#Dog Food Brands Healthy Dog Food Top Dog Food Brands
is-the-owl-video-cute · 7 months
i think the most annoying part of dog food discourse is how many people will act as though proplan/hill’s/Royal canin diets aren’t extremely and prohibitively expensive and that THAT is the reason so many people look into healthy alternatives.
People complain about corn being in the first five ingredients on most of those feeds because, regardless of other factors here, that is not an expensive ingredient. But it makes up a large chunk of the dry food. So the dry food should be fairly affordable, right?
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Oh… with tax you’re spending about $100 for one 45lb bag of food where the third ingredient is wheat and the fourth and fifth ingredients are corn.
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Oh… well! It’s slightly cheaper! But the second ingredient is rice, third is wheat, fourth is corn, and then fifth is poultry byproduct. None of those are very expensive so this just must be the low end cost of dog food unfortunately. The vets recommend it so surely that means prices aren’t inflated, right?
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Oh? This one has similar ingredients with the only real difference being no corn? And it’s half the price?? Well surely that’s just a fluke.
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Oh. Oh no.
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This one even has CORN in it and it’s $20 cheaper?? Wow!
Like listen at some point I don’t care if your dog food has the ichor of the gods in it, I’m not spending $100 every five days if there are cheaper options with just as many “good” ingredients in it. If you think I’m a dog abuser because I can’t afford this overpriced garbage, that’s too bad. I don’t care. My dogs are perfectly healthy with the food I give them. Great weight and great coat. People giving dog food recommendations that aren’t those top three hyper-expensive dog foods aren’t trying to epic own those dastardly vets half the time, but I really don’t blame the ones who do lose trust in vets when the only heartworm protection they recommend lately are expensive triple-action brands like Simparica Trio that costs $120+ as opposed to the other heartworm protections that are only about $40-$60 on average, which is still cheaper even if you add on a $20-$40 flea and tick protection separately, and only recommend dog food that costs $85+ a bag even if your dog doesn’t have specialized dietary needs.
Those top three foods are GREAT at making competent prescription diets, I don’t deny that. I do still have to criticize the pricing of those prescription diets though because I have spoken to DOZENS of people who had to pull their pets off of a prescription diet and struggle to find something comparable because they couldn’t afford the food, and that’s terrible! These are not poor companies! Purina, Royal Canin, and Hill’s can ABSOLUTELY afford to lower their prices to make their food accessible to people who need it for their animals but they don’t. They probably never will. Because at the core they are run by greedy corporations. It doesn’t matter how many good nutritionists are on board if the company is run by people who put profits over customers and make the food impossible for people to afford.
#I keep seeing posts from people on both sides of this#and it is frustrating to see how many vets don’t seem to acknowledge#that a MASSIVE part of the dog food debate has and always will be#the inaccessibility of these three brands#because whether corn is good or bad or neutral for a dog#It’s a cheap ingredient#any meat byproducts are a cheap ingredient#wheat in any form is a cheap ingredient#rice is a cheap ingredient#they aren’t putting Diamond dust and gold flakes in the kibble it’s very accessible and affordable ingredients for the most part#and many comparatively smaller companies use very similar ingredients and make food people can actually afford#So yeah when people look at these factors it does make them distrust vets who will almost exclusively push expensive brands#and that’s where the distrust is coming from#it’s not primarily smug tiktok kids who think they know everything#it’s just people who have less money than you and get treated like they care less for their animals because of it lol#and people who feel scammed because anything veterinary is already expensive to the point not everyone can afford it as regularly as needed#the fact people have to give pets vaccines themselves to make ends meet because most vets charge so much just to walk in the door#is a sign of a larger problem#I criticize people who avoid taking animals with surprise sickness or injuries to the vet#but it’s not exactly hard to see why that isn’t even an option for a lot of people#people can’t even afford surgery on themselves if they’re suddenly injured out of the blue in this country#So I can’t pretend to be shocked they don’t have $10k squirreled away if something unavoidable happens to a pet#no one is entitled to an animal they can’t afford yes yes but a routine vet visit shouldn’t be $600-$1000 per animal sorry#give me a copay or something
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devildomwriter · 2 years
The Side Crew Get a Puppy for Christmas Headcanons
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• He’s delighted and amused by your choice “how did you know I was looking for a companion?”
• He thinks the puppy is a little funny looking with its long face but that makes him all the more endearing to him
• Names him King after his own monicker King Solomon the Wise
• Trains the dog not to mess with his potions and doesn’t let him in the room he does experiments in. He takes more breaks from work so the puppy won’t feel alone or bed sad
• Let’s the dog in the bed, doesn’t have any rules for him involving furniture
• Takes the dog on mission, has a little backpack full of his things
• The dog won’t touch his food which makes him a little sad but is a relief to everyone else.
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• She’s so freaking excited. Shouts “Yes!” over and over again
• Likes that it’s a wolfdog and hopes some people will get scared and mistake him for a wolf
• Lets him run around freely in her home, especially the grassy planes on the top level
• Gives him a name as ridiculous as her inventions “Wolfie the Wacky Wolfdog” says his full name every time, no nicknames like Wolfie, but she does call him “Baby”
• Trains the dog to bark loudly and scare people
• When to dog is outside the home, he howls a lot as a warning to visitors and she loves it so much as she didn’t even train him to do that
• This dog lives the life of luxury and has its picture taken by her ALL the time
• Has it trained to charge Solomon “Take this you bastard sorcerer! Wolfie the Wacky Wolfdog, go!”
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• Is delighted by the surprise. It’s so tiny he can’t believe it’s supposed to become so big
• He names the fluffy little creature, Snowball
• This dog copies it’s owner in every way, it’s a very calm angelic dog with a bit of a free spirit
• Simeon always feeds it Tuna sandwiches, all the animals seem to like it for some reason
• He always invites the dog into bed the bed to cuddle at night
• The dog is the only thing reminding Simeon to take a break from work time to time, so he’s a good healthy distraction for Simeon
• Simeon loves the slobbery dog kisses. He thinks it’s funny and feels strange
• This dog is living the life being allowed to stay in the celestial realm and play with the angel dogs to keep them company until their owners join them in heaven
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• He’s surprised and gives one of his rare smiles as he cuddles the puppy trying to lick his face
• Thinks Saint Bernard is just fine as a name. Simeon teases him about “Saint Bernard the St Bernard.”
• The dog likes to chew on clothes so he’s always having to repair his clothes and hide his fabrics
• He makes the dog capes and fake angel wings among other accessories
• The dog acts much like a Support animal, it does tasks around the house for Raphael and brings him his spear on command
• Raphael enjoys taking him on walks, especially when the dog becomes bigger and a tad intimidating due to its size. No one would dare mess with the hitman angel’s precious dog
• Due to Raphael’s weird taste in food, the dog never eats his scraps which worries Raphael enough he takes him to the vet who suggests his just feed him regular dog food. Raphael obliges but only the top brands from the celestial realm
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• He’s sooooo excited.
