#Doffy the Hypocrite
zonaenthusiast · 6 months
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Putting aside Zoro here for the first time in my life, I want to talk about how I find Arlong to be an incredibly hypocritical person. I said in the previous post he aims to the innocent, and he does so while working with the people who actually see him as a lesser being.
He projects himself onto Nami. He believes for some reason that she is like him when, in reality, he blackmailed her and terrorized her to force her to do what she is doing.
Nami is a survivor, like he is. But she cares for her people much more than he claims to care for his.
PS: I will never get tired of saying Arlong and Doflamingo are very, very similar. Arlong and Nami's dynamic reminds of Doflamingo and Law with the difference that Doffy was much more clever about it.
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animelover20 · 9 months
had been thinking about this ,so I saw this post. "Quote -But the most annoying people you can meet on the intnet are people that compin about their fav character geting hate on. But than hating on a another character . Arnt they doing the same thing than?
Whats your opinion on this?
Isn't that just a hypocrite? But anyway.
It sorta depends if their favourite character is someone meant to be hated on(most villains) then why fuckin defend them? Are you that delulu?
Now the same thing can apply either way.
But If the character is problematic then don't be surprised when they're hated on. If they are a villain they are meant to be hated,they are meant to be scary and evil.
Like if I saw someone hating on doffy I'm not gonna defend that fucker,tho have done that but as a joke. (He does no wrong but he does.)
So It really depends anon. But thanks for the question😁❤️
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tenyxshx-a · 5 years
There's no reason for it, no direct correlation between prior events nor indication that he would suddenly chuck an entire rhinoceros at the apparent current source of his ire, but here we are - He probably just recalled that he's still upset with the Heavenly Yaksha about... everything, and this just seemed like an apt way to get attention.
➸ @sanbosocho
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Well, this definitely was a dilemma. Not whether he would make it out or not, but rather, should he slice up the poor animal or just dodge and let it crash? That would almost certainly break the poor creature’s bones. Why this blond had suddenly decided to throw the rhino at him only fate knew, but it was too extra even to his tastes.
Eventually, he formed a net of strings to catch it before stepping aside.
“If you treat animals like this, I don’t even want to imagine how you treat your loved ones.”
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hii,this is my first time making a request so if its bad don't mind it,i want to make an emergency request of law,ace and luffy comforting reader after they just lost a freind to suicide,i don't mind if your not going to do it
You did perfectly fine, my love!! I'm sorry about your loss, suicide is a difficult thing to grieve over. Just know you did all that you could, and no one can blame you for that.
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Understands what your friend went through. Law lives extremely close to death every day and has come to accept his death a long time ago. 
He expected to die so many times already, it actually shocks him that he’s still kicking. Though he doesn’t particularly care if he lives, he is at least trying to find a purpose for his life.
Tries his best to understand your pain, but similar to your friend, he didn’t consider your feelings when he was out in Dressrosa fighting Doffy, so he feels a bit hypocritical. 
Tells you that people have choices in life and that your friend made theirs, it’s not your fault and you did all you could. It’s okay to grieve and mourn, but don’t blame yourself for something you couldn’t control.
Does his best to be a comfort for you with long hugs and a listening ear, it’s truly all he can do in this matter.
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Similar to Law, Ace didn’t expect to make it this far in life, nor did he want to. Ace has a horrible self-esteem, and this causes his own thoughts on the dark matter. 
However, he reminds himself of his reasons to keep going and that enough keeps him here with you. This doesn’t mean your friend didn’t value your relationship, but they were just too far gone to consider it, and Ace never wants to get that far.
Tells you that your friend isn’t sad anymore and maybe in another life you two can meet again, but for now we can just mourn him and never forget he existed, let his name live forever.
Asks all about the friend, what their favorite meal was or favorite memory you had together. Trying to remind you of the good you had experienced.
Tells you stories of his own lost friends and his other brother that died when they were kids, letting you know he understands your pain, but you have to keep living.
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Probably the most emotional out of the three. Luffy is known for his selfish behavior and to him this is a selfish choice that shouldn’t go unnoticed. 
