#Document document company in US
orientalsolutions · 11 months
Document Management Company
Document Management Oriental Solutions is a leading document management company based in India, specializing in digital document management services. Streamline your workflow, enhance security, and increase efficiency with our comprehensive solutions. Experience hassle-free document organization, retrieval, and storage, all backed by cutting-edge technology and a team of experts. Transform your business today with Oriental Solutions. Contact us now for a consultation and take your document management to the next level.
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softpine · 3 months
i've been thinking about starting a substack to share some little snippets of writing that didn't make the cut / i didn't feel like finishing (i have soooo many collecting dust) and also i might have to move my transcripts there because i'm really scared to share documents with graphic material in them now due to the guidelines changing and people's accounts getting deleted... idk why i'm posting this, just watch this space i guess lmaoo
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silverjirachi · 3 months
look i get most rehearsals in my life have not been paid, but when this is supposed to be a paid job and i’ve gotten $20 for an hour long rehearsal in the past, with this same company, $20 for a three hour rehearsal is just insulting.
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I fucking hate "wealth management" companies.
#Like I know our current economic system pretty much requires them#But I can't help feeling that they shouldn't exist#A family member set up an account for me#And I appreciate the thought but#I'm just reading the terms and conditions and I keep going#Fucking bourgeoisie bullshit#I'm not even a communist or actually solid socialist#But goddam#Every bulletpoint is like “we may do this but we don't have to”#Fuck man wtf kind of client agreement is that#I have half a mind to liquidate this account immediately after getting it officially opened but I feel like that would be hurtful#The account managers or whatever there seem nice enough but I honestly don't want them handling money connected to me#They're part of the “shareholders' proffits are the priority” structure and from what little I've seen seem to hold that value#Which I really don't jive with#And like I said their ~contract~ is more about what they're ALLOWED to do that what they are OBLIGATED to do which just seems sketchy#Drunk tumblring#Yes I'm drinking while reviewing legally-binding documents#It didn't start out that way. This bullshit drove me to it.#At least my drinking decent whiskey like the people who actually use these companies. Lol#Fml#Why couldn't you just open a CD at a normal bank ffs#Tbh another reason not to completely close out everything and tell them to fuck off is#that I have aspirations of setting up like a trust fund (or something?) for my disabled friend in case I die#I should get on that#And I figure that's something these people could help with#In spite of what I said before#Idk man#I am just straight-up not having a good time bro#first world problems
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This episode makes me wonder if there are TWO Breach avenues. One being run by Saskia/Hieronymous/et al which is targeting high Caenum service workers with nowhere else to go but the flexibility to disappear with little repercussions... and one being orchestrated by Kozma Laszlo which is inciting more high level political figures to defect and aiming to destabilize the Trust itself rather than just sneaking away a few unfortunate souls. It's possible both were being run out of Midst too; through the Black Candle cabaret and another in one of Laszlo's businesses. The moon mining operation seems like a possible hub and covering up evidence of her collusion would add an additional motive for the Baron to destroy it.
#midst spoilers#saskia del norma#midst podcast#kozma laszlo#it kind of makes sense! the trust learns the breach is being run out of the moon mine#or the mine is a waystation#and starts putting out feelers to buy the islet#kozma who has spies on the inside knows she's made and pretends to cooperate to throw off suspicions#while secretly plotting to use this to her advantage--bait them in and then tank valor#imelda gets sent to midst with orders to convert the population and slowly tighten the noose around the defectors#without them even knowing since the mine and midst are somewhat separated#and then sweep in and establish general control with the company once the sale is announced#knowing that the un and fold require different kind of ships#and the mica moon presumably has no foldmersibles since the mica by definition can't be fold submerged#then taking over midst the planet would effectively cut off any escape route#then she arrives and moc weepe drops what seems to be the whole breach operation into her lap#with concord's document that suggest that people are being transported directly from the un to midst without the mining operation involved#and kozma's moon-explosion seems completely unrelated#and everyone is genuinely shocked when she takes responsibility for what they'd already written her off as a suspect for#now whether kozma knows that saskia was also running a breach route through midst... it seems likely#but she's also not the kind of person who'd care about that sort of collateral
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aldieb · 7 months
let’s crowdsource my career trajectory (note that i absolutely will not be listening to this poll. unless)
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anarkhebringer · 2 months
Not my older brother introducing me to even MORE genAI bullshit that he got sucked into that draws him away from things he's genuinely super talented at creating himself
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every-eye-evermore · 5 months
Bought a Bluetooth keyboard so now my suffering beast of a laptop can play video games :)
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fitzrove · 3 months
I might be wrong cos idk the US context so take this w a grain of salt... but despite scores of posts about it I fail to see the plan to ban tiktok as a bad thing 😅 it's already banned for employees/official devices by governments and international organisations across the world for compromising user data and um, literally being spyware. It's not like it's the Last Bastion of Free Speech either like dude just use a different app...