• Names her Muffin because “she just looks like a Muffin”
• When he realizes how big the dog is going to get he’s absolutely shocked and begins organizing his room immediately in preparations for the dog’s growth
• He always let’s the dog lick the batter bowl once he’s done and has to scold the dog always easily reaching the counter to eat his ingredients and mixing food
• Luke has a hard time walking him but feels a little safer no matter where he is with the Great Dane
• Mammon teases him that the chihuahua finally has a friend the right species, etc
• Gets a lot of “Muffin is taking her dog for a walk” comments and he sicks Muffin on them and secretly laughs
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• He’s more of a horse person but he loves the surprise especially since the dog breed has “a good image” he’s picky about those things
• Doesn’t really care that it’s a human-world dog and even names it after it’s origin country—Francis
• The dog has its own servants and vet who clean up after it. Therefor Mephistopheles can be “the fun parent”
• he will give this dog anything and certainly has the money for it
• Takes the dog on horse rides and gives it its own riding hats
• Has professional photography done for the dog as well as hiring top-tier painters like the famous Dantalion
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• Laughs in amusement and thanks you, he’s quite delighted by the surprise
• The dog is very sweet, loyal and obedient. Appropriately Barbatos names him Steward.
• He tailors the dogs own Butler uniform and trains it to help serve Diavolo
• It brings dirty dishes to the kitchen, opens the fridge and dishwasher, turns on and off lights, uses the toilet, and entertains Diavolo when he’s bored or lonely
• Barbatos is pleased to always have the dog at his side and only trusts Lucifer with the dogs care when he is away on a mission or in meetings
• The dog is trained to bring a handkerchief to Barbatos when he starts drooling, he’s quite pampered in a way that is mutually beneficial
• If you even look at this dog the wrong way, Barbatos will be after you for it. Despite the dog’s sweetness everyone is scared of it due to its protective owner
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• This man laughs so loudly in pure excitement and joy at the tiny little thing
• Gives it the expected name, Spot.
• This puppy goes with him literally everywhere, Diavolo will not leave the dog at home even for missions and diplomatic meetings
• Similarly to its owner, the dog is loud, energetic and unpredictable
• Diavolo is so excited to always have someone to play with
• Is glad the dog is super loyal and won’t crush his spirit by running away like the Flame Salamander did
• The dog has its own room and an elite staff to care for the dog in the seconds it’s away from Diavolo who insists on doing all the care himself including the very difficult baths
• The dog doesn’t like baths so Diavolo gets soaked and covered in bubbles a lot and he just laughs about it despite Barbatos insisting the dog be trained properly
• The dog can tell when his owner is in a more serious mood and will stand still beside him or pose regally
• Diavolo’s most recent professional painting included the dog and it looks like a renaissance painting
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Hello Sophia,
I’ve been curious about any relationships and linkages between SMA title, Alba and Jinx. Finally, I’ve managed to discover Chris’ influencer profile on one marketing platform (note: Carbons Dating The Web estimated creation date: 2023-06-01).
There are some interesting facts and figures in the case study:
Premium US dog superfood brand, Jinx is redefining dog nutrition and is sold at Walmart stores across the country. Its audience are 71% female, typically single or married and aged in their thirties. English-speaking, Jinx’s followers are 84% US-based, with India, The Philippines, Indonesia and Brazil as secondary markets. Top cities for its customers include New York, LA, San Francisco and Chicago.
Looking at celebrity influences, Chris Evans does not appear in the list.
Media-wise, Buzzfeed, Betches Media, The New York Times, HGTV, The New Yorker, People Magazine, Vice and Bon Appetit come out on top for consumption.
Chris’ audience is 67% female, typically single and aged 25-34. English-speaking, his followers are typically based in the US, with Brazil, India, Italy and Mexico as other territories. Top cities include São Paulo, New York and LA. On basic demographics, Chris Evans and Jinx are rather well matched, particularly if the brand is hoping to reach a slightly younger customer base.
Diving into likes and interests, Film & TV rank highly, as well as music, dance, sport, college, poetry, Mexican food and spirituality. Pets is present, with 1.5% of the share, which is 1.3x the platform average, putting Chris Evan’s profile in the top 20% of all Instagram accounts for pets.
Looking at media consumption, Buzzfeed, BBC, CNN, 9GAG, New York Times, TIME Magazine, The New Yorker, GQ and Hugo Gloss dominate. Crucially, Jinx isn’t listed as one of Chris Evan’s follower’s main brand affinities. Instead, the likes of Marvel, Disney, NASA, Starbucks, Google, PlayStation and Sephora lead. That being said, no other pet food brand appears.
It is important to note that Chris Evans is one of a few celebrity investors in Jinx. However, he is still quite an organic brand ambassador, being known for his relationship with his dog. Overall, it’s a smart match for brand and talent that taps into authentic interests and with the addition of Evans as creative director for campaigns, it appears to be a more substantial collaboration than a simple awareness-based sponsorship.
November 2020 – Chris followed Alba.
16 November 2021 – Pooch loving celebs Trevor Noah, Chris Evans, NFL star Odell Beckham Jr. and CAA co-founder Michael Ovitz are among the latest high-profile investors in Jinx.
PageSix: Chris Evans and more A-listers invest in healthy dog food brand.
9 March – Pet Age: Walmart Partnership Expands Distribution of Premium Dog Food Brand Jinx.
10 March – Pet Product News: Jinx Pet Food Now Available at Walmart.
21 May – People Mag: Chris Evans celebrates National Rescue Dog Day with adorable photo of himself and pet Dodger.
2 June – Buzzfeed announces Puppy interview.
18 June – Buzzfeed releases Puppy interview.
24 June – Alba’s first like in 2022 (iPhone post).
15 July – Laser focused interview.
16 July – Chris liked Alba’s MHGP post.
17 July – JustJared, Daily Mail and Buzzfeed report Chris Evans is laser focused on finding a partner (no mention of Alba).
18 July – People Mag: Chris Evans Says He's 'Laser-Focused on Finding a Partner' to Spend His Life With.
20 July – Chris’ Dating Poll by Buzzfeed.
27 July – Entertainment Tonight meet Chris Evans' 'Long-Term Partner': His Adorable Dog Dodger!
Forbes: Chris Evans Partners With Jinx Premium Dog Food.
Adweek: Chris is Future Jinx Ad Star.
CNN: Talking dog parenting with Chris Evans.
People: Chris Evans Says His Pet Dodger Is 'a Cut Above the Average Dog,' But Admits 'I'm Probably Biased'.