He’s extremely upset with your friend, even if they weren’t close, he will still cry and scream. Yelling out loud with you how unfair it is that this had to happen. He’s angry, he’s annoyed, furious even, but above all else: he’s hurt.
This reminds him all over again of Ace and Sabo, how they risked their lives for him and considered theirs nothing. How easy would it be if the world went the way we wanted it to? 
He mourns with you, a void that once was a sunshine fountain. Don’t worry though, this won’t last long, and he will be back on his feet again, but for now; he’s quiet.
You both will build each other up again, when one falls the other will crawl, and that’s okay, this is a difficult time. Just know you aren’t alone; he feels your pain too and wants you to be happy again.
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rochiomaru · 3 years
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I just want to point out that out of the two, only one of them looks truly hateful. Doflamingo looks stunned, angry, or resentful, but he in no way looks like the monster he is being accused of being at this point. Rosinante, on the other hand, looks like the worst scum alive is in front of him and must be eliminated quickly. After all, who could love a demon? Hypocrite. His brother is simply a version of Law as a grown man that grew up without someone to love him enough to help him out of his trauma. He is that 10 year old cast away that no one wanted, and his brother is no different than the villagers from their past.
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I'm going to add in this picture, as well, since you can see so much emotion in Rosinante's eye. That is a look of utter disgust and hatred.
Now you may be saying, "Rochi, no one can see Doflamingo's eyes behind those glasses to see his true reaction." To which I can somewhat agree, except not. Look at their faces.
Even the creasing and folding of the skin and facial features around the eye area indicate how much more aggression and negative emotion Rosinante is generating than his brother. That brings me back to my argument that Doflamingo's expression displays anger, resentment, and/or shock, but at this point of the confrontation he did not necessarily intend to kill and perhaps is not the "evil from birth", undeserving of love, monster that Rosinante perceived him to be.
Would a different response from Rosinante have created a different outcome to Doflamingo's trauma? Perhaps not after years of influence from people like Trebol in a young Doffy's life.
However, a cold, hateful, violent demeanor from his only remaining biological family member, practically guaranteed a violent outcome from the adult survivor of the abuse and trauma inflicted by the cold, hateful, and violent villagers of Doffy's past.
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opbackgrounds · 5 years
hey this is like old but why did you think ace is a byronic hero? when i looked up what it meant it said it said in a nutshell "anti hero of the highest order who is typically rebellious, arrogant, anti-social or in exile, and darkly, enticingly romantic." like most pirates are rebels and arrogant. it was on ch 56 reblog and you did say maybe but you did mention ace so i was curious to know.
(for those who are curious, this is the post in question)
So I went back to refresh my memory, and I was asking waskonedo-ttf who they had pegged as Byronic heroes in One Piece because I couldn’t think of any off the top of my head and Ace seemed to fit closest. They ended up replying that Kaido, Mihawk, Doffy, Robin (pre-Enies Lobby) and Law all fit better than Ace, which I would agree with. 
The big reason why I wondered if they were referring to Ace was because of the tragic nature of his story, his depressed woe-is-me attitude during Marineford, and the uncontrollable temper and stubbornness that ultimately led to his death.  
The Byronic hero is named, naturally, after Lord Byron, who was a famous Romantic era poet, politician, and revolutionary who lived an incredibly eventful life before dying at the ripe old age of 36. Tropes associated with this type of hero have changed over the years but they’re typically
-Male-Handsome-Passionate and temperamental -Charismatic -Lonely, isolated, and misunderstood-Driven to accomplish their goals, no matter the cost to themselves or others. Are often obsessive-Tragic figures, or somehow associated with tragedy 
Basically, think of a lot of your sexy vampire romance tropes and you’ve got a stereotypical Byronic hero (in fact, Byron himself inspired one of the early vampire novels of the age, The Vampyre, starring the trope codifier of the sexy vampire romance, Lord Ruthven). Here’s another example of Byronic poetry
He knew himself a villain—but he deem’dThe rest no better than the thing he seem’d;And scorn’d the best as hypocrites who hidThose deeds the bolder spirit plainly did.He knew himself detested, but he knewThe hearts that loath’d him, crouch’d and dreaded too.Lone, wild, and strange, he stood alike exemptFrom all affection and from all contempt
Ace ticks a lot of the boxes of a Byronic hero, but he lacks a certain ruthlessness I tend to associate with the archetype. He’s got the depressed as hell part down pat, though, so I suppose that accounts for something. 
