#Dog dad
truckman816 · 1 day
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Dog Dad 💥💥💥
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fitbearcatcher · 9 months
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A dogs best hairy friend
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g0thnico · 6 months
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dog parents🐾
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justc2world · 7 months
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Dog dad Charlos, in honour of new Charles and puppy content
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Happy Father's Day to the legend Chuck Taylor, a great dog dad to one of the cutest dogs, Walter! <3
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karihighman · 1 month
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chenford + 🐶 = ❤️
+bonus: Tim being the best dog dad & behind the scenes photos ft. 🐶🥲⬇️
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Corsshair’s evolution from reluctant antagonist to dog dad is something that can be so personal
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eternalsams · 1 year
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truckman816 · 3 days
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🔶🔶🔶 Dog Dad
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@sayhelloanimalfriends with our dog, Ajax, on a mild February day in front of the chicken run.
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fitbearcatcher · 7 months
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Fit paddle boarding dog dad fur
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notroosterbradshaw · 11 months
but imagine meeting Bradley at puppy school. a puppy school meet cute.
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He never considered adopting a puppy, all paws, playful growls and yips, and you can tell he's in over his head immediately, but the pup looks at him with heart eyes, desperate to please him. You’re there too, struggling with your young pup.
He's a few feet away and cooing to his pup to please, please heel. And of course, you notice he’s absolutely gorgeous but you’re deadset on focusing on your pup who needs you and you're desperate to find ways to save more bite marks and scratches from your couch.
You're lying to admit you are going out of your way to avoid his warm hazel eyes as he watches you struggle with your pup fondly. His eyes dance, and it is distracting you to your core. He is incredibly good looking and you’re very surprised he’s not here with his partner because if he’s not locked down, you’d be very, very surprised.
He's chuckling quietly as you're wrapped up in your pup's leash and you want the floor to swallow you up, but you're far too wrangled at this point. You gave him a meek smile as you untangled yourself.
“Now for some socialisation,” the trainer announces towards the end of a session that has been frustrating at best. They call upon you and Bradley first from the small group while you’re directed to let pups greet each other face-to-face (snout-to-snout) for a few seconds. It's polite, it's adorable as your pup shies away from his.
He gives you a gentle smile as he tries and fails to restrain his pup from trying to wrestle with yours. “I’m so sorry,” he apologises as you carefully pet your pup to reassure and calm him. “This is Archibald - or Archie.”
You give him a half smile as the pups start behaving and letting them boop noses for a few seconds and give him your pup’s name before they start wrestling again, but the sweet hello between the pups goes well as you pry them apart again. "That's a very formal name."
He actually laughs. "Well, I usually go by a nickname a' sorts most of the time. Something cute - or dog-like - didn't seem fair when I already had the ridiculous name."
"What's your nickname?" you asked, and immediately he grins and you feel like you've walked right into his little plan. You're incredibly impressed and fairly mortified with his gusto... he's so smooth, and you are endeared by him immediately. He could break your heart into a million pieces and he probably knows it too.
"My callsign is Rooster," he said. Ahh, a flyboy. Of course. He definitely could break your heart. "I'm Bradley," he gripped the leash in his hand and offers your his spare. "And you are..."
You tell him your name as your hand slips delicately into his and his palm is so, so warm and big, you don't want to let go.
"Nice to meet you both," he smiled gently as the pups needed to be gently pried apart again and you go back to your spot, quietly asking your pup to sit and pleased when he does so. But you can feel Bradley’s gaze radiating in your direction.
Tidying up your stash of puppy training gear after the session, Bradley asks if you enjoyed the class and you'd be lying if you said no. He'd certainly made it more interesting even if you got less out of it than planned. He's happy with your answer, and when he asks you for coffee or maybe a puppy playdate sometime, you can't fight it and say yes far too quickly.
You are floating home, and as he watches you leave, he rubs Archie's ears and whispers gently, "Didn't expect that today," he calls for a high five and Archie immediately raises his paw as Bradley chuckles. "Yes, good work, bud," and he rewards him with a treat.
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A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
more Bradley Bradshaw: Dog Dad:
the origin of betsy ; Three’s a Crowd 
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willietheguy · 4 months
Dog dad 🐶
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witheredapple · 4 months
Diavolo: I know what you’re going to say but listen—
Lucifer: No
Diavolo: Oh come on, Luci!
Lucifer: No
Diavolo: Just give him a chance! He’s an amazing little guy! Think of it as my anniversary gift to you! *Holds up a puppy Cerberus*
Puppy Cerberus: 🐶
Lucifer: *Sigh* Fine
*Later that week*
Mammon: What are you doing?
Lucifer wearing dirty, old clothes: I’m making a room for Cerberus
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sunshine-gumdrop · 5 days
For the archives... perhaps I have too much time in my hands
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bloomingpresent · 8 months
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Sponsored by tumblr lol!
Hi Chris! We miss you.
He talked about directing again but with a better scrip. About Dogger his collab with Jinx.
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