26 August – People Mag: Chris Evans Celebrates National Dog Day with Pup Dodger: 'In My House, Every Day.
27 August – E! news tweet: When Captain America found his perfect sidekick. ❤️ Happy #InternationalDogDay to Chris Evans & Dodger.
October – Alba deactivated her IG account.
6 October – People mag: the actor and his beloved rescue dog Dodger star in a new ad spot for dog food company Jinx.
11 October – Alba reactivated her account. Chris liked 2 WN posts.
7 November – SMA announcement on Monday's The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
Chris Evans Is PEOPLE's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive.
Entertainment Tonight: Chris Evans Reacted to Getting 'People' Magazine's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive (editor Julie Jordan: “If he is dating someone he will talk about it or you will see him with the person”.
10 November – People: Chris Evans Is Dating Actress Alba Baptista: 'It's Serious,' Says Source — He's 'Never Been Happier'.
OK! Mag: Chris Evans & Actress Alba Baptista's Relationship Confirmed Months After Packing On The PDA At 'Super Affectionate' Date Night.
PageSix: Chris Evans and girlfriend Alba Baptista hold hands in first PDA photos.
12 November – Daily Mail: 'World's Sexiest Man' Chris Evans, 41, is seen holding hands with Alba Baptista, 25, for the FIRST time on a romantic stroll in Central Park.
E! News: Chris Evans & Alba Baptista Confirm Romance With PDA Stroll.
14 November – E! News tweet: The strongest bond in the universe (Dodger).
10 December – Alba deactivated her IG account.
10 March – Alba reactivated her IG account.
18 April – Alba at Ghosted Premiere in NY.
26 April – People: Jinx to bring "The Dog Dream Box" to dog lovers nationwide.
28 April – Pet Food Processing: To celebrate Pet Month in May, Jinx launched a new limited-edition “The Dog Dream Box” collaboration with celebrity Chris Evans, brand ambassador at Jinx, and his dog Dodger.
J2 June – 40/29 News: 2023 Walmart Associates' Celebration.
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eflen-n-reegee · 10 months
Caregiver Electric Mayhem Headcanons (The Muppet Movie)
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Dr. Teeth
His wardrobe is a symphony of chaos, and you’re always welcome to partake. He’s happy to loan you any of his clothes, or take you shopping to create your own crazy outfits. A kiddo as amazing as you was born to stand out!
He often goes on complimentary tangents with flowery (and possibly made-up) words. He loves talking, and he loves you; so talking about you can last for ages.
He loves to sit and color with you, or help you repaint your room, or use face paints on you… Art is something he really enjoys, and he’s always excited to share it with you.
Slow, quiet music isn’t really his scene, but he’ll play some softer tunes if you need help falling asleep. (And if you want something loud and proud to help you wake up, he’s got ya covered!)
He and the others put together a “Cool Kid’s Corner” on the tour bus so you ride along with them. (Dr. Teeth totally got you a beanbag chair so you can travel in maximum comfort.)
Spoils the HECK out of you. (Nothing’s too good for his kiddo!) Often, you don’t even need to ask for what you want; he just knows somehow.
Also, ALL the compliments. Everything you do, you do well; anything you wear, you look great in; every time you mess up, you mess up with style. Seriously, your self-esteem may never be higher than it is while you’re with Floyd.
He occasionally loans you his jacket ‘cause he thinks you look adorable wearing it. (And you do.)
As the main songwriter of the band, you can bet he writes songs about you on occasion. Anyone who knows you can tell when a song is about you because he’ll incorporate things you frequently say or do, things you enjoy, and general descriptions of you.
Maybe it’s because of his songsmith skills, but he is great at telling you bedtime stories. He usually tells you the classics, but he describes them so uniquely you often feel like your hearing something brand new.
She prefers to stick to organic foods for herself, so she is super on top of your food preferences and restrictions. (She also tries to encourages you to eat healthy, but she’ll never force you; it’s a free country after all.)
She likes to wear a bit of makeup, and she loves to help you put on makeup if you choose to wear it. You look fantastic with or without it, of course, but getting extra fancy is always fun.
Whatever age you regress to, Janice treats you a little younger. She can’t help herself - you’re just so cute, she just HAS to baby you!
One of her favorite activities to do with you is tie-dye clothes - or stuffed animals! She has a number of methods for making amazing patterns, and she loves to see you wearing the things you create.
She is super encouraging of everything you do. She’s always trying to boost your confidence.
In a lot of ways, he’s like a big dog. He’s wild, excitable, and incredibly protective of you. No person will ever bother you ever again, and anything inanimate that upsets you (thunder, darkness, bugs) is gonna be growled at.
He has the highest energy levels of anyone in the band. Any time you want to play, he’s ready! He especially loves games where he gets to chase after you.
Animal is very rough-and-tumble and likes to wrestle, but he’s always very careful not to hurt you.
Sometimes kids just want to be destructive. Maybe you’re upset about something; maybe you’re overly excited. Whatever the reason, Animal is ALWAYS ready to help you break things.
… And sometimes kids just want to sit quietly. Animal isn’t as good at just hanging out, but for you, he’s willing to try.
He’s the chillest member of the band. He never pushes you to talk or do things; if you just want to sit on the couch in silence for hours, he’s right there with you.
(Similarly, if you want to hang out and watch movies, he’s always up for that. He really enjoys watching things you enjoy, even if he sometimes spaces out.)
Zoot can be forgetful at times, but he always remembers the really important things. He never forgets what kinds of things upset you, what allergies you have, or your favorite pet names.
If you need to vent, he’s always ready to listen. He’s one of the best people to talk to; he never interrupts and doesn’t offer any advice unless you really want it.
He’s tremendously patient. If you’re struggling to learn something new, he’ll remind you a hundred times without getting frustrated. If you’re throwing a tantrum, he’ll wait you out without ever losing his cool. He’s never gets annoyed no matter what you do or don’t do.
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candiid-caniine · 8 months
Im glad you’re doing better!
Recently I’ve been fantasizing about being a puppyboy whose owner is one of those people who do the really extravagant, healthy pet meal. Just something about having all my needs met in a loving way really hits the spot rn.
whoa that's an awesome fantasy I've never thought of that!
prefacing this w the fact that I'm not into food control as a specific fetish, as in restricting or forcing food intake, BUT I do love the idea of someone like this not restricting my meals per se but making sure they're all like gourmet and roleplaying that it's like the dog food selection process 😂
I own a couple cats with very sensitive tummies and other health issues so I know how laborious it can be, and I often talk my cat's through it. like "here go bud, try your new food, mm yummy, is that yummy?! oh yeah, that's gonna help your belly, isn't it? not too fast, you're gonna make yourself sick, I know it's so yummy but it's brand new so we have to be careful..." just. being endlessly coddled during mealtimes like a sensitive dog...yes pls 😋
that kind of owner is also 100% the type to, like, take their miniature poodle to the groomer rigorously and get like those stupid little bows put in it's floof, aren't they? and to like paint their dogs nails and carry them to the store in a little purse... translating all that over the top pet ownership culture stuff to pet play sounds so fun 💕
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scarletooyoroi · 8 months
Muse Favorites: Preferences.