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Could I request a scenario with Law’s s/o trying to protect him during the fight with Doflamingo (where he already got his arm severed of and all). Like she knows that she doesn’t’ stand a chance against him, but tries to stop Doflamingo from attacking Law any further. Then she turns to Law and says something like "Hey Law, I love you. Please don't forget that." (so like the same words Corazon used). I'll let you take it from there but with a happy end please ^^
Hi dear! I love this request, especially since I hopefully plan to do something kinda sorta similar in my fic at some point (ya know, when I actually write the damn thing lol). I also haven’t written Doffy before so I hope he’s in character, and I hope you enjoy! (Also gotta say, the dialogue at the end of this was so therapeutic lmfao)
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She heard Law before she saw him, his guttural scream sending a stab of fear through her as she finally reached the top floor of the palace. There before her stood Doflamingo and some really gross, snot-covered, old man. They didn’t notice her approach, both too focused on the bleeding young man lying beneath them. Her eyes widened at the sight, taking in the way Law clutched at his shoulder; the shoulder which previously connected to his right arm. Said appendage lay twitching only a short ways away, lying forgotten as the blond sadist ground his shoe into Law’s other arm. 
She acted without thinking, raising her sword to strike at Doflamingo as she ran towards him. She vaguely heard Law scream her name over her battlecry, but she had barely registered it before the pink clad man swatted her away like a pesky housefly. She felt the sensation of being cut all along her body, like razor wire being pulled across her skin, and she hit the floor hard enough that she was sure she felt her ribs crack. 
She attempted to push herself back to standing, but her arms shook too much to support her weight. She lifted her head, trying to locate her sword; out of the corner of her eye she could see Law struggling to get up as well. Suddenly, she felt something kick against her head, slamming it back into the floor, and then she was pinned at her shoulder. She cried out as Doflamingo ground his foot deeper into the cuts he’d inflicted, laughing like a madman at her futile attempt to deal him damage.
“Now that was a rich attempt! You brats have all got some nerve,” He barked out, pulling out his pistol to point at her head. She tried to find a way out of this, tried to think of some plan to escape his grasp, grab Law, and run; but deep down she knew she never stood a chance to begin with. Tears sprang to her eyes and she turned her head, once again catching Law’s eye. He was on his feet now, breathing heavy as his eyes seemed to be pleading with her; as though she could turn back time and prevent herself from charging in in the first place. 
“Hey, Law!” She started, causing him to pause briefly in his attempt to reach her. “I love you...don’t ever forget that, ok?” She closed her eyes and smiled at him, hoping that at least his last memory of her wouldn’t be that of a blubbering mess. Doflamingo began laughing again, pushing the pistol into her temple.
“My, Law, such sentiment! To think, after everything you still make the mistake of finding people to care for. Fuffuffuffu I’m going to enjoy taking another piece of you away!”
She clenched her eyes, bracing herself for her death; but through her haze of fear she heard yelling, getting steadily closer.
“MINGO!!!! -THWACK!-” came the sound of Luffy’s fist hitting the man about to shoot her. She opened her eyes in shock as the gun moved away from her temple. Unfortunately, Doflamingo’s grip remained unwavered. 
The pain sent her into a fit, screaming as blood pooled around her shoulder. She thought she heard Law call her name again, but before she could think further on it, her body succumbed to the shock.
Her eyes flew open, taking in the open blue sky. Her body felt stiff, and a little sore, but overall there was little pain. Was this where you went after death? She glanced around, taking in the destruction of entire towns and cities around her. So she wasn’t dead? But...how? She sat up quickly, hissing as she put weight on her previously injured shoulder.
