and examine this timeline herself.  She wondered what had prompted such an extreme advancement in Earth's culture, but that thought stopped when she saw something familiar. Parked parallelly, overlooking the courthouse—
"The DeLorean?" The Doctor mused quietly, approaching it and stepping around it. Examining it softly, she leaned in when she reached the back of the car. "It is!" She cried out suddenly, examining the engine's newest addition: It appeared to be The Mr. Fusion addition, meaning that the DeLorean must be running on— "Yes, yes... Household waste is converted to electrical power! Simply genius! Genius!" She mumbled quietly before whipping her eyes to see the gullwing door of the time machine's driver side open. She stepped out from behind the car, pointing and shouting out to grab his attention.
"Doctor Brown! Welcome to the wild side—" Her greeting stopped, as she blinked. "Heheh!? My friend! What're you wearing!?" She approached regardless, waiting until he was coherent enough towards his surroundings to shake her head. After which, the two scientists talked quickly. The Doctor explained what she was doing here, and almost without any hesitation explained that she felt as if something was drawing her toward this time. She explains that as a seasoned time traveler, Emmet may grow a faint ability to identify other time travelers. The Doctor implies that for herself— this is biological, and for Emmet, it may be down to experience. She explains that she believes she was drawn towards his presence here— and the two talk. "My dear fellow, what is it you're doing here?"
The headline shown to the elder woman causes great intrigue, "Youth jailed, hm?" She examines, and Emmet watches her put on reading glasses, after which she promptly chuckles. "Heh! Look at that! Marty McFly Junior... the resemblance he bears! What are the chances of that? Hm?" Certainly slim, but not impossible. The Doctor then begins to put the pieces together, all on her own. "You're not thinking of bringing Martin here!? Are you?" The Doctor begins to pace softly back and forth, not unlike the good Doctor himself. "The DeLorean, from my knowledge— well, well, it's— yes... maybe if we modified its shielding against the time winds— But I would need to see the engine's components now, wouldn't I?" She spins on her heel. Doctor Brown throws a comment at her that almost stunlocks the elder​​​​​​.
I can't think of better company. @doctorbrown
The Elder Woman blushes. She grins slightly, her eyes narrowing. "Now, now... are you trying to flirt with me~?" She teases slightly, her hands on her lapels and her voice barely above a whisper, before she moves to change the subject. "Listen carefully, if we work quickly... we can modify The DeLorean's temporal shielding." The Doctor advises, "The time stream usually can't handle two people being in the same time and place for more than a moment, even if they aren't directly encountering each other!" She explains before her thumb taps her lapel. She moves past him, sitting in the driver's seat of the DeLorean almost by instinct. When she realizes what she does, she giggles like a fanatic schoolgirl. She looks up toward Emmet and rests her hand on the steering wheel, while her other lay against her lap. 
"Would you mind~?" She waits for his permission, before looking back at the time circuit controls. "If we modify the DeLorean to desynchronize Martin from the timeline as you pass into 2015, then he technically won't register to the universe that he's present here!" She then turns sharply, "But it'll be temporary, Emmet! You'll have to get this business over with as quickly as possible! If Marty resynchronizes with the time stream while he's here— you'll blow a hole in the universe the size of—" The Doctor huffs, "Well— The Universe!"
"Under no circumstances can he encounter his future self! It'll increase his chances of resynchronizing!"
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in-tua-deep · 1 year
why are my nap dreams always so strange
just had a dream where a future version of Emmet Pokemon from an apocalyptic future who was mostly robot and had a voice like the dramatic announcer in a movie trailer traveled back in time to undo something? Also the setting didn’t seem to really have any pokemon in it?
and there was a scene where he kind of. awkwardly stood around because he wasn’t sure how to approach people and get the ball rolling because it wasn’t a video game where the protagonist just kind of comes up to you and you can drop the relevant information on them?
so he eventually found his past self and engaged him in conversation where he started hinting that a new technology company on a meteoric rise was... using the ashes of “smothered people” to somehow power their technology, with the implication that people were going missing - which started with the employees of the company early on or something? Also it sounded like ashes might also be a name for a byproduct that happened during the smothering process and not literal ashes maybe?
it was also implied that future!Emmet had, over the years, killed like. a lot of people in the apocalyptic future, and there was a conversation beat where past Emmet assumed he killed over 50 people and then the camera kind of. zoomed in on each of them one at a time and gave me their thoughts, which was future!Emmet thinking “oh it’s WELL over 50″ while past!Emmet was like “i assume it’s well over 50, probably more like 1,999+”
by the way, past!Emmet does NOT know this is a future version of himself (looks different bc of being mostly robot) and comes to the conclusion that this might be one of the smothered people who underwent the smothering process and it either failed or he escaped, and i still have no idea what the fuck that means but apparently all records of smothered people just fuckin. vanish as well. and this dude clearly would NOT be in any system at all
then my cat stepped walked across my stomach and woke me up before i could unpack all of that but what a bizarre fuckin nap dream
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nimbasamedical-train · 9 months
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Fused the Doctor Twins for fun
Dr.Fuse is calm , professional, stern,polite ,friendly, loves his job and trains , he has Emmets curiosity and medical science and Ingo’s medical healing and caring attitude .
He loves experiments like Emmet but takes them to a new level reaching far and wide .
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uberthemeh · 2 years
If ur crush sends u a beatiful hand written letter that warns you about your death by terrorists occuring on october 26th, 1985, at twin pines mall, that aint your crush. Thats marty mcfly
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stunning-eclipse · 1 year
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Chip and Emmet meet for the first time…
Emmet used to resemble his “twin” brother, Doctor Nefarious, quite closely. It was Emperor Nefarious that gave the soon-to-be tyrant the idea to remodel. After all, can’t strike fear in the hearts of civilians and rebels alike if you look like a twig.
They get along so well 🧡 genuinely they do. Chip is the only person Future Emmet likes (outside of emp). They’re close friends… and we love them for it.
Chip owned by my PHENOMENAL buddy, @cook-ie-chip 🧡 thanks for letting me include Chip in Emmet’s story, mate!
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horizonandstar · 2 years
i know this would soon become Way Too Many Characters but sometimes i just. want to yoink my favourites from a different game. plop them down as dead background characters in the fic
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themostfinalofpams · 2 years
I just want to hang out with weird old mad scientist types so I can adopt them as my grandpas
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