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Animal:   Genuinely too hard for him to pick. Animal life has been a favorite for Thoma since he was a youngin'. Dogs, Cats and now Blubberbeast are at the top of the charts however.
Flowers:  Windwheel Asters. They hold a special place in his heart.
Scent: Lightly smoked wood, the sort carries a gentler scent. Primarily Amur Maple from how long he frequented around it in Ritou in his early days. 
Coffee:  Personally they tend to avoid it. Messes up their equilibrium a bit much for him to like it. Will sample some for the novelty.
Tea: Sakura and Amakumo blends steals his top spot. For Mondstadt, the tops would be Misty Afternoon alongside Laughter and Cheer.
Drink:  Grape juice. Sparkling Berry Burst. Gray Valley Sunset. Primarily, drinks that have a sweetness and decent kick to complement each other. Sort of like breaking the surface of water.
Alcoholic Beverage:  Not a fan at all. However, on rare instances he would be willing to indulge in Dandelion Wine for novelty's sake.
Food:  He holds a preference for the hearty brand of meals. Rice Cake Soup being one such example. Tonkotsu ramen, Mondstadt's steaks or pizza. He wants to be enriched himself by the flavors that intend to impact. That said however, this preference doesn't make him forgo a healthy diet balance. Some good flavor just gets the mood up.
Dessert: Padisarah Pudding. Sakura Mochi. Ice creams. For Thoma in terms of dessert, he loves those melt in your mouth builds that is just easy to down. Cold or warm matter little to him.
Article of Clothing:  Jackets. Thoma really enjoys such brand of covers for stylish and beneficial reasons. (More pockets!) Otherwise, His hitai-ate is a naturally top contender. Light armor pieces for both stylish and protective reasoning as well. He loves a balance that holds personality and flexibility.
Candy:  Nothing much outside of chocolate. Those fruity gummi bears would be a hit however, long as it's not hard on the teeth.
Left or Right Handed?:  Right handed. Does have Ambidextrous mastery however with swords and polearms due to extensive training.
Sloppy or Neat Writing?: Neat handwriting. It was a pre-requisite for being a retainer at the Kamisato House during his stay.
Clean or Messy Home?:  Clean spaces. Thoma's own hobbies involve actively keeping his spaces tidy and organized. Overall for comfort factors and always having a sound mind of seeing his are materials slotted where they should be. A tidy space is a relaxing and accessible space. Not to mention, he loves to organize a special space for his personal gifts. 
Shower in Morning or Night?:  Loves to take them in mornings, yet he usually does so at night. For Thoma's lifestyle two showers are often involved. One to clean the daily stresses away at night, while another is to ensure the sweat and grime during training doesn't stick after a round of training. That said, he loves seeing the shine of the sun and clouds when he bathes. It's a treat from nature.
Tasks Done Early or Last Minute?:  Early. Thoma is schedule oriented when it comes to work/business matters, so effectively slaying his quota in order to open up his day is pivotal. It also shows good conduct to any employers about his serious nature for tasks.
Love Language?:   Giving genuine attention to whatever you say. He doesn't enjoy being a passive listener and often engages with his own thoughts, perceptions if the moment allows. Gift creation: personal handmade items (if possible) of your favorites is another clear signal. That said, love languages for Thoma keep in the platonic/romantic spectrum in general. Romantic actions normally being reserved solely for such.
Believe in Love at First Sight?:  He does not. To Thoma, he believes the initial attraction of 'love' comes from some element you enjoy about the person. Whether it's appearance, what they're doing, or whatever you've made up in your mind. Love truly approaches when those barriers come down and you truly get to learn about them. Even lust for those who prefer serves as one layer of many, acceptance of another's heart should naturally take time. (And a desire to give more time still.)
tagged by: No one! Seen it on the dash and saw it as a one activity.
Tagging: If you stared at this for more than five seconds. You. You're the tagged. I'm making the rules this time. :skull emoji:
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shih-tzu-chronicles · 3 months
Let's Talk About Degrees — the Pedigree! 
Hello Shih Tzu buddies!
Time for a heart-to-heart about something crucial – what keeps our little buddies wagging their tails? We're diving into the world of Dog Food, in this case the famous Pedigree brand. And trust us, it's not just any dog chow – it's a game-changer, especially for our Shih Tzus.
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Pedigree has been a reliable name in the dog food game, and it's earned that reputation for a reason. Dedicated Pedigree customers have said that, even after experimenting with other brands, their dogs in particular choose Pedigree more often their own. With a history steeped in providing top-notch dog nutrition, they have a keen understanding of what our furry friends need. What makes Pedigree stand out is its dedication to tailoring nutrition for different breeds, making it an excellent option for our Shih Tzus. 
Their Small Dog Complete Nutrition formula, in particular, caught our eye. Its’ formula boasts a blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support overall health. And let's not forget the Omega-6 fatty acids for a shiny coat and a special fiber blend for healthy digestion – two things our Shih Tzus absolutely adore!
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For those who love digging into the nitty-gritty details, Pedigree breaks it down on their website [https://www.pedigree.com/dog-care-articles/6-ways-help-your-small-dog-live-large]
Of course, different individuals have different experiences, and it's no different when it comes to pet food brands like Pedigree. We've come across diverse feedback, and it's important to acknowledge that not everyone might share the same perspective on Pedigree. Choosing the right pet food involves a bit of trial and error, as well as paying attention to your pet's individual response to different brands and formulations. Remember, as responsible pet owners, it's crucial to recognize that what works wonders for one pet may not necessarily be the perfect fit for another.
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babithyn · 7 months
November 16th, 2023
tw~ ed
Hey guys, good news! I lost 6lbs within the past 3 days :) i mean its not much compared to what my goal is but im happy im below 230lbs.
I mean my highest weight was 259lbs and that was right before i gave birth to my babygirl :)
Granted, i haven’t been very disciplined so i’m kind of confused as to how i lost 6lbs. Maybe its water weight from all the swelling. I mean my feet we’re probably 4x their normal size. I couldnt even fit into my slides which were size nines and i where a seven. But i can fit in them again!
Also my bf’s hoodie use to be snug around my waist and now its loose so my stomach has gone down a little bit.