“Don’t move too fast, you’re not fully healed!” She stared at Law with relief, tears springing to her eyes at the thought that clearly they must have won. His arm was reattached, and other than some dried blood he looked whole and healthy.
“What happened?” She asked, allowing him to check her over. He was clearly as exhausted as she was, but he seemed to need this. He worked with a nervous energy she’d only seen on him in the most dire of operations, and she was just glad to see he was alright.
“What happened? You were an idiot! What the hell were you thinking trying to take him on?!”
“Me?! What about you?! You lost an ARM for fuck’s sake! You were in way more danger than I was!”
“You only lived because Straw Hat-ya happened to show up at the right time, and someone had a healing devil fruit. You got lucky, Name!”
“Oh, and you didn’t?” She looked at him incredulously. Was he really scolding her right now?! “Stop being such a hypocrite! How is what I did any different from what you did?!” Law looked like he was struggling to find an answer, but didn’t want to admit she was right. Finally, the fight seemed to leave him all at once, exhausted as he was, and he leant forward to rest his head on her shoulder in a rare act of public affection.
“I didn’t want to lose anyone else…” He muttered against her skin. She wrapped her arms around him, drawing him closer and stroking his hair while she leant her cheek against his head. 
“Well, I didn’t wanna lose you either...can we please agree to stop throwing ourselves into reckless situations?” She felt him smirk against her, and the smile grew on her face. 
They’d won, they were alive, and they were never going to let each other go.
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all-blue-headcanons · 5 years
@wereallmadhere000 - Hey there, thanks for the ask! Admittingly this one was a little hard for me to write as the yandere trope is pretty... specific which it’s hard to imagine one of these two boys being like that? Therefore I’m taking a few liberties with things, so I’m hoping you don’t mind too much!
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Yandere Eustass Kid with Reader Headcanons
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+ Being in a relationship with Eustass “Captain” Kid is no easy matter. The man is as fierce as he is possessive, armed with an explosive temper as well as a natural disposition towards casual violence. Even towards his own crew, the captain of the Kid Pirates is a harsh leader without much tolerance towards fuck ups and disobedience so you’re going to have to develop nerves of steel in dealing with this hot-tempered man if you hope to get with him! - That being said, he’s not an ‘abusive’ partner. Rather, Kid feels intensely and lust often goes hand in hand with aggression, both volatile and rich emotions that can eat away at a person if left unchecked. Just as Kid relishes violence and bloodlust, so too does he crave close intimacy with his loved ones of which he has very few in this merciless world. Killer, his childhood friend and companion, is one of those few people that Kid feels such deep platonic love for as the Massacre Soldier was the only person he was able to rely on during a loveless upbringing. + That means that Killer is the only person Kid trusts to be around you. Even Heat and Wire are growled at sometimes if they start getting too friendly with you in his eyes, the red-haired man very much preferring to be the centre of attention in your little world. God forbid any of the lower crew members try anything funny; Kid will happily beat their ass senseless and toss them overboard into the sea, not caring much if they’re able get back on board or not. - People soon learn to keep their eyes away from you, let alone dare give you much attention... + While Kid is not (intentionally) abusive, he can be harsh and even seem uncaring at times. This isn’t down to any malice or disdain towards his lover, however - rather the man has no experience on how a healthy relationship is supposed to work. What Kid considers to be affectionate is often possessive and clingy at times, the man becoming desperately needy for attention and isn’t afraid to become a petty little shit when he doesn’t get what he wants. - A cold shoulder along with the silent treatment are the usual responses towards any perceived slight, which can be strangely disconcerting given the captain’s usually brash behaviour. For everybody else, the tension on board can be cut with a knife as Kid pointedly ignores his lover... but it never lasts for long. Once his petulance burns itself out, the man is back for more, playing it extra sweet in the hopes of getting you to play with him again. + Killer is the one who has to explain it to you once he realizes how serious the relationship between you and Kid has grown. Thanks to the World Government’s actions in South Blue after the end of Gol D. Roger’s era, many parents either abandoned their children or were brutally killed trying to protect them due to governmental officials wiping out as many of the ex-Pirate King’s ‘potential spawn’ as possible. Kid is one of those survivors and his childhood was as brutal as it was unforgiving, leaving the boy with no other option than to grow up as quickly as possible. - Whatever parental figures he had at the time cared little