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viiridiangreen · 7 months
dear software engineers*:
NO, graphic designers do not in fact possess the ability to break the laws of physics and fit 10 pages' worth of text into two pages :)
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A group chat is talking about digital being more sustainable than paper and I know that many of the things people say against paper (deforestation) are fake, but there are also actual sustainability students in the chat so I am not the person to tell them, but I want toooooo
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tsnbrainrot · 1 year
i have this 1914 ‘housewife’ manual that belonged to my grandmother and there is very little i love more than flipping through the ads in there… i mean yes the recipes and household tips are interesting and all, as well as all the childrearing and behavioural stuff, but the ads are so captivating to me in terms of being a look/insight into pre wwi quebec.
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hydn-jpg · 1 year
my boss just invited my colleagues and i to dinner. at a seafood restaurant. knowing full well that i am deathly allergic to seafood.
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Never understood people (esp. literary critics) who think muirland is empty, just because it has literary significance as a wild place with few people doesn’t mean it is actually devoid of life. Anyone who has walked the muir, especially in summer, knows that it is full of birdsong, amazing plants that somehow cling to life in extremes, and even the stones are warmed by the sun, while the land and air itself is alive with the eerie mythology that humans have bestowed upon it. 
Admittedly, it can be terrifying, and confusing and wild but the last word I would use to describe muirland is ‘lonely’. If anything it’s not lonely enough- who knows what’s lurking out there when there is nothing between you and the sky, when clouds are so low that you can’t see the road ahead, when the wail of the wind is so loud that you can’t hear the grouse call two feet away let alone footsteps, and when the safe shelter of a stone is either out of reach across cold, hungry mosses or indistinguishable in a sea of all-consuming, killing snow.
#Anyway#This wasn't meant to be this long I just don't accept that these places are 'lonely'#The tops of true mountains can be though even there you have the weather for company#And I would characterise much of the sea as lonely even if there are things underneath you that you can't see#But muirland by contrast is far from lonely#I know it has immense significance in certain works of English literature in particular#(Not so much in Scotland though it is so commonly referenced in historical documents as a working area)#(The dictionary people who define muirland as 'infertile' clearly never met the Scots)#But just because one is far from reassuring trees that doesn't mean it's lonely#Life is still to be found out there and while the grouse and the peewit are no threat other humans might be#Roads cross the moss and people live and work out there- it is not so comfortingly isolated and safe from human evil as higher mountains#Next to the weather I'd say it's the very possibility of a human presence out there that you can't see- however unlikely- that is scary#Not the absence of human life#And when the weather decides to keep you company you better hope it's the sunshine and not cloud or snow#However a lot of the time- except in the worst weather conditions- muirland is alive and even rather comforting#Birds and sunshine and heather and stone and good sightlines to see anyone approaching#Idk#I have no evolved philosophy to impart I just feel like you can tell sometimes when people write about 'the lonely moors'#and they've never actually been there#(Which is distinct from someone who is familiar with muirland writing about its loneliness- you can tell they're using the word differently)#It's a stock location in English literature- and someone who knows muirland can make it work#But someone who has only read about muirland in books (but is perhaps familiar with other forms of wilderness)#Can somehow only manage to describe it in a way that falls flat and doesn't seem quite right#Mind you! I also appreciate writers who DO understand muirland but are patently terrified of it and hate it#They give a much better feeling for its terrors than someone who has read about it in novels + thinks it a suitably Romantic/Gothic location#so writes about it as if their only experience of it was Kate Bush dancing on Salisbury Plain (not a moor) in Wuthering Heights#Or that lassie in Poldark standing on the cliffs Dramatically#reading log
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snowshinobi · 2 years
will never be over the rhetorical richness of internal documentation. instructions written by a company for its own members: lab safety presentations, brand guidelines, those little how-to documents each team has tucked away for new hires or old hires who forgot how to use the scanner again. there's 2 layers to internal docs: they teach you how to do a particular thing and they teach you how to teach the next person who asks. what tone we set, what sayings we use, what fonts we choose, how wordy or brief, how much we'll give you and how much you gotta figure out. internal docu is self-fulfilling prophecy. you see it right??
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hellguarded-moved · 2 years
//  it took me to make ig a criminal au for him to finally be at peace with technology
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