We went grocery shopping and i was doing my best to get healthy food and low c@l food. Bit i had to remind myself that i cant eat to little of food otherwise i wont have the nutrients in my body to nurse my daughter.
Another thing i have to remind myself is that the breast milk my body is making weighs about 10-15lbs. But because i’m nursing i should be loosing 1-2lbs a month. Cuz nursing burns calories surprisingly enough.
My goal is to loose another 5lbs by the end of the month. Although thanksgiving is around the corner so thats a little scary. But i might not be going to my moms for it meaning i might not celebrate it in general.
My mom had changed plans on me and is now going to her friends for thanksgiving. See that wouldnt be a problem if i didnt have a newborn and i knew her friend. But considering i dont know her friend i’m not comfortable taking my daughter or myself to some random strangers house. I don’t like meeting new people in general and you can times that by 20 now that i have a kid.
But in other good news. :) my bf and i were approved to rent a house! we get to move in on the first. Meaning we gotta start packing now. But i get to have my pupper with me!
i spent $100 to get him esa certified. So that i dont have to pay a pet fee and they cant refuse us housing or kick us out because we have a dog. So things are looking up for us!
The house is in a nice neighborhood and it has 3beds and 2 and a half af baths. Its two stories with a backyard and a garage! We got a brand new sofa and loveseat set!
The only downside to the house is that we’re going to be paying $2k a month not including utilities. And i probably wont be able to go back to work till about february maybe march. and i’ll probably only be doing part time for the first couple month’s i go back. On top of that ill have to pay for a babysitter.
Im thinking it might be more financially beneficial to just be a stay at home mom until she’s about 8-11months that way she’ll have started saying small words and hopefully have taken her first steps. then i can take her to a daycare and i can go to work full time.
but other than that we also need to get some more furniture and appliances. we need a washer and dryer, a new bed since we have a queen and our daughter loves sleeping with us. We also need a dining room table, dishes, cook wear, dressers nightstands. granted i have two dressers at my moms. its just that they’re heavy as all hell.
But on the plus side my mom and her bf are willing to help us and my bestfriend is coming to visit and said she would help us. And i’m sure my bf’s friends wouldnt mind helping its just a matter of him asking. I mean him and his friends are cops and if you know anything about first responders its that they have a huge sense of camaraderie.
Its kind of funny im dating a cop. I’ve never been a huge fan of them but it’s mostly the system that im not a fan of. it lets the bad ones get away with horrible shit.
But thats off topic. actually the bottom half of this entire post is off topic.
Anyways if you’ve read this far thank you :) Stay safe and much love thank you for coming to my ted talk:)
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frenchdogclub · 11 months
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nukenai · 1 year
Oh my god why are dogs such monsters sometimes. Striker has abruptly decided he no longer likes his regular kibble. I started getting him a canned food as a treat and he loves it, and will go over to his bowl and sniff it, and if it’s just kibble, he’ll ignore it. I tried mixing the canned food in with the kibble. He will pick the kibbles out of the bowl and drop them all over the floor. If it’s JUST the canned food, he’ll devour it.
Now of course, I wondered if he preferred the soft food because of his teeth and doesn’t want something hard. ...NOPE. He will happily chew on his toys and harder things like bully sticks. He loves his treats which are a bit soft but not really. I tried softening it with water. He gets slightly more interested but not really. He sniffs it almost indignantly.
Tonight I softened his kibble with water and BLENDED it up into a MASH and mixed it with the canned food he really likes. Nope, not enough of the canned food and it still smells like his old food so he won’t eat it. When I put more of the canned food on top he picked it out.
AAHHHH. Is this 13 year old dog really going to make me entirely switch his food, probably to something that costs four times as much?? Fuckin bougie-ass dog over here WHAT EVEN
(the canned food is from a fancier expensive brand at $4 a can because I thought I would be giving it to him only as an occasional treat, but I have turned him into a foodie. GREAT.)
For the record Striker is completely healthy and even when he has appeared to have sudden, extreme issues, extensive tests have come back every time showing that he’s “very healthy for his age”, surprising the vets sometimes because he was acting like he was dying.
This dog continues to be an unknowable enigma.
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stressed-chaos · 2 years
Memories - Part 17
Here we go. I don't personally know Ben Barnes' family so this is based purely on imagination, please treat it as such.
Hope you all like this part! Comments are appreciated!
Warnings: one mention of killing
(Let me know if I missed any)
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As the sun rose in the sky, the sunlight peeked through the half drawn curtains, waking Sebastian up from his much needed rest. He stretched his arms, almost hitting Y/N in the face, but stopped himself before he could and yawned, letting out a sigh. Great, another day, even his thought held a sarcastic edge. He noticed Y/N had her arm draped around him and shrugged before checking the time, 8:30 a.m. “Well, sounds about right,” he muttered, slowly removing Y/N’s arm from himself and getting up.
Before he could fully get up though, Ben came in with a tray full of pancakes, toppings and tea. Sebastian groaned seeing his beaming face, “Bud, what do you even get up so early for?”
“You know, you should too. It really helps.”
“Alright, alright dad.” He exaggerated the ‘dad’. “It’s way too early for this. And I’m way too low on liquid fuel to deal with anything.”
“Sleep well?”
Sebastian nodded, already getting up to brush his teeth.
Ben noticed Y/N still peacefully sleeping in the bed with a faint smile on his face. HIs mind raced with the thoughts of everything that was about to happen today. Rather than waking up by…maybe talking or shaking her, he yanked open the curtain. He wasn’t successful though, since Y/N just groaned and turned her face away, almost getting swallowed up by the blankets. Thoughts were swimming in Ben’s mind and finally, he jumped on Sebastian’s side of the bed, quickly kissed Y/N’s cheek (which only made her smile a bit more) and started singing an alarm type song, that too, loudly.
Wake up, wake up, wake up,
It’s a brand new day.
Wake up, wake up, wake up, 
Let’s begin today.
Though he knew it wouldn’t work, he surely got a response from Seb who was rinsing his face, “Grandpa. You only have to wake her up, not our neighbors. They never subscribed to the exclusive Ben Barnes alarm.”
“You didn’t too?” 
“Exactly.” And he turned back to his task.
Ben was surprised, about Y/N not waking up at the smell of pancakes. Usually she had a really good knack for smelling food, some may even say, close to a dog’s nose (it was only for food though). But he had to wake her up, one way or another. This time, he tried a softer approach and started running his fingers through her already tousled—or as she would call it, ‘hot mess’ hair, tenderly stroking them. He started softly singing again, completely ignoring the meaning of the song.
Rise up glorious sun
Bathe me deep within your glow
Crown my brow glorious one
Brighten surely, take it slow.
Rise up, Rise up
Rise up, Rise up
Rise up, climb up and meet the sky
Sweet love arise.