for the red-haired boy during his youth, leaving him to figure out his own path in life. Kid’s earliest life lessons were that few people were to be trusted, much less accepted into the angry youth’s heart... or at least that was the case until Killer came into his life, the tall blond remaining to this day one of the only people understanding enough to deal with Kid’s eccentricities. Nobody knows better than the Massacre Soldier that Kid is not a conventional partner and will be there to support both you and his childhood friend, knowing full well what his friend has experienced and to prevent a rift growing between the two of you. + In time, Kid learns to become a more wholesome partner but it’ll take a lot of patience, time and understanding from you, almost as much as Killer himself to be able to handle your captain at his worst. No matter what, he’ll remain as fierce and possessive as he ever was but will learn how to handle any grievances in a healthier fashion... - “What the hell, Kid? You got blood all over me again!” You yell while wiping your face clean of crimson splatters, a headless marine dropping to the floor beside you. You can only watch as the man sheepishly grins despite the battle raging all the two of you and shrugs. “What? He was checking out your ass behind your back!”
Yandere Doflamingo with Reader Headcanons
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+ In all honestly, there’s not much difference in a relationship between Yandere!Doflamingo and Regular!Doflamingo. The man is a self-proclaimed God, a Celestial Dragon and Child of the Heavens despite long having since been thrown out of Mary Geoise along with his family. Even though many years have passed since that terrible day, Doflamingo has become King once again and his word in Dressrosa is law above all... - Unlike Kid, Doflamingo actually enjoyed plenty of healthy exposure to a loving relationship from the start of his troubled life. His parents were unconditionally loving towards their children and each other despite the difficulties they soon themselves after having descended to the ‘world of humans’ below and it is due to these experiences that Doflamingo has his own peculiar views on love. In his eyes, love towards him truly is unconditional - and to break that means you never truly loved him at all. + That being said, Doflamingo adores you intensely and like Kid, it is a fierce and possessive affection. Unlike Kid however, it is one that the Heavenly Demon feels he is completely and utterly entitled to and his wrath knows no bounds when he doesn’t get what he wants. He’ll move mountains if he has to and tear heaven and earth asunder if he must, but you are his and his alone and need to understand that as soon as possible. - On the surface, you look like any other of the many young admirers and lovers that frequently stop by the palace. There is never any shortage of women and even the occasional man hoping to secure a favourable position likes yours when it’s obvious you’re the man’s most favoured partner, yet despite their best efforts, Doflamingo is content to play only for a short while before returning his affections back to you. + “What’s the matter, love? Did you think anything about that was actually serious?” Doflamingo will chuckle if you seem put out at all by this behaviour, the man treating you more like a favourite toy than an actual person and partner. It’s hypocritical in a way, that Doffy can seem to play with whomever he wants but if anybody should so much as look your way... - “Young Master!” The Donquixote Family will cry out in shock as Doflamingo suddenly cuts down a few lowly recruits for the simple crime of looking at you in a way he doesn’t like. To Doflamingo, it is a crime even more unforgivable than laughing at his family, such filthy men daring to lust so openly for his partner right before his eyes! You don’t get to go out so often after that particular incident, for Doflamingo would gladly kill any number of people who so much as looks at you the wrong way. + Doflamingo’s possessiveness only grows worse over time the more he’s attached to you, the longer you’ve been together. Having lost so many of his own family members over the years, he takes no chance in risking losing you as well; only the Donquixote Family is to be around you, long term members that the man feels as though he can trust with you alone, even if he has to have somebody watching you at all times. Never are you to go anywhere by yourself, let alone speak to anybody outside of those ‘allowed’ to interact with you. - This isolation can be as stifling as his possessiveness at times, especially when Doflamingo is busy with work but he’d rather that and cage you, his precious little pet, than risk letting you fly free. When you entered this relationship, you knew full well what you were getting yourself into and of the kind of man you were getting involved with... + “Let you go? Whatever for, my darling? Do you not enjoy the finest food, the most beautiful scenery and gifts anybody could hope to enjoy? I am your God, Name. You need nothing else in life, only me...” Doflamingo will purr if you ever dare bring up the subject, his large and powerful hands caressing your form that even though he’s not using his strings, he might as well be doing so for all the control he has over you now.