Sebastian spoke again, “Okay…yeah I could get used to that one.” Now if that didn’t work, he would have to use an air horn or maybe water and he was meaning towards the former. Luckily for Y/N, Sebastian and their neighbors, he didn’t have to use it. Y/N let out a groan, followed by a hum and meekly opened her eyes. “Morning, what time is it…seriously? 8:45? Dude, what did you wake up that early for?”
Ben just shrugged and spoke in sync with Sebastian who was trying to mimic him, “Because you should and it helps.”
“Helps with what? Not killing you? Cause that surely isn’t helping me suppress that.” Y/N had no plans to get up from the bed anytime soon. Though the pancakes looked promising and could be considered as a nice bargain.
“Not that exactly. You have heard the saying, Early to bed and early to rise— he got cut off.
“—makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Like hell it does…alright fine, DAD. I’m getting up. You’re lucky you brought pancakes.”
While Y/N was freshening up, Sebastian, who was just too hungry to care (he really loved Ben’s cooking), dug in the food, wolfing it down. After swallowing it with an audible gulp, if it had been any louder, they possibly would have heard all the food drumming down his digestive system, he commented, “Your shirt has holes in it.”
“Thank you, I hadn’t noticed that.”
“Sarcasm? Cause that shirt does look eaten by caterpillars.”
“You bet.”
Finally, he decided to deliver the news he had been so excited and nervous about, ever since he got it, “My parents are coming over.”
His words were awarded with two people choking, one on their food, one on air. “What!?”
“Yeah, they called and said they wanted to visit.”
“When are they arriving?”
“Sometime between afternoon and evening.”
While Y/N was gulping down her food this time, cause food first, everything else later. Sebastian pulled Ben aside and whispered, “Do they know?”
“Of course they do,” Ben was confused.
“No, no. Do they know about what all happened yesterday?”
Realization dawned on Ben’s face, “Oh shit.”
“Yeah, oh shit. Do you think she remembers them?”
“Wouldn’t hurt to ask.”
It actually, in fact, did hurt to ask. Since she did not remember Ben, she also did not remember his parents, or his brother. Sure his parents were understanding people, but they would still be hurt knowing their daughter in law did not remember them, again. When Y/N asked about them, he merely said, you’ll see.
Sometime around the afternoon, they went to get the much needed groceries. She picked up any candy bar she could find, claiming she would need them for her time of the month (but she just needed an excuse to eat them). Ben knew they would end before her time of the month hits. She had bought loads of chocolate, enough to make even Moony tell her it’s enough and also got some food to cook, since she wanted to make a nice first—er, impression, on her best friend’s family. Ben had to constantly ease her nerves by reminding her that they had known her ever since she was born, she had many chances to ruin her impression already. 
It did remind him of the time when Y/N met them again after they had begun dating. Nothing changed though, just when they told his parents, they both shouted ‘FINALLY!’ and high-fived each other, a way better response than what they got when they told the girl’s parents.
Sebastian went home sometime after that, claiming he would love to stay, but had an urgent, last moment meeting with his manager. The two started working on the lunch, nothing burning this time. He purely adored these domestic moments with his wife, since due to their jobs and everything, they were pretty seldom.
He also discreetly tried to take a picture of Y/N half covered in flour and hair a mess, claiming she looked just beautiful, in a french accent, along with a chef's kiss. He was not able to do it very discreetly though and after some protests, Y/N agreed to let him take a picture and dumped some flour on his head too, both of them bursting with laughter. Settling with a selfie, their faces beaming and ribs hurting, with Y/N kissing Ben’s cheek, they cleaned themselves up and finished their cooking.
Sometime around 4 or 4:30, a light knock sounded on the door. Both of them were too distracted by bantering and cooking to notice it. A few more unnoticed knocks later, the person started ringing the doorbell continuously. The bickering pair jumped and let out a big, ‘Coming’, still when the ringing didn’t stop, they continued muttering the same with a few elegant curses, most of them coming out from her.
Ben opened the door to immediately be engulfed in someone’s arms. He recognised the familiar scent of his mother and smiled widely, eyes meeting over her shoulder with his brother and father. Her mother pulled back to take a good look at her son, instantly registering the happy change in him. He moved on to hug and greet his father and brother and didn’t notice Y/N coming out from the kitchen.
“Hey what’s taking you—oh hi.”
Ben’s mother smiled even widely, Y/N was wondering if her face might split in two. She instantly moved to hug her daughter in law, who awkwardly hugged her back. Her eyes met a man looking a bit like Ben, but younger, he didn’t mention having a brother, and she gave him a small smile. He broke apart from his father to see the situation, a warm smile forming on his face. 
He was about to introduce them to each other for Y/N’s sake, but she beat him to it. A confused look formed on his family’s face. 
“I told you they know you.”
“Yeah, but it was on…impulse I guess?”
“You didn’t have to, it's alright.” He introduced his family, specifically teasing his brother by calling him as annoying and a pain in the ass.
“That was a very specific description. Nice to meet you all.”
Ben sensed the confusion on his family’s face and gave them a silent look from over Y/N’s shoulder saying, I’ll tell you later. They understood and played along. 
“Nice to meet you too, dear.”
After they went inside, Ben informed hernabout needing to tell his parents everything and she nodded solemnly before leaving the room.
“Okay, so let me get this straight. She remembered you over a year later, even your wedding it seems, and then fainted, forgetting you all over again, and us due to you, but this time not everything. Now she thinks you’re just her childhood friend, not knowing you two are married. She also thinks she’s meeting us for the first time, but she knows she isn’t, despite being literally raised with you and Jack.”
“That’s a summary of it.”
“My sister doesn’t remember me?”
“Sadly, no Jack.”
“Do you have any plans on what you’re going to do?”
“I don’t know, dad. Maybe wait for her to remember? Or make new memories? I may never have her back fully but I can still try.”
They went towards the kitchen to see Y/N with her hand in a bag and mouth full of marshmallows. She gave an awkward smile on being caught, quickly composing herself. All of them silently chuckled, good ole Y/N. They assured her that they understood. A few jokes later, everything was back to normal. All of them gave a hearty laugh at one of the stories Ben’s parents were telling. That and the siblings bantering like teenagers had quickly become Y/N’s favorite thing. She occasionally joined too, quickly ganging up with one to tease the other. 
They complimented Y/N on the food, and she blushed, “I can’t take all the credit. Ben was a big help.”
“He was a big help? You must be mistaken,” Jack spoke, never missing a chance to tease his brother. 
“Well…except for the part where he dumped flour on my head and then cracked an egg, he was.”
“Told you. I hope you took revenge?”
“She dumped water, chocolate and cracked two eggs on my head. I had to take a full on shower.”
A 14 year old Y/N chased behind Ben as he ran laughing, with chocolate chips while his brother recorded it. He stopped when she let out an ow and Jack hid in the side, chuckling and not closing the camera. He turned around and cautiously moved towards his fallen friend, whose head was down. He could hear a sob and when he reached within an inch of her, she lifted her head and grabbed his hands, yelling “Gotcha.”
They were planning to bake a cake for christmas. It wasn’t a christmas cake but more like a birthday cake. A chocolate-blueberry cake but the chasing match took a lot of their time. Three teenagers baking without any supervision wasn’t probably a good idea. It would’ve been maybe, if the teenagers in question weren’t these particular three. Actually it was just two now, Jack left claiming he had some homework to do, and surprisingly neither of them saw through his lie. Their families had been trying to set them up. 
They were still young, yes, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t an obvious mutual love between each other. Even if they did not know it yet, their parents did. And yes, Y/N’s parents were involved in this too, maybe realizing they went too hard on their daughter and were trying to mend stuff, unaware of the storm that would forever ruin their relationship a few years later. 
Y/N and Ben, after some protests from the latter, with him calling her out (to which she stuck her tongue out at him), finally began working on their disaster—I’m sorry, masterpiece. Getting all the ingredients out, the boy mixed them thoroughly and a little enthusiastically than needed, causing some of it to spill out, earning him a light hearted scolding from Y/N. Adding the chocochips and blueberries they set the timer and left it to bake. 
As soon as Y/N turned after putting the cake, she felt something sticky running down her face. She gasped and her eyes met with Ben’s deep mischievous ones, without an ounce of guilt in them. And for a blueberry on top of it, a shit eating grin also adorned his face. That grin didn’t leave his face while dumping some of the leftover batter and he took full advantage of his partner being frozen in shock, and garnished it with a few chocochips and two blueberries as if trying to make—and failing I might add, dog ears.
Y/N broke from her popsicle state and looking at him straight in the eye, she dumped the dry flour packet on his head and rubbed it all over his head. Despite her anger for Ben right now, she had to admit, it felt nice running her hands through his ridiculously soft hair. It felt like she was dipping her hands in melted marshmallows or was sleeping on a water bed or found her feather like pillow after a shitty day, it was a sense of calm. It was a little weird though, it’s usually the person through whose hair the hands are being run that turns calm, not the other way round, but logic was out the window right now. 
She had Ben in a tight hold, basically had him trapped between the counter and herself (Ben was too much of a gentleman—gentleteen basically to push her away). She prepared to use the same tactic and crack the last egg on his head, but Ben’s voice rang through her ears.
“Noooo, my darling hair,” he was almost to the point of whining, trying to squirm himself out of her grasp. He even tried to reach for the egg before it could drop down on his head, but ended up making just grabby hands in the air. 
“Should’ve thought before starting a food fight, buckaroo.”
She added marshmallows as dog ears on his head for effect.
Needless to say, the cake was a disaster.
But Y/N running her hands through Ben’s gorgeous locks became a common occurrence.
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standdley91 · 3 days
Unraveling the Mystery: A Fun Look at Dog Food for Dog Parents
Is your pup's dinner bowl a mystery box? Unraveling the ingredients list on dog food bags can feel like deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Fear not, doge parents! This guide will transform you from a confused canine caretaker into a kibble connoisseur.
The Protein Powerhouse: Fueling Fido's Adventures
Protein is the cornerstone of a healthy canine diet, especially for our medium-sized buddies like Beagles and Shiba Inus. It makes up 18-25% of an adult dog's diet, building strong muscles and keeping their playful spirits high. Look for high-quality protein sources like chicken, beef, or fish listed near the top of the ingredients list. #proteinpacked #stronglikebear
But Wait, There's More! A Symphony of Nutrients
Protein is a pawsome starting point, but a balanced dog food is like a musical orchestra – a harmonious blend of many essential nutrients:
Fats: Providing sustained energy for those epic zoomies and long walks in the park. #alldayzoomies #parktime!
Carbohydrates: Keeping your pup energized and feeling full throughout the day. Think of them as the doggy equivalent of complex carbs! #fullandhappy
Vitamins & Minerals: Essential for healthy growth, strong bones, and a robust immune system to fight off those pesky doggy colds. #healthygrowth #fightthesniffles
Fiber: Aiding digestion and keeping things regular. Basically, the poop fairy in a kibble form! #digestionstation #poophappens
A Tailored Feast: Age, Activity Level, and Breed
Just like us humans, our furry friends have different dietary needs throughout their lives:
Puppies: Growing pups are little furballs of energy, requiring more protein and calories to support their rapid development. They're basically tiny muscle-building machines! #growingstrong #puppylove
Adults: Adult dog food provides the right balance of nutrients for maintaining a healthy weight and energy level for our medium-sized adult dogs. #adultingfordogs #healthyweight
Seniors: Respect your elders! Senior dog food might have joint support ingredients or lower protein content for easier digestion. #seniordogcare #loveyourseniorpup
Breed Matters: From Tiny Terrors to Gentle Giants
A Chihuahua's needs are vastly different from a Great Dane's! Large breed puppy food is formulated for controlled growth to prevent bone and joint problems in those growing giants. Smaller breeds might need a food with smaller kibble size for easier chewing. #breedspecific #kibbleforthewin
Addressing Allergies & Ailments: When Itch Happens
Some dogs, just like us, can have food sensitivities or allergies. These can manifest as itchy skin, digestive issues, or recurrent ear infections. Look for limited ingredient diets or those formulated for sensitive stomachs. If your pup has you scratching your head over weird symptoms, consult your vet! #allergieaware #askyourvet
Special Needs? There are specialized diets for weight management, kidney health, and other conditions. Your veterinarian can help you navigate these. #weightmanagement #kidneyhealth
Remember: This is Just the Tip of the Leash!
This guide is a springboard for your dog food knowledge. Always consult your veterinarian for personalized recommendations based on your dog's unique needs. #personalizedpupfood #asktheexpert
Let's Share the Knowledge!
What are your favorite dog food brands? Faced any challenges? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! Together, let's build a community of informed dog owners raising happy, healthy pups!
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superpaws99 · 5 days
Welcome to Pet Shop Online- Your One-Stop Shop for All Pet Needs!
At Pet Shop Online, we understand that pets are more than just animals; they are family. That’s why we are dedicated to providing pet owners with the best products, services, and resources to ensure their furry, feathered, or finned friends are happy and healthy. Whether you have a playful pup, a curious cat, a chirpy bird, or a serene fish, we have everything you need to care for your beloved pets.
Why Choose Pet Shop Online?