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bottlepiecemuses · 5 years
Both Associates Of Kaido Want To Burn The World
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Seriously, Kaido just likes picking associates who wants to see the whole world burn down like him. With Doflamingo, he just wanted to rule over Dressrosa with a peaceful facade, while he planned on turning the world to turmoil. While Orochi wanted to slowly destroy Wano, while not giving one lick about the rest of the world. However, both men come from great families that were turned to turmoil and were hunted down by vigilantes. They were then taken in by supporters who fostered their bad traits, while becoming their key to regaining power. Although unlike Doflamingo, Orochi is more calculating and gets his way through power by backstabbing. Also Orochi is not a fighter like Doflamingo. 
However, I would like to note how both of them caused the original rulers of their country to fall, while hypocritically hunting down their families like they were originally. I think these parallelisms are on purpose for a reason. I always wondered why Doffy choose Kaido, instead of Big Mom but this chapter really showed why. Because these type of men don’t just want to conqueror, but see other people suffer and burn the world down. They are not evil for evil’s sake, but characters with motives behind what they do. It doesn’t make them sympathetic, but at least more complex. 
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
hello! how would doflamingo, law and marco react to having a fem s/o who overworks themself and is constantly stressed but never shows it until she thinks she’s alone and just looks like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders? love your blog!!
Thanks so much! This one kinda turned into mini scenarios within the hc? XD I hope you enjoy it. This was fun to do
Doflamingo, Law, and Marco dealing with a s/o who is overstressed, but hides it:
A slight hypocrite when it comes to dealing with stress and overworking himself
But he doesn’t like to see other people like that
So being a main offender of this…he knows ALL the signs, even if someone tries to hide it
Knowing the stubbornness and prideful nature of his s/o however, he tries to keep it to himself and help where he can (ie-tries to take away some of their tasks)
When that doesn’t work, he decides to be a little more…direct
He can’t handle them putting on a brave face in front of everyone else
He sees right through that
One night while he was on watch, he saw his s/o leaning on the railing of the ship, looking out to sea, but not really seeing anything
He crept down quietly and took in their appearance-bags under her eyes, shoulders held way too tight, and just slumped against the side of the ship
“Didn’t think I’d see you out here so late.” Marco didn’t miss the way they flinched at the sound of his voice
Before she got a chance to make up some excuse for the late night encounter, Marco was speaking again…
“You know, sometimes after a really crappy day, I would just stare out at the sea and remember how tiny I am compared to everything else in the world.”
“Marco I-”
“You don’t need to hide it from me. Let me take some of the burden. It’s what I’m good at afterall
His s/o just smiled…of course they can’t hide anything from him
“But who will help you with your burdens?”
“Seeing you not walk around like a zombie would be a start…”
He gets a punch on the shoulder for that one
“Come on, why don’t you get some rest for once. No more trying to push mountains ok?”
His s/o lifts an incredulous eyebrow at that
The phoenix smiles,“That’s my job”
Similar to Marco, Law is no stranger to overworking himself
On top of being a doctor? HAHA yeah good luck hiding it with this one…
This man’s got an eagle eye for all the signs and symptoms and when it comes to his s/o..he’d probably watch them even closer
“(Name)-ya, take a break and go get some sleep.”
His s/o tries to play it off and put on a brave face.
“I’m fine really…”
Law will have NONE of it
“Captain AND Doctor’s orders.”
There’s no fighting against that so they relent
However it doesn’t actually change the way his s/o acts.