Wide Range of Products: Our extensive catalog includes high-quality food, treats, toys, grooming supplies, health supplements, and accessories for various pets. From premium dog food brands to unique cat toys, we’ve got it all. We stock products from trusted brands known for their commitment to pet health and well-being.
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Pet Food and Treats: Nutrition is crucial for your pet’s health. We offer a variety of pet foods that cater to different dietary needs, including grain-free, organic, and hypoallergenic options. Our treats are perfect for training or simply showing your pet some extra love.
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Your pets deserve the best, and at Pet Shop Online, we are here to help you provide it. With our extensive range of products, expert advice, and commitment to quality, you can trust us to be your reliable partner in pet care. Start shopping today and give your pets the love and care they deserve!
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nirv678dog · 5 days
#doglover #DoggyDelights #australiancattledog Amazing Dog Products You'll Love! From the brand Simply The Best #1 Bully Sticks Manufacturer Tasty Bones & Treats Dogs Love From Our Family to Yours Family owned and operated in the USA for over 25 years to provide healthy, wholesome, and innovative food, chews and treats. Dog Food Packed With Real Meat Training Treats & Rewards Our Redbarn Promise We promise to always put your pet's safety first by continually investing in top-quality ingredients. Family-Owned For Over 25 Years Grab Your Dog's Favorites Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10.2 x 6.69 x 1.14 inches; 8.47 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 200012 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ February 27, 2023 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Redbarn Pet Products ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BNLS6T7H Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA Premium Quality Single Ingredient Chews: Made in Great Bend, Kansas with real beef pizzle from cattle sourced from South America and adhere to our rigorous quality assurance tests for Safe Quality Food certification Long Lasting Rawhide Alternative for All Ages: Satisfy your dog’s natural instinct to chew with our highly palatable and fully digestible natural bully sticks that provide a healthy activity for boredom, stress, and anxiety relief Irresistible Flavor & Natural Scent: Redbarn Bully Sticks are an all-natural animal product slow roasted in their own juices for maximum flavor and minimal odors your pups will love with no harsh chemicals or artificial preservatives Supports Dental Health & Teething: The natural act of chewing helps support dental health by gently massaging the gums and scraping away plaque and tartar buildup for a sparkling smile and muscle development Packaged by Weight for Consistent Value: Sold by overall weight of the bag to ensure consistency so no more worrying about thickness or density—quantity may vary from 10 to 15 sticks that are 5” - 8” in length so when sticks are smaller you’ll get more per bag #FurBaby #dogtraining #goldenretrieverpuppy #Redbarn #Natural #Bully #Sticks #Small #Large #Dogs #Healthy #Long #Lasting #Chews #Variety #Party #Pack #Beef #Single #Ingredient #Odor #Rawhide #Free #Dental #Treats #Bag
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5dog0dog · 5 days
#ilovemydobermanpinscher #dogoftheearth #waggingtails Amazing Dog Products You'll Love! From the brand Simply The Best #1 Bully Sticks Manufacturer Tasty Bones & Treats Dogs Love From Our Family to Yours Family owned and operated in the USA for over 25 years to provide healthy, wholesome, and innovative food, chews and treats. Dog Food Packed With Real Meat Training Treats & Rewards Our Redbarn Promise We promise to always put your pet's safety first by continually investing in top-quality ingredients. Family-Owned For Over 25 Years Grab Your Dog's Favorites Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10.2 x 6.69 x 1.14 inches; 8.47 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 200012 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ February 27, 2023 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Redbarn Pet Products ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BNLS6T7H Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA Premium Quality Single Ingredient Chews: Made in Great Bend, Kansas with real beef pizzle from cattle sourced from South America and adhere to our rigorous quality assurance tests for Safe Quality Food certification Long Lasting Rawhide Alternative for All Ages: Satisfy your dog’s natural instinct to chew with our highly palatable and fully digestible natural bully sticks that provide a healthy activity for boredom, stress, and anxiety relief Irresistible Flavor & Natural Scent: Redbarn Bully Sticks are an all-natural animal product slow roasted in their own juices for maximum flavor and minimal odors your pups will love with no harsh chemicals or artificial preservatives Supports Dental Health & Teething: The natural act of chewing helps support dental health by gently massaging the gums and scraping away plaque and tartar buildup for a sparkling smile and muscle development Packaged by Weight for Consistent Value: Sold by overall weight of the bag to ensure consistency so no more worrying about thickness or density—quantity may vary from 10 to 15 sticks that are 5” - 8” in length so when sticks are smaller you’ll get more per bag #FurBaby #dogtraining #goldenretrieverpuppy #Redbarn #Natural #Bully #Sticks #Small #Large #Dogs #Healthy #Long #Lasting #Chews #Variety #Party #Pack #Beef #Single #Ingredient #Odor #Rawhide #Free #Dental #Treats #Bag
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dog3456783 · 5 days
#workingdog #australiancattledog #bernedoodle Amazing Dog Products You'll Love! From the brand Simply The Best #1 Bully Sticks Manufacturer Tasty Bones & Treats Dogs Love From Our Family to Yours Family owned and operated in the USA for over 25 years to provide healthy, wholesome, and innovative food, chews and treats. Dog Food Packed With Real Meat Training Treats & Rewards Our Redbarn Promise We promise to always put your pet's safety first by continually investing in top-quality ingredients. Family-Owned For Over 25 Years Grab Your Dog's Favorites Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10.2 x 6.69 x 1.14 inches; 8.47 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 200012 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ February 27, 2023 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Redbarn Pet Products ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BNLS6T7H Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA Premium Quality Single Ingredient Chews: Made in Great Bend, Kansas with real beef pizzle from cattle sourced from South America and adhere to our rigorous quality assurance tests for Safe Quality Food certification Long Lasting Rawhide Alternative for All Ages: Satisfy your dog’s natural instinct to chew with our highly palatable and fully digestible natural bully sticks that provide a healthy activity for boredom, stress, and anxiety relief Irresistible Flavor & Natural Scent: Redbarn Bully Sticks are an all-natural animal product slow roasted in their own juices for maximum flavor and minimal odors your pups will love with no harsh chemicals or artificial preservatives Supports Dental Health & Teething: The natural act of chewing helps support dental health by gently massaging the gums and scraping away plaque and tartar buildup for a sparkling smile and muscle development Packaged by Weight for Consistent Value: Sold by overall weight of the bag to ensure consistency so no more worrying about thickness or density—quantity may vary from 10 to 15 sticks that are 5” - 8” in length so when sticks are smaller you’ll get more per bag #FurBaby #dogtraining #goldenretrieverpuppy #Redbarn #Natural #Bully #Sticks #Small #Large #Dogs #Healthy #Long #Lasting #Chews #Variety #Party #Pack #Beef #Single #Ingredient #Odor #Rawhide #Free #Dental #Treats #Bag
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