She tries to help everyone around the ship, especially Law himself
After one particularly long day, they retired to the room they shared with Law and collapsed on one of the chairs
Taking a deep breath, they tried to rub away the exhaustion from their face with their hands
When she pulled said hands away and opened up her eyes…
There was a not-so-pleased Surgeon of Death standing over her with crossed arms
“…uh, hi Law”
“I thought I told you to take it easier around here. You can’t do everything by yourself, (Name)-ya.”
There was a quiet mumble of hypocrite form the other
“What was that?” “Nothing”
“How can I possibly sleep when I know you’re up working yourself to the bone?” Law was about to say something but she kept going.
“How about when I sleep, you get some sleep too?”
Law’s eyes darkened at that…”Are you telling me what to do?”
“NO NO! I just..” sleep better with you
Law sighed and placed his hat on his s/o’s head
“Get some rest. I need to grab some things but I’ll be right back. Don’t even think of leaving this room or I will tie you to that chair.”
His s/o pulled his hat closer to her and smiled at her small victory
But as Law walked out the door she could hear…
“…that’s not a bad idea actually…”
She heard a low chuckle from the other side of the door
Doffy’s s/o tried her damnedest to conceal her fatigue from the rest of the family
At this point, she had been involved in so many missions and raids and just overall helping EVERYONE with their problems she just couldn’t hide it anymore
5 minute nap, no one would miss her. It’d be fine
She collapsed on the couch and let out a big exhale
“Oh? Sometime seems tired.” Damnit HOW DID SHE NOT NOTICE THE FLAMINGO IN THE ROOM?
“DOFFY! What are you doing here?”
“Well seeing as how this is my room…I’ll let you figure that out.”
They shared a room, how stupid of her
Doflamingo can read people like a book so he knew what was going on with his s/o from the start, but he was curious how far she would push herself and now he had his answer
It was adorable that she thought she could hide anything from him
“You aren’t any good to me like this…” His s/o bit her lip…she knew this was coming
Soon she felt her body move on its own (or more correctly someone ELSE’S will)
“Come her, dove.” Doffy wrapped his s/o in his signature coat and laid her on the bed.
“And don’t worry. No one will disturb you. So rest. You’ve done well”
And no one did…if they valued their life
I don’t think hiding the stress would work on any of these three...but good luck :)
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hey, if you're doing some yandere request, I want to ask if a yandere reader kidnapped Doffy, Law and Cora...( let's imagine that reader can do that xdxd,)
Lmaooo why you so chaotic, babe??
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Doffy would be annoyed. You are getting in the way of things and he has plans to follow.
He doesn't mind your dedication to him, however, as long as you don't get in the way. He's used to people worshipping him from Dressrosa or his family, so having you do the same is no big deal.
Would cut you into pieces for even thinking you could control him. If there is any relationship dynamic going on, he is the one in control.
Has no problem kidnapping you though, he's very hypocritical. What's his is his and what's yours is his.
If you are more powerful, say like Kaido, I still think he will try to keep his distance. Be polite and whatnot, but not put himself in a situation where you could get him alone.
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Law is another one who will be annoyed. He hates being controlled and being told what to do. So you kidnapping him, meets this criterion.
Would find you to be annoying and is just a brat the entire time. Glares at you, won't eat when told, refuses to play games with you, and swats you away when you try to get handsy.
Even if you didn't kidnap him and were just yandere in general with him, he would be overwhelmed. He can't understand why someone would like him, let alone want to be so touchy and romantic with him.
Isn't a natural yandere unless provoked. He wants to protect people, but won't force it if they don't want it unless someone named Doflamingo causes trouble.
Is better if you just let him do his thing. Does not like to be tied down.
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The only one who might feel bad for you. He is an empath and can feel your need for him.
However, if you were a bad person or worked for a bad organization or something along those lines, he won't stay and will use the skills he learned to find a way out.
If you're a good-hearted person, he will do his best to talk with you and help understand better what he can do to make your relationship healthier rather than what it is now.
The type to fall in love with his yandere stalker, he wants to have this happy family life and if you want it too, why not? Just hopes he can be a good dad like Homing and Sengoku.
Also is not a natural yandere, but would be the delusional type, the type who thinks you both are meant for each other. So he finds himself understanding why you think you two are meant to